Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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>>105412If he’s taking the effort and expense of using a “hide from undead” potion there is not really a reason to cast it from a distance - he would just let it dangle as he spread it through the catacombs. If he’s casting it from a distance, he may as well let himself be bait
>>105413So, just trot into the catacombs, open the bait, and lead all of them out to the bomb for easy dispatching?
>>105414You can do it however you want to
>>105415Honestly, I wasn't sure if that was even possible. It sounds like the simplest, easiest solution. So, if it's possible...yeah, let's go for it.
>>105416Alright, Silver may execute his plan
>>105417Just one thing before we start: once Silver opens the bait, how quickly will the scent spread throughout the catacombs?
>>105418That is itself something of a question, isn’t it?
>>105419A very important one, at that. If it spreads quickly, then it's best that Silver opens it just inside the catacombs itself and let the bait do its work. If it spreads slowly, then it's best that Silver goes deep within the catacombs, opens it, then sprints with the bait all the way outside.
>>105420Well, Silver should take that into consideration when laying it
>>105421Well, let's see: if it spreads quickly and Silver opens it deep inside the catacombs, then he's dead. If it spreads slowly and Silver opens it only just inside, then he only draws out a couple undead. Given those odds, it's less likely to result in Silver's death if he opens it just inside. Probably fucking myself over since you'll likely have it spread slowly, but it's better that Silver doesn't die just yet.
Unless that's what you're aiming for, I don't know. >>105422So.... where is he going to open it at in the area of the catacombs, and then what next?
>>105423Just inside the catacombs when entering from the quarry. After that, it's just a matter of waiting for some ghasts to approach before leading them out to the bomb.
>>105424Alright, would this be right inside the entrance, and would he do anything else to attract attention?
>>105425Essentially, yeah, that or just outside the door to the room where the entrance is located. As for what else he would do, while they might not be able to hear any sounds Silver himself makes, they would probably still hear a gunshot from his Lavender rifle. So firing off a shot with that would help attract them, I think.
As Silver walks down, his side is darkened by the long shadows cast by the afternoon sun. The newly exposed rock on the quarry is still wet, and discolored, as is some of the water remaining in the bottom. The engine powering the pump drones on endlessly, as the water is pumped out. When Silver gets to the actual hole, rocks litter the bottom, and bricks are knocked out of place from the dynamiting. As before, air enters from the hole, going in. Silver does not see or hear much inside, and even the area beyond the hole is hard to see, by virtue of the hole’s perpendicular orientation to the setting sun
>>105427Good. Airflow will speed up diffusion of scent throughout catacombs. Silver takes a deep breath while he starts inside the entrance. If somepony were there to ask him, he would be lying if he said we wasn't a little nervous, courting death like this.
Well, let us get this started. Silver opens the bait and wafts its pungent smell into the air. "HEY, UGLIES!" Silver grabs his rifle, firing a shot into the echoing darkness and working the bolt to load the next shot. "DINNER IS READY! COME AND GET IT!"
>>105428From the blackness, there is a sound of scurrying, and a faint
scream >>105429Silver can already feel his heart's pace quicken and his muscles tensing as his body begins producing adrenaline, preparing him for the ever-persistent fight-or-flight response. He sounds the dinner bell again, fighting off another shot into the darkness and working the bolt to load another. "
Silver throws a brief glance over his shoulder to make sure there isn't anything coming from the water to try to get at him from behind.
>>105430From inside - the sound of a rock being kicked. A soft growl. Another growl, and a softer, falling rock. Metal clangs. Another sound, unidentifiable, that sounds closest to fish flopping in shallow water. Still another sound that is somewhere between a female screaming, or a fox’s call. From behind... nothing visible yet. Silver may be approached from either side, or from a door across. In the blackness, it’s hard to tell if red eyes glance back at at him, then look away, or if those are the impressions left on his eyes from a quick glance into the setting sun
>>105431All of these very dangerous sounds and none of their sources visible. It's well more than enough to make the grizzled mercenary's fluffy coat hairs stand on end. He wafts the bait a bit more into the air while looking all around him. He doesn't like being exposed like this. He's in a very vulnerable position.
>>105432The growling counties from afar, as does the scurrying, the occasional kicked rock, the sometimes clanging of the metal. But when it approaches.... it goes quiet
>>105433They are hunting. Even while under the effects of the potion he took, Silver still feels on edge. He pulls out his flashlight and turns it on to get just a little bit of a look inside the dark tunnel.
>>105434Not everything that can be seen by the eye, can be correlated by the mind to the words to express it.
This is an approximation of the quadruped forms and glimmering eyes that stare back at Silver from the darkness. Remember, Silver’s back is against a symmetrical, equal tunnel
>>105435Needless to say, it is quite possibly the creepiest thing Silver has ever seen. "Селестия садится на мой рог и крутится…"
With that fairly creative swear and disturbing image in front of him, Silver decides that it's a good time to try to lead them out of the catacombs. He slowly makes his way back outside with the bait held out, while he uses his magic along the way to turn over and disturb the small(ish) rocks in the tunnel to simulate the sound of hoofsteps moving along.
>>105436The deformed, mummified heads turn and growl at the sounds, one even lunging towards the rocks. He can bet he has their attention
>>105437"Come on, just follow want some delicious food, yes?" Silver continues manipulating rocks as he trots along. He
really hopes they're following, as he doesn't know much else he could try.
>>105438Oh, they’re following. If anything it’s a question if them coming too close to Silver
>>105439Silver really hopes he's getting close to sunlight. He tries to keep his distance, but his primary concern is getting out of this horror-show.
>>105440The sunlight is 15 feet away. 15 of the longest feet Silver has ever had to walk in his life. With each step, an audible “clop” is made, and they listen intently, rushing forward a few feet, then stopping and listening again
>>105441Silver, as it turns out, does not like being hunted by the undead. He quickens his pace ever-so slightly, wishing he can at least see the horrors which stalk him so.
>>105442Silver can do that of course, although his hooves make more noise the faster he goes.
From further away, another female scream... Or maybe it’s a Fox’s call, who can say >>105443The thought occurs to him that perhaps there's something attacking the mare in the front office...a thought that isn't very comforting in this situation. He really does not want to be responsible for an innocent pony getting hurt or worse. He hopes it's just some other undead creature making noises, or that it really is just a fox call.
Towards the light Silver continues, the fur on his back sticking out and only contained by his clothing and armor.
>>105444Alright... Does Silver run for it, casually back out, or how does he wish to leave?
>>105445Silver grabs the heaviest boulder he can on the way out using his magic, before making a run for it. He hopes he can get the horde excited enough to follow his hoofsteps blindly, before chucking the bait and the boulder into the water by the bomb.
>>105447Roll die. No, roll two die
>>105449I am sure GM will pull his hair out and retcon everything if you die from this.
>>105450Oh ye of little faith
>>105449Silver perfectly jumps out of the way of one outstretched hoof, and feels a tug on his tail, before pulling away of another
>>105452Those ghasts are getting frisky.
>>105452"COME AND GET IT!"
Commence the running of the Ghasts, as Silver runs towards the bomb, bait and boulder in his telekinetic grip.
>>105453Silver prefers mates whose breath doesn't stick to high heaven. >>105454That’s definitely a few rolls
>>105455I am about half convinced that this is intended to kill Silver off, but alright, how many are needed.
>>105456I feel like he's trying to make some tension.
Or have a new NPC just for you. [1d20 = 6][1d20 = 1]>>105457>>105458Wish me luck, but I know what comes almost immediately after a Nat 20 for me, and there's most certainly going to be a Nat 1 or 2 soon.
[1d20+5 = 20][1d20+5 = 7]>>105459Two ghouls grab at Silver with sharp, bony hooves. Silver may want to get the hell out of there
[1d6+1 = 6]>>105462>>105459A sharp hoof cuts past Silver’s protective outer layer, cutting him
>>105462>>105463So, before I make this next Fortitude save that I just absolutely know will kill him, can I ask: go where?
>>105462>Artificial 20Welp.
>>105464They're ghouls, not ghasts. I think the former doesn't have paralysis effects
>>105465Oh, they do have Paralysis. It's just a DC 12 save instead of a DC 15 save.
>>105464Sure. And the hell away from there
[1d20+7 = 20]>>105467Okay, so that's a helpful note to leave Silver's final moments on. I will likely see you tomorrow with a new character sheet.
>>105468Oi! I'll be the one to die first!
GM said so. >>105469Knowing both of our luck, it's debatable.
>>105470Goodnight, sweet prince. May flicks of angels sing thee to thy sleep
>>105471Well, if you're heading to bed, goodnight.
>>105472.... No, that’s not what I was saying
>>105474Ah. In that case, I have no idea what you meant.
>>105476I do, but I'm not sure this can be called combat at this moment.
So, Silver has with him a boulder and the bait. Is he within range to chuck them near the bomb?
>>105477He can throw it always. Casting from the Did is something else still
>>105479Well, if they're within range, the first thing he definitely needs to do is throw that boulder into the water to make the undead think he's trying to escape by water, and that bait near/on the bomb to make them all gather around it, before he can run off to the side out of the way of the angry horde.
[1d20 = 20]>>105482Let's see if this turns into a fail streak.
>>105483>Nat 20Silver is going to eat several Nat 1s after this, knowing how the dice gods like to play it.
>>105483Silver deftly, silently, rolls the boulder along his spine, the fluff dampening any sound. Then, he pushes it up with a great shove, and into the water with a loud SPLASH
>>105484Oh come on
>>105485Sorry, I just know how things go with me and dice. I'm not looking this rare gift horse in the mouth.
Silver dives out of the way of the horde, levitating the bait over to the bomb if possible, and throwing it if that is not so.
>>105486Have this cat pic for good luck.
>>105487Thank you. I shall cherish it always.
Okay, now I am too sleepy to continue
This is a preemptive bapping reconnaissance mission.
>>105492Operation Early Bap is a go.
>>105489Just letting you know that I'm ready whenever you're ready, even though you're likely still asleep like a normal person.
>>105493This is the one day that GM has the most amount of free time. Hopefully nothing supernatural happens that limits this pattern.
>>105495...I didn't realize my presence would be such a surprise.
>>105496Okay, so Silver has tossed a boulder into the water. I am less sure about the fate of the bait, or where Silver intends to go
>>105498Silver's going to at least try to dive out of the way of the horde, while either levitating or throwing the bait towards the bomb.
>>105499The boulder made a hell of a splash, but Silver still has the bait, and his hooves still clop
>>105500So, what should be done first: a roll to throw the bait to the bomb, or a Move Silently check so the horde loses track of his hoofsteps?
>>105501He can do either. Does he even want to toss the bait?
>>105502He needs to get the bait away from him, somehow, and I don't know what else he could do in this particular instance.
[1d20+4 = 9]>>105506I suppose that would be for tossing the bait.
Also, before I forget, here's the Move Silently roll for quietly getting out of the way of the horde..
>>105507Silver toss the bait pretty well into the water, even as he could have moved more silently
>>105508So, has the horde taken the bait, or will Silver need to make a more successful Move Silently check?
>>105509He may want to run silently
[1d20+4 = 14]>>105510Alright then, here's another check.