Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride to Bales is over, with Brie, Onyx, and Spark reaching their destination a little bruised but not dead or arrested. Before them lies a new and unfamiliar city and world, at the crossroads of Equestria's past and present, and also the Changeling Occupied Zone and East Equestria. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares to set out on a mission to track down and arrest unfaithful and unreliable local law enforcement that have been leaking information to rebel forces. Silver may finally have a new toy he can use to clear the Catacombs of their undead presence. Iron, meanwhile, has drifted further into an temple in his search for a treasure sough by an archaeological expedition that was ambushed by bandits.
1717 replies and 160 files omitted.
>>102253It's tricky, but Silver attempts to use his magic to at least keep the ice cram stable, so they don't suddenly come crashing down. He also makes sure to grab some plastic silverware so the colts can actually
eat their cold treats. "Now, I think I saw small park not too far from here. Let us get there before something bad happens to our ice cream."
>>102254It’s a good thing, because the colts are otherwise fairly messy. The fact that it is winter, and somewhat cold outside, also helps.
A park exists a few blocks over to the East. Something about the park makes it feels like it’s less artificial, and more of a snap shot of what this land looked like prior to urbanization - a somewhat swampy deciduous forest. There is a stream along the park, a small pond with uneven edges that must grow and shrink with the rains, a number of oak trees, and a few benches
>>102255It is so very different from Severyana, or even Manehattan, but this feels...nice. Like this is just right for this place. Whether it's a bench, a picnic table, or even just a sturdy fallen tree, Silver looks around the park for a good place for them to sit. "I almost feel as if I should have brought blanket for us to sit on. Can you help me look for good place to sit, little ones?"
Mint Marine shoots off, and after a half minute finds a log, while White Orchid finds a bench
>>102257He at least tests the log before making a decision, to make sure it can hold their weight, and making sure it's not swarming with termites or other insects.
>>102258The log seems a little rotted, and its structural integrity is questionable
>>102260He looks to Mint Marine and White Orchid with this information. "How about we try bench?"
>>102262Silver gives Mint an apologetic look before trotting over to the bench White Orchid found.
>>102263And thus, they sit on the bench. It’s next to a trail
>>102264"Maybe we should trot along this trail when we have finished with our ice cream, hmm?" Silver takes a small bite out of the top of his ice cream, grimacing from the feeling of the cold against his teeth.
The ponies start to pick up their oversized ice creams
>>102266He lets out a sigh once the cold feeling passes. "We do not have to if you do not want to. I will not force issue." Silver continues licking up his ice cream, enjoying the taste of it.
I can only imagine if we had had this back when I was colt... >>102268Silver pauses in his enjoyment of the cold creamy goodness to look at the colt. "I mean I will not force you to go along with whatever ideas I come up with. I took you two out here, so it is only right that you two get to decide what we do and what we do not do."
>>102269“But we always follow what the adults say”
>>102197Iron nods at the duo.
"Good. Follow me."
With that, he starts descending towards the combatants to loot their corpses for Cauldron to get more ammo off of them, as well as a weapon change if she so desires.
>>102248I'm practically offering my mobile data to be here so I'd say I won't last very long. I heard there's at least some parts that regained electricity so maybe it'll end soon. >>102271No Submachine gun ammo, but they have rifles and lanterns
>>102273Iron looks at Cauldron.
"I think we should change the coat shredder for now, since you say there is no more metal in it to fire. Pick the coat piercer on the ground and as many ammo as you can carry."
>>102274She picks up a rifle, and several clips. Pear does something with a golden chalice by the stream
>>102275Iron decides to peer closer into Pear's actions.
(She seems to be planning something.)
>>102270"And that is good. It is good to at least consider what your elders say. But they do not have total control of your life. There are decisions that you can make on your own, even now, as long as you understand consequences of these decisions. As you grow older, you will find more things you will have control over, and like many other growing colts I imagine you will start to resent when elders make decisions for you, even when they are made in good faith."
Silver wonders to himself if it's weird to give these colts this type of advice when he's just recently met. "I suppose there is balance to be had between doing things as you are told and doing things on your own initiative." He has a lick of his ice cream. "I will tell you what; for today, while I am watching you, you two can decide where we go and what we do, give you taste of self-determination. I will protect you, and try to offer guidance where I can, but I will only be following."
>>102276She places the Chalice in the water, whispers into it, then carefully pour the water back into the stream
>>102277Mint Marine:
"We could walk around the pond... I like to do that"
>>102278Silver nods. "Alright then, we will do that after we finish our ice cream."
[1d20 = 13]>>102278Iron blinks.
(Ah, it seems to be praying to the Gods in the river.)
Turning to the path ahead, he decides to ensure Cauldron takes the ammo of that one porter.
"Let us make haste for every second we leave them alone, their ambush will be be better made."
He tries to remain cautious as he walks, trying to find any clues of ambush or left behind goods.
Rolling spot to find anything as he walks along and possibly spot ambush signs.
>>102280>>102280They seem to have left the tavern. There are some mining tools and bags left behind
>>102279The ice cream begins to get messy as the colts' licking intensifies
>>102281Iron decides to rummage the bags for something of use, encouraging the others to do so.
>>102282Pick axe, flare, flood light, battery, towel, vanish remover, careful chest... what is “useful”?
>>102284There are indeed two sticks of dynamite
[1d20 = 11]>>102285>>102286Oh boy. Battery running out.He picks them up and passes it to Cauldron.
"You should know how to use these."
With that, he takes one last look before moving forwards, making sure he spots any ambushes as top priority.´
Rolling spot again.
>>102287No enemies are visible within the cavern
>>102288Man, this is tense.Iron feels a trickle of sweat on his crest.
(Where are they?)
He keeps moving forward, trying his best to go from cover to cover.
>>102289Not much cover is possible within the cavern, save for the darkness itself, which is absolutely perfect. Nothing can be seen that does not have light shined on it
>>102290Iron exhales a bit, looking back at his two companions.
"Where do you two think these ponies are? Would they be waiting outside or at some part of the cavern?"
>>102291“I don’t know... they could be”
>>102281Apologies. I was helping out with some Father's Day stuff. Just carried a 50 pound safe and about 30 pounds of shelving up three flights of stairs.Silver is suddenly thankful he still has a couple "borrowed" bar napkins in his bags, as he remembers he never asked for napkins from the parlor.
I wonder if I was ever that messy of eater when I was colt. >>102292Finally the power came back on.Iron shrugs as he keeps moving.
"They would be waiting in a lit area so they would probably have to wait back at the entrance at least."
>>102293White Orchid asks
“You wear green uniform... why?”
>>102294Cauldron nods
Iron’s move
>>102295My move? Holy hecc. Think I can get a conga line going?Iron tries to recall how much time they took to reach the end of the cavern in order to gauge how ready would the bandits be to ambush the three of them as he walks forward.
(Perhaps they have a lot of time to prepare.)
>>102296A couple minutes since they left. Iron spent time going through their bags
>>102297I meant by going in the temple entrance the first time through and reaching the end part of the cavern.
Thank you for the minute tracking of my actions tho.
Iron ponders on the power of booping a bandit.
>>102298How long has he been inside? Probably as long as an hour
>>102295Silver hesitates. "I am...soldier, of sorts. Sometimes I find things for somepony. Sometimes I help fight bad ponies when there are no good ponies who can."
Sometimes I do not always help good ponies, he leaves out.
If I disappear again, it's because I'm out for dinner. >>102300“Oh, you were a soldier? That’s pretty neat. My father was a soldier.”
>>102299So it took him an hour for jim to get the end...
Yep, bandits definitely have a good ambush waiting for us.
Iron treks far more cautiously as the time needed to get back to the entrance leaves quite some time for the bandits to set up an ambush.
He looks at his two companions to gauge their overall wellbeing, as well as any visible combat equipment on them.
(Both mares should have a weapon.)
>>102302It took an hour to walk to the first area, taste the water because iron likes to test for diseases apparently, cross the stream, walk up the incline, investigate the dead bodies, read a letter, walk down, investigate idols, kick solid stone walls, dive under some water, clear rocks, read frescos, investigate a treasure room, investigate a different treasure room, try to make cauldron tie pots of gold on him, try to make cauldron take those sane pots off, walk back to the top, ambush some bandits, get pinned down, spook the bandits away, pull a bullet from Cauldron, and rummage through the bandit’s stuff. Iron has done one hell of a lot of time consuming shit since entering the cavern besides just walking.
Cauldron is still kind of pissy, and Pear is a little anxious
>Pear carrying a weapon >>102303Ah, you mean an hour in general. Ok, then the bandits didn't have too much time to set up an ambush, but Iron's cautious walk is still the same, albeit somewhat faster.
Iron sure hopes she's pissy over getting shot and not for following him into doing risky work.
Pear's lack of weaponry slightly unnerves him but figures her small size and lack of training means she cannot use what Cauldron has.
They walk ever forward, hopefully without walking right into an ambush and reaching the exit
>>102306Uh oh. You rolling is not good.
Unless it's a failed shot on the enemy's part
>>102301Ouch. I imagine there are many orphaned foals who can say that. "I am not sure if I met him. I did most of my assignments behind enemy lines, so it was rare for me to end up on battlefield." He goes to take another lick of his ice cream, but stops himself. "...I understand if it is painful, and if you do not want to answer, you know what happened to him?"
>>102308“He went to fight against the Maredhi in the River War. I don’t really know what happened to him.”
>>102307A shot against Iron, and failed
[1d20-1 = -5]>>102309Not even sure if this is allowed in the game rules, but I'll try anyways. If it's not allowed, we'll just say Silver doesn't know much about that.
Knowledge, History: Silver racks his brain for what he might have heard about the Maredhi and the River War.
>>102310After the fall of the Storm King, west Zebrica was left in turmoil. After the Coptic Ponies requested Equestrian protection, Equestria sent a military force to intervene in the Upper Living River Basin against an invading group known as the Maredhi. Circa 1008 ALB
>>102311Silver nods. "Do you mind telling me little bit about him? What was he like?"
>>102312“Strong, firm, faithful. He was always an optimist”
>>102313"He sounds like good pony."
>>102309Uh oh.
Iron uses this turn to both spot the aggressor and some cover he has to hide.
>>102315Silver looks at the little colt. "Do not be sad, little one. You got to know good pony, and good father. Even if your time with him was cut painfully short, not everypony can say that." Silver gives Orchid a headpat. "Cherish those good memories, share them with others as he would want you to, and he will forever live on not just in your heart, but in hearts of all those who feel touched by love you had for him."
>>102316It seems there are several enemies outside the cavern. At this time, it is dark outside, though less dark than in the cavern
>>102317“The nuns read me some poems.
If I die, think only this of me:
That there is some small corner, of some far away land
That is forever Equestria”
>>102318Silver smiles softly. "I have not heard that before. It is nice poem."
>>102319“The nuns told us many more. I don’t have them memorized... but you can hear them later”
>>102320He nods, and gives his ice cream a lick. "So, Mint Marine here has come up with something to do. What would you do after that, White Orchid?"
>>102328I Feel asleep earlier, Sorry about that.
>>102329Dark Star was interrogating the female officer
>>102251 >>102246 >>102330"You Aren't Who you say you Are."
>>102332"You Know What I Mean. Did you Really think i was here for Him?"
>>102318Phew. Finally got some actual Wi-fi here.
Here's hoping that stuff doesn't happen again soon.Can Iron rush at one of the enemies to take him out and get some ok cover against the others without too many shots on him?
Preferably one that forces the bandits to change cover so Cauldron can flank them.
>>102338Well, the problem with rushing the enemy is that it would make him unambiguously vulnerable to any other enemies in the vicinity
>>102339Darn, at least Iron can get some cover to plan the use of the dynamite, right?
>>102340If he can manage it in the cavern entrance, or if he can bolt into the brush and cover himself there
>>102341Good thing I dropped the pots beforehand.Deciding that cover is the primordial objective in this encounter, he rushes towards the brush
which I think is a densely vegetative area filled with nice bushes to limit line of sight in order to better grasp Iron and Co.'s current situation.
>>102341Good to see you, GM, even if it looks like you're on mobile. Feeling better?
[1d20 = 6]>>102342Roll Die
>>102343A little bit. Who is that pony?
>>102344I have absolutely no idea.
>>102345I suppose that would be a little funny. Not sure I could make promises in all cases as I am a very lazy person but I could try to draw something if someone asked for it. >>102345Success, scarcely noticed, or at least, not shot
>>102347Now that getting shot is not a guarantee...Iron decides to check a little more accurately the total amount of seeable enemies as well as how close together they are, like in small pockets or hiding in hard to flank cover.
>>102348I don’t know what art you need to make but... make it
>>102348>>102350Perhaps a simple group photo of all somewhat recurrent characters.
Failing that, perhaps you could simply draw one of the other existing PCs with the artstyle you prefer.
Did you know that "Boop" backwards is "Poob"?
>>102354>>102355Well, with that bombshell out of the way, how are you guys doing?
>>102356Winding down. Pretty sure I'm eating some light dinner.
>>102356Okay, I want to autistically argue about the My Little Pony setting
>>102357So, there's some room for error that you're not eating a light dinner?
>>102358Go right ahead. This is the perfect place for autism.
>>102359The possibility of error is gone, as I have eaten the light dinner.
If you're curious, it was boiled potatoes with sausages. >>102363"i know you are reporting to somepony else. other than the Baltimare PD."
>>102364She narrows her eyes, and moves her head away in part
"Who do you mean?"
>>102365"Playing Coy Again i see. you know exactly what i mean."
>>102368Her eyes start to glow slightly blue, causing her yellow irises to take on sort of a green coloration. Her face twists to an expression of irritation.
“Listen. I don’t know what deals you and he made, but I have nothing to do with it. I am a Baltimare PD officer. Let me go. Already you are threatening an officer, and interfering with official duties.”
>>102369"Yea i Don't Believe that.So How's Chrysalis?"
Dark Star Grips His shotgun tighter
[1d20+2 = 22]>>102370She pulls a hoof down on her vest
“Hail Chrysalis!”
Roll initiative
[1d20+5 = 21]>>102372She pulls her pistol effortlessly, while Dark Star’s gun gets caught on a leather strap
[2d6 = 9]>>102374Looks like Dark Star gets hit
[1d20 = 14]>>102372With that difference in initiative, I think she gets two shots
I think Dark Star gets +2 damage for favored enemy
[2d10+2 = 10]>>102379>>102380Actually, if it's a shotgun, I'll roll damage
[1d20 = 20]>>102381>>102379Blood, red at first, but then a bluish color comes forth.
It's not enough...
She shoots back
>>102382>>102383>>102384>>102385The shot hits Dark Star squarely, but seems to go straight through his barrel to the otherside, somehow doing less damage than the last two hits
Somehow, Dark Star still has like 2 HP left
[1d20+5 = 19]>>102386Dark Star Fires his other shotgun barrel at her
>>102388>>102387The shot damned near blows her barrel open, and she falls inwards to the ground. In a flash of green light, she shows a black insect-like creature, with big blue eyes, light blue matted mane, blue dragonfly like wings, a blue carapace, a light blue translucent tail, black chitin, and those ubiquitous holes in her mane, her legs, and her wings you could run a pencil through. Her muzzle is narrow and scrunched and she has the fangs of a vampire. You get more than a little look at her insides, which now is scattered across the floor as if somepony dropped a melted quart of Blue Bubblegum ice cream
Dark Star collapses next to her, As He Groans in Severe Pain. he takes off his jacket and wraps it around his bullet wounds tightly. he then looks through her pockets.
>>102390The front door is kicked in, and Skies burst in, aiming her pistol
>>102392Skies looks over, sees Dark Star bleeding upon the ground, sees the changeling, and rushes over
"You're hurt!"
>>102393Dark Star Coughs up some Blood
"I.. Killed her...sorry i know i should have wounded we could get info."
>>102394"That's okay... They are hard to take alive... We need to get you out of here"
>>102395He Tries to stand
his knees wobble like a new born's
>>102396Skies places a foreleg under his, and helps Dark Star up
"Let me get you to the vehicle"
She takes him to what must be the police car the two ponies rode in on. The earth pony is in the back, in cuffs. He looks sort of scraggly, now that you think about it.
Skies helps him into the passenger seat
"The hell happened back there?"
"Not a word out of you"
Skies takes the radio, and turns a knob
"We had a shooting. Deputy was critically wounded. Attacker was killed on the spot."
Skies then takes a camera, and leaves the car for a moment
"She's dead?"
>>102397"What happened? I told her i knew who she was working for this made her eyes turn green, i asked how the queen was then she shot me in the barrel...3 times. I'm pretty sure she is,blue blood covered the room like a griffon covers its gold." He Chuckles "After her thorax was blown open."
He coughs up more blood
>>102398Skies pets the injuries pony, but leaves Dark Star in the car after she is able to get Dark Star to sit up and hold his wounds.
She is gone for a minute, but returns to the driver’s seat.
*pets the injured pony*
“Let’s get you to a hospital”
>>102399He Rubs his head against her hoof as shw pets him
"Wait..did you search it's body? It might have had some information on it."
>>102400“Uh... be right back”
She leaves, for perhaps two minutes, then returns
>>102401Dark star rests his head against the head rest and closes his eyes.
“Poor Star... You’re lucky to be alive.”
She then smiles at Star with her mischievous grin as she pets the top of his mane
“You’re a hell of a lot more intact than that succubus-worker back there. She’s strewn across the floor.”
>>102403"Just Doing my Job Ma'am"
He smiles weakly
>>102400>>102402>>102405Three ID changes within an hour. Spooky.
It had been a while since we had a disguised Changeling unmasked. In fact, there had only been one disguised Changeling - Marecuse - revealed as a Changeling, and only upon death
>>102408Makes sense. I imagine most changelings try to avoid dropping their disguise.
>>102410Would that be the changeling equivalent of a nudist colony?
>>102410If Brie had only crossed the river he would have walked into one soon enough.
There were a few times I had thought of changeling colonies in Baltimare, existing for different reasons. Of course these would be disguised unless there was some clear reason not to be
>>102412Changelings may be succubi, but they are insectoid aliens. They are anything but sexy in their true forms
>>102413If xenomorphs can be viewed as sexy by some, then I can't really say changeling will be super non-lewd bughorses
>>102415...some randoes in a mongolian imageboard.
m-muh rule 34 >>102417When you make a species feed on love, this usually happens.
Cauldron revealed as changeling when? Anyways, how are you guys doing?
>>102432Alright, so Silver should be talking to the little pony (White Orchid)
“Ooh! We could go to the zoo! Or the railyard! Or...”
>>102405The car drives Dark Star to a hospital, where personnel take him in immediately. Star is left alone for this, as Skies has to leave
>>102434"Okay, okay!" Silver laughs. "Slow down, little one. They sound like great ideas." With his ice cream now dwindled, Silver takes a crunchy bite out of his cone. He turns again to Orchid after he swallows it down. "Can I ask why you would like to go to railyard?"
>>102434He Reaches for her as he is taken away
>>102437That a reference I spot?"Ah, fair enough. Just seemed like unusual choice to me." Silver takes another crunch of his cone. "I suppose you have until we finish with our ice cream and we trot around pond with Mint to make decision on what exactly you want to do."
>>102437"Tell seabreeze im sorry she died."
>>102438He blinks
>>102439She rubs her hoof through the mane of the severely injured pony
“Just be happy you didn’t die”
>>102440He simply shrugs. "It is just not something I would have expected you to say. Nothing more, nothing less." He finishes off his cone with a final crunch. "That was delicious treat."
>>102441White Orchid, having ordered the most ice cream, is the least done with his. Parts of it melt down over the side. Mint Marine’s ice cream is better managed, due to uninterrupted licking and a smaller size
>>102442Silver can only laugh to himself.
He certainly went all out with that ice cream. >>102440Dark Star Passes out from the pain now that he's safe.
>>102443White Orchid now tries to herd and contain stray streams of melted ice cream - not particularly common because of the weather, but still present due to having been left unchecked - and finish his ice cream. Mint Marine dismantles and tears apart his waffle cone. After chomping down some more ice cream... and briefly suffering what seems to be brain freeze, White Orchid does the same
>>102444Eventually, Star will wake up in the bed with an IV in him, and several bandages covering him
>>102445Silver, meanwhile has just been enjoying this rare bit of preserved Baltimare nature. "You two finished?"
>>102446There’s a little wind, and a bird flies overhead
MM: “yes”
WO: “sure”
>>102447No pony there at the moment. Star is alone
>>102449if theres a clock on the wall, he looks at it.
he looks at where he was shot.
>>102452These have been given localized bandages
>>102453I know it is a bad time to jump in with another story to keep track of, but once I enter the nearest bakery, I purchase some treats for the bartender, bat, and changelings and head back.
>>102448With an old stallion's grunt, Silver gets up from the bench and stretches his legs. "Then let us trot around pond for bit. After, we will do whatever you have decided on, White Orchid."
>>102453are there any objects in the room?
>>102454A bakery sells croissants, bread sticks, and other assorted items
>>102455The grass at least is mostly trimmed. The ground is a little soft, thankfully it isn't yet muddy. As stated before, the banks of the pond don't seem firmly defined, like they would rise and fall substantially with the rains. Mint marine takes interest in the dragon flies on the pond, as well as in the plants growing in it
>>102457Silver mostly just keeps an eye on the little ones, though he does continue to enjoy being in such a place.
Nature is almost unbridled here. It must make for very pleasant corner in otherwise industrialized city. He watches a dragonfly zip past him and hover in the air over some reeds, like those new gyrocopters he's heard about.
>>102457I buy a few croissants and rolls and then head back inside to check on the changelings.
>>102459They are still there
>>102458Mint Marine looks at small fish in the pond, darting about as he nears
>>102460I offer them some treats.
[1d20+3 = 12]>>102460Spot: Silver looks into the pond to see what kind of fish reside within it.