/ub/ - Überhengst

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7782 7818
Bring back /fitlit/
>we should delete one unused board and replace it with a new board for the exact same type of content that will go equally unused
Brilliant idea, anon. This was absolutely worth the forced get.
7795 7805
As though /üb/ from it's inception wasn't intended to be a /fitlit/ by another name. That /üb/ has gone unused for so long is a testament of the audience
>That /üb/ has gone unused for so long is a testament of the audience
Yeah, the audience doesn't want to use /ub/.
And /fitlit/ would somehow have more traction?
Yes, I believe so.
Is thi based on evidence?
Yes, actually.
Do tell
Based on the activity of other slowchans that have vague self improvement boards, vs the ones that have /fit/ and /lit/ boards, the latter group always has more activity.
Also, /fitlit/ is just a better name.
>trust me bro
7804 7808
What, do you want numbers?
Not numbers necessarily, but something more than your testimony, certainly
>/fitlit/ by another name
That was an empty promise from the start.
7807 7811
Nice try. Something more than your testimony please?
What are you even talking about?
7809 7811
>I'll just pretend to be stupid
Really? Really. Youre gonna pretend this didnt happen?
7810 7811
You want evidence for something as esoteric "empty promise"? You sound like a fag.
>esoteric empty promise
But anon! Are you balking when your (ahem) evidence-based testimony is asked to be validated? Your responses are not in keeping with a person who has the evidence. Has something changed? You seemed so sure of yourself
7812 7818
User testimony is the only way to judge a board's performance.
I called it an "empty promise" because back in 2017 people who advocated for making /ub/ promised it would have the same feel and memes as /fitlit/ 2017 did, and I don't need to point far to demonstrate how that never manifested. The "self improvement" board eclipsed the /fitlit/, and from the start it felt like a pet project of the two or three anons who actually wanted the self improvement board, with /fitlit/ being the secondary priority. When those two or three anon's lost interest and stopped posting, the board regressed to the faggy and pathetic state that Anons warned that it would become in 2017 in the discussion referring to the thread's conception, only bumped occasionally by faggots like Nigel bumping their favorite threads where they are the only poster.
>User testimony is the only way to judge a board's performance
So, present it
I just did.
No, you testified again. If you dont know why thats incredible.
/fitlit/ worked because the users embraced it. /üb/ failed because the users didn't.
But of course, they didn't cuz the name was wrong
(imagine thinking this)
7816 7818
>But of course, they didn't cuz the name was wrong
Yeah, that's part of the problem.
>Here's the lobster you ordered, except we made it out of meatloaf, and we call it a waffle.
Would people have embraced /mlpol/ if it weren't called /mlpol/?
7817 7818
>Yeah, that's part of the problem
You're seriously suggesting that the name made "all the difference"? That if it was named /fitlit/ it would somehow be significantly more accepted/approved?
>Would people have embraced /mlpol/ if it weren:t called /mlpol/
People embraced Mlpol? It looks more like they tried it for a bit and fucked off
7818 7819
>That if it was named /fitlit/ it would somehow be significantly more accepted/approved?
Yes. A board that directly referenced /mlpol/'s origins and has a concise meaning and a snappy name would have been more accepted than /ub/ was.
>It looks more like they tried it for a bit and fucked off
You're still here.
Faggot who ensured a GET via hidden posts.
You're a faggot.
Cease being a brainlet.
>Let's rebrand /üb/ as /fitlit/
Wow, guess what that doesn't change anything.
>B-but we put up a post that says more people has to come if it's /fitlit/
That's delusional you know why? Cause /üb/ is the superior /fitlit/ or are you thinking that you want modern traffic to be pulled via search engines for someone searching for /fitlit/ even though image board users don't do that for normal operations?
Or are you just changing names 'cause you like fucking around instead of getting to the heart of the matter?
>Surprise! Real world crap impacts posting rates and content.
>It's nolonger 2017
>Nobody posted /fitlit/ memes
>Why did nobody ever post?
<User that doesn't post /fitlit/ content.
Imagine that a subset of people that slowly post subdivided into another subset posts slowly!
Besides you dun fucked up you absolute retarded fagget.
Any non-newfag should understand why what what you've done is both retarded and your shit is all gay.
Where it belongs.
Life is full of curve balls and dirty hits.
Behold the problem of getting new fags while remaining steadfast in turbulent times.
Anon. You didn't fish for /fitlit/ you came for the pony and politics, everything else is to flesh out the image board experience.
Then you're shocked without having a supply of /fitlit/ that it doesn't feel the same because they stayed where the containment boards are at and have no reason to ever try this place no matter what name or brand you give it.
Speculative at best.
>You're still here.
I'm back after multiple lifetime bans from someone who couldn't handle getting btfo. YOU'RE still here,... and how has that gone? How's the userbase look?
7823 7825 7826
For what it's worth uberghenst is a stupid fucking name because the western man cares about fit and lit but not ub. Fitlit is catchy. Fitlit tells you what it's all about. Ub? Who gives a fuck about ub? Not Dragon Ball fans. Except some black ones. Become the ideal horse? Das ubersmenschttenneshengenshlenger? Das ist der gaeyest naemen everren. Just rename it to fitlit and see if that makes the bitter bitches here who get no bitches and stack no paper try harder to take care of their physical health like they plan to fight a war in the future and read more works of cultural and artistic and intellectual value to the white race. What's the worst that can happen? Renaming ub pisses off all 3 of the people who still regularly use it? The only good argument against renaming ub to fitlit is it means using a name from the actual mlpols past instead of this site's past. But that argument is gay.
>For what it's worth uberghenst is a stupid fucking name
Fwiw, I agree, but I dont agree that /fitlit/ would have done any better. It isn't the name that's the "problem"
7827 7828
>I don't want to become the überhengst! I want to read hasjew comics and crossfit
The solution to the ploblem is to change nothing at all
>For what it's worth uberghenst is a stupid fucking name because the western man cares about fit and lit but not ub. Fitlit is catchy. Fitlit tells you what it's all about. Ub? Who gives a fuck about ub?
That's not a solution.
7829 7830
The obvious reason behind the fitness and literature board's popularity is the user base's lack of interest in becoming well-read physically-fit people. How many people here actually come here to talk about literature? Porn doesn't count. Lesbian post-apocalyptic splatterporn where invincible melodramatic murderhobos feign character arcs while gunning down giggling terminally ill foals hooked into the Torment Nexus doesn't count.
You're projecting onto me again. Sad.
I never said I don't want to embody aryan ideals of fitness and true intellectualism.
I called a gay name gay and blamed it for the board's lack of popularity because I wanted to be polite and avoid naming the real issue.
So many people have resigned themselves to a miserable life of doing nothing and lashing out at others for doing nothing. People here aren't even motivated enough to do ten pushups a day and post about it in the relevant board. A dead board name change won't remove the soy and microplastics from your testicles.
>So many people have resigned themselves to a miserable life of doing nothing and lashing out at others for doing nothing. People here aren't even motivated enough to do ten pushups a day and post about it in the relevant board. A dead board name change won't remove the soy and microplastics from your testicles.
/ub/ was pitched to the site on the basis of being /fitlit/ and more, but it turned out to be closer to /r9k/.
>The obvious reason behind the fitness and literature board's popularity is the user base's lack of interest in becoming well-read physically-fit people.
Thats endemic to furries er horsefuckers in general. Obviously not all, but the smaller and larger fandom can be observed to be overrepresented by unhealthy people and/or unhealthy habits. The lack of interest in /üb/ is both a symptom of the overall demographics, magnified by the vastly diminished participation with the site as a whole.
>The lack of interest in /üb/ is both a symptom of the overall demographics, magnified by the vastly diminished participation with the site as a whole.
So if it's vastly diminished, there's nothing to lose from changing /ub/ to /fitlit/, is there?
Technically, though as a caveat that doesn mean theres anything to gain either
It's not like it would take any effort. The only sacrifice made is a catalog full of dead threads that nobody cares about being refreshed, and ~20 minutes of pupper's time making /fitlit/. If there's even a slim chance of things getting marginally better, and nothing to lose, that's a reason to do it.
7835 7836 7837
"It would only take the admin a few clicks" is a third-worlder tier argument for such a change. "Only dead threads would die" shows how disconnected from you are from imageboards in general to consider any thread "dead" when you're perfectly able and allowed to bump and contribute to them right now. Typical ADHD riddled 4channeler who needs a constant stream of new posts to be entertained. Trying to speed up a site by adding a new board is like trying to speed up a boat by adding another gas tank. Further dividing an already (cozilly) slow board with more boards, or boards covering more specific topics, can only divide the existing posterbase while giving staff members another set of board-specific rules to agree upon and execute. Another board that can be spammed by raiders and bots. Another board you would need to fuck off from before you flood it for gets.

Start a book club thread here and prove there's any remote interest or crossover between /fit/ and /lit/ by discussing men's health books or something similar.
>when you're perfectly able and allowed to bump and contribute to them right now
Then why don't you?
Go bump the threads you value so much.
>Trying to speed up a site by adding a new board is
It's not adding a new board, it's replacing one.
>Further dividing
Nothing would be divided.
>(cozilly) slow board
That would feel compelling if anyone other than me made a news/pony thread more than once a month.
That's a separate discussion though.
>Another board that can be spammed by raiders and bots
There would be literally no difference on that front.
>prove there's any remote interest or crossover between /fit/ and /lit/ by discussing men's health books or something similar
That was not the point of /fitlit/. That wasn't the point of any of the 2017 merged boards.
>Trying to speed up a site
The point isn't to speed up the site. The point is to have /fitlit/.
I tend to agree. Changing the name is one thing, wiping the board is something else entirely.
I'll also admit that there's maybe 5 thread that I'd prefer preserved, which doesn't rise to the level of justifying preserving the entirety of the catalog.
It's difficult to justify keeping /üb/ given he state of affairs, but it's equally (if not moreso) difficult to justify changing it when the fundamental nature of the site remains stagnant, which is why /üb/ is dead in the first place.
Simply put:
A 'new coat of paint' is gonna do fuckall. If anon wants to wipe and rebrand a board, bring the receipts that indicate that it WILL work, as opposed to opinion-gratifying conjecture
7839 7849
>bring the receipts that indicate that it WILL work
What is a "receipt"? How would you do that?
Maybe by having a more comprehensive plan than "I think renaming a board = profits"
What would you prefer then?
Well, if I was still on staff AND they were willing to consider options, what I would do is formulate something of an advertizing campaign designed to boost visibility of the site, to coincide with the changes. If we're looking for April 1st '17 posters, then a complete rebrand would be necessary. Switch /üb/ to /fitlit/, fuck /a/, fuck /cyb/, fuck /intr/, and fuck /sp/ (negotiable). /mlpol/, /vx/, and the unspoken board (iykyk) would be left as is.
But that assumes that someone(s) can come up with a viable strategy, and no offense but people in amd aroun the site (self included) havent exacty displayed much competence in advertising and promotion, which Imo is far more important than a boar name.
Quick follow-up
Whn I say "advertizing campaign", I mean far beyond anything the site has done previously. We've never HAD a proper ad campaign, as I recall the best we've managed is to temporarily house groups during jappenings (anonfilly, that other chan that got mercd cuz Brenton Tarrant, etc.). Reactionary promotion ain't gonna cut it.
>complete rebrand would be necessary. Switch /üb/ to /fitlit/, fuck /a/, fuck /cyb/, fuck /intr/, and fuck /sp/ (negotiable).
I am open to the idea of a rebrand to purge and remake dead boards, although I would also consider /vx/ to be in that category because it's ridden with its own problems.
Boy howdy, is it
Sorry, that was less helpful.
I can't be unbiased wrt /vx/ (iykyk), so I won't engage a debate about it staying or going. I could argue either way, but I'm confident that I'm not the only person who would oppose it's removal. That's not to say that Im not ameable.

Please note, I am NOT operating under the idea that my opinion has any weight, just giving an honest assessment
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
7847 7848 7877
It wouldn't be tremendously difficult to change the name of /ub/ to /fitlit/, the worst thing likely to happen is it might break a few cross links from posts on other boards. However, I'll echo the sentiment that such a change is unlikely to have much of an effect.

An advertising campaign would require money, and while I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to spending a few bucks to improve site traffic, I don't see this having much effect either. If we wanted to draw traffic to a new /fitlit/ board, the logical places to advertise would be /fit/ and /lit/. /lit/ is one of the few comfy boards left on 4chan, mainly because they don't get a ton of traffic either. Mods, trolls and spambots mostly leave it alone; the userbase there has no real incentive to migrate anywhere. /fit/ I don't know that much about, but they seem to have their own niche culture, and they are also unlikely to want to migrate anywhere. They also strike me as a board that would have a high concentration of users likely to be hostile to bronies/horsefuckers.

Apart from those two boards, the only other places that make sense for targeted campaigns are /mlp/ and /pol/. /mlp/ is well aware of us at this point, and anyone who wants to migrate and/or crosspost here has already done so. /pol/ seems to be mostly bot and shill traffic these days.

>If we're looking for April 1st '17 posters, then a complete rebrand would be necessary.
If we were looking for April 1st '17 posters, the time to do it would have been around April 2017. I'm sure many anons fondly remember the event as a fun couple of days of shitposting, but most have long since gone back to their respective homeboards and probably won't be interested in a reboot of the concept.

>fuck /a/, fuck /cyb/, fuck /intr/, and fuck /sp/ (negotiable).
/a/ probably gets more traffic than /ub/ at this point, and I doubt rebranding it to /fitlit/ would do much to change that. Every chan and altchan has an /a/ board, so it's not much of a draw for outsiders. At the same time, there is some crossover between anime fans and pony fans, and /a/ is really the only board where anime discussions can take place.

/cyb/ never made a ton of sense to begin with; it was a pet project of Atlas's. Most of its threads would merge pretty seamlessly into /vx/. Also, when I went to skim through it, I noticed a couple of month-old advertising spam posts that we apparently missed; that one's on me, sorry. But it seems to buttress the argument that nobody pays much attention to /cyb/ and it could probably be deleted or merged into /vx/ at no huge loss.

/1ntr/ is a separate community whose board we host due to an agreement made by Atlas and their admin way back when. They don't post much, but at the same time they aren't hurting anything. It would be kind of a dick move to just yank their board out from under them for no good reason.

/sp/ I'm somewhat biased on, but I will point out that it's probably the highest-traffic board after /mlpol/ (apart from /vx/ I guess, but that's due to the RP threads). It also provides people an outlet if they want to shitpost, and makes it easier to maintain a higher standard of quality on the mainboard. That said, the concept is basically just /b/ under a different name, and it probably confuses outsiders who don't understand the joke.

Anyway, I guess I don't care that much either way. I can't speak for the rest of staff, but if you guys really want to rebrand /ub/ I don't have any serious objections, but I wouldn't expect it to have much of an effect.
>/sp/ I'm somewhat biased on, but I will point out that it's probably the highest-traffic board after /mlpol/ (apart from /vx/ I guess, but that's due to the RP threads). It also provides people an outlet if they want to shitpost, and makes it easier to maintain a higher standard of quality on the mainboard.
/sp/ is fine as it is. Every functioning chansites needs a random board.
I have no problem with them.
>/cyb/ never made a ton of sense to begin with
I got one really like Cyberpunk stuff, but tbh it's a sort of failed experiment that nobody asked for in the first place. Atlas isn't around anymore, and since it's inception 90% of traffic has been in "post in this thread when you visit /cyberpunk/", which is also 90% me personally dumping every cyberpunk related meme I see there.
>/a/ probably gets more traffic than /ub/
Anime is a cartoon related hobby. People interesting in ponies are likely to be interested in other kinds of cartoons, so having a designated weeb street makes sense.
>If we were looking for April 1st '17 posters, the time to do it would have been around April 2017
Tbh, I was an advocate for doing that back in 2017 too, but I got out-voted. We got /ub/ instead of /fitlit/; we got /vx/ instead of /vint/.
I like to daydream of a parallel universe where all of the users from April 2017 came here and set up camp, but I shouldn't kid myself.
>the only other places that make sense for targeted campaigns are /mlp/ and /pol/
Yeah, there are still horsefuckers there, although /pol/ is so reddit infested I have a hard time browsing it except to find memes to repost here.
>/mlp/ is well aware of us at this point, and anyone who wants to migrate and/or crosspost here has already done so.
Ngl, sometimes it feels like there's more /mlpol/ content in the Aryanne thread on /mlp/ than we have on this entire site.
>They also strike me as a board that would have a high concentration of users likely to be hostile to bronies/horsefuckers.
This is true, but people deterred by horsefuckers probably wouldn't use a site called /mlpol/. That being said, it would be an additional reason not to pander to them...
I feel like to a certain extent /mlpol/ seems to have dropped the ball when it comes to being welcoming to bronies. Back in 2017 we had discord trannies like goat intentionally trying to split the community by creating pointless arguments nonissues like whether or not gay clop should be spoilered, with the sole intent of fragmenting the community. Since that, it's a pain to admit that some moral/sexual puritans have in some cases seemingly created an environment that could be considered unwelcoming to horsefucking degenerates.
Idk what to think of it in the end....

Your thoughtful feedback is appreciated as usual Elway. Thankyou for the reply.
I would request that if /fitlit/ happens, it should have no poster IDs, as neither board has them. We only added IDs to the self-improvement board because it was expected that Anon's would be talking about very personal things, but look how that turned out.
The only boards that have or need poster IDs on 4chan are boards like /biz/ or /pol/, where literal, unironic shills with a financial interest in the matter are likely to samefag and astroturf.
I guess the toggle feature partially eliminates that problem though. I would have made this thread without IDs myself, but since it's basically a meta thread I abstained from doing so.
That's the point, you can't prove an obviously good idea is likely to work.
Think about what is being asked here by someone opposed to reason.
Oh, yeah, sure. We should provide the receipts to prove this can work. Let me just hop in my time machine to go to the future where it has already been tried, so we can prove it did, then we can try it.
Perfectly reasonable.
It's not like we're being asked to reference the outcome of an experiment before it has been tried to get that guy's approval, except it is.
Wipe the slate clean and start over, nobody gives a fuck about cyberpunk and retarded SCPs on /mlpol/. It's not like renaming /ub/ to /fitlit/ would drive off its only users and fail to attract anyone new ever interesting in discussing fitness, literature, or borh on a slow board.
Most people hate looking at furry pornography because porn is bad for the brain and soul.
>"But spamming my favourites from my 1TB collection of Apple Bloom interracial porn keeps the shills away!"
Keep telling yourself that. Many Discord users say the same shit about posting NSFW in general. Anything to justify and normalize the porn addiction.
7851 7854 7859 7863
Now that THAT'S been considered, allow me to suggest something.

It won't do no good. Face facts, Mlpol painted it's self into a corner a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago and lost any/all momentum, goodwill, potential, and most importantly USERS it had. Yes, I advocated that any changes ought to have a concerted plan behind it, but make no mistake: the ship sailed years ago.
The point of suggesting the ad campaign was to emphasize that it takes more than a namechange and wishful thinking to turn things around. Costs can be deferred with individual effort largely, but is anyone gonna kid themselves and think that enough of everyone (what little there is) can work together sufficient to make something like this happen? Ridiculous.
Face it boyos, the bed is made. Change the paint, change the curtains, change the carpets,... you're still left with the same people.
>Face facts, Mlpol painted it's self into a corner a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago and lost any/all momentum, goodwill, potential, and most importantly USERS it had.
>make no mistake: the ship sailed years ago
>is anyone gonna kid themselves and think that enough of everyone (what little there is) can work together sufficient to make something like this happen? Ridiculous.
>Face it boyos, the bed is made.
What the fuck is this cringe doomfagging? Is what you're recommending that users just give up and stop trying to make the site better, not just with /fitlit/ but with mlpol.net entirely?
Why the fuck are you even here if all you have to offer is sardonic cynicism and negativity? Why even speak on the subject of you don't believe that things can get better and have no intention to help? What's it to you?
>hurr durr you missed your chance
>hurr durr whatever you try will fail
>hurr durr all your ambitions will end in failure
>Try to make things better? Pointless! Just embrace the inevitable slow rot and stagnation
You are worse than the doomposters on /mlp/ who did nothing but doompaul about how they insisted fandom is "dying" and that there's nothing we can do about. At least they eventually fucked off on the end.
Make like your fellow doomfags and fuck off.
7853 7863
Unrealistic an unchecked optimism is at the heart of why the site is in the predicament it is. Failure to acknowledge, address, and develop from this is effectively guaranteed to produce precisely the same results that previous efforts did.
Or did you neglect to notice?
7854 7855 7863
So, knowing all this, what are you going to do about it? How are you going to make things better?
> any/all momentum, goodwill, potential, and most importantly USERS it had.
What is dead or somewhat dying can bloom once again.
It's not something people can force.
It's how banks operate on business loans.
A proven plan action with a specific amount of resources to achieve a defined goal.
There's always risk, but tried and true formulas do work most of the time.
Which also happens to be where a ton of spam comes from but I digress.
>furry pornography
Anyway mlpol being red all the time is a turn off to shills, redditors and normies.
Unlike the infamy of chanchanchanchan there's not alot of news breaking about the humble /mlpol/.
Horse famous is one thing, but semi-regular international attention?
There are three main issues.
1) Any attention is now attention you have on you.
Granted some have wisened up that not all attention is good.
But someone who knows the target audience can weather the storm to have others freely support a media campaign.
2) Consequences of successfully increased attention. Users.
As any and all traffic increases newfags and newfrens have to be integrated to the culture. Otherwise it's r/thedonald all over again.
Increased traffic, increases more traffic up to a limit, but it can be hardware straining.
So let's say the via whatever means compatible people fit into boards with the freedom of speech that this place offers.
Right now is possibly the only time before the surge that culture and social cues are set up properly for essentially socially and culture illiterate people.
3) Consequences. The other kind of users.
As users increase a more wide and exploitable demographic appears ripe to be taken advantage of.
Bots, shills, glow in the darks, soups, scamers and other malicious types increase.
If it's worth wading through the hores pussy to accomplish the goal and through veterans and staff to reach that tender new demographic they'll fucking do it.
Even more overt and covert attacks.
Social engineering, trying to needle into any cracks and any any signs of weakness.
It could be rough.
It could be a hot bed of hostile activity and lawfare and snooping and canceling.
But despite all that getting attention can be worthwhile.
A namechange at its heart is a localized event, not far reaching into the global attention span.
The question is where and how should attention be gathered?
If it's too big too fast, I don't know if we have plans for what kind of scale of attention.
At least for the average anon already here.
7856 7863
It seems premature to assume that better is even on the table, let alone what it might look like. It CERTAINLY isn't gonna happen without a well-thought plan, and my best idea is on the table. What are YOU going to do about it?
>It seems premature to assume that better is even on the table
More unhelpful, counterproductive cynicism.
To reiterate (from one of the previous times the topic has come up): if you don't start from where you ARE, you won't end up where you want to BE. Pretending the situation isn't bleak won't change that it is.
Here's another idea, since y'all are so flush with them.
How many ppl are going to Marefair, and what visible presence will Mlpol have?
In fact and to that end, how many conventions are how many people planning to go to in the next calendar year, and what site-promotions are they willing/interested in doing?
Keep in mind, promoting Mlpol might get one banned,....
7860 7863 7864
If you paid for an ad campaign do you think anyone would want to post here? When was the last time you clicked on an ad? Does this cliquey circlejerk really have anything going for it that makes people want to become active users dedicated to this site and its wellbeing, or is it just a black hole of impotent misery?
Just look at its average user.
You're not a bank, stopped reading there.
If you have to reach that far to justify yourself, just stop making an ass of yourself.
I already explained to you, you're asking me to prove something obviously true that cannot be proven true until it is done.
Changing the gay retarded name to something better can't hurt and can only potentially help.
If you don't understand that, try harder to understand that or ask an adult to explain it to you.
Okay readette, riddle me this.
Who the fuck is going to figure out that a horse whispering forum changed the name of a board and how would that be possible that they figured it out?
You know what, I'm going to stop pointing out why a name change doesn't do what you want it to.
If you really want to do that maybe put the thing where it should be about changing the site.
Aka not /ub/ or /vx/ or /a/ or /1ntr/ or /sp/ or /mlpol/ or hidden board or /go/
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
7864 7866 7895
>Face facts, Mlpol painted it's self into a corner a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago and lost any/all momentum, goodwill, potential, and most importantly USERS it had
>Unrealistic an unchecked optimism is at the heart of why the site is in the predicament it is
>How are you going to make things better?
>It seems premature to assume that better is even on the table
I honestly don't understand this doomer pessimism that keeps periodically bubbling up around here. All I know is that I've been listening to it off and on for like five or six years, yet the site is still here and people still post on it.

This site is the intersection of two niche subcultures that have nothing obvious in common with each other, that a casual observer would expect to be natural enemies. This is precisely why they were juxtaposed together as a joke. The joke backfired because it turned out there was more crossover than expected. Multiple sites were created as migration points when the initial 4/mlpol/ board was shut down; this is the one that ended up surviving.

The site's trajectory in terms of user interest has followed a completely predictable and natural pattern. It actually parallels the trajectory of the MLP fandom itself somewhat. There was an initial burst of energy and activity fueled by novelty of concept and the notoriety we had for awhile on 4chan. Inevitably, this hit a peak and activity began to taper off as people gradually lost interest or moved on to other things. Now it's down to a core group of people who are here because they are genuinely interested in what the site is about, and don't particularly care about how relevant it is the broader world. In my view, this is a healthy attitude to have about any interest you might have, and this is the sort of user we want.

Does the size of the site or the amount of traffic it receives really matter? We're not operating a business here. We don't need to worry about turning a profit or controlling a market share. So who gives a fuck? Just enjoy the place for what it is.

>How many ppl are going to Marefair, and what visible presence will Mlpol have?
For what it's worth, I was planning on printing up some cards and leaving them on tables around the hotel.

>Does this cliquey circlejerk really have anything going for it that makes people want to become active users dedicated to this site and its wellbeing, or is it just a black hole of impotent misery?
"Black hole of impotent misery" or no, you keep on coming back here. Maybe if you had something to contribute to any conversation beyond unfocused angry babbling, you'd be taken more seriously.
7865 7873 7876
Credit for identifying the next element of the equation - incentive - you seem to be struggling with the idea of an advertizing campaign. I can't think of a single convention I have gone to that didn't involve a handful of business cards, stickers, and flyers advertizing websites and socials of individuals and groups, usually picked up or acquired after lengthy conversation and social interaction.
That's what I'm talking about, not popups on a website (you mong).
>prove it before it happens
Its called a prospectus. Now shush, adults are talking.
>The site's trajectory in terms of user interest has followed a completely predictable and natural pattern. It actually parallels the trajectory of the MLP fandom itself somewhat
Exactly, which is where the site begins to find it's feet as far as drawing new users is concerned. While this isn't the only site that can claim the following, the fact that it is going nowhere is a marketable strength. The fandom isn't dying, but many elements ARE slowly gradually falling off/away and Mlpol has an opportunity to distinguish it's self as something that WILL prevail no matter what, by determination of it's users first and foremost.
THAT is what is needed to be communicated. Business cards are a good step, but even better is if the cards are handed out by someone(s) able/willing to speak to and promote the site in a wholesome context and manner.

I will take the opportunity to suggest that we could do with a bit more images and signage, preferrably stuff where one doesn't have to go into detail about "yeah, about the swastikas". I'm NOT saying get rid of swastikas, but maybe not on the highly-public promotional material? Perhaps reappropriating the derpy swastika?
>people who are here because they are genuinely interested in what the site is about, and don't particularly care about how relevant it is the broader world. In my view, this is a healthy attitude to have about any interest you might have, and this is the sort of user we want
So this
>Its called a prospectus.
It's been you who's been saying "bring receipts first" when posters suggested far less drastic and expensive measures.
7868 7876
Forgot to mention
>I honestly don't understand this doomer pessimism that keeps periodically bubbling up around here
Cuz it hasn't been explained every time? Often by the same people?
Fine, one more time,....
What you call "doomer pessimism" can equally be called "countering biased idealism" of people who are wont to imagine that the site is better off than it is. It's a wake-up call, not a death knell. No one seems to be (legitimately) saying the site is dead or dying, but progress and development is in the cards than inividuals will need to play heir hands wih serious determination.
Yes, because if they had done the proper calculations and review ty would have "receipts" that would show that those lesser efforts amounted to wishful thinking. Back to the kids table with you
>What you call "doomer pessimism" can equally be called "countering biased idealism" of people who are wont to imagine that the site is better off than it is.
I know doomfags when I see them. They pre-date /mlpol/ and have been on /mlp/ since late season 2. Faggots who do nothing but doompost with pessimism while contributing nothing to the atmosphere, not posting participating in content threads, not funposting, not even posting images; only doompauling about the supposed heat death of the fandom while patronizing anyone who was still trying to have fun. We beat them on /mlp/, and we'll beat them here.
>Back to the kids table with you
The cringey boomerspeech is not helping your case.

And all this aside, the thread isn't about increasing the general activity on mlpol.net, it's about bringing back /fitlit/.
While we're on about improving the site (which was the ostensible point of changing the name of /üb/ to make the board more receptible to apr. 1st oldfags, try to keep up) this whole "I know you better than you know you" strawman shit is tr kin of thing that repels users. Just sayin
the kind*
7876 7877 7888
Haha, you're trying so hard to sound like an intellectual! It's cute, really.
You feel entitled to respect, no matter how you treat others.
/fitlit/ is objectively a better name than /ub/ and if you think I need to to to the future to give you proof changing its name was a good thing for this site...
Ask an adult why you cannot go to the future.
Do you see the hole in your logic?
The impossibility of what you feel entitled to ask of me?
Then again, all the proof in the world couldn't convince someone this arrogant.
Look at you.
Just... look at you.
This is how you treat people when the topic is changing a gay name to a better one.
Look out, we have a real badass over here. A real intellectual! No, a self-important fool.
Do you think spending a thousand dollars on advertisements and leaving business cards around a hotel would get people to visit this "sex-positive" HIV-positive pornography-infested circlejerk where 95% of the user base is completely incapable of a mature conversation about anything, no matter how important or small and insignificant it might be? Do you really think spending money and littering is likely to add energized and ideologically compatible users to this dying circlejerk?

If you truly want to better yourself you don't waste time masturbating to anime girls or worse, little girls from western cartoons written by feminists and male feminists who accidentally made some episodes of the first seasons good before corporate politics made things gayer and lazier.
Masturbation is a waste of time. Masturbation is a sin against God. Masturbation is a jewish tactic.
And this website is in love with masturbation.
When you try this hard to sound intellectual, fellating yourself even though brevity is the soul of wit, that's you masturbating. Anyone worth a damn would call it out on the spot, you are just masturbating.
I don't care if many people here are on your level and on your side, no matter how high shit is piled it is still just shit.
If you're too busy masturbating to understand why the /fitlit/ name debate is fundamentally pointless, that's on you.
Anyone who wants to talk literature and fitness or both is spoiled for choice when it comes to places to talk with or without jewish censorship. They could make their own board without Apple Bloom porn-obsessed perverts stinking up the place and losing their cool the second they feel slighted.
Why would any significant number of them emigrate here? Why would those who emigrate here be satisfied with the number of people who give a shit about literature of any sort and their caliber?
Why would those who emigrate here post here even though most users here don't give a shit about fitness or literature?
The best thing anyone can do for this site is this: Change the name /ub/ to /fitlit/ in the hopes of attracting fresh new users with an IQ above room temperature while praying they care enough about discussing real literature or physical fitness or tedious overly long unedited and artistically valueless furry fanfiction written to pander to porn-addicted wiggers to overlook your sodomite stench.
/mlp/ is full of valueless noise from valueless noisy people and the same is true of /pol/, but at least /pol/ has the excuse of being targeted for subversion by trained paid actors. The show attracts losers desperate for comfort and female company and they make up the bulk of the fandom whether you tell yourself the show accidentally advocates for a white ethnostate or not. Read Lord Of The Rings, accidentally advocating for whiteness is not unique to MLP. This show is not actually really that good at all. People just obsess over it so much in the name of escapism it keeps them from trying better things and growing as people. Attempts to make this community productive and creative fizzle out regularly for a reason. Try and prove me wrong. Try making an art thread where users are encouraged to create art and get better. Try making a NaNoWriMo thread where the many users try to write something with political value and entertainment value. Try making anything positive. See how this circlejerk reacts. Tearing down what is and bitching about what is... that's so much easier than actually trying to make anything. People here aren't prepared to make guns and train with them and start jogging. They came here to bitch about problems they'll do nothing to fix.
Self-improvement is masturbation
If that's the case then I'm always edging. Constantly trying to improve by beating my meat hard but never getting to cum. Like a bad dream.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Well, I'm not going to delve too deeply into this, since as anon pointed out this side discussion is derailing a thread that was meant to be about changing the name of one board. If you want to continue this discussion, starting a new thread on /qa/ would probably be the way to go about it. Suffice it to say that I think the site is fine as-is, and I don't think there's much to be gained by aggressively evangelizing it; if anything, I think that might prove to be counterproductive and attract the wrong sort of people.

That said, I do think that maintaining a degree of visibility so that fellow travelers can find their way here is a positive thing. Events like Mare Fair, that are more likely to be receptive, are probably the ideal venue for this.

>When you try this hard to sound intellectual, fellating yourself even though brevity is the soul of wit, that's you masturbating.
Here is what I would like you to do. Read this portion of text that I just quoted. Read it two or three times, if necessary. Then, go back and read it again, this time in the context of that entire rambling wall of text you just palm-mashed into existence. See if you can spot the irony.
7878 7888
It's time to face the fact that the current pol/sphere/, reinvigorated by the rise of "self-improvement" among normies, is going to be as hostile towards anything MLP as it is to pretty much anything that could be of interest to autistic fags.

Things are certainly not like they were in 2017. So anyone who expects/wants to see the site's traffic significantly go up, is gonna have to think about how it can adapt.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
7879 7888
This post reads suspiciously like AI-generated text, the image is unrelated to the subject matter of the thread and it's not a pony, and you have no other posts, either in this thread or on the site as a whole.

Therefore, I would like you to please answer the following question:

You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down. You look down and see a tortoise, Anon. It's crawling toward you. (You) reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back, Anon. The tortoise lies on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that, Anon?
7880 7884
>TFW you are confused for an AI.
I'm Carlos. I'll try and explain what I meant a lit bit better.
7881 7888
>avoiding the tortoise question
Bot detected.
We agree that Marefair is the con that is best likely to suit a board presence, if there is to be one
How is avoiding the tortoise question evidence of a bot?
Beep Boop
Anyway, there's no reason to oppose changing the name of the board afaik, the only point of contention was the retention/deletion of existing threads, and whether or not changing the name would be futile and (ahem) masturbatory
Hi Carlos.
7887 7888
Self-improvement is a National Socialist virtue.
Why do you think the (((allies))) burned so many books about fitness?
That doesn't necessitate having a board for it.
People warned back in 2017 that self improvement boards on chansites devolve into self-pitty ridden blogposts, and it did.
We already have /mlpol/ for national socialist principles.
7891 7892 7895
Alright, lemme rephrase this.
>"reinvigorated by the rise of "self-improvement" among normies"
Self-improvement is a good thing. No doubt about it. The reason I put it in quotes, is because Jordan Peterson and the like has tried time and time again to weaponize it against white nationalists, and to promote an extremely individualistic worldview. But that's neither here nor there.
The point is, polacks nowadays are less likely to put up with ponies, let alone positively engage with it.
>"is going to be as hostile towards anything MLP as it is to pretty much anything that could be of interest to autistic fags."
If you've interacted with them at all. You'd know they can't tolerate anything remotely similar to MLP, ever. No matter how "based and redpilled" it might be. This post in particular >>7873 is actually fairly representative of how the average polack would think about horsefuckers today.
>"Things are certainly not like they were in 2017. So anyone who expects/wants to see the site's traffic significantly go up, is gonna have to think about how it can adapt."
I've explained earlier how and why it is different now compared to 2017. So I don't think something like April fool's can happen again. If higher traffic is desired, it's gonna have to come from a different approach.

I hope this doesn't come off as doom posting. I don't really care if this site is slow. There's clearly still people enjoying it as it is. Just my two cents.

I think it's masturbation when you do it for what others might think of you. Like the gymbros who spend as much time in social media as the average gym thot. Yeah, that's not really self-improvement. But remember this is largely a normie trend. And normies tend to deviate from the original intention. Some people genuinely think all these normies are going to stand up by their side in the day of the rake.

If you do self-improvement like it's supposed to. For yourself and/or for your people, then it's a worthwhile endeavor that everyone should do.
Well, I can't fathom doing that to a tortoise.
Noice to see you again poners.

7894 7896 7897
I was there when FIM was young. We were young, too. And so we latched onto the first fandom we got to feel like we were a part of despite the show's inconsistent quality. For every episode where your favourite pony was depicted honestly there were more episodes where she was depicted as a fool or bully or brat or whatever. It made discussing the show a pain because if an episode made your waifu look shit, and you said that, some prick would get offended because he enjoyed that episode and thinks your criticism of the televised network programming episode featuring 2d animation and audio is a personal attack on him. Soycucks obsessed with feeling comfortable at all times. Retarded "brony analyst" channels tried to present depth where there wasn't to help adults feel comfortable enjoying a show for little girls by saying it's not just a well written show, it's secretly adult and mature. Tryhard edgelord dogshit fancontent was the norm. The longer the show went on, the more retards started to outnumber the quality posters as they left for greener pastures and better fandoms where such toxic "positivity" is less common. People say they miss when the fandom was good because they mean they miss when they were younger and FIM was the only bright speck in their miserable lives and the human to idiot ratio was better.

Avatar The Last Airbender is a timeless masterpiece but something similar happened when its shitquel show Legend of Korra aired. You couldn't talk about how nonsensical Republic City was, how annoying Korra was, how her instant mastery of the old ways shits on the hero's journey and depicting western MMA as superior is as boring as it is fundamentally antithetical to the asian fetish world of Avatar, or how much you wished this was a show about a better new Avatar or better old Avatar or a show about adult Aang and his friends. Retards wouldn't let you talk about it. It took years for the newfags to GTFO and move on to the next flavor of the month, it took years for good videos to come out breaking down LOK's flaws so well everyone could understand the problems they sensed but couldn't explain, it took years for the video essays to remind people what good writing for kids looks like and what LOK isn't.

If I compared Zuko to Sunset Shimmer, that would be completely unfair. After all, one is from a show that sells toys, and one is from a movie just made to sell toys, with sequels that tried a little harder.

The Avatar The Last Airbender fandom survived despite the best efforts of a shit movie, shit sequels, shit games, a shit netflix adaption, average to mediocre comics, and a creative team hell bent on trying to force the new thing down everyone's throats. Can FIM say the same? Sure, there are still dedicated people talking about it and meeting over it, it's certainly not as dead as Concord. But people say they miss the good old days because they notice the changes within the fandom even if they can't understand why things changed. People miss when content was being made (even though most of it is shit) but don't feel like making content of their own.
>I don't think something like April fool's can happen again.
It can, though. It happens every year on the first of April.
Post more Fluttershy
Prolly gonna get shit on for this one, but you seem to be saying that MLP was babby's first fandom
7898 7900
Sven here.
>Now it's down to a core group of people who are here because they are genuinely interested in what the site is about, and don't particularly care about how relevant it is the broader world. In my view, this is a healthy attitude to have about any interest you might have, and this is the sort of user we want.
>The reason I put it in quotes, is because Jordan Peterson and the like has tried time and time again to weaponize it against white nationalists, and to promote an extremely individualistic worldview.
This. We're on the same wavelength.
7898 7900
Okay, you seem to have a different take from what I was referring to. So, allow me to elaborate on this "nu-polack" I keep talking about.

I think people are overlooking how "certain interests" have been infested by trannies. Bear with me on this one, ignoring it won't help anyone.

Remember Edward Dutton's take on bronies? It's a fandom full of autistic people, which at the same time, experienced a massive troon out years later. Anime fags are the exact same shit. Heck, even the open source software community is going through the same shit. I can't help but think there was a concerted effort specifically targeting autists. (Honestly, this shit is serious and deserves it's own thread)

Anyways, what was the problem with this, proverbial new polack again?
"Autistic" shit, like MLP, tends to attract trannies these days.(which are honestly just a perversion of your classic autist) Ergo, "polacks" think "autistic" shit, is just tranny shit. So they won't put up with anything "autistic", ever.
It's gotten to the point where they'd rather ditch Linux, leave it to the trannies to shit it all over it. Than try to reclaim it. If they do that with FOSS, you can bet they won't give a fuck about your ponies.
>And so we latched onto the first fandom we got to feel like we were a part of despite the show's inconsistent quality.
I think my first fandom was Halo's, although fandoms were very different back then. I remember never actually interacting with the brony fandom and coming straight to /mlpol/ after I knew of their existence.
>because if an episode made your waifu look shit, and you said that, some prick would get offended because...
Fandoms tend to be pretty retarded. I think the show was very consistent in the first seasons tho. At least in the way it portrayed the characters. It still had a lot of steam up to season 4-5 imo. Far from perfect, but still.

>Retarded "brony analyst" channels tried to present depth where there wasn't to help adults feel comfortable enjoying a show for little girls by saying it's not just a well written show, it's secretly adult and mature.
I do remember that. Everyone was arguing with their head cannons instead of what was actually in the show.
>The longer the show went on, the more retards started to outnumber the quality posters as they left for greener pastures and better fandoms where such toxic "positivity" is less common.
That's the case for many, many IP's. Halo is actually one example where the old fan base has resisted for around a decade now.
>If I compared Zuko to Sunset Shimmer
I get the idea. I reckon you're not entirely wrong. If I were to rewatch the show, I'd probably realize is not as good as I remember it. Not implying I have "high" standards for what I watch, but still.

>But people say they miss the good old days because they notice the changes within the fandom even if they can't understand why things changed.
I'm sure what you described is true for a lot of the fandom. But I don't think everyone was deluded enough to think this was some sort of amazingly written masterpiece. Most people just thought it was surprisingly good. And it was, for the first couple of seasons.
I've always thought the show was trash for most of its runtime, and a lot of people agree on that. But sometimes it's the simple things that get you to stick. Perhaps you liked the music. Or you really liked the designs Lauren Faust made.
I've personally arrived at MLP by accident. Thought it was surprisingly good. I liked the ponies, and that's pretty much it. It was at that time that I started getting into politics, so when I heard about /mlpol/ it sounded like a fun time.
In the end, there's a lot of things to blame for why the fandom changed. Being the first time for an impressionable portion of the audience is just one of them.
The fuck is wrong with my ID? Anyways, carlos here or whatever. I'm just namefagging because the ID changed twice.
Svenoid, long time no see.
Oh I only posted Fluttershy, what a coincidence, I was selecting at random, I swear!
Hi sven.
Hi again carlos.
I think I got side tracked.
That's a fair observation, however I'd also point out that as hostile spirits commit actions via the host human more people get infested by hostile spirits.
The problem is kind of odd from a distance.
There's many Christians so this shouldn't be happening right?
Some are resting in Our Father.
Some are just Christian in name only, they don't do any acts of love. Not the feeling, but actions of love.
Some just aren't Christian because they don't know.
So anyone comprised goes in and opens the door for weird strange evil beings to fuck around.
So targeted strikes to people who are most importantly at the time vulnerable and then could be effective in countering some of the invasion.
The power of Our Father twisted as fable and not fact.
So continually the seeds planted that lead to death growing to strangle those who would have had life to the fullest.
So the full display of the hidden evils in hearts being made known to all.
So too will good be shown from the hidden areas.
So the mass abandonment running away from evil. Letting it flourish.
By earthly logic and strategy it's too numerous and widespread to deal with any of the infestation.
Where are the Christians creating and over coming the tide of evil?
Beaten black and blue and demeaned to inaction?
No. Those that would reclaim the big and the small are in progress.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Hi. ^^

Not directed at anyone in particular since I haven't followed the conversation but I'd like to say disagree with the notion (maybe, that's not what's being said I'm just misunderstanding here) that mlp was a ever a bad show. It wasn't the greatest show ever sure, and some bronies definitely tried to make it about supposedly mature concepts as death and famine and whatnot. But that's just it. My peers at the time thought they were mature cause they watched game of thrones. What is most mature, a show about sex, death, and cynicism towards humanity(maybe I'm being a bit unfair. I watched it forever ago. Feel free to call me out); or an optimistic show about the most purest form of love their is: friendship and how to solve interpersonal problems between nuanced but good people without making either of the parties into villains.

Also, what anyone of you actually will discover if you watch these shows you liked in the past but you think probably were trash and you're just being nostalgic will surprise you. I know because I have experienced this myself. "Eh, bleach, mlp, and naruto probably aren't all that good", but then you watch them and you realize they are better than you gave them credit for.
Autism detected
Jordan Peterson seeks to reach out to young white men hurt by this system and distract them with useless ideas.
"Evil collectivists hurt you because collectivism is evil, respond as a powerless atomized individual and ignore everything going on and improve yourself until the system millions of times larger than you cannot hurt you".
That is a losing strategy, of course.
Peterson is a jew-lover, a puppet of the system, he exists to make white men feel comfortable and powerful and inspired to "fight back" by not fighting anyone.
To write off collectived and groups as "collectivism no different from what the enemy does" is retarded because Peterson uses white culture to make people accept retarded ideas as true. You can fight the dragon and impress him, someone who wants to seem like a father figure, you can kill the dragon and overcome your hoarding problem and be a hero, just do nothing to the feminists and jews and niggers.
Peterson is fake and gay controlled opposition.
Just like Qanon, Project Trust for a new generation. Or was it Operation Trust? That thing where the USSR told those opposed to communism "the based tzar-loving conservative russian patriots in the government are going to kill the communists and take over any day now! Do nothing, the commies want you to act and get arrested! Sit at home and wait for the signal to act!" until suddenly communists had arrested so many impotent toothless worthless cuckservative cowards who didn't love freedom enough, they became outnumbered by the commies, who could be as cruel and bold as they wanted to be.
There will always be faggots in position of power telling young men to give up, go their own way, give up on your fantasy of killing niggers and jews and forcefully fixing women with pills and electroshock therapy and breeding camps and lobotomies. I don't care if women were never treated that way throughout history by white men, white women of today deserve this so their offspring can be raised right by white men.
There will always be faggots in positions of power trying to subvert what is good.
But self improvement is good.
You feel better, you feel sexier, you feel more complete.
I don't care that I can't bag a bitch who feels entitled to a six figure six foot billionaire jew or a nigger thug she can "change"(fetishize and enable) without tying her up and pouring a bucket of their blood over her so her animal instincts recognize me as superior to them.
I am still proud of the work I put into working out.
It is good to work out.
It is good to own weapons and train with them.
To write off self improvement as "a jew lie" is fucking retarded and Hitler would be ashamed of that kind of pussy talk.
>giant wall of text rant
>every line single spaced
>nothing but unsolicited opinions on subjects unrelated to thread topic
Have you figured out yet why everyone you interact with online seems to end up hating your guts eventually? Or are you still blaming it on the great Discord conspiracy?
>separate new lines with gaps

>"reddit spacing"

>don't separate lines with spaces
>"wall of text"

>mention Peterson and self improvement because someone said self improvement is bad
>"off topic"

I still don't respect the small handful of fags in your tranny discord circlejerk.
>reddit spacing
For the thousandth time, there is no such thing as “Reddit spacing.” Anyone who uses this term is a moron.

Allow me to introduce you to a very simple formatting concept called paragraphs. Paragraphs are blocks of text, each of which is designed to address a single point or concept. You organize your text into paragraphs to make it easier to read.

In print, you designate a new paragraph by indenting the first line. Online, you double-space between paragraphs. Like so:

This is a paragraph.

This is a different paragraph.

It is an extremely simple concept that anyone who has made it to fourth grade should already understand. There is no such thing as Reddit spacing, and if anyone ever throws this term at you they should be ignored.

>wall of text
A wall of text is a disparaging term for any online post that is longer than it has any need to be. Bad formatting does not make a post into a wall of text, it just makes a wall of text even more difficult to read. This in turn tends to make an already-obnoxious poster come across as even more obnoxious. Since most of your posts tend to be essay-length, profanity-laced rants about unrelated subjects, you are frequently accused of writing walls of text even when you format your posts correctly. Hence your frustration.

>mention Peterson and self improvement because someone said self improvement is bad
>"off topic"
There are only seven instances of “Peterson” in this entire thread, six of which appear in posts made by you. Carlos mentioned him offhandedly in one post made several days ago. This hardly merits an entire wall of text on the subject, and in any event you weren’t even replying to Carlos’s post. You just saw the name Jordan Peterson posted somewhere in the thread, and took that as an invitation to wordvomit your unfiltered thoughts on him. Probably 90% of the posts you have ever made to this site follow this same format, which is why we keep having this same conversation over and over.

> I still don't respect the small handful of fags in your tranny discord circlejerk.
The only thing I or anyone else has ever asked you to do on this site is to please stop splattering it with endless verbal diarrhea that is maybe 5-10% on-topic content and 90-95% your unsolicited opinions on shit nobody is asking about or cares about. Your continued refusal to adhere to this very simple, very reasonable request is the reason you keep getting shit on every time you post, not some phantom Discord conspiracy that exists only in your imagination.

The topic of this thread is “should /ub/ be changed to /fitlit/,” not “what are Nigel’s private opinions about Jordan Peterson and masturbation and the early MLP seasons and Avatar the Last fudge-packing Airbender.” If you have something to contribute to the conversation at hand, and can express it in a few short, human-readable sentences without meandering off subject, then by all means feel free to contribute. If all you want to do is palm-mash your unfiltered thoughts on a handful of niche topics you happen to be interested in, making only a token effort to connect any of your rants to the topic at hand, then please do it somewhere else.

We have had this conversation numerous times. Experience has taught me that I shouldn’t expect any of what I’m saying to get through to you, and yet, like Charlie Brown charging at that stupid football, I feel inclined to keep trying and trying.
I see we're at the reasoning stage
lol pretty much
So, I just got finished rewatching the Loki series.
Sidenote: if you're willing to sit through it AND overlook a few gaping plotholes (and probably the worst Tara Strong cringe evar) the payoff is one of the best character-arhetype reformation stories in cinema.
I mention this, cuz I'm gonna try something different. At least, I THINK it's different.

Odds are, more than half the posters ITT can identify by some name/handle/screen name more then half the posters ITT. It doesn't matter anymore if we play the "we're all anonymous" game, or if we play the "you're (you), he's him" game.
Is he gonna change? Are you? Am I? CAN we?
Yes. Its gonna be slow, it is going to take time an effort. And in ways, we are gonna have to help one another; maybe even those we have decided aren't worth our piss if they were on fire. I dont even know where I'm going with it. I guess I'm saying /fitlit/ is a small change, so why not start there? If the threads get wiped, more room to do it better next time. We have the benefit of years of experience this time.

One of those "tranny discords" you refuse to see past is Mlpol staff chat, who have collectively shown more patience an consideration for (you) in particular than one dedicated individual ever could.
Well, I guess I'm also responsible for derailing the thread. Sorry about that. I'll cut it off here and probably make a separate thread if I have more to say.
>all this seething over unrelated nonsense
Bring back /fitlit/.
Have you done your push-ups yet?