I need to get a gf. To get a gf, I will drive to a park or a place where cute, non-stacey girls hang out. To do this, I need to learn to drive.
I hate being alive no matter what I do, so tomorrow I will spend three hours practicing driving in the DMV parking lot, even though it says "No practice driving allowed."
>>6562Tell your mom not to be a cunt and handover her car's keys.
Be calm. It is said that with some dedication you can legally get a drivers license within half a year. I advise you to not rush things and think your next steps through. And then
>>6563this, basically
>>6563I don't have a drivers' liscense...what good would the keys do?
>>6566You don't need a bureaucracy's permission for "traveling". But that concept is a bit advanced and might require to disarm some thugs.
So your best option is to wait till you can get that permit. Sorry.
>>6570I'm not OP, but I guess you don't get whores wet with a bike, nor take them home or shit.
If OP has some dignity and a sense for the right girls, he should know that nothing is more romantic than sharing a bike together.
>>6571Yes precisely. The bike acts as a litmus test.
>>6571>>6572Are you guys serious? How do you share a bike?
>>6578>How do you share a bike?Look at the picture I posted, there are 3 different ways shown.
I have a driver's liscense!
>>6654Pics or it didn't happen.
>>6654Congratz Anon, hope the quest for a gf goes better than mine has so far.
>>6654Well met, anon. You drive. Please treat your car nicely and keep a keen eye out for animals crossing your road.
Talking about cars, last Wednesday mine got the radiator leaking. It cost me 500 bits, 280 a generic (non original brand) radiator, 150 bits the labor, 45 bits 3 gallons of fluid, and 20 bits for tipping.
I'm broke for this week.
>>6660Why not save on labor by replacing it yourself? It only takes twenty minutes tops to swap one out, Satan. Also, $280 is a lot for a radiator. F
>>6571>Hey, wanna ride on my pegs, babe? My mom gave me my allowance and she said we can hang out together! Wait... Where are you going? Isn't it romantic?! It'll be just like in one of my animes! >>6668>Why not save on labor by replacing it yourself?Cos I rushed to the shop to be fixed ASAP. I have no time or skills for mechanical work, sadly.
>>6668>Also, $280 is a lot for a radiator.What shocked me most was the fucking fluid, 50 BITS to fill the radiator!!!!!!
>>6671>I rushed to the shop to be fixed ASAPUnderstandable.
>I have no time or skills for mechanical work, sadly.I mean, you could've possibly saved hundreds in an afternoon, but I get where you're coming from if it was urgent.
>>6672>50 BITS to fill the radiator!!!!!!Eh, that's actually not too bad. Coolant is always pricy. Not trying to be combative, but you just triggered my raging /o/tism.
Dear diary, today at 6pm I'm looking at an RV that costs $7000 dollars. If I like it, tomorow I'll buy it.
>>6701Based Anon, however you might want to delet this as to not face dox yourself.
>>6702Your concern is appreciated, but I censored out all sensitive information; I'm not worried about people knowing what I look like, and that I was born in 2004.
>>6699Well, speaking as a guy who spends a fair amount of time looking at used RVs on Craigslist and thinking about buying one some day, that one looks pretty dang good.
>>6706Thanks. I'm leaving to see it in 15 mins

>>6705ok, so long as you are ok with it i guess, Congratulations by the way.
I know this vido is probably fake, but I need to try to do this kindof thing.
>>6712This makes me angry even if its not real.
>>6713Why should it?
It is an very unrealistic staged video of romantic sexual attraction. Very movie style if you ask.
>>6714And she looks the same age in the wedding as she does in the car
I almost forgot: I saw a really hot girl shopping today and I almost asked her out, but was too nervous and I am moving soon (into RV, then driving it to midwestern US).
>>6717My ID changed due to changing wifi