>>1551John Wick 4 will be coming out in 2021. If that isn’t a reason to stay alive at least another two years, I don’t know what is
>>1551Simply because for all you know you will never live again.
People dont want to die, they want a break from reality.
>>1551You might not think this now, but things will get better. The Jews will never have full control as long as people like you exist. The pendulum will swing back, and it won't take much to turn the tides. Just try to be happy on the ride and remember the narrative presented in the news is the narrative they want you to believe. It is rarely reflective of the truth on the ground.
I hope things turns to the better for you and you get a happier outlook on life.
>>1551>the jews have total control.True, but take in count this is not new, it may be traced to the end of the WWII perhaps.
What I think is that you overdosed with redpills and now you suffer from the blackpill.
Don't despair, the redpilling is getting global and will reach critical mass at the right time.
White Revolution is unavoidable.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQCSsyDfJm0If the video is blocked in your country you can watch it here: >>228905
>>1551>the jews have total controlThat's overstated. Yes, we live in occupied territory. But if you turn off mainstream media, improve yourself, you can find that they really have very little control over you and your life.
Every day, you wake up. Who tells you to feel bad? You do. You could choose to take care of yourself, lift, enjoy the life you have. Frankly, if anyone applies themselves halfway, they will have no material concerns. A hundred years ago, people worried about food. People waited in lines for a handout of bread. Today, if you wanted, you could work a few days a week, and do whatever you wanted with the rest of your time (if you don't live in a city.)
So what's got you down? Some mean, dirty jews? Nope, you have you down.
Make the choice to take control of your life. You don't have to despair, you don't have to play their game.
>>1551youre not tired, youre cute
This is ub
To live Is to become the übersmench
>>1551Because it will make some people sad if you die. Things can get better if you can build up the fortitude to work on them. Don't give up.
>>1551>>1631Its more than that. OP is not the only person who feels this way. Lots of us do.
But that's what life is.
"To endure what one believes cannot be endured is what it
truly means to endure."
If I had a nickel for every time I felt like giving up, I'd have over a thousand nickels (which, for reference only means ~$500). But that's not the point.
Anon, if you give up then you're giving up on all the anons who you will have a positive impact on. Pardon the rhetoric, but you are part of the light that much of the future depends on. Without you the light diminishes. How many before the light to goes out?
>>1632but we are all logs so why does it matter if one log gets thrown away for being too wet or being too small i understand it is just to keep the fire going going to make the fire last that little bit longer but some logs are better at keeping the fire burning longer where as some burn faster and are a burden to carry when you could carry a better log with less burden we are all logs just some of us snap easier than others and are not worth carrying for the risk of them breaking and falling out of the bag
also we logs all come from the same types of trees it's just some of us will always be branches no matter how much we want to be a log i mean look at all the things a log can do compared to what a branch can do: a log can give someone a house, a log can give someone a fire to keep them warm longer and easier than a branch can, a log can make someone a boat that won't leak.
all in all it's better if some of us are left behind to make room for the logs
>>1552>>1553>>1554>>1555>>1556>>1557>>1621>>1624>>1625>>1631>>1632>>1633Thanks for all the support anon's. i'm feeling Better now. my disposition has Changed for the better the past few days.i hope to get on an exercise schedule soon.
>>1637never despair always remain faithful to you're people to you're land to you're country, look into what our race has accomplished over thousands of years, we are a proud people with courage fresh and you will see YOU are the most prized possession you're country has not the immigrants and only YOU can change things, so stop sitting on you're ass at home and do something productive lift, learn a new hobby, if you are already doing something productive learn to do it better than you are doing it because this gives you a goal to strive towards remember to never give in to what the globalists say don't take the antideppresant pills you don't need them you are better then that people have never needed (((medication))) in the past because those people had a pride in their race a pride in the fact they are a member of a great race but the jewish media and the globalists say that you shouldn't be prideful of you're race and these people who have been consumed by the jewish media spend their life chasing happiness for years and once they feel they have no purpose they commit suicide all because of a lack of national spirit and i don't want you suffering the same fate too
>>1649Thank you anon. you've inspired me. i'm more thankful than you can imagine,that you made this post. Thank You.
A bit late but useful nevertheless, I think.
>Dr. William Luther Pierce
>What Can We Do to Stop the Jewish Stranglehold
>>1551Consider the body: you can break a person's hand down into individual atoms, and they will still have a good chance of surviving. However, a small bubble of gas, even regular air, put into the bloodstream will almost certainly cause death. It is the same with all large systems. Simply attacking the system is not enough, because an all-out assault in one place can result in minimal change, while a minor probe to another can set in motion a total collapse. Never fight harder while you could fight smarter.
Similarly, no group is ever in total control of another. Right now, what stands between our side and success is, more than anything, the myth of the panoptican state. The various movements are kept down by the suggestion of federal conspiracies by interested parties. As history shows, victory is assued before the final battle even begins.
People who are worth knowing tend to find each other. They can not help but respect strength of character, which includes not only sound morals but sound mind and sound body. A few people with all three can defeat almost anything. Being someone who gets things done, or knowing people who do the same, will make the other easier. Of course, neither is easy - if it were, we wouldn't be in this mess, now would we? - but the reward is being able to change the world.
>>1551Hey /ub/ Op here, things haven't improved for me and tbh i don't know if they ever will. this isn't the life i wanted or thought i would have at 23. Everything has steadily declined since 3 months ago. and i'm feeling very short on hope.I'm writing this now with tears in my eyes thinking about what could have been. i feel so worthless and undeserving of my European blood, my ancestors must be looking at me with disgust,because i am a failure.
>>1853>this isn't the life i wanted or thought i would have at 23.LOL (with sympathy). At your age I was far, far worst than you. Things begun to change when I dropped ALL my expectations and started from scratch, seriously.
>my ancestors must be looking at me with disgust,because i am a failureNah, it is only different times. You will adapt to the new reality and you will overcome. And if you fail, you will stand again up, and again, and again, till you find the way; it is your duty.
>>1853I might be a little late on this, but remember, from the coldest ashes rises the pheonix which burns brightest. Don't waste time worrying about what could have been, spend time thinking about where things can go from here and what it will take to get you there. I don't know you, and I don't know your situation; but when I was at my lowest even getting out of bed felt like a hurculean task. Start small. Resolve to go for a walk a few times a week, or to write a funny scene, or even to just clean your place. The smallest thing can really make a world of difference.
>>1853Hang in there anon. Don't worry about the past, and don't worry about tomorrow. The road you are traveling might be rough but it is not a straight road to the bleak future you see ahead. There will always be forks in the road that can take you to places you didn't know you wanted to go to. Small coincidences can change your outlook on the future 180 degrees in a short while and lead you to a place you feel happy about. Just because it is bleak now don't mean the future has to be. I hope you find happiness and love, even the joy of playing with a pet can do wonders.
I don't think your ancestors view you as a failure, you did not wish for the future that has become, you are among the few who actually wants to honor them.
>I hope this post don't come of as too cheesy or pretentious. tl;dr; I hope you find happiness. And don't put too much pressure on yourself. >>1853>this isn't the life i wanted or thought i would have at 23I would be laughing similarly to
>>1854 but I'm too sad to laugh lately. I'm at 21 and have been feeling the same frustration since I moved out of my parents' house ten months ago. I told myself I would only be seeking rent for one year and then use the money I saved to make a down payment on a shitty shack in Fresno, but not only will it not be so soon, I am unemployed and in debt. I have no money, no job, and nobody's offered to take me save for two employers who I failed to live up to on interview day.
But it's not the end. As much as I would like for it to end, it will continue for a long time. Nothing is irreversible, and no matter how hard you want to just lie down and die, you know it's not going to happen that way. When it matters most, you're going to be animated and push yourself in the last moments. Whether it be when you become homeless, or when you're on your last scrap of food, you will fight for the chance to live. It's in your blood to fight, and no amount of depression and Jewish repression will kill that part of you.
Your ancestors look down with confusion and frustration, no doubt, but it is not solely you who they are frustrated at. It's their descendants who failed to raise their progeny properly, and it's the boomers who inherited great wealth and squandered all of it, leaving a generation of untrained, confused children to pick up the mess. We can all relate, I'm sure. At least the zoomers and millennials among us.
I've started couch to 5K and am applying at some mom and pops and service positions that I know are hiring. I used up the last scrap of my savings for glasses so I can get trained for a trucking job if they take me.
If you ever want to talk, I'll be in this thread, and if you need a private place to vent or talk things out, I'll be at
http://steamcommunity.com/id/flutterbutterstutter .
>>1858Forget it. If you're dead I'll follow in your footsteps and talk a long walk off the Oceanside pier.
>>1551Well lads,Op here again. i turned 25 yesterday. not much has changed for me. but i feel a little strange. im not exactly sure why. maybe im regaining hope? it is a very Odd Feeling i havnt felt since 2017 before i realized how much of a cuck Dongle dumptruck was. with that being said im looking forward to the future. maybe ill even be able to find the Ophelia to my hamlet. well lads thank you for putting up with my bullshit throughout the years. and im sorry i dump my problems all over the board but i feel ive grown close to the community. I Love you guys
No Homo im So Glad i Got Banned from 4/Pol/ all those years ago You Guys are the Best
Also to my Friends i've made through this site, im sorry you havnt heard from me in a long time. Things have Been Really Dark For since the hurricanes came through. i ask for your forgiveness, but as of right now i have no way to get in direct contact with you guys. you know who you are. >>3871>i turned 25 yesterdayHappy Birthday and best wishes anon.
>>3872Thank you anon! Very kind of you.
>>3871Happy birthday fren. I'm glad you're making it through this dark time, it's really good to hear from you. I take it your discord got nuked too? We'll figure something out in time though. Take care of yoursel!
>>1551The best I can tell you is to take a whitepill. Life is shitty, but there's still things in this world worth living for. You don't have to change the world to live a fulfilling life. Even if you feel like you owe it to the world to try, it doesn't reflect on you as a person if you don't accomplish anything. Take care of yourself to fulfill your basic needs, and then try to improve your living conditions from thereon out. Take care of your health (physical and mental), try to get a decent job (or any job at all), earn some time to find a fulfilling hobby, and then keep working from there. So long as you're taking care if yourself, you can find little chances along the way to make the world a better place.
>Jews have total controlEver since the dawn of civilization, most of humanity has been oppressed, terrorized, enslaved or exploited by some other group; most recently it's been the Jews. Tyranny hardly ever goes away in a lifetime, but all of our peasant/slave/serf/dirt-farmer ancestors found things worth living for in the meantime. It may be our work, our families, our religion, our hobbies, or even humble charity.
>>3871Happy birthday you fag, I'm happy to see you alive.
>>3871Happy Birthday, fren! It's so great to see you back!
>>3871>i have no way to get in direct contact with you guys. you know who you are.Several of us lost our discords when Aryanne went down, but if you want I could float you an invite to get back in touch.
"Hold tight for now. You've got this. Be strong, just for a bit longer,"
>>3878Thank you for wishing me happy birthday fren!
>I take it your discord got nuked too?Im not sure im currently typing this on a borrowed computer. my pc's fan went out. I dropped my phone under my bed like 5-6 months ago and due to my room looking like 8 floridamen drank a shit ton of natty light and started beating the shit out of each other, i cant get it out until i clean my room. trash has started pilling up pretty bad tbh and add on to that,that my ceiling fan sparks anytime i try to turn the light on, i've been living in darkness. probably not good for my mental state kek
>Pic 1 related>>3880>>3882>>3883>>3884>>3885Thank you so much Frens! it means A lot to me.
>>3886Thank you fren!
yea its really me. Dab N Boop>>3889Thank you fren. unfortunately i dont have a pc of my own right now. Dont want grandma yo see nazi pone puss.
>>3891Boop>>3881Thank you for the encouragement fren! i'll do well to remember this. but its pretty difficult when i enter a depressive state. i re-read this thread a lot. it helps to remind me to look forward to the future. and to fight no matter how dire the future seems.
>Pic 3 related>Pic 2 related to everyone >>3894Clean your room and fish out your phone so we can chat in proper, fag.
Also it's generally healthier to have clean living conditions.
>>1551Just a friendly reminder you should assume that demoralisers are shills. If they aren't, don't be a faggot regardless.
>>3903Almost clean. i may have cleaned enough,to be able to move my mattress and box spring.
>>3904Thank you Fren. i will.
>>3919Not yet,i had to help my GrandDad fix the bathroom floor yesterday(We've been replacing it board by board for like the last 6-8 months,Good News is we're almost done). we had to rip the toilet up,and move it over.
>>3920Sounds shitty
pic related but fixing/repairing things is good for the soul. Keep us posted, I know I'm not the only one who is eager to catch up and shit
>>3921Kek Yea it wasn't too bad this time. but the last time we moved it. some
Toilet bowlwater fell on my feet. that wasn't a great time.
>but fixing/repairing things is good for the soul.i could not agree more. we had to entirely change out the floor. the house we live was made at the beginning of the 20th century(they Dont make em like this anymore) there were times when i had to walk across the 2X4s without falling through the open floor onto the ground.
>>3920How did the flooring go?
Did you find your phone yet?
>>3931The Floor has finally Been Finished,The toilet is back in place,We still have to put up Paneling on the walls. i'm probably not gonna be able to get it out untill like Tuesday or Wednesday, I've been running around like a chicken with my head cutoff.
Hold out a little longer fren,I'll have it soon >>3932Keep up the good work, Anon.
>>3934Remember what you're working for Fren.
When you get back we'll have a party and I'll draw you a Fire Wing >>3965Its Good to see you Fren. I won't Forget. its what keeps me going.
Thank you my Kamraden 26 and nothing to show for it.
>>5664You're not brainwashed, and you don't have a hundred thousand in student load debt, so you're already doing a lot better than very many people. Hang in there anon, you're still young.
>>5664Do not live by other's expectations, you don't have to show anything to anyone.
>>5664You are still alive.
Do you feel the rhythm inside you? It's there for you felt and unfelt.
>>5664Kill yourself. You’re pathetic
>>5675Ignore him, he's jusy projecting his own failings onto anon
>>5678Thank you for your testimony Ms. Heard
>actual faggot I know IRL threatens to kill himself because he can't handle political debate without retreating into fantasies and putting on a cringey persona
Suicide is for faggots, OP.
Whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwdQYxSxI14>>7608I didnt ask for these feels
[~]not expecting this to work, but w/e[/~]
>>7608How did I not notice this for a whole week? This is beautiful, very nice work.
>>7607I hate that media like this can still move me, but I love you for posting it, and if you AREN'T OP then I hope you can share with them my admiration.
Ffs, I waited an hour and watching it again still makes me cry like a bitch
>>7624>>7626>>7627>>7628Im very glad you all like it, i put a lot of heart into it.
>>7629I am OP yes.
https://odysee.com/@JEKSON:2/Mlpol-tribute-lits-final-2:6I made a Alternate Version of it as well.
>>7608Oh I can't believe I missed this.
>>7631The definitive edition! Very beautiful and touching video, thank you for making it!
Man, I miss Ricky. I love you man. Peace where-ever you go
>>7632I miss Ricky too, it was my pleasure to make it
As far as whitepills go, I think that we can take some heart that there seems to be some sort of momentum FINALLY building towards the ideas of mass deportation. The full scale needed isn't being talked about, but we've got to start somewhere.
Many places around the world have a more sane government style.
Look at Poland and Hungary, for actually enforcing their borders. Then there's Argentina who got a leader who is actually cutting down on some of the government nonsense that has cancerously grown in most modern countries. Trump got in, with what seems to be a genuinely too big to rig voter turnout and a full political mandate for the conservatives across all major sectors of the US government, and there is political discussion of major reforms that do stand a reasonable chance of improving people's living standards. In Canada, they're going to be voting out the Liberal party and replacing it with a conservative party that is speaking some actual sense with intent to majorly reform the government and start on mass deporting the indians (dot) that are overstaying their visas. I hear that Germany has some sort of "let's not commit civilization-scale-suicide" political party that is getting a lot of traction.
There are clear sanity candidates fighting and gathering organized support all across the Western world.
The tide is turning.
The masses, of course, are usually only able to articulate things within a narrow overton window in public, but basic knowledge of the economic structure of things is known and it's starting to be discussed "openly" in the generalist alternative media channels on the internet on YouTube.
>>7632>>7633man. free my nigga ricky man... he did nothing wrong
miss you, bud!