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Bildschirmfoto vom 2018-01-06 11:24:41.png
genius and political runaway
7477 7479 7488 7517 7559 7879 8370
i am scientist from europe germany,
but because everything here is so shit,
[no bank account, no papers, police dont do a thing etc]
i have to drive away with my FreeEnergyBattery and researches.
i am not long here anymore.
when someone has questions about politic here or science stuff ==>
i draw a bit until i am gone.
399 replies and 634 files omitted.
File (hide): B61E2C769D25AACA4DD28AB32CE19E0D-3578103.mkv (3.4 MB, Resolution:1280x712 Length:00:01:47, HologramSetting.mkv) [play once] [loop]
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-10-28 20-22-05.png
suppe yessen!
i get a awesome hologram setting for my frequent generator.
this does that and i can change it. watch video.
bipolar transistors and resistors are ultra stupid but i need them for frequent generator.
at least they are for something good.
you see here the change from 0Ohm TO 1.000Ohm at one point of circuit!
you can pause the video at will to count the amount of holograms, i bet it will be quick.
then you know how i make it possible to get 2 or more of them when you look at it!
i used here the line as hologram.
i will later use swasticas and sacrefice rune from berserk,
and alot geometry stuff.
i can like, make a 3D cube rotate as hologram.
that would be awesome.
but that later!
i get ENOUGH here for my room party light, it even will be more bright when i fart loud.
hihahu. !
the voice sound sensors i buyd will i use twice,
one of them will be sensible and gives 0,8 ampere because of transistor into system,
and the second one will be not so sensible and give 1,6 ampere to the system.
will be ultra, i plan to get with 12V and 7,5A at the end my whole room for light.
but these amounts will not happen always,
i just put it that high to be able to get nice stuff going on that happends not that often.
the amount of lamps will a bit change how it works,
for that i will use switches that will give more ampere to the system.
again with transistors.
i love these fucking 0,02$ transistors i buyd,
damn they are better as resistors for me!

also i did formula work to start "programming"... eh, i like more binary sorting and that stuff,
but i should tell pc to draw my stuff for me with MY formulas the next times.
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-08-08 12-23-57.png
i tested some new fans and i am fan of it.
these ventilators work so fucking awesome,
i can do with these and a solarmotor THAT MUCH WIND,
to explain the difference better,
i get here more with these AS when i buy finish ones from humans and put 5 times more energy into it.
that much awesome are they.
i need these for orgonised air,
and i need them for a CrystalAirGrinder.
this is something that changes the smell of the room into a crystal smell.
i hate phantom shit, my work is different.
i will punch agressive the air with gems that i glue on these wings!
sometimes you need to spray water on it to let it smell better again.
it only needs to be wet,
not driping of water!
i test that with simple fuck and it was glorious.
the crystals i used was big and i wash them,
and then just let they stay around..
the whole room smelled of crystals and gems,
so when i now use that sense here,
i get a machine that does that with more efficiency and less big gems.
the fan i tested was all with aluminium,
but to get better results,
i will now use the big ones out of 1mm steel,
i will build a zylinder form of something,
on both ends a motor,
in the middle these "wings",
and then it rotates and punch the fuckn smell into it.
this will work OBVIOUSLY better as just puting water on them and let them stay around.
how much room you will be possible to let smell nice and how long it will take,
will i find out later.
i sayd i wanted to write more so thats the stand now for that day here!
i decided to get younger this night to 5 years and will party a bit around so nothing will happen next day.

in quick,
to get orgonised air,
use these "wings" here out of steel and put epoxy resin on them.
then put gems on these wings, it will glue together.
and well when you rotate that now,
you get orgonised air AND it will smell like crystal cave.
sure it is dangerous when you are stupid,
so be sure that these gems will not fly into your eyes.
it dont need to be ultra fast,
25RotateionsPerSecond would be already way to much.
...also dont touch the bladed when they move...
...and sharp them! <3
also use electronic fireworks and frequents [Puls] to get more power with less energy!
then it will save a ton of energy.
jop thats it for today.
i will not come here here here back next day but i will read some threads here! njahaha i hope there will be somewhere a porn thread thing.
22857 22861
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-11-01 11-57-20.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-04-15 00-02-15.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-11-23 21-27-26.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-12-30 04-11-42.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-09-21 17-02-16.png
jop i feel way better now after that party.
well i want to rethink over my dynarator mini!
this mini version uses good motors instead of mechanic.
on my way, i NEVER saw gears to buy that will work with what i need.
i need meter big wheels to rotate 1000 times faster because of mechanic.
when you think now that i should use 3D printer,
then you clearly dont get what i need here.
i mean, it should work a livetime! or at least ones Xd
other gears or gearsets are also to small and will not be usefull here.
this is the reason why i want to use better motors insetad of mechanic.
my new plan in mind will use bigger magnets and the amounts are a bit different.
my mechanical illusion to delete "needed force to move magnet on a coil",
works good when you have one gravity wheel with prime number,
and the other wheel needs to be a bit number.
prime numberst should you know,
and bit numbers are 2,4,8,16,32,64,128; and so on.
this will be good, but not best.
the reason is, that a new type of movemend will now appear.
this one will make the new gear now is DIAGONALLY MOVEING.
this means, we need to get 4 times diagonally.
because when you have 4 times diagonally force on a plate,
it will delete again.
so in that case now,
it will be REALLY DELETED.
the force is there and moves,
but it dont need to overcome coils.
the coils are there and act around,
but the magnets have no feeling even that they move to them and from them away.
the numbers THEN needed to build this gravity wheel is as example =
>20 AND 24 [Image1]
but my new plan in mind will be bigger.
something like =
>32 AND 36 [i need to draw that, look at it, control, think again and maybe change number on that way.]
here now the stuffs that gives more energy and are free because of that new mechanical illusion gear =
>bigger coils
>bigger magnets
>bigger wheels
>stonger magnets
>more amount of all of that

i really try hard to explain what this new gear does i invent and normally people dont get that.
the gear itself is between the one wheel with magnets and the other wheel of magnets.
by useing this thing to generate power,
you need only to use coils instead of magnets, and the other side will be still a magnet one.
when these 2 different parts form now a force, i go and delete it. because of sense.
normally you would feel a force when you move a magnet to a coil and from it away.
this dont happends here!
i test system with my MMIG i taked somewhere here about.
normally, it is not possible to build something with magnets that will hover.
when you have 2 same plates full of magnets,
it will turn half and will suck together.
and that while the magnets should puch away!
to try to explain better,
i know some magician scientist from a multiverse and he told me that =
about entering another universe >
there are different ways.
they all aim to = make possible an impossibility.
the border between 2 universes is almost impenetrable,
since they are not physically,
but exists purely metaphysically.
so we have to make to abrogate our own physics,
to be able to enter the ether between the worlds.
to spend this enormous power,
i used a keystone.
it obtain his power directly from the area of magic."
FROM = Jarolus
well and this is easy to change into what i do =
about geting energy from illusions
there are different systems.
they all aim to = make possible an impossibility.
the movement of magnets toward and away from a coil needs force.
so we have to make to abrogate our own physics,
to be able to move these magnets toward and away from a coil without any energy.
to abrogate our own physics here,
i use a illusion of movement.
it obtain his force directly from the area of magic."
here some links about magician and good music =

bdw i cant memory so this is my really first try somewhere else of my places to write dayli at least for a time.
so maybe SOMETIMES i talk the same stuff.
cant do stuff against that.
at least that thema here needs to be explained more often.
the only people that understand what i am doing is to fast to be counted.
look at illusions in image and video form,
then you know what i do mechanically.
2 plates of gravity forces form 1 mechanical gear when they are puted together.
some other stuff about the mini dynarator =
i plan to also use more amount of wheels,
you can see that in image.
it does like the same as have more speed,
and because it dont matter how much wheels i put on that because they all delete needed force,
i plan to build it a bit more in that lenght.
bigger wheels is what cost you the less,
but you need to be able to carry that thing in my opinion,
even when it means that 2 people do that.
i test some cable and i am not able to use 0,05mm cable.
that means, i need to use 0,3mm cable.
that will also put energy down but better as never be able to build that.
i just get angered to easy and burn that cable always completely away when i touch it.
my chemical reactions on my bodey toward stuff i dont like is magnesium.
22858 22860
>i need meter big wheels to rotate 1000 times faster because of mechanic
What about if instead of roller bearings you use a magnetic setting to get the friction close to zero.
my new plan in mind will have 2 motors.
on every end one of them.
thats even good for stability!
i use big motors of course with 24V.
todo what you sayd would need to much work.
i cant build stuff with hands in the first place and what i do should be able without live long training.
thanks anyways for thinking about that!
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-11-01 19-02-05.png
wuhahi look at these settings.
they have improved information.
i worked the whole day for it!
keep in mind that this frequent generator is made out of cheap stuff with + - 20% of values whats printed on them.
but thats not the point here,
to correctly hit frequent is not important anyways for my work,
and when it is,
i will use potmeter instead of resistor and fuckn set it to something i need.
i need some of the settings now for my room.
also, i get already something around 1000 times more output as i need for input anyways, so when i do friction to zero, it will not really change something here.
i get more as enough out of abuseing mechanical illusion.
i stoped to work on old dynarator because i am not able to build it.
22863 22996
I have zero scientific knowledge and cannot follow a single word of the insane technical stuff you talk about in this thread, but I just wanted to pop in and say that I am legitimately impressed by all of it, and have been for years. You are a 100% based schizo, don't even think about taking your meds. Whatever sort of crazy mad scientist thing you're building, I wish you godspeed at completing it.
22864 22865
>I have zero scientific knowledge and cannot follow a single word of the insane technical stuff you talk about in this thread
Let me translate it for you. OP will burn his mother's house before anything useful come out of it.
That's the best kind of science tbh
Let me transmit it for (you)
OP has already done cray shit with this tech. Check his shit, its all there. Might needs to join his discord to get ALL of it,....
This white asshole has given keys. Keys that can unlock doors
>This white asshole has given keys. Keys that can unlock doors
Kinda esoteric thing.
22870 22872 22932
You see? Electricity is satanic after all.
Do (you) see?
Languish then
Rot in fetid inçomprehension
What about electricity is "satanic"?
Electricity is natural: it appears in nature as lightning and bioelectricity, and it permeates every fiber of your being. It's what allows you to move, breathe and thing. Life as we know it would be impossible without electricity.
You could at least argue your case. What is this "truth" about electricity?
>Electricity is natural
Tinkering and channeling it, it is not.
>Tinkering and channeling it,
So you're saying electricity isn't satanic, but using it is?
>it is not.
Explain the boundary between natural and unnatural. Is working metal from ore also satanic? Is making pottery out of mud satanic? Is making paper out of wood satanic?
What makes it satanic?
>but using it is?
Let me put it this way. Every technology manifestation is satanic, specially electromagnetic ones. Can I give a dissertation about it? NO. But I know it.
22879 22880
>Every technology manifestation is satanic
Humans have been reliant on technological manifestatioms throughout our entire existence. From wooden spears, to flintknapping, to brewery/baking, to ceramic pottery, to metallurgy to electricity. Craftsmanship is inherently human, and hardly immoral; I fail to see what's so satanic about that.
>specially electromagnetic ones
What's so special about electromagnetic
What's so special about electromagnetic tech that makes it more satanic than regular tech?
>But I know it.
You call it satanic, but artifice isn't forbidden or discouraged in Christianity.
Gut feeling which never let me down.
>What's so special about electromagnetic tech that makes it more satanic than regular tech?
Something about ether which permeates our physical 3D reality into the invisible spiritual world.
So you made it up.

Okay, on the assumption that electricity, and all technology, is satanic, how are we to respond to that information? You, evidently, don't seem to have any reservations about using it frivolously, spending your free time on a Mongolian horse whispering forum. Are we to simply accept that electricity is satanic while continuing to use it, and surrender to a damned existence? Or should we eschew all material possessions and live off of raw snails in a cave?
>Something about ether
What does electricity do with 'ether', and what makes that satanic?
>So you made it up.
How so? Gut feeling are not to be dismissed, never.
Well, my gut says that's stupid. Could just be gas, idk.
Answer the other part of the question.
>What does electricity do with 'ether'
For a comprehensive explanation you may read Tesla ideas about it.
>Well, my gut says that's stupid.
I know you feel that way. Your intuition is off as most modern people. Are you vaxxed?
I saw Tesla's ramblings, but at no point does he imply the use of technology is satanic. Tesla believed that he had a mission to use electricity to make the world a better place, and devoted his life to trying to supply people everywhere with power.
Also, don't forget a lot of the most schizo stuff was part of Edison's smear campaign on Tesla to undermine his career. All over a stupid disagreement over alternating current, because direct current was easier to bill people with.
>Your intuition is off
Did your gut tell you that too? It sounds like it's full of shit.
>It sounds like it's full of shit.
Hostility is not a good partner fren.
>empty guts
Anyway, if electricity is satanic, why do you still use it?
22891 22892
Actually I use it in a very limited fashion. I don't have tv neither a phone.
And in case you wonder, the last time I inhabited a house with a tv inside was in 1999.
22893 22895
>I use it in a very limited fashion
Except you're not using it in a "limited fashion": you're using it excessively at your leisure. You're shitposting on a pony website, which is not necessary for survival, but an indulgence for the lulz.
If use of electricity is satanic, wouldn't what you're doing right now be satanic?
A computer is still a pretty complex piece of circuitry, many times more complex than a TV from the 90s.
>but an indulgence for the lulz
Okay, so why do you commit satanic acts at your leisure if you know they're satanic?
>A computer is still a pretty complex piece of circuitry
Correct, and for its use a LAN cable is always used.
Is that somehow supposed to make it less "satanic"?
>Is that somehow supposed to make it less "satanic"?
If the goal is to broadcast minimal EMF, then it is less satanic.
22899 23025
>calls use of electricity "satanic"
>elaborates no further than "gut feeling"
>continues to use the same technology he says is satanic at his indulgent leisure
22901 22903
I know. You can understand it. I don't blame you.
You are literally sending new EMF waves with every shitpost you send, more waves than owning a 90s TV and running it for 20 years straight would give off.
Do you know what a LAN cable even is?
What is there to understand?
You're either being disingenuous about technology being satanic, or you're a massive hypocrite.
Since posting on pony forums isn't necessary for survival, you're willfully doing something you claim is satanic as we speak.
Of course I know, faggot.
22905 22916
>Since posting on pony forums isn't necessary for survival
For the lulz. Remember?
Which means for fun. You don't need to be doing it, and yet you're doing it anyway.