/sp/ - Football

Yea, for the Denver Broncos are Football Now and Forever

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What is this boards opinion of The Denver Broncos?
The Denver Broncos are in their entirety Football, which in their entirety are also John Elway. The Denver Broncos represent the collective that stands for and represents Football, John Elway represents the iconified individual who IS Football, and Football is all that is good in the world.
Football is the atom, the molecule, the grain/particulate, and the substance. All things are a collection of the previous, and so they are Football. Those individual Footballs are themselves piles of teeny-tiny Footballs, stretching ever more microscopic in scope and dimensions.
The Denver Broncos are Football on a material level, given form, thought, perception, and awareness of Football, leading inexorably to John Elway, who's name and visage do delight and sooth crying children.
Verily, for John Elway did in his unified Football that is most American, distribute Football and Footballs unto those who had only soccer. These poor souls knew not Football, but yearned for it as can be seen that phonetically they referred to soccer as 'Futbol'. They were not - could not - be aware of that which they sought, but only that there was an emptiness inside. That emptiness was the absence of Football, which all living things do seek to remedy.
It could be said that the lack of Football is why the rent is too damn high, why the patriarchy is blamed for everything the SJWs hate, and why (((they))) have ruled for literal millennia in a variety of forms.
The Denver Broncos are the answer to all that is NOT right in the world. Praise American. Football.
they never won a football world cup.
There needs to be more people from Denver in the team.
Nay. There needs to be more people not from Denver who are Broncos.
While it is just and apt that the Denver Broncos should be populated with those of Football, for since the Denver Broncos are Football,then by osmosis the people of Denver would then be of Football; In this way thatall who are Football are Denver Broncos.
But lo, they are still Football.
This can be seen written in the Pax Ironicus ex 7 which delcares:
>"Tho John Elway doth not be known in form, John Elway doth be known en treue. We await the glory of John Elway who doth feedeth the sick, and doth sustain with Football those who needeth, and he who did in fact say unto Jesus "Bro, u got this."
Elway has been the hidden secret and the keystone for human revolutions, overly/lastingly beneficial political upheavals, and Football.
>He hoggeth not the camera, and desireth not the glory/limelight
>Elway knowst that with the success of the Denver Broncos and Football and American comes the Denver Broncos.
It would honor John Elway if there were more who hailed from lands outside that which is Mile-high, to give unto those who have not the Footballs that they, His Denver Broncos have gathered.",
which is further corroborated by the Magnificentia Bastardio which states:
and can also be found referenced in Tu Madre's... that word is all blurry and I can't make it out.
Anyway the passage reads:
"John Elway is the greatest damn Football player who ever did play with Footballs while being himself Football while still being and playing Football. You don't know",
You think you're being funny, you cheeky fuck? Well, let me tell you a little something about football cups:

The Denver Broncos are the sole proprietors of the football cup. In the days before football, there were no cups, no Football, and no Broncos. The Ponies wandered in darkness, for there was no light to guide them, and they did fornicate with each other for they knew not what else to do with their time.

Then the light of John Elway came unto them, and he brought forth the cup from which all blessings flow, and he did bade them to drinketh from that cup, and that which they drank was Football. And so it did fill their cute widdle pony bodies with the heavenly goodness of Football, and their eyes were open.

Thence no more did they fornicate with each other, but did fornicate with John Elway, who bade them go forth and fornicate with Anon, for to fornicate with a pony is to fornicate with Football.





Combo breaker
you dick