Lately a few individuals organized a """charity""" stream called "ponies for planned parenthood", in total they raised 1355.69$ for abortions. It's not really a big amount of money for a """charity""" and they probably expected more, but whatever, that's not the point.
Leaving aside all moral aspects, this is the funniest shit I've heard about lately.
Imagine making a charity for abortions. No idea how braindead one have to be to do this, especially in the brony fandom, but it gave me a few giggles and an idea.
It reminded me of the Marenheit 451. A charity made on 4chan, in place where it all started for us.
Marenheit raised almost 23k $ for Days End Farm Horse Rescue.
It gave us a lot of good horse art and helped at the same time.
Imagine if we would be able to repeat that, but this time we would donate the money to some orphanage.
Maybe additionally create some OC representing this event and make a charity auction for it's plushie, idk.
What do you think anons ?
"""charity""" in question: [Embed]4chan thread: that's how Ponies For Life ws born.
AmyNewBlue tries to raid the 4ch thread with “offboarders ! ree !” and make a side project and certainly run with the money.
Will ur head fall off if I dont?
>>25104I've been going through the 4chan thread, I noticed that Silver Spoon seems to be one of the prominent voices and/or organizers for this, and I know he posts here sometimes. I can't draw for shit, but if I had an interest in contributing something writefag-wise to this project, what would be the proper channel to go through?
>>25109I'm the co-starter of the project along with the OP, who really pointed out that abortion promo crap, but there are still things i am completely a newb with, so I'm still contacting people I know around who have been successful in such projects - mostly for the management and all that since there's a lot of artists, writers and more, myself I'm impressed to see how it took off and that's really encouraging.
It may take a while but once it's launched it will be something.
Anyways the discord channel invite is 2j3TBx23 (discord dot gg before that) so at least we can filter out the shitposters unlike on 4chan.
>>25111>dicksword>doesn't mention pone.socialI think I saw a post on about this actually, maybe. Or my brain is fried.
I'm dashy braining right now, using the single remaining cell to do other thing. here, made this thing.
>>25104>creates Discord server>urges anon to go to said Discord server>gets called an off-boarder by anon because of thisThere was a small raid, sure, but anons calling those promoting a Discord server offboarders are not part of it. In fact, it is to be expected.
P.S.: for those from the DataBytes/PCL thread, don't worry, the paste will be properly updated at... some point.
>>25095>>25111Nice digits
>>25113The name needs a little work. "Hors 4-phanage" (fOrpha age) is funnier, and alludes to /mlp/, 4chan, and rolls off the tongue better.
It's like the 'Faraneigh 451' artpack before Nigel suggested 'Marenheit'. Still, its commendable work, and with a timeline of March theres alot of ground to cover.
This is nice thread
>>25114If you are referring to the paste itself, that's still, better than the original name, which was "ORPHANAGE HAPPENING (draft)". I agree that its current name certainly isn't ideal, but it's descriptive not as important as the contents itself.
If you're referring to the name(s) of the art pack, i.e. "Born to Silly" and "Ponies for Life", the former is the name that was agreed on by anons of the thread, and the latter was the first name proposed (and also the name of the D*scord server). If you want to contest the current name of the art pack, you can suggest your new proposal on the 4chan thread, see how other anons receive it.
Also, cute Aryanpone!
>>25115Heavens no, nothing is being contested! It is a great idea and a worthy cause. I was just taking a friendly shot at how much of a tongue twister "Horses for Orphanage" is xp
Can I submit my art here for the pack? I’m not really a big Discord user.
>>25113Thank you based summaryanon!
>NaziHorseMolester and Diamond Tiara organise a Discord serverjust one thing to edit, it's me aka Patachu on Discord.
>50 posts removedJesus, they really are trying hard.
>>25118yes you can! I think it's good to have a comfy place like this one, hence the idea OP had to not centralize everything on 4chan.
>>25114indeed, finding a name is hard but we could use them somewhere, so far the Born To Silly undertitled Ponies for life is pretty catchy.
or i thought earlier about a reference to the blues brothers, collecting money for the orphanage, reuniting the band and making a mess in Chicago.
>>25115Born to silly was chosen by the most so we go with this one, even if server name suggest otherwise.
>>25119What’s the art prompt? I can wait till one is chosen.
>>25124oh god it's like we are on the same frequency here <3
just finished this one
>>25129It just keeps on reoccurring. Like Trump working at McDonald's. All they have to do is ignore it. That's how you don't get owned by this.
Also, I'll try to make something artistic for this
I'll try my best. but I won't mind if you don't include it. I'm not a real artist.
>>25133But maybe that's the wrong attitude. Is there a quality bar that submissions needs to pass or perhaps it's better to no have that so people aren't discourage from trying?
>>25133Such unwarranted and very suspicious vitriol over there. They probably havent taken their HRT
Donate to an orphanage? What kind of orphanage? Human, Pony or Puppy? My vote's for Puppy.
(Pic unrelated.)
>>25140It's human since the abortions were for humans.
An orphanage in the USA then? I'm no expert on children/humans, but do have a suggestion regarding a children's home/orphanage. It looks after mostly teenage boys though; no wee bairns. They've probably helped a lot of boys recover from bronyism, too.
>>25129i gave up trying to follow what's going on on that thread, but I admire their sacrifice for keeping it bumped at the cost of a wasted IP address.
>passive-agressive fake neutralitycyclic redundancy check !
>I'm gonna dox youyes I have put links in there for a reason.
>>25132ow yes awesome work !
>>25133i like it, it's cute!
i suck at making things cute even when I try to be honest>>25136i dunno, think it's wholesome to allow anyone at any level to contribute to the project, then do what you feel like !
i'm terrible at managing stuff, i'm trying to get in touch with a few people who could help us with that one, also i'm not american so there might be laws or things there i ignore about. i'm not even concerned.
>>25141this, that's the big idea, even if i would rather donate to the SPA or Brigitte Bardot foundation again.
Some charity options for y’all.
Angela’s house
Ronald McDonald house
Also Shriners Hospital
They are all 100% go to kids and aren’t political or anything.
Summaryanon here. of the more important recent events since last 4chan thread:
-The question of leadership still remains unanswered. One anon has said he may be able to get Wolvan into this. There are other proposed candidates as well, e.g. Corp.
-There is now a website with an archive of the art (until someone makes a MEGA folder or similar)! and anons over at the /mlpol/ backup thread have posted examples of alternative charities to which the project could donate to: I myself don't really see anything wrong with the currently proposed Anchor Ridge arrangement, but other anons are free to discuss.
>>25147-The summary paste now has an art section! ...well, sort of. It's more of a WIP proof-of-concept. For now, everyone's better off using the BtS website's archive linked just a little above this.
P.S.: fun little statistic that I didn't add to the 4chan version of this post (didn't really consider it to be important all that much): the initial 4chan thread has had ~170 of its posts be deleted, and the second (current) one has already beaten this statistic at ~190 deleted posts (the number was ~160 when I was writing up the update, the jannies are fast workers).
>>25150>--Art is posted on the thread(s), all organisation happens there;I mean, I know you wish this were the case... but you don't have to lie.
Summaryanon here. gonna cross-post from 4chan:
Only a slight update, but one I think anons of the thread will appreciate: moar art linked! The sources used are the two threads on 4chan (of course), /mlpol/'s backup thread, and even some sketches from the >dicksword (the drawings whose description mentions who has drawn them are, at least as of now, also based on it).
>When compared to the website's archive, there is one image not present in the paste (the anon silly one, couldn't find it in the above mentioned sources). >However, some images are missing from the website's archive (at least the version that I have) as well, though all of them are sketches.>>25151All the decisions regarding the art pack, from the name to the website, themes, and whatnot, have been taken on the 4chan threads or are actively attempted to be taken, so at least that part is true.
In regards to the art part, all finished art has been at least cross-posted to the 4chan threads (minus
>>25132, I think, /mlpol/ exclusive). If you were to count which site has the most art publicly published for the first time in relation to this art pack, the dicksword's numbers are inflated by the sketches, but even with them I'm not sure that the 4chan threads wouldn't still come out on top. /mlpol/ would probably be last in this regard.
>>25150>the initial 4chan thread has had ~170 of its posts be deleted, and the second (current) one has already beaten this statistic at ~190 deleted posts (the number was ~160 when I was writing up the update, the jannies are fast workers).Fun fact they're not even aware of this board despite being mentioned a few times on the thread and they threaten with doxing. That's wonderful.
>>25153Am I too stupid to understand that image?
If you're serious about picking a good orphanage, then you'd better do some quality research to make sure you're not supporting vaccine/trans/zionist/(occ)cult devils in human form. Otherwise, you're no different to those satanic abortion psychos. Don't forget that the bad guys are desperate to own all sides, not just both, and they've done a stellar job so far, and that includes covering up/burning/wiping all the evidence of their crimes. Good luck "googling" it - you'll need to do proper research instead, and use your brains. The Internet is a very different place today from a mere 4 or 5 years ago, or even last year.
Most of all, you'll need a better reason to get you through, than the desire for a mere symbolic act to make you look 3dgy and good. Your actions could backfire if the reasons aren't sound - you could even help build the foundation for an even bigger pro-faggotry/abortion/trans/evilwhatever reaction from the "other" side. Their money supply is infinite, but their morals are bankrupt, you could use that to your advantage if your morals/reasons are superior and sound, but if not... it could become a "present" for them to inflict even more evil unless you can anticipate various potential failures/problems and how the other side would take advantage of them.
You're giving their relatively minor evil ($1500 probably barely pays for a single PP's office building's daily toilet paper supply) more oxygen/airtime to grow and become "a thing", and the next round of donations might be tenfold or more, thanks to that. Just something to consider. Then again, the donators/organisers are outing themselves as psychos, so there's that, but apparently were heading into a new (old) kind of normal where the sane are actually the insane and "others" (according to those creating that "new")... so much to think about.
That Marenheit thing was a lot simpler and "contained (to the fandom and its dramas)" than this, and it still happened during simpler times where 3dginess and even basic/limited defiance and moral points had an easier time to make headway, without heading into more dangerous territory.
(Pic unrelated.)
>>25153Fun fact, you killed the project before it began being an insufferable faggots. Everyone knows about /mlpol/ it's not le sekret club. Everything about it was offboard /mlp/, from co-opting the mascot you didn't contribute to, to pushing everything off to discord, and trying to force literally who twatter management every step of the way.
>>25146>>25111I've got handy advice for you and your buddy Diamond Tiara.
Take a razor, push the blade into the inside of your wrist, then drag it to the elbow, you schizophrenic retard incapable of understanding the word "no". You are not managing the pack. You will never be managing the pack. You're a twitter-addled, discord-poisoned worthless retard and entirety of your contribution so far has been attempts to claim others' accomplishments as yours.
>Tripfag frogtard duo ruins everything.
Color me surprised.
So... Is the project over? Why? Seems like fun idea.
>>25173It's back on track.
>Here's a rundown.Twitter niggers (Silver, DT, NHM yada yada) couldn't stop attention whoring for 5 minutes. They continued trying to move everything off-board to their dicksword server. Anons were pissed and told them to fuck off, stop name fagging with their Twitter identities and drop the dicksword shit.
Diamond Tiara, Silver and NHM got mad and moved to their dicksword server, supposedly to continue with the pack.
DT got into an argument with Silver (Darkdoomer). It was revealed that Silver is a disingenuous faggot who didn't even grasped what he did wrong. Still, DT did blew it up in Twitter and attracted shills and even moar retards.
/mlp/ has regained control once again. Summaryanon is helping organize stuffs. And there's a website controlled by a 4chins anon, art is being currently submitted.
So there's three groups here. Twitter trannies, largely lured in by DT's trolling. Dicksword retards (Silver spoon, NHM, Diamond Tiara?). And finally, there's regular anons in 4chins.
Website if you wanna poast ur art: you wanna see how this mess unfolded: Summaryanono here.
...Something big is happening.
>>25175>picrelFor the greater success of the project!
>>25176kek, misspelled my own name, whoops
>>25177>>25176I dunno who's jewing who anymore.
>>25178Nvm, I saw your post. Good to see they're dropping the faggotry. I hope they understand that namefagging with their twatter names and cloutchasing in Xitter is going to be counterproductive.
>>25178Notice that "a bit of info around the discord too, of course."
The post I am replying to claimed that the info I get is from Discord. I show them this is false by pointing out things that I couldn't've gotten from the Discord and the formatting of the dates in the paste.
Note that I never claimed that I myself wasn't lurking there, just urged other anons not to join it.
I'll just quote something I said back in the beginning of the second thread:
>Unfortunately, it's [the Discord] something I'll have to keep an eye on because someone will inevitably post something relevant there.And it so happened that that relevant thing is Wolvan's ascension and the disestablishment of the server (lel).
>>25180Yeah, I get it now. Hopefully the drama dies out for good.
>>25176tl;dr this trooncord faggot should go back to twitter and never post agian
>>25175>>25175DD/SilverSpoon was never in charge or had anything to do besides the role of that based drawfag, and janny to guard the Discord.
But DiamondTiara's role was frustrating, keeping the thread bumped, updated, saving art was the most useful thing she ever did since the days she used to show her cunt on 8ch's /ircsecrets/.
After a while without anyone managing it, she had (another) argument with Pat and NHM. Which I perfectly understand.
Finally, NHM was the worst guy possible to start and manage this amazing mess, but he did start the damn project, I didn't thought we'd be still talking about it days later.
It's chaotic but good.
>>25176So, I have been in and out of the loop on this project for the past several days, and while I haven't been able to keep track of all the specific drama that's gone on, I am confirming that I am the anon that was mentioned here:
>One who I did contact through connection with doomer agreed to be in charge of the money and hopefully will soon appear on the board after asking for an advice about the taxes.Again, between a discord server + two separate threads + work and sleep I have not been able to keep perfect track of everything that's been going on. However, I am confirming that I am a participant in the project, and that I was indeed approached by NaziHorseMolester on Discord to be the liason for dealing with the charity and handling the money, and that I am perfectly willing to act in this capacity if anons will have me. I am presently looking into the legal issues related to handling money for a charity, and whether or not I need to register myself as anything in order to avoid getting hit with extra taxes. I will keep everyone apprised on this as I go.
I'm using my staff capcode here just so everyone knows it is me posting. I'm not sure how trusted a namefag I am exactly, but I am fairly well known around here at least. I will also make a similar post in the 4chan thread with the same image for confirmation. It sounds like the Discord server is about to be delet, so I won't bother announcing myself there, as presumably most of the important discussion going forward will either be here or on 4chan.
>>25186>namefagging discord loving janny who wasn't even at either marefare2/10 would not recommend
more seriously, I've never drawn a pregger mare before, maybe I'll try.
>>25166Cope and seethe nigger, Pat has done more art than all of the planned Parenthood pack alone. what have >(you) faggot done?