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Mekiko's Situation
So, Morena and their allies basically became the largest dem-socialist supermajority in the world. Probably even beating the UK's.

Suffice it to say, I'm not on board with just about everything they are pushing. But I find it interesting how the establishment and some NGO's responded. It's almost like democratic elections are only accepted if they don't challenge the status quo.
Sure, you are free to vote for whomever you want. But they can't actually follow on their promises, even if they wanted. Because actually doing what the people voted for would make them authoritarian pricks, and would be "extremely dangerous to our democracy", somehow.

There's a Judicial reform underway. They want to democratize the judicial branch. And they are all losing their shit.
They are in Washington at this very moment. Protesting outside the US embassy as well. Begging the Americans to save them. I wonder what the US is going to do. There's too many possibilities.

The US has intervened in subtle ways before. It's no secret the DEA and other alphabet agencies rule the drug trade. But the US also trained anti-communist militias before. "Guardias Blancas" were US funded and the "Batallón Olimpia" was aided by the CIA.

Probably no one cares lmao. Pic unrelated.
>It's almost like democratic elections are only accepted if they don't challenge the status quo
You're just now noticing this?
No. But it is so obvious this time, so much so that I can actually discuss it with normies.