>she will never be your gf
why even live?
>>2320>>2324You guys should get a real girlfriend like this one.
>>2326she's pure bae in any form.
also might as well post more of these
>>2312I never understood why sunset is so hated she isn't that bad of a character at all.
>>2333I'm not sure either, at least she has decent porn.
>>2333>>2334She's more waifu than some people can handle.
>>2342also the porn's pretty great.
hint hint. >>2320We get fucking Glimmer instead..
>inb4 Nigel derails thread >>2439I swear those two head-shapes are different.
>>2312>do you like hayNo, its itchy and uncomfortable
>lets be vegetariansNo, i like bacon and fried chicken
>i have my own apartmentIts probably on a lease
>i bet you cant play guitar as good as meBullshit *takes guitar and starts playing Slayer*
I dont think a relationship would work out well
>>2329>>2330These are pretty good! I never knew they kind caught on. Where did you find these pics?
>>2329You know, I rather like these memes.
>>2333She was, for a long time, untouched by the corruption of nu-MLP. She sucked in her first film and the second film redeemed her as a character, person, and concept. She was kind, thoughtful, confident, supportive, she's everything a good waifu should be and while I still love Twilight and Pinkie, I'll admit I'd love a wife like Sunset.
As MLP's writing quality declined and everypony's waifu got flanderized so bad the dumb ones got new shit waifus like memehorse I or memehorse II or memehorse III: Rocks Edition, Sunset stayed likable, even when her whole world got fucked over by sci-twi removing its ability to be its own thing AND the new shitty specials shoehorning glimmyglam in there to please the glimmerniggers.
It's funny, the writers thought if they put Glimmer and Shimmer together, we'd "Realize" we forgave Shimmer but not Glimmer. Instead, it just reminded us that where Shimmer fought to earn redemption, Poochie had forgiveness handed to her.
>>2320Who cares if your waifu is canon or not? Glimmer is canon.
>>2765She's not my waifu. I'd just rather have her, instead of Glimmer.
>>2769Me too, my friend. Me too.
Her fans never acted out for attention, then acted extra faggy when they got that attention, shifting into maximum overfag when someone blocked their path.