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Rumor has it if you are GEN Z you can BE ALL YOU CAN BE IN 2023 by joining the US Army. -- Sergeant Braxton, US Army @ BATTLE BUDDY
The dancing scene in the movie SILENCE OF THE LAMBS comes to mind when watching this one.
(((Ben M. Freeman)))
Palestine and the babies in the oven atrocities.
>>22943>first pic>vanished niggersHere is the pic that gave birth to the meme, I believe.
It is the Rothschilds. It's always been.
>>22823First one's real funny since Lingcuck cried to the britcucks that he didn't have enough (((redcoats))) like Little Bitchgoy Jorge Waaaashitton did to:
#1: execute/enslave/"""convince""" 1,000~ Maryland land owners for not wanting to own slaves to farm their large tracts (Lingcuck had to hire britcuck mercenaries to do that)
#2: imposed "war time rules/conditions" on the South due to having cheaper cotton prices than the (((White House))) wanted
#3: imprisoned the entirety of Maryland's senators, congressmen, and sheriffs
#4: threatened to "burn Maryland to nothing"
#5: was MIRACULOUSLY surprised at over 60% of Maryland revolting against his authoritarian rule
#6: was MIRACULOUSLY outraged when Marylanders fucked up his (((Great Northern Army Plan)))
#7: shat brix when the (((Great Northern Army Plan))) was derided by
literal redcucks because he didn't want to pay the kikes for their shekels on his (((own new greenback)))
#8: got ASSBLASTED when the South traded French for weapons and gun powder with their whiskey, cotton, and produce, but he couldn't secure a (((Rothschild loan))) for 100,000 pounds of gold
#9: went into a temper tantrum when the (((Rothschild empire))) wouldn't mortgage [real interesting word that one is, look it up sometime] (((his))) "Northern exports"
Yeah, nah, just gonna leave those facts sit and soak for a while.
>>22975This isn't your first time unlearning 'muricuck lies. Not sorry this one had to be utterly raw, unprepared, and unseasoned, but I
am sorry that I can't time travel back to strangle the first born kike and prevent this planet from being so utterly jewed.