She let her Dog live in shit so long the poor dog had to get his paws amputated and be put down
She’s also a lesbian incel that doesn’t take baths
Say it with me Anons Roach Burger. Imagine not going to the dentist until you are 16
Bella admitting she’s a psychopath and into some very weird sexual shit.
Her talking with “Fiona” some autistic chick who wanted to fuck Chris Chan
Her talking shit about people who work retail and saying she is the biggest bitch possible to them
I don't want this to be an excuse or distraction from how despicable Chris Chan is, but this bitch is also a real piece of shit.
>>18143She truly is a detestable human being. I bet she got off to hearing about what Chris did to barb. This is a gay incest naruto fanfic she wrote.
>>18144She is also a very nasty ho. Look at her thumb. Like what the fuck even is this?
>>18136The Dog she murdered was used to dox her after he died, F for max the doxhund may he rest in doggy heaven.
>>18147The aforementioned foot fungus. Only the most degenerate foot fags could like these.
>>18154ourgirl writing some ‘poetry’ the last line is quite something.
>>18160Her talking about some girl or girl(male) she drove to sudoku
>>18137Some more admitting how she never showers
>>18154She doesn’t just kill dogs. She also boils hamsters alive.
>>18132She was arrested on a charge for having a gun
Not sure what she meant by want a fake ID for government fillings
“Ive heard that if you post any information about Bella (or talk about her outside /b/) you are met with an instant ban for “banned text”. Several people on /b/ and kiwifarms have confirmed this.
Seemingly Bella and her friends may have been baiting people to post her info so they’d get banned, doesn't this imply she’s aware of the bans? Does that mean either she or her parents contacted hiro?”
She 100% got off to the Chris shit
Look at how hard she sperged when someone brought up the transcript from the audio log
>>18154>>18163>>18139More animal abuse and fart fetish shit
Her talking about her Dormmate whom she allegedly raped
>>18140Her attempting to frame Fiona for the audio leaks
>>18164Gaze upon the face of psychopathy
>>18169If you don’t like seeing animals dieing don’t unspoler this psychopathic literally boiled this poor hamster alive.
>>18170More creepy shit about her dormmate
>>18176Yet more creepy shit about her dormmate
Claims to hate niggers, yet she fucks a negress.
>>18179>Her sister is cute>She’s 10This lesbian psychopath should be no where near children
>>18171Fiona has apparently been locked in a mental institution because Bella lies about her being involved with the leaks
Jankem can't be her real last name. That's too close to Jenkem.
>>18185She probably does huff jenkem
>>18183>last pictureis the green from her stench or cause she glows?