holy shit this game is now running sitewide?
well okay then throw that shit to /leftypol/
>>1594>>68514I am not from these parts, so please specify to which site I should send these and to what board they should be sent. What is, /ub/? And which chan's leftypol?
>>1593pretty slow site to bomb really. Its like Calling in a A-10 Warthog to strafe your neighbors mailbox.
Fuck it, off to /leftypol/
>>1593Agreed throw at 8chan /leftypol/ let them have some bomb
Move the bomb to 8chan /leftypol/
I just realized the odds of a bomb getting triggered here is INCREDIBLY low.
we /defuse/ now?
>>1593btw you can stay a while at our place if you wish OP
>>1600Off it goes.
https://8ch.net/leftypol/res/2027712.htmlThe journey continues.
>>1606Thanks for the offer but I'm not exactly an equestrian kinda guy.
>>1607>linking mlpol.netYou broke site rules 1 and 2 faggot
>>1608hes a foreigner, hes not bound by our rules
>>1609>foreigners not bound by the countries lawsmaybe you also need to go to /leftypol/
It is currently of 8chan's /liberty/.
https://8ch.net/liberty/res/65759.html>>1612>>1611/liberty/ just blew themselves up. Seems fitting.
>>1613>>1614an 8chan board, not much else to see, considering i could double post in that thread without anything actually happening before the "terrorist" came it's a dead board.
>>1615We aren't LARPers, we have just read more books than you.
Which one of y'all posted "careful now"?
>>1617>create Libertarian society>immediately get raped by an actual nation state for resourcesHave fun with that. Your little fantasy would only work in a white society, which is something you won't ever achieve without forcibly remove shitskins. But, that would violate NAP, wouldn't it? Your political ideology only works in theory, and is completely impractical in practice. You are just like communists in the sense that you are so deluded by your sense of intellectual superiority and morality that you don't see just how fucking stupid your own belief system is.
>>1623Read a book for once in your life instead of watching your dumb pony show. Checkem again
(>a leaf knowing anything about Liberty) >>1623>>1617is /liberty/ even a communist board?
>>1618Are you threatening me?
>>1625>Can't offer any arguments other than "lol u should read more!!1!"You really are just as braindead as actual Marxists.
>>1628I think they are Marxists. Marxists are the only people who ever use that non-argument, and the leaf, like Marxists, can't even name any books
>>1626Pretty sure they're libertarian.
>>1625>>1630>>1631we could just rule 10 him as usual
>>1631Libertarians are not Marxists at all when it comes to political ideologies. The similarity lies in the fact that while totally different in practice, both ideologies are totally impractical, and are based off of completely unrealistic ideals of human nature and morality. As such, instead of providing any actual arguments during a debate, members of both ideologies generally tend to just verbally masturbate over their own misguided sense of intellectual authority.
>>1631No I am an anarchotranshumanist. Check our FAQ for good reading material. Stop being a statecuck.
>>1635We had an Antifa guy post his pdf files onto our board. Why not upload some here?
>>1635You are free to leave links to your sources and books here, a few of us are in fact libertarians. Though most of /mlpol/ LARPS as nazis
You've all gone soft. Stay true to your culture.
>>1635I'm guessing texts like John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty," Smith's "Wealth of Nations," and the works of Ludwig Von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman, or Ayn Rand, are not among the works used by Anarchotranshumanists?
>>1635We're not all statecucks, you know.
Feel free to leave any relevant material here.
>>1643does this mean he wants to be a cyborg
>>1643At least he's not one of those cybercommunists.
>>1644It means he thinks human evolution will inevitably lead to us replacing as many organic pieces with cybernetic "improvements" as possible. Basically destroying the concept of race and natural order.
>>1647>replacing as many organic pieces with cybernetic "improvements" as possibleHoly shit i just finished replaying that game.
>>1646>>1645>>1647>>1649I can be a Cybernazi if I want to.
>>1650I was actually thinking of doing a second round but with the kill everyone in stealth angle instead of pacifistic bullshit.
also chek'd
>>1625>>1629daily reminder to newfigs that this is nice board
>>1659but what if nice was (((leftist thought crime)))
>>1654>>1656>>1657>>1658>>1659>>1660>>1661>>1662>madoka posting on /mlpol/I'm very, very okay with this.
>>1596>calling in an A-10 WarthogI sexaully identify as an A-10 Thunderbolt II, and I do not appriciate you misusing my gender as something you can call in to "strafe your neighbors mailbox"
If you dont respect my brt/brrt/brrrt pronouns I will report you to the ADL
or am I? >>1665Im very very ok with you. Also we are cool guys for you here.
>>1667I wish we didn't get off to such a bad start with /a/, cute poners and cute animu grills go well together.
>>1665I had no idea this meme was Madoka to be honest.
>>1668they kind of do, theres such an abundance of anime art. but /jp/ is not /a/.
>>1669I just watch anime for the same reason I watch ponies. It allows for some escapism, a sense of traditionalism (even though it's a fucking fantasy world), nice art with bright colors, and optimistic, go-lucky characters. Surprised there isn't more overlap here is all.
>>1670https://youtu.be/60mLvBWOMb4 [Embed]Yeah, in some ways anime is a gateway to the ponypill
>>1670contrary to the amount of anime art i post here i do in fact rarely if ever watch any anime. not that I hate it. surely there are some good ones. I just like the artstyle.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojyz2GPjlTg [Embed] >>1673Where are their noses? Are they all filthy mouth-breathers?
>>1675Noses were invented by Zionists to steal O² from the global atmosphere.
>>1675They all have noses, don't be a bully.
>>1680This always reminded of a pony muzzle.
>>1681Yeah, that style of art is getting pretty popular these days. It used to bug me, but now I actually like it.
>>1682i never watched SAO, but i know that hating on it has become a meme in itself. people have uploaded hours worth a whole series of ripping this thing to shreds, building it up again just to destroy it a second time.
I cant judge it myself since I never watched it, I am however concerned that a product that is widely considers to be one of the worst works of eastern animation in the last 10 years has still this much of a following regardless.
This cant be a good sign for the anime industries next years to come.
>>1683This has been expounded many times, but anime often or not has take profitability over quality or creativity. High budget, interesting shows like Neon Evangelipn Genesis and Ergo Proxy are bigger financial risk than say a light novel adaptation or the bland highschool drama. At times entire companies will go bankrupt trying to go big. It's not a great self-sustaining market.
>>1683There seems to be two type of people who watch anime. The ones who consume it like they consume all of the rest of their entertainment, by looking at it objectively and trying to find good/ relatable characters and engaging plots, and those who watch it for emotional escapism or to trigger their autism.
The last "anime" I binged in it's entirety was Inferno Cop: After that, I knew I had hit rock bottom.
>>1666Wtf even made this thread worth moving? It's already dried up. It should've been deleted...