The /sp/ catalog of Endchan had more Taco ponies than does our own
I know there was a Barney Bane meme posted here at one point, but I neglected to save it...
I was randomly shitposting /qa/ in anger on that fateful day, having been denied my Saturday-morning shitposting session, until I saw this one, low-effort meme (left). It was this one pic that made me stop for a moment and give it a chance..
It was then that I took a look at the catalog and realized something amazing:
>no reddit
>no bots
>no shills
>A shitload of original content
>beautiful works of art
>lazy but original shoops
>a cathartic and nostalgic of oldfaggotry that felt ironic in such an unprecedented circumstance
I fell in love that weekend. I made a /mlpol/ folder, and I stayed there until the board's final hours, only to return to /qa/ to shitpost like never before: for a cause that time.
Did everyone lose their medals?
it was a very memorable day. I stood awake the whole night into the next evening because i thought it would just vanish again. I could not remember the last time i had this much genuine fun on 4chan. It was a confrontational event in many ways of the word.
>>1444That's a damned fine use of trips
I was in that meme war, I got banned for being in it, and I didn't save a single image.
Fuck me.
>>1420>We are in all the threadsThe post that got me my ban
>>1493I feel as if I remember a post like that. Were you permabanned?
>>1495Yes, but since I was bouncing around homeless it didn't take long to get back. By then /qa/ was frozen and I remained on mlpol since
>>1496My mistake, I think this was after the freezing. So I got a perma twice
>>1497>permabanned twiceI only got a few one and three day bans...
Can I get a hold of any/all of the Elway-pasta that was written in that week?
>>1413I wielded powerful meme magic.
>>1843You made a difference in history, Anon.
We may have won this battle, but there will still be many wars ahead to fight.
Meme-on, warlock.
>>1840 it, it's all yours my friend.
Just remember that with great Football comes great responsibility.
I got no trophies, but I did get the cops called on me for campaigning
>>2675Greentext, or it didn't happen.
>>2676>be me>doings some local campaigns but also Trump>do some sign waving on a very busy street>be next to a DQ>its set up the the side walk his bordering the curb, then its grass leading to the DQ>holding sign with Trump and Superintendant and have a small trump one poked in the grass>owner comes out and yells at me about it>says if I dont remove it he'll call the cops>dafuqnigga.jpg>remove it infront of him>still calls cops>call in the lady organizing the campaigning in this area>she was campaigning at the library a block away>sweet old lady>was head of county republicans office>says to just wait>cop acctually fucking arrive>she knew the cop they sent and got it figured outForgive any errors as Im mobile posting
You guys want more campaign stories?
>>2686Sure. I'm glad to read anything of interest.
>>2687Oh shit anon, I've got intresting
>standing by the busiest road in town>right by republican office>bunch of older men and women>happy to see someone younger than 50 out campaigning>nice people>libtard comes up>pulls out sign that says "fuck trump">we're all pissed but off course nothing we can do>lots of people stop and yell at us>then a car I will never forget>trashy Minivan>fast food wrappers on the dash>two fatass women stop in the middle of a busy ass road to yell at us>during lunch rush>they have haircuts that scream "Im a socialist tumblr user lesbian">mad cause trump and the fuck trump sign>yell that they dont want their daughter seeing it>wut>look at back seat>a probaly 7 year old girl>wearing furry ears and paws>panting like a dog>licking herself and sticking head out window>oh god why>eventually they got honked at enough to leaveAnd those are the idiots, the rest are just phone banking fuck ups
>>2692Remember what we're fighting for, Anon.
>>2692>look at back seat>a probaly 7 year old girl>wearing furry ears and paws>panting like a dog>licking herself and sticking head out windowThis can't be real. You're fucking with us.
All I got was a 3 day ban for posting horse pussy.
The admins were actually deleting the QA spammers and leaving the pony porn at first.
The ban was for GR5 instead of GR15.
Didn't think to save my ban post.
>>2952>The admins were actually deleting the QA spammers and leaving the pony porn at first.Yeah. The /qa/balists kept claiming that the mods were "on the ponies' side", when really, they were just gonna' let us splurge out for a few days so they could ignore the issue: that all changed though when the weebs started spamming and mass-reporting pony posts, making the fiasco impossible to ignore, and causing the mods to freeze the board.
>>2954>>2953Fucking weebs really didn't know that 4/qa/ is basically just designated raiding board: mods only leave it up so that angry Anons can screech at a wall, until they tire themselves out.
Their resistance helped unify our community though, and for that I thank them.
>>2956Just popped into /qa/, they're still fighting those idiots there.
>>2959>>2957Wtf?! This shit is hilarious. (click barneyfag's links) >>2960I can never tell if the replies are the OP, or if barneyfag is that autistic to go through the trouble of reverse searching the exact image.
(I mean come on, they even got the family guy one...)
>>2961Nah, that's Lee alright.
Poor fuck is pathetic beyond the point of sympathy.
I remember fighting those smug fucking /jp/sies. Still don't know how the mods could have sided with that bunch of faggots.
I was one of the first to make contact on the sekrit board, /qa/, after 4/mlpol/ fell and the crisis threads on our original boards were quietly wiped out. At the time, I didn't know that the coolguys that set up shop in 2015 had been crushed under the heels of weeb squatters. So I readied my brand-new /mlpol/ folder and went to work.
Stayed up for two straight days just keeping threads bumped and fighting off weebshit that looked our way. We took heavy casualties after the mods woke up following the first night, but I still remember how the avatarfags begged for mercy once we established ourselves on the board. Should've met them on esfores later and pushed them all the way back to the funhouse they left. The way they spoke to us and then lied about it later was unforgivable.
Despite everything, I somehow never got banned, so I don't deserve a medal. Even so, I'm proud to have fought alongside the displaced horsefuckers and /pol/acks that forged an alliance on April 1st, and I'm proud to call this place home.
Sieg heil.
>>2962Do they just spend all day looking at pony shit so that they can call out any and all pony shit?
I feel like that is counter productive.
>>2963>I never got banned, so I don't deserve a medalThere are others than just the purple heart, anon.
>>2964>theyIt's literally one guy.
Lee Gioldson eventually also set up some kind of system that notified him whenever a file from derpibooru was posted to 4chink. He also spends countless hours studying and reverse-searching, so that no pony may escape his sight.
He is truly a giant among men.
>>2966>they is always pluralHe's still just destroying himself, of his own free will.
>>2963I'm with you there, soldier. I did my part to help, although we had /qa/ locked down by the time I entered, I wasn't able to help there. I instead participated in a small raid on /vp/ to grab more attention and suffered a month-long ban. I later observed from the sidelines during Operation Ponygami, rooting people on from where I could still post.
>>2960Just found out I got b& for fucking with Lee.
>>2963I got banned that day, and I don't regret it.
Do you know what got me banned? Shitty MS Paint-tier art of Cirno getting fucked by the red pony from Banned From Equestria Daily while the awoo dog-girl cheered. Wish I still had that pic.
>>1437Did I post this, or are you me?
>>2983Anyone else got any art like this, where the pony is drawn like an actual horse?
>>2986Idk. I just remote uploaded from e621 to express what I thought of the situation. It's not pony.
>>2987Some more CLOPPED Touhous, because why not?
>>2988Clopped Touhous is now one of our memes.
Also, a lot of this is surprisingly well-drawn. Post more!
>>2991>now our meme>now>Implying I wasn't posting it during the raidThese are the only other pics I saw on that page though. Would appreciate moar.
>>2989That second one is oddly cute. Got any more like that?
>>3003Nah, I just remote uploaded them all right now from e621. I don't have any more...
>>2973No shit, you were a Poketrooper?
Got any stories for a brother-in-arms? That history cap Aussienon wrote doesn't go into much detail about what happened with the /vp/oreons or Ponygami, and I went to bed once we secured /qa/. I'd love to hear more about how it all went down on the other boards.
>>3018I was there too. It was a nice raid. Coordinated on MLPOL discord. RIP MLPOL
I still got some screencaps, have you seen them?
Can't post more caps because flood detected.
Here's the folder.
>>3024>flood detectedJust wait like 40 seconds.
These are some nice memes. Reminds me of the story of the flood from Genesis.
In the days of yore there was no football, and no Denver, and no Broncos. There was however John Elway, for John Elway is eternal. And God said unto John Elway, thou shalt build me an ark, only it won't be an ark so much as it will be football.
And John Elway did build football 40 cubits wide and 40 cubits deep with a circumference of 40 million cubits and a football. The football was pleasing to the God and the American, and he said unto Moses: You should be more like John Elway you raging faggot.
And Moses said unto the Lord: Fuck you I'm a Patriots fan.
And God did smite Moses for his faggotry and there was much rejoice and football was had for all. And John Elway did make more football and put football on the moon and put all the footballs in space which made the world for the third time that day.
>>3018the raid on /vp/ lasted about a few minutes, and iirc my thread was the final one up in the raid. mods squashed it out fairly quickly, other than that there's not much else to say.
I was the creator of this image, literally just something I whipped up as I was drifting off to sleep the first night of the /qa/ raid I think. I'm amazed at how often I see it reposted.
>>3056Well it is an awesomely beautiful image, and I thank you with all my heart that you made it.
>>3056Sometimes spontaneous things get more merit than something you put a lot of effort on.
>>3056It's just really good. I like it.
>>2966Since I make my own and don't post them anywhere but here and at the time 4chun, he never took notice. When ever I see him I make him a personal mlp-doom image or something. Gets breddy mad
>>3065Kek. That must piss him off.
>>3066I plan to upload them somewhere but tagging them with his name, nicknames and stuff he likes at some point so when he types them in, he gets pony and barney
>>3067Lee Goldson is a closet Natsoc.
>>3069I have that book marked. Good info and many faces I can use to shop him into. I've made him barney a few times
>>3071>No one cheered for him>Like the next 10 people, excluding the spic get cheeredI bet he blames barney for this, too.
>>3072>includingBrain fart, guess I'm watching too much barney, killing my brain.
>>3073>>3072when you have someone that goes out of his way to serial shitpost to this lengh over a subject on the internet for YEARS to the point of himself becoming a humeme, going as far as to develop a genuine alert system for this purpose, you can tell that Lee is not a normal man. His peers dont understand him. He is exceptional.
>>3071>>3072I would have cheered for Lee! With a Pony sign!
>>2947I swear on me waifu it be true
Besides with libtard parents what do you expect
this is what could have been the last image posted to /qa/ (if gookmoot didn't unfreeze it).
>>2966How mad do you think he is right here?
Like, he KNOWS there's a big smiling pony behind him, but he's trying his best not to look asspained about it.
Did anyone get any mention-able screengrabs from the half-birthday event?
Other boards had fun too, on that fateful day.
>>4148Those poor, lonely robots...
>>4148i browsed /r9k/ out of boredom for a month early last year. the board consists mainly of NEETs, womanhaters, attenion whores, normies roleplaying as robots, nigger porn shitposters, prisongays and traps. a lot of them are bluepilled or stuck in a world where they only care about themselves and why the dont have a working relationship with the opposite gender. a portion of them, roughly 15-25 percent, are redpilled. And good for them. Those were actually interesting people to talk to. but its overall a pretty shitty board. like a pretentious, boring, slow and self-fixated version of /b/ that is disintegrating.
If you would like to know more about the common mindset of the average robot, i strongly recommend taking a look at content cerning elliot rodger and his book my twisted world. its quite enlightening how deluded these failed hedonists truly are.
I'll post a few because this is helping me gather up for MEGA archive.
>>4315*a MEGA archive
Fuck, I can be so illiterate sometimes.
One or two
Babby's first Mlpol memes
I made this weeb collage but only ended up posting it once on /qa/ (got like a dozen yous too). Also here's a post that was so spicy it got me banned within minutes of me making it.
have fun.
>>4334I miss raiding /qa/, we should visit them again sometime
>>4337Agreed. We'll have to figure out a way to coordinate that avoids the chance of moles. Blitz-kreig status
>>4337>>4338We should do one on the anniversary for sure.
Our Anniversary is just around the corner, bois.