Proper, a great Detractor who made the
"DSP Worst Moments of 2019" compilation, did a 2 hour livestream picking apart Phils Bankruptcy form. This material is pure gold bars.
Some highlights include- Phil still owing backtaxes from 2018 despite several fundraisers
- his BMW is still not paid off
- "it's not a business", except when it is and then its suddenly not again
- Phil claiming his job is "content creator"
- Phil not disclosing his khando foreclosure
- Phil does not know what "Electronics" are
- Phil not disclosing his 2 internet lines
- his cat suddenly doesn't exist anymore, nor does his horse
- claiming he only earns 5k a month
and thats just the surface level of inaccuracies Phil commited In AN OFFICIAL LEGALLY BINDING document that could get him on the street or into jail. And he took a course in advance to prepare for this. Unbelievable. His signature is on this and he claims to have a business degree. i dont know if this is insanity or he let this fill out by a random hobo but Phil once again greatly trolled himself.
+++ other news, the publication of the Bankruptcy documents and Phil financial pants finally coming down has had a dire effect on the pig. only a day after saying he cant take a day off,
Phil had to take a sick day. He is usually known to live react to Detractor Drama in an attempt to twist it for his own ends, but this Collassal event completely overwhelmed him. He did not even try.
Also, he took down his Website, the "King of Hate" Forums, presumably because he feared angry paypigs and detractors would flood it to destroy his hugbox.