The Oakland warehouse fire occured in a venue popular with leftists and degenerates, as well as normie party goers. These venues are known as "DIY Spaces", and are often unsafe, as they don't necessarily follow the fire codes. You might even have one of these places in your neighbourhood or city and not even know it.
Our communities need people like us to report violations and keep unwitting leftists from getting themselves killed. Do not visit these places, do not harass squatters, and do not make false reports. City officials are depending on us for correct information so that they can prevent this type of tragedy: [Embed] [Open]
>Flop House Directories/other leads>Reportable Violations>Who Needs to KnowCity Councils/Public Works
Fire Marshals
Alcoholic Beverage Control Boards
>Kill list, cases pending, places that need to be reported ASAP>Articles/Videos/Forums/Salt about us!>Other thingsNational Fallen Firefighters Foundation your local firehouse, consider becoming a Volunteer Firefighter
>TL;DRClick directory links.
Find a venue near you.
Research it to see if the building is up to code.
Report violations to the authorities.
>Thread theme [Embed] [Open]
It's the height of summer, and I'm sure firebugs are swarming in their unsafe excuses for concert halls as we speak. Post any other ideas/leads you find for where safety violations may be broken.
Anyone with the software up for raiding 4/pol/ to tell them we're here?
Sorry I couldn't make a better OP. I'm in a hospital.
>>45509does anyone have proof of city officials listening to these reports? I would love to read some salt
Dumping a few /mlpolrwss/ memes I saved before med testing.
>>45518>rare!City officials absolutely listen to tips. The 4chins /rwss/ thread got 8 of these places shut down. We even had an actual firefighter /pol/ack come in and tell us how much firefighters appreciate this kind of vigilantism. Firefighters risk their lives every time they go out to haul faggots out of burning buildings, so we're doing them a favor.
>>45518I have one salt post on my phone atm.
>>45520>>45523It is always nice to see the fruits of your labours!
I noticed that this link doesn't have any listings anymore: It seems they were concerned with so many of their DIY spaces being shut down. Well, google cache does the trick
>>45528Thanks, m8.
We had some great salty screenshots, although most of them were lost when the cripplechan was hacked
Alright, I've been combing through these links, but not exactly sure where to start.
Does anybody here live in any urban areas where these kinds of warehouses and concert hall may be? What kind of signs can I look for?
I'm starting to feel like some of these archives may be out of date...
Has anyone else been looking through these?
>>45528has nobody else noticed this rare flag?
>>45528>>45640It's beautiful! Probably a proxy though
>>45641aw. oh well, it's still nice to see.
>>45640I did.
How much luch have you had with these links so far? I was never very good with non-anonymous social media...
>>45644I'm pretty bad with it too, I'm mainly just here to see if productive things happen and take notes so I can actually help at some point.
If you have any ideas for fresh leads, that would be great too.
Post you best memes to build enthusiasm.
I also made a /qa/ thread last week dedicated on how to pic up the pieces from last December, in case you have any ideas that you'd rather no post here: >>45650if you're also paying attention to the antifa in germany thing, there might be some possible leads worth pursuing in there if you can find the info.
>>45651I'm working on that too. Haven't had very much luck though...
Post any info you dig up that could lead us to any unsafe anarchist deathtraps. Another thing to consider would be concert halls here liberal teenagers party without considering their own safety.
Forgive me. I'm half-braindead, right now. Alright, target is Reeperbahn, Hamburg. One of Hamburg's night life and redlight district. Any krauts that can report on it, and anyone not in Germany who can gather intel through like Google maps or something, please provide some leads.
Alright, m8. I'll read into it first thing in the morning.
See if they have any social media pages: most of these safety violation are visibly identifiable by the pictures they post online.
YES keep /RWSS/ here, the shill mods try to shut down any real world constructive activity resulting from our safety squad concerns. And fuckin genius, Pony Safety Squad, this makes sense
>>45737I'm having quite a bit of trouble finding any interior pic here...
It seems these krauts are going to legal venues and hotels, and they're not advertising on social media to lure in moar faggots so that they can make rent, like they do in places like CA.
I'd say that Hamburg isn't worth it. Faggots are only squating in motels and venues temporarily; they aren't constant cesspools of degeneracy. Legal venues should be inspected by fire safety officials regularly, so looking into these places would probably just be a spiteful endeavor that saves nobody. The Europeans seem to have it covered when it come to urban safety regulations (aside from those London block towers, which probably should be looked into), so I'm gonna' leave Hamburg alone for now.
Let's focus on the U.S. where starving "artists" are illegally squatting in /diy/ venues and warehouses not fit to house people, and overcrowded concert halls: that's where the real danger is. your homework, boys. Researching about /diy/ culture could probably lead to moar deathtraps. Anarchists seem to be incredibly found of it.
I'm currently looking at the addresses and websites listed in the pastebins.
>>45509Any way a leaf could help?
>>45835Yeah. Anybody can help anywhere. Comb through those pastebins to check out the /diy/ venues that might be listed there. See if you can find any interior pics.
Also, brainstorm any other places anarchists and other typical firebugs might be nesting.
Also make/post memes. Find fun videos related to the topic, and chat with other Anons
Alright, head-count. How many of you guys participated/browsed in the old /rwss/? How did you contribute, if you did?
>>45509how serious is the threat? I live in marin, which is essentially commie mating grounds. the place is filled with old hippies, including my mother.
>>46004Massive fires. And, since you live in such a leftie shithole, could you provide links for the local antifa/degenerate cncert rally?
>>46004..Fug... I'd hate to shut it down if you live there, but you should at least make sure your building is fire safe, for your own safety. How many entrances/exists are there? Does it seem overcrowded at times (to the extent that you'd be trampled in a fire)? Do you know where the fire extinguisher is? Is there a lot of exposed insulation? Do you see excessive extension cords in the place of permanent wiring? The last thing you'd ever want would be to end up like those guys in Oakland did last year.
Fire safety is always a serious issue, and it transcends partisanship. A lot of the anarchist cesspools that were shut down last year really were deathtraps (safety inspectors don't just shut down buildings for no reason). It's important to be proactive and try to make sure the space your living in is as safe as possible. /diy/ culture is based on self-sufficiency: try to ensure that you or your boardmates don't die in preventable accidents. It doesn't necessarily need to be shut down if the issues are easily fixed, but you should definitely take the steps to ensure that you and your neighbors are safe.
Quite honestly, my favorite part about this endeavor was the part when leftists got so scared they started taking the effort to educate eachother about safety regulations so that they wouldn't get shut down and/or die.
>>46022Also this.
It's one thing if people are living in the squats because of "muh gentrification" and can't afford to live in legal buildings (the common excuse for these deathtraps on twitter/tumblr. They'd better fucking make sure they make sure their interiors are fire-safe though), but unsafe concert halls need to be shut down pronto.
>>46026hard to tell. my parents are divorced and I am currently at my father's house since it's the weekend. My mom's house is probably the bigger fire risk. she has a history of smoking, but she told me she quit. of course, her "friends" cigarette butts make me suspicious. She also has done weed in the past, but it's for an actual medical condition. she's essentially the quintessential hippie.
>>46026do indiviual homes count in this list?
>>46039Zoning regulations very for residential areas, but if someone is renting out their basement out to ~20 squatters, there might be issues.
Which list were you referring to btw? The one with the Safety-chan pic was advice to redpill the thread on fire safety.
Actually, can anyone drop any of the fire safety redpills and zoning codes they saved from the old general? I lost my old folder.. One of the initiatives of /rwss/ is to redpill Anons on fire safety not only so that they can report violations, but also so that they can make their own communities safer. I had a bunch of videos saved, but they got lost with my old computer...
>>46074it's just 3 people. my area is filled with the upper class hippies. You know, the kind that buy bullshit "health juice" if that makes any sense?
>>46172>it's just 3 people.Probably not an issue then, although the places I'm talking about may just be around the edge of the city, where the lower-class liberals rent-out basements and warehouses and over-pack them to meet rent. A lot of these anarcho-punk /diy/ venues may also look like normal buildings on the surface, only to be cesspools of lawless, unsafe degeneracy on the interior (just check out the the social media pages for the venues in the ghost-bin). Another thing is, the landlords of these places, when they're not degenerates themselves, may often be out of state and be completely unaware of the degeneracy going on in these cesspools: we're doing them a favor too, because they get held accountable if the idiots renting their places fall victim to their own stupidity.
Pics related are from a Texas Warehouse that /rwss/ got shut down, named "Burnt Ramen" (ironic, right?). As you can see, it was a cesspool of degeneracy, and was full of safety hazards: if those extension cords had sparked a fire, the walls, free of drywall, would've lit up, and all those faggots would've been crawling over each other to reach the single, tiny-ass exist.
WE ARE THE FIRE FIGHTIN' PONE TONE ! [Embed]Gosh, I suck at using Faceberg...
Can anybody tell if this "Fiend House" from the ghostbin is still running? I've moved my efforts to Cafe Infoshop.
>>45884Really? There were a lot of /rwss/ veterans in the first thread..
I guess I've got a lot of work to do then..
Gosh... The more I read about this crap, the angrier I get. It looks like many states/counties like CA just do their best to sweep these deathtraps under the rug (much to the Fire Departments' frustration) in the attempt to keep quiet the much larger issue of urban poverty: people are squatting in these hellholes in part because rent is so high in liberal cities. Now that I think of it, doesn't CA have a huge homeless problem? It's infuriating that a "sanctuary state" would spend so much more worry/time/resources making sure that foreigners are taken care of, whilst ignoring their own citizens.
I really couldn't care less about a bunch of anarchists with no respect for reasonable laws, and I still intend to shut down any visibly-unsafe deathtraps, but I'm double-pissed at the politicians who've allowed this issue to smolder underground. Fucking firebugs!
>>48067as someone currently stuck in commiefornia, I can confirm the homeless problem. it really sucks to see that many people without a place to stay because of the ineptitude of the state government.
>>48129I actually just did a presentation on this thread's topic for public speaking. Even my left-wing professor agreed it was an issue.
It one thing for spoiled brats to squat in fucking warehouses because they want to live in some liberal bohemian paradise; it's infuriating to see foolish but desperate people going into these kinds of death traps because the rent to their old homes went up so much they couldn't afford it. Either way these hellholes still need to be shut down if safety regulations are being broken: fire safety isn't a fucking joke. Maybe even a few of these liberal faggots could have a shot at redemption in the future if they don't die in these retarded firetraps first.
I think I'll write to Libby (((Schaaf))) and give her a piece of my mind in about this. I'm sure she knows about the problems with those deathtraps like Ghostship; she's just ignoring it because she's too busy pandering to illegals to even address the root of the goddamn problem. I also want to see more landlords being held accountable for not paying attention to what's going
Thinking about it, there might be quite a few of these deathtraps in Florida too. There are a lot of warehouses in south Tampa, and I think a few of them might not be used for storing wares. I'll check it out.
Fucking prick. Libshits are always asking to give gibs to niggers, but they never, ever look at the grander-scale demographic issues, even when they start to interfere with things as basic as public safety.
>>48143keep doing whatever you feel is necessary, you're only making this world a safer place trying. If I can help you from my position on this site, feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do.
>>48182Yeah check out the facebook pages and addresses in the ghostbin, and carry out the process portrayed in
>>45514 pic. Post screenshots of what you find suspicious and ask questions.
If you're too lazy to do any of that, post /rwss/-themed memes and/or start discussions related to the topic, so that I don't get lonely and give up.
I'm really freaking busy between my job and Uni. Is anybody looking through these links? I need to know if anyone else is look working with me.
It seems a couple of the listings in the ghostbins may be out of date (Chill Factory (Washington D.C.) is now closed), but there's still several deathtraps in the kill list and archives that need to be shut down.
I already took the liberty of saving every file on derpibooru that was even remotely related to fire safety, btw.
>>48544I'm really happy to see the picture in
>>48427 again. I had it on my older, older laptop, but had lost it. Thank you for posting it
>>48549Good to hear.
Be sure to post any other safety, firefighter, firepone, or Schutzstaffel memes you think are good for this thread. I'm having a hard time finding any time at all to do this, and I need some indication to show that Anons are lurking/participating/care about it.
Bumping to keep people interested until I can finally find time to look through this crap, this weekend.
Please post.
>>49184I know someone who may have a lead. Hopefully he can do something when he is available
>>49185Try looking through those links too. Some of the places in the kill list might still be active (it looks like a couple at the bottom were never reported).
I'll devote my time to looking at it when I finally get off on my recess.
This deserves to be on the front page and we need a redpilled /adv/ice section on this board. MLPforums sucked people in and kept them cucked with its Life Advice board full of bad advice, we need one of our own and it's going to be better, it's going to redpill, and it's going to win.
>>54713Off topic, but if you're going to bring up a life advice board, I'd rather call it a self-improvement board.
Safety bump.
I've been inexcusably lazy…