Claim your waifu here! Dubs or higher to steal. I noticed the old thread was deleted. I'm starting off by claiming Luna
Fluttershy for the third or fourth time.
I'm also claiming America as my waifu. I can do that, because I have freedom
>>44555The trips mean Luna stays mine
>>44561Why do you always have to be heretic by waifuing two mares?
>>44555Abracadoubles for Trixie.
>inb4 no hooves. Well duh, we all have our own drawn fetishes. ;^) >>44555OP is a cowardly faggot who waited minutes on end to start the thread with this get, and then went as far as to attempt to claim a SECOND WAIFU on top of that: all of his waifu rights are hereby revoked.
Claiming Leonie.
>>44571>>44566Almost forgot to claim Rainbow Dash as my third waifu
>>44571You can't revoke my waifu rights! It's my thread
I claim everyone's waifus, now and forever, in the name of the Denver Broncos and America.
>>44571It's not even the first the faggot did it, last thread he claimed Luna and Twilight. Nice waifu by the way.
>>44572OP, go suck a million cocks. Either I or someone else will revoke your waifu rights permanently next time trips come around. Consider yourself fucked, kiddo.
Claiming Dashie. Loyalty Horse is too good for OP's waifu harem.
>>44572>going for a third hoers>Having not respect for your first waifu>"It's my thread"Do you think they're just some kind of domestic animal?
I'd say that I hope you meet your waifus irl, just so you could have your heart broken, but you'd probably just get another set anyway.
GlimGlam is mine. All mine.
I'll be taking Celestia my dudes.
>>44590I'm surprised Glimmerfags exist here. I wonder what /mlpol/ thinks of Glimmy.
I wish to take classy Octavia as my waifu, shes just magestic.
Just in time for bestest pon
>>44575It was Luna and Rainbow Dash. Get it right
>>44577You son of a bitch. I'm coming back with trips and claiming her.
>>44589Hey, I have plenty of respect for all of my waifus
>>44607You have no respect and never will, neither do you have honor. Another thing, you won't get those trips.
>>44561Claiming America from you.
>>44611>>44609I SHALL get trips, and I SHALL reclaim my waifus!
>more retarded waifu shit
I hope to god you faggots aren't serious.
>>44614>mare>faggotI do not think it means what you think it means.
>>44614Nah. I'm male, and all of my waifus are female. Completely hetero
41 more posts to go until trips.
>>44617>>44619>these fuckers don't even understand normal chan parlanceI feel the discord circlejerk overtaking. Get the fuck out you fucking normalfaggots.
>>44613Come and take'er, I dare you.
>>44635>Doesn't understand intentional misrepresentationAt least upload quality porn. Damn
>>44642>intentional misrepresentationVirtually unidentifiable from genuine idiocy. I tend to err towards the side of idiocy. It works out most of the time.
Carry on.
>>44645We have all been there.
And it is the safe route to take.
>>44664That's a super cute Derpy
>>44666You didn't claim the others however.
>>44673True. One more trips to go
>>44676Don't get too cocky. You didn't even waifu the hotter ponification of America.
>>44555Fuck. You. Once again, you can't have 2 waifus, and since luna wasn't mentioned I'm rescuing her.
>>44709No, I claimed her in the OP. Which was trips
>>44711and you claimed 2 waifus. not allowed to do that, otherwise they both get pissed and leave you.
>>44713>otherwise they both get pissed and leave you.A thousand times this!
You're telling me either one isn't good enough for you?
>>44714not to mention he already used trips to claim america, it's like he's asking for 11,000 nuclear missiles to all be pointed up his rectum while the moon falls on top of him.
>>44713Luna and America are very understanding waifus. They share the love freely
>>44714They are each more than good enough. But I have the digits.
>>44717I got trips twice. But yes. It's important to keep both waifus happy. Because these particular ones are best not seen when unhappy.
>>44720if you want to keep them happy, then you best not have 2 fucko! or are you just dense enough that I'm gonna have to start saging?
>disdain for OP grows>>44713She truly belongs to ya, go cuck OP with the next round of trips.
>>44722I fucking will, that faggot tried to claim 2 and he already used trips to get back one. He's not allowed another!
>>44720>They share the love freelyNo they wouldn't, you obnoxious faggot. Stop twisting their characters to accommodate your greedy, autistic desires.
>>44722>>44724you two seem like good people, if there's 3 of us against one of him, one of us can get the trips to secure Luna for me and make sure OP has to go back to sucking dicks.
>>44726Agreed. If either one of us gets the triple threat 7's, OP will fully be revoked of his waifu freedoms.
>>44727We'll get the trips after that too.
>>44727higher trips beat lower trips. also, you lost both of them and the highest you've gotten since claiming america is dubs. but, if you want Trump to come to his little pone's aid and order the national guard on you...
>>44727>thinking your trips can buy you an extra waifu permanent.Chronology rules, faggot. Next trip, you lose what you so selfishly hogged to yourself.
>>4473343 more posts until trips.
I need to go to sleep, not guard my waifus against you wolves
>>44735go to sleep then, you've already broken both of their trust. You're a despicable person, and I'm going to enjoy getting luna in a way that sends you back to the pit you crawled out of, you adulterous faggot.
>>44735Operation werwold faggot.
>>4474034 more until the moment of reckoning, where OP proves his faggotry or we win.
>>44742I would be happy if he loses sleep over this.
>>44737Polygyny is perfectly acceptable under many cultures
>>44744not in america, you godless communist! we have standards here, and I'm ashamed to share the country with you. 31.
>>44744But, definitely not in pure Christian European culture.
>tfw our autism makes this the most active thread on this site right now
>>44751I know right? That's why I started this thread
>>44753All according to seppuku...
>>44751Please try to direct some of that autism towards the meme Jihad that's raging on right now 44636
Strike the iron while it's hot!
>>44757Looking at the thread right now.
>>44757Well that's not very nice. This is nice thread
Luna and America are mine!
All your waifus are belong to me
OP is a flaming pile of used condoms.
>>44777you don't deserve any waifus, you deserve my boot inside your throat and a bullet in your head.
>>44777Mods, can this guy have a permanent flag of shame? something no one else has?
>>44780>>44781>>44783>>44784>>44785>>44787I guess this means I can claim Rainbow now as well
>>44790Don't worry, I'm only taking Luna, America, and now Rainbow Dash
>>44794>>44795seriously, mods. flag of shame this guy with something instantly recognizable. maybe the gypsy wheel?
>>44796>>44792Well, giving Roma, Israeli, Canadian, or LGBT flags to GET thieves has been done before
>>44798give him a romani flag, none of them have posted in a long while and he's not just a GET thief but a waifu kidnapper.
>>44794>not wanting pic related>>44796>>44798I'm thinking something flash sentry related. He's the original waifu thief after all.
>>44804Something new. This level of faggotry is unprecedented.
>>44806are mods willing to add a new flag just so this guy can be marked as the despicable subhuman he is?
>>44809Global Military Justice Reform: Adultery, PLA-style
>>44810alright, mods, can you title this as "waifu thief"?
>>44804something like this - if it reads at a smaller size.
>>44807The forced flag feature was originally created to mark the Romanian shitposter who used to frequent this board, as a curse for his derailment of threads, and as an alternative to banning. Only recently has it become used to provide users custom ideology flags. So yes, basically we are willing to add entirely new flags to mark shit-posters
>>44811>>44814The Lead Developer, responsible for uploading new flags and doing the rebuilding, is asleep right now
>>44815alright, can you give him the necessary information to get this done and then you mark OP?
>>44817Mark with what, precisely? There are at least two suggested flags
>>44818whichever one you prefer, I'm honestly fine with anything at this point as long as it's a permanent identifier for him.
>>44821>>44823But what if I prefer to keep my American flag?
>>44825you honestly don't deserve it. I'm pretty sure at least two others will agree with me, and you should honestly just change it.
>>44829you have reclaimed a small amount of honor. please do not repeat the behavior that got this entire thread mad at you and you'll be well on your way to being a good person again.
Mine. Happy birthday freeedomland.
>>44856Didn't it already end for you?
>>44877if you're doing what I think, you've got about 10 posts left.
>>44713You can't start a kingdom with Blackjack and hookers! I claim Blackjack!
>>44878Let's post waifus then, shall we?
Somepony get Aryanne hith Hitler trips!
>>44883Just strip op of his waifus and I would support you.
Eh, I will post Aryanne not because she's my waifu but someone elses. Consider this a placeholder for an Aryannefag.
>>44886>>44886This is not a flood I swear.
>tfw you get triples and dubbles
>>44866Yes but might as well put in a thank you late as it might be.
Appul best waifu and mine
the love bug is waifu - besides she can look like any other waifu
>no stealing required
I shall reclaim what is mine!
Luna, America, and Rainbow Dash are OP's
All waifu are belong to OP
>>45000>>44999> Taking BOTH getsNice job, you greedy, selfish faggot. I was going to use that meme energy to crush CNN. Really fucking noble of you.
>>45002>greedy, selfish>poster is a tomatoIndeed, faggotry of the highest order.
It's been long enough. I think it's time to shed this flag
>>53847sorry for coming off blunt, but have you learned your lesson?
>>53851only one. if you can handle only one, then you have learned your lesson and may once again be an american.
>>53853if that is the one you choose, then so be it. I'll meet you on the fields of waifu combat, as long as she is your only prize.
>>53854Just remember I claimed her with 45000
I still love you, Rainbow. I still love you >>53856if a new thread should be made, then the game begins anew.
stay away from the rainbow horse lest you give up luna or worse, re-earn your flag. >>53858Aye, but this thread is still not yet dead
>>53860but do you see anyone posting here since july 5th, excluding interspersed arguments about what was your flag?
>>53862and that's all stemmed from your flag. your point?
>>53863The thread is no longer next on the chopping block on the last page of the catalog, as it was before
>>53865but it's still pretty dead, the only reason it's getting bumped now is that we're arguing the semantics of its state on the board. if the argument were to end here, people would probably go right back to ignoring it since it's 19 days old, not to mention people ignoring it for what went down here.
>>53867Pretty sure
>>53866 just claimed a waifu in this thread
>>53872I'll admit, that's unexpected. I blame the fact that this thread was bumped by our argument.
>>53866Take good care of her, m8 (try to stop her from selling your foals on the internet).
>>53875Also claiming Veronika to be our sex slave, who we'll stave and beat regularly and make do mandatory labour as we get her addicted to hard drugs for a dependency on us
>>53888does this count as multiple waifus? can I get someone who knows more than me to figure this out?
>>53890while he did claim another one before, he's just claiming this one to be a dick towards with his waifu. does that count as multiple?
>>53888Don't you fucking start!
>>53893Matters what he says next.
>>53896how about this, he can have her to be a dick towards but the minute someone actually claims veronika as a waifu, no matter the digits, he loses possession and can only reclaim by losing leslie. how's that for rules?
I think you need trips at least to take my bottom bitch veronika from my dick.
>>53899not according to rules stated here.
>>53897 >>53897...Sure.. I guess in this special circumstance, he can keep her around to abuse until the communist faggot who actually loves her shows up...
I just want all this toxic waifuism to end, desu.. It's sucking the fun right out of this board and poisoning it with spiteful resentment for people I don't even know..
>>53901the only one who needed resentment was the mod who claimed more than one, and he's well on his way to retribution if his statements are to be believed. think of it as shitposting drills so we have an outlet to remove our excess vitriol and find ways to better refine its use in a controlled environment.
>>53901I guess if you want a malnourished crack addicted communal cumdumpster of a waifu that wants to destroy the very country you love you can waste the gets on her. Be my guest.
>>53904Hold onto her for now.
Just know that the entire board would be reeling right now if you'd tried to claim any other mare.
>>53908you know what you did, and you know not to do it again. Keep going down the path of righteousness you've started today, and you will be a productive anon without any bars against you in waifu threads. in all seriousness though, I'm fairly certain you're not bad, just dense sometimes.
>>53908It wouldn't be this bad if you hadn't provoked everyone. This isn't the first waifu-claiming thread you fucked up.
>>53893I wouldn't say it technically counts as two waifus considering Veronika would just be a homie opper that puts out for the whole squad. This would also include those who aren't fortunate enough to receive dubs in order to claim a waifu, or those who require a mistress if their waifu later turns out to be infertile.
>>53912But he claimed Veronica with trips. That makes her his
>>53913Gets were never meant to legitimize waifu claims.
This thread was a mistake.
>>56666Checked, quads clinches it for the next 1111
>>56666>He could've used it to kill George Soros>He could've used it to win the next major election>He could've used it to initiate WWIII>He could've used it to win the next 4cc>He could've used it to earn Kek's favor for this board>He could've used it to gas the kikes>He could've used it to Make America Great Again>>He could've used it to cure cancer>Instead, he uses it to assert his dominance over a nazi pone board by claiming exclusive privilege over a fictional hoers, even when said board was just getting ready to forgive him for his heresyI'm so sick of this bullshit game!
>>56677You were going to use it to marry me off to Tracy Cage
>>56679>Checking my posting history to make a pointDamn right is was gonna', you heretic! You two deserve each other!
I've already designed your OC foals; it's gonna' fucking happen whether you like it or not!
>>56682>as if posting history was the only way to tell the butt hurt poster in one thread was the butt hurt poster in another threadAnd now you why I must take quads. To defend my life with my waifu, because it is threatened every time
>>56687You may resist now, but you can only prolong the inevitable.
Love is relentlessly tenacious! The Ride Never Ends!
Also, I'm not about to throw these OCs away. >>56687Waifu Thief identifies as Flash Sentry.
Makes sense!
Also Luna is best pony.
>>56666Daily reminder to sage post in this thread until OP ACTUALLY stops being a faggot
I had such hope for you, yet here you go using your mod powers to cheat. >>56728Hey, I was playing by your rules. You said to claim only one waifu, and that's what I did. Also, that guy
>>56682 was trying to take me from her!
I was not logged it when I got that! I had to exit to even find the thread in the catalog, and I saw the posts leading up to it on home page >>56729yet you flawlessly gained a quad with a random post at a fairly active point by my estimate, when someone else was trying to snipe for it judging by the timing of deleted posts in another thread which you yourself quoted, saying that you "saw that"? and longcat's the size of my dick.
>>56730Yep. Saw it was two posts away, clicked out of dashboard onto the catalog view (otherwise I couldn't even find the thread), found the thread, prepared a post, opened the home page, saw that the next to last post had been posted, and made the post. Not logged in.
>>56733likely story, mister moderator.
>>56733Sadly the dubs speak the truth.
gg, I'll try harder next time
Claiming Snails/Spice. Best pone.
Luna and Rainbow are still mine
>>59999I'm leaving this site now.
>>60016Canada is leaving…. is that a pun?
>>60016Don't worry, m8. Brad won't be stealing anyone else's waifus for a long time:
>60000 Could you please not bump 1 month old shitposting threads
>>60030Not knowing that the millennial post overrides the -999 post.
It's over, Brad. Time to settle down.
>>60037Pretty sure the 60000 post contains only an image of a cupcake
>>60039>filename: "Wedding cake sample"It's implied.
Have a good life with your new waifu, Brad. Remember to 1488.
>>60043Tracy Cage is Marrying Nic Cage?
>>60045stop name/flagfagging getfaggotry for the love of mlpol. It's not fun for anyone else honestly
>>60045You're so good at telling jokes, ~Flashy.
>>60048Thank you.
Luna is dreamy; you have a good waifu.
>>60048changing your flag doesn't change your ID, Flash is f6528!
>>59999Does this mean you're taking Tracy from me?
What a lucky guy being married to Tracy.
Australia what are you doing. Is this a VPN test?
>>44590*Attempts to steal your waifu*
>>60377rood, also remember the sage as OP is still being a faggot.
>>60377>>60379Reminder that deleting your post reverses the bump.