<b><span style="color:red">(Please avoid making anything that could be considered threats or planned violence, we want to stay on the right side of the law, that said GLHF)</span></b></br>CNN just doxxed the redditor who made the Trump body slamming CNN gif. They are sitting on the info and using it to blackmail the user into a coerced apology and forced PC behavior. I know it's plebbit, but this is war. The legacy msm are a dying breed and this just shows how bankrupt they are journalistically since they resort to threats and blackmail.<br/><br/>Original Trump tweet:<br/><a href="
https://href.li/?https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/881503147168071680 [Embed]" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/881503147168071680</a><br/><br/>CNN article bragging about their methods:<br/><a href="
https://href.li/?http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/04/politics/kfile-reddit-user-trump-tweet/index.html" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">
http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/04/politics/kfile-reddit-user-trump-tweet/index.html</a><br/><a href="
https://href.li/?http://archive.is/PEObM" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">
http://archive.is/PEObM</a><br/><br/>NY statutes were broken:<br/><a href="
https://href.li/?https://twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/882430554544713728 [Embed]" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">
https://twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/882430554544713728</a><br/><br/><a href="
https://href.li/?https://twitter.com/RubinReport/status/882416185857277952 [Embed]" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">
https://twitter.com/RubinReport/status/882416185857277952</a><br/><br/><br/><a href="
https://href.li/?http://www.thewrap.com/redditor-trump-vs-cnn-meme-apologizes/" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">
http://www.thewrap.com/redditor-trump-vs-cnn-meme-apologizes/</a><tinyboard raw html>1</tinyboard>
<tinyboard raw html>1</tinyboard>
>>44636It's reddit, right? Just tell CNN to go fuck themselves. Easy as that.
>>44636>CNN just doxxed the redditor who made the Trump body slamming CNN gifDoes this mean he gets the presidential medal of freedom?
>>44636>CNN blackmailed an American citizen for expressing his first amendment rights on the 4'th of July.Burn them to the fucking ground!
Goddamn Communist News Network!
>>44636And you know what? CNN will get away with this.
Isn't there some ethical board CNN can be reported to like FCC in addition to criminal action.
>>44643Tweet it to Trump: the madman might actually do it.
>>44649Not if I have any say in it!
>>44650Good suggestion...
Does anybody have any leads for this?
Is doxxing illegal within the U.S? I don't there's any law as of now that forbids it. Which could CNN is fucking getting away with this.
>>44649I tend to agree, but this is so grievous and clear cut that it will set a precedence so there is no stopping what you can do in the name of "news" bloging. So it will basically make doxxing in the name of blackmailing people to take stuff down and apologize for putting it up legal. Also Reddit might have some employees, or owners, that are guilty of disclosing information they shouldn't.
CNN fax number.
Send them ponies.
>>44659Does anyone still own a fax machine?
>>44663Apparently, CNN still does.
>>44663You can get programs for your computer that can send them
>implying anyone has a modem
>>44636The guy is just exercising his right to express freely. That, at least in the USA, is a constitutional right.
He can get some nice reward should he sue CNN for harassment and doxing.
If he crowdfunds his legal costs, I'm sure he would get some thousands of dollars as donations to have top tier lawyers.
He has everything to win.
>>44677Exactly. That's why we need to have his back now and encourage him. CNN just tried to bully him into silence: it's up to us to turn the tables.
>http://archive.is/PEObMthe ending of the OP's link:
>"To people who troll on the Internet for fun, consider your words and actions conveyed in your message and who it might upset or anger," he wrote. >"Put yourself in their shoes before you post it. >If you have a problem with trolling it is an addiction just like any other addiction someone can have to something and don't be embarrassed to ask for help. >Trolling is nothing more than bullying a wide audience.> Don't feed your own self-worth based upon inflicting suffering upon others online just because you are behind a keyboard.">Trolling is nothing more than bullying a wide audience.No CNN, trolling is and art
Somebody help me smite this reporter
Current Dox so far
Andrew Kaczynski
DOB: November 30, 1989 (age 27)
215 W 125th ST #FL 3
New York, NY 10027
Phone: 216-752-8482
Phone: 718-204-0395
Wife: Rachel Louise Ensign
Wife's Business Phone: 212-416-2894
Father: Stephen Kaczynski (Age 62)
22600 Halburton Rd
Beachwood OH 44122-3940
Father's Phone: 216-752-8482
Older Brother: Stephen Kaczynski Jr (Age 34)<tinyboard raw html>1</tinyboard>
>Retelling the story to make themselves look better
>>44684Better job than CNN
>>44687This guy is really drowning in his own shit.
better version of that .gif
>>44682 >trust me goy im a troll>>44694YES
>Number Three Trending Worldwide!
Get to work, faggots! This had better be number one before the U.S. West coast hits midnight.
I can't fucking wait to see the next tweet the Shitposter in Chief decides to unleash upon the world after hearing about this.
>>44708Send 'em pony porn
>>44707More of that Caroline bitch.
She's calling this a bot-pushed shilling operation.
She will be ignored.
>>44708Good work, comrade. Spread it on twitter.
4pol and twitter are losing their minds over this. It's beautiful. #1 US trends, #3 worldwide, and searching cnn on 4pol gave 53 threads.
>>44715Scratch that, #2 worldwide.
>>44710This. We should edit some CNN pony porn for this
>>44715>tfw even 4cuck's shills can't stop the autism.This is the united rage of 4chins and plebbit. Our conviction is absolute!
>>44719This times 6 gorrillion!
It's time we did our part.
>tfw no CNN pone to plow within an inch of death
>>44719I know that you cloppers have some genuinely disturbing greentexts saved.
Fill up their box.
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
>>44719right now "Trump vs CNN" gifs/webms are all the rage on otherchans.
Let's try and follow that model, in our own way.
>>44636fuck these niggers in their gaping pozzed holes.
>>44747I agree. If anyone is serious about coordinated meme/gif creation I would be glad to host a discord server which is already set up for such purposes, in a method which is tested and proven to work.
Here is the link:
>>44752No, it's just fine on the board
>>44752>Splitting-up site trafficIf you're gonna do that, you'd better at least repost any content/comments here, and tell anyone you meet to do the same.
he cant keep getting away with it
>>44760Fam I post my content here, because it is specifically pone+politics related
>mfw Trump posted that gif on the 2nd because he knew it'd take about 48 hours for CNN to fuck up this bad>mfw he timed this so it'd happen on the 4th of July>>44752Maybe you could even try twiiter. Maybe those (((alt-bronies))) are useful for something.
my cheeks hurt from the powerful grin, time to make some CNN threads on /pol/
>>44786Mods have been deleting them (not like they've ever bothered to delete multipl, same-topic threads before). Idk why they even bother. The entirety of /pol/ is now CNN lynching general: It's an all-out meme Jihad.
Compiled an (incomplete) list of contacts for CNN's advertisers.
https://pastebin.com/c6hjVLFm [Embed]Ones crossed out are the ones I found. Had to stop at the halfway point because I'm busy. The rest are either web form only with no way of getting in touch with the media departments or they just had no viable contact method:
AC Pro
Ace Hardware
Alfa Romeo
American Petroleum Institute
AT & T
Behr Paints
Century Link
Clear Choice
Exxon Mobil
Jos. A Bank
Men’s Wearhouse
Mini Cooper
National Car Rental
National Education Association
Pom Wonderful
Sleep Number Beds
Stella Artois
TD Ameritrade
US Postal Service
Vita Coco
Whole Foods
stealing images from 4pol and sharing.
get 'em boys.
CNN has kicked the hornets nest, this is interesting.
Lemme tell you how CNN is gonna damage control this later. Cap my post too.
They will say that they won't go after anyone that makes memes mocking them and claim the only reason they blackmailed the Redditor was the anti-semitic post he made since this seems to be the only ammo they can have right now. They realize they shat the bed with their line gloating they will release the dude's identity at any time because this means if anyone makes fun of them, they will go after you and threaten your livelihood. Be ready for some insane backpedalling
Is it really happening? Are we really going to give CNN the hell they deserve?
>>44636CNN is slowly becoming the DramaAlert of the TV world.
Why don't we just buttfuck their known inboxes with throwaway email of bullshit stories about Trump so people will lose interest in their "news" and lose ratings?
>>44816Damn right we will! The entire Anon/sub-Anon community is up in arms.
Plebbit is furious, having one of their own attacked. 4chins is in full meme-Jihad mode, in the name of Kek. Cripplechan is currently doxxing the shit out of them, and redistributing the data all over the internet.
Now it is time for us to do our part!
>>44819Do it, faggot!
>Assange just tweeted the Mektor vidLink to the vid:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aijs_qVHHA [Embed]
he guy who made the CNN gif was tracked down by "K-File," a group of Buzzfeed/CNN workers who focus on investigative journalism. Basically, they're professional doxxers.
>Consist of four people, Andrew Kaczynski, Nathan McDermott, Megan Apper and Chris Massie>seem to be New York-based(Andrew has posted a pic from near his apartment that looks like New York City, and Chris often talks about New York sports on his Twitter)>Andrew is effectively the leaderTWITTERS:
https://mobile.twitter.com/KFILEhttp://www.cnn.com/profiles/andrew-kaczynski#about"Kaczynski comes to CNN from BuzzFeed, where he started as a political reporter in 2011. "
More shit about and from (((ski)))
https://archive.fo/ZBKRVhttps://archive.fo/6UnWMhttps://archive.fo/lOnaQhttps://archive.fo/PClCYhttps://archive.fo/t9FgoPersonal info:
Another news site profile
Oh man I can't wait to post the aftermath of this tomorrow. Looking forward to the news!
>>44830>>44831>CNN and buzzfeed essentially have a group of professional doxxersWhat the fuck is wrong with these organizations? Even with all the outcry I cannot possibly imagine CNN getting what it deserves for this
its almost like the great meme war
>>44832>tfw Awoo News Network is dozens of times more credible than (((CNN)))Be sure to give us the best highlights.
Wolf Blitzer
CNN Host/Zionist Terrorist/Ex-IDF (Possible Mossad)
8929 Holly Leaf Lane
Bethesda, Maryland 20817-2654
(212) 600-1188
https://twitter.com/wolfblitzerDaniel Patrick Merica
642 Capitol St NE 4
Washington, DC 20003
https://twitter.com/danmericaCNNDavid Chalian
CNN Political Director
1415 Hopkins St NW #2
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 296-0524
https://twitter.com/DavidChalianDon R Lemon
CNN Anchor/Ashkenazi Jew's Pet House Nigger
2280 Frederick Douglass Blvd Apt 11B
New York, NY 10027-5329
https://twitter.com/donlemonBrian Stelter
Senior Media Correspondent and Host of Reliable Sources on CNN
666 Greenwich St Apt 605
New York, NY 10014-6343
https://twitter.com/brianstelterhttp://brianstelter.com/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Stelterhttps://www.facebook.com/brianstelterErick W Erickson
CNN Contributor
736 Waverly Pt
Macon, GA 31210-7548
https://twitter.com/EWEricksonhttp://theresurgent.com/author/erick/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erick_EricksonGive 'em Hell, m8s.
Someone on T_D made a site:
cnnblackmail .com
CNN producer bragging about extorting someone who trolled him.
https://archive.fo/TI7bHFind this kike.
>>44834ANDREW ADDRESS UPDATE DOX ALONG WITH MOREI have to go to bed. I'm been taking this shit from cripplechan, mostly. Someone take my place, and bring-in the content.
>>44844Fug! I can't go to bed like this!
Someone reassure me that all of this shit is being saved and complied in it's own folder.
>>44846been saving errythin anon, rest well ;)
Is anyone else going to update the dox?
>>44849most are lurking infinity, anything of worth will be posted
I've got a public speaking assignment tomorrow....
Apparently CNN got Time Warner to release ISP data on the kid. This is yuge if true
>>44855fixed the middle one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCewpjd2Yfc [Embed]>CNN Threatens Reddit User For Exercising Free Speech | #CNNBlackmail>Stefan Molyneux
>>44862Jesus Christ, """Anonymous""" now has the Antifa logo as part of their Twitter avatar. They're so cancerous even their cancer has cancer.
>>44864Another target after cnn then lol
I haven't read through the whole thread yet but I just wanted to know how bad the shilling is here. 4/pol/ is pretty bad right now/
>>44870you're allowed to stay if you like the atmosphere here better.
>>44870>>44872Yes, you are welcome to stay here. We have cute ponies and funnier memes, and our mod team is top notch. We have 24/7 moderation and annihilate shills on sight.
>A multi-billion dollar TV network blackmailing a private citizen into not making funny videos about it is not journalism, CNN. #CNNBlackmail
>>44898Time Warner and Time Warner Cable aren't the same company
>>44910>>44907>>44905These are being put to good use, thanks anon
[YouTube] Story Goes Mega Nova Viral During The MEME Reckoning
[Embed]>#CNNBlackmail Story Goes Mega Nova Viral During The MEME Reckoning>WeAreChange
a short youtube video to explain things to newbs.
https://youtu.be/UrvN89mcMVY [Embed]>#CNNBlackmail is real and must be addressed>Inconspicuous Man>1:35
I like the memes of production here.
>>44933>>44930I love those George Orwell quotes.
Is there any way to track CNN's ratings, or there corporate stock prices? I want results.
Be sure to contact their advertisers.
Gommunist News Networg jus pogged da sleebing bear! :DDDDDD
>>44951I'd be afraid to test that. If we are going to hold using the fact of homosexuality to black mail a child against CNN, we'd basically have to forcibly out him ourselves. And if it's not true, it's starting a somewhat defamatory and false rumor about this boy (or his parents, however you want to look at it).
>>44952If true it will be as you say an catch 22 for the victim. Delete your stuff or we (CNN) will out you, sue us (CNN) for this and you have to out yourself.
But I tend to lean toward the post by "CNN insider" being a larper trying to start a false rumour. And then just stick to the main case that CNN is blackmailing an individual threatening to reveal his/hers identity.
>>44954Fucking love that Derpy in the back.
>>44956I wouldn't harp on it. Doing so harms the victim even further, as much as it would harm CNN
>>44959I fully agree.
Blackmail by threatening to reveal identity is more than enough.
These gifs might be useful to edit for Trump destroying CNN
>>44953why contain it, destroy them
>>44968Call me a fag, but is this note real?
>>44972I wouldn't say it is real. I guess it is probably more a way to show CNN what they did, but with much longer deadline. And it suggest an simple solution that is fair and monetary probably not even a days pay for the K-Team. But it wouldn't surprise me if that the info will be known anyway.
And what
>>44973 said.
>>44951oh dear
>>44940great work anon d66f0, stayed up as late as I could. The shitstorm does not seem to be losing momentum
>>44977wew lads, is shit getting real?
/r/ing trump CNN edit of this
>>44982First GIF I have ever done, so....
>>44986gif is lookin good nordfag
>>44988Many thanks Freedomland.
>>44967here's with and without a dead nyt
>>44975Thanks, have some more.
I also told 4/pol/ memes are in this thread.... :O
>>44993Good. Let them know we're all in this together.
diff versions, can be used as templates as well
>>45004fixed one of them lol
also here are some transparencies
I'm torn. I can't stand Reddit, but I guess we will have to work with them to fuck over CNN. I just hope this doesn't blow up in 4/pol/'s face.
>>45012families fight but they stand together when outsiders atack. this is an attack on all internet users. stand firm with your brothers.
>>45012We're safe from plebbit here. Destroying the Communist News Network is certainly worth losing what's left of nu/pol/ to the inevitable plebbit flood.
(((CNN))) just attacked the very concept of memer anonimity: Now it's personal! They stuck their warty, diseased schlong in the wrong goddamn beehive.
>CNN Blackmail Story Goes Nuclear: Great Meme War of 2017 - Reddit & 4chan Declare Meme Jihadhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_w8Eimfj7s [Embed]
Of course the r/T_D cuck redditor faggot immediately caved into CNN and deleted all of his posts. What a dishonorable coward.
(user was sent to bed for this post)
>>45018I heard your post in Trixie's voice when I read it lol
>>44986Your gif is promoting us on 4chins
>>45018Seth is right, now go to bed.
>>45018Give him a break, m8. He was 15: he probably didn't even know what (((they))) could legally do to him.
Our duty is to punish those who use intimation and threats to silence those who oppose them. This is only one of many reasons for this great meme crusade.
(((CNN))) had absolutely no reason to dox this kid. It wasn't news, and there wasn't anything to gain from it: they just wanted to appease their spiteful resentment towards the Anon who dared to make a meme funny enough for the POTUS to retweet.
This sin will not go unpunished!
Celest Vult!
>>45027Good work, m8.
I'll get to it as soon as I get home from work.
We need moar Leslie shoops for helicopters.
>>45033Give 'em the plague, El Ratto.
>>45042(sorry didn't have the full pony silhouette so I made cnn into a "person")
>>45039Can I get a source for that last image? I only have one of the fake news alert galleries (
https://imgur.com/a/m0Cvj) and it doesn't include that.
You know whats missing?? :)
>>45055Does CNN have any really, really Jewish advertisers? This'll do more damage if we start smearing them by proxy.
>>45076Good, good. Strike the Jew where it hurts! Deprive them of their shekels, and they'll lose all conviction.
>>45082Did you make this? It's great!
Be sure to update it if you find anything worthy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWhGcJhfjE8 [Embed]>#CNNBlackmail: Network accused of blackmailing Trump wrestling clip creator>RTCNN on suicide watch
Enough reddit memes that have already been posted. Get to work…
Name: Donie O'Sullivan
Nationality: Irish but living in America
Employment: Producer at CNN
Previous Employment: Storyful, The Dualway Group, Northern Ireland Assembly
Education: Queen's University Belfast, master's degree in political science
US: New York
UK: The Kerries Tralee Co. Kerry, Ireland
Social media:
https://www.facebook.com/donie.osullivanhttps://twitter.com/doniehttps://www.instagram.com/donieos/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwBEaiHj8EV-pw9ErNLw9WQEmail: donie.osullivan@cnn.com
http://keybase.io/donie/key.asc ||
May live near:
20 Main St, Cahersiveen, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Seen at The Fertha Bar & Restaurant
1 The Mall, Balloonagh, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Seen at Quinlans Fish & Chips, Tralee
6 Main Street, Cahersiveen, Co Kerry, Cahersiveen, Ireland. Seen at Cha Healy's
Wonder if it is illegal in France to ask for vigilante justice...
The insanity here is off the charts. You can't get more 'of The People' than the internet. This attempt at more than doubling down is insane. Further, kicking an ants nest does not kill the ants they scatter and swarm you from all sides.
The smartest thing to do is just to walk away and deprive energy from the horde. But no, they can't conceive that a tide is rising.
It is a very interesting dynamic and the possibility of a kind of cyber warfare between the people and the elites keeps escalating.
A world war where the nation is not the definition of which side you are on?
Interesting time-line.
>>45076Good work Anon, get back to us with their response!
Lindsay Ann Benson
Associate Producer
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
From Macomb Michigan
https://www.facebook.com/LindsayAnnBensonDavid Williams
CEnsorship Czar
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
https://www.facebook.com/da12vidChris Boyette
National News Editor
Lives in Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/christopher.boyette.71Gisela Crespo
Associate Producer
https://www.facebook.com/gisela.crespo.9Amanda Jackson
Associate Producer
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
From Corpus Christi Texas
https://www.facebook.com/amanda.dreamBigAlex Wellen
Chief Product Officer
Former Reporter at NYT
Lives in Atlanta
From Bronx, NY
https://www.facebook.com/alexwellen?Stephanie Gallman
Lives in ATlanta
From Columbia, South CArolina
>>45111Kristi Halford
VP, Business Development & Partnerships CNN Digital Worldwide
Lives in Atlanta
From Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/kristihalfordMark Bixler
Senior Editor at CNN Digital
Lives in Woodstock Georiga
Went to Tabb High
https://www.facebook.com/mark.bixler.313Melissa Griffin
Manager, CNN Newssource
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
From South Bend, Indiana
Married to Chris Griffin
https://www.facebook.com/melissa.steinhoferAJ Willingham
Married to Peter Wade
From Silver Spring, maryland
Lives in Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/AlexandraJWillinghamKupaji Heath
Marketing Assistant
Lives in Atlanta
From Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/kupajiJessica Jordan
Lives in Atlanta
From Pittsboro, North Carolina
https://www.facebook.com/jessica.jordan.50746Janet DiGiacomo McGowan
DC National DEsk Editor
Lives in Atlanta
From Youngstown ohio
Married to John Mcgowan
https://www.facebook.com/janet.digiacomoBrandon Griggs
Senior Producer at Turner Broadcasting
Senior Producer CNN Digital
Lives in Atlanta
From Washington DC
https://www.facebook.com/brandon.griggs1Moni Basu
Reporter at CNN
Lives in Atlanta
From calcutta, India
>>45112Clint Alwahab
Senior PHoto Editor
Lives in Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/calwahabKaren Smith
https://www.facebook.com/karenelismithBen Tinker
Supervising Producer
Lives in Atlanta
From Chappaqua, New York
https://www.facebook.com/bentinkerJanelle Griffin
Editoral Producer, Newsroom
Lives in Atlanta
From Toronto
https://www.facebook.com/janelle.griffincnnJohn Antonio
VP of Programming
Lives in Atlanta
From Winter Park, Florida
https://www.facebook.com/john.antonioJeff Underwood
Lives in Decatur Georgia
From Silver Spring Maryland
https://www.facebook.com/Underwood.MotorsportsJacque Smith
Senior News Producer for Digital Video
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
From Luling Louisiana
https://www.facebook.com/jacquesmith23Sean O’Key
Interactive Director
From Bradenton Florida
Lives in Atlanta
>>45113This limited number of links per post is really annoying, btw.
>>45097>>45103>>45107I'm starting to suspect that this might be fake... Sorry... Faceberg yields nothing.
Deleting it.
Here are all the CNN Airport Network participant airports:
Albany International
Anchorage International
Atlanta Dekalb-Peachtree
Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International
Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall
Boston Logan International
Chicago Midway
Chicago O’Hare International
Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International
Cleveland Hopkins International
Dallas/Ft. Worth International
Dallas Love Field
Dayton International
Denver International
Detroit Metro Wayne County International
Houston Bush Intercontinental
Houston William P. Hobby
Huntsville International
Jacksonville International
Kansas City International
Ketchikan International Airport
Knoxville McGhee Tyson Airport
Memphis International
Miami International
Minneapolis/St. Paul International
Myrtle Beach International
Nashville International
New York John F. Kennedy International
New York LaGuardia Airport
New York Long Island MacArthur
Newark Liberty International
Oakland International
Ontario International
Orlando International
Pensacola Gulf Coast
Philadelphia International
Phoenix Sky Harbor International
Saint Louis Lambert International
Salt Lake City International
San Francisco International
San Jose International
Savannah International
Seattle -Tacoma International
Tallahassee Regional
Washington Dulles International
Washington Reagan National
ATL: (800) 897-1910
https://www.facebook.com/ATLairport @atlairport
LAX: (424) 646-6250
https://www.facebook.com/LAInternationalAirport @flyLAXairport
ORD: (800) 832-6352 aviation@flychicago.com
https://www.facebook.com/fly2ohare @ORD
DFW: (972) 236 4968
https://www.facebook.com/DFWAirport @dfw
JFK: (718) 244-4444
https://www.facebook.com/JFKAirportPage @JFKairport
DEN: (800) 247-2336
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SFO: 800.435.9736
https://www.facebook.com/flySFO @flySFO
CLT: 704-359-4000 info@cltairport.com
https://www.facebook.com/cltairport @cltairport
LAS: 702.261.5100
https://www.facebook.com/LASAirport @LASairport
PHX: 602-273-3300
https://www.facebook.com/PHXSkyHarbor @PHXSkyHarbor
And the airlines that fly through these airports should know how we feel about CNN being on in their terminals as well
Delta: 1-800-455-2720
https://www.facebook.com/delta @delta
United: 1-800-421-4655
https://www.facebook.com/United @united
American: 800-433-7300
https://www.facebook.com/AmericanAirlines @AmericanAir
>>45124>>45125I post this because whining at their advertisers isn't enough. Theses kikes blackmailed a fifteen year old boy because they didn't like his meme.
Talk to any gyms, YMCAs, public spaces, and other venues you know that support/air this crap.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQL3JrKR_pA [Embed]Can anyone explain to me, like I'm an idiot, how to embed Jewtube on this site?
>If BuzzFeed is correct, it appears CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski outed the wrong guy also the guy may not be 15 yo.
https://archive.is/WP63RI am not sure how more fucked up CNN can make themselves with all they are doing. Imagine the extra impact of them threatening the wrong person.
>>45134Oh, it's automatic.
>>45134You have completed this successfully :)
>>45136Of course! Plebbit never produces original content.
Andrew's parents' dox: Call them at 216-752-8482
Don't forget CNN is always interested in your feed back so they can provide a better entertainment service to you.
>>45146I feel bad for HanAssholeSolo, but watching CNN burn is always good entertainment.
>>45136Just thought if he actually is only 15yo wouldn't CNN basically be guilty of Felony Child Endangerment.
CNN masterpost copypasta for your spamming pleasure pt.1
>Andrew W KaczynskiDOB November 30, 1989 (age 27)
925 Union St #3B
Brooklyn NY 11125-1121
Co-op unit, purchased July 14, 2015, for $535,000
>WifeRachel Louise Ensign
DOB September 16, 1988 (age 28)
Married May 26, 2017
>ParentsStephen John Kaczynski (born December 27, 1954)
Theresa A Kaczynski (born September 3, 1954)
22600 Halburton Rd
Beachwood OH 44122
http://www.jonesday.com/skaczynski/https://www.facebook.com/steve.kaczynskihttps://www.facebook.com/terry.kaczynski.1>Brother and Sister-In-LawStephen J Kaczynski (born June 23, 1983)
Dawn L Kaczynski née Brofman (born February 21, 1983)
6858 Wildwood Trail
Mayfield Village OH 44143
https://www.facebook.com/skaczynskihttps://www.facebook.com/DawnKaczynski>Anderson Cooper20 Saint George Pl
Westhampton Beach, NY
84 W 3rd Street New York, NY
Possible Phone Numbers:
(212) 427-4690
(212) 831-4886
(212) 633-2077
(212) 448-0451
>Wolf Blitzerwolf@cnn.com
8929 Holly Leaf Lane
Bethesda, Maryland 20817-2654
(212) 600-1188
https://twitter.com/wolfblitzer>Wolf Blitzer's wife Lynn (((Greenfield)))240-401-8720
>Daniel Patrick Merica642 Capitol St NE 4
Washington, DC 20003
https://twitter.com/danmericaCNN>David ChalianCNN Political Director
1415 Hopkins St NW #2
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 296-0524
https://twitter.com/DavidChalian>Don R Lemon2280 Frederick Douglass Blvd Apt 11B
New York, NY 10027-5329
https://twitter.com/donlemon>Brian StelterSenior Media Correspondent and Host of Reliable Sources on CNN
666 Greenwich St Apt 605
New York, NY 10014-6343
>>45154Cnn masterpost copypasta pt.2
>Erick W EricksonCNN Contributor
736 Waverly Pt
Macon, GA 31210-7548
https://twitter.com/EWEricksonhttp://theresurgent.com/author/erick/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erick_Erickson>Nathan McDermottnathanmcdermott@gmail.com
New York
>Mother - Stacey Jo Walker McDermotthttps://archive.is/5BPIdFather - Tim M McDermott
Brother - Darby McDermott
https://archive.is/rvIWM>Degenerate Sister - Megan McDermotthttps://archive.is/yD6KUhttps://twitter.com/AskMEganhttp://mcdermottmegan.tumblr.comhttps://www.instagram.com/mcdermottmegan/>Fareed Zakaria307 W 102nd St New York, NY
>(((Sally Kohn)))103 Berkeley Pl Apt 2
Brooklyn NY
>Chris Cillizza6602 ROCKMONT CT FALLS CHURCH VA 2204
>Chris Cuomo74 Corrigan St, Southampton, NY 11968
>(((Michael Smerconish)))829 Mt Moro Rd, Villanova, PA 19085
>(((John Berman)))32 Windmill Rd, North Castle, NY 10504
>(((David Frum)))3111 Foxhall Rd NW, Washington, DC 20016
>Lindsay Ann BensonAssociate Producer
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
From Macomb Michigan
https://www.facebook.com/LindsayAnnBenson>David WilliamsCEnsorship Czar
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
https://www.facebook.com/da12vid>Chris Boyette National News Editor
Lives in Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/christopher.boyette.71>Gisela CrespoAssociate Producer
https://www.facebook.com/gisela.crespo.9>Amanda JacksonAssociate Producer
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
From Corpus Christi Texas
>>45155Cnn masterpost copypasta pt. 3
>Alex WellenChief Product Officer
Former Reporter at NYT
Lives in Atlanta
From Bronx, NY
https://www.facebook.com/alexwellen?>Stephanie GallmanJournalist
Lives in ATlanta
From Columbia, South CArolina
https://www.facebook.com/stephaniegallman>Kristi HalfordVP, Business Development & Partnerships CNN Digital Worldwide
Lives in Atlanta
From Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/kristihalford>Mark BixlerSenior Editor at CNN Digital
Lives in Woodstock Georiga
Went to Tabb High
https://www.facebook.com/mark.bixler.313>Melissa GriffinManager, CNN Newssource
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
From South Bend, Indiana
Married to Chris Griffin
https://www.facebook.com/melissa.steinhofer>AJ Willingham Writer
Married to Peter Wade
From Silver Spring, maryland
Lives in Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/AlexandraJWillingham>Kupaji HeathMarketing Assistant
Lives in Atlanta
From Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/kupaji>Jessica JordanCNN
Lives in Atlanta
From Pittsboro, North Carolina
https://www.facebook.com/jessica.jordan.50746>Janet DiGiacomo McGowanDC National DEsk Editor
Lives in Atlanta
From Youngstown ohio
Married to John Mcgowan
https://www.facebook.com/janet.digiacomo>Brandon GriggsSenior Producer at Turner Broadcasting
Senior Producer CNN Digital
Lives in Atlanta
From Washington DC
https://www.facebook.com/brandon.griggs1>Moni BasuReporter at CNN
Lives in Atlanta
From calcutta, India
>>45024>r/T_D redditor >15Checks out.
>>45156>Clint AlwahabSenior PHoto Editor
Lives in Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/calwahab>Karen SmithCNN
https://www.facebook.com/karenelismith>Ben TinkerSupervising Producer
Lives in Atlanta
From Chappaqua, New York
https://www.facebook.com/bentinker>Janelle GriffinEditoral Producer, Newsroom
Lives in Atlanta
From Toronto
https://www.facebook.com/janelle.griffincnn>John AntonioVP of Programming
Lives in Atlanta
From Winter Park, Florida
https://www.facebook.com/john.antonio>Jeff UnderwoodCNN
Lives in Decatur Georgia
From Silver Spring Maryland
https://www.facebook.com/Underwood.Motorsports>Jacque SmithSenior News Producer for Digital Video
Lives in Atlanta Georgia
From Luling Louisiana
https://www.facebook.com/jacquesmith23>Sean O’KeyInteractive Director
From Bradenton Florida
Lives in Atlanta
https://www.facebook.com/seanokeyFucking link-limit!
You know what this needs, right?
I'd do the CNN-sponsors pasta from cripplechan, but I'm sick of dealing with the link-limit. Do it yourself if you know the limit.
Why do we even have that thing anyway?
>>45160>it had to be done
>>45166I suppose that was one of the options that I did not consider. I was thinking something more the crusader dash image. Or Aryanne's head on the horse :P
>>45168I'll try to do proper edit :)
>>45169The simplest and perhaps best could just be Aryanne's cutie mark added on. The horse is white. It would make a perfect 4chins raid image.
This thread has passed the bump limit
I don't have the time to redo all of these dox-posts.
I hope you cloppers are documenting this.
>>45172>>45173There is nothing to slide us out of the catalog anyway.
>>44653Dox in itself is not illegal. CNN's threats to reveal the information on conditions that the bad goyim not make any more CNN memes is a direct threat, blackmail, and a violation of multiple state and federal laws. They even gleefully remind him that he's in danger of a violent liberal retaliation in their own victory bragging.
Which means nothing will happen because the kikes run everything.
>>45183Let's get started:
AC PRO/Armor All/ STP
Under Spectrum Brands
Andreas Rouvé CEO
https://www.linkedin.com/company/spectrum-brands Corporate Linkedin
https://twitter.com/spectrum_brands Corporate Twitter
Corporate Office
3001 Deming Way, Middleton, WI 53562-1431
PO Box 620992, Middleton, WI 53562-0992
(608) 275 3340
ACE Hardware
https://twitter.com/acehardware Corporate Twitter
Corporate HQ
2200 Kensington Ct.
Oak Brook, IL 60523-2100
Aleve: See Bayer
Alfa Romeo:Fiat Chrysler
CEO: Sergio Marchionne
CMO: Olivier Francois
https://twitter.com/FiatChrysler_NA FCA-NA Twitter
https://twitter.com/Chrysler Allegra:
Chattem:A Sanofi Company
Eric Racine: VP&Head NA Public Affairs
Angela Bechan: Head of NA Communications
https://www.linkedin.com/in/angie-bechan-65a2636https://twitter.com/sanofius/status/314778630930722818 [Embed] https://twitter.com/racineeric55 Corporate Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
800 981 2491
American Petroleum Institute:
CEO: Jack N Gerard
EVP & Chief Strategy Officer Marty Durbin
https://twitter.com/EnergyTomorrow Corporate Twitter
https://twitter.com/API_Newshttps://twitter.com/martyjdurbin Marty Durbin Twitter
Audi: Volkswagen Group of America:
CEO: Hinrich J Woebcken
Scott Keogh: Audi of America Inc.
Volkswagen Group of America
2200 Ferdinand Porsche Dr.
Herndon, VA 20171
(248) 754-5000
https://twitter.com/audi https://twitter.com/skeogh AT&T:
Randall L. Stephenson:CEO
Lori Lee: Senior Executive VP and Global Marketing Officer, AT&T Inc.
John Stankey: CEO AT&T Entertainment Group, AT&T Services Inc.
https://twitter.com/atthttps://twitter.com/ATTCares https://www.linkedin.com/in/lori-lee-3550496 https://twitter.com/fonedawg John Stankey Twitter
Shit will hit the fan when C level executives hear mass revolt against their products, anyone care to continue to build the list out?
You are all suffering from a serious case of tunnel vision. This can be the start of something much bigger if we play our cards right.
Why stop at CNN if we can shit all over Time Warner's deal with AT&T and defund all of their disgusting companies that teach young people cultural marxism? Without these shekels they won't survive much longer. We need to attack, smear and boycott their content and make sure that if someone is buying this pile of shit, the kikes are getting next to nothing.
A shortlist of companies we should target:
Feel free to spam, talk shit, redpill whoever you can. That's a good way to start a cultural revolution and defund the entertainment kikes.
Also we must build up pressure on Trump and the DOJ about vetting the merge. That's absolutely CRUCIAL. Be smart and think big for once, cunts.
>>45189Notice the name that posted the image. Unconfirmed by me. Rumours suggest this is the real reason for the targeting.
Call the next thread an operation.
>>45191Park Avenue.
I'm going to guess that he's in 71 E 97th St, New York, NY 10029
We need boots on ground unless we can get an interior shot or something close.
>>45194I don't have the energy, the time, or the computer to re-post all of that info, desu: Someone else will have to take over.
Most of it is pasta from 8/pol/ anyway.
>>45199No reposts, but we all know this will develop more. The rest of this event has yet to transpire.
This thread is #1 in the catalog... relax. And even after we hit bump limit it would be days before we disappear. All is well.
Global bump limit raised to 350
>>45205Fucking kikes.
I look forward to the day they fall.
The media reporting on the meme war is indistinguishable from them also promoting and spreading the meme war. It's not possible to have more power than the activated masses.
>‘#CNNBlackmail’ trending No. 1 on Twitter>The Washington Timeshttps://archive.fo/T6bff
I should Email CNN
"Am I being Detained,
Am I being Detained,
Am I being Detained."
Over and over since CNN is law enforcement now.
As well as a lot of Horse pussy Mlp porn.
Gif for someone to photoshop CNN into.
>>45264I don't see why not.
>>45274Gonna sit back, relax, and watch as Fox tears CNN a new asshole
>>45274Got the Tucker vid?
>>45292I saw it at one point before I had twitter video extraction working and conversion to webm. I will keep an eye out for it and add it if I see it.
I've seen some people from here over on /pol/ and I want to say that I think we should mostly sit this one out. Sure, we can participate in making OC and fucking with CNN, but if you go to post on /pol/ try to post as an anonymous from /pol/ rather than from this site. We are playing with fire if we start an "alliance" with Reddit.
>>45299Our mods are awesome, and we need numbers. We nuke bad influences immediately. We aren't weak like 4chins.
>>45301Well when you make your bed you better be ready to lie in it. That's all I will say on this.
>>45301this, our mods h8 what 4chin has become just as much as we do
>>45299i dont really get why 4chan is so enraged about this. it was just a reddit user, an underage homosexual too. Most of our userbase has a passionated hatred for Leddit. I could not care less about this faggot being doxxed. But is it nice to see CNN getting its ass kicked again for such nonsense.
>>45292Special delivery for anon
Anyway, the shear nature of this site wards off redditards (which was the point to begin with). Few plebbit fags would go so far as to associate themselves with "those Nazis who are into bestiality".
>>45305it's because they're threatening free speech on the internet. 4chan has a history of defending free speech, it just happens that reddit is involved this time
>>45305The elite attacked an ordinary internet user. You don't see a problem with that?
>>45309He's a German so of course he wouldn't.
>>45312fugg, accidental sage
>>45313you don goofed anon
>>45306Thanks, m8.
Got to go to bed after this. My body cannot afford two all-nighter, despite how much I want to fuck-up CNN.
>>45315Some more, the last 18 secs had to be removed due length
>>45309Reddit is a honeypot handed around like cheap whore between corporations. Everything you do there is tracked. I did not expect an actual big news corporation would go so low as to directly adress and blackmail a private user on a shitty website AND to release an article about it to be honest.
But to answer your question, No, i dont care what happens to him. He had no spine and pissed his pants even before they were onto him. Why would i want to stay up for an enemy if he even refuses to do it on his own.
>>45322How he reacted is not important it is the hubris of CNN that needs addressing.
>>45322from whats been going around it sound like he may have only been 15 which would explain why he caved instead of lawyering up.
I heard this from some anons on 4/pol/ who claimed to have also dox him so take it as you will
not video related
>How a CNN Investigation Set Off an Internet Meme War>The New York Timeshttps://archive.fo/zmJJi
>>45340I never thought CNN would ever fall so hard. Some years ago when i was watching american TV sometimes, i unironically thought out of all the shitty US News Channels, they were the best one. It just proves that you cant really trust anyone being the one and only truth teller. Every news corporation lies for money.
>>45341We are very lucky to live in this time. We are transitioning from a centralised controlled perception of reality to a grass roots people to people realistic view of reality.
What we are seeing is a massive shift in the nature of human culture. The elites are struggling hard to get back control of the narrative, but the internet routes around blockages.
It boggles my mind that they don't get, still, what is going on. But I suppose when you have so much evilness hidden away within the current structure your only play is to keep doubling down.
This shift is the kind of thing that happens about once a century. This is far bigger than many suspect. The internet replaces significant amounts of the old structure of society and culture.
[YouTube] #CNNBlackmail As CNN Disgustingly Threatens to Dox Reddit User for Trump CNN Video
[Embed]>#CNNBlackmail As CNN Disgustingly Threatens to Dox Reddit User for Trump CNN Video>Styxhexenhammer666
>>45344been some time since i watched a Styx video, dropped him some time in march when it got too much into internal US politics-
I e-mailed CNN horse pussy.
>>45349i am sure they will be excited about that
>>45349Somebody give this man a fucking cookie!
>>45349>anthro>no visible horsepussy>no teats anywhere to be foundCome on Anon, this is supposed to be a class act!
>>45347What I thought was relevant was that the internet (people) should recognise that they, collectively, are a superior news service and investigators.
We collectively have every skill set and are world-wide. Any organisation is smaller than us. 4chan is not /b/ anymore, 4chan is /pol/ a political force.
>>45356traditional journalism has been dead for years, if the traditional media finally dies, the world wont need this pseudoprofession anymore
>>45352You're Right.
I need to step up my game.
Why should I send only 1 email?
But first I need crotchtits horsepussy because I actually dont have any. Off to e621 I go.
>>44896Slight modification.
>CNN Self Immolates: Deleted Tweets, Airport Shunning, Oh - And They Got The Wrong Guy>Zerohedgehttps://archive.fo/Y2yrhClaims CNN not playing at Atlanta airport.
Is it just me, or does this all seem like it's too good to be true? That it's another fucking jew's clever scheme?
>>45370I hope to see CNN's downfall.
>>45372My interpretation is that this is a part of a 100ish year cycle. The Left liberal do-what-ever-my-feelings-want philosophy rests upon the wealthiness of society. This wealth has come from the workers that are the Boomers.
This excess runs out once the economic benefits fade because the Boomers get old and retire. Society then has debts which are now less affordable. These economic struggles lead to a cynical pragmatism which is otherwise know as the Right and Conservative.
What we are seeing is the Left collapsing as the economic benefits of the Boomers fade away.
The Boomers bought us computers and the internet which also cause disruption to society which exacerbates the situation.
The last time this level of disruption occurred was Ford's Model T motor car which allowed people to easily travel and therefore communicate more. The internet is a form of travel which is even better, we can send our thoughts without the need to actually travel to the other person. The cultural change is just as dramatic.
So what is happening is the unravelling of the 1950s-2000s social structure and it will be replaced with an updated version something like the 1900-1950s. This is why the Right is rising. It is part of the cycle. It is also why war is increasing too.
>>45375I believe that within the next few Decades as more government and corporations shut down dissenting opinions.
The more interconnected the internet will become. Example bitcoin, blockchain, and new free speech social media sites.
This will lead to Cultural shifts that will wake up people to the reality of Banking parasites and 1 party political systems
(Democrats and republican are both controlled by Soros)
>>45042>That gross nigger-handPics like this only prove that race isn't just skin-deep.
>4pol is havving connection problem.
Hmmmm, interesting...
>>45481gookmoot or his mods caved in, ir CNN called the (((Deep State))) to crash the site.
>>45482Gee, how unfortunate we have no alternative for shitty info-collecting, shill-infested mongolian karaoke boa..
Oh, right, we do.
Feels good to be here.
>>45483Ah, it's working, minor problem then.
>>45481So it wasn't only for me!
This is too perfectly timed to be a coincidence.
>>45485>>45481well 4pol did get namedropped early on into this.
Found this beauty on Derpibooru
OFFICAL MEME WAR 2 DISCORD! wFx6Ug4 Get in here lads and help us kill CNN!!!
( )
>>45481All of 4chan was having problems today. These media shills don't realize /pol/ is a multi cellular organism now.
>>45524welcome to /mlpol/ friends, lets teach Normalfags a lesson
This thread has become cringe central.
I'm just gonna leave this here.
CNN ratings are taking a hit on apple store time to make them feel the pain on the play store as well. let's take there four stars away for everything they have done to fellow anons. give them the ratings they deserve
>>45576>>45579I assume he refers to the open association with both /nupol/ and leddit as well as the mass posting of pepes.
>>45592That's the best looking pony I have ever seen.
>>45593But... she has no hooves
Time to laugh at CNN again.
Sadly they didn't get the punch on videotape - I'd love to have seen it. But the little bitch reporter is still whimpering over the punch
i find the name "Memefather" very exploitable.
This deserves its own post.
The President being asked about all of this.
After the Discord I say /mlpol/ is no longer what it was suppose to be. Talks of Alliance with reddick, raiding /b/ for no fucking reason... Reddick is here, they liked what they found. Enjoy
>>45606Eh, they'll leave given the time.
Discord is cancer though.
I like the last one, the cartoon. All of this is upheld by the humble Ethernet cable. (WiFi might be slightly more correct these days)
>>45606What are you talking about? What discord? No one is raiding /b/. Reddit isn't here; no one is here that shouldn't be
>>45606threadly reminder that this is one of /mlpol/s founding principles.
>>45607>>45606No really. Point me to where Reddit has taken up residence on mlpol
>>45609>Reddit isn't hereAlso this.
Things are actually kind of slow right now.
>>45611Idk. I just assumed he had a reason for saying what he did.
>>45606Have you been using the discord? Who's raiding /b/?
I haven't been to 4chins in quite a while.
The mods here have handled all threats. I see no reasons for paranoia. We aren't 4chan with useless mods. Relax. Dividing us does not work.
> Ratings Collapse: CNN Now Losing To Nick-At-Nite In Prime Time Ratings War>July 6, 2017 By The Federalist Staff https://archive.fo/ifIZoYou internet people are very very mean! Why are you racist against journalists?
>>45615How are their advertisers? Are they beginning to buckle as well?
I'd go to cripplechan and bring back the sponsor dox pasta, but this stupid hospital wifi is blocking it.
>>45615What are their average ratings though?
Also with what I have seen, 8shitters are on par with reddick tier post and cancer. RIP /mlpol/ may you not be used for cuckgains
I don't have all the answers. Start digging and help me out. I am scanning twitter for info and posting what is interesting and relevant.
>Laura Loomer (Rebel Media) confronts Chris Cuomo over #CNNBlackmail[YouTube] Laura Loomer confronts Chris Cuomo over #CNNBlackmail
MODS do we have concern trolling in this thread?
>>45620No, just a regular mlpol user who is concerned about... something
>>45618Use the report system to report posts that seem suspicious to you
>>45618I don't understand, m8. In what way do we have Reddit posters here? Site traffic actually seems awfully slow tonight, there certainly hasn't been a vast influx.
>>45621Nothing to report in discord, nothing to report in post of people who claim their 8shit title of where they came from. 4chan has been shit on since this startted, just look at the fucking threads
>>45622the pattern of all other chans is hit us, and what do you fucking know, a special circle jerk off site decides whats best.
Fucking every time.
>>45621>report systemI prefer horsepron
>>45623Have any posts been made that you are concerned about?
>>45624I do too, I do too
I have been chasing down a chart that shows CNN in decline. Finally tracked the source to Zerohedge who got it from AdWeek.
https://archive.fo/JdoQeTime to celebrate.
>>45524All you faggots posting there had better be reposting any content here too. Things are unusually slow tonight, and I'm lonely...
>>45628>>45623mlpol has largely abandoned that discord
>>45626There is no way CNN's ratings have fallen THAT much in only a month
>>45626>mfw CNN dug their own grave over a fucking joke
>>45626if trump had a cutie mark his special talent would be destroying all who
>>45604>>45597TOP FUCKING KEK! This guy doesn know when to stop.
>>45604when did we get mp4
>>45629I found it to be very underage. Not that they are bad but it felt like being an adult and hanging out with a bunch of 12 year olds.
>>45636Today I guess maybe?
>>45638its because they started inviting people from ifunny
/mlpol/ will not be officially taking any part with leddit.
The server has been abandoned
>>45645that's reddit for you
>>45643>>45645They also started to invite t_d and last I heard they were thinking about 9gag before I bombed them with porn until kick.
>>45636>.mp4 is now is now a file here
>>45647CNN will still get its dicking without em
https://imgur.com/a/mohN2looks like a cnn producer just tried doxing someone else
>>45656Wtf are they even thinking? Are they TRYING to get themselves hammered into the ground?
>>45656What the actual fuck is wrong with that person?
>>45655i thought only SJWS and 13 yera olds would do this, seems like the (((Lügenpresse))) is up to its neck into doxxing. talk about fragile egos.
>>45626>>45630Scoreboard: Wednesday, June 7
Tapper: 358
Blitzer: 337
Blitzer: 368
Burnett: 427
Cooper: 494
Cooper: 400
Lemon: 399
Lemon: 344
http://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/scoreboard-wednesday-june-7/331763Scoreboard: Tuesday, July 4
Tapper: 136
Blitzer: 139
Blitzer: 142
80s: 229
Cont.: —
80s: 235
80s: 264
80s: 285
http://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/scoreboard-tuesday-july-4/334238Graph might be true.
>>45660What is a scoreboard?
>>45662You know as much as me. But here is who AdWeek is:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AdweekAnd since it is for advertisers we can assume they want accurate representation of what the public is watching to calculate advertising prices.
>>45660DAMN. CNN really got beat over the past month if that's the case. But why would it be a steady drop over the past month?
looks like Poland is joining us in the fight against fake news
>>45643Jesus Christ. I was worried /mlpol/ was largely newfags when I saw screencaps of the discord during our time on /qa/. That shit was cringy as fuck. Between that and the recolor OCs going around lately I dunno how much more faggotry I can deal with.
>>45623Discord was a fucking mistake, yeah. We never should have made one.
>>45667Wait. What OCs do you not like?
The left is already dead. We are just awaiting their cash reserves to run out. Enjoy the show. :)
>>45667>the recolor OCs going around latelyU broke muh heart...
Ice isn't too Deviantart-Sonic tier; is she?
>>45667the /mpol/ server wasn't inviting ifunny it was that shit cnn meme war one that was
>>45664internet. Think of all the people who silently read the internet and never post, but they know what we know. The internet is the centre of information now, and at its centre is 4/pol/
That sounds faggy because we are used to 4chan being /b/ and we think of /pol/ as being /b/+Nazis. But really /pol/ is a civilian intelligence agency. Think about how potent that is. And it's free.
>>45674That graph is of ratings over last month. There is no way the internet would cause a 33% drop in CNN's ratings since June 7, 2017, that wouldn't have been caused long before then.
>>45672ICE pony is best pony
>>45675What is the alternative hypothesis? What has the scope t do this? Or is the graph distorting facts?
>>45676I'm not sure. My first intuition would be that the graph is wrong and CNN's ratings have not dropped by 33% in the past month. I can't really confirm or refute it since these ratings numbers are harder to find than I thought. If it is right, maybe it's normal for people to watch less TV as summer progresses? Maybe there are fewer good stories out now? I guess it's possible people are *just now* getting fed up with CNN's bullshit and leaving in droves. That graph does refer only to "prime time" ratings, not rating generally, so a drop like that may be more plausible than it seems on its face
>>45675Online is eating TV news.
http://www.journalism.org/2016/07/07/pathways-to-news/see especially the youth media choice ratio.
>>45679Actually seasonality is a good possibility too. hmmmm...
Don't forget to rate CNN's app. You have to download it to rate, but you can just cancel mid download. The iOS version is already shrekt but the android version needs some love.
>>45672>*Adjusts glasses*>*Telescopes Sorry-Stick™*>"Nothin' personal, kid."
>>45679You are right seasonality might be a factor. To avoid that I am now comparing differences between a year ago on a Tuesday.
2016 -
http://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/scoreboard-tuesday-july-5/2981362017 -
http://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/scoreboard-tuesday-july-4/334238Some slots have dropped a lot but the 7pm looks stable.
>>45668Design wise they're all pretty rough on the eyes tbh. Kinda surprised how nice people have been about it.
>>45671Just taking vectors and recoloring them into your "own characters" is the kinda thing ponychan users do which they then avatarfag with. Weather they're designed to represent /pol/ related ideals or not I can't overlook that. I can (kinda) draw myself, but I lost interest in doing so for you guys after seeing that shit.
Nothing of value was lost or anything though.
>>45673just saying - the thing was posted here and our guys have done newfaggy shit before. Who knows who actually invited fj.
>>45684FCN is booming. I think this shows the cultural shift of my 100 year hypothesis. We head 'Right' now for 50 years or so until we go too fascist.
>>45684Well, it does look like ratings have gone down from a mean of 243 in the non-8 PM slots last year to 204.
>>45685Either make something yourself so we don't have to recolor vectors or quit complaining.
>>45686It does look like Fox News is doing better this year
>>45690haha. Damn Australians!
>>45685Alright, the recolored vectors are pretty dumb, but we're a bit lacking in drawfags recently.
If you want to stop the cancer, help us out by making some line-art.
>>45689This might explain CNNs desperation. Survival is superseding truth. But I actually expect they are paid for lefty propaganda as per Clinton emails. As the economy flounders, so does the left, and lefty thinking, and so does their paid for agents.
>>45690.... and it is back to normal.
>>45698~15 minutes
Good score.
4/pol/ is debating if CNN is declining or not.
>>45349>Littlepip in there>It's Shinodage artThis mans has good tastes.
Any CNN memes posted in this thread will be compiled for use in a massive twitter raid tomorrow. If you have any you want included then please share them here before 9pm EST tonight.
The compiled meme file drop will be released around 10pm EST tonight, and the hashtags will be announced when the raid starts tomorrow (I'll share them both here).
inb4 >twitter
Someone brief me on this habbenning.
Redditor god DOX'd and we want to avenge the wronging. But that's it?
Just wanna know.
>>45836CNN threatening to release the dox of a redditor who shared a the Trump slamming cnn meme if the guy misbehaves and posts wrongthink again. Direct attack on internet and meme culture, regardless of site
>>45841Something I can stand behind let me fire upu sai. Anyone has a .psd of a pepe with a blank background?
Left my tablet at cottage, nothing high level this time.
>>45842What are you going for? I can get you transparencies and cutouts of just about anything
>>45843I need a part of the smug pepe to put into the corner.
>>45833I'm doing my part!
Post it brothers, in case I'll be away!
>>45847Pretty accurate, desu.
>>45854And one for when damage control happens.
Anyone has right to use these, even in comps.
Hae fun, people-
>>45866Wait, what's this about a guy killing himself?
How many shekels do you think (((CNN))) spent trying to hunt down this redditard in the first place?
>>45869Research it for us and report back your findings, thanks :)
>>45864Surprised no one got the idea.
>As you may have noticed, Twitter isn't friendly towards our efforts against CNN, and coordinating on this scale with an army of rogues is neigh on impossible. I may have a solution. The buffer app is used to queue posts for a particular time. Using this tool, we can coordinate our tweets to hit all at once, which defeats Twitter's ability to shut down our tags before they trend, moreover, using this tool for multiple sessions can allow us to move faster than Twitter staff can respond. Thoughts?https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/132784372
>>45885CNN treason seems like it'll go down in history as a habbening of great memery and I've been proud to supply content.
I'll have my last before bed cigar and go sleep. May the world be aflame when I wake up.
Twitter or someone seems to have nuked this post about 16 mins after it was made:
> Mike Knapek @howardmallory 16m16 minutes ago
>I wonder where the #cnnblackmail hashtag went...
Oh, here you go.
Vangaurd owns $824M of Twitter
& $5 Billion in Time/Warner, parent of #CNN
There was also an attached graphic that got nuked.
>>45898So CNN is now censorsing twitter because (((they))) lose money???
I saw that on TV years ago. People need to stop posting this bullshit video.
>>45904If true I'll delete. Any anon's want to investigate. I'll stick to image/video gathering.
>>45909Yeah, I think that guys son stabbed someone or some shit, and the reporter was trying to follow the man into his restaurant.
MODS my post >>45599 seems to be fake news. delet this. Thanks.
Anyone want to confirm the court document?
Is anyone keeping up with the cripplechan dox? I'm quite honestly too tired to cross-post from there anymore...
RT interviews the Reddit moderator about these events.
>Media Equalizer>In an attempt to unmask anonymous tipsters, did an embattled CNN reporter use a phishing tactic to gather private information?>Andrew Kaczynski appears to be a serial doxxer.>The former Buzzfeed contributor and current host of CNN’s KFile has been implicated in another attempt to reveal the identity of online sources.>By seeming to plant foreign web bugs into personal emails, a common phishing tactic used to determine IP address, location, and other identifying information, new questions have been raised regarding ethical practices inside the troubled news network.https://archive.fo/n5036
John Whitehouse
jwhitehouse AT mediamatters DOT org in between titles @mmfa
Washington, DC
Jack Posobiec Verified account @JackPosobiec 17m17 minutes ago
Media Equalizer: Caught red-handed? Tracking software found in phishing emails sent by CNN reporter @KFile
https://mediaequalizer.com/jeff-reynolds/2017/07/exclusive-caught-red-handed-web-bug-found-in-emails-sent-by-embattled-cnn-reporter …
>>45942>>45947WTF? WHY AM I A LEAF?!
Watch this until 1:15 where it gets interesting.
>>45950I think the better question is, why was the beautiful 1776 America GET on /qa/ wasted?
>>>/qa/1776 →
Love the last one... if only...
>>45987one of their own outed them, they really are fucked.
>>45994>>45987So the Berncuck himself adressed CNN as fake news while he was live on CNN
>>46006that car gif is really nice
middle gif is interesting
>Will Horrendous CNN Ratings, Advertiser Boycotts, And 4Chan's Memetic War Destroy Billions In Time Warner Value?
>While CNN.com traffic appears to be steady - which can be bought - their YouTube channel has suffered a significant hit to both views and subscribers, down 15.8% and 28.9% respectively according to socialblade.com. While the network is certainly taking a financial hit from this, the real significance lies in the obvious damage to the brand. People have stopped taking CNN seriously.
A decent detailed article from the financial and internet perspective
>CNN President Jeff Zucker, rather than apologize for publishing fake news story after fake news story all in an effort, by his own admission mind you, to drive ratings for for his network, has decided to take a play from the 'disaffected liberal" playbook and pretend to be the victim in his rather public scuffle with President Trump. In a new interview with the New York Times published yesterday, Zucker never once apologized for his network's credibility-crushing mistakes over the past several weeks but instead said that Trump "is trying to bully us."http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-06/cnn-president-jeff-zucker-trump-trying-bully-us
>>46065The hell is wrong with CNN?
This basically summarizes CNN at the moment.
>>44864those were never real Anonymous groups, just SJW cucks who stole the label and started doing drama with it. Also, nice picture. CNN is so greedy for """Anonymous sources""".
>>46068with jews fake news
>CNN, journalists should have no pity for anonymous internet trolls - USA Today>The issue of anonymity on the Internet is in the news because of CNN’s decision to protect the identity of the man who created a GIF of Donald Trump pummeling a CNN logo. This man, who went by the user name “HanA**holeSolo,” was a prolific poster of racist content online. One posting showed all the Jewish reporters at CNN with the Star of David next to them, with a caption complaining there were too many Jews in the media.https://archive.is/UminHI am quite sure sharing and verifying this publicly will have the intended consequences they imagine. Kind of interesting watching "/pol/ is right again" play out.
The public will scutinize both sides of this and reach their own conclusions. Because the public has this thing called a computer which is connected to the internet. And a article in a newspaper online is no more truthful or untruthful than any other post elsewhere in the net.
One-to-many media is dead. Welcome to the many-to-many media age. Where only facts can survive the debate and propaganda fails.
Old media does not grasp this yet, they still think they control the narative. They are just blog posters now.
Twitter raid against CNN tomorrow
Raid times are in the meme
The link to a file drop of cnn memes is in the meme and below
Have fun if you should be so inclined as to help
Why is the world going more and more insane?
Read this (
http://usawatchdog.com/violent-war-cycles-global-economic-decline-martin-armstrong-4/ ) to understand the cycles humanity goes through:
>Violent War Cycles-Global Economic Decline-Martin Armstrong>Why all the violence around the world? Armstrong contends, “When everyone is fat and happy, nobody cares. Everybody lives together peacefully. When you turn the economy down, that’s when people start getting mad. They lost something, and they want to blame somebody else for whatever injury they suffered. We look at the entire world . . . what you are looking at on a global scale is the emerging markets: China, Russia, South America, Brazil, South East Asia, their stock markets peaked in 2007. They have been in a declining economic trend . . . so you have the economic pressure building. This is what’s going on in Russia as well. We are making a serious mistake by thinking that Russia can’t fight. My sources say that they anticipated the sanctions on Putin would make the oligarchs turn against him and force him to back out. That’s not going to happen. We are going into a period of economic decline, and whenever that happens, government needs an external enemy.” So, when markets crashed in 2007, what did Congress do? They did investigations and went after Wall Street. They never admit it has anything to do with them. . . . If Putin were to back off, they would eat him for lunch. He would be overthrown within Russia.”Economic distress makes people angry. Economic distress comes from a lack of economic expansion to make debts affordable. Lack of expansion comes from lack of babies being born. This comes from contraception especially the Pill in the 1960s. As the boomers leave the economy everything turns bad. When a baby is not born ~50 man-years of economic activity is absent from the economy.
>>46083Are we the only site/board that is participating or will there be more
>>46087But why is this posted in this thread?
>>46090There are several groups participating. I included the memes posted in this thread in the file drop, as well as memes from the other groups.
>>46093Has 4chan pol decided when to raid if at all
Havent been keeping up
>>46091Sorry anon, it has been on my mind I suppose and your (rhetorical?) question
>>46068 was stuck in my head and became a more meta "The hell is wrong with.." everything? I put these smaller events into a larger context in my head and so to me it seems a natural extension of this thread and your question.
I'd love to help wage meme war against the Criminal News Network, but I don't have a twitter account. Anything I can do to help?
>>46097Oh. Well interesting. This may be a good subject for a new thread
>>46100Check. (Damn you Kek! :) )
You are correct, but to put together the whole thing with proper sources and proper documentation is an effort I am not willing to do at the moment. But the premise is simple less babies = less economy.
>This Video Has 10 Million Views Exposing CNN Ratings Slump>The Alex Jones Channel (Yah Yah I know, shhh)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdT5lD4mvuU [Embed]
>>46104Damn that man is entertaining
>>46105>"Have you spread a link today? Because the Globalists hate it." -- Alex Jones.This is so funny, but like so many funny internet type comments it hides a significant truth. In this case it is describing many-to-many media and by extention the death of one-to-many media.
>>46083hastags for the raid are
#CNNBlackmail #AutismStorm #Shadilay #CNNMemeWar
for pone memes we add #CNNIsHorseShit #bronies #brony
have fun
>Infowars Decorates CNN's Coffin With Hilarious $20,000 Meme Contest>Zerohedgehttps://archive.fo/mGamA>The great meme war began after CNN journalist Andrew Kaczynski - who has a history of 'doxing' people, harassing women, and may have driven a guy to suicide, blackmailed a Reddit user who made a satirical video of President Trump 'beating up CNN' in an old WWF bit which the President tweeted last Sunday. After the Redditor apologized to CNN for his thought crimes, Kaczynski wrote that CNN "reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.">Really bad move>In response to CNN's bullying, the internet exploded with rage. In addition to 4chan launching "operation autistic storm," Infowars kicked off a contest offering a $20,000 prize for the best meme - judged by Infowars journalist Paul Joseph Watson.
>TIME magazine on “viral anger” in American society>Copyright 2017, InterAmerica, Inc.>TIME magazine, for July 10-17, 2017, has a piece [Viral Anger spreads like a disease – and it’s making the country sick] by Susanna Schrobsdorff.>Ms. Schrobsdorff’s article (in The View) delineates the rise in violence and anger in America right now, noting a comment from Brian Levin (director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernadino) “In a very tribalistic society, we run on emotion, which is the currency of social media.”...
>But remember, hate or extreme speech is epidemic and many of us (me included) have got to remain inoculated.https://ufocon.blogspot.com.au/2017/07/time-magazine-on-viral-anger-in.htmlThe fire rises.
As this thread has been pinned for several days now, and has been relatively inactive, it will now be unstickied. The thread is well past bump limit, and has been for some time now, so anyone who wants to continue posting about CNN or CNN memes, should start a new thread
>>48112Reeee my phone IP keeps changing, so I have to reset the flag