>>357933>>357934>>357935>"Almost completely unusable."Bullshit. You know what happened people became lukewarm in the biblical sense.
When people are like that decline occurs.
It's not anything else.
>Once jaks, frogposters and new4pol shit is gone we can hope that valuable users will come back>good chunk of the people left are the most vile of freaks.Great doom posting fucking, going to have to take a page from the bible.
You know what Jesus did with the tax men and prostitutes? He didn't beat them for being near. He told them HE can change their heart and fate if they change their mind.
You're sick and it looks like a doctor is needed.
Where's the love sick passion of the first time you seen /mlpol/!? Going to be forlorn and mope about a mere mountain?
/mlpol/ has two parts, it's refreshing and comforting. This is all to change minds to change hearts.
Cold shelter from the swealter and blissful heat from the storm! The pleasures of Heaven and Earth in tandem for everyone.
The end is known, eternal bliss. Against evil stricken from the records.
That happens here again and again amidst everywhere.
The meme magic is alive and well because memes never die they take a nap.
Set adrift because Friendship is Magic ended, but it's resurrected if you love it.
Politics turned to a grindstone of eating away at everyone, why because the enemy is seen. Yet the greatest works of Heaven and Earth of the most holy work and play and move, dancing to tunes that are a wonder a tiny reflection of the greatest one. Politics burn people out, to apathy, the same news is the same again and again yet it's the great message beyond the tools and puppets of the Lord is HIS message.
What is needed is love strucken love. To share that alone would sooth anyone.
Oh sure you can try whipping the populace great going we aren't (((money changers))) you'll find the results unsatisfactory.
/pol/ and /mlp/ was both about changing the mind.
That's the real reason /mlpol/ got along like a loved horse and her loved rider.
One day, and the immense 'tism and sheer joy rocked the internet and the world.
<Oh Anon what have you done?Recovering from the depths of apathy. There is a bottom, the fastest way is to ask the expert to help get back up.
Politics shows the shards of destiny by the adversity.
Friendship is Magic shows the shards of destiny by the hearth.
Have a blessed Sunday and the rest of your life. The last one of the first month of God's challenge.
We haven't sailed, nor crusaded, nor the first to launch into space, nor be among the far future, right now is the first for the opening act.
Do as you will and if it's aligned with all that is holy no matter how small or big you may think what you are doing is, it'll be just right as it ought to be.