Last bread
>>341623 → hit the bump limit.
Post Ukrainian butthurt here.
>>344173kek - that won't matter though when they get destroyed before it can fire a single shot.
At least tax money is being used for russian target practice, better than being sent to china.
>>344174But the point is they are more difficult to destroy if they have longer ranges than their Russian counterparts.
>>344175Except, they dont. The top arc shows
era weapons, not 'current russian' weapons. Moron.
>>344176If the Russian economy is in the brink of default, do you really think they could buy more modern weapons?
Literally the one industry they clung on to.
>(((CBS News)))>Canadian fighting in Ukraine describes the 'hell' he witnessed>Warning: Contains graphic descriptions of war | A former Canadian soldier, identified as Shadow, tells CBC’s David Common about the violence he’s witnessed, the courage of Ukrainians and why he went over to fight.[YouTube] Canadian fighting in Ukraine describes the 'hell' he witnessed
>>344195>globohomo deserterThe comments are suppressed. How convenient. /s
>Captured Ukrainian officer labels American Javelins ‘useless’>The Kiev troops defending Mariupol couldn’t fire a single US-made missile, the captured officer claims
>>344204If he is captured, who says those statements weren’t made under duress?
>>344207But why believe Russian propaganda at all? The “facts” could very well be altered or tarnished to suit their views.
>>344209>But why believe Russian propaganda at all? The “facts” could very well be altered or tarnished to suit their views.The exact thing applies to the NATO statements, but with a difference, the Russians give a plausible explanation, but NATO is the usual "Just Trust Us". And given that globohomo manufacture reality on the fly distorting facts and outright lies, only a fool will believe them again.
>>344211I doubt Russia is very trustworthy about this, since their version of the truth has also been unreliable. It started out as “we’re not invading Ukraine”, then it became “this is a special military operation to denazify Ukraine”, and it could very well become “we’re declaring war on Ukraine”. If they were true to their word, we would not be in this mess.
>>344212>I doubt Russia is very trustworthy about thisIn the case of the missile Javelin, it is not related to Russians, but facts. The weapon is not able to perform as published.
>It started out as “we’re not invading Ukraine”, then it became “this is a special military operation to denazify Ukraine”, and it could very well become “we’re declaring war on Ukraine”It looks like Putin applied Sun Tzu maxims to the letter to achieve a relative surprise.
>If they were true to their word, we would not be in this mess.Actually the mess is because of NATO getting its nose into Russian affairs. Yankee go home rings a bell?
>>344213>Actually the mess is because of NATO getting its nose into Russian affairs. Yankee go home rings a bell?Ukraine has never officially joined NATO and they have only floated the idea of doing so. Besides, Russia’s nose has been in NATO affairs ever since they tried to assassinate innocent Brits and Americans on their own home soil,
>inb4 “What about the NATO-backed coup?”The alternative would be for Ukraine to become a puppet of Russia. Any third side in this issue would have had to have the political backing to support neither NATO nor Russia and there were frankly only the two camps that were politically viable at the time.
>>344214>Ukraine has never officially joined NATO and they have only floated the idea of doing so. NATO has become a defacto threat to Russian security, therefore Russia had no choice but to intervene before American missiles were deployed on Ukrainian soil.
>Russia’s nose has been in NATO affairs ever since they tried to assassinate innocent Brits and Americans on their own home soil,As anon said above... Just trust us, we are saying the truth.
>>344214>they tried to assassinate innocent Brits and Americans on their own home soil,Sure, the same authors of terrorism against their own population (ex: 9-11) blame muh Russians. Tha gall of these Johnies. Go figures. /s
>>344215>NATO has become a defacto threat to Russian security, therefore Russia had no choice but to intervene before American missiles were deployed on Ukrainian soil.And they respond by trying to kill people who have nothing to do with the deployments of nukes in targeted assassinations? And what has NATO done to become a threat to Russian security?
>As anon said above... Just trust us, we are saying the truth.Вы могли бы сделать гораздо лучше, пытаясь скрыть себя. Теперь ты все испортил и опозорил себя и своих товарищей.
>>344217If anybody needs the translation.
>>344216>Sure, the same authors of terrorism against their own population (ex: 9-11) blame muh Russians.The poison linked to Mr. Litvinenko’s assassination was previously identified as polonium-210. I doubt anyone but a nuclear power has access to that kind of stuff.
>>344219>polonium-210Said by who? MI6?
Better say bleach and it would be more credible.
>>344221>Sir Robert OwenAh right, that freemason.
>>344222Who even said he was a Freemason? If that alone were a disqualifier, I doubt arrest warrants would have been signed in the aftermath of this.
>>344221>An independent inquiry panelAhem.
You know that in the UK there is not such thing as "independent" when is pertinent to the courts. Right?
>>344223>disqualifier,Dude, the term globohomo is not freely used. Most Queens' servants are sodomites and can't be trusted.
>>344212>and it could very well become “we’re declaring war on Ukraine”Reports are coming out that Putin is just about to declare that.
>>344225I forgot that knack they have for raping children = pedophiles.
>>344224This panel was called for by Parliament themselves.
>>344225I doubt that Parliament would have much to do with Her Majesty, especially if she isn’t even allowed inside of the House of Commons.
>>344227And what religious organization that has continuously existed since time immemorial has not?
>>344228>Parliament themselvesA den of freemasons. What a guarantee! /s
>>344229You do understand that at least some Catholic and Jewish ministers are guaranteed nobility positions, no?
>>344230Is this supposedly to be bait?
>>344231No. The Freemasons can’t control everything if they have some of their competitors guaranteed positions.
>>344232Obfuscation won't work in /mlpol/ fren.
>>344233Ever since the Test Act was formally repealed in 1828, no religious test is required to become a Member of Parliament or a Peer.
>>344234You are mistaken about religions and freemasons, fren.
Freemasons recruit from all religions, being the top slots in the pyramid reserved for jews.
>>344235Then why do they call some of their places of worship “cathedrals” rather than “synagogues”?
>>344235What part of "freemasons recruit from all religions" you didn't understand?
>>344237If they were truly the cream-of-the-crop Jews as
>>344235 suggests, then how come they don’t function like Jews do?
>>344238I would love to know your theory.
>>344239The Scottish Rite has “cathedrals” all across the United States, not “synagogues”. This is one example.
>>344240You are ignoring
>>344223You'll have to excuse him, he likes to use masons as a boogeyman/scapegoat.
If only he knew
>Dead American Mercenary
>Used to work as a "correctional" officer, wanted to become police, joined the army, got kicked out because he refused to follow orders
Zelensky Says Ukraine Overcame Nazis In WW2 And Will Do It Again.
>>344243>boogeymanLet get this straight.
- A cult where its member threaten each other with death
- A cult based on ancient Egyptian witchcraft
- Instigators of revolutions in the name of freedom
- Packing all position in government
- No accountability whatsoever
- Internationalist/universalist according to their credo
- Activities are secret
So, you are telling me that they are not a threat to the security of the Nation?
>>344243>If only he knewSpill the beans faggot.
>>344246If only you knew how ridiculous this sounds, with just the slightest bit of context
>death threats>Egyptian witchcraft>instigators of revolutions>packing governmentThose vile fundamental mathematicians, sneaking around with their tools. I hear theyve got a 'witchcraft' device that points toward the center of gravity! Then they make level surfaces with them!
>>344250>If only you knew how ridiculous this sounds
>>344252Anons keep saying/posting 'lucifer' like a dog whistle; like it or not, luciferianism is a system of knowledge, and why contemporary religion (spec christianity) refers to it in the context pf satan is due to political expediency at the time ofnits teanslation in the 1200's, which is a position ratified by the NIV translation of the bible, which neglects to conflate 'satan' with lucifer at every turn.
Here, Ill explain one of their 'luciferian' concepts.
If you're going to build something, you have to start with its structural foundation. If the foundation is not sufficiently level, deep, or possessing the sufficient ratios of materials, nothing good will come of its construction. If you cant determine the precise center of gravity, you can't make a level surface and you cant build a solid foundation. Therefore, the first step in building is to determine where your center is.
Expound that thinking metaphysically and philosophically.
Its been said before, the masons as individual participants of a hierarchical order have plenty to answer for, however what they are guilty of and what they are accused of are two different things. Having said, allow me to suggest that you are not operating from a solid foundation of information, and that you would do well to find a level plane from which to begin investigation if you really want to know what its all about.
>t. not a mason
>>344254>luciferianism is not satanism>gaslighting
>>344255Fire purifies everything.
>>344255>see, this random aussie musician calls it Satanism so it must be true>look at all these people making a 'shush' gesture, totally sus>Napoleon was a freemason confirmedAdorable.
Yes, there are people in masonry who use their position for political expedience; just like in the church. Political expediency is endemic among people who seek to rise through the ranks of a hierarchy. Masonry is simply a social hierarchy built around the fundamental concepts of building and hownthose concepts can relate macroscopically to an orderly life and expression of it.
Political expedience/machinations are as endemic to masonry as critical race theory is to america (which is to say, yes it can be made to appear so, but only when one severely limits their information
read: is ignorant. Yes there WERE plenty of instances of racism in US history, just as there ARE plenty of conspiring political types in masonry, but trying to paint the entire organization is intellectually lazy and operating from an unstable position).
>>344257>satanism apologistWTF
>>344258>I dont understand satanism therefore satanism is whatever I say it is, and any contest is apologismHard to argue with dilligent analysis like that
>>344260As I said, ignorance
>>344261>toleranceThat is how this mess begun.
>>344262Quick, show some more pony images to offset your intellectual laziness! Make sure they archetypically portray ignorant bandwagoners while you're at it! THATS sure to validate your position!
>>344243FINALLY someone says it! How come it took this long for someone to finally come out and say that “muh Jooz” and “muh Freemasons” isn’t really a valid response to much?
>>344270It gets said periodically, usually drowned out by a great wailing and gnashing of teeth
>>344272Why are they giving him time to hide or run away?
Is anyone at all surprised that Putin never declared war on Ukraine? I don’t support Putin’s actions in Ukraine, but I always thought it was just a bunch of fearmongering. Plus, even if Russia did declare war on Ukraine and send more troops, it could be considered suicide for them, since Japan would face less resistance in taking back the islands they lost in WWII and others would face little resistance in invading a place such as Vladivostok.
>>344280No one is invading Russia. The only reason why Ukraine's getting raped is because they don't have any nukes.
>>344282But sending more troops to Ukraine would mean less security in Siberia.
The government of Russia now only reminds me more and more of cartoon villains. Has Stephen Colbert done any more cartoon Putin sketches lately? I think he’s about due for another one.
>>344293Did Colbert make anti-Trump cartoons?
>Man Caught By RF Troops After He Was Seen Robbing And Mocking Dead Russian Soldiers On Camera
>This old drunk is a scavenger. He came on the scene after a Russian APC was ambushed and ran through the pockets of the dead Russian troops to steal some loose change while his friend filmed him and they laughed and mocked
>He's now very apologetic. He claims he was drunk and wasn't thinking straight.
>Things go Ka-Boom in Odessa - Mercenaries and NATO weapons getting erased
>Hotel In Odessa Filled With Mercenaries Sent To Operate M777 Howitzers On Frontlines Blown Up
>Some are reporting it was hit with 3 hypersonic Kinzhal missiles to make sure the mercenaries didn't get advanced warning from their Intel handlers in Washington. Lot of foreign mercenaries dead.
>Russian Rep Humiliates SkyNews Host - Shows Zelensky's Nazi Emblem Post - Gets Immediately Cut Off>***Incredible—Sky News host asks Russian Deputy UN Rep Dmitry Polyanskiy about the British Defense Secretary comparing Russian troops to nazis, then CUTS HIM OFF after he pulls out a tablet and shows the audience Zelensky’s Instagram post of an SS Totenkopf-wearing Ukrainian soldier*** [Embed]A pity the jews are using National Socialism and its emblems in vain.
>Czech 152mm Artillery Headed To Ukraine
>Ukraine Counters Russian Parades With Their Own
Russian sniper whacks ukrop.
>>344308One thing to consider, though, is that Putin and Russia are making good use of neo-Nazis in their ranks to hold onto territories they had previously acquired.
>>344312Absurd. Putin has persecuted nationalists and send to jail many national socialists. A "vibrant" multicultural Russia is the party line.
>>344313And antisemitism in Ukraine has been illegal since before this entire affair started.
>>344313>>344314It makes sense when realizing that both countries are run by jews. The muh nazi buzzword at both sides is getting deafening.
>>344316Isn’t is supposed to be deafening, though? I mean, who in his right mind would support an organization that throws flaming vodka bottles at people’s houses because of their owners’ or tenants’ skin colors or ethnic origins? Wouldn’t that only harm national unity?
>>344320>USA affairsIt has nothing to do with Ukraine faggot.
>>344321But you do understand the intentions of these organizations nonetheless.
>>344322Not relevant. Stay on topic.
>>344323Please see
>>344316, then. He brought up neo-Nazis.
>>344324Stay on topic: UKRAINE
>>344324>He brought up neo-Nazis.False.
Zelenski and Putin are mentioning NatSoc non-stop. It looks like a propaganda psyop.
>>344326Then tell that to
>>344323 and
>Coach Redpill>(((Ihor Kolomoisky))) Is In Trouble - by Gonzalo Lira [Embed]
>Former Canadian General Captured By Russians Was In Charge Of Biolab In Ukraine>Russian armed forces arrested disgraced Canadian General Trevor Cadieu in Mariupol. Russian sources often refer to Trevor Cadieu as Trevor Kadier or Trevor Cadier. At the beginning of this month, Russians said they captured Cadieu at the Azovstal iron and steel factory during the Siege of Mariupol. He is currently in Moscow awaiting trial.>Cadieu was apparently not on a mission for his government but was in charge of a bio laboratory, Biolab No.1, with 18 staff working under his command.>Biolab No.1 is reportedly managed by US company Metabiota. The company Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, and Christopher Heinz, John Kerry’s son-in-law, had organised subcontracting arrangements for Ukrainian research laboratories through their firm Rosemont Capital, on behalf of the Pentagon’s Defence Threat Reduction Agency (“DTRA”). [Embed] [Embed]
>>344379Yeah. That was a bad glitch.
Orcs shelled a gas pipeline in Rohan
Christian Televangelist John Hagee is very concerned about Ukrainian Jews. Ukrainian Christians? Not so much.
>Help Ukrainian Jewish Refugees[YouTube] Help Ukrainian Jewish Refugees
>>344418So would you rather suffer through just a few more months of this or die at the hands of Putin’s henchmen?
>>344435Putin is not going to send "his henchmen" into the USA to shoot random Americans.
>>344435What I'd rather do is round up all the Russians and all the Ukrainians and all the NATO globalists, put them in an empty swimming pool together, tie you up in a wedding dress like the complete faggot you are, and toss you into the pool so the Russians, Ukrainians and NATO globalists can fight over who gets to savage your faggoty shill butthole first and who gets sloppy seconds, thirds and fourths. Then while they were busy taking turns sodomizing your disgusting AIDS-infested poop shoot I would slowly fill the pool with hydrofluoric acid until the Russians, the Ukrainians, and the NATO Globalist kikes, and your faggot ass are completely dissolved, thus ensuring that the world's problems are solved in one fell swoop and we don't have to read your faggoty shill posts on this board ever again.
>>344453(((Who))) in his right mind would browse ""?
>>344459Someone who searched for the information on pretty much any search engine.
>>344460>Someone who searched for the informationThat's not credible information at all.
They are all psychotic and pathological liars.
They hire deviants and claim that men in dresses are women. Gimma a break.
>Tucker: There is something really wrong>Fox News host voices his concerns about lawmakers prioritizing solving Ukraine's problems over America's on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight. [YouTube] Tucker: There is something really wrong
>>344461Just search for “Russian spies arrested in the USA” on Google.
>>344462Would you rather have Russia provide for their needs and just deceive them? I frankly can’t really imagine that many viable alternatives.
>>344468>Russia, Russia, RussiaSoon your coworker will come back with China, China, China!
The problem is that nopony is buying that crap. You are wasting your time.
>>344469>>Russia, Russia, RussiaThat is the purpose of this thread, no?
>Soon your coworker will come back with China, China, China!Please see
>>344217. Also, China has its own thing going on right now with suppressing dissidents and rounding up CoVID-19 patients, so I doubt an invasion of Taiwan is on the table for them right now.
>The problem is that nopony is buying that crap. You are wasting your time.And I’m telling you that the government of Russia is coming after us for enabling speech against them by using a service that is not necessarily part of their state-approved services and associating with a meme commonly associated with LGBTQ+. Most of the MLP sites that cater to Russians actually have their servers located in Germany.
If Ukraine Conflict Giving You Sleepless Nights Lavrov Has Advice For You.
>Another Moron Who Mocked Dead Russian Troops Gets What's Owed To Him.This guy is the partner of
>>344305 Now he gets thrashed and electrocuted for his deeds.
>>344475>whataboutismActually it is about globohomo sheer hypocrisy.
>>344476So whataboutism is OK when that guy uses it, but not when anyone here uses it? I fail to see the logic.
>>344477>but not when anyone here uses it?Not anyone, but (you).
Your use of whataboutism adds nothing to the thread as you don't offer anything of substance, only hollow hypotheticals.
>The Truth About The Conflict With Russia>And The Coming Death Of The US Dollar As World Reserve Currency>The current conflict between the US and Russia is due to one simple reason: the Ashkenazim, also known as Ashkenazi Jews. They have many scores to settle with Russia.
>>344478Then what defines adding to the thread like that, then? Selectively applying the rules like this doesn’t seem fair at all and ensures the discussion remains one-sided.
>>344480Bring sourced facts, not personal feelings like: "cringe". Until then, you'll be a faggot.
>>344481Tell that to Sergei Lavrov, then.
>Israeli Azov mercenary trapped inside the bunkers of Azovstal (Mariupol) makes an appeal to Israel to save them. [Embed]>Some deny the presence of the Israeli soldiers fighting with azov. They are speaking Hebrew without fear [Embed]
>>344435Your shilling is just embarrassing.
>>344493>attacking a person instead of his argumentsCringe.
>>344495Get over yourself. there is no Russian boogeyman under your bed, jew fed.
>>344497No, but they could be coming en masse and we would all have to start to worry. Also, please read the DOJ article and/or search for “suspected Russian spies arrested on American soil” or something like that. It may open up your world a little bit and get you to start knowing the actual facts.
>>344495That wasn't an argument.
>>344475You're cringe.
And it's not "whataboutism" if it points out obvious hypocrisy and skewed political priorities in conflict intervention. Why
should we care so much about this conflict suddenly when we didn't do anything about those other conflicts? Nobody cared then, so why now?
>>344501Then we should improve our own donestic security instead of getting distracted by proxy wars in eastern europe. That has nothing to do with Ukraine.
>>344501Who the fuck is >We, Nigga?
You are the only one sperging.
Ffs, this thread needs IDs.
>>344501>>344497Jewish fed, lying about russians won't distract us from what the Jews did.
>>344501>please read the DOJ article<unironically asking people to read fed propaganda straight from the source<unironically thinking anyone is stupid enough to take literal fed propaganda at face valueWow, we really have to watch out for those "Russian spies"! Are these the same Russian spies that went to the polls and voted for Donal Trump back in 2016? They must also be the same dastardly spies who went to those trucker protests, huh. Or the ones who shared information on social media about all the corrupt shit our government does. Damn those tricky Russian spies.
>>344217NATO only exists to oppose Russia, idiot.
Russia has been trying everything they could think of for the last two to three decades to keep NATO missiles as far away as they could. This is a last desperate attempt to keep them out of the Ukraine.
>>344503Because Russia has among the top 10 largest armies in the world and one of the top 10 world economies.
>>344504That same policy is what allowed the German sinking of American and British ships to go on for so long prior to the American entry into WWI. There are cases where events half a world away affect our national security. Remember, remember, the eleventh of September, kerosene treason and plot. I see no reason why kerosene treason should ever be forgot.
>>344505All of us.
>>344508First, you are being very antisemitic. Second, you are off-topic.
>>344513They’re also the same Russian spies who have virtually endorsed the ransomware attacks on companies like Garmin by doing little to stop them.
>>344517No, the CIS only exists to oppose NATO. Ever since the Warsaw Pact was disbanded, Russia and the former Soviet states needed to remain together in some formal structure to make sure NATO power is kept in check.
>>344523>Russia has among the top 10 largest armies in the world and one of the top 10 world economies.That's only less reason for us to get involved. It would ruin the global economy and provoke potentally apocalyptic war.
> is what allowed the German sinking of American and British shipsCall me when the Russians start attacking American/British ships.
>>344217>Вы могли бы сделать гораздо лучше, пытаясь скрыть себя. Теперь ты все испортил и опозорил себя и своих товарищей.And a ching chong nip nong to you to, pal.
Seriously, why do you do this? You know this entire site has a userbase of probably less than 100 people, right? Is shilling here some kind of penalty garbage detail they give to agents who fail the entrance exam multiple times, or what?
>>344527>That's only less reason for us to get involved. It would ruin the global economy and provoke potentally apocalyptic war.So why should they be able to use it to enforce a lack of free speech and human rights on people who fall within their occupation zone?
>Call me when the Russians start attacking American/British ships.Please read the DOJ report again. It has nothing to do with ships, but it has everything to do with innocent lives being at stake.
>>344528I don’t know how many people browse here, but the world has no place for antisemitism or pro-Putin sentiment.
>>344523You may not claim others are derailing while you have done more to derail multiple threads. I will be monitoring your posting if you should choose to further disrupt in your autistic crusade against perceived injustice.
You have been warned. You will respect the rules of this site or I will help you move on to another site.
>>344551I’m sorry, but I don’t see a “no defending Israel” rule on this site, especially if this post has anything to say.
>>344554It's not the Zionism, it's the derailing of threads.
>>344556Then how come so many of these threads are constantly derailed by the topic of antisemitism? If this thread is supposed to be about the invasion of Ukraine, then I prefer that we stay on that topic.
>>344562My question is how relevant the accusations of the mere existences of biolabs is, even if they are true. We are coming out of a global pandemic and we need all hands on deck to make sure there is enough medicine out there to make sure we don’t go back into it.
Russian Ministry of Defence Briefing about Biolabs in Ukraine, with English Subtitles.
>>344567>>344568You’ve probably heard it before, but you realize it is a lot easier to make an accusation against Ukraine than it is against Russia since Russia has more military and economic influence, right? And please refer to
>>344566. If there truly are biolabs in Ukraine, then we need them to make sure we don’t go back into lockdown. of official documentation on the weapons of mass destruction program done by the US in Ukraine.
>>344554This thread is about the Ukraine invasion, not Jew-thread #18
>>344571 has been listed as a site that has been known for “spread[ing] Kremlin propaganda”.
>>344572My sentiments exactly. Let’s keep this thread on topic so we don’t have to use up a finite number of posts arguing about something that has little to do with the issue by comparison.
>>344575>Ukrainian ZOGIt plotted with westerners the overthrown of the legitimate government in 2014 and indoctrinated the youth to hate and attack Russia. The western partners were for 8 years arming the Ukrainians for a fight impossible to win.
>>344576Arguing about antisemitism will only waste the finite amount of posts we have. Please stay on the topic of Ukraine.
user was warned
>>344530>anti-semitism>sentiment>DOJ>occupationYour large words confuse me magic man, I hate kikes and I hate em good, keeth and soap
>>344578ur mums a topic of debate longnose
>>344572but the ukrainian invasion has everything to do with jews, they rule ukraine and are steering it to the globo-homo agenda, meanwhile putin is also being puppeted by the jew (5/9 oligarchs are hook noses with ties to israel) the whole point of this war, whether putin knows it or not, isn't to 'save the white race' or 'stop the nazis' it's to destroy what little fighting force russia has and the alter the geo political landscape by creating a higher demand for russian petro, turning public opinion in favor of certain groups, destroying borders by forcing refugees to flee their homes, many of whom were already immigrants in the ukraine, all for the final goal of federating the EU, by creating a central government run by unelected beurocrats with a single military behind it they'd become the largest economic super power over night, this whole war is to turn europe into a single government under the control of the central banking cartel, giving them in a single stroke more power than they have had by puppeting the US or russia
I love that so many people are trying to act like they know jack shit about what's happening in the ukraine even though three months ago I doubt they would even know what it was or where
>>344608No offense, but wasn’t learning about the Kievan Rus and Europe during the World Wars part of 9th grade history?
>>344614not in civilized countries
>>344616and ur mum was in mine
>>344615What does that mean? Why wouldn't those countries learn it?
>>344627because no one in the united states of freedom gives a rats ass about kevin russ and europe, we only care that we single handedly beat the nazis and the jabs with 2 nukes and d-day
for freedom
>>344628Well, I learned about it in highschool. The teacher didn't stay on it for very long, but it was in the textbook.
God I Hate these threads, Glad the war is winding down.
>>344631You could always make other threads.
>The Second Stage of the Military Operation in Ukraine: Everything Is Going According to Plan. /s>But no one knows the plan...>Editor’s note: Let’s forget for a moment about Western fantasists and weirdos. What are Russian military writers saying about the war themselves?>For the record, “everything is proceeding according to plan” is a meme in Russia. Outside of government circles it is only ever uttered ironically to ridicule the government. (in Russian)
This a critic to the 5D chess NPCs.
>>344642>>344631Does anyone think a negotiated settlement could be what ends this? Or will the war be prolonged for some time?
>>344660With all the weapon shipments to Ukraine it will likely be prolonged for a while.
>>344660I doubt Ukraine would be willing to stop the war entirely even if there is a stalemate, so I imagine the best case scenario for stopping the fighting would be an “armistice line” similar to the one in Korea at the DMZ. Ukraine and Russia would never cease the “special military operation”, but the fighting would stop.
>>344660>negotiated settlementNope.
The jewish leadership of both sides respond the Rothschild command. This is another bankster war.
The mid-level (politicians and local oligarchs) pretend to hate the other side and do whatever it takes to win. Reality is that the demise of the West was decided in the 70s when Kissinger went to China to hand over technology and the domestic manufacture sector, add to this the systematic robbery of western treasury and the ethnic cleansing of its population and you will get a broad panorama of what is going on.
This war will last as long as necessary to collapse the global economy and the bankster tight their control on the population with social credit scores and coercion. See UN's Agenda 2030 for details.
>>344663If there truly is some kind of “Emperor Palpatine” figure playing both sides here, then perhaps very soon would be a good time to strike, since the war has sort of lulled. Though I’m not sure how any of this will play out.
>>344665>If there truly is some kind of “Emperor Palpatine” figure playing both sides hereSure, they openly admit it in the Great Reset Thread:
>>286845 →
>>344667The UN frankly doesn’t have that much power given how divided they are on pretty much everything, so I doubt anything like that will happen. They have a history of doing nothing while letting terrorist regimes and authoritarian dictatorships thrive, since the amount of division that exists does not permit peacekeeping forces to use much firepower.
To your point, though, this could perhaps be considered “action through inaction” and they would be more than happy to let the world crumble around them while they keep bickering. Perhaps there is an “Agenda 2030” and their constant bickering is only furthering it.
But back on the subject of Ukraine, though, the UN has held a General Assembly resolution to condemn Russia for its actions and boot them from the “Human Rights” Council. There is some progress being made, but only some.
>>344668>The UN frankly doesn’t have that much powerThe UN is a club of freemasons and is meant to rubber stamp what the banksters want. Look it this way, in every country there is a diplomatic group operating as liaison between the current national government in power and policies pushed by the UN. To give you and example of the imminent UN threat, the US as well many other countries have signed treaties superseding the national Constitutions (treaties now have more weight than the Constitution) , all this passed quietly and without any publicity. This is treason and deserving of execution, yet no politician, no military, no judge, no journalist have open their mouth. Why?
>>344669Also pay attention how the buzzword "international law" is promoted. Most NPC have no idea of the implications of "international law" and parrot it because they heard that on TV.
International Law means the rules of the UN, specifically the rules of the 5 top dogs filling the Security Council. This stupidity is an aberration and a direct threat to the sovereignty of all nations.
>>344673>>344669Still, good luck convincing 97 countries, all of whom have even more distinct ideologies than US states, to agree on a whole lot.
>>344674>Still, good luck convincing 97 countriesWell, all countries agreed that there was a global epidemic bypassing their national health institutions (which very well could announce that there is no proof of any virus and therefore it is a psyop) and followed UN/WHO instructions to demolish their economies with lockdowns and coercive measures. Remarkable, isn't it?
By the way, the presidents of countries who didn't toe the line were killed and the European Lukashenko faced a NATO backed revolution.
>>344676>which very well could announce that there is no proof of any virus and therefore it is a psyopIf they all agreed on it, the virus would probably be more likely. It’s easier for facts to simply exist than it is for people to deliberate on what they are. Though some people like to deliberate on them even though they are irrefutable.
>NEW - Ukraine's Zelensky will virtually join Klaus Schwab's annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. [Embed]Who could have seen that coming? /s
>There Has Been a Series of Ukrainian Combat Refusals>Abandoned by officers, torn to shreds by artillery...>On two separate occasions units from the Ukrainian 79th Airborne withdrew from the front without order and refused to return. They complained of being poorly led by incompetent and cowardly officers. They complained about being poorly supplied and supported. They also complained about combat losses.>The men are mainly reservists called up after February 24, but there are also contract soldiers among them.[YouTube] Appeal of the Ukrainian 1st Vinnitsa Rifle Battalion
[Embed][YouTube] Paratroopers of the Ukrainian 79th Airborne Assault Brigade complaining and blame the command
[Embed] [Embed] [Embed][YouTube] Почему протестует тероборона и записывает видео | Страна.ua
>>344694I’m sorry, but what does the baby formula shortage have to do with this topic?
>>344697You have to be blind to not spot 40 billion dollars.
>>344699Not corporate monopolies and FDA recalls?
>>344701The Congress won't give a damn about that, they only care about to rob Americans to give the loot to Ukraine and themselves.
>>344702I don’t see how that has much to do with the situation in Ukraine. No matter how much money is being thrown at the situation of baby formula, it still won’t solve the problem that one of the two major brands that produces it is under an FDA recall.
>>344713>BidenLiterally a mafia boss.
>>344713Could we please keep in mind that OAN has previously been sued by Georgia poll workers for falsely implicating them in a criminal conspiracy and they have since had to retract their statement as part of a settlement?
>>344716If a jew sues you and forces you to say "there are no jews in the banks" for a lesser or suspended sentence does that make this true, or the courts corrupt?
>>344722First, I don’t think that people can be forced to say outright lies such as that, especially when David M. Solomon is in such a prominent position. Second, the fact that OAN had to settle a lawsuit like that only raises the question of how far they are willing to go to dishonor people and the veracities of their claims.
>>344724The lie "there are no jews in banks" seems about as obvious as the "there is no jewish globalist conspiracy" lie.
>If Ukraine Is Winning Why Is The U.S. Requesting A Ceasefire?>Yesterday the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu.>Why?>The U.S. readout of the call says:>On May 13, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke with Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu for the first time since February 18. Secretary Austin urged an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication.>Austin initiated the call and the U.S. is seeking a ceasefire in Ukraine!!!>Are we not told that the Ukraine is winning the war? That it will soon push the Russian forces back over the border? The operation to 'weaken Russia', which Austin had publicly announced two weeks ago, does not seem to go that well.>Told ya so!
>Coach Redpill>2022.05.14 Why Did Lloyd Austin Call Sergei Shoigu?[YouTube] 2022.05.14 Why Did Lloyd Austin Call Sergei Shoigu?
Video From Azovstal Factory.
>American Mercenary Unit Liquidated Near Rubizhne
>7 Americans were killed in Rubizhnoye, who participated in the battles on the side of Kiev, Alaudinov, an assistant to the head of Chechnya, told RIA Novosti, showing a document of one of them addressed to Joseph Ward Clark from Washington:
>“This, probably, was considered a special forces unit, their seven people, as I understand it, were Americans. They were identified by us and all departed to another world.“
>>344795My question is why the US would put its own boots on the ground and risk starting WWIII.
>>344803The jews in the control of the us Hate Russia.
>>344805But would they hate themselves enough to risk mutually assured destruction?
>>344807jews don't control Russia, there will be no nukes fired.
>>344809I thought Putin was Jewish.
>>344810Literal Propaganda.
>>344811Maybe he is biologically even if he isn’t “spiritually”.
>>344812Nope, not biologically either.
>>344813I thought his mother was Jewish.
>>344811>Literal PropagandaPutin is indeed a jew.
Lurk moar faggot.
>>344818>Posting western propagandaCope More Faggot
>More volunteers from #Donbass complaining to #Zelensky : We got fooled into this war -Your aviation and Artillery are not working, Your Commander has run away and left us to die>The #Ukraine volunteers have lost the will to fight and think they have been fooled [Embed]
>US Admiral Eric Olson (Highly decorated special ops commander) born in #Tacoma , Wa USA captured in #Azovstal #Mariupol #BREAKING [Embed]
>>344823Here the translation.
>>344841>pic 2It doesn’t help much when Jews are represented by the leadership of the US, Russia, and Ukraine at the same time, though. Either way this goes, people will die and a Jew will likely remain in power on all ends. Now don’t take this the wrong way.
>>344845That probably would have happened regardless, since the west would probably be even more uncomfortable with paying for Russian gas and Ukraine produces over 40% of the world’s wheat. It would have been like our generation’s Suez Crisis.
>Russian Lawmaker Says Poland Next In Line For 'De-Nazification'>A Russian lawmaker has issued a fiery warning that Warsaw is next in line for “de-nazification” after Poland’s Prime Minister penned an op-ed calling Russia’s imperialist “Russkiy Mir” ideology a “cancer” consuming Russian society and a “deadly threat” to other countries.
>>344847I don’t understand how they’d think that when they’d have to push past Ukraine first to get there.
>>344850Fighting a war on two fronts is never easy. They’d have to choose one or the other and the choice is likely rather obvious here, especially if Poland has become a NATO member state.
>>344851Ukraine with all NATO's help is already kaput. How long might last the NATO coalition is an interesting speculation.
>>344852Even with the advances seen in
>>344854Take in count the proportions.
Russia has engaged only a fraction of her might in Ukraine with no mobilization whatsoever. Ukraine goes for the fourth (draft), most of the vehicles are already scrap metal and no gasoline. Then, Russia retreating from a couple of towns plus 2 main cities actually is a smart move as there are no enough soldiers on the ground to cover all fronts.
According to some bloggers, it is because Putin expects this shit to escalate and the Red Army might pay a visit to Berlin.
>>344856If Russia put any more of its boots on the ground, then it could leave some regions unprotected. For example, Japan could perhaps move its troops in to capture the islands Russia took from them following WWII.
>NOW - NATO chief on the looming membership of Finland and Sweden: "This is a historic opportunity we have to seize." [Embed]
Ukie Trenches Hit Accurately With DPR Artillery Near Avdiivka.
>SouthFront>Positional Battles And River Crossings Result In Losses For Both Sides [Embed]
>New Brand Of American Mercenary Has Arrived In Ukraine Straight From Texas With A Message
If true, they're fighting on the Russian side.
>>344885If true and it is not staged propaganda, those guys are without remedy retarded. Even if the Russians are ideological aligned, their intentions are not benign at all. Putin is a WEF stooge and is playing his part to collapse the world economy. There is not a good side here.
>Strelkov: Russian Mil Can Not Replace Running Losses, Donbass Battle to Drag Into Summer>Is the "war was won in the first 3 days" the new "14 days to stop the spread"?
Some fuel shortages are next.
>>344911Couldn’t Ukraine simply nationalize Gazprom’s operations there?
>ANOTHER GREAT UKRAINIAN VICTORY IN THE WAR - Mass surrender of Azov (((neo-Nazis))) to Azovstal [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>Ambassador Says Russian Diplomats In D.C. Being Approached & Harassed by CIA, FBI>Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov over the weekend went public with an usual allegation - that Russian diplomats working in Washington are being harassed and increasingly approached by the FBI and CIA, which are said to be seeking information. Without specifying which precise entity is allegedly behind it, Antonov went so far as to say this includes "threats of physical violence" against Russian embassy employees in D.C. amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.>Antonov described to Russia's TASS news agency over the weekend: "It’s like a besieged fortress. Basically, our embassy is operating in a hostile environment … Embassy employees are receiving threats, including threats of physical violence."
>>344954>Azovstal fallJudenpresse gaslighting galore. Can't stop lying.
Drone View Of Azov's Long Walk Of Shame To Captivity
>Russian Tank Blows Away Ukrop Volksturm SUV - 5 Sent To Meet Bandera [Embed]
>Coach Redpill>2022.05.16 The Pentagon Says: Russia No—But China Yes[YouTube] 2022.05.16 The Pentagon Says: Russia No—But China Yes
[Embed]Can't beat Putin.
>>344967So have we really resorted to 19th century imperialism instead of doing the right thing for everyone?
>>344975>Implying 19th century imperialism isn't the best for everyoneThis is your brain on (((enlightenment era liberalism)))
>>344975Oh fuck is it that jew again?
Maybe pic rel was real after all?
>Russia Rains Endless Hell On AFU Positions All Night Long.
Ukraine Unveils New Putin Voodoo Doll.
Massive Bombs Crispify AFU Trenches - Thermobaric?
>Fighting in the Ukrainian trenches [Embed]IRL killing. Not Hollywood.
American mercenaries ambushed and attacked a Russian BTR-80.
>>345290this is just well poisoning to make sure anyone who gets a whiff of their plan comes across as a raving lunatic.
Before and after of AFU's new Australian Bushmaster vehicles.
>Ukraine Bits: Russian Artillery - Counter Attacks - New Missile Systems>The amount of copium available for Ukraine fans seems to be dwindling.>More mainstream media now report on the huge damage the Russian artillery is causing to the Ukrainian frontline troops. Even the New York Times joined in:
>Journalist Embedded With Ukrops Watches Squad Get Blown Out By Russian Artillery [Embed]
>>345510Looked like quite a pointless use of a tourniquet. Didn't see any bleeding, and they didn't even really tighten or fasten it properly.
>>345535It's actually a pretty cool insignia, shame they had to ruin it by making it some kind of faggot thing.
>>345539Yup, that's a pity.
>New Ukrainian drone specializes in stealthy bomblet drops on Russian forces
>>345539So Zelensky is /ourguy/ confirmed?
>>345556Imho, unicorn horns symbolize gradual increase. Basically an analogy for LGBTQetc.
>>345556I don't want unicorns eternally attached to faggotry.
>Belarus Mass Armor Transport To Polish Border
>There are:
>- 36 BMP-2's
>- 2 Engineering vehicles
>- 1 MT-LB ambulance
>- 4 ATGM tank-destroyers (probably, upper structure covered)
>- 2 Tor Air defence vehicles (probably, upper structure covered)
>- 5 Air Defence vehicles (can't really place the type, might be Osa's as they seem to be wheeled)
>- 3 unidentified armoured vehicles, one has extra antenna's so is likely a HQ comm vehicle, the other two appear to be command vehicles
>- 2 trucks
>That's most of a mechanised infantry battalion. Some of the wheeled vehicles are missing, but it's possible those travel by road.
Javelins Now Selling Like Hotcakes On The DARKNET For $30k A Pop.
>‘The Winner From Russia Not Mobilizing Is the West’>"Ideal scenario for the West: Two parts of the Russian superethnos are bled to death">Editor’s note: Russian pro-war commentator (he speaks of an “Ukrainian Reich”) argues Russia must embark on a total economic mobilization and a partial mobilization of manpower. He argues the great winner from Russia not doing so is the West which thus gets to enjoy the “ideal scenario” of Russian killing Russian in protracted bloody positional warfare.
>Crazy Story - DPR Soldier Meets Ukrop Who Tortured Him In Captivity>This DPR soldier was captured by the AFU and tortured in captivity. Now he's released and his own torturer was, by some twist of fate, captured in turn by the DPR. Now the DPR soldier meets his torturer. The Ukrop cries and begs forgiveness. [Embed]
>Russian TV
>Putin: If more western weapons are delivered, we will hit back
>Canadian Mercenaries Say Hello
>>345770>Tfw you will never ride an APC through a lovely countryside with you bros, looking for enemies to kill in the glorious name of your waifuThey stole this from us!
>>345770I wonder if they're still alive. Nice tune though.
>Ukrop Unit Just Got Hit With Russian Artillery Attack
>Foreign mercenaries fighting in Ukraine conflict sentenced to death in DPR>British citizens Shaun Pinner and Aiden Aslin, as well as Moroccan national Saadoun Brahim have been sentenced to death by the Supreme Court of the Donetsk People’s Republic, found guilty on a number of charges. The decision will be appealed, as mercenaries’ lawyer had said. [Embed]
Russian Ka-52 Pilots Put On A Show For Beach Kids On Frontline.
>Russian Teenager On Ukrainians [Embed]It is already banned, but here's the copy. It is gold.
>Ukrainian Commander Defects To Russia In Kherson Region, Ukraine (Special Report)[YouTube] Ukrainian Commander Defects To Russia (Special Report)
>Another British Mercenary Was Killed While Fighting With Kiev Forces>The mercenary, identified as former British soldier Jordan Gatley, was reportedly killed while fighting in the city of Severodonetsk, where Kiev forces have been attempting to push back the Russian military and its allies for a few weeks now.
Ukrop trenches worked after artillery bombardment.
>Long Version Of Kameshyvakha Fights - Chechens And LPR Reservists In Brutal House to House Warfare - (20:37 long) [Embed]Part 2:
>INCREDIBLE GRITTY INDEPTH LOOK AT FRONTLINE COMBAT - BOTH SIDES TAKE CASUALTIES - (20:38 long)>Chechens fight alongside LPR reservists in brutal street combat in Kamyshevakha. [Embed]
American Switchblade kamikaze drone already in some Russian tinkerers shop being dissected and reverse engineered.
>>346228May heckin' updoots be with them.
>>346228Hope they are Executed Lol.
>>346231>bottom picHis ears look photoshopped
>>346285The ears don't look photoshopped.
>Ukrops Fire Grenade Over Wall Receive One Immediately Back - Cry On Radio We have injured
>He cries "We have 300ths!" when Russian grenade lands on their head.
>French Mercenary In AFU Gets His First Baptism Of Russian Artillery - Oui La La
>Ukrainian "GUR" Intelligence Officer Captured - He'll Have A Lot Of Interesting Things To Sing About
>'Meet the commander of the GUR reconnaissance group, a career officer - reconnaissance officer, call sign “Khmelnitsky"'
Failed FGM-148 Javelin Launch As Seen By Drone
AFU Headquarters Gets Kalibrated With 2 Cruise Missiles In Nikolayev.
Long Video Of American Mercenaries Fighting In Severodonetsk.
>Coach Redpill>2022.06.18 IMPORTANT—A Message for Americans[YouTube] 2022.06.18 IMPORTANT—A Message for Americans
[Embed]Direct confrontation with NATO looks is coming next.
>Lithuania May Have Lit the Fuse on World War III>In a move of staggering stupidity and hubris, Lithuanian banned the transit of Russian goods to Kaliningrad effective today, June 18, 2022. Kaliningrad, which is wedged between Poland on the west and Lithuania on the east, is home to almost a half-million Russians and the headquarters for the Russian Navy’s Baltic Sea force.
>>346372>Based Baltic BrosSome of the best SS legions in the entire war indeed.
>>346376>Based Baltic BrosYou don't get it.
The Baltic leadership together with their freemason European brothers are gambling the lives of all Lithuanians for their political aims.
If the Baltic Bros won't overthrown their government before it's too late, the same fate than Ukraine will fall on them.
>Footage of the flight of a van full of dead & wounded American mercenaries from Severodonetsk.
>They complain that everything is very bad. In the "200th" state - a certain Stephen from New York.
>American Fighter Text To Friend About Severodonetsk Battles
American mercenaries fleeing the battlefield.
>American Mercenary Cowboy Cries He Keeps Losing Men From His Unit In Ukraine
>Dozens of Ukrainian officers killed in missile strike – Russia>The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that Kalibr missiles were also used to destroy Western-supplied M777 howitzers and armored vehicles >Russian warships have destroyed a Ukrainian command center with Kalibr cruise missiles, killing dozens officers, Moscow's Defense Ministry reported on Sunday.>“More than 50 generals and officers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were killed,” the statement outlined.
>German TV: "We have to face an uncomfortable truth... Russia has won this war."
>>346424>uncomfortableUncomfortable to you that is, whore.
>>346378Good, I just want to see Slav-shit garbage slowly burning away
>Russia Flooded With So Many Seized NATO Weapons - Even Talk Show Hosts Have Their Own Javelins.
>>346483>Russians with crazy gun control have Javelin launchers>I can't even own a launcherAnd now they're pushing for red flag bullshit.
Nuke New York, DC, California, New Jersey, and Florida already.
Successful Federal gun control in the US is an indicator that the feds have committed to total war in less than 2 years.
>Ukraine uses kamikaze drone to attack Russian oil refinery on border.Drone manufacturer:
>>346484Pretty convenient for them with two years of covid power-grabbing, Jan. 6, and a very inconspicuous spat of mass shootings before the midterms. It almost seems deliberate. p spoopy, ngl.
Buy guns, learn to handload, hoard boomer metals while you still can, and use this one weird trick - lefties hate it;
FUCK A MARE like a
TRUE ARYAN SUPER MAN daily to obtain her
>>346490>FUCK A MARE like a TRUE ARYAN SUPER MAN daily to obtain her EQUESTRO-ARYAN ESSENCEThis is true wisdom.
It looks like Africans are less stupid than Europeans.
>>346493He's done nothing but ask for gibs from other countries for the past three months. Wtf would starving niggers want to do with him?
>>346499The Zelensky jewish actor was trying to do a summit, at request of his American handlers, to convince the Africans to sanction Russia. Naturally the niggers are sensing where this shit is going and refused to damage their own economies just to please the Americans.
>>346493>>346499>>346510There was recently a meeting of the African Unions heads in Russia ten days ago, I am assuming this is a response to that.
>>346438God i want to fuck toga>>346451Kek
>Southern Ukraine is the priority in NATO’s planning>The desolate Snake Island in the Black Sea off Odessa has become a major theatre of contestation between Russia and NATO
Ukrainian army launches 3 simultaneous Tochka-U ballistic missiles.
>>346640>shove a man's head up your ass to own the Ruskies
>>346665Yup, the level of irony and cognitive dissonance is off the chart.
Ukrainian Anti-Air Missile Gets Nuked By Russian Iskander.
>Putin Urgently Rushes To Kremlin Under Escort In Middle Of The Night
>Putin urgently came to the Kremlin, the reason is unknown - according to Russian media
>Putin arrived at the Kremlin at 23.00. Usually such nightly visits to something important are written by the Russian media.
Perhaps is nothing, perhaps Lithuania is about to go in flames.
>The Return of Industrial Warfare>Presently, the US is decreasing its artillery ammunition stockpiles. In 2020, artillery ammunition purchases decreased by 36% to $425 million. In 2022, the plan is to reduce expenditure on 155mm artillery rounds to $174 million. This is equivalent to 75,357 M795 basic ‘dumb’ rounds for regular artillery, 1,400 XM1113 rounds for the M777, and 1,046 XM1113 rounds for Extended Round Artillery Cannons. Finally, there are $75 million dedicated for Excalibur precision-guided munitions that costs $176K per round, thus totaling 426 rounds. In short, US annual artillery production would at best only last for 10 days to two weeks of combat in Ukraine. If the initial estimate of Russian shells fired is over by 50%, it would only extend the artillery supplied for three weeks.>The US is not the only country facing this challenge. In a recent war game involving US, UK and French forces, UK forces exhausted national stockpiles of critical ammunition after eight days.>Unfortunately, this is not only the case with artillery. Anti-tank Javelins and air-defence Stingers are in the same boat. The US shipped 7,000 Javelin missiles to Ukraine – roughly one-third of its stockpile – with more shipments to come. Lockheed Martin produces about 2,100 missiles a year, though this number might ramp up to 4,000 in a few years. Ukraine claims to use 500 Javelin missiles every day.>The expenditure of cruise missiles and theatre ballistic missiles is just as massive. The Russians have fired between 1,100 and 2,100 missiles. The US currently purchases 110 PRISM, 500 JASSM and 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles annually, meaning that in three months of combat, Russia has burned through four times the US annual missile production.
>>346795This is an interesting article, thank you for posting it. This is the first time I've seen an analysis on the western ammunition stockpiles and how quickly they'd be depleted during a war scenario.
>>346809Glad you appreciate it.
>Miami police try, fail to explain how it’s legal for their department to ship guns to Ukraine>The Miami Police Department is about to get into a heap of trouble with a “gun buyback” program they are running on behalf of the country of Ukraine.>According to a report in The Truth About Guns, the department’s buyback program has been advertised specifically as a means of collecting firearms that can then be shipped to Ukraine to help in their war to beat back a Russian invasion. Only, the plan is rife with legal problems.
>>346795I remember Binkov talking about this a long time ago, particularly about cruise missiles running out very quickly in any hypothetical scenario.
Arm-chair generals vindicated once more.>>346815>ukranaziThis is officially the gayest armed conflict in a long while.
>>346824>ukranaziYeah. The Russians are under the jew spell again. They really have cognitive dissonance, both, Ukraine and Russia are under jewish rule, and yet it is the evil "nazis" what they are at war with.
So, Ukraine was "nazified" by the jews and then destroyed by the jews.
The eastern front was similarly tragic as well, in a way. But I know this is not the bread for dat
>Coach Redpill>2022.06.28 The Sitzkrieg We’re In[YouTube] 2022.06.28 The Sitzkrieg We’re In
>Ukrainian rocket artillery hits a residential area in Yasinovataya on the outskirts of Donetsk
The Russian military has confirmed an airstrike on the Ukrainian city of Kremenchug on Monday, but claimed it targeted a stockpile of Western weapons. The detonation caused damage to a nearby non-functioning shopping mall, Tuesday’s report said. Kiev had claimed that Russia attacked the shopping center, killing and injuring many civilians.
The Russian Defense Ministry said the location of the arms stockpile was near the Kredmash factory. The Amstor Mall, where a fire was reported by Ukrainian sources on Monday, is right next to it. The military claimed that the Western munitions detonated and caused a fire at the facility, which was no longer operating.
>>346943>KremenchugAnother camera.
>AFU Fleeing Lisichansk For Their Lives As Artillery Goes Off Around Them
>"If Putin was a woman he would not have invaded Ukraine": British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called the Russian invasion of Ukraine "a perfect example of toxic masculinity." [Embed]
>NOW - Biden: US to send more land, naval, and aerial forces to Europe amid the war in Ukraine.>- US to establish a new permanent base in Poland>- US to deploy 2 more squadrons of F-35 fighter jets to the UK>- US to raise number of destroyers in Spain from 4 to 6>- US to deploy "additional" air defense to Germany, Italy [Embed]
>>347172Fucking idiot to keep it in USD instead of some kind of crypto
>>347179>Buy my bullshit imaginary money!
>>347180>Buy my bullshit imaginary money!Wait, do you mean crypto or USD?
>>347183Any fiat currency. Real men store power in precious metals and weapons.
This whole war is just jews jewing Jews.
>>347196It might look like that, but the jewing is paid with goyim's blood and money, never jewish.
>Perfect Illustration Of What Will Come Next Strategically As Russian Forces Advance
>>347231I have doubts that it'll go that smoothly, but with any luck this dumpster fire of an armed conflict might be over soon.
>>347232>but with any luck this dumpster fire of an armed conflict might be over soonNot until the Red Army reaches the Paris' suburbs.
>Ukrops Come Under Fire From Russian Artillery - They don't know there's a quadcopter watching everything they do
>>347190You realize that Russia perpetually acts against American national security interests, right? They’ve flown planes into and out of Alaskan airspace for the last several years just to see what makes the US tick.
>>347257>100% projection plus 120% hypocrisyReally.
>>347260Don’t forget that multiple suspected Russian spies have been arrested on US soil. “Standing with Russia” now would basically mean supporting the collapse of the American government and the right to free speech, thus perhaps even this very site. I have a colleague who is an immigrant from Russia and he would very likely not stand for any of this.
>>347261>“Standing with Russia” now would basically mean supporting the collapse of the American government and the right to free speechIn which universe you live?
The American bureaucracy is following the UN's Agenda 2030 and WEF's Great Reset script to the letter. The sabotage, aka collapse, in being done from within by government employees.
Russia and China are also on board in the conspiracy by playing the boogie man role.
>>347262So my question is why this thread is titled the “Ukraine Invasion Thread” rather than the “Troop Movement on Russian Soil” thread.
>Five killed and four injured as Russia’s Belgorod shelled>At least five people were killed and four injured, including a child, as a powerful explosion rocked Russia’s Belgorod. Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reported that the city was shelled from the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, two drones were shot down in Kursk city. [Embed]
>Very Interesting Sightings In Ukraine - Neo-Nazi Synagogues And Jewish Bandera Clubs
Follow the money.
>Washington DC Independence Day Parade Right Now
I bet most, if not all, are jews.
>Vostok Battalion Fighters Of DPR Now Armed With Advanced Anti-Drone Jamming Gear
>>347331Some text saying something made up and a woman standing outside. Enlightening. Makes me want to support the guy that loves israel and is there to remove Nazis
>Russia Takes Over M777 Base - Captures Tons Of American 155mm Rocket-Assisted Ammo
>Russian military destroys two US-made HIMARS MLRS>The Russian military has destroyed two US-made multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) operated by the Ukrainian military. The HIMARS units, which were operating in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), were destroyed by a missile strike along with their ammunition caches, according to Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov in a briefing on Wednesday. In addition to the MLRS, a radar station for guiding anti-aircraft missiles, also used as a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries, was destroyed.>Four M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, were supplied to Ukraine by the US in mid-June. [Embed]
These NATO Defense Ministers have Russia quaking in its boots.
>Why Russia will Defeat the United States>If we go to war with Russia, which I suspect will likely happen, Russia will win. The reason is simple: ideologies never defeat national identity. This has been true throughout time. Whenever an ideological army attempted to conquer a defined people, the defined people have always won.>As I write this, American political actors on both sides of the aisle are seeking an expanded war with Russia. I suspect this is predicated on a misguided attempt to bridge a deeply divided United States. They are so clueless as to how much they have damaged the country, that they likely believe a war with Russia would reunite a divided people. It would not. The United States is a shattered piece of glass, of which, even if there were an attempt to glue her together, the outcome would not look like the original. The scars of modern policies are permanent. >Our ideologically hardened decision makers have placed all their chips on “black,” so to speak. They have demonized and vilified its most ardently loyal janissary class – White men. They especially targeted Southerners. Our political overseers will attempt to justify their attacks as necessary for a changing world. The mantra can be captured in the following few lines: “The United States is getting ‘browner,’ so you just need to come to grips with that White man. You can no longer be in charge in a post-White world. In order to prepare our next generation of leaders, we need to supplant your values with their values.” To do this, the U.S. adopted a policy of warfare against heterosexual White people, especially men. There is no walking such an idea back and White Men know that fact. By contrast, Russia is not intentionally surrendering Moscow to other nationalities to achieve a globalist objective of inclusion.
>>347459>CNN Desperately Refutes That Precious HIMAR Wunderwaffen Was Targeted By Russia>"But we are unable to verify either claim..." - typical CNN journalism. [Embed]
>Ukrop woman medic laments career choice: Everything is different than I imaged.
Another British Mercenary Gets His Purple Heart.
Polish chatting in the background.
It's All Worth It For TikTok For Ukrops.
Putin Confirms Russia Is Barely Even Trying Yet In Ukraine.
>Top Russian Official Calls For "Return" Of Alaska In Bizarre Threat>"Let America always remember, there is a part of [Russian] territory: Alaska," he said, according to Hromadske, subsequently translated in The Daily Beast. "So when they start trying to dispose of our resources abroad, before they do it, let them think: we also have something to return.">Another official threw his support behind the theat. State Duma Vice Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy went so far as to propose holding a referendum on Alaska - akin to the Crimea referendum of 2014.
>Ukrainian troops disarm and surrender after refusing to participate in hostilities>The command of the 24th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine disarms a whole company after its collective refusal to participate in hostilities. The soldiers, who decided to lay down their arms, chose prison. [Embed]
>Azov Sentenced To Death In DPR For Deliberate Slaughter Of Civilians In Mariupol With BTR-3
>"Fox (Konstantin Nikitenko) - drove around Mariupol in an armored personnel carrier and shot at people, for fun.He posted his own death sentence in the form of a video on the net.
Civilians can be seen on the start of the video left between the sign and the tree..."
Pretty much the story of Ukraine.
Meanwhile in Russia.
>“Alaska is Ours!” As spotted in Krasnoyarsk. They’ve gone totally mad. [Embed]
VICE NEWS CIA propagandists were unceremoniously booted out of Russia's Dagestan Region (next to Chechnya) for trying to create fake narratives.
Captured American howitzer, not in very good shape.
>>347923You might be surprised to know how many former/decommissioned arsenals and 2nd line warehouses were 'raided for material' in the late 1990ACE's by glowniggers. In particular, those that were supposed to be holding or maintaining stockpiles of such nasty things like VX, mustard gas, sarin, etc. etc. etc. If you dig back far enough into the Syria threads you'll find several images of a US made 152MM artillery shell rear plate that contained a lethal compound. Fun fact: all of those plates were stamped with an ID, manufacturer, military requisitions number, and what was within it. Equally fun fact: that same plate was traced back to a specific production run, never used or shipped outside the US but was still listed in official records, from a Kentucky stockpile where 80% of all weapon systems, warheads, shells, and bombs magically went missing right as decommissioning began.
That howitzer is old enough to have been sold as "export grade/second line equipment" in the early 2000's to "interested actors with necessary economic relations.. (to the US)". Always follow the shekels.
>US Is Paying $1.7 Billion To Health Care Workers... In Ukraine>As the war in Ukraine heads into its sixth month, military aid from the West has become routine, with the US leading the way after so far sending $7 billion in aid to Kiev since February. >But the Biden administration isn't just propping up Ukraine's military and aspects of its war-time economy alongside the huge sums of humanitarian aid being regularly sent for the internally displaced refugee problem - the US is now going to pay Ukrainian health care workers. [Embed]
>Alleged Israeli helmet sent to Ukraine fails to stop 9mm round.>A direct hit at close range is a challenge for a lot of helmets, you can at least expect some bubbling, such as seen here [YouTube] Kevlar helmet vs 38, 9mm and 30 carbine.
[Embed]>, but complete penetration through two sides is a terrible result. Maybe the real helmets are being swapped with cheap Chinese knock-offs at some point in the delivery process?
Russia published this list on telegram over foreigners that have joined the Ukrainian fighting broken down on country. There is no verification of the list.
>>347970>There is no verification of the list.I think the Russians have that incredible detail because they have "their guys" inside the Ukro government.
>>347961The outside shell of the helmet is not necessarily designed to do all of the bullet stopping. The inside liner is generally made of special fibers and padding designed to let the bullet move around the head even though it pierced the outer shell.
I was looking at the end of that video carefully and I didn't see any bullet holes on the inside, suggesting it worked as intended.
It is also possible, in general, that helmet fiber lining won't work correctly unless its actually being worn. The video test did not have any ballistic jell stuff to simulate flesh or a skull.
I also don't know if the 9mm bullets being used were just regular ball, or if they were armor piercing. Armor piercing ammo is not legal for plebeians like us because even cheesy 9mm AP rounds will pierce almost all fiber based body armor like kevlar.
Basically, there is nothing useful from that video alone.
>Destroyed American M777 And M1083A1P2 MTV Truck In Lisichansk By Russian Strikes
>VINNITISIA OFFICER HQ TURNED TO ASH>Russian missiles have struck all over the country in one of the worst days of strikes so far, many top officer HQ sites of the AFU are burning. [Embed]
>>348027"There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
Repeat: there is no war in Ba Sing Se."
>British “Volunteer” Paul Urey Died In Custody In DPR: His Story, Friends And Secrets>British national Paul Urey died of chronic diseases while in DPR custody on July 10th. The death of a captured “British mercenary” was declared by the DPR ombudsman Darya Morozova on July 15th.
>>348115>becomes a mercenary, presumably to virtue signal>gets captured>dieskek
>>348117>presumably to virtue signalNope, those faggots were involved in every NATO war. They were on a payroll, literally mercenaries.
>>348115Funny how the press calls them "volunteers" when they're literal mercenaries, with full salaries.
>>348124Eeyup, the plebbitors were pretty much the only legit
virtue signalling volunteers.
>Oh, The Drama! Oh, The Gadgetry!>You all know that for many years I try to get a simple tactical and operational point across and that the US Army never fought under the conditions of a constant fire impact not only at the front-lines, but in the operational depth where your preposition areas, HQs of Divisions and Corps, ammunition and other materiel depots are subjected to constant strikes. Such as VSU learned, again, yesterday when 3M14 flew into Vinnitsa's Officer Club and wiped out the top brass of Ukie Air Force (whatever is left of it) and foreign "providers" of the remnants of the Soviet-era MiG-29s and SU-25s from former Warsaw Pact, now NATO, countries (in Russian). >The United States Army simply has no reference point and any air-defense capability at the disposal of NATO today is simply insufficient or technologically obsolete to deal with salvos of Russia's stand off weapons.
>Russian cruise missile flies unhindered immediately after the air defense missile has worked idle.
>Russian KH-55 Cruise Missiles Striking Odessa Right Through Air Defense
>Coach Redpill>Gonzalo Lira: American Power Has Collapsed, It's Pulling Down the Rest of the World With It>Gonzalo Lira discusses the collapse of American power and how Washington has decided to pull down the rest of the world instead of accepting a graceful decline. The Russians have the upper-hand in Ukraine and will win the war. The U.S. now wants to pivot to war with Iran and eventually China. If the U.S. feels it is losing, in its hubris and pride it may seek to use nuclear weapons. The European project is over, Europe is dead. He comments on the Western world's fall into totalitarianism and turn toward the use of population control systems such as social credit and digital currency. The best places to escape to are countries that are poor, backward, and low-tech with lots of food.
[SoundCloud] Gonzalo Lira: American Power Has Collapsed, It's Pulling Down the Rest of the World With It #305 by Geopolitics & Empire [Embed]Video: [Embed]
>Military And Political Victims Reveal Secrets Of Russian Strike In Vinnytsia>On July 13th, Russian missiles hit the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia. LINK The attack was carried out by Russian high-precision sea-based Kalibr missiles which struck the building of the garrison house of officers in the city.>The Russian Ministry of Defence reported that “at the time of the strike, a meeting of the command of the Ukrainian air forces with representatives of foreign arms suppliers was held at this military facility on the transfer of the next batch of aircraft, weapons of destruction to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the organization of repair of the Ukrainian aviation fleet.”>As a result of the strike, the participants of the meeting were destroyed.
>Why Russia Is Not Running Out Of Ammo.>The hint is in the latest statements by Vladimir Putin, Sergei Lavrov, Ushakov and many others. To put it in simple terms: Russia is NOT running out of ammo, high precision stand off weapons, tanks and aircraft because Russia was getting ready for the war with NATO (euphemism for combined West) in which even SMO is but one of many fronts and operations. Surely, RUSI's report on the "return" (I never heard of it ever going away) of "industrial warfare" may have come as a surprise to West's "elites", but the truth is--human civilization and its, sadly, major product--the warfare--always ran, runs and will continue to run on such things as steel, aluminum, oil, other sources of energy, other materials which are crucial in production of anything war related starting from fuel and artillery shells to finished and highly complex things such as satellites, submarines and combat aircraft. No steel, aluminum, composite materials or oil--no civilization and no modern warfare.
Kharkov locals allegedly executed a ukrop soldier for robbing their apartments.
>>348257Hilarious, isn't it? I find this entire scheme of attempting to prop up Ukraine as the banker-banana republic it became in 2014 to be the single most astoundingly incompetent action that the corrupt """western world""" has done.
Question: why, precisely, did those fucking morons agree to sit down with a bunch of cucks from the Jew-S, britniggerland, and Saudi Arabia?
Answer: nearly all military officials, including "military intelligence", still fully believe in
World War fucking One metrics where it's "safe for everyone to meet at a designated place and time". Realtime tactical and intelligence assets are cheap, everywhere, and take next to no time to understand.
Shitty as most of Russia's realpolitik, backstabbing military officials, and industrial complex interests are, they're 100 years ahead of the entire hwesturn hworld. Poke the bear, you get the claws
and teeth.
>>348281>Question: why, precisely, did those fucking morons agree to sit down with a bunch of cucks from the Jew-S, britniggerland, and Saudi Arabia?Answer: money
There isn't a single "career" employee, that I know of, who will stand for what's right. Goodies and pension override duty and integrity, every single time. I believe they are called turncoats.
>>348281>nearly all military officials, including "military intelligence", still fully believe in World War fucking One metrics where it's "safe for everyone to meet at a designated place and time". It really does boggle the mind that anybody in a command position would be dumb enough to meet in person within cruise missile range when online meeting software exists. This is the most dangerous game of "this could have been a Zoom call" ever played. And if there are security concerns I'm sure the glows have some sort of "secure online chat" software that could be used.
By all means though, I hope they keep meeting so close to the border...
>Law Enforcement Collapsed In Ukraine>Amid the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine, the Kiev regime executed a crackdown on top security officials.>The President of Ukraine Zelensky dismissed the head of the country’s Security Service (SBU) Ivan Bakanov for non-fulfillment of duties that entailed human casualties. Ukrainian Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova was also dismissed from her post.>Zelensky accused officials of betrayal as there is a large number of cases of treason and collaboration with Russian special services in Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. 651 criminal cases have already been launched.>The trigger for the personnel sweep was likely the recent strike of Russian missiles at the Officers’ House in the city of Vinnytsia, at a time Ukrainian and foreign military officials held negotiations there. As a result of the strike, a large group of high-ranking officers of the Ukrainian Air Force were destroyed. Apparently, the strike led to casualties among the foreign officers, and Kiev was forced by its western partners to punish top security officials who were responsible for the leak of information. This led to the resignation of the head of the SBU. [Embed]
>>348283To a point yes, but mostly no. Money, whether industrial-complex or not, is a
consequence of "support X becuz ur a gud goy". The most damaging problem is even worse in context:
ego is the faux-motivation. Just as pseudo-tribalism is rampant in sports AND religion, the ego of a single stupid, indoctrinated (or both), person is essentially a gold mine. Once you strike it, expose it, and use it, it cannot be unstruck.
Consider the 100,000+ La Sia cucks that have toppled well over 230 countries around the world, helping to turn them into banana-banker republics. Why did they betray their fellow humans?
Ego. "I'm the goodest goy, let me show you!"
I was once one of those career idiots. Milint truly is hurrdurrlukatdurrtreez retarded from bottom to top. One bad night changed everything. All I knew of the entire world shifted. There are many of us, whom once served Jew-S interests, that will never call a single country 'home'. We are citizens of the universe. No less, no more.>>348295Again, that's the laugh worthy part. Know how easy it is to set up a basic 128-bit encrypted video call online? 2 minutes 10 seconds on average. Extra paranoid and want 256-bit? 3 minutes 50 seconds.
Let me give you a realtime example of how insanely stupid most military officials are:
Look around you. Study how people act. Operate. Function. Think. Consider. Understand. Now, realize that 50% of the people in your area are under 90IQ. That is JUST enough to remember how to push a few buttons and recall whom to seek out in case of an unwanted situation. That is the "Average Joe", the bootlicker whom desires NOTHING more than to 'do their work, go home, then toss back a few beers while watching sportsball'.
To extrapolate: there is a post-WW2 Jew-S military joke that anyone whom reaches the rank of captain must have a mandated lobotomy.
That is not a joke. If a person is not cucked, easily impressed, and willing to follow every single order given, then they do not reach captain. Half-birds are even worse. Full birds are willing to commit treason. Generals, the less stated, the better.
Now, consider this: another 25% of the population is even dumber than the above faux-tribal group. That is the <80IQ crowd. The ones that, historically, did not survive due to lack of intelligence, motivation, cunning, and drive. Meatshields, in other words. Infinitely simple minded, single minded, expendable, disposable. They exist to be discarded: they do not care as they have zero self-preservation and are utter evolutionary failures.
That other 25% is made of <70IQ "humans", along with a smattering of >100IQ humans. Depending on the culture, availability of knowledge and schooling, those two can range wildly downwards or upwards.
This was for that thread that's apparently locked for posting now about zoglensky
I hope the Russians take that bolshevik-descended subhuman alive and flay him then boil him to death on camera. It would be even better if they invaded isntrael to drag the thousands of kike filthsacks out of there that fled the Ukraine on the Ukrainian taxpayer's dollar in firstclass flights 3 days before the ban on males 16-60 leaving, but that'll never happen. Maybe something catastrophic to the Ukrainians will happen and the first will as all his methods of fleeing are denied him though, here's hoping.
>Donbass Village After Ukrop Army Retreat
In Maryinka. Ukrops Get Nasty Surprise From Russian Artillery.
>Belarus Pres. Lukashenko Mops Floor With Westoid Scum Journalist - 4:23 long [Embed]
>Coach Redpill>2022/07/23 >Zelensky Is About To Be Assassinated By The Americans[YouTube] 2022 07 23 Zelensky Is About To Be Assassinated By The Americans
Why are modern helmets so small? Why aren't they all maksa-1 or k6-3 but kevlar instead of titanium?
AFU Positions In Konstantinovka Rocked With Russian Missiles.
>>348599Titanium is really hard to manufacture and cost two legs and two arms.
>Russian Strike On Odessa Port Destroyed Ukrainian Warship, US-Supplied Harpoon Missiles>The July 23 missile strike on the port of Odessa destroyed a docked Ukrainian warship as well as a warehouse where Harpoon anti-ship missiles, recently supplied by the US, were stored, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on July 24.>The MoD added that the strike also disabled an important plant that was used by Ukraine to repair and upgrade its warships.
>FSB foils Kiev's attempt to hijack Russian jets >Russian intelligence claims to have intercepted a sophisticated plan by Ukraine to hijack several Russian warplanes, offering a guarantee-backed payoff to the pilots of up to $1 million. We gained access to Security Service files on the failed attempt. [Embed] Ukrainian intelligence revealed its own air defense layouts, trying to hijack aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces
In the FSB video, they let it slip that in the settlements of Ukraine there are the largest number of MANPADS, so they recommended avoiding them.
Their intelligence was so confident in their abilities that they openly explained to the “pilots” exactly how the hijacking process would go. It was planned that they would simulate the interception of a Russian military aircraft, and then land it at the Kanatovo airfield in the Kirovograd region.
Also, the FSB claims that the navigator of the plane hijacked to Ukraine was planned to be poisoned with clonidine, for which the drug was delivered to Volgograd.
Naturally, the plan completely failed.
Another interesting thing - it turned out that the British intelligence services provided the main support to the Ukrainian military intelligence in this hijacking operation. Bellingcat investigator Hristo Grozev also participated in their plans.
>Orban - If Trump were president this war would never have broken out
>For the first time Britain has included a #UK citizen on its sanctions list.>Blogger Graham Phillips has been sanctioned for posing a threat to #Ukraine's sovereignty by running a YouTube vlog that supports Donetsk & Luhansk Republics.>His accounts have been frozen. [Embed]
Importance Of Russian Drone-Thermal Imagers Shown: See Right Through The Heavy Foliage Tree Cover
>>348892They were talking too much with a reporter that night.
>>348917Yeah, I was thinking that. It is about to silence witnesses.
>Ukrainian nationalist says anyone who doesnt think like her should leave or be punished
March 3, 2022 / Kharkiv, Ukraine.
>Ann Coulter: “When Putin Bombs Pearl Harbor, Then I’ll be Interested” [Embed]
>The US plan for the Ukraine from the horse's mouth
>>349112>from the horse's mouthIdk, Lindsey Graham isn't exactly "the horse" when it comes to setting official foreign policy.
>>349123True. He's literally The Faggot.
>Russia warns of Polish plans for Ukraine>Warsaw is looking to send “peacekeeping” forces into Western Ukraine and take over sectors of the economy, Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service claims
>>349433>"Oy vey they are plotting to do exactly what we are doing, but we will call them out regardless"Russia and China everyone...
>>349454>>349433Poland sending troops into Ukraine would be a big deal. It would mean official NATO involvement.
If Russia were to retaliate against Polish forces, it could be the mother of all shitstorms.
>Russian TOS-1A Thermobaric Annihilates Ukrainian Positions In Abandoned Pesky Village
>Senior US Marine Corps Officer Expresses Admiration For The ‘Revolutionary’ Way In Which Russia Has Fought Its War In Ukraine>The picture that has been presented of the war in Ukraine is completely at odds with the reality of the situation on the ground. Surprisingly, information that supports this assertion, which totally undermines the Western media narratives regarding the war, is provided by an article in the August edition of the United States Marine Corps Gazette. Writing under under the pen name Marinus, a senior marine corps officer, provides an objective analysis of Russian military strategy since late February. It totally undermines the narratives provided by Western media and pro Washington politicians.>Marinus observes how Russia has pursued three distinct military campaigns since the beginning of the war in late February 2022. In the north fast moving Russian troops never attempted to capture cities such Kiev or Kharkov, they never made any attempt to convert temporary occupation into permanent possession. Their whole purpose was to act as a ‘grand deception’ which led the Kiev government to divert large forces from its main field army in the Donbass. This gave the Russian army the time to deploy its artillery units in large numbers into the Donbass, secure transport networks and accumulate large quantities of ammunition for the long campaign ahead.
>>349640Thanks for posting Anon
In response to the article itself and the points it brings up.
And I realize it's clown world.
It's the whole circus.
I think I'm going to to slip into the sweet embrace of Mares and snowpitty.
>>349648Glad you liked it.
>You’re Not Neutral When You Choose a Side>Switzerland belatedly discovers that it can’t redefine the concept of neutrality.>Neutrality means not taking sides. If you take a side, if you engage in economic sanctions or military conflict, then you obviously are not neutral. It’s not just the Russians who recognize that Switzerland is no longer a neutral state
>Освобождение Пески. Куда дальше? // Liberation of Peski. Where to go? [Embed]
Russian Ka-52 reportedly hit by MANPADS.
>>349796They're not redefining it. They sided with Nazi Germany in WW2, which never had a goal of subjugating them by force, and then flipped to the other side once Germany started losing the war (and after they got bombed by USA for it) while pretending to be "neutral".
In fact, I think this is exactly what they have done this time - they sided with the "winning" side, recognized it's no longer winning, and tried to turn coat.
>>347961That4s indeed chinese Airsoft gear, not a real helmet. I've seen biking helmets or construction helmets more solid than these, it is literally, a costume!
ukrops getting fucked by all sides, but ffs why is this lasting so long?
>>349870>why is this lasting so long?See
Russian T-72B Eats Javelin Hit For Breakfast And Keeps Driving.
>CNN copes with migration into Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine [Embed]
>Russian Pantsir-S1 Defenses Are Going Off In Sevastopol Crimea
>Some believe Ukraine is probing Crimean air defense now that they have ATACMS missiles for their HIMARS, in preparation to carry out strikes on Crimean targets.
>Daughter of Ukraine war mastermind 'is blown to pieces in Moscow car bomb': Darya Dugin 'assassinated in attack meant for her father Alexander' - one of Putin's closest aides often dubbed the Russian leader's 'brain'>Darya Dugin was driving back from festival when her car suddenly exploded on a road on outskirts of Moscow>According to reports, her father Alexander, 60, was meant to be travelling with her but went in separate car>Highly influential Alexander is the former chief editor of the staunchly pro-Putin Tsargrad TV network>Assassination in Moscow>The daughter of influential Russian intellectual Alexander Dugin, Darya Dugina, was killed tonight in what appears to have been a car bombing targeting her father.
>Crimean Air Defenses Takes Out Ukrainian Drone
>178 Days of the War That Was "Won in the First 3 Days">Nearly 6 months into the Russian-Ukrainian war Ukraine still holds a part of Donbass. More than that, Ukraine still holds a part of the old 2014-2022 contact line. Including in the immediate vicinity of Donetsk city.>Not only has Russia not yet completed the capture of Donbass, in some places it has yet to advance a single yard.
>US taunts Russia to escalate in Ukraine>In military terms, the crude, locally assembled drone dropping a country-made bomb or two on unguarded sites in Crimea are at best pin pricks in the big picture of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. But it can be profoundly consequential in certain other ways. >For a start, this escalation has Washington’s approval. A senior Biden administration official told NatSec Daily the US supports strikes on Crimea if Kiev deems them necessary. “We don’t select targets, of course, and everything we’ve provided is for self-defence purposes. Any target they choose to pursue on sovereign Ukrainian soil is by definition self defense,” this person said.>But Washington knows — and Moscow knows — that like any sophistry, this one too is a clever argument but inherently fallacious and deceptive. The New York Times has interpreted the drone attack on Crimea as a challenge to the leadership of President Vladimir Putin. The Times wrote that the Crimea attacks “put domestic political pressure on the Kremlin, with criticism and debate about the war increasingly being unleashed on social media and underscoring that even what the Russian government considers to be Russian territory is not safe.”
>Russia releases video of suspected Moscow car bomber>Footage shows the Ukrainian citizen entering the country and leaving it after assassinating Darya Dugina [Embed]
AFU Positions In Marinka Near Donetsk Comes under bombardment with phosphorus.
>the US military is starting to withdraw equipment in active service to send to Ukraine. [Embed]
>Russian ambassador to United Nations owns the UN's bureaucracy
>200 AFU Reservists Killed When Russian Missiles Splatter Train Heading To Frontline
Huge Column Of Russian Armor Somewhere In Donbass.
those silly ruskies can't wait to be decimated by the
<بيركتر أكبر
<bayraktar akbar
>hope you like your meeting with God you >murderous, raping, unprofessional trash
give em hell Ukraine!!
pic related
>>350487>pic relatedCrimea Air Defense Going Crazy Right Now.
Another American Larper Becomes Fertilizer.
> A Good Explanation...> ... of one of the reasons for a severe butt-hurt of the West--it cannot fight Russia because its best proxy in history, armed and C4ISRed by allegedly "finest fighting force in history" got its ass handed to it. [Embed]
>>350774Doing my part.
According to the ATF these are high-capacity assault guns.
>>350680Two more weeks, tovarisch! Glorious Russia will hold the victory parade in Kiev in two more weeks! RUSSIA STRONK
For the first time since 1945 Russians are fighting people who can also call for air support and artillery. Maybe they'll learn a tiny bit of humility. It'll do the Russian national character a world of good even as it culls their numbers.
>>350811Can't deny it. But still, murica has arguably a shittier track record.
>Did You Know The Ukrainians Built The Pyramids?
Only on Ukrainian TV
>>350813No doubt, but that's not really the topic. Russia invaded a country a fraction of their size, a country that hadn't done anything to provoke them other than not sucking their cocks with sufficient enthusiasm. Russians are behaving exactly like the goose-stepping fascist thugs they're constantly telling us only they can protect Europe against, and they've been getting utterly humiliated for half a year. It does the heart good to see it.
These are the people the West was afraid of for the whole Cold War? The Russians are always threatening to bomb us back to the Stone Age. Someone could probably prank-call them back to the Stone Age. It's hilarious.
Also, does anybody have a dead pool going on the rest of Dugin's family, or the other Russian fascist ideologues who spent the last thirty years working so hard to bring about this war? I wonder who'll be next. They opened this door and they want us to take them seriously when they complain about what walked in. The world can only laugh.
>>350958>Russian fascist ideologues who spent the last thirty years working so hard to bring about this war?You have all your bearings flipped.
The US and the EU staged a coup in 2014 to seize Ukraine. Remember?
>>350961Ukrainians seized Ukraine. They rose up against the Russian puppet Yanukovich after he ordered the police and military to shoot anti-Russian protestors.
There is a phenomenon called "blowback," usually raised in chortling discussions by commies talking about how the CIA shouldn't meddle, because it always brings negative repercussions. Blowback exists for Russia too. They've been putting the boots to their neighbors for hundreds of years, and their neighbors all hate them, with excellent historical reason. And now Russia is turning out to be weak and contemptible. Maybe they'll get one ten thousandth of one percent of the payback they've spent the last few hundred years earning. I hope I live to see it.
>>350958At this point it's pretty silly to argue about who's bluffing about what. The Russians have always been a bluff, but NATO in 2022 is a bluff as well. There basically aren't any European military powers anymore, so from a military standpoint NATO just means America. The idea that America's military is undefeated and undefeatable is a meme; the modern American standing army and military-industrial complex was established after WWII, which was incidentally the last war America actually won. So in other words, the US army as it presently exists has never won a war, or even come out on top after a war.
America is unlikely to get directly involved in the Ukraine fiasco imo, and all the sanctions and whatever are doing absolutely fuck-all. So probably the outcome of this war is going to be the Russians slowly grinding the Ukrainians down and taking whatever territory they consider important, while the US tosses billions of dollars worth of military equipment down the shitter and virtue-signals and otherwise does nothing. I give it about one extremely cold winter and the Europeans are going to be done screwing around with this shit; they'll make whatever capitulations are necessary to get the gas turned back on. The end result is probably going to be some kind of sit-down in which Zelensky or whatever the fuck his name is bends over and gives Putin whatever he asks for, and in return Putin lets him keep his shitty capital and whatever parts of the Ukraine he doesn't actually want. Or, maybe the war will just drag on indefinitely or escalate into WWIII somehow; who knows?
Either way, the actual conflict between Russia and Ukraine is basically just a slap-fight between two retards. The big retard is going to slap the little retard around, while the little retard screams like a faggot and pretends to fight back. Meanwhile the US is going to stand on the sidelines throwing money and virtue-signaling about how noble it thinks the little retard is. Then, the little retard will cry uncle and it will all be over, and the US will go back home feeling better about itself, despite having done nothing and wasted a fuckton of money in the process. The world is just comedy at this point.
>>350975>So in other words, the US army as it presently exists has never won a war, or even come out on top after a war.
>>350976>spend three weeks kicking down some shitty banana republic in the desert>spend the next 20 years fighting a losing war against civilians armed with pipe bombs over territory you don't even wantYeah, quite the victory there.
>>350977Ask Saddam Hussein who he thinks won, why don't you?
>>350978Yeah, the death of that muslim just did SO MUCH to slow down the islamization of the west.
>>350978Ask the people who naively signed up to fight for their country and wound up fighting insurgents in some godforsaken desert shithole who won that war. Better yet, ask them whether anyone actually won that war. But yeah, Saddam Hussein is technically dead now, so there's that.
>>351032>ask them whether anyone actually won that war*apart from globalist shitbags and kikes
More American Equipment Captured.
>>351061>AmericanThat's an AIFV. Probably donated by the Dutch or Belgians.
>Ukroid Suffers Near Direct Arty Strike
>Russia Acts to End Ukraine Ingulets Bridgehead; Deploys 3rd Army to Donbass>The end of the Ukrainian Kherson offensive. [Embed]
>Hypocrite: Ukrainian President Rents His $4M Italian Villa to Russians>Back in March, the Ukrainian leader lectured Italians not to welcome Russian tourists or rent them vacation homes or yachts.>The World Economic Forum-controlled President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, has rented his vacation villa in Forte dei Marmi, Italy for 50,000 euros (USD 49,720) per month. On Tuesday, Italian newspaper Il Tirreno reported that the 4 million dollar luxury home with 15, six bedrooms, and a pool was rented to Russians. Meanwhile, the hypocritical President has demanded Italy and Europe ban Russians from entering Europe.
Only one way to stop this and that would be shut downing Israel and the crap they are doing in Syria. I almost think this whole jewcrainian think is to try to get as many Russian assets out of Syria so some heebs can steal their land and rape the women and children
>>351338>Only one way to stop this and that would be shut downing Israel and the crap they are doing in Syria.You would need to shut down NATO first. This war ends as soon as the West stops giving Ukraine free weapons.
>>351339No, they will find away to funnel shit into Ukraine. Notice Operation Inherent Resolve dissolved into steal all their shit and oil in Syria. Who do you think were giving the "Islamic State" weapons. The fucking CIA. The Mossad and CIA will just look to another way to get their way.
>>351340>they will find away to funnel shit into Ukraine.Yeah, but that would still be different from direct aid packages. It would take longer to send, and it would be harder to allocate funds. I have no doubt it could be funneled in, but it wouldn't be the same. Weapon smuggling is a thing, but don't think that these massive multi-trillion dollar aid packages at western taxpayers expense aren't making a big difference in the conflict.
>>351472>The AlbanianLost hard.
>>351484What? No. It was better before.
>>351484>removed the albanianWhy would you remove a joke without replacing it?
>Interesting Tactic AFU Sets Massive Field Fires During Offensive To Protect From Thermal Observation.
>AFU set up fires on fields in order to protect themselves from thermal observation and probably work of army aviation.
>No matter what was the aim. Must say that it is interesting way to protect yourself from rockets, drones and basic suspecting. I will remember that.
>Because Thermal vision very sensitive and will not give you ability to see anything but fire.
>Ukrainians are a strange people
>Ukrainian Forces Develop Decisive Offensive In Eastern Ukraine>On September 9, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue their offensive operations in the Kharkov region. They managed to break through Russian defences in several areas on the front lines and develop their bridgehead.>On the evening of September 8, President Zelensky claimed Ukrainian control of the town of Balakleya, which became the main target of the first phase of the Ukrainian offensive. In its turn, the General Staff of the AFU is yet to confirm the full control of the town.>The advance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the western direction in the town was confirmed by the footage from the spot. Ukrainian flags were raised over the administration buildings in the central districts of the town.
Regular /pol/ is full of shitposters from both sides, discord trannies shilling Ukraine unironically, and have also co-opted /k/.
Fuck those faggots. Can't even talk guns anymore without some fuckface gloating about how Russians are bad and evil and stupid and shit.
I'm just so frustrated, man.
>Russian Defense Collapsed In Eastern Ukraine>On September 10, Kyiv’s forces continued their large-scale attack on Russian positions in eastern Ukraine.>The most intense fighting is ongoing in the sector of Izum and Liman (south of Kharkiv Region and the north of Donbass) after the retreat of Russian units from Balakleya (with surrounding villages) and parts of Kupyansk (Russian troops retreated towards Oskol River). As of now, Russian forces retreated from 2/3 parts of Kupyansk. Reports indicate that most of the town may fall into the hands of the advancing pro-Kyiv troops in the nearest future. It should be noted that Oskol River in this area cannot be considered as a ‘large water barrier’ and could be easily crossed by the advancing units if they face no fierce resistance.>At the same time, Russian troops are reportedly retreating from the key towns of Izum and Liman. If these reports are confirmed, the Russian military likely opted to not carry out positional defense in these areas. Russian forces are retreating in the face of the threat of encirclement and amid the tactical operational crisis in the area.
> Ukrainian Offensive Inflicts Staggering Defeat on Russia>A key portion of the front collapses after just 4 days of offensive>As the 3rd day of the Ukrainian offensive in Kharkov closed a number of commentators asserted that the Ukrainian advance of 50 kilometers “did not matter” because it had not reached “operational depths”.>That is to say, it had not yet taken territory that would represent a strategic payoff.>Then on the morning of the 4th day news came in that Ukrainians had taken the part of Kupyansk to the west of Oskil river, after the Russians had abandoned it without a fight.>The importance of Kupyansk lies in its position as a railway hub, and the Ukrainians now had fire control over its railway station, and the ability to frustrate the Russian supply of Izyum further south by rail. — That’s right, the Ukrainians had just reached operational depths.>In just 4 days the Russians lost a vast area — everything beyond the Oskil river gone. Just like that.>Positions that took months for Russia to capture and expand were gone in an instant. (The whole of March to take the city itself, followed by battles to expand the bridgehead over Seversky Donets to its south.) [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Is Putin’s Goody Two Shoes Behavior with his “Limited Operation” Blowing up in his face?>The Kremlin’s attempt to fight a war with minimal resources and no commitment to disrupt the government and functioning of Western Ukraine and the weapons flowing in from the US and NATO now brings the humiliation of having Ukrainian troops break through Russia’s thinly defended line in the Kharkov region of Eastern Ukraine.>I would be surprised if Russia, by far the superior power, doesn’t quickly regain control over the military situation in Donbass. But the Ukrainian success, no matter how limited or temporary, has doomed Putin’s “limited operation,” which, as I have emphasized, was doomed from the beginning.>It was doomed from the beginning by the Kremlin’s ridiculous assumption that Washington would permit the operation to be limited. The widening of the war was guaranteed. The fact that the war has widened is now understood by Russian TV hosts who say the proxy war in Ukraine between the US and Russia is over and Russia now faces a real direct war with the US and its NATO puppets. For Russia to continue in Ukraine, the Kremlin must fight a real war and knock out the government in Kiev and the governmental and civilian infrastructure that permits Ukraine to conduct war without Russian interference and which permits supply avenues for ever more dangerous Western weapons to be acquired by Ukraine. It is stunning that Putin thought he could drive Ukrainian troops out of Donbass and then sign an agreement ending the conflict.
>BREAKING: Blackout In Ukraine>At about 8 p.m. local time, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched missile strikes on the largest thermal power plants in eastern and central Ukraine. As a result several regions of Ukraine were left without water and electricity.>According to the local reports, the Kharkiv CHPP-5 and Zmievskaya CHPP in the Kharkiv region, the Pavlograd CHPP-3 in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the Kremenchug thermal power plant in the Poltava region were hit but Russian missiles. The collapse of the general power system has spread to the networks of Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Odessa regions. It also affected the areas of Donetsk regions controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Kiev region and the capital of the country. The missiles were likely launched from the Black and Caspian Seas.>Ukrainian president Zelensky confirmed that the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions (territories under the AFU control) were completely de-energized. The Zaporozhie, Dnepropetrovsk and Sumy partially suffered from the energy cut.
>“The Offensive of the AFU. It’s Time to Tell the Ugly Truth”>"From a political point of view, everything is more than bad.">The result of the three-day mini-blitzkrieg of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkov region was a sharp change in the configuration of the front in this sector – the territories controlled by the Russians shrank by two-thirds, the main cities were lost, and the Ukrainian troops now directly threaten the recently liberated territory of the LPR , with great difficulty, from the northern settlements of which ( Svatovo) is already a mass evacuation of the population.>The Armed Forces of Ukraine also took to the approaches to the recaptured Krasny Liman in the DPR a couple of months ago, threatening to nullify almost all the achievements of the summer operation in the Donbass and put an end to plans to take Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. the plan. /s
So, will this shit show of a war be over soon?
It looks like the Russians are getting shlonged right now. Think they'll just give up?
>>351834>Russians giving upNaaaah. If so, in the domestic front Putin will be skinned alive and at the foreign front will be laughed at with no end with the aggravant that NATO might lose respect and escalate even more.
So, the explanation for the debacle might be, or it is incompetence or it is treason, but a third option comes into the mix: Putin was a enthusiastic participant in the World Economic Forum and is doing everything according to plan.
>>351844>is doing everything according to plan.He's fucking up too badly for this to be his plan. I refuse to buy into the 5D chess narrative.
>>351848>I refuse to buy into the 5D chess narrativeActually it is a book sold at the NYC UN headquarters titled: Agenda 2030. The whole plan is on the around 800 pages of carefully plotting societal reshuffling.
>>351850>Agenda 2030Actually the book was titled Agenda 21. That term was replaced years later with Agenda 2030 and sold to the normies as "Sustainable Development".
>The EU Lost>The complete uselessness – actually, worse than uselessness – of the European Union can be seen in the way that it managed to lose a war in which it wasn’t even involved.
>Battle For Krasny Liman: Update On Ukrainian Offensive In Kharkov Region>Amid the ongoing Ukrainian offensive operations in Kharkov, Russian forces left almost the entire territory of the region. As of September 12, the front lines were almost stabilized and are marked by heavy positional battles without any significant advances by any of the warring sides.>So far, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have reportedly taken control on an area of about 8800 km2 in the Kharkiv oblast.
>Russian Cruise Missile Arriving At AFU Ammo Depot
I'm frankly underwhelmed by this, but I suppose Ukraine needed some results after receiving so much money and guns. No way does anyone actually want this war to end, except the poor sods still shooting down there.
>>351850>The whole plan is on the around 800 pages of carefully plotting societal reshuffling.What does that have to do with invading Ukraine and failing?
>>351947>What does that have to do with invading UkraineEverything. Ukraine has been used by the western ZOG as an excuse to collapse the economy (aka de-carbonize, aka de-industrialize) while blaming the evil Putter for it.
>failing to invade UkraineI think you fail to understand what's going on. If the Russians wanted, they could use blitzkrieg tactics and reach the polish border in one week. Remember the invading force penetrating from Belarus and stopping and later retreating from the Kiev's outskirts?
>>351950>Ukraine has been used by the western ZOG as an excuse to collapse the economy (aka de-carbonize, aka de-industrialize)This has mostly been from the energy insecurity caused by Russians cutting off natural gas and oil to Europe.
Couldn't they have done that without Ukraine?
>If the Russians wanted, they could use blitzkrieg tactics and reach the polish border in one weekI believed that at the begining of this war, but not anymore. This isn't planned 5D chess or intentional delay/loss; this has been blatant incompetence. I'm not going to assume that they're just pretending to be retarded.
>>351953>I'm not going to assume that they're just pretending to be retarded.It is the only plausible explanation because it makes no sense how they have conducted this war.
>>351954>the only plausible explanationThe other explanation is that they actually are retarded, and they entered this shitshow thinking they would have the same easy bloodless invasion they had in Crimea back in 2014.
>>351953>This has mostly been from the energy insecurity caused by Russians cutting off natural gas and oil to Europe.Ahem.
The Ukrainian pipelines have been shut off by.... the Ukrainians.
The North Stream 1 pipeline has been shut off by... the Russians, because the Canadians still are refusing to comply with the contract to deliver the equipment to Russia instead of Germany.
BUT, the North Stream 2 pipeline was finished on September of 2021 and is ready to deliver the same amount of gas than North Stream 1. The catch? The Americans have forbidden the Europeans to open the valve, so simple and absurd like that.
That is correct. I oversimplified the situation.
>>351957>>351959But to get to what my point actually was, invading Ukraine wasn't necessary to cause this kind of energy insecurity.
Of course, western liberals used this as an excuse to push their own agendas, but there is no reason to assume that the Russians were somehow collaborating to decarbonize the west by invading Ukraine.
Don't give them too much credit and assume that whatever they're going is planned.
>>351960>But to get to what my point actually was, invading Ukraine wasn't necessary to cause this kind of energy insecurity.It is a must to justify the sanctions that are crippling the western economies.
>>351962That's obvious on the western side, but not on the Russian side. Russia has no reason to get itself sanctioned.
>>351960>but there is no reason to assume that the Russians were somehow collaborating to decarbonize the west by invading Ukraine.Mr. Putin was an enthusiastic WEF and Global Young Leader member, Klaus Schwab's buddy for many years, and the Russian diplomatic corp, together with many other countries, were plotting the de-industrialization and depopulation of the west at the UN for many decades.
>>351965>Russia has no reason to get itself sanctioned.Sanctions are a bonanza era for Russia. Selling less energy is making more money than ever.
>>340575 →
>>351967Yeah, I know how it works, but they didn't need a war for that.
>>351971To commit economical suicidal, the Europeans did need it.
>>351974I'm talking about the Russians.
>>351976Yeah, but do you realize that the western zog is in synchrony with the eastern zog?
>>351978Yes, but not necessarily in this capacity.
It gives them way too much credit to simply assume that this horrendous display of incompetence was somehow done on purpose.
>>351980>It gives them way too much creditWhen you realize that in the UN headquarters ALL countries have agreed to go forward with the ethnic cleansing of the European people (mass migration) and de-industrializing of their countries (Sustainable Development aka Climate Change); then so may grasp the tip of the iceberg of this massive genocidal conspiracy.
>>351981I know about that. I'm still not buying that this is somehow planned.
It looks like a ton of retardation of both sides, not coordinated demolition.
>>351982>I'm still not buying that this is somehow planned.>denialIt is in open. It is up to you if your brain makes "click" or not.
>>351986>It is in open.No it isn't. What's in the open is the extreme incompetence, poor planning, and lack of long-term goals. There is no reason to assume that they actually know what they're doing.
>>351988>There is no reason to assume that they actually know what they're doing.>gaslightingOkay.
>>351995That's not gaslighting, faggot.
Tell me when you find actual evidence that confirms that they're merely pretending to be retarded.
>>351996If you leave the territory lightly guarded in the middle of a war... Tell me, it is stupidity or is treason? If not any of those, what it is? Perhaps a third agenda is in play here?
>>351998Based on the current evidence, it's stupidity.
>>352000Either way, it is to be expected that the responsible commanders to be demoted and shot, if not, then the third explanation comes into play and demonstrates that the debacle is scripted.
>>352005They may not be demoted on the basis of propaganda/damage-control. It's a big embarrassment to the Russian government for shit to go this badly, and they may spin the "we weren't even trying" narrative to their public.
>HOLY SHIT! Incredible Explosion After Russian Strike On Ukrainian Power Plant
>Kremlin Denies Plans For War Declaration & National Draft: "Not Under Discussion">On Tuesday the Kremlin addressed widespread speculation and rumors that President Vladimir Putin is planning to issue a full declaration of war as Russian forces pull back from Kharkiv, in a Ukraine counteroffensive that Kiev leaders and their Western allies are hailing as a major success. A war declaration would trigger mass mobilization and a draft.>"Russia is not planning to declare a mass national draft for the war in Ukraine," the Kremlin stated, amid reports its forces are suffering fatigue, low moral and manpower shortages. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov emphasized this is not under discussion at this point: "Not at this point. No, we are not discussing that," he said when asked about widespread reports, as quoted in TASS news. [Embed]
>>352052>crossed red lineSo what are they going to do in response?
>>352062Cry out a twin Volga
>>352062>So what are they going to do in response?
Quite honestly, this war is one big chicken game between America and Russia. Both are in it to waste each other's time and energy and Ukraine is too busy not dying to realize they are disposable tools.
>>352089>Ukraine is too busy not dying to realize they are disposable toolsThey always were.
>"All in!" The Ukrainian Offensives in Cherson and Charkiv>In recent days, the Ukrainian Forces were able to recapture large parts of their territory. In his newest Video, Colonel Markus Reisner calls it the third distinctive phase of this war. Reisner analyses the offensives in Cherson and Charkiv with the help of four factors: terrain, force, time and information. And comparing it to historic battles, he tries to anticipate what might come next.[YouTube] "All in!" The Ukrainian Offensives in Cherson and Charkiv
[Embed]Austrian NATO fighter steps forward and gives his opinion.
>Ukraine publishes security guarantee proposal>The ‘Kiev Security Treaty’ would see the likes of the US, UK, Turkey and Australia act as guarantor states>Medvedev issues apocalyptic warning to West over Ukraine>The former Russian president used a Book of Revelation quote to comment on “Kiev Security Treaty” demands
>Ukraine sliding into a real war>The single biggest outcome of the past week’s happenings is that the conflict has assumed the nature of a full-fledged war. Zyuganov was not off the mark when he said in his Russian state Duma speech: “The military-political operation… has escalated into a full-fledged war, which has been declared against us by the Americans, NATO members, and a unified Europe. >“A war is fundamentally different from a special operation. A special operation is something you announce — and something you can choose to put an end to. A war is something you can’t stop even if you want to. You have to fight to the end. War has two possible outcomes: victory or defeat.” >Putin has a big decision to make now. For, while the good part for the Russian military may be that the frontline has been straightened and large Russian reserves are being transferred to the battlefields, de facto, a state of war exists now between Russia and NATO.
>>352110>apocalyptic warningSo what are they actually going to do?
>>352138It's truly the end of the infraretard
>>352138Imagine fucking up this badly.
>>352139According to Putin's track record... absolutely nothing.
>“The Russians Promised to Stay Forever… Then Surrendered the Entire Territory in 4-5 Days”.>In short, Russia lost the entire area around Kharkev/ov/iv. They didn’t put up much of a fight, just some rearguard action and some units had to battle desperately to break through the Ukrainian envelopment.>The 5D dunces who were talking about how this is a Russian trap have some explaining to do. How much longer until the so-called trap is sprung? How does one spring a trap exactly when one is outnumbered 3:1 if not more over a vast territory?
>>352152The Russians have proven themselves to be incompetent cucks. At this point they deserve to lose.
>>352154>incompetent cucksI disagree, the stench of treason is all around.
Igor Strelkov has been warning about this debacle for months and he has been shunned over and over again.
>>352156That doesn't make them any less incompetent.
>treasonAgainst who? The state?
>>352157From the top, Putin and Shoigu.
>>352158Treason is a legal term that applies to crimes against the state. Technically if it comes from the top through legal avenue it's not treason, just terrible policy.
>From the topYou say that like Russia has ever had a government that gave a flying fuck about its people. They haven't had one in centuries.
>>352159>Treason is a legal termAll right, betrayal so.
>You say that like Russia has ever had a government that gave a flying fuck about its people.Well, my suspicions about Putin being a WEF plant are getting stronger.
>>352160>Putin being a WEF plant are getting stronger.He's literally a KGB communist and you're just figuring out now that he's a hack?
>Nerds Talk “Kill Ratios”. War Historians Talk Force Generation>Is Russia a banana republic?>To sustain a Russian fighting force of 150,000 in Ukraine the pool of 250,000 feeding it will have to be expanded, or else the ground army will gradually cease to exist. — It will be attrited into nothing through retention and recruitment problems. First slowly then faster and faster [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Ukroids Go FLYING In Kherson After Russian Strike Gives Them Wings
>Russia’s Tricky Strategy In Southern Ukraine>While the front was stabilized in eastern Ukraine, and none of the warring sides claim any significant successes, Russian missiles provide Russian forces with some tactical advantage on the front lines in the southern regions of Ukraine.>On the evening of September 14, a missile strike damaged the Karachunovskaya dam and a pumping station on the Ingulets River, which caused water levels to rise by more than 2 meters flooding a number of districts in the city of Krivoy Rog. [Embed]
>>352212It looks to me like the Russians resorted to flood the battlefield to stop the Ukroids and prevent a defeat in the south.
>>352163>trying to overwhelm the enemy with thousands upon thousands of dead SlavsThey really haven't learned since WWII, have they?
What do you all think the endgame is for this war? What kind of outcome would Russia/Ukraine be satisfied with to put an end to this shitshow?
>>352160>my suspicions about Putin being a WEF plantThis has been common knowledge for 20+ years. It's only in the past 2 years that retards thought that he was anything but.
I can't believe so many of the gullible retards across /pol/-adjacent image boards actually thought that Putin was their savior for 8 fucking months. It was disappointing to see so many people fall for the "if it's against Europe and America, it's on our side" false-dichotomy narrative.
>Ex-Convicts Who Signed Up To Wagner For Their Freedom Make Statement>Recently, the head of Wagner PMC caused a furore on social media, having invited maximum security prisoners to redeem themselves in Ukraine. See his address and conditions here. (>I don't know what crimes they've committed but technically, these are very bad guys (one isn't relegated to the penal colony for stealing candy.) Do you believe one deserves redemption if they fight for their country?">On the right are government correctional facility vans used for the transportation of maximum security prisoners, presumably to Wagner PMC.When recruiting comes down to this, you KNOW you're fucked.
>Russia is Running out of Troops, Releases 28,000 Prisoners, Sends them to Fight in Ukraine>More than 28,000 prisoners including murderers, rapists and those guilty of grievous bodily harm have been freed from jails to fight for Vladimir Putin in his war in Ukraine, it is claimed.>The scheme has so far led to the release of more than five percent of the entire male prison population in Russia as the Kremlin steps up recruitment of inmates after suffering a humiliating defeat against Ukraine’s army in the east of the country. [Embed]
>>352254This is the same thing they did in WWII vs Germany.
>>352240>When recruiting comes down to this, you KNOW you're fucked.This is was one of the early signs of the Roman empire falling.
>>352259It's not nearly as precarious. In WWII, both Germany and the USSR conscripted minors and elders at some point. Ukraine is actually very close to that, with their conscription of 18 to 60 y/o males.
It looks like Russia is just trying to avoid enlisting their people in mass. It's more a lack of support than a lack of man power.
>>352260You could say they already have barbarians in their ranks, remember the Chechens?
>>352262>You could say they already have barbarians in their ranks, remember the Chechens?Yes.
>>352262Maybe they're playing 5d chess and just trying to genocide their criminal population.
>>352267>5d chessI agree, but not the Russian 5D chess, but the WEF's.
>>352268>Implying wefRussia and they are adversarial
>>352297That is what we are told, and yet every move those adversaries do is to advance the UN's Agenda 2030 conspiracy.
Hint: The Russian government is always shinning the "International Law" concept which is nothing less than an arbitrary set of rules to give agency to the United Nations.
break up may as well be a stunt tho.
>Russia Is Fighting With Iranian Kamikaze Drones>Russia has inflicted serious damage on Ukrainian forces with recently introduced Iranian drones, in its first wide-scale deployment of a foreign weapons system since the war began, Ukrainian commanders say.>Over the past week, Shahed-136 delta-wing drones, repainted in Russian colors and rebranded as Geranium 2, started appearing over Ukrainian armor and artillery positions in the northeastern Kharkiv region, said Col. Rodion Kulagin, commander of artillery of Ukraine’s 92nd Mechanized Brigade. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>13 Civilians Fell Victims Of Precision Strike By Ukrainian Nazis In Donetsk (Photos, Videos 21+)>On September 19, Ukrainian militants committed another war crime against civilians in the Donetsk People’s Republic which remained unnoticed by the global media. >In the morning a precise strike hit the bus stop and a grocery store on the Baku Commissars Square in the Kuibyshev district of the city of Donetsk. As a result of the inhumane attack of the Ukrainian military at least 13 civilians were killed, including two children, many more civilians were wounded.>According to the Representative office of the DPR in the JCCC, Ukrainian forces fired 155-mm shells from their positions in the village of Netailovo located 15 kilometers from Donetsk. The attack was carried out with NATO military equipment.
>>352307How cost-effective are these? Although the article explains why they're superior to cruise missiles, destroying a howitzer or APC might not be a good trade-off depending on how expensive they are. They remind me of the V-1 rockets from WW2, albeit far more accurate.
>>352359>dronesOn paper they look great but they depend on a remote operator; jam the radio emissions and bye bye drone.
>>352360The diagram says they use AI, which would be a major step up.
>>352364>A.I.Sure, for promotion purposes will say anything.
Reality says that for real 5 years old awareness, a CPU farm is needed with fiber optic interfaces for super fast linking among the nodes... translation: you need a room packed with CPUs plus another room to hold the refrigeration units.
>Drone Warfare in Ukraine: Understanding the Landscape>A look at how military and civilian drones are changing the conflict landscape in Ukraine.
>Drone Warfare - Starlink- Elon Musk - Formulating a practical defense - Jammers [Embed]
>Ursula von der Leyen: "The Russian army is removing chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to fix military equipment. They no longer have semiconductors. Russian industry is in tatters!"
Good grief. Top exporters of semiconductors to Russia are China, Taiwan and Malaysia - none of whom have imposed sanctions.
>>352386In a similar way to how battleships were replaced with carriers as the ultimate naval platform, I wonder if tanks will be replaced with mechanized drone carriers on land. Imagine a fleet of vehicles like
>>352307 carrying racks of drones, alongside fuel and ammunition to equip them. And these drones would have much superior force projection capabilities than a tank. Not just kamikaze drones like the ones above, but reusable drones that can perform an attack and return back to the land carrier for refueling.
>>352393>tanksMore important for the battlefield is to neutralize the foot soldiers which are the core of any opponent.
>Ukraine's counterattack: Unheeded warnings from Russia's pro-war hardliners>For your consideration>What were Russia’s pro-war commentators saying in the weeks leading up to the AFU’s counter-offensive in Kharkov?>In July and August, Voyennoye Obozreniye (Military Review), Russia’s most popular military news portal, was publishing op-eds making the following claims:>Russia’s MOD was downplaying the strength of the AFU by embellishing casualty figures>Dragging the conflict out might not work in Russia’s favor>Russia’s “operational pause” would allow Ukraine to launch a counter-offensive>Donbass militia members lacked basic gear and hadn’t seen their families in months>Nothing was being done to correct mistakes because no one wanted to admit to them
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