The old thread
>>331297 → hit the bump limit.
Post Corona-Chan stuff here.
>TRUMP'S NEW AGE DOCTOR NETWORK / Hugo Talks [Embed]Trump is openly pro-injections and yet all anti-injections doctors are linked to him. These doctors are inter-linked with the new-age movement and the actors in the UN.
>Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: “No safety signals emerged”
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory.
>"SARS-CoV-2": Bailey, Cowan, Kaufman respond to Cole, McCullough and Malone>Dr Joseph Yi, AKA "StreetMD" asked Drs Bailey, Cowan and Kaufman to respond to Drs Malone, McCullough and Cole's claims that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated and shown to exist. Boom! [Embed]The above is an answer to:
>Do viruses exist? Drs Robert Malone, Peter McCullough and Ryan Cole answer your questions [Embed]
>James Heilman: 42-year-old quadruple-vaxxed Canadian ER doctor and “Wikipedian” reports being sick with COVID-19, then disappears from Twitter>BRITISH COLUMBIA — A 42-year-old emergency room doctor and university professor is absent from Twitter after reporting health issues. Meanwhile he confirmed a well-known fact about Wikipedia and its blatant bias.
>Truth continues leaking from mainstream media, government, but it’s too late for 7 more young people who died suddenly and unexpectedly>As the global vaccine genocide climbs towards its apex, a growing number of former vaxx zealots are experiencing mea culpas.
>(((Caroline Rothstein))): 38-year-old triple-vaxxed New York poet blames lax masking, Pfizer’s Paxlovid for her new “COVID-19 symptoms with a vengeance”>BROOKLYN — A 38-year-old poet and writer for, among others, Cosmopolitan and The Guardian, is unwilling to face reality as her health continually declines.>Ms. Caroline Rothstein is a believer in all things COVID-19. She is a Twitter “blue check,” best known for her slam poetry. She often writes and speaks about masturbation, orgasms, and being Jewish. Ms. Rothstein uses a lot of vulgar language and hyper-feminist, made-up words like “cishetpatriarchial world” in her poetry. The following, published on Instagram in April 2021, is from a slam poem called “A Blessing For My Clitoris After I Cum.”>COVID-19 and “long COVID” are now code words for vaccine adverse effects and deaths. But don’t bother trying to show and tell vaxx zealots this undeniable truth. “Da Nile” is the longest river in the world. But proud Brazilian scientists are in “denial,” claiming that the Amazon River is the longest in the world. Whether it’s “da Nile” or “denial,” humanity cannot escape this hard-wired coping mechanism during the most powerful human psy-op in history. [Embed]
I'm unvaxxed, but i believe they are about to release a severe mutation that will cull the unvaxxed. It would be the perfect scam, the dissidents die and (((they))) rule without any opposition.
>>344438Do you really think they have the tech for that?
>>344439Yes. Literally publicly available information.>move to a new building 5x the size of the old one in 2019great timing, gee i wonder
>>344192not news. what is this the final cope for the boomer doctors who got told by trumps supreme court that they dont have a right to not be leftist and keep their diplomas?
Her AstraZeneca reaction is very nasty - Life threatening.
>US Navy boots over 900 from its ranks for refusing to get experimental COVID shots>Discharges of Navy personnel for COVID jab refusal came despite the fact the shots haven’t been shown to stop transmission of the virus.
>Doctors and Nurses are in on the VAXX scam
>>344486They're pretty obviously using the vaccine as a way to purge everyone from the military who isn't a goodthinker, but does anyone else think this is probably going to turn out to be a self-defeating measure in the end? The French military did something similar post-revolution, where they slowly eliminated aristocrats, Catholics, and pretty much anyone else with conservative or pro-monarchy views from the ranks and promoted only leftists. The end result was they had a military composed of leftists who were good at being bureaucrats and goodthinkers, but were completely inept as officers and soldiers. This worked fine as long as they more or less had peace, but as soon as they had to fight a serious war it was a disaster. Long story short, that's how France went from the Napoleonic Empire to being everyone's communal fleshlight during two world wars over a comparatively short period of time.
By the time the US has to fight an actual war, our fighting force is going to be composed of nothing but soibois and trannies and whatever, commanded by officers who don't understand anything except gender theory. My money is on the next war being absolutely
>Germany's Top Hospital: Half A Million Germans Experienced Serious Adverse Events after COVID-19 Vaccination>Serious AE's in 1 out of every 125 vaccinated; 40x underreporting factor for severe adverse events; government urged to take vaccine injury seriously, find solutions
Injections administered/dead classified by income.
>Mainstream media focus on “hero passenger” Darren Harrison landing plane in Florida, while completely whitewashing the suddenly incapacitated pilot>Pilot down, passenger takes over with 'no idea how to fly' [Embed]>Air Traffic Control audio - Palm Beach emergency landing - pilot incoherent so passenger lands plane [Embed]
>65% Of Americans Have Woken Up, They Won’t Take Any More Covid Injections>18% of Americans refused all Covid injections. 11% refused the second dose. 36% took the initial series and refused the booster. Add those together and you have 65% of the country that said: “No more!”>Now the 65% of Americans that are awake need to save the pre-schoolers from these fiendish injections.
>>344684Hasn’t Denmark already stopped its vaccination program? What other countries might follow?
>>344685>DenmarkI don't think stopping the injections will be enough. This won't end until the responsible, collaborators and participants face the gallows.
>>344687I wouldn’t like to see them face the gallows per se, but there is clearly something shady going on with someone and we all know who they are, though they’re struggling to contain their own outbreak and enforce their own “zero-CoVID” policy.
>>344688>though they’re struggling to contain their own outbreak and enforce their own “zero-CoVID” policyThere is not any outbreak. The PCR test used to claim "a case" is a total fraud.
“zero-CoVID” policy is about to collapse the economy and impose a social credit on the people these fuckers are bankrupting.
>>344692>The PCR test used to claim "a case" is a total fraud.Doesn’t use the exact same test, though?
>>344695No idea if it is the same test, but testing DNA is not the same than testing the cellular garbage the "scientific community" calls viruses.
>>344698So what is the alternative to PCR testing, then? It’s also possible that it could judge whether one is infected or not based on other factors rather than directly detecting the virus.
>>344703You should lurk moar.
The Covid-19 fraud and psyop has roots well behind in time.
By the way, the infamous scientific community and its "experts" are all involved.
>>344704And maybe you could learn a little bit about statistics and machine learning. It may be possible to see other factors involved, such as nucleic acid mutations, to determine whether they could have been caused by the virus.
>>344705Lurk more dude. Virology itself is resting on the shaky foundations of Rockefeller Foundation's fake science.
>>344707Then how come the US is no longer in a Polio epidemic?
>>344708India was, after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation injected millions with its poison.
It was news and then was swiftly scrubbed from the internet.
>>344707>Cough syrup with heroinEver heard of codeine cough syrup?
>Survey shows over 500,000 killed by the COVID vaccines so far>A simple survey anyone can do provides convincing evidence that the COVID vaccines have killed over 500,000 Americans. They should be halted. Now.>Summary>Our estimate of 2M deaths seems too high based on the CDC numbers, but too low based on the embalmer death data. But even if we got it wrong by a factor of 1,000 (which I doubt), the vaccines should be halted now.>This survey (along with biological plausibility) meets all five Bradford-Hill causality criteria and shows a number of deaths too large to ignore.
Another covidian on the loose.
Remember all those idiots that took a clot shot to see a tranny Matrix movie and forgot about the original because they are retarded fan bois and don't know how to pirate.
>>344770>All-cause mortalityI’m sorry, but wouldn’t that mean the mortality from any cause, not just the vaccine?
>>344783I expected this from the schizos but to be fair, Vaxx niggers have been doing the same thing for a long, long time now.
>>344783The injections are causing an explosion in pathologies of all kind.
This effect was already announced by many doctors in previous corona-chan threads.
Fully Vaccinated & Boosted PA Lt. Gov (D) John Fetterman Suffers Stroke.
Reporter and model suffers vax induced miscarriage and now has cancer - Safe and effective. [Embed]Well, this covidian claims to be a MD, but it looks like her work is to be a socialite.
Another one.
>JUST IN: Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen (D) hospitalized after suffering ‘minor stroke’ [Embed]
>>344843>How often are you testing?I was checking if it's a bot, but it doesn't look like, instead it is a true globohomo jewess.
>Beach volleyball player drops to the sand
>New York City has transitioned to a high COVID alert level, meaning now is the time to double down on protecting ourselves and each other by making choices that can keep our friends, neighbors, relatives and coworkers from getting sick. [Embed]Here they come again.
The Explosion Of Cancer And Latent Disease After Vaccination - Epoch Times Interviews Dr Richard Urso
>President of European Pharma Giant charged for falsifying COVID Vaccination Record & purchasing fake Vaccine >Spanish police carried out an investigation – Operation Jenner – which uncovered a vast network of celebrities and “elites” who paid money to have their names fraudulently entered into the National Immunisation Register, despite refusing to be vaccinated. One of the “elites” was Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceutical giant PharmaMar.
>>345507now THIS is a fucking shitty news post worth posting here.
27 May 2022 - The government has just quietly WITHDRAWN all the healthcare setting COVID19.
>Brazil's president
>Bolsonaro Shatters the Narrative and Drops Several COVID Truth Bombs
>1,044 athlete cardiac arrests, 683 dead - all with covid shots>It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause. of killed too long to fully screenshot.
>Chris Sky>Dead within two days of PFIZER Covid vaxx man among first Canadians approved for COVID-19 vaccine injury payout
>Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register
>Sudden Adult Death Syndrome - "They Think We Are Stupid” - Eva Vlaardingerbroek
>PFIZER PAYS NYPD to "bluewash" its vaxx crimes>As conclusive proof surfaces of heinous criminal activities of Pfizer and its CEO Albert Bourla,>Pfizer makes payoff to NYPD group to have its top brass “Honor” Pfizer and its sketchy CEO.>There is enough public information readily available for any thinking person to see clearly the crimes of Pfizer, yet somehow the political class, the intelligence agencies and law enforcement is taking the payoffs to heap praise and adoration to the world's biggest criminal Albert Bourla.>What compounds the issue is that it is so easy to see. But money is blinding everyone. [Embed]
Times Square NYC New Yorkers Getting A Dose of Truth.
>JUSTIN BIEBER STRUCK WITH FACE PARALYSIS PLAY SILLY GAMES WIN SILLY PRIZES>Justin Bieber says he has Ramsay Hunt syndrome, which is caused by a virus that can attack nerves and lead to facial paralysis. The 28-year-old singer has postponed a slate of concerts. [Embed]
>Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: Young, Healthy People Dropping Dead At Alarming Rate>Doctors around the world are suddenly warning the public about a strange and mysterious rise in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” a condition where, apparently, young previously-health adults can suddenly drop dead of heart failure. They’re warning about it in the UK, and in Canada, and here in the US as well. [Embed]
>Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection>Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization?>If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.>How?>Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system.
>Low-IQ “fact checkers” are paid by Pharma to remove anti-pharma content from the internet>Corporate-backed PolitiFact should be renamed Politi-Lie as their “fact check” team of specialists are really only specialists at having fake credentials, fake offices and fake stories to protect Big Pharma propaganda, especially anything that debunks the fake science of the COVID-19 mandates. In fact, the so-called “fact check” team was revealed recently to have little-to-no experience in anything, from journalism to medical knowledge, to zero experience doing any kind of research or national reporting.>Welcome to the real world of disinformation, where the very people who claim to be ‘protecting’ the country against misinformation are the main culprits of the spread of it, while banning, bylining, deleting and memory-holing anything that counters the pharma narratives, especially when it comes to the most lucrative scamdemic to ever besiege the planet – the Fauci Flu. Here come the lowest IQ “fact checkers” ever employed anywhere. This is the epitome of mass-misinformation aimed solely at destroying truth and real science that can save your health and life.
>CV19 Vaxx Deadliest Fraud in History – Edward Dowd>Former BlackRock stockpicker, Ed Dowd joins Greg Hunter to say that the COVID vaxx (or what he calls the “Magic Juice” to avoid being de-platformed) will be the deadliest fraud in history. As a Wall Street insider, he has seen his share of financial frauds but this one is different, because, “The problem with this fraud is it is a bridge too far. 220 million Americans took the vaxx. Three million Americans are disabled, and it’s probably higher, and those disabilities are going to continue to grow.”
>A quote from a nurse about covid.
>The sole purpose of the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots in kids is to eliminate the control group. There are no health benefits, only harms>The FDA is willing to sacrifice the health of 19 million little kids to cover up the evidence of a crime>On Friday, the FDA released its risk benefit assessment of Moderna's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application to inject mRNA into kids 0 to 17 years old. I've been reading it for the past two days and here are the things that stood out to me: >I. Introduction, a shell game to hide the bad data>II. No actual health benefits so Moderna/FDA use the immunobridging trick>III. It's all harms>IV. The way that the FDA rigged the myocarditis data is absolutely sinister>V. What is to be done>VI. Conclusion [Embed]
>Justin Bieber: ‘The vaccine ruined my life’>Justin Bieber now admits that he regrets taking the Covid-19 vaccine, saying that it left him with permanent paralysis in his face. Bieber made the confession to a close friend, who later leaked the information to the Daily Mail. Bieber reportedly plans on suing Pfizer for causing his paralysis, despite the fact the company is shielded from liability. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>346139I Know some anons are happy about this and other vaxx deaths and injuries but to me it's just sad.
>>346146True. It still sucks though. most of the deaths/injuries have happened to Whites though.
>>346139>>346145That poor young woman
>>346152>most of the deaths/injuries have happened to Whites thoughActually self-hating and self-serving anti-whites.
>>346155Perhaps so, But I'm sure there are some unaware/Apolitical Whites who have been hit in the crossfire.
>>346156The normie is going to norm.
>>346159I might later. right now? nope.
>>346146How is that karma? People were jewed into poisoning themselves. It's a tragedy.
>>346155That's nonsense. Most people who are affected by this kind of propaganda are just normal people who didn't know any better, and fell victim to a world-wide propaganda scheme that largely targeted white people..
>>346175>>346176Its almost like the individual is responsible for their own choices, and bears the reaponsibility for those decisions. Almost like, self-agency and shit
>>346186So next you're going to say that the white race deserves to be replaced by shitskins and children deserve to be groomed by troons, just because normies individually made bad decisions after being exposed to decades of Jewish propaganda? Not the Jews who tricked them into doing it, but the normies themselves?
>>346190I wasnt gonna, but I dont disagree with your assertion
>>346191>whites deserve to disappearWell, I don't. People can be tricked, that doesn't mean they deserve everything that comes to them, especially not when all of modern education, science academies, and media have colluded to brainwash them into self-destructive actions. White people deserve to live in a world where they don't have to constantly be on the lookout for Jewish tricks, but that's not currently possible because Jews still exist.
>Massive Bio-Structures Found in Bodies of the Vaccinated - (4:11 long)>Mortician finding anomalous structures inside the vascular system of deceased vaccinated people [Embed]
>>346195Sources? I want to research this myself.
>>346199>Sources?>can't order his own mind and proceed accordinglyDid you even watch the video?
Go to the Stew Peters Show and watch the reports of Dr Jane Ruby.
>>346203Then I guess there's no hope for white people. Great replacement time.
>>346206The wicked are worst than useless and actually a drag. They gotta go.
>>346207Most people who fall for propaganda aren't wicked. They're just normal people.
And if there's no white people left, what is there to fight for?
>>346208>Most people who fall for propaganda aren't wicked.Yes they are. They fell because of immorality.
They believed in man' science over scripture. Granted, if you are also corrupted, you'll never understand the concept and will laugh at it.
>>346208>Most people who fall for propaganda aren't wicked.I disagree. "Wicked" isn't the word I'd use, but they're definitely incompetent/selfish.
>>346210>scriptureKYS Christoid. Your faggot religion got us here in the first place.
>>346211>incompetent/selfishThey've been malignantly misled. That is neither incompetence nor selfishness.
They've been fed information all throughout their lives that taking the jab should be safe and effective. Even though it's a lie, that's a conclusion that any uninformed person could come up with under those circumstances.
>>346210>They believed in man' science over scripture.That's nonsense. Tell me where in the bible it says anything about vaccines, or their relevance to mortality.
Most of these people were just unwittingly led into this trap, because they didn't know better and we're lied to. That's not immoral; it's just sad.
It's the ones who lied to them and spread the propaganda who are to blame.
>>346211>KYS Christoid.As predicted, you react very strongly.
You should separate the corrupted church from what is prescribed as the right behavior "by The Book", no middle term here is allowed as any compromise is used for subversion purposes.
>>346213But in the age of information, ignorance is a choice. They could fact check any easy answers they are fed by their "experts", but their personal and moral failings compel them to ignorantly choose to serve villainy, or their villainy compels them to intentionally join whichever side lets them feel smug and act evilly. This is what makes leftist lies so appealing. They offer easy answers for complex questions and bad excuses for evil deeds.
>>346214>That's nonsense. Tell me where in the bible it says anything about vaccines, or their relevance to mortality.The body is The Temple and vaccines are tampering with the Temple.
>>346218That is not an interpretation that most people would logically make. People were misled into believing that vaccinations are no different from any other kind of medicine.
>>346219>That is not an interpretation that most people would logically make.Of course not, they are way far gone.
>>346217Yeah, although in the age of information, there's just as much false information out there as there is correct information, and uninformed normies searching through the front page of Google for answers aren't always going to come up to the right conclusion when so much tech and media infrastructure is devoted to making sure they only hear exactly what the elite want them to.
I'm not saying these people are smart, I'm saying that they're also the victims in this circumstance, because they were misled by manmade horrors that none of our ancestors had to deal with.
>>346220More like our society is so fucked up it tricks average people into not seeing truth.
Trips of truth.
>>346213They're adults who should be mature enough to use basic critical thinking skills before shooting up retard juice. While we may constantly be under a never ending barrage of anti-White indoctrination, there's no excuse for such sheer incompetence when the truth is just a click away.
>>346218By that backwards, superstitious logic, then what couldn't be construed as messing with the "temple" or whatever?
Christians, like leftists, will say anything to satisfy their feelings and they use whatever texts they can to justify it. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a cope.
>>346224>Christians, like leftists, will say anything to satisfy their feelingsActually feelings here have no place. It is to stick to The Bible by hook or by crook.
>>346224>truth is just a click awayAn infinite barrage of lies is also a click away, and a lot of people fell for those lies because they were misinformed. That doesn't make them worse people; it makes them victims of kikes who have been plotting to kill us all, and succeeding at it.
>They're adults who should be mature enough to use basic critical thinking skills before shooting up retard juice.Well, considering the number of people who took this stuff, that is not the case. Society has not prepared people to think about this critically.
>>346229Fair enough, anon. I just have a hard time empathizing with traitors that hold openly anti-White beliefs, like most normalfags do. Jews peddle poison and they eagerly lap it up either out of either naivety or selfish convenience.
How many people do you know that know the uncomfortable truth deep down, but reject it because it would be inconvenient for them? They do so at the expense of our entire race. I know quite a few people like that and they don't deserve sympathy.
>Another TikTok Star Gia Pastion Dead at 19>Gia Pastion, a Native American influencer from Canada known for her food videos through funny skits, died unexpectedly on June 11 at 19.>Her grieving family confirmed her passing through a social media post but did not provide further details.>Gia’s family has remained silent on the cause of her death and had set all her social media accounts to private., young people used to live a lot more.
Fauci: Those Who Lash Out Against Me Are Anti-Science Conspiracy Nut Jobs
>"There are some, you know, who really are swept up in conspiracy theories and distortions of reality and anti-science untruths that create a hostility towards me and the scientific community in general that really is unprecedented. We've never seen anything like that, where the only thing that I've ever expressed, everything that I've ever communicated, has been based on the reality and the evidence as we know it."
>News Goes Off Narrative - Says They've Been Bribed - Co-Host Tries To Recover
>>346469id say she is a judas
>1000 ATHLETES - COLLAPSING - DYING - HEART PROBLEMS - BLOOD CLOTS - MARCH 2021 TO JUNE 2022>The following is a documented compilation of 1,000 Athletes and Sports related incidences from March 2021 to 16th June 2022, each slide presented for 5 seconds.>These are only the ones we hear about and which are sports related. The real numbers are unknown. There is a concerted and desperate effort by big tech and the mainstream media to ignore, hide, cover up, divert or straight up lie about what is going on. [Embed]B-but they are safe and effective. /s
>Miss Brazil Dies Suddenly Aged 27 From Massive Heart Attack>A former Miss Brazil has died aged 27 from massive bleeding and a heart attack after a routine tonsil operation.>Beauty Queen Gleycy Correia, who was crowned Miss Brazil in 2018, died in a private clinic on Monday.
>EVIL: Doctor Reportedly Leaves 6-Month-Old Baby To Die Over Vaccine Status>Early on Friday morning, Robby Starbuck, a Tennessee write-in challenger running in his district’s primary this summer, released a shocking tweet reporting that a 6-month-old baby named August is being refused critical medical care by Vanderbilt University Medical Center cardiologist Dr. David Bearl. According to his report, the mother of the infant child stated that Dr. Bearl is denying life-saving treatment because the baby has not been vaccinated against COVID-19. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>346469where does he say they where bribed?
>>346456>women >character
Federal Agency That Enforces Vax Mandates Gets Exemption for Its Employees.
>BREAKING: CMS just EXEMPTED officials hired to enforce their vaccine mandate...from the vaccine mandate! My office obtained the memo. Stunning hypocrisy. These mandates must end. [Embed]>Biden's COVID mandates are not about public health, but about federal government control of our lives. They must end, and it's why I filed the Texas COVID Vaccine Freedom Act in #txlege. [Embed]
>Dr. Birx, did the government lie when they said vaccinated could not get Covid? [Embed]It is all theater, none of them will get their pensions canceled, their properties seized, or be executed.
>Media outlet publishes then removes professor’s article debunking mainstream COVID narrative>Provost stated that there has been 'no excess all-cause mortality' in the province since the pandemic was declared, except in the over 70-year-old age bracket. [Embed]
Fox News Is a Now Saying All the Vaxxed are DED.
>Comedian wasn't joking around - He regretted taking it - Soon after it killed him
>Another Load Of Dead Vaxxers The True Epidemic Begins
Spaniard presstitute collapses live on air.
>Latest Survey Shows 3.7% Rate of Myocarditis in “Vaccinated” Americans>This is a health disaster. This rate is over 500 times higher than what the CDC claims. Doctors will remain silent on this as they are not permitted to challenge the “safe and effective” narrative.>The CDC has always told us that there is only a slightly elevated risk of myocarditis from getting the vaccine. They cite data from the VAERS system showing low report rates. However, they always conveniently “forget” to mention that VAERS is under-reported and fail to estimate the VAERS under-reporting factor. This means their estimates are likely off by a factor of 100 or more.>Now we have confirmation from multiple sources that the CDC is misleading people and that their numbers are, in fact, at least 100X too low
>Actor Seriously Injured By Mystery Illness (Aka the Pfizer Covid Shot)
>Russia & the WHO: Friends with benefits>After several weeks of passive-aggressive bickering, Russia and the WHO are unfortunately still “an item” and they may even take their calamitous relationship to the next level: clot-shot certification.>Gross.>Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 18, Melita Vujnovic, WHO representative to Russia, announced that negotiations between the World Health Organization and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) concerning recognition of Sputnik V were back on track.>An inspection of manufacturing facilities in Russia could happen in the coming months, according to Vujnovic.
>The EYE of the PFIZER
Banned in minutes by jewtube and chinktok.
>74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose according to CDC
>>347309crap, I'm only part of 20% of the population?
>>347314Even better, you are the chosen filly.
Some Of The Fake Stories Put Out By The MSM To Cover Up The Real Reason For All The Heart Attacks.
>>347335The sex toy, fertilizer, canabis, and LGBT, and depression stories are true. These have been proven years ago.
Crowd yells at mothers wheeling babies in for the injections.
Meanwhile some animals know how to protect their kids.
Usually all mandates from WEF leaders comes with Jews being exempt. Anyone know if Canada has some valid exception or can they get saline shot from the local Dr Rabbi?
>>347373>Anyone know if Canada has some valid exceptionTo my knowledge, there are plenty of Canadians not injected, the administration there penalize them with refusal of services ans not able to leave the country.
>Canadians Now REQUIRED SHOT EVERY 9 MONTHS! “You Will NEVER Be Fully-Vaxxed" Covid-19(84) FOR LIFE?!>Canada’s Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos has announced that Canadians will soon be required to receive a Covid-19(84) vaccine every 9 months in order to keep “up to date” with their vaccine status noting that they will never be “fully vaccinated” against Covid-19(84).>Meanwhile not long ago the provincial health officer for BC Dr.Bonnie Henry stated that if you have received your shots, contracted the virus and got your booster, you are now “super immune”.>In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) news while also most importantly going over what you can do about this attack on freedom now to protect yourself and your family before it’s too late! [Embed]Sources: [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Why Are There So Many Collaborators? - (14:06 long)>Psychology of Covid>The most amazing aspect of the whole psychological operation that we’ve been living through for the last two years is that none of it could have taken place without a large percentage of the population not only submitting to the absurd narrative but also vehemently defending it and actively collaborating with it. So who are these collaborators? [Embed]The normie is gonna norm.
>Mark Slapinski's final solution for anti-vaxxers>The final solution: ''Take all the unvaccinated people, put them on catlle cars and ship them of to workcamps.'>Mark is a journalist and political commentator based in Toronto, Canada. faggot meets all the requirements for an agent provocateur as shown in the link below:
>Pfizer Petitions Court For Identity of 'Conservative Beaver' Publisher -- Lead Stories May Have Found Him
Mark Slapinski writes, or wrote, for under Berner Farber (who tried to create an anti-semite false flag event the other day) and is friends with the recently outed MAP Dean Blundell. Disgusting.
>>347423So from what I'm seeing here, this guy is rabidly pro-vax, and at some point ran a anti-vax site purely so he could spread FUD within the anti-vax community. By posting fake news stories with an anti-vax sentiment, he could discredit that community by tricking them into reading/spreading information that could later be proven untrue.
Is that what accurate?
That first video is so over the top that it comes off as sarcasm or parody.
>>347427>Is that what accurate?Yup.
>That first video is so over the top that it comes off as sarcasm or parody.It may look over the top, but zog already begun the construction of concentration camps, hired additional National Guard jailers and has in place all the legislation to transition to martial law under UN's rule. Look into previous corona-chan threads for details.
>In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States, June 28-July 4 numbers of sudden deaths keep mounting.
>Army cuts pay, benefits from more than 60,000 unvaccinated National Guard, Reserves>The U.S. Army on Friday said that roughly 40,000 National Guardsmen and 22,000 Reservists who have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus will be barred from their duties, effectively cutting their pay and benefits. >"Soldiers who refuse the vaccination order without an approved or pending exemption request are subject to adverse administrative actions, including flags, bars to service, and official reprimands," an Army spokesperson said in a statement to
>Uruguay Suspends Covid 'Vaccines' For Children, Court Demands Disclosure of Ingredients (Video)>Pfizer must disclose if graphene oxide is present in the composition of the shots, a material suspected by many healthcare professionals of causing severe damage to people’s health.>On Thursday, the Uruguayan judiciary ordered the suspension of Covid “vaccinations” for children under 13 years of age. The Ministry of Public Health immediately canceled the experimental gene therapies.
>The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart
>Here is my list of over 25 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I’d be surprised if the narrative doesn’t fall apart soon. It’s now unravelling quickly in the UK.
>Funeral Director John O Looney who spoke out about what he was seeing in post mortems from people vaccinated provides physical evidence of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. [Embed]
In Australia, they've given up trying to "shame" the unjabbed as they know they don't care, and are now calling the double jabbed "crazy" for not having more.
>Tell Me Lies.. | MSM covering for the main-effects of the jab>All headlines are real, used only once, and published after the scamdemic started. >Song: Fleetwood Mac's 'Tell me lies'. [Embed]
>WHO Demands all Countries MASK-UP Again while Fauci says 'We Can't Just Put This Pandemic Behind Us'>After the rain, mushrooms pop-up. After distracting you with the Ukrainian war for a while now the good old medical mafia have begun to reappear. They want you to mask up again people because they can’t put the pandemic behind them. They still have a lot of cash to milk from this…>With cases of Covid-19 trending upward globally, World Health Organization Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called on Tuesday for authorities to bring back masking, ventilation, and social distancing.>Speaking during a weekly briefing, Tedros stated that “the virus is running freely, and countries are not effectively managing the disease.” With the WHO concluding last week that the virus remains a ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’, Tedros asserted that the pandemic was “nowhere near over.”
>Matthew Erickson: 39-year-old Colorado man avoids amputation after Turkish doctors pull several 4-inch (10-centimeter) long blood clots out of his leg>ISTANBUL — We’ve seen several stories about giant, post-injection blood clots in the past year. Most of said stories are dismissed as urban legend and “conspiracy theory.” But now we have a living, breathing victim who survived exactly what doctors and morticians have been describing for most of 2022.>Mr. Erickson lucky he was abroad?>We don’t hear much about the Johnson & Johnson injections anymore because the powers-that-be recognized that those shots were killing people way too fast. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the J&J Janssen injections for emergency use on February 27, 2021. By April 19 of that year, The COVID Blog™ covered five post-J&J deaths, with an average length of time from injection to death of 3.5 days.>The FDA and CDC literally had no choice but to “pause” use of the J&J injections just six weeks after authorizing them for emergency use. There was no way to hide all the carnage. Around that same time, the CDC created the propaganda narrative that all adverse reactions to J&J and other shots are simply anxiety and all in the heads of the victims.>The United States quietly eliminated the J&J shots from mainstream circulation. Around the same time in 2021, most of the world also eliminated the AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections from circulation. Those were killing people fast as well.>All of the injections are deadly and will kill you eventually. But from what we observed in early 2021, the viral vector DNA shots kill much faster than the mRNA shots.
>Ready for the BIG KILL>It’s July 2022 and this is video 313.>There are some who believe that the threat from covid is over. Time to relax. Wait, perhaps, for the other shoe to drop.>But I’m afraid that sort of complacency is dangerous.>I warned over six months ago that they hadn’t finished with the toxic jab, the masks, the lockdowns, the mass slaughter of the elderly and all the rest of the nonsense which did so much harm in 2020 and 2021.>And it’s happening.>There is more, much more, surreal covid bollocks to come. It ties in neatly with the global warming fraud, the designer war and the social credit scheme that takes the zombies unblinking into the Great Reset. It’s a fraud that has been too useful for them to abandon just yet.>It’s crucial to remember that persistence is part of the essential process for breaking down both individuals and populations. It’s one of the few things that the CIA and the KGB have always agreed on.>It’s a classic trick.>They lull their victims into thinking that the danger is all over. They create a false sense of peace and encourage the beginnings of comfort.>And then they’re back. Like an evil but indestructible baddy in a horror movie.Full transcript: [Embed]Dr. Vernon Coleman has been exposing truths about drug companies and the medical establishment and governments for over 50 years, which is why he is the most banned doctor in the world.
>'Sudden and Unexpected': At least 11 Vacationers Drop Dead on Italian Beaches in 24 hours>While Italians prepare for their fourth Covid “vaccine” injections, the count of sudden deaths continues to rise inexorably – 11 under 60 years old in just the last hours.
>The Feds Pile Up Vaccine 'Adverse Event' Reports As They Decry Scaremongering Elsewhere>Since the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first vaccines for COVID-19 in late 2020, the government and much of the media have insisted that the medicines developed in record time are safe and effective. Those who raised questions about them have been routinely dismissed as conspiracy theorists.>And yet an online database co-administered by the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control has compiled more than 1.3 million reports of vaccine-implicated “adverse events” running the gamut from mild to severe, including 29,000 deaths.
>Germany: Birth Rates Drop Dramatically in 2022 – Is it Caused by Covid Injections?>The reduced birth rate during January to March 2022 in Germany compared to the previous seven years is 6.6 sigma – a 1 in 12.5 billion chance. Something dramatic had to have happened to stop conception from occurring during March to June 2021.>It’s not only Germany that’s seeing a reduction in birth rates: Taiwan, the UK, Hungary, Sweden and US are also recording reduced birth rates – and British corporate media is “celebrating.”>A 6-sigma event assumes a 0.000000197% probability of occurrence. In other words, once every 1.38 million years. However, warns, that a six-sigma event isn’t that rare. It is only that rare if the probability distribution is normal.
>Don't Go Breaking My Heart | Myocarditis in Sport >Just a few of the recent headlines reporting jab-induced heart attack/myocarditis among the fittest in society>Music: Elton John & Kiki Dee - 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart'.'t-Go-Breaking-My-Heart---Myocarditis-1080:0Download full resolution 1080px: [Embed]
Data up to June 30, 2022.
>1174 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 779 Dead, After COVID Injection>It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.>It wasn’t intentional, but those are ominous numbers in the headline. 2 to the 10th power and 666 dead athletes.>The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.” too long to fully screenshot it.
>I am Vaccinated, Caffeinated, Freshly Masturbated
>Dead in 3 Days
>The Vaccine Pitch Meeting - (4:30 long)>All the arguments you need to take the covid bioweapon injection explained clearly and persuasively. [Embed] It is made like a parody and it is a very accurate description how the "authorities" lied and coerced the population.
>Cracks Appear At NIH, FDA, CDC As Scientists, Doctors Regret “Bad Science”>Many of those who trusted their careers to government service find that they are trapped in a dystopian system that pays no attention to the real science and data it produces. They have nowhere else to go but they are quitting anyway. One FDA official said, “I can’t tell you how many people at the FDA have told me, ‘I don’t like any of this, but I just need to make it to my retirement.’”
>>348362Another accomplice bite the dust. All that bribe money was for nothing.
WEF video from 2015 discussing the ability of an mRNA medical procedure to permanently change the genetics of the subject and its offspring.
Chipped with the Covid-19 nano material antenna.
>>348266>Candice MurleyAnother one from that cunt.
>Tucker Carlson Tonight 07/21/2022 Opening Monologue [Embed]Well, little by little zog is letting the public know that the injections may lead to AIDS (compromised immune system) and a myriad of illnesses.
>Liberal Hypocrisy
My Body My Choice vs Mandatory Vaccination
>German Government Admits Covid Vaccines Cause Serious Injury for One in 5,000 Doses – But its Own Data Show the Real Rate is One in 300 Doses
>>348373>They will turn you into a nigger.
>>348484>They will turn you into a nigger.A dumb nigger remotely controlled, that graphene stuff in the injections is all about the 5G towers.
>WAYNE ROOT: 33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago. All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster.”>Yes, you read correctly. There are (so far) 33 friends and relatives dead or sick since our wedding eight months ago. I’ve done the research. All 33 were vaxxed. Every one of them.>This is a “vaccine death and disease cluster.”, sound familiar?
>Tragedy as ex-Denver Broncos offensive linesman dies at just 35 after going into cardiac arrest on a run>Paul Duncan, who has two young daughters with wife Ellen, died aged 35 >He went into cardiac arrest on July 15 and next day was pronounced brain dead>Duncan was an offensive lineman for Notre Dame and for Denver Broncos
>>348505Hold up....
Are you seriously suggesting that theres something nefariously significant behind the number of friends this random guy had who died from adverse vaccines?
Like, as though the number of his friends who died was calculated, and perhaps in some way planned?
How do I put this WITHOUT the implication of gaslighting.
If you found 33 pennies, would you suggest THAT was in some way spoopy and nefarious? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
>>348509Lurk moar newfag.
If you dig previous corona-chan threads, specially #1 to #4, you'll find that the judenpresse signaling the 33 is not random at all.
>>348511>NewfagJesus, you dont even wait to jump the shark, do you?
Funny how the most illogical posters respond to any contention with unfounded accusations (psychological transference, really).
No, dumb shit, Im literally one of many who helped build the site, and your immediate reactionary use of the term just illustrates how irrational and unfounded your position is, as well as your ability to think critically. You're SUPPOSED to come here to gain MORE insight and reason, not to ABANDON them, ffs.
Srsly, this whole "he disagreed with me, hes a lefty/shill/commie/mason/NASA/CIA/
Russian/WTFBBQ shit is shameful and ignorant. Is this really what the site has devolved into? Can people seriously not be countered argumentatively without losing their shit (and the argument, btw) with smears and epithets? Are the current users (cuz it wasnt this way a few years ago) so ego-fragile that they cant tolerate contention? That the only resort is to label the other "thing I hate so you're one cuz I hate that you made me look dumb"?
Posters USED to be better than this.
>>348513You may disagree, but to attempt to make an apology of the adversary is not anon tier. You will be called out for it.
>>>/leddit/ >>>/jewbook/
>>348511Ill put this differently. Yes, I know youre super dooper sure that 33 means the devil, or some shit, cuz it shows up in occultism, amirite?
The number 33 refers to individual sovereignty. It is the number that correlates (cuz reasons) to the will to assert sovereign reason and reject forcefully the advances of impure doctrine, dictation, and movement.
Simply put, 33 is the number associable to the concept of saying 'No'.
And here you are, suggesting that the use of 33 in media is some kind of dog-whistle about subverting society or programming the masses.
I have a fair but not exhaustive scholarship in these things, and if you WERENT tilting at windmills, I would be happy to agree or even add to your position. But you have abandoned your critical faculties because of stupid vidos by retarded and mentally deficient people cuz,... well I WONT claim to know WHY, but please, stop being stupid.
>>348515Yeah, right. I'm not seeing what I'm seeing. It is just a misinterpretation. I should ignore that. /s
Please, KYS.
>>348514Who's apologizing? Im calling (you) out for taking what COULD HAVE been a salient argument/point and instead twisting it into your preconceived (by someone else, reminder) notion of grand planetary conspiracy.
Credit for strongmanning your perceived opponent, but while not seeing the forest for the trees is a thing, so is seeing a tree and calling it a forest.
>>348517>twisting it into your preconceived (by someone else, reminder) notion of grand planetary conspiracyFaggot confirmed.
>>348516>I cant argue your point, so please KYSA gentleman AND a scholar, I see
>>348518Ah yes, I neglected faggot in my 'petulent counter' list. Added.
>>348517>conspiracyDude, the whole zogbot corp operates under the assumption that everything is a conspiracy and all suspects, they call that "an investigation".
>>348519>A gentleman AND a scholar, I seeOofff, that woman stench again.
>>348523>womanCheck. Nothing evidences reason like grasping at straws, eh?
>>348524How much you are getting for typing here, cunt?
>>348525You mistake, to date Ive paid over 3k to maintain the site. What have you done, other than illustrate your conditioned programming?
>>348526>You mistake, to date Ive paid over 3k to maintain the site.If true, we are in fucking trouble. A fucking mason is in charge. Damn.
>>348527>doubling downYou're gonna go far in life, Im sure of it
>>348528No, staff will be happy to absolve you of THAT idea.
>masonCalled that one. Seriously anon, I know critical thinking is SUPER hard, but it's good for you.
But to my point, and apologies to regulars to this thread, it will be retuned after a brief service announcement:
When did site posters decide to abandon critical thinking? Why, when a position is countered, is that counter not then countered rationally and logically? Instead one gets bombarded by a bunch of slurs and meme words, which ironically is precisely the tactic of the left, which ostensibly is what the site stands against?
Like seriously? If I was so wrong, my position would be easily and readily refuted. But instead ad hominems and ignorant denial.
Again, posters used to be better.
>>348532Yet another well constructed argument from the mensa class. Got any more, or can we just agree that you're not going to make an argument, and will just use more and more shitty memes to try to divert from your intellectual ineptitude?
>>348533Erhmagherd! I got 33! It must mean I AM an ebil commie shill glowie!
>>348535Youd like this movie
>>348537Using the manual? >
>>348432 →
>>348538Keep grasping, you wont look the fool, just keep at it. Eventually, the wall will cave in, but your head wont. Just gotta stay the course.
>>348438 →
In closing, I refer to my earlier question:
What happened to all the critical thinkers? Why has the site devolved into a place where posters are so thin skinned that they cant have their ideas challenged without going off the rails?
>>348540Thank you, I yield back.
>>348543It's over niggas, give up already.
>>348546You clearly dont know the first thing about me, with a statement like that
>>348550Nah, I appreciate the bread trashin' as always.
>>348551Okay, okay I won't partake. Have your
bread&butter back.
>>348531Sounds like you never understood the meaning of the term 'board culture'. Sound familiar? Of course not: any slave that is inbred as you are has nothing to offer, means nothing you 'offer' should be refuted. You are, by your own definition, a goyim-golem whom is incapable of describing, let alone exploring, the long con, without help from all those lovely (((ShariaBlue))) and (((totallynotanactualfascistbutwehatenaaaazeeeeszzzzzzzzz))) pamphlets floating around.
That is what a "culture" is, the
ability to look beyond the shortest imaginable length of time. You lack the nuances to understand any "culture" outside the dipshittery that you have been entrapped by. You have failed to make a single determined point, whether salient or not, and during each "muh feewiingz r hurtz" post, you expose more nonsensical pigshit.
That line you used, "Instead one gets bombarded by a bunch of slurs and meme words, which
ironically is precisely the tactic of the
left, which ostensibly is what the site stands against?" completely exposes that false narrative. You keep losing battles while claiming that you are winning the whore. Or the war. No 0.02 shekels for you, judeoShariaBlue.
Prove that you are one of the "hundreds" that this site was founded by. Likewise, prove that you are not a paid shill merely acting like you are one of those "hundreds". All you have are words to mask your unknown intent. Board quality has risen significantly enough that I have had little motivation to post throughout the past year. End of discussion.
>>348569Thanks for to explain it so clearly.
>>348569I came before this board had a culture, and what culture it has assumed has been by my participation. Shall I reference the /qa/ raids? The /po/ threads? Perhaps I should reference when we went agains /abdl/ or - legit - got our teeth kicked in by /sp/.
You have now weight of knowledge behind your posture, else you'd have declined.
You are not. Do as you will, but you have no grounds to demand of me, and your attempts are amusing.
Or, could it be that when (you) reference board culture, you mean 4/mlpol/? I can certainly reference - and undeniably so - my posts from then. Can you, joe-culture-gatekeeper?
Perhaps even I should name literal names. I wont, but that one in middle texas knows, and moreover (unless he junked it) Atlas has some handcrafted product of mine.
So, since we're showing our dicks, wheres yours
>>348569>Doesn't know who ninjas is>Sages the thread>Moreover, announces his sage>Calls him a slave>Guy has a literal white plantationWell, sperging out about newfags three years ago was more than justified afterall.
>>348584Oh, I see, chaotic neutral. Nice.
For the gallery, food for thought [Embed]
>Study: Pfizer Lied, mRNA Shot Can Change Your DNA After All>The biomedical cartel continues to peddle the narrative that mRNA shots stay local where injected, do not spread to other parts of your body and do not affect your DNA. In fact, definitive studies now reveal that the shots take as few as six hours to reach your liver where reverse transcription takes place to modify your DNA. Were Big Pharma scientists so stupid to not realize this would happen or was it intentional to begin the DNA transformation of humanity?
>3 physicians have died this week>All three doctors died in one week
>Woman's Body Is Going Haywire After Taking Three Experimental Covid Injections
>Tucker Carlson Tonight 07/25/2022 Opening Monologue [Embed] This is a ZOG hit piece against the pharmaceutical industry.
The part about the covid injections goes from 10:00 to around the 15:00 mark.
I wonder what's going on and what's the plan, perhaps it is part of (((their))) next psyop.
Nurse Claire mic drops on the Monkeypox.
>Novavax Injections Includes Insect, Baculovirus Proteins Plus DNA>There is nothing “conventional” about the Novavax injections. Dr. Nass notes, “This vaccine is another ‘bait and switch’ being rolled out solely to entice the unvaccinated, because it is not made of mRNA.” Novavax hopes to do an end-run around mRNA vaccine fears and offer something more retro. Don’t be fooled.
>Prue Car: 39-year-old Australian MP takes leave of absence after “shocking” post-injection kidney cancer diagnosis>SYDNEY — A 39-year-old Labor Party Member of Parliament (MP) is taking an indefinite leave from her government duties after what is now a probable outcome that all vaxxed people must accept.>The woman loves her vaccines>It would be completely dishonest and disingenuous not to point out Mrs. Car’s extreme vaxx zealotry throughout the entire plandemic.>Mrs. Car promoted mandatory masks for public transportation.>She has three children of her own, and promoted mRNA injections for kids several times.>Mrs. Car literally believes that she and other government people have the power to deal out “freedoms” like cards in a deck.>She also repeatedly reinforced the idea that lockdowns only end once everyone receives injections.>And despite being at least double-vaxxed, she tested positive for so-called COVID-19 on New Year’s Eve.
>Ron Paul: Ugly COVID Lies>After two years of unprecedented government tyranny in the name of fighting a virus, the prime instigators of this infamy are walking free, writing books, and openly pretending they never said the things they clearly said over and over.>Take Trump’s White House Covid response coordinator Deborah Birx, for example. She was, as the Brownstone Institute’s Jeffrey Tucker points out in a recent article, the principal architect of the disastrous “lockdown” policy that destroyed more lives than Covid itself. Birx knew that locking a country down in response to a virus was a radical move that would never be endorsed.>So, as she admits in her new book, she lied about it.
>NYC Mayor Eric Adams has fired over 1,750 city employees for refusing to get the COVID jab>In addition to the 1,752 employees who have been fired for their stand against the COVID mandate, over 6,000 city workers are still awaiting a response after applying for medical or religious exemptions. [Embed]
Sudden Deaths = Vaccine Deaths
>>348686I'm curious to see how things go with Novavax now that it's starting to be distributed. I'm still skeptical that it might be a decent vaccine in spite of the claims made in this particular article. In any case, I've got an exemption into next year so I've got time to sit and wait.
>>348874>I'm still skeptical that it might be a decent vaccine in spite of the claims made in this particular article.>decent vaccine>decent vaccine>decent vaccineYou should read the vaccine general thread
>>251951 →
>>348874If it helps you feel any better, at first I was going to wait this out and not make a decision on whether the modern vaccines work or not and are worth getting until I saw definitive proof one way or the other. I wasn't sure what that looked like at the time but seeing peak physical condition athletes struggle to survive after the jab convinced me I'm never getting the jab.
Now they are 6 doctors ded, kaput. I guess the shekels weren't worth it. /s
>44-Year-Old Canadian Doctor Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ – Sixth Canadian Doctor to Die Within Two Weeks>A 44-year-old family physician from Saskatchewan ‘died unexpectedly’ last weekend, July 23.>According to an announcement released by Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA), Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman, a Melville family physician, unexpectedly passed away.>The hospital provided no information regarding the cause of death. [Embed]
>THE HIGHWIRE >The Unvaccinated Will Be Vindicated>"The unvaccinated are the heroes of the last two years, as they allowed us all to have a control group in the great experiment and highlight the shortcoming of the COVID vaccines. The unvaccinated carry many battle scars and injuries as they are the people we tried to mentally break. Yet no one wants to talk about what we did to them and what they forced the science to unveil."!:cMirror: [Embed]This video clip was taken from the full episode located here: reading:
>Monday Digest II: two more reasons to never trust doctors, a new standard for mask zealotry, another baby suffers amputations, and 13 more sudden deaths>It’s indisputable fact that Pfizer knew all along that their mRNA injections kill both slowly and quickly. We often cite the company’s April 30, 2021 Post-Authorization Adverse Event Report that contains eight pages of “Adverse Events of Special Interest.” Every new, weird disease, disorder, disability, etc. we encounter in our coverage on The COVID Blog™ is always cross-referenced on said document. And every single one of them, including the ones we can barely pronounce, always appears thereof.>Doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others administering these injections know exactly what they are doing. Many actually believe their own B.S., receive the injections themselves, and die just like their millions of patients who were led to their slaughters. And now some of the killers are admitting their roles in the genocide.
>Saudi Ambassador Drops Dead Giving His Speech To President Abdel Fattah al-SisiSource (in Spanish): [Embed]Brought to you by #Pfizer .
Sodomite and marxist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director of the World Health Organization, admits he has not been injected with the poison he promotes. [Embed]
>Dr Malone, creator of the mRNA technology.
>To Those Who Got The Covid Shot - You Are Screwed
>>349532By the way, this faggot Malone keeps the lie going that there is a virus and an illness. The hospitals were always empty and the elderly were murdered by doctors and nurses.
>>349651Now THAT is corruption.
Although, I think it's because the Canadian government is more afraid of it's high ranking officials leaving or turning on them than it is for their safety.
So, a but of an observation here.
From previous threads, Covid (both the 'disease' and the vaccine?) is a potential cause of Prion's disease, yes?
You know what ELSE is associated with Prion's disease?
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Also known as the human form pf Mad Cow disease.
And what are the sumptoms of CJD?
Memory loss
Decrease in intellectual abilities
Slurred speech
Personality changes
Vision problems, including blindness
Walking difficulties
Balance problems
Uncontrollable jerking movements
Give it time, lets see if this starts happening
>Prion's disease
That's what we are told. The button line is if such illness is actually caused by "prions" or if it is another made up bullshit to fuel the pharma industry with more taxpayer money.
>>349711Prion diseases aren't common. What's the incentive to make them up?
You don't hear about prions in the news like you do about viruses, at least not since Mad Cow disease.
>>349711No doubt theres plenty of made up bullshit. I was just thinking 'what if this was a long and drawn out way to get people to contract human mad cow disease' which normally kills the human in a year or so? Presumably, it would be enginerred to take longer, to maximize the amount of time that people were unhealthy and alive (resource extraction), but mad cow disease has no cure/remedy so what if that was it all along?
>>349720>What's the incentive to make them up?Prions is one of many diseases that only a few selected priest can corroborate. Given the regular scientists cannot reproduce the research, the scientific method is in doubt, therefore the prions claim falls also in doubt.
>>349722>regular scientists cannot reproduce the researchWtf, there were multiple firms in the United States and Europe that conducted long term studies to confirm that those proteins were causing diseases in both cows and humans who consumed the contaminated tissue.
>>349723>multiple firms in the United States and EuropeThat's right Watson, the pharma industry.
>>349724What is the pharma industry selling that helps them profit off of mad cow disease? It's not like it's commonly treated.
And who are these "regular scientists" you refer to if none of the scientists who studied it didn't fall in that group?
>>349725Follow the money. Grants are coming mostly from people's pockets, and the science looks for matching the paymasters' narrative. Prions has been widely used for the CIA/judenpresse for terrorizing the population with a nothing burger.
>>349727What money are you referring to? It's not like this disease is that widely discussed, or treatments are frequently administered. The thing about Orion diseases is nobody knows how to cure them, so there's no medicine to be profited off of.
>terrorizing the population with a nothing burger.I haven't even heard of any outbreaks since mad cow disease. That was a scare, but it was solved as soon as factory farmers stopped feeding cows the remains of their dead parents. It's hardly any persistent terror.
>>349729>What money are you referring to?Ahem, who is paying the labcoats? Which are the companies interested in the Universities' research? Isn't the CDC, are private entity larping like a federal unit, involved in funneling tons of money for research? Isn't the WHO and therefore the UN involved in vast campaigns injecting third worlders with unknown substances to combat fictitious viruses?
In the end all that industry of parasites are feeding with the same people's money.
>>349730Yeah, but could you provide even one example of funding in prion research that implies any conflict of interest?
>>349730>fictitious viruses?Prions aren't viruses.
>>349733>Prions aren't viruses.Correct, then on the same venue, how you know prions are? Ha?
>>349735Uhm, buckshot isnt a virus either
>The CDC tacitly admits that vaccinations are irrelevant with regards to Covid.>Unfortunately, the adverse effects of the CDC-mandated vaxx, including Suddenly, stillbirths, and infertility, will continue to afflict everyone who go themselves vaxxed for nothing. For those unfortunates, the CDC’s admission that the vaccine cannot prevent Covid is simply too late.
>German Researchers Examine Covid “Vaccines” and Vaccinated People’s Blood and Say Stop Vaccinations Immediately>The German Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis has made its ‘Summary of Preliminary Findings’ publicly available. In a wide-ranging report dated 6 July, the Group described the toxic substances found in all Covid “vaccine” samples analysed and the marked changes seen in blood samples taken from vaccinated people. The Group also found that the greater the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles, the more frequent the vaccine side effects.>“In order to avert a direct and imminent danger to human life and public safety, we ask that the Covid-19 vaccination programmes be discontinued immediately,” the Group’s report stated.>According to WG Vaccines Education, this report was sent to all members of the Bundestag (Lower House of Parliament in Germany) and then to authorities and media – a total of over 4000 people.
>>349806Trust the science. /s
>CDC (quietly) removes a massive claim on vaccine safety and bolsters concerns about mRNA and cancer>this is a BIG deal as a large part of the safety claim around these drugs was initially predicated on the ideas that>1- they remained localized around the injection site.>2- they were rapidly cleared by the body and did not stick around to generate lasting effects.>this was all in service of the basic claim that systemic effects from mRNA innoculant injection would be minor and transitory.>point 1 has long been proven to be false and was known (but not disclosed) from animal data that predates EUA and was never even tested in humans pre-approval despite dire need. it was rapidly abandoned.>point 2 has long been shown to be false as well and it appears that even the CDC is no longer willing to make this attestation. old claim: current claim:
>>349795>The CDC tacitly admits that vaccinations are irrelevant with regards to CovidCovidian salt.
>Just as the CDC pretends to have backed off, the NHS reveals (to just a few) what's really coming at us in the fall: "The biggest vaccination drive in history">Those who think the worst is over better think again—because it really won't be over til WE end it>finally, is it likely that this biggest vaccination drive in history will be mounted on the now-exhausted pretext of protecting all humanity from COVID-19 (or the flu). What’s it going to be, then? Monkeypox? HIV? COVID-20? Cancer? All of the above? Whatever new threat(s) may be used to justify this final drive could never be as lethal as the psychopaths who planned it, and those entities that will not stop promoting it (even as the CDC pretends to have backed off).
>Scientists discover ‘Carbon Nanotech’ & ‘Radioactive Thulium’ in Pfizer & Moderna COVID Vaccines>After reviewing electron microscope images of elements contained in the Covid Pfizer and Moderna injections, Dr. Daniel Nagase revealed that, strangely, the contents of the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” show no signs of biological material, including mRNA or DNA.
>Dr. Nagase reviews images from Covid vaccines, shows no ‘elements of life’
>Dr. Liliana Zelada analyzes a vaccine from Moderna under the microscope and observes a large amount of graphene oxide.
>CDC Announces Overhaul After Botching Pandemic>After more than two years of missteps and backpedaling over Covid-19 guidance that had a profound effect on Americans' lives, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced on Wednesday that the agency would undergo a complete overhaul - and will revamp everything from its operations to its culture after failing to meet expectations during the pandemic, Bloomberg reports.>As Bloomberg further notes, The agency has been faulted for an inadequate testing and surveillance program, for not collecting important data on how the virus was spreading and how vaccines were performing, for being too under the influence of the White House during the Trump administration and for repeated challenges communicating to a politically divided and sometimes skeptical public." [Embed]
>>349965>For over 75 yearsDamn defeated a 75 year trillion dollar set up with nothing but shitposting and memes,
>>349973>defeatedThey're getting a whole new budget and new equipment, despite their utter incompetence. How have they been defeated?
>>349973>defeatedSadly not. They are regrouping to double down.
>UN Recruited Over 100,000 ‘Digital First Responders’ to Push Establishment COVID Narrative>October 2020 admission gets fresh attention.>The revelation actually slipped out in October 2020 during a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘Seeking a cure for the infodemic’, although it is only going viral on Twitter today.>In the podcast, Melissa Fleming, head of global communications for the United Nations, explains how the COVID pandemic and lockdowns created a “communications crisis” in addition to a public health emergency.>Fleming acknowledged that in order to fight so-called “misinformation” about the pandemic, the UN tapped up 110,000 people to amplify their messaging across social media.'s podcast spilling the beans: [Embed]
>OUR DOCTOR'S VISIT DIDN'T GO SO WELL TODAY>The time has long past for us to stand up together and stop being cowardly order followers. Order followers are conformists who just do what they're told regardless of what is right. A moralist, on the other hand, does what is RIGHT regardless of what they're told... and regardless of the repercussions for being brave. "Just following orders" or "just doing my job," is the surest way to lead us to a totalitarian environment where there are NO FREEDOMS and ( as history shows ) you're life will soon end by the hand of the evil psychos who implemented the orders you chose to follow. Stop the insanity, share this video. - Stop fearing retribution... - LIVE FREE [Embed]
>1956 predictions with the exact year all fulfilled
>>350109>Crona virusDoes he mean Corona virus?
>Teachers called the police on this 4 year old child in California because he wasn’t wearing a mask
Doctor denounces the medical college about covid injections.
>>350109The speaker in this video doesn't sound like an actual narrator from the 50s whatsoever. Old narrators spoke with a very distinct cadence known as the Trans-Atlantic Accent. This just sounds like some dude at his computer with a static filter on. Completely anachronistic.
>>350169>Trans-Atlantic AccentGood point.
>Australian News is Starting to Tell the Truth about the Vaccines
>It might take decades to find out the truth about the vaccine’s long-term side effects and why it was pushed on people without proper studies being done.
I was looking for the original tweet, but the faggot deleted it.
A parody on doctors' lies.
>Tucker Carlson Tonight 08/22/2022 Opening Monologue [Embed]Demolishing Fauci.
They are not even hiding the fact you are the carbon they want to get rid of.
>>350278You are the carbon they want to get rid of.
>>350279No, I mean, how does those posts imply that?
Not apologizing for Pfizer, but I don't see any obvious intent that would mean "not even hiding" that.
It just looks like standard corporate publicity signalling: acting like they're carbon neutral just because they bought a few thousand dollars in carbon """offsets""" with dubious additionality.
>>350281"An estimated 13 million deaths annually are attributable to avoidable environmental causes"
It's a bit of a stretch, but I think anon's point is that this is classic doublespeak. They're killing people and blaming it on climate change. And then they use climate change as an excuse to do more of the thing that is killing people.
>>350282Hit it right on the head. They have their dead goyim numbers and now they are just subliminally just fucking with us now. The shekel logo and then this shit.
>>350281>No, I mean, how does those posts imply that?What part of "achieve net-zero target" you don't get?
>>350282>>350283These numbers had been recorded even before the vaccination campaigns though.
>>350284Depopulation wouldn't even substantially contribute to net zero goals. Most humans barely emit any carbon through personal consumption. The real emmissions are caused at an industrial scale.
>>350287No one can deny that healthy people are dying left and right. The only anomaly is that all of them have been injected.
>>350288True, but what the jews are aiming at is to de-industrialize the West and keep the China hub as the main factory. Poor people consume much less carbon.
Again, not making excuses for Pfizer or anything they do, but I think you're reading into it too much with the adds. The kikes who run these companies don't pay their PR teams to "subliminally" hint their motives to you through twitter. They're just trying to get clout by advertizing how "green" they are.
Pfizer is just doing what all megacorporations are doing these days: gaining political clout by pretending to be climate conscious. They buy offset tokens to account for their pollution (which is often a meaningless gesture referring to 'protecting' trees that were under no threat of being cut down in the first place) and use those tokens to pretend that they're better than their competitors. Smaller companies that pollute less can't afford carbon offset tokens, so they look like bigger polluters despite polluting less overall.
>>350290Deindustrialization is indeed something you should be concerned about.
>>350291>Again, not making excuses for Pfizer or anything they do, but I think you're reading into it too much with the adds.Dude, it is all orchestrated; even regular jews in NYC have been telling me from at least 2005 what is coming. They all know because their synagogues told them and is in line with their prophecies.
>>350294That's not the point tho.
>>350294Yeah, I know all that. I'm just saying that that particular post had nothing to do with it, as the earlier posters implied.
>>350303>I think you're reading into it too much with the adds.>Pfizer is just doing what all megacorporations are doing these days: gaining political clout by pretending to be climate conscious>>350297>That's not the point tho.Yeah, and right on cue.
Those corporations are all owned by (((Blackrock))) and (((Vanguard))) and they are the ones calling the shots about corporate wokeness and climate awareness.
Look, it is all in the open and stated by their own mouths what is the plan, the WEF pushes the policies, the UN rubber stamp them, and their controlled governments execute the conspiracy on us at gun point.
>>350302 → for clarification.
>>350305Nobody is contesting that stuff.
>>350305They're not wrong tho. You are correct in your assertions as well, but the claim that 'they arent even hiding it anymore' is what is being contested, with case.
I dont see anyone arguing that they ARE and DO pursue a massive reduction in carbon (humans), and their (((vaccine))) is making great strides.
However, its still premature to claim they arent hiding it anymore.
No wonder why you spergs end up seeing glow-nigger women at every corner.
>>350312It looks like that post bothers you. I wonder why.
>>350305Does Blackrock/Vanguard actually own Pfizer? Iirc it has no parent company.
>>350314>Does Blackrock/Vanguard actually own Pfizer?It was already posted twice in this board, but here we go again:
And lurk moar newfag.
>MONOPOLY (Who owns the world)>A very descriptive and informative video explaining who owns this planet and who is doing this to us all [Embed] [Embed]
>Taking the vaccine is the biggest mistake of my life says Dan Bongino
>Dan Bongino says getting jab was "the worst decision of my life" Even Tucker who kept silent but refused the jab.
>Senator Malcolm Roberts Going After Those Responsible For The Covid Fraud
>"...We knew that this was all bullsh*t and that we'd been had, but we're going to hound you down, the people that are guilty, we are going to hound you down, and hold you accountable, and we will expose your global agenda..."
>Extract from Covid enquiry 2.0 held 08/17/2022
On Sunday mountain biker, Rab Wardell was being congratulated for his big win in the Scottish Championship.
Today the world is shocked by his untimely death from a heart attack in his sleep.
>Psychopath and Serial Liar Anthony Fauci – Father of Lockdowns – Now Claims “I Didn’t Shutdown Anything” – But the Internet Has the Receipts (VIDEO)>Deranged psychopath said what?>In early 2020, Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used completely fraudulent disease models to persuade President Trump to lockdown the entire US economy.>As The Gateway Pundit reported two years ago — In mid-April 2020, Dr. Fauci admitted that it was he and Dr. Birx who persuaded President Trump to lock down the US economy knowing the massive destruction this would cause in jobs, lives, learning, child development, and commerce.>Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.>The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic>The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House Coronavirus task force in early March>Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down the US economy and destroy the record Trump economy based on this fraudulent model>A later critique of the Imperial College Model found the study is “completely unusable for scientific purposes” — The Imperial College study was a complete sham>Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx pushed a garbage model on the White House and to the US President and the American public and destroyed the US economy.>And the rest is history. [Embed] [Embed]
I'm strongly considering making a second thread, just to have poster IDs.
>>350380Try and see how it goes. /s
Tucker Carlson Tonight 08/25/2022 Opening Monologue [Embed]Wow wow wow.
Tucker says that the injections cause drop in sperm count and myocarditis,
>Government data reveals 254 million “Vaccine Refuseniks” across USA & UK as 3 in every 5 people refuse a single or further dose of the Covid-19 Vaccine>The authorities will never admit it, especially when you consider the fact they have donated billions of taxpayers’ money to Big Pharma, but it looks like we have won.>Because official Government data coming out of both the USA and United Kingdom reveals there are now at least 254 million “vaccine refusniks” in both countries, with approximately 3 in every 5 people either refusing a first, second, or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. >According to the CDC, 262 million people have had a single dose, 223.6 million people have had a second dose, and 108 million people have had a third dose as of August 25th, 2022.>This means on top of the 69.7 million people who are unvaccinated, a further 38.7 million people who had the first dose refused the second dose, and a further 115.4 million people who had the second dose refused the third dose.>It also appears many of the over 50’s have now decided enough is enough when it comes to getting a fourth dose of the Covid-19 injection. According to the CDC, of the 118.4 million people over the age of 50 in the USA (source), just 21.4 million have come forward to get a “second booster” dose. This means 96.9 million have so far refused.
>>350435An even more interesting stat I want to know about is how many people have become medical skeptic in general.
People whose general opinion is as follows:
>The medical industry is a mafia / corrupt / cannot be trusted, and therefore I refuse any new procedures aside from paracetamol, ibuprofen, and a few other medicines, but no more vaxing of any kind, no more cancer treatment, etc.
>>350441Where I live not many. As a general rule the normie is going to norm, that is a fact.
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
>CNN’S LOCKDOWN-LOVING CONTRIBUTOR DOES AN ABOUT FACE - (7:54 long)>CNN Medical Contributor, Leana Wen, peddled fear and stigmatized the unvaccinated for two years in the name of Covid-19. She recently took to twitter with a sudden change of heart about masking her own children [Embed]
>UK Gov. confirms 9 in every 10 COVID Deaths over the last year have been among the Fully/Triple Vaccinated>Official figures published by the UK Government reveal the fully/triple vaccinated population have accounted for over 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England over the past year, 91% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of 2022, and 94% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of April 2022.
>Miami Dolphins senior vice president Jason Jenkins dies at 47>MIAMI -- Jason Jenkins, the Dolphins' senior vice president of communications and community affairs, died suddenly in the hours before Miami's game Saturday against the Eagles, the team announced. He was 47. [Embed]
>Clot shot. At the Winston Salem Open>Champion tennis player grigor dimitrov, dizziness, chest pain, hunched over, conceded match>MSM has barely mentioned [Embed]
>>350675- 2021: Safe and Effective
- 2022: Sudden and Unexpected
Any questions?
>Here’s Aaron Rodgers telling Joe Rogan that the NFL sent some Fauci stooge to each team to threaten and pressure players into getting the Covid-19 vaccine as if it prevented the virus. [Embed]
>Rockefeller Foundation Wants Behavioral Scientists To Come Up With More Convincing COVID Vaxx Narratives>In yet another sign that the covid vaccination agenda of globalist institutions did not do quite as well as they had originally hoped, the Rockefeller Foundation has revealed that it (along with other non-profits) has been pumping millions of dollars into a behavioral science project meant to figure out why large groups of people around the world refuse to take the jab.>The “Mercury Project” is a collective of behavioral scientists formed by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), a non-profit group which receives considerable funding from globalist organizations and governments. The stated goals of the project are rather non-specific, using ambiguous language and mission statements. However, the root intentions appear to be focused on using behavioral psychology and mass psychology elements to understand the global resistance to the recent covid compliance efforts.>Mercury groups will be deployed in multiple nations and regions and will study vaccine refusal and the medical “disinformation” that leads to it. They are operating with the intent to tailor vaccination narratives to fit different ethnic and political backgrounds, looking for the key to the gates of each cultural kingdom and convincing them to take the jab.
>>350692>Pic 3Do soldiers in the army really train for biological warfare? I guess they must have some protocols, but there's not very much that individual soldiers can do.
>pic 4The vaccine is Trump's thing though. Operation Warp Speed was his idea. All throughout the final year of his presidency he was touting the imminent vaccine as a solution to the pandemic.
Of course, that doesn't absolve Biden or the Democrats of it either.
>>350692What's the context behind pic 5?
>How To Deal With Doctors
>20-Year-Old Junior Hockey Captain Dies Suddenly During Tournament in Ontario, Canada>Ayr Centennials of the Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League (GOJHL) announced on Wednesday that Eli Palfreyman, who had just been named captain, had passed away during a pre-season event on Tuesday night. He was 20.>According to Hockey News, no cause of death was announced.>Reports said Palfreyman collapsed in the dressing room during the first intermission.>The police were called promptly to the site due to a medical emergency; but, despite their best efforts, they were unable to revive him.
>Big Pharma & Russia unveil identical clot-shot scams>Coincidence or fate?>Obviously, all of these new health-preserving injections are safe and effective. make it short, Russia is also on-board with the covid psyop.
>Suddenly Ivermectin shows up on the NIH website for treating Covid. After years of denial, blocking, interference, villification, ruining social media accounts, killing people, etc. they silently add it to their antiviral protocol. [Embed]
>>350954It's called money laundering to bail out Blackrock. The money is funneled through Big Pharma into Blackrock who ownes the most of the shares of Pfizer...ect...... It's basically a jewish golden parachute while getting rid of goyim.
>Dr. Michael Yeadon - The Most Important message I've Ever Written> Everything that’s happened and is happening becomes much simpler and it all makes sense, only when you force yourself to think the impossible.>If you experimentally adopt the position that OUR GOVERNMENT IS ACTIVELY WORKING TO HARM US, TO DISMANTLE MODERN SOCIETY & ENSLAVE ALL PEOPLE IN A DIGITALLY CONTROLLED TOTALITARIAN WORLD, it all fits. Nothing is surplus.>Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you and me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. We trust in humanity. And so we should. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family.
>Chris Sky
>The New Normal 19yo Junior Hockey Player Faces The Result of Their Decision
>Chris Sky
>23yo Dies Livestreaming 'If You're a Parent Who's Responsible For this, Look at Yourself in The Mirror and Ask, How are You Supposed To Live With Yourself, If You Watch Your Child Drop Dead In Front Of You?
>TrumpShot: 5 Month Death Sentence>We've never seen as many people die, die immediately after a jab. But data from both USA & EU show massive spike in deaths after 5 months. Coincidence? [Embed]
>EXCLUSIVE – Official Documents confirm real reason Moderna is suing Pfizer: Moderna created & patented COVID Virus in 2013 following Gain of Function Research which allowed Moderna to develop COVID Vaccine before World knew COVID-19 existed
>Following the Science? – 159 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 14.5k hospitalised & 55k injured due to COVID Vaccination in the USA according to CDC>The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal over 56,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,174 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 159 children sadly lost their lives.>The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) that is updated weekly and can be found here.>Unfortunately, the CDC reveals that at least 56,265 children (Aged 0 to 17) have suffered an injury due to Covid-19 vaccination as of August 26th 2022.;jsessionid=4715088FA3527C5B25E9F044F276
>Poll: Three in Ten Americans Did Not Get a Coronavirus Vaccine>Three in ten Americans did not receive any vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus, despite the government’s coercive efforts and attempts at enforcing mandates and restrictions, a poll from The Economist/YouGov found.
>>351299More than 3 in 10 could be purebloods if we assume some lied.
>>351302I have my cardboard card with all my vaccinations up to date. And yet, I'm didn't allow them to inject me with any of their poison.
>Today the Ouachita community mourns the loss of senior Clark Yarbrough, who died this morning following a sudden collapse. [Embed]
>'I'm sorry, something is going on with me this morning': Oklahoma news anchor suffers a STROKE live on air as she stumbles over her words
>>351425That is the same public relations bullshit that Rand Paul did with Fauci. Too late, it has no teeth and goes nowhere.
MBC Samachar News - Journalist Suddenly Collapsed On September 6 2022
>Booster time
The similarities to some humans are startling.
>U.S. Gov. Data reveals every single Death due to COVID Vaccination was caused by just 4 to 5% of the COVID Vaccine batches produced but Medicine Regulators have refused to withdraw them>An investigation of official U.S. Government data, provided by the Centers for Disease Control, has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines numerous times.>This means the deadliest batches of Covid-19 vaccine have now been identified but Medicine Regulators have refused to withdraw them and they are still being administered to the public.>The figures reveal that every single death reported as an adverse reaction to the Covid-19 injections has been caused by just 4 to 5% of the batches of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines produced.>But what’s perhaps more concerning is that the small minority of “deadly” lots were distributed widely across the United States, while other “benign” lots were sent to just a few locations.
>1249 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, with 847 Dead, Post-Covid Injection
>There Is No SARS-Cov-2, There Is No Covid 19 And There Are No Variants - Dr. Poornima Wagh>Dr. Poornima Wagh: They found the same things we did. They didn’t find SARS Cov 2, they didn’t find the genome, they didn’t find anything. Nothing was found. We called Robert Redfield, Director of the CDC to tell him the findings. He said ‘I don’t care what you found, just call it SARS-Cov-2’>We asked the CDC to send us a sample of the isolated virus. They said they didn’t have any, stopped answering our calls and then our lab was raided by the FBI. [Embed]
>>351676>There is no monkeypox>Side effect of jabMonkeypox has been a thing for decades though. It's not new.
Also, if it were a side effect of the jab, why would faggots be getting it so much more than the rest of the population?
>inb4 faggots get jabbedNot that much more than the general population did. It's clearly been spreading by faggots having gay sex, which is probably why it skyrocketed during Pride month.
>>351664>why isn't all medicine freeBecause that would entail socialized medicine, which has its drawbacks.
The government is only able to get funding for vaccines by using "emergency measures" to fund it, on the basis that if it isn't contained it will spread further.
Also, that finding is drying up. I read recently that vaccines and testing won't be free anymore in the next few months because congress failed to extend the emergency pandemic package.
So, real or not, it looks like the pandemic is nearly over, as far as the government is concerned.
>Bottom is about to fall out for Pfizer, Moderna>Biden admin no longer plans to purchase COVID-19 vaccines for public distribution
This heebs at Pfizer needs to hang for thier crimes. I wish I could be the one pulling the level at the gallows.
>>351734I prefer burning them at the stake.
>Clots found by embalmers in 50-70% of dead bodies
>>351813If it's caused by spike proteins, could it also be caused by covid itself?
>>351843Covid does not exist. It is all psyop newfag.
>>351860>newfag>implyingThey referenced spiked proteins, which are characteristic of corona viruses. Vaccines are made of the remains of viruses, so, whatever you want to call it, a type of corona virus had to have been used to get those proteins.
Which goes back to the heart of my point, is that the vaccines could be inducing symptoms of the virus that they're made from, whatever it is.
>>3518631- Viruses do not exist. The whole virology science is a humongous fraud.
2- Covid injections are not vaccines at all, by an experimental genetic therapy for genome modification with most likely nefarious ends.
>>351866I think we'll have to agree to disagree here. I'm going to bed.
>>351860Covid is a real disease, it's just being overhyped for political reasons.
>>351843>>351863It's possible that it is directly due to Covid itself. It's also possible it's due to something completely unrelated. What's noteworthy here is that the report says the clots are being found by embalmers in 50-70% of dead bodies. The vast majority of deaths are age-related, so most of the cadavers they're finding these in are going to be in the same age group that is likely to die of Covid in the first place. They're also the most likely group to be heavily vaccinated, so it could be either-or. The vaccine still seems like the most likely suspect, but there's not really enough information here to draw any real conclusions.
>>351866>Viruses do not exist. The whole virology science is a humongous fraud.This is just complete schizo nonsense.
>>351870>This is just complete schizo nonsense.Yeah, right. /s
>>251951 → plenty of info and disclosure.
>>351870Yeah, that's basically what I was thinking.
>>351871>linking the OP of a thread with hundreds of posts>no further informationWe all know how to use the catalog, faggot.
>>351871>bro just read the entire 400 post thread because I'm too lazy to actually to make any points or present any evidence to back up my absurd claimsThis kind of shit is why I stopped paying attention to these threads in the first place.
>>351876Yeah, and only a newfag doesn't now about the scientific fraud of virology.
>>351878>if you disagree you're a newfagFuck off, retard.
I've been here for 5 years. I just don't always care to argue with you about virology in that thread.
>>351877It doesn't help that they tend to be hundreds of posts long, and also lack posting IDs (meaning that retards frequently contradict themselves and doublespeak with impunity) with dwindling discussion quality.
>>351878Still not hearing anything from you besides generalizations. The "scientific fraud of virology" is so simple and reasonable it should be self-evident to everyone on the board, yet you can't even provide a quick rundown? Can't even link to a few posts that specifically provide clarification on this? Press (X) to doubt. My original diagnosis stands: this is schizo nonsense, and you're full of shit.
>>351883>Can't even link to a few posts that specifically provide clarification on this?Sorry, not this time.
>>351884Translation: I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about, and I'm on massive damage control because I never expected to be called out on any of it.
Seriously, take your meds.
>>351878>only a newfag doesn't nowThis is gay. You are gay.
The covid threads have existed for less than two years, and yet you're saying that anyone who doesn't share the opinion you've made in the past two years is a "newfags"? As if this site didn't have three more years of history before those COVID discussions started?
Blow it out your ass.
>>351884At least TRY to support your own argument.
>>351886You are welcome to support the UN's WHO and affiliate governments narrative.
>>351888Wasted trips. At this point, I'm beginning to suspect you're actually a bot. You do nothing but deflect and regurgitate buzzwords, without making even the slightest effort to address the substance of what anyone says to you.
>>351888>Name-callingAnd you are welcome to fuck off back to Facebook or wherever else you crawled here from before.
As if I hadn't been opposed to lock-downs, vax mandates and forced masking this whole time.
>>351889>I'm beginning to suspect you're actually a bot.Thanks. A very advanced one if you wonder.
>>351890>As if I hadn't been opposed to lock-downs, vax mandates and forced masking this whole timeB-but, you are pro-vaxx, right?
>>351889It feels like the retards on this board have been multiplying in recent days. I guess horse porn only shields us from so much...
>>351891>A very advanced oneNot according to anything you've written so far.
>>351894I hope not to disappoint you in the future.
>>351895I won't be holding my breath.
>"Vaccines" Killed 69 Athletes in August-Sept 2022>Here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021/2022 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening and ramping up after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. More than 50% die.
>>351813Have any researchers examined these clots for their components, or perhaps even done experiments where they injected rats with the vaccine to confirm that they're caused by them? I'm trying to find more research on the subject.
>>352063>Have any researchers examined these clots for their componentsYes. See
>>351813Also the Stew Peters Show have plenty of info on the clots.
>>352074>see the post I just replied toI saw the video. What I'm asking for is a report I can read.
>>352075I don't know any link, I guess it is up to you to make the pertinent research.
>>352085I did for a few hours today. Looks like there haven't been any experiments on this subject to confirm suspicions. Not yet at least.
>Rand Paul Confronts Fauci On Past Comments: ‘The Best Vaccination Is Getting Infected Yourself!’>Was Tony a previous believer in natural immunity? The Paul-Fauci showdown made a grand return in Congress Wednesday after Kentucky Senator Rand Paul confronted the NIAID director over his past comments in which he lauded the superiority of viral natural immunity over that of a vaccine. [Embed] [Embed]
>Covid vaccinations now PROHIBITED in people under 50 in Denmark>The Danish Health Authority has announced that just about every young and middle-aged person in Denmark is now prohibited from getting “vaccinated” for covid.>If you are under the age of 50, the Danish government says, then you are not allowed to take the shots. Previously, the Danish government prohibited the drug injections for everyone under the age of 18. (Related: Last fall, Denmark joined Sweden in banning Moderna’s covid injection after it was determined to cause myocarditis in young people.)>The only people under 50 who can receive the shots are those who are deemed to have a “higher risk of becoming severely [emphasis added] [ill] from Covid-19,” the government of Denmark said.
>The pandemic is over>Biden tells 60 Minutes in an interview in Detroit. [Embed]
>Woman Injured by J&J Vaccine Has ‘Never Seen Such Meanness’>After she was injured by the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, Sheila Bath said doctors screamed at her and told her she was “nuts” for thinking the vaccine caused her injuries.
>>352321>More than a year after getting the J&J vaccine, Bath began to experience new symptoms, including partial digestive paralysis, which she said “means the COVID-19 spike protein [was] still alive, doing damage,” even though it is “supposed to be a dead virus, we were told.”It's not unheard of for botched vaccines to sicken patients, although that's really quite rare. Vaccines are made of inert virus material, free of any of the virus's RNA, but still containing their protein shells. Given the unique spike proteins of COVID-19, it's possible that the dead virus husks used in the vaccine could still do damage, as it could be that the spiked protein shells of COVID-19 have potential to do damage, not just the virus itself, creating the possibility for vaccines to cause harm. That's also unsettling because it could imply that anyone who ever came in contact with the vaccine or even the virus itself could have those same symptoms due to lingering proteins.
Sadly for her, it's going to be pretty hard for her to legally prove that it was caused by the vaccine. It's odd, because J&J usually prefers to settle these things quietly. Idk why they would have been so rude to her when they could have just paid her to shut up.
>>352322>Vaccines are made of inert virus material, free of any of the virus's RNA, but still containing their protein shellsThese injections are not vaccines, but a genetic therapy, which it means is tampering with the DNA.
That said, analyzed vial samples didn't show any trace of organic material but a lot graphene.
>>352323SHE is claiming that that she was sickened by protein material from the virus. I can't be certain of what's actually going on, but that's what she herself said.
>analyzed vial samples didn't show any trace of organic material but a lot grapheneCan you point me to where you read this?
>>352322>Sadly for her, it's going to be pretty hard for her to legally prove that it was caused by the vaccine. It's odd, because J&J usually prefers to settle these things quietly. Idk why they would have been so rude to her when they could have just paid her to shut up.It looks like the doctors, (not J&J) shut her up to avoid personal liability.
>>352325She would have to get a second opinion from another MD if she wants any settlements then. It won't be easy.
>>352324>SHE is claiming that that she was sickened by protein material from the virus.Of course, she don't understand what the fuck was injected into her. She just trusted the TV and the "science".
>Can you point me to where you read this?There are a couple of post linking the laboratory studies, either in this thread or the previous one. If not, those post are not further than 2 threads ago.
>>352323>genetic therapy>didn't show any trace of organic material but a lot grapheneHow do you do gene therapy without organic material? Amino acids are organic. DNA is organic. The substances you need to successfully change DNA into what you want it to be include organics.
>>352328>genetic therapyThat is what is claimed by the pharma industry and its governments salesmen and even the mRNA inventor Dr Malone. However in laboratory analysis not trace or organic material could be found.
>>352327I heard about the graphene, but lacking organic materials doesn't sound right. Few of the adverse reactions that have been talked about so far would be possible without some organic components. Graphene could cause some odd symptoms, but it's not magic.
>she don't understand what the fuck was injected into herWell, she would have to at least know if she wants her lawsuit to be successful.
>>352330>Graphene could cause some odd symptoms, but it's not magic.Graphene is poisonous and is used to penetrate membrane cells without to trigger the immune system's white cells. At least that is claimed by the pharma industry.
>>352329I heard that this was advertised as a potential path to gene therapy tech in the future. In any case, that would still require organic materials.
>laboratory analysis not trace or organic material could be found.What lab are you talking about? I've seen plenty of vaccine skeptics claim that the spike proteins in the injections are causing adverse effects, but this is my first time hearing that there was no organic content at all.
>>352331Yeah, I know about microscopic shards causing cellular damage, but some of these symptoms are a lot more complex than that.
>>352332>but this is my first time hearing that there was no organic content at all.Dig the bread and previous ones for the posts, it has to do with electroscopic analysis.
>>352334>Dig 400+ postsI think I'll just research it myself. I only needed the name of the lab.
>>352335>Dig 400+ postsNo pain, no gain. Sorry.
>>352336I'd prefer to research the topic myself than dig through hundreds of chansite posts for a lead that might not even be accurate. Sue me.
>>352337>Sue me.Say what you wish but these threads (currently there are 12) are a trove of documentation on the covid psyop.
>>352339Yeah, I know. I find some useful things here, although I also find contradictory and/or unsubstantiated things. I judge different ideas individually, because I know a lot of false information is out there spread to make vaccine skeptics look bad.
>>352370Is there a source for pic 1?
>mRNA shots are the gift that keeps on giving>Physicians (not American, of course) find vaccine-generated coronavirus spike protein in skin lesions, months after vaccination>Remember when the Centers for Disease Control told you the mRNA in Covid vaccines didn’t last long in your cells?>Remember when fact-checkers at Reuters told you the coronavirus spike protein the vaccines make you produce isn’t dangerous?
>Who’s Calling The Shots? White House Walks Back Biden’s Pandemic Is ‘Over’ Claim>Negress Jean-Pierre, in direct defiance of what Biden said Sunday, claimed that the pandemic may be “more manageable” and “not as disruptive,” but it is not over.>The Press Secretary then took credit for the Biden administration’s handling of the pandemic. Adding that the president still acknowledges the need to keep the pressure on to ensure Covid doesn’t reverse course and become an issue again. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Vaccinated and Boosted TV Reporter, 24, Dies 'Suddenly and Unexpectedly' (Video)>Canadian TV reporter Matthew Rodrigopulle was particularly proud that children in Saskatchewan are now being “vaccinated” from age five.>Fully vaccinated and boosted Canadian TV reporter Matthew Rodrigopulle died suddenly and unexpectedly at his home of a heart problem at the young age of 24. “Fact-checkers” and the establishment media are trying to deny that the experimental gene-therapy injections could be linked to his death. [Embed]Video:
>The Gates Foundation Is Researching How to Brainwash You Into Taking More COVID Jabs>Bill Gates is now pumping millions of dollars into a new brainwashing program that manipulates people into getting future experimental COVID-19 jabs.>The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation published a study aimed at curbing vaccine hesitancy titled “Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy for Future COVID-19 and HIV Vaccines: Lessons from Measles and HPV Vaccines.”>Released on August 11th, Gates-funded researchers carried out a “narrative review of studies on interventions to address measles and human papillomavirus vaccine hesitancy” to cross-apply the lessons learned towards future experimental jabs.
>"GET YOUR DAMN VACCINE!" Compilation Of Disgusting "Get The Damn Shot" Propaganda [Embed]
>Vax pushing presstitute now in trouble
>A 54-year-old long-time television personality is living in complete denial, while remaining loyal and dedicated to the Church of Pfizer. Ms. Tracey Spicer began her broadcasting career in the late 1980s. She was a newsreader at Network Ten from 1992 to 2006. Ms. Spicer moved to Sky News from 2007 to 2015
“The Purebloods shall inherit the earth..”
>The Head of Pfizer is a Veterinarian>(((Albert Bourla))) is a veterinarian and not a medical doctor who is making a fortune selling his vaccines, not for animals – but people. He is the chairman and chief executive officer of Pfizer, after joining the company back in 1993. He use to be the chief operating officer.
>Less than 2% of eligible people have gotten updated Covid booster shots, 3 weeks into the rollout>At least 4.4 million people have received an updated Covid booster since the start of the month, according to data released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number represents around 1.5% of people currently eligible to receive the shots in the U.S.’s boosty time and covidians are refusing to get their medicine!
>Global Survey Shows “Unvaccinated” Didn’t Get Sick from Covid but They Did Suffer from Government Victimisation
>>352758Mostly because even normies aren't afraid of COVID anymore. Democrats have been downplaying it because they want to act like they've solved a problem before the midterms, and Republicans know it's not popular with their base.
The pandemic is close to being politically over. No politician wants to invoke it anymore.
>>352820>The pandemic is close to being politically over. No politician wants to invoke it anymore.Just wait for the NEXT epidemic. The UN already grabbed power by making a lot of countries to sign a global pandemic treaty by which, the UN will call the shots, not the countries.
>>352822The UN is toothless, and that treaty is a joke, just like most sorry attempts at international law. Countries will respond as they please, although they'll probably comply anyway since they'll want emergency aid .
>>352823>Countries will respond as they pleaseCountries will do as told as their leaders are already bought. Remember, the "rule of law" actually means the rule of the oligarchs, and a lot of armed government employees will do everything necessary to keep the oligarchs' favor (money).
>Bill Gates brags about ordering Trump not to investigate COVID vaccine dangers>“In both of those two meetings [with Donald Trump], he asked me if vaccines weren’t a bad thing, because he was considering a commission to look into ill-effects of vaccines … And I said, ‘No … that would be a bad thing, don’t do that,’” Gates said about his interactions with Trump.
>Last-ditch warning to the re-vaxxed: "8 mice" is NOT a study
Covidians going for their "booster".
>>352888>pic 2We did close the Southern border though. All the liberals were mad at Trump for doing it, and then Biden was too pussy to reverse the decision until a couple months ago.
>>352891>We did close the Southern border though.The TV said so.
Truth is that the cook of the restaurant around the block, an invader not able to write Spanish properly, said around April last year that he had to go to Mexico, that in 3 months he would be back. He came back after 3 months and made the trip from Texas to Connecticut in a charted van in 4 days.
The closed border has always been a joke for the viewers.
>>352896By the way, the same networks (without government knowledge) ferrying invaders today are the same than 10 years ago, nothing has changed about them.
>>352983>pic 4Didn't they also do that super-rushed trial where they tested it on a few hundred humans before releasing it? It was rushed as fuck, and definitely wasn't enough to check for long-term effects, but still more than just 8 mice.
>>352984I believe the 8 mice trial is related to the "boosters".
>>352988Boosters aren't typically that different from the original injection, are they? Iirc the standards of testing for boosters is different because the components are basically the same.
>>352990Actually the truth is that nobody knows because the injections' ingredients are a secret and the only information available is just "Trust Us".
>>352991A booster is usually just the same shot with a slightly different dose, allegedly.
Of course, they could be switching it up and saying it's the same shot. I wouldn't put it past them. It still a wonderful why they would do that when only people who've already been vaccinated are going to get boosted.
>>352993According to the jews in charge, multiple "mutations" have taken place already, so the injections are not the same.
>>352994It usually depends on the variant, but yeah, the rna/protein components would probably be altered to match the most recent strain of the virus in boosters. The fluid mediums and other ingredients should stay the same, although perhaps that can't be trusted.
>>352998>rna/protein components would probably be altered to match the most recent strain of the virus in boosters.Taking in count that the ingredients are a secret, has anyone analyzing the vials found any of those so called proteins? No one that I'm aware of.
>Russia to create its own mRNA shot. Sure, why not?>Here are some very reassuring and multi-polar comments from Denis Logunov, the deputy director of the famous Gamaleya Center (the big-brains behind Russia’s original unproven genetic slurry, Sputnik V):>- The technology of mRNA vaccines has a very important advantage: it can be administered at least every month … Here is the natural limitation of vector vaccines, which you cannot administer more than once every six months, because antibodies appear, they must decrease. Six months—this is the minimum, the ideal period between two injections. <...> Therefore, this decision was made, by order of the director [Sputnik V Papa Bear Alexander Gintsburg], a laboratory group was created to develop such [mRNA] vaccines. Here I will present you our new data regarding the mRNA platform,” he said.>Logunov said that mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer or Moderna give strong immunity after three to four vaccinations. Putin is fighting the NWO. /s
>Health Officials Admit Bill Gates Really Does Run the World>The undue influence of Bill Gates, who smiles with benevolent charm but behaves like a giant vampire squid, desperately needs to be removed from public policy everywhere in the world. Gates learned his monopolistic ways at the feet of his eugenicist father and through his company, Microsoft. Now, even left-leaning Politico admits that Gates is out of control. [Embed]
>Internationally Renowned Cardiologist and Covid 'Vaccine Promoter' Calls For Its Immediate Suspension (Video)>A major Covid “vaccine” promoter from the medical world, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, has made a remarkable change of attitude towards the experimental mRNA injections. The doctor calls for the suspension of Covid vaccinations until the serious side effects have been thoroughly investigated and all clinical trial data has been released for independent review. Leading doctors are also supporting his call for action.>Malhotra, one of the first doctors to be vaccinated, is known in Britain for promoting the Covid vaccines, reports Dutch newsites Blckbx. For example, the cardiologist/advisor to the National Health Service (NHS) was featured on the TV program Good Morning Britain, where he called on the public to get pricked with the ‘safe and effective’ mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna.
>UNFORGIVABLE: At least 163 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 15k hospitalised & 58k injured due to Covid-19 Vaccination in the USA according to CDC>The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal nearly 58,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,201 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 163 children have sadly lost their lives as of September 29th, 2022.>The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) that is updated weekly and can be found here:;jsessionid=4715088FA3527C5B25E9F044F276>Unfortunately, the CDC reveals that at least 57,622 children (Aged 0 to 17) have suffered an injury due to Covid-19 vaccination as of September 29th 2022.
>Canadian Actress Reveals She Has Bell’s Palsy Two Weeks After Vax, Says She Would Take It Again>July 2021 clip goes viral on Twitter.>In a video originally posted to her Instagram that went viral on Twitter over a year later, Canadian actress Jennifer Gibson revealed that she was suffering from Bell’s palsy two weeks after taking the vaccine, before going on to say she would take the shot again.>Gibson first posted the video to Instagram in July 2021 and it was actually filmed on May 11, but it received little attention until going viral on Twitter last night, and has already received millions of views on different versions of the clip. [Embed]
>20-Year-Old Med Student Drops Dead From Heart Attack ONE DAY After COVID Jab>A healthy 20-year-old medical student in Kansas suffered a fatal heart attack “suddenly and unexpectedly” last week just 24 hours after receiving a COVID jab.>In a heartbreaking Facebook post last Tuesday, the family of Regan Lewis said they “can’t say for sure there is a link” between her untimely death and the Covid shot she received one day prior in order to take part in nursing school clinical studies. [Embed]
>BREAKING: ICAN Wins Lawsuit Forcing CDC to Turn Over V-SAFE Covid Vaccine Injury Data – Shows 7.7% Seek Medical Care After Vaccination and 25% Have Serious Side Effects (VIDEO)>Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) just recently won a major lawsuit brought against the CDC, requiring the agency to turn over its V-safe COVID Vaccine Injury Data.>According to the data, Out of the 10 million people who used v-safe, 3,353,110 were hurt.>And 6,458,751 health impacts were reported by v-safe users.>Options for health impacts were:> - unable to work or attend school;> - unable to do your normal daily activities; and/or> - get care from a doctor or other healthcare professional. [Embed]
>Remember the BS Mandates, Well... A Word to the "Unvaccinated"
This is an unprecedented praise to Purebloods.
>Bill Gates Is DISAPPOINTED That No One Trusts Him or the Healthcare System
>Jimmy Dore: "I wonder why Americans who are constantly being lied to by politicians and received substandard, overpriced health care would have a different level of trust in those institutions than a guy who pays politicians to do his bidding and gets the best medical treatment money can buy."
>Show a single image of the spike protein. Why don't they do it? Simply because it doesn’t exist.>Cause and effect. Valid argument, where is the mRNA in the source injection vials? Lots of nefarious TOXIC Graphene Oxide & Nano materials. I found evidence of Graphene Oxide in patents for corona injections:>Graphene oxide WO2012046069A1>> (2012 Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier).'t-they-do-it-Simply-because-it-doesn%E2%80%99t-exist.:cMirror: [Embed]
>>353337>Why don't they do it?They're beyond microscopic. Even electron microscopes have a hard time seeing them clearly. There are still images though.
The Spike proteins are what Corona viruses get their name from: the spikes give the image of a crown ("Corona" in Latin).
>Why did the CDC hide the v-safe data from the American people for almost 2 years?>Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why.>Summary>The CDC needs to explain to the American public why they hid the v-safe data for so long, why they refused to voluntarily release it, and why they failed to let the American public know that the COVID vaccines triggered the “death” safety signal.>The mainstream press needs to explain why they aren’t asking these questions and choosing to ignore writing about this.>Members of Congress need to explain to the American people why they are sitting on the sidelines and not calling for an investigation.>The mainstream medical community needs to explain to the American people why they are remaining silent while all this is happening.>Universities need to explain why, in light of these revelations, they are continuing to mandate vaccinations for their students.
>I Reckon the Covid Jab Has Lowered the Average IQ by 20 Points>A high proportion of young people claim to be unsettled because they don’t understand what is going on. They are terrified of covid, long covid and probably short covid too. They love their apps and their credit cards and they hate cash.>Their problem is that they are too damned stupid to understand what is happening, to realise that nothing is happening by accident and that we are on the edge of the Great Reset.>I’d guess that the covid jabs have lowered the average IQ of the jabbed by at least 20 points.>In mid-December 2021 (that’s the best part of a year ago) I made a couple of videos warning that the gullible fools who had agreed to be jabbed with the covid-19 jab (a jab they didn’t need, that wasn’t going to prevent them getting covid and which might kill them or turn them into invalids for life) might, as a direct result of the jab, suffer serious brain damage and lose whatever marbles they’d got.>Those who allowed themselves to be jabbed with this toxic junk might now feel a little uneasy.>If they’ve still got enough functioning brain tissue to read this.
>‘Tainted Blood’: Study Finds 94 Percent of Vaccinated Patients Have Abnormal Blood>Scientists in Italy studied the blood of 1,006 patients who had received at least one dose of an mRNA COVID-19 jab and found toxic “foreign matter” tainting their blood long after vaccination.>The disturbing results were published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research in August 2022.>Side-by-side pictures of a patient’s blood before and after vaccination revealed stark differences. Prior to vaccination, the red blood cells are separate from each other and are round, while the blood drawn after vaccination revealed red blood cells that are deformed. Furthermore, the cluster in coagulation around visible “foreign material” that was not present before.>The researchers could not confirm that what they were seeing was graphene, though they did point out that graphene can aggregate into shapes similar to those they observed. If graphene was indeed assembling into structures within the bloodstream, it could be a cause of clotting.
>>353496Retards shouldn't be paid by the taxpayer to exist after this. White society attempted the "welfare state" where not everyone has to provide value to society to be treated as valuable to some degree. And we saw how it turned out. Tards on the dole lining up for the vax to show their loyalty to the nanny state. Workers abandoned or betrayed for getting injured on the job or wearing their bodies out on the job while lazy retards chose to become landwhales to destroy their bodies further for extra cash. Too many nogs coming here for free cash, not enough land and cash to go around, cost of living's too fucking high. If you got irradiated or ate unhealthily and drank heavily when pregnant, your kid is your responsibility, nobody else's unless you admit you're not mother enough to support your child, give your deformed kid up for adoption, and go back to work. Not every vote is equally valuable. Not every life is equally valuable. Society needs to ask itself if it's really worth keeping all these useless eaters around when so many of them vote commie.
>>353507>Retards shouldn't be paid by the taxpayer to exist after this.Well, if you think about it, the kikes are not very wrong when call the goyim stupid beasts.
>>353508Most books and songs are shit but the best ones are masterpieces no nigger or jew could create. The average normie might be similar to the most intelligent almost literate blacks alive, but they will never match the genius of whites. "High asian and jewish IQ" are myths, they carefully select who can and can't take these tests to inflate their numbers.
>>353496>I reckonHave there been any actual tests for this?
>>353516Nope. It looks like the 20 IQ points are an estimation.
>French General Pays Tribute to the Unvaccinated: 'They Embody the Best of Humanity, They Are Superheroes'>In a powerful letter making waves across Europe, French General Christian Blanchon praised citizens who refused the experimental Covid “vaccines” injections. Despite years of pressure campaigns, discriminatory policies, social exclusion, loss of income, threats, and being blamed for other’s deaths, the General thanked the “unvaccinated” for their strength, courage, and leadership:
>Shocking trove of HHS records reveals most aggressive vaccine propaganda campaign EVER: Screenwriters, comedians, church leaders, black doctors and influencers all PAID OFF to pimp the vax>As Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated, “These records show a disturbing and massive campaign by the Biden administration to propagandize and politicize the controversial COVID vaccine. It seems as if the entire entertainment industry was an agent for the government!” [Embed]
>Daniele Ciolli, a 34-year-old young man died suddenly on the evening of September 30th. The announcement was made by family members. An illness suddenly caught him on the street, after attending a public assembly. Daniele was an activist for the civil rights of disabled citizens.
The Italian translation of "morto" is "dead".
This thread has an unacceptable shortage of Porona.
>>353564Estimation based on what?
>>353586Glaring stupidity, I guess.
>>354262This matches with early corona-chan threads.
The imaginary covid-19 virus is a computer simulation in a Chinese computer in Wuhan. So, from that simulation the conspirators extracted an arbitrary genome sequence and claimed that is a "novel" virus, and according to them a vaccine matching those parameters was made.
I have a retarded brother that has taken the 2 first doses of who knows what from Pfizer and regrets it. Now he says to me, when I call it a clot shot, to stop talking about it. I think he's pissed off as a narcissist that rolled over so he could "go places". This also brother to me to "die" because I refused to take it. You can already see the set up (((they))) have for this.
>>354982If he already regrets it, is it really that necessary to remind him about it? Since he already recognizes its ill effects, it doesn't really do him any good to bring it up again. It'll just cause him needless anxiety.
To be fair most people that got the shot didn't drop dead. Most of them didn't even get serious side effects.
>>355031I didn't say the vaxx didn't have side effects, I'm saying that most people that got it are still fine. There aren't mountains of bodies in the streets and the "red deer" shit didn't happen. I'm not saying you should go and get something from a major pharmaceutical company with a liability sheild, but the mass die off doesn't appear to be happening.
>me, a lurker, trying to figure out who's saying what rn
Goddamn, these threads need IDs.
>>355032>There aren't mountains of bodies in the streets and the "red deer" shit didn't happen.People are dropping dead left and right all around the world, right now.
>>355034You're exaggerating, tbh. I've seen all of the normies in my community vaccinated without dropping dead.
Logically, it doesn't make sense for it to kill everyone at once. It must be less than a tenth of one percent kill rate.
>>355034Last I checked the amount of people dying of SADS was in the thousands out of the 5.4 billion people that took the fucking thing. Again not saying it doesn't have side effects I just don't think it's a mass depopulation death shot. I think the vaxx was mostly a means of punishing Trump supporters and testing new technology.
>>355035>You're exaggerating, tbh.Sure, keep getting injected with the government poison and find out. /s
>>355037I'm not injected, and I have no plan to. I'm saying you're exaggerating. Don't muddy the waters and give kikes ammo to mislead people by putting out bullshit numbers.
Anyone remember when the separate vaccines for separate classes of people were exposed by whistleblowers?
Anyone remember those vids/pics of jews getting saline shots and calling them "vaccines"?
>>355043I do. They are already posted and can't be dismissed.
>>355052Cool. That was archived so the jews can't hide that evidence later, right?
>>355060Somewhere in corona-chan threads #7 to #10.
>>355029>>355035⅓ of the shots are saline. Guaranteed test results, plus a restrained and distributed kill rate, should it occur.
An increase in percentage mortality in your circle, won't trip alarms, expectations.
The only people that can see an increase are in the death industry.
I don't think they are done with all of this crap yet.
How do you keep calm about the ronashitters? I know a vaxxed faggot who wont die and keeps pushing others to get the shot. Sadly so far the vax has only given him pain and temporary sicknesses. How do you stay calm even as pieces of shit like this one try to murder innocents in front of you?
>>355840What insurance group does this dude work for? Also source on the one third claim?
>>356069Just point out the excess deaths to normies and advise them not to get it. Most of the people that get the shit probably won't die, but it has a lot of side effects and people need to be warned.
>>356071*Especially young men.
>>356071>>356072I've shown the facts to everyone willing to look. I know people who got one or two shots and then said "no more" and people who stopped after the first and people who never got them in the first place. All those people forced into getting vaccinated by their jobs were pissed when they found out their co workers got away with being unvaxed because their bosses were bluffing about their coercive threats.
Event 201, a simulation done months before anybody heard about any virus, bankrolled by....yes, (((them)))
Check this shit out.>Nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims.>Twenty-eight percent (28%) of adults say they personally know someone whose death they think may have been caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, while 61% don’t and another 10% are not sure.>Forty-eight percent (48%) of Americans believe there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, while 37% think people who worry about vaccine safety are spreading conspiracy theories. Another 15% are not sure.>Seventy-seven percent (77%) of adults who have not gotten COVID-19 vaccinations believe it’s at least somewhat likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths. Among those who have gotten the vaccine, just 38% consider unexplained deaths from the vaccine at least somewhat likely.If Rasmussen is saying this, the number could be much higher.
>>357015Careful anon, this board has become the Twilight Zone, unfortunately not that Twilight, and gets upset when shitposters post too many memes. So, be prepared to get some discouraging commentaries and even a ban if you persist.
>>357015"Careful Goy, I see that you're capable of independent thought and empathy for your fellow cattle, and wouldn't want you to share information (((we're))) trying to prevent from reaching our goy sacrifices to our god moloch. Also, (((we're))) trying to poison, disband and demoralise the community on this board which we haven't yet been able to shoah despite repeated efforts and victories elsewhere."
Keep going anon! You're doing great, and my best wishes to you and your pony family.
>>357008Have a fresh meme.
>>357043>and gets upset when shitposters post too many memes.Well, this place has changed and now feels like empty, it is like Derpiburoo took over and there is no more horsefuckers.
>>357058>Keep going anon! You're doing great, and my best wishes to you and your pony family.Thanks anon.
Former NFL Player Uche Nwaneri, Who Called to Jail the Unvaccinated and Mandate the Jabs, Dies Suddenly at 38.
>>357078Jews are already trying to lie about it
>>357079There you have it, live on TV.
The case of the nigger Dammar is a huge blow to the jews and zog.
>>357079>>357080/mlpol/ is always right.
>>357079>Damar HamlinI'm glad this thread is going again.
Government employees already moved in for damage control.
>>357079>>357084Allow me to shitpost the following and I hope I won't get banned.
>Child Vaccinator in Australia Dies Suddenly.
Dr. Wilson Chin died suddenly on Christmas Eve in 2022.
>>357130>children dying from this wasn't enough>about 50% of people rejecting the vax wasn't enough>over 20% of people knowing someone who died from this wasn't enough>but the second a famous nigger gets hurt, suddenly things have gone too far and everyone's talking about itOf course.
Maybe if it was a black woman at Jan 6 who got shot for protesting by a white man, instead of a white woman who got shot for protesting by a black man, people would remember the victim's name.
>>357132>but the second a famous nigger gets hurt, suddenly things have gone too far and everyone's talking about itYes and no.
The normie gets its programming through the TV screen and will normally refuse any input contradicting it.
Sad but true.
>>357133>The normie gets its programming through the TV screen* I forgot the phonefags.
>Pro-Vax UK Radio Host "Excited" About 3rd Jab Hospitalized With "Lungs Full Of Blood Clots"
Like a clockwork, karma goes back like a boomerang.
>>357133>commotio cordisThis is just Latin for "commotion of the heart" or what we would call a heart attack. Are they calling it that purely to avoid the phrase "heart attack"?
>>357189You'd expect this sort of shit in a parody movie like Idiocracy.
Then again that was a jewish propaganda film praising jews, blaming the dumbing down of America on christian whites rather than niggers and other nonwhites, and claiming wealthy jews with careers and career women vs dumb evil christian rednecks with practically enslaved women are what causes "fucking rednecks" to outbreed jews.
Have any of you ever taken the dreaded horse paste? I recently bought some because i saw it for extremely cheap ($5 per tube) of Durvet Ivermectin Paste 1.87% Apple Flavor Horse Dewormer 6.08gm.
Does anyone have some proper good info on this? I'd like to keep it just-in-case. Does anyone have dosage instructions for different purposes? like preventative vs treatment suggestions, bodyweight to dosage recommendations, etc. Common interactions with supplements would also be helpful. Like i know they say not to take vitamin K and this at the same time, but does that count for the treatment duration or just to not be actively taking them at the same time. I always take D3, k2, magnesium, NAC, quercetin, zinc, b12, biotin, citicoline, b1.
Trying to google this shit is obnoxious.
>>357206>Have any of you ever taken the dreaded horse paste?Nope, virus science is flawed and fraudulent. After all it is titled "Virus Theory", and it is not actually a demonstrable fact.
For more of the above, browse old Corona-Chan threads where there is plenty of documents, testimonies, and real scientific explanations and evidence about it.
>Does anyone have some proper good info on this? I'd like to keep it just-in-case. Does anyone have dosage instructions for different purposes?How good is up to you to decide.
ZOG sources: balanced sources: very entertaining and ironic documentary about the Horse dewormer (recommended):
>>357206Some ivermectin deployments.
Some current covid happenings.
>Remember the Twitter “ER doctors” who claimed hordes of patients were dying daily of COVID? They were fake…>If you were on Twitter back when the COVID “fear mongering” was at its peak, you’ll likely remember the “Twitter doctors” who popped up, seemingly out of thin air, claiming they were losing hordes of patients to COVID every single day.>These so-called “doctors” whipped everyone into a fear frenzy. Their tweets would get tens of thousands of retweets and engagement daily.>The “doctors” posed as ER physicians and were part of the LGBTQ community in some way. They created this hellish/apocalyptic scenario that made it sound as if bodies were piling up in the streets.>Well, this probably won’t come as a huge surprise to you, but those popular “ER doctors” were fake. a textbook case of State terrorism.
>>357212>Humans spontaneously die with increasing urgencyAh, so I see, we're in the
Parasite Eve timeline.
>>357212>>357216And, that article is from over a year and a half ago:
>>357217It is a repost. Damn.
It is Climate Change anons. /s
>>357208Not really helpful for what I asked. I've already seen this stuff. I'm asking for more technical info about dosing it, etc. Some of the links brush on it but don't really state sources or specifics.
>>357209i've used these types of tubes in the past.
>>357224>I'm asking for more technical info about dosing it, etc. Some of the links brush on it but don't really state sources or specifics.Sure. It has been already posted at
>>357208The video even mentions lethal dosage and talks a lot about Ivermectin high toxicity. Manage it with extreme caution.
>Ivermectin Is So Toxic It Kills Most Mosquitoes That Feed On Its Users For 4 Days After?! [Embed]
>>357224>Correlation does not equal causationDo you even reckon what absurd and borderline gaslighting is that? After 3 years of ALL authorities and experts claiming that all deaths with a covid positive test (which is a fraud according to its inventor) were because of a non-existent virus named SARS-2.
So, how is it? The elderly died with, or because of covid? If no virus exists, they were murdered in the hospitals with ventilators and Redemsevir.
The virus is real and many old people died from Covid.
The vaccine made my penis fall off.
>>357233>The virus is realAnd how you know? Because the TV told you so?
EVERYONE stop what you're doing and LOOK at this.
This is the state's playbook on how to handle anything that erodes trust in the lethal injection. It even has guides on what to say.
Every public statement by a journalist/politician is scripted by the WHO.
>Diamond - of pro-Trump vlogging duo Diamond and Silk - dies aged 51 at her home in North Carolina: Former President leads tributes to one of his biggest cheerleaders saying 'Probably her precious HEART just plain gave out'>Donald Trump also shared the news, saying her death was 'totally unexpected' the Trump vax no doubt.
>The Covid-19 Plandemic hoax/psyop
When their use of Crisis Actors goes wrong. They sell their souls for money even when they know the truth.
>>357252>NIAID As expected, the Fauci's compound.
>SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19 diseaseThat's a humongous lie. the so called "virus" has never ever been isolated and injected in a laboratory's animal (a rat for example) to demonstrate infection and subsequent illness. The "Scientific Method" has not been followed and therefore the 'science" is a fraud.
Covid-19 virus is actually a molecular simulation in a computer at the Huhan Institute in China; paid by NIAID, U.S. DOD, Chinese Military, Bill Gates's GAVI and another French pharmaceutical company related to a jewish minister of health in France. All well documented in old Corona-Chan threads.
>RML investigator Emmie de Wit, Ph.D., provided the virus samples as part of her studiesNo virus sample has ever been produced, even Moderna, holder of the patents for the covid-19 genetic sequence admits that its "vaccine" is made in base a digital profile given by computers.
>microscopist Elizabeth Fischer produced the images, and the RML visual medical arts office digitally colorized the images.It couldn't be otherwise. CGI is all they have to colorize black and white images taken from actual cellular garbage they say are "patogens".
By the way, are you also in the globohomo's payroll?
>>357246>Took the Trump vax no doubt.Well, in the last years a well scripted conspiracy has gaslighted the public telling them that a death WITH a positive PCR test equals to a Death BY Covid, which is clearly absurd.
By the same deceptive logic, any death WITH a positive vaxxed status must be considered as a death BY the vaxx.
Irony of ironies. KEK
I'm just asking for dosing information about ivermectin. usages, side effects, interactions, dosages, different doses for different usages. That's all i've asked for.
I'll post what i have on the topic. Hopefully this helps someone out there looking for this info. Unfortunately the only thing i can find is specifically about covid but its atleast a dosage regimen.
instead i get "well if you followed all the archived threads you know viruses are imaginary and sickness as we know it dont exist and terrain theory was proven in this 3 hour bitchute video and if you disagree with me just watch the 3 hour video because i cant support my own argument in a practical way"
protip: just because you posted it in a thread and nobody responds doesnt mean everyone agrees with everything said in it.
>>357225None of that is specific info. There's one link that recommends really high dosages per bodyweight but doesn't back up anything they say nor do they say how often to take it or when/why or for how long. or for what purpose.
>>357227I think you meant to reply to a different post... Nobody said or implied that and your reply doesn't seem to correlate with anything in that post.
>>357242>>357233These youtubers are conflating 3 theories about the virus and dont understand enough about it so the nuance is lost on them. The sources they use say the viruses arent viruses at all, not that theyre imaginary. they just debate the concept of what is defined as a virus. they combine that with the fact the pandemic was planned where they took a common illness, modified it, then overrepresented it to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
but morons look at stuff like that and go "well i guess all those illnesses are just imaginary and its a big psyop" because theyre autistic retards. then people watch their videos and think they must be smart then post it here.
If they accepted the info from the jew news with the same amount of critical thinking as they took to these bitchute videos, theyd be a run of the mill normalnigger retard.
>>357261>o and if you disagree with me just watch the 3 hour video because i cant support my own argument in a practical way"You assume that somebody owns you the info, you're wrong. You are welcome to disagree, but to dig into old threads to spoon feed you the info you are looking for is unrealistic. It is up to you how far and how much time you are going to invest researching.
>>357261>but doesn't back up anything they sayEnough. Either you are lying or there is something wrong with you.
Sources were always in front of your eyes and a simple search could take you to the sources' websites.
>>357263>o and if you disagree with me just watch the 3 hour video because i cant support my own argument in a practical way"Moar:
Not really, physically I cannot pay you too much time anon. I have 2 windows open with perhaps 30 tabs open and 2 chats ongoing. I direct you to the sources and from there you might go further if you wish, but I'm not a professor.
>>357261>None of that is specific info. There's one link that recommends really high dosages per bodyweight but doesn't back up anything they say nor do they say how often to take it or when/why or for how long. or for what purpose.I see your pics, there is a mention to 0,4mg, that's double than the therapeutic dosage.
The first 3 pics are a sample of the daily injection's death toll.
The last 2 pics are related to post
>>357219 Canadian presstitute Jessica Robb admits to be a branch covidian and injected 3 times.
>>357265They do not say the basis of the dosing in the one link that provided doses. nor did they provide specifics about the dose. Or anything else i asked if anyone had info about. The images you posted are sources of unrelated stuff i didnt ask about, nor do i care about. I posted some useful info with specifics. Nobody else has.
>>357263No i don't. i assume somebody had it off hand and would post it. If you don't want to, don't. Nobody is forcing you to post. Do you think this thread is your personal inbox?
>>357267>I'm too busy to back up my opiniongood for you.
>>357268Yes, iirc i pulled those from a doctors recommendation and did the conversions myself. They considered .4 to be the upper limit and .15 to be a minimum of what someone would be prescribed and considered .2 to be a "Base" for most people. It says that in the other image i posted which was a letter from a doctor prescribing ivermectin.
I just wish i had more info like this but this is all I can find. I'll post more if i get it.
>>357275Check this out.
Go to and input "ivermectin" and "horse paste"
Interesting results come out.
>>357276Oh wow, it even checks the archives. I didn't know about this. Good stuff.
I know the info was posted in a thread months to maybe over a year ago so i'll look here starting with the oldest and hopefully find what i was looking for.
>>357259>By the same deceptive logic, any death WITH a positive vaxxed status must be considered as a death BY the vaxx.Vaccines protect you from viruses. All those supposed "Vax deaths" are literally just more Covid deaths. It would've been much worse if not for the Vaccines. There is no grand conspiracy to uncover. It's just another pandemic. Eat your meds chuddy. [Embed]Vaccine for nothing, clots for free:
(I want my new vaccine)
(I want my new vaccine)
(I lost my, I lost my NPC)
(I lost my, I lost my NPC)
(I lost my, I lost my NPC)
(I lost my, I lost my NPC)
Huh, now look at them vaxxies, that's the way they do it
They watch the (((Newsmen))) like an NPC
They ain't thinkin’, that's the way they do it
Myocarditis and their clots for free
Now that ain’t tested, that's the way they do it
Lemme tell ya, them guys are dumb
Maybe get a blockage in their little finger
Maybe get an organ filled with gum
They got to inject, “another wave’s coming so clot your bitchin’ arteries”
They got to use these ventilators, they got to use those drippin’ IVs
See the little faggot with the sticker and the mask up
Yeah, buddy, he’s got no prayer
That little faggot got his own heart in flames now
That little faggot, he's got the death jab stare
They got to inject, “another wave’s coming so clot your bitchin’ arteries”
They got to use these ventilators, they got to use those drippin’ IVs, ow
I shoulda listened to the schizos on /pol/
red deer is comin' and it won't be fun
look at that mamma, she just had a stroke on the camera
oh man, we could have some
and he's up there-what's that?
he's doing the death spin
he's coping on the twitter like an NPC
that ain't thinkin, that's the way they do it
Myocarditis and their clots for free
>>357308if that's you singing that's bretty gud
>>357295>Vaccines protect you from viruses. >All those supposed "Vax deaths" are literally just more Covid deaths. >It would've been much worse if not for the Vaccines. >There is no grand conspiracy to uncover. >It's just another pandemic. Those are very insightful thoughts.
>Coincidence Theorists
>Are you and your love ones suffering from a Medical Coincidence?
>Biden Extends Covid Emergency as Omicron Subvariant XBB.1.5 Spreads>The first Covid emergency was imposed January 2020.>Three years later the US is still under a Covid emergency despite Joe Biden claiming the pandemic is over. [Embed]
>>357295>There is no grand conspiracy to uncover>to uncoverToo late. it is in the open and everybody can see it.
>>357295>There is no grand conspiracy to uncover. It's just another pandemic. Eat your meds chuddy.Well, the following clip shows Jesse Ventura (who literally sold out promoting the lethal injection, even when he positively knows the ZOG's plan to genocide the population), in a 2009 TV broadcast with Dr. Rima Laibow warning Americans of exactly what is happening now.
Eat your lies faggot.
PUREBLOODED SON [Embed]Some folks are born made to take the jab
Ooh, an' five boosters too
And when the media say "Flattening the curve"
Ooh, they point the needle at you, Lord
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no compliant one, son
It ain't me, it ain't me
I'm the pureblooded one
Some folks are born in the WHO's hands
Lord, they can't help themselves, no
And when the vaxman come' to the door
Lord it's like their veins are clogging up with sand
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't puting those mask on, no no
It ain't me, it ain't me
I'm a pureblooded one
[Guitar Solo]
Yeah, some folks inherit miocarditis
Ooh, makes you want to go to war, Lord
And when you ask 'em, "How old were they when he died?"
Ooh, they only answer, "20, 15 9 and four!"
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't even taking one, no no
It ain't me, it ain't me
I'm a pure blooded one
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't dying that young, no no
It ain't me, it ain't me
>>357348It's good. Thanks for posting it.
>These people think we are stupid for not wanting to be vaxxed.
>Well you are quite the trained but not educated smug asshole Mr. Cox are you not? Said "if you are dumb enough to believe the random guy on YouTube (would that be the CEO of Pfizer?) who tells you mRNA vaccines changes your DNA then perhaps that is precisely what you need"... it would appear that as Tiktok influencers, you two have been greatly Covid media and bullshit influenced?
>I understand that you and pinky there may be having some problems. Is her hair still pink or has it all fallen out from the chemo? If you are dumb enough to believe that those shit shots they are pumping into you will help you health wise...perhaps that is precisely what you need. After all they have certainly done her some good right?
>No tears here. The sooner you die, the less you can help to harm. Get your boosters you vax pushing asshole. You are taking part in a genocide. You are part of why children are being murdered.
>>357335>Coincidence is now the leading cause of death
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