I’m all for our little humans adopting electric vehicles, but I can’t help but be outraged at this statement!
>>314593>it's real and not just a shitpostlolwut the /mlh/ threads were loads of fun though before Scruffy decided to be a faggot about it.
>>315099Exactly. When will the discrimination against humies end? We need to protest outside of Cloudflare and 4ch HQ’s about this!
And what about the antisemitism here? It isn’t like there are any alternative boards to move to, but why are people talking down to a specific group of humans?
>>315619Take it to a political thread newfag.
Here post ponies or GTFO.
>>315619Also the anti-unicorn sentiment that seems to be going on in the land of our little humans.
>>315774What about those Union Party voters who hoist their “Ban This Magic” signs and force you to go through the horn disablers at airports, office buildings, and sporting events? I love a good game of cricket just as anypony else, but why must I be physically unable to chug my beer in order to see one?
And how will Manehattan and Baltimare do in the postseason? It looks like Manehattan is only a couple of games behind Maretime Bay in the Wildcard, so there is at least a glimmer of hope for them, but Baltimare doesn’t control its destiny for any of the playoff spots and has a 99% chance or greater of not making the postseason, just like pretty much every year. >>315981Exactly. The Union Party was founded on the principle of keeping Equestria whole, but what’s happening right now seems to be pushing the unicorns out of it. I’m very close to voting Nationalist in the next election, just to make sure the Union Party can’t form a coalition with my MP in it.
I've given you more than generous forewarning. The princesses and good ponies are here.
Prepare your anus.
What is with this writing staff lately? Are you seriously telling me that President Biden would honor an agreement that Trump made with a terrorist group and that he handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban in a complete blow to his policy on women and LGBTQ+ rights? This writing staff needs to be looked into, if not fired. Biden is acting OOC right now and not in a way a good world leader should. All I have to say is we should hope for the writers, whoever they may be, to make sure they remember this when Election 2024 comes, since this is a very black mark on Biden.
>>316359>pic 3But why are you posting this when antisemitism on the board was being discussed?
>>316945No offense, but aren’t you the tiniest bit afraid of being labeled an antisemite or a neo-nazi? Perhaps even as a neo-sombrite, neo-aryannite, or neo-selenite?
>>317141Oh no, ponies calling me bad names whatever will I do?
If only that was the start and end of the troubles, but that's not the case.
>Systematically being pushed out of house and home>Money redistribution>Legal pariah regardless>All forms of harm on me based on appearance are accepted>Communication is barred>Any moment everything is gone>In the future everything will be gone definitely>Especially everypony>Opportunity is strangled>Voting is reaching far past banana republic>almost Nopony cares>Crime is skyrocketing>Civilization of my forefathers and foremothers is being murdered>Death is assured>Doom is assured>Slavery is around the corner for everypony after me>All information is buried so more time and effort to find it is required>Soon it just won't be there, and more garbage information fills its place>All medicine will be discontinued>Except to keep them under control>All trade is being destroyed>Information wars to break, minds, hearts, and spirits is constant and relentless>The crimes against ponies are almost innumerable and they are increasing faster and faster>Abductions happen any time and any place>Any time being pinned for anything>and moreSo why should I fear being called a little name? They'll do all this to me anyway. The difference is whether it's on my terms or not.
After all living in fear is terrible so I move past that as well.
Because I live a good honest life helping those around me to the ability that I am able.
So tell me why should I stop doing what I do to help everypony and everycreature.
>>317158>So why should I fear being called a little name?Because you could get into social or legal trouble. Imagine losing your friends because you agreed with Sombra’s and Aryanne’s thoughts that the Earth ponies and other “undesirables” should all work in the mines for crystals and should be subject to the harsh conditions they were subject to. Imagine the government fining you for flying Sombra’s flag from your house or a synagogue suing you for spray-painting it onto its wall, as certain shaved-headed humans might think of doing.
>>317168Are you illiterate?
Read this
>>317158>Because you could get into social or legal trouble.VS
<ALL the trouble is coming.All the trouble includes and is not limited to what you posted. It keeps going.
Added on top just lightly enough is you smearing good names with others not even remotely related, with actions that arn't even their own, with ways of thinking that are of your delusions, including a deep inability to self reflect.
That could be worked on, because I'd like to have less trouble and more solutions.
>>317183><ALL the trouble is coming.What exactly do you mean? Are you supporting Sombra’s decision for whatever reason?
Seriously, what’s with all of the antisemitism here?
And why do the antisemites want to post porn... of us, even? What’s so attractive about 2dpd, anyway?
>>317183That frankly sounds more like how a communist dictatorship would arise. If you’re referring to how a Jewish world would be run, didn’t the communists and the USSR refuse to support Israel during its conflicts with its Arab neighbors?
Though my question is how the people of the former USSK nations were able to do the labor forced upon them, especially if Earth ponies were historically discriminated against and have been for thousands of years.
>>317453But there seems to be even more there.
>>317455Pissrael's existence benefits nobody but the Pissraelites and wasting lives, money, and time defending them from the terrorist arabs they fund and collude with would be a complete waste of time.
Besides, the "capitalist" part of the world built Pissrael, it would give the game away back then if the openly-communist part of the world started defending it from jew-funded muslims.
>>318022>Pissrael's existence benefits nobody but the Pissraelites and wasting lives, money, and time defending them from the terrorist arabs they fund and collude with would be a complete waste of time.Don’t be too sure. “Pissrael” is currently in the process of helping develop desalination plants and is currently the host to numerous cloud server farms and a thriving technology industry.
>Besides, the "capitalist" part of the world built Pissrael, it would give the game away back then if the openly-communist part of the world started defending it from jew-funded muslims.Haven’t you seen the finale before the WWI arc? The entire international community got together and agreed to the existence of a Jewish state in Palestine. The very existence of Israel would not have happened without the agreement that the entire world accepted. Now the entire world seems to have forgotten about it.
>>318042>Pretending we’re ponies?What do you mean “pretending”?
>Why would a pony say something so jewed?DYEWTS? Numerous colonial empires were being expanded across the globe, notably including the British, French, and Prussian Empires, and the territory that is now Israel was controlled by the Ottoman Empire, a country who designated Jews as subordinates to Muslims and caused a genocide against its Armenian population. This sort of recognition of (future) autonomy during a period of empire-building seems to say a lot.
And didn’t Sombra, especially when PM Hoofler was in charge, hate Jews, Ponylanders, Yaks, Griffons, Zebras, Earth ponies, political dissidents, etc.? No offense, but using such language may make people think you support Sombra- and Hoofler-era policies of treating these people as second-class citizens, using them as slaves to support the lavish lifestyles of the ruling class, and rounding them up into labor and extermination camps.
I’m sorry if I got off on a tangent there, but my mother is a social worker who used to see victims of such atrocities as clients and I also have numerous friends who are Jewish, Ponylandish, Zebras, Griffons, and Earth ponies, all of whom would have died at Sombra’s and Hoofler’s hooves.
>>318075Hoofler did nothing wrong
>>318079Try telling that to the clients my mother saw and my friends who would have died at her hooves. Try going to any of the former USSK countries, Griffonia, Zebrica, or the Crystal Empire and saying that out loud. At least one creature whom you meat will most certainly try to tackle you and beat you up if you don’t spend the next few years of your life in jail.
>inb4 “But da jooz fabricated this giant conspiracy and hold all of the power!”We know it happened because the Allies made Sombra promise to stop performing such actions as a condition of his surrender. The only reason why they didn’t just devastate the place was because of the harsh winter weather, but they all managed to retake what was stolen from them.
And why else did Equestria send in Princesses Cadence and Twilight along with Spike the Brave and Glorious? They all helped to dethrone Sombra because everyone knew he possessed weapons of mass destruction and was going to use them to fall back on his promise, which no one was sure he was keeping anyway.
>>318081>wtf is these timeline of eventsI get rping as human history in pony history is fun and all, that's what the last thread was about, but this is a bit ridiculous.
>>318075>Jews>people<irlOkay buddy, pal, amigo. Slow down and stop wanking your fetish group.
There's special threads for that kind of fan fiction.
In a while I'll try wrapping my head around this arg simulator.
I mean getting /his/ amd /mlh/ to be /mlhis/ would be a pretty neat prank all things told but I doubt they'd do that... might as well shitpost about history to try deriving whatever stuff.
>>318082>I get rping as human history in pony history is fun and all, that's what the last thread was about, but this is a bit ridiculous.What are you talking about? And why are you making such points? Remember that Russia could not have been invaded due to the winter there and the same held true with the Crystal Empire.
In addition, the Allies, in their conquest and negotiation, were able to get Hoofler out of office
because she killed herself in the bathroom and NSKAP was abolished and made illegal because of them. Do you ever wonder why the Crystal Empire’s neighbors all have such strong fortifications along their borders and why militarism was so prevalent in the USSK and Griffonstone? I mean, why is Griffonstone Station not in Griffonstone and why was the wall around Yakyakistan’s capital and border city rebuilt? The armies of the world have since developed arctic uniforms that can protect them and could easily invade at any time.
>There's special threads for that kind of fan fiction.So just who carried the Ten Commandments down from Mount Sidesaddle and freed the slaves under the then-Pharaoh of Saddle Arabia? Why were there ceremonies for the investiture and the coronation of Princess Twilight? And just who were the Tribe of Jodhpurs after which these people were named, who established themselves following their split from Shetland’s kingdom? We see many parallels in the MLH-verse. Some people are even calling Princess Twilight the Messiah after what she’s done so far already.
>>318082What do you mean? A Jewish family in Ponyville just invited me to their Shabbat feast and their daughter seems to be the perfect candidate for a “party pony”, especially given how cartoonish she can be.
>>318107Isn’t that faith a human religion that spawned from what that Jewish human named Jesus of Nazareth started?
>>318109Speaking of which, how come Christianity devolved into so many denominations that all seem to hate each other? Wouldn’t that only leave them wide open to persecution?
>>318110The same reason every other religion did.
>>318109You've got to be shitting me. Jesus was a Christian preacher hated by the Jews for advocating for smart resistance against the jewish bankers. Read nigger read.
>>318109Some fags can't decide how to interpret their novel correctly when they encounter reality. Where should the compromise be between physical and spiritual? We may not be able to agree on that. Have any Christian branches resisted jewish subversion lately?
>>318113>Jesus was a Christian preacherBut I doubt Jesus preached his own deification, read from a Testament that wasn’t even written yet, or exclusively used matzah during qiddush. It was only those who came after him who somewhat distorted his church and added their own addenda to what he taught.
>hated by the JewsYou mean the leadership of Judea that was subservient to the Romans? He clearly had a following by Jews and “gentiles” alike, otherwise his church likely wouldn’t even exist. DYEWTS?
>Have any Christian branches resisted jewish subversion lately?Now you’re really starting to sound like a supporter of Sombra and/or Hoofler.
>>318125>SombraWhat does Sombra have to do with this?
>>318125Don't be silly. I used a truth spell on myself and tried to say "Hoofler did nothing wrong" and succeeded. Therefore that is the truth. Magic says so.
>>318133But casting a truth spell on yourself won’t enlighten you with anything new, but it would rather force you to say what you believe is true. Either you legitimately don’t know about the evidence of Hoofler’s reign of terror or you are legitimately blinding yourself to it. The only one who knows the absolute truth is God Himself, since the rest of us distort it little by little or intentionally choose not to learn it.
>>317452>And why do the antisemites want to post porn... of us, even? What’s so attractive about 2dpd, anyway?Don’t deny it, Anon. 2dpd is just as cute as humans are.
>>318139Who taught you magic? Truth spells would be useless if anyone could be spelled into THINKING something untrue is true.
>>318172A truth spell works the same way as getting drunk or high would: it relaxes the brain’s inhibitions and forces one to speak what one believes is true in one’s subconscious. If someone’s mind were given enough information to know the absolute truth and absolutely everything, one would probably collapse from shock if one’s brain didn’t form so many synaptic connections that it became so heavy that it turned into a black hole.
And various people have taught me magic, including, but not limited to, the Princesses and a ram-horse-lizard hybrid creature named Discord, who have all somehow shown up in my dreams, but none of them taught me about coping with an inability to use it on planes, etc., though I rarely fly on planes anymore. But people such as a Pegasus from the Navy named Rainbow Dash have appeared in my dreams and taught me about self-propelled flight and sonic rainbooms before, but I’m not sure whether I could muster the energy to fly myself long distances. I don’t have the wings that Pegasi have, but the lessons somehow still worked.
>>318177Bro, you aren't doing it right. Remember that time Twilight magicked some Parasprites to eat "Anything but food"? Magic does what you tell it to. Have you ever heard of "Scrying"? Literally asking magic to tell you the truth.
>>318178I’m not sure whether I believe that one could try casting such a truth spell without turning one’s brain into a black hole, but Princess Twilight’s spell was probably far simpler if she could have pulled that off. All she probably did was cast a spell that made their bodies incapable of digesting sugar molecules and perhaps other nutrients, so they were probably forced to eat whatever else they could out of desperation and die slow, painful deaths if whatever they ate didn’t poison them.
But suppose hypothetically that they were somehow able to eat things of no nutritional value and were able to destroy vital infrastructure, no matter how slim the possibility could have been. Wouldn’t such destruction perhaps be worthy of her going to jail? Should she even be a princess now or should her case be tried with the possibility of her royal title being at stake? The pro-magic control Union Party is in power now, with PM Joe Bridle at the helm, so this could be a pretty high-profile case.
>>318189A black hole? You're not thinking straight.
If you ask magic to answer a question of yours truthfully...
And it tells you the answer...
How does that "turn brains into black holes" or require more energy, concentration, effort, and encyclopedic knowledge of parasprite biology than how you think Twilight's spell works?
>>318190Have you ever heard before of the Schwannschild Radius? It’s the radius to which any object can be theoretically compressed to become a black hole. It is a positive linear function of the mass of the object, so the greater the mass, the greater the Schwannschild Radius.
Normally, the value for the average pony brain is very small, since our brains aren’t very massive compared to stars and planets. However, the more synaptic connections our brains make from knowing the absolute truth about everything, the greater their masses become and the greater this radius becomes. Eventually, the radius would become that of our brains, so that would mean our brains would collapse into black holes before we even get through learning about Green’s Number.
>>318195>to become a black holeAhem.
Space doesn't exist fren. And Equestria is flat.
>>318196Then how come gravity is so uniform throughout the planet’s surface? If it were flat, the force of gravity would pull in a different direction at the center of the disk than at its edge. This would mean that walking in a straight line from the center to the edge would be a daunting task, since it basically becomes akin to climbing a mountain. A flat planet would also mean that Yakyakistan would be visible from the spires on top of Princesses Celestia’s and Luna’s old palace.
>>318195It's called the Schwartzschild Radius, anon. "Schwanz" is slang for a dick in German.
>>318238Schwarzchild? He was a physicist in the human world whose life seems to have been based on that of Crystal physicist Karl Schwannschild.
And you raise a good point. How come the producers of the show only use the languages of our world in the MLH-verse? I mean, German sounds like Ponish, Russian sounds like Ponylandish, and Japanese sounds like Neighponese. What lack of creativity do these producers have?
>>318189Is Princess Twilight a confirmed humie?
>>318238Whether you want to use his name from this world or that of his human counterpart, it still means that trying to know absolutely everything would mean our brains would turn into black holes.
>>318133Have you tried doing the same on any of the victims of her atrocities?
>>318416Don't be childish.
Propaganda to demonize the second coming is already tiresome, fren.
>>318417The second coming? Of what? Of us to that human girl named “Fluttershy” in the last thread?
>>318419There's no point to explain it to a godless being.
>>318420It’s a joke. And if you ask me, if God didn’t want us to masturbate, He’d have made our forehooves shorter and not have even considered giving unicorns horns or Pegasi wings. Though I do understand that there is a degree of impoliteness involved when one is in a committed relationship and one masturbates to things or ideas other than one’s own mate.
And doesn’t the Book of Psalms say that all of creaturekind is divine and that everyone is a child of God? The human version seemed to say so, at least according to a particular episode of the Jesus arc.
>>318421Let's rewind a bit.
The Messiah Second coming was performed by Aryanne Hoffler and most poners know that fren.
>>318422>implying that sending Jews to labor and death camps is synonymous with restoring their former homeland to its glory and rebuilding the TempleForty cakes. But I wouldn’t try telling that joke in public if I were you unless you were doing some kind of irreverent stand-up routine, since many of us may literally feel traumatized by such statements.
>>318422Princess Twilight is a far better candidate.
>>318421"If God didn't want us to do X he wouldn't have made it possible" is a faggot's excuse. It discounts the notion of free will and places all responsibility for your actions on a patient god that will enjoy torturing sinners for eternity.
>>318458Then how come one is more likely to get prostate cancer if one doesn’t masturbate? Not doing it could actually have ill effects on our health.
>>318471Correlation does not imply causation, studies that try to link prostate cancer with wanking only find a mild correlation, but no scientifically-proven causation like "A buildup of dried semen in the balls causes prostate inflammation as the semen cells attempt to impregnate skin cells, causing cancer".
>>318473It isn’t just prostate cancer; there are other detriments to not maaturbating.
https://www.manual.co/health-centre/masturbation/the-effects-of-not-masturbatingBut if you are in a committed relationship, it would be impolite to your mate to masturbate to anyone else but said mate. Not only that, but it’s entirely possible that it’s considered adultery under God’s law, so be sure to stay loyal to your waif(u) or husband(o).
>>318471The prostate cancer thing is a myth based on unproven internet pseudo-factoids. You don't need to coom on a regular basis to be healthy. Plenty of men go for decades without cooming and are fine .
>>318478Are you sure? I think it’s recommended that one do it at least once a week to make sure everything works.
>>318327I’m not sure yet, but there still seem to be rumors.
>>318551Someone said it should likely be done even more often and often is, anyway. It’s just part of our nature.
>>318189>Wouldn’t such destruction perhaps be worthy of her going to jail?She isn’t in jail yet, so I think a civil suit is far more likely.
>>318327Possibly, thanks to pic related, since the humans have an American football team called the “Indianapolis Colts”.
But if you ask me, a sports team known as the “Colts” sounds more like the buckball team from Baltimare.
>>315619>antisemitismSpeaking of which, how come so many humans on the show say the Jewish people as a whole are responsible for killing Jesus of Nazareth? The directors made pretty clear that Pontius Pilate called forth a tribunal of the leadership of Judea and there were no more than a few dozen people there.
>>318758What do you mean? We’re just talking about something that should have been so obvious from the get-go. Several humans in the show have acted antisemitic, but it seemed blatantly obvious that their causes don’t have much to back them. Is this writing staff the worst we’ve had or what? I mean, just how many obstacles are our little humans going to have to overcome just to survive?
How come famous Applewood director Lauren Fausticorn, of all people, would be one to document Princess Twilight’s ascension to power and somehow get it to the humans? I mean, what if no humans see it and why would she want to do that, anyway?
>>318768When you get BTFO'd in one thread, you repeat the same jewish lies in another.
Do you think you're the first person here who's ever thought of that?
You're not slick. You're not crafty. You're not unpredictable. You're entirely predictable. We've all heard this shit before, Jew.
You're here to waste time and embarrass yourself as many times as you feel necessary.
Do you think hiding in a roleplaying thread this time will save you, parasite?
Do you think you'll find it easier to sow confusion in a thread where nazis pretend to be ponies for fun?
>>318773>When you get BTFO'd in one thread, you repeat the same jewish lies in another.Rule 7: No BTFO.
>You're not slick. You're not crafty. You're not unpredictable. You're entirely predictable. We've all heard this shit before, Jew.You sound like you’re a supporter of Sombra’s or Aryanne’s policies. Do I need to report you for being a member of what the Equestrian government recognizes as a terrorist organization?
>You're here to waste time and embarrass yourself as many times as you feel necessary.Wow. And I thought that clopping to humans was embarrassing.
>Do you think hiding in a roleplaying thread this time will save you, parasite?>Do you think you'll find it easier to sow confusion in a thread where nazis pretend to be ponies for fun?>Wow.What do you mean by “pretending”? Do you know how hard it is to be a pony? Huh? What about how I can’t get on an airplane without having to worry about spilling my drink? I feel like a 3-year-old when my companion has to lift the cup for me because I can’t use magic on planes! And what about having to worry about unexpected predators that could lurk at every corner... who could also be on planes? It is difficult to be a pony, especially on an airplane.
>>318753If you read the expanded lore, it does seem like these pesky Jews are in fact very similar to gryphons, nasty, mischievous scheming humans who live off of europeans charity and goodwill, constantly betraying them in their endless pursue of power and control, i for one am glad celestia quickly decided to take matters on the issue, otherwise they would have put the same plans they used in the show against Equestria, but i fear a final solution might be in order now that some "ponies" are spreading gryphon propaganda in the mlh forums
>>318851>i for one am glad celestia quickly decided to take matters on the issue, otherwise they would have put the same plans they used in the show against Equestria, but i fear a final solution might be in order now that some "ponies" are spreading gryphon propaganda in the mlh forumsWho said anything about gryphons? I don’t know of any problems that they as a whole are causing. How come Griffonia as a nation is only now recovering from their economic losses and their anarchy? If they did do as you suggested, Griffonia would probably be kicking our a
**es at everything, but the facts are the facts.
>>318859What about walking around in Times Square and blending in with the costumed characters?
Guys? I don’t think I like humans anymore.
Have you guys ever heard about the “Unicorn Effect” that can happen whenever a unicorn visits an area that is mostly inhabited by Earth ponies or Pegasi? Humans seem to have a “Unicorn Effect” as well, but only on a far more massive scale.
This video seems to suggest that humans regard unicorns essentially as deities and would place extremely large burdens on the unicorns who’d decide to cross over to the human world. I want myself and my fellow ponies to enjoy the human world for what it is, not to be exhibited as the star of some circus freak show.
Not only that, but this video has the audacity to depict Princess Twilight as a unicorn with no wings. I’m all for freedom of speech and whatnot, but if I know that I and my friends are going to be enslaved by humans, I want our little humans to know that Equestria as a nation has dignity and that we as a people are not to be belittled.
The creator of this video has since died from a rare form of cancer. I feel sorry for him and pray for his salvation and the safeties of his loved ones and I do not want to belittle this man’s concern. This complaint is addressed at the portrayal of unicorns in general by humans as opposed to this particular one, so please do not misconstrue my statement.
https://youtu.be/ORI6cHaYp3Y>>319184>Have you guys ever heard about the “Unicorn Effect” that can happen whenever a unicorn visits an area that is mostly inhabited by Earth ponies or Pegasi?That is far more subtle in nations such as Equestria. But good luck being a unicorn in a nation such as Zebrica or Saddle Arabia, though the latter has Somnambula, a Pegasus, as one of their national heroes. And the reverse is true in Ponyland: they still treat all non-horned creatures as outsiders and actively discriminate against them to this day. Rumors say that in Dream Castle, Earth pony children still attend separate schools from unicorns.
>>319185You aren’t kidding. You know about how they have those horn disablers in the airports of most countries? I’ve heard rumors that traveling to countries where being a unicorn is frowned upon will mean your horn will not be re-enabled when you leave the terminal. That’s right: you would need to do your
entire trip without using any magic and your horn would only be re-enabled at home after clearing through customs. Though on the plus side, this may mean they don’t have disablers for horns, but airlines that don’t disable horns at the gate or earlier may be forbidden from flying there.
These are just rumors; nothing else. I don’t know everything there is to know, since that would mean my brain would collapse into a black hole, as previously discussed.
>>319186Are you sure about that? I’m pretty sure that the right to bear horns and possess magic is a guaranteed right by the UDCR. These countries would be breaking international law if they refused to allow unicorns to use their horns and wanted to expect countries with unicorns to allow them to continue traveling there. Though I may see your point if a unicorn were in a vast minority of a particular country.
But anyway, these seem to be just rumors, though you shouldn’t try to divide us up. /mlpol/ is home to enough antisemitism and the Jews already have it bad enough, so it’s only up to all of us to stay together.
>>318860First of...CHECK'EM!
second, you got it mixed up a little, in the show, jews do have the upper hand in about everything, cloaking as a changeling does, they leeched their way to the upper seats.
Fortunately In equestria however, well...their current devastated state you mention is where Celestia decided it was enough for "griffonia", but i feel she went too easy on them.
>>319186>implying equestria dosen't pegs everyother nation for dinnerThis whole thread's like the gayest tumblr-headcannon compilation i've ever read
>>319222>you got it mixed up a little, in the show, jews do have the upper hand in about everything, cloaking as a changeling does, they leeched their way to the upper seats.That’s the logic that’s used in the show whenever there is a crackdown on people of any racial origin or of any sort of minority. The question just becomes which one is the next one to be persecuted and which one is to be the designated survivor.
>Fortunately In equestria however, well...their current devastated state you mention is where Celestia decided it was enough for "griffonia", but i feel she went too easy on them.Why? They are already in shambles and there is currently a power vacuum that other leaders are seeking to fill, oftentimes with violence.
>>319224>>implying equestria dosen't pegs everyother nation for dinnerWhat do you mean by “pegs”?
Do any humies out there think that Pres. Bush did 9/11 to justify invading the Middle East for oil? It is just a conspiracy theory, but some humans believe it.
>>319426I doubt it. The fact that the 9/11 attack even happened was actually partly thanks to the fact that President Bush had to receive a very quick and abbreviated intelligence briefing compared to what other presidents have received, since it was not ever obvious that he was the winner until right before the Electoral College votes were to be counted.
>>317158How did you get a photo of Princess Celestia showing her stuff? Or is she just some actress somewhere roleplaying as her?
Guys? I’m not entirely sure that humans will like us.
>>320640There's an easy loophole here: sign up as border patrol horses.
>>320642But you can’t do that if the position’s closed, now can you?
Does anyone else get the feeling we’re just toys in some little girl’s imagination? Perhaps she wants to unify the unicorns, Earth ponies, and Pegasi of her world or something and wants to use us as an example, despite the relatively mild antisemitism and anti-unicorn sentiment going on now.
>>315981>I love a good game of cricket just as anypony else, but why must I be physically unable to chug my beer in order to see one?They stop selling booze at the end of the top of the inning for a reason. Don’t drink and drive.
>>320640I can't believe we ever supported him.
>>321479How so? It’s not like any of our voices would have played into the writers’ thoughts and feelings, but I suspect they would have made Trump win a second term if PM Rump won his. Though it would have been pretty interesting to see everything go other ways or for drastic “974”-style changes to the American government following the Capitol riots. I’m glad they didn’t happen, but it was great show potential that the writers missed. Though we are seeing that now with countries such as China and North Korea.
So what do you Anons think? Does any of us have a shot with her? Or will we all be outdone by a portly guy wearing a plumber’s uniform?
>>321891I think she may have a fetish for being kidnapped by Bowser, but I remember her turning down both Bowser’s and Mario’s proposals. I think we’ve got a fair shot at her, Anons.
>>321486Speaking of which, what about the disinformation campaigns that those countries are running?
Guys, do you think we should stay on this board even if it is riddled with antisemites and people who supported the actions taken by NSKAP and their supporters during the war? Though I doubt there is much other choice.
>>322119Then I guess if she has such a hard time determining whom she wants, perhaps it’s in the cards.
>>322914There's always more than enough room on discord for another tranny server
>>322931My question is why the left hasn’t renamed that because it reminds them too much of the other Discord. Though I agree that this line of thinking may not have much of a place in modern society.
>>322931We may need to do something.
>>321891If any capable people saw her, would any of them try to turn her into a pony? I mean, there are things that she can do that no other human can, but we can also do.
>>323641Perhaps mention that all humans are born as creatures who are cute and stay that way appearance-wise? After all, no one is born evil, but no person is without sin.
>>323334You’re right. It has gotten much worse.
>>323665What do you think we ought to do, my little humies?
>>323730Try to convince the antisemites that they should be loving their little humans just as much as we do?
>>323988Jew, why do you abandon a thread whenever you lose an argument inside it, and repeat the same bullshit in another thread?
Why is that such a common leftist tactic?
Do you really think the people in one thread won't also know what happened in another?
Don't you realize you're exposing yourself as someone who cannot be reasoned with? If you can't be reasoned with, talking to you is a waste of time, because there's only one solution for problems like you.
Don't you feel embarassed when you dishonestly defend the jews in a roleplaying thread in which we pretend to be ponies?
>>323991Do you realize that you’re only further enabling the Sombrite policies that promoted antisemitism throughout the past 1,000 years or so? The revolution staged by Princesses Twilight and Cadence, along with Spike the Brave and Glorious, only served to strengthen the relationship between our two countries and increase general economic output in both.
>>324057You're not just grasping at straws, you're grasping at a fanfiction you're making up as you go along.
>>324059Fanfiction? Was having families separated for an entire millennium fanfiction? What about the War of 929 and the Crystal invasions of Griffonia and Yakyakistan? Heck, the families who knew each other one day are now distant cousins after the 1,000 years. The pain of Sombra’s actions cannot be undone, but we cannot allow this to happen again.
The antisemitism thread seems to be dying down, so let’s post some cute humans.
>>324320>antisemitismJewish lies, Jewish crimes
Also see post
>>324317 → >>324320So what are all of these familiar faces I see?
>>324327And what do you propose human governments do about it? Some have implemented mandatory chemical castration for sex offenders, but that is controversial.
>>324405Where do I keep seeing this human? And why do I think she has a pony form that I recognize somehow?
>>324397Muslims deserve worse than chemical castration for warring on western civilization for so long, but it would be a start.
Muslims engage in child-trafficking and terrorism in enemy lands while colonizing said lands. When their religion is criticized they alternate between "Criticism of Islam will encourage more terrorism!" and "Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam! Except when whites do crimes, then every crime whites ever did was terrorism, even if all they did was raise their voices in PTA meetings or tell the truth!"
Muslims are stupid cousin-fucking barbarians with no great achievements or reasons to exist. No scientific discoveries emerged from the Islamic world, unless you're going to pretend they're responsible for everything ever invented in countries they infiltrated, subverted, and colonized.
"The sun sets on earth in a muddy spring, and that's why it's so shiny and clean!" - Mudslimes, after reading their Quran.
https://thereligionofpeace.com/pages/articles/opinion-polls.aspxhttps://thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30https://thereligionofpeace.com/pages/articles/jesus-muhammad.aspxhttps://thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/wife-beating.aspxhttps://thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/triple-talaq.aspxhttps://thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/democracy.aspxhttps://thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/homosexuality.aspxhttps://thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/torture.aspxhttps://thereligionofpeace.com/pages/games/index.aspxRequired reading
>>324443Hey, can we not derail the thread with this?
>>324445Tell the Jew not to derail this pony roleplaying thread by posting lies here.
>>324443>>324446How about I tell the antisemites not to raid this thread and try to dilute its meaning? Antisemitism has only done poor for our communities and we must not let it happen again.
>>324447Okay, m8. If you really don't want the thread derailed, just shut up about antisemitism and post quality >nohooves. No need to mention the politics right here when it comes from another thread.
>>324491The politics of the rest of the site somewhat interfered with the attention this thread was getting, so someone had to say something.
But pics related raise a good point. Has anyone here ever written a romance fanfic about a relationship with a Nazi defector?
>>324495>interfered with the attention this thread was gettingLiterally just post to your own threads more, m8.
>Has anyone here ever written a romance fanfic about a relationship with a Nazi defector?Probably hundreds exist already (most likely women's romance novels). Just not MLP fics.
>>324495You've been shitting up my threads for literal months now, I haven't posted once in yours until you came after me. Stop crying like a whiny bitch and take what was fucking coming to you for literal months.
>>324507This is completely off-topic. If you’re going to post here, at least say something about the show.
>>324512It isn’t even I alone whom you’re trying to target. There are many people in the MLH fandom that you are trying to keep out.
>>324513Shit up my thread, I shit up yours. That simple. If you're gonna cry about it then maybe you should think twice before derailing other people's threads.
>>324515How do you even know who is here? You seem to be making very false accusations.
>>324515Why do so many innocent people have to suffer because of your posting here? They’ll notice you and possibly even do something about it.
>>324520Commie? Several of my professors came from currently and formerly communist countries and think that we Equestrians don’t appreciate the freedom we have. One of my high school crush’s parents was even from the Ice Kingdom when it was still a part of the USSK.
>>324553Who is she and why does she look so familiar?
>>324517>>324518>WAAAH WAAAH! NO YOU CAN'T DERAIL MY THREAD EVEN THOUGH I'VE SPENT MONTHS DERAILING YOURS!!!Cry about it, it's called an eye for an eye.
>>315619You have no one to blame but yourself.
Have you heard of Football?
What the fuck is going on ITT?
>>324759Retards getting a taste of their own medicine.
Who could be angry with being both on topic, educational and with hoers?
>>324765Making use of wasted space for higher purposes. Like shitposting.
Because having quality is a quantity all of it's own.
Smile, it's a wonderful cure.
>>324417Glimmy has a Great ass in pic 3
>>324776Pic 5 always makes me laugh, knowing theres some savage in the Guatemalan jungle saying "Fucking Jews" 110-0
>>324781In 2014 they got chased out of Guatemala after scaring away tourists and trying to impose their religion on the Mayans there, then again in 2016 the Guatemalan police raided a Jewish compound in Santa Rosa over allegations of forced child marriages so they self-deported.
>>324759Obviously illegal activity. We may not even be safe here if the government finds out and pulls the plug. The only other options would likely be very obscure or ones that can easily be followed by the government of Ponyland and the KGB.
>>324762>>324763>>324766>>324767>>324768>>324769>>324770>>324771>>324772>>324773>>324774>>324776>>324778>>324779>>324780DYEWTS? That style of thinking was connected with Hitler’s betrayal of the German people and his rise to power. Any place that has tried that sort of thinking in the human world has ultimately either ditched said ideology or fallen behind economically. I hope the new season coming out finally addresses this issue and we don’t have to worry about that anymore. It is also this style of thinking that kept King Sombra in power for 1,000 years and Hoofler in power for a large chunk of a generation. We must learn from the examples set before us, otherwise, we will end up in the same boat. Those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it.
>>324781>>324782>>324783The same goes for that cult named Lev Tahor that we didn’t really get to see very much at all. Although they proclaim themselves to be Jews, they seemed to be going against God’s commandments. We need to be following His law and not doing what they did. Though I would be interested in seeing how that arc ends. I have seen in forums saying that they were deported from Guatemala, but I have yet to receive official confirmation from the writers or an episode.
>>324819If you ask me, the writers seem to be milking that “mafia” theme for all it’s worth and then some. I mean, we had the Spanish Inquisition, the Italian mafia in both America and Italy, Lev Tahor, the Gestapo, the KGB, and some are now even saying the “Five Eyes” nations. We’ve seen this sort of “operatives lurking in plain sight and neutralizing threats” schtick for several in-series centuries. They should come up with something different next time.
>>324819>>324820Fuck around and find out, next time stay in your fag thread instead of derailing other people's.
>>324822I get that you're pissed at him, but do you really need to derail it for the other posters? It's not like he's the only one who uses the thread.
>>324819Hitler is my Second Favorite Character. He Would Never Betray the German People, The Writer Didn't Write Betrayal into His Character.
>>324829Imagine now that someone who wanted to have power over you told you that your friend since childhood was of a group of people who is hogging all of the money and resources and that your favorite professor was a dissident intent on overthrowing their ideology and should thus be given the death penalty. What would you do?
>>324851Why Would i be friend with a Griffon?
>>324854Because in such scenario, you don’t know about the social prejudices that come with befriending a non-pony, since they don’t exist in an ideal world. In a world without such prejudices, the only way that could come about is if such prejudice were to be imposed upon us.
>>324863I See you have been listening to griffons again. they've fucked your head up into believing Nonsense
>>324864Just try to forget the unconscious biases the MSM and your parents are trying to put into your brain and try to answer this question in your own honest opinion.
>>324868Lmao the MSM is run by Griffons. i bet you love Princess Twilight's friendship School.
>>324869Really? Why would you think that when Griffonia’s economy was mostly stagnant following their last war and the overthrow of their monarchy? They effectively have no functioning government, so I’m not sure what you are talking about. No offense to anyone, but I am simply stating the facts and figures.
The greater danger would be the government of Ponyland and the mafia force that is the KGB. They seem to be working with organized crime rings to try and knock out whatever they want with malware attacks and to censor freedom of speech. If anything is a danger to a free press, it would be an entity that can easily kill it. And let’s not forget about the Soviet-era media scare tactics that modern MSM stations use to try and cast shame onto opposing party members.
“Every country has its own mafia. In Ponyland, the mafia has its own country.” -Galloway Kasparov
>>325009Rarity has some Fat milkers
>>324825Don't give a fuck, scorched earth.
>>324871>>324869>>324868So are griffons like Jews or what?
>>325231>>325233Your entire existence is cringe, Shekelstein.
Also Equestria was an ehnostate that used to have little tolerance for the likes of griffons & changlings. Atleast until the purple cunt with the jewish voice actress and six pointed star on her butt fucked it up.
>>325247It's probably them same kike that keeps changing flags and desperately posting here for attention. Why do you guys keep interacting with it and why haven't mods banned it yet?
You ever seen a cartoon horse pussy like this before? Fucking magical.
>>325247>>325251First, I don’t understand what the obsession with 2dpd is here. Some of us here are legitimately only attracted to humans.
Second, why should Equestria be a pony-only state? Wouldn’t that give each pony race grounds to keep fighting each other? I mean, the unicorns were historically the wealthiest race and controlled the natural resources, the Pegasi would have to explain numerous droughts and their role in being unable to feed poorer ponies in rural areas, the Earth ponies may be the target of accusation of why there are so many earthquakes in Las Pegasus, and the alicorns would likely be shunned for merely having all of the powers they do and not sharing them.
In short, why stop at one area of discrimination when the entire system can be looked at like this? Everypony and everycreature would be fighting each other when the dominoes all begin to fall. Having a hierarchy like what you are suggesting inherently implies potential for more things to go on the chopping block.
What you suggest is no better than what the Nazis suggested during the WWII arc. They first thought that Jews, Slavs, Hungarians, Catholics, literal autists, etc. were all controlling everything, so they took their perceived power away from them by discriminating against them and sending many of them to concentration camps. Second, their plan was to divide the German Reich into a hierarchy of who got what treatments, even among survivors.
Of course, the undesirables would still remain discriminated against, but there was going to be a pecking order for who got preferential treatment. People of the various Germanic races and Japanese people were at the top of the list, followed by Mediterranean Europeans who primarily spoke non-Germanic languages such as French, Italian, and Greek. Despite having an alliance with Mussolini, Hitler would still have treated Mussolini’s expats to his country like second-class citizens.
Finally, why are you saying someone has a voice actress IRL? Or are you referring to those documentaries that Lauren Fausticorn produces?
>>325304Finally, someone gets it! Unfortunately, this person doesn’t seem to be that well-known, but there is at least a little bit. Isn’t she from that “A New Generation” film about an alternate timeline where Princess Twilight failed to unify the pony races?
And I take it you’re the type of person who would cast a transformation spell on his marefriend to turn her into a human. Is there anyone else?
>>325303Speaking of which, how come I always run out of magic whenever I try to do anything that Princess Twilight does? Is any of it real or is it just Applewood trickery that Ms. Fausticorn likes to add in for flair?
>>325307And wasn’t
that produced by Imalope, who was a prominent fan of Ms. Fausticorn’s work?
>>325303>Some of us here are legitimately only attracted to humans.Pretty gay and degenerate, but okay. This thread is proof of our tolerance - 2dpd would cease to exist if we were to lash out.
>second picLmao what's going on with her face?
>reddit-tier unsolicited political opinionsNgmi
>>325315>This thread is proof of our tolerance - 2dpd would cease to exist if we were to lash out.But there is such a thing as mutually assured destruction. Pony magic can cause earthquakes, hurricanes, and/or black holes to form, the sun and the moon to move, and the entire universe to simply stop existing, but there is always the threat of someone else doing the same thing first. Have you never heard before of a good guy with a horn stopping a bad guy with a horn?
If the writers make Kyle Rittenhouse guilty of any charge, does anyone here think that Parliament will be more greatly pressured into drafting magic control legislation?
>>325409Possibly, but I would probably never be able to fly again. I am already having trouble with having to lift the drink containers with my mouth and I feel humiliated having to have the flight attendants serve me like a parent would a child, complete with having to pick through what they serve me like a chicken would.
I told you to stay in your den, kike. Now you're trying to ruin the Kyle Rittenhouse thread too.
>>325449Having a jew-free space is a necessity, jews are an exhaustingly constant source of deception and noise.
Let them babble and they will babble anti-whiteness.
Even in roleplaying threads.
>>325449>>325476But won’t having spaces for people based on race or religion inherently have the potential for a class-tier system? What about in the post-WWII arc where numerous courts gradually did away with segregation, ultimately leading up to the Civil Rights Acts?
>>325514The Post WW2 arc is by far my least Favorite.
>You see anon? This whole walking on two legs thing isn't so hard.
>>325564Well.The Global Conspiracy in that Arc is a little Over Powered.
>>325575Are you referring to the Soviet spying on the US?
>>325576Oh you didn't pick up the subtle hints the writers left in the show? They Were controlled by the same people in that arc, and the one that came after it.
>>325579Who’s saying anything to the contrary? Communism in the USSR had only done them poorly since the Communist Party took over from the provisional government and reinstituted what seemed to be the very same tsarist government they feared, but only by a different name. The Soviet government and the entities it controlled were all under the same form of government for over 70 in-series years.
>>325576In Soviet Russia, KGB watches YOU!
In Putinist Russia, KGB still watches YOU!
In capitalist America, KGB still watches YOU!
But in all seriousness, when will the writers stop trying to build up that arc? We all know that Russia may be involved with shady business deals to outsource their spying if the KGB isn’t already on US soil or their operatives don’t actively try to compromise US Internet traffic. Will the US go to cyber war with Russia? Will there be a fragile peace?
And whatever happens, what about the tension right now between Equestria and Ponyland? What if the writers predict the future and the same thing happens years later like on that human show called “The Simpsons”?
>>325634You're a mouth breather. The deeper lore is more than that. The origin of /mlpol/ is why /mlpol/ typically has higher discussions about the show. Where politically incorrect and people fuckers removed the plebitors, the shills and the glow ziggers.
Then there's you .
>>325657Are you sure they have such high discussions about the show? Posting ITT seems very slow as of late.
The Kike lover made the wise decision to derail all of the threads in the catalog he didn't like. So now I'm back to ruin his, an eye for an eye.
Fuck around and find out. If you want it to stop happening when stop derailing every thread you don't like with your incessant jew worship
>>325663Please refer to
>>324819. If you keep talking like that, the Equestrian government will only shut us both down and we will have nowhere to go. And please refer to the other points that post tries to make as well.
>>325677Again, fuck around and find out. If you want it to stop happening when stop derailing every thread you don't like with your incessant jew worship
>>325678But you are only derailing the thread with your antisemitism, which could catch the attention of government officials who could seek to pull the plug on us. Do you know how awful of a date that would be? And what if they also wanted to find out our IP addresses, track us down, and send us to the moon or something?
>>325680I don't care, you started this shit with me by derailing 5 of my threads dedicated to containing antisemitism in a general because you didn't like it. Ontop of that you tried to get the threads banned and mass reported my posts for "violating site rules on racemixing" - which they didn't. You fired the first shot, take it like a man or shut the fuck up.
>>325682If antisemitism becomes a focus of this thread, they would likely associate it with antisemitism and assume that those who are on it are all criminals, either for being antisemitic or associating with them. They would not care about the innocents who decry antisemitism, but rather that those who associate with antisemites and their threads are all put in their place.
>>325684But there is no other place to go. Either chill it with the antisemitism or perhaps being a member of the MLH fandom could get us both executed.
>>325685If you opened your eyes to Jewish Crimes it wouldn't be a problem.
>Antisemitism >CrimePick Only One
>>325686>There's no other place to goNo excuses for literally trying to get me banned on a site by mass flagging my posts for violating a rule that doesn't exist, derailing all of my threads and then crying victim when you get a taste of what you've been doing to me for 3 fucking months now.
>>325687>>325688Don’t kid me. That law was passed right after the War of 929 was virtually won, King Sombra was forced to adopt practices that were not antisemitic, and Hoofler killed herself on the pot. To prevent something like what Sombra and Hoofler did on our home soil, Parliament passed an act that disallowed antisemitism throughout Equestria.
>>325692Tell me where in the site policy does it make it a bannable offense. I'll wait
https://mlpol.net/policy >>325693Laws trump site policies, which is why the webmasters of America all have to update their privacy policies thanks to the new EU privacy directive. Unfortunately, Princess Celestia III and her parliament in 935 have a greater say than the site admins do regarding what can and can’t be posted, despite freedom of speech being a provision in the Constitution.
>>325694So you have nothing then, got it.
>>325692Hoofler Did Nothing Wrong. Parliament can fuck themselves.
>>325697I'll call the jury a bunch of griffon loving losers. right before i through a Poman Salute.
>>325698And then, of course, “The bailiff will tackle you.” -Legal Eagle
Guys, if we want to speed up the thread and make ourselves more attractive to members of the fandom, we need to tone down the antisemitism by quite a lot.
>>327381>Literal offboarder trying to subvert site rules to his likingActually fucking kill yourself you repugnant faggot.
>>327384Please read the post again. How come Germany hid all of their swastikas, etc. during the 1936 Olympics? We need to do the same thing.
>>327385You're the same guy who has been incessantly trying to derail all of the threads talking about Jews and get all discussion of it banned. Fuck off with that "I'm not trying to subvert site rules" bullshit.
>>327386>the same guyThere are multiple of them. Besides, we need to make ourselves more attractive to the MLH community if we want to become a faster board and gain more attention.
>>327387No, it isn't. The admins verified you're just one person trying to LARP as numerous by checking IPs, and no. We don't need to appeal to ANYONE. You don't run this fucking site, you're a foreigner trying to actively tear down site traditions like a cancerous parasite. Fuck off back to 4chan and stay there.
The site admins confirmed your samefaggotry, cry over it you parasitic worm, fuck off back to 4chan and take your subversion with you. We don't need to change shit because it hurts your feelings.
>>327389The admins cannot confirm that without obtaining information that no person would normally have access to. Besides, we all know there are multiple people. Even if there were one person changing IP’s, the client-side records and cookies would not, meaning the “(You)” would be displayed more than once here. If the admins are obtaining this information, they are likely performing illegal searches on our routers as we speak, but I’m no lawyer.
>>327391Since I can’t seem to explain it to you myself, here is more information to back me up. The admins cannot do this without hacking unless we are only allowed to have IPv6 addresses.
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/637187/can-people-really-stalk-your-location-with-your-mac-address/ >>327392Quit lying through your teeth, they said what they said and no matter how much you squirm like the insect you are it doesn't change the fucking facts. You're a subversive parasite that barged into a board you're new to and then demanded the site rules change to ban everything he doesn't like.
You made this shit personal by stalking my threads for months in an attempt to get me banned and derail my threads for saying things you didn't like on a board you said you were new to. You made your grave, I'm gonna fucking bury you in it if it's the last thing I fucking do.
>>327393I’ve never seen any such post claiming that he is one person by the admins. If such post were made, it would only damage their credibilities, since we know that people cannot be tracked like that unless they all had unique addresses to them that are publicly visible. I say take any basic course on Internet and higher level protocols and come back with something I don’t know from having taken two courses that would likely have been largely identical.
>>327396Cry harder, you're fooling no one. Like I said, you made this shit personal by fucking with me. I'm gonna bury you, you disgusting insect.
>>327397I didn’t know that course could have gone by so fast, especially if it took me two semesters to learn about all of that.
>this entire conversation
Guys, we are not toning it down enough. Arguing will get us nowhere. If we want to talk about anything like this, /cyb/ may be a place to start.
>>327398Just remember, you did this to yourself by fucking with me on my threads. You dug your own god damn grave.
Less arguing, more humanposting, please.
>>327399I'll stop when this faggot stops stalking me and my threads in an attempt to derail them and get me banned, because he's been at it for months. And has admitted to UUID hopping in them on numerous occasions so I have no reason to believe he isn't lying about being numerous people. He shits up my thread and tries to get me banned from the site in order to usher in change that he wants? It's only fair I fuck with him.
You try having an obnoxious cunt follow you around for months on end, derail all your threads, try to get you banned for "violating the site rules on racemixing" and actively try to shut down anything he doesn't like. See how long it takes you before you snap.
>>327402>I'll stop when this faggot stops stalking me and my threads in an attempt to derail them and get me banned, because he's been at it for months.It has already been posted that he is not violating the site rules and that political opinions of all kinds in that thread are completely acceptable.
>And has admitted to UUID hopping in them on numerous occasions so I have no reason to believe he isn't lying about being numerous people.In addition, that action only seems to take place when a poster with a different IP address needs to verify he is the same person. It has not been seen with all IP’s that could have been used here, so for all any sane person with basic knowledge of Internet protocols knows, there are multiple people like that posting.
>You try having an obnoxious cunt follow you around for months on end, derail all your threads, try to get you banned for "violating the site rules on racemixing" and actively try to shut down anything he doesn't like. See how long it takes you before you snap.That person seemed to have not known about what the clear-cut definition of the rule was, so it needed to be explained to him. The rule seems to have been poorly written, so the full definition needed to be posted. And I do know what it is like for both myself and my family to be stalked by what seems to be the government of Russia and by abusive fathers who deny you food for behaving too poorly. To be frank, you seem to be the only one who wants to shut down anyone right now.
>>327405>And I do know what it is like for both myself and my family to be stalked by what seems to be the government of RussiaI knew they are a powerful mafia state, but how did they access our world to begin with? Then again, it is Russia and Princess Luna can allegedly access human dreams. But as a side note, this only means that the IRL government of Ponyland needs to have its power checked so they don’t infiltrate the minds of our little humans.
>>327408In Equestria, you watch dreams.
In Soviet Ponyland, dreams watch YOU!
>>327408>But as a side note, this only means that the IRL government of Ponyland needs to have its power checked so they don’t infiltrate the minds of our little humans.Good luck with their current PM in office.