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Cultural Marxism and derived Anti-White activity
This thread is meant to discuss and document cultural marxism and its derived anti-white activity.
301941 302177 307379 311251
>“Try to Be LESS WHITE”: Coca-Cola Forces Employees to Complete Anti-White Critical Race Theory Training
>Racism against one group has been normalized and encouraged in the name of “anti-racism.”
>Images leaked by an internal whistleblower show the blatantly racist and anti-white online training that Coca-Cola employees must undergo.
>The images come from a publicly available LinkedIn course titled “Confronting Racism, with Robin DiAngelo,” meaning that Coca-Cola is far from the only company that forces their employees to take it.
[YouTube] Shocking images show Coca-Cola is training employees to "try to be less white" [Embed]
Math is racist.
>Tucker: Finding the right answer is now 'problematic'
>Oregon education officials claim there is racism in mathematics; Libby Emmons joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to react.
[YouTube] Tucker: Finding the right answer is now 'problematic' [Embed]
301974 301988 307379
Boycott Coca-Cola.jpg
>Bronx educator claims she was fired after sharing Holocaust story, refusing ‘Wakanda’ salute
>A veteran Bronx superintendent once praised by Chancellor Richard Carranza for her successes in the classroom claims her career was derailed by his “equity” agenda — forcing her to take a demotion in a desperate bid to preserve her pension, according to a $150 million lawsuit.
>(((Karen Ames))), a 30-year Department of Education employee, says she was targeted by Carranza’s “Disrupt and Dismantle” campaign to oust or marginalize longtime employees because she is over 40, and Jewish.
>“The agenda of Chancellor Carranza and his senior leadership team was euphemistically touted as an ‘equity platform’ but in reality, it was a platform used to create gender, age, racial and ethnic divisions in the NYC School system,” she contends in her Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit filed Friday.
>kikess burnt by her own creation and anti-White agenda
I guess the jewish motto "I'm not White, I'm jewish"; didn't work this time.
File (hide): 3BE674FBE6A2EA7A72C8315CE1AE8600-32377625.mp4 (30.9 MB, Resolution:640x480 Length:00:07:18, 8 Things You Can Do to Fight the System.mp4) [play once] [loop]
8 Things You Can Do to Fight the System.mp4
8 Things You Can Do to Fight the System.
302029 302046 307379
I've been thinking, since there's both boycotts and buycotts nowadays, what about ads and anti-advertisements? Both conservatives and leftists have reasons not to buy from a store that employs sweatshops in Asia, and if you'll remember the left was the side that didn't like globalism in the 90s.
Okay there's some right here in the thread. What about spreading them far and wide, would there be a way we could do that?
302034 311445
001532 - Boycott - The System is Anti-Me.jpeg
001533- Jewish Trade Paralize by Nazi Boycott.jpg
001536 - Boycott.jpg
There's potential.
>What about spreading them far and wide, would there be a way we could do that?
Yes, but it depends how to present the idea to the fags.
3 is an image for ants.
302046 302076
Corporations map.jpg
This image is a few years old now. Could do with being updated.

They don't work. Look at how many people say they will boycott marvel films and how many want to boycott games which still do extremely well. People don't care about ads online if they're not already blocking them. The only way it can work is if you do it locally and play up the "racism against whites" card. Other wise you're just pissing in the wind.
>Sounds Racist: McDonald’s Will Punish Executives if They Hire Too Many White Men
>McDonald’s Corporation announced last week its priorities had switched from delivering delicious food to hitting hiring quotas.
>Senior Executive Managers will lose their bonuses if they fail to staff more minorities in senior leadership positions.
>The company will have a focus on hiring women and minorities for top positions regardless of their talent and abilities.
Well if we're the smart Ubermenschen we claim to be then I figure we could find a way. You don't have to engage in corporate espionage, but right now corporate entities are pretty much untouchable, and that's because there's a one-way stream of information. They snap up all of it and broadcast only the most divisive material there is out there and keep people buying their shit.
As of now it's only "racist" if it hurts profits. Talk is cheap. We know they don't give a rat's ass about the common man, but how could a large number of other people wise up to that?
Mmmm-MMMMMMMMMHHHh-mmmhmmmmm-mmmhhh-mmmm. Exactly what:
says. That shit is from around 2010ACE. Kraft-Heinz is a fucking thing, and so are all the rest of banker whore selloffs.
302083 302132
I don't think money talks as much as it did in the past. You see these corps continually shoot themselves with assinine divisive shit, but they insist on losing revenue to maintain some virtuous image that convinces no one. I really think it's because these corps are getting guaranteed money from somewhere, probably rich kikes at the behest of certain government people.
A business-oriented guy concerned about making money is not gonna hold onto a doomed train driving off a cliff for no reason. Something is driving them to think that real business collapse is worth it for whatever it is they truely seek.
Interesting answers.
Money hasn't talked since the internet came to exist. Markets are now so huge you can have an entire country boycott you and barely notice. The most effective way to be successful in silicon valley isn't to have a good technology or product, it's simply to start as many start ups as possible and have someone rich buy one off you. They're all abusing the stock market and printing fake money so it's meaningless to try and compete with them. Microsoft started this play book where any promising start up would be bought by them and crushed to stagnate tech. Now google does the same thing on a scale MS never dreamed of. It's no wonder Bill Gates is head corona retard with the way he's acted towards humanity in the past.

>If I cut off my penis I will make the Jews afraid of me! I can pee in women's bathrooms and prove trannies are mentally ill!
>50 people reply telling you you're retarded
It's probably got a lot to do with something like slash-and-burn economics when it comes to social institutions. Notice how all the universities are claiming to "run like a business" now, at least in the US. All these "too big to fail" corpos are putting out worse and worse products because they know if they say "white man bad" people will still buy it to own the cons.
Information is quickly becoming, if not already more valuable than money itself, whatever the corporations want certainly has its end in power, and we'd be the fool not to think that they care the utmost about their image right now. They're pumping all this cultural Marxist BS to divert the public's attention from the fact that the emperor has no clothing.

Look buddy, you've made it known in at least two threads by now that you don't approve of any kind of memetic warfare. Message received. Now are you at least gonna step aside and let people decide for themselves or are you gonna sit there and nag at us like our moms? At least you could bring us tendies or a better idea ffs.
>The Demonization of White Americans Is Official Educational, Corporate, and Government Policy
>The United States has become a country in which it is official educational, corporate, military, and government policy to demonize white people. President Trump reversed the anti-white policy in the military and government agencies, but the election thief has reinstated anti-white indoctrination throughout the military and federal government. In corporate, educational, and government employment white Americans are now second class citizens unprotected by civil rights law. Now that white people are a demonized race, will demonization proceed to the next step?
>'White Student Alliance' prompts investigation at Edmonton high school
>Administrators at a south Edmonton high school are consulting with the Edmonton Police Service hate crimes unit as they investigate an online group that encourages local students to fight "Black supremacy."
>The "Scona White Student Alliance" calls on students at Strathcona High School to "rise up" and fight "racism against white people."
>Accounts for the group were established on various social media platforms this week, prompting concern from students, parents and school officials.
>Trisha Estabrooks, chair of the Edmonton Public School Board, described the posts as disappointing and disgusting.
>"It's blatantly racist," Estabrooks said during a news conference Tuesday. "It's rooted in fear. It's rooted in hate. All of those things are concerning."
As usual, gaslighting and calling men with guns to intimidate and suppress dissent.
>To Fight White Supremacy, Coca-Cola Discontinues Vanilla Coke (satire... for now)
>Chocolate Coke will replace the "toxic, problematic" product, and drinking it will, of course, be mandatory.
>Learning from Ants
An excerpt from:
File (hide): F9E6B31E3A595FEB75B73781011F8410-3641220.mp4 (3.5 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:30, Loving this new CocaCola ad!.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Loving this new CocaCola ad!.mp4
https://twitter.com/KatieDaviscourt/status/1364061404865519620 [Embed]

File (hide): D98F29ADCC2B39A0CF9106FE497180E0-6849565.webm (6.5 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:55, Ashleigh Shackelford.webm) [play once] [loop]
Ashleigh Shackelford.webm
>Diversity Officer 'One Of The Fastest-Growing Careers,' LinkedIn Finds
>From LinkedIn:
>"Protests sparked by the police-involved shootings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor caused organizations around the world to reckon with systemic racism and a lack of diversity in positions of power. Companies -- large and small -- turned to diversity experts who could help them bring new voices into their organizations. Hiring for these roles increased more than 90% since 2019."
>Top job titles: Diversity Manager, Diversity Officer, Head of Diversity, Diversity Coordinator | Skills: Community Outreach, Teaching, Organizational Development | Top Locations Hiring: New York City, San Francisco, Chicago | Education: 99% of hires have a bachelor’s degree or higher | Salary Range: $72,900 - $97,000 | Remote job availability: Low
https://twitter.com/LinkedIn/status/1359910069345931267 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/DrKarlynB/status/1362774562769879044 [Embed]
[YouTube] Ashleigh Shackelford's Presentation to white people [Embed]
File (hide): A125F763A67EC42C030BA4839A3B2DF7-15572170.mp4 (14.9 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:07:36, What is Cultural Marxism.mp4) [play once] [loop]
What is Cultural Marxism.mp4
What is Cultural Marxism?
The Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxist philosophy which now controls Western intellectualism, politics, and culture. It was by design; it was created by an internationalist intelligentsia to eradicate Western values, social systems, and European racial groups in a pre-emptive attempt to spark global, communist (think liberal) revolution.
File (hide): 1CF5D75CDC5960B51C696D69994D295C-1731219.mp4 (1.7 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:00:58, While you were distracted..mp4) [play once] [loop]
While you were distracted..mp4
While you were distracted.

Curious, isn't it?
Boycott Globohomo.
>The war that we are in now is mostly an information war and economic war. Trying to organize our people in any meaningful way is risky. It has been shown time and time again that the FEDs will do everything in their power to stop Europeans from creating communities. This does not mean that all is lost.
>We have it within our power to end globalhomo within a few months, it would not be hard. The hard part would be getting enough people to do it. Simply stop buying their products. You don't need a new car, find one in the nickel adds. You don't need coke or oreos, or any of their processed poison. The products you must have can almost always be purchased used.
>The issue we face with simply boycotting Globe Corp is that we don't see any results at first, and we feel as though Coke could care less if we spend $2 with them today or we don't. But this strategy is death by a million cuts, and it would work.
>There is no downside to simply not buying from Globalhomo. If you simply must watch some movie or show, find a way to pirate it off the internet. Or, for your better mental health, simply don't watch it.
>Boycotting Globe Corp will save you money, improve your health, and improve your mind. Many of us are wanting a savior of some kind to do the heavy lifting, be it Trump, or the military, or the courts. The truth is they cant save us because our war is a cultural war. Cultural rot is Globe Corps weapon. And every individual must fight that war within his own home.
>The next time you say to yourself I will buy just one bag of oreos, or I will cancel Amazon Prime next month, STOP. You need to do it now, no more putting it off. You can be an example to others. Don't take the easy way, don't let the rotten culture sweep you away with it. Stand firm!
>Together we can become healthier better people, build our local businesses and communities, and hit our enemies the only place that really matters to them, their net income.
>How do you think open civil war in the streets will go if our side cant even stop watching Netflix, and eating poison? The way out is healthy living and spending your dollars wisely. It may be a bit hard at first but I promise it gets easier and it makes you a stronger man and family.
>Boycott Globe Corp till it is dead. Get out of the stock market and by a small plot of land. Grow your own food. Get into thrift stores and farmers markets. Revolt against the modern world. We owe it to our children and our ancestors. We can start today, and every day that passes we will become a bit stronger.

File (hide): B602413004909BF7EFE30D96F57BDE4C-1628203.mp4 (1.6 MB, Resolution:270x480 Length:00:00:59, The new world of racial profiling..mp4) [play once] [loop]
The new world of racial profiling..mp4
>What's Anti-Whitism? The new world of racial profiling.
>cunt was fired because a niggress was offended of her Whiteness
https://twitter.com/AmyBeePhoenix/status/1367668793879781381 [Embed]
304038 304262
A kind of disturbing chart of the stages of genocide, which seems to show us at about stage six if you assume in the US that Cabal’s infiltration of social media and business is the equivalent of government action in other countries.
>Powerful: Military To Allow Troops To Replace Camo With Colors Of Their Gender Identity Flag (satire)

who started ww2.png
Correct, just as the das juden did to Germany and the Jewnited Estates from 1915ACE to 1917ACE.... then once more in 1933ACE.
>Teachers Plot Against Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum
>A cadre of current and former teachers in Loudoun County, Virginia, created a blacklist of parents suspected of disagreeing with controversial racial topics taught in schools.
>The group’s stated purpose in part is to “infiltrate” and use “hackers” to silence parents’ communications and to “expose them publicly.”
>A private Facebook group called “Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County” named parents who deviated from leftist orthodoxy. Some group members used fake identities according to the Daily Wire.
>Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control | Part 1
>Communist Subversion Part 1 provides a high level overview on the many layers to understanding the culprits involved in the New World Order. Part 1 provides a review and commentary by Jeremy Elliott on the classic works of G. Edward Griffin and Yuri Bezmenov as they relate to the New World Order and current events.
>- G. Edward Griffin
>Griffin provides details on the mysterious and infamous "They," the Secret Societies, the puppet-masters behind the scenes who control the governments of the world through carefully constructed "Rings of Power." These power groups maintain generational plans for the implementation of a world wide communistic government, ushering in a New World Order. Griffin notes that this single unified government aspiration is enacted using:
>- A Collectivist ideology
>- Communism (under the banner of socialism)
>- A Fabian strategy
>- Pincer military tactics
>...which leads to the consolidation of all national sovereignty, into the hands of a small, but elite group, in the "Rings of Power."
>G. Edward Griffin Books:
>- The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations - G. Edward Griffin
>- The Creature from Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin
>- Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov (Alias: Tomas Schuman)
>Yuri Bezmenov details the process of how a non-communist country is converted into communism through the 4 stages of ideological subversion. Once Ideological Subversion is in focus, we can see clearly how the entire world is being duped to accept this long standing communistic world government agenda enforced by governments on behalf of the "Rings of Power." Together, Griffin and Bezmenov provide key insights into how the "they" subvert the world under their control, from behind the scenes, but in plain sight.
>Bezmenov books:
>- Deception Was My Job (The Testimony of Yuri Bezmenov Propagandist for the KGB) - Yuri Bezmenov
>- Love Letter to America - Yuri Bezmenov
[YouTube] Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control | Part 1 [Embed]
Mirror: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KXbTG3Eyzgyd/ [Embed]
how will we ever survive the titanic threat of twitter, tumblr AND reddit? truly the white race may crumble before the combined force of three whole websites.
given that 1917 was funded by imperial Germany, the suggestion would appear to be that Germany at least in part started WW2 against Germany. As for Judea declares war on Germany - yeah, it even says it's boycotts and demonstrations in nice, big, easy-to-read letters under the headline. Oh whoops, are boycotts not fair? maybe Germany should have thought of that before levelling them upon Jews. also - you faggots SERIOUSLY didn't know about the Spartacus League and Rosa Luxemburg? Jesus christ, it's basic history and context for anybody learning about the rise of the National Socialists. I guess you just never bothered to learn about the rise of your own ideology, but that can hardly be taken as much of a surprise.
304143 304145
Literally fucking LOLWUT? I'm not NatSoc, I'm an eco-fascist! Good try you dickless simp but oh PLEASE keep posturing like you aren't a 60IQ britmutt propaganda shill! FUCK the spartacuck league and jewsa shekelberg. Let me guess, you didn't know both were paid, controlled opposition to begin with? Look up the meaning of 'controlled opposition'. Ahhh, right, and that oh so ClEvEr faux-meme of "w-w-well durr 1917 cobbudist reborushun wuz impeeryal" marks you out as a good goy. Please, explain that. Better yet, don't. You don't know the first fucking facts about history, making you a shining example of typical britmutt 60IQ. Go back to sucking off somalis, that's about the only thing you were ever good at.
Why do you keep saying Britmutt?
> PLEASE keep posturing like you aren't a 60IQ britmutt propaganda shill!
I wasn't aware I was posturing as such.
> FUCK the spartacuck league and jewsa shekelberg.
I didn't say they were good, but it is unbelievably embarassing that the chap in that screenshot had never heard of them.
>Let me guess, you didn't know both were paid, controlled opposition to begin with?
of course I knew that, everybody knows that.
> Look up the meaning of 'controlled opposition'
what, so I can write it down and stick it to my fridge? I AM the controlled opposition
>marks you out as a good goy.
what, because I didn't talk about the Jewish roots of Lenin and Trotsky? here's a lil factoid bud: Trotsky was allowed to return to Russia at the behest of British forces, the Americans would have stopped him. But still you do not learn about how deep it all goes.
>Please, explain that. Better yet, don't.
it's not an explanation, it's pointing out that it's stupid to construe aggression against Tsarist Russia, the enemy of Germany, as a starting of WW2.
>You don't know the first fucking facts about history
yeah, clearly I need to drop the books and go in for infographics. had Hitler done that maybe he'd understand that there was no possible universe in which Britain did not go to war with him, it was imperial policy since Napoleon never to let a single power dominate on the continent, so we had always encouraged infighting, balkanization, instability... But he was too busy jacking off to some fantasized idea of an improvement over the Austro-Hungarian parliament to bother picking up a hansard. He didn't understand the first thing about Britain, and his unwillingness to spill our blood belies his yellow-bellied cowardice and weakness. he did not have the spirit necessary to win against a jewish behemoth oiled with the blood of our people without our consent, instead praising it, blockhead that he was.
304164 304211

How wonderful, all it took was a few correct, well placed insults and the glownigger becomes so assblasted he relies on a dipshit smug le maymay animu pic to cover for your hurt emotions. You must be proud of being so jewed with all of those projections going on. Good job outing yourself, did a better job than expected!
304177 304211
But it's not self explanatory. Why is it your favourite word?
304186 304211
The mere fact that you do not understand an explicitly self-explanatory phrase shows an extreme lack of self-awareness and historical knowledge.
304211 304243 304244
You misunderstand what I said, but I'm telling you this because I want this conversation to move in a positive direction, which means I won't throw in some extra insult at you.
Perhaps instead of asking what your beef with the british is, or why britmutt is your favourite word, I should focus on the core issue. Why do you get so hostile whenever someone doesn't agree with you?
304214 304244
>You must be proud of being so jewed with all of those projections going on.
the anime's indicator enough that I'm jewed lel
>Good job outing yourself, did a better job than expected!
I was not pretending not to be a shill - where did I say I wasn't? I'm Jewish though, not CIA.
because of the intermixing of English blood with Celtic blood, I would assume, given that "Amerimutt" meant intermixed blood.
certainly not a good piece of legislation, however I wonder why the Jewish Autonomous Oblast was all the way on the ass-end of Siberia? hmmm, could it be the USSR was not quite as Jew-controlled as you claim? Add into that the doctor's plot, Stalin's excuse for a mini genocide against us, and you're left with a view where really, we Jews are responsible for the improvements after Stalin's death, if anything.
> Why do you get so hostile whenever someone doesn't agree with you?
he's probably right to be hostile in this case, but it's fairly common for Americans to despise agreement in all it's forms.
>I wonder why the Jewish Autonomous Oblast was all the way on the ass-end of Siberia?
A token to the rabbis to group the undesirables (poor and insignificant kikes) while showing an independent enclave inside a Christian nation. Typical kike logic.
>Typical kike logic.
the same logic exercised by the "poor and insignificant" of our number? it would appear to me that if some Jews are discardable by the "international Jewry", then the conclusion we must draw from the top 1% being roughly half Jewish is that the defining element of the ruling elite is not Jewishness. If all Jews were united in some sort of hivemind, then this would merely be them comandeering the heights of the world's wealth, but as it stands, if it's only some Jews, then it's really the position they hold that defines them, and not their preexisting defining characteristics that define their position. tl;dr I don't understand how a ruling elite is uniquely Jewish if they are only "some Jews", just as the white among the ruling elite are only "some whites".
The jews in charge push policies and perform actions that benefit jews above others, while the jews not in charge benefit from these policies and help the ruling elite spread lies whether they realize it or not. Jews still claim to be oppressed while oppressing others. Gay whites are entitled to better lives than straight whites and blacks are entitled to better lives than them and black women and muslims are entitled to better lives than them and jews are at the top of this anti-white jewish pyramid that seeks to rape fairness and rape our future and rape our children. Some whites are willing to work with the jews for money or work for the jews because they are brainwashed, but all jews are parasites for aiding and abetting a corrupt system that parasitically feeds upon us while killing us.
>The jews in charge push policies and perform actions that benefit jews above others
they're not doing a bang-up job of it, I'm still a NEET. least they could do is give me a job.
>while the jews not in charge benefit from these policies and help the ruling elite spread lies whether they realize it or not.
that's a fair enough point, it's why I'm here after all ^_^
>Jews still claim to be oppressed while oppressing others.
I don't think I'm oppressed, but I would be if you guys had your way - and even before the whole Jewish thing, even if I were white you'd still have me forcibly euthanized cause of autism.
>Gay whites are entitled to better lives than straight whites and blacks are entitled to better lives than them and black women and muslims are entitled to better lives than them and jews are at the top of this anti-white jewish pyramid that seeks to rape fairness and rape our future and rape our children.
I'm almost certain that legislation on diversity hiring and stuff is intended to spark outrage - after all, with the iron grip we/they have over the economy, diversity's a given in the majority of jobs anyway, legislation or no. this economic system is one in which there never can be any meritocracy or fairness, even if you were to try to remove the diversity.
>Some whites are willing to work with the jews for money or work for the jews because they are brainwashed
is it really brainwashing if almost every white works with "us" unconditionally from the get-go? it's maybe 0.000000001% of the white population that would really, honestly refuse to work with someone because they were Jewish.
>but all jews are parasites for aiding and abetting a corrupt system that parasitically feeds upon us while killing us.
I'm thrice a parasite: Jew, Autist, NEET. get your bug spray if you want, but I ain't going anywhere :^)
Oh no
Are you a jew?
Is this going to be another round of "I am a jobless jew and I don't personally rule the world therefore I surely cannot be privileged compared to you?"
Is this the part where you say because the long hard hours of a hard-working white working-class citizen gets him more income than you, whitey bad unga bunga?
>Are you a jew?
I already said this, did you miss it? ._. anyways, yes, by descent and not religion (religiously I'm christian)
>Is this going to be another round of "I am a jobless jew and I don't personally rule the world therefore I surely cannot be privileged compared to you?"
well, I mean that sounds like the logic that usually denies white privilege, so I don't see why I can't use it too, though in fairness I cannot say whether I am privileged or not compared to you. perhaps I am, but nonetheless I wouldn't mind a bit more privilege.
>Is this the part where you say because the long hard hours of a hard-working white working-class citizen gets him more income than you, whitey bad unga bunga?
no - obviously the comparison would have to be between unemployed white and myself, but I don't know the stats on that. mainly I'm angry at Jews among the elite, who according to all the conspiracy theories are meant to be all buddy-buddy and helpful to me, and yet despite our shared heritage I don't seem to get anything out of them. if you could tax Jews specifically and give me UBI from that tax, I'd be just fine with that, whites don't have to get involved at all. whites are pretty great when they're not NatSocs that kill their own kind just for having autism.
Why are jews so unjustifiably proud of the fact that they steal so much wealth and labour from the white race every year? Why are they only "Christians" or "Germans" or "Fellow whites" when it benefits them and Jews when they aren't afraid or lying to themselves and others? Does it bother you that your little ethnostate of pissrael was hand-crafted by white people who were promised that if jews were given a place to call their home, they'd fuck off to it instead of parasitically worming their way to the top of any host nation willing to accept them and trying to subvert those host nations for their benefit? How do jews feel about all the white troops dying in the middle east in the name of jewish profit? Do you think you'll ever be made to pay back the cash America gives pissrael for existing?
>Why are jews so unjustifiably proud of the fact that they steal so much wealth and labour from the white race every year?
same reason thieves can take pride in their work. I suppose it feels exhilirating to both take risk and profit off the "suckers". for me personally, I just enjoy not having to work... I have plenty of time for anime, games, etc. why bother working hard when it'll never pay off for me?
>Why are they only "Christians" or "Germans" or "Fellow whites" when it benefits them and Jews when they aren't afraid or lying to themselves and others?
I think that's actually somewhat subconscious. remember when Alex Jones said he was Jewish? I dunno if he actually is or not, but if so he certainly doesn't identify as such most of the time. similarly, I look white to people around me whenever I'm going on late night store runs or such, but in the back of my mind is the Jewish heritage which can come to the forefront whenever it seems relevant. who knows, could be deliberate for some figures.
>Does it bother you that your little ethnostate of pissrael was hand-crafted by white people
it does, actually. it's a horrid arid little strip of desert granted to us by an Empire where the aristocracy kissed our asses and the rest hated us, it really does not feel good. We should have taken up the offer of the Japanese, who simply respected us as a fellow people, and would have given us a comfy little pacific coast to live on. sadly the allies "saved" us and gave us a bunch of sand to stick up our asses. no true friend of us Jews in this world but the Japanese.
>who were promised that if jews were given a place to call their home, they'd fuck off to it instead of parasitically worming their way to the top of any host nation willing to accept them and trying to subvert those host nations for their benefit?
it's not just us that do that - the Italians had the Mafia, the Chinese had the Tong... it simply so happens that Italians and Chinese did not have quite so long to establish themselves in America as we had to establish ourselves in Europe. Sure, it doesn't reflect well on us, but since my lifestyle is that of a useless parasite anyway, it doesn't make much difference to me that my race aren't big-dick chads historically speaking.
>How do jews feel about all the white troops dying in the middle east in the name of jewish profit?
I don't know if I can speak to others - I know my parents of course, but they're not all that political. personally I have a perhaps quite stereotypical view of it for my people, which is that it's a waste of money. Israel is held onto for mainly emotional reasons, when there were much more profitable and easily defensible regions we could have picked (our offers ranged from madagascar, to kenya and of course manchuria), and the money burned on western militaries could be put to much better use EVEN in our benefit (not to even mention the immense good it could do whites). I'd say it's almost all down to a sentimental attachment to Jerusalem - but as is said at passover even today, "next year in Jerusalem"... You can't go back, Jerusalem surely now travels with us. who cares about the bricks and mortar?
>Do you think you'll ever be made to pay back the cash America gives pissrael for existing?
I doubt it. even if the left in America is stopped (and that's a big if), the conservatives are almost all fanatically devoted to Israel. The only chance I think there is of the west getting Israel to pay for something is if the western left push Palestine's claims, or push for reparations to the Palestinians.
Asking rhetorical questions
Whoops, kitty post. Now: asking rhetorical questions outside the topic and failing to ASK the relative ones, thus receiving ANSWERS, you are pissing straight into the wind. I hate kikes above all, chinks slightly less, then the amerimutts/frogs/britmutts in third, fourth, fifth positions. See the pattern or do I have to make a diagram?

>literal jew
OH GOLLY GEE, it wasn't like one couldn't see what was behind (((your))) posts! It's hilarious when das juden don't even recognize their own patterns. Stalin was hardcore pro-kike especially since his palaces were bankrolled by 15 prominent long noses. What mini-genocide? Oh, you mean the secularist jews that wanted nothing to do with international kikery that, when they began voicing opposition mysteriously disappeared like Tartaria did? Your bullshit doesn't stick there. After Stalin, the USSR was further fucked by 3-4 magnitudes. Where do you get off claiming that secret inspections, mechanical eavesdropping, corporate-backed police raids, private for-profit-gulags and prisons springing up everywhere, was somehow BETTER?

You are either pigshit indoctrinated trash that is too afraid to look beyond your own nose, shilling an ideology and thus perhaps a shill, or perhaps not.. or possibly all the above.
304251 304271
>Stalin was hardcore pro-kike especially since his palaces were bankrolled by 15 prominent long noses
I'm not entirely sure to what you refer - as near as I can tell, the Kuntsevo dacha was funded by the Soviet state.
>Oh, you mean the secularist jews that wanted nothing to do with international kikery that, when they began voicing opposition mysteriously disappeared like Tartaria did?
well, since they were Jews, yes I do - what's so Jewish about the elite if so many Jews are not elites?
>Your bullshit doesn't stick there.
I see, so Jews don't count if they're secularist and not involved in "international Jewry"? well, that's me off the hook then.
>After Stalin, the USSR was further fucked by 3-4 magnitudes
well, that was the time where there were less famines and the famous space program, but I'm sure those were just minor boons to an overall downward spiral, right?
>Where do you get off claiming that secret inspections, mechanical eavesdropping, corporate-backed police raids, private for-profit-gulags and prisons springing up everywhere, was somehow BETTER?
what, so you preferred all that but worse under Stalin?
>You are either pigshit indoctrinated trash that is too afraid to look beyond your own nose, shilling an ideology and thus perhaps a shill, or perhaps not.. or possibly all the above.
I'm mainly here to collect the images you're posting. when I'm going around trying to deradicalise people, it helps if I have infographics and memes that are excessively unconvincing, to counterbalance the ones like the IQ or toxoplasmosis images. I'm also very appreciative of the clop, you guys have good taste, despite your less good views.
>I'm also very appreciative of the clop
Could be a decent time to give him what he wants, folks. He's been nothing but confrontational and smug this whole time; pretty obviously trying to provoke a reaction, nothing more.
>Could be a decent time to give him what he wants, folks
well I've got the clop thread open in another tab anyways
>He's been nothing but confrontational and smug this whole time; pretty obviously trying to provoke a reaction, nothing more.
apologies for the smugness, but I mean some of this stuff is an absolute joke. like the whole "electrocution chamber" story supposedly representing the kind of witness testimonies heard at the Nuremberg trials - the original article on that was from a LOCAL Chicago paper, attributed to an unnamed source in the Soviet Army. now, even assuming a paper that remains local to this day had, in the mid 40s, a Russian translator and a reporter in the field in a foreign occupation, there's absolutely no validity to the story to begin with, and people at the time who believed it were just brainless sensationalism-gobblers, and it's certainly not representative of the historical record surrounding the holocaust. there are plenty of valid criticisms of the existing orthodoxy on the subject, and of the legal restrictions and condescending attitude regarding questioning the validity of this consensus, but that is not one of them, and all too often that's the level of evidence I find myself dealing with. Some stuff, like the second image on your previous post, is actually genuinely engaging and interesting, and it's that kind of stuff I like to collect - after all, if some guy on IRC links it to me, it helps to have a response ready to the hard knock questions.
This is astonishing. You don't even try to hide how much of a jewgoy you are! You are attempting to DEFEND kikery while ABSOLVING kikes of their inherent criminality throughout the ages. Astounding discovery! Dunning-Kruger is you. That excessive smugness only shows how deeply conceited, hysterically obsolete, and doctrinally orthodox you are when it comes to defending "hurrdurr muh kikez r da best". You haven't given a single honest answer. All you've done is deflect, reshuffle, twist words, twist meanings, gaslight, and use historical cherry picking. Nothing to offer save for zero intellect vomiting of (((proper judea))) drivel. It is empirically clear that you are a shill, yet one that refuses to accept how much of a inbred pig-fucking goycuck you are.

Glownigger cuckshill revealed: it's (((you))).
> if you assume in the US that Cabal’s infiltration of social media and business is the equivalent of government action in other countries.


It is government action. It literally goes up to the Queen of England and the Pope. All of the Muslim states organized and passed off their agents as Communists, the Russians kicked in some support, and the British are laundering their shit for kickbacks. And the British were doing this because Hillary Clinton had asked them to.

You've heard of George Soros? He works for Lord Mark Malloch Brown. They organize Muslim terrorists on behalf of Qatar.

Look into TerraMar. It's a glowing British intel outfit that was laundering funds for the Muslims to their terrorists in the USA.

Look into Demos. They were running the Queen's Privy Council.
304282 304293
>well, that was the time where there were less famines and the famous space program, but I'm sure those were just minor boons to an overall downward spiral, right?

The relative prosperity of the USSR absolutely comes from Stalin's brutal industrialization and this is not even under debate, famines naturally decreased only after and because the process was completed as originally intended and getting a great deal of ex-national socialist STEM's didn't hurt either.

The reality of the situation is that the USSR faced a mismanaged demographic problem in which the increasingly wealthier ethnic Russian population suffered the same demographical problems as the west if not worst, while the non-Russian soviet ethnies displayed a booming in their demographics and the rapid liberalization process after Stalin's death didn't helped matters either, in a nut-shell 105IQ Russians were being steadily outnumbered by 80IQ or so populations, and would in fact have been outnumbered by the 00', this saw a proportional decline in Soviet high-skilled labour among the most dramatic declines, eventually leading up to massive shortages affecting the quality of life.

Stalin was a complicated figure, and it's certainly worth pointing out that he died just a few weeks after he launched a directive to strike down soviet jews, his close circle even insisted that these jews had killed him, but the new administration dismissed everything, it's no wonder he's in fact placed alongside Hitler as one of the main advocates of "anti-semitism".

For anyone interested, it's all centered around the "doctors' plot"
304292 304311
Fucking what, nigga? Stalin was the one to purge the soviet land from the jews. He raised to the top by making jews go after each other and thus he was victorious, standing on the pile of dead corpses, including a kike Zinoviev and a sneacky jew fuck Kamenev. Stalin's regime was the best since the jews were basically sent to labour camps and the economy of the USSR was drastically improving. Trotsky was fucking blown away and thrown out of the country, leaving him to write the same propaganda that you're reciting. Go play some mario and leave politics to grown-ups, you dumb shmuck.
304293 304298
Allow me to drop a Russian redpill about Russia, Stalin, and the jewry.

>The Bloody Red Pill:
>Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together,
>Part 5
Part 4: https://counter-currents.com/2021/03/two-hundred-years-together-4/
Part 3: https://counter-currents.com/2021/03/two-hundred-years-together-3/
Part 2: https://counter-currents.com/2021/02/two-hundred-years-together-2/
Part 1: https://counter-currents.com/2021/02/two-hundred-years-together-1/
304294 304311 304453
>when it comes to defending "hurrdurr muh kikez r da best".
that's what you do with your race, it's pretty natural to extol the virtues of your ancestors.
>All you've done is deflect, reshuffle, twist words, twist meanings, gaslight, and use historical cherry picking.
yep. after all, the genuine debate about this ultimately comes down to my own versus your own, and we'll find whatever tools and means necessary with which to fight each other, surely. take the holocaust - say hypothetically you could 100% prove it did not happen, well we who do not deny it would still not like Hitler if you did. And vice versa, if we could prove the holocaust did happen to you, you most certainly wouldn't have any changed opinion on the man or what he did. so in that sense, a lot of the actual data is irrelevant.
>Nothing to offer save for zero intellect
well obviously. anybody who disagrees with you has zero intellect. and in a sense that's actually serious - all of you seem to always have STEM jobs, medical professions, things like that. your side has a tremendous amount of success in that regard, while mine tends to accuse you of being NEETs precisely because we are the NEETs. so yes, it is true that I am not as smart as you, otherwise I might have a job.
>It is empirically clear that you are a shill
I have already stated that yes I am indeed a shill. some of /pol/'s stuff is genuinely challenging, and the rest of it is "hurr durr predictive programming" crap where people haven't even read the newspaper articles they're underlining. I even make a few like that myself, as it's absolutely vital I flood the convincing infographics with stuff that any halfway-there ideologue will find ridiculous.
>Glownigger cuckshill revealed: it's (((you))).
yeah, and the one who revealed me was me. I'd love for the CIA to hire me tbh, I don't think they're doing a good enough job with you guys.
>getting a great deal of ex-national socialist STEM's didn't hurt either.
most of those guys went to the US, the primary consultants left for the Soviets were the people who actually worked building the V2s.
>Stalin was a complicated figure, and it's certainly worth pointing out that he died just a few weeks after he launched a directive to strike down soviet jews,
and that's part of why I attribute the liberalization, regardless of it's effects, to us.
I still don't understand why even normal people continue to like this guy, hasn't he been proven time and time again to be excessively anti-semitic?
EPh8V0KVUAMHvmB.jpg large.jpeg
>hasn't he been proven time and time again to be excessively anti-semitic pro-Truth?
For the record. Palestinians are semitic, Arabs are semitic, those who call themselves Jews today are actually Turkish.
>For the record. Palestinians are semitic, Arabs are semitic, those who call themselves Jews today are actually Turkish.
news to me. regardless the term "anti-semitic" is used primarily to describe those who hate us Jews, and that's obviously the sense in which I mean it. regardless, I still don't understand why ordinary people continue to be alright with Solzhenitsyn. As for the Khazarian descent, I certainly personally feel no connection to Israel or to Jerusalem, and as I believe I said earlier I would have much preferred the Jewish homeland be settled in Manchuria, where had the Japanese won, we could have reestablished contact with our brothers in China, the Kaifeng Jews. Sadly we're stuck with you Americans as our protectors. But anyways, couldn't you post some more Bezmenov stuff? he's easier to discredit than Solzhenitsyn.
>news to me
Not any more, the sacred scrolls warned about the present time.
>Not any more, the sacred scrolls warned about the present time.
what, like Gog and Magog? bit of a joke tbh. you'd also have to cut out the Apostle Paul, he wouldn't be too happy with the whole White Nationalist "have sex and families and children constantly" thing.
And to be clear because I know you'll point out the fallacy, yes I am aware that mere incredulity at Gog and Magog does not disprove it, however in counter I'd say it's a sort of Russel's Teapot deal, where it very well could be true but there's no definitive proving it one way or the other. All I can say is that personally I draw more from the non-esoteric, but then, that's a fairly pointless thing to say on this board.
Before the first revolution in February jews targeted russia from different perspectives. The february revolution, which got rid of Nicolas II was done by masons. During that time Stalin was sent away to Siberia and was forgotten by his comrades Bolshevics. Then the second socialist revolution got rid of Kerenski and all of his fake ass russian elite representatives, to be replaced with jews. By that time Stalin has returned to Moskow and was met by Lenin, Trotsky and others. Stalin himself was presumed dead so nobody expected him to show up. Stalin then was assigned to write down whatever shit that takes place during jewish secret meetings. Stalin later made a remark that during that time he noticed how power-hungry those jews are. All Stalin had to do was facing them against each other, resulting in jews stabbing each other's backs. Stalin is a real politician. He is not an opportunistic one shot like those you see on TV. He ruled the land with Iron fist and contries, even continents feared him. If you use the argument that he is a tyrant, just know that when you kill one person - you are a murderer. When you kill a million - that's only a statistic. And just because he's a communist doesn't mean he's a kike. He stole that role model from jews to use against them. Any ideology is just garbage that is fed to the masses. The real deal is what you make of it and how many contries fall to your will while those masses burn it to ashes.
Are you aware that Moses is a myth, right?
I think you mean "you are aware that moses is a myth, right". I personally don't believe that Moses was a myth, but to be honest I haven't looked into it. feel free to enlighten me.
Shut the fuck up you drunk retard, had you payed a little more attention you would have noticed that is exactly what i implied, Stalin the Jew slayer turned the Soviet Union into a superpower, the kikes that replaced him aswell as anything great that came after were just directly reaping off his accomplishments and eventually ruining everything he brought forth, while great third reich minds that both America and the USSR raced to capture before the other could, became the backbone of the Soviet nuclear and space programs, both of which couldn't have been accomplished without Stalin's aggressive industrialization regardless of their available tech, even if Von Braun had defected for the USSR, the soviet space-program would still had been death for the lack of resources like the British.

Take your time if you need but please, do not flee from your mistake, you looked at the conclusion of Stalin's industrial reforms and unironically tried to switch over the credit of its possitive effects to some mindless liberalization brought foward by your kind.
This thread is woefully barren of horsepussy
>you looked at the conclusion of Stalin's industrial reforms and unironically tried to switch over the credit of its possitive effects to some mindless liberalization brought foward by your kind.
true. however I do regard the liberalization as the true advantage - the main difficulty there is whether it was only possible with Stalin's industrialization. perhaps it was - could it have been handled less brutally? I think perhaps, though I recognize that ultimately that's just speculation. I much prefer Rabbis Ashlag and Zalkind in terms of my people's contributions to the world, and in that sense it's rather pointless to defend their actions just due to shared heritage. After all, I wish nothing to do with Rand or the Zionists, and there's just as much shared heritage there.
this! come goyim, provide your overlord with some quality clop :^)
>true. however I do regard the liberalization as the true advantage
Once again, you do not provide nor convey an explanation as to why you think so, i've explained the negative demographic effects it had on the USSR to no refutation or counter-argument from your part thus far, i get it may have opened the opportunity to furher strangle the ethnic russian population and strengthen your rule with the help of hostile minorities like it's been successfully done in the west, but collapsing the empire in the process kinda outweights the benefits.

>the main difficulty there is whether it was only possible with Stalin's industrialization. perhaps it was - could it have been handled less brutally? I think perhaps

There is however no speculation required on the fact that barbarossa was coming.
>Once again, you do not provide nor convey an explanation as to why you think so
because there isn't an objective reason to think so.
>i've explained the negative demographic effects it had on the USSR to no refutation or counter-argument from your part thus far
I don't have one, I just think that those are acceptable sacrifices for liberalization, which is a position that cannot be defended objectively.
>but collapsing the empire in the process kinda outweights the benefits.
in terms of the rise of Putin I agree, but had Russia balkanized that would have been an acceptable outcome from my point of view. I don't particularly value the strength of empires and nations, it mainly seems self-serving. As Rabbi Shemaiah says: "Loath mastery over others, and avoid intimacy with the government." so those Jews who worked not for liberalization (at least for it's own sake) but for their own consolidation of power were traitors to our people.
>There is however no speculation required on the fact that barbarossa was coming.
well naturally.
304326 304330
>in terms of the rise of Putin I agree, but had Russia balkanized that would have been an acceptable outcome from my point of view. I don't particularly value the strength of empires and nations

Fair enough, although the chaos that ensues in collapsing empires it's precisely what creates the possibility of such changes in the power-structure, stability it's important.

>On Operation Barbarossa
Just so the point it's clear, Barbarossa it's relevant because it's a race against time for Soviet industrialization, Stalin's reforms are predicated on the need for a harsh and fast approach in order to not only be able to compete with the rest of europe but to prevent a certain demise at their hands, and by the time the greatest invasion of history started, it did turned into a struggle for the empire's survival

Overall, i've been waiting to share what i've learned about Soviet history to this community, as the pol-sphere is rather lacking on redpills here, this proved to be a perfect time, thanks for your attention.

Maybe next time Poners can ignore a hidden id's thread accordingly.
>this proved to be a perfect time
Not for this horsefucker.

>Maybe next time Poners can ignore a hidden id's thread accordingly.
That wasn't exactly what I was concerned with. Though, unless there's someone that's willing to come in and shell the thread with horsepussy, I guess there's nothing keeping you two from carrying on. But if you don't mind, I'm gonna stay out of it as much as I can, and I hope other poners follow suit.
Does it bother the Jew that they can only prosper at the expense of others with underhanded tactics that exploit the goodwill of others?
Don't they fear a world where the white man's goodwill towards his lessers runs out?
304331 304342
>He's just looking for an excuse to act smug and condescending, mate.
I'm not great at understanding this stuff, so lemme try and spell it out. I am not smarter than you (rather the reverse, as we've been over), I am not more educated than you, I am not worth more than you, indeed I am a worthless person.it's just that I have nothing left in my life besides anime, vidya and politics, and I just happen to be bored.
>stability is important.
I agree, certainly - though even if we account for the inherent instability of nonwestern and nonasian nations, I think authoritarianism does not always equal stability. and with regards to stability, while it is desirable and worth it in most cases, I think there's a tradeoff between quality/enjoyability of life and stability. at the end of the day, I think society ought to procure happiness and financial sustainability for it's citizenry first and foremost.
>Stalin's reforms are predicated on the need for a harsh and fast approach in order to not only be able to compete with the rest of europe but to prevent a certain demise at their hands, and by the time the greatest invasion of history started, it did turned into a struggle for the empire's survival
I see - I wasn't sure if this was the whole "who knew about barbarossa first" debate or not.
>Overall, i've been waiting to share what i've learned about Soviet history to this community, as the pol-sphere is rather lacking on redpills here, this proved to be a perfect time, thanks for your attention.
no worries bud, Soviet history's pretty interesting! drop any more pills you've got too.
>Does it bother the Jew that they can only prosper at the expense of others with underhanded tactics that exploit the goodwill of others?
I don't think the others view it as any different from white colonialism. personally, it doesn't really bother me either, but I also feel somewhat thankful to whites for providing the comfortable welfare that allows me to survive.
>Don't they fear a world where the white man's goodwill towards his lessers runs out?
dunno about the others, but personally, as I'd actually previously stated in this thread, I'd much rather go to a different race for goodwill, such as the Japanese. I'd much rather interact with them.
>the Japanese. I'd much rather interact with them.
What? Fucking why?
Do you have an anime fetish or something?
>What? Fucking why?
no offense, but I can't stand Britain. it's a depressing country filled with depressing people.
>Do you have an anime fetish or something?
oh you betcha! most of us younger Jews do. it's got everything we love, after all. if you wanna think of it this way, consider the kind of stuff we were into during the Weimar Republic - anime's got all of that and a bag of potato chips.
What the fuck is happening in this thread.
304342 304355
Zionism vs Bolshevism by Winston Churchill - (Illustrated Sunday Herald 1920-02-08).jpg
A schlomo derrailed it.
304355 304365
You kinda missed the point there, you mentioned Putin's rise to power as a bad thing and that you do not care about the power of the empires your frends get to control.
I mentioned stability because chaos in the declining Soviet empire was ultimately what provided the opportunity for Putin.

Bro, the thread has no id's
I'm not stopping you from going back on topic should you wish. my first post in this thread was just enjoying the amusing images being posted, and with one of the screenshotted anons not knowing a great deal about anything.
>you mentioned Putin's rise to power as a bad thing and that you do not care about the power of the empires your frends get to control. I mentioned stability because chaos in the declining Soviet empire was ultimately what provided the opportunity for Putin.
and chaos in the revolution allowed for Stalin, just as chaos in the first world war allowed for the revolution and the chaos in the russo-japanese war allowed for the provisional government. ultimately though, chaos is an unavoidable side effect of attempting to change the status quo, and as such, even if it seems a little "hocus-pocus", the goal as it were is to make it through the chaos without some opportunist taking charge, such as Putin. Maybe it would have been better without the collapse, maybe not, it's hard to tell, but I'd rather try for a good system and fail than stick with a bad but slightly preferable to failure system, personally. I mean, as I was saying with Talmudic Rabbi quotes, an authoritarian Jew is no Jew at all. (Talmud is a specific covenant, you could call me messianic perhaps).
304367 304386
>Bro, the thread has no id's
So your solution to this perceived problem is to bump it and encourage a shill? In case you haven't noticed, it's just you and him getting chummy by now.
>So your solution to this perceived problem is to bump it and encourage a shill?
I'll post with or without you, you can't get rid of me bud :^)
>it's just you and him getting chummy by now.
aww, are you feeling lonely?
1. those eyelashes are gorgeous
3. that slightly worried frozen expression is just spot on
4. that is a nice sailor fuku!
4. that's a classic, the expression is perfect. I might edit it so it's the Zeon flag and not the swastika in the background there, that way I can share it on my IRC channel
5. very evocative stretch
1. "how to ride", lol. interactive text I guess
4. that's a perfect ponker peach
nice! this'll all be going into my folder
Happy to help; however there's only so much I can do on your behalf. The rest is up to you, mate.
>Happy to help; however there's only so much I can do on your behalf. The rest is up to you, mate.
wait, what? I have to return an equivalent level of clop? but I thought this was a response to my """derailing""". unless you thought I was the other UK poster in this thread? what, is my jewish blood supposed to recoil at pony porn? dude, you guys are CONSTANTLY talking about how porn and mind geek are jewish, you seriously think we can't stomach a few sexy horses?
304400 304407 304439
Yeah, i know what the talmud is, but i don't know if it's worth the gamble for such disagreements, i mean was it that bad?, so bad that is only slighly better for you than Putin?.

Is it all about it being authoritarian? or is there more to it, What is so bad about authoritarianist control anyways?

Over-agressiveness has never quite worked against smugness and cynicism
>wait, what? I have to return an equivalent level of clop?

Nor does bumping and responding to his every post; but if you insist. I can't imagine taking a beating and thanking the guy for it would feel good, though.
304411 304439
You kids these days and your seeing Amonguses everywhere
back in my day it was minecraft
Authoritarianism sucks in theory because no one individual or commitee or bureau can be trusted to dictate every last detail of the lives of millions, perhaps even billions of people.
Then again "Authoritarian!" is usually used as a vague slur for ideas the speaker doesn't like such as "Fascist!" these days. There can be good authorities that want what's best for the people (natsoc) and bad authorities that want to sieze and abuse and hold on to power no matter the cost (the entire left)
Is it authoritarian for a government to say "People are not allowed to rape"? Is it authoritarian for a government to say "No degeneracy allowed on TV"?
304410 304439

Ironic given your performance fag, i've already done what i came here for initially, at this point we're discussing whether the approach taken in the USSR after Stalin's murder was the best or not for jewish interests, i am not trying to roast anybody with this it would be as retarded as thinking that horse-pussy would work with this guy, am merely interested in his pov as he's someone who is not for the authoritarian USSR but isn't a zionist either.
I said nothing about losing.

>your performance
I think you're mistaken about my priorities here.
Nice larp but i was talking with the kike
>I think you're mistaken about my priorities here.

You!, bastard...i was saving that one!
If I may be so bold as to speak for the majority of anons ITT and the board, I conjecture that most of us would rather you took it to 4chan, or reddit, for that matter, or at the very least do everypony a courtesy and sage the thread. IIRC many of us have made it clear that we don't want this shit bumped to the top of the catalog.
>We should have taken up the offer of the Japanese, who simply respected us as a fellow people, and would have given us a comfy little pacific coast to live on. sadly the allies "saved" us and gave us a bunch of sand to stick up our asses. no true friend of us Jews in this world but the Japanese.
Japanese hate you filthy inbred rats and what you are attempting to do to their country. Japanese are one of the few races with an honor culture that closely mirrors Europe, and are very intolerant of foreign scum fucking with their culture and history. PRC zhinks are the ones you suck you off because of the post-Mao communist brainwashing and cultural destruction your ilk brought on them.
304445 304484
>Is it all about it being authoritarian? What is so bad about authoritarianist control anyways?
not so much, it's more about the natural tendencies of authoritarianism. theoretically, of course it seems natural to centralize power, and a centralized system of power could wield an overwhelming influence over society that could easily transform it much for the better in a relatively short span of time. however, centralized systems of authority generally turn out to be somewhat inefficient, especially as a key aspect of authoritarian centraliziation in particular is a greater lack of accountability, which often is attempted to be remedied by purges, loyalism, constant turnover, but at the end of the day in a centralized system you need longevity to keep things together (even though statistically these regimes in general seem to last less long), and that brings the kind of management that is either lazy or self-serving. either way it tends this way, because trying to keep this complex system effective means incentivizing survival above all - take for example this very country's NHS. under New Labour, waiting list reduction goals were set. all hospitals ended up doing was seeing less serious patients first, so they could clear all the quick fixes in a jiffy, leaving serious ailments in waiting for treatment. and of course - they weren't being incentivized to actually do well, after all, they were being incentivized to meet an arbitrary number. but you need the arbitrary numbers to manage something like that, even as relatively small as a national health service for a nation of around 60 million. for a full on government, and one which is likely to be somewhat stagnant and more expansive than average at that, these problems exponentiate. and that's not to mention the dehumanizing aspects of authoritarianism, but there's not much point talking beyond what works practically, I would guess.
>Then again "Authoritarian!" is usually used as a vague slur for ideas the speaker doesn't like such as "Fascist!" these days.
specifically because what you just previously stated, about a central authority governing people's lives, is necessary in order to achieve the change in the way people behave that most forms of fascism aim to achieve.
>There can be good authorities that want what's best for the people (natsoc) and bad authorities that want to sieze and abuse and hold on to power no matter the cost (the entire left)
but the size of this authority and how it is managed is a relevant question also, as the problems I outlined in my above reply show up in excessively bureaucratic systems (which, by the way, are not unique to former socialist states. indeed I'd go so far as to say that most capitalist countries today are worse culprits)
>Is it authoritarian for a government to say "People are not allowed to rape"?
that can all depend on what you mean, and how it is achieved. in the early 1800s, you would have relied on either night watchmen to prevent a rape or the bowstreet runners to catch a perpetrator of rape - in this sense all the government did was state a general opposition to rape and left people to sort it out themselves. on the other end you have today, where people propose certain varieties of fart be classed as rape. ultimately though, because society is made up of more than one person, we must define freedom as maximizing the range of allowed activity of a given individual without allowing such an individual to then impede upon another's range of allowed activity. and while many will protest that they most certainly have some "right to respect" or some such that is infringed upon by some minor trifling action of another, it is not the task of the law to manifest petty squabbles, but to delineate what are actual, material infringements upon a person regardless of excessively particular circumstance.
>Is it authoritarian for a government to say "No degeneracy allowed on TV"?
so going by my previous definition, yes, it would be. but to me this is honestly irrelevant, what is much more immediate and pertinent to me about this is how nightmarishly bureaucratic and inefficient and corrupt whatever body that regulated television would be. would it be tasked to oversee entertainment production, or indeed produce all entertainment, or merely regulate that which is aired? regardless I think it would be an absolute laughing stock of an institution that would achieve effectively nothing, just like the pathetic attempt of parliament to restrict the "video nasties" of the previous century.
>am merely interested in his pov as he's someone who is not for the authoritarian USSR but isn't a zionist either.
I guess I'd broadly say I lean "centrist" libertarian. or if you read a bunch of boring leftist theory, it becomes acceptable to say "anarchist" for this too, since anarchism, in the leftist sense, does not require the abolition of government. so perhaps "anarcho-individualist", but I'd really rather just discuss systems on their own merit. for example, I reckon Austria-Hungary wasn't all that bad, despite my supposed "ideological" disagreements with it. what I really objected to originally was just how unconvincing some of the memes were - I'd like to think I can respect any point of view put across well enough (which is not at all to say that I regard myself as someone who puts views across especially well... only to say that I can do better than an out-of-context headline.)
>If I may be so bold as to speak for the majority of anons ITT and the board, I conjecture that most of us would rather you took it to 4chan, or reddit, for that matter
I recognize that you don't want people who disagree with you posting here, however I think you were always testing it with the "porn deterrent" idea. a community that claims to have natural protection is an interesting hornet's nest to poke, after all.
>Japanese hate you filthy inbred rats and what you are attempting to do to their country.
let me guess, the same way swedes do? yeah yeah, I get it already, every single person on earth hates us 100%. but since that barely appears to factor into how most people are acting, I'm not exactly particularly interested to know that "x hates u". find me a country or group that supposedly doesn't hate us for starters, how's that for surprising news? As for "what we're attempting to do to their country", there's no need to eliminate the Japanese, as there apparently is for some reason with you whites. the whole reason we're doing the white genocide on you is because of bad beef between us historically, right? so why would we do that to the Japanese? what, because they could pose a threat? everybody is a threat when you're a group as small and pathetic as us, and I certainly don't trust the less advanced societies of this world to put up with us more than you guys. I'd take whites over most of the rest of the world, in fairness, but the Japanese just happen to be an upgrade over whites. that is, a "servant" has to be "intelligent" enough not to rebel against the master, and in that sense anybody other than asians and whites are no good.
>Japanese are one of the few races with an honor culture that closely mirrors Europe, and are very intolerant of foreign scum fucking with their culture and history.
good. I don't want to change it as such, I like Japanese culture as it exists today. and there's no reason for the rest of us not to like it either - just because we have no concept of honor doesn't mean we can't appreciate that others have it, and the big problem with european honor is ultimately to do with our prior relationship, not with the honor in and of itself. and remember, fucking with your culture is to do again with the problem you supposedly pose to us - why waste money and resources on mindgeek and advertising and such just for the heck of it? no, it's specifically done to de-tooth the european tiger while it's sleeping, it's totally pointless to engage in otherwise, so I see no reason to fuck with japanese culture. no need to fuck with their history either - they didn't interact with us, after all. obviously it's all opinion on my part and I have no say in any of these matters, but on a personal level I'd be distraught to have Tale of the Heike altered, for example, it's an absolutely uniquely gorgeous example of recorded historical epic. "The Matter of France" has got absolutely nothing on it, let me tell you.
>PRC zhinks are the ones who suck you off because of the post-Mao communist brainwashing and cultural destruction your ilk brought on them.
China is an absolute embarrassment and a shame. Regulating their internet, keeping games in internet cafes, conscripting the unfit into camps - it's a joke. utterly pathetic, I want nothing to do with it, because that's not a sensible or effective way to govern a society nor to keep it's citizenry in check. China is attempting to make it's people healthier and work harder in a way I completely despise, there's no special need for the Chinese to be particularly well-off, so unlike the Japanese I'd much rather China radically liberalize, so it's society can relax a bit and pose less of a threat to world peace, to me, and to my people. I might even go so far as to call Xi Jinping our greatest enemy, thanks to him any foothold we had in China is completely worthless. understand that we work through media, through culture - and I do think that in a sense, no offence, this is to people's benefit. we make people more complacent, more comfortable, less likely to be violent and demand things like family, country, health, etc, and it makes things safer for everyone. and key to all of that is that we don't use the state at all, a complete antithesis to the stupid fascist crap Jinping is pulling.
(apologies, forgot the sage)
Fuck dude, why do you keep loosing the point?, you were supposed to answer why the authoritarian system of the USSR was only slightly better than Putin and thus it was worth the gamble, FROM your perspective of Jewish interests.

Anyways it was an interesting talk, i won't be replying anymore because poners are getting pissed by now, am only doing it now because the swede fucked up(i bumped it far longer, don't worry sven).

And, seriously dude?, comparing sweden to Japan? Comparing everything to Sweden or Canada, ever?
>Fuck dude, why do you keep loosing the point?, you were supposed to answer why the authoritarian system of the USSR was only slightly better than Putin and thus it was worth the gamble, FROM your perspective of Jewish interests.
I didn't quite understand your wording the first time, apologies. ok, so the authoritarian system of the USSR - well, first off it was slightly better than Putin, at least in it's 90s form, in that it did that all-important de-toothing I was talking about. job security, public utilities, that sort of thing is immensely essential to keeping people "in check", as it were. Putin's Russia is much less good at this, and favors Orthodox religion to boot, which adds up to a mixture of both a lack of a safety net and a saving religion, which I think is a fairly dangerous thing to play with because it begins dividing people into not just have and have nots, and not just pious and impious, but worthy and unworthy. luckily Russia remains relatively secular, but I think Putin's working on changing that. in terms of the risk, though, as I said there were several risks along the road, and a part of what made the very earliest risk - actions prior to 1917 - worth it was the possibility of something a bit more permissive, more perhaps on the Makhno end of things. I don't disagree that many of the early actions of Lenin's government and the red army were necessary for the emerging regime's survival, but I mean more in terms of determining the direction the USSR would move in after survival had been procured. as it turned out eventually, I'd say it achieved about half a job, as to me I reckon the real key to my people's safety and security is in undermining work itself, so that people, rather than "working hard", merely keep the cogs turning. however it was missing what today we really rely on, which is in a sense luxuries, though today perhaps their availability makes them something else. stuff like fast food, entertainment, that sort of thing, these create the contentedness that I think is more effective than any kind of censorship at keeping people from threatening us. and I recognize that there is this aversion many of you have to such a "caged" existence, but it's not really something I understand. I don't know what objection people could have to a comfortable, cared for existence in which they barely have to do anything - sure, on some level it's about keeping a population complacent, and therefore compliant, but from my perspective it also seems very benevolent, since it's exactly what I'd want.
>Anyways it was an interesting talk, i won't be replying anymore because poners are getting pissed by now
sorry to see you go bud
>And, seriously dude?, comparing sweden to Japan? Comparing everything to Sweden or Canada, ever?
I only did it cause he's a Swede, and that's really the key to what I was trying to get him to see. it's easy to talk about "x is y" when you've never been somewhere.
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No, that is not what I do towards my race. I study the positives, negatives, benefits, downsides, consequences, goals, motivations, so I am able to make the least biased decision possible. My 'race' is a polluted nightmare where Animal Farm and 1984 have inbred into each other. 90% are a combination of too stupid, too unable, too unwilling, too cowardly, or all of the prior to act in decent, humane manners. Much of that blame falls upo- oh, wait, you know exactly (((who))) is to blame.

Screeching: "I'M A JEW SO TREAT ME BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE BECAUSE I'M A JEW, I'M SPECIAL, SO WHY DON'T YOU SUBMIT AND LICK MY BOOTS?" is a tarnished, lousy attempt at enforcing standard religio-propagandist judaic nonsense. You cannot signal boost a wavelength that is dying out. Ironically kikes are killing themselves via multiculturalism, wymyn'z rights, and degeneracy. Suffocating on their own dreck, as it were.

Now let's get down to the real problem: the holohoax did not happen. It could not have occurred in the ways nor means that the (((allies))), especially the cucked ruskies, proclaimed. All of the """death camps""" inspected solely by the soviets? "DEATH CAMPS! SIX GORILLION! HORRIBLE MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS!" Then, immediately after they were inspected by US forces: "LABOR CAMPS! BAD CONDITIONS! (JUST DON'T TELL THE PUBLIC THAT WE BOMBED ALL THOSE TRAIN LINES SUPPLYING THE CAMPS WITH FOOD, MEDICAL SUPPLIES, AND THE LIFE SAVING ZYKLON-B THOUGH!" The only (((data))) shown so far are hysterically inaccurate film clips of massacres and starvation deaths that did not occur in Germany, Austria, or Poland. Include the deliberately doctored 'photos', ie: sight bytes, and thus begins the (((cultured outrage))) of dumbfuck goyim mutts around teh world screeching: "HUNS !!BAD!! but WE GOOD!" Hrm, I have a rebuttal: the >13,500,000 wartime German, Italian, and Japanese women, mostly under the age of 30, whom were raped, tortured, slaughtered, executed, murdered, solely for (((getting revenge for the jew!))) Adolf Hitler was not responsible for the holohoax. Whom is? That blame lies solely upon MI5/6, FDR, Cuckshill the pedophile drunk, and worldwide kikery shilling their fucktarded propaganda. How many jews DID die? 272,000 to 282,000 according to the Red Cross 1982ACE archive release. Clearly, not enough.

As for your problem? You have not answered a single question without acting offended. Do you also rub your hands together scheming on how best to lie in a manner that will ensure you won't be caught and called out? Do you simply hope that I will give up even though most explicitly know how to deal with (((your kind)))? When challenged, your recourses are immediate based upon assumptions and presumptions ie: whataboutism, moving the historical goalposts by claiming 'X also did Y so you should pay attention to that cuz it's REALLY SIMILAR YA KNOW', and derail from the blatantly direct topic.

tld;r: you are your own worst enemy. You are, at minimum, mildly cognizant of why das juden can no longer be considered 'human'. Yet, you type to protect them as if such criminality OUGHT be defended.
the 21 questions. in fact I went over the first one a little bit earlier, I mentioned the Soviets primarily consulting those who worked on the V2 rockets for their missile program - these were Jews who were used to build some of the components of the V2 in their concentration camps. so the answer to the first question is simple: the Nazis did not, in fact, have a policy of killing EVERY Jew that they had, indeed as many who point out the "furnace problem" of not being able to burn that many bodies in that amount of time, they would not be able to kill them all at once.
2. with regard to these, I've only actually read Churchill's. and these aren't books that document history from 1933 to 1946, they're the story of these people's lives, so for examples Churchill doesn't mention the Nanking massacre either, but it's because he's writing from his perspective, and from his perspective during the time he didn't know about the holocaust - could he have mentioned it in passing as a matter of reflection? sure, but I don't think it's so remarkable that he didn't, and as I said with Nanking, there's plenty he left out.
3. a death camp, as previously stated, does not mean "immediate death". an infirmary is to treat wounds, and while these Jews were alive the Germans wanted them working. as for the brothel - I mean, would you care that they had a brothel if you knew they were gonna die? it's the kind of thing I wouldn't be surprised if they let be.
4. a bullet on the spot was what was more common. the germans would dig a trench, and shoot Jews into it on the spot. essentially there were special divisions whose job it was to go and hunt out Jews along the warpath of the army. in fact it may even be fair to say that the majority of Jews in the holocaust died in this manner.
5. the same reason you find minor zyklon b residue in some chambers but not in others: they tried to cover up evidence. burning documents, scrubbing walls, etc. we do have some german documented evidence in fact, but I don't think you'd find it very convincing, it's mainly train schedules (you'd say it proves they were just work camps) and photographs (you'd say they were altered).
6. somewhere between 4 and 6 million works just fine as an estimate, personally the number I'm familiar with is 5.8 million. and I do agree that the difference is important, the reason why we work with the estimate instead of verifying for sure is that it would be a ton of work to examine every recovered body individually, and even then there'd be a lot left out, like the shot Jews left buried out in Russia.
7. while it's true that we don't have records of pertinent communication for Auschwitz specifically, wouldn't the Hoefle telegram count as a confirmation that camps did report on their extermination progress?
8. that's a fair point. it's totally possible that there weren't as many victims at Auschwitz than we think, and it's worth establishing for the historical record exactly how many there actually were.
9. but there are still gas chambers at those camps? whoever says that all death camps were in Poland is full of shit.
10. well first of all, these witness testimonies may well be invalid, but also, I'm not sure about how exactly concentrations of zyklon b work. are the effects stated there for a use of a normal concentration? because as other holocaust deniers will eagerly point out, zyklon b can be used at a much lower concentration to kill people (and then by pointing at some of the zyklon b residue, they therefore conclude that this proves they were using it at a concentration way too high to be efficiently killing people, and thus it must have been being used as a disinfectant... but of course, that's precisely why residue is so absent from a lot of the walls of chambers, which they fail to mention).
11. yes. indeed I mentioned earlier the claim that the Germans rolled Jews into an electrocution chamber on a conveyor belt, and from the look of it, it seems likely that particular story was made up wholesale by some bored journalist in Chicago. there were a lot of stupid stories going around as the holocaust was being uncovered, I would imagine that these are among them.
12. I went over that above. and sure, Nuremberg was a contravention of justice, I won't deny that, but the mere fact that Nuremberg was a sham doesn't alone prove anything.
14. who's to say he was ever there? all we know is Hungary supposedly deported him there, and he got a tattoo. anybody could have given him that tattoo, and he easily could have given authorities the slip when he was ordered to be deported. I think that in that particular case, Elie probably avoided the holocaust altogether, and simply lied about it later for attention.
15. it's not impossible, he was doing batch experimentation after all.
16. what about the Staffordshire University team? they went to Treblinka and actually excavated some mass graves. whoever did that sonar study had shitty equipment.
17. well for one, mr Simpson was just one man, without much ability to hide evidence as just the one man. this is a fair criticism, though, there is relatively little hard evidence, and I think we ought to be working hard on finding more.
18. the holocaust revisionism being made illegal deal is one of the stupidest things on earth. I wouldn't be surprised if all holocaust revisionism today was the result of these braindead laws outlawing it. I have no defence or justification for these laws, they are blatant and unfair violations of human rights.
19. there have been people with degrees to claim those things, yes.
20. I heard such a concern expressed on talkernate history, I think it's mostly a matter of personal opinion.
21. well, either they saw incorrectly, have faulty memories, mistook some unrelated smoke for the crematorium, or they were never there and made it up for attention. sadly a great number of testimonies may well just be made up, we need to have a better system of verifying these stories.
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with the second picture, that's the original article, yes, but not the actual photograph original. to me, it looks like they simply brushed out the guy for the paper - after all, he's more exposed than the others, and there were strict decency standards and such in that time. the third picture is quite interesting - those certainly do seem like faked photos. I doubt that all photos from that time were similarly faked, but it's not impossible. it makes a very good point. fourth picture made me chuckle - these elderly brits certainly are not "woke to the JQ", as it were. after all, what conclusion could you take from MP Rothschild and Prime Minister Disraeli as a JQ believer if not that the British Empire was a total Jewish puppet? it'd be a joke not to think this was the inevitable course Britain would take as a JQ believer. fifth picture - and we start off with the Nazi New Order in Poland. yes, I've come across it before - it costs over £500 to get a copy from what I've seen, but regardless it was an internal matter of the left book club, hardly a reliable source on anything, especially since it was written before the war's end. and as one of the news stories in this image points out, these are mostly fake witness testimonies. it is bound to happen - certainly compelling that they are fake, however I do not think that it demonstrates that the whole thing was fake.
>90% are a combination of too stupid, too unable, too unwilling, too cowardly, or all of the prior to act in decent, humane manners. Much of that blame falls upo- oh, wait, you know exactly (((who))) is to blame.
personally, I prefer you Americans to Brits. I think we were a net positive on you, if anything.
>Screeching: "I'M A JEW SO TREAT ME BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE BECAUSE I'M A JEW, I'M SPECIAL, SO WHY DON'T YOU SUBMIT AND LICK MY BOOTS?" is a tarnished, lousy attempt at enforcing standard religio-propagandist judaic nonsense. You cannot signal boost a wavelength that is dying out. Ironically kikes are killing themselves via multiculturalism, wymyn'z rights, and degeneracy. Suffocating on their own dreck, as it were.
I don't see it as suffocation, I'm really rather happy with it.
I would say they were camps used both for execution and for labor - it is still understood that they were used for gassings, after all, those are the places you can go inside the chambers. as for bombing the train lines - now, I certainly don't mind you using this particular explanation for the deaths of the holocaust, but I'd first like to point out that it's exactly the same sort of point holodomor deniers use. "w-well the gula- I mean normal prisons just happened to be in siberia for no particular reason, so all these deaths were due to transport problems cause it all relied on trans siberian railway, and exposure too", and it's like, yeah no shit, Russians put them all the way out there so they could kill them with less uproar about it. fact of the matter is, if the Germans wanted to merely lock up the Jews, they'd already done that - it was called the ghettos. even if the deaths in the camps truly were due to just allied bombing of supply lines, it was still a German choice to move them into the wilderness for no discernible good reason (unless, shocker, they were killing them) that lead to the shortage of supply, certainly more than the allies, who were merely bombing what looked like good targets.
>272,000 to 282,000 according to the Red Cross 1982ACE archive release.
those were recovered death certificates - that is, IMMEDIATELY verifiable deaths, to give the families that escaped to other countries closure on the status of their loved ones. it is not the red cross's job to tally death tolls, they are a healthcare organization first and foremost.
>Do you also rub your hands together
I actually do do this quite a bit, it makes me laugh just thinking about looking like le happy merchant. plus, it kind of makes me feel powerful - I have basically no agency in my life, so it's fun to think of myself as a powerful secretive conspirator, hands rubbing in gleeful malice.
>on how best to lie in a manner that will ensure you won't be caught and called out?
it's not a lie if you believe in what you're saying.
>Do you simply hope that I will give up even though most explicitly know how to deal with (((your kind)))?
of course not, I'm enjoying this exchange, I don't want you to give up. I've made a few concessions in this post, focus in on them and go for the kill.
>When challenged, your recourses are immediate based upon assumptions and presumptions ie: whataboutism, moving the historical goalposts by claiming 'X also did Y so you should pay attention to that cuz it's REALLY SIMILAR YA KNOW', and derail from the blatantly direct topic.
whenever I do that, point it out, and treat it as a win, because that is what it is. whenever I make a fallacy, the point goes to you.
>tld;r: you are your own worst enemy. You are, at minimum, mildly cognizant of why das juden can no longer be considered 'human'. Yet, you type to protect them as if such criminality OUGHT be defended.
well, I do think our actions ought to be defended, I think we've been primarily a force for good in this world. even though I understand you and the rest of your kind didn't and probably never will appreciate it, I think we made life a lot better for all of you. before we came along, you'd die in some war the fatherland, after having lived in a loveless arranged marriage with a throng of children that were brought up more by theocratic vicars than by you, paddled and forced to kneel on gravel for questioning church doctrine, and sent to school to learn why the king was god. what life is that? you're all better off as you are now, trust me.
>well, I do think our actions ought to be defended, I think we've been primarily a force for good in this world. even though I understand you and the rest of your kind didn't and probably never will appreciate it, I think we made life a lot better for all of you.
Made life better for us!? Talk about delusions of grandeur. You poison us chemically, brainwash us into self-hatred and obsessive materialism. Enslave us with usury, devalue our labour with inflation; destroy our families, our children, our women, our traditions, our culture. You inbred rat scum deserve nothing less than a real holocaust for what you've done to us.
>before we came along, you'd die in some war the fatherland, after having lived in a loveless arranged marriage with a throng of children that were brought up more by theocratic vicars than by you, paddled and forced to kneel on gravel for questioning church doctrine, and sent to school to learn why the king was god. what life is that? you're all better off as you are now, trust me.
I'd rather die in a righteous war and have a chance to fight a real enemy than live on my fucking knees in this slow, painful decent into jew hell for "comfort". The church is another institution you pieces of human garbage foisted upon Europeans. I'd argue that it was the prototype of Bolshevism. We are also already there with a modern day version of "questioning the church doctrine". We live in an age where questioning any poorly constructed jew lie is met with a swarm of FBInigger mercenaries at your door, so you're wrong nigger. Shit is worse now than its every been.
> You poison us chemically, brainwash us into self-hatred and obsessive materialism. Enslave us with usury, devalue our labour with inflation; destroy our families, our children, our women, our traditions, our culture.
those are all things I'm perfectly happy with. I spend my day eating mcdonalds, drinking coke, watching anime, fapping to hentai, and I will always be a virgin NEET. no culture, no family, no children, and happily "poisoned" and "brainwashed". I'm happy with that perfectly nice and happy life that I lead, why can't you be satisfied with that? it's the all-too dangerous white ambitionn at work again, I wager. your ceaseless energy, driving you to work out, fight, procreate, on and on and on... it must be exhausting to be white, I couldn't bear it.
>You inbred rat scum deserve nothing less than a real holocaust for what you've done to us.
I wouldn't mind, tbh. I'm pretty indifferent in some ways, I mean it is your countries and all, it wouldn't really be that beyond the pale to get rid of us. I'd obviously prefer that you did not, but I wouldn't resent you for getting rid of us. besides, all you whites keep trying to get me to engage with life and stuff anyway, as I said before it's pretty draining to live amongst whites.
>I'd rather die in a righteous war and have a chance to fight a real enemy than live on my fucking knees in this slow, painful decent into jew hell for "comfort".
that's not something I understand at all. sounds like a warrior mentality - somewhat primitive, I have to say. if I engaged in fights with "honor" or whatever I'd probably be dead before leaving high school, people who don't flee and hide just die out.
>The church is another institution you pieces of human garbage foisted upon Europeans. I'd argue that it was the prototype of Bolshevism.
oh, you're that variety, are you? I don't have anything to do with churches - I might go once a month or so, mainly because they have coffee and biscuits and stuff, plus elderly whites are some of the only members of your kind worth conversing with. and as I was saying to the other brit in this thread, I suppose I regard myself as a messianic jew, but the organized church is an absolute plague that needs to be cured. you're right about it being the prototype of bolshevism in some ways though (not in the way you think, however). the organized church was never true to actual beliefs of course, but the works of Rabbis Khein, Tamares and Alexandrov were the beginning of the religious fusion of Judaism with the left that led to the rise of some of the good varities of Bolshevism, and on the christian side of things there was the munster rebellion and the peasant's rebellion, but in both cases it was opposed by the conservative (read: atheist) rabbis and the catholic church respectively. so I'd really phrase it more as that Bolshevism arose out of the true believers rising up against the corrupt, unbelieving church structure.
>We live in an age where questioning any poorly constructed jew lie is met with a swarm of FBInword mercenaries at your door, so you're wrong nword.
that is unfortunate, I agree, but try not doing that for just one second, and it's a very comfy existence. I have a degree of immunity from that, of course (though I did get beaten up in school for using the N word), but I could easily give up "da troof" for my nice, comfy NEET life.
>what life is that? you're all better off as you are now, trust me.
Aw that's cute. You really have no idea how anything works.
Well since you have your hill that you may run around, what exactly did Jews do to make that amazing life.
Well I for one can't keep the smile off my face.
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>Aw that's cute. You really have no idea how anything works.
I can't say I've experienced a lot of life, I guess.
>Well since you have your hill that you may run around, what exactly did Jews do to make that amazing life.
well, we spread the addictive forms of media that keep people entertained through life, we spread the tasty snack and fast food that keep people happily fed, we produced and honed the modern consumer system that makes people so comfortable that they never even need to leave their houses. we didn't invent any of it, to be sure, you whites invented all the components, but we put it together into the modern system it is today. and you're all worried about us introducing UBI soon too, looking at the "great reset thread", but the actual effect of this, besides making you safe and docile, will be that you will want for nothing. your survival will be taken care of, and you'll be free to do whatever you want - it doesn't sound that evil to me. not to mention porn - you already know of our involvement there, of course, and that makes everything so much easier. no need to go out and deal with interacting with women. we made sexual satisfaction efficient! almost everything we've done has made your lives easier and more comfortable, and while it's in service of our own goals too, don't you want to be safe and cared for?
You're being ironic, right?
Since you're here what would you do in you're best case / worst case senario.
Like what kind of anime or snacks would you get?
well, I like mecha a lot, from gundam to lesser known stuff like mazinger, voltes v and giant gorg. but I tend to mix it up with moe and loli stuff. in terms of snacks, right at this moment I have some kettles crisps and a few boxes of chocolate brunch bars. I'm drinking cordial for now, but as soon as I can go back up to the shop I'll be getting some soda again.
>I recognize that you don't want people who disagree with you posting here, however I think you were always testing it with the "porn deterrent" idea. a community that claims to have natural protection is an interesting hornet's nest to poke, after all.
My problem is, and always has been, that you had been acting stuck up. Your problems with the board being your own.
10/10 full marks on predictive capabilities. I am absolutely throbbing, throbbing I tell you. Poner--- was a prophet he said that
>Marine Corps Officer Warns Congress Against Classifying Christians in Military as ‘Religious Extremists’
>A slide used in a Department of Defense (DOD) training manual identifies Catholics and evangelical Christians as “religious extremists,” along with members of the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaeda, and Hamas, according to a Marine Corps officer.
>“First Liberty also obtained a screenshot of an unclassified slide from a U.S. Army training manual. The slide is entitled ‘Religious Extremism’ and it purports to identify religious extremists,” Michael Berry told the House Armed Services Committee, during a hearing on March 24 titled “Extremism in the Military.”
>“Included among those listed are al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the Ku Klux Klan as groups that use or advocate violence to accomplish their objectives and are therefore rightly classified as extremists,” Berry told the committee.
>“But also included are Evangelical Christianity and Catholicism, who most assuredly do not advocate violence. Surely, the fact that Evangelical Christians and Catholics hold fast to millennia-old views on marriage and human sexuality does not make them extremists who are unfit to serve.
>The training manual that Berry referred to is used in Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s recently ordered “stand-down” to identify and root out extremists in the U.S. military. Austin’s order came in the wake of the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol, in which some of the participants were military veterans.
https://twitter.com/OrwellNGoode/status/1375138452593905677 [Embed]
State education.
When the curricula veers away from education to indoctrination.
https://twitter.com/jackmurphylive/status/1375081263720230919 [Embed]
Nick Fuentes They hate us, and its becoming our problem..mp4
>Nick Fuentes
>They hate us, and its becoming our problem.
Nick Fuentes on conservatives who are unwilling to discuss race and insist the problem is merely eco.mp4
Nick Fuentes on conservatives who are unwilling to discuss race and insist the problem is merely economic.
>Florida State University Holding Racist ‘History of Karen’ Class to Trash White Women
>A racist class being offered at Florida State University will focus on the “History of Karen” to attack white women.
>The term “Karen” has been widely used as a slur against your average, every day, white woman.
>A flyer for the class, hosted by Dr. Meghan Martinez, features women of the Ku Klux Klan and an emoji with the stereotypical “can I speak to a manager” haircut.
>Journal of the American Medical Association Fires Editor for Having Doubts About Dogma of Systemic Racism
>After a staff member dismissed racism as a problem in medicine on a podcast, a petition signed by thousands demanded a review of editorial processes at the journal.
>Tucker: Our military leadership has gone 'woke'
>'Tucker Carlson Tonight' examines the Pentagon's war on 'domestic extremism.'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSCSzqJcm9w [Embed]
>Nationwide action against anti-White UN day
>ACTIVISM. Activists from the Nordic Resistance Movement conducted a widespread propaganda offensive in Denmark against the globalist lackeys’ celebration of the UN’s “International Day against Racism” last weekend.
File (hide): 0F24F52B48FEBA4468B259E61A899AE6-19322972.mp4 (18.4 MB, Resolution:1920x844 Length:00:00:58, indoctrination.mp4) [play once] [loop]
In every part of the White world we are indoctrinate to put everyone else’s interests ahead of our own.
Nick Fuentes on the effects of diversity versus socialism and communism.mp4
Nick Fuentes on the effects of diversity versus socialism and communism.
I am obese. I will blame it on white people.mp4
>I am obese. I will blame it on white people.
https://twitter.com/Holbornlolz/status/1378255041262452739 [Embed]
>when your black genes are rayciss
>Fox News Anchor Finally Connects the Frankfurt School to Modern Woke Ideology
>Fox News has a British guy who does the weekend show who is now actually better than Tucker Carlson.
>Steve Hilton should in fact replace Tucker Carlson, who is now refusing to talk about the problems in our own government and instead shill nonstop for the Biden Administration’s anti-China policy.
>On Sunday, Hilton discussed the historical fact that the modern “woke” culture is rooted entirely in the Frankfurt School’s critical theory ideology, and that all we are witnessing now is the blooming of a hundred year old plan by the Je – by the European-style socialists – to overthrow traditional European society.
[YouTube] Hilton: Americans must 'unite,' 'fight back' against 'wokeism' [Embed]
305583 310452
Chanequa hates all Whites who are not racked with racial guilt and self-loathing.
Chanequa Walker-Barnes was born in Atlanta, Georgia. A theologian and psychologist, her mission is to serve as a catalyst for healing, justice, and reconciliation. She has served on the faculties of Mercer University, Shaw University, University of Florida, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
>Tucker Carlson: United Airlines Has Embraced “Equity”
[YouTube] Tucker sounds off on United Airlines latest 'gender, racial' quota [Embed]
I feel like anyone who refers to themselves as "Dr." but uses their first name instead of their last forfeits all right to be taken seriously. I'm frankly starting to believe that Chanequa may not even be a real medical professional.
>I'm frankly starting to believe that Chanequa may not even be a real medical professional.
It's a charlatan.
Psychology is the field of accepting what the current regime believes to be unquestionably true and reinforcing the lies/enforcing their commandments.
No psychologist accepted by the left-dominated mainstream academia will remain accepted for long if they come out as too non-leftist.
>still can't answer questions honestly without resorting to outright lies & propaganda
>more gaslighting
>more deflection
>more arguments from !!woke!! kike authority
>more arguments from absurdity
>more backpedaling
>more pandering to false witnesses
>inability to comprehend basic logic without emotionally screeching "B-B-B-BUT WE R DA GEWD KIKEZ"
Wow. Really didn't take much for you to prove the point that all kikes are worthless bootlicking cucks that must be gassed. Good job, AGAIN. You simply can't help outing yourself. You are literally Nigel the faggot jew, except even MORE jewed.
>Psychology is the field of accepting what the current regime believes to be unquestionably true and reinforcing the lies/enforcing their commandments.
Not inherently so, though its current paradigm of behaviorism (the belief that nothing inside the mind can be directly tested, only external behaviors) is certainly not helping their case.

>No psychologist accepted by the left-dominated mainstream academia will remain accepted for long if they come out as too non-leftist.
While this may be true, it hasn't been long since the American Psychological Association was giving tips to three letters at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere about how to psychologically torture people with maximum efficacy. It's really more of a corporate establishment thing; the "purity spiral" you're referring to just happens to occur most effectively where the left has taken root.

>The report goes on to confirm actions that the White House has already admitted to. Specifically that the Central Intelligence Agency and US Military utilized waterboarding, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, extreme stress positions, nudity and sexual degradation, and threatening with dog attacks across “numerous instances and numerous theatres.” Left out of the report is that almost all of these techniques were designed with the complicit assistance of the American Psychological Association (APA), something that should shame any and all psychological professionals.
>In contrast to the authoritarian societies of the past, Marcuse argues, what he calls “totalitarian democracy” bestows formal freedoms on its subjects – but these are ultimately illusory, because the overwhelming propagandistic force of technological mass media to tip the scales in favor of the dominant social forces. In his terms, “with the concentration of economic and political power and the integration of opposites in a society which uses technology as an instrument of domination, effective dissent is blocked where it could freely emerge;
>As a result, “those minorities which strive for a change [may] be left free to deliberate and discuss, to speak and to assemble.” However, they “will be left harmless and helpless in the face of the overwhelming majority, which militates against qualitative social change” because of its indoctrination into dominant values.
>On the other hand, if the policy of “discriminating tolerance” proves effective at weakening the right politically, another question emerges. Marcuse’s argument proceeded from the assumption that the entire culture industry, with its vast propagandistic capacity, was aligned with “the right,” not because of the political sympathies of those who worked in the industry, but because its entire raison d’être was to ideologically reproduce capitalist relations. The culture industry, from this perspective, cannot challenge the dominant forces of society because it is itself one of those forces. Hence, from Marcuse’s point of view, it’s essentially unimaginable that media and technology corporations could under any conditions be the vanguard of “liberating tolerance.” That is because they are de facto working in the interests of the ruling elite that they form part of. If such entities are pursuing what looks like a progressive agenda now, that would imply that such an agenda has somehow become useful to the latter.
>Today’s Marcusean advocates of “liberating tolerance,” then, find themselves in the peculiar position of being materially and institutionally aligned with the very sectors of society that he saw as arrayed against the possibility of any real progress. The result of this situation has been the rise to prominence of a “right Marcuseanism” that also promotes the abandonment of “pure tolerance.” For a long time, the typical stance of many conservatives was to decry their exclusion from culturally and ideologically powerful institutions – the media, entertainment, education – by appealing to the supposed neutrality and fairness of those institutions and demanding they live up to the liberal ideal of “pure tolerance.” Conversely, it has lately become common for some on the right to reject such liberal ideals altogether – which places them quite close to Marcuse’s position.

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.
'WHITES GET EVERYTHING' California Teacher Is caught On Zoom call.webm
>‘WHITES GET EVERYTHING’ — California teacher dares parents to ‘come get me’ in insane Zoom call…
>San Marcos High School teacher Alissa Piro was taped 'going off' at students in a Zoom call that was later posted online
>In it she dares parents who are think she is not doing a good enough job of distance learning to 'come at me'
>She is heard telling one student: 'You don't need a white student union, you get everything'
>She later apologizes, saying: 'I am going off, sorry. This is my go off period.'
>After a year of virtual learning in California, parents are suing the state to reopen classrooms
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmjxnu3f-L8 [Embed]
>Warning Parents: Over 17k Teachers Demand Biden Impose Transgender Agenda – Is Your Child’s ‘Educator’ on the list?
>Is your child being indoctrinated by a teacher who signed this letter?
>Earlier this month, over 17,000 teachers submitted an open letter to installed puppet Joe Biden asking him to shut down legislation that thwarts the anti-scientific transgender agenda for school children and teenagers.
>The letter (embedded below) manages to bash President Trump and “conservatives” who do not believe children can consent to life-altering puberty blockers and self-mutilation. The letter is far from academic, accusing pro-children, pro-family laws currently in varying stages in state legislatures to be “anti-trans”.
306008 306011
Calling it "cultural Marxism" seems like an oxymoron the more I think about it. Hopefully not as destructive as calling the Chinese democide of the 50s "the Great Leap Forward," but it belongs in the same class of misrepresentations.
It's not "cultural" at all. It's anticultural. That's like calling it "cancel culture" or the "cultural revolution." It exists to destroy culture, not change it or make it better. It would make more sense to think of the former as a verb than a descriptor. How about corporate Marxism instead? That would distinguish it from the anti-economic Marxism of the previous centuries. Calling it racial or identity Marxism is about as accurate as calling it Russian or Chinese Marxism. According to Marxists those nations shouldn't exist, much like race or identity.
Or just call them anticulturists. But calling it in any way "cultural" just sits wrong with me.
306009 306013
File (hide): 5726E50A68B75290FD9A252FF6292537-14706747.mp4 (14.0 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:07:36, What is Cultural Marxism.mp4) [play once] [loop]
What is Cultural Marxism.mp4
Well, since you want to redefine terminology, let's see what it is about.
Not exactly sure why I would need to know about where it came from to advocate for a change in terminology.
Change for the change' sake only suits you, but will confuse the rest.
>It's not "cultural" at all.
Actually it is; it makes sense to marxists, it is the culture they want and therefore is called "cultural marxism".
I would be okay with that. Why work to be intelligible to the anticulturalists anyway? Without meaning to be coming across as callous, it kind of sounds like their problem.

What culture?
>What culture?
The described at >>306008
All western culture and values are flipped upside down. The goal if you didn't notice it yet, is the dispossession and elimination of Whites.
306015 306016
And their culture, perhaps? To be replaced with what?
>To be replaced with what?
With an obedient rootless mongrel race overpowering the last pockets of irrelevant Whites. This is Plan Kalergi 101.
Looks like we're talking past each other here fren. Whatever culture they can come up with is incredibly lowbrow and doesn't meet the standards that have been upheld for centuries by the West thus far. Perhaps I may have had a misconception as to the differing definitions of "culture" were, but to associate anything with what the communists have done over the years with high art, even connotatively (other than to flat out call it anticultural) is going to leave a bad taste in my mouth, and I'd rather call it something else. I prefer not to call it culture. To myself, it is anticulture.
>Whatever culture they can come up with is incredibly lowbrow and doesn't meet the standards
But it will be perfectly suitable for non-Whites and mongrels, look at NYC, London and many other invaders' hubs.
They, be latino, muslims or african or asian, accept any degeneracy, any assault to their countries original values for cookies and perks. They are perfect global citizens.
>muslims are perfect global citizens
i thought most mudslimes are ultra conservatives and they want to implement sharia law everywhere, no?
File (hide): D0D227B81056DBD232453F51A44D82FD-9238164.mp4 (8.8 MB, Resolution:270x480 Length:00:03:24, This man says it all!.mp4) [play once] [loop]
This man says it all!.mp4
This man says it all!
Is there true Sharia in lands conquered by Islam, or a compromise between it and a more sustainable level of totalitarianism?
Muslims only get along when pointed at an enemy to attack or a civilized society to destroy. When the jews want them to split up and fight wars over what parts of their blood-soaked sandnigger bible they should and should not be forced to follow and who gets to be king of the mudslimes, they do so.
They are stupid and evil.
Describing them as "ultra conservatives" is an insult to conservativism. Then again, conservatives are cowardly cucks who love compromise. Still, surely you don't think all political ideologies exist on a one-way axis between liberals and conservatives, right?
Muslims, niggers, even Whites; when the kikes flash the sheckels all pretenses fall.
Critical Race Theory in classrooms.
>Tucker reads 'angry' parent's letter to 'woke' private school
[YouTube] Tucker reads 'angry' parent's letter to 'woke' private school [Embed]

>State of Virginia Plans on Eliminating All Advanced Math Courses Prior to 11th Grade Because of Commitment to “Equity”
It's building up folks.

>Removing Coca-Cola From Our Lives is a Win Anyway
>They will only respect us when they fear us, and for that, we need to achieve a confirmed kill and parade the severed head through the streets followed by a cheering multitude. At that point only will they begin to treat us like non-disposable people.
"Let's be White, boycott Sprite."
>gaslighting White children
It's time we put an end to these wicked demons.
>California unveils new woke math program, encouraging teachers to punish good students by holding them back
> California's Department of Education has announced that the gap between well-performing students and their less able peers must disappear, indicating that mere words are not enough - schools must deliver ‘equity’ in classrooms.
>Such an effort would involve faculty holding well-performing students back, even while pushing their less intellectual peers forward (as if they were all indeed equal in abilities). Potentially stranding a group of gifted individuals in a situation where they are held back by a single child who simply can’t get a problem right and needs endless special instruction is hardly something to be proud of, for the school or the students themselves.
Technically speaking, California has been pulling that shit more or less for decades
>Washington Makes Critical Race Theory MANDATORY for Public School Kids
https://www.bitchute.com/video/oGiKkMN4Pf82/ [Embed]
Makes a guy wonder why people are so full of spite.

File (hide): 14C9A9A0884B972ED4DA289FD0834FFC-528389.mp4 (516.0 KB, Resolution:274x480 Length:00:00:17, In the beginning woke God created two groups.mp4) [play once] [loop]
In the beginning woke God created two groups.mp4
>In the beginning woke God created two groups.
I think this cunt went from gender fluid to her own brain fluid.
308432 309314
File (hide): DF518C41E4DF5E376593492284279B38-24975975.mp4 (23.8 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:02:03, Vrteo.mp4) [play once] [loop]
US military, a den of deviants
>WATCH: U.S. Army releases a new recruitment ad that highlights an LGBTQ parade, a lesbian wedding, and woman with two moms who joined the Army to "shatter stereotypes"
https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1392645658386046977 [Embed]
Trying to appeal to the growing tranny fag youth to become automated ZOGBots, they always find a new way to get people to die for their "holy" war.
>Donald Trump Jr.: Conservatives Girls vs. Liberal Girls
>degenerate to the core
File (hide): 142F9C024548A3808CB70C1EB02A6AD4-1223024.mp4 (1.2 MB, Resolution:426x240 Length:00:00:31, Renee Times.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Renee Times.mp4
>Woman Shocked By Woke Books In Baby Section At Barnes and Noble
>Yes, if you go into your local Barnes and Noble, you will find this garbage on prominent display. They will usually have a display full of “antiracist” books Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility and Ibram X. Kendi’s How To Be An Antiracist out front. There are also books like this in the kids section.
>It is never too early to start to teaching your kid how to protest for social justice or why they should hate themselves for being White or why they should resent men or why they are “trans.” Wokeness is a pseudo-religion for college-educated professionals who are atheists. This is their equivalent of devotional literature. The same stores have large sections for Christian books here in the South.
308667 308668
>Space Force Officer Relieved After Denouncing Marxism, Critical Race Theory in Military
>A U.S. Space Force commanding officer was removed from his post after publishing a book that warned of the spread of Marxism and critical race theory in the military.
>The Space Force confirmed that it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former instructor and fighter pilot, as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron.
>“Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Space Operations Command commander, relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier of command of the 11th Space Warning Squadron, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, May 14, due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead,” the Space Force said in a statement to various news outlets over the weekend.
>Those numbers
Hope the book sells a good number of copies.
>Hope the book sells a good number of copies.
Wish granted.

>Space Force Officer’s Book on Marxism in the Military Reaches No. 1 on Amazon After He’s Relieved
>Donater Cuckold JEW-noir complaining about lib wymynz
Oh that's real news, ain't it? Since all of Donald's half-kike progeny married full or half jews of their own (((free will))) it's such a great investment to marry into aristocratic big goi shekels? Maximum cuckservative on full display.
>Wish granted.
Good to see folks taking care of their own.
https://twitter.com/AF_Academy/status/1395072007075733515 [Embed]
>NYC Education Dept. Sponsors Drag Queen PBS Series for Children Ages 3-8
>The New York City Department of Education is taking heat after revelations that it sponsored a drag queen video series aimed at 3 to 8-year-old children.
>The series, titled “Let’s Learn,” features a drag queen going by the name “Lil Miss Hot Mess.” The drag queen, née Harris David Harris, is a media personality from San Francisco, California, and bills himself as one of the first drag queens to host a reading hour for kids.
>Lockheed Martin Sends Executives to Three-Day Marxist Reeducation Camp to Deconstruct ‘White Male Culture’
>Lockheed Martin, the largest defense contractor in the U.S., recently sent executives to a three-day camp where they were immersed with marxist anti-white propaganda, researcher Christopher Rufo has discovered.
https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1397627960052502528 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1397628808220475392 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1397629483012616193 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1397632811557740545 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1397634636214194176 [Embed]
>still can't answer questions honestly without resorting to outright lies & propaganda
I was responding to outright lies and propaganda, ackshually :^)
>more gaslighting
>more deflection
>more arguments from !!woke!! kike authority
what, Staffordshire? they're not that bad, come on
>more pandering to false witnesses
by saying that most witness testimonies were false? oh yes, forgive me, truly the height of dicksucking on my part.
>inability to comprehend basic logic without emotionally screeching "B-B-B-BUT WE R DA GEWD KIKEZ"
well clearly if I was logical I'd accept all your premises without so much as a doubt. that's obviously the whole point of the 21 questions, you aren't actually meant to think they have an answer, you're meant to be super logical about it which means never thinking about it again and just assuming that something never happened because you didn't see it with your own two eyes. is there a massively unfair bias against the investigation of your historical claims? yes, absolutely, but that doesn't change the fact that you could be presenting your arguments a HELL of a lot better than this. at the very least start using actually good infographics, and not facebook-tier garbage.
[CITATIONS & PROOF NEEDED]. Don't tu quoque. You have not provided an iota of logic as to why (((Your))) position is the correct one.... other than emotionally charged screeching. Wait your turn in line, mutt.
A follow up:

>MSNBC: Sen. Cruz Shares Far-Right Russian Propaganda Video To Attack Military
>Even if it were true and it was the Russians who successfully ridiculed Emma’s Calling, wouldn’t the implication be that woke progressivism is a national security threat? It would mean that Russia sees the proliferation of wokeness in the U.S. military as a vulnerability, right?
>Joe Biden’s military is actively recruiting women with two mothers and trans girls while simultaneously purging “domestic extremists” who tend to be White men with traditionalist views who have been the backbone of the U.S. military for centuries. What kind of message does it send to the troops that you can be fired for “liking” the wrong post, but supporting Black Lives Matter is permitted?
>Is it Russia’s fault that the Pentagon has embraced wokeness and transgenderism? Are the Russians behind the proliferation of critical social justice theory throughout all American institutions? Did the Russians force the Pentagon to rename U.S. military bases named after Confederates or to purge the tough guys with Confederate flag tattoos and replace them with trans women?
>Maybe it was our own degenerate professional-managerial class who adopted these stupid beliefs and who are imposing them on American institutions whether it is the military or the banks? We’re invited by the political establishment to stand up and applaud and agree with their ideology.
https://twitter.com/tedcruz/status/1395394254969753601 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/AC360/status/1395908029724364800 [Embed]
[YouTube] Sen. Cruz Shares Far-Right Russian Propaganda Video To Attack Military [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEnxmzqXJN8 [Embed]
>Loudoun County School Board just put a school teacher on administrative leave for stating he would not teach LGBTQ because it violates his Christian principles.
https://twitter.com/imichaelsmiller/status/1398005991795572736 [Embed]
>Nick Fuentes best monologue ever - US Government HATES White People
https://www.bitchute.com/video/hnLJ7GiG2Gis/ [Embed]
A friend of mine just got fucked over by diversity and he's ready to know the truth. Where do I begin?
deep end. otherwise you'll lose the momentum from the instigating incident and he'll end up slowing down to the point that he gets stuck at a Sargon-tier understanding and never going further. sit him down for the longest session possible and tell him everything, from beginning to end, go chronological, go in depth. get it with a hole in one, or risk losing the chance forever if you don't. that's my experience, good luck.
Yale Lecture Psychiatrist Fantasizes About Unloading Revolver Into The Head Of White People.mp4
Yale Lecture Psychiatrist Fantasizes About Unloading Revolver Into The Head Of White People.
Anti-Whiteness is an institutionalized part of the establishment. Lectures at ivy league schools now calls for violence against White people / people of European descent.

>Psycho Psychologist Tells Yale Audience She Fantasizes About “Unloading a Revolver Into the Head of Any White Person That Got in My Way”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccqWmnWh2MU [Embed]

>NYC shrink tells Yale audience she fantasizes about shooting white people in head
You work for me. I dont work for you. - Mother takes teachers to the cleaners.mp4
>Mom in Carmel NY fights back against teaching critical race theory as board tries to tone police her
>"You work for me. I don't work for you." - Mother takes communist teachers to the cleaners
[YouTube] Mom in Carmel NY fights back against teaching critical race theory as board tries to tone police her [Embed]
https://www.bitchute.com/video/cdVnst6dOyET/ [Embed]

Clip attached.
>Nick Fuentes The System Hates White People - What's To Come
https://www.bitchute.com/video/Awez9SMkk7v0/ [Embed]
A deep look into the future and an unavoidable race war for survival.
Libs of Tik Tok - You know when you hate someone without even meeting them Yeah.mp4
We have a progressive mental health crisis in this country.
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1401676850653446151 [Embed]
>Academic Journal Publishes Paper Calling Whiteness a “Malignant, Parasitic-Like Condition” For Which There is “Not Yet a Permanent Cure”
>Battalion Commander Reportedly Tells Troops "White People Are Part Of The Problem"
>Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Rhodes, commander of the 1-8 Infantry – “Fighting Eagles“, has a message for all serving in the military: if you’re white, you’re the problem.
>It was recently discovered that Rhodes, who holds a position of authority and responsibility, runs a private, “woke,” left-wing Twitter account under the name “Dru.”

>Nick Fuentes || The prelude to White Genocide
>Clip from America First Ep. 828", which aired 11th of June 2021
https://www.bitchute.com/video/vAyVsOpfJALg/ [Embed]

310454 310456
Do yourself a favor and read the rest of that page for the context, stop trying to mamaguy your fellow backward ingrates.
who started capitalism, was it the jo0s? or the juice? Orange juice?
I assume you already took the injection. So, it is just a matter of time.
Well for a moment of respite before your self initiated suicide by poor choices.
You can click this spoiler and mayhaps gain enlightenment. I made this post for you, but you're running out of time. Do the ones you tirelessly work to achieve their agendas actually care about you?
I put alot of care into this post. I know you'll think this as cruel and that's fine.
What would you like to say? I understand you don't wish to be any of our friend especially not my friend, but as kindness they won't extend just whisper it and I'll hear.
Islam is anti white, fuck Islam
The quran says "nothing holds birds aloft but Allah" and that's fucking retarded. Everyone knows how aviation works. Or at least kmows the basics of it. Muslims have shit for brains. It's typical that the first muslim and the biggest reason besides genetics that all muslims are rotten to the core would take credit for the flight of birds instead of seeking to understand it and invent flying machines. Maybe if humans were only allowed to use inventions their race invented we'd all be better off. No niggers or chinkommies on the internet, no muslims flying planes into buildings or swarming nations in inflatable dinghies.
>'Even North Korea Is Not This Nuts': North Korean Defector On Graduating From Ivy League University
>North Korean defector Yeonmi Park, who escaped from North Korea at age 13 and recently graduated from Columbia University, says the dominant anti-white "woke" ideology in America is crazier and more oppressive than the state ideology in her home country.
>After detailing to Fox News how she was taught in school from an early age in North Korea to hate "American bastards," Park said that at Columbia University "literally every professor was saying that the problems we have in today's world is because of white men."
[YouTube] North Korean defector compares Ivy League campuses to living under Kim regime [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFlHNkxj6qA [Embed]
>Merrick Garland Perpetuates The Government’s Psy Op Against White People
>The Swamp Is Communist Red, And Its Enemies Are White
>Joe Biden regime attorney general Merrick Garland said with a straight face that white racial extremists are the biggest “domestic violent extremist threat” in America, doubling down on the years-long anti-white Psy Op pushed by the political class in Washington, D.C.
https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1404823044720300032 [Embed]

He does this because of consumerism and privately owned media, you fucking boomer
File (hide): F3A569AF046AA65A6727FBDD1117628C-13391959.mp4 (12.8 MB, Resolution:640x368 Length:00:04:52, Gen-Z-Woke.mp4) [play once] [loop]
How to Defeat Critical Race Theory.
Empower your kids to stand up to “authority”.
>Amazing School Girl Speaks Out Against Woke School Board Hypocrisy
>You will be AMAZED at the eloquence of this 9 year old school girl pointing out the hypocrisy of her woke Lakeville Minnesota school district.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-WIHdmj-Cs [Embed]
>Nellis Air Force Base Hosts First-Ever Drag Queen Show: ‘Essential to the Morale, Readiness’
>The Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada recently hosted its first-ever drag queen show at one of its on-base dining and entertainment clubs, according a base spokesperson.
>Nellis Air Force Base is home to the service’s Warfare Center where Air Force pilots undergo the most demanding advanced air combat training in the country. “The crews do not come to learn how to fly, but instead how to be the best combat aviators in the world,” the base website said.
https://twitter.com/BravoKiloActual/status/1405917447010492418 [Embed]
Man UNLOADS on school board for attempting to censor speech from fed-up parents.mp4
>Man UNLOADS on school board for attempting to censor speech from fed-up parents
>If YOU have problems with your kids school board, HIRE THIS GUY. Your kids will learn more in two minutes than they will getting indoctrinated otherwise.
The actual smart take is that critical race theory is great and these programmed boomer replies are the worst thing possible. You want whites being told day in and day out how much they're hated, every single white person should be subjected to this, and the only braindead reply they have to it is the same "the demonrats are the REAL racists :((((((" nigger shit that doesn't address anything. It's not "woke" it's anti-white. It's not "woke" it's jewish
311118 311119
"Anti-white" is just on the brinck of going mainstream right about now, i suggest we should probably start by pushing something more acceptable for normies later on concerning the tiny-hats, what about "racist jews"?, we wanna start slowly with this.
Interesting thought Mexibro. I Dont think the normies will accept the Term "Racist jews" Though. as they have been conditioned to associate racism with White People.
311137 311167
>"racist jews"
This is actually a good wedge to push. Bring up Israeli-occupied Palestine and Jewish nationalism at every opportunity.
>Bring up Israeli-occupied Palestine and Jewish nationalism at every opportunity.
This Could Work. Also Free Palestine.
311168 311235 311237 311530
>Strong reaction from Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley on the issue of critical race theory before House Armed Services.
>"I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States military, our general officers, our noncommisioned officers of being quote 'woke'"
https://twitter.com/dave_brown24/status/1407745748909838343 [Embed]
Just mention the "price-tag" hate crimes.
Cucks,Every Last one of them.
I'm Not Familiar with that. Can i get a basic gestalt?
It's a type of hate crime in Israel targeting strictly targeting: Palestinians, Arabs, Christians and non-Jews that, and I quote "exact a price from local Palestinians for any action taken against their settlement enterprise", a noteable one is in 2015 where the Church of the Multiplication was burned down and had the words "The false gods will be eliminated" spray-painted on the walls.

Image provided is from a 2014 attack where Israeli settlers spray-painted "Jews Wake Up!", "Death to Arabs!" and "Revenge!" On the home of a Palestinian outside of the Ma'ale Levona settlement.
>a noteable one is in 2015 where the Church of the Multiplication was burned down and had the words "The false gods will be eliminated" spray-painted on the walls.
The Israeli government has literally no care that these crimes happen and often the offenders go unidentified, they've been happening since 2008 and around 90% of them remain unsolved.
Filthy Heebs
I feel 'ya
311183 311249 311252 311258
>Tucker Carlson Doubles Down, Says Critical Race Theory Is Anti-White Racism, Not Just Generic ‘Racism’
>Carlson cuts to the truth many self-avowed "anti-CRT" activists have been trying to obscure
>“So Chris Rufo is a researcher & he dared to expose Critical Race Theory for what it is, it’s Anti-White Racism, obviously,” Carlson said Tuesday while introducing a segment with an anti-CRT advocate. The Fox News host added, “This is really sick, and it’s a complete dead end that will tank the country if we allow it to continue.”
https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1407523746051772419 [Embed]

So far, so good until the digging of the guest Chris Rufo begins:

>WTF: Critical Race Theory Opponent Christopher Rufo Endorses the Demographic Collapse of America
>Conservative Inc. operative Christopher Rufo appeared on a podcast where he endorsed the demographic collapse of America.
>The operative, who has risen to prominence for exposing critical race theory, made comments that do not serve to differentiate him much from an average liberal.
>“I think that there’s two things that for critical race theorists drives them crazy, one is interracial marriage. I think that interracial marriage is a sign of progress,” said Rufo, himself a part of an interracial marriage.
>Big League Politics has reported on Rufo’s emergence as a gatekeeper meant to keep opponents of critical race theory from really defending their interests and changing the trajectory of the country:
>“In recent months, there has been a groundswell of grassroots momentum building in opposition to Critical Race Theory (CRT), the anti-white Marxist curriculum being pushed in school systems nationwide.
>So, naturally, Conservative Inc. is coming to co-opt this groundswell and keep Republicans from actually deriding CRT in the strong terms that would actually resonate with the general public…
>Recent posts by Rufo indicate he lacks the courage to explain that CRT has been constructed as a blood libel against white people for the purposes of justifying violence against them, which very well may result in genocide…
https://twitter.com/ScottMGreer/status/1407811893637619718 [Embed]
311184 311218
Something doesn't feel right. Why all of a sudden is (((Fox news))) Talking about (((CRT)))?
311185 311218
>Something doesn't feel right.
The UFOs, the election audits, and the rest of distracting psyops failed to get traction, but children directly indoctrinated in schools hit a sore spot in the White normies. This is a massive grassroot blowback to ZOG's plans for White Genocide with unpredictable consequences.
I think (((FOX))) got its marching orders to try to manage the crisis by subverting White indentitarianism with appeals for individualism and obsolete ideas of civil nationalism.
This might be a "Pressure Release" OP.
311209 311223
>"Pressure Release"
Certainly, as White normies don't realize that are being ethnically cleansed because of their "anti-racist" brainwashing, now they found out that no matter how hard they tried to run their programming, they still are racists and oppressors, and this enrage them.
This situation has 2 possible angles:
1- ZOG is priming Whites to be victims of violent genocide at hands of everybody but over played its hand forcing Whites to close ranks as a defensive move.
2- Exactly the above and ZOG indeed expects Whites to collectivize in order to launch the military to smash White self determination and defence.
Either way, both scenarios are aligned with the policy of to cause maximum chaos when the economy comes crashing down and the sheeple will beg for daddy government to come to the rescue.
311212 311215
The Future Seems very bleak. Maybe we deserve this after what Zog did do Serbia in 99.
https://youtu.be/w_f4uLTKalE [Embed]
If you're willing to let yourself be clubbed to death by a pack of wild niggers while Muslims rape your daughter then you do that, doesn't mean everyone else has to let it happen to them because you feel guilty.
Doomer mindset. If you're going to go down, go down kicking and screaming covered in blood and piss.
311246 311255
1572657882477 (1).jpg
Trump brought it up to the mainstream just before he left office, can't honestly tell why, besides maybe to try to rally much needed support for the election.
>I think (((FOX))) got its marching orders to try to manage the crisis by subverting White indentitarianism with appeals for individualism and obsolete ideas of civil nationalism.

Whenever a white person does something to a minority, it's the fault of the entire white community, he's not an individual, and the POC's must act as a collective and demand justice, or else.

When a nig or some other minority does something to a white person, the nig IS an individual, and the fault is isolated to this individual, whites are required to react as individuals.

It's so simple to spot, and yet so hard to publicly acknowledge.
Yea you guys are right, i need to change my mindset. i spiral into doomerism fairly easy.
Third option: constant divide and conquer. Think of what happened with the Tea Party: was fully zogged in <10 months, "leaders" began instantly selling out by whiteknighting for the NRA and for select republican politicos. After the Tea Party came dozens of 'home grown' movements. Miraculously, none of those exist now except as constantly splintering micro-factions since they consistently blame each OTHER instead of acknowledging what the real threats were and are.

This same tactic is how World War 1 and World War Jew were 'won' by the (((allies))): create propaganda to divide once, then twice, then four times, eight, sixteen...
311239 311530
Oh boy, this shit is heating up fast.

>Tucker Carlson
>“Milley Got the Job Because He Knows How to Suck Up… He’s Not Just a Pig, He’s Stupid” – Tucker Carlson UNLOADS on Gen. Mark Milley
>The leaders of the US military under Biden are unhinged and frightening, not to our enemies but to Americans.
>They are pushing the crazed critical race theory among the troops instead of reiterating the proud history of a great nation. They brag about reading Karl Marx.
>Tucker slammed the crackpot general as “stupid” and “unimpressive.”
Video: https://rumble.com/vj0dm3-tucker-carlson-unloads-on-mark-milley-hes-not-just-a-pig-hes-stupid.html
311239 311530
>"I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States military, our general officers, our noncommisioned officers of being quote 'woke'"

>U.S. Air Force Academy
>Academy kicks off Transgender Working Group, hopes to achieve a smooth rollout of new @WhiteHouse and @DeptofDefense policy.
https://twitter.com/AF_Academy/status/1395072007075733515 [Embed]
How long until Tucker's "Suicide"?
China must love this.
311249 311283
>Nick Fuentes: The deliberately misguided fight against CRT
>Clip from "America First Ep. 836", which aired 23rd of June 2021
https://www.bitchute.com/video/79o21LUS3IVs/ [Embed]
Clearing the deliberate obfuscation up to call it for what it is; Critical Race Theory is anti-White hatred.
Im not sure how trump would benefit from bringing that upthough.
Unfortunately, you are right on this one i think.
311251 311252 311539
/mlpol/ and Nick fuentes blown out for saying CRT is Anti White by a Fat raging cunt who larps as a doctor on youtube.
https://twitter.com/_HB2014/status/1406643249821847557 [Embed]
[YouTube] Late night reaction: Proof that a white power movement is attaching itself to the anti-CRT movement [Embed]
>Karlyn Borysenko
For everyponer information, this Karlyn femoid is the same who made public the news about Coca-Cola brainwashing its employees with anti-White hatred, see: >>301887
Because the attention gathered, she jumped ship from the anti-White liberal train to the "anti-racist" Conservative Inc. one.
I read somewhere that she was even joining with (((Prager U))) gatekeepers to mold the Conservative Inc. narrative.
There is around a picture of her posing with democrat politician Pete Buttigieg before she jumped ship demonstrating that she is an anti-White subversive now larping like a conservative.
Currently she is trying to disseminate the Conservative Inc. narrative that the White Identitarian Movement is bad and "dangerous" and that CRT is racist but not anti-White.
>Christopher Rufo
>Karlyn Borysenko

Here an explanation of what's going on:
>Conservative Inc. Operatives Attempt to Sabotage the Rising Movement to Oppose Anti-White Critical Race Theory
>In recent months, there has been a groundswell of grassroots momentum building in opposition to Critical Race Theory (CRT), the anti-white Marxist curriculum being pushed in school systems nationwide.
>So, naturally, Conservative Inc. is coming to co-opt this groundswell and keep Republicans from actually deriding CRT in the strong terms that would actually resonate with the general public.
>Commentator Karlyn Borysenko recently released a video where she argued that honestly explaining CRT helps white nationalists so conservatives should be softer and more equivocating when describing the phenomenon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh0EMfjhqzM [Embed]
https://twitter.com/DrKarlynB/status/1406618460428378120 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/DrKarlynB/status/1406620125890023435 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/ScottMGreer/status/1407205852415762435 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1407009396350021632 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1407012557752127490 [Embed]
311254 311282 311539
>There is around a picture of her posing with democrat politician Pete Buttigieg before she jumped ship demonstrating that she is an anti-White subversive now larping like a conservative.
Here it is.
311282 311539
Another for the collection.
>Ethnic Cleansing Brainstorm
This meme needs to develop and spread wide and far.
It has HUGE potential.
File (hide): A3AE88B7963D5693794B9AB05C3F266A-15854431.mp4 (15.1 MB, Resolution:852x480 Length:00:07:53, eDIT.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>Critical Race Theory Opponent Christopher Rufo Endorses the Demographic Collapse of America
Martinez Perspective's comment.
She is not an attractive women what so ever. She Litterally looks like the Female DSP.
https://twitter.com/QuarantinedCoof/status/1407457950046773257 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/QuarantinedCoof/status/1407732933784391680 [Embed]
i thought this was too funny not to post.

Shit, I just had to come here and be reminded that the world is fucking burning and no one gives a shit.
Oh well, I was starting to wane in my fervor anyway.
Texas Teacher Calls for Colleagues to Break the Law to Teach CRT ‘In the Past We’ve Been Activists’.mp4
Texas Teacher Calls for Colleagues to Break the Law to Teach CRT: ‘In the Past We’ve Been Activists’.
311428 311437

>“This is Bull Sh*t” – Iowa Teacher Fumes She Can’t Teach Marxist CRT in Her Classroom, ‘We Need to Tear the Systems Down’ (VIDEO)
>An Iowa teacher and admitted left-wing activist fumed that she can’t teach Critical Race Theory (CRT) to her students in the fall because Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signed legislation banning the teaching of the Marxist curriculum in schools.
>Megan Geha, a special education teacher at Des Moines High School aired her grievances on TikTok (of course) where she goes by the name “Ms. Magoo.”
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1407760951554805760 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1407763586802458626 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1407765135113035777 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1407772034344665094 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1407775704972992515 [Embed]
311431 311435
Not sure if Jewish, but definitely Jewed.
Look at the curly hair and the nose, totally Jewish
>Curly hair
>Big shnoze
>Beady rat like eyes
90% sure she's a J. if i could see her ears it would most likley be 100%
311438 311439
I'm not sure what's more horrifying: the fact that this bitch believes teaching racism disguised as not-racism is okay, or the fact that she believes racism disguised as not-racism is okay. What kind of mind can look at this and think it's okay? Jew fuckery aside, this blows my mind, it's just so stupid.
"sometimes i stood there Thunderstruck"-Adolf Hitler
all races must work together to make europe and america non-white.jpg
loxism - (03).jpg
loxism is the hatred of whites by jews.jpg
why the jews want foreigners to live here.jpg
>What kind of mind can look at this and think it's okay?
>Jew fuckery aside, this blows my mind, it's just so stupid.
It makes perfectly sense when you look behind the rationalizations and intellectual gymnastics (obfuscation): It is plain and unadulterated Loxism.
I have jewish ancestry but that second image is so fucking based...Imagine if Trump had confiscated all jewish owned corporations like big tech, coca cola, hollywood whatever, outlawed jews in government and business and ended the Federal Reserve all in one term...is this a fantasy that will never come true?
Stop whining bitching and posting ponies on the internet and run for office...running for office of anything is easy as fuck for menial jobs and you"ll get paid..white people deserve to get paid by the government for how much we pay in taxes nevermind that we will be fighting for white causes and protecting the America we miss and love.

Run for school board, run for comptroller, run for anything...just get in the government at the local level so we can nullify the Federal Government.. it's clear that voting in Federal Elections is pointless, they have garnered too much power and control.. The founders gave us the opportunity to take back this country if the Feds ever got out of hand, we just need to look at the constitution and fight for it.
>stop posting ponies on the internet
Is that you Bobby Fischer?
That does sound like something he would say.
311492 311505 311530
>Why 'Woke' Generals Are A THREAT TO US ALL
>Saagar Enjeti dives into the problems with the military going woke and why the Capitol riot happened in the first place.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BhVBrgjl2A [Embed]
It's fucking obvious that if generals prioritize anything other than functionality the thing they're supposed to be protecting will be put at greater risk.
The military is not a fucking charity.
R.I.P Bobby
He was one of the Good Ones.
>inb4 theres no Good Jews
Shit Like This Makes me wish that the nukes dropped back in the 60's
Most of the Jews that exposed their tribe were Mischlings (Bobby too) so I'm guessing the split between goy and Jew blood. I mean hell even the author of 'The Thirteenth Tribe' was a Mischling, and that was the original exposure of western Jewry as descendant from the Khazars.
>Outrageous! Here’s a Look at the Shocking White Privilege, Gender Equity Lesson Plans Used To Indoctrinate Your Kids
>Parents may not be able to vet or opt out of the social justice, ideologically skewed educational regimen being taught nationwide in K-12 classrooms.
>But thousands of lesson plans designed to instill students with a gender-fluid, racist, anti-American ideology are available for review at TeachersPayTeachers.com, a site allowing teachers to sell and share educational programs.
>According to the Teachers Pay Teachers website, TpT “is the go-to place for over 85% of U.S. educators to find teacher-created, teacher-tested classroom resources” and “has grown to reach over 5 million educators.”
>The site contains 5,552 lesson plans to nurture students on the tenets of Black Lives Matter, 3,712 on critical race, 166 on white privilege, and dozens of gender equity lesson plans.
Enemy site: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/
File (hide): 7F764DEFBBAE9136A382F64A36216D11-1262726.mp4 (1.2 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:01:03, Questioning.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Even The Military Is Questioning Why They Aren't Doing Anything.
That actually is a very salient point. Didn't Hitler also have Some mischlings helping him?
311536 311537
Hitler had a fair bit of Mischlings working for him, the most famous being Field Marshall Erhard Milch, who was born to a Jewish father and white mother, he was reclassified under the law as 'Aryan' by Hitler himself.
>Hitler had a fair bit of Mischlings working for him
As I know, his personal driver was a kike. On the other hand 150,000 kikes were fighting for the Reich in the Wehrmacht.
I Wouldn't go so far as to call him Aryan. But according to Jewish law he's not like them as the "Jew" blood Goes through the Matrilineal line.
311541 311625
Won’t S.body Please Think of the Nonwhite Children; Clear Example of the False Right-Left Dichotomy.mp4
>Karlyn Borysenko

>Won’t Somebody Please Think of the Non-white Children; Clear Example of the False Right-Left Dichotomy
There is not Left vs Right, but Pro-White vs Anti-White.
I'm just saying what Hitler decided, take it up with him.
Who is the guy ripping this Fat Hog apart in this clip? Guy Sounds Based.
Kek i wish i could
Jason Köhne aka "No White Guilt".
Ah No More white guilt, i think i've seen some of his stuff before.
File (hide): 0CE6420585F6C3BBA7DB315290CA8C83-413048.webm (403.4 KB, Resolution:990x720 Length:00:00:19, NFL releases Pride commercial... - YouTube.webm) [play once] [loop]
NFL releases Pride commercial... - YouTube.webm
File (hide): AF413E7AE3D69EC2FF9458FDAAE604DB-675140.webm (659.3 KB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:30, Football is for everyone - YouTube.webm) [play once] [loop]
Football is for everyone - YouTube.webm
NFL releases homosexual pride commercial
>Football is for everyone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8pqjBYABXk [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5iRKWAeGCg [Embed]
File (hide): 202E4CE0107DDAB8099036DF87C71A2E-3122905.mp4 (3.0 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:01:11, This lady is mentally ill.mp4) [play once] [loop]
This lady is mentally ill.mp4
>Karlyn Borysenko
Showing her commie nature.
First off all this Dumb little piggy is an attention Whore.Two She has an annoying dyke hair cut that i really fucking hate.Three she is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside.Safe to say she is a troglodyte and a terrible person.
File (hide): 56CC9D91BA05DFFC8BAEDF58F6108CA4-2078937.mp4 (2.0 MB, Resolution:848x464 Length:00:00:50, Trans Lieutenant Colonel.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Trans Lieutenant Colonel.mp4
The US Military Just Released This Video Of A Trans Lieutenant Colonel To Prove How WOKE they are.
Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram, is an active duty astronautical engineer in the US Air Force.
>Navy Unit Forced to Take Part in Mandatory ‘Diversity Hike’ Waving LGBT Flags
>American flag nowhere to be seen.
https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1409996088581529606 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1409996088581529606 [Embed]
311822 311831
Its Over for us boys.Holy Shit Russia and China are going to Fuck us.
311825 311898
Why would jewish russia invade the jewish USA?
I dunno, why would two governments run by Jews have goyim engage in massacring each other in the thousands over a war that was forced upon them by said Jews looking to sew division and have goyim kill each other for their amusement?
>Its Over for us boys.Holy Shit Russia and China are going to Fuck us.
Don't believe the propaganda.
None of them want war with America because it doesn't make any sense. America is on purpose collapsing because of the jewry's policies, it is by design. It is America poking them, not the other way around.
Look it this way, the jewry transferred most of the American industrial capacity together with technology to China, it doesn't make sense for them to destroy or cripple their new industrial hub. As Trump showed, the conflict is because America wants dictate terms of commerce to China, which China naturally refused because is a blatant interference to their sovereignty.
In the case of Russia, what America is doing is trying hard to create a flash point in Europe and fight Russia until the last European alive, a repeat of the recipe used in WW1 and WW2. The goal is the same than in the 90s, to fracture Russia in small pieces and ransack its natural resources.

Russia is half jewish, dumbass. We would have gone full anal if Navalny got a chance to replace Putin. Luckily he now sits in jail. Putin ordered to block twitter and facebook since it was the main source of Navalny propaganda but nothing happened.
Moreover, fucking russian media is currupt and soon I will be forced to take a fucking vaccine because it's fucking inevitible.
Dickhead Penn State Professor Says Whites Are Dumb.mp4
>Penn State professor teaches straight up racism…
>Cost to attend Penn State per year is $53,364.
https://twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1413194375551721475 [Embed]
Also another performance of this anti-white is in the clip attached.

>Hollywood’s White Liberals Created Their Own Destruction
>Blacks and Transgendered have taken over Hollywood. Who supplied the money to fund them and put them in charge?
>From the London Daily Mail:
>A revolution is under way. White actors are being fired. Edicts from studio bosses make it clear that only minorities – racial and sexual – can be given jobs.
>A new wave of what has been termed by some as anti-white prejudice is causing writers, directors and producers to fear they will never work again. One described the current atmosphere as ‘more toxic than Chernobyl’, with leading actors afraid to speak out amid concern they will be labelled racist.
312548 312553 312577
Are cigarretes anti white? They seem jewish. Something inherently unhealthy pushed onto the ignorant masses by hollywood and jewish marketing as a "luxury".
It's incredibly hard to trace the history of cigarettes as there's like 20 different stories about where they come from originally, some people say it was the US, some say it was the UK, some say it was Turkey. Hell there's a million differing stories about the origins of the first commercially produced cigarette in general. No one knows, so I wouldn't say that they're Jewish when there's no real definitive answer.
I don't know if cigarettes are inherently kiked, but such a profitable industry must have hooked noses at the top. So my advice to anyone who is going to smoke would be to buy from a goy-owned company, at least.
It would be fucked up if the left started paying people to smoke around those they hate. They could stand around on your daily commute and poison the air for everyone around them and get away with it until the whites who banned kinder eggs recognize why cigarretes need a ban.

inb4 some faggot says
>"but muh personal freedom to be a fagloving homosexual lolbertarian anal degenerate with AIDS and cancer!"
>"but what about the white-owned tobacco farms and e liquid factories trying to compete with jewish megacorps!"
Farm food, not drugs. Fuck weed and fuck smoking. Booze is on thin fucking ice. I'd sooner respect a former alcoholic than a smoker.
>"but we shouldn't want to ban things on principle! The left lacks principles therefore we should adopt all the luxurious principles that prevent us from getting in the left's way! If the left wants to ban things we like, we shouldn't try to ban harmful things that make the jews millions or try to ban communism from schools, we should spread our open minds and spread our open asses and tolerate anything ever!"
No wonder you're defending fags, theoretical faggot.
312576 312578
You do relize how dubious your position on,... well,... anything is, right?
I don't follow.
There is little actual evidence to show that Jews had a hand in the cigarette industry, but they most certainly profited off if it.
Jews don't make things, they just slink their way into industries so long as they make money.
Is this the part where you call me a faggot or the part where you actually make an argument against what I said?
Maybe it'll help if I clarify my position. Laws against rape and unjustified murder make sense for societies that do not want their people raped or unjustly murdered, and want those "criminals" who do undesired things arrested and either locked in a room forever, locked in a building and made to labour for the state, or executed. That is a law, and any law not backed by those with a monopoly violence (or the threat of violence from that monopoly) is a suggestion.

But it's easy to say you're against rape and unjustified murder. What's harder is making the argument that the societal benefit from outlawing something not obviously bad to everybody (like degeneracy and degenerate things) would outweigh any sadness felt by those who love degenerate things. It's hard to make a convincing argument against homosexual relationships and drug abuse.

Alcohol... You could argue it's a good thing. You could say "It's the drink of real men" if you want to be a faggot without good arguments. You could say it's good that people can get drunk and lose some of their inhibitions/coordination/whatever. You could argue laws against public intoxication and drunken driving are better than laws that expressly forbid alcohol, and say speakeasys would rise again if booze was banned and billion-dollar booze megacorps lost their most lucrative markets in the first world.

But smoking? What benefit does cancerous tobacco grant society? Is the tax money from Big Smoke (get it? like Big Pharma) really worth it? How the hell can anyone make a legitimate argument for legalizing smoking, when all it does is harm you, those around you, and any future generations you might spawn? If smoking wasn't already legal, how could you make an argument for legalizing it that doesn't rely on saying something faggy and subjective like "but muh feelings! Real men like *blank* because the TV and I said so! Snickers is for men and Nike is for cool people and cigars are for the coolest people! You're, like, one of those Christians from the movies I watch who thump the bible and want to ban dancing! I like to come home after a long day at work and masturbate to gay porn while smoking tobacco and weed together, who are you to want that delightfully decadent luxury taken away from me? Who are you to call anything I do degenerate, maaaaan"?

You can tell smoking is for faggots because only faggots too weak to quit still smoke in an era where not even the jews can call smoking healthy on TV any more. Smokers want to kill themselves because they've given up on health and their bodies, but they're too cowardly to go out while accomplishing something heroic. So they puff puff puff their own lifespans away and make excuses to avoid confronting the truth and their own mortality. They'd never do something inconvenient for themselves and nice for someone else, like putting in the effort to quit for the sake of others if not themselves. They're basically sucking satan's jewish shlong every time they part their lips and ready their lighter.
>what benefit does smoking...
Not for you to decide. You're welcome to feel its not for you, but youre mot in a position to preach as though to a choir, at least not without correction. I could cite the health benefits of incremental doses of nicotine, which are many, but youve already nailed your argument by dismissing anything you havent already assessed (which in this case is alot).
Tl;dr Youre welcome to be down on smoking. Please designate yourself so I can smoke at you
Smoking is gross and smokers smell bad.
If you could cite any health benefits to smoking tobacco or societal benefits to jewish companies that profit from normalized tobacco addiction you would have done so by now instead of trying to declare yourself the automatic winner of a debate you refuse to partake in. Your tone speaks volumes about your character.
312623 312648
>y you didnt spoonfeed me, so you're wrong
Flail about in ignorance all you like, youve already displayed an overt predisposition to your position that defies counterpoint. It would be a waste of effort to cite anything at this point, since you're not here to discuss, you're here to promote your own position without considering contrary information.
If you want me to take your opinion seriously on such a serious issue you need to make a mature argument.
"fuck you fuck you your tone proves you won't listen to anything I say so you lose. I won't spoonfeed you my feelings" is not something a mature person says.
Stop simping for jewish needledick fags.

Please, give an example of a 'serious, mature' argument then. Ive already cited that you are wrong, biased and proselytizing about nicotine as a chemical (deliberately NOT citing sources because a simple websearch will play that out) and your response has been personal attacks and rhetoric. Again I prompt, please illustrate a mature and serious response.
Would you like me to illustrate the mona lisa, too?
I don't sing on command, not unless I'm being paid.
You can't make a valid defense for something that is entirely negative for the health of society and the individual so you're attacking me.
You can't get me to do whatever you want by bitching about tone. You can't get me to do whatever you want by pointing at me and crying, "Not good enough! Not good enough!"
You are not good enough. You are never good enough. You cannot debate rationally. That is why you constantly seek to turn any argument you don't like into a childish shit-flinging contest. Nobody is impressed with your behaviour. Nobody worth anything is buying your lies. Maybe if I was seven years younger I'd take your bait and try to carry this conversation solo, putting in all the effort while you continue your multi-year quest to jewishly bitch about me and what I say. But I know I have nothing to prove to a jew-loving homosexual shill like you.
If you love smoking, that's an argument against your sanity and merit as a man.
No, a serious mature argument would suffice.
While you're at it, 'health benefits of nocotine' in your search bar would make for a real eye opener.
In the meantime, you should probably educate yourself on the negative effects of smoking which are due entirely to A. Industrial cigarette production (read: chemicals, additives, and artifical substances) and the inhalation of smoke. The latter can only be mitigated with patches, gum, and other stimulation methods, however the former (and statistically the vastly more onerous) is readily mitigated by using additive free native tobacco and either rolling your own cigarettes, or employing a pipe.
That niggers and such are wont to frivolous and unregulated consumption of brand-name, the-additives-are-worse-than-anything, mentholated cigarettes has no bearing on the viability of nicotine as a compound; it can be either declined, used, or abused.
If people behaving degenerately toward a given thing, product, etc. is the basis for your classification of whether something is bad or not (and evidently, without investigation) then youre simply an ignorant ideologue.
Now then. That serious mature response you mentioned? Cuz right now youre wibbling. Also
Literally no one has said anything about tone except you, 3x
Why are you still misusing words to feel smart? I thought you grew out of your cycleposting phase.
My argument (smoking is bad) is supported by the fact that it's impossible to make an argument for smoking. You only love smoking because the jews made you think it's normal. You can't actually defend your point so you're insulting me. Do you think that reality will change if you lie about what's going on to everyone else's faces?
Get a load of this retard.
Im not insulting you though, Im asking for a serious, mature argument. That was what you got unhinged about initially, you said I needed a serious mature argument, and I gave you one. I cited (without links) the health benefits of nicotine. I further desceibed how to mitigate the worst of the consequences of smoking. Have you a refutation? 'Its degenerate' isnt an argument futa boy.
Are you too impotent to accede to your own demands? Make an argument, preferrably without resorting to one of your "Amirite guys?" self-flagellating, confirming-your-own-bias rants?
You know. Go on, you set the goal, I met it, now its your turn. Make an argument.
What if instead of telling me to make multiple arguments in a row and dismissing them smugly you made one so I can smugly dismiss it. Just kidding I'd explain to you why you are wrong to simp for jewish cigarretes. Christ, I bet that if I called pedos gay you'd simp for them just so you can oppose me on that too.
Jesus fucking christ why do you turn every single discussion into internet drama? Why are personal attacks and shit-flinging all you know? Why do you love derailing threads so much? Why do you love making everything about you? Don't you have a hobby?
312689 312693
At this point, if you could make a SINGLE argument it would be a miracle
Scroll up, I already made one. Now it's your turn to make an argument or argue against my one, instead of smugly dismissing what I say and then insisting you are right. You are an arrogant blind pigeon with diarrhea shitting on a chessboard except you have even less reading comprehension. You might find remembering what I said in this thread easier if you ceased attacking me in every thread you still feel welcome in.

I'm surprised you haven't been given that Vril flag back as a badge of shame, hclegend.
You made a point in all that? Please excuse as its so much trouble to sift through all your refuse. For sake of brevity, pmease hone in on your salient points
Look, hclegend, I've been thinking...
You've been at this basically since the site was founded, except you had a grudge against me before that because I once called Starlight Glimmer a poorly written character.
I understand that this permanently made you mad. And I understand that you love making an ass of yourself in each new thread I post in or make until you feel you can't get away with it any more without damaging your reputation within the thread further. Thread derailment is your goal. Lowering the quality of the website is your goal. When you aren't personally attacking me or some other british guy you think is me, you're bitching at Christians and calling them "Cuckstains".
Remember what just happened in the other thread? When I made a post that said "why are raiders raiding this site" and you misread it as "i dont know what soy wojack comics are" and you kept insisting on your own personal reinterpretation of reality is the truth even as the actual truth stared you in the face?
You don't feel like you can stop and apologize when you've made a mistake. I wish those posts weren't deleted because you made an ass of yourself in them and this helped everyone know what your words are worth. I could link to them whenever you attacked me in future threads, because your yapping only ceases when you feel you've embarassed yourself too much to continue.
I understand that you have no other hobbies or goals in your life beyond making a nuisance of yourself in the hopes that somebody will eventually take your side or blame me for your behaviour.


What will it take from me to convince you to stop acting like a butthurt stalking redditor, hclegend? Consider this the offer of an olive branch. What will it take for you to bury your hatchet?
Recommended viewing to reverse degeneracy in a very small way.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJP7LCIG5b0 [Embed]

If you can't handle yourself watch in just audio.
[YouTube] Take the L | Popp Culture [Embed]

[YouTube] LIFE WHEN YOU'RE STUPID | Redonkulas.com [Embed]

[YouTube] THE LONG GAME | Redonkulas.com [Embed]
No, Im really not Hclegend. Throw all your precoditioned salt, its fine. Not the guy, but Ill take one for the team. You silly buffoon.
But, I am wondering if you have an argument about or pertaining to nicotine. Cuz thats what I came in for.
Thats what this was supposed to be about. So, DO you have a point beyond a hateboner? Cuz we're talking about cigarettes. No need to get inflammatory (ha!) about anything.
Are you sure we're still talking about deathsticks? Because you stopped talking about them and starting claiming I am not making an argument, because you're a jew and these jewish lies are your first language. The ball is still in your court. My argument against smoking has been proven right by your ineptitude and absolute inability to argue for smoking. Your idiocy and degeneracy has been proven by your desire to defend smoking. I understand why you'd deny being hclegend despite acting and sounding exactly like him, he's an embarassing redditor who regularly makes pro-LGBTQ anti-white anti-SuperStraight posts on reddit. If I was him I'd deny being him too. But if you don't want to be vril aka hclegend, stop acting like him.
Still waiting on a serious mature argument. You know, citations, references, or something other than your usual vitriol and inability to exchange ideas without attempting to hurl baseless insults, accusations, and rhetoric?
Or should I interpret your failure to do so as a tacit admission that you cant have a rational argument? That would certainly be consistent with your track record.
If you scroll up you'll see the argument I made. Then if you try hard enough, you might be able to reply to what I write... instead of covering your eyes and claiming "You're not making an argument therefore I win you lose bye bye".
Are you literally black?
I see no serious mature arguments. I DO see a whole lot of strawman caricatures of what you dismissively assume someone who doesnt support your premise 'must' think, as well as a whole LOT of insults and paranoid delusions about anyone who doesnt support your premise.
Your lazy thinking leads you to try and lump everyone into categories, and naturally you perceive your premise to be correct. But you have clearly done no research on the topic, resorting instead to reaffirming your own perception of correctness. To you, the idea that you're correct is endemic, and contrary positions are beneath contempt.
Which would be fine, if you could actually argue your point. Now then. Do you HAVE an argument? As a quick refresher, the premise you asserted is that there is npthing good about smoking, and anyone who thinks there is is wrong. I presented the fact that there are numerous health benefots to nicotine.
And then you proceeded to diarrhea all over the thread with every conceivable epithet you could possibly come up with, completely without evidence or cause.
Nigel. Stop being ignorant.
You never want to post honestly and constructively. How tiresome. Would it help you if I spelled my argument out for you in the simplest terms possible?

Me: you cannot make a good argument for smoking because it's so bad.
You: i am not listening so I did not hear you make an argument, you poopyheaded faggot stoopidhead. Haha i win and you smell.
me: but i just made an argument. Take your fingers out of your ears and ass. Reply to my argument constructively instead of bitching about tone or throwing juvenile insults at me.
You: I am still not listening so there hahaha im not listening im not listening

Break the cycle you've trapped yourself in. I am not going to abandon my point just because you do not like my point and do not feel like seriously considering my point. You spiteful contrarian, recognize where your hatred of whites has brought you. You're simping for cancersticks.
312799 312801
You could not have misrepresented the exchange any more fallaciously if you tried. Its quite impressive, in a morbid sense.
312802 312809
Can you actually give a real argument for why smoking is good?
He can't. It's why he's trying so hard to grind this conversation to a halt by refusing to play a constructive role in it.
312805 312807
Stop it. Give a thesis statement on why death sticks are bad so the thread stays on track. Statistics weigh the pros and cons and you'll show your side of the argument.
Just saying it's a jew stick is fine... for a two year old.
Or consider that your basis fpr argument is rooted in wishy washy feelings.
Give the guy some sources because while his repository for miscellaneous facts is decent the going out there to research is lacking.
A curriculum of ugh spoon feeding which is also detrimental but ffs otherwise it's just a cycle of pain over and over again.
Which post is your argument? Your thesis statement. The core of your idea in a sentence or two.
I'll do you one better and sum up my argument in a word or two.

>Smoking's unhealthy.

Good luck making a coherent argument for smoking. Even the weed-loving faggots say "It's stupid that society bans weed but not cigarettes". Of course both probably shouldn't be legal. But smoking's clearly worse. Weed's bad too but in a more subtle way.
Smoking is bad because tobacco is full of tar which is full of harmful and toxic chemicals that damage the lungs, mouth and throat when inhaled, many of which are carcinogens. It's only worse with the crap they put in synthetic cigarettes.
Also it rots teeth and smells bad.
312810 312812 312862
'Good' is a subjective concept, based on opinion. But since you asked nicely
Dude, if I wanted the first few results of a search engine I could have done that myself.
I'm looking at the first three results, but I don't see any real benefits to outweigh the harmful effects of tobacco tar. All of the listed benefits have different treatments.
First of all, none of these articles in the search results I've checked out so far have promoted smoking, they're suggesting potential benefits to nicotine, and slight benefits at that. Several of them have explicitly denounced smoking.

The first result lists as many detriments of nicotine as it does benefits. It also says in its conclusion that smoking causes cancer and is linked to millions of deaths worldwide.
The second one says that smoking is still dangerous and says to use patches instead.
The third result says this:
>Whatever you choose to do, recognize that the benefits of nicotine may not outweigh the risks.
Because it freaking doesn't. All of those listed benefits can be attained through better means, often without even depending on drugs.
The fourth result also lists as many detriments as it does benefits.
The fifth result denounces smoking right off the bat.

Who are you fucking quoting here?
312814 312820
... good job you have a topic not a thesis. What focus is it about that makes it bad.
>Good luck making a coherent argument for smoking.
<Is that a fucking challenge?
<Watch me.
Almost a bit lengthy but you know this isn't the cooledge thesis writing course.
I haven't seen any coherent argument for smoking yet. I've only seen some tabloid articles about the potential benefits of nicotine as a stimulant drug, outside the context of smoking tobacco.
Well yeah they're two bit hacks. It's basically propaganda that's at the core of the messaging because the whole cigarette crazy was based on percieved image, and then addiction.
Mouth cancer a new fad for the ages... that by itself is terrible marketing besides 'they are being honest or something I guess'.
I never said the benefits outweigh the risks. I said that there are health benefits to nicotine.
Shall we start going down the list of things tht have benefits to them but are outweighed by the risks? I could argue that fast food is responsible for a much greater level of ill health effects on society than tobacco. Why isnt that illegal? Fast food is too easy of an example though. But what about energy drinks? One could argue that the risks outweigh the benefits there too, ESPECIALLY in light of the fact that energy drinks are regularly consumed by kids.
The fact of the matter is that it doesnt matter 'why' fast food, smoking, etc. are legal. They are. People have a right to do things that are unhealthy. If a smoker chooses to smoke, thats their prerogative. Whether others choose to appreciate, agree, whtever, that or not is entirely their choice.
However, its arrogant in the extreme to suggest that there is no possible argument in favor of smoking, especially and specificlly because whether to smoke or not is a choice of the individual. As one who smokes, I can think of plenty of benefits I enjoy (not least of which is how buttmad people get) that you probably wouldnt/dont appreciate, and that's fine.
But one should be very careful about presuming to decide for others, especially without a very well formulated argument AND a willingness to respect the fact that people are entitled to make different choices, even (and especially) when they dont agree.
Yeah, there's a lot of bad things out there that people shouldn't be putting in their bodies; that doesn't make tobacco better though: two things can be bad at once.
Fast food is also terrible. I can say the same about energy drinks. Parents really shouldn't allow their kids to eat/drink that stuff as often as they do. People seem to forget that compounds like caffeine are stimulant drugs and psychoactive substances with addictive qualities, although not nearly as addictive as caffeine. The excessive consumption of sugar in our society is having a terrible impact on health as well: human bodies just aren't built to process so much sugar, despite craving it for its scarcity in nature.
>why isn't that illegal
A combination of the fact that it would be impossible to enforce, and that banning things isn't actually the best way to prevent them from happening (see: prohibition). Nicotine was easy to regulate because it's just one thing; even then they didn't ban it: they just raised the legal age to smoke and taxed it to make the habit expensive. Banning it would have only led to prohibition-era bullshit and turn a lot of good people into criminals.
I can only hope we can change society to get people to stop ingesting so much freaking poisonous sugar on a regular basis. I don't advocate for heavier restrictions on them though, because that would be impossible to enforce and would be so wide-reaching that it would just give them government more opportunities to micromanage our lives.

I would say that the detriments of smoking outweigh strongly benefits of nicotine, because most of the benefits of nicotine can be gained without any drugs whatsoever, and the hazardous chemicals in tobacco tar are nothing to scoff at. Tobacco is a poisonous plant that prairie niggers figured out had psychoactive effects when smoked; it's not some miracle drug. Inhaling all of those carcinogen or simply toxic chemicals really isn't worth the slight benefits of one stimulant compound.
Also it smells bad.

I wouldn't say it should be illegal though. Further restrictions on it would only do more harm than good, and I'm not one for overregulation since I value individual freedoms more than I do health.

Pic semi-related.
>Here it is. a Yellow journal thesis of poor quality.
(This is a thesis statement it’s the tldr comes at the end of the intro, this covers three topics about going up in smoke) Smoking is a patricians choice for the hard working responsible people, demonstrable impeccability is clearly evident, a communal responsibility is known by all, and many visible signs of true character.
(Transitions go here fags that’s too much for a shitpost) Many smokers are mere addicts looking for the next hit, but a person of moral standing is a light above the rest. Smoking without proper hygiene has a vastly increased physical defect rate in part by the toxic additives and functionality; to have a clear complexion inside and out in comparison to those that do nothing is a clear sign of taking care of business. As a person of respected standing visually also comes the known subtle reliability of who you are.
Being known as the most morally upheld person in a community is a honor held by actions. A superior smoker has the fortitude to place the community and the self interest aligned at all times by considering the appropriate time and place for all of their actives combined. Everyone in the community can rely on the patrician smoker as they take great heed of all persons. Which all tie into the expression of inner qualities.
True character is demonstrated by consistent acts, a person who smokes for the well being of their soul constantly proves such meritorious acts. Honesty, chastity, an ideal, thoughtful, inner peace, mental fortitude, humor, and humbleness are a few of the many displayed virtues. An honest smoker is a lantern in the dark, easily snuffed out by the cruel shadows yet stand strong in unjust adversity, all know the true nature. They are humble placing others to a high degree of consideration and love for their fellow men as people ought to.
(Conclusion goes here) Just quit while you’re ahead and stick to abdication of a past time of thinkers and wise men.

>No seriously this is just a funny ha-ha response, keep yourself clean, and the superior way forward is to reject the fags.
>If this changed your mind, you have problems maybe.
US Army marine - Remember what you're fighting for - (2021).jpg

Want to know your future.jpg

>Gaslighting: 'White Fragility' author DiAngelo says 'nice' white people are the worst racists, attacks those who disagree
>DiAngelo's latest tome's a hotch-potch of reheated arguments, semantics and revenge. The American writer even turns on those who buy her books and attend her pricey workshops: they're racist and should stop believing they're not!
>Having successfully turned an extended online article into a New York Times bestseller, introduced a previously oblivious audience to the idea of everyday 'white supremacy' and 'white fragility', and made it clear that white women crying is something we should avoid at all costs, Robin DiAngelo's managed to strike gold in the racism business.
312980 312988
You tried your hardest for years and never succeeded. The moral lesson here is, stop simping for jews/faggots/fags/your own irrational grudge towards me and get a hobby. This might be the cultural marxism and anti-white thread, but you're not supposed to be an anti-white cultural marxist here. You aren't supposed to simp for something anti-white like cigarretes.

Whites are supposed to be healthy, therefore cigarretes are anti-white.
>Ontario's Grade 9 Will Be Taught That "Mathematics Has Been Used To Normalize Racism"
>It looks like the post-modern lot has finally reached what many would think to be a sacred science that usurps the boundaries of racism, equality or wokeness: mathematics.
>In Ontario, students in Grade 9 are now being taught about the "subjective" nature of math, including the historical use of math to "normalize racism", according to the Toronto Sun.
>Education Minister Stephen Lecce announced last year that changes in Ontario's curriculum are inclusive of a ‘subjective’ and ‘decolonial’ approach to mathematics, the report says.
312985 312987
Talk about an over-statement. Anything unhealthy at all is specifically anti-white by that metric, and that's a giant category. If only you and your imaginary ghost enemy expended as much energy arguing against alcohol abuse, opioids/prescription drugs, and mass marijuana use you'd make some real headway into solving destructive addictions more than debating the merits of cigarettes. Any one of those is doing more to annihilate whites physically and mentally than cigarettes, cigars, vapes, e-cigs, and what have you.

Fractions enslaved 3/5 of my grandmama.
Does this count as whataboutism? I also hate other bad things but this argument is specifically about smoking and why it's bad. It got kind of retarded though. Hey, do you think retards and people vulnerable to alcohol addiction/abuse shouldn't be allowed to get drunk? Drivers aren't allowed to get drunk because it's dangerous for them to be drunk. Dangerous to themselves and others.
Just because other drugs are bad doesn't mean cigarettes aren't bad.
Two things can be bad at once.
Yes. It is the definition of whataboutism.
312996 313120
>Whites are supposed to be healthy, therefore cigarretes are anti-white
Eh, I wouldn't put that. Cigarettes are unhealthy, but they're not inherently anti-white. They're often marketed to niggers and various other races, and are just generally bad for public health. It hasn't been targeted towards whites disproportionately.
313008 313120
Does it count as "targeting marketing towards whites" if they are marketed in first world formerly-mostly-white nations but rarely if ever in african shitholes?
I think cigarettes are actually marketed towards niggers quite a bit, or at least in the United States. Niggers don't care about their health, and thus are dumb enough to be fooled into buying poison. It's the same reason why McDonald's commercial are full of nogs.
It's honestly partly why the smell of menthol disgusts me so much. So many niggers smoke it and add it to their already-disgusting smoker/nigger smell.
African shitholes don't have massive marketing campaigns, dump addictive substances into those countries and people get addicted. Hardly need to convince anyone to use them. As for the first world, nicotine is not marketed at all. Cigarettes are just made available despite being attacked and people buy them. Alcohol has far more marketing behind it, and little is done about opioids and heroin which are annihilating whites. And many opioids are prescribed specifically to get people addicted to them.

Marijuana is being pushed as a soma for pacification in addition to that. And many still don't think it really has any negative health effect. When it comes to nicotine, no one here has said that cigarettes and other forms of nicotine delivery are good. It's simply that attacking them is pointless.

No smoker pretends that smoking is good for you overall. Ask them in person, they won't sell you that bullshit. But alcoholics live in denial, opioid addicts pretend they aren't addicted, and heroin addicts descend into the dredges of society. Focus your efforts on people whose lives are being destroyed, cigarette smokers all know it isn't healthy.

This is the main problem. If anyone seriously thinks cigarettes are the main product destroying whites and are specifically being sold to them anymore than anything else, they're retarded. Simple as that. Constantly we see drug addicts, the super obese addicted to overeating, and hopeless alcoholics in our media. It's all pushed by our media as well. Cigarettes are a human vice but they don't hold a candle to the destructive nature of most other substances.
>South Africa — The First Country Built on “Critical Race Theory” — Officially Implodes
>South Africa is disintegrating.
>After the jailing of Jacob Zuma, supporters of the former president took to the streets, ostensibly to protest but actually to simply plunder at will. The official death toll already runs into the dozens, but in a country as violent as South Africa (57 murders a day) the real toll will likely never be known for certain.
>The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.
>South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.
>For three decades, South Africa has avoided the calamitous implosion suffered by Zimbabwe. But because it has accepted the same basic assumptions about reality, it will soon suffer the same fate. And if America continues down the same path, the path demanded by anti-white doctrines such as Critical Race Theory and other identity politics hustlers, it too will collapse in turn.
https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1415302929481928706 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/kulanicool/status/1414470052183748609 [Embed]
[YouTube] FARMLANDS (2018) | Official Documentary [Embed]
Found out that EqD is overrun by woke activists the hard way (was banned)
One of my comments was flagged as spam. I mailed the moderator and here is what I've got in return:

Upon careful review of your marked comment, along with a subsequent review of your comment history on the site, you have been banned from commenting on Equestria Daily for promoting several conspiracy theories -- ranging in topic from the insurrection attempt on Janurary 6th 2021, to deneying the existence of systemic racism -- saying bigoted statements, and in general for sounding like a white supremecist trying to couch their language in palatable terms.

This ban is permanent and any appeal attempt will be rejected automatically.

Good day.

what a fitting username for a retard
should bypass the ban to send him picrelated and "the systemic racism in existence is YOURS"
313338 313343
Didn't the name algernon come from some old story about a retard who gets smart, is sad, and chooses a life of wilful ignorance?
313343 313345
I was required to read that in middle school. To this day, idk wtf they were trying to teach me with that...
The story you’re thinking of is named “Flowers for Algernon,” snd no. It doesn’t. It’s a common name used in England, at least in the past.

Algernon Sidney was an English politician and political theorist who played an important role in the execution of Charles I in the English Civil War, and whose writings later influenced John Locke, and the founders of the United States.

Algernon Blackwood was a famous horror fiction writer who wrote “The Willows,” popularized the concept of the Wendigo through his short story of the same name, and was highly influential upon and respected by H.P. Lovecraft.

Algernon Charles Swinburne, while I’d rather not say much about him, was a famous poet and is who the titular character in Daniel Keyes “Flowers for Algernon” is named after.

Algernon West was the Principal Private Secretary of the United Kingdom under Prime Minister William Gladstone, in the reign of Queen Victoria.

I could go on. Here’s a Wikipedia list, with numerous important people and fictional characters named “Algernon” outside of the one short story. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algernon_(name)

They probably thought the Algernovel would implant the "IGNORANCE IS BLISS. KNOWLEDGE IS SIN. EMBRACE MEDIOCRITY. AMBITION IS EVIL. SELF-IMPROVEMENT MEANS NOT BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF. ALL HAIL TALL POPPY SYNDROME" message in you while you're young. If I had a burger for every time media (especially media aimed at kids) pushed that degenerate message I'd have more burgers than America.
Yeah, I guess the book was actually okay, particularly with how the character's perspective and narration changed over time. I just associate it with a particularly crappy teacher and a bunch of trivial meaningless assignments.
Iirc, the character didn't choose to remain ignorant, but his brain deteriorated after the treatment wore off.
>Dallas BLM Group Targets Affluent White Suburb, Demand White Parents Not Send Kids To Ivy League, Let Blacks Take Their Places
>White parents must give up on dreaming big for white children, because this is somehow racist to work hard to provide a better life than what they knew for their progeny.
>The “Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,” were a noble ideal for those white men created the United States of America and hoped law, order, and responsible authority would govern this nation, so each successive generation would know a better tomorrow.
>In 2021, we are now being lectured by non-whites who tell us our prosperity was gained via oppression, so our posterity must be oppressed in the name of social justice.
>We are now governed in all sectors of our life by irresponsible authority, dominated by one unifying theme: anti-whiteness.
Das Rite!
It's time for "anti-racists" White liberals to put their money where their mouth is.
Not a single word in this video makes sense.mp4
Top straightjacket.

>White Privilege
>It is the Church of the Damned: Whites are racist “no matter what” (see rule 10)
This is collective racial psychological abuse, also called Gaslighting 101.
>The Oregonian: Gov. Kate Brown Signed a Law That Allows Oregon Students To Graduate Without Being Able to Read, Write or Do Math
Nick Fuentes on the destruction of White people.mp4
Nick Fuentes on the destruction of White people.
PACT (Parents Against Critical Theory) - LCPS Board meeting 8_10_21, Iranian Christian rock-star tells board in response to the stupid pronoun push to call his kids 'King and Queen' and address him as 'Master'.  This is classic!.mp4
>LCPS Board meeting 8/10/21, Iranian Christian rock-star tells board in response to the stupid pronoun push to call his kids "King and Queen" and address him as "Master". This is classic!
https://twitter.com/PACTstopcrt/status/1425648216700297217 [Embed]
>The Great Parent Revolt
>As overreach in classrooms by progressive school administrators, nonprofits and the federal government has reached new heights, parents are stepping up to fight back.
>Moms for Liberty, Informed Parents of California, EdFirstNC, NJ Parental Rights, No Left Turn in Education and Parents Against Critical Theory are just a few of the hundreds of new parent groups that have emerged across the country in recent months. Many parents have become education activists because of schools’ failure to bring children back into the classroom or their continued imposition of mask mandates.
>Others are engaging because of the content being taught. Whether it’s age-inappropriate sex education, critical race theory, or anti-American history, parents are seeing more of what their children are learning—thanks to COVID’s virtual learning—and they don’t like it. As a result, parents are organizing, speaking out, and pushing back, and they are having a noticeable impact.
>Study Finds Most Parents OK With Government Brainwashing Their Children If It Means Free Babysitting (satire)
>U.S.—A new study has found that the vast majority of parents are OK with the government indoctrinating their children if it means that they get to drop their kids off somewhere for free for seven hours a day.
>According to the data, 92% of parents are "pretty cool" with schools teaching far-left ideas so long as they agree to watch their kids most of the time.
>Bank of America reportedly forces employees to embrace woke ideology – Now, that is a serious threat to democracy. Here’s why
> US capitalism is going through an identity crisis, which is symbolised by the Bank of America Corporation’s decision to undertake the project of indoctrinating its employees with some of the most grotesque ideals of wokeness.
>The Bank of America’s radical re-education programme actually exhorts its staff to become “woke at work,” writes the City Journal, citing documents it obtained from a whistleblower. In practice, being woke at work means acting in accordance with the doctrine and practices promoted by campus social justice warriors, Black Lives Matter activists, and critical and intersectional ideologues.
>The programme of re-educating the staff working at the bank is based on the premise that society is a system of “white supremacy.” It reportedly demands that white employees “decolonise” their minds, which is apparently a euphemism for the instruction of ‘stop thinking for yourself.’ Once employees have subjected themselves to their instructors’ demand for mind control, they are ready to accept the instruction that they should “cede power to people of colour.”

What's the best documentary/memes for explaining white genocide ASAP?
I've met someone recently fucked over by the left, I have a window of opportunity to show him the good shit.
White Identity - Jared Taylor.pdf
The attached book and linked documentary are both pretty good for explaining the jist of it succinctly.
File (hide): D3F8958BDB9F824427380828FD12B479-1726238.mp4 (1.6 MB, Resolution:576x1024 Length:00:00:39, What an annoying, insufferable person.mp4) [play once] [loop]
What an annoying, insufferable person.mp4
TikTok mental illness award goes to…
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1431283433972641793 [Embed]
It worked brilliantly!
Does anyone have any clips of "Afrofuturists" and other black racist saying wacky bullshit?
Like preaching about their rain-dances and voodoo tiki magic, or the historical-revisionist bullshit where they claim they had a moon train (train that takes them to their african moon colony and back) and flying cars but then whitey showed up and destroyed everything out of spite and "stole their science" and went home with it?
I used to have some bookmarked on youtube but when I went to view it, it had been deleted.
>This nut could end up being your child’s teacher and you wouldn’t even find out the craziness they’re teaching until your kid tells you about it. If you aren’t disturbed after watching this, you’re a lunatic. School choice is the civil rights issue of our generation.
https://mobile.twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1427670044826378246 [Embed]


>Peak 2021 — US Gov’t Labels the Constitution, Bill of Rights as ‘Potentially Harmful Content’
>Though the United States has been heading down a dark path for some time, in the last 19 months, we have gone from a slow trickle of tyranny to an outright deluge of fascist totalitarianism. We’ve seen people beaten and arrested for gathering in groups, tasered and assaulted for not wearing a mask, and government pressure to bring back segregation based solely on a person’s health choices. Vaccine passports went from a conspiracy theory in 2020 to a reality in 2021 and now it seems that nothing is off the table.
>As Americans watch from the sidelines as their Australian counterparts become prisoners in their own country, it is only a matter of when, not if, that same police state tyranny comes here. The pandemic and subsequent government reaction has people who once stood against government overreach and the police state now begging for it — to keep them safe.

>Virginia Tech Professor Apologizes For Being A White, Straight Female – Gets Torched By Students
>Campus Reform reported that Dr. Crystal Duncan Lane, who taught human development and family science, has been accused of trying to force her students to address inherent biases and racism through her Human Development 1134 course syllabus.
>“I am a Caucasian cisgender female and first-generation college student from Appalachia who is of Scottish, British, and Norwegian heritage,” said Duncan Lane, whose faculty page on the Virginia Tech has reportedly been deleted.
>“I am married to a cisgender male, and we are middle class,” she added. “While I did not ‘ask’ for the many privileges in my life: I have benefitted [sic] from them and will continue to benefit from them whether I like it or not.”
>Not stopping there, Duncan Lane proceeded to refer to her privilege as an “injustice” and to apologize for the way white people have treated people of color in the past.
>Seven signs your friend or family member has fallen victim to the woke mind virus
>These qualities are:
>Lack of introspection.
>Quickness to anger.
>Nihilist atheism.
>Depression, low self-worth, anxiety.

Fairfax County Schools — Library kept gay pedophilia for kids.
>Stacy Langton, speaks at the September 23, 2021 Fairfax County Public School Board Meeting. She is a parent concerned with the content of books found in the school library. She is interrupted by Board Chair, Stella Pekarsky.
>The clip shows mother-of-six Stacy Langton. Sure enough, Langton was able to check out the two books she had seen other parents protest — “Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison and “Gender Queer: A Memoir” by Maia Kobabe — at the Fairfax High School library.”
>Both of these books include pedophilia,” Langton told the board. “Sex between men and boys … One book describes a fourth-grade boy performing oral sex on an adult male. The other book has detailed illustrations of a man having sex with a boy.”
>Fairfax County Public Schools told Fox News on Friday that both of the books Langton protested at the meeting “will be suspended with immediate effect.”
>“FCPS is in the process of convening two committees made up of staff, students and parents led by our Library Services Coordinator to assess the suitability of both texts for inclusion in our high school libraries,” the district said in a statement. “The recommendation of the committees will be put forward to the Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services who will make a final decision as to whether FCPS continues to provide access to these books in our high school libraries.”
>The school system has a shared library system, meaning middle school students also had access to the books.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Xm4AX25tE [Embed]
>‘Libs of Tik Tok’ Twitter Account Temporarily Suspended for Sharing Emails Appearing to Show Discrimination by DuckDuckGo against White Men
>DuckDuckGo brands itself as a privacy-focused alternative to Google — and has gained massive popularity among conservatives who are increasingly finding themselves to be censored online.
>On Sunday, Libs of Tik Tok tweeted out screenshots that were posted on 4chan of a user saying that they were rejected for a job by DuckDuckGo, but when they applied as a less qualified “black lesbian” they were moved to the second round of interviews.
>The user had included screenshots of their exchange, alleging that they were passed over because they are a white man.
>“I’ve been working as a mobile developer for 12 years. I’m a straight white male who knows what the f-ck I am doing in my occupation. But lately, I’m struggling to find another place to work,” the 4chan user wrote. “I applied for a job at DuckDuckGo, and got told to go f-ck myself right away. So I reapplied as a black lesbian 5 years of experience who can’t program or spell. They are moving me to the 2nd round of interviews.”
Mentally ill transvestites demand people lie to them and participate in their psychosis.
[YouTube] Transgender Person Faces Off With Manager After Allegedly Being Misgendered [Embed]
>Baseball Karen gonna Karen.
https://twitter.com/Yolo304741/status/1445987843164225545 [Embed]
Everything commies don't like is "raaaaaaaaaaaacist"


SJW degenerate mom can’t handle the truth.
Her doctor tried to warn her, so she’s switching doctors instead of facing the truth.
https://twitter.com/_Mrtdogg/status/1447244954976325638 [Embed]
the purpose of communist propaganda is humiliate.jpg

>MERRICK GARLAND Threat Against Parent’s 1st Amendment Right Backfires…Dad Serves Stunned School Board With $200 Million Lawsuit In Middle of Meeting [VIDEO]
>A lot has happened since our US Attorney General Merrick Garland’s threat against the First Amendment Right of parents to speak freely against the racist Critical Race Theory (CRT) being pushed on students in grades K-12 or against forcing our children to wear masks to school?
>Shortly after Merrick’s threat against parents speaking out, it was discovered that Merrick Garland’s daughter is married to the co-founder of a company that provides schools with materials to teach CRT.
https://twitter.com/AllegianceTL/status/1448010919397707786 [Embed]

>(((Merrick Garland)))
Let’s remember this was Obama’s “moderate” supreme court nominee, according to our (((state-run))) (((mainstream media)))

>'White Is Not Right': Walmart Training Manual For White Employees Leaked by Whistleblower
>"Walmart has launched a critical race theory training program that denounces the United States as a 'white supremacy system' and teaches white hourly-wage workers that they are guilty of 'white supremacy thinking' and 'internalized racial superiority,'" Christopher Rufo reports.
>The Media is FREAKING OUT Because Conservative Parents are TAKING OVER School Boards Across US
https://www.bitchute.com/video/oKWGai4UgTHn/ [Embed]
>Maoista re-education camp
Unmasked negress drill sergeant leads U.S. soldiers wearing masks outside in woke chant about MLK.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qrk4GQi5Sg [Embed]
>some are forced to veil their face because "ew icky diseases" and psychologically have their faces taken from them
>some are not
is this some kind of fetishy power dynamics thing for them?
Yes. It's about obedience in a sado masoquist fashion.
The whole military training is about psychological abuse in order to turn normal human beings into killer robots.
>killer robots

>Dr. Rachel Levine, Transgender Health Secretary Made Four-Star Admiral, Is ‘First Ever Female’ To Hold Title
>The Washington Post is claiming that Levine, who was born a man and believes he is a woman, will be the organization’s “first ever female” four-star admiral.
https://twitter.com/HHS_ASH/status/1450446086645198851 [Embed]
>SCOOP: Secretly recorded video taken in 6th grade classroom shows Critical Race Theory being taught in Franklin Woods Intermediate School.
>The superintendent has repeatedly stated to parents, CRT is not being taught at the school. Yet, clearly it is.
https://twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1450222253078102016 [Embed]
Mirrored at Rumble:

>US State Department Celebrates “International Pronouns Day”
https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/1450854328189718530 [Embed]
>The Truth Is Spreading
>Actually saw this on Facebook.
323090 323092
Corporations and banks shilling racial propaganda is just their attempts to get us to point fingers at each other instead of them.
323086 329338
there's a difference between pride in a particular white heritage and white supremacy. for example, though I could hardly expect some facebook idiot to know of it, the Irish were subject to extreme racism under the British, and today expression of Irish pride is a fantastic way to spit in the face of British colonialism. the way he refers to "whites" is to paint with such a broad brush that he himself ends up covering over the concerns of actual minority concerns within so-called "white" groups, instead advocating for a celebration of the status quo and standing state of affairs. the reason it is racist to celebrate a nebulous Huwite identity in the way he describes is because it is to take it a step beyond the constant implicit celebration of such made simply by the existence of a society so dominated by this concept of whiteness. and furthermore, it cloaks the real meaning - it isn't a celebration of Irish people and their struggle, not of Italians, Greeks, Romanians, of any white minorities with a history of oppression continuing to this day - it's intended, without being spoken as such, to be a statement of pride of Anglo-Saxon tradition, with all the endless seas of blood and suffering that entails. it's merely a glorification of an evil and oppressive dominant people, those who are and those who are descended from the Southern English branch of Albion's Seed. nevermind the fact that there has scarcely ever been in the course of human events a greater enemy to any of the other "white" peoples than the English, who have fought and murdered by the millions every single other people of Europe, far more so than any other European nation to another, and this too holds true for every other nation of the globe. When, say, an Italian-American is to celebrate "his" "whiteness", he is not celebrating himself, or his heritage, or the past of his struggle, or solidarity with other struggles - he his celebrating and worshipping his conquerer, his hateful colonizer, his contemptuous overlord. your "truth" is not spreading - it is simply yet another insidiuous arm of Elizabeth II's invisible White Supremacist English Empire.
329338 337879
Make it short.
Do you support White self determination?
Rope is cheap. I'm willing to buy enough to go around.
Also, I think you should give this podcast a listen.
What's to Come | w/ Frame Game TPS #31
(You'll get two results on the top page of Qwant. I'm giving you the alt tech one instead of the YT one.)

It traces what has always happened, historically, whenever white people become racial minorities in their own nations. Spoilers: it's always very bad.
>Our brave new progressive world, from A to Woke
>In his woke instruction manual “1984,” author George Orwell wrote about how important it is to control the dictionary. The one who controls the language controls the past, present and future.
>“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it,” Orwell wrote.
>Thanks for the great idea, Mr. Orwell!
>To that end, the staff of satire site The Babylon Bee has put together a glossary of all the words you’ll need to know if you want to sound smart while hanging out with your other woke friends.

>White Man Wins $10M In “Reverse Discrimination” Suit After He’s Replaced By Two Women, One Of Whom Is Black
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W364MUG09uQ [Embed]
>7 Reasons Parents Should Have No Say Whatsoever In Their Child’s Education - (satire)
>Do you think parents should have a say in their kids' education? You're wrong! Here are 7 reasons parents need to just stay away and let the professionals raise their kids.

>57 In the Name of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity…
>By adopting the language of diversity, inclusion and equity, The Art Institute of Chicago has shot itself in the foot.


because they'll ban things accused of being critical race theory that are nonetheless NOT critical race theory. like, how was that not immediately obvious?
>Woke U.S Navy Names Ship After Gay Rights Leader Harvey Milk and Christened by Transgender Veteran
>A U.S Navy ship named for slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk was launched and christened by a transgender veteran in San Diego Bay on Saturday.
>Harvey Bernard Milk served in the Navy during the Korean War. He was a politician elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the first openly gay elected official in the history of California.
>Milk’s nephew, Stuart Milk, and Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro were present at the ceremony.
>Harvey Milk reportedly sexually assaulted a 16-year-old boy.
https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1457415026474618882 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcNevEJyOv4 [Embed]
>"Equity" Means Institutional Racism Against White People
>Equity has replaced equality. It is the new political buzzword used to push race based communism and actual institutional racism against White people.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/UBys3qLngug7/ [Embed]

Equity Means Punishing White People For Not Sucking At Life.
Don't think less of me for saying this but if anti-SJWs took power and "took things too far" by banning leftist things that aren't quite as awful as CRT, I'd be okay with that.
The left is pure evil, and letting them do what they want will hurt more innocents than any man could hurt in the crossfire trying to stop them.
So what if a few leftist-adjacent ideas get banned for once, to push back the leftist horde's quest to ban all non-leftist thought?
The world would be a better place without jewish propaganda movies in general, it would be a better place if they were banned for being "communist".
>Ann Coulter: Biden's "Build Back Bigger" Is Anti-White Racial Socialism
>The White House’s official press release announcing the Build Back Better Act (BBB) pitches it as a “PLAN TO REBUILD THE MIDDLE CLASS.” It rhapsodizes about “working families” squeezed by the economy, and reminds voters that “Biden promised to rebuild the backbone of the country—the middle class.”
>One thing White House’s official press release did not mention is that almost all of the $2 trillion doled out under BBB is expressly designated for Black, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander and non-English speaking individuals. White Americans will get nothing and like it.
324637 324640 324641
Not surprising at all. There was a lawsuit against them earlier this year for discriminating against white farmers on loans. It'll be like South Africa 2: White Genocide Boogaloo. Just like South Africa and Rhodesia, our greatest threats are White traitors and not the comically incompetent brownoid subhumans. Makes me miss Iron March where people were willing to acknowledge White degenerates. They weren't wrong by saying that kikes peddle anti-White degeneracy, but White retards gladly lap it up and ask for more. I'm a White nationalist, but most Whites deserve to die, honestly.
>glowing hard
324641 324648
Oh Great Atomwaffen is finally here. wasn't the leader of your group exposed as a fed?
>wasn't the leader of your group
I think >>324636 is a contractor dropping some bait and trying to show some results for the coins he is getting.
324651 324660
I was never an active member of Iron March, I just lurked. I mostly went there for rightist literature. If you think agreeing with some of their rhetoric makes me a glowie, then it really shows how hopeless you retards are. You'll call anyone to the right of you glowies. I never advocated for anything illegal and you are also faggots.
Did it hurt you that I said most Whites are scum? Would it hurt more if I said mlp is a hard cope for dysgenic White faggots incapable of coping with their inevitable demise?
Btw, AutismWaffen was widely ridiculed even there.

I saw where another anon called you a circlejerk of neolib rightoid queers before and I dismissed it, but I guess he was right.
Tell me Buddy,Did you Read Iron Gates?
>Did it hurt you that I said most Whites are scum?
Well, i suppose you aren't Incorrect about that. But do they Deserve to die? Maybe so.
>inevitable demise
Nice Attempt at Demoralization. Nothing is Inevitable.

324656 324689
>Iron Gates
No, I didn't. Why? Does it pertain to Uzbek March?
>Most Whites are scum
So we don't necessarily disagree. The average White, a product of post-industrial dysgenic trends and self-destructive brainwashing is an enemy of anyone who doesn't want us reduced to the level of niggers and eventually annihilated. White countries wouldn't be so fucked if it wasn't a symptom of a trend in a race as a whole either genetically or socially. Blaming Da Joos for literally everything just ignores that fact. And yeah, they guilty of selling poison, but wretched Whites still love the shit and eagerly consume it.
Maybe my wording was harsh, but it's true. Non-Whites are destroying us because the majority of Whites support it. That's enough for them to deserve what they get in my book.
We're doomed if the status quo continues unchecked. If simply saying that makes me some sort of three letter agent, then I'll ask them where my fucking paycheck is.
324693 324952
>The average White, a product of post-industrial dysgenic trends and self-destructive brainwashing is an enemy of anyone who doesn't want us reduced to the level of niggers and eventually annihilated
I Cant Argue with you about this Because its true. Perhaps they could be reformed though. The Same Sort of Phenomenon was Happening in Weimar before Uncle H Took Power. The Degeneracy of that Age stopping with the rise to power.
> White countries wouldn't be so fucked if it wasn't a symptom of a trend in a race as a whole either genetically or socially.
White Countries wouldn't be so fucked if we had Even 1 Strong Leader anywhere in the White World. and no Zognald Dumper Doesn't Count.
>Blaming Da Joos for literally everything just ignores that fact. And yeah, they guilty of selling poison, but wretched Whites still love the shit and eagerly consume it.
Well i Wouldn't Blame the Joos for everything if Not For the fact that every time i kicked over a rock one is there rubbing his hands together. yes i do agree with you they wouldn't be a problem if there were no White Traitors who only Care about their wallets and not the Good of our People.
>Maybe my wording was harsh, but it's true. Non-Whites are destroying us because the majority of Whites support it. That's enough for them to deserve what they get in my book
I Wouldn't say the majority supports the Destruction of our Race Although it may Feel like it, But i Would say about 30% are active Enemies Simping For Niggers and rioting in the streets or are in their cushy Ivory Towers sneering Down as they oppose any opposition to their warped disgusting worldview, While 40% Are Inactive Pawns that are being Pushed Around the Chess Board (They don't necessarily support our genocide) . that would leave 20%(maybe this percentage is a little high) of Our People who are Aware of whats going on But are to Afraid To do anything about it. and People like us would be in the Remaining 10% Who are Aware and desire Change.
>We're doomed if the status quo continues unchecked
Again i don't disagree with you here.What you say is True. But just because the past has been fucked for about 80 Years Doesn't mean things couldn't turn around in the blink of an eye if Good Men Wanted to Change Things.
what you're saying is true in to some extent but you're in fact a faggot homosexual douchebag cuckold
File (hide): 90CA6F32065A56257B16454E363FB371-10834833.mp4 (10.3 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:02:20, Anti-White Articles Compilation.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Anti-White Articles Compilation.mp4
Anti-White Articles Compilation.
324952 324962
There's been an undeniable decline in quality, keep this in mind tho, one of the core reason why a lot of Mexicans hate "Gringos" is exactly because they see them as degenerate, what i usually reply with is, "commiefornia tho", point in which they unironically reply with, "those are no longer hispanic, they are gringos at that point, they act like gringos".
In a similar fashion, Asian Americans are some of the most progressive, overly-sensitive, deranged fuckers in the US, in sharp contrast to how their populations behave in their home countries.

Blaming jews for absolutely everything is a little too much, but if your point is that whites are to blame for accepting the poison, well, as i've outlined earlier, it isn't like whites are the only group which has accepted the pozz, in fact, you will struggle to find a group that's being whitin globo-homo's reach and has resisted its effects better than whites.
324697 324704 324952
Why do jews love to talk about "Blaming da joos" (and you ALWAYS misspell it) as if it's what whites do INSTEAD of objectively looking at reality?
Every anti-white movement and lie has a jew behind it.
Its cultural gaslighting, both by ad hominem and appealing to the audience. They know that it's true and provable, so they caricature their opposition to imply that there is no basis to the assertion and denigrate any who hold it.
And with this increasingly fast-paced society of tweets, headlines, and sound bites, it works better and better on the increasingly credulous.
>"Blaming da joos" (and you ALWAYS misspell it)
The same way they are forbidden to mention GOD, which the misspell "G_d" and say "Gosh", they train non jews to mention them as "joos". I believe it is part of their complex of godhood.
324876 324981
>Scottsdale School Board President Compiled Invasive Dossier on Parents, Students Opposed to Masks and CRT in Schools
>The President of the Scottsdale Unified School District in Arizona has been implicated in the compilation of an invasive dossier amassing personal details on parents and children who oppose the teaching of anti-white critical race theory indoctrination in schools. (((Jann-Michael Greenburg))) had access to a computer on which his father, (((Mark Greenburg))) compiled the dossier.
>The compilation appears to have been shared by “progressive” parents seeking to amass dirt on community members opposing SUSD’s teaching of CRT and the forced masking of children in schools. It leaked to the opposition earlier this week, with images of the dossier revealing parent’s homes and identifying children for political purposes.
>The dossier even included documents revealing the social security numbers of CRT and mask critics, a major impropriety with criminal and ethical implications.
Oy vey

324877 324981

>Jewish School Board Member's Father Makes Death Wish Towards and Stalks Parents and Their Children
https://www.bitchute.com/video/jNeaWFSksaHJ/ [Embed]
>Pic 2
Oy Vey how anti Semitic!
It's pushed equally by capitalists. In both cases its literally just jews
324962 325053 337879
The majority of Whites may not be openly accepting of outright anti-White politics, but they're complicit in enabling it. I don't care. I've alienated my family and friends already for my willingness to challenge their cuckservative ways. It's the guise of tolerance that allowed this shit to proliferate in the first place and I'm willing to die this hill even if it means dying alone.
It's wishful thinking to think that some Christ-like figure will arise and save us. We don't deserve to be saved if we aren't willing to stand up for ourselves and our race as a whole, and our values. As individuals, we must sacrifice for a greater whole. God knows I have. I've worn my heart on my sleeve and gladly stood up for my race. I've been fired, cancelled, and scorned publicly for my views IRL. To me, pan-European unity and nationalism are non-negotiable. Wars are won by soldiers willing to fight die for what they love. Anything else is just a cope. As shitty as it sounds, I grew up as a white minority in my area and, unlike some, I fought and struggled until I prevailed. I didn't defend cucked whites and I embraced their misery because they were traitors and cowards. Yet I stood up for myself and my race regardless. If expecting the same out of others is wrong, then I'm glad to die on my hill.
"Good men," as you say, it don't stand idly by as those they love are subjugated. Pretending that our enemies haven't learned from out past is a mistake. Btw fuck Trump. I never liked the zogged retard to begin with. His presidency lured many wary normies into a false sense of security.
Really, we still don't disagree all that much.
The overwhelming majority of spics raised in pozzed American society are vermin. I grew up kicking the shit out of them and muh-dicking their girls. They fucked with me until they realized I would kick their teeth in regardless of how much trouble the self-loathing school administration put me in for defending myself when I was a kid. The "based" Mexican is a lie. Only a minority of them are okay and even then they'll throw you under the bus when it's convenient.
Why are bongistanis, the kikes Europe, so whiny? Blaming every single problem on Jews is mind-bogglingly retarded. Yes, they're disgusting vermin that want our demise, but garbage Whites keep putting them in power. Otherwise, they could easily be destroyed. You act as though traitorous Whites don't exist and that if they do, they're a result of "DA JOOS" because no members of our race can be bad. Kikes and white leftoids go hand-in-hand.
You and I aren't enemies and you'd realize that if you weren't retarded.
>they could easily be destroyed
For multiple centuries, and that's fucking sad to say, they (those fucking jews) are a catalytic problem generating source.
Granted enablers, malice imbued, parasites, and fundamentally ill always exist.
The kinds of people who will make everything worse off regardless of any reason or lack thereof.
That's a known quantifiable factor. That has been studied and openly accepted since the beginning of civilization.
Average people really find the above phenomena incredibly troublesome to deal with.
>Blaming every single problem on Jews is mind-bogglingly retarded.
Yeah before a long time ago I would have thought it was just over inflated to drive home the point of the problems at hand. A mere persuasive tactic.
Sure all the dune religious have their bullshit killing everyone, so does two-bit cultists, and so is STUPIDITY. But one source over a great span of time continually ruins everything for everyone else.
It's insane. What should be a statistical anomaly just happens.
It is the one thingthat has to be explained because it goes against what is seemingly common sense.
>garbage Whites keep putting them in power
They have made it a science, a manual documented over their history to achieve that against anyone.
They 'shapeshift' that means lie even more than the flowing raging rivers already being lied. As anything, doesn't matter who's left or how many of their own they need to kill. They have the knowledge and multi-generational planning.
They look for the signs of their own and push others out and make room for them and theirs and their puppets.
They go into all the key positions that would spell out doom.
Let's say for example hostile idiots just up and pushed dasies in the hypothetical. Out numbered. But that's not the real insidious problem at hand.

Suddenly without any backing things start looking okay, that the threats are mostly gone and manageable. The average person who I must remind you is stupid and that is dangerous to such a degree all the pain and suffering will be for notthing.
How you might ask, IGNORE-ANCE. In ignorance they will ignore those catalyzing assholes.
Because they will be disguised and they will lie. Doesn't sound like that much of a problem?
They'll regain footholds the more quiet ones, the ones with the foreknowledge to be invisible.

They fight through trickery or sabotage or making two other forces fight internal or external or both. Guess who will incite WW3, that's putting it mildly. Sampson Option as one possibility. They will destroy everything if they can't have it.
But that's not the point the point is that the destruction of 'whites' and malcontents is their current objective to get the one world government.
To put into place the final nail for eternal slavery.
Right now tratorious fuckwads are pawns on a board, and if positioned they will eat their own. Total destruction on their side. Up and Down, Inside and Out, Between and Betwixed, that is their programming ruining things.
So yeah they are a problem, but they are trained pawns on the board. So play some chess in the big leagues better than they do. They just have lies and deception.
As talked about many numerous times failing to do things properly this time means it is game over.
It's a thin fucking line through the very obvious entrapments that has to be navigated. The goal being is prosperity, freedom and liberty.
So playing chess is a requirement. Unfortunately many only play checkers, and things are looking dicey.
The two options is play the finest game of chess ever played or flipping the table with something they couldn't have expected. Either is almost the same.

>"those are no longer hispanic, they are gringos at that point, they act like gringos".
Very true frien.

>AZ State Rep. Shawnna Bolick Calls On Arizona Attorney General To Investigate Reported Stalking By School Board President And Father
>An Arizona School Board President and his deranged father Mark Greenburg have been stalking concerned parents who attend school board meetings. The family is then posting their private information on a shared Google drive.
>Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg and his father, Mark, were caught red-handed by parents after sending an unsolicited email which revealed theGoogle drive link. Greenburg’s email is clearly displayed in one of the tabs.
>Texas HHS DENIES Monoclonal Antibody Treatments For Whites – “If I Were Black or Hispanic Then I Would Qualify?” – Nurse: “Yep, That’s Right” – (Video)
>Earlier this year, the Texas Health and Human Services department (HHS) made monoclonal antibody treatments available to COVID patients following its Emergency Use Authorization by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in February.
>The state has issued tens of thousands of monoclonal antibody treatments over the past several months, but recently, thanks to a supply shortage spurred by the Biden administration, the agency has begun segregating who can recieve the treatment based solely on the color of their skin.
>Now, the state is only providing the treatments to “high risk ethnicity groups,” while actively refusing to provide the same care to whites who have been diagnosed with Covid.
>According to Texas HHS, if you are white, you must be over 65 and/or have additional “high risk” factors to recieve the same treatment as other American citizens.
https://twitter.com/Harrison_of_TX/status/1459591738809622532 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/Harrison_of_TX/status/1459550407680839684 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/Harrison_of_TX/status/1459556850349875201 [Embed]

The detail the (((Gateway Pundit))) omits is that the guy being discriminated for being White is a competidor working for (((InfoWars))).
>TEXAS: Radio Host Refused Monoclonal COVID Treatment Because He’s Not ‘Black Or Hispanic’
>"Race and gender extremism isn't just in gender study classes or elementary schools, it's being taught in Medical schools and is having real-world effects."
>Harrison Hill Smith, a Texas radio host, was denied monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID because he is white, not black or Hispanic.
>Smith, who presents the American Journal on the InfoWars network, tweeted on Saturday that he was denied receiving monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID because he was white, adding that such treatment was only available “for blacks and Hispanics,” which he described as being “fucking insane.”
>Despite some initial skepticism from some leftists, Smith produced a video clearly showing medical staff declaring that the only reason for his rejection was his ethnicity.
https://twitter.com/Harrison_of_TX/status/1459591738809622532 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/Harrison_of_TX/status/1459552613175857156 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1459606934693240835 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1459599413270224896 [Embed]
>some skepticism from leftists
Leftists aren't "Skeptical" of claims that go against their leftist religion.
They're smugly and irrationally dismissive of them, no matter how much evidence supports the claims.
Jews control the banks and governments, Muslims rape kids and throw gays off rooftops, Women get shorter sentences than men for the same crimes or no sentences at all, white men are not oppressors, white men are oppressed by jews and white women and niggers and spics, trannies will never pass and will eventually kill themselves because of it, all of this has been proven with enough evidence to convince any free-thinking human.
Leftists refuse to believe what is obviously true because they're degenerate pedophile communists who want a world ruled by degenerate pedophile communists and will say/do anything to get it.
I Dont really Disagree with anything you've said here. I Come from a similar background myself.I Grew up in one of the least white states in the country. i was assaulted by a pack of niglets when i was 5. they stole my candy They also threatened me with a knife. That probably Had an effect om who i am now. Which unnironicly im grateful for. it taught me a valuable lesson at a very young age.
We Don't Disagree on Much.
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it's like something out of a parody.
How the fuck would a man "erase women" by calling his very female niece a "niblet"?
I mean, how would be avoid doing that by explicitly refusing to call her a woman and calling her something completely different from what she is?
The explanation is quite simple and overt, commies use the term "to deconstruct" which means to destroy the already established in order to build their utopia instead.
By tinkering with language, the kikes want to erode and if possible to create passive tolerance toward the changes they want.
>Video: Rhode Island Teacher Warns CRT ‘Absolutely Everywhere’ In Schools
>“It’s in the plot narratives; it’s in the characterization; it’s in the imagery, it’s in the art projects, the history class, the English classes.”
>A middle school English teacher in Providence, Rhode Island has warned that critical race theory, which teaches children they should feel guilty for being white, is “absolutely everywhere” in schools in the area and that it is causing “great harm and racial divide and hostility between children.”
>Ramona Bessinger described to RT host Steve Malzberg how she has been barred from giving classes for speaking out against her school district’s “radicalized” CRT “culture”, noting that there used to be “lots of diversity [and] lots of multicultural materials” in the curriculum, but now its essentially all CRT.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJwX0VQ4nBY [Embed]
https://twitter.com/TheTonus/status/1458890266102820907 [Embed]

Exactly 3
File (hide): AADD07803F8F4EFE87FAAAFA93CBCCC2-1824573.mp4 (1.7 MB, Resolution:878x480 Length:00:01:02, Anti-White Hate on Twitter.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Anti-White Hate on Twitter.mp4
Anti-White Hate on Twitter.
>Salvation Army Embraces Anti-White Critical Race Theory in Internal Document
>The Salvation Army, a Christian organization long known for charitable fundraising at public places during the holiday season in the United States, has embraced Critical Race Theory.
>A leaked internal document of the organization reveals an CRT training intended for the Salvation Army’s employees. “Let’s Talk About Racism” demands that white Salvation Army donors and employees apologize for the racism, referring to white supremacy as an all-encompassing storm throughout society.
>“The subtle nature of racism is such that people who are not consciously racist easily function with the privileges, empowerment and benefits of the dominant ethnicity, thus unintentionally perpetuating injustice.”
>The document claims that “Whiteness and the normalization of White racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where non-White persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.“
>BLM may not be what we “want” right now, but it might be exactly what we need.
>all whites are nazis (yes all)
Every White Person:
>*becomes nazi*
>nooooo that's not what we meant

(((Cultural Marxism))) - Funding
>What Is The Relationship Between The Political Left And Globalism?
>This brings us to the underlying center of all sociopolitical influence – The globalist foundations. Where do leftist groups get all the funding to launch organizations like Black Lives Matter? How do programs like social justice and Critical Race Theory find their way into college academia and all the way down to the public school system? What is the source for cultural Marxism and how did it become so pervasive in the first place?
>Globalist foundations like Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Tavistock Institute, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, etc. are usually the source of the seed money and often the curriculum for most leftist movements. For example, Open Society and Ford Foundation, partnered with Borealis Philanthropy, were key in the creation of BLM, funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into the movement in its early days.
>Ford Foundation, Open Society, Rockefeller Foundation and dozens of other globalist institutions are also deeply involved in the funding and proliferation of Critical Race Theory and gender studies programs. Once again pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into social justice groups as well as university indoctrination.
>By extension, globalist institutions and international corporations have invested around $50 billion total in the development of social justice programs. Corporations implement indoctrination courses for their employees, but they also spread SJW propaganda to the public subconscious through commercials and popular media.
>This has actually been going on a very long time by more subversive and secretive means. It was globalist institutions like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation that funded different elements of the feminist movement and “gender studies” movements from the late 1960’s onward. We can’t forget to include the Rockefeller Foundation’s large donations to ‘The Feminist Press’ and the Ford Foundation’s programs to groom teachers for inserting social justice talking points in their curriculum. This is openly admitted in Alison R. Bernstein’s book ‘Funding The Future: Philanthropy’s Influence On America’s Higher Education’. Bernstein is the vice president of Education at the Ford Foundation and the former Associate Dean of Faculty at Princeton.



>the political left
I never like this shit.
the in power "right" is just the left in disguise, they shouldn't get implicit condonement.

Lol. I miss Carl and Skrillex, those were good memes.
remember AIDS Bjorn?

>Hundreds of Mathematicians, Scientists, Sign Open Letter Against Social Justice-Based Curriculum
>More than 700 mathematicians and scientists have signed an open letter denouncing recent “trends” in K-12 mathematics education aimed at closing achievement gaps that they say will damage America’s global competitiveness.
Translation: black and brown brains aren't suitable for abstract thinking.



>Arizona high school cancels ‘transgender awareness’ after parents fight back
>Multiple parents threatened to withdraw their children from the Phoenix-area school.
>Female UPenn swimmers demoralized: ‘No matter how much work they put in it, they’re going to lose’
>Two female University of Pennsylvania swimmers have recently voiced their frustrations to OutKick regarding their teammate, transgender Penn swimmer Lia Thomas, who is smashing collegiate records previously set by biological females in the sport.
B-but, equality. /s


>Female Pastor Invites Drag Queen to Teach Scripture to Children at Lutheran Church
>A Lutheran church in Chicago, Ill. recently hosted a drag queen pervert to teach scripture to children as the LGBT plague continues to envelop society.
>Pastor Erin Coleman Branchaud invited the drag queen to read to children and teach scripture to them during worship on Sunday at the St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square. It should come as no surprise that the pastor includes her preferred pronouns in her bio.
https://twitter.com/KingsleyCortes/status/1471866093874601992 [Embed]


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By "White," the Facebook Boomer is talking about White Americans. You know, the ethnogeneis of whatever "free White persons of good character" decided to show up in the US. You're obfuscating his point.

Furthermore, allegiances change. France and England were bitter rivals from 1066 until the Entente signed to resist the Second Reich. Asking an Irishman to bury his (very real and valid) hatchet against the sub-humans known as the English in order to unite in the face of a common foe (anti-Whites) is a tale as old as time.

What we are witnessing in this epoch of history is the beginnings of a wider White racial consciousness for the exact same reason why White Americans began to ethnogenizie in the first place: in defense against a non-White foe. This is happening due to globalization and its impact on the interconnectedness of the world. The more we communicate and interact with one anther, the more our differences come into sharper focus, and the more conflict arises as a result. A quick aside, do I speak of all non-Whites when I say "ani-White?" Not in the slightest. Most non-Whites are not anti-White, but enough non-Whites, and a disturbingly increasing number of Whites, are anti-White.

The causes are, at least, threefold.

The first is that they are numerous and powerful enough to be succeeding in their goals of hurting White people. They are only getting more and more powerful too.

The second is that their grounds are bullshit. Every complaint about Whites that these people have can be thrown back in their faces. Conquest, genocide, imperialism, exploitation, slavery, everything they complain about White people doing, non-Whites have also done. Literally everything. They just don't care due to their moral relativism.

The third is that they are the cause of their concerns. Think, if you believed that your neighbor was a bloodthirsty killer who hated you and wanted you dead, would you insist upon living in his house? That would be absolutely insane. You would think that you would avoid your neighbor as much as possible, right? Is that what they do here? Not in the slightest. They INSIST upon living among people that they make to pretense to not despising. They do this out of their hatred of White people. In accordance with the commandments of the Lord my God, I have already forgiven them. That said, I shall resist them with all I can do until either I shed this mortal coil or they lay down their arms and leave in peace forever for they are evil moral relativists and I am not.

Will this new, larger, pan-White racial consciousness result in ethnogenesis of a singular "White culture?" No, for the goal of the pro-Whites is the exact opposite: the preservation of the various White culture to which they belong. What I expect to see is an informal coalition of pro-Whites each fostering their own cultures and supporting their fellow pro-Whites in their endeavors. This is a good thing. Man is a tribal animal and White people have the right to their own cultures and spaces to the exclusion of others. Discrimination is a good thing. Not everyone belongs everywhere and at times the only way to avoid conflict is through separation. How is it a good idea to force yourself onto people who do not want you there? Unless these are people under your legitimate authority, this typically goes rather poorly.

Also, answer >>323086
>evil moral relativists
this has nothing to do with their behavior. and in fact, understanding moral reletavism is how I learned to defeat them in the first place. Moral objectivism is incompatible with your views to begin with. Under a moral objectivist framework, such hatchet burrying should never take place, because the individual would be siding with a true enemy of their flesh. it is the sheep allying with the wolf to defeat another wolf. Only through moral relativism can you get a true understanding and accurate picture of the real relationships between these groups. Can understand that the wolf can be a sheep and vice versa at the same time, depending upon reference. Just like, depending upon your viewing angle, color, shape, and character may change.

To put it into even simpler terms, lets use your erronious view of objective truth as an example. Objective truth requires all understandings, all angles, all possible interpretations and vectors. Attempting to calculate it without all of those measures is mostly pointless, and attempting to be conveyed the objective truth and then acting as though you possessed it is similarly foolish. In this model, Objective truth is like a 3d object existing in flat land. At no point can it intersect with reality as we know it completely. Any truth imposed upon the world will only be a flat truth, a cross section of what is possible given various circumstances.

Understanding moral relevetism is essential to moral character because it highlights human fallibility as the ultimate stumbling block towards the truth in all fields. Without that you are as vulnerable to deception as your enemies, who believe just as strongly that handing their children over to moloch is the ultimate objective good.
>Under a moral objectivist framework, such hatchet burrying should never take place, because the individual would be siding with a true enemy of their flesh.
They're not enemies anymore if they stop fighting. Do you have any idea how many wars there were between the Seven Kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy, or how many White-on-White race riots America had in the Gilded Age? Then ethnogenesis happened.
>Objective truth requires all understandings, all angles, all possible interpretations and vectors.
No wonder you're a moral relativist. You failed to accomplish this.
>Attempting to calculate it without all of those measures is mostly pointless, and attempting to be conveyed the objective truth and then acting as though you possessed it is similarly foolish.
So find them all, duh.
>Understanding moral relevetism is essential to moral character because it highlights human fallibility as the ultimate stumbling block towards the truth in all fields.
And moral objectivity is incompatible with acknowledging that human fallibility is, as you say, "the ultimate stumbling block towards the truth in all fields?"
>Without that you are as vulnerable to deception as your enemies, who believe just as strongly that handing their children over to moloch is the ultimate objective good.
Not if you're an adult who approaches the issue from all angles.
>Founder of ‘1619 Project’ Says Parents Should Not Be Able to Decide What Their Children are Taught in the Classroom
>Hannah-Jones’ comments come as the mask is ripped off of the true agenda that the Radical Left is advancing upon in schools nationwide. The Marxists are now making it publicly known that your children are their property in the new America.
https://twitter.com/SteveGuest/status/1475138030713323528 [Embed]
Read: Prolonging the Agony by Jim MacGregor and Gerry Docherty. While the authors did grow up in post-boomer lala land where jews are 'muh heroez' and 'durr ebil notsees' are mentioned several times, they provide numerous contextual clues as to why, and how, most huwhites are gullible braindead sheep. Hint: there's a LOT of Anglo.. but virtually no Saxon.
File (hide): 74C67516E4859A74C7A404635B36CCB2-15404550.mp4 (14.7 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:58, Russia knows how to troll.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Russia knows how to troll.mp4
Russia Today (RT) has put together a two-minute clip mocking everything that the American left has become with a "Christmas Tolerance-Diversity Guide 2022," which trolls the US with everything from feminized cuckold husbands to transgender snowmen, to culturally appropriating a reindeer.
Libtard Logic inconsistency.jpg

Outside Whitmers Office.jpg
No, you see, this is not actually a "Libtard Logic Inconsistency."

You need to understand that these people do not share your value system. You care for truth and logic, consistency, free Speech. You are trying to identify the Truth and then apply it to make the world a better place.

That's not their goal. They don't care for any of that. They simply want power and control. They're bullies you see, and they will adhere to any ideology that allows them to satisfy their need to bend people to their will. You said something that offends the LGBT Mafia? You're life is to be destroyed. They care not for free speech but for the enforcement of their values onto others.

This is also why Leftoids in general absolutely despise America so God damned much. America stands for two things which stand in irreconcilable opposition to them: Natural Law and Defiance.

Natural Law is the belief that the Universe operates by certain, unchanging principles. The metaphysics of Mother Nature have not changed since Creation, and were Created by the Creator (who is who/whatever you so choose to believe in.) Man is greedy. Power corrupts. From Death comes Life. Male and Female. Diversity plus proximity equals conflict. These Truths were not the creations of Man, but of Nature and Nature's God. We lowly mortals can do nothing to change them. We can only shape the world in which we live within the confines of those Truths. Leftist ideology stands opposed to this. According to Leftist ideology, men can be come women, diversity is a good thing, and other self evident Lies. This creates two camps of Leftoids. The first camp is the Idiots, the True Believers. The second camp are the Bullies, the Evil. This is why there are always purges when Leftists seize absolute power. The Bullies have to get rid of the Idiots because the Idiots are good natured people who would become a serious threat to the Bullies' power once they realized they were lied to.

We Americans routinely struggle to live up to our ideal of Defiance but our country is still a symbol of Defiance in the face of Bullshit. This country was founded as part of an initially peaceful attempt to Redress legitimate Grievances that turned violence once all other options failed. The spirit of this still lives. You see the attached photograph? Those are Michiganders standing in front of their Governor's Office. Armed. This was done in response to Her Majesty the Queen Gretchen I of House Witmer's Coronatarianism. Name me one other country where such a scene would be imaginable. Lefties are terrified of what the American People would do to them if we uncucked ourselves. That is why they put so much effort towards either destroying or seizing control of the United States and why we MUST win.
>They simply want power and control. They're bullies you see, and they will adhere to any ideology that allows them to satisfy their need to bend people to their will.

>Public University Offers Professors Cash To Go Woke
>University of Memphis asks faculty to infuse social justice into curricula
>The University of Memphis told faculty they could collect a $3,000 stipend for redesigning their curricula to align with the university's commitment to "diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice," according to an email sent to all faculty obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The offer is part of the university's "Eradicating Systemic Racism and Promoting Social Justice Initiative."
>Interested faculty are asked to submit a copy of syllabi to be reworked as well as a 500-word "narrative" on their "diversity, equity, and inclusion philosophy" and how the new lessons will "address disparities" in their subject area.
>‘After-School Satan Club’ Targeting Children Ages 6 to 11 at Illinois Elementary School Sparks Outrage
Chapter 1.jpg
the open society play-book.png
>The Open Society Foundations and The Soros Network: Chapter 1 of Scott Howard’s The Open Society Playbook
>Editor’s note: This is the first chapter of Scott Howard’s new book, The Open Society Playbook, available at Antelope Hill Publishing. Howard is also author of The Transgender Industrial Complex, also published by Antelope Hill and reviewed in TOO by John Q. Publius.
>Since its inception, the Open Society Foundations have officially dispensed nearly $17 billion over tens of thousands of grants. But to what purpose? Is this charity and good works for their own sake? Of course not. George Soros admits in his 1997 piece for The Atlantic entitled “The Capitalist Threat” that the function of his foundation network active in countries under communism was designed to be “subversive,” and that, “For five or six years following the fall of the Berlin Wall, I devoted practically all of my energies to the transformation of the formerly Communist world.” He hasn’t stopped, and neither was this the beginning of his endeavors.
>Soros’s “philanthropic work” began in the late 1970s by funding scholarships for black university students in South Africa during apartheid to ultimately weaponize them against whites, particularly the Boer and the system of self-preservation they had in place. In 1979, according to the Open Soceity Foundations’ website, Soros said, “[South Africa] was a closed society with all the institutions of a first world country, but they were off-limits to the majority of the population on racial grounds. Where could I find a better opportunity for opening up a closed society?” Indeed, and the sad fate of the Rainbow Nation reminds us precisely what the future holds.
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This kind of thing annoys the shit out of me for two reasons: first because "Satanists" in 2022 are basically just fedora-tipping Redditors attempting to troll boomer Christians, and second because Christians always, always end up taking the bait in exactly the way they were meant to, like Charlie Brown running after Lucyfer's football. The problem stems from Christians not understanding what "Satanism" really is.

There are basically two writers credited with being the progenitors of modern Satanism: Aleister Crowley and Anton LaVey. Crowley was basically a Hermetic magician who gained notoriety for referring to himself as "the great beast 666" and for his polemic attacks on Christianity. The magical order he founded and his religion of Thelema was largely just a modification of the rituals and doctrines of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and had basically nothing to do with Satan or any other Christian mythological figures. In my view Crowley was fairly based; he had an extensive working knowledge of High Magick and was respected by a lot of important figures on the fringe right, most notably Julius Evola. However, these days, most people of a Crowleyan bent grow out of being Satanists and move on to more serious traditions around the time they sprout their first pubes, so there aren't very many Crowleyan Satanists around anymore.

The more significant figure for our purposes is Anton Szandor LaVey, who wrote the "Satanic Bible" and founded the official Church of Satan in the late 1960s. The main difference between these two is that while Crowley was a serious spiritualist who used provocative Satanic imagery to troll people, with LaVey it was literally all imagery and trolling. LaVey was a rational materialist who viewed magic and religion as psychological flim-flam that only had value insofar as it could be used to manipulate people. Out of curiosity I recently bought a copy of The Satanic Bible, and I've been mostly disappointed by it so far; it's basically just Atlas Shrugged for goth kids. LaVey's "religion" is just a philosophy of radical individualism and social Darwinism. It rejects all forms of religious and social authority, and advocates individuals using whatever means are at their disposal to achieve whatever material ends they desire, without regard for morality or social norms. People seriously interested in this sort of thing would be better served reading Max Stirner imo; he's considerably more articulate, and in terms of his actual beliefs is probably more extreme.

The main takeaway from LaVeyan Satanism is that it's not a religion in any proper sense at all, and this is important because the overwhelming majority of people who proclaim themselves as Satanists these days are talking about LaVeyan Satanism. Satanism has absolutely nothing to do with worshipping an actual Devil; if you ask a Satanist about their beliefs, the first thing they will generally tell you is that they don't actually believe in God or Satan. Once you subtract the theatrics, modern Satanism is basically just Secular Humanism with the Humanist component (usually) removed. This is an important distinction if you want to understand what "The After-School Satan Club" is really trying to accomplish.

Let's take a look at what the club's organizers actually have to say:
>This actually isn't a club that's meant to proselytize Satanism or even engage in discussions about religious opinion
>This is an educational program meant to focus on critical thinking and just basic education skills.

My guess would be that if you were to attend an actual meeting of this club, it would be a fairly innocuous and inoffensive gathering. The meetings probably involve simple lessons about logic and critical thinking, and that's about it. I assume that the guy is not lying when he says that religious topics are not discussed, because that's the whole point. It would be accurate to call this subversive, but the manner of subversion is more subtle than it appears to be.

Instead of deliberately provoking people with something they could reasonably object to, they take something that most people wouldn't object to, but attach a lot of edgelord devil-worshipper imagery to it as a way to specifically provoke Christians. Then, when they have everyone's attention, they can explain that their club is basically just an afterschool debate club, and it's really not that big a deal. It's a completely passive-aggressive subversion tactic that LaVey would have loved: create something innocuous, provoke a group of religious conservatives into overreacting to it, and then use their overreaction to discredit them.

From the editorial response at the bottom of this article, we can see that the subversion tactic worked, and that the idiots have once again taken the goddamned bait:
>Satan is after our children. Pray for this nation.

The key thing to understand is that the "Satanic Temple" doesn't give two shits if their afterschool club gets dissolved or not. The object is not to convert children into devil-worshippers or even to teach them "critical thinking skills", the object is to provoke Bible-thumping retards into getting mad about something silly, as part of a long-game campaign to discredit organized religion in the public view. They've mostly been successful.

Instead of freaking out about "muh devil-worshipper cult," a better reaction to this sort of thing would be to point out how empty and stupid it is. "Satanists" are really just emotionally-stunted atheists still wearing edgy Pentagram jewelry into their thirties and forties, because they never outgrew their whiny teenage feud with their parents' religion. They deserve to be laughed at, not feared, and deep down that's probably what they're most afraid of. Ironically, attacking weak, pathetic people by punching them right where it hurts is also something LaVey would have approved of.
Okay Styx

Just kidding, after my IRL experience with some of these doods, it eventually became apparent they were just a bunch of larpers.

Besides that, i think even the most ardent Christian here will agree that it is tiresome to deal with the average Christian for one or another reason.
Thank you. Not a satanist in any context, but I appreciate the fair and unbiased assessment of what contemporary 'satanism' is, and not exclusively because I agree with that assessment. Zero contest
>Okay Styx
Ooh, so close :^)
Nope, that was me
fuck, i screwed up a cross-board reference again

Assuming you are the same anon posting about satanism on /sp/ two weeks ago. >>>/sp/18885 →
Just wanna point out that i am not refering to Stix the admin, i am refering to "styxhexenhammer666" the gaytuber, Nicholas Fuentes fags usually call anyone talking about satanism as "Styx".

I don't discard the idea that somebody doesn't know about that fag, nothing wrong with not knowing about an e-celeb.
and forgot to hide my flag...
Kid tells livestream that his mom is forcing him to be gay.mp4
Kid tells livestream that his mom is forcing him to be gay.
>Corporate media wants to 'abolish parenthood,' says children belong to the state
>USA Today, a Gannett media outlet, published a story arguing that California should “abolish parenthood” and turn over all children to the state in order to promote “equity.”
>A writer named Joe Matthews with Zócalo Public Square says that the only way the Golden State will ever “achieve true equity” is if the government forces parents to “give away their children.”
>All throughout his article, Matthews tries to make the case that the problem with society is that parents are passing along “privilege” to their children. The normal nuclear family cycle, he claims, continues to reinforce an inequitable society and must be done away with completely.
>State Department Says Claim The West Is In Decline Is A 'Russian Disinformation Trope'
>State Dept. says traditional values and family values are "ill-defined concepts" and West is thriving due to the "safety and equality of LGBTQI+ people" and "concepts such as female equality and multiculturalism"
https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1372727019910303744 [Embed]
>Biden State Department Claims ‘Collapse of Western Civilizazation’ is Russian Disinfo
>The Biden State Department claims that discussion about the ‘collapse of western civilization’ and the evisceration of traditional values is a Russian disinformation operation.
>Apparently, it’s all just an invention of the Kremlin.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkOYKq3uq8w [Embed]


File (hide): 995985FC5151786E5C91AEF9464B10E5-10089727.mp4 (9.6 MB, Resolution:578x480 Length:00:03:38, ANTI WHITE MEDIA.mp4) [play once] [loop]


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>WATCH: At a recent school board meeting, it was revealed that a Michigan school placed a LITTER BOXES in the bathroom for students that identify as cats. Unbelievable
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1484693362456162306 [Embed]
>ALERT: 37,000 Teachers Use Left-Wing 'News Literacy Project' to Indoctrinate Children (Videos)
>The News Literacy Program warns that “common misinformation themes” include phrases such as “[T]he media won’t report this” and “[D]o your own research”.
>The News Literacy Project (NLP) is a propaganda outlet masquerading as “non-partisan.” The dangerous organization teaches school children how to be mindless leftist narrative consumers.
>Left-wing commentator and notorious fake news purveyor Brian Stelter of CNN’s deceptively named “Reliable Sources” was featured last week teaching young teens about “misinformation” in Queens, New York. During the segment, students are indoctrinated by the NLP’s Checkology e-learning platform. Stelter said that NLP founder Alan C. Miller “says that these lessons are now used by more than 37,000 educators.”
>Promo Video for 'News Literacy Project'
>'News Literacy Project' Featured on Local News in Tucson to Teach 'Misinformation'
>CNN's Brian Stelter Teaches Teens About 'Misinformation' for Leftist 'News Literacy Project'
>Leigh Dundas and Miki Klann speak to the Scottsdale Unified School District in Arizona. During the meeting, Miki declares her intention to file a claim against the Governor’s surety bond on behalf of the SUSD board members. Each member of the board will be charged with practicing medicine without a license, child abuse, segregation and inappropriate sexual material in the school libraries.
>Miki served each board member with 10 letters of intent by 10 different parents. Each claim carries a liability of up to 100K – this means each board member carries a total liability of $1 million in the event that the claims are filed. Now the board members have 5 days to rectify the situation or the parents of SUSD will file the claim.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/vBdwDC4NNkd7/ [Embed]


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>Multiculturalism is a “Sickness”
>According to China.
>A recently revealed DoD report says China views the west’s embrace of multiculturalism and wokeism as a “sickness” that will ultimately bring about its collapse.
>Beijing sees the the United States’ obsession with racism and white guilt as a “strategic vulnerability” that will lead to its downfall.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTDsn23OdCM [Embed]
What The Fuck? I Love China Now!
333827 333829
Does anyone have that tweet where a Chinese official made some remark that low birth rates don't explain the Uyghur genocide, and if they did, then what about White birth rates in America?
Nope, i know the one you are talking about though. had it on my old pc.
333832 333835
china ambassador warns of white genocide - (2020-10-20).png
china ambassador warns of white genocide.jpg
I have this.
It should be pretty clear by now that the chinks are engaged in a standoff with the kikes
It looks like.
The kike zionist faction with Trump at the helm bashed China non-stop.
Now the kike bolshevik faction with Soros as the figure head is calling for sanctions against China.
That's it. Thanks, anon.
But it appears that the NATO countries went sour with China when the WEF representative in China and super billionaire Jack Ma was put under house arrest and disappeared from public view by the chinese president. That chink Jack Ma looks like he was negotiating China entrance into the NWO behind the back of the chinese government and was punished because of that. Now it is the actual chinese government who is negotiating with Klaus Schwab the enslavement of the chinese population to the NWO. Same treason, different actors.
Pic is Jack Ma at the WEF.
It's weird to see China doing the odd good thing here. I'm thinking that this might be a kind of "werewolf vs vampire" situation where it's bad for us no matter who wins the confrontation, but I'm willing to accept the help in the short term.

Why might the Chinese be willing to come into conflict with the globalists? The whole reason West Taiwan was able to oust the legitimate Chinese government was due to organization and incitement by Jewish Marxist trainers. They also seem to have them to thank for most of their economic and infrastructure development over the years. Basically, without Marxist globalist support, I'm not sure China can really stand on its own.
>Why might the Chinese be willing to come into conflict with the globalists?
They never were. When (((Henry Kissinger))) went to China in the 70s to offer the chinese investment and the transfer of the western industrial capacity, the demise of the West was only a matter of time. And that policy wasn't a mistake, but on purpose.
The current beef with China is about some (((western oligarchs))) demanding that the chinese oligarchs to cede some control and therefore profits to (((them))), but the chinese are having none of that non-sense and are dealing directly with the WEF and ignoring the American screeching.
>Unseen Dark Hand: The Man Who Uses YOUR Money to Make Corporations Go Woke
>Even Redditors Find Forced TV Diversity Weird
>When even members of Reddit are expressing surprise at the contrived level of diversity on television, you know something is up.
>The US black population is about 12.1% according to the 2020 census.
>And yet they featured in nearly 40% of Super Bowl commercials.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl5GJQE4lCk [Embed]
Tbh, this is moreso targetted marketting that racial propaganda. A lot of niggers watch the superbowl, and niggers are moreeasily controlled by what they see other niggers do on TV, so companis pander to them.
>DOD: Military Spent 6 Million Man-Hours on Woke Training Under Biden
>The United States military spent nearly six million man-hours on an extremism “stand-down” and “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) training since President Joe Biden took office, according to Department of Defense (DOD) data.

File (hide): A23DFE8654733FAA894BA00C149F248C-6064088.mp4 (5.8 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:01:56, Preferred Pronoun.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Preferred Pronoun.mp4
>Preferred Pronoun
A clip from:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEaRnAR0dlw [Embed]
>Texas School Teacher: ‘Conservative Christians Should Get COVID and Die’
>A Texas teacher recently got caught in what some may call a ‘hot-mic’ moment; middle school teacher Lisa Grimes was seen on camera wishing that conservative Christians would “get COVID and die.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx-rv-hQBN8 [Embed]

>*UPDATED: TEACHER RESIGNS — VIDEO: Texas Middle School Teacher: "Those Conservative Christians Need to Get COVID and Die"
>Colleyville ISD teacher recorded railing against opposition to COVID vaccines
>Brave New Army Commercial Promotes Inclusion And Diversity - (satire)
>In this new commercial from the U.S. Army, everyone's favorite branch of the military promotes their new, more diverse, more inclusive standards. From gender reveal grenades to more affirming drill sergeants, the Army is leading the way in inclusion!
[YouTube] Brave New Army Commercial Promotes Inclusion And Diversity [Embed]
File (hide): E29C559AB4AC23C44E14D592CF734A6B-945882.mp4 (923.7 KB, Resolution:254x480 Length:00:00:23, This thing is product of modern education.mp4) [play once] [loop]
This thing is product of modern education.mp4

>Mixed-Race Florida Police Chief Is Fired for Refusing to Promote White People
>Former Fort Lauderdale police chief Larry Scirotto, 48, was fired on Thursday after an inquiry found that he allegedly once said a conference room wall of photos was ‘too white’ and added, ‘I’m gonna change that.’
>Scirotto, a former assistant chief in Pittsburgh, was the first openly gay chief hired in Fort Lauderdale and also is from a mixed-race background.
>An investigation into the bias complaints concluded that Scirotto was unfairly focused on minority candidates for jobs and noted that he once asked ‘which one is blacker?’ when considering a promotion.
>Nigger faggot hates White people
Imagine my shock
Yeah, but I can imagine what was going on there. That affirmative action faggot by blocking the promotions of some Whites got in the way of the freemason mafia.
what book or speech did Max Horkheimer say that quote in? I've done several searches for it and all I can find are articles quoting it without context and quote aggregators. I've ctrl-f'd for related keywords in a couple of his books, neither of them has it, I might keep looking in the others if I can get digital copies (I'm not going to read an entire paperback just to find this quote)
also, if you have a source for their program, in the 5th image, I'd love to have it. some of it is easily extrapolated from what I know of frankfurt theory, but I don't know anywhere where they're all explicitly stated.
Homosexualists Pledge Allegiance to Buttsex.mp4
Pete Buttigieg’s """Husband""" Chasten Leads Children in LGBT Pervert Pledge to Rainbow Flag
https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1501747042955272196 [Embed]
it depends on the country. yes for eastern europe, central europe, scandinavia, all the german-speaking countries, all the mediterranean countries, yes for france, belgium, the netherlands, australia, canada and new zealand, and of course yes for the united states. yes for ireland, scotland, wales and cornwall. but no, not ever, for England.
>the beginnings of a wider White racial consciousness
fine, so long as it excludes the English.
>Every complaint about Whites that these people have can be thrown back in their faces.
it could be much more easily done if you simply excluded the English. we did everything that the rest of you did that was bad, but more than anybody else has ever done.
>The third is that they are the cause of their concerns. Think, if you believed that your neighbor was a bloodthirsty killer who hated you and wanted you dead, would you insist upon living in his house?
if I was born in that house, yes. and a lot of these immigrants were born in the metaphorical house.
but more importantly, if that house were England and I were a foreigner who had, in ages past, been treated so brutally by her empire, then I would move into that house in order to kill the killer, and personally I'm very much in favour of that.
>Why are bongistanis, the kikes Europe, so whiny?
Because they are racially inferior and should be exterminated.
>You and I aren't enemies and you'd realize that if you weren't retarded.
oh but we are, we wonderfully, gloriously are. you broke free of our tyrannical yoke, and in return for your earnest desire for freedom and liberty, we burned down your white house. return the favour. nuke london. nuke it, do it - America has the strength, America has the will, destroy England, kill every last English scum, eliminate it all, wipe it from the face of the planet. we have been enemies since 1776 and we always will be, it's England's best hope of being utterly destroyed. burn us to the ground.
Anon, are you the "kike" from way earlier in this same bread?, what happened?
Not trying to be aggressive or anything, am just curious.
If you are indeed the same anon, you will remember how i was rather receptive of what you had to say anyways
>Anon, are you the "kike" from way earlier in this same bread?, what happened?
I was here before that too, posting again in a different style
I change my mind a lot, it's because I spend almost all of my time alone, so I argue most with myself.
>Not trying to be aggressive or anything, am just curious.
I don't mind aggression sometimes. I appreciate that you're not being aggressive, but sometimes getting attacked or hated makes me feel most alive, that's why in this particular instance I pretended to be jewish
ok well
quarter israeli. to properly explain, my grandfather was the son of a christian missionary in what was then the British Mandate of Transjordan, and since he was born in Jerusalem, when he travelled back there in the 60s, the Israeli police actually noticed he was born there and told him they could give him Israeli citizenship if he wanted, but I think he would have had to renounce British citizenship.
also my great-great grandmother was raped by an unknown man and that side of the family has slightly darker skin, so I'm partially nonwhite either way.
>If you are indeed the same anon, you will remember how i was rather receptive of what you had to say anyways
I kind of forget, I reread the thread a bit ago but my brain doesn't retain things well. if it was the agreeing with whites being allowed to have their own exclusive areas with that swedish poster, then I maintain that, I just don't want it for English people, I don't like us.
I'm mainly here again because I seek outlets when my hatred gets really really intense, and in my case I don't hate other races but rather hate my own race, again excluding those belonging to other cultures.
I knew you were not a paid glownigger, wish i had more time in my hands, i'll just say for now that you remain an interesting poster, only Sven and i seem to agree on that, i would like to sit down and talk another time if it's possible.
sure. if an alternative venue would be more suitable for you than here, where others might interrupt, I'd be down for that. it depends on how you'd want to talk I guess.
I'm between jobs at the moment, so I'm hungry for discussion of all kinds.
the evolution of education.jpeg


I'll set up something in a discord-like platform i've heard about recently, i'll let you know when it's done
you know matrix is still here...
mlp.chat and matrix.horse

iunno, maybe I shill matrix too much, but it really is the best way to securely communicate between two or more people.
If there is concern about random people joining a public channel, make it private and invite only. All communication is very securely encrypted, and there is another function to encrypt the channel so the data on the server-side is encrypted too. Only people actually in the channel can see what is being said.
Oh, thanks anon!, i'll try it out
I've joined both those he mentioned as "haruqon", so that's all set up for if you wanna chat
Putin Delivers Speech on Moral Crisis of Western States.webm
>Putin Delivers Speech on Moral Crisis of Western States.
>He mentions satanism and pedophilia as products of a moral crisis engineered by western governments themselves.
Let us hear what that evil dictator has to say. /s

Not the SHARPEST Tool in the Shed by any means.mp4
Not the SHARPEST Tool in the Shed by any means.
339205 339287
>Twitter Temporarily Suspends The Babylon Bee For “Hateful Conduct” After Satirical Outlet Awards its “Man of the Year” Rachel Levine
>The Babylon Bee has officially drawn the wrath of the Twitter speech police with its latest headline.
>On Sunday, the satirical outlet was temporarily suspended from Twitter for “hateful conduct” after it crowned Biden’s newly appointed Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine.
>Obviously, the post was a joke, touching on Levine’s recent appointment as USA Today’s “Woman of the Year,” but it is forbidden to point out reality nowadays.
>Welcome to clown world.
https://twitter.com/SethDillon/status/1505663712266493958 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/SethDillon/status/1505666033620815880 [Embed]
How Very Anti Semitic
>swollen scwotums uwu
The jews accused the Nazis of using masturbation machines
Shlomo they made my balls hurt!
From USA Today:
>Marsha Blackburn asked Ketanji Brown Jackson to define 'woman.' Science says there's no simple answer.
Since you haven't read the book I stated in 329472, I'll amend my statement with this: when the cheesefuckers kneeled and bowed down to vaticuck loving inbreds against actual white men from pre-Germany, REAL MEN, not braindead religiot simps solely due to the efforts of (((NOT ONE OF US, NOT ONE OF US))) sjw-styled propaganda based on the singular dispute of (((DEY DOZENT HAZ OUR REELIIIIJUUUUN)))... it's not cute when you think that you've outsmarted your opponent and will automagically come out on top in a debate. In reality, you've only shown how much of a brainlet goytoy you are.

How many wars did the EIGHT KINGDOMS of Saxons, yes, EIGHT, as in the Wheel of Chaos, have? To answer that question: (((You))) do not care. You offered zero historical context, thus that topic isn't your place to relate to since you are a clearly biased goyboy. Good job outing yourself there. Here's another question: why is there such a TINY confluence of anglo-cuckstains that outbred from their peoples? I mean, the britcucks COULD have outbred... yet they never did. The Hapsburg jaw is a real problem, y'know. Especially when it occurs en masse outside of the Hapsburg family, to an entire (((race))) that were once the bretons, then became the britons. Fucked up jaws? Check. Fucked up teeth? Check. Inbreeding that ran alongside 'both' family 'lines' which ended up >35 congenital genetic diseases for the """modern day briton"""? Triple check. It's a real shitshow when britmutts have 35 known genetic diseases compared the 53+ that kikes have!

Secondary answer: fuck you. You know nothing about the Eight Saxon Families, nor do you know shit about why they slaughtered Saxons that interbred with the britmutts. If you did... then you would understand why those wars took place. So, since I'm being helpful, here's a clue: when three of those families started going soft and married some britniggers right around the time of a certain farmer-turned-jarl-turned-king, the other five got real pissed since they didn't want their lineage to be vaticuck-bootlicking goyim that were certainly to be castrated and sent as sex slaves to various bitchships, vicarls, and (((popes))). I mean, what was the POINT of conquering a land filled with weak, spineless goyim, if not to purge them and be far better suited farmers? The balls aren't in your pants, goyim. And probably never were to begin with.

As for: moral relativism = "morals change over time based upon cumulative knowledge, unbiased aptitudes, meritocracy, and collective cultural experience. It can never be correct, nor (((good))), to call another, separate, group of human that horrible slur of 'inhuman', unless the LABEL FITS THE DESCRIPTED PARTIES. As we all should know by now, there are currently (((three groups))) that must be deemed subhuman."

tl;dr: you wake up in the morning and scream "punch all NAAAAHHHHTZEEEEZ" in the mirror, then go on to post dipshit allegories about (((m-muh beleefs))), but the longer you keep staring... the more you become what you hate. So, keep pocketing those good goy petro-shekels, Mister doublePLUSGOOD nothinker. However, make no mistake: treason is a crime punishable by only one outcome. Now, go read that book I suggested before you become completely cucked.

340173 340345
File (hide): 73F1667658DBC175BC9312DC533D18E4-5152576.mp4 (4.9 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:02:33, He must somehow enjoy doing this Lunacy.mp4) [play once] [loop]
He must somehow enjoy doing this Lunacy.mp4

This has to be satire....
340303 340319
Prolly, theres a guy who has been going around to school board meeting heavily parodying leftist talking points in as ridiculous a manner as possible, could be him.
340303 340312 340315 340382
>Fox News Hires 'LGBTQ+ Trailblazer' 'Caitlyn' Jenner, Hannity First to Shill 'Anti-Woke' Transgender Activist to His Audience
>Fox News host Sean Hannity in one week transitioned from shilling for nuclear war with Russia to shilling transgender activist "Caitlyn" Jenner on his audience as a new "anti-woke" conservative "LGBTQ+" hero.
https://twitter.com/Caitlyn_Jenner/status/834935434144731136 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4UQH9yWFrc [Embed]
https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1390118904878575621 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/TomiLahren/status/1390086553423208453 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/TomiLahren/status/1390376997046689792 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/TomiLahren/status/1414438023475998724 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/TomiLahren/status/1414465218412007425 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/Caitlyn_Jenner/status/1509593176209690625 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/Caitlyn_Jenner/status/1509641120380174364 [Embed]
Hope so, it got kinda funny towards the end.
Fox Jews Strikes again.
Funny that Tomi Lahren called critics of the troon "a mob uglier than the left" when the left has bombed the white house, treated protestors at the White House worse than ISIS members and thrown some of them into gulags, censored writers and comedians, groomed children and fought for the right to continue grooming children, engaged in terrorist activity against businesses and individuals, and more, all with the consent and support of the state and megacorp-globalist system.
Fuck niggers, fuck troons, fuck compromise.
How did boomers tolerating some niggers and illegal immigrants work out for them?
liberal melts down about transexual rights at denton texas city council meeting - (2022-03-22).mp4
Yes, it is him.
Is He dare I say..../OurGuy/?
Multiple levels of irony, politically incorrect, larping as the other side: That's /pol/ alright.
non-metaphorically this here stonetoss
Communism only works in an infallible world. Unfortunately we live in a fallible world where someone will take advantage of the system. It will never ever work. Karl Marx never worked a day in a life in a factory. I worked at FedEx as someone who loaded the trailers and knows what a hard days work is. I can't believe lazy idiots believe in Karl Marx ideas at all. Also it doesn't help we are current's in an economic Neo-feudalistic society

340871 340882
disney 1.jpg
disney 2.jpg
disney 3.jpeg
disney 4.jpg
When You Open Your Eyes And See What's In Plain Sight.
It appears these cards came out around 2016 based on an image search.

>Communism only works in an infallible world.
why do you give it that much? why say it doesn't work even in an infallible world? if you say it works in an infallible world, that implies that it very nearly works, and just needs a few capitalistic tweaks. everyone always says that it works "in a perfect world" or "on paper", but does it actually? all communists will hear when you say that is that communism mostly works. the way this common phrase is worded seems to be intended to imply good things about communism, wouldn't you say?
Saying that it only works in an infallible world implies that it will never work in a fallible one, no matter how many tweaks you make to it. No more, no less.
>infallibility is 'just a couple tweaks' to Capitalism
Is this a parody?
340872 340873
Maybe I'm stupid but what is the significance of this?
Pornographic Disney Gift Cards.jpg
Fucking lol. I wouldn't have noticed that if I'd stared at it all day.
plan a.png
>Utah "republican" Governor Spencer Cox shares his preferred pronouns with students to teach kids leadership with Equity & Inclusion
https://twitter.com/lifeisdriving/status/1511390828496769028 [Embed]
Video mirror:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApkwwV7JX_E [Embed]
"Act as schizo and moralfaggy as them" doesn't really win out
https://youtu.be/IMJHr_y2WVY [Embed]
Faggots cannot be trusted around kids

>Tucker Carlson Tonight 04/06/2022 Opening Monologue
https://www.bitchute.com/video/xxfPQhZ1HUEa/ [Embed]
340983 341043
>“Boycott Disney!” – Protesters Gather in Front of Disney HQ in Burbank, California (VIDEO)
>Last week Executive producer Latoya Raveneau said her team implemented a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.
https://twitter.com/DrewHLive/status/1511893151295803393 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/DrewHLive/status/1511907662534873093 [Embed]
unknown (4) (16).png
dont-let-liberals-edit 2.jpeg

341076 341091
No it isn't, and it's not a sexuality, it's just normal. Girls get periods at 12, historically girls got married at 12-16, the AOC in the US in 1880 was 7-12 by state. Libtarded moralfagging
341095 341111
>the AOC in the US in 1880 was 7-12 by state
Yeah, but you forgot to mention that women at that time were property and not a freelance whores as they are today.
Cope Harder pedo
341103 341121
Why's that related?

Angry with no point generally means you're the one coping
File (hide): 2C834E1C8CEBD9B91B7CDE6A5A83FB40-2026876.mp4 (1.9 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:01:29, ((( Their Own Filth ))).mp4) [play once] [loop]
((( Their Own Filth ))).mp4
⁣Parent starts reading the grooming material her kids' school is teaching, school board member shuts down.
The best part is the poor sign language interpretter in the corner who's cringing the whole time as she acts it out.
>Why's that related?
It is absolutely much related as involves which roles women will get as functional members of a community.
Either they function as women, or as men. Both roles cannot come together and properly be played.
What does that have to do with schizos virtue signalling about wanting to kill pedos? Men are attracted to young girls, that's natural, there's nothing wrong with it, and that's it
When women were property, the custody and therefore property, was transferred from the father to the husband, being the last the new tutor and guarantor of that woman safety.
Today the bureaucracy had messed all that and by means of intimidation and violence gives freewill to young women to squander their sexuality around.
Okay, I don't really disagree, but you didn't answer how that's related
Precisely into restrict women' sexuality towards a productive outcome: to make children and nothing else. For that the patriarchal family institution plays the key role.
>women at that time were property
They were not legally property in the 1880's.
Not to the extend of animal property, but close enough for guaranteeing that the ladies won't make the wrong personal choices.
Yeah, except that's not the same as property. Law had very little to do in that case, as it was really only enforced by social norms.
Put it this way: a property with human rights. Like the relation of parents and children.
Yeah, although it's still pretty different as far as U.S. law is concerned. Property is a legal term. They even had that SCOTUS ruling that established the legal rammifications of what what kind of rights you have when you're considered property: zero.
It's kind of nitpicky, but "property" is a rather specific term with exact legal implications. What it really was is that women adhered to social tradition, not legal specification, and did what their families expected of them.
Forget about that, it is a body meant to certificate oligarch policies and only has the legitimacy of the gun on which is backed.
Natural and Common Law is the path.
341122 341134
>Y-Y-You're the one coping
I look forward to hanging you.
341124 341125
>I l-look f-f-f-forward to h-h-hanging y-you… >_< 👉👈
341130 341134
You won't be saying that when you get hanged, pedophile.
341130 341134
Yeah. PEDO.
Then "property" might not be the best term to use anyway. You're talking about tradition, not law.
>You're talking about tradition, not law.
Common Law then.
You need that final word as le internet tough guy exactly because it's as much of a cope as when a libtard sees crime stats, emotional and boring

I'm right and little girls will always be best
By "common law", what do you mean? I understand it as law derivative of judicial precedent.
341136 341138
Learn to stop feeding the trolls.
341136 341138
>I'm right and little girls will always be best
Only if property right are restored as before, not before.
341137 341138 341149
All of you need to die. I hate this site now, you faggots killed it.
Ye, okay. They actually support each other. Early marriage means, very obviously, sooner (more) kids, less promiscuity and stronger bonding

I'm not trolling. Ask me anything and I'll give you a good answer

Oh No Horse pussy! its not like I've seen it for 5 years straight.
Grow some skin. Did you seethe all over the thread when you met obnoxious people on 4chan too?
341152 341154 341155
No, I always knew 4cuck was a shithole having grown up on it. but mlpol used to be a community that was based on friendship, this is like niggers moving into your neighborhood and shitting everything up. its no longer the same website from 5 years ago, its changed for the worse.
It's not going to get better by engaging faggots whenever they start shitposting. Just hide, ignore and move on.
>mlpol used to be a community that was based on friendship
It is, but because you are a spineless faggot you are too sensible to this site.
Derpibooru may cater your sensibilities better.
So what are you going to do about it? Are you just going to bitch about it, or are you going to make it better?
This site's quality has stagnated because people just sit around and complain about things without posting any actual content. On some months it feels like I'm the only one actually making news threads for weeks, and don't get me started on lack of ponies.
Checked and based.
>Pharisees Delighted By This New 'Wokeness' Thing That Lets Them Constantly Judge And Make Everyone Feel Guilty - (satire)



I wish there were still /pol/ edits for zyklon ben's boomer art
File (hide): 5A604DDA52ED95EBA1963D213931DE96-1345125.mp4 (1.3 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:00:38, [play once] [loop]
The lunatics are back.
Nah thats the PTA /pol/ troll

>Get Woke. Go Broke. End Up a Joke!
>The delusional and censorious woke madness may have reached a turning point. People are beginning to regain their common sense. Of course, there will always be cult members that will NEVER admit they were wrong, but in time they will — if only to themselves.

schools free from the jewish spirit.jpg

Better Times
The main stream right is for it too.
cul 1.jpeg
cul 2.jpeg
cul 3.jpeg


343127 343136 343142
File (hide): 326D47DF4774CB228A5A25791E55CC5C-5719368.mp4 (5.5 MB, Resolution:298x480 Length:00:03:14, Kill these people it's the only solution.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Kill these people it's the only solution.mp4
Demonic cunt argues her case to kill a baby.
ebd3f165a35394e254c7b5eebd9abfe0a7fb8d976e1ab893e3b529c87ca0dd09_1 (1).mp4
Former abortionist describes performing a second trimester abortion.
the pro abortion lobby isnt used to actually arguing their points directly at people that disagree. they survive by means of deception and suppression. because of this they they dont understand their oppositions argument. most of them dont even know why people oppose abortion. so they come up with these counter arguments someone told them, unaware that it has nothing to do with why their opposition disagrees.

One side shouts "abortion is murder" and one side shouts "its a womans right". But both agree women dont have a right to murder. but the argument is never about if abortion is murder or not and it very clearly is.
The easiest argument is to just compare the differences between an abortion and a premature delivery. the baby is removed from the mother in both cases and she's freed from this "burden" even if it means the babies life may end in the process, but the difference is the abortion makes sure the baby doesnt survive. if the baby accidentally survives, they call the abortion "botched".
They could easily just remove the baby without intentionally destroying it.
A good 4 decades ago my mum worked in a premature baby unit. If a baby did not cry out for feeding it was deemed o.k. for it to starve to death. Things have moved on but there will always be a line between life and bucket of human remains.
>If a baby did not cry out for feeding it was deemed o.k. for it to starve to death.
>women in charge
Think about it, it looks like they are natural born killers. We are lucky our mothers didn't kill us when they could.

Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic
>What Kind of People Dye Their Hair Unnatural Colours?
https://www.bitchute.com/video/rWfgSMJnpXac/ [Embed]


>Tucker Carlson goes after @CoriBush for using the the phrase "black birthing people" and argues "everything is about race now."
https://twitter.com/TuckWatch/status/1390827711451566083 [Embed]

>This looks like an ad for homeschooling.
https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1525098539600297987 [Embed]
>The slippery slope
Here it is:

>Wisconsin Middle School Students Charged Over Incorrect ‘Pronoun’ Usage
>Three eighth-graders have been slapped with "sexual harassment" charges under Title IX
https://twitter.com/MichaelPreamble/status/1525199706812555264 [Embed]
File (hide): E49219413177405C7480CCD88B4C42E5-1477436.mp4 (1.4 MB, Resolution:540x480 Length:00:00:45, Nails it.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Nails it.mp4
This man nailed it.
File (hide): EFC97F8B93A1F810BDDDC93913BCAA30-12109771.mp4 (11.5 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:09:59, Discrimination and Gay Suicide Rates.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Discrimination and Gay Suicide Rates.mp4
Sean Last refuting the argument that social attitudes are the only reason homosexuals commit suicide at higher rates.
>Fagets killing themselves
The talker needs to address how to increase the death rate.

1 (11).png


File (hide): 3A73C5A6B3351668A12CA32F1CCC5F60-965430.mp4 (942.8 KB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:06, Anita Sarkeesian in a nutshell.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Anita Sarkeesian in a nutshell.mp4
ok, but why not say it doesn't work in a perfect world either
File (hide): D5562E5ACCE62D7EBF736B1ED073A31D-901520.mp4 (880.4 KB, Resolution:384x480 Length:00:00:18, US Military.mp4) [play once] [loop]
US Military.mp4
>US Military Continues To Demonstrate Its Western Values In The Barracks.
A glimpse on the past.
>U.S. Marines
https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1531994393950953472 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/DrewHLive/status/1536060911470776320 [Embed]

>US Navy Releases Bizarre Training Video Urging Recruits to Create Pronoun “Safe Space”
>China and Russia are laughing.
https://twitter.com/FreeBeacon/status/1538954448134934530 [Embed]

>Elon Musk's Transgender Daughter Son Seeks Name Change To Disassociate From Him
>Musk's son, who is transgender, filed the request to change his name because, according to him, "I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form."
Despite only making up 13% of the American population blacks commit over 50% of all crime in America
While I agree that this is probably just bait & datamining from western three-letter agencies. Posts like these, where america is bashed, but are still reinforcing the "muh racism" narrative, have already been posted on youtube before, and they've circulated for about two years now.
The accounts are mostly russian usernames, I might post some screenshots later on, but I am not posting too much. There are quite a few accounts that appear to be linked to the GOP and numerous jewish religious-political entities, which are posting what I can only describe as a shitty gang-stalking attempt. Despite the fact I only have a few low effort pone videos that I've posted. Don't know what to make of it.
If the bots asking bizarre strings of time-wasting questions that seem cobbled together from random soundbites are designed to learn from their responses, exclusively responding to them with Hate Facts might produce amusing results.
>AMAZING Deconstruction Of American Cancel Culture
https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pvs1ue845bQ/ [Embed]