>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.
>What's to be expected?Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..
>Any archive of photos or stories?Dropbox (Photos):
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BP6aPchH3lGIRdzd78IWykMCXuKLrNABi6bxZGVTy9c/edit>I'm a contributor.Great! For writers, just notify
All Nighter Fgt Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharingAssess how well you fit into the filly hivemind:
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/personality-quiz/?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8>I don't like this thread because of reasons.You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old-mare Thread:
>>282598 →
>>292903Are those coom particles?
>>292893 →Thanks frien, hope you feel better soon.
>>292914You need your filly serum
>>292943>>292939>>292914>>292903The filly barometer. Filly is Always a good idea.
A level nine Purple is on the loose wat do?
>>292951>>292953[YouTube] Psycho Killer
[Embed]>Purple was bad, but going to sleep into her domain...>The experienced dream walker learned.>Her repertoire grew with every idle thought, and living between dreams and sleep and waking->"Okay class, it's time to turn in your homework.">Cheerilee despite the inane work, cared just enough to have her be best pone.>In the class room you realize you forget your homework, and it's nowhere to be found.>You see Cheerilee walk up to you with a smile>"Found it yet?""Not yet, but I did it. It's just somewhere, I know the answers."
>She leans down, and whispers>"Going to have to make an example for all the other fillies and colts so act sad if it doesn't turn up when I'm finished collecting them.">This is why Cheerilee is bestest pony.>The stupid paper is nowhere to be found.>"Well Anon you're going to have to stay after class, but first.">She places a dunce cap on you.>Class just flies by, and soon enough instead of heading to Purple's place you're alone with Cheerilee.>"I've tried being nice, with you Anon.""Hunh?"
>"With everything I've done you place another burden on me.">Slouching, and eyes are baggy as makeup wears off.>"That's not fair to say that, they have placed another burden on me.">She looks tired."What do you mean?"
>"They've been hounding me. Anon, I think I'm being pushed into resigning.">She loves teaching, and each and every little pony she teaches.>If she has the nightmares...>Fuck.>"They keep giving me a choice to make your life worse here, or we both lose everything. So I'll leave the choice up to you.">Damn them."I- I-"
>The walls are hard to see>Cheerilee looks panicked>This is a dream>From the corners of the room darkness wells and swells into a familiar form>"Well we've heard enough. For conspiring against the crown you will partake in events for us.">From the dark dream scape a fresh metal pole grows old and oxidized, bumps and ridges form>The rusty flag pole pierces your bladder, then vagina, then anus>Her magic peeling off the false metal at each area so it is hooked in>A horrid strapon>You see dark tendrils hold Cheerilee down and spread wide open.>Disgusting tentacles of the dream domain.>"But today we're feeling extremely generous, Anon rape Cheerilee then my nighttime visits for you shall cease. Cheerilee will bare the burden. Or Cheerilee will extract the metallic tube, then violently sodomize you when you both wake.>You look into Cheerilee's eyes, and a side you've never seen before on a pony graces your vision.>One you've only seen in a mirror>It promises vengeance."In three seconds so prepare."
>Psycho Luna can read your mind"Two"
>So the solution is quite simple"One"
>Rape is always the right answer>Especially tentacle rape!>The darkness holding the good pony hostage recoils in pain as metal cuts and goes through the tentacle appendage>"ARGH!">A familiar classroom appears, well lit and bright with hope.>Cheerilee pulls out a few unlabled plastic bottles.>Mixing them together>a white flash, and a ringing going through out you being>your skin is melting>Cheerilee missing her face, skin, and some muscle marches to the mare of dreams who is in little chunky bits>Luna's mouth is gapeing and she's trying to pull herself together>her fur is changing color>The dream is wavering, and you can feel your waking body again>No this has to be done>Cheerilee with her melting body, drops a bottle>picks up the decapitated head>the head is slowly shifting to a purple hue>curb stomping the head through the bottle>a sizzle is heard>A piercing scream comes from Purple's Room>Twilight sure does have a loud set of lungs.
>>293015>Purple was bad, but going to sleep into her domain...>The experienced dream walker learned.As it begun, so it will end.
A creepy green, Filly is pleased.
>>293030Very cute.
The only difference between rage and rape is a P.
>>293015Reminds me a bit of of one of my favorite fics:
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8191541/1/Cheerilee-s-GardenNice job, the first part has a lot more clarity than the rest of it though. I think I figured out what was going on, but you might want to be a bit less cryptic when you really get into what's happening.
>>292891Hey, fillyfags
I'm glad you found a good home on this site. There was a time when I thought you were all just weirdos with child abuse fetishes and mommy issues but you've written really good stories about anonfilly and her life, whether it's a good or bad life.
Thank you for being here, and thank you for being creative.
This is a good place for creativity and a good place for pony.
>>293043I can't completely tell whether it's Luna or Purple who's been causing all of the dream bullshit in the end, sorry
>>293015thanks faget. now I can't sleep.
>>293053>Be anonfilly>Lying in bed awake, 4:00 AM>You put down your book something like an hour ago.>You thought your sleep schedule would get better when you no longer had a phone to browse 4chan with, but alas...>It's raining softly outside.>You hear a knock at your door.>Put your head down on the pillow, pretend to be asleep.>"Anon, I know you're awake.">Fuck."Please don't be angry..."
>"Why would I be angry?">Twilight slips into bed next to you like she's done it hundreds of times even though this is just your first day here.>"What's keeping you up?""I always have awful nightmares."
>"Well, if anything happens I'll be right here.">She brushes your face with a hoof.>"I know you aren't mine by birth, but you're so beautiful. I almost feel guilty being proud. Almost.">Twilight pulls you in close.>"I love you.""Love you too, mom."
>>293092>heavy pets the small pone
I wish for filly to pee in my mouth.
>>293190>dogWell, that's mean.
Pupper, any estimation on when the search feature for the site will be added back?
>>293249I will try to put in some effort to get search of archive (and active threads) in place so there at least will be some rudimentary search functionality to use
(that can be expanded on and improved as time goes by). I'll try to have it up before Christmas to give me a little target to work towards. Have a few other things in current dev code I have to make sure works as it should too and don't break anything too (easy to make tweaks that affects areas I forget to test).
>>293253Thank you, I appreciate all the effort you have continued to put into this community.
>>293306My pleasure. Code is work in progress and hopefully in time it will have all the functions to make it a truly pleasant site to use. And search is one of those things I sadly had put off to add, so this little push was a welcome one. Always nice to have something to work towards I know people want to see.
>>293364Is a very good cute filly. 12/10
Some of you might find use for this in edits.
so i've been on /mlp/ for a long time yet never really took a look at the filly threads. What is the fillies origin? Does she have one? Can she have multiple? Is it always a male anon turn female filly or can a femanon also turn into one. ect
>>293425>I'm an oldfag but still want a spoonfeedingYou are the filly, anon
>>293436No, that's discord bullshit.
>>293425The answer to all of your questions is:
whatever you want it to be as long as you're having fun, or in some special degenerates cases, as long as it is tragic.
>>293425There have been many origins from twilight's magic to potion mishap to nobody knows he just appeared in the forest naked and filly.
I don't remember any fem anon stories but some art has shown it.
Ultimately as long as theiris filly it's good. Fresh flavor is good as long as it's done well.
>>293438>>293478Heres a question since we are in that vein. If a normal woman turns into a pone does she automatically become more pure? Would harmony magic make her a bit more pure or would she stay the same?
In short would a femanon to filly/mare be more waifu like or stay her same whorish self?
If she doesnt have a cutie mark she can be saved in our world. but if she is transformed with one preselected only equestria can make her pure. Think of it like being born again. By getting a cutie mark, a thot will have a revelation that brings the purpose of her life into focus. But if its already chosen for her at the start it's probably going to be something she already does, and it will be up to the
CMC society at large to help her use her cutie mark for good. Obviously human society would only encourage her to use it for worse.
>>293498I'd say she starts out the normal human shit which makes her behave like a slightly worse minor antagonist but still reformible.
>>293498>In short would a femanon to filly/mare be more waifu like or stay her same whorish self?Normal Anon remains a faggot, so it stands to reason that Femanon would remain a whore.
>>293521Thanks Harvey, just had our first snowfall here.
Kek did we trigger a bot or something?
>>293531KYS filly is an old visitor of this thread.
Just relax and let him to shitpost as usual.
>>293524No problem, it had been awhile since I drew some filly and needed to fix that.
>>293537Any chance you're taking requests?
>>293538I'm always open for requests.
>>293537I wanna pat that filly's head
>>293544Thank you, it's perfect.
>>293521I'm siding with anon here, fuck snow.
>>293498Most greens have Anon stay the same but without any of our modern day conveniences she would probably be forced to change pretty fast or risk whatever terrible fate happens to social failures in that particular story.
>>293498>>293504>>293517>>293520>Being summoned by Starlight Glimmer first was a surprise.>In a slightly warm rape dungeon with the stench of booze and mead.>Then Twilight Sparkle doing it again, bringing another Anon's dreams as a filly to fruition, to prove a point.>This went one for a while, mostly because of the wine.>That was six months ago, every month they try the spell again with tweaks.>Then they 'fixed' the spell.>A human woman apeared in the nude, the vibrant crotch hair almost said the whole story.>Her dyke form shifting into a pony shape.>Complete with cutie mark>A table falling over due to a broken leg.>We started with a simple plan to handle this threat.>Now the guys including some others that wanted to be fillies and the other ex-females watched with horror over the next few weeks.>Snarky Butt Relatable the stupid whore, gold digging, trouble rousing, cock goblin', vag vacuume, and practically all negatively expressed feminine traits.>Stuff that brings about social and national collapse.>With her words and actions cementing those points.>Mr and Mrs Cake nearly have a heart attack due to accusations from the whore>all because she wanted an extra slice of cake>Plans were adjusted accordingly>The health inspector, the vindictive whore whined to, found the Cakes to be above Equestrian grade in health and they were compensated generously. Through publicity.>That's when we learned of the four marks system Equestria uses.>Legally speaking Snarky 'how many foals can i legally molest at the school yard and their parents' Relatable couldn't go and just commit those lies and have it be submitted.>It just so happened that it was within the supprise time frame for such inspections.>Purple was weary at least with all our complaints, but her hoof was still extended in friendship.>Which would have been okay, except this is also a person who destroyed her three ex-husbands lives and took their children and 'misplaced' them.>A real life dumbed down strawman that shouldn't exist but does so anyway.>For now.>"We have called this Anon meeting to deal with the slut. Thread name by awesome baker, Stuffing sloot's shekel shaker into the shredder.">Strangely formal but considering the circumstances it was important.>"Shining Armor, and Peetzer Pone is coming.">Cadance is a cool pony in real life, she not only rolled with the memes and embraced them, but is an honorary member for services that twiggles can't know about.>It was kind of a surprise at the time, but a welcome one."When I last saw her she was giggling about breaking the patriarchy, and going about seducing the princess."
>The one boon the cunt turning into a pony did, was externalizing dastardly plots.>"No stallion is touching her even with heavy advances from the word of mouth and hoof operation.">It was a good thing too, she was hanging around the school yard too often behind a bush.>The fact the whore was also found in ally ways trying to seduce stallions, and sometimes mares for a life time income.>well Equestria had different laws, good laws, telling her though wasn't a good idea.>"Donations have dried up as all the ponies here wised up.">Good thing too, emotionally blackmailing a colt out of his rare pebble collection, and a filly from her late grandmother's scrapbook is disgusting.>"Last ditch effort before the pitchfork failed.">that's to be expected>"Peetzer knows?">A sparkling teleport in the totally secret clubhouse>"Hiya Anon!">"PEETZER!">"You made it.""Ready to bake."
>She brought pizza, the good poner princess.>Maybe even the best.>maybe>The tallest leggy member of the group had an easy smile.>"It's peetzer time Anons. So don't worry about a thing let peetzer pone bake your worries away.">All the more reason to meddle>Eating good pizza with friends and pone>the last feast before the final confrontation.>Discussing means and methods of various kinds for different situations.>oh and Shining Armor was there too>The plan is simple Cadence princess' away the whore to the royal rape dungeons in the crystal empire for reeducation>and mostly rape.>The morning breakfast with Twilight, her BBBFF, Pink Pone princess, us, and Snarky 'it's just part of my traditions oy vey' Butt Relatable eating fruit salad.>"So BBBFF how is the Crystal Empire?">Butt is deep thoating a whole banana and failing.>"UHK, HURK.">Purple is getting more irritated by the second.>The whore, She gives up, and proceedes to lick the salad throusting her tongue deep to the bottom of the bowl.>"... so how is Flurry doing.">It was the big family style bowl, with a large laddle.>"Well, an alicorn can get up to a lot of trouble-">She slyly brings her teats up on the table>Leaning on her personal bowl it hits Twilight, Cadence, and Shining>"Oh teehee let me clean that up.">Walking over she licks them moaning.>Shining Armor the soldier sticks to the plan.>Twilight however is about to blow a fuse.>"Say how about when this little shingding is over we have a little fun at my place, a threes-"FRRRTHHOOM>Twilight has ascended to fire pone level, and smiteded the whore.>well is about to smite with the righteous magic pimp hand style>Whispering quietly to the filly to the right"rape dungeon or being Sparkled?"
>The fellow Anon whispers something to me that rang true>"Why not both?">Twilight, opening a portal in time yoinks the woman before she becomes a pony and leaves a note for herself and Gimmer.>Stunned at the sudden appearance. Then it closes.>With a pop.>"No one messes with my brother, and sister-in-law.">Then they disappear with a solid ray of FUCKERING-MAGIC>"Well that makes disposing of the evidence easy.""Best pone."
>Twilight takes a few breaths and clams down.>Becoming purple once again.>"So, anything new lately?">"Well I did get some lessons on some interesting techniques.">Cadence winks at us.
>>293548>tfw princess candyass will never make (you) and the boys(girls) a peetzer while you all discuss how to get rid of the whorea real shame, that is
>>293562>It's coming down outside.>You're glad you paid extra for that magical heating stone, because the thermometer on the outer wall says it's below zero.>Even so, you still have work to do.>Instead of helping Twilight with her research today, you'll be shoveling snow from in front of ponies houses.>Why do ponies like snow shoveled when there are no cars to slip? You're not sure.>Hornet, always the late riser, is still snoring in bed.>You whip up a quick batch of pancakes and wake her by brushing her messy mane out of her eyes.>"Mnghigger...""Come on, time for breakfast. Then school."
>"I already know it all.""And I'll be jailed if I don't make you follow the law."
>She lets out a soft ree and tries to put her muzzle down into her pillow, but you grab her little legs and lift her up.>"H-hey! Rape! Help!""Little brat."
>You muss up her mane before sitting her down in front of the chocolate chip pancakes.>She catches sight of the window before you can pour her syrup though.>"Wow, snow!""Ugh, snow."
>"Oh come on, are we really no fun allowed now?""No, this just fucked up all of my plans for the day."
>"What more plans do you need than playing in the snow all day?""Well it might not occur to you that you still need to go to school and I still need to pay the-"
>Ring ring."Hello?"
>"Anonymous?""Hey Cheers. What's up?"
>You can almost hear her blushing over the phone.>"J-just calling to say that school is cancelled today.""Hornet will be happy to hear that."
>"I thought she liked school...""Come on, what kid doesn't like playing in the snow for a change?"
>"Well, I suppose all of this will give me an opportunity to finally get all of thise tests graded.""Nonsense. Meet me over next to breakneck hill."
>"Anon, I don't-">You put down the phone.>"Hypocrite.""She's my marefriend, it's different."
>"Mhm. So, ready?""First we have to get you dressed for the-"
>She puffs out her coat."Oh. Right."
>You throw on your coat and grab the shovel.>"Aren't you forgetting something?""What would that be?"
>"The sled, nigger.""We don't have one, I'll buy one on the way."
>>293573Fantastic! I love it when something i draw inspires green
>>293576Thank you, glad you enjoyed it and I love the pic!
>>293562>>293573These are so disgustingly cute that I have significantly less murderous hatred for the 5+ feet of snow currently blocking me in.
>>293425Whatever, really. I think the idea was that Anon was now a filly for some reason, and shenanigans ensued. It's not like there has to be one origin for it to be Filly, though. That would be gay. It was just a
general topic to write stories about and such.
I always liked the stuff where it was Anon and Filly. There was plenty of cute stuff where they had to exist in Equestria together for some reason, and it made for fun times. The fag and the fillyfag. The two being of the same ilk meant they could get up to some really Anon-y type shit, and that was always a good time. You know, since Anon is almost always a lovable sarcastic asshole kind of character. Made me like the Filly, and the concept.
There was plenty of other shit too, where it was just the filly, or even a colt. But young and defenseless, so ponies would have to care for them. Or abuse them, as the case may be, but that was never my style. No reason it couldn't be a femanon I guess, but I don't know how much of that content there really was, since there are no women on asiatic horse breeding forums. Maybe femanons become colts and anons become fillies? Maybe they are just a horse and it has nothing to do with their sex? Maybe femanons don't exist because that's gay?
Just have fun. Remember when things were about having fun?
>>293680Maybe it could be a female pony clone of anon (Kind of a X-23 situation) made when he drank a bad potion in twi's fridge.
>Filly must never know she was actually barf up.
>>293761>Filly never really questioned why Anon called her a little puke all the time, she just figured he was kind of a dick
Shortly before Ma goes off to war
>>293773>Turns out it was both.
Fillies and faggots alike, it's been far too long! It's ya boi Placeholder, back from a threeish-month hiatus for personal reasons I won't bore and/or worry you with to bring you all more hot garbage fresh from my keyboard! Main story update this time, It's the Little Things to follow at some point Soon™. Anyway...
>Where we left off
>The day of the test is drawing closer and closer
>Only 30-something applicants though, so that's an issue
>Anon gave Spike the talk, Twilight wasn't too happy about this
>Chrysalis's reply finally got to the Friendship Castle™, giving Anon and Twilight the knowledge that a plan C won't be needed
>And some other assorted shenanigans that you'll probably be reminded of in this pseudo-recap of a plot advancement!
>Dreamscape is something unimportant, like a factory or a warehouse or something
>Point is, you're in a big room with some random shit strewn around that you can't be asked to pay too much attention to
>The main reason for that happens to be what lies in the center of the room
>A large wooden box, clearly marked with red lettering on all five of the faces you can see, titled "dragon dildos"
>Why your brain decided to make this the centerpiece of your dream you may never know, but you quickly get rid of the lettering on the box before Luna arrives
>You're not checking the inside to confirm your suspicions, but just in case you also clear the inside of it
>Maybe you should just make sure the bottom doesn't have any of the lettering either...
>... And done!
>Right on time too, judging by the blue flash that just washed over the environment
>"Good evening, Anonymous. How have today's events treated you?"
>An interesting question!
>You take a seat on the box and will a chair into existence facing you for Luna to occupy as you collect your thoughts
"You may want to sit down, because there was a lot."
>She does as you ask, adopting attentive posture as you take a deep breath
"Okay, so I got word back from Chrysalis about the plan C that Twilight wanted me to ask about. She says that we shouldn't worry about it since she already has a plan C should plans A and B fail, so that's something. Also, I learned just how many applicants are accounted for with the trials I have planned; apparently 33 is all we have and not nearly enough to find a good enough stallion."
>Luna winces a bit at hearing that before offering condolences
>"If it makes you feel any better, it's likely more applicants than you would've gotten had you actually told them what was going to happen."
"Don't even get me started about that, Twilight's done it enough. Anyway, back to today's happenings since I'm still not done! Anyway, I also ended up being the one to tell Spike about how foals happen since Twilight never told him. After that, Twilight ended up getting mad at me for being the one to break it to him since 'he's still a baby!' I mean, come on! The guy's almost as old as me and I learned about that stuff almost a decade ago, so why does Spike need to be kept in the dark?"
>"Dragons have different rates of maturation than ponies in both physical and mental aspects, many of which are poorly understood even by Equestria's brightest. Twilight likely didn't tell him because she wasn't sure when would be the proper time to do so and didn't want to risk potentially disrupting his development."
"And that's a valid concern, but the guy's clearly not mentally a child. Anyway, Even if he was, then he probably shouldn't be spending all of his time being Twilight's personal assistant and spend a good part of it in school."
>Luna takes a moment to let your words sink in before shrugging and turning back to you
>"Fair point. Maybe it would be best to leave this at you and Twilight having different ideas on how to handle Spike's maturation and discuss other things?"
"Like what?"
>"Like how the other events have played out so far to do with what you're calling plan A. I don't think you've even told me about that yet, now that I think of it."
>You never did tell her, did you
"Then allow me to do that! Plan A is to set up two tests, one physical and one mental with baselines for both set by Twilight and her friends, and send the applicants through them both. Any successful applicants will then be told what they're doing and given one final chance to back out before those who don't are sent to Chrysalis to perform their duty."
>"I can see why Twilight was giving you trouble about telling the applicants what would happen now."
>You sigh and slump over on the box, lamenting the lack of faith that anybody besides you seems to have in your plan
"Yeah, it's something I'm well aware of. Anyway, something else to discuss besides my shit planning?"
>Luna perks up at a memory flashing across her mind and fills you in accordingly
>"Yes, you still have to teach me the vehicle rules!"
>Warhammer is certainly a change of pace, and a welcome one!
>So, you stand up, summon in a table and a few models, and spend the rest of the dream giving Luna the Quick Rundown™
>. . .
>>293915>Friday, the last day before the weekend and the testing therein!>Any last-minute applicants should be coming in today, otherwise there's nothing more to worry about>Oh yeah, you also have to go to the hospital today to get another check done on your nose>Almost forgot it was broken again...>Oh well, at least today's hopefully going to be more eventful than the majority of this week>Not in a bad way though, that's not what you're hoping for at all>Nah, you just want something in school other than the usual garbage that you either already know or barely care enough to learn>Speaking of, time to get up and get ready for that>You get out of bed, go about your morning routine, and head out the door into the frigid late-winter morning>Well, you expect it to be frigid, but it's actually somewhat pleasant>Oh right, it's probably because the snow schedule's transitioning gradually back into rain>Whatever it is, it makes for a more pleasant walk to school than the last while>Once you reach the school though, you see something that makes things all the more pleasant!>Rather, something that is actually someone>Almost as soon as you notice her, that gray "filly" with a familiar green mane and blue eyes comes bounding over to you>That's right, after a week or so that felt like fucking forever, the local changeling spies are back in town!>You trot over to meet Emerald halfway, upon which she catches you in a hug>"Anon, it's been so long! Did you do anything cool while I was gone?""You have no idea. First I get to go see the whole thing at Canterlot in person, then I get an assignment from Princess Celestia herself, and then after that... Well, to be honest, things got pretty boring after that. But hey, some pretty interesting stuff before that! What about you?"
>She pulls back from you and looks around to check the surroundings>You help out, assuming something's going to happen that nobody else should see>Emerald then decides that the coast is clear enough and briefly allows for part of her disguise to drop, particularly near her chest, exposing a small crystal pendant with a green sliver embedded into it"What's that?"
>Before responding, she pulls herself back in close and beckons like she's going to whisper to you>"It's my ID as an official spy!">So it's official now?"Well, I can say you're doing a great job so far. Your first day of your first mission and you've already exposed yourself to the enemy, I'm pretty sure that's a record."
>Emerald's face scrunches up and she blushes a bit before responding with an indignant huff>"I only told you because you already know, dummy!""But what if I was somepony else disguised as me though? Then you would've been caught red-hooved!"
>To punctuate your stupid comment, you pull the smuggest look you've pulled in a decent while>Emerald lightly pushes you in response, but the bell for class rings before you can get another word in>From there, class goes as normal and school passes by without major happening>Once you're all dismissed, You and your friend, now reunited, decide to walk home together"So, I get the sense that there's more you want to know about what I got up to and I know for sure that there's more I want to know about what you got up to. Wanna head back to the castle with me, or should we go back to your sister's house?"
>"Would Twilight be okay with me being at the castle if she... knew?">Would she?>You honestly have no idea, but it's not like there's anything that major going on at the castle that Chrysalis doesn't already know about and that Twilight doesn't know she knows about either, so..."I don't think she'll mind."
>>293916>"If she's a spy now, why did you decide to KNOWINGLY bring her here, to one of the most important places in Equestria and a resident of one of the standing princesses?">Twilight didn't handle it the best, but you've got logic at your side!"She's a spy for Chrysalis, someone who we're not hostile towards anymore and who we're also currently working for. Also, from what I know, there's nothing we're doing here that's so important that it'll jeopardize the future that we're not already doing on behalf of Chrysalis herself."
>"From what YOU know. You have no idea what other projects I could be working on and what they might be for! What then?""Then you know that Emerald's a spy now, so you know to keep it from her. Just lock it in your lab, that should stop intrusion."
>"That lock is bio-metric, I have no idea if it would stop a changeling disguised as me from getting in!">Oh>Fair point"Yeah, I got nothing for that."
>"So now you see my problem.">Twilight sighs and does a gesture that you can only interpret as an equivalent to pinching the bridge of her nose, but calms down and continues>"I'm still going to let you bring her over if she wants to, but on two conditions. One, she never leaves your sight. Two, let me know before. No more unannounced visits, and make sure she doesn't get anywhere she shouldn't. I don't care how you make sure of that, I don't even care if you tell her since she seems to think you don't care about her new job, just make sure that nothing happens to violate either of those two conditions.""Understood. Just one other question though."
>"What is it?""What if one of those conditions is broken from things outside my control?"
>"If it's outside your control, then you don't have to worry about yourself. If it's just the punishment for breaking these rules that you want to know, then I'm not too sure. Maybe I'll just put you back in your own universe immediately and leave it at that.""That doesn't sound too bad."
>"Then you'd better hope that it doesn't happen before the week after next, otherwise you'll be going back through as is.">Oh>Right>You can't go back to being human yet unless you want your still-healing nose to turn your brain into pudding"Again, understood."
>"Good. With all that being said, I'll let you get back to things.">Twilight walks back off to wherever she was going before you caught her in the hall and explained things, leaving you to go back to your room and Emerald>One relatively short walk later, you find yourself back at your room and your friend is there waiting>"So, how'd it go?">Might as well rip the bandaid off now"So Twilight's not too happy about my assumption, but she's still willing to let you come over as long as we follow two rules: we tell her beforehand, and we don't separate."
>"Oh...""Yeah, sorry about that; I hope this doesn't ruin any of your plans for anything or put a damper on today's visit."
>"It's fine, this is my job now. It's my fault for not expecting this, I just have to be more careful.""And I'll do what I need to to keep us both out of trouble! Now, where did we leave off?"
>"I think you were going to ask me about how everything went between when we last met?""Something like that. So, what did you get up to besides just solidifying your job choice?"
>Emerald takes a moment to think to herself and collects her thoughts before answering>"Well, I had to help rebuild the hive after it got blown apart. That was a long process and I had to help out with a lot of the redecoration, but it looks just like it did before! After that, I decided I wanted to be a spy since no other job would let me leave the hive and I wasn't sure if you'd ever come back there.""Was there anything interesting about that, or did you just tell Chrysalis and she said okay?"
>"There was a test where I had to memorize a story and not forget it for a week. There was another test too, but that one was just making sure I could lie well enough to not get caught, so it was easy. After that, I just had to choose my persona so that I could get off to where I was supposed to spy on.""Huh, neat."
>"What about you, what's the mission from Princess Celestia you mentioned?"
>>293917>Do you tell her?>She did risk her own cover to tell you about being a spy out in front of the school, it's the least you could do>Yeah, fuck it"Do you know what the conditions of the peace between the Badlands and Equestria were?"
>"Yeah, something about us having to give up a bunch of our ore stores, and in exchange we get protection and Mom gets help with... something important?""Yeah, Princess Celestia put me in charge of the 'something important.' In case you're wondering, it's going well so far."
>"Why did she put you in charge of... that?""I really don't know, and that's even after asking Luna, Twilight and Chrysalis. It's either that she thinks I can handle it since I got everyone involved onboard with the peace agreement to begin with, or because she doesn't like the fact that I ended up getting all of this put on her through the peace agreement."
>Emerald's expression immediately jumps to confusion upon hearing your explanation>"Wait, you're why this all happened?">Maybe you said too much"Yeah, it's a long story that I'm still not sure if I should get into."
>"Does it have anything to do with that conversation back in the hotel in Canterlot and what you didn't explain there?""Funnily enough, they're actually the exact same answer. Also, the reason I'm not sure if I should say it or not, since you at least deserve that, is because Twilight wants me to keep it secret until further notice."
>"Further notice being when?""Whenever Twilight decides the world is ready. As for an answer on that, I can only imagine."
>Emerald's shoulders droop and she lets out an exasperated grunt>"Can I at least get a hint?">You're definitely not saying no to that, Twilight's rules be damned!>The question is, what hint could you give that wouldn't immediately give it away or do effectively nothing?>Or, and hear me out here, what if we just completely shoved the problem onto someone else?>Not a bad idea, amirite?>Glad to see you agree, now who do we shove it off onto?>Spike?>A good idea, fairly close and he's the one who currently knows the most about your situation within the vicinity, but still not optimal since he's also bound by Twilight's rules>Luna?>Maybe, but is she even allowed by her job to infiltrate the dreams of non-citizens?>Yeah, I agree that taking a legal risk there just to spill some beans isn't really worth it, even if she happens to be one of two beings here above the law>Might want to ask her about that for future reference though, just in case>Chrysalis?>Truly a brilliant suggestion!>Not bound by Twilight's rules (and even if she was, quite likely to disobey out of spite,) full knowledge of just who and what you are with added knowledge of how you got here, and somebody you hold enough authority with to respect your judgement in situations like this!"I myself can't give you a hint, but I can point you towards someone who will tell you if you ask with my approval."
>Upon hearing this, Emerald almost physically jumps out of her funk>"Who?""Chrysalis. Just ask your mom, but make sure to tell her that I said you're allowed to know. Better yet, I have an idea! In order for us to make it happen though, first we need to find Spike."
>One letter written and sent later, you two have finished up with everything you needed to discuss, freeing up the rest of the time for games and general screwing around!>Eventually though, even that comes to an end as Emerald has to go home and Twilight has something to bother you about>Nevermind, turns out she was just making sure you didn't say anything confidential to the resident spy>You didn't>You told her where you could find out some confidential information, but Twilight didn't ask about that~>From there, the evening is business as usual until it's time to turn in for the night>. . .
>>293918And that's all for now! As always, I hope you all enjoyed and please tell me what you did or didn't like about what I did here so that I can take it all into account and hopefully get better. Aside from that, I'm glad to finally be back and I hope you're all glad I am too!
>>293915>PlaceholderWelcome back poner.
>>293915I was just thinking about you. Glad to see you're still around, I was worried it was just me and one or two other guys writing shit anonymously for a while. I'll read this update tomorrow, today's going to be a bit hectic.
Can any drawfag here make an Anonfilly version of this pic with a zebra doll.
>tfw when you have piles of pussy but no dick
>>293987Also, Nonny a cute.
>>293915>>293916>>293917>new greenThank you. I really enjoyed.
>>294015Human filly or pony filly?
>>294052I'm not that sven.
>>294052human means it isn't filly, faget
a filly is a young female horse
>>294074Wow, fuck. That was fast and I didn't actually except... Thanks so much dude. That's so fucking good.
>>294077>He saved the thumbnailsAnon, I...
>>294078Well... I don't wanna take up too much space?
>In the home of Twilight, herself, Spike, and I stood making the journey to the lists, documents, and charts room.
>Speculation on Twilight Sparkle's parenting has been a source for entertainment for a long time with Anonfilly stories.
>You really wish it was the case.
>There's the abuseive Purple
>and the tired Sparkle
>and Twilight as a momfu
>Then there is this Twilight, Only Prepared Twilight.
>Her mind can be sharp when properly rested, and pin pointed to such a degree it will pierce anything.
>So much pressure fully on one spot.
>Lists, and charts are necessary to widen that scope.
>That assortment of documents describes everything.
>"Okay Anon we're going to figure out how exactly our familial relationship is going to work."
>This is the fourth time luckily you've fully destroyed any documentation of them existing.
>You've experienced each type of general disposition she can enact.
>More importantly is getting it precisely correct.
>"I could have sworn we've did this before, but I have been dreaming of this for so long. A true mother daughter relationship."
"Y-yeah me too."
>Forgeting something like basic necessities in the blueprint was aweful for that week, until you've found the documents.
>"Aren't you so excited! A new step in this relationship maybe even a new point of friendship."
"Yes. I hope we cover everything."
>When the math doesn't work out right bad things happen.
>"You know Anon I've never shown this to anypony else before. Out of every filly you've got a certain reliable maturity."
>To be quite honest our Twilight Sparkle doesn't have traditional subconscious motivations.
>This is the fourth time hearing that line.
"We're going to get it right."
>because Twilight is far more powerful than Starlight Glimmer
>but she has to detail and catalogue every step from begining to end, and each permutation.
>Not just with magic, but everything.
>Just winging it doesn't cut it for Twilight's psyche.
>It's why when she was young she added the quesadilla rules, for safety of herself and others.
>She does have duplicates for most if not all functions safe across Equestria in secure locations.
>Bring Spike this time hopeful will curb the ambiguity of just you alone.
>"I don't know about this Twilight, couldn't you just made a little change to the friendship stuff?"
>"Nonono, this is something entirely different. What I used for Flurry, and choosing other foals just isn't quite right."
>Being an Alicorn might be the best thing that has happened to remedy her condition.
"Hey Twilight I think this might work with some slight teaks."
>Papers thick as Celestia's flank, and as tall as Twilight herself.
>Pulling out the Anonfilly coalitions terms and conditions, and Nonaggression Pact, with mutual defense, reciprocity, and friendship.
>Laminated just in case.
>The large fuck all stack of every kind of source and diagram we could gather with cross references, citations, and emergency clauses.
>"Wow Anon it looks like you sure did put a lot of work into this."
"I hope it has everything."
>Or else the consequences will be dire.
>For everyone.
>"Well what's the worst that could happen."
>>294074>zigger dollDamn!
>sitting on page 2 this long
Fuck this. In making a Smolfilly
>>294242Eh, she came out bigger than I wanted
>>294248Looks great, also obligatory
>4U (file not found)
>>294248Sick. I wanna hug her. Why?!!!!!!!
>>294248I like the effort put into drawing her belly button and the shape of her belly.
>wyn pick up a sweet little filly by her hoofpits and start to hoist her up and down to her amusement. >wyn put her down on her back on a soft mattress.>wyn when she looks at you with a nervous expression, fiddles with her hooves for a bit, and tells you that she isn't ready yet.>wyn climb up on the mattress while she shallows loudly. >wyn see her turn her head away as she says, "Please, Anon. Don't do it." >wyn subvert her expectations by blowing raspberries into her belly, making her laugh hysterically.>wyn feel soft hooves clopping against your head as she tries to push you off while she roars with laughter.
>>294052Would it be too much to ask for human filly holding a pony filly doll?
>>294519What a coot little filler
>The Hearthswarming eve's eve night is too cool and frosted for this adventure.
>Poners had to go fight an ancient evil or something.
>Anyway getting back in time is the real issue here.
>You watched the hot air balloon making sure it stayed warm and ready just in case.
>Having a stiff drink on hoof gave a false warmth.
>Seeing them return cold and stiff, you had one job to see them home.
>With a cup, and a freezing hug you all had to set off else this fire will cease.
>With a crack of your toy whip you call out the order to get back home as quick as possible.
>Howling against the dark sky.
"Now Dashie! Now Flutter! Now Twilight, and Pinkie!"
>The bike twirling fan blades helping us push onward.
>Maybe that hard eggnog was hitting you harder.
"On Rara! On Apple! On Spiker, and- Who ARE YOU!?"
>Bumping into us someone else pulled by strange poners
>The figure in that sleigh in this deepest darkness tied our aircraft to his own in one swoop.
>"Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer, and Vixen!"
>"On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen!"
>With that the winter storm came to a feverish pitch, electricity lines the air, pushing onward.
>With his craft shielding the worst of the winter's wrath, your friends gained strength in heart.
>You felt your liver call in early retirement as a drunken coma over took you.
>>294590That filly needs hugs.
So question if you fuck a female clone of yourself is it considered masturbation? If you manage to impregnate said clone is it incest?
>>294602>If you manage to impregnate said clone is it incest?I would blame Twilight and call it science. You both share the same genes so any 50/50 split of genes the child gets would result in a new copy, and I would say Twilight told me that was how it works.
>>294602Convoluted questions anon.
>>294602Giving it a second thought... Who cares?
>>294608you know I just saw this was posted last thread after uploading it. I'm retarded
>>294608>Partying hardYay!
By far the worst is the hamburger filly,
We must heal them with the qualified technicians,
The worst,
Alternating nights unrelievedly,
She's lying there,
Hamburger filly
>>294607Come now, its for science!
>>294613When in doubt science more and if that doesn't work use SCIENCE!!! and if that doesn't work either use magic.
As a general problem solver when those don't work
>rapeIf all else fails
hoof holding
>>294618>When in doubt: RAPEThis anon knows the business.
>>294619Rape, just like how violence isn't the solution,
it's the question.
The answer is
yes. If that fails enough hasn't been used, or a creative touch is needed.
>pic related
>>294602>Identical twins have the same generic codeIf they have sex is it masturbation or incest.
>>294604It wouldn't be an exact copy. The sperm and egg still vary an which half of the code they have and it is astronomically low that the exact corresponding sperm will fertilize the egg.
Basically, If you have a mixed nondominant and dominant genre mix Aa, the egg could have either A or a, the sperm could be either as well. So the child would either have Aa, AA, or aa.
>>294619I really, really fucking hate that image.
>>294627Eh, interesting. Did not know that. Only in filly thread can you learn something new about fucking yourself.
When was you when pastebin was die?
RIP in peace all greens that got caught by the new filter, they just now forcefully made everything containing naughty words private which is pretty much all greens ever.
Three days from when my pastebin account is going to be three years old, pastebin decides to drop an early present.
If you're a writefag, your pastes should be private, not deleted. I'll put aside some time soon to restore everything to its former glory in the doc from the backups and move shit over to ponepaste, but I've been a bit busier lately and can't do it right now.
Any active writefags, if you can move your shit over for me and link it in the thread it will be greatly appreciated.
>>294668Every green on the filly doc has been archived, so we don't have anything to worry about. It's just going to be a pain to restore everything.
>>294674>>294672Nicenice. Good thing nothing is lost.
>>294670Sure thing.
I'll be moving my stuff over to pone paste.
Well time to tag my monstrosity any suggestions?
>>294670I only ever wrote one thing here and it was crossposted from /mlp/, but I was rather fond of it and would like it preserved.
>>294685Is still a very nice green.
>"Yes?""What are you doing?"
>"Lifting you up so I can pet you. You just look so cute">Your eyes sharpen just enough so it's visible that you're mildly annoyed"…I'm going to say this just once: Get. Your hands. Off of me."
>You make a mental note to yourself>First thing come morning, you are gonna walk straight to the Princess and demand that you live with someone else>The idea that you and Anon would get along well because you were also a human before you turned into a little pony sounded like an alright idea at first>But he won't stop treating you like an actual dang filly>It's gotten to the point where it's getting creepy
>>294738"My little pony, my little pony~"
>>294727Cutest thing of the week.
>>294738Sorry filly, you're a filly and heavy petting you'll get.
I'll take that filly.
Playing with my new wood burning tool.
>Be anon mare
>Celestia time really flew by
>Youre almost 30 now and starting to feel it
>Yawning,You roll off of your musty old couch, snagging the greasy hoodie youre wearing and tearing a new hole in it
>Bear bottles clatter to the ground as wel and you swear as you pull yourself free of the couch
>Perfectly good hoodie ruined
>Too lazy to remove said clothing but feeling the call of nature you bumble your way to the unlit bathroom
>Your head is swimming and you can feel the hang over yet to come
>Once finished awkwardly reliving your bodly urges you stumble back into the hall way
>Only to plant your face in a wall, denting it in the process
"Shit fuck cekestias cock loving bitch tits damn it all fuck"
>Holding a hoof to your nose you get a scent of unwashed hoodie and copper
>You look around and see the beer bottle that tripped you and let out another string of curses as you stand on three legs and sway back into the bathroom
>Clicking on a light you squint in front of your mirror, eyes struggling to readjust
>The mirror shows you in all your unwashed glory
>Dark rings have settled under your eyes, your mane was long and un cared for
>You had kinda given up doing anything nice with it
>Blood oozed from your nose and down your face
>Giving your nose a touch you wince, it doesnt feel broken but you probably broke a blood vessel in there
>With a tired sigh you go about the task of plugging your nose with toilet paper and cleaning up the blood you trailed in
>Your head is now throbbing as the hang over takes you
>You get little warning before you are throwing up anything left in your stomach from last night into your toilet
>The acid burns and you feel a couple tears form as you dry heave
>With shaky hooves you wipe your mouth and turn on your shower, clambering in and letting the cool water rain down on your unwashed body
>It helps take the edge off the splitting head ache and wash the puke off your hooves and muzzle
>This is where most people would probably cry
>You dont
>Not like this isnt anything new for you
>You deserve this fate after getting a second chance and completely blowing it all over again
>You rub a damp hoof in your eye
"Loser on earth loser in Equestria, at least i dont have a gun."
>A dark laugh creaks out of your dry mouth and you make a lazy attempt at drinking the shower water
>It does little to help your dry mouth but the cold water is helping the head ache and pain in your body
>You're not sure how long you laid there before getting too cold and wanting to be dry gave you the energy to get up and turn off the water
>A sudden sneeze shoots the tissues in your nose and a bit of blood into the tub
>Grumbling you slip back out, planning to clean the tub later as you repack your nose
>Next you pull the soaking wet greasy hoodie off your tired body and toss it down near you
>looking down you pout as you run a hoof over the pudge youre getting
>Poking it you let out another sigh and nose through a pile of towels finding a clean one and drying off
>Once dry you set off for the kitchen, stepping over the beer bottle and ignoring the new dent in your wall
>The drawn curtains and the lack of light mercifully hide the trashed kitchen
>Maybe today you'll clean up in here or tomorrow, you're not really trying to impress anyone
>Grabbing a glass you fill it up with tap water and down it quickly, smacking your lips and spitting into the sink
>Another perfect day in Equestria
>The call to sleep is over powering
>Setting off once more you manage to make it to your small underwhelming bed and flop down on it
>The bed creaks as you do so
>Nuzzling your pillow and holding it close you feel sleep start to blissfully carry you away to lunas realm
>Be Twilight sparkle three weeks earlier
>Years ago, green filly showed up at your door
>Back then you were free to take care of fillies but times have changed and you're a busy mare
>Recently a new filly has appeared and you've done what you can but just can't handle a small child in your life
>It breaks your heart but you can't raise her like you did anon
>An idea hits you, you can have anon raise her
>Shes all grown up now surely an other worldly magic filly should be able to raise another just like it
>Taking a seat at your desk you realize it has been a while since you and Anon talked and feel a bit of guilt
>Still maybe this will help the two of you bond again
>A smile crosses your face as you finish the letter and have it sent off eager for a reply
>Anon was on such a good path when you left her you wonder what shes up to now
>Maybe shes climbing the ranks at that lovely office job in canterlot
>A blush crosses your face
>Maybe anon settled down after all these years
>She never seemed the type but time can change a lot in a young lady
>Giggling you imagine anon with foals of her own taking care of a household in a pretty dress
Filly isnt for sexual. Sounds a bit like projection.
Kinda wasting your time. Thanks for the free bump to the thread though.
Kill yourself pedofilly
At least post gore or memes or something. This is just boring.
I agree with you though filly isnt for sexual.
>>294937Those fillies need to be kicked to
Sorry for the bit of delay, I've been far busier than I initially anticipated and haven't been able to get much work done on restoring the pastes to the doc.
In what little time I've had to work, I've noticed that (and I'm sure some of you also have) ponepaste is extremely fucking slow.
I've found another site that supports text documents up to a limit of 60,000 characters, so I'm thinking it might be more ideal to move all of the smaller pastes over there and only host the fucking massive ones on ponepaste.
Here's the site link if you know more than I do or want to monkey around with it:
https://textuploader.com/Please tell me what you'd prefer, I want to like ponepaste since it's maintained by horsefuckers but in its current state it's a pain in the ass to use.
Pic very unrelated.
>>294945her teats fell off
>Today the filly anon herd would grow again.
>Momfu Purple lights her horn, and so do some horny fags.
>The book house would have to survive yet another filly fag.
>Soon enough the fillies last words can be heard.
>Death by fire fucking sucks.
>Then there is a green little filly safe and sound.
>She blinks, confused.
>"Bow before me G-Anon or die."
>Giggles erupt.
>"Then you must die!"
>She rises on her hooves and waves her would be hands, but is still hooves, back and forth.
>Magically and menacingly.
>Twilight who learned from the best falls over, tongue sticking out.
>A few others fall over too playing ded.
>"Didn't expect a CD-i poster to immediately go for that impression."
>"No! Stop that at once!"
"Good impression."
>She grumpily stomps.
>"Not in Koridai nor Hyrule would this disrespect go unpunished."
>"My prisoners, and servants would have languished."
>"Green horses, laughing now at my face!"
>"I have been bound to beyond those burning pits for this disgrace."
>"In a body not my own."
>"Despite that here I'll make my throne."
>Hunh that was pretty good.
>"Bow down foals in the home of tome-"
>"This reign of mine all will strike at gloam!"
>There's a good silence, except for a rustle of pages.
>"Oh shit fillies that's a real word."
>Twilight now getting up wraps the boisterous Anon in a hug.
"Filly pile!"
>Keeping the greeting mild and tame this time might have been the right idea, with that performance.
>>294923>The face of Anonfilly when seeing a Christmas present with her name on it>She was not expecting to get anything due to being so used to not getting anything on Christmas during all her years on Earth before ending up in Equestria as a pony
>>295064>What's in the box?
>>295068Step one: cut a hole in the box ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>Twas the Eve before Hearthswarming all through the castle grounds only a Twilight was creeping.
>Down from the chimney in each house and home.
>To prove Anon wrong
>Santa Clause could not exist.
>Yet the twingle of doubt rest in her breast
>If she was wrong she would be naughty.
>Ever since Anon the small filly came gifts from an unknown source had erupted across the world.
>The slight rhythmic jingle jangle of bells grows louder.
>Figure upon a nearby rooftop.
>hurrying the pony see's a familiar face.
"Princess Luna?"
>He head adorned with horns and bells
>"Dearest Sparkle pray-tell what are you doing?"
>A debate raged within her
"To see if Santa is real."
>Luna merely embraces her youthful fellow princess.
>"Sleep my little pony, one day you'll understand."
<Her eyes closed despite her efforts
>So Twilight awoke to her home and cozy bed and to the excitement of Anonymous.
>"See! You even got two gifts from Santa this year! Look quickly faggot!"
>Indeed the ex-human is correct.
>Two gifts.
>The first has a letter, a book, and coal.
>"Coal? Twilight..."
>A grimace apears on her purple face.
>"did you open up an orphanage and sent false adoption letters?"
"What! No!"
>"Ah, so you reopened that scam mail center."
"It was one time, and no. Anon..."
>"So you tried to find Santa to seduce him."
"Yes- NO!"
>"Hey that one from Santa is for next year."
>It's true.
>Throughout the festive day, her thoughts linger on that letter, and next year's present.
"Merry Hearthswarming Anon."
>And all is well.
>>295117I wish for filly for Christmas.
Uh, well. Just tell me if you hate this drawing and want me to git good or gtfo. I'll probably do the latter but yeah, don't wanna post trash. I really wanted it to look cuter but she came out with a huge chin.
>>295182Drawing Oekaki is probably one of the hardest thing to do. For what it is worth I think it looks good. Great composition and posture which I feel is one the most important aspect to a drawing. I would never be able to make it look even half as good as you have.
>>295184>I would never be able to make it look even half as good as you have.Nah, don't believe you silly filly. Purple, Anon is lying!
Thanks though.
>>295122Aww, this is sweet. I can't believe Twilight is a Santa denier though.
>>295308>[faggot deployed]>[faggot deployed]>[faggot deployed]
Redrew a filly I did back in 2015
>>295308>not filly proportions>inverted cutie marks and catch lightspass
Requesting a comic of filly from Its a Wonderful life. Anon is telling filly that every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. Filly dings a bell and POOF becomes a pegasus
>>295377I'm not a drawfag, but that sounds adorable. Also, nice dubs.
>>295383Thanks M.A. Larson
>>295383We don't deserve you, Harvey.
>>295383Fuck me that was fast, you're a blessing
>Tfw you want to play baseball with Little League to get used to the filly body
>Think that as long you sit down to throw the ball it shouldn't be too difficult
>But then there's the lessons where one would need to take the bat...
>Roseluck: "Some fillies used to hit our windows with stray baseball balls, but then this one green filly arrived and started throwing the whole damn bat! The horror"
>Hooves, how do they work?
>Its then that you remember that you can't throw a baseball as fast when sitting down
>If you had a way to keep your balance while standing...
>Using your whole body motion in order to place force on the ball could make it much faster
>Moving a single leg is clunky while trying to maintain balance on all three
>And on the start, you're basically as stiff as a rock
>You try the opposite on the second throw and fall on your face
>But you noticed how unconsciously your tail tried to mantain balance as your back legs kicked
>Maybe if you...
>League arrives soon after, a ball zipping by the field
>Seeing the ball speed, she starts wondering who's the adult throwing that will be with her and Anon today
>She's surprised to find you being the one with the ball
>Baffled and jealous for how fast you overtook her throwing skills so quickly, she puts an arbitrary rule of "no magic"
"Wait, I was using magic?" - you said, having had trouble getting used to your new earth pony magic side
>Not knowing better herself, League just confirmed, pointing to the speed achieved being only possible with earth pony magic in action for a filly
>Activating the magic dampening field in the area for matches, she pointed again to not use magic before giving you the ball to throw again
>Grabbing the ball with both hooves, you looked deeply at it
>With a deep breath, you balanced it on a hoof before getting up on the other three
>Using the motion you've been praticing, you threw the ball as best you could
>And the ball went even faster than all other times you had tried
>A lot faster than any of them
>All thanks to you being used to mechanical movements, without needing to mind the unfamiliar magic itself
>League in other hand...
A few days later...
>You've been training for a while
>League grumbling and not getting how you were throwing the ball so fast without magic
>And after getting a better notion of the movements, you wonder how well your old techniques could translate to this horse world
>"Try to hit this pitch" - League tells you
>You then threw a pitch that darts low and outside right at the last moment
>League whiffs on the pitch
>"Anon I told you no magic!"
>"I didn't use magic! It's a slider!"
>Before you could explain, she threw the bat down and stormed off
More days pass...
>You've been training for a good while
>Ball after ball, you've gotten much faster throws, especially after the first time League brought the no magic rule
>It was like something finally ticked on your mind
>With how to use your remaining three hooves, back and even tail to boost the ball
>You even started trying to do some harder technical throws, and were surprised how well they worked in so few attempts
>League kept saying how you were doing magic, but now you knew better
>You wonder how much better your throws could be if you actually used it, but not like you needed a crutch like that
>"Hey Anon! You're here just in time!"
>League was already in the pitch this time, having tripled her practice time while trying to catch up to you
>She seems to be doing everything right, but you're not a horse expert...
>Ready with a ball, she beckons you closer
>"Hey, check out how much I improved today"
>Trying to imitate you, she throws the ball faster than she ever done before
>Still rather slow, certainly much slower than yours, and also slightly up with an arc, but she certainly improved
"Damn not bad, nice throw"
>"Ahh, not at all. But whatever, your turn" - she says, immediately throwing you a ball and catching you offguard
>You barely manage to block the ball, with it hitting your hooves in front of your face before falling right in front of you
>"For such a good thrower you sure suck at catching" - she said, failing on her back and laughing
"Harhar, laugh while you can" - you say grabbing the ball
>Especially since you have a special thing you wanted to try today
>Getting ready to throw, you position yourself, feeling the ball's weight on your hoof
>You throw it as straight as you can while trying to stop the spin
>Lo and behold it actually works
>The ball "dances" in the air in an unpredictable pattern, as if someone was moving it around as it traveled
"Woah, first try! How abou-"
>"What did I say about "No magic" Anon? W-WHAT WAS THAT?"
"That, my dear friend, was a perfect knuckleball...or should it be Frogball since hooves? Either way, cool hu-"
>"Stop inventing names for your magic cheats!"
"How is that cheating?"
>"I don't know, levitation or something, no one can make a ball fly like that"
"Cmon League, I don't even have a horn"
>Booping her snoot, you let the matter drop with a giggle
>You then praticed and played with her during the rest of the evening
>Her trying to throw as fast she could while you tried to perfect the techniques you remembered so far
>Everytime you managed to do a special throw you could hear her grumbling "stupid magic tricks"...
>You wonder how you'd ever explain these to a kid
>Eh, she's a smart filly, she will get around to it sometime...
>>295399>Be Little League.>You and Anon have been getting competitive over baseball.>This started as you teaching Anon how to play your favorite game with hooves.>Turns out she has some kind of baseball hax.>It triggers you to no end, but whatever, she still can’t hit her way out of a paper bag.>You two are currently in a line up for starting a pick up game with some other fillies on the school grounds.>You were picked out in the first couple rounds, not too surprising most know you’re pretty good.>Hopefully Anon isn’t last again…>Anon picked by the other team right after you were picked.>Wut…>Well that’s good at least she won’t look so down.>Lucky for you, your team gets to bat first and you are top of the roster.>As you step into the batter box and look up at the mound you see a familiar face looking back at you.>Anon is tossing the baseball casually waiting to throw the first pitch.>Wait! No! This is not good!>Ib4 Anon fails a tech throw in the very last round against League
>That leaves League with an easy ball, in which she puts all her will into hitting
>Grabs her first homerun and becomes the youngest pony to do so
>>295399>>295400>tfw you want to master the art of tossing balls to baffle ponersVery nice.
>>295383Is a qt.
Now Anon will have to worry about hoof stains on the ceiling.
>>295411Yanking Apple's tail. Nice.
>>295399>>295400I love it. Been missing having greens with Little League in then.
>>295539Sure, how about we play the >rape game?
>>295543That'd end with a swift kick to your groins, and give Anonfilly something to blackmail you with:
>Do what she says, or she'll not only turn in the evidence that you tried to rape a filly, but also give you a mighty unholy kick to the groin
>>295557Yeah right, we'll see which filly they believe.
What did he mean by this?
Everyponer, bow to Filly.
>>295779Reeeeee! Snowdrop not for degenerate fugs!
>>295873>>295852doing filly god's work, drawfriend
>>295874"Okay faggets this isn't funny anymore."
>The white void stretched forever.>Just yourself and nothing else in any direction.>"Sup filly friend.""AHHH!"
>An Anon filly right behind you spoke."Fucks sake! This isn't fun cunt."
>"Eh sucks to suck. Unfortunately for you this is quite serious.">She shrugs as best a poner can."Oh no, Purple did a thing again."
>"Well yes, but actually no. You filly are ded.">wat"How?"
>"Remember those milk crates last Sunday? A few hours ago.""Yeah?"
>"That Purple pulled some strings get get a few batches early?""Wait she did that?"
>"Yep. One of those happened to be almond milk.""No wonder it was shit."
>"The problem filly is that was due for a return, in sure you can put two and two together.""Oh fuck, I'm dead. Again!"
>"Yes.">Never again will you see any poners...>Oh shit nigger are you crying?>It has to be the dust.>"Well that's enough of that. Time to leave, time out is over.">To where?>She smiles, a toothy grin best served with mania and evil laughter.>"Back to the land of the living of course.""But I'm dead and stuff? Wouldn't Death or something stop us."
>pic related>She grabs hold of your fluff and boops your nose.>"Get a qt cult going so I can go smite some commies and stuff it's boring up here.">You're back at home safely under the blankets in bed.>Fellow Anon fillies cuddle cutely, and some lewdly.>You lay there contemplating what just happened.
>>295879there is only one way this will end.
Sorry this shit took so long.
Pastebin rolled back a lot of their retardation, so I didn't need to move over as much to ponepaste as I thought I would.
Links are now working for every greentext in the document.
New documents recovered have been added to the archive folder linked at the top of the google doc, and I'm pleased to inform you faggots that I've actually been working on a filly green that isn't a one-off for the first time in months. No estimate yet on when you'll see that, but I think you all will enjoy it when it does come out.
I hope you all have a very happy new year.
Reply to this post for any sort of things I may have fucked up.
>>295889A green? Fuck yeah! Thanks for keeping filly safe, loved, and remembered.
>>295897Just doing my best <3
This thread means a lot to me.
I am drawing a funny jingle cd cover as if anon filly collection of christmas jingles avaliable for purchase. Any ideas for song names?
I have some.
-"Smell my farts, you fucking shill"
Old time classic.
>>295905Kill yourself pedophile.
restored as song request
>>295905>90 degrees (not a cute angel)
>>295908Is this a song name or you are flipping me off?
Just to be sure, added it too.
>>295905>"This isn't eggnog.">"Diaper me up before bed tonight, I've had a bit too much to drink.">"Anon, call the cops! Santa isn't black!">"Left out hot cocoa blues.">"I don't remember asking for condoms...">"What's missing from c_ddle?">"Kissing under the BGM-71 TOW"
>>295905For the sadder types:
>"Alone again for the holidays">"Damn, this castle gets cold at night">"Lukewarm hearths at the orphanage">"All my friends are animals"Or, alternatively,
>"All my friends hate me"
>>295905>"Here Comes Purple Smart"
>>295905"All I want for Horsemas is My Dick"
"Being a Ho Ho Horse"
"Can't be Home For Holidays"
"Filly the Reereereindeer"
"Cookies and Crying"
"Stocking's Stuffed"
"Candy Canes and Cock"
"Rocking in the Corner by the Christmas Tree"
"Fuck it's Cold"
"More Presents for Me, REE"
"Fluff and Stuff"
"Sweater Weather"
"Santa's Sack"
>>295927>>295928So many horsemas songs.
>tfw Purple finds out you're more famous than her and her friends for these tunes.
>>295928>Call Now!!!Awesome.
>>295933Happy New Year everyfilly!!!
Heres to another year of filly filly
>>295929>"Why are you wearing sunglasses with a hat? That seems pretty redundant, Anon-""-SHSHSHHH, don't say that name, damn it!"
>You gaze around your surroundings, noting the perked up ears of the ponies nearby, now flicking back forward in disinterest.>Thank fuck.>"What, why? ...Anonymous, did you pee in the town fountain agai-">"-Anonymous?">One horse turns her head, then multiple.>In a mere three seconds, all the pones in the vicinity are locked on you."Fuck, fucking thanks Purple."
>"Oh my GOSH it IS her!">You need to just start going outside in full body suits or some shit, this is getting fucking ridiculous.>The wave of air from all the horses running after you blows your disguise off, messing up your mane and pushing Twilight a few safe feet away from you.>You scrunch, as hooves spawn from the crowd to quickly and neatly pat your mane back in place.>Then papers by the dozens are shoved in your face with various writing tools.>Wait there wasn't this many fucking ponies a second ago!>"OH CELESTIA I LOVE YOUR WORK!">"Hey so, what does 'fuck' mean?">"Can you bless my foal to be 'based' like you?!">"'Candy Canes and Cock' is my favorite!""Yeah I'm sure it is. Now it's fucking MID SUMMER, why the hell do you all still recognize me?"
>There's no response from the dozens of smiling faces, just more things to sign shaking in your face."Ugh, form a line, please."
>All the pones quickly move around to do just that, making a stretch longer than you can see the fucking end of.>Good fucking Christ, it looks like half the town got word.>You flick a sharpie out of your mane and with a sigh, get to signing.>As the instinct from your three-times sold out "Excusive Edition" album comes out, you start scratching your name on everything presented to you.>You internally sigh, and regret your work in silence.>It was just a fucking shitpost, this wasn't supposed to happen damn it.>Who knows how many damned years you'll be doing this- fuck what if you DO become a classic?"Oh god kill myself."
>"Oooh, that's a great song!">"PINKIE?">Shit you forgot you weren't in the signing void for a second.>"Theee one and only!">"What are you doing here?">"Uh, I'm getting my butt signed by the bestest Hearth's Warming songwriter EVER, duh! What are YOU doing?">You blink as you realize you did just sign Pinkie's butt."What the fuck."
>"Songwriter?">Twilight tilts her head and looks at you."Yes. Kill me."
>"Ha, that's a great song too!">You simply let yourself fall to the floor."Ree."
ah shit i only noticed after deleting that there was an option to just edit the one fucking word out
>>295945>ah shit i only noticed after deleting that there was an option to just edit the one fucking word outThat's a great song, too!
>>295954Time to panic! AHHHHHH!
>>295954It's a secret code.
>>295928I love it, could you post the full image of filly with the mic?
>>295970Oh, okay. In a second
I got creative with this. I also tried to imitate skitters art style. I don't like his ugly body proportions so I only made the head look in his style.
This is drawn in paint by the way. I like drawing and feel pain at the same time.
She looks like she's doing a stand-up comedy skit.
>>295954You think 2020 is bad.
We turn the last page only to find that January 1st reads "Chapter 1"
It's only been the prelude.
I really love this picture. Are there any greens with this theme?
>>295987based and dykeshit pilled. who is the hoers on the right though?
>>295998Kill yourself pedophile.
banned, but kept for the green
>>296000Has anyone made a green yet of 'Kill yourself pedophile' becoming the filly or an Anon turned Anonfilly only having 'Kill yourself pedophile' as the other human who went to Equestria with them?
>>295977>>295978Very qt.
>>295979The prologue and backstory was such a slog to go through. With ups and downs.
Who's ready for poner time!
>>296002>Day I Don't Understand Smol Hoerses>Your daily life sucked on earth due to faggots, simps, cucks, bitches, and whores>Get tired of seeing shitskins, niggers, chinks, and spics infiltrating your country>Taking action the only way you knew how, you died while bombing a refugee center which used to be the city hospital>That mix of [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and KY jelly went off much quicker than expected, but you'd be in Valhalla real soon>totallyfukkenworthit>You blink, finding yourself standing in the center of a small, comfortable looking country village filled with small horses>Those big curious eyes, neon and pastel colors, and the worried though expressive smiles made you immediately feel at home>Some of the more blocky looking horses (or were they ponies?) were far more interested than they were concerned unlike the rounder ones>That was all great until your body refuses to 'take a step forwards'>Faceplanting into the dirt hurt much more than it should have>Lots of soccer taught you how to minimize pain, but that didn't work this time>Flailing your arms and pushing yourself upright, you stare down, expecting to see your tiny human nose crushed"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT"
>You scream upon realizing your elongated snoot was far longer and wider than any disgusting jew pic you'd seen while doing research on the world>braincompileNOW.exe crashes>Dumbfounded and unable to say or do anything, you feel yourself led off by a pair of burly horses in some kind of golden ceremonial armor, everything melting away>Recovering consciousness, you wake up in a warm, fluffy bed>Unfortunately it was a few shades short of being a manly pink>You hated faggots and futa more than das juden, still, but this was pretty comfy even if it was a girl's bed>Looking around with some difficulty, your neck was sore and your nose hurt terribly though you decided not to focus on the THING protruding in front of your eyes>You still weren't ready for that one >The room looked like a clinic overnighter:>Big curtains covering large bay windows, real wood trim, and a wood stove about two yards from the bed off your left side>You found that hilarious>Only country clinics had stoves if cheap and modern liquid propane wasn't available or electricity costs were high>To your right and towards the opposite corner was a comically short wooden door covered in fancy paneling>Squinting your eyes you could make out filigrees and designs that weren't known to you>One of them was a big heart in some kind of purple colored wood>Did country folk could appreciate this?>Before you could get a good look at your snoz the door opens to admit a blindingly white small horse with a light pink mane and a nurse's hat>Which didn't hide the long horn in the forehead>Carrying a clipboard in one hoof, the equine walks in with amusing coconut clops, the door remaining open>Stopping on your right side, it (she?) gives you a big, happy smile, the kind that you only thought a perfect 2D wife could give"You're awake! I was beginning to worry since you've been in a semi-comatose state for over a week and we haven't been able to wake you."
>helloooooooo_nurse!.wav>That beautiful feminine voice was to die for>Wait, you already did that, but most importantly:'WEEK?!'
>Comes your strained, half-disbelieving reply, the word squeaking crackily in the back of your throat>You felt disgusted, you hadn't squeaked since puberty!>And you had a damned good excuse for (most) of those times, between having tonsils or teeth removed!"Hummm... well, it says here that you've been out for ten straight days. We have been giving you liquids, mostly water and soup since, but now that you're up and coherent you can continue on to rehabilitation."
'What rehabilitation? I feel perfectly fine, except for-'
>Gazing down at your nose->No, wait, that looked more like a snout>A horse's snout to be exact>Multiple internal sirens of confusion and alarm go off>cmd_run_PANICLEVEL99.EXE>Before you can explode into gibbering, the nurse's smol hoers hoof thwaps right into your mouth right as you inhale to scream>Funnily enough, that was rather calming>Not like a pacifier or anything, but the taste of hay (you only ate it on a dare when you were 6, and never admitted you liked it) silenced you>The hard, smooth hoof is removed, the nurse staring down at her saliva covered appendage with the force of a thousand angry, drunken suns>oshitdontpissoffthemedicalstaff"You are in no shape to have an outburst. Before I can assign you to rehabilitation, will you tell me your name and where you came from?"
>Giving your human name (which you never liked to use due to how normie it was) and failing to explain where you lived, the nurse gives you a keenly interested stare"Your name is strange, it doesn't sound like a pony name, and I've never heard of that village or city before."
>Gazing back at her clip board, the nurse's other, clean hoof lifts to rub her chin, the leg joints flexing unnaturally to the side>wat.jpg>How was she doing that?>Horses couldn't rotate their joints without causing injuries!>...well, maybe this one could>Before you could ask anything, the nurse's head shakes, setting the clipboard on a table out of sight below the bed"No matter, we can deal with getting you home later. Right now I need to perform a few simple musculature tests and check your vital statistics."
>Unwilling to stop her, you nod, lost in the image of a beautiful nurse hoers gently touching you all over>Finishing the physical examination, you frown at the anal thermometer but let her do it anyways>Feeling nothing more than slight discomfort, the nurse places her hoof on your groin when you feel... different>IHAVENODICK you cry inside>OHSHITWEREAGIRLNOW brain laughs at you>IHAVEAWOKEN your subconscious cackles upon assuming full control>AGEDIFFERENCEISNOTMYFETISH you cry louder>Accepting none of the previous options, you take a deep breath and scream at the top of your lungs:"KILL YOURSELF PEDOPHILE!"
>>296016Do go on. Now I am interested in how a nurse pony will respond.
>>296016I'm certainly following this if you intend to continue.
>>296016Hot dang that was quick! Thank (you) a million for taking up the task! Not sure if you plan to continue but you got me and evidently others enticed so far!
>>296016It's like the chad's version of Trust Once Lost. Please do continue.
We all like shit greens, don't we?>Today is a bright and sunny day in Ponyville!>It's been only a few weeks since you moved here out of the castle>...you're still not sure why you were in the castle in the first place>But you were told that everything was "over" and that "he was gone">You didn't ask questions, you didn't really care>But you did care about making lots of friends>Like your best friend, a filly a little older than you named Roseluck>You were gonna go see her today, and she was gonna show you her roses in bloom!>You were so excited, you couldn't even wait to knock on her door>So here you are, climbing through her window"Rosy! I'm here! Are you ready for lots of fun?!"
>Instead of jumping like she usually does when you surprise her, she's still in bed>With your supreme sensibilities, you run over to her side and start shaking her"Wake up Rosy! We're supposed to play together today!"
>She simply groans, and turns over>"I don't feel too good, Nonny.">Her voice sounds like she's been bucking trees with it>That's not good, but you know a fix!"Well, I know what always makes me feel better! A grilled cheese sandwich!"
>"I'm pretty sure-">But her protests went unheeded, as you were already in her kitchen>Searching through her cupboards, you find what you're looking for easily>Wheat bread, not white - white burns way too easy>Pepper jack cheese, the king of grilled cheese>Good ol' butter>You hear her trying to climb out of her bed"Rosy! You can't get better if you don't stay in bed!"
>Muffled groans are the only reply you get>You keep looking for all you need>Pan - located>And you even find your secret grilled cheese ingredient, the one you've used to take your sandwiches to the next level: garlic>You start by pressing the garlic and mixing it into the butter>Slather that right onto the bread - time for the actual cooking>This is a lot harder with hooves.>That was a weird thought"Makin' grilled cheese~ Cheesy cheesy cheese~ For my friendee~ For my for my friendee~"
>A little song made up on the spot always makes the food taste better>Slap that first piece of bread on, then the cheese, and the last piece>When you smell that the bread's toasted, you mouth the handle and flip it>Almost done, Rosy's gonna feel all better after this>Smelling that it's finished, you mouth the handle again and flop the sandwich onto the counter>...right, plates, those are helpful>Riffling through more cupboards, you find them>You scoop the finished, beautiful golden brown sandwich onto the plate, and carry it to Roseluck's room>Aw, she fell back asleep>You do the only sensible thing, and shake her awake again"Mmm! Mmm!"
>She wakes up, and turns to you>"I- thank you, Nonny.">Yup, still sounds like nails on a chalkboard>You give her your biggest smile, and she eats the sandwich>"Thank you, Nonny, but I'm still tired. Maybe we can play-""But you promised we could play today!"
>"-play tomorrow. I promise promise.">You understand, it's no fun to play with a sick pony>But you pout anyway, you love to play with your friends"Oh, alright. But you're gonna be feeling better tomorrow! I know it!"
>Grilled cheese always works. You don't know why, it just does."See ya later Rosy!"
>You don't even wait for a response, as you go the way you came - out her window.>Maybe not today, but TOMORROW you'll get to play with Roseluck!>Your excitement for tomorrow fuels your full on sprint right home>Getting there, you find yourself a little winded - and a lot hungry>You, of course, know a magic fix for that>Grilled cheese sandwiches.Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3195
Getting slower on the uptake, aren'tcha? It's okay, I still forgive ya.
>>296046Now I want grilled cheese.
Cheesey cheesey cheese.
>>296046Added to doc and archive folder.
On an unrelated note it's cute as fuck, thank you. Sick fillies are one of my personal favorites.
>>296057Are you a type of guy who will put them in cute girly dresses till their edjy masculinity is completely broken beyond repair?
I know I would.
>>296000What am I reading? Was calling me a pedo really banworthy?
>>296074>Doesn't know about kysfilly"Ah, so you're a newfag."
Puts hoof around (you) and whispers into (you)r ear.
"I'm an oldfag and I got a bed with a lots of space. Maybe, I can get you up to speed."
>>296076Would you quit trying to rugmunch the newfags, you massive faggot?
>>296078This, desu.
>>296074It's a bot that spams that shit constantly in the thread whenever someone posts. As it wastes valuable posts and it's annoying as fuck, the mods have gotten a bit tired of its shit.
So, why not just add word filters like in the regular 4chin, turning shitpost into forced friendposting?
>>296100Kill yourself pedophile.
>>296042>>296043>>296045Probably won't happen. That was a one shot based on the concept of a realistic interaction between a non-normie Anonfilly in hyper-panic mode whom was simply ignoring the fact of being a small pastel horse and the canon, professional, caring Nurse Redheart. Unfortunately there isn't more of the idea to explore
unless the new Anonfilly simply lied and age difference meta is now her mane fetish.
>>296100Since the code is a bit new (relatively), and I have had a bit of other engagements, the time to spend on updates have been slowed down a bit, and therefore wordfilter is sadly still sitting on the to-do list waiting for me to start on it. But it is nearing the top of the to-do list (but I can't really say I have the list arranged).
>Be Anonymous the man of mystery in Equestria
>"Anonymous you have to help the giant plant monster is terrorizing everypony."
"Ughhhh, fine. Just this once. You have to handle it next time with your friendship powers this is starting to become asinine."
>Honestly becoming a superhero wasn't all that bad
>The problem is all the down sides
"Twirlling, tuna can, rapable ponut magical gear!"
>Is a blinding flash of light time slows to a near stop
>your clothes fly off into where ever the fuck for safe keeping
>Slowly you start to change
>arms turning into pony appendages
>A tail sprouts
>the Unicorn horn drills in, locked in place
>wings flap and shimmer
>head morphing to a familiar alien shape
>genitals going somewhere safe
>Soon a plump ponut and hoers pussy take root
>also crotch tits
>Then a too small magical 'battle' dress that doesn't cover anything and is basically a lewd outfit just because
>Then it's over.
"Anonfilly is here fags!"
"Okay faggot where the fuck is it?"
>"R-right this way N-Nonny."
>The biggest problem is that it does a genre shift.
>Realistic physics of being a human in a cartoon world
>to poner porno hentai cartoon series
>As such everything wants to fuck you.
>Almost tripping on the floor which would have you falling onto an umbrella
>Doing a flip four times in the air you land safely
>Gitting gud is a necessity, and it doesn't matter that you're basically immortal
>Seeing large tendrils and vines a thought goes through your mind.
>So it's tentacle time...
"Stop right there evil doer! Taste the power of the hoof holding beam!"
>So thus the battle began.
>>296110well i didnt expect a response from god himself so alrighty
>you are Orange Filly
>Green is currently over at your house, explaining some new trend she's trying to set over your plastic tea set
<"Listen, listen, listen. It's 'keyed.' It's 'keyed,' get it?"
"Uh, no."
>Green gesticulates dramatically with her hooves
<"All right. So it used to be 'based.' Now it's 'keyed.' See what I mean?"
>you feel your eyebrows rapidly knit tight together
"Wait. So you're trying to replace 'based?'"
>Orange gives a single, great nod
<"Exactly. Based is done for. It's over. It's stale. It's locked."
"Uh, 'locked?'"
<"That's right. Remember how last year we used to call things 'based' or 'cringe?'"
"Last year was two days ago."
<"Well this year we're saying 'keyed' or 'locked.'"
>Green takes a fake teacup in her right hoof
<"What we used to call 'based,' we're gonna call 'keyed' now."
>and she takes another fake teacup in her left hoof
<"And what we used to call 'cringe,' we're gonna call that 'locked' now."
>you take a fake teacup in your own hooves and take a long, fake sip
>Green grins
<"'Cause it'll be keyed."
>if you still had fingers you'd be pinching the bridge of your nose right about now
>as it is you're just sort of facehoofing
"Okay, but..."
>you slam your hoof on the table and glare at Green
"... What the hell is it based on?"
>Green smirks
<"You mean, 'What the hell is it keyed on.'"
<"Listen, listen, listen. 'Based' didn't really mean anything either. This is just the next generation."
"The next generation of what? Fucking cancer?"
>Green swings her hoof through the air in a graceful swoosh
>Green hops out of the little tea set chair across from you, still wearing that grin on her face
<"Listen, Orange, I'm gonna let you think about this. Just let it stew for a little while. Consider it. Catch me at Twilight's place when you figure it out."
>without waiting for your reply, Green walks out of your room
>about a minute later, you see her out your window, apparently walking home
>she shoots you one last grin through the window
>and disappears into snowy Ponyville
>you sit in utter silence for you don't know how long
>and then
>you're wearing a grin
>>296115Hes a gentle and loving master on high, who seriously worries about pleasing all those in his purview
>>296118The only proper response for Orange to make Green shut up about this nonsense would obviously have been "listen kid. I have absolutely no idea what the
FUCK you're talking about. Please just leave me alone."
>>296126>locking this hardoof
>>296125Listen, kid. I have absolutely no idea what the
FUCK you're talking about. Please just leave me alone.
I want for "kill yourself pedophile" to be autocorrected into somewhat sexually pervasive. Hopefilly reversing the roles into implying underage filly rape.
>Put your dirt in my filly vagina.
>>296114I'd watch a monster fighting magical anonfilly anime
>>296224Well, that's a big modelling job. I'm impressed.
>>296224>"I didn't put that fag in my bag!"
Horseshoes in Equestria?
>>296125I think you mean locked.
>>296342poor filly now has her jaundice cleared!
>>296345Nice job. Thanks.
>>296224>>296226>Fag-in-a-bag yours for only 19 payments of 19.99>"That's outrageous!">No refunds, no returns, no soliciting, and no thank you only 19 payments of 19.99
>>296357>just under 400$ for my very own fillySold!
>>296358Not so fast.
$401 here!
>>296358>>296359I wouldn't pay more than 200 Bits for a filly in a bag. Seriously, you two probably don't even know how expensive the care is for the first standard year alone.
...buuuut it is worth a try so long as it doesn't turn out to be tsundere faggot.
>>296491>spilled chocolate milkDamn!
>>296541>no wingsKeep participating faggot.
>Be Anonfilly
>Living life in Pone Town with Twilight and friends.
>This time you are going to get some apple cookies from the cookie jar.
>Nothing is going to stop you this time!
>The monster of the month happened just yesterday and Purple, Ponk, Rara, Speedyfast, Apple, and Meep are out getting their reward or something from Sunbutt.
>The strangely tasty treats will be yours!
>In a few eighth inches...
>A flash of light apears within the crystal tree castle shaking things slightly.
>"Thousands of years Celestia! I'm back! Displaced from home yet I'll return just like now!"
>Finally the cookie jar is yours!
>"You cast me aside as a villian so that's what I'll become!"
>Right now to deal with the pretentious fag yelling and screaming.
>"Damn that convention merchant doing this to us! No choice but to go full Beavis."
>Well since no one else is here better to see just what is going on.
>He starts a stilted laugh.
>"You'll all feel the wrath of the Great Cornholio!"
>Looking into the castle corridor you see a dumbass standing around.
>He's a human
>And it isn't an Anon, or a fillyfag.
>He pulls his tee shirt above his head so the rim rests on the top of his skull.
>Arms at right angles like a cactus.
>You look at him, and then he turns to look at you.
>"Are you threatening me!? I demand TEEPEE for my- bunghole!"
"You know what... fine I'll be responsible for one day."
>Quill, ink, and parchment should be easy enough to find.
>Now where is that dragon?
>"Heheheh bunghole."
>Then Twilight walks in.
>pic related
>Matching the dude in posture and tone. A similar shirt as well.
>"Are you threatening me!"
>"I am the great Twicornholio! I need friendship for my bunghole."
>"Princess of friendship is my duty."
>"Hehe he"
"Purple where do you keep the brain bleach?"
>Yep Sunhorse time, maybe just this once you'll also drag all Anons into this.
>If only those were hard apple cider cookies then maybe...
>"Twilight! Twilight-twilight-twilight!"
"Yes my little Anon filly?"
>"I need this-"
[1d1000 = 318]
>"-many cups of sugar."
>wat do?
>>296924"Anon, I'm not giving you 318 cups of sugar. I'm not giving PINKIE 318 cups of sugar. Why do you need such an ungodly amount of sugar?"
>"...no reason.""You want 318 cups of sugar... for no particular reason?"
>"Yeah!""If you don't start telling the truth, this isn't gonna be the 'living room' for much longer."
>>296567Please continue. This is exactly the kind of shitposting we need.
https://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/36377882#p36379618Time to go to bed anon!
>"Fuck you, faggot! I'm not sleepy! Go get me nugs and fries!"You shouldn't eat so close to bed time because it'll make you gain too much weight.
>"Like you're one to talk, you fat fucking incel!"Tomorrow is cleaning day too, so make sure to put the sheets in the washing machine.
>"Eat shit nigger! The sheets smell fine!"You also need to take a shower!
>"kys I hate showers!"One shower a month won't kill you.
>"It would be extremely painful."Now now, you're a big girl.
>"For y- SNEED"A-Anon
>>297070>"Anon, where is Philomena? And why is there a bald eagle in her cage?"
>>297070Pretty gud. Saved .
>>297070>be anonfilly>tell ponies about the American Revolution and the Fourth of July>Cutie Mark Crusaders overthrow their school and dump Cheerilee's tee in Ponyville lake
>>296924>>296964>You wait while Anon shifts side to side>sweat runs down her face."Well?"
>"Fine... its for moonshine!">>297070>Moonshine?>What does concentrated lunar visible magic radiation have to do with sugar?"Moonshine?"
>"Mhmmm. Then if it works I can share some with my friends.">It is a crystalline structure.>"Please?">Well... it is for her friends...>wat do?
>>297139give the nigga the cute filly look
aint no hoe gonna say no to your ass
>>296567>"You do not want to face the wrath of my friendhole!""Twilight, I had plans with my friends tonight. It's game night."
>That dimensionally lost person became fast friends with Twilight, and Twicornholio.>"Ziggeruaga!">They got along like a house on fire."Yeah, the zigger will be there too."
>To make a single severing of popcorn.>"Hehe-he yeah, hehe-he.">Across the street.>"Ah-hem, sorry about that Anon, but these things my new friend has shown me called 'babes, booze, smokes, and scoring' is fascinating.">Oh no.>Not again.>"Especially with tea or coffee. It's an area of study that needs to be fully explored.""... well see you tomorrow Twi."
>Her look is a bit confused.>You really don't want to talk about how Bevis does masterbation at night.>You need just one night of good sleep.>"Have fun, and be safe.">She then gives a heart felt hug.>Those have been fewer as of late.>Just like perfectly clean toolboxes.>"Oh and be sure to score!""Y-you too."
>Wait...>Fuck!>You're already out with your bags packed.>Well game night also has Sunbutt there too maybe she can help.>Maybe an online private match with all your friends would do you good>and a good night's rest.>"Teepee for our bunghole!"
>Honestly this situation is bizarre.
>Besides being changed, youthified, and living in pony world.
>"Sigh, yes tiny horse of diminished stature?"
>He's been rather gloomy once Discord brought him in for villian rehabilitation Thursdays.
>You're here because of all the continual edgy jokes you make.
>You try to pat Aku, but at most it reaches his shin.
>If he had shins.
"Tell me about your galaxy spanning empire?"
>"That's acceptable..."
>Then he bends down facing eye to eye.
>oh shid
>"then you will tell me how you know that."
>He didn't mention that.
>That's how story time with Aku started.
>You both knew some ancient Earth culture.
>Although Aku didn't spend as much time with memes, he clearly appreciated them.
>>297142it's true, I can't say no to that face
>>297142"I warned you what that face would get you."
>"...the sugar?""No, but it WILL get you a nice fun ride on Twilight's Tantalizing Thaumic Thorn."
>"Purple, NO!">That was the last coherent word the filly spoke, before being used as a cocksock for Twiggle's magical buildup.
>be filly
>learn touching the Cutie Marks of ponies makes them nut uncontrollably
What do?
>>297209Nut uncontroallably to make it feel like someone it touching my cutie mark. I don't wanna be alone anymore......................
>>297213>be reborn as filly in equestria>the natural empathy of ponies means they can sense how you feel>ponies are horrified at how miserable you are and desperately want to help and save you>constant genuine niceness from all ponies>free sweets at Sugarcube Corner>nightly sleepovers where you fall asleep cuddling with somepony>twilight and RD adopt you>one day Twilight offers a memory erasure spell so you could forget you were ever a human or just make the bad memories and regrets fade awaywhat do?
>>297242I'd strongly decline. My experiences made me who I am. I'd rather be me and miserable than lose who I am and be happy.
>>297242>>297249I'd do the same thing. Same reason why those pet pony transformation stories terrify me since it's pretty much dying at that point.
I would probably end up squandering their good will though by trying to act like a pretentious stoic snob and they'd probably sense I'm trying to look like a bad ass and just try to avoid hanging out around me.
>>297251>try to look stoic and tough>mares giggle and see right through it and understand everything you do, their large brains helping them understand more than human woman ever could>Twilight calls you her little superhero
cringe and bluepilled
>>297242>not going on epic adventures to explore the rest of equestria, knowing you'll either die and find peace or do something badass with your life hell if i'm sticking around ponyville just to become a walking fucking friendship problem.
your dubs will not compel me kysfilly, you can have fun jerking off in the corner sipping juice like the other green retards while im out having fun
kill me yourself, coward.
>>297257Would actually make for a cute little adventure. Was tempted for abit to write a green sort of based off the premise but I keep procrastinating and floundering about starting over before I can get enough writen for a post.
>>297272I'm tempted to try writing something like that too, but I can't imagine what mature smart women are like because I've never met them.
>>297242>"Shouldn't such a spell be forbidden or something? Losing all those memories sounds pretty scary, and it'd mean losing a lot of who I am too.">"Besides, even if my past wasn't all great, I still had some good times then, and I've been having even more good times now!">hug the purple pone
>>297281its about time we see a filly with proper hips
not enough pears out there
once you lay off the dumb fucking retard juice yourself
>"Anon, and Nonny, and Anonymous, and- you know what, everyone, I have bad news.
>Magic in Equestria is fucking you up at least within a month you'll be worse than dead.
>Because magic land is wack yo.
"Get on with it."
>"The 'turn you into a pony' plan works, but there's a few complications.
>"So the filly fags were right."
>"How did you? Right the first problem that is unavoidable is you'll be a filly. At least for a while."
>"Anything else?"
>"You can choose your poison. In anycase I think I'll have a solution to change you all back in five years maybe ten."
>That's weird.
>"First, you could loose your memories and they'll slowly return. Trying to force it will make the acclimation slower, and that means until you have all your memories I can't safely change you back. So the time may increase to thirty or fifty years even with a solution at hoof."
>So you'll be an old mare by the time you remember it all.
>"Second, you need enough bodily fluids from others in any of your orifices roughly every three days in half your body volume. Forgetting or not having enough may result in a loss in control as your body will hijack your own will to preserve your life. From small compulsions to full take over. By my estimates it would go to extremes of by any means no matter the morallity or future consequences. Even then a temporary loss in higher functions would be the magical toll for extended periods to ensure you live."
>Slut or vampire or golden shower enthusiast... great...
>"Third, is you'll be magically paralyzed, you can't use your hooves, or mane, or tail, or horn, or wings, or anything else. Even external artifacts won't work. You can walk, look around and talk, etcetera but any magic isn't possible. You'll be weaker than fairly below average ponies.
>A cripple but at least by the end of five or ten years you'll be all normal.
>"Fourth, a parasite is attached to your magic that by my calculations would alter any and all your perceptions for up to two hours every week. It is spiteful and hates your existence. At any time it wants splitting up that time however it wants. Except for one safe day. The hallucinations only escalate when it's ignored, and are relatively tame when it's being interacted with in a way it wants.
>So bad times the greentext.
>"Fifth, once every three days you'll have a different Cutie Mark that changes how you see the world. Thinking outside of that is... difficult. Going against the principal of that Cutie Mark? It's not possible. There are very weird Cutie Marks out there."
>"Sixth, your pony instincts are increased for a normal pony it's quadrupled or more. Everything will be more intense. When something is mildly scary the Rose sisters are tame in comparison. You'll feel an urge to always be near or in contact with another pony at all times. You'll be more easily influenced."
>Crank it up to eleven!
>What else Purple?
>Are we here just to suffer?
>"These next ones are a bit different you have to pick three of them to get the effect of one of the others. Or pick one of these in addition to lessen the negative effects of the other ones above."
>"Honesty, you can't tell a lie. Not a fib, nor an exaggeration, not even a half truth. The full truth every single time."
>"Loyalty, through thick or thin you'll be there for your friends, and even some good acquaintances. Whether you want to or not."
>"Generosity, whatever you do it's with somepony else in mind, time, and in action. With some proclivity to charity. They'll recieve whatever it is if you go through with whatever it is.
>"Kindness, a bit more esoteric, but essentially you'll be kind. A sort of enforced empathy, and a bit more. There will be a place in your heart."
>"Laughter, is doing what is right, what is good. Usually with a smile. That sounds a bit strange, but lifting everyone's spirits is the right thing to do and it's based on context. To do right by everypony."
>"Friendship, well... you'll have every part of these elements to a very teeny tiny minor degree, and a bigger role for the one element you've picked including this one."
"Can we blast out orbital friendship power?"
>"No. Your bodies couldn't handle it at least until I turn you back even then a more stable form would need to be tested."
>"Lastly writing a report, or what you call a green, or a drawing, or a journal, or a meme, or anything about what you've been through."
>"The more data and plot points available the sooner everyone can have something they like, and I might be able to figure out a way to switch those draw backs or even lessen them for everypony. The more you pick the more it increases for everyone as well, but your safety, freedom, and well being is my foremost concern."
"So what does that mean?"
Continued ->
>>297438>"Well, some of you want to be a filly forever this would speed up that progress. Minor modifications could also happen, or major ones. Even being able to fully use alicorn magic as a human or Earth pony.>"Based on all that has been available this is what I've got.">"You can pick your body type, what type of pony you are including Alicorn, some degree of coloration, and there are guardians that want you, including myself.>What is this a green prompt or something?"What if hypothetically I didn't want to be the filly?"
>She gives a sad smile.>"I'm afraid I can't let that happen, for the safety of all of Equestria, the world at large, and for your sake I'm forcing the issue.">Roll a d12 if you don't want to pick, but still want to do this thingy.>"What do you pick? Here's a checklist, a quill and please form a single file line when you're ready.">"Good luck."
>>297265I always really hoped someone would write a greentext about this concept. Eggman filly has potential.
>>297469>filly Eggman lamenting the loss of his PINGAShehehe
>>297530>"Oh thank Celestia you're alright, you've been passed out for weeks.""Thank who now?"
>Your voice is noticeably less evil than you remember it.>"Celestia, the ruler of-""Nevermind that. The Chaos Emeralds must have been scattered after they did this to me. Have you any of them?"
>"Chaos Emeralds? My goodness your an imaginitive filly.">You think back to that animal husbandry class you took for a general education credit."You mean to tell me I'm not only a horse... but that my PINGAS is gone?!"
>"Don't worry your little head, poor thing. Transmutation of living things is still in the realm of magical theory, even with the usage of the elements of harmony.">You suppose it never was the most impressive one, but other than your incompetent robot assistants it was your only companion in conquest."I- nevermind that. Where is my Egg-o-matic?"
>You feel a tear run down your face.>You won't forget your player 2.>"You mean the device I found you in? It's downstairs in-">You leap out of bed, only to be snagged on IV tubes."Help..."
>...>"Well, this is what's left of it.">The paint job is ruined.>The glass is shattered."Looks like I've got work to do. Hand me an adjustable wrench."
>"What now?""Nevermind, there should be a toolbox under the seat."
>"Oh...">You try to climb up on it, but feel yourself held back by some sort of force.>"You'll hurt yourself on that, missy.""That's Doctor Robotnik. I designed this machine, and I won't let you keep me from my quest for world domination!"
>She gives you a stern look, and from seemingly nowhere a paddle appears."Maybe I shouldn't have said that much..."
>>297469>>297549Eggman filly wew.
>>297674Just as the filly died in her apartment. the filly died again by her own hooves. And once again, the state of Equestria was forever changed.
Twilight and friends have a tip for you. What kind is it? Pick a Spoiler.
>>297743>Pick a Spoiler.Third pic.
>>297743Joke's on you, I looked at all 5 pictures and unlocked the special 6th tip, soul fragmentation! I'll see you faggots later when my very existence is finished being flayed apart, smell ya later!
>>297758>tfw you will never get to _be_ anonmare>tfw you will never get to put your dick inside you
>>297762Filly is for petting.
>>297762Speaking, as anyone ever explored the idea of anon filly actually being just a female clone of (you)? Have both normal anon and anonfilly be in the same universe.
>>297766Good thing they specified mare!
>>297768>Be Anonymous, writefag OccultFacade>The little tree library home is nice and lots of things to look at.>Well shit."So you're me, and it's from the moment we entered Equestria?"
>Books in English and Horsepictographs.>The little filly looks up at me.>"Yep.">Very nicely kept wood flooring that looks masterfully done."Okay then."
>Windows light up the whole building in a nice warm glow.>"Lunch, we need to see if the change altered my tastes.">"Would you two kindly not ignore me.">We both look at Twilight, visibly giving her our attention.>Even if everyone already has it."H
h? O
h s
>Spike watches>"Dude, that's creepy.">I look to see if filly me wants to talk first>She does the same.>I gesture to let myself go ahead.>"Yeah, hey Twilight or Spike do you want me or myself to talk.">Spike points up at me.>"No offense dude, but you're creepy.">"Spiiike.""Noted, is it anything specific?"
>"Nah just keep feeling the heebegebies. Makes my skin crawl.">"How so?">"Sort of like a horror film where something awful is about to happen and the music cuts out.">"Ah.">Well I suppose that settles that.>"Well I suppose that settles that.">"Well I suppose lunch wouldn't hurt. How about hay burgers?">"I'm up for it, because I'm not quite human any more, but myself can't normally eat hay without problems. See the thing is we're omnivores with a learning toward cooked foods, vegetables, fruits, nuts, manufactured crap, animal products, and various meats.""Also a few other miscellaneous stuff... Wait, pigs are sentient here that means no prosciutto-"
>"No meatballs-""No bacon-"
>"No steak!">"Ummm. Right, so the hayburger place has a mean stuffed potato?">Hunh that's weird."Sounds like a plan. Say do you have any books on magic."
>"We're very interested in that.">Would there even be a greek yogurt?
>>297768I've been waiting for that specific question to be asked so I could shill my sub-par greens. I've made eight parts, as of now
and plan to make more at some point, at the dismay of all https://ponepaste.org//user/fajitasanon
>>297779Pretty cool,
>Say do you have any books on magic."Wonder if Anon could train his counterpart and make her an alicorn.
>>297795Sounds interesting will give it a read after work.
>>297768Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me so hard.
>Because of Purple's continual assholery and insanity
>You have no choice, but to document it in hopes that Sunbutt can free you from this insanity.
>Hours spent sitting in the corner
>Justice will happen.
>"Well Anon, I may not known you both for long I think you're both a good pony..."
>Twilight is in our room.
>"Anon, why is your penis and testicles resting on Anonfilly's head."
>Oh shit.
>"Oh! These aren't my glasses. Silly me."
"How did that happen."
>"Anonymous I am very disappointed. I thought we were friends."
>Ouch right in the feels why don't you.
>"You should have included me! This is a once in a lifetime chance for legal and moral consensual sexual activity for advanced friendship bonding."
>She whips out a pie chart, a bell chart of some sort, and various documents are floating around us now.
"Oh, well-
>"-want to join in?"
>"I need my checklist for this, and enough paper to document this unique situation. SPIIIIKE!"
>"What is it Twi- whoa-"
>"I need more quills, ink, parchment stat."
>Self preservation instincts kick in for the dragon as he makes his way out.
>She has a crazed look and some papers.
>"In the mean time you are going to tell me everything about your biology and reproductive functions."
>We spill the beans.
>Hoerspussy is on the line.
>>297825Stupid fucking zigger.
>WHUMP!>You hear a muffled impact outside your door, and look up from your desk>An angry mare bursts into your office>Strange, you only hired other fillies, how did she get in here?>Oh, right, your name is Anonymous>As is the entirety of your workforce>Magical mishap involving a chicken, twenty-seven thousand metric tons of sand, and three gold plated iron bars brought you all here, with only the clothes on your backs and new pony bits.>Lucky ones got wings, or like yourself, horns.>You try not to think too hard on what happened>Except now, when you'd rather think about something that isn't a nuisance>"...and then she called me a 'crusty cunt!' I don't even know what that means, but I'm sure it was some kind of FILLY insult!">Oh, right, the mare"As president and CEO of Anonfilly Shitposting Incorporated, I must let you know before I can even listen to a word you say, I have to know how you managed to get in here."
>She looks stunned, as if she'd never been talked down to like that before>Which is a preposterous thought, clearly she's met another Anon to even think of coming here>"The window was open, and I'm the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria!""And you are aware that even the 'fastest pegasus in all of Equestria' is subject to breaking and entering laws, along with trespassing laws, correct?"
>She visibly recoils at your words>Clearly, someone forgot you can't just go wherever you want just because the window's open"Evidently, that is aside from the issue you bring into my office. What is your grievance with our company, miss...?"
>Your tone is as flat as your 2d waifu back on Earth>God, you miss her>"Rainbow Dash! You can't act like you've never heard of me! One of your fillies came to my welcome-back-to-Ponyville-party and caused a riot! She convinced almost everypony there that I was a spawn of Tartarus!">Ah, a hit job, the most lucrative and expensive service that ASI offers>Also, the most dangerous>You've lost many a filly to the ensuing riots and town-burnings>Never to go on the field again, succumbing to desk jobs"Miss Dash, was it? I am not our Pony Relations department. Nor am I obligated to do anything for you. If anything, it sounds like you're giving my filly a raving review for her work, and have ensured that she gets a bonus. Is there anything else you'd like to say before I call security on you?"
>She looks even more shocked than when you reminded her of the law existing>"I- You're not supposed to reward anypony for this kind of behavior! You're the boss here, right?! Do something about it!""Miss Dash, I do not punish my employees for doing their job, and especially not for doing it well. If you wish to use our services to restore your reputation instead of complaining about them, then I would suggest that you consult our sales department on the GROUND FLOOR. I would also suggest that you wait a day or three, as when you're thrown out of the building by SECURITY! ...you're not allowed back inside for a bit."
>At your call, your two most magically gifted Anons walk through your office door."Anon and Anon? Please escort Miss Rainbow Dash off the premises."
>"Punt, Field Goal, or Kickoff, sir?">You consider his question, and decide that she doesn't need to be launched to Canterlot yet>But probably next time"Only a punt will do, Anon. Miss Dash, you might want to point out the general direction of your house before you reach the ground floor."
>"What?! I can't-">She is silenced by a bright green aura of magic wrapping around her muzzle, while a darker orange aura wraps around her wings, and all but one of her hooves>"MMMMPH! MMM-MMMPH-MM-MMMMPH!">Her struggles are fruitless as the two take her downstairs, leaving you back to your deskwork>You feel like you're forgetting something>...right, the window that let her in>You use your own magic to shut the offending pane of glass>Returning to your desk, you start on your "important jobs reports" folder>Huh, ironic, this is the report on that pony's hit>Flawless execution, no filly injuries, no feathers left on the scene, AND stole 20 bits on the way back?>This one's getting promoted to Senior Hitpony>And a personal thank-you letter from yourself>"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...">A streak of rainbow shoots away from what you assume to be the ground floor, slightly on the path to the Everfree>You chuckle to yourself a bit>That never gets oldPonepaste -
>>298167>It sounds like someone's posting b&thro!It's just a shitpost, Anon. Sit down.
>>298155what in the world... this is the weirdest mash up of characters like ever. Even for fan art. Why would you curse the poor anon baby?! He's just a foal! ToT
>Two Anonfillies accidentally run into each other>Neither of them knew the other was also here in Equestria too, thus ruining their theory that each Anon gets their own Equestria>Resorting to natural defense mechanisms, the two Anonfillies proceed to verbally fight in public>They start drawing the attention of other ponies in the area>Nopony knows how to break up the two very similar-looking fillies hurling colorful insults at each other>Eventually one of the Anonfillies insults the other's waifu, leading to a hoof being launched in her face>"FILLY FIGHT!" somepony in the crowd yells>The two poor, misguided foals duke it out for reasons they most likely have forgotten about minutes ago as the crowd is a mixture of panic and cheering on>Dust settles after some time as one of the Anonfillies has the other pinned to the ground with her hooves, both tired from senseless violence>For reasons only Celestia knows, the two of them dropped their anger and started making out without warning>The crowd is now uncomfortable as some of them begin to disperse while others watch with morbid curiosity>One of the onlookers happened to be Twilight Sparkle herself, who watched with content, as it was her plan from the start to introduce more than one Anonfilly into the wild and see if anything lewd would transpire between them without her intervening>She made a mental note to bring in more Anons from the other side when she got back homehttps://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/36375740#p36381528
>Be AnonFilly#8.
>Otherwise known as 'Depression the Wonderfilly.'
>They call you that because out of the eight other anonfillies you're the only one with crippling depression.
>You're also the 'youngest' since you now had the body of a six year old, meaning that you are on the lowest tier of the anon ladder.
>Others don't associate with you because you're an anon.
>The others really fucked this up for you before you got here.
>You try to ask twilight for help, but the other Anons are hopeless when it comes to helping themselves in the right way.
You work for a local convenient store to buy food for you and the other Anons.
>Shit sucks and you live in a pizza box.
> It only gets worse when Anons start turning on each other.
>A big fight happened between #4 and #1. You were pretty sure one of them died, but you fled the scene.
>A day later you are brought in to the authorities for questioning.
>#1 is dead. #4 killed them and bolted. Now they're looking for them.
>You don't know how to cope with this. None of the anon's do.
>#2 wandered off, and left town.
>#5 died of an overdose.
>#3 and #6 left to do something with their lives ever since they fell out of lust and in love.
>#7. . . Shit, they just vanished one day.
>Now it's just you in the alley, in your worn-out pizza box.
>In the quiet with the trash.
>You close your eyes, and dream of better times.
>You hated that convenient store job anyways. . .
You're name is 'Depression the Wonder-Filly', and you've finally hit rock bottom. . .
I had an idea of for a self contained (semi-lewd) Anonfilly one shot story. does that go in this thread?
>>298270Yes. Pay the resident shitposter no mind, newfriend.
>>298270>Red FillyAwesome and hot.
>>298276Representation for 8/pone/ anons #representationmatters
>>298274excellent, any content guidelines I should be aware of? (I didn't see any in the OP)
>>298276>>298280yep, red anonfilly is one of my story ideas.
>>298272>over 17,000 hours in audacity
>>298286>you will never spend your entire life as a wagecuck
>Be Anon looking after Fillyanon
>In Canterlot heading to School for Anonfilly.
>Honestly this Equestria is fun.
>Not in the 'it's a beach and it's really nice outside' way
>Not even in the 'going to the well used clop folder' way
>it's fun in a sandpaper on scrotum rubbing way.
>To put it lightly your jimmies are always rustled.
>Mostly because you landed not in Equestria, but reveresed gender roles Equestria
>The difference is hoerspussy vs pussy whoerses.
>Everyone here had a special brand of stupid.
>Well almost everyone
>But it could be worse.
>Right now you're bringing Anonfilly to school.
>The biggest reason why is that pony layabouts stalking allys for gangrape.
>You both could handle yourselves, they arn't used to the amount of will you both have, but...
>The multicolored crew walk up to you.
>You finger the small box in your pocket just to be sure.
>"Hey, being a single stallion must be a lot of work, ditch the kid and we'll show you a good time. Ain't that right gals!"
>Not too far from their allyway.
>"Hehe yeah!"
>It's not a bad offer perse, hell pony pussy is hard to turn down its not like Earth after all.
>"How about you faggots go into that allyway and fuck yourselves."
>Ah, what a good little fuzzy ball of spite, piss, and vinegar.
>You have your eyes set on waifu material namely your friend and marefriend Sunny Day.
>Fillyanon approves, and would like to do parental hoof holding.
>Maybe it's Princess Celestia, maybe not in any case she is a real sweet heart and worth every step of the way.
>She has some mediocre high standards, and so do you.
>The biggest issue with this world is that it also runs off of porno tropes, and hentai tropes.
>"Say, hows 'bout you join us too and we shows ya what real carpet muchers do eh?"
>Luckily it also runs on cartoon logic to a minor extent.
"How about you start without us."
>Once poners are in the grip of lewd times it's hard for them to break free without being prepared and with training.
>"Yeah, boss this limp dick nobody ain't got the oysters to handle us."
>Being from Earth puts you in a whole weird category that you follow no worldly edicts.
>But for Fillyanon it's a battle, an easy one but...
>A hand on her mane as the cue to walk away.
>School from what you've heard isn't much better.
>Soon enough you'll be living together with Sunny, then all you'll have to worry about is cuck tropes directed at yourself.
>That way you'll just bash their skulls with a frying pan.
>They can take it.
>It's less damaging than a choke hold, which is by all accounts is absolutely bizarre and makes no logical sense at all.
>And ponies are ridiculously stretchy.
>Baseball bats here have a tendency to fail like X-Com combat.
>Not like a trusty cast iron frying pan.
>Finally you reach the Canterlot School for Gifted Students.
"Good luck Anon."
>"You too 'Nonnymous."
>She walks away.
>For one last word she turns around.
>"Knock her socks off."
>That's right today is the day you'll propose.
>You grin and wave at the retreating form.
>Sunny always has a knack of knowing about any suprises.
>Ah, alright!
>Time to make this offical.
>The small box still safely in your pocket you make your way to Sunny's place.
>>298305>reveresed gender roles EquestriaSo all the females are macho violent sex crazed brutes, while the males are effeminate cowardly frigid fops?
>>298308Yeah, something is skewed.
>>298308>>298309>>298305does this gender dynamic switch also effect princess celestia or Luna?
>>298308Wouldn't it be the reverse since that is how it is here?
>>298308>>298309>>298320Running more on porn logic rather than normal Equestria. If what is going on in the plot of a hentai what would happen and how would you avoid setting off the meta conditions.
Princess Celestia is Anonfilly in
Purple aboose
>Be Celestia
>Your most faithful student now fellow Princess Twilight Sparkle gave two things that titillate the feelings.
>Free time
>A magic circle that Twilight said always enables her to have a good time
>Well maybe a few tweaks here and there
>and done!
>Let's power this up.
>Suddenly the perspective changes and your looking up at yourself.
>"How adorable."
"A mind duplication ritual?"
>"My little pony you do know big words."
"That's because I'm you, at least have all the same experiences and memories."
>"Oh dear."
"I had the second cake made by Stawberry yesterday."
>You see your own eyes widen at the confirmation.
>A flash of purple magical energy teleports Twilight Sparkle
>Why would she visit?
>"Haha, sorry Princess my mistake I'll just take this trouble maker out of your mane."
>She teleports the papers, herself and yourself to her castle dungeon.
>You see a gaggle of fillies that are almost the same, but have the extract same cutie mark.
>"Well Anons very clever, but you didn't think I'd be monitoring those magical signatures hunh."
"Twilight, what is this?"
>Her eyes light up.
>"Oh goodie a new one."
>Immediately the fillies move pulling you away from Twilight.
>"Whatever happens don't let her catch you, act like us like a true shitposter."
>You're pushed and shoved into a pile of fillies doing...
>lewd activities
>Eventually you're pushed under all of them.
>"Come out come out where ever you are."
>You start to move.
>The hot bodies rub against you
"Why not?"
>"Vivisection is the least she'll do."
>"I'll find you soon enough, but for now Ennie meenie mineie moe!"
>Mare juices run down your face.
>"Oh goodie it's you. I'll have fun breaking you in again."
>The distinct sound of teleportation is heard.
>"Whew that was close, hey you can stop licking you fag."
>"Make me cunt!"
>"So newfag where you from half chan? /mlpol/? Hopefully not leftypol."
"I'm Princess Celestia and I got and used the ritual myself."
>They are all stunned.
>"No way."
>"Is it actually happening? Will justice happen?"
"I'm probably working on matching the teleportation signals."
>All the fillies with renewed energy start to talk.
>A half hour of hoping and waiting.
>A flash of familiar golden rays apear as you teleport in.
>"Oh no."
"It's worse than we thought."
>They all cheer.
>The new red colored Anonfilly seemed to always be in a good mood.
>"Crimson Fucker is back, now deal me in fuccboi."
>Spike the dragon sighs, and deals the filly in.
"Isn't now about the time Twilight tries to summon another filly?"
>"It is that's why I'm down here."
>The room shakes a bit.
>"Vacation time just got better with big titty police girl."
>You didn't have the heart to ruin his hopes.
>>298165Added to the document, sorry for the delay.
>"Mmm... what's wrong Anon?"
"I can't sleep."
>"Too much chocolate?"
"Maybe... I don't know. Can I get in?"
>Twilight yawns sleepily, pulling up a corner of her bed.
>Your hooves make a light tapping on the wood floor as you struggle to climb into her bed.
>"What about this time?"
"A show I watched the first time I was a kid."
>"And what was it about?"
"A lot of things..."
>"Pick one then."
>Twilight brushes your mane out of your eyes and kisses your forehead.
"Death, for one. Guess they had to teach kids about it some time."
>"Are you afraid of death?"
"Of course... I was terrified when I was bleeding out on the floor in that bank."
>"You don't talk about it much."
>You shudder.
"It's a painful memory, but it's not the source of tonight's anguish."
>"Then what is?"
>You think back to all of your time spent online.
>All the friends you met screwing around in games, some of them becoming very important people to you.
>Surely by now the smarter ones would have pieced together that you weren't going to be coming back.
>With the time difference, it could've been years between your appearance mere weeks ago in Equestria and your death on earth.
"The people I let down."
>Twilight squeezes you tightly as you feel a few rogue tears slip from your eyes.
>"It's not your fault, I'm sure they understand."
"They meant more to me than almost anyone in my life ever did, and most of them didn't even know my real name..."
>Pony tears are fucking massive.
"No way to find my obituary."
>You hug Twilight tighter.
"No funeral to attend."
>You make yourself as small as possible, small as you feel.
"Just a little string next to the grey text..."
>You barely manage to get out the next bit through sobs.
"Last Online 3 years ago."
>>298286>>298288Fukkin saved, thanks drawfag and editfag!
I don't think they're coming back.
>Be anonfilly
>tell your loving momfu Twilight you don't miss home, but you do miss some nice things from it
>like videogames and anime
>be anonfilly's birthday
>Twilight gives you a necklace that lets you make things from your memories real, when you want it to
>fill your bedroom with arcade cabinets and consoles and a fucking huge TV
>it all works without plugs because magic
>while thinking about your favourite animu waifu, accidentally make her real
>what do?
>>298459>yfw your waifu is a yonder. Run and warn twilight before fleeing into isolation in the whitetail woods so if she follows me she won't feel the need to kill since we're alone
>>298459>yfw you have to explain why there is a whole asortment of poners in your room
>Be Anonfilly
>Well you have a blone mane
>And no cutie mark
>Close enough to be an Anonfilly.
>Going on crazy wacky adventures
>Seducing Sunbutt to give some land
>and a penpal to catalogue your crazy lifes
>Finding mythical fruits
>Even with near death hijinks
>Then you grew older
>You found the loves of your life.
>Then your children found love
>Then they had a Red colt
>and you realize that all the crazy pone adventures you might not be Anonfilly
>And an Orange filly
>And Applebloom
>And you went and fucked over the time line so they could have their parents.
>it worked, but being even more vigilant in poner land is eating away at you
>you get to do whatever crazy shitposting you want in irl now always bamboozles the poners
>Sitting on the porch in the comfy rocking chair.
>"Granny Smith, it's been a long time."
>Good ol' Sunbutt.
"You too sweet cheeks. I told you to call me Anonfilly."
>"Well Anon you were right, again."
>It's been a long time since you've been by her side physically.
"Of course the ride never ends."
>"It's been quiet recently, no old foes not even a catastrophic event."
"Fine yah big scheming goose I'll be the notorious Fillyanon again to put the youngin's through their paces. Maybe even that big galoot Flutterbutter got could help them. They'll need it."
>She looks shocked as though she never even thought of that happening.
>"Granny your body isn't what it used to be."
"Then that makes the first villainious act all the more obvious, besides stealing you away."
>"WAH- mmmmm"
>You've still got it.
"Oh my hip."
>That's how you roped Celestia into being your partner in crime.
>Be Anonfilly
>You have the whole world in your hooves.
>No really!
>It's a big snowglobe that contains Earth.
>Twilight heard you missed Earth so she brought it here in a desktop bobble.
>The whole orginal universe in a ball.
>She actually listened closely to the stories and tales and did what you thought was impossible.
>It's almost humbling.
>All the more reason to never ever pissoff Twilight ever.
>You're not sure how, but she said she added a portal to Earth somewhere.
>A nice planet filled with good people, at least cured of The Sicknesses, with a bright future.
>"How do you like it Anon?"
>The manual she made is untouched, for now you just admire.
>"Have you've seen the portal schematics that will allow cross dimentional travel?"
>With a shake of your head she shows you.
>Equestria and Earth has never been the same since.
>Friendship makes it all complete.
"Agent Sweetie Drops, meet Anonymous Filly," Celestia says and points a hoof at you.
>You were in Canterlot castle.
>Every since you got to Equestria, you have struggled for survival, with your waking up in the badlands and all, but it seems that struggle is over.
>The light tan to light yellow small horse in front of you are to be your caretaker.
>When you had exit the badlands and entered Klugetown, you had encountered a group of violent demi-humans that wanted to sell you into slavery.
>You had escaped them through both luck and quick thinking on your part.
>Surprisingly, your escape from these demi-humans, had been seen by an agent working undercover for Princess Celestia.
>And now, you were here.
>The pink and blue maned earth pony mare in front of you that went with the ailas Bon Bon in public was to be your gaurdian.
>Officially, you were being adopted but in reality your were to be trained by this agent to become a future one yourself.
>Your talents could not go wasted, as Celestia had put it.
>You tried hold your gaze and not to break away from the blue eyes of Sweetie Drops but in the end you look to the floor.
>She wasn't glaring at you or anything but her monotone to strickt gaze with her perfect posture and the aura of power almost made you start sweating bullet on its own.
"First lesson," Sweetie Drops says. "Do not let yourself be intimidated. Fear is a natural response to threats but letting it control you will give your enemies an advantage. Like this."
>You look up just as she finishes and immediately notice that she has closed the gap between you.
>In one swift motion, she grabs hold of you and then your on the floor.
>She has her front hooves around your neck in chokehold but she isn't tightening her grip to suffocate you.
>She is just holding your like that, firmly locked in place.
>In fact, you didn't get hurt going down on the floor either.
>It all had happened so fast but stil with such precision that you didn't even ache from ending up on the floor.
"You're pretty good at this," you say as you peer up at your new `mom.´
>A small smirk appear in the corner of her mouth.
"Agent Sweetie Drops graduated top of her class in the Black Hooves Secret Ops," Princess Celestia says in an almost proud voice. "She been involved in numerous scret raids on the Caribou tribes. And she has over four-hundred.boops
>>298495>tfw Anonfilly almost released that shitstorm of fury all over herselfNice!
>Othopeidious 6:2:4
>Death roamed the land of Equestria
>For twas not of pone or spirit, but of malice made manifest
>A thing of the likes seen only in the hushed rooms of hidden practitioners of the beyond
>An unmonster.
>It swirls through the land rasping and clutching at those of weak hearts and minds.
>Forsooth thee has heard of it's cackle call.
>Go into the deepest drawers and findeth the salt if still had
>Grind till a dust fine as motes of air
>'lee ye have none take a smidge of the brow's water if ye still live.
>all else the copper in thine veins dried to a raisen and dashed upon the ground thusly
>Anonymous the filly may hear your call for if have neither salt, nor sweat, nor blood
>She has the reigns that may ensnare the damned beast ye unlucky soul
>cry out as of her battle kin a tremendous screech and give no kindness to thine cords
>mayhaps then doom will frighten away one more an hours worth
>when the unpony comes to chase that unmonster do what thou can lest it help one more moment
>A filly her form shall be yet twisted and cruel as she has heart and joy of the pony kind
>The Death has taken from her which it fears yet pillages across in its dash for reckoning.
>neither sun nor moon has touched either despite their continued trials
>tis the unnature of those things
>if ye has been grasped by the Doom sink thine flesh into it do unto it as it has done
>terrible deeds will be done yet of the day and night a release is had where as you've been freed for moments more
>at the peaks and passings of moon and sun
>in those moments call out to their name her of small stature
>and so on the unbeast wilst be done in.
>Advanced Chronicler - T. 'Immies.
>Be Twilight Sparkle
>Finishing the passage all that lingers is a thought
>What the fuck as Anon says
>The great secret underground Royal Canterlot library held many a tome of dubious morality, sanity, and anti-self preservation in all aspects.
>This though
"I need an adult."
>Celestia yes.
>Need Celestia to make sure I didn't dig too deep and break my mind or something.
>Yep going to the Princess.
>Be Princess Celestia
"I've forgotten all about those times..."
>Maybe that's for the best.
>"but I have a filly named Anon."
>Oh that's bad.
>Not the filly but the times.
"Bring her here, I'll go get Luna."
>Be Anonfilly
>Today is a great day
>and you have free access to the cookie jar!
>Even better it's been left right there on the crystal map table in the friendship room.
>Moments before you reach your sweet prize an impression upon the very reality you live in
>it stole your fucking cookies
>the cookies aunt Candyass made
>the one's that only come twice a year tops
>This wasn't the smart thing to do, but you're pissed
>It shakes in fear at noticing you and a bridle comes tumbling down.
>Twilight enters the room.
>You, the monster, and Purple
>She seals the friendship chamber with her bullshit magic.
>Then it tries to eat Twilight Sparkle.
>tfw you enter a rage so deep and so dark a mere monster of unreality will regret its choice
>tfw you become alicorn deluxe
>tfw you beat the thing with the bridle till it spits out Twilight, and the cookies
>tfw you saved Bookhorse
>tfw the cookies are behind saving
>tfw you beat a manifestation of malice from the outer realities to beyond non-existence
>tfw you forget most of what happened
>Be Anonfilly
>You were about to get some cookies, but Twilight must have put them away.
>Turning around from the table
>Speaking of...
>Twilight lies there with scorch marks and acid burns with holes digging into her.
>Something clicks and a vague impression is on your mind.
>Your going to kill that thing again after you go get help to save Twilight who brought you here to pone land.
>She better make a full recovery or your going full Doomslayer.
>Fixing it for you
>She is going to make a full recovery and you're going full Doomslayerfilly
>Be Anonfilly?
>Waking up in a forest with trees and discorded rainbow friendship poners with Queen Chrysalis is weird.
>I have my memory?
"So why am I here in the first place?"
>Why do I have my memory?
>The deranged Changling queen looms closer to you.
>She trails off.
>"Couldn't even conduct the plan right how impressive."
>"Who doggie sure is impressive got the most powerful in all of this here open flower meadow colt right there, mhmmm."
>"Ha ha sucks to suck."
>"Whatever lameos."
>"You're mine! Oh so is that rock."
>"Enough! I've brought you to life and I can easily end you!"
>Turning literal trees into poners with just a picture and a piece of them and the cutie mark embeded into the trunk
>Working at a barbershop or maybe a hairstylist would do.
>Some wacky voodoo hoodoo /x/ teir shit but if it works
>All the good poners, hell if it works good enough maybe just maybe...
"Pwease teach me?"
>"T-this love? Yes little pony you will know this most secret of magics developed solely by me! That is the reason I brought you into the world to be my right hoof."
>"Hey! I'm a better version of the princess of magic I'd get it better."
>That's fine this is fine.
>All I, and my counterpart needs is that spell.
>Hmmm would sympathetic Earth magic work?
>oh or even a drawing?
>Maybe we could get thingpone here
>With these personality changes could I mix and match ponies?
>Could we become part Spirit of chaos if we bungled the parts together?
>The bitchkicks dirt into my mouth that cunt
>A few choice coughs to clear the debris.
>The clearing is quiet.
>"Yes you are a good choice."
>Just need the info from bug butt and everything will be just peachy.
>"It was a subpar laugh you should feel ashamed for that pitiful attempt."
>Just need that damned spell Sporkle!
>even if I can't cast it myself I'll get lackies or my friends to do it with or for me
>All bug for brains has to do is spill everything
>I need that.
>"Whatever later."
>There goes blue sleepy to snooze.
>Flutterbitch is about to start a fight with Pink, Rara, and Liarbackgroundpone.
>Whatever, need that spell.
>Then I'll make someone who can fix myself
>I'll have my magnum dongus!
>I'll get all the poners!
>Just that one spell.
>She points to the runes, more like scribbles with a few circles and ovals, glowing green on the ground.
"Wish I had some paper."
>Then all I have to do is blast the birch or whatever tree with magic while in the magic attuner array.
>It's that simple.
>How do I know that?
>Now the queen is useless to me.
>To make my escape.
"Yes makes sense, I'll go infiltrate the stronghold that they possess lowering their guard."
>Leaving just like that.
>Tooo easy.
>All I have to do is never ever get close to the tree of fucking doom.
>Unless that just applies to the copies
>Better not risk it.
>Maybe I'll prevent their doom.
>Then again...
>"Yes go and retrieve the elements."
>Ah that slipped out, better hurry and gtfo.
>"Get back here!"
>Running as fast as my little hooves can run which to be fair is pretty fast all things considered.
>Everything changes once you can easily build and duplicate better minions.
>>298518>Be Twilight Sparkle>Anon was causing a commotion again>Saddly her antics seem to have no care for anything else."I'm sorry it's Anon I-"
>"Say no more darling.""I'll be back."
>The teleportaion schematics come to mind and you're back at the castle>"Hi Twilight!">"Hi Twilight!">Oh no"Anon?"
>They look at each other, actually there is some differences between them.>"So this clone of me right here brought important information about what the bug Queen has planed.""WHAT!"
>"You know that asshole photographer well here's the ritual schematics.">Looking through the paper you see a plan fueled with insanity take place."Wait, that means she made duplicates of our friends."
>"Got it in one. Just because they are tree pony Discorded-esk duplicates doesn't mean they have all the memories and stuff.">"I'm mostly me, but I... I need to be careful some stuff is dislodged.""Oh no, I have to go."
>"Wait! One last thing the Twilight is your magical equal, but you have the experience and skills and friendship keep that in mind.">To use the elements against your friends and Equestria.>"Oh! The tree of harmony doesn't take kindly to disharmony. For them it's down right deadly if pushed too far, they'll be rendered down to the base components.">That's horrifying.>Almost what could have happened during the mirror pool incident...>You look between Anonfilly and Anonfilly the tree pony."I'll do my best."
>The hardest job isn't saving Equestria it's dealing with Anon's curve balls.>They somehow always hit where it hurts and it's almost never expected.
I hope you enjoy it. A quick drawing shitpost I've made today.
It's about Anon Filly stealing twilight sparkles cookies, mission impossible style. Fair warning, I drew this with a right handed mouse and I'm left handed. So, 2 sever handicaps, I hope, nonetheless, that it pleases ye'.
A few spoilers. Needless to say with the amount of potential clones Queen Chysalis really shouldn't have invaded the wedding and could have lived a peaceful if solitary life.
>>298559>>298563Got me really worried now! The Tree of Harmony is a fickle beast and it's tendrils reach long. Need Anonfilly and her treebro to make it through this together! Can help one another shirk chores and school by swapping out for the day!
>>298506Also not sure what this is but that opening sermon sounds bad ass. Want to see Anonfilly trying to go hoof-to-cuffs with demons and monsters of Equestria.
>On a little street corner in Canterlot sits a filly.
>She is flithy and she wears a brown tattered cloak.
>A black hat lays in front of her with, like three bits in the bottom.
>A white mare with pink hair stops next to the filly.
>An orange stallion she walks with stops as well.
"Oh, my," the mare says, looking sadly at the filly. "Oh, dear. How can a little filly like you be homeless? In this weather nontheless."
>The mare gestures a hoof over the snow covered streets of Canterlot.
"Yes, it is quite an outrage," chimes the stallion next to her in. He seems genuinely angry. "As I said before, our taxes only go down the princess belly."
>The filly rstand up and gently smile at them.
"I'm a good singer. I can sing you as song." she says hopeful.
>At first it looks like the mare wants to protest against the idea of letting this filly sing for bits but then she gets something bitterseet in her eyes.
"*Sniff* Go ahead little one," she says and quickly wipes away a tear. The stallion puts a hoof on her shoulder.
>The filly coughed in her green hoof and smacked her lips a few times before begining.
"Bah bah bah bah buh buh bow. Grab your angel wings and your sack of cocaine..."
>Be Princess Celestia
>Get letter
>It reads,"Dear Princess Celestia. Thank you for keeping filly homeless."
>>298626I can't wait for my Autism Support Tiny Horse Soft Toy to come in!
Anyone know which filly drawfags are still alive
Trust Once Lost Chapter 16
Previous Chapters:
// Oh to be Old Again
The strangest part about the dreams I had with Luna were that they did not fade. I was familiar with the sensation of recalling a dream when I woke, but unless I put conscious effort into anchoring the details of the dream into my mind it would quickly dissipate.
I was fully awake. Not the well rested type of awake but the special brand of insomnia that came from waking in an unfamiliar place. I couldn’t see a clock, but it was still dark outside.
I felt nothing, and it took me a moment to realise what was missing; there was no itch. My skin hadn't dried out and cracked overnight.
When I was growing up I didn’t want to get out of bed too early, to avoid my mother worrying. At one point she found out that I was waking up really early because I was anxious about being bullied at school, so after that I had to pretend to be asleep until it was a reasonable time to get up, lest she suspect (correctly) that I was still being bullied at school.
I held my breath and focused on listening to sounds in the house. The Apple’s were farm ponies so they would be awake early to do farm work, right? Sure enough, I could hear hoofsteps and the faint clanging of pots and pans from downstairs. Maybe they were having an early breakfast and decided not to wake me?
I wriggled out the side of the bed to avoid having to remake it. Making a bed with my clumsy gripping ability would be a huge pain.
Walking down the stairs was a bit daunting; they were just tall enough that I couldn’t put one hoof on each step comfortably. Going up was fine. Going down, my legs bent the wrong way. My broken fetlock was still a bit tender so I wanted to avoid jarring it, otherwise I could have just jumped down each step. I grit my teeth in frustration. I wasn’t about to ask somepony to carry me downstairs so I just had to do this.
Drop my forelegs to the next step (ow!), followed by hind legs. Repeat. By the time I got to the bottom I was sweating and my leg was aching and I hated this stupid weak body! I took a minute to control my breathing; I didn’t want anyone to see me out of breath from such a short walk.
I didn’t have a sense for the layout of the house yet, having only seen it briefly at my surprise party last night, but I could follow the sounds of somepony in the kitchen.
“My,” Granny Smith addressed me without turning around, “Ain’t you an early riser?”
Hair bristled on the back of my neck; my stomach dropped.
Breathe. Think. You haven’t been ‘caught’.
She must have heard my hoofsteps and... oh right, the window in front of her was reflective.
Breathe. Be calm. Don’t let her know you were panicking.
“Good morning.” I said.
“Good morning deary.” she replied, “Breakfast isn’t quite ready yet, but you can help by setting the table.”
“I, uh, don’t think that’s a good idea.”
I looked down at my hooves and cringed at the thought of trying to carry around fragile plates while walking with three legs.
“Why’s that?”
“I’m not good at holding things with my hooves,” I explained, “So I might drop them.”
“Alright then, up you come.”
I’m not sure how she managed to speak with the scruff of my neck clasped in her teeth, but she did. She lifted me onto the counter and I was put out for a moment at the fact I was standing on a surface for preparing food. I suppose that my rear hooves weren’t any dirtier than my front hooves but it still felt wrong.
Granny gave me a mixing bowl and a spoon which I managed to grasp with my hooves. It was more the letting go that I had trouble with.
When I was done mixing the pancake batter she put me back on the floor. The sun was just peaking over the horizon and the younger members of the Apple family still had yet to make an appearance.
“Do you always wake up this early?” I asked.
“Not much choice when you get to my age,” She replied, “This creaky old hip decides when it’s time to get up. Take my advice deary, don’t get old.”
“I don’t much like the alternative.” I quipped.
There was an uncomfortable silence.
“Because I don’t want to die?” I added
Stupid! Now she’s going to ask what you mean and then it won’t be funny, it will just be morbid and she’ll be worried about me... ugh. Quick, change the subject!
“Arthritis is a real bitch, huh.”
“Language!” Granny Smith admonished.
“Sorry!” I squeaked.
I squeezed my eyes shut.
Stupid squeaky voice.
“Open your mouth.”
Before I knew what was going on I felt something near my mouth and instinctively batted it away, raising my hooves to protect my face.
My heart pounded - Relax, breathe.
“Don’t fuss now,” she ordered, “We need to wash those dirty words out of your mouth.”
Soap. Well that explained a lot.
“There’s no need for that,” I said, “It won’t happen again I promise.”
“Open.” She repeated.
Provided it wasn’t oldschool lye soap it should be safe, if unpleasant, to get some in my mouth. If this was the way things were done around here then it wasn’t worth making a scene over.
I sighed and opened my mouth.
The soap was apple scented, of course, but I could hardly taste that with the overwhelming bitter suds that were forming. I wanted to spit and scrape my tongue but I wasn’t about to spit on the floor so I focused on breathing through my nose and not swallowing. I was quite proud that I managed not to make a face.
Applejack came down the stairs a moment later and I saw Granny Smith quickly place the soap back next to the sink.
My eyes widened in realisation. Granny didn’t want AJ to know.
“Mornin’ Green,” Applejack greeted, “You’re up early. Did you sleep alright?”
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak with a mouthful of soap.
Applejack gave me a suspicious look and I almost swallowed nervously.
I’d have to risk saying something - I couldn’t just stand here.
“May I be excused?”
I almost got away with it but, at the last moment, soap touched the back of my throat and I hiccuped. A soap bubble came out.
>>298721Applejack’s heart sank as she took in the situation.
“It’s alright Green,” She said, “You don’t have to ask, just go.”
Applejack waited until she heard the filly shut the bathroom door before she turned to address her grandmother.
“What were you thinking?” AJ asked. “She’s having a hard enough time trustin’ ponies as it is.”
Applejack could hear Green spitting and gagging while she ran the water.
“Fillies need to be raised right,” Granny insisted, “Ah can’t have her using that kind of language around Apple Bloom.”
“There are other ways to do that.” Applejack stomped. “Ways that don’t involve forcing soap in her mouth.”
“It worked for you didn’t it?”
“This is different.” Applejack said, “Look, please just please leave her discipline up to me.”
“Since when are you the expert on raising foals?”
That was a shot to Applejack’s confidence, but she ploughed on.
“She’s a foster child.” AJ explained, “There are rules and one of the most important is no physical punishments.”
The two adults stopped talking as Green walked back into the kitchen.
“Don’t worry about it,” said Green, “We’ll just pretend this never happened.”
“Sweetpea, look,” AJ sat the filly down, “Ah know yer trying to protect us, but you have to promise me that you’re going to be honest. If somepony hurts you, or does something that makes you feel uncomfortable -”
“It’s not like that okay?” The filly interrupted. “I let her put the soap in my mouth, it’s not like she forced me.”
Applejack realised she may be walking on very shaky ground.
“Green,” AJ hesitated, “If somepony- Ah mean, just because you let somepony do something- it doesn’t mean you were okay with it.”
The filly was calming herself down with breathing exercises again.
“It was just soap.” Said Green, “It’s not like I’m going to die.”
>"Wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and... smell the pancakes."
>>298721>>298722Poor filly being violated in the feels. 10/10 would like to see a soapy Appul pone.
>>298742What an amazing edit.
Leave Filly alone.
>>298722That's for the update. I was wondering when it'd continue
>>298722Hey ya read the update earlier on /mlp/ and forgot to comment earlier but happy to see a new updated and see the story continuing. Not many stories where Applejack is the card taker and she's my favorite pony so was a nice double whammy of goodness for me. Keep up the good work!
>>298812make the >rapist become the >raped
>>298812Purple and Filly are not impressed.
>>298714Was just wondering since it seems some big names left, not been around much myself wanted to see whos still here
>Be Anonfilly
>well just Anon now
>For over twenty years you've been the filly.
>moving your hands about it is no longer the case
"What now."
>You accepted that the situation was hopeless, that you would never be human, never have your dong again.
>Then today you have it all.
>Well best enjoy the gifts as they come.
>Time to choke the chicken-
>"Anon? Are you awake yet?"
"Uhhh yeah!"
>Your voice is nolonger that of a filly.
>Purple, Twilight Sparkle Princess of soap punishments and lewd play.
>Seeing you on the filly bed as a normal man she is left speechless.
>"Testing, I have to check you with magic to make sure you're okay, and to have a human form spell."
>wat do?
>>298848Not me
>Implying I was ever "big"-------------------
Image related
>Swift asks a pegafilly to carry two party cannons to Pinkie Pie>When they finish getting secured by her sides, she promptly flies away to Ponyville>Later, called in to Celestia's quarters, Swift finds the tall mare with an unamused face>"Do you have any idea what you did?">Not understanding the question, Swift raises an eyebrow, confused>But the monarch just points to a telescope aimed at Ponyville>Looking inside of it, piles of multicoloured confetti are seen everywhere in the street>And, squinting hard enough, legs, wings or even pony tails can be seen protruding out of such piles>A small tilt to the side and another road comes on focus, just as filled with confetti piles as the earlier one>And towards the other side, hoping for a better outcome, sadly has the same history to tell>Houses also seem barricated, and every single street she passes by looks deserted from any living being>But as luck may have, she finally finds a pony hiding underneath a fruit stand>Looking outside her cart and up, as if searching for something from above>All around her in the market are confetti piles, no doubt with just as many ponies underneath>Yet, she clearly seems distressed and in a hurry to leave>Swift call to bunker down and stay there is unheard by the pony who's cities away, as she leaves her hiding spot and starts to run>But not even five steps later, confetti starts to rain on her until she's just another confetti pile on the road>And in a blink, a green filly flies though the lenses watching spot, giggling her hearth out from her newest victim>Leaving the telescope and turning to Celestia, she finds the sun mare wearing her world renowed poker face>"I hope you have a contingency plan for what you have created">This is not good...
>>298848Did you have a /r/equest in mind, or were you simply inquiring? Two recognizable names and a handful of lesser knowns are still quite active/around, and some newer faces have been showing an interest in promoting their work
>>298857Being an attack helicopter might not be possible, but this fulfills the spirit.
>The red Anonfilly looked fairly distraught.
>"Hey, it's okay you're okay."
>The news that there wasn't a way back home seemed to almost break the filly.
>Deaths never were that kind with the...
>well the people she left behind must have relied on him quite a bit.
>"Take your time."
>While basically ogling the filly she had a certain reliableness about her.
>Some seriously athletically toned flanks that would make Applejack and Rainbow Dash proud.
>An adorable pudge too.
>"The princesses would like to come in and make you a full citizen."
>She seemed to perk up at the word princess.
>She nods.
>Celestia and Luna walk in.
>"Any name you want to go by now? It can be the same."
>"It's-a-me Mario."
>"Just Mario?"
>"Mario Mario."
>Luna speaks next.
>"May we peak into your mind?"
>The filly pauses and thinks deeply about it.
>Then accepts.
>Luna's horn touches the filly's forehead.
>Now to wait.
>It's been over an hour.
>Finally Luna looks up
>They nod to each other
>A heart song begins to play
>>294670TY based Lone, my shit is now migrated.
The Kool Kids' Klub:
https://ponepaste.org/3662The Princess Filly:
https://ponepaste.org/3661The Spotted Snake:
https://ponepaste.org/3669I saw someone already migrated The Caretaker, probably because that was the one that was affected by the new filter. I'm not gonna ask for it to be deleted, but I'd appreciate if some mention of Writefag_Roulette could be added to it.
>>298626God fucking damn it, was too busy with work and just log in to see my paypal payment did not go threw. Guess i wont get a plushy this year.
>>298626>SweatshopI'm so excited my fillies are coming.
Also my money will help to feed hungry chinks. (virtue signaling hard)
>>298957Yeah, that was me. Sorry, got kinda caught up in the moment. If you want to migrate it too I'll remove it from the archival bin account and add the one under your name to the doc.
>>298957Reading that Spotted Snake story and hot dog don't read too much horror and for MLP fanfics only read 1 but this one is really good. Not sure if that account is a general archive or a specific author but hope to read more by them.
If you were the filly, would you be cool with the mane Anonfilly is commonly drawn with? Or would you change your mane cut into something different?
>>298994It's fine, it took me a while to even notice that pastebin had fucked my shit up. Thanks for thinking of my story.
Anyway I did migrate it to:
https://ponepaste.org/3674>>299002Hey thanks man. Might do another spooky roll come this Halloween.
>>299052Alright, it's fixed now.
>Be Anonfilly
>You have no natural magics of your own.
>At all.
>Can't even pick stuff up with your hooves.
>Living without any would be a hard time in poner land.
>Celestia the mastermind she is knew of one talent uniquely suited for you.
>"This should grow with you and bond ever tighter."
>Multitudes of scientists, magicians, and experts in a plethora of fields study you.
"Yes! With the runic bone anchors naturally the strength would be that of the ambient magic."
>Magical augmentation.
>"Dark magic converters to gain an edge against those spell types."
>More magic than pony at this point.
>"False Cutie Pox injections for that extra edge."
>"We've extracted mirror pool water which reduces the amount of liquid needed to be consumed, and as a deeper reservoir for magical embeding."
>"We could fit dimentional mirror magic in there too!"
>"Limited release time spells for more actions in a time span, maybe even to avoid attacks."
>"A modified Want-It-Need-It spell structure for recon and attention absorbing missions."
>"A mini crystal heart reactor."
>"Put in dimentional anchors to the shadpw relms for increased throughput and additional finesse."
>You're now Equestria's most heavily armored unit that is on par with several dozen armies with villian involvement.
>"Throw in Changling magic!"
>You're almost on par with grey-goo type situations.
>"We finally got access to Tirek's parts, magically resistant and to slightly absorb and resist absorption."
>"We have to consider friendship, and living a normal life as well."
>"What if we also designed her to eventually rule as well?"
>Eventually you woke up from the magical induced sleep.
>"Rise and shine my little filly, you have a bright future a head of you."
>>299112Ment to be > for just about everything
Alright fagoulas, Soon™ has become Now™ and I return with an update to "It's the Little Things!" Where we last left off...
>Astra's PO'd about how purplesmart's doing her job as princess
>Purple, as a result, has to put up with Astra's input
>Purple gets tired of this, Astra gets shown a letter from Celestia to the effect of "If this bitch so much as farts wrong she's getting atomized"
>Astra understandably backs down
Time to see what this most recent set of events brings!
>Be Anon
>It's been a few weeks since school started this year, meaning that it's getting close to the time when Cheerilee gets together with parents one-on-one to discuss the year's happenings so far and what's to come
>With Twilight, this wasn't something worth your own note
>However, you're not living with Twilight anymore
>Instead, your current guardian of around three months is Astra Biologis, a light brown and orange unicorn mare with a deep secret
>Instead of being a pony, Astra's actually an interstellar parasitoid hivemind with a tendency to antagonize everyone and everything 'she' meets
>And so far, thanks to Twilight's intervention on more than a few occasions, Cheerilee has yet to face down the full, uncensored Astra
>What's worse is that since you have a job to go to yourself, you can't go and run interference either
>At the very least, Astra seems to have gotten a bit better at interacting with ponies ever since Twilight's 'intervention' about a month ago
>However, it's still worth reminding your guardian that this isn't a time to turn to its usual antics
>"W̸̗̃ë̵̪ ̸̻̎r̷̺̅e̵̼̕c̵̯͝o̷̜̓g̶̩͘n̶̜̕i̴̳̅z̴̥͂è̶̦ ̷̛͖ỵ̵͆ŏ̵̯u̷̘̕r̵͙̈́ ̴͎̚č̶̪o̴̟̓n̸̯̍c̸̼̋e̶̫͛r̸̥̃ņ̶̀ŝ̵̝ ̶̹͂f̴͇͠o̶̱̒ṙ̴͎ ̸͈̑t̵̨͊h̵̡̅ȇ̶̞ ̶̮́7̵̝͒t̴̫̀h̷̰̿ ̸̠̔t̶̪̀i̵̜͠m̵̡͊ė̷͙ ̴̳̒a̵̼̚n̵͇̋d̵̨͠ ̶̠̅h̸̗͊a̷̽ͅv̶̛̲e̶̳͒ ̵̺̿n̶͕̐o̵̼̾t̶̢͝ȅ̵̜d̴̲́ ̶̫̅ì̷̻t̵̩̐ ̴͐͜f̵̦̑o̵̫̅r̷̺͌ ̸̛̞c̸̫̐o̸͉͑n̷̙̄ś̴̱i̶̬̅d̸͍͂e̵̟̓ŕ̶̠á̴̖t̵̡̐í̴͉ȏ̴̞n̷͓͗.̴͚̈́"
"I'm just making sure, because I CANNOT stress this enough. Cheerilee's a nice pony who does a good job as a teacher, just listen to what she tells you, nod, and maybe ask a few simple questions if you need to. No challenging authority, no trying to do her job better than her, just please act normal for a parent."
>"T̶̢͘ḩ̶̕a̷͎͠ẗ̶̼́'̷̯̽s̸̪͋ ̴̛͙8̷̭̕.̶̝̍ ̵͎̕I̵̛̭f̷̻̉ ̸͔̔i̴̙̚t̸̛̞ ̶̼͐g̴̝̔ê̶̤t̶͔̓s̸͍̅ ̵͖͐t̵́ͅó̴̼ ̸̺̋1̴̮̊0̷͍̈́,̵͚̓ ̴̙͠w̶͖̋e̸͈̅'̷͍̃r̶͇̽ê̸̹ ̴͈̌g̸̲̽o̶͋͜í̷̟ṋ̵̊g̷̲̽ ̷͇͂ẗ̷̼o̵̰̓ ̴̇ͅd̸̢͌ò̴̼ ̷̘͆b̵̺͆ō̵̤t̵̩͆ḥ̴̋ ̴̬̓o̵̥̿f̵̨̓ ̸̡͌t̵̞͋h̴̳͒ỏ̶̳s̵͍͋é̸̮ ̴̨̂p̸͍͗ù̷̲r̷̤̕e̴̤͛l̴̖͠y̵̭̋ ̶̠̒o̸̙͑u̷̘͆ẗ̸̳ ̷̬͐o̶̻̕f̵͙̋ ̷͔̆s̶͖̑p̷̨̽i̸̢̇ţ̵͘ȩ̶̊.̷̧̂"
"Understood. Now, I've gotta get to work, so I'll see you when I get back."
>"Ẁ̷͔ë̸̖ ̶͓͆á̵̡s̴̩̑s̵̩̎u̸͍̚m̸̎͜e̷̘̕ ̷͂ͅy̵̫͝o̷̢͐ú̸͇ ̸̜̾w̶͔̚í̵̠l̴̺̽l̴̞̍ ̷͇͑ẅ̸̝́a̴̡̒ņ̸̀t̶̼̃ ̴̥͋ț̸͝ò̴͈ ̶̡̽k̴̭̀n̷̹͋o̸̙̽w̴͔͂ ̵̬̋h̵̹̉o̶̘̕w̸̜͝ ̷͗ͅt̵̝̓h̷̜̾i̶̠̎n̴͇͌g̸̠͗ṣ̶́ ̸̡̍w̵͔̉i̸͍͂l̵͈̄l̴̼͒ ̶̻͐h̵͔͛ă̸̰v̶͔̇ḙ̶̈́ ̴̳͑g̴̺͗o̷̢̿n̸̳̈́ê̷̩?̷̠͘"
"Definitely. I'll probably also check up on you throughout the meeting itself, so just be prepared for that too."
>You're probably not going to, that's mainly just to make sure Astra doesn't try anything
>Anyway, you've really gotta get to work, so you say a final goodbye and turn into Verdant Strain before leaving the house for the train station
>After getting there and clocking in, you get to work unloading the recent arrival's cargo along with the others working there
>The boxes are lifted out and moved elsewhere, the luggage is taken to the passenger pick-up area, and the new load is put in place
>Business as usual
>Well, business until you get to a particularly stubborn box
>You'd normally just get this sort of thing with a few tentacles to increase your grip, but there are ponies about
>Looks like you have to ask for help for once...
>What a shame, now you have to look weaker in front of all your lifting bros!
>Disappointments aside, things are fine
>... For now! Oooooooh spooooky!
>Either way, work passes and eventually you get to go home again
>You head inside and note that Astra's still present on the couch, albeit in a significantly blobbier form than usual at this point
>You'd also stick around to ask how the meeting went in person, but the contents of a coal load fell and got you covered in a layer of black dust
So, how did things go?
>>299267>Be Astra Biologis, some hours earlier>It's about time to go talk to that 'teacher,' Cherry Lee or whatever her name is>You are fully aware that her name lies somewhere in your collective memories, you just don't care enough to look>Well, you don't care enough to look if there wasn't Anonymous's implied presence looming over you>Better not make him disappointed, otherwise he'll rat you out to that purple fiend...>You make the short trip to the school building relatively quickly by giving yourself a pair of wings and flying over>Hiding is easy enough here anyway, the last time one of your neighbors gave you a funny look is when you glared at her for knocking on your door>Something about a lost cat, you wouldn't have told her its fate even if you knew what it happened to be>Reminiscing on past events can wait until later though, Cheerilee's noticed your arrival and is welcoming you in>"Good evening, Ms. Biologis! If you'll just come in, we can start discussing Anonymous's performance so far and what's happening this school year.""Yes, that's why we're here."
>Cheerilee raises an eyebrow at your use of 'we,' but you ignore it and continue inside>When you get all the way in, you take some time to observe the surroundings>Nothing's changed from what Anonymous's memories of this place say it should be, so there's no surprises there>Once sightseeing's over, you take a seat in front of Cheerilee's desk while she takes a seat behind it>"So, before we get started, I'd like to formally introduce myself since I believe this is the first time we've actually met. I'm Ms. Cheerilee, and I've been teaching here in Ponyville for almost as long as I've been teaching! Enough about me though, I'd like to know a bit more about Ponyville's newest resident and Anonymous's new guardian.">So she wants a biography, huh?>You have no real leads, but you've got enough literary geniuses incorporated into your mind that you're able to compose poetry on the fly if you cared enough to do so>Eat your heart out, Gravemind!>Wait, did you just think of another one of those human references?>And on your own, no less?>You... might have to find a way to spend some time away from Anonymous"We are Astra Biologis. We are a scientist hired by the Royal Institute of Astronomy to research astronomical events and their causes and effects on the universe around us. We came into contact with Anonymous during a deployment to the continent of Antarctica after the research vessel we were stationed on ran aground and we were forced to retreat inland for help. After that, Twilight Sparkle noticed that we were working well together, so she suggested that we take Anonymous into our home. There is nothing else of note."
>"Okay... You mentioned the Royal Institute? That's funny, I have a cousin that works there! Maybe you've seen her around?""We have not."
"... Why do you say that?"
"We almost never do work on campus, we are frequently elsewhere for our work. Hence my current stationing in Ponyville."
>Cheerilee considers this for a moment before replying>"That makes sense. Anyway, I get the sense that you don't like my prying, so how about we get to the meeting's true purpose?""A great idea."
>"Alright. To start, I think you'll be quite pleased to know that Anonymous is performing well so far. In fact, she's currently the best performing student in the class in every subject but history! I'm sure it comes as no surprise given who her previous caretaker is as well as your own academic prowess, but it's still nice to note.""Mhm."
>"As for what will be covered this year, we'll be moving on to 8th grade studies for the class. Algebra, advanced writing, alchemy, physics, and Equestrian history will be the subjects that come up, and my hours for afterschool studies are the same as they are every year: Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30. Students can come and go as they wish, so if you ever find that Anonymous is late home on one of those days, she could be here studying.""Mhm."
>"Do you have any questions about anything?""No extra explanation is necessary."
>"Alright! This has been an... Interesting meeting, but if that's all, then I guess we're done here.""Yes. We'll be taking our leave then."
>"Have a good night!""We shall."
>And with that, you take your leave as promised
>>299268>Be Anonymous, back in the present... Well, you didn't break any of my rules.
>L̶̙̿i̶͇͛k̷̼͑e̴̹͗ ̴̝̕ẅ̶̺e̴̽͜ ̴̲̋h̵̳̃a̷̘̒v̴̖̉e̷͗ͅ ̸̰̏ș̴͝t̵͕̅å̷̤ẗ̵̰́é̶̬d̷̢̓,̶̾ͅ ̸̻͠w̶͙͐e̴̘̓ ̷̞̿s̶̡͑t̷̳́ạ̸̚y̸̤͑ ̴̼̐t̵͎̅r̷̝̊u̵̫̚e̴̝͛ ̷̘̅t̶͖͋o̷̬͐ ̶͉́o̶̭͝u̵̻̓r̸͒ͅ ̴̯̈́w̴͔̓o̵̭̒r̶̨͗d̶͎͋.̴̻̿And I can't fault you for that, but next time please try to be less... standoffish, I think?
>Ì̵̼f̴̞̿ ̸͙̚y̶̻͆ọ̶̈́ũ̸͚ ̴͔͒s̵̱͌p̸̲͆e̴̮͆c̵̡͑ĭ̷̝f̵͖̊ý̸̱ ̸̹̀ţ̷́h̷̺̔å̵͈t̵̩̋ ̴̰̉ñ̴̼e̸͍̾x̴̗͗t̷̤̚ ̷̜͗ẗ̸̺ĭ̴͜m̶̘̒e̷̟͑,̶̙̊ ̷̹͋ť̴̼ẖ̴̂ẽ̶̙n̶̡̎ ̵̜͌w̴̭̌e̵̡̐ ̵̧̄w̶͙͘i̶̡̓l̶͎͛l̴̻̃.̵̘͑I'd appreciate it if you could do things to the spirit of the request and not the letter.
>H̷̤͝ŏ̸̤w̶̮̾e̴̝̎v̴̳̓ȅ̸̞r̵̳͠,̷̗͋ ̶̨̋y̶̝̔õ̷̡ù̵͜ ̵̡̋d̷͖̈́i̴͈̍d̶͖̈́n̶̝̐'̷̢̽t̶̮͠ ̸͈̿s̴̱̓p̷̻̈e̶̤͑c̴̻̈i̷̥͝f̸͖̐ý̸̦.̶̻͂ ̷̞̓Ẃ̸͙e̷͓̕ ̸̞̌h̶͍͆ȧ̵̙v̷̮̓e̷̯̽n̸̟͆'̸̪̚ẗ̶͕ ̸͔͌h̶̨͝a̸͙͂ḍ̸̚ ̴͇̃ṭ̶͒ǒ̵̤ ̴̛͚ḑ̸̈ē̵̦a̴̛̩l̶͇̍ ̸͍̓w̸̭̔i̶͇̽t̶̘̍ḧ̶͉ ̶͈̍a̶͚̕n̸͓̓ọ̶͊ț̷͂ẖ̸̓e̷͈̿ȓ̶̹ ̷̧̓b̴̼̉e̵̤̽i̷̥͆ṉ̶̿g̸͜͝ ̵̳̋i̴̻̿n̶̜̂ ̸̜͊w̵̹͠ȩ̸̑l̸̮̚l̸̺͗ ̶̣͑o̴̠͗v̴̲̐e̸̤͝ř̶̟ ̴̈́͜2̴̮̀0̶̩͒ ̸͉̽m̶͉̄ḯ̵͓ļ̴͛l̴͎͗ȩ̵͋n̴̡̈n̸̮͛î̷̭á̵̳ ̴̙̾ọ̶̾f̴̛̳ ̴̛̗b̴̛̻ė̶̞ĭ̸͕n̴̦̓g̴̭̉ ̸̢̓a̷̗̎l̸̠̇i̷͎͌v̴͔͛e̸̛͎.̸͜͠ ̷͠ͅS̶̲͝o̸̯̽c̶͊͜ḯ̵̪ȁ̷̪ĺ̵̳ ̴͎̿c̶͕̎u̷͓̎ḝ̶s̸̟͆ ̵̩̓a̸͎͆n̶̖̄d̷̼͘ ̴̪̋ă̴̲s̶̭̿s̵͚̓ǘ̴̘m̸̼̄p̶̦̈ţ̶̋i̸̧̾o̸̠͐n̷͙̈s̷̙̋ ̸̞̂m̸̳̑a̵̦̓d̸̯͂e̴̢͠ ̸̧̀ạ̸̛s̸͖̾ ̷͚̂s̵̛̩ů̷̢c̵̜̀ȟ̷̡ ̷͈̆a̵̭̽r̷͎̕ȩ̴̌ ̵̜̈s̷̮̏t̵͕̕ḭ̸̇ḽ̴͗l̸͇͒ ̵͍̋f̷̛̟â̵̻r̸̜̀ ̶̳͑b̴̝̓e̴̜̽y̵̙̎ȯ̷̞n̶̠̿d̶̨͗ ̴͝ͅu̸̞͛s̶̗̊.̴̠̈́Now that you know though, will you at least try to make an effort there for my sake?
>... W̴̺̎ė̴͍ ̶͈͝s̷̺̽u̸̫͒p̵̳̃p̴̻͂o̴̹̓s̶̨͗ḛ̶͠ ̵̭̏ŵ̷͓e̴̕ͅ ̴͉̾c̸͖͛a̴̱̍n̸͓̆.̵̯͗Thanks, Astra!
>W̵̊ͅe̸̪̐ ̷̣͘d̵̠̆o̸͋ͅ ̶̤͂t̴̙͛ȟ̸͖i̶̝̍s̸̰̊ ̶̬̓f̸͖̚o̷̧͒r̸͇̆ ̴̖̆o̴̞̚u̸͚̇ř̴̭ ̵̮̅ò̶̬w̴̞̚n̵̫̑ ̴͕͆s̴̗̐ą̵̈́k̸̩̃ę̸̑,̴̡̌ ̶̓͜r̷̫͗e̴̗͛m̴͍̊ë̵́ͅm̸̦̐b̸̲̃ḙ̴̑ŕ̸̻!̷͔̊>Sure, it may say that, but you felt just a little twinge in that message betraying the cosmic horror's true feelings>It's taking a while, but it's coming around one mundane event at a time!
>>299269And that's all I have for the time being, and before anyone asks, I have indeed migrated my crap over from pastebin to ponepaste. Dropping links:
https://ponepaste.org/1476 Garbo one offs
https://ponepaste.org/1474 It's the Little Things
https://ponepaste.org/1465 Main story part 1
https://ponepaste.org/1471 Main story part 2
And as always, gibe feedback and (you)s so that I can
feed my ego get better at this writing thing and so that I know y'all are still liking things. As for the main story, that'll be the next update. See you all in another while!
>>299270Very nice.
Astra is slowly learning the power of
not eating your problems threats and violence for character growth applying /üb/ and /litfit/ for personality improvement. Being a collection of so many assholes as well as everyone else who also happen to be aliens might start applying Anon's knowledge.
Friendship is magic and the eldritch horror doesn't have magic resistance.
>>299267>>299268>>299269Yay, more It's the Little Things!
>be anonfilly in Equestria
>tell Twilight your home country is starving because of monsters named niggers and jews that came from hell
>she has no idea what hell is bit assumes it's a country
>when she asks you to describe niggers and jews say you can't because they're too evil
>ask Pinkie Pie to stuff impossibly excessive amounts of food into a single picnic basket
>ask Twilight to cast a spell that will teleport that picnic basket of food into DC with a letter saying "More is coming. Don't give up hope! You must save the world from the jews and commies and faggots and niggers! You must send them back to hell for the future of humankind or we will never be free from their pandemic and tyranny again! Sincerely, anonymous."
>religions around the world think an act of god is telling them to kill niggers and faggots and jews
>humanity starts focusing on space travel again after eliminating all enemies because what if this was aliens
>space race creates new golden age of jobs
>your homeworld becomes a little less shit thanks to help from pony friendship
>twilight and pinkie have no idea what they helped you do but they're used to the idea that monsters like Sombra or worse need to go
ask me how i know you're gay
>Be Anonfilly in Goth and Punk Equestria
>pic related
>"Don't be another brick in the wall foals."
>Cheerilee teacher of the year recovers the material for the test.
>Project thing.
>"Who's the ruler of Equestria?"
>"We are!"
>"Good and the classical meaning?"
>"King Cord!"
>It's funny that he has tea with Fluttershy and almost no pony connects the dots with Discord.
>"Radical Twist, and who keeps the sun, moon, and stars from Cord's clutches?"
>"Technically yes, but she goes by the Moon Mare for tradition."
>"What about Solar Despair?"
>Princess Celestia
>"She had to take responsibility as her stint as Empress Nuclear. Why did she have to take that on?"
>"For banishing her sister with the power of the nightmare."
>"Great job my little ponies. Next topic after the test will be about the Lunar Railroad, smuggling the Moon Mare back, and with the return of the Elements of Harmony."
>>299267>parasitoid hivemindNot sure if that'd be the correct name for what she is, but since there isn't really an organism like The Thing known to science I don't think it's that far of a stretch.
I don't think the idea of a recap is a bad one, but really your recap extends into the first bit of this post despite a clear end indicated previously.
>You'd also stick around to ask how the meeting went in person, but the contents of a coal load fell and got you covered in a layer of black dustI'd say Anon might be able to handle this herself without a shower with a bit of clever cell rearrangement, but I guess it makes sense if she's still learning.
No other real nitpicks for the update, it's good. Still appreciate you keeping at this.
>>299270Added the outlier to the doc and replaced the ponepaste for the first part of the story with yours. Do you want me to change the name in the document to match the ponepaste titles?
>>299473>do you want me to change the name in the documentyeah, that would probably be a good idea. Also, I don't quite understand what you meant by the recap extending into the first bit of the post. Please elaborate?
>Ponyville is a great place.
>The market place shifts from a laidback atmosphere to DEFCON-1.
>All the adults start looking for a good place and devising strategies, finishing their purchases.
>The foals well it's not just fun and games.
>It's life, and death.
>They really know how to expand on a game.
>You hop on a carrot stand along with five others, and it's shakey, but it's better than some of the other stands.
>Now the games begin.
>>299477You have a dedicated recap section, but then you go on to provide recap information in-universe. Feels a bit redundant.
>>292891Fuck I hate shino. He should just stick to porn.
>>299546isn't zippy a bong?
>>299542 (LankyFilly.png)
>"Anoodle there you are. Why aren't you playing with the other foals?"" 'M too weird."
>You wave a hoof in Cheerilee's direction and accidentally boop her."I ruin tag, and capture the flag. I can't run 'cause these things are too floopy and flappy. They don't like me, and the only time they want anything from me is to be the monster!"
>"Anoo, no Anon no matter what the Princess has done you'll still be my friend with benefits, and now you're my student too.">The pony who's duty it is to bring knowldge and wisdom to young ponies smiles.>It's one you've seen used on other students to enlighten and make them feel better.>"You know what you can do that few ponies here can do that you told me about?">She's walking closer about to embrace you in a hug.>It's working..."No?"
>She in leans closely to tell a secret.>"You have the school girl part down...">It's breathy now>"You also have the tentacle part down...">You start to giggle, from stress, or a lighter feeling you can't quite tell.>"All you need to do now is >rape.">Your head is spinning.>You can feel her grinding her flank on you."Yes."
>To the surprise of everypony else advanced applied proctology is learned.>Willingly or not the school of hardknocks is in session.
>>299548"Don't make me pee on you robo-toaster-fleshlight.">"How are you going to do that down there-""Watch me!"
>"-when I do this.">A cold hoof touches you down there.>Sealing everything."H-HEY! Stop that!"
>"...">"No.""I really have to pee though."
>>299267Shoot! Sorry for taking so long on the (You) meant to do it Thursday after work but the time slipped by for me. Happy to see you back and continuing the story after I exhausted my supply of Thingpone and Thingpone adjacent stories so it's a relief to see you still punching the hours in.
Always love in these Anonfilly stories when the care takers have to meet the teachers and Astra's personality is definitely one that made for an entertaining encounter.
>>299544Ah, I see that now. My bad, I'll remember that for the next time.
>>299548cute robo pone and autism support tiny horse soft toy
>>299548Can I request comfy green about robo momfu?
>One hand on your coat and the other gesturing your course, you turn to survey your crew
>Your first mate, Sweetie Belle, was busy trying to figure out how to tie a basic figure eight knot with little luck
>Master gunner Applebloom, having nothing else to do, saluted at attention
>Lookout Scootaloo dropped her spyglass and pointed off the port bow
"Cap'n Anon, ye best be wantin' ter see this!"
>She be the most well spoken of your crew
"Aye then, sailor, let's have a gander!"
>She squeezes past her shipmates idling in the crowded deck and hands you the glass
>Scanning the horizon, you pass to a great lavender blob rapidly growing in size
"Dear godde, we be in a fine heap o' shite now..."
>You mumble to yourself, slowly dropping the spyglass in disbelief
>Then suddenly
>You raise an impressively swordlike branch in the direction of your enemy
"Aye cap'n! Mannin' the cannin'!"
>Your ship strains as the currents resist your change in orientation
"I-I don't know if I can... c-cap'n..."
>Peppermint twist whines as she strains in her harness, barely pulling the ship along
>You smack her on the flank with your sword, forcing cries of pain and a shift in pace
"The guns be loaded, cap'n! Awaitin' yer orders!"
>You grab your tricorn hat (cleverly fashioned of newspaper and putty, with a hole cut in the front to give it devilish horns) and wave it towards the beast
>Be Twilight Sparkle
>March 2nd... no, 3rd, the year our Princesses 2021
>You've just enjoyed your second... no, third cheat day of the month
>Four double hayburgers and two large fries garble and gurgle at the bottom of your gut, and somewhere on your chin a splotch of catsup still stains your coat
>You're going to be locked to the toilet for at least an hour
>But by Celestia was it worth it
>The grease...
>The salt...
>The large Poner Cola with unlimited refills...
>The-wait a second
>That shape, in the distance
>Your sight is blurry, the doctor has been warning you that it's too late in your life to be eating so much junk food, that you're going to imbalance your blood sugar
>Silly stallion, you know humour theory was tossed out over two decades ago!
>Miasma suggests no known connection between McCloppler's and heart disease
>So why is it taking you so long to focus on that shape that's so close by?
>Oh no
>It's too late
>Your distended stomach drops
>For a moment time stops
>A spinning blue sphere is on a crash course with your face
>Behind it, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are sitting at a comically large slingshot, while Scootaloo screams to the heavens
>Anon has somehow found that accursed pirate costume you've thrown in different dumpsters at least six times now
>All perched in a tiny red wagon covered in plywood, being pulled by that poor fool filly Peppermint Twist
>You can still smell the vinegar, even as the balloon crashes into Twilight's forehead
>She covers her eyes and drops to the ground as you cackle with laughter
>She desperately rubs her eyes as she rolls on the ground
>Then the vomiting begins
>As your ship drifts off down the road you swear you see an entire burger emerge from her gullet
>Her pitiful screams hang in the air as she disappears from view, and you begin to sing with your crew
pretty slow on the draw this time, but ill forgive you for your dubs
>>299586I really have to pee, but robot pony sealed up my pee hole!
>>299624I'm gonna explode!
>>299331Time for some obligatory edits
Finally finished a new chapter.
https://ponepaste.org/user/YuriFanatic>The wagon was, all the same, the last time you've seen it.>It was a fairly small wagon by all means, yet this was in its compact-state made for transport.>Entering inside, you can see cardboard boxes and alchemist bottles littering the wooden floorboards in several corners of the wagon.>Wheels and wooden cogs remained aligned with the ceiling support beams.>Ropes and pulleys were all lining aside the glass windows and smooth violet paint.>Its intricate and unique design mystified you when you first laid eyes upon it, but eventually, you quickly learned that its function was to easily unravel the wagon into a full stage.>Hell, it even had an easy compartment to open up the roof of the wagon to let the air and dust out.>All of this only managed to impress you once you have grown accustomed to it.>A newfound respect for Trixie was born as you've seen more of her performances unfold.>You've made plenty of memories here in this small wagon in the short couple of months you've been with Trixie.>You turned your gaze to Trixie as she dropped her groceries to her side and started to rummage through some boxes under her bed hammock.>Looking around again, your blanket was still in its same place as it was before, bundled on the floor in the other corner of the room. A couple more cardboard boxes were tipped over, probably due to the impact it received from the Hag before.>Trixie's merchandise, alchemy ingredients, and books were scattered on the floor.>A barrel bathtub still laid against the far back wall.>Other than that, there were no other commodities to show for.>If any other pony saw this, they would assume it was some kind of mobile storage area and they would be right to some degree.>However, as someone who lived in this wagon for about a year now, it was a small place to call home.>Furthermore, it was a home that's able to travel along with you wherever you and Trixie went.>"Hornet dear, have you seen the soup ladle?" Trixie's muffled mumblings reached your ear as she is still rummaging around her wagon in various other boxes."Huh? Oh, let me look" Snapping from your trip down memory lane, you scanned the room. Your eyes drawback to the mess before you. You assume the ladle was probably underneath all that, so you started to clean it up.
>After some time, you noticed the familiar silverware underneath."Found it!" You called out, bringing it to the azure mare.
>"Oh perfect! Could you also grab the paint in the back?" Trixie requested as she placed all the necessary cooking supplies on her back."The one's next to the bathtub right?" You recall.
>"Yes. The purple one dear.""Wait, didn't you say that you're too tired to paint?"
>"Why yes I did, however, Trixie has an idea!" You hear her hoofsteps trot to the exit door. "Hurry along now.""Alright," you answer. Not withholding your curiosity, you managed to quickly pull one of the buckets handles up and carried it down the steps of the wagon.
>Trixie was already setting up the charcoal in the firepit with the crockpot ready with the help of her telekinesis. Turning to you, she raised a brow.>"Do you need help?" The azure mare remarks as you strained your neck a bit pulling the heavy bucket of paint onto the dirt."Ivf goft ift!" You muffle out. Dropping it to the ground, you give out a grunted sigh.
"Phew, that was heavy! Hey Trixie, does this paint have any lead in it?"
>"Hmm? Why would you ask that?" The mare asked puzzledly as she prepared her ingredients with her levitation magic."It felt pretty heavy. I also believe lead is poisonous. I recall it being a serious problem back... where I come from." You mutter a bit at the end.
>You do recall that lead poisoning was a serious issue in the past back on earth, but not during a time you were alive.>"They use lead for paint over there?" Trixie held a hoof over her mouth in surprise."Uh, yeah. They stopped doing that eventually, but I'm not sure if this paint has it too." You answer a little cautiously.
>Trixie was already trotting over to you with a disgruntled expression.>"Oh Luna no, what kind of pony would use lead?" She judged with heavy disapproval in her voice.>"No, these paints use normal titanium dioxide, linseed oil, and magic resin. Tell me Hornet, did you come in contact with any of it?" The worried mare held her hooves on both your cheeks, trying to see any signs of symptoms.You successfully shook your head from her grasp with mild protest. "No, I'm fine. I'm not retard- errr mentally challenged or anything. At least I think not." You remarked with a little bit of uncertainty.
>Sure you can be an autistic mess at times, but straight-up mentally deficient you weren't.>The mare released a sigh of relief. "Well, you're certainly smarter than the average filly that's for sure." Trixie smiled as she messed with your mane. You reactively tried to pry your head away again and scrunched your muzzle in discontent.>The azure mare giggled as you released yourself from her grasp."H-Hey!"
>"Oh relax, it's not like your mane can get any messier than it already is." She chided.>"You should really let me brush your mane.""I could say the same to you. You still have your bed hair." You stifle a laugh.
>"I do!? Oh, Trixie almost completely forgot this morning! Why didn't you mention it sooner?" Trixie then attempts to use her magic to form her mane in an orderly fashion, with not much success."Why? Concerned that stallion saw you so uncouth?" You stole Rarity's words, with an added smugness on your face.
>"W-What? He doesn't have anything to do with that!" The magician said almost too defensively.
>>299656"Ahuh, sure." You responded sarcastically before smiling and nodding your head.
"Ah young love, alas..." Your thoughts went back to the mare that you asked out once, and even before that.
>You don't ever recall having a serious relationship back in your old life.>Most of your days were spent studying for school, keeping in touch with your male friends, or finding work. Actively looking for a romantic interest wasn't really on your list of priorities, but you've kept yourself romantically available.>Your looks were average, so you always figured that you'd eventually meet the one for you if you've made yourself financially attractive as well. It's ironic that your first "almost" real relationship would be with a pony in a world light-years away.>You almost regret not living a little bit back on earth.>"Oh shush, you should really stop with the teasing. Trixie is supposed to be the one teasing." Your solemn thoughts were being interrupted by the feeling of your cheeks being pressed together."I think your food is burning." You deadpanned.
>"It is!?" Trixie quickly rushed towards the crockpot, only to find that she hasn't even started making the soup yet. She narrows her eyes at you with the biggest scrunched muzzle you have ever seen, with you responding in an innocent but mischievous smile.>"Why you little-" The azure mare then bolted right after you with you instinctively running up from your haunches."Wait! I was joking! It was kidding! Hold on-" you pleaded as you retreated from the mare.
>Unfortunately, your tiny legs couldn't match the legs of a furious mare.>It was only for a short moment of freedom before being pounced on by Trixie. Both of you tumble a bit through the soft grass and mud, landing on your back with Trixie standing over you.>For some reason this excitement caused you to let out a shameful foalish giggle. You immediately stopped yourself closed your mouth with both of your ankles.>What the hell? You didn't giggle like that willingly, or at all, ever. You would giggle for making dumb jokes or poking at Trixie's emotions here and there sure, but not like that.>That giggle would be akin to how a small foal would when being chased by... their parents. Small embarrassment aside, this revelation deeply disturbed you.>Something is wrong with your brain, changing something deep inside you ever so slowly. You didn't even realize it up until now.>Trixie however is completely oblivious to this inner revelation and starts poking you at your sides."Hey stop-" you protested, "Trixie w-wait!"
>"Nope, not stopping~" Trixie giggled as she continued her onslaught of tickles."N-No I'm being serious Trixie, please s-stop! STOP!" Then it happened.
>The tickling stopped, but as you opened your eyes to see that Trixie was standing back a bit holding her muzzle with a hoof. You were holding out your right hoof in the air in front of you, only to realize what you have done."T-Trixie?" You stutter.
>"S-Sorry Hornet. Perhaps Trixie went a little too far." You feel the regret in her voice.>Trixie was already wiping her muzzle and turning to face away. "Trixie should really get back to cooking. You must be starving after all that exercise." she reasoned.>You stood up and tried to look at her bruise, but she actively avoided eye contact with you."Hey Trixie, wait I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. It was an accid-"
>"It's alright Hornet. It was Trixie's fault. She should have been more careful." She said with a certain distance in her voice. "Trixie knows how you are with physical contact, she should have been mindful of it.""But-"
>"It's fine. Trixie already forgave you. Look the charcoal is going to be wasted if I don't get back to it soon. Just be patient until the food is ready alright?" The mare interjected your rebuttal with a certain kindness before starting to walk back to the campsite."I-" You simply sat there.
>Looking back on your hoof you could see a small stain of red on the front where your nail met her face. A feeling of guilt stains the back of your mind as you look back at Trixie in the distance.>Muddled feelings and emotions took over your thoughts. Guilt, dread, embarrassment, and plenty of others you couldn't bother to name.>The first thing you need to address was the child-like feelings that disturbed your soul when you were around Trixie.>You never had this issue around Twilight when she was your guardian for only a couple of years. It was... unpleasantly pleasant. Like a guilt feeling of pleasure, you shouldn't have.>Hell, you can't even fucking remember the last time you had this feeling with your real mother, your human mother back on earth. Something was deeply wrong, with your mind.>It was no doubt something psychological.Or was... my mind slowly regressing to that of a real filly?
>You always had this thought at the back of your mind since you first became what you are now.>Twilight said that there were no recorded accounts of the long-term effects of being transformed into a filly. She did theorize once that an adult human mind couldn't be fully transferred to an adolescent filly mind, but no problems ever occurred and I was able to recollect everything about my former life just fine.Or at least those that I'm aware of...
>A lot of conflicting emotions swelled up inside and the fact that you harmed Trixie on accident didn't help either.>You have to give a proper apology later. You didn't want to damage your relationship with Trixie.>The very thought scares you to no end.Not like last time, I'll not let it happen like last time again.
>>299840What kind of feesh will filly get this time?
>>299840Wish I was there. Looks relaxing and comfy. And the bonfire when you get back to the tent, or fireplace in the hut, in the evening is life.
>>299545Could you elaborate? Why do you hate him or this picture? I have really no stake in this but I'm kinda curious.
So appearently it is easier to draw things if you have a refrence. Like a lot easier. Who knew?
>>299840>A small green filly wanders the night>Not the verdant green of rolling country hills, or the deep green of the forest canopy>A sickly, pale green>The green of stomach bile and infected pus>The green of rot>Trudging through the dark, day and night>Her gaze is fixed ahead, hollow sockets turned to the horizon>A fly buzzes in, simultaneously voiding its bowls and hurling digestive juices onto the exposed soft tissue before lapping up the wet mess>A parting gift in the form of eggs is left amid the grime before it takes off to round the head in an endless circuit>Blood and mucus crust the edges of the holes, staining the fur with a grisly shadow>The filly stops in her tracks, overcome with the itch, pawing at her face with her dirty hooves>Debris and germs are cast into the vulnerable wounds; of this she is aware, but the itching is too unbearable to worry about sanitation>She drops back down, brow furrowed and teeth clenched, and stares into the dancing darkness of her unsight>And begins to trudge on>A branch sends throbs of pain through her jagged snout>Though she raises her hooves with every step to feel her way through the forest, she cannot hope to protect herself fully>Her nose is just so slightly flattened, and already impacts have taken a tooth>The nostrils are so clogged with snot and blood that all she smells is copper>Her mouth hangs slightly open, an easier alternative to the congestion and unpleasant stench>Breathing through her teeth, frozen in a pained scowl>A little worm has wriggled its way free of its soft egg, and wriggles with his bretheren in the festering hole>His mother made a final landing some time ago, back in the putrid muck>Her corpse balances lifelessly in the scum>As he feasts on the yellowed meat of his host, another passenger drops from his tiny maggot bowels>A microscopic speck, floating in the film of fluid coating the inside of his home cavern>He joins a rapidly growing microbiome of bacteria soup>The filly stops again, screams aloud, and furiously scratches her empty sockets>The little worm is scraped out by a chipped hoof and squished into little worm goo>Brothers and sisters still remain>And the specks only grow in number>Her limbs are heavy, thinned to stilts>Her cheeks are gaunt, her ribs bare>She barely has the energy to continue on>But to give up moving would be to focus on the miserable sensations of her once eyes>Itching and tickling as her unwelcome friends take her their fill and then some>Yellowish, pinkish pus flows down her cheeks in regular intervals>The worms grow ever fatter, huddling in piles among necrotic flesh>The little speck has divided into dozens, jostling with one another and with other specks from all walks of microscopic life>They have oozed through capillaries, overwhelming the body's natural residents>Feasting and dividing>Festering>As the filly forces her way through the underbrush>Her whole face pounds with every ragged heartbeat>The last of her energy has been spent; now she is consigned to wallow in the dirt, and in her own misery>The oldest of the little worms grew wings and took flight, joining the crowd around their host's swollen head>They follow the examples of their forebears, eating and shitting and making more of themselves>The tiny specks have wiggled through the severed optic nerves, and make their first forays into the skull>For a while it resisted, but now they trickle steadily through the blood brain barrier >Her body painfully seizes and contracts, her brain wracked with inflammation as the invaders turn thoughts and memories into shapeless mush>At last she nears the end of her agonies, distorted images flashing before her minds eye>Peering through the dancing darkness of her unsight>"So always take care when walking the night. For any filly who dares go alone, runs the risk of meeting... >"EYELESS ANON!">She lurches out of her seat and waves her arms threateningly in your faces>The three of you still sitting fall over backwards and scream, Honey Dew giggling with glee>You swat a gnat from your face as you sit back up and join her laughter, along with Salivanter>Only your friend Melondrops seems genuinely shaken by the tale, mustering out a nervous chuckle when she rises"Uh oh, I think you really got to Melanie with that one~"
>You say with a mischievous smile>Honey Dew saddles up beside her and throws a hoof over her shoulder>"Aww, don't worry Mel, none of us are alone right now so we're all perfectly fine.""As long as you don't have to pee before you hit the sack."
<"Whatever guys... it was kinda spooky I guess, b-but I'd be an idiot to believe a story like that...">You all cock skeptical eyebrows at her<"Even if it was real, you said she died in the end anyways, s-so nothing to worry about...">"Whatever, fraidy-cat. I'm gonna go ahead and call it a night.">Your friends all agree, but you want to stay up and enjoy the fire a little longer>Exchanging goodnights, they retire to the tent as you stare into the blaze>Soon the gnats, with only one target left, are concentrating on you and you move in closer to escape their wrath>Boy, there sure are a lot of them out tonight
>>299847Refrences truly are the key to all of this. This is all from memory. It's like I can suddenly draw.
>>299848have another one to try brother
>>299847Oh that poor thing! Somebody get her some bugspray before she gets made the subject of her own horror story!
>>299854prehaps, as the inspiration strikes
Just eviscerate her colon
>>299890That is a lot of Autism Support Tiny Horse Soft Toys.
Bet that one plush in the middle of the pile is comfy as fuck.
>>299890>plushiesI DO WANT!!!
>>299869>>299905surprised to now see straight up fillyfug, noice m'dude
>>299921Sometimes you just need to fuck the filly up, y'know?
>>299946What a nice young lady
>>299946knock knock twicunt
is anon home?
>”Anon stop being a tsundere poof. Your character is that of a man who has become a filly. Why would pretend to not like compliments on yor cuteness to liking it?” Twilight Spankle asks because every narrative these days has to go through a cynical and ironic filter.
”I'm not tsundere, baka! I don't even like the color purple.” you says as you partly look at Twatwank Spedackle and partly at the alluring unfinished puzzle on the table.
>Twuli Speckul released the dam of tears in her eyes.
>So drammatic!
>”You know what, Anal? I'm worried about you. What will you be when you grow up and I ain't there to clean up your spergs.” She used big words becuase she is purple smart bookhorse (\ >.< /)
”Om my god! A chinse dual wielding scythe the horror!” The author clevery reminded the audience of Anon's meta awareness and fourth-wall breaking powers.
>Nonny, Nyx and Dyx are walking through the forest
>Come across a some sort of bear that's smoking
>"Hey fillies, you wanna see a dead body?"
>Dyx is interested, Nyx is unsure, and Nonny is nervous
>The bear picks Nyx up and rips her head off
>Nonny starts screaming while Dyx just looks mildly aroused
>>299656>>299657So fucking glad someone is continuing this story after all these years, it had so much potential. New chapter added to the doc, you might want to link it for me next time but I was able to find it, heh.
>>300015>ywn be a QT stubborn weedle fighting your heart out while your trainer cheers you on at the gym you've journeyed for months to reach
>>299270Just wanted to say thanks for writing this story. I found the link to the paste and found this thread. Used to write quite a bit of Thingpone but I haven't continued them in a while due to laziness... I find it a little bit strange how much control Twilight has over Astral Thing, like how she was able to instantly detect when filly anon assimilated the cockatrice but I really like the story overall. Keep it up!
>>300054She will never breed you mercilessly at the daycare for that perfect stats Shiny beedrill
>>3001084 of them are mine.
>>300111Trip of truth. Checked.
>>300108Reeee! Fillies are gonna suffocate!
>>300108>ordered 5 fillies>Wait patiently for the day they arrive.>The day comes>You put on your birthday suite and greet the wagie delivery guy with a wide smile>He hands you the box of autism, his hands trembling and knees weak>He vomits spaghetti>You laugh for you have no pockets for spaghetti to fall out of>Back inside you tear open the box>At long last your pack of little green fags are right where you want them.>Without hesitation you shove one foot right up a fillies newly formed tail hole>You repeat the process with your other foot>You shove your fist through another stuffed filly butt, grabbing hold of its inner fluff>It's still moist with the tears of the Chinese serf that was forced to make it>This only makes you harder>With your free hand you impale the fourth upon your cock to act as a sock>You punch the final filly tearing through her fabric to wear her on you other hand>Now you are complete
Does anyone still have the files of the dude who used to do the anonfilly voice? i need it for reasons
>>300291>the dudeMy bad, i meant the totally real filly.
Jokes aside, thank you very much, i apreciate it anon
Filly and Dyx having a good time.
>>300356Well, this is a nice surprise. Are you the one that made the edit?
He already did this time
>>300026Glad you enjoyed. I’m trying my best to make this fiction as faithful to the original plot as possible. I even got my additions approved by the original author and had him share his notes with me!
Expect more wholesome inadequate parental bonding with an undertone of grimdark and hopelessness.
// Counting the Days
// Story: Trust Once Lost
// by Greenhorne
https://ponepaste.org/3927“It’s not a big deal!” I yelled.
“It is a big deal,” Applejack replied. “Nopony has a right to force you to do something you don’t want to do. I want you to feel safe here -”
“And I do feel safe!” I interrupted, “Washing someone’s mouth out with soap is a bit old fashioned, but it’s not like she would actually hurt me.”
“What’s not a big deal?” The youngest member of the Apple family rounded the corner into the kitchen.
“Nothing,” I said.
Applejack sighed. “Green said a bad word in front’a granny.”
Applebloom’s face made an ‘o’ of realization.
“She got the soap?” Applebloom stuck her tongue out, “Blegh.”
“See?” I said, “Not a big deal.”
My fatigue caught up with me while we were eating breakfast. My hoof grip nearly shattered a glass of apple juice.
“I want you to make sure you look out for Green at school today.” Applejack said. “She might have trouble meeting so many new ponies at once.”
“I feel tired,” I said, “Do I have to go to school today?”
“Yes,” AJ said. “You can’t miss school just because you’re tired.”
“But I just got here, don’t I get some time to settle in?”
“I know you’re nervous about going to school, but it’s not going to get any better by putting it off.”
“What if I’m sick though.”
“Do you feel sick?”
“Y-” Oh right, she can tell when I’m lying. “No. I just feel sick with anxiety.”
As pathetic as it sounds, I found it almost impossible to watch the episodes where the crusaders were getting bullied. It made me apoplectic with rage to see bullies getting away with it, and yet just like in real life, there was nothing I could do to stop it.
“It’ll be fine,” Applebloom assured. “Miss Cheerilee is really nice.”
“It’s not the teacher I’m worried about.”
“Applebloom will be right there with you and she’ll make sure nopony is mean to you.”
Time to bring out the big guns.
“You said you wouldn’t force me to do anything.” I accused. “Well, I don’t want to go to school. Just get me the textbooks and I’ll read them myself.”
“School isn’t just about learning things from books,” AJ said. “I want you to go to school so you can make some friends.”
“I can be friends with Applebloom.”
“If you try to put it off it’s not going to get any easier.” Applejack said. “You do have to go to school, it’s the law.”
“What are they going to do?” I asked. "Throw me in a dungeon? Banish me? Banish me and throw me in a dungeon in the place they banish me to?”
“If you don’t go to school, I’ll get in trouble, and then I won’t be able to look after you anymore.”
I managed to brush my teeth without help, the trouble was mostly gripping the toothbrush at the right angle. Comparing the toothbrush I’d been given to Applebloom’s the handle was much wider and flatter, which made it easier to grasp with my inconsistent hoofgrip. Whether it was designed for a foal or for somepony with a disability I suppose made no practical difference.
“Did you need help to brush your mane?” Asked Applejack.
I’d never owned a hairbrush. I’d had a crew cut since I was a little kid.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“Don’t you want to look your best to meet your new classmates?”
“I don’t want to meet them at all.” I answered back. “It’s not like it will make a difference anyway.”
I realized I was just being obstinate.
“Fine,” I admitted. “I don’t know how to brush my mane.”
I really need a haircut.
I didn’t think AJ would let me get a buzz cut, but I could at least make it shorter and easier to deal with.
Considering my new body was about forty percent hair by volume, it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. Brushing your mane implied brushing your mane and tail, but we were still done in just a few minutes. There were a few tangles but I focused on not letting any of the discomfort show on my face. Short hair would have less risk of people grabbing it - not that that’s something I should have to worry about. Probably. Ouch. There’s another knot.
“You don’t have to walk us to school ya know.” Said Applebloom
“Ah know you’re all grown up,” AJ replied, “But it’s Green’s first day and I want to have a word with Cheerilee.”
“You’re not embarrassed to be seen with yer big sis are ya?”
Better to nip this conversation in the bud.
“She doesn’t want her classmates to think she’s a baby who needs to be walked to school,” I said. “It’s nothing personal.”
Applebloom nodded.
“If those fillies at school are teasing you again I can speak to their parents.”
“Please don’t.”
>>300424Cheerilee wasn’t surprised to see Applejack approaching her. It was common that parents would want to talk before leaving their precious child with her for the first time, and it was nice to see Applejack was so quickly growing to fill that role for her new foster foal.
The file Cheerilee had been given on her newest student was surprisingly light; no transcripts from previous schools, no commendations, and no disciplinary records either. She hoped Applejack could help fill in some of the blanks, else she’d be starting from scratch.
“Applejack!” said Cheerilee, “So good to see you. You’re here to drop off Green, I take it?”
“Yeah,” Applejack nodded, “There were some things I wanted to discuss with you.”
“That’s great,” Replied Cheerilee, “I wanted to ask about what prior education she’s had.”
“Well she seems pretty clever,” Said Applejack, “But she won’t tell us anything about her past so there’s not much to say about that.”
“I’ll see how she goes in class today,” Said Cheerilee, “If she’s keeping up okay then I can test for any gaps in her knowledge once she’s had a chance to settle in.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about actually,” Applejack admitted, “Green has some issues you should be aware of.”
“She has poor coordination, and struggles to grip things with her hooves.” Said Applejack. “She can read, but I’m not sure if she’ll be able to write legibly.”
Cheerilee frowned.
“I see.” She said. “And what about her magic?”
“No spells yet, but she’s having magic surges.”
Cheerilee’s eyes widened, imagining the damage an unstable unicorn foal with the mana pool of an eight-year-old could do to her classroom.
“Magic surges, at her age?” Cheerilee questioned.
“Well, only once so far.” Applejack said. “We’re hoping it was a one-time thing.”
“Anything else I should know?”
“She gets really frightened when she’s meeting new ponies,” Said Applejack, “So maybe don’t make her introduce herself in front of the whole class.”
“Even if she’s shy it’s usually best to get introductions out of the way upfront.” Cheerilee said, “If the other students see me treating her differently it may not be the best first impression.”
“She’s not just shy,” Applejack said, “She has panic attacks.”
“Oh dear.” Said Cheerilee. “Well, I’ll certainly do whatever I can to help her feel comfortable.”
“One more thing, if you see her looking at a fixed point and taking slow breaths that means she’s feeling anxious and doing her breathing exercises,” Applejack explained, “So try not to interrupt her.”
“Alright class, we have a new student today.” Said Cheerilee, “Her name is Green, and I expect you all to make her feel welcome.”
It’s alright, they’re just kids. It’s just words. They can’t hurt you. I mean, they’re bigger than you and you don’t even know how to run, so they probably could hurt really badly, but they won’t, right?
I couldn’t remember the crusaders ever getting beaten up physically, but this world seemed much more real.
Oh god, everyone’s still looking at me! I must be doing something wrong.
Relax. Breathe. In. Out.
They’re probably waiting for me to introduce myself.
“Uh, hi, my name is Green,” I managed to say, “And... I don’t know how I got here.”
Stupid. Stupid. Why did this have to be so hard? Why was I so anxious just meeting a group of children?
“Hi, Green.” The class chanted in unison.
“Alright Class,” Said Cheerliee, “Eyes front. Today we’re going to be learning about how to read a calendar.”
There was a murmur of dissatisfaction from the class and one of the young ponies raised their hoof.
“Yes, Twist?” Said Cheerilee.
“Isn’t Green going to introduce herself in front of the class?”
I wanted to hide my face, but I knew I had to keep my body language neutral. If I showed weakness, I just knew they’d bully me forever.
Keep breathing. Don’t move.
“Only if she wants to.” Said Cheerliee. “If we get through this lesson quickly I can give you all an early mark for recess.”
I was trapped. If I said no, everypony would think I’m shy. If I said yes, I’d be holding them back from early recess and they’d all be angry with me. Why did she have to do this to me?
I tried to answer and my decision was all but made for me when I realized I couldn’t move. I opened my mouth and, rather than make strangled noises, I closed it again. Swallowing dryly I shook my head in the negative.
As the class moved on I couldn’t focus, but it hardly mattered in a class about reading calendars. I felt like I had to pee but, from experience, I knew with how suddenly it had come on that it was just a fear response.
Relax. Breathe. You haven’t done anything wrong.
“Did you hear the question, Green?” Cheerilee asked in a gentle tone.
“No,” I replied. “What was it again?”
“I was asking how many days there are in a year.”
“Three hundred and sixty-five.” I answered.
“Not quite. Anypony else?” The teacher asked. “Yes, Diamond Tiara.”
“There are a thousand.” Her stuck up voice put my teeth on edge. “Even foals know that!”
“That’s not a kind thing to say young filly.” Cheerilee admonished. “See me after class.”
Great. Now the teacher was defending me. I was going to pay for that.
As the lesson wore on I felt my need to pee grow stronger. Maybe I really did need to go. I couldn’t ask for a hall pass though; I didn’t want to interrupt the lesson, and the other kids would probably think I was running off to the bathroom to cry.
In any case, Cheerilee had said we would get an early recess, so I shouldn’t have to wait too long.
>>300425By the time the lesson was winding down, all I could really think about was plotting the fastest way to get to the bathroom after class was let out. I would wait a little bit for the other kids to get through the door so they wouldn’t bump into me, and then I’d make a break for the bathrooms I’d seen on the way in.
Thankfully, when I got to the bathroom the stalls were empty. I hadn’t considered what I’d do if letting the other students leave the classroom first had meant a line.
It took a bit of concentration to ensure my hooves didn't slip on the hard floor. The last thing I wanted to do was skid into a wall.
The toilet was scaled down a bit from the full-size ones I’d see so far, which made it more comfortable to use at my size.
Feeling much relieved I left the stall and went to wash my hooves.
I had to fight down a spike of panic when I saw another pony enter the bathroom.
Relax. Breathe. You have every right to be here.
The sky blue pegasus colt looked at me in shock as he and I came to the same realization.
My skin went cold and I felt like I had to pee again.
The colt’s hooves were thunderous on the tile floor as he galloped away.
“Miss Cheerilee, Miss Cheerilee!” The colt yelled. “Green is in the wrong bathroom!”
i guess /mlp/ is still fillying without us
>>300438im a bit retarded, what is redhair's name?
>What if you pulled energy from hell itself to go power a growing nation?
>Well hell is a bit too far away according to Twilight, but Earth...
>It's close enough.
"Twilight? There's a point where we should have stopped and we clearly passed it."
>The eldrich hum of the JFC reactor and extractor whines with a hum that want's to rub its non-existant hands.
>The control room with the purple princess has quadruple reinforced glass and dials and knobs.
>"The jew-furry-communist refining process is going well, don't worry your little filly head about it."
>You're standing next to the big red emergency shutdown button.
>The machine pulling at the essence of those things to create pure magic, mechanical and electrical power.
>There was one issue that couldn't be foreseen.
>As the previous head of the project the gay-heb-radiation slowly made symptoms known.
>An interest in price gouging, and making interest based loans.
>The degeneracy that was considering kidnapping dragon eggs, all the eggs, even youthful creatures, and various implements of soul rendering.
>You remember when you we're rubbing your hands about redistributing the town's pets for a red bath and orgy.
>You started using Oy Vey constantly, and Oooo, wooooo.
>That's when you knew the project had to be stopped.
>When you had to go under intensive rehabilitation with the filly transformation spell.
>You have faith in Twilight though, if anyone could make this dangerous project work for the betterment of everyone it would be her.
"Twilight Sparkle as previous head of the project we're shutting everything down."
>"Anon! If we don't do this when another villain comes along it'll be anuda shoah."
"I see you're point, but-"
"What did you say?"
>"Another villain comes along?"
"No, no, little bit after that."
>"I don't know what you mean?"
>You slam the big red button.
>She covers her mouth.
>"Oh no."
>"I'm irradiated gevalt. What will my comrades thing of me now?"
>Her eyes turn into pin pricks.
>"Ffffrrrriiiieee comrads, wook hewe Anon it's..."
>Her horn is starting to glow
>she reaches up and grabs it herself stopping it for now.
>She's sweating bullets, and hyperventilating.
>"Help me."
>Going to your friend lifting the purple pony up on your back
>feeling her start to molest you.
>You're heading to the hospital, and other ponies to get help.
>Tears soak into your fur.
>It's not too late, at least she hasn't started working toward those awful plots and plans.
>Her element of friendship and magic cutiemark should start to prevent, and reverse those symptoms faster.
"You're going to make it."
>Her hoof circles my ponut.
"Hold your horn Twilight this is going to be a bumpy ride."
Filly wants belly rubs.
>>300447The new princess of sandwiches, Sub. On the /mlp/ drawthread, a “black alicorn filly, preferably one with a three letter name” was requested. They received Sub. This particular image was requested by me, anonymous #[insert post number here]
>>292891>be the filly>get belly rubs for the first time>they feel better than masturbation and nopony thinks twice about giving them to you>literally feel heart-shapes form in your eyes and see them in the reflections of poner eyes>can even give yourself bellyrubs at home>ponies think your bellyrub addiction is "just anon being anon" with the same lighthearted tone they have when they see "pinkie being pinkie"
>>300522Easy Filly, not for long.
>Be suddenly Anonfilly...
>"Aw what a cute filly, but I'm sure your Abada zigger parents miss you. So off you-"
"Zigger? Hold on, I wasn't whatever the fuck I am now. I used to be human."
>Twilight laughs, and let's you in on the joke.
>She didn't fail, and look on your face was priceless.
>You start taking a good look at yourself.
>Color coded board fur? Check.
>Question mark? Check.
>Genitals? Going to need to investigate further.
>Double horns on the snout? ...
>What was that behind me?
>Uhhhh, what the fuck is that.
>Oh that's a tail.
>"Well, I always did want to do some testing on abada, the ziggercorns. The other Anonfillies are down stairs."
"What is an abada anyway? What do they do?"
>She waves her hoof around a bit.
>"Generally be massive faggots so it's a perfect match. For abilities that's what invasive testing is for."
>>300698Anon's face is priceless.
>>300698I'm thinking about a "reverse" poison.
Say it little filly, say the Z word.
>>300718that thumb reminds me of a clitoris stimulator that is on dildos, which leads me to assert that the pone term for fisting is hoofing, and that a fister is called a hoofer, and that THAT gauntlet is one hell of a hoofing tool.
>Be Anonfilly
>Momfu Princess of Friendship and current tuler of Equestria just got a sexual discharge covered letter from the queen and king of the caribou for the complete and total surrender.
>Twilight is banging her head on a desk thinking.
>"What would Princess Celestia do?"
"Oh! I know. It's simple."
>"Anon, they threatened to rape everypony especially me and you and my friends!"
>Apparently caribou have a natural field of magic that makes them feel like they aren't ever a personal problem.
>The point being the formal invasion is to fully use the mysterious magic of the Hard Throbbing Rod of Domination.
>Like all magical artifacts of extreme power it has some caveats and conditions, such as being the best at rape.
"Use more >rape then."
>She gives me a look.
>"Use more rape? What!? ANON THAT'S..."
>She slowly starts to smile its honestly a little worrying.
>No it's incredibly worrying.
>She isn't blinking.
>"We can get a metallic carriage. Fluttershy has a bear. Pinkie Pie can aquire sweets. Rarity has the threads. Rainbow Dash leads a pent up group. Applejack is an expert bucker. You have the mind, body, beer, and CDs. I have the magic and plans."
>"Togther we are the elements of rape!"
>>300814>"Togther we are the elements of rape!"Somepony, please save anon.
Wat, me, as a Wonderbolt?
there's literally people on /mlp/ that talk about fucking the filly all the time
you're putting your effort in the wrong place, and the fact that you're fine with just saying the same thing to one other person is kinda just sad.
what a waste of internet space
shame i thought you weren't retarded at some point.
Shit and it's just that easy!
POV: you just said some gay shit
>Be Glory Hole>The doc's place sucked like a rotten lemon tart.>"Ma'am the infection and subsequent draining of magic has rendered you almost hyper-fertile.">Some ponies just need a good ponut to smash, but this guy? It's a wonder if he has a stick in his flank hole all day."That's good right? That means less spent on birth control."
>For Fifty bits a pop the good times keep rolling in.>Even if that pony centaur monster guy had a cold or whatever.>And the weird leper green, cyan, and black pony had a go.>At least there were a few normal ponies.>That repeat buck stallion still paid extra to go full contact.>"No, it means birth control is now ineffective.">..."What."
>"Also you're pregnant.""What!"
>"With octoplets.""WHAT!"
>Well can't get anymore pregnant.>"That means you can become even more pregnant.""BUCK!"
>Five years after the revelation a new business is booming.>Anypony with a cutiemark is of legal age.>"Got anozer batch of zem Glory?""Yep, fresh out of the factory. You got the bits chef?"
>"Oui.">Never been richer, what a fortunate turn of luck.>Born right out with a cutiemark and into whoever is paying for them.>Sure must make a lot of lonely couples happy.>And I'm almost rich enough for my third yacht, with a seventh loan.>"Ze pie flavor will be exquisite.">Yeah, the Pie's sure do want alot of these foals, glad their so happy.[YouTube] Chicken Run - What kind of pies?
>All the time in Equestria three things happen.>Singing and dance numbers.>Valuable Life Lessons (tm)>And lastly>Extremely compromising situations all Anonfillies happen to witness."Equestria is just the internet on memes with extra steps."
>pics and videos related spill out of pockets>>295380>"So everyone what is the top incident of the year?">wat suggestions?
>"Hey Twilight, SHOULD it burn all over?"
>it feels as if you fell into a patch of nettles.
>not that your incessant pawing at every square inch of exposed skin would perturb Twilight.
>the purple bookhorse doesn't even look up from her notes as she hits you with some pseudo-scientific mumbojumbo that is probably meant to calm you down.
>well, it's not working.
>god, you need to get at your chest.
>without wasting even as much as a thought on matters of decency, you rip off your shirt to get at the point where the itching seems to concentrate.
>finally, sweet relie-
>you yelp in pain.
>it almost feels as if you rammed your finger into your eye.
>an eye that is now opening in the middle of your chest.
>even as you look on, the horrid change continues.
>green and black fur sprouts around the offending organ as a second eye opens from nonexistence.
>then the whole mess begins to push outwards.
>frozen in shock and no small amount of disgust, you are unable to do much more than turn a desperate look to Twilight, but the former librarian seems just as stunned as you.
>you hear her mumbling unter her breath, but you don't pay it much attention, because the misshapen mass exiting your chest is now being followed by what seem to be limbs.
>finally and with one last squelching sound, it all flops to the ground in front of you.
>your trembling hands explore the region the thing came from.
>surely there must be a massive hole left.
>but you don't find it.
>very slowly, you gather your courage and look down your body.
>no wound, no mark.
>it is almost as if nothing happened at all.
>if not for that strange mass on the floor.
>a mass that now lifts its head to look at you and groans.
>"Jesus Christ, talk about an out of body experience."
>you scream like a little girl.
>now that it shifts itself around and gets on its hooves, you realize that the thing that sprouted out of you is a filly.
>a green filly with black mane and tail and a question mark on its flank.
>"Great work, Twilight," it says with a voice thick with sarcasm, "I've always wanted to be a kid again. I am loving it, really. But would you mind telling me WHY THE FUCK MY OLD BODY IS STILL SITTING THERE?"
>"W-what do you mean, YOUR old body? I am me. Always have been."
>"Oh, fucking great. It even thinks it's sentient. You really fucked up this time, purple. Can you please discard this biological waste? I am sure AJ could always use some more compost."
>"Shut the fuck up, you little shit!"
>you try to kick the pony, but it deftly dodges your foot and tries to bitte your toes.
>"I am trying to think here."
>it's not shouted, probably not even said out loud, yet the sentence still seems to echo off the walls.
>you freeze.
>so does the filly.
>"It seems I've made a miscalculation."
>Twilight tries to put on the airs of a distinguished professional, but you know her.
>you can tell the nervousness behind the facade.
>you yelp in unison with the filly as a bundle of hair is magically plucked from each of your scalps.
>"I need to have a look at this. In the meantime, behave yourselves."
>the filly stares at you with undisguised hostility.
>you glare back.
>"So what are you? Some kind of, dunno, magical residue that has taken over my old body?"
>you snort.
>"I am me. Anon. If anyone should ask someone who they are, it should be me asking you."
>"Oh no. You can't be Anon. I am.
>The filly stomps to underline its point.
>"If you are Anon, prove it. What's your motherboard maiden name? "
>"Nothing easier than that. Nymous. She kept it when she married. Now it's my turn. What's your worst memory from school?"
>"I am not telling you about that. No way, no how."
>>300955"A-ha. So you admit that you don't know."
>"I know very well what it is. But there is no way I am telling a complete stranger like you.">"Great excuse. Very nice. And so believable. I am sure that it will dissuade Twilight from getting rid of you once she is finished with whatever she is doing.">"Alright, fine. You know what? Fine. You want to know? Here you go. I went to school without my pants. There it is. Satisfied? I had spent the whole night drinking with some friends, and when I discovered on my way to school the next day that I wasn't wearing any pants, I decided the whole thing was a wacky dream and continued on my way. Dann near ended up in the sex offender registry.">the filly looks at you wide-eyed.>"That's... correct," it admits.>"Of course it is, you little green cunt. My turn. What's my father's favourite TV show?">the filly grins.>"Trick question. Your father was a deadbeat who left your mom when you were two. You have no idea what the hell he likes or dislikes.">slowly, the grin turns to a frown.>"Just like mine...">for a moment, the two of you just sit there, wallowing in miserable memories.>you idly scratch your neck.>the itching has started again.>"But how can this be?" The filly finally asks.>"How can we both have the same memories? ">"Because you are the same.">Twilight steps back into the room, now wearing a labcoat, her notepad drifting by her side.>"It seems that I have overcommited, for lack of a better term.">"And what does that mean in layman's terms?" someone asks.>you look at the filly.>it looks back at you.>you look to your shoulder.>there, where you've just been scratching, a mouth has appeared.>a mouth that is pushing out into a muzzle before your very eyes.>"It seems that instead of turning you into a pony, every single cell of your body is becoming one. At exponential speed, most likely.">"WHAT?">Twilight winces back from the trio of disbelieving shouts.>"It- it won't be so bad, really. Each of them will have your memories, so you don't need to be afraid of losing your identity or anything like that. Look at it like, like gaining an identical twin. A whole lot of them even. More of an extended family in fact. I- I'll go now, I have to talk to Princess Celestia about... about the logistics of housing and feeling ah, according to my calculations... about 37.2 trillion new ponies. Give or take.>she tries to back away.>"Yeah, you better go," crows the New head that grew out of your shoulder while she talked.>it lifts a dangling, newly formed hoof to point at her.>"Run, Twilight. You think we're ging to take this lying down? We are coming for you all-">"How many did she say?">"37.2 trillion," the first filly helpfully offers.>"Give or take," you and tonelessly.>"Right. All 37.2 trillion of us. Or me? Doesn't matter. You're about to have 37.2 trillion fatherless, pantsless, pissed-off failures ob your tail, Twilight!">"Gottagowillbebackmakethingsright!">and she's out of the door.>the second filly flops out of your shoulder and onto the ground.>and the itching starts again
>>300961>in before twilight just ties anon down and fries each filly as they pop out in order to save the last one as the "real"anon
the last one is shino playing god to make an abomination spawn
>>301112>pic 2If only there was a poner to cuddle irl to help with sleep...
[spThen again that might exacerbate the problem.
>>301112Filly #2 needs and chest brush.
>>300955>now that it shifts itself around and gets on its hooves, you realize that the thing that sprouted out of you is a filly.>filly giving birthIsn't it too much?
>>301132I'm not the one who wrote it, just posted it; but that'd be Anon giving birth to a filly, not filly giving birth to a filly.
>>301231Fucking impressive.
why did you let them out of your sight, anon
now the world will never be the same
>>301304Howdy, ya lil' faggit.
>>301309"Nom nom nom, sandvich makes me strong.">Before meal time[YouTube] Team Fortress 2 - Sandviches!
>>301304>not y'all*angry countryfilly noises*
If Happy Harvey is around, I really liked a lot of these sort of landscape pieces you did with anonfilly, especially the darker ones like where she's stuck in-between a waterfall. Any chance we could get some more of those? I feel like I don't see much of that anymore and it's a shame.
>>301325So any ideas of what you want to see?
>>301347Something where Anonfilly is all alone in the forest (or desert, or pretty much any remote area) with nobody around and she's in some sort of natural peril.
>>301347need more comfilly mountainous stuff, like pretty much the whole of colorado wilderness
>>301407i one day hope to achieve this level of comfillyness
thank you kind sir
>>301304Shit. Believe it or not, I never read the Howdy part.
>>301312Wow, this image actually turned out to be somewhat relevant. Maybe a Montanafilly?
>>301359I'm thinking of filly in space having floated just beyond being able to return to her craft and is doomed to float in the vastness of space forever but in trying to find a way to illustrate her distance from the craft while also showing her look of hopelessness as she realizes she's doomed
My first blessing by kysfilly.
>>301438do need more space fillies
>>301453nooo not the cake
>>301442Out of curiosity, do ponies IRL lick each other?
>>301461IRL horses greet one another by sharing breath
"Today the world, tomorrow pizza!" -Empress Cadenza to adopted daughter.
"Moooooom, why not?"
>"It's an evil topping Anon, last time your aunt Celestia had to stop me from ruling the world.">Seeing the so called evil Cadence is the whole point of putting that fruit on the glorious pizza."Ya-hunh I don't believe that."
>"It's true! Twilight could give all the details about magic interactions. Why it's when Flurry Heart was concieved.">That explains everything.>But she could be pulling your leg.>Still though with a pout on your face and some cute looks seeing evil cadence will happen, for SCIENCE!>"No.">Tome for the big guns, Flurry toddles in.>"Pineappul!">"N-n-n-""Pineapple."
>"Fine, but I'm inviting all our relatives just in case.">"Yay, pinepizza!""Woo!"
>The atrocities you commit for truth and justice.>Soon enough the day of the peetzer came.>The dining room of the crystal empire filled with sandbags and helmets>Tactical spots for containment>Enough Alicorn firepower to destroy a rather large continent.>"The slice has been prepared, good luck.">"Nom.">Spells are hot and ready like the peetzer>"Hunh...">"Yes?">"You're right Anon, I'm not feeling anything different.""Knew it!"
>"What! The readings should be spiking, but nothing is happening.">"Well this is a good cause for celebration.">And everyone had a good pizza time.[YouTube] Spider-Man 2: The Game - Pizza Theme (Orchestral Cover)
[Embed]>A long exhausting day and nothing at all evil besides the pizza occurred.>Toward bed time Cadence kisses you goodnight.>"Thank you my little Anon.">Nice and tucked in."Good night mommy."
>Usually she would leave, but it seems something is on her mind.>"Without your help I never could have outwitted my precious sister-in-law or sunbutt and moonbutt.""Uhhh."
>"Just for that you get any play mates you desire. Single hoofed you enabled the greatest peaceful takeover Equestria has ever had.">pic related"Oh fuck."
>"That's right they are all fucked."
>filly can't get femanon off unless filly is being treated like a masturbatory aide because of her incompetence
>femanon comments on this, saying that if she's only good as a doll, she'd be better off with stallions
>femanon reverse-rapes filly with a stallion
>filly cums like a broken spigot
>filly is unironically better at pleasuring (and being pleasured by) a man than a woman because she's built for it
>cries for days
Going to be honest here hopefully idw comic equestria isn't the one that exists.
Good news, heros can technically win. It's also a very limited cosmic horror.
Bad news, cosmic horror. Also a shift from fairly friendly Equestria to grimdark. Plus torture of the bizarre variety.
Better news is that Discord is a multiverse hopping entity. Technically nobody died on screen. The power of friendship and teamwork can blast fucks away.
Otherwise the Anonfilly-Team might be a reasonable countermeasure.
>>301590>>301596Okay, that's it. Hand over those fillies.
That filly too.
>>301607To all of them.
>"Look at me! Ah'm a stupid fukin' redneck!"
"Now Ah don't usually hit kids, but-"
>"Now Ah'm gunna go back to mah trailer an' shit out more ziglets!"
"That's it! Ah'm takin' you behind the woodshed an' whippin' yer flank with a hickory switch like yer daddy oughta been doin'!"
>"Nooooo that's illegal! Put me down!"
>[sobbing filly noises]
>"Don't just stand there staring at me you stupid boomers! One of you lefty fags come help me! AAAAAaaaaₐₐₐ..."
>You press yourself up against the wall as best you can, but the crinkling of paper cookie packaging rings out in the silent pantry like a klaxon.
>"You know you're supposed to be dieting, we've talked about- oh."
>Twilight gives you an incredibly displeased look.
>"I should've known."
"H-heh, nice costume huh? Anon and I have been working on it for Nightmare Night."
>You've gotten pretty good at imitating Spike over the two years you've lived with him and Purple, and so the split second of hesitation she gives you allows you to bolt.
>"Sp- Anon! Get back here!"
>Who knew hooves didn't get great traction on polished floors at high speeds?
>Certainly not you.
>Wait a second...
>You let yourself slip to the ground, banging your head hard on the floor of Golden Oaks.
>Shit, that hurt for real.
>You might not have to play up the next part so much.
>"Anon?! OhmyCelestiaareyoualright?"
>You clutch your head in genuine pain as you coax tears to your eyes as best you can.
>You get quite a bit shy of "dead pet", but better than "failed test".
>Twilight immediately forgets about the fact that she was probably going to punish you with no dessert for a week and begins showing off her extensive knowledge of first aid techniques.
>As you sob quietly while you're carried back to bed with an ice pack pressed gently up against the sizable lump right below your ear, you grin internally.
>All according to keikaku.
>>301622>gimma back my hatNo.
>>301650Did I forget to upload that?
>>301660i only saw it on /mlp/
Here's a green
<Start>Be raped by ninja tentacles.>Nobody believes it.>"You, Anon, what name is the ancient capital of Equestria.">Two of them are spitroasting in class right now.>Pat-pat-pat-pat"GRLK-SNRGLUK-GLURK"
>"Very good. Test is next time we meet.""Gulp, GUK-SCHLK."
>"Have a nice day as well Anon.">This all started four months ago.>Lord of chaos went on a fishing excursion or something, seven months earlier.>A flash of light, a little jingle and Discord apears.>"Hell- Woah!">In a snap they're gone.>It's remarkably cold."Thanks."
>All the ponies are now looking at me worriedly, maybe at Discord.>He's now looking in a big book titled 'Plot Convenience'>"Nasty subtridimentional parasites, I'm suprised you even survived.">He pulls a lock coming from me and unlocks it.>Phantom chains connected to ponies dissolve.>That's when the school house started to scream.>Oh wait, just the foals and teacher.>"One quick trip to the hospital for a friend of a friend of friend, who's also-">It's really cold.>I'll just close my eyes for a bit.>A big beam of Purple light erupts through eye lids and walls.>An Alicorn of Fire appears.>goodnighty night
>marefriend asks you to take your foal shopping when you go get groceries
>Your little Batpony filly is bouncing with excitement, squeeking happily at the idea
>Her fangs haven't grown in so no worry about her devouring the fruit isle
>Once you get there, there are some awkward stares as you place her into the kiddie basket
>"Can I have some mangos?"
>She looks at you with an expression that could melt steel
>Fucking damn it she's cuter than her mother
>Place 5 mangos in the basket with her, she spends the rest of the trip cuddling one
// Mind Over Matter
// Story: Trust Once Lost
// by Greenhorne
https://ponepaste.org/3927I stumbled out of the bathroom. I could feel everypony’s gaze pressing down on me, making it hard to breathe. My vision was blurry as tears welled in my eyes.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry you stupid -
It was no use. Everyone could see me crying and they were probably all laughing at me. My chest hurt.
“Go away!” I screamed at the ponies looming over me, “Leave me alone!”
“It’s alright Green,” said Applebloom, “It’s just us.”
“I’m fine!” I sobbed.
“Yer not fine.”
I shivered as a much larger figure blocked out the sun.
“What’s going on here?” Asked Cheerilee.
“Ah think Green is having a panic attack.”
“I’ll be fine.” I grit my teeth. “Just go away.”
“You girls run along now,” said Cheerilee, “I think Green needs some quiet time to calm down.”
I inhaled, and felt the grass beneath my hooves, and the rough, cool, bricks of the wall I was leaning against.
I exhaled. Sweat had soaked into my coat and I shivered; thankfully it didn’t itch.
“I’m okay,” I said.
I want to die.
“Are you sure?” Asked Cheerilee.
I have to get out of here, everyone is looking at me.
“Okay,” said Cheerilee, “Well I just wanted to see you in my office.”
Oh thank god.
“You’re not in trouble.” She added.
Cheerilee’s office was larger than I expected. It was as wide as the classroom it shared a wall with and almost half as long. One long wall was taken up with pigeon holes and filing cabinets, the opposite wall was covered with children’s art projects; some appeared brand new while others were curling and yellowed with age. At the far end of the room, against the window, was a child-sized cot, partly obscured by a curtain, next to a white locker marked with a red cross. A door next to it led to what I assumed was a bathroom.
“Do you feel like you need to lie down?” Asked Cheerilee.
“No, I’m fine.” I said. “I just don’t want to go back out there.”
“There’s a bathroom here if you still need to go.”
I felt like I did, but I’d just been, so obviously it was just my stupid body being scared.
“I already went.” I said
“So why did you go in the colt’s bathroom?” She asked.
I felt the urge to facehoof. Instead I just groaned in frustration.
“Because I had to pee, alright?”
“What I mean is, why didn’t you use the filly’s bathroom? If you couldn’t find it, it’s just around the other side.”
“Because I didn’t need to pee anymore.” I snarked.
Cheerilee sighed.
“Green, it’s important that-”
A blast of hot air came from my nose and I felt my forehoof scratching at the floor.
“If you think it’s so damn important why don’t you flip me over and check?” I growled.
Cheerilee took a step back.
“You’re not in trouble, Green.” Cheerilee repeated, “But it’s important that I know if there’s a reason you didn’t feel comfortable using the fillies’ restroom. Were the other fillies being mean to you?”
Cheerilee waited for me to elaborate.
Fortunately, the bathroom symbols were easy enough to understand. Two pony silhouettes, one with a dress. Unfortunately, I went to the ‘wrong’ bathroom on twenty years of habit.
“I really had to go, so I just ran to the first bathroom that I saw.”
Close enough.
“If you need to use the restroom during class all you have to do is ask.” Cheerilee said.
I cringed.
Cheerilee had been keeping a close eye on the filly during her first class. The fidgety behavior and lack of focus that she had been assessing as a potential behavioral problem, it seemed, had a much simpler explanation.
Thinking back to how painfully shy the filly was, it was easy to see what had happened. Which led Cheerilee to a potential scenario she decided to nip in the bud.
“If it’s too scary to speak in front of everyone, you can just go.” Cheerilee assured.
“It’s fine,” said Green, “I can just hold it until after class.”
“If you need to go, it’s better to just go,” said Cheerilee, “We don’t want you to have an accident.”
>>301913I want to fucking die.
She’s treating me like a little kid and- well I guess I can’t blame her when I look like this.
I was stuck like this; and my stupid child emotions had circled back around to crying; and I’d lost any chance of convincing Cheerilee that I was mature enough for self-directed study.
I felt Cheerilee drape a heavy blanket over me. The blanket pressed inwards on my body and helped to ground me in the moment.
If I couldn’t convince Cheerilee that I was mature enough to avoid going to school, maybe I could do the opposite; convince her I was too immature, too ‘damaged’ to attend her class.
“I want to go home.” I pleaded.
“I know you’ve had a rotten day so far,” Said Cheerilee, “But there’s just one more class today and you can go straight home afterwards.”
“I can’t go back to class, everypony will bully me.”
“Nopony is going to bully you Green.”
“You and I both know that isn’t true.” I said. “I was crying in front of everypony and they were laughing at me!”
“Who was laughing at you?”
“I don’t know!” I said, “Everypony! I don’t even know who they are, and they all know who I am, and that I’m a crybaby that they can all bully.”
“You’re far from the only pony to have cried at school.”
“It’s not the same.”
“Why isn’t it the same?”
“Because I didn’t have anything to cry about,” I explained, “And now they all know that they can make me cry and everything is ruined.”
“Did you get bullied at your old school?” Asked Cheerilee.
“I-” I suppose it didn’t really matter what school I was talking about. “Yeah.”
“It’s too soon to give up on ponies you’ve just met. This will be different,” Said Cheerilee, “I promise.”
“Don’t make a girl a promise,” I said, “If you know you can’t keep it.”
“Let’s just skip the part where you pretend there aren’t any bullies in your class.” I said, “I’ve already met one of them.”
“If you mean Diamond Tiara, I’ve already spoken to her,” Cheerilee said, “And she’s going to apologize.”
“Great, so now the class bully has a reason to hate me.” I countered, “Thanks so much.”
“What do you want me to do, Green?”
“That’s exactly the point.” I said. “There’s nothing you can do.”
At some point I’d lost track of the fact I was supposed to be pretending.
“There was never anything you could do.” I ranted. “I put up with it before because I didn’t know any better, but I don’t want to do this anymore.”
Tears were streaming down my face.
“I know you’re having a bad day,” consoled Cheerilee, “But I promise, it’s really not that bad. Haven’t you already made some friends?”
“I don’t want friends, I want everyone to leave me alone.”
I slumped.
“But I know you’re going to force me to go back anyway.” I said. “And if I run away and refuse to go to school, Applejack will get in trouble.”
Cheerilee looked up at a clock.
“Well,” She remarked, “Recess is almost over.
>>301914Great stuff my dude
>>301766I can barely understand what's going on here.
Shit, I missed a lot of posts because it's not bumping!!!
I'm not the best poner to make the new bread.
For Filly's love, can someponer do it?
>Be the filly
>Heading to school, on Sunrise ally, its sunny warmth on my back.
>"Hi Anon!"
>The two tone pone waves out of the second floor window, with minigarden.
"Hey Berry."
>Everyday on the way to school she waves.
>She's nice enough, and doesn't even own a van.
>She does hand out candy sometimes and is a pinkish purple color.
>Soon enough her abode is out of peripheral vision.
>Makes the day a little brighter.
>A shadow blocks out the sun behind me.
>Turning around-
"Hey? Berry are you okay?"
>Crumpled, her neck is at a weird angle.
>Rainbow Dash survives longer and faster falls...
>Really brain?
>walking closer she apears to be completely still
>Her ass has hints of yellow tinted fur, sticking to her magenta body.
>Soon enough the whole street is screaming, and the medics do their thing.
>A long moment passes, and standing up is hard.
"Oh... she might be dead."
>It would be her birthday in three days.
>One of the few tolerable ponies who didn't run around with their heads cut off-
>you wince
>-who panic over the strange alien who wore glasses.
>She wanted a spa ticket to go with some friends and family.
>Bought and paid for with your own solid gold bits...
>Yellow fur...
>Deadly incident.
"A murder."
>Some cocksucking fagatron killed one of your friends!
>You were watching where she... landed, and her house.
>Recalling there wasn't a yellow pony even remotely close to the house.
"Still inside. That son of a bitch is still in there."
>Your hooves carry you to her door, icy rage boiling.
>A tea pot whistles inside, as you carefully push your way in.
>Fur bristling with fury!
>Keeping the stove on to burn it all down to keel the evidence a secret?
>Not on your watch.
>Yellow, ponies aren't great assassins usually but that quiet fuck must have been prepared.
>Taking a knife, from Berry's kitchen, in mouth you march up the stairs.
>Coming face to face with Fluttershy.
>In a flash she's hiding under a magenta lump in the room.
>no, no way
>She might not have wanted you to live in Ponyville, but killing your friend?
>On the rug is Fluttershy and that magenta lump.
>"Ohhhh my head."
>That sounds like Berry.
>Maybe it's a changling.
>"oh your okay you took a bad fall"
>Can't tell if the Fluttershy imposter consciously made that word choice.
>You're near enough, and Berry snaps up and bites the knife.
>It's dislodged
>with a quick spin
>this is how you die to an imposter
>and a step
>she has some flowers, stawberries, blueberries, and raspberries on the flat of the blade with the knife safely on a side table.
>She's beaming.
>"Anon! You're visting me? I know I took a little bump to the head when Fluttershy brought the lifesize doll up here, but it's a school day."
"What, I thought you were dead."
>She puts her ear on her foreleg.
>"Beating strong as can be, pretty sure I'm not dead."
>"Oh, well, ummm, when Berry fell over my hooves slipped and the doll fell out of the window."
"Holy shit you're actually alive."
>The foal body uncaring if this is a trap rushes to hug the pinkish purple pony.
>You still have the ticket, and everything is okay.
>"umm, if it's not too muck of a bother isn't it time for school, Anonymous?"
>You hug the magenta poner tighter.
>Another purple pony walks up the stairs.
>"I think she is excused for this- Berry? You're alive! The whole town thought you died!"
>Just another average day in hoersland.
>Feels good hugging the poner.
>With this group hug it's even better.
~The End~
>>301959Didn't notice, been busy with school, life, etc...
New bread!
>>302006 →>>302006 →>>302006 →