It's becoming clearer by the day that Whites can't live any longer mixed with other races.
Post non-White on White crimes here.
>>279019I wish there was another board called /arm/, the meme armory
where memes and infographics and redpills and other pics can be posted and stored for use in arguments on other sites.
we could also work on new memes there.
Iraqi migrants assault a white woman.
Dog sense danger and protects owners.
the remaining whites in California are getting pissed. white chimp out when?? [Embed]Alien attacks elderly White woman in Spain.
Notice the woman is wearing a pandemic mask, suggesting the attack recently occurred.
Source unknown.
Nigger child tries to steal a toy from a White child in daycare.
Africans in charge punish the White child.
>>281687That was quite the shit show.
What's Coming To ALL Aryans (IF we don't fight back).
>>281542And it keeps going, another White is added to the tally.
>Black Anti-White AutoZone Attacker Put in Cell with a White Man, Then Beats Him to Death, the nigger and the prison guards are alive and better than ever.
>African steals a phone from an Irish kid, Irish lads find the nigger
>Whites begging the nigger to return the phone 20 times politely. He doesn't. He gets what he deserves, and it's not the phone.
>>282305Bravo. God bless them for bringing true justice.
This is sort of how I see the white race. We accept a lot until we had enough and then it is full on.
>>282340And then one day, for no reason whatsoever, the people voted Hitler into power
>Voting Will Not Remove Them.
Swedish woman got culturally enriched.
>>284711Hope he is actually prosecuted and not let free as all the others.
>>284713There's a little problem with that, prosecution means that justice will be handed over to the same machinery that keeps at gun point Whites mixed with non Whites. See the vicious circle?
>WHITE DEVIL DECEPTION DOCUMENTARY (2:16:15 long) [Embed]Redpills galore for normies able to stand the deluge of anti-White hatred in the video.
Not easy to watch and a sure blackpill for many.
Fantasy versus reality in the Bronx.
>Man ‘who pushed boy, 8, under train’ was used in campaign to promote integration>Habte Araya, 40, originally from Eritrea but living in Switzerland, was arrested after he allegedly shoved the child and his mother, 40, onto the tracks of platform seven at Frankfurt Central Station.>The father-of-three is also accused of pushing another woman, 78, who managed to stop herself from falling in front of the incoming ICE train.>> the follow up to it. It gets better
>Eritrean who threw boy under train in Germany placed in mental care>>>The judges ruled that while he could not be held criminally responsible due his "acute paranoid schizophrenia", he still posed a danger to society and should be confined to a mental hospital.>Araya had been living in Switzerland and was on the run from Swiss police after a violent incident the previous week. >He had threatened a neighbour with a knife and locked her up, and also trapped his wife and their children, aged one, three and four, in their flat before running away. >Police said it appeared the suspect had not been listed as wanted in European police databases and had been able to cross borders freely. Its not even for a purpose. Animals kill you to eat you or because they see you as a threat. Almost all of these attacks are done just because they feel like it. These things arent even worth being called animals, and neither are the spineless kikes that enable them
Asian American calls it as it is.
This is a no nigger zone.
>>286646I still can't fucking believe this guy got arrested. He was in his own yard minding his own business when some nigger started loitering in front of house. He goes out and calmly tells them to fuck off like any sane person would do but gets arrested for "disorderly conduct" because he used the nigger word while doing so.
>>286662>I still can't fucking believe this guy got arrested.Believe it.
Police is the common enemy to be smashed in a million pieces if Americans want their freedom back.
>>286662he forgot his place in the racial victim hierarchy
it goes.
Asians only rank above whites, who are at the bottom. the only people Asians are allowed to criticize are whites.
Hispanics are next but broken into two main categories
"white passing" and brown
the white passing can easily become white if they do something actually criminal, think of Nick Cruz. instantly white. victim privilege gone immediately.
Blacks/mulattoes are the supposed top of the victim hierarchy and they are above all other groups except one. the ultimate victims, the group that none may criticize. they're the secret top of the victim hierarchy.
there are a lot of victim multipliers like LGBTQ, being a woman and so on but race is the base stat for the whole system.
>>286680I know an asian chick who once told me the only people who have ever given her any shit based on her race are black and asian and libwhite NPCs mad at her for being a well-adjusted human without a victim complex.
How the Judicial System Works for White People.
>Fellas Beat the Hell Out Of 77 y/o White Woman In Her Home Then Head Out For A Shoot Out
>>287486I had a similar experience with a nigger that grabbed my dick in public. End up calling the cops and it was caught on a surveillance camera, but nothing came of it. You might be thinking to yourself "but anon why didn't you kick his ass?" and that is a good question. The same reason that no one else did anything; because I didn't want to be called racist. I was afraid the camera would show me hitting a black man and someone on social media would have me cancelled. It was cowardly to do nothing and I am ashamed that I didn't beat the shit out of him. /endblog
>>288166>You might be thinking to yourself "but anon why didn't you kick his ass?" and that is a good question.I know why. Even Whites try hard to find intellectual arguments like to avoid to be called names, or how would look, or social retaliation; the truth is simpler and creepier. It's the government enforcers threatening every White person with violence and captivity, remove that element from the equation and the non-White issue will solve itself in no more than a few months.
Let that sink.
>>288174You know what? You're fucking right.
The priest got robbed during the Mass service.
>>288175I know a few people who claim to be doomsday preppers getting ready for "meteors and zombies" because that sounds harmless and silly to normies. They're actually preparing for the day they're forced to defend themselves/loved ones from the horde.
OP link refers to this: , Table 16
It's actually gone up since that was first posted, now 105% of all interracial crimes are committed by blacks against whites.
But too bad niggers can't read sources, let alone meaningfully interpret statistics.
>Colin Flaherty
>Black Rape In Brooklyn and Other Places - Mind Blowing 2016
Anti-White Cop Admits Arresting Innocent White People to Make Blacks Look Better.
>>293873That probably isn't a very good pic to use. Wouldn't a wealthy area have lots of property crime because people want to steal from there more? Compare the inner city to poor white rural areas and its probably a much better image of the reality.
>>296181Cops protect the wealthy better.
Nigger Randomly Slashes Woman in the Back of Her Head in NYC
>Startling video released by the NYPD Monday shows the moment a man randomly slashed a woman in the head — leaving her with a deep gash — as she walked down a Brooklyn street, cops said.>The 24-year-old woman was at the corner of Fulton Street and Franklin Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant around 4:20 a.m. Dec. 22 when the man approached her and cut her head with an unknown object, cops said.[YouTube] Man Wanted For Slashing Woman On Brooklyn Sidewalk
[Embed]Nigger in Seattle kicks 56 year old white woman in the face.
>Seattle police arrest man in connection with kicking attacks on two women>Seattle police arrested a 19-year-old man in connection with two similar but random unprovoked assaults on two women last week.>After SPD released video of the two separate attacks to KIRO-7 Tuesday night, detectives said a viewer called 911 and identified the suspect, who was arrested and questioned Wednesday afternoon.[YouTube] Assault
[Embed]>Black Woman Who Brutally Murdered Adopted White Daughter Performed Standup Routine Joking About Child Abuse Child's Name Was Victoria Rose Smith.
White Man, 19; shot dead in Columbus, OH by negro. usual the judenpresse link hides the White victim.
Blacks Beating Up White Woman With Baby.
Multiracialism enforced at gun point by the State.
Live streamer OG Geezer robbed and stabbed in Las Vegas while live - 03/15/2021 at around 3:45 AM Las Vegas Blvd. [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]>>304536It is "funny" how the initial reports were that this was "two tourists" that murdered her. I just never, or still, know why they were spinning that angle.
>>279019spam this shit everywhere
>>304536What the fuck did she expect to happen to a 'cute white girl' who was given an unidentified pill by some niggers ffs? She wanted to burn the coal, and she paid the toll
Spic murders White woman and her dog.
>Grandmother, 66, who was stabbed to death by Hispanic man, 23, who also killed her dog in a random attack in a LA park>Jeanne Edgar, 66, died Thursday afternoon while walking her dog Sashi >Ricardo Saldivar, 23, is accused of randomly attacking her in Lone Hill Park in San Dimas>Saldivar first approached Joe Page, who is in his 30s, and allegedly tried to stab him but he got away and managed to get to his car >The attacker then went for Edgar, killing her dog first before attacking her>UK
UK 13 year old white girl talks about Muslim boys threatening to rape her.
The reaction from government employees is crickets.
This is more of a personal story but I remember it being passed around when I was growing up in Iowa, apparently sometime in the 90s there was an all-black nightclub that decided to have snipers perched up on the roof that would open fire on whites that walked past. I haven't been able to find a news article on it but a handful of people shared the story outside of my family. This place used to be a beautiful small town in Iowa. Then niggers flooded in and ruined the place, even looking at a nigger is prime material to get the shit kicked out of you by a pack of 'em. It's a gridlocked poor area, no one gets out once they're in so poor whites are stuck with poor blacks and it's an absolute fucking bloodbath of niggers chimping out on whites.
Tom Hanks' son, Chet Hanks gets knifed by GF sheboon when confronting her about stealing from him.
Just another day in the life of a fun mixed multicultural relationship.
Zero pity for this anti-white cuck.
A White female postal service worker was brutally beaten in broad daylight in Flint, Michigan by several nigger women over delated stimulus checks.>UK
>Community confronts thug terrorizing 12-year olds with a knife
>op image text
>provably false by looking at the source
>almost all are just cherry-picked random people killing random people to invoke fear
lmao hyperreality
>>306175Is that why there's such a thing as white flight, just with nearly every nationality away from the joggers?
Or the fact that in nearly every goddamn area that they congregate at turns into a violence filled shithole?
Show your flag shill
Non White Pushes White Woman Down The Stairs In Paris.
>>306191That's not what gaslighting means.
His lack of flag and the fact that he's responding to a post from the summer of last year shows that he's full of shit though.
>>306291>>306175OP could have presented better sources in his original post last summer, but cosidering this is a pseudo-general thread, it's not really the focus of the current discussion.
Lots of anons have posted other claims with good sources and statistics. Reply to those instead.
Nigger punches White woman in the face then one pulls a gun, dark beast reconsiders.
White child kidnap attempt by black scum. Situational awareness is crucial!
>>308797kill the nigger before it kills more
>>308817Not possible, zogbots protect him and force Whites to share their living spaces with Blacks.
Black Crime Matters. Compilation.
United States - Illegal Alien Crime Report>>279948poor woman. arabs are fucking animals