This is pure gold salt. Seeing a good proportion actually lash out at black voters for being black voters is topkek. I hope more than one Berniebro seriously considers secession, turning their loss into a positive movement to get away from us would be the best result.
>>261568I had to look up what "Rebirth of the Night" is, apparently it is a faggy Minecraft mod.
>>261582Think I'll stop for the night soon.
>>261557>>261561>>261562>handmaids tale>game of thrones>walking dead>marvel capeshit >hunger games>harry potter I’d like to try a little experiment. What if we all offer to pledge our votes to Bernie, or whatever idiot becomes the new Bernie, in 2024 if these idiots can make it through four years of discussing politics without using dumb pop culture references to explain themselves. Think there would be any takers?
>>261585>What if we all offer to pledge our votes to Bernie>Think there would be any takers?I'm almost there.
Trump stabbed MAGA in the back and there's almost not difference with a liberal, so, to hell with him.
Bernie has the best chances to spark the 2nd civil war and secession.
>>261585That's like asking a fish to survive four years without water. Progressives think pop culture is the only form of culture.
This is relevant again, (about) 4 years later.
>>261593The more I read the more think that there's no point to reason with commies.
RWDS save us from these lunatics.
>Bloomberg dropped out
It's glorious seeing the DNC commit sudoku on a scale like this. All Bloomberg did was fuck every other candidate over, Bernie most of all. I can't wait for the Berniebros to come out of this election thinking that they were cheated out of a win again instead of realizing their candidate was doomed from the start. Let the salt flow!
>>261642>pic 5A classic. It astonishes me to think that people have forgotten that moment and what it really says about Bernie as any sort of 'leader', regardless of what horseshit he's peddling about free WTFE. This man has no spine! How could anyone get behind him when - as evidenced by recent history - literally anyone can waltz up and take the mic away??
>>261648>1st picProper meddling and it will all turn into National Socialism!
>>261561God I hope these liberal fucks do end up going missing. Please Trump do something useful for once.
>>261648>>261649Imagine if we got an Anon to LARP as a Marxist, got him to be as popular as PhilosophyTube, and then he starts pointing out that blacks are the big obstacle to a white socialist utopia™?
>>261673To expand on this, I've noticed that a big part of Marxist lingo is wailing about "muh liberals," and that there's a significant subset (as represented by Slavoj Zizek) that hates how Cultural Marxism has distracted from "muh class issues." How viable would it be to egg on this resentment and drive a divide across the Left? Considering how much "muh liberals" in the media push wokeness, I'd imagine it'd be pretty easy to crank out some memes and disseminate them in the right places. And as gay as LARPing as pseudo-NazBols is, it might push people to the right direction. Always attack where people are weakest.
>>261723>there's a significant subset (as represented by Slavoj Zizek) that hates how Cultural Marxism has distracted from "muh class issues.">Always attack where people are weakest.These degenerates are NOT the real enemy, they're just imbeciles making noise. They go with the flow made by their (((controllers))).
The real enemy is the (((System))). For further details I repost the video at
>>261266 → "Liberalism Explained"
>>261568>fifth picThe best one, I hope that pervert pulled the trigger.
>>261723>there's a significant subset (as represented by Slavoj Zizek) that hates how Cultural Marxism has distracted from "muh class issues."Leftists would be significantly more successful if they focused on their actual economic policy issues instead of bundling it with all this SJW crap they're pushing. However, they just don't learn, and they insist on pushing mass immigration and LGBT bullshit instead of the stuff that the majority of their potential base might actually care about.
>How viable would it be to egg on this resentment and drive a divide across the Left?Quite viable. Leftists are self-destructing over this wedge.
>>261723>>261794I can't speak as to what
>>261729 said, but as far as the Democratic party is concerned, it's very close to splitting apart. If they fuck Bernie, or at least appear to fuck him at least since who knows how much of this shit is legit and how much is just theater, the hard-left will probably split from the Democrats within the next 4 years. Hatred of Trump is pretty much the only thing keeping the Democrats together at this point, and one way or the other he's going to be gone eventually. Once they no longer have that, the party either goes full Communist or the ones who are already full Communist leave. So I think it's very viable we could make them self destruct, in fact I think they'll probably do it anyway regardless of what we do.
This post was written back in 2016 in one of these kinds of threads on 8chan (RIP). With all the anti-black sentiment it makes me wonder if the dubs were right, but the year was wrong.
>>261818Idk about making them them self destruct, but pushing them is plausible, even if it's just seems like inconsequential trolling. Pushing the notion that the SJW bullshit has been a distraction from actual economic policy seems like it could maybe help slow down the tide of faggotry.
Democrats have been suffering from a lot of wedge issues. Their intersectional nature means that their constituents are not all motivated by the same things.
>>261851Oh I absolutely think it's plausible, and quite worthwhile. I still lurk /b/ intermittently and try to drop nuggets of this whenever I encounter Bernie threads.
The wedge is definitely real, and it's only going to grow, like I said, Trump hate is pretty much the only thing holding Democrats together at this point. I remember noticing this back in 2015 or so, that the SJW liberals and the Marxist liberals really have very little in common with each other where it matters, and as soon as they no longer have a common enemy that divide is going to grow.
The Bernie bros are millennials or Gen X who are either working class, or else have college degrees but low paying jobs and massive amounts of debt. They usually aren't particularly racist, but this is because they don't really care that much about racial/cultural issues. To them, economics and class is everything. SJWs are millennials or Gen X who either come from a privileged upper class background or have high paying jobs. Literally all they care about is diversity and representation; they don't think about economic issues at all because they've never had to.
Both sides are almost exclusively concerned with their issues and consider all other issues secondary. They both ostensibly care about "inequality", but the word means radically different things to each side. The Bernouts care about economic inequality: a poor black woman and a poor white man are in the same boat and should join sides against the billionaires, but a billionaire black woman is still a billionaire and needs to be taken down. The SJWs care about identity above all else. In their view a white guy making minimum wage is more privileged than a black woman with a six figure income. They think the mostly white Berniefags need to sit down and let the black trans-albino fatqueer Mestizo women speak.
They have absolutely no common ground on which to understand each other. As soon as they start to come apart, there will be pretty much no stopping it. I think the Berniefags are the ones to work on, because they're the ones with the most legitimate anger. You can already see it in the screencaps in this thread, they're getting pissed off that the blacks aren't taking their side. Everyone's "not racist" until suddenly they are. SJWs just have no grasp on reality whatsoever; they'll never understand what the Bernouts are pissed about.
>>261907Good analysis and new view to me.
I have minimal interaction with them.
>Bernie rally
Absolute mad lad unfurls Windmill of Friendship at commie rally.
Bernie bros see nazis everywhere. Watch out what you wish.
Imagine the salt and autocannibalism when Biden loses to Trump.
>>262069>the two democratic candidatesDo they not know Tulsi's still in or are they just pretending she's not because muh Russia?
>>262073They changed the rules again so that she couldn't qualify for the debates, even though she got a delegate.
Funny how hard they're trying to memory hole her.
Okay, listen fat, three things. Number one, come on man, number two, that's malarkey, and number four, it's what Barack America and I did-- I wrote the damn thing and even corn pop was there too. Not to mention the cockroaches, it's total malarkey man and you're nothing but a lying dog-faced pony soldier. That's it. Period. Period. Period.
>>262354>communists grumbling about having to stand in lineYou can’t make this shit up
>>262353>there's nothing even such as biden bro'sHas Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Total mental breakdown. I love it.
>>262360>I'm a big Bernie supporter, but these numbers are showing that Biden can beat Trump. ...kek. Sounds awfully similar to the
>Former Trump supporter here .... [insert reason for not voting Trump] >>262405I bet his daughter will be thrilled to learn the reason she never got to see her grandparents was because they didn't vote for Bernie /s
Upside is that his daughter probably will get redpilled as hell because of it.
It's just sad at this point.
>>262416Bernie is going to become so rich from all the donations. He will probably participate in the debate against Sanders, then drop out (with no refunds) and write a book about how he was squeezed out.
>>262417Now he can buy that 4th house.
>>262417Sounds like a sure-fire way to become rich. Be a senator for a bunch of years, dupe a bunch of people by promising them free stuff, then convince your cult to support your sure-to-lose presidential bid.
The Producers except you won't go to jail for it.
>>262407Does anyone have that old (maybe 5 years?) image of a father holding his son by the shoulders and yelling at him? It was a cartoon illustration, and they were sitting in a nursery next to a crib. The original illustration had some speech bubbles, but they had been rewritten in most versions.
>dad, why don't i get to see gramma and grampa ever again? ;_;>LISTEN HERE SUSIE, YOUR GRANDPARENTS ARE IRRESPONSIBLE AND THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL YOU, WHICH YOU'D KNOW IF YOU HAD READ THE BERNIE PRIMER I PUT ON YOUR BEST LAST NIGHT >>262442Not the original but is this it?
>>262447Yes, that's it exactly. I'd make the edit myself but I don't have my main computer here.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Bernie Sanders campaign. The politics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Marxist theory most of the ideas will go over a typical voter’s head. There's also Bernie’s redistributionist outlook, which is deftly woven into his platform- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Soviet anti-capitalist literature, for instance. The supporters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these platforms, to realise that they're not just Socialist- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bernie Sanders truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the value in Bernie’s existential catchphrase “we are going to raise taxes, oh yes we are,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Marx’s Russian epic Das Kapital. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Bernie’s economic genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Bernie Sanders tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>>262495>you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Bernie Sanders campaign>The politics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Marxist theory most of the ideas will go over a typical voter’s headThis!
Nothing else shows more clearly that Bernie bros are not working class, but lazy snobs with a tendency to talk down the average Joe while they're so high in marxist theory that their detachment from reality is painful to watch.
This is the good shit.
If reddit is good for one thing, it's distilling salt.
>>263076>>263078... ... ...
>>263091>>263092They'll never learn, their IQ isn't high enough.
The only way they'll be in power someday, somehow, it's if the (((clique))) wants it. Their votes and wishes are irrelevant.
Is "low information voter" just leftist slang for nigger now?
These people are masochists.
Stick around. Arizona results will come out soon.
>loses Hispanic vote in Arizona
>>263107>YusufIt sounds sandnigger to me.
>The elite are abandoning us to dieWell, at least this violent commie is honest, antifas surfed on the oligarchy's wave and were induced to believe the power would to be handed to them... just because the oligarchs are stupid and want to commit suicide. LOL
It's true, sadly. Antifas are the niggers of Whites.
I'm getting tired. Think I'll go to bed.
>>263114You really deserve it. You dropped a ton of salt.
>>263121>Bernie Can Definitely Still WinHope is everything they have left.
The CHAD Salt Screencapper. Thank you lad. I needed this for my self-imposed quarantine.
I wonder why these "Bernie-bros" think throwing money at Bernie in any way will help him win. The only thing it will achieve is making Bernie exiting the "race" even richer when he chooses to drop out and retire.
>>263129A fool and his money are soon parted. These are the sorts of people who will put hundreds of dollars in GoFundMe (or as Metokur calls it, GoKickMe) projects that are highly questionable. Not to mention that, as they all but explicitly stated, it's a sort of "investment" to steal other people's money and recoup their losses. They're just terrible investors and are emotionally fragile people.
>>263129Just wait until they find out that all of Bernie's donations will go to Biden.
>>263159I am not sure Bernie is willing to give any of that money away. Isn't Bernie technically running as an Independent, so nether Biden or the DNC will get any of the money Bernie have collected for himself.
>>263086Holy shit. I'd hate to wake up from that hangover. Occasionally I almost feel sorry for these people, until I remember they pretty much deserve whatever happens to them.
>>263158>Bernie supporters are low-TI never would have suspected.
Hey, OP: I understand that you find this stuff really funny, but you should cut back on the sheer number of pictures you upload. Half the screencaps in
>>263078 and
>>263079 are duplicates or have overlap. It would have been funnier if you had identified this ilhan-omar user and made a big compilation of all his meltdowns, because he seems to spend an awful lot of time on Reddit for someone who thinks Bernie bros should be out in the field.
>only keep money for the essential! donate the rest of your money to bernie! we're all going to die unless you give every penny you have to bernie! clean out your student loan and bank account! give it all to bernie!That man will kill himself when he learns there are no refunds. He's another sad victim of modern nihilism.
>that nigger who threw his own laptop across the room and was mad the screen broke>that soy golem who said FUCK FLORIDA despite Florida being a key state in every election cycle>and this faggot >>263086, who is about to have the worse morning after in his entire life and go into credit card debtBeautiful. Thank you for sharing.
>>263160>Isn't Bernie technically running as an IndependentHe's running as a democrat. Independent candidates wouldn't be part of the democratic primary election process.
>>263179Bernie certainly was part of the Dem primaries last time around, but he still is registered as an Independent. And as I understand it he is doing the same this time around.
Not sure how accurate Wikipedia is or how rose painted the information is:
>On March 5, 2019, Sanders signed a formal statement, called a "loyalty pledge", saying that he is a member of the Democratic Party and will serve as a Democrat if elected. The day before, he had signed paperwork to run as an independent for re-election to his Senate seat in 2024. >>263158Leftism is a club for the mentally ill.
The saltiest and berniest of Bernie Bros.
>>263178I collect this stuff en mass and skim it to read later. I apologize if there's some duplicates, but I need to cut a few corners for efficiency.
>>263178>jepstein344That's definitely one of us deep undercover
>>263267It's safe to say that a considerable portion of the posters there are /pol/ posters there to distill salt.
Meant to post this one a while back.
>>265308Hahahahahahahahahhahahaaa. Went just as expected.
>Bernie is rolling in millions of millennial's dollars with no refunds Bernie Sanders addresses his supporters before endorsing Joe Biden, 2020.
Bernie just dropped out.
Post your best.
Lol, Democrats self-destructing.
>>265337>4th pic>the whole communist libraryThis is why these mental disabled drones can't function in society.
I think that's it for now.
>>265342>Lol, Democrats self-destructingTHB, (((democracy))) is a kike game to keep the goyim participating instead of revolting.
It doesn't make any sense that all the antics and conspiracies the democrats and their agents have done and still NOT A SINGLE ONE is in jail; the only ones persecuted and jailed are Trump' supporters, and by the way, it's Trump's DOJ leading the repression. So, looking at the facts and connecting the dots, the people at both sides are being played, it's all staged and the candidates do as told.
>>265516>2nd picWell that really makes one think.
>>265541noice, the video guy was overplaying it tho
>>265586that's merely the obvious
The salt is going to get still more salty.
Bernie had gone to the dark side.
>Bernie Sanders, the ultimate fake Socialist, now shows his true face Bernie sold out faster than the toilet paper.
I'm calling it now. He's going to do it again in 2024. He's going to pretend to run, the Dem establishment is going to lose its shit and sabotage him, then he's going to pull out and give an endorsement to whatever establishment Dem he spent the prior year telling his supporters couldn't be trustworthy.
And the Berntards are going to fall for it again. And they're going to shuffle into the voting booth in lockstep again, and pull the lever for Hitlery or Fauxcahontas or maybe Carol Moseley-Braun or whatever other superannuated doddering room-temperature-IQ Boomer the Dems scrape off the bottom of the barrel and put on the ticket.
Shit's going to be HILARIOUS.