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Siege Culture
241199 241200 241210 241213 241222 241230 241235 241278 241285 241326 241333 241427 243140 243468 248652
There is a problem on the far right, and that problem is Siege culture. Siege was written by a satanist and a convicted pedophile named James Mason. Siege advocates for violent acts of terrorism to destabilize the current system and is everything that the media wants National Socialism to be.
Siege culture only seeks to destroy and doesn't build anything. These people are losers trying to go out in a blaze of glory. All they will end up doing is harming the movement.
You want to help the movement? Then start forming communities and start becoming less dependent on the globohomo system.
241200 241212

OP is right, you know.
241213 241430 241507 241524 243470 243473 248652
Relevant article: https://identitydixie.com/2019/09/02/the-1930s-called-you-didnt-make-the-cut/
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NSDAP P5.jpg
This. 1950s + 100 years = 2050s?
Fuck siege.
241216 241588 243356
File (hide): 606AAC2CF851322F2903934128413A52-8381372.webm (8.0 MB, Resolution:480x360 Length:00:03:39, european_skinhead_army.webm) [play once] [loop]
>These people are losers
Okay commie cunt.

>muh skinheads cos' bad optics
KYS. With or without optics NatSoc will be always hated, decades of kike brainwashing won't change lemmings' minds one inch.
While all the comfy normals were trying to be cautious and be nice to not "ruin their future", others carried the swastika flag and gave a fuck about feelings and kikes' laws. It is a no-brainer who deserve respect.

The shilling is strong today.
241217 241224 243356
>NatSoc will be always hated
Stop clinging to a century-old ideology that was developed by one man for the particular needs and concerns of Germany at that time. That it, despite its success, was deeply flawed is undeniable and so we must re-invent. If you like it so much you will distill its best features and use them in a more refined ideology.

That just proves my point, you had those marches almost twenty years ago and they did not contribute to any meaningful political change and haven't even grown/become more frequent since then. Retard rallies DON'T WORK
>Retard rallies DON'T WORK
So? If the guys want their rally, so be it.
>they did not contribute to any meaningful political change
Then read Siege and can back to argue. And don't say you did, because you don't.
>If the guys want their rally, so be it.
If you want to smoke pot and speed on the highway, so be it. I can't physically stop you, only tell you how stupid of an idea that is.
>read Siege
It's on my reading list but that's not an argument. You can read some very intelligent people, learn rhetoric, and convince enough people to build a movement, or you can sign up to some "activist" group, get doxxed and harassed, and be an untouchable to someone who'd otherwise be sympathetic toward your views.
241223 241370 241512
>Siege was written by a satanist
OP is so centered on dialectical materialism that it doesn't grasp Epona's mysticism or other deities.
Digits confirm.
>contribute to any meaningful political change
Read the damned book and find out.
All your verbal hemorrhage can find an answer in Siege. It is right there commie. Read it and join us.
241226 241298
I have a long reading list and Siege is at least a hundred pages. Why don't "read Siege" folks quote relevant passages?
>lazy ass deflecting

241228 241422
Telling people to read a whole book is deflection. It shows that you don't understand the concept enough to provide an argument. If I tell a commie his economics don't work, and he tells me "Read Kapital," it's not deflecting if I refuse.

If public no-optics-required rallies have resulted in positive change for our side it ought to be visible. Please, show me the evidence.
Just a little. Yes?
Soon you'll find out we want the same, but just through different paths.
I'll read it next time I'm on an airplane. I doubt anything bad could come from that.

>just through different paths
If we both want to cross a river and I want to use a rickety bridge, while you want to blow it up and try to walk across the rubble, we must be at odds. For if I try to cross at the same time you blow it up, I will be killed. It could only work if we both choose to cross the bridge or if we both wait to blow it up.
Couldn't agree more OP the main problem is that they help enable the leftist pardadime and system by reinforcing the "danger" the right wing has towards their system by projecting it as a danger the right wing has to human kind. Thus by siegefags trying to break the system they enable it even more. Terrorism never works unless it has backers in high places, which the right wing doesn't. We need to build infrastructure, not try and take pot shots at our enemies.
>Terrorism never works
To begin with, siegefags terrorized no one. Some might have some personal disagreements which were taken too far, but nothing else.

>siegefags terrorized no one
I'll save you some trouble, the "book"'s (its more of a conglomeration of essays) end conclusion is terrorism is the only viable alternative to break modernity. Oh that and being edgy. Now you should see why its generally popular with those who like to have videos list of talking points for them...
241237 241321
The Pill "Genocide".png
>terrorism is the only viable alternative to break modernity

Historically (and in more primitive environments) that might work. But in a more and more police state type world you'll be spotted before any organising can happen. The remaining path is the lone sperg, who will be dead or captured in a few hours. The West isn't Iraq. This means the plan needs to be such that it isn't open to being shut down in a modern surveillance society. Which means it needs to be legal. In addition no amount of killing others stops white women killing white babies with the Pill. And lastly any gain brought by violence would have to make a non-democratic environment, thereby anti-Western, and two degrades civilisation, thereby also anti-Western. And dictatorships end badly, always.

Blowing up bridges was a good analogy, destroying the structure of society.

The maths says whites will become a minority because they don't have kids. Everything else is just a sperg-out of a dying race if they refuse to have kids. And the resulting reactions of others to a sperg-out dying race will be: "Good!".

No babies, no future. All other actions have zero value.

241236 241266 241612
_Nat Soc truthbomb.jpg

The reason why Nazi memes/NatSoc ideology can be so popular is because it appeals to both good and evil people. And then the whole group can be judged by outsiders as all good or all evil. It is almost useless as a reference because it covers so much ground.
Pretty much, however the problem goes deeper then the lack of children, it in general has to do with a general break down of the mannerism in which leads to higher fertility. I recently found some videos that does a good epogenetic explanation of why this may be the case, however in general I think that you don't need biology to explain that strong values in family lead to higher fertility.

I'd highly recommend this channel although alt hyp does a good job in his videos explaining similar phenomenon of what causes these mannerism to appear. So does Spengler in a non-scientific sense if your willing to go through it all in Decline of the West. Its interesting they all come to a similar conclusion that Cesareism is the most likely outcome to emerge from this general degradation of values.

But back to Siege culture. Terrorism will fix nothing. It will only make our problems in the long run worse. So taking siege culture seriously is stupid.
241239 241240
Civilisation and Nature are opposites. Generally this is good. But a basic part of Nature is reproduction. If civilisation gives more and more activities besides baby making/raising, which are more fun/engaging, then civilisation has become so removed from Nature that it stops making its future.

What is better, changing diapers, or computer games and shitposting? This is Spengler's decline.

The more primitive the society the more it breeds, maths favours them.

And all up this is the civilisation cycle.

Nice pic. I'll take that.
241243 241245
Baby ponies not sure if you guys enjoy baby ponies_cfb2c2_4924538.png
>What is better, changing diapers, or computer games and shitposting? This is Spengler's decline
It can be reversed by forced duty at baby farms.
Ah good you've read Spengler then, carry on.

To everyone else, don't read Siege, read Decline of the West.
241244 241245
The place that springs up is the place that will be invaded by the good other nations fighting against institutionalised mass rape. The system needs to financially advantage baby making. A nation should pay baby making/child raising. Those not making babies should be baby-taxed, that funds the baby makers.

The ultimate service to a nation/race/culture is motherhood. It is the root of everything else. Womens lib, was liberation from motherhood/birth. ie. Death.

Back in the 1920's pregnancy was a health risk and an economic risk, contraception was a good idea under those circumstances. But this liberated women (the car also) and as humans always do this was pushed all the way to the edge (Lets not have babies at all and get jobs!). We have addressed the health risks now, we need to address the economic risks. And get back to a balance between 1920s pregnancy/economic fears and 2020s population collapse.

Motherhood should be a valid paying career equal to having a job. The state should pay for their service to the nations future. And should tax those not participating in making that future and pass it onto those who are. Thereby everyone is directly or indirectly making the future nation/race/civilisation. Thus ending the cycle or rise and collapse.
Also WW2 got women into factories so men could kill each other overseas. They liked the independence and kept it up afterwards. Good job, men.
>It can be reversed
Rome didn't reverse this, China didn't reverse this, India didn't reverse this, Egypt didn't reverse this. All were indaded and their peoples replaced with others. Already the "whites" of Western Europe are becoming more and more Eastern European. The likelyhood of us reversing this trend is near zero, the city is a vehical of destruction and men are men of the city now, weak and infertile. Women take after this.

>Motherhood should be a valid paying career
When life must be taken into a cost benift analysis, rather then something intuitively lived it is already a drain. Men and women of the world cities see life as a problem that they cannot solve, even if you taxed those who did not have children, why would they give birth to one who will suffer and never have a chance in their minds? The obvious answer is that even if this policy is eventually implemented (Rome did something like it I don't doubt the West will) it in all likleyhood won't work.
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Is the Black Pill avoidable? Does the civilization cycle have an exit?
If there is no exit are we supposed to accept the future is always grim?
Spengler would say embrace it, it is unchangeable. Can we be smart enough to break the cycle?
241248 241374
>Does the civilization cycle have an exit
If it does its centertainly not policy implemented top down, but rather must be bottom up transition of values, which I find unlikely but part of me strives for.

You see the other thing is, and I'm not so certain of this, but I think besides Slavs, the Latin American world is slowly becoming a high culture. If you do not wish to live in a decline and wish to live as part of something to give birth to a new world feeling then you only need move there to realize the true potentials of this more primative but beutiful spring world feeling. Otherwise I generally agree that those of the west who can be considered men must stand rank and file and let ourselves be destroyed by history while living our lifes to the fullest and mocking fate.
How far does the destruction go? Will increasing immigration want to sustain science, capitalism, democracy and Christian values? Or will they replace it.
>destruction go
>increasing immigration
Most the the destruction is self inflicted. Democracy will likely die in Cesearism, our science in the second religiousness, capitalism in the declining trade due to Cesears and local men of power limiting it to consolidate their own. Also I stand with Nietzsche when I say in the west, God is mainly dead, we have long since killed him in our hearts. The only things I think if we're replaced (which I think is likely) that those who replace us will hold onto will be Christianity (but they'll move the importance away from ascension and towards something else) and parts of our technology that they find useful (computation in the Slavic world will remain since it works well with their world feeling.)
It was fun while it lasted.
Well, we still have a bit of time left, hopefully accerationfags don't ruin the ride for all of us trying to enjoy it.
There's one thing we can do on the way out. Put as much Aryan DNA in as many women as possible of any type, without leaving valid contact details.
Except kikes
Just cum on their face and take a picture to spread around
Jewettes deserve public humiliation
241257 241258
I understand the comment, but are you missing the opportunity to dilute their line? Genetic invasion!
It would dilute our line as well.

Now that I think on it, I'm not even sure if one can make mutts out of Jews...
The Mystery of the Serpent - (by B. F. Jackson).pdf
>are you missing the opportunity to dilute their line?
On the contrary, Jews survive mixing their blood with the host population at least once every 7 generations according to the book "The Mystery of the Serpent". A video reviewing it:
>REVEALING THE SATANIC SERPENT RACE August 18, 2014. By Dr. James P. Wickstrom.

>mixing their blood with the host population at least once every 7 generations
Jump to around 30:30 for details.
Our line is dying out due to lack of babies. If we won't breed what is left? This isn't 1939, this is post 1960s Pill.
There is a little to much crazy mixed up in there for me.
Research the speaker, he is a legend.
Looks like he suits Siege mentality:
>no National Socialist imagery of dark
Didn't the SS have skull emblems?
241271 241432
Damn alot of you guys in this thread have already given up the fight you arent going to change anything being blackpilled and talking about how everything is over
The pragmatic viable strategy is? It isn't a choice to give up, it's all doors seem to be closed. Change my mind?
>Crap thread that belongs in the trash, devolves into recommendations to act like a nigger and pump 'n dump everyone and also literally fuck jews.
Go back to whatever festering hellhole you crawled out of, faggots.
>posts degeneracy while complaining about degeneracy.
Literally where the fuck do you think you are?

I don't know that Siege Culture is inherently destructive- and even if it is, is that a bad thing? You say that the movement must be constructive, must build something, but to construct something sturdy you must first raze the site to the ground. You wouldn't try to build a new building on top of the rotten corpse of an old barn and just hope it would stand strong.

I will say that a lot of these Siegefags don't even seem to have read the book. It is explicitly stated not to waste your time and your life on random edgelord shit if you're thinking of going loud. The problem isn't the book, it's random losers trying to justify their own suicidal and 'remember me' bullshit using it.
241283 241379
In a place that allows that type of degeneracy. Further demonstrating the state of Western Civilization.
You have a losers mentality no strategy is going to save you from that
You deflected the question. Hope is not a strategy.
241377 241548 243375
Human porn, blacked human porn, fetish human porn, all of this is degenerate.
Pone porn is art of the ideal, the desirable, the exaggerated and impossibly perfect. Art of the perfect pony waifu fucking you or a character that represents you another character you like with all she's got. And when it's not ideal, it's shit.
Jewish porn wants to desensitize you to sex.
Pone porn celebrates it through art.
241287 241327 241481 241517
rare pierce.jpg
This is an issue that is seen in our circles but almost rarely gets discussed. The book itself I think is a decent read such as Mason's discussion of the history of the American Movement from the Death of Rockwell to Joseph Tommasi. Fundamentally the issue at hand in which Mason stresses to the reader is that there will and there will never be a political solution or peaceful political way to our goal as national socialists. Now there are parts of the book involving Mason's obsession with Charles Manson. On the surface it seems really edgy and weird like why the fuck would a self proclaimed national socialist hold in high regard some loony murderer. The prime reason for this obsession is the Manson family's goal of starting a race war by killing a bunch of people and using idiotic hippie logic. That doesn't really resonate with most well to do people but remember, Siege is just a collection of semi-monthly articles given to people within the movement at the time. The man himself is questionable and I think is going senile now a days but his ideas on violence are legitimate. Do you think that we as National Socialists can even peacefully attempt our goals? Is there a future within the very system that wishes for our own destruction? Why would a system allow something that wishes to destroy it into it? That is the questions that come into the main argument and issue presented. The issue is not James Mason, Not with Atomwaffen (By the way all the decent guys left that organization long ago, ever since Rape got control of it its just been a homo orgy and satanic sex cult fuck all of them), Not with the book Siege. The prime issue is a political solution vs. a violent struggle against the system.

In the words of William Luther Pierce, "White revolution is the only Solution!." Before you call me a fed let me propose a few things. Suppose a few white communities begin to separate from the system, suppose some "conservative" party gains control over the system for a few years, suppose a popular right wing organization gets popular, what then? Do you or anyone propose we act, move, talk and cooperate within the very system that wishes to destroy us? As the white population percentage continues to plummet and more and more rights are surrendered as the world begins to form into a cultureless, materialistc, degenerative brown blob ruled by an ruthless international clique. Do you say, "well at least I can say nigger on my online imageboard or speak like a boomer and say "That hasn't and will never happened here I live in white flight area blah blah." Even with all this if for say a National Socialist movement can even gain popularity with the masses would you wish to build upon the ruins of the old world? Returning to tradition while still having the Walmart down the road and the superstores with cheap imports? The slate remains unclean. Building a National Socialist future on the ground of the modern world will result in a bastardization of our National Socialist ideals.

One thing all American National Socialists must understand is that the masses will never support our movement, let alone understand in the modern age. The only solution to build our new progressive society, one which seeks for the betterment of its Racial stock, one in which the race is the state cares for its people and has the nation act as one large family. One which seeks to labor and build magnificent cities and create tremendous works of western art. One which seeks to get off the cradle of mankind and touch the stars. That is what us national Socialists wish to create, craft and build. In order to build that society requires that we put a torch to our modern world. Wipe the slate clean. The time has come for an end to debate with our racial enemies, no more intellectuals and podcasters. No more political ambitions or fantastic party programs. The time calls for whites to prepare for a struggle to create the future we want or sit ideally by and watch the world slowly transform into something irreplaceable. Now that's what should be discussed and debated.

I donno though, maybe its time to just relegate ourselves to the internet and just wait for VR technology to get to the point where we can live our fantasies of going to equestria and blissfully ignore the outside world. If anything, a struggle is going to happen whether you believe in a peaceful or violent solution. The difference is if you choose to vote or if you vote with your Ar-15.

241288 241290
Does a white utopia have the Pill? Why does all discussion act like it is 1939, and fail to address that the white replacement rate is ... not replacement.

Who is going to take the Pill from white women and jail black market seller of it?
Will white women be thankful?
End pensions, suddenly kids are the only answer to old age security for a typical employed couple (who can't save enough).
People think too much about women. Women will always follow whatever man seems dominate. There is no reason to restrict shit like contraceptives. As long as the philosophy of child bearing for the future of the nation is taught to them and expanded upon through racial education its all good nigga. Besides,down the road of the racial tree will come eugenics anyway if we don't fuck up anything along the way. NO MORE AUTISTIC CHILDREN FAGS
I agree with the kraut. Contraceptives are a major reason for modern attitudes towards sex. The topic of contraceptives deserves its own thread.
241294 241519
What's wrong with this thread? The sperg/non-sperg debate is over. Gov/Mil/Police tech make any "grass roots" actions dead.

So lets discuss how to have replacement rates AND control over one's fate. The idea that women will just follow is dated and obsolete. What incentive is needed to have people have babies? What would make (YOU) raise 3 kids?
A couple can have 2 wages and 2 dependants; or
1 wage and 3+ dependants.

What does logic suggest they will choose? Bear in mind they have to also compete in the housing market.
>What would make (YOU) raise 3 kids?
My duty to the white race makes me want to have at least 5, but I am aware that not everyone is as much of a fanatic as I am. We could offer incentives such as mortgage forgiveness or a year of free tuition per child.
241297 241300
>My duty to the white race makes me want to have at least 5
Will you?

>but I am aware that not everyone is as much of a fanatic as I am.
Passion is unreliable and can fade.

>We could offer incentives such as mortgage forgiveness
Too much. Children probably cost less to raise. Also the gov paying peoples homes is nearly socialism.

>or a year of free tuition per child.
too small.

I'd also up the benefits a few percent, each additional child, to encourage the next leap.

241305 241327
mlpol anon end of multiculturalism.jpg

It needs no book to realize that the judeo communist world order needs to be Destroyed by any means necessary. You may not like the book, its author or its fanbase. but they are (for better or worse) part of the alt right and are here to stay.
Asymmetric Warfare against a totalitarian society and its enablers is nothing new and this target rich environment is literally begging to get taken advantage of by people who want to take matters in their own hands.
>Too much. Children probably cost less to raise. Also the gov paying peoples homes is nearly socialism.
You wouldn't have to pay off the entire home for one child. You could just pay for part of the home.

>too small.
Maybe have this is part of the deal.

>I'd also up the benefits a few percent, each additional child, to encourage the next leap.
Absolutely. More children = more benefits. We should also be encouraging our best and brightest to have more children while discouraging those with poor genetics from reproducing.

The read siege meme, the reed seej maymay, is a lot more powerfull and relevant than the actual book, which is a bit shit and i have never finished reading.
Read siege basically means that violence obsoletes arguements

Thankfully the pill and abortions mean that retards already sterilise themselves and now females are selected for actually being pro fertility and motherhood, instead of the genetically degenerating model of every cunt spawning tardlets
Intelligent men that want to breed will realise the situation and have as many children as they can
Finally the situation requires intelligence and the desire to actually have children again, so those are the traits that will pass on and be selected for
That and people too dumb to even use contraceptives

The good thing is that blackedpilled idiot germans that cant breed even in modern environments where fertile white women will offer their pussies up without even the cost of marriage will have their no hope cuck genes die out while chads that dont care will cream every womb they can find

The end of every civilisation cycle is the return to nature and barbarism
The return to the natural behavior of men and women, which is sex and violence
Cry all you like about losing acces to your precious pony porn, the system sieges itself and will collapse
Once law enforcement fails undesirables will be hunted into extinction

Civilisation is a cage and the death of our imprisonment is the life of man

Start implementing what you believe in, there is no need to convince anyone, just act and organise on your own however you like
241327 241553
>Vril's back at it again with the blackpill posting
Vril, with all due respect, stop posting and take a break outside. From the person who once advocated for the Struggle, your antics as of late have been uniquely tiresome.

And, for the record, the government using taxpayer dollars to make child bearing a viable career is just as socialist as government-subsidized housing.

For all others, do not despair. It is our enemy's greatest weapon against us. They want us to hide and separate ourselves from the rest of the world: they don't want us to be able to expose their lies and show the Truth to our people. Yes, the Struggle seems so much worse now than it ever has in our history, but that is because we are the ones to face it. No longer are we reading about the National Socialists and their Struggle against the Weimar Republic. This is now our Struggle against the modern Weimar Republic. History has repeated itself because we did not learn from our mistakes, and now like Hitler and the National Socialists we must put an end to the degeneracy we have allowed to rot and fester.

Get out there, into the Meatspace, and begin to Struggle together. Yes, it is risky, as there are Feds out there who will try to stop us, but not doing anything is letting them get their way. Form a party, help the people, show them that there is a Third Way, one separate from the Libshits and Cuckservatives that have held power now for decades. Face all this world has to throw at you with honor, integrity, and an iron will. You will not convince all of our people in the first day, but you will convince some. You will have saved them, and yet still there will remain many others who can yet be saved. They are your people, your Volk, not your enemy. Have hope that things can and will get better, so long as we continue to Struggle.
How about tax breaks for families that have good and healthy white kids?
So the drunken sugar-addicted "parents" of crackbabies will pay comparatively more tax, meaning the need to find a genetically healthy partner able to carry a baby to term without gangbangs or weed becomes a priority in the sexual marketplace.
>Thankfully the pill and abortions mean that retards already sterilise themselves
The pill is used by people who have the ability to plan and want to rely having children. Usually these are smarter people. The pill is selective pressure against intelligence.
Delay having children*
This! Exterminating the cubs is key.
mister metokur punches disabled child.jpg



Most of you guys didnt kill a man before, yet talk about mass murder and the slaughter of children like its nothing.
Do you realize this Is the kind of shit the left desires? For the right to look like this so they can label us as madmen that will kill everyone, so the mindless masses will follow like a hundread scared monkeys.

Why dont you guys hit >>>/üb/ for some actually useful stuff instead of wasting time on this fantasy?
Or do you really believe it is a good idea or an achievable one to take this kind of extreme measure considering our current situation?
Have a productive discussion about the nature of the enemy and make a plan that can actually be executed within the límits of our resources, leave fantasy for D&D.
It was not a requirement, or inevitable that borders would be opened up, that was policy, specifically what Celler spent his whole life trying to do. Were the borders closed You'd see a precipitous decline of the left, and the urban centers would either rot or have to take population from rural areas. Wages would rise, there would be more opportunity for Americans, politics would shift incredibly rightwards, and the white women having children would obviously replace the white women not. Our country is the third most populous on the planet, A lack of people is not what we suffer from.
Anders Breivik Chad.png
Breivik 1.png
Breivik 2.png
Breivik 3.png


>The prime issue is a political solution vs. a violent struggle against the system.
This is the problem, people view this as the dichotomy as if one must read either Fox News or Siege. These are not the only options, and this is why this thread >>236858 → was created. One can rebel against and destroy a system which one hates without any overt violence.

>to construct something sturdy you must first raze the site to the ground
Not by any stretch. A degenerative system will break down and destroy itself, but if an alternative system is not nascent within it already chaos will prevent anything positive for a long while. This is why Christianity saved civilization, because what kept Roman customs, literature, technology, and law from being lost was diligent recording by Church monasteries. Foundation is a great guide to surviving civilizational death, even if Asimov was Jewish. Build an institution that is not overtly competitive to the government (because it will be shut down ASAP) but which provides some semblance of civilization after major societal collapse.

To go back here >>241285:
>By the way all the decent guys left that organization long ago, ever since Rape got control of it its just been a homo orgy and satanic sex cult fuck all of them
What do you expect with an organization that glorifies violence? Do you really think it was going to attract high-minded, moral people? Any organization that says "by any means necessary" is going down a dark path because those within it implicitly detach themselves from morality and accept any sort of behavior. It also attracts low-IQ spergs who want to lash out at society and are very easy to lead astray.

>Building a National Socialist future on the ground of the modern world will result in a bastardization of our National Socialist ideals.
National Socialism is inherently modernist. You can just look at the language you use:
>new progressive society
>betterment of its Racial stock
>the race is the state cares for its people and has the nation act as one large family
>build magnificent cities and create tremendous works of western art
>get off the cradle of mankind and touch the stars
>Wipe the slate clean
>an end to debate with our racial enemies, no more intellectuals and podcasters
You are a utopian idealist who thinks you can just kill those you hate and society will magically become better. You do not realize that society is built by tradition which grows organically as groups respond to events.

>part of the alt right
/mlpol/ is not "alt right" and never has been

Your proselytization, ironically, reminds me of Seventh Day Adventists
swastika anime girl.png
241334 241342
You guys complain so much about niggers and formulate such lenghty arguments about the nature of your cause just to devolve into the same violence and muh dick tactics you so despise about their race.
Is this really the full extent of our intellect? To resort to violence once we cant formulate a proper solution? To follow a lone gunman with no plans whatsoever instead of formulating one of our own?
Anon, please.
>Siege was written by a satanist and a convicted pedophile named James Mason.

So if a satanist and convicted pedophile writes that radiation cause cancer...

then it is false...

nice FALLACY you used there dude.

a Final solution
anime girl on 4chan dive into madness.png
my only regret is.jpg

If Siege was written by a Jew, would you still be advocating it?
Author bias is a fallacy but it is a heuristic used because there is too much information to process entirely, so we pick out what seems promising. This is why it is practically mandatory to live a moral life if you want your ideas to find root, because a bad tree cannot usually produce good fruit.

There are texts about how arsenic is venomous to human beings written by a jew.

if you want to eat arsenic because a jew said it is venom then be my guest
I dont see anything addressing the numerous problems of this matter in your post.
How can we solve it if we're not in possition to do such thing in the first place?
241344 241345 241346
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he was smart enough to be our fuhrer and if he knew there was a political solution he wouldn't have spent all those years pre-planning his manifesto and the attack,

he knew there was no solution politically because the jew has made a counter insurgency to prevent any form of a nationalist party from being a political party and the jew will do everything with his shekels to remove anyone that tries to oppose him through the political system so we have to carefully plan our future with the best interests of our race in our mind even if we have to resort to violence it will still allow us to be able to save our race instead of being a cuck and being btfo by the system which completely opposes all forms of nationalism and you will end up without a home and the party you've been working on will cease to exist
violence is the only solution we have to stop our race from being abolished because their can be no one to abolish our race if there is no one to abolish our race

do you really believe no one has tried to make a nationalist party before and that somehow a political party will come available and the jew will let you sit on you're ass and just vote for this party and not do anything in meatspace that involves you getting you're hands dirty?
>/mlpol/ is not "alt right" and never has been

and that is part of the problem. Alt right is a doorway to more redpilled stuff for many people.

if you say mlpol is NS then i believe it is not altright

but if you say mlpol is not altright nor NS then what it is?? zionism?

if i as an NS attack the guys from altright instead of supporting the good points they have among some i consider bad then i am not building anything and just going againt my white brothers.

altright is just another step . this ladder started to be walked long ago.

in fact all the nazi ponies and aryanne pics and all was started by people that then called themselves "altbrony" and where nazis and compared the Equestria Utopia to an ethno nationalist country one.

then mlpol came just as another place for polacs to gather and expose different ideas from communism to strasserism. and many that posted nazi ponies did it as a joke.

while many of us are really NS, RW, WN , etc.

all the people here just must accept Hitler was right. or go to the camps.

inb4 cucks and lefties triggered.
>>241342 you are right my comrade!

241372 241375
Believe it or not there are people who think that way, hence why climate alarmists will claim any counter-argument comes from "an oil shill" in order to avoid addressing them. The more radical the ideas you preach the more pure you must appear to the public, because any flaw can and WILL be used to defame you. On the other hand, if your opponents can latch only onto superficial faults (such as a speech inflection), non-NPCs will see they have nothing on you and admire you more as a result.

>no solution politically
See >>236858 →. Stop buying into this false dichotomy! Jews want you to either set up a party or go on a shooting spree because they can control you on one hand and denounce you on the other. Think outside the box.

"alt-right" is just a buzzword and it may have meant something once but means nothing now. I am a dissident and that is a far more accurate and descriptive label. Besides that I do not buy into labels nor is national socialism the answer to everything.

>all the people here just must accept Hitler was right.
I consider him a nuanced human being who generally tried his best and was fairly successful but missed the mark in some respects. Is that good enough?
Ultraviolence will lead you nowhere you mongrel, if anything it will only empower the left, you cant possily win by using violent means if youre not stronger than your enemies in the first place.
What's your plan?
What resources do you have?

Also Hitler first joined the nazi party, then attempted to take on by violent means; When this failed he climbed to power legally.

My issue is not violence in itself, my issue is this kind of mindless appeal to violence, without substance there Is nothing to back it up, just a gamble.

you are right. but using the term "mongrel" to a fellow comrade that is against zionism just don't seem to be the way to solve things you know.

because we can start to apply fallacy ad hominem and check your flag from southamerica... but as many here use VPN or similar, it will only be a shitstorm without purpose.
>but using the term "mongrel" to a fellow comrade
That kind of title should not be handed out to people you dont even know, it would be worthless if we did.
>we can start to apply fallacy ad hominem and
That would be a fallacy fallacy and flag is legit.

>>241222 cool !

i will take my shovel and start to build stuff.

as you said, i was wrong to call him "comrade" without even knowing him.
As you are wrong to call him "mongrel".

and as i said i will not call you mestizo latino hispanic brown for being from Uruguay. porque yo se de que va la cosa. Asi que la onda no es insultar al otro chabon porque sino es cualquiera.
241376 241387 241395
luna bane.png
>Ultraviolence will lead you nowhere you mongrel, if anything it will only empower the left, you cant possibly win by using violent means if you're not stronger than your enemies in the first place.
violence has lead to political victory's in the past with the IRA, they managed to wage attacks without being caught who's to say we have to go public?

violence cannot empower the left because no one that isn't a race traitor listens to the left in the first place because they are seen as ridiculous by everyone
>What's your plan?
i'm crashing this plane with no survivors
>What resources do you have?
you're money and infrastructure has been important, until now

>Also Hitler first joined the nazi party, then attempted to take on by violent means; When this failed he climbed to power legally.
this isn't 1933 anon, this time we are being ethnically cleansed with other races killing our people instead of just jews it is non white invaders seeking to replace us and the jew has put orders in place to prevent national socialism from coming to power without violence, this time we have to resort to guerrilla warfare tactics instead of a peaceful means of solution it is impossible for a peaceful solution to happen again because you will be hunted down and you will be stripped of everything you own if you have any form of power and decide to speak out against the world's jewry

many europeans go to Argentina to live in the mountains of Patagonia, there is lopt of land without habitants. But close enough to cities with good hospitals and good white people.

the money exchange is very good for people that go with Euros or Dollars and homes and land are not expensive.

White man can emigrate to new lands and then again build a powerful civilization. It has been done many times. And then when powerful can reclaim what he have lost.

In fact USA would have been that place before world wars and should have helped Germany to eradicate communism.

Nowadays white man can start to populate areas that subhumans don't like because are cold and
far away. and start again. this idea is nor perfect as it is presented here but can be polished
>Think outside the box.
Very much this.
There are an endless amount of ways to go about this. With the devil in the details can tactically change nearly any situation.
That doesn't mean disregarding conventional means, but applying them, and creative solutions at the right time, and right place.
Such as gaining resources, and meaningful relationships.
Money (im general) is something they have convinced everyone is theirs alone. Relentlessly attacking, and corrupting the resource to maintain control.
An entrepreneur organizes people, and systems in such a way that the end goal is completed. (Making a super system selfsustaining isn't required, but can be useful.)(Normally cash, but can be anything such as enacting charge.)
Investments enable entrepreneurs, and businesses. It's a loan, a promise for the future and the riches that may provide.
The last one is creation,and utilization of resources.
It's the in-game currency two step buffer. A nearly useless thing.
It's the copper age, bronze age, and industrialization.

Memes are a resource they are trying to kill, and corrupt. It's one that is ours.

We have places dedicated to the truth, and have fun doing so.

Crypto-Currencies are new resources. They try to fully grow, but are hindered.

Exploit their weaknesses, and create knew ones they could not have even dreamed of.
Point Taken, but i would rather stick to the board's main language.

>who's to say we have to go public?
That's a good point, and to use violence smartly is the right way to go.
Violence without aim could in theory end up empowering the left if they take advantage of such careless display of power.

Still, even if full opsec violence should be carefully planned so the media cant take advantage of it.
>i'm crashing this plane with no survivors
I admit that Is a realistic view, and resources check out.
I can only wish you luck then, anon.

About the last paragraph, Indeed it Is not 1933, our condition is similar but really different.
I do believe violence is necessary but it should be handled carefully so it wont backfire.

I'm just advocating for you to think really good for quite a while before trying to act, make every blow count instead of slapping your opponent mindlessly.

YES! i see images like this as art.
>In a place that allows that type of degeneracy.
And yet you remain here, in a place whose nature is hostile to your supposed value.
It's almost like you're either here with malicious intent to the host culture; or, more likely, are here because you lost your previous residence and are hoping that the locals will just give up and let you take over so you don't have to do any actual work to create a home of your own.
i like that we can reach a point where we can use both things.
but it reminds me a lot to "fight club" and i don't know if it is good or bad... :c
241393 241395
The IRA was successful because they were a force aligned with the native culture who were fighting against foreign occupiers. They received covert support from most of the Irish population (domestically and abroad) because they had good PR and were sympathetic. The Provos were less successful (they couldn't take back Northern Ireland) because they were partisans in an area which didn't have the same religion or culture and so were seen as invaders.

Domestic support makes an enormous difference and you'll see that it's what makes or breaks insurgent groups. Were you to choose violence as a WN you could count on very little support regardless of where you started. You would quickly be starved out as you could not buy supplies and you would be reported by just about any stranger you meet.

>cannot empower the left
Yet that's what it does because it lends credence and weight behind the calls to "combat racism" and enforce a police state, and cows the mainstream right who cannot associate with any violent groups. Your claim is counter to what Tarrant claimed and what has been observed.

>crashing this plane with no survivors
Indeed, there would be no survivors in any movement you led.

>until now
Are you going to buy fertilizer, MREs, night-vision goggles and radio equipment at your local general store with your anime collection? I bet you never even thought of those things as necessary with your "path."

>non white invaders seeking to replace us
Without a doubt there are quite a few with this mentality, but there are also a great number who just want to get on with their lives and don't think in terms of interracial conflicts. Just about every white person knows a member of the latter category and so is unlikely to swallow your rhetoric, let alone take up arms and join you. Guerilla warfare tactics won't work for the reasons above. They could work only if the situation degraded enough that our culture would fight for some existential issue. In the UK this may conceivably be white vs. non-white conflict, but in the U.S. this COULD NOT work.

>realistic view
Don't use sarcasm without a related pic, Anon.
You must admit it Is realistic to assume attempting a coup d'etat this day and age will end up crashing the plane with no survivors;
Bad thing is, another country would most likely take over if that happens.
241396 241397
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>>241372 i would love to start a civil war against the enemies of white man but as >>241387 says, is not something realistic.

you will end killed just like an isis terrorist trying to enter the white house.

White countries are not like vietnam.

i am trying to think a plan here that doesn't involve suicide squads of white guys. Kamikazes didnt even worked for Japan . Honorable but stupid. that didnt stopped USA from bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

as i said . the "fight club" movie way looks poetic, but is that just fiction.

unless you have enough explosives and a web so big and powerfull as the Rotschilds and erase all banks and technology from every country.
but even then it will only generate an state of anarchy where rapefugees will use to fuck and destroy your beloved ones and you without anyone trying to stop them.

let's go back to ralityu and this time , you sit in front of your computer, drinking a tea and watching ponies...

the best thing you can do now is do sports, get healthy and find a good woman even if it is difficult, you can go to other white countries to find a conservative one an have children.

i know it is difficult, i am in the same boat as many here.

another option more complicated is try to organize us as a group and form communities in places far from subhuman migrations. that is what many white people did in history .

we can help each other with jobs, and helping to find place to live for others etc etc.

just like when europeans went in caravans to the far west of USA seeking for new lands to live in peace , working the land and being happy with their families.

as i sais in a post before, south of Argentina and Chile are good places to start communities, and ther are many eurpean conservative communities there.

In fact i can help people with that but posting info here is not a possibility
>another option more complicated is try to organize us as a group and form communities in places far from subhuman migrations. that is what many white people did in history .

>we can help each other with jobs, and helping to find place to live for others etc etc.
This is exactly what we need to do.
241398 241399
Argentina is about to crash and take Uruguay with it, would not advice to come. On the bright side, racism is going up as niggers from venezuela immigrate.


i live in the far south of Argentina in the mountains.Lots of Snow and ice.
no jews and no niggers.

not even fabellas or villas

is like Aspen but without many people living here.

thousands of kilometers from the capital.

New Zealand like landscape . Hard working people around.

Also i have dollars from my work in europe and bought land here and made my house with the third of the cost as the dollar rised .

i have a house in Spain that is rented and with that rent i live here very well. i bought and ATV and i go to town just to buy food and other stuff.

now i know why the Führer chose that place. /)

>i have a house in Spain that is rented
>bought land here
You could live anywhere in latin américa with that kind of setup.
I know argentina has some nice places but i still do not advice to move there without money coming from outside the country.

Exactly, but i not only rely in my rented house. I also inatall solar panels for wealthy people here and i did lots of friends and many are from other uropean countries or sons or grandsons of europeans that also despice the lefties .
if you want to grow economically you can make a little bussiness and invest in land and homes. realstate stuff. for example a little apartment in a nice place is around 70000 US$

but you can chose to buy a 40 meters by 40 meters piece of land near a lake and far from people with that money if you prefer to be isolated and in the nature.
sorry for the typos.
Very cool virtue signal, anon. Upvoted and retweeted.
>Telling people to read a whole book is deflection.
How well did that argument work with your history teachers back in high school? Guess what, dipshit? It doesn't work now either.
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> Siege was written by a satanist and a convicted pedophile named James Mason.
It looks like verbatim from the judenpresse.
Character assassination won't work in the chans, but ideas and facts supporting them, OP.
Great article and site anon, thanks
241433 241434 241436 241459
>How well did that argument work with your history teachers back in high school? Guess what, dipshit? It doesn't work now either.
Its a stupid argument and if a history teacher ever said this they failed their job which is to educate, rather then telling people to educate themselves. Which is the argument made by the anon, to list off the argument rather then say something that amounts to your stupid become educated like me.
>given up the fight you arent going to change anything being blackpilled and talking about how everything is over
Anything but, I know what we're up against and even if I know the chances of us winning are almost 0 I know that me knowing what possible solutions can be used to save the west are much better then 90% of what anons recommend in this thread.

And let this be the topic of the thread. Siege shit won't save teh west. Accelerationism won't save the west. Ethnic and regional separatist movements won't save "our people." All of this can be attempted, but it will all be in vain. Lets consider now instead of what will not work what will work. But we cannot walk into this blindly, if we do we're no better then siegefags who are righteous in their beliefs of accelerationism. Little do they know that by enabling cultural entropy they will just lead to the societal breakdown faster without a net gain in general. To save the west we thus need to know where we are headed and what forces we fight.

So lets start with that, what forces do we fight? Well everyone here knows the threats without and within, but no one talks about the greatest of them all, that which is beyond. The enemy without is what many refer to as invaders, and what peopel that are more normie or not far right refer to as immigrants. They are a threat due to replacement. Then there is the enemy within, which those from /pol/ generally refer to as Jews, but honestly consists more of whites who have taken the bluepill. That isn't to say Jews aren't a problem in this system, but that they're part is on par with that of the white progressive. Now lets talk about the enemy beyond. What is this enemy? In short no one talks about it since it does not have a face. We know what a jew, a muslim, or a commie is. We do not know what cultural entropy is based on physical characteristics, but you can easily see it in history. Take a conservative from the 19th century and compare him to one today. Hell take a liberal from 100 years ago and compare him to a conservative today and you'll easily see that we have had politics drift further and further left wing. This is cultural entropy, over time politics moves left in the west. This trend will continue ideas such as good manners, loyalty, honor, the family, and even our sciences will be broken down by the left till it has nothing left to break.

This is our true enemy, a force in which if we were to counter with something to shift politics right over time all problems we face today would be over. Take what would happen if over time people became more conservative over the span of 20 years controlled for age and race. In 100 years gays would go back in the closet, and white birth rates would be back up. Well great, how do we get this to happen if this is the case? Well thats where things get very hard now, since the primary issue is that how do you re-create a historical force? My answer is this process and only be attempted by trying to build institutions that are innately right wing. Look at the red scare, and imagine for a second if McCarthy continued. He was supported by those in power and the public generally agreed with his end goal, however media killed him. Imagine now if he only got postie media. How would the US look today? Needless to say a lot less progressive then it is today would be my guess.

Thus the answer to the problems is the right wing needs technology, institutions, and communities that it can use to create power on par if not ahead of the left. This should be step 1. Step 2 needs to be fostering these systems and stabilizing them compared to the progressive counterparts. Step 3 needs to be then taking control of government once the anti progressive moment has entrenched itself and made clear its not willing to bend to cultural entropy, and in fact is willing to fight and destroy it. When all three of these are implemented we need to declare a dictatorship and only then ride of those from without and within who attempt to subvert and destroy the west. Only one time in history did something even closely resemble this come into being, that is the rise of far right movements in Europe in the 30s; however, the movements now must come in the US, which has a very young conservative moment, and a post WWII narrative justifying its hate of the far right. So we cannot attach ourselves to past movements, and should not even think in terms of politics till after our infrastructure has been laid out.

In general first few steps should be as follows to get step 1 up and running.
1. Create a right wing archive site for ideas. The left has Wikipedia and YouTube. We need similar institutions to get our ideas on a permeate platform.
2. Adopt right wing techs that already exist. Crypto currency easily comes to mind. The thing screams a right wing paypal but most pussies are not willing to put their money where their mouth is and would rather cry about being a victim then try and do something productive. Another tech that is similar to this is getting more right wingers, even normie ones, to go on 4chan or come here. Decentralized platform of message exchange with little to no repercussions is great for the right wing.
3. Organize local actions groups. Doesn't sound too fun, but find a bunch of normie conservatives and pretty much just talk with them. Over time redpill them.
4. Create small scale institutions. Also pretty boring, but if you have read something right wing or interesting on a platform be wiling to teach about it.
This all being said and done however I still cannot see us winning, but I will still fight regardless.
>Little do they know that by enabling cultural entropy they will just lead to the societal breakdown faster without a net gain in general
They do know that the only way to awaken Whites is to turn the heat to maximum, or to make the frog jump from the pan, and the faster the better.

241452 241463
I'm here because pony/nazi is a good representation of the duality of nature. No other place has this dichotomy and juxtaposition. It reflects well my understanding nature, but I reject the extremes of either polarity. I am here for a meta-reason not CULTure.

The "agitation" of polarities existing together is equivalent of the agitation we experience in life, there is no peace, just oscillation between the poles of extremes, and endless REEEEing.

As a side note, those thinking you can kill all communists/socialists fail to understand why humanity is susceptible to it. Every child is born into a socialist situation, the mother gives it free food, board and comfort. The family extends this free stuff for about 20 years. Then suddenly (you) expect them to not expect the free stuff in adulthood.... amusing.

If a civilization is doing exceptionally well that child can remain a child getting free stuff into (what would have been) adulthood. This man-child then can play video games and shitpost on chans rather than raise kids and build the infrastructure of future civilisation. They keep a childish-free-stuff perspective (college) until the civilization fails.

Killing Jews or communists DOES NOT stop communism/socialism susceptibility. Therefore killing people is a false solution of small minds. Children need to be educated about the transition from a free-stuff-child to a no-free-stuff-adult. But since getting free stuff is ALWAYS tempting, failure risk is always high. Therefore the chance of a civilization lasting forever is zero.
>Anon does the The Cycle.
Please stop trying to force this meme.
"Hurr durr if you know its da cycle u can predict da new cycles", you say.
Yeah, we know the weak faggots in charge have created bad times. We know it'll be up to us strong men to create good times. You say this in every thread. Find something useful to contribute, for fuck's sake.
You of all people don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to being redundant
>Every child is born into a socialist situation, the mother gives it free food, board and comfort. The family extends this free stuff for about 20 years. Then suddenly (you) expect them to not expect the free stuff in adulthood…. amusing.

My understanding of this is that you fulfill your end of that social contract by caring for your parents when they're too old to work. This is how it worked before government bloated for many family units, always outliers of course, but returning the favour was the norm.
>My understanding of this is that you fulfill your end of that social contract by caring for your parents when they're too old to work. This is how it worked before government bloated for many family units, always outliers of course, but returning the favour was the norm.

Yep, and this would make having children a necessity, thereby keeping the culture going. Strangely the underdeveloped world does this naturally and will therefore populate the world.

It's Germany's fault again: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pension#History

Resume: " i am better than 90% of the anons here and i have a wonderful idea... like ..make communities and start political movements slowly from nothing to get power again"

Dude all this was already said in this thread.
>>241458 (You)
>It's Germany's fault again: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pension#History

Actually looking a little deeper pensions seem to have arisen in various places independently. So it must be a natural product of society getting wealthy and having more workers than retired. Retirement age should probably be 80 so that most people never reach it and retiring early is the benefit from working and saving hard (or having high quality kids).
241464 241465 241468
>As a side note, those thinking you can kill all communists/socialists fail to understand why humanity is susceptible to it. Every child is born into a socialist situation, the mother gives it free food, board and comfort. The family extends this free stuff for about 20 years. Then suddenly (you) expect them to not expect the free stuff in adulthood…. amusing.

You fail to see that people that give free stuff to kids until 20 are stupid and don't know how to rise a kid but in socialist ways.

then you have to reeducate those parents and also after 12 you are not a kid anymore.

And if there is a system that fights this and a goverment with the power to corrct humanity in that way of "living" but there are elements that continue to go against that then you need that goverment to eradicate those beings sending them to camps.

So we all agree here that we need to have enough power to start to clean the earth from jews, commies, lefties, SJWs, etc.
if not,go be a commie somewhere else
241466 241467
And once that thuggery is justifiable the sociopaths and criminals will apply to be the gov sanctioned murderers. Then they will just murder anyone they don't like until the situation collapses in anarchy.

Who watches the watchers?

Any plan that depends on humans being pure and just has already failed.
also pic.

that is more than 70 years of zionist brainwashing speaking. good goy.
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it worked for Germany.
until zionism made the world go against your country for attacking (((them)))

If the worls don´t realize the jews are the enemy and in fact they support the jews, then that world must be destroyed.

If you fail to see this, then you are part of the cuck problem Germany has. (more like Germ-many) nowadays.

>you need that government
Wrong, private individuals, religious institutions etc. do a far better job of determining destructive influences than a government. A government's inclined to just redefine it as "anything I don't like." Coercive power will be used to cement itself and then will become a target for outsiders to acquire, spurring another round of ideologies designed to seize it. The Enlightenment sprang from Absolutism.

call it goverment, call it institutions, call it group of individuals with same honorable heroic values... but you know what i mean


now wait the >>241488 → get
>Department of Justice 'to propose quick executions for perpetrators of mass shootings' amid wave of massacres - and legislation could be part of a wider gun control package

>U.S. Attorney General William Barr has drafted legislation that would speed the death penalty for people who have committed mass murder, a White House official said on Monday.


If you choose the path of thuggery the biggest thug wins. Who is the biggest thug? What is blow back?
Those who plan "thuggery," as you put it, have little understanding of consequences. As such, not only are they willing to throw away otherwise productive lives but they are generally terrible at doing so. They think like leftists and that buying a rifle and finding a soft target will guarantee a "high score." They never bother researching techniques, training, or supplies.

To quote Soygon, "you're acting like a bunch of white niggers."

These are seriously dank,
Take this...
>"high score"

I've wondered about the effects of computer games. The usual claim is it desensitises the player to violence or glorifies it. I wonder if the process is different and more subtle. A computer game naturally has one hero player, the person playing, it causes the perception that one person can save the world or any situation. Its the opposite to desensitising, it is lone "an hero" making.
read siege.jpg

>>241488 → where

241524 241552
not to derail the tread but are there any other news like sites like this worth following that anons here would recommend?
241516 241540
yankee slayers.jpg
That's because OP's entire paradigm exists within the confines of material existence. He's an American. The last chance the Americans had for a genuine ethno-spiritual existence died in the civil war. The Confederacy had the European mindset of the Medieval Lords who cared for their underlings out of a sense of noblesse oblige. The underlings may have been Africans, but it didn't matter because they knew their place in the social and spiritual hierarchy. They accepted Massuh as their better, and by doing so, they knew that he was under an obligation to provide for them in exchange for their labor. The vast majority of slaveholders treated their chattel well because a satisfied servant is an efficient servant. Contrary to popular belief, the slaveholders weren't needlessly cruel, scowling men holding whips on horseback. They genuinely cared about their slaves and their well-being because the slaveowner's family's well-being was entirely dependent on the work produced by his servants.

In a sense, the Confederacy could've been Evolianism perfected because the servant class wouldn't have had any genetic similarity to their masters.

we must pray in the name of our alicorn goddesses /)

>Do you think that we as National Socialists can even peacefully attempt our goals?
is the goal national socialism itself? My goal personally has always been the preservation and benefit of my family, ethnicity, race, community, religion, and country in that order. The reason I like NatSoc is because it seems like an effective way to achieve this, but like all other ideologies and policies and such it's just a means to an end.
The Totenkopf "Death's Head" was more of a Prussian symbol originally. This is August von Makensen, dressed in uniform around the time of WWI. It is pretty "edgy" looking, but it had a historical symbolism before the Nazis came to power.
>What would make (YOU) raise 3 kids?
a method for getting them where I don't need to deal with modern women (i.e. artificial wombs)
a support structure for caring for and raising them that doesn't require reliance the government (i.e. good community)
employment/source of fiance that provides both the time and money necessary to raise them.

the first is years or decades out, the second is impossible to find today especially in the state I live, the third is a dream.
Cool, I didn't know that
Ever since I started reading Identity Dixie it has helped me put things in perspective. The only downside I see with ID is that Euros or non Southerners probably feel indifferent about their religious and Southern Nationalist takes.

Sometimes they feature articles from the American Sun on Identity Dixie, and I've been to their site a few times. Couldn't tell you if its good, but what I've seen has been interesting at the least.
241530 241533
To be honest, if the day of the rope happens,what will we do to prevent ourselves from being night of long knived by the siegers and other neo nazi filth once we are no longer useful to them.
It’d be the other way around
241540 241569
There is no "day of the rope". At least not for America. America faces balkanization, tremendous racial tension, corrupt military and police forces, bribes and blood money, food and material shortages, and disintegration.

241550 241553
>Evolianism perfected
Slavery was economically obsolete and a major disadvantage for the South, which lacked the industrial capacity of the North. An economy built on slavery can grow only linearly while one built on industry and technology grows exponentially. Hence why Robert E. Lee wisely wanted to end slavery gradually after the war was over. AltHype does a good takedown of mainstream notions of slavery. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pXLPwApbD6dJ/

To me it doesn't matter if slaves were handled humanely. On one hand it sacrifices ethnic cohesion for temporary gain by the importation of non-whites (which the Founding Fathers opposed) and on the other it leads to relative economic stagnation. The average Southerner was a poor small-scale farmer who didn't own slaves, yet he is blamed for it nonetheless. Slavery only held us back in every conceivable way.

This. The main winners will be non-cucked religious groups who make cohesive stands for themselves, extensive criminal gangs and rogue commanders who carve out little territories. This is why forming cohesive (and openly non-violent) communities and getting a foot in the door in township politics could be invaluable. When everything falls apart "restoring stability" to your town may be a better bet than hiding in the woods.
I think that's some next level mental gymnastics. You can argue any porn is art or degenerate if you apply moral relativism. Western values would strongly suggest pony porn as a substitute for a meaningful relationship is degenerate. Masturbating to porn is pretty much a crutch to satisfy the sexual desires of an individual without going out and actually meeting anyone. It is normal to masturbate or watch porn occasionally, but not to use it as a substitute for real life relationships. I like my pony porn, but I'm not going to twist my mind into pretzels trying to deny its not degenerate in any way.

241552 241553
Growing an "economy" is a positive aspect why? You seek the trappings of the yankee. Growth and expansion for their own sake. You seem upset that that an antebellum South wouldn't be as industrious as a godless, rootless, and faithless north. So what? What is rootless industry compared to the bravery of a good man? If that's a trade you're willing to make, then I'm sure you can find cheap property in New England to buy.

So you can live among your kind.
241553 241563
This. Pornography of any kind is degenerate. Its only use is to effectively repel normalfags and redditfags, as well as to make the work of any fedposters here as embarrassing as possible.

Saying "pone porn is art of the ideal" is really a short slippery slope away from saying "horse vaginas are perfectly designed for humans and only we can pleasure mares" which I have seen some post before. I'm not denying it is probably very pleasurable but so is doing LSD, and that is certainly degenerate.

This is a good aggregation: https://www.whoiswhite.com/
I'd also recommend Amerika (http://www.amerika.org/), https://www.socialmatter.net/ for reactionary views (seems to be down atm), Counter-Currents (proud publisher of My Nationalist Pony), https://asymmetricworld.com/ for paleo-conservatism, and lewrockwell.com, mises.org, and radicalcapitalist.org/ for ancap takes. I recommend checking out Armstrong Economics to find out why Vrilanon keeps babbling on about cycles. Also, while therightstuff.biz overall should be regarded as suspect, I go there just for the Godcast which has earnest talk about Christianity.
What do you know, I was looking and I found something completely new to me too (unfortunately very Web 1.0 in design): https://notimeforsilence.wordpress.com/

With an equivalent amount of tradition, would you rather be poor or well-off? People, especially whites, want to improve their condition and environment through industry and hard work. This has in the past given them dominance, because a stagnant nation will eventually be overtaken by a growing wealthy nation. Keeping yourself poor deliberately is shooting yourself in the foot. That isn't to say that material wealth should be pursued for its own sake, but it is not inconsistent with a moral life provided you do not let it dominate you.

>cheap property in New England to buy
I'm laughing right now, because New England is exorbitantly expensive thanks to aggressively economically-interventionist policies while the South is cheap yet booming due to relative freedom in industry. It's modern proof that maintaining traditional, common-sense values leads to greater prosperity in the long run.
>And, for the record, the government using taxpayer dollars to make child bearing a viable career is just as socialist as government-subsidized housing.

That's funny because National Socialism is socialism. The real difference is that they only want to give the gibs to white people because they think "being white" will somehow unify an entire ethnostate. Take a look at the black nationalist movements in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. If anything white nationalists now are beginning to face the same sort of problems they faced then. Hitler himself wasn't a true white nationalist, he forged his ethnostate out of something that was already there, the German race. The idea of white people all coming together to form a nation is almost as ridiculous as Pan Africanism was during the 50s.

I know this is a huge generalization but if I had to guess which historical narrative you guys buy into about the history of the South I'd put >>241540 down as the modernist narrative, >>241550 as the romanticist narrative, and >>241552 down as the Grady's "New South" narrative. Again I'm kinda throwing darts, and like any historical narrative they all share common truths based on historical interpretation.

1538757__safe_artist-colon-plunger_oc_oc-colon-anon_oc-colon-filly anon_oc only_alcohol_beer_bottle_dialogue_feels bad man_female_filly_pony_retarded_s.jpeg
>NatSoc is socialism
>Hitler forged his own ethnostate out of German race
>his own
This is either RETARDED shitposting or shilling. It is insanely difficult to tell which at the current time this sentence is being typed.
241572 241651
1069162__explicit_artist-colon-storyteller_nurse redheart_animated_balls_bedroom eyes_biohazard_blinking_clothes_cum_cumming_eyes closed_.gif
1758228__explicit_artist-colon-arctic-dash-fox_oc_oc-colon-flowheart_oc-colon-gyro tech_oc only_bondage_duo_embarrassed_encasement_female_goo_goo pony_.png
2028088__explicit_artist-colon-manifest harmony_derpy hooves_ditzy doo_the point of no return_spoiler-colon-s09e05_anatomically correct_a.png
1852281__explicit_artist-colon-kundofox_rarity_alternate hairstyle_anatomically correct_anus_bubblegum_clothes_crotchboobs_cutie mark_dark genitals_dis.png
First off: both your posts reek of "my fellow huwhites" bullshit. Secondly, you're not fooling anyone using personal attacks as Jew-Lockwell is flat out disinformation. Thirdly, the first site linked in your second post is currently being used by ShareBlue and similar organizations to better target nationalist movemarents. It deliberately lists the ADL, SPLC, Right Wing Watch, and fucking Hatetracker as "opposition organizations". Good job revealing yourself.
241650 241651
>America faces balkanization
Pic related. Your seeing things for how you want them to be, not how they are. We are not breaking up, but we are centralizing more and more power in individuals instead of collective ideas. This won't lead to balkinziation but instead Caesarism. To put it simply, we are nearing the end of the republic, not empire.

>Only mentions 1 of the 4 policy recommendations I list off
>To get power
Also pic related, I would explain it again but my ideas will likely fall on def ears that is to say you so I'll not bother. Also holy fuck stop reddit spacing you nigger.
241575 241576 241579 241651
>my fellow huwhites
Is this projection or is this just standard D&C tactics?

A blog which lists writers and articles unpublishable in the mainstream media, and which prominently features Pat Buchanan, Hoppe, Takimag, and Unz is disinformation? Kek.

>whoiswhite.net is opposition research
I wouldn't be a very good ShareBlue shill if I gave away the secret aggregator, now would I? I discovered it one month ago at >>233189 →, and as it was a decent sized thread you're clearly not a regular.

Decent choices, though the last pic has a better version with pink genitals.
>not a regular
Now I know you're a jew.
241579 241580
2115407__explicit_artist-colon-littlenaughtypony_trixie_oc_oc-colon-anon_anatomically correct_anus_blushing_clothes_game_human_human on p.jpg
1961765__explicit_artist-colon-stardep_big macintosh_sugar belle_anus_balls_blushing_earth pony_female_heart_male_mare_mating press_missi.jpg
1677583__explicit_artist-colon-shinodage_oc_oc-colon-nurse bonesaw_oc only_balls_bottomless_clothes_creampie_crotchboobs_cum_earth pony_faceless male_f.png
1868118__explicit_alternate version_artist-colon-aer0 zer0_artist-colon-ri2k_princess cadance_2 handfuls of dat ass_alicorn_anatomically correct_anus_b.png
Don't deflect. Using the "my fellow huwhites" detraction was more than enough to identify you. Posting a collection of sites created solely to attack nationalists, using plebbit spacing, quoting four names that are known opposition shills, "I was just pretending to be a shill", and best of all outing yourself as the '/mlpol/ is dying!!!' Doomfag? You've been identified, game's over. Been on this site far longer than you, cuckboi.

241584 241652
>my fellow huwhites
If you don't use the term "normalfag," you're from leddit. If you do use it, you're a shill.

>sites created to attack nationalists
[citation needed]

>plebbit spacing
A loose definition that would indict half the posters here

>known opposition shills
Kek. Also, [citation needed]

>what is sarcasm

>I'm the doomfag

Nice try for a rabbi.
926641__solo_oc_explicit_nudity_solo female_oc only_anus_vulva_vaginal secretions_dock.png
850637__explicit_artist-colon-anearbyanimal_blushing_cum_cum in mouth_drool_earth pony_epona_eyes closed_faceless male_female_foreskin_human_human on p.png
Congratulations good sir! See, you've walked in on a live jewwatch(TM) special event featuring the Exterminator in progress of cleansing two roaches that have been following their ShareBlue handbook a bit too well. Poster ID# ff8a7 links directly to the traffic thread in which he was the Doomerfag screeching about /mlpol/ dying. The other poster, ID# 29414, simply isn't that good at hiding their bullshit. To relieve your confusion, please take these provided images as compensation for violating your N.A.P.
241586 241656
267972__explicit_artist-colon-dimwitdog_oc_oc-colon-aulann_oc only_anus_blushing_nudity_oral_pegasus_pony_tentacle porn_tentacles_vagina.jpeg
Oh hohoho, excuse YOU for being angry about not getting those 2 shekels this post, mister good goy. Let's start off with using "normalfag" to begin with: it doesn't work. Nope, not even a tingle. There's a specific number of /mlpol/ terms, slang, phrasing, and subjective words used I tend to keep track of. First instance of I'm not going to do homework for you bitchcakes: whoiswhite is a known attack site since it CLEARLY LISTS kike organizations as "opposing them". Don't try to deflect, it isn't resulting in positives for you. Second time of not doing your homework: plebbit spacing simply doesn't work here, nor does trying to cover for it using the 'I was just pretending to be retarded!' approach. Logical fallacies much? Third time of not doing your homework: no citations needed, they are what they are. Trying to toss the burden of proof back at me is a tu quoque, which likewise doesn't work. Also, your use of 'kek' and 'lolnope' is exceedingly outdated. Sarcasm is yet another poor tapdance maneuver as your posting style & phrasing is the exact same as your Doomerfag posts on the traffic thread. Have a fun time reporting back to your masters that you're still a giant failure, too bad, no shekels for you.
241587 241589
>a site lists organizations as the enemy, therefore it must be the enemy
What kind of goofy logic is this?

>muh spacing
Imagine running on at length rather than pick out your D&C tactics one by one.

>no citations needed
Claims require proof, and you claimed that Buchanan, Hoppe, Taki and Unz are all shills.

>exceedingly outdated
Imma dab on you hater
How many times do we have to tell you to take your Jewish shill ass out of here, and jesus fuck stop spacing, this ain't reddit.
Even Rockwell wanted to branch away from NatSoc retard
20078__dead source_explicit_artist-colon-grispinne_rainbow dash_rarity_assisted blowjob_blowjob_cock worship_cum_cum out nose_duo_group sex_human_human.jpg
262074__solo_explicit_nudity_solo female_vagina_anus_cum_vulva_tongue out_dock.png
575649__explicit_grimdark_artist-colon-sip_oc_oc-colon-aulann_oc only_buy me_buy me 2-dot-0_cum_eyes closed_female_rape_solo_solo female_tentacle porn_.jpeg
Deflecting a site that lists opposition by pointing out whoiswhite is an awfully shit strategy. Moving the goalposts is likewise stupid when caught off guard by claiming "divide & conquer" when you are indeed the Doomerfag. Shifting the burden of proof off from known pro-zionist cuckshills isn't laughable, it's pathetic. Go do your report, let it be known that you are incapable of raking in shekels, goyim. Also those image names are hysterically easy to identify which folder they came from. 0/10 shit job, traitor.
241596 241598 241599 241601 241658 241660
There's an opposition tag under whoiswhite.com, I'm fairly sure that means opposition against us. Unless you mean whoiswhite is a 4D chess move to direct attacks against /oursites/, which I find unlikely. I'm as much the Doomerfag as you are. You're that same sperg/D&C shill who flies off on a tangent against random posters, never actually being able to find actual shills.
Good show but you already ousted your self as a jew,it's to late now.
1113475__explicit_artist-colon-coinpo_oc_oc-colon-aldreda_oc only_anatomically correct_anus_ass_bat pony_bat pony oc_bits_blood_clothes_desk_female_lea.png
661841__explicit_artist-colon-zed001_oc_oc only_oc-colon-sentoki_anatomically correct_anus_ass_blushing_both cutie marks_dark genitals_dock_female_look.jpeg
2116727__source needed_useless source url_explicit_artist-colon-shinodage_mayor mare_art pack-colon-winter warm up_aftersex_anus_bed_blushing_butt_crea.png
Bad goyim, deflecting and tapdancing isn't handbook positive hypocrisy, doublethink, and cognitively dissonant enough! There's no prophet here for intellectually dishonest subversives, that is, under the assumption you stop such piss poor attempts at blending in. Go make the report now since there's nothing left for you, Doomerfag.
Also when you submit your report, include me in the screencap. Mossad fuck

It was brought up in one of the interviews he had. iirc in the same interview he admitted to being an atheist and would accept anybody in regardless of religion. He didn't want the ANP seen as an American sect of NatSoc. He wanted it to be its own thing.
Mods, just end my suffering so we can have substance in the thread again, is >>241595 a shill?

(Most likely.)
You obviously didn't read white power or this time the world
He despised atheists for their obnoxious insistence that they know everything about the universe.
Easy poner, shilling brings life to the board.
It can be taxing, but it is also refreshing.
241617 241619 241620
Anon, the nazis were anything but the care bears you describe here, at best it represents Equestria.
Siege however is just a pretext to make sure people hate our movement, giving the arguments to classify us as terrorists akin to ANTIFA.

What Anon said we must build, not destroy. Destroying is what the left and postmodernist, and replacists want.
241618 243546
James Mason - Quote.jpg
>Siege however is just a pretext to make sure people hate our movement
If you read Siege you'll find out that anything you try to build will be coopted and neutralized.
There is no reason to cooperate with the system any longer and all further endeavors are destined to demolish it.
I've read siege, it is indeed the bible of edgeposters.
Anon there's nothing in this hellhole of a Globalized society worth saving.
They want us dead and destroyed. We aren't fighting back in the little ways or the big ones. Antifa thugs don't crawl home with broken limbs and a warning, and they don't get filled with bullet holes on the spot, because the right still expects cops and the courts to do their job.
We need to fight back, and fight smart. If the worst happens, we can rebuild society on our own without subversive influences, but the left can't build anything, only destroy. So the left must be destroyed.
241628 241645
>So the left must be destroyed
Yes, but the left and its degeneracy are just the result of State's policies. Focusing on the useful idiots is what the kikes want us to do to wear us off, while they fence sit and wait for the right moment to send their zogbot armies to restore "their" order.
To fight the left is like to attack one head of a hydra, a distraction from the heart.
Fucking this. There is a reason why Tyrants rarely get punished for their crimes.
Yeah, to truly fight off such enemy you would have to convince people of such enemy in the first place.
This Is where we differ; Destroying the left would facilitate it for the right to win over the masses. Once the whole country, independent of beliefs is "redpilled" such problem can be easily solved.

If you count on the egg before the chicken lays it, youll die of hunger.

so edgy
so agressive

if only you use that to fight jews..

People that have to chill out and try to build instead of attacking each other .

stop calling each other jews. insulting is not the way to make things work.
we can take stuff from all of you and not 100% but part of each one is right.

if you fail to understand this then maybe the one more triggered is the real jew


you are right. but maybe they are not jews but lefties or kids

Wait, i use spacing to get things more organized as i learned in the 90s using wordpad in a windows 95 PC.

I don't even know how to get into reedit or similar. but i always get the same thing about reedit spacing.

So you have to write all in one paragraph like a retarded illiterate monkey to have a good point?

yours sincerely, another mlp fim fan

You can separate paragraphs like a normal, literate person.
The thing is, if you want to format a post like this.

You would have to press space two times in leddit like this.

Because their shitty post system requires two spaces to break one-

And it end up lookin like this.

Also we could just argue with proper points before calling each other a Jew.

i am reading your post and i think you maybe right, or the guy is just not used to post in your "ways" , he is maybe a kekistani used to other "terms" you despise and is ignorant enought to don't know that sites he listed are controlled oposittion.
Also what is a "doomerfag" ?

Sometimes new people don't know that.
And i think calling them "jews" is not how you make things work.

in fact writing all triggerd like you makes you look inmature and trying to hard to make everyone think you are right, and that is suspicious, it can be seen as what a jew would do

that is my advise, but in your favor you have some good points .

thanks for the info.
i would like mods to list wich points show that
>>241595 could be a shill

Because i don't find much of his arguments to be wrong. Except listing some sites that are shit. but anyone can have mistakes with that.

Unless all mlpol is a controlled opposition site too.... i don't want to think that tho

No problem anon, you're quite a niceposter.

Also a doomerfag is the fussion of newfag and doomer.
A newfag is a n00b, a neewbie.
A doomer is someone with a certain world View or condition(someone with Doom on the head)
241661 243383
There is zero evidence that >>241595 is a shill or detractor. By all accounts he seems to be a contributing user of the site

Thank you, and thank you.

Image realated
Ah, you see anon, chan culture requieres for someone joining a certain board to lurk for a while un order to understand the culture before posting.
Sure i know. but in my time ( /b/ 2005) the chans were more chaotic and no one cared about way of wriing but about the content instead. unlesss you were a troll or a newfag that couldn't do triforce lol
I dunno if you actually read siege but it tells people how to look out for entrapment and the collection of essays tells people not to throw their lives away. It says to build up (family, career, off the grid in some capacity) and wait for the government to collapse.

It was in the opposite direction of William Luther Pierce, as well liked as he was, actually brought the toxic violent culture in the 90s with the "day of the rope" concept/meme/name and uh, those two books he wrote like young adult fiction about sedition.

You're missing the mark if you go after James Mason or Rockwell. They're actually optics-cucks even with the Charlie Manson worship shit, which is obviously stupid.

WLP actually called for exto shit he probably was a glownigger.
Ah reddit spacing is mostly a /pol/ thing
And like, reddit spacing wasn't a thing back then
like, geez scoob
241724 243293 243357
It was covered in the Cultured Thug video nigger.
Are you also going to deny his many marriages, his kids in Iceland, his battle with alcoholism, the many faggots he allowed into the organization, and the suicidal jew?
>Cultured Thug
Possible for a link, I think his channel has been removed.
>Cultured Thug
243141 243193 243200
konrad heiden.png
alt right national bolshevik satanists.png
>skinheads and siegeniggers
>both use (((nazi))) as if it's a real natural word that actual NatSocs would even use them.
I say fuck the skinheads and their hollywood based 'nazi' lifestyle, and fuck the siegeniggers for getting baited by satan pedo shit like how (((peterson))) and (((spencer))) baited everyone how totally right-wing they are. I prefer a more optimistic and moderated form of right wing ideals, the kind that is somewhere between a buddhist monk and a champion of khorne while possessing knowledge, wisdom and the cunning of some humor-loving lovecraftian god or some shit.
Actual Right-Wingers would have you faggots locked up in a jail or in an asylum for being either a fanatical death cultist or a brainwashed lunatic.
sage for typo
>Actual Right-Wingers would have you faggots locked up in a jail or in an asylum
Read Siege faggot.

>can't even refute flipfag's post
Read: Fuck off nigger.
243254 243258
Oh? What do these 'actual right wingers' think about Nazis in general?
>t. Flipfag
243257 243288 243383
peterson agenda 2030.png
peterson subversive.jpg
peterson blam.jpg
>Oh? What do these 'actual right wingers' think about Nazis in general?
They'll at least acknowledge they actually know shit but should do much better in general, namely by not calling themselves (((nazis))) in their point of view its the same as calling themselves nuts, stupid, etc. without knowing it like a bunch of guillible dumbass children. Another is by telling us to not get so easily manipulated by shills and their cancerous disinfo every fucking time, and anything that distorts National Socialism into some twisted dark reflection of itself is to be discarded without a moment's hesitation, along with their snowflake pronouns of which there are too many to even list here.
A clear cut ecample of such deceitful ideas would be (((national bolshevik))), (((the alt-right))), and (((siege))). All three are essentially made by the same type of (((people))) in conjunction and parallel to one another working towards a singular objective: to subvert Right Wing groups, siphoning off potential recruits while corrupting National Socialism at it's fundamentals, all at the same time in one move, as they have always done since time immemorial.
And if, in a what if scenario, they would see where they would gather to and see all the nasty shit in there (i.e. reddit, tumblr, facebook,etc.) the site/s would instantly be banned in the country and will only be allowed to be a place to gather info from under government level supervision.
>implying I don't use a proxy
>at least acknowledge they actually know shit
And by 'they' I meant (You) guys.
243292 243735
>hides flag
>gets called out
>is mad
And the pattern of logical fallacies is unmistakable.
>many marriages, his kids in Iceland, his battle with alcoholism
you say it as if those are bad things
243380 243383 243430
Skinheads are exactly why I stayed away from National Socialism, so yes, it does have a bad effect. Especially since disillusioned youth gravitate to those sorts of people, instead of proper, decent organizations.
The "hicks" of the US generally don't have that bad of a hatred for the ideology (because it's the folks who hate the CSA that also complain the loudest about National Socialism), especially since, if I recall correctly, the holocaust is barely taught in many US states. Opposed to Nazism perhaps, but not violently angry over it.
Fascism is a product of the Enlightenment, which was a mistake, but an inevitable one. The Caesars of the future may be described as "fascist" by the unenlightened, but there is a nuance.
Did this "Cultured Thug" link proper, credible sources for his claims?
>Pone porn is art of the ideal, the desirable, the exaggerated and impossibly perfect.
I can't disagree.
243383 243399 243430
>Skinheads are exactly why I stayed away from National Socialism
Then you have no idea what NatSoc entails. Once redpilled there's not turning back. NatSoc is truth.

243393 243735
Thanks Lotus. The problem is I use a VPN (as should any of you faggots who worry about your ISP spying on you) and I've always used spacing in email and Youtube comments to respond to a particular topic one at a time. Never Reddit, though; I have a deep-seated grudge for the site since SOE devs buggered off to that cancer rather than looking at their own game forums.
For the record I've been here since late 2017 and so when a thread becomes a "You're a shill!" "NO U are a shill!!" turdfest I'll just do something else like look through the /vx/ arrpeegees. Also I've moved to a new Mossad center a place where getting internet is a pain.

That's got me intrigued and I'll certainly read Siege. I have to agree in regards to Dr. Pierce, I wouldn't say he's "wrong" but his tactics were certainly amoral and what we now know to be counter-productive. Putting shovelware into bargain-bins and hoping it would turn disaffected whites into lone-wolves thankfully didn't work. I have no love for Los Angeles, but if he'd stolen nuclear material and built a dirty bomb to destroy it like in The Turner Diaries that'd effectively stop any white activism from the get-go.

George Lincoln Rockwell was alright though. His edgyboi tactics could have potentially worked because the "good war" mythology was still new and could be deprogrammed in a broad spectrum of the Right. He was charismatic enough for it which is why he was assassinated. It should be noted that he advocated for a heavily Americanized, "common sense" white nationalism and appropriated NatSoc imagery for the shock value and to get those who may be curious into rejecting kosher ideas quicker. It couldn't work now (which people need to realize) but for the time it held water.

Southern Nationalism is a much better cause to root for in the States, because 1) it espoused purely American ideals, 2) it was fought exclusively as a defensive war, and 3) it is literally the "Blood and Soil" cause of Southerners. It's only weakness is that it's hard to demonstrate how Jews are uniquely monstrous versus white Yankees.
This has to be my favorite quote though:
"The true rightist is not a man who wants to go back to this or that institution for the sake of a return; he wants first to find out what is eternally true, eternally valid, and then either to restore or reinstall it, regardless of whether it seems obsolete, whether it is ancient, contemporary, or even without precedent, brand new, "ultramodern." Old truths can be rediscovered, entirely new ones found. The Man of the Right does not have a time-bound, but a sovereign mind. In case he is a Christian he is, in the words of the Apostle Peter, the steward of a Basileion Hierateuma, a Royal Priesthood" - Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
>That's got me intrigued and I'll certainly read Siege.
Please do.

>I have to agree in regards to Dr. Pierce, I wouldn't say he's "wrong" but his tactics were certainly amoral and what we now know to be counter-productive.
Can you elaborate? How his "tactics" were amoral? What "tactics" are you referring to? Counter productive in which sense?

>Putting shovelware into bargain-bins and hoping it would turn disaffected whites into lone-wolves thankfully didn't work. I have no love for Los Angeles, but if he'd stolen nuclear material and built a dirty bomb to destroy it like in The Turner Diaries that'd effectively stop any white activism from the get-go.
You are parroting System's narrative. A couple of novels don't turn displaced Whites into lone-wolves.
And by the way, if you knew what you are talking about, you would already know that the buzz term "dirty bomb" is a hoax as well as the term "barrel bomb". The so called radioactive dirty bombs destroy nothing at all, but they are the equivalent to throw asbestos into the air. Yup, so simple and crude and almost non lethal like that. The System and its judenpresse have the task to terrorize the American people with every hoax imaginable while justifying the removal of their freedoms.
That or a frontal lobotomy
243409 243412
>A couple of novels don't turn displaced Whites into lone-wolves.
Precisely. Hence why I said it "didn't work." If the effect had been to create lone wolves, it would have meant a clampdown on pro-white advocacy before it could find a place on the internet.
"Tactics" is the wrong word to use. Dr. Pierce advocated for a world-wide "white revolution" which consisted not just the 14 words but the extermination of every non-white people on earth. That is, it goes beyond violence justified in proportional justice and I consider this amoral (not immoral since to the best of my knowledge this was at least advocated for practical reasons and not because Dr. Pierce enjoyed people dying). If I am incorrect then please set me straight because I want to have a better opinion of him. I've grown cold to edgy rhetoric.

>"dirty bomb" is a hoax
Theoretically they are sound. Effective intentional pollution by asbestos can be done only on a colossal scale as with 9/11. Highly radioactive isotopes are deadly even in minute doses and so suffer less from the dilution effect. The concept of such a device or "cobalt bomb" has been around for sixty years and I have not heard it adequately debunked. Though one must wonder why there's no known case of a government or its proxy using such a device considering all the fearmongering regarding "black market nukes."
>Dr. Pierce advocated for a world-wide "white revolution" which consisted not just the 14 words but the extermination of every non-white people on earth.
>extermination of every non-white people on earth
White Revolution yes, but extermination nope.
Did you ever listened to his broadcasts? There are around 336, pick a random one and find out what Pierce is about.
Not sure, but if I remember well, Pierce in one of his broadcasts was very angry because of the continuous violence of Black on Whites and he might mentioned to kill them all. Of course if he did, it was an exception.
>Theoretically they are sound.
But leaving behind the propaganda let us take a look to the only one and huge dirty bomb ever: Chernobyl.
The reactor exceeded the design pressure and the radioisotopes were released into the atmosphere, the winds took the radioactive stuff to most Europe. Big panic was pushed, hysteric calls made, exaggeration and fear was the common message to the population. Reality has shown that Europe survived without a glitch, even Ukraine and her neighbor Belarus that took most of the radioactive fallout carried their everyday life as nothing ever happened.
Granted, those in the close vicinity where poisoned and some not so lucky got cellular damage. But the apocalyptic panorama painted by the lugenpresse is not real. I inclined to believe that the asbestos released by the attack on 9-11 were far more deadly.

I add 2 screenshots; the first one belongs the jewish History.com; the second to Russia Today. Compare the casualties mentioned by both, the number 125,000 will catch the eye immediately but it is a humongous lie, like the holohoax.
And a serious assessment is made here:

243431 243432 243440
>Then you have no idea what NatSoc entails. Once redpilled there's not turning back. NatSoc is truth.

Okay, wait your serious? God I hope not. Because I once was a nat soc. I never can consider myself one again. You are a useful idiot to me. Nothing more. The ideology you hold is hollow and meaningless due to the very nature of fascism which you see to be completely unable to understand. Each nation has their own brand and each people their own form. The iron guard in Romania based off the heroic and Orthodox Christian traditions of their people. Italian Fascism. Spanish Falange. And yes, German National Socialism. But why are you not a Falangist? A legionary of the Iron guard?

If the answer eludes you here is the real answer. National socialism is dead because Anglos saw their villain in the second WW and those who archtypically view themselves as villains take the symbols up and claim to be it. National socialism however is EXCLUSIVE to Germans. You are not German, so you are not a nat soc. You are a neo nazi. Plain and simple, a creation of the establishment to be their villain. You play their role like their little lap dog. So you see now, you are a useful idiot. You support the establishment with your being. Its why even if I like so many other after seeing the establishment narrative crumble around me felt allured towards such ideas in which the established order keeps at bay, understood after identifying and reading more and more about the ideology of fascism and national socialism that it is a 1930 German exclusive movement. Rockwell took the label but in doing so created the neo nazi movement with all the degenerate portions in it you see everywhere.

But the more and more research you do on all these subjects it leads you to a conclusion similar to >>243356 that is neo nazis drive elements in the right that may wish too cooperate with each other underground. On top of that just because I criticize the degenerate strands of what came out of rockwell's failed movement gone wrong doesn't mean I see authentic fascism as good either. Fascism is too reliant upon enlightenment ideas and is not reactionary enough to restore the order the west needs to survive, let alone be saved.
243440 243471 243546
> Fascism is too reliant upon enlightenment ideas and is not reactionary enough to restore the order the west needs to survive, let alone be saved.
You are right, the West is lost, it can't be rescued, so it must burn with every lemming inside.
For details read Siege, Faggot.

243440 243471
Skinheads have as much to do with National Socialism as Antifa have to do with classical liberalism
That's interesting. However I'd argue the cost from Chernobyl is greater for two reasons:
1) It's hard to weed out the effect of radiation from the natural cancer incidence rate, but it's clear that there was a sharp uptick as well as in rates of birth defects. You can't quantify a number of "victims" from a nuclear accident very easily because of its quantifiable nature. Would a Swede who received a tiny radiation dose and contracted cancer be a "victim"? Would he have contracted cancer without the dose? What about a worker who received a heavy dose yet essentially won the lottery and escaped unscathed? You can see the problem here, I hope.
Also, Chernobyl was arguably not a true "dirty bomb." Radioactive material was released from the reactor but the really nasty stuff fell only a short distance away. Smoke and dust carried across the earth but was diluted enough that it had only a marginal effect. Citizens' chances of survival were raised by an (admittedly belated) evacuation, but the "robots" (which is where "victim" tallies typically begin) were hit the worst within the exclusion zone. A true "dirty bomb" would have the potential capability of launching radioactive particulates much farther and with a greater density.

2) Let's talk about the evacuation and clean-up for a bit. It was an enormously costly operation that slowly killed thousands of people, affected millions more, and (along with the 1980's arms race) broke the back of the Soviet economy. One could argue that the economic costs had a far reaching geo-political impact, moreso than the human cost. Hence part of the fear of a dirty bomb in a place like New York is that it forces the hand of the government to evacuate the entire city, neutralizing its financial hub. Losing all of the infrastructure already in place and resettling millions to a new area is an economic game over.

I have to agree. Fascism is very much a cultural movement; it is a civilization going into fever because it realizes something is wrong and must repel a threat internal or external. No one can say "I'm a fascist because you can establish a fascist utopia forever." It is at best a way to reset society and prevent the same path that caused problems initially. Those fascist governments that survived the war and yet eventually turned into democracies are evidence of this. Fascism gives you a blanc cheque to root out degenerates and presents a window to set things right, but it's not a solution in itself.

The main problem with NatSoc outside of Germany is for two reasons: it is a drain on dissatisfied people who could otherwise support more viable movements with universalist principles and it presents a boogeyman for governments, commies and Jews to say "this is dissident right-wing politics, you don't want this." I think these issues did not exist in the early 1960's and so GLR had a decent approach, but unfortunately like a car whose driver was killed the movement veered off and couldn't be recovered. Listen to a GLR speech and you'll see that his core principles were the same held by paleo-conservatives/right-libertarians/neo-reactionaries/dissident right-wingers in general moreso than German National Socialism. Rockwell knew that German National Socialism was dead so he took its imagery to give his views more power. He was the David Duke of his time.

>burn with every lemming inside
And I assume a good number of us as well as our family members. You can see why people may not like this. If indeed peaceful dismantlement of the (((system))) is impossible then a controlled burn may well still be in the realm of possibility.

Good analogy. I'd regard Antifa is the logical end-product of classical liberalism. After all, weren't the French Revolutionaries the Antifa of the time? There are redeemable aspects of classical liberalism, but anything predicated on the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau inevitably leads to monstrous egalitarians, and hence he must go.
Will there not come a time when a fight will have to be fought? How many immigrants do you think are just gonna casually walk back to Mexico? Or Africa, for that matter? Even if we managed to spread the redpill on race to every white European on the face of the earth, what do you think the response is going to be from nonwhites, especially first and second generation immigrants who are currently coasting through life and able to buy whatever they like with gibsmedat? Meanwhile, whites like me can't afford rent, let alone training and guns, because my name looks Irish on resumes and application forms.

I stopped believing in a democratic solution with Trump. Of course we need to rebuild, but the wrecking crew is still necessary to clear the area. This foundation is crumbling and no amount of paint or refurbishing can save it.
>As you stand there in your Doc Martens, your aviator jacket, and your closely shaved head, you daydream of the Fourth Reich. You cannot wait to give “race traitors the rope,” or so you say in secret social media groups. Your various tattoos show your commitment to the cause, especially the new Über Alles tattoo on your forehead. Your meth-skinny girlfriend with a pierced face and blue hair is equally committed. She cannot wait to pump out Lebensborn. The thought brings tears of joy to your eyes as she walks out of another car, helping to pay the bills and your habits.

This is supposed to rebut revolutionary/reactionary race-realists at large, is it not? Because I've yet to even meet someone who follows any of the ideology and also has a tattoo, let alone dumping drugs into their arteries and shacking up with the first blue-haired freak of nature that says in passing that niggers suck.
243472 243474
I've read siege, and I hate the premise and conclusion this santanic retard comes to. For starters lets say the west is dead, which I believe there is no getting around since the west and Germanic peoples have no concrete law saying they will last forever. Do I fall into dispar or push out in anger? No, even animals are not as barbaric!

It is our duty to try and keep those parts of our culture which we see as transcendent alive. For me this means making sure Christianity can survive the moral decay and eventual destruction of the west. Some may fight for other transcendent aspects such as the hierarchical forms or legends of the west, but all are equally admirable. Your motivation and being is that like of Mason, one of evil and decay which will lead to a fate worse then death.
Yes, but all nat socs that are not German are skinheads, they just are too retarded to hold up a mirror. Read fucking anything about fascism and you'll see that to identify as a nat soc as an American is beyond retarded. I'm fine with fascists to a degree, I think they don't go far enough and their ideology has too many problems for me, but they are at least in understanding of what they stand for. Neo Nazis are braindead, and since your flag is American, if you identify as a "nat soc" you are a skinhead.
>Listen to a GLR speech and you'll see that his core principles were the same held by paleo-conservatives/right-libertarians/neo-reactionaries/dissident right-wingers in general moreso
Yeah I agree, which is why I think it was more of a tactical approach to label themselves as nat socs. He really didn't believe too much of the things nat socs did ideologically other then understand the moral catolist jews are in our civilziaiton's decline. I agree with some of his paleo con views; however you are also entirely right when you point out that after he was offed the movement steered into autismo unbound. I think it was a tactical blunder to label his movement as nat soc in general and that can be seen today with how most people think of neo-nazi's even on this board where anons will distance themselves from it and claim to be "classical nat socs" which they obviously are not due to not being German.
>everyone who identifies with a well-known and documented pro-white political movement for its symbolic meaning and support for its nation's folk must be a skinhead

Go fuck yourself.
Welp, I finished reading the article, and my first impression was right on the money.

All I'm hearing in this is "we don't need to fight guise!" He needs to quit being a faggot.

So how about the time that those "people in suits" and other assorted normies had committed to peaceful marching and activism, and were literally shot in the streets for it? How about the time that Hitler himself was nearly shot dead from the front of one of these rallies, and the German people following him scattered and retreated out of fear? He's forgetting how important the mercenaries and the volunteers were to the safety of those normies. He's only seeing the intellectuals, who on their own can't do anything except plan a government that will never exist anyway without a costly fight. We need the soldiers just like we need the scholars. But of course to avoid getting vanned, he has to abhor everyone willing to train and lift for their countries and smear them as skinhead parodies.
243475 243656
>all natsocs who are not German are skinheads
I’d love to see you validate that position without falling into the no true Scotsman fallacy. Pro tip, you already did
No no no you see. These ENLIGHTENED, HIGH MINDED INDIVIDUALISTS believe in peaceful, intellectual discourse with people who wish to see white people subjugated, mixed out of existence and then exterminated. If you're not falling for this obvious spook, you're simply a skinhead! No alternatives. What's a third positionist!? I'm just seeing skinheads!

I hate every single head-nodding brainlet in this thread.
The question is: will every non-white resist? That is unlikely unless if we make this into a full-fledged race war, hence why I oppose it. Yes, there will be gangs, hoodlums, and some brown/black identitarians who will call you "racist" and fight you for taking back what is rightfully yours. With a lump-sum and legal "encouragement" to move out, as well as (in the case of the States) a designated share in the balkanization that must happen, you could conceivably solve the much larger problem of their more moderate counterparts in a few years. This is strategically more sound because if there is somewhat more reasonableness than "1488 RAHOWA now" you won't be forcing every single non-white (and a larger share of whites) to fight you to survive. You can argue about how to bring this about but even if you advocate for full-on demolition it's obvious your chances go down by going full-on Turner Diaries.

>whites like me can't afford rent, let alone training and guns, because my name looks Irish on resumes and application forms
Unless if you're actually British, that sounds like complete nonsense. Even if you're facing anti-Irish discrimination somehow in the 21st century, clever financial practices and planning can raise your standard of living. Bugging out in the country is cheaper anyway.

How are you going to fight if you don't know what to fight for? In the case of Germany Hitler had a single, comprehensive worldview (weltenshauung) that prevented any confusion of what he advocated. Even then a good number of Brownshirts were "beefsteaks," so nicknamed because they were "brown on the outside, but still red on the inside." Some may have been positive idealists but some were also just common thugs who wanted to fight, hence why they were purged after Hitler's election. However, this worked only because of 1) Hitler's political genius and 2) the specific circumstances of that time and place. Weimar Germany arose due in a quite different way compared to Weimarica. Also, while marching through the streets singing patriotic songs (which is what Hitler's movement actually did rather than chant "Jews will not replace us") is better optics than just itching for a fight, you can't do either these days due to a more obtrusive government which will keep you cordoned off with police (good luck getting through them!) In addition, information technology in the 1920's was extremely limited and Hitler sought to convey a more-or-less "legendary" struggle that would be spread word-of-mouth, with awe amongst nationalists and with dread among commies. Now everything public is recorded and this magic has been lost, but we instead have meme magic and the ability of anyone with a printer and ink to make flyers.

To summarize, any sort of activism relies on knowledge of what you are fighting for and how you conduct it relies on what works best for a time and place. Southern Nationalism has little use for 1488 LARP; proud Southerners are (((maligned))) as being backward, prejudiced hicks so breaking this narrative as intelligent, well-mannered "normies" is better for gathering a rank-and-file in the first place. I've written before on Irish Republicanism and how violent action worked extremely well to secure independence among a sympathetic population, but stalled in a place where more dissension existed (namely Ulster). Simply saying "we must fight" shows that you don't know the first thing about fighting or winning a war.
I didn't hear an argument against training and arming. I heard an argument against LARPing. Try and keep up.
I support training and arming as a fail-safe option so if violent strife does occur you are prepared. Even so, it makes a big difference to outsiders whether you are in a militia purportedly to provide safety and secure liberty if the unthinkable happens versus if you're part of something called "Hitler's Army." Practically speaking you could have the exact same membership with the same views, but one is 1000% more likely to get you on a watchlist and face immediate resistance in an "unthinkable" scenario.
Are you actually saying without any irony or sarcasm there is even a remote chance that white interests will ever make it in a peaceful and democratic manner, in the situation we are in now?
243491 243493 243552
There you go again with that dichotomy. Stepping outside of the two options of "mainstream politics" and "full-scale terrorism" will open many doors.
>full scale terrorism
And you're telling me *I'm* dichotomous! There have been well-regulated militias in America's history before, dunno if you've ever heard! Fucking dipshit.
243494 243516
Pardon, but do you realize that governments are the first terrorists against the people?
Political violence, aka terrorism, is exercised all the time against any person challenging the System and not following its rules; look around, there are plenty of gunmen ready to murder you if you don't obey them.
Don't try to explain to them how governments are an attempt at monopolizing arms and violence. I've talked to these types of people for months and every time you even attempt to explain this it's always "so you want child slaves and mcnukes? hurr durr"
243501 243516
At least half of /mlpol/'s userbase is keenly aware of just how utterly fucked every last western government on the face of the earth is, how they silence dissidents, subvert the masses, impose things that directly contradict the will of the populace at large, subjugate the system itself. And yet, these same people cringe in fear and dread at the very NOTION that maybe we stop playing their game when even they won't play it the way they demand we do.
Well faggots? Any commentary? Or have I perhaps gotten you to reconsider letting your daddy the CIA handle all your fears and concerns? Maybe just knowing the deep state exists and does some fucked up shit, isn't enough! Maybe until we take these kinds of matters into our own hands, the pedophiles and banksters don't give a shit whether their cattle goy dislike them!
Go ahead goy, just boycott the OSF. Their funding totally doesn't encompass literally every single corporation or government body under the sun. Vote against globalist policies. Because we all know that the vote is sacred and we would never betray it!
243506 243516 243552
What's that? You found your god emperor? Someone who promises to kick out the people whose very presence breaks the law you care so much about following? Good goy! Just vote for them, and with your combined efforts and hope I'm sure that whites will once again reign supreme in the lands that they love without fear or shame.
How about you lead by example, cunt?
I'm dieting, working out and seeking employment so I can afford a rifle. How about you stop using thought terminating cliches to demonize the only people who aren't too chickenshit to fight big brother?
243507 243601
>I'm working on being a productive citizen like everyone else here, I'm doing more than any of you to fight the Man!
I'm merely pointing out that your lofty talk is just talk. The fact of the matter is that we as a race are divided and atomised, no number of lone wolf shootings will change that. So how about instead of talking shit about a hotheaded, all-or-nothing, death-or-glory charge against the gates of hell itself, you start networking with other whites covertly, like we are, so that when the inevitable ultimatum comes, we have some semblance of unity to face it?
243508 243552
Anon, are you ok? You sound really pissed mate, calm down a bit.

Yeah, the people should act in order to get a better state, but a random shooting or assasination will not solve anything. These days, even propaganda is hardly of effect, as the media controlling the masses has all of the narrative on their hands.
I understand how pissed you must be, but think anon, in the long run, how big of an effect will your actions cause? Did tarrant change the world? Did the revelation of the lolita express change the world?
The fight is slow, anon, first one should seize the means of propaganda (the media, the internet) then one might be able to erradicate all of that evil from one's country.

If you want to help, do your research on the enemy and come up with good ways to redpill normies, right now violence will only make us look bad.
243511 243552
But you people AREN'T doing that! You're shutting down the notion of organizing. Repeatedly. You fucking people keep equivocating organizing and preparing for conflict with being a fucking skinheaded LARPer, and that's the SINGULAR argument I have heard against it.

My stance, from the very beginning, is that to counteract a government whose entire power structure depends on silencing and committing to violent force, we need to organize, train, gather resources and assets, and prepare for war. Because WAR IS INEVITABLE. No country, I repeat, NO COUNTRY is going to simply let itself get voted out of power.
243513 243552
R A N D O M A C T S O F V I O L E N C E A R E N O T T H E S A M E A S A N O R G A N I Z E D M I L I T I A .
The key word here is 'covertly', Anon, almost every open militia has been suppressed and disbanded before it ever gains any real traction, and that's just the ones I know of in the US. Be subtle for god's sake, not a shrieking nigger with an AK and an axe to grind.
Anon, listen to yourelf
You wanna attempt a coup d'etat, do you have any idea on how to do that or what it would take? What would happen if somehow the information leaks out?
Really, calm down a bit.

I want you to just think about it for a while, in current world politics, what would happen to the US if a civil war was to break out?
Are you considering the economical factors that might backfire on your plan, causing the whole country to burn to the ground?
243516 243517 243518 243552
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot. This Chinese maresexuality enthusiast's forum is just TOO PUBLIC. I should go to the deep web. In that case, fuck all of you and I hope you burn in boiling shit just like the kikes say you will.
I'm an ancap but have some common sense. Even if you shoot in self-defense you have to worry about what it'll look like to everyone else who looks into the case. You have to make a cogent defense when interacting with anyone from the police to the jury. If you have a history of edgy social media posts, have "we don't call 911 around here" on your front door and carry R.I.P. ammunition then even if you're 100% justified these may skew opinions against you and you could face a criminal conviction. In fact, it's a common occurrence that after you use your gun as deterrent against a would-be mugger he'll try to call the police to say you pulled a gun on him. This is known as the "race to the courthouse" and whoever calls 911 first usually wins because the other will have the burden of proof in the minds of the justice system.

The American public is no different, and in an extreme case defending yourself against feds is a very high bar to justify, and the media/government/NGOs will all be against you. You don't have to convince everyone, but in the minds of paleo-conservatives/libertarians can you garner sympathy if not total support? You'll need everything you can get at that point. The standoff at Cliven Bundy's ranch is a great example of this. Also, I hate to be /thatguy/ but there is some hope to be taken from Trump in this regard.

Will you calm down already? You're probably either extremely stressed or depressed.
Do not get emotionally invested on an argument.
Yes, it is too public, you don't send real communications over a network that your enemy controls. What are you, stupid? Go network in meatspace.
243524 243552
Alright I'll go door to door asking if my neighbors in T H E I N N E R C I T Y would like to secure the existence of their people and a future for white children. That won't backfire at all.
243536 243546 243552
I'm out. Enjoy being legally thrown in jail on self defense charges next time you get mugged by a nigger.
Get out of the inner city for a fucking start. It's far easier to start militias in small towns and rural living, and your vote will more often than not count for more in federal elections which is nice, too. Focus on that, go hunting with friends, teach them the proper use and value of a firearm, the rest will come on its own in time. Be subtle, not a raging, frothing-at-the-mouth lunatic.
243542 243544 243545 243546 243552
I have an inkling as to why he's mad.
>consistent profile on the site, agitated and overly self-conscious but too weak to do anything about it
>posts on /ub/ include >>>/ub/1520 → and >>>/ub/1634 → I probably got the formatting wrong, it's been ages since I bothered to link between boards

Least that's what I'm thinking. Could be an entirely different American anarchist Siege-reader who's too poor to afford firearms, but considering this exact argument shook up the OAT discord twice and the person responsible for starting them left shortly before these posts got put out, it's a pretty close guess.

If you're there >>243522 , and I'm pretty sure he still is folks, get your job and take some time off the internet and politics. You sound like a fucking wreck.
>formatting wrong
Nope, nailed it
A hot temper is the prerogative of the young, I can't really blame him for it. Anger as a first response is understandable, but reasoned action should be what follows it. I just hope he gets out of the city and doesn't go on a shooting, you fags will need as many folks as possible in position to begin civil disobedience when balkanisation hits. Christ I butchered the wording on that.
243548 243552
That predictable, huh. Yeah, yuk it up then. I'll go back to radio silence. I doubt this site needs another blogposting dramafag anyway

...actually, I think the position opened up now that Nigel's started his own diet. That is, really fucking depressing.
243548 243549 243552
1638654__safe_artist-colon-anontheanon_angel bunny_apple bloom_applejack_fluttershy_pinkie pie_rainbow dash_rarity_scootaloo_spike_starlight glimmer_sw.gif
If this is the standard for Siege's readership, I'm very tempted to do an /üb/-style Siege read-a-long in this thread. Sounds like it would be either massively depressing, or pure comedy gold. Or both.
It didn't even take an hour man. You're more predictable than even Glimmernigel. You just don't post as much as him as far as I can tell. These arguments aren't as personal as you seem to take them. It's always darkest before the dawn. I don't think the balkanization/secession/civil war process is going to be a walk in the park either, but being this fatalistic doesn't do anyone favors. Much less you. I'd be shocked if you weren't on heart medication.

An actual reading of Siege would be enlightening as to the mindset of these people, so I'd say let's do it. I'll go back to my rightful place in the anonymous lurk-o-sphere.
The Siegepill never sounded fatalistic to me. I just want to wipe the slate clean and start over. A new beginning is a lot less depressing than puppeteering the corpse of a nation and saying you're making it great.

I actually never even read Siege. I listened to Kai Murros long before I made any Siege memes. Same with the Turner Diaries, I put that book down pretty early on due to the atrocious writing.

I'm gonna leave you to your reading for tonight. Enjoy the comedy I guess. Sorry, everyone. Back to your regularly scheduled discussions. I'll go lift a little, might help me a bit.
Uh, since when is peaceful and democratic a dichotomy? Black/white, positive/negative, that's a dichotomy.
Okay, who or what is the immediate alternative? Should we just start shooting? You're becoming as ridiculous as your opposition.
This. The fight is generational. Jumping the gun (pun intended) will do no service to those who seek any sort of reformation
Train yes, organize no. I'll be happy to explain more after I'm done reading all this sperging
Calm your bitch-tits...
... and don't let the door hit your ass
Still here 'eh? There's so many fallacies in that statement that I can't even
Don't let,... shit I said that already
Gimme a minute
Uhm, that's 2 times.
>blogposting dramafag
>Nigel is much better
Interesting point. I suppose we do have a vacancy.
That's actually a really good idea

Hunting, survival, war reenactment,... history is rife with individuals and groups who maintained a training readiness in plain sight. But any form of overt organization will end in ruin
>you start networking with other whites covertly, like we are
How can I get into contact with you?
>well-known and documented pro-white political movement
I hate your dioloect. Let me iron man your autismo. White = western European. We also ignore every last thing that has been labeled Nazi after WWII. What did Germany do for western Europe when it was national socialist? Oh yeah thats right it enabled Liberalism to win a quick victory all because it couldn't contain its autism and had to get into a war where it lead to millions of western Europeans dying. German national socialism felt solidarity with other Western and Eastern European groups, yes, but National Socialism as a movement is just that, NATIONALIST. That means its not pro-white like you envision it you retard but its pro German, which is why they had no problems fighting in wars against other Western European states. With that done this is why I hate Americans WHITENESS IS FAKE its a myth the founding fathers believed in because they were too high on their international liberalism bullshit that you retards still eat up to hell and back because at the end of the day you lot are not nationalists but internationalists. Which is why I have no solidarity with your kind.

>without falling into the no true Scotsman fallacy. Pro tip, you already did
Okay lets go through Mussolini's doctrine of fascism first and then lets hear what Hitler has to say about his movement. Pro tip, they are nationalists meaning at the end of the day they fight for their peoples which makes their doctrine reliant upon their peoples.

> stands for liberty, and for the only liberty worth having, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State
>No individuals or groups (political parties, cultural associations, economic unions, social classes) outside the State
>of one, and ending to express itself in the conscience and the will of the mass, of the whole group ethnically molded by natural and historical conditions into a nation, advancing, as one conscience and one will, along the self same line of development and spiritual formation
Thus from the man himself Mussolini writes that fascistic movements are nationally bound with all international movements being in essence useless. The state is the accumulation of this vision meaning any movement that fallows as fascist is nationally bounded and more so bounded to the state in which they gain their freedom in. Its a very short read, and a billoin times better then Siege.

Now obviously Mussolini and Hitler disagreed-ed, especially on race. Mussolini, like I, see's the spirit of a nation more important then the zoological race of a people, but to Hitler's national socialism this wasn't the case.
From Hitler's interview with george Sylvester Viereck he says
>To us state and race are one.

This makes clear that to doctrinal be a national socialist, a fascistic movement you must believe that the state and nation are tied rather then with Mussolini's fascism which you must spiritually be in union with the state. So to be a national socialists, one must be:
1. Biologically German
2. Of the German State

Its not a no-true scottsman 1. because its easily fosifible (as was my orginal arguement you claim is as well) and 2. because I'm not defining the perimeters, Hitler and Mussolini did in their speeches and written works. I'm using them to tell you that everyone who considers themselves to be a nat soc that isn't German is in fact a neo nazi, that is, not an original nat soc but one that identifies with the movement that came out of GLR where these perimeters have no relevance since GLR was a internationalist.
>Okay lets go through Mussolini's doctrine of fascism first and then lets hear what Hitler has to say about his movement. Pro tip, they are nationalists meaning at the end of the day they fight for their peoples which makes their doctrine reliant upon their peoples.
Still not refuting my point. Reiterating, how do you validate the position that National Socialism is inherently and exclusively German, and that anyone who isn't German is a skinhead. Don't worry, I'll wait.

>Still not refuting my point
It does
>Reiterating, how do you validate the position that National Socialism is inherently and exclusively German
Hitler said so
>and that anyone who isn't German is a skinhead
Skinhead = neo nazi, anyone who identifies with nat socs who isn't a classical nat soc (as by Hitler's definition) is one.
243693 243694 243730 243795
Reminder that you don't have to be German or even White to be NatSoc.
The fight against the devil concerns the whole humanity.
Don't let the jews tell you who you are or what to think.
To enroll non Whites against the jews has enormous potential.
The kikes already turned them against us, but if we can flip them, the sky is the limit.
>Skinhead = neo nazi, therefore neo nazi = skinhead
That's not how it works anon, and Hitler was speaking in relation to the 1930's-40's.
This anon gets it
I agree fellow Anonymous, there's only one race, the human race after all. Godly n*ggers are our allies and Dems are the real racists. MAGA!!! :D
>Generally speaking, we must not forget that the highest aim of human existence is not the maintenance of a State of Government but rather the conservation of the race.
>The present is a period of probation for racial values. The race that fails to come through the test will simply die out and its place will be taken by the healthier and stronger races, which will be able to endure greater hardships.
Your race is your only ally, but to destory the ((enemy)) everyone should be on the same page, you can't fight two fronts at the same time.
Also that anon is just pointing out NatSoc can be adopted by virtually anyone, not arguing that you should ally with niggers or something.
>y-you're just mad you can't refute our pilpuling just reed seeje man
>can't even refute my posts
Both of you are just a different breed of redditniggers, all parrot talk no substance even that q guy is more convincing than you faggots, and I don't even like qfag.
>George Lincoln Rockwell
He's alright, he simply met an unfortunate end just when his ideas are about to start taking root, if his ideas from back then can't be applied today then someone will have to simply update it to fit in the current era, of course as long as that someone is not one of (((them))).

Wow, that's some serious cognitive dissonance anon. The thing that you fail to realize is that I'm not interested in promoting Siege or the surrounding culture. IDGAF about Siege, never read it. What I have read is anons including (you) make outlandish claims and rhetorical statements that are easily and have already been refuted. And if there's one thing I've consistently observed around here, its that the anons who accuse others of being reddit(-like) are the ones who are guilty of actually being redditors.
Tl;dr No u
>anons who accuse others of being reddit(-like) are the ones who are guilty of actually being redditors.
Except I don't even go to reddit much less have an account there, I don't need to experience feel the 'fun' of reddit to know that place is a cancerous hellhole full of people slowly getting conditioned into obnoxious hipster cunts.
Anons who spam 'read siege' as one of their primary 'convincing' arguments are just redditors no better than those natbol loons and spencerfags on /r/thedonald so fuck them.
>cognitive dissonance
The shills have cognitive dissonance but no one's pointing them out for it so why do other people have to suffer such accusations for (((their))) shitty mental disposition.
>IDGAF about Siege, never read it
No one who figured out what reading siege tells people to do does, and I'm not gonna start doing so just because those feeble minded satanic book readers post a 'better' argument.
243805 243856
I mean, we let Mexicans fight in the US army, are they really Americans or are they still Mexicans at that point? Same with the Germans and their war machine, just because the SS and german Army had volunteers doesn't really mean that these people were anything besides tactical allies against the allies in WWII.
My point stands that Hitler himself refers to Race being the key component in the German state, making the fascistic movement of national socialism racial bound. Doesn't mean you can be an American fascist variant but to be a nat soc and an American is a neo nazi LARP.
>natsoc is fascism
Keep thinking that
>hur dur I have no idea what it is to be a nat soc
>Oh shit I'm being called a subhuman, how do I cope?!
>Oh I know I will go against all reason and try to distance national socialism from fascism
Right, and the sky is green the ocean yellow and niggers are human. Sounds leggit.
Communism, Fascism and National Socialism explained in 15 minutes - (Race and Reason TV program).mp4
>Communism, Fascism and National Socialism explained in 15 minutes - (Race and Reason TV program)
Please, educate yourself.
243811 243828
>Please, educate yourself.
>with a shitty video clip that isn't coming from neo nazi ideologues
Right, give me a primary source from those in the actual national socialist party or I call bullshit. I can quote party doctrine that shows they are in line with each other, in all but a few regards, can you show me otherwise?
Enough shilling, debunk the video or shut up.
I'm not going to play your gish gallop, either give me a primary source or consider the fact that you've surrounded yourself with lies.
>they are in line with each other
There are animals which have evolved independently and resemble each other closely in appearance, yet are genetically distant.
I'd say national socialism is related to fascism but is its own animal. Hitler came to his own views independently and with only a modest amount of influence from Mussolini and Gentile.
No u
>but to be a nat soc and an American is a neo nazi LARP.

243869 243881
More or less agree, Nietzsche, German romantism, and racialism were the roots of national socialism but fascism these other philosopher didn't play nearly as big a role. But I think anyone who tries to distance the movements isn't doing so because of differences in their roots, but because they have an idealized vision of the movement that they want to defend. Take the iron guard. To say the legionaries are not part of a fascistic movement is a bit crazy. But the legionaries had even greater differences in roots then the nat socs and the Italian fascists. Heck, considering that they were a non-secular regime you could say that they were also very different in policy compared to both other movements. So why do people distance national socialism and not the iron guard? I think its because of the 1 holocaust narrative and 2 because of GLR taking the label and making it very different in the US (he was just a paleo con woke on jews imo.)
High quality post, greatly furthers discussion!
t. ass hurt skinhead with nothing to add.

I'd also just like to say that this thread reinforces my beliefs that neo nazis are LARPing pieces of shit. I have come to this belief because in every god damn thread neo nazis on this site make the shittiest posts, exhibit low IQ, and are just frustrating to talk to even when its a topic you'd think is rather straight forward and not attacking their beliefs. But nope, say anything that is slightly offensive or slightly questions their belief system and they sperg out and go full retard. If even a few nat socs say were redemable I'd not be at this point. Sure you'd still be a neo-nazi LARPer, but you'd have a good understanding of what your LARPing, which honestly at this point is my impression on any political movement. Commies LARP, conservatives LARP, and even reactionaries like me LARP, its just the name of the game. But holy fuck don't be so cringe. Read what your movements stem from at least. Not shit like SIEGE where its just autism unbound (which is why neo nazism attracts so many degenerates), but maybe say Hegel, Nietzsche, and the German romantics.
Sorry, I forgot you are a newfag. No u refers to the fact that you are engaging in the exact same practice which you are accusing others of doing, however you're the one pushing a position with only vague allusions to a primary source while providing no sauce. Its not for me or anyone to refute your position if you are unwilling to provide sauce that validates it. Which you still haven't. Hence, I'm not playing your gish gallop, etc.
Tl;dr Back at you faggot
>Sorry, I forgot you are a newfag.
Adhom, high IQ discussion.
Right, because I didn't quote people on what constitutes my position based on the party leaders definitions. Not a primary source according to you I guess. Dare I say, a vague allusions to a primary source. At this point I'm not sure you even know what a primary source is, do you want me to define that to you too you fucking retard?
Yes. Start with a primary source for
>all neo nazis are skinheads
Oh please, do I have to play this fucking game of semantics. The definition of a skin head is just a derogatory term for a neo nazi. Its like me saying nigger and using it synonymous with blacks. They are interchangeable. Don't believe me, here is a dictionary definition.
>any of a similar group of alienated youths in the U.S., Europe, etc. who variously affect a rough appearance, advocate fascist and racist policies, and engage in hostile and violent activity
- merriam-webster
As you can see this is a game of definitions and has very little substance is the discussion. That said if you are hung up on it its likely because 1. I hurt your fee fees. 2. Because you know since its a definitions game a primary source would be invalid to prove such a point. If I got Hitler to say all neo nazis are skinheads, since its not his movement it wouldn't prove anything. So my options on why you want to die on this hill are 1. your stupid 2 you are a snake.

But there is a rule, never assume to malice what you can to retardation. So unless you keep this up I'll assume the former.
>and engage in hostile and violent activity
Thanks for refuting your own position
>let me keep playing into semantics
Okay snake it is. Here is another.
>a usually white male belonging to any of various sometimes violent youth gangs whose members have close-shaven hair and often espouse white-supremacist beliefs - dictioanry.com
Oh and other
>a young person, esp. a man, who has very short hair or no hair, refuses to accept society, and may behave violently toward others -Cambridge dictionary
Oh lets add one more into the mix
>A movement started in Britain in the 60s when the mod scene met the hippy scene. The mod scene split, and the "hard mods", the ones who hated hippies, got harder. With a little influence from Jamacian rudeboys, the skinhead was born out of the hard mod. Most of the music was held over from the mod days, but there were ska and reggae imported from the rude boys.
>In the 70s, many punk-rockers became Skinhead, Skrewdriver among them, and brought Oi! and RAC into the scene.
>Skinheads represent the working class, and fight with honor.
>There are 4 main types of Skinheads:
>Traditional Skinheads (Rejects all politics and labels)
>Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) Anti-racist Skinheads
>White Power/National Socialist(Neo-Nazi) Racist Skinheads
>Red Anarchistic Skinheads (RASH) Communist Skinheads

See its a fucking game. It matters little, the point being its an insult that I can use at will. But I guess it hurts your fee fees skinhead.
You're the one playing identity politics here, trying to pidgeon-hole everyone who identifies as a National Socialist
>various sometimes violent youth gangs whose members have close-shaven hair and often espouse white-supremacist beliefs
Strike one
>who has very short hair or no hair, refuses to accept society, and may behave violently toward others
Strike two
>A movement started in Britain in the 60s when the mod scene met the hippy scene. The mod scene split, and the "hard mods", the ones who hated hippies, got harder. With a little influence from Jamacian rudeboys, the skinhead was born out of the hard mod. Most of the music was held over from the mod days, but there were ska and reggae imported from the rude boys.
>In the 70s, many punk-rockers became Skinhead, Skrewdriver among them, and brought Oi! and RAC into the scene.
>Skinheads represent the working class, and fight with honor.
>There are 4 main types of Skinheads:
>Traditional Skinheads (Rejects all politics and labels)
>Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) Anti-racist Skinheads
>White Power/National Socialist(Neo-Nazi) Racist Skinheads
>Red Anarchistic Skinheads (RASH) Communist Skinheads
Normally one only gets 3 strikes, but I can see you're an over-achiever and decided to strike out 3 times. Yes, its quite evident that you're playing games, pushing a position that isn't even supported by any of the sources you've cited. And that's just in reference to the Neo-nazis = skinheads argument, let alone Nat-soc = fascist, and a variety of others that are patently untrue (assuming of course that one does actual research).

243878 243881
Guys, what is the point of this argument it looks like you two are just bored/angry and shouting at each other without really taking any of each other's points into consideration and in some cases lacking some fundamental understanding of the terms you're using.
243879 243880 243881 243885
>pidgeon-hole everyone who identifies as a National Socialist
Its not, I'm saying you identify with a movement that has totally differentiating ideological tents then what you believe. Which is made especially obvious since you can't get over the fact the movement is nationally based in German identity rather then internally based in whiteness.
>evident that you're playing games, pushing a position that isn't even supported by any of the sources you've cited
Do you know what semantics is? Its a word game. Playing around with definitions. I can make a million, you can make a million. A third party can make a million. And all can be wrong, even if all may be useful. I will walk you through this, even though judging by the fact you ignore my points and make quick witted responses instead (snake snake snake) I find it more likely you won't bother reading this portion but will make it anyways.
1. All definitions share social alienation indicating appeal to an other group.
2. All definition share an appeal to morality showing the group as bad through actions or wrong think.
Thus skinhead is an insult, the content of the definitions matter little especially when applied strictly. Which was the point in throwing down 3, but I can see you didn't pick up on it since you interpreted it all as literally and then processed to ignore my point that its a semantic game.
>Nat-soc = fascist
Its the same game. I could take a lot of "academic sources" to prove this point but I think we both agree academia is not the best place to go when talking about fascism/nat socs. So how do I show this? Answer, I don't. All I need to show to prove my point is a statement that indicates that Germany had a similar policy that Mussolini did when it came to the state and the individual which will prove that the individual and state relationship and race. If I find you this will you consider my argument? Or will you shift the goalpost?

>argument it looks like you two are just bored/angry
Angry since nat socs generally do not understand what they even stand for. They tell people to read siege, but they haven't read any of the German romantics, haven't looked into any other fascist movements, the state policies supported by the governments they like, ect. I'm angry most of all that I hate nat socs. When I came here at the start of this entire site I considered myself one. But over time I read more and understood I wasn't a nat soc. But how do people defend this ideology? Do they point out where I am wrong by quoting nat soc lit, or speeches? Nope, because they haven't read almost any of it. Instead of pointing out a single source of where I am wrong they need to dance around my points which I outright say are semantics and aren't a fairly great way of getting to the real bottom of the discussion which requires us to talk about doctrine and policy.

This is why I am angry, because this happens every single time. If it wasn't for /mlpol/, mind you not /pol/, I'd likely still consider myself a nat soc ally, but now because of this kind of shit I hate the movement.
Well, you can always educate other anons on what does it means to be a NatSoc and what does the cause stands for, getting angry will just make you have this kind of pointless discussion ad nauseum.
There are people that do not care and do not know everywhere, even people that do not think about the endgame of a political movement at all, if you do have a good take on where they are wrong, just correct it and point them the right way.
Guide people to the river.
>implying all nat socs are the same
243885 243886
aussie black sun.jpg
you seem to have a hard time playing minecraft, so how about i give you a tutorial
fascism is not national socialism, fascism is a form of statist nationalism but by all means is not natsoc the both of them are like distant cousins, they work together but have different opinions and different ways to solve problems but they can never be called the same because fascism is a statist ideology where the people serve the state and the state is what forms the nation where as in national socialism the state serves the people and the state creates the best possible life for the people with the least amount of worry's
it seams like you don't know much about fascism or national socialism which is obvious because you have not explained how these ideologies work other than saying "every neo-nazi is a skinhead" which you keep repeating religiously like it somehow gives you a argument over them and yet you still have not mentioned the jew and his crimes

>neo nazis are LARPing pieces of shit
good goy
>I have come to this belief because in every god damn thread neo nazis on this site make the shittiest posts, exhibit low IQ, and are just frustrating to talk to even when its a topic you'd think is rather straight forward and not attacking their beliefs
you say this but give no real examples of how they are stupid or how they act like apes and you give no proof of people doing any of this.
and you say this like these big bad neo-nazi's killed you're dog and shit on it, if you continue to be angry you might break a nail typing about how much you hate them, which would be awful

>Read what your movements stem from at least. Not shit like SIEGE where its just autism unbound (which is why neo nazism attracts so many degenerates), but maybe say Hegel, Nietzsche, and the German romantics.
do you feel in charge? You're telling me that i do not know my own ideology, despite you not even explaining what they are, you think that we follow siege like the bible when we follow many different people throughout history
>Its the same game. I could take a lot of "academic sources" to prove this point but I think we both agree academia is not the best place to go when talking about fascism/nat socs. So how do I show this? Answer, I don't. All I need to show to prove my point is a statement that indicates that Germany had a similar policy that Mussolini did when it came to the state and the individual which will prove that the individual and state relationship and race. If I find you this will you consider my argument? Or will you shift the goalpost?
yes they had similar policy's but just that, similar but they are not the same, to call them the same is an insult to both the movements

>Angry since nat socs generally do not understand what they even stand for. They tell people to read siege, but they haven't read any of the German romantics, haven't looked into any other fascist movements, the state policies supported by the governments they like, ect.
some people do not understand their surroundings and will never understand their surroundings because it is the way people act, but to say every national socialist thinks like this is like saying every leftist has read the communist manifesto, which is absolutely false because most leftists have never picked up a book in their life, not every national socialist has the exact same opinion on literally everything.
you're naivety is unbelievable.
now is not the time for fear anon.
>nice dubs
Yeah maybe you are right. I feel like I'm going crazy though. Everything around me isn't how it should be. Those who should be my allies in nationalism are actually internationalists who idealize a nationalist. I wish I could set it all straight, but one thing I've learned over time is all beliefs are irrational. My own have likely been informed by disgust. So I'm not sure if I can ever set things straight and teach when very few want to hear why they are wrong, let alone what might really be right.
Well, i am all ears, and i'm sure some other anons would be interested in hearing your take on national socialism.
Why dont you make a thread explaining national socialism, it would be a lot better than point everyone out one-by-one, as that might generate more conflict.

You will most likely get a few posts disagreeing with you on said thread, with this being a objective thing, as long as you have your sources at hand it would be easy to argue whenever or not it is valid criticism, this way you could maybe polish-up that vision of NatSoc or at least point out what is right or wrong in a more prouctive way. Assuming everyone here can have a proper argument that is.
And what pray you tell, do I believe?
The National Socialist party of Germany is based in German identity, not National Socialism as a political ideology. I never claimed that National Socialism (as an ideology) is based in whiteness.
>because of this kind of shit I hate the movement
Thank you for that admission of animus, it explains alot
>pic related

Please prove your own point wrong.
I will take the urgayanons advice and will refrain from making this a shouting match anymore. So I ask you talk to my points rather then over them. I will try and give you the same respect but lets get something out of this. Note that the end argument of the thing being discuses is can people who are not German even be nat soc.
>on fascism and national socialism
They are different in roots, their conception of a state is similar not exactly the same as you point out. They have similar policy objectives. On top of this we are left with a problem of why nat socs, fascists, the farange, and the iron guard all identify with each other. We will not get into that. instead there is only one reliant point which is what their conceptual notions of the state are. You go into this "fascism is a statist ideology where the people serve the state and the state is what forms the nation." This is a bit misleading with the ideology specifically saying "of one, and ending to express itself in the conscience and the will of the mass, of the whole group ethnically molded by natural and historical conditions into a nation, advancing, as one conscience and one will, along the self same line of development and spiritual formation" meaning fascism is spiritually nationalist, even if that spirt is secular in nature. This differs from the iron guard where this conception of the state is directly related to God through eastern orthodoxy "The Legionaries have been called by God to sound the trumpet for the resurrection of Romania after centuries of darkness and oppression." -Codreanu National socialism as I said though is entirely racial bounded in nationalism rather then in spirit, "To us state and race are one." -Hitler.

All these differing roles of the state indicate how one can become part of the movement at hand, for itally it was through a brother hood in which is through spiritually similar formative events in national creation of itally. For Codreanu it was through nationalism in so far as loyalty to an Orthodox faith and being Romanian orthodox. For Hitler it was biological nationalism. All three's theories indicate that then constitutes the state and the national formation there of. Now the nbext question is what is the power of the state which you also indicate in talking about national socialism "national socialism the state serves the people and the state creates the best possible life for the people with the least amount of worrys" This however is where all three ideologies align in an athortarian goal. "For the authoritarian nationalist conception of the State represents something essentially new. In it the French Revolution is superseded. " -goebbels 1938 On National-Socialism, Bolshevism & Democracy. Authoritarian nationalism are the perfect ways to decribe the relationship. That is the state and you relate like a military but nationally based.

>to call them the same is an insult to both the movements
Now let us dive into the question I posed earlier. What the to do with the similarities between all interpenetrated fascistic-esc movements? You see, when I say fascistic I mean this very thing. Not Italian fascism = national socialism. But national socialism and Italian fascism are fascistic. Because there is no better word. The idea remains however all these movements share critical similarities never again seen in the history of right wing movements this far right. Their base premise for the state was similar, that being some form of nationalism, their end goal of the state similar, that is an authoritarian military esc view on the relationship between the state and individual, and the overall militarism that defined them. Thus, what to call this? You see I'm just going to take the low hanging fruit and call it fascism since its easier then making a new word. I'll continue to call Italian Fascism Italian Fascism. If you want to make your own word for it though while we talk I'll gladly use what you use.
>National Socialist party of Germany
This is semantics again. At this point I think we don't have anything further to discuses between the two of us considering all agreements you make are through manipulating language. I wish you the very best but I don't think its worth arguing with you to further explore ideas or make genuine points that either favor or do not favor national socialism in the current context of the conversation. Have a blessed day though.
>Distinguishing between a national political party and a political ideology is playing semantics
Toodles anon!
My take on national socialism is as far as fascistic movements go it is an inferior good. The base assumption that racial nationalism is important although admirable isn't a hill I'm willing to die on anymore. I find spiritual nationalism be it in Fascist Italy or especially in Legionary Romanian much more attractive. That said I also find their ideas of nationalism rather weak. That isn't to say I do not favor a national state to an international state, but I prefer the paternalistic family relationship between local peoples much more powerful as a force. Especially when the family is seen as a spiritual entity I find that the closes building block I wish to use in any intuitive state building. So with all that said back to national socialism, I find it the weakest of the far right bunch (if we exclude plan and civic nationalism that is, I find the idea of a piece of paper being the unifying piece of a nation even more silly.)

National socialism other then where it is abused in modern context (being an international "white" movement rather the a German movement) gets a lot wrong when it comes to modern policy imo. I think trade and limited dependence in itself are bad, similarly I do not like the idea of needing to imperialize to stabilize one's population growth over time. Lastly I its roots in the enlightenment (the idea of a nation state and its workings) to be off. Because if the nation state is the most important unit within a fascistic run order, what determines the national order? For liberalism this order is based on an international community based upon enlightenment principles, which over time degenerate into a unitary state via which ever state is the strongest in economic matters. For a fascistic world view this will inevitably lead towards a unitary state through pure zoological strength of states. See Rome after having beat Carthage to understand what an international order under fascism would eventually boil down to. This isn't bad per say; however, I much prefer the world order under Catholicism which did a good job keeping states, nations, and local provinces distinct and unique rather then establishing world orders which will inevitably lead towards an internationalist system either ruled by a single people (if national socialism had its way) or by a common degenerate ideology (liberalism which we live under today.) These are a few ideas I've been bouncing around on some of the shortcomings of national socialism in its pure sense that made me realize I just outright better fit in with reactionaries.
Funny idea, but building what movement. The dissident right have no resources, no elite support nothing.
Living like the Amish only works if the System tolerates you living like the Amish. Also funny how a race running towards extinction still just argues about unimportant things and optics. Nobody is serious.

James Mason is an edge lord, true. But his book was mostly about insights about his experiences with the US WN circles over the years. Basically he even had a podcasts saying random violence doesn't work lately. The book has some nice ideas but it's more of a relic of the US WN scene from the 80s. The siegetard skullmask people missed the point the moment they started posting themselves with guns etc. online.

Also there is no movement, there are people being fed up without any direction. And you won't really make any progress unless the ability of the system to project power and influence decreases. If you take a couple of guys and move away they will just mess you up with the media, money, institutional power and violence disparity. The solutions to the current problems are still not invented, people just barely started noticing the problems themselves.
That's always been apart of his message insofar as I can tell.
From what I gather of SIEGE he is all for achieving a strong body capable of escalating, assumedly so that things escalate to a point where that which must be done can be so done.

It seems from Siege that apart of that is actually concerned with looking to see how to build a movement that will actually accomplish anything, whereas, the escalation ability comes as an ability of an already existing strong and tenable movement itself.

Random violence is martyrdom.

He doesn't seem to outright condemn it.
"SIEGE also expounds on how it is nowadays absurd to contemplate full engagement against ZOG by means of noble violence, as there is no longer the existing time, numbers, or expertise to wipe the slate clean in this manner. The pages of SIEGE bear testament to the many who have tried " heightening the contradiction s" through guerrilla warfare... and lost, becoming purposeful martyrs either imprisoned or killed outright. Thus only the second half of the equation remains a viable practicality- a Total Drop-Out and withdrawal. "

Which is literally followed by, "With regard to those few elite who do extricate obedience to ZOG by a sworn Drop-Out, and refuse to morally sanction, or materially support a criminal government- yet who disavow warnings about the sensibleness of launching Total Attack offensives toward key institutions, industries, and political / corporate / media figureheads; Mason nonetheless extends wise council to such warriors imbued with enough élan to breach boundaries of no return. As SIEGE elaborates upon, if you are determined to unleash iron justice or make a valiant sacrifice with your life, then do so with finesse and style. Moreover, select prudent targets that count! Aim for the most menacing, and influential pigs; then dispatch them with methodic viciousness. Act alone or in small numbers. Remember, the soft underbelly of this whole monstrous setup is the volatile economy that fuels it. SIEGE also points out that elements of aesthetic terrorism are duly factors to be considered, as exemplified by the flamboyant immolation of stature Jews, race traitors, and plastic glammer stars in California during the late summer of 1969. Such brazen killings (and mass-murder slayings in general) precipitate shockwaves of paranoia that ignite massive confusion and stir discord."

There's something about Siege that's just hilarious to me, and it can't be because it is bad since it's almost comically too based.
Fire bomb busses but try not be a Martyr, the solution is obviously supposed to be the benefits of mass movement in accomplishing action.

Let's face it most of /mlpol/ are adults who spend all day arguing over absolutely nothing, not a fucking thing, rather than building any real world connections with other people - which is a someways seperate issue from anonymity (which need not apply) given that compartmentalization is easy if the main mode of communication remains digital.
The three spheres, business, social, private.
Sub-sected by, social; activist, anonymous.
I don't anybody on the edge of the internet here bothers with such things and hide behind the reasoning of anonymity to explain their sever social autism/learning disability.
quality digits to accompany your quality post
>It seems from Siege that apart of that is actually concerned with looking to see how to build a movement that will actually accomplish anything, whereas, the escalation ability comes as an ability of an already existing strong and tenable movement itself.
Check Kai Murros out:
>>199897 →
>Revolution - And How to Do It in a Modern Society
