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The Goy and the Jew
202492 202522 202545 202549 202552 202674 202730 202857 203379
I've been thinking about this topic a lot (as I would hope all of you have been). I'm sure we are all familiar with the common narrative on the subject? Clearly the jew seeks the destruction of our race, or at the very least its enslavement. Even if a particular jew is not complicit in any long-term conspiracy, it is clear to observe that their actions contribute to this end. No specifics are necessary here, just the shared perspective of the jew as evil and the goy as good. The evil kike unjustly persecutes Us. Unprompted by anything but tribal self-interest, the Synagogue of Satan seeks to destroy any who might oppose it.

Now, I admit I have done no research into this. I don't speak Portuguese, I don't know if these people are all kikes themselves, but somehow I doubt it. At any rate, it is irrelevant. It serves to illustrate the point just as well.

Watch this webm. Look at this picture. This is the Goy. Whether he cooked this up on his own, or he was encouraged to do so by the jew, it is irrelevant. This is the Goy. Look at him. Look at Us, goyim. Look at what we are. Is it any wonder they hate us? My God, I hate us! Can you blame them? Gifted with conscience, intelligence, sapience, sentience-- abstract thought. And this is what we are? This is the Goy? You wonder why they hate us? We were given everything, and with this great gift we have reduced ourselves to something less than animals. The dog may sniff its peer's ass, but it cannot orchestrate such a deliberate ceremony of it. The bitch is an animal capable of no more, but we are deliberately perverse.

Foul, stupid, dumb fucking animals. With all that we could do, this is what we choose to do with ourselves? When you understand the gravity of it all, it is not so hard to understand the Jew. He is _not_ stupid. He is not ignorant. Or did you actually think he managed to survive for millennia as a bumbling idiot? The Goy is the idiot, and he does not even realize it. That is why they hate us so much. We could reach for the stars, and instead we reach for each other's asshole. Is it a crime to domesticate an animal? Is it evil to own a cow so that you can milk it? What about the goy? Less than an animal, a sin against nature. If being an animal is morally neutral, than reducing yourself to less than one is a sin. It is a perversion against God and Nature. They would be in the right to take the Goy out back, put him against a wall, and put a bullet through his brain. But he doesn't, does he? Bear with me here.

The Jew is not evil. The fact that he would make us his slave and keep us alive to serve him is not a sign of his inherent evil, rather, it is a sign of his generosity-- his clemency. The Goy is a sad thing. It will accomplish nothing; it has rejected the light of the Universe and turned its back on God. All it has is a short, sad little life to live before it is doomed to an eternity of irrelevance-- Damnation. The jew does him a favor. This is the only joy this sick little sub-human will ever know, and the jew generously allows him to enjoy it as long as he can, rather than simply destroying him as he ought to. So what if he kills a few million goyim here or rapes a few million their children here? They aren't even people. The Jew does you a favor, you filthy fuck, and you ought to be grateful for it.

Can you see why they despise you so much? How they can push for the genocide of your peoples and the destruction of your nations? Do you understand why they are so brazen about it? They aren't lying to you when they tell you with a cocky smile that you should be happy with what is happening to you. They are completely sincere. You should be happy. You should be grateful, because in reality you deserve so, so much worse.

Understand the Jew. Understand yourself. Are you just a goy, or are you something more? I know where I stand.

Adolf Hitler quote - 1942's prayer.jpg
>The Jew is not evil.
>I found a video of some asshats doing some retarded-ass shit and they're everyone
>You should be grateful your society is being undermined and destroyed by the Jew cuz it could be worse
This is nothing but abject rhetoric with zero substantiation. I don't think anyone has said that the Jew is stupid, and I don't think anyone with any level of critical thinking would make that claim. If they were stupid it would be easy to oppose and defeat them.
I don't know what point you were trying to make, but this sounds like defeatism in the least case and shilling in the most.
A country has the Jews it deserves.
I actually read through the post and I believe I see the point being made here.
The Goy, despite being gifted with sapience, is lower than even an animal. From the perspective of the Jew, he is doing the Goy a favor by not simply destroying him outright as he ought to.
We must look at ourselves as individuals and ensure that we are above the goy's level, as we would otherwise deserve to fall to the Jew. This is summarized by the final line:
>Understand the Jew. Understand yourself. Are you just a goy, or are you something more? I know where I stand.
First of all, that video is a play made by the group "os macaquinhos" (the monkeys)
That play was so shit it caused a ton of conflict in brazil between people that defended it as "art" and people that claimed it was literal shit.
Second of all, i honestly hate with all my might the way you worded your post, never pointing why is it bad in the first place that jews "domesticate" the goyim- Yes, humans are domesticated monkeys and only a small percentage of the population actually uses their brain but this does not means it is an acceptable behavior to take advantage of others, this is the by-product of overpopulation and should not be encouraged.
Third, taking into account what i just said, objectively speaking not only jews, but *anyone* that takes advantage of others for their own gain *is* evil.

this is why we need gas chambers
>mfw a Nazi says I need to be gassed
>for talking about the fucking jews
The jew uses money to control people. Then they divide the populace with wedge issues to distract you while they literally jew you out of your money
This is actually the Pro-White genocice Muslim perspective as they see Europe allowing such degeneracy, not the Jew's.
202674 202739 202753
I'm sure that's true. I can see Moslems hating the West for those same reasons. But I don't think the Jew seeks to destroy Us because we are degenerate, but rather he sees no harm in using Us because of it.

The Jew has a tribal and racial conscience, that same conscience that we here have and which he condemns in others as the greatest evil. Is it evil to herd goats and use them for their milk and meat? Only a vegetarian would say that it is so, with a few caveats here and there (kosher or halal slaughter for example). So what harm is there, from the Jew's perspective, in using the Goy as such? It is for his (the Jew's) advantage that he does so, and the Goy ought to be grateful for it, just as the sheep ought to be grateful to his shepherd. He may be robbed of his wool or slaughtered for mutton, but in exchange he is kept safe from predators. He is imprisoned for his own good.

Is this not the mind of the Jew? Of course, this is all speculation on my part, as someone who has a racial consciousness. If we take our own feelings on the issue, and try to view it from their perspective, with their teachings and their beliefs, do their actions not make more sense? Can't we see as they do? Doesn't it explain everything?
You can try to "deconstruct" White civilization all you want, but in the end, the Jewish race will be exterminated.
This pest have stayed for to long unchecked, and the real final solution is due.
Hopeful times we are leaving on, unrest and civil war are coming to our lands, and the ZOGbots will not able to protect them any longer.
The kike open season will begin.
202682 202789
I should hope. We all should. I'm not trying to defend the Jew, only understand him. I want to "deconstruct" Jewish civilization.
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>I'm not trying to defend the Jew, only understand him.
The time to understand is long gone.
What is coming is hardship and war.
>not understanding the mind of your opponent so you can more easily defeat them
Actually it is refusing to play intellectual games with OP.
The kikes and the (((golems))) minds are known, also that the game is staked against us at all levels. To a local level (tactical), it is to fight or surrender. To an strategic level, this game have been planned decades ago to force us to engage in civil and ethnic war which will exhaust us, while the puppet masters watch from a safe distance waiting to take over.
We'll see how the time lines unfold.

>using (((art))) as argument
>implying kikes are any better
>implying we need them
>implying it is wrong to fend off an attacker
>saying it is okay to let your children get raped

U fockin what m8?
Bumbling idiots are not bumbling idiots, how could they survive for millennia if they were?
I honestly don't believe there's a higher reason in their minds than greed and selfishness to do what they do, it's not in the human order.
Don't forget self-entitlement and contempt. The Talmud makes very clear what a jew should/ought think, feel, and behave towards a goy, and yet I see no such prescriptions from virtually any other religious doctrine. Muslim doctrine prescribes infiltration and destruction, but even they won't stoop to such levels of chicanery.
So much this. This isn't a discussion, this is OP asserting rhetoric with an absence of logic, as evident by the initial and follow-up posts. Jew flag when?
It's amazing how ignoramuses are responding to this. If you want to outjew the Jew you must understand his rationale first.

This is quite correct. We all should realize that Jews honestly believe that not only are they acting in their own self-interest, but are "good" in their own eyes. Keep in mind that for the last millennium at least Jews were strangers in the ethnic states of Europe and were frequently expelled, yet kept returning like an incorrigible prisoner who can't survive on his own in the real world. Of course, through all this they blamed white Christians, not their own behavior. Like prisoners, they grew to hate their captors and by proxy developed a positive relationship with other "inmates"–i.e. minorities. They were all "victims" and so banding together against a powerful majority was the logical thing for them to do. However, open violence was impossible as it would lead to a repeat of A.D. 70, so guile and cunning remained the only options for Jews, and centuries of unwitting sexual and natural selection led to these traits becoming pronounced.

This cultural identity of being "wronged victims" carries on today and Jews will freely admit this. Ask one why Jews support refugees and he'll reply with some flowery language about how Jews were also refugees and how they therefore have solidarity with these groups. He's not lying because they honestly do believe this. What most do not admit is that this necessarily places the "wrongdoer" (invariably white Christians) in a place of resentment and that, according to "justice," it must be atoned for by submission if not outright destruction. This "victim-versus-victimizer" mentality necessarily puts Europeans in a bad spot and therefore Jews will have a subconscious hatred of them. This has manifested in the last two centuries particularly as Marxism and cultural Marxism. Marx, himself a self-hating Jew, quite cleverly veiled his world-hatred (against a world Europeans had built) as a war between victims as a broad class against aristocratic and bourgeois values. It split white society and future Jews gladly identified themselves with the "victim" faction, gradually transmuting it further past mere economic victimization to any kind of social victimization at all.

This is my idea of why the majority of Jews support egalitarianism and cultural Marxism. The somewhat smaller faction, the Zionists, base their ideas on power moreso than victimhood, pride rather than envy, as they are convinced they are chosen by Yahweh and are the master race. As such we are literally subhuman to them and can be treated less than cattle, used and manipulated to their own ends. They are more similar to stereotypical Nazis than Nazis actually were and this is why even leftists tend to dislike Israel.
202812 202826
>>using (((art))) as argument
OP isn't using it as argument, just a way to illustrate a point (as was mentioned in the spoiler).
>the rest of this post
OP never >implied any of that. He's trying to understand the Jew's perspective so as to be better able to defeat the Jew. >>202677
Maybe he should have made that clearer then.

The question is how to turn things upside down and fuck with them.
202840 202841
>Believing that OP is not a kike.

(OP has a long and legitimate posting history)
202843 202857
How am I a kike? You're probably a kike.
>oy vey, this goy is using his brain, better shut him down so he doesn't give the rest of them thoughts

If I don't mindlessly chant "kike bad" and refuse to actually think about it like some kind of "alt-right" NPC then I must be a kike? I'm not even saying kikes aren't bad, I'm just elaborating on why it is so. And that makes me a jew? Fucking off yourself. You are a part of the problem.
>(OP has a long and legitimate posting history)
Then he deserves a try.
I'd just ignore them and be thankful mods are based. Low-IQ spergposting can be entertaining at times but provide no real contribution other than kneejerk reaction.
I believe they are just acting in the lower-end of human behaviour, talking about the Jewish elite of course, minors but active ones may include hatred and resentment due to the past. Regular Jews just happen to have their natural interests clashing with ours, mostly due intentionally by the elite, similar to how they use the third world on us, it's not like they care about Blacks or in this case, regular Jews.
The difference is that Whites lack ethnocentrism compared to Jews for many reasons, and thus, they can't push race-mixing and all that stuff on them yet, and they need them against us too.

just my quick thoughts, i have zero confidence on this.
Your entire argument falls apart when you realise those people are only doing stupid shit because of the Jew's influence, and the Jew only has influence because of the money generated by usury, which should have remained punishable by death like our ancestors wanted.