Are you guys accepting 8poz refugees? I can't stand that place any longer. I want pure /pol/, not 4Chan-lite shit.
Sorry about shitpost :-(.
>>200766Maybe. Why dont you tell me about the jew.
>>200766How Do You Feel About Ponies?
>>200767I'm reading two books atm:
Culture of Critique
The Occult War: The judeo-masonic plan to conquer the world
I've also Analysed them from a GeoPol POV. I know how they control banking, America, etc.
>>200768I've heard it's okay. I don't really mind. But I'm not much of a fiction guy so I don't have much interest in watching it. Mainly stick to talks on various subjects and the occasional doco tbh.
>>200769What Are you Politically?
>>200770Hmmm, good question. I guess Archeo-Monarchism, but I can see Aristocracy to be preferable in some ways but it's unrealistic in our modern world due to Globalisation. So I think a decent size state is now required to act as a bulwark against malicious international forces and powers. Nationalism is required, obviously. That should go without saying.
>>200773NatSoc ideas are preferred.
>>200774As always with /pol/ but I don't agree with the entire NatSoc worldview. I've read Mein Kampf and have a leather-bound version, and I have IRL NatSoc friends, though.
>>200773>>200774>>200775Monarchism is a part of the alliance.
>>200777Question: are there many 8/pol/ refugees here? I know there's been many exoduses since about early 2017 but there was never anything official, so to speak. But I broke today. The board has been shilled beyond repair. You can't even have an intelligent discussion any more.
You guys seem pretty intelligent with your pony porn firewall though. Quite clever.
>>200780to my knowledge,we have quite a few 8/pol/ refugees.
>>200780I am one that landed here around 5 month ago.
It is pretty comfy and if you get into ponies (no lewd of course) sometimes can be hilarious and entertaining.
ONLY if you don't try to destroy the current culture. Don't be a rapefugee.
Either protect the culture, or go somewhere else. Culture is the foundation of any
group, so don't bring the 8/pol/ cancer
with you like a disease.
>>200786>8/pol/ cancerI am not trying to stir the nest, but can you define such cancer?
>>200786Ff I'm fleeing to escape cancer, that means I don't like it and I'm trying to avoid it, so how do I bring it with me exactly? Being said, I will ensure to abide by /mlpol/ tradition. I hereby declare myself an /mlpol/ traditionalist.
>>200788>No LewdI understand now.
Don't worry poners, I mostly post on political threads and I don't mess with the pony ones, except to post cute ponies which I like them very much.
>>200787Trump spam.
Calling people names as a substitute
for using logical arguments.
Worthless moderators.
Wasting time talking to blatant shills
and providing traffic to a site which only
exists as a honeypot.
8chan is now in the same league as
Reddit, 4chan and Facebook because of these
>>200789i suggest checking out this thread.
>>174798 → >>200791Are you guys redpilled on Trump though? Ie, know he's a Zionist and Jew puppet?
>>200794Without a doubt hes not our guy.
We agree.
>>200794>Are you guys redpilled on Trump though?Yes, we are.
But also we understand he is better than the alternative.
Nevertheless a kinda NatSoc replacement is needed ASAP.
>>200797>But also we understand he is better than the alternative.Nevertheless a kinda NatSoc replacement is needed ASAP.
>>200795>>200794Any discussions about Trump should be kept in CONTAINMENT THREADS. Do not flood the board with Trumpspam. It will kill this board if that happens.
>>200799yea,i usually don't talk about it,but anon asked my opinion.
>>200802Good and enlightened stuff.
>>200802You have interesting videos in your channel.
Better back them up at Bitchute, Dailymotion, or similar before they are nuked.
>>200808This,also consider
>>200808I'm too small for them to bother to shoah. Currently running Tiny Core Linux on an ancient craptop with 1gb RAM. Will be getting a real computer and Adobe software soon to kick up the production. Then I'll back stuff up.
>>200805>>200808Not to shill myself but this is probably my masterpiece so far. Cinematic video on Metaphysics of War by Julius Evola. [Embed] >>200810they have a shoah bot now. id be concerned if i were you tbh.
I already added your channel Jewtube RSS feed.
>>200813Don't count on regular anything. Most of my time is taken up by AnChem study and procrastination (because I'm a blackpilled recovering-NEET, meaning near 0 internal motivation.
>>200815>motivationPerhaps you can find something of value here
>>179533 →Or, if you like something more personal, maybe
>>>/ub/ might be your flavor, very slow now but useful.
>>200780Pretty much anyone with any brains left that place after the april first hack. Most came here, i think some went to places like nextchan and endchan, and a good number fell for that tranny honeypot meguca.
>>200811Wow, that is a master piece. i still havent gotten around to reading Evola's books. but that video makes me want to do it even more than i wanted to before.
>>200816I used to run a website on Evola in slight conjunction with Brett Stevens. But that got hacked after the Fields incident. I've got over 60 of his works still in back up. Might upload them for you guys some time.
Not a Traditionalist anymore though, Eastern Orthodox Christian.
>>200815>because I'm a blackpilled recovering-NEET, meaning near 0 internal motivation.Same, im to far gone to recover though i have virtually 0 confidence.
>>200815>>200820Dont be blackpilled anons, now when we're so close. Motivation comes and goes, and confidence is often a farce, what matters is Will and Willpower and I know you have it in you to get out of your slump and do something great.
Or not, and just live a unremarkable life and die unremembered. Up to you really.
>>200820If I may, I suggest reading a blog written by a guy named Aeoli Pera. He's a diagnosed Asperger with 140 IQ. Nuclear Engineering dropout. Also a recovering NEET at 30 years old. His blog basically focusses on insight psychology and self-help for Autistic NEETs. He helped me recover and he's helped other guys too. I highly recommend reading his blog. He responds to everyone as well.
This is a good start:>Most of the existing self-help literature is written for middle class people who are trying to achieve success, which Paul Fussell informs us means getting into the upper middle class (FYI that’s what would make your mom happy). So that’s been the traditional audience for self-help books. Unfortunately, that means some of the advice isn’t going to apply to the new underclass: overly intellectual white NEETs with no skills, experience, or social networks trying to break into the lower middle class. We can still keep about 80% of it (e.g. work hard, network—most good advice is good for everybody) but the aspirations, goals, and practical systems need to be adjusted for our situation. We shouldn’t be talking about how to become a highly paid consultant before we establish how to become a junior developer and survive the first five years of corporate life. >>200818Evola is definitely required reading and I wager that nearly anyone could get something substantial from reading his books. Those who would get most out of it are people unfamiliar and unacquainted with pre-modern philosophy and worldviews or, in other words, those still stuck in the materialist/nominalist delusion, so to speak. To the modern man, he basically flips everything they know on its head and offers a completely new but timeless, in a general sense, view of the world. It's paradigm shattering stuff. Most of it is very scholarly and academically dense, though, as Evola was more a researcher and less a philosopher. In fact, the SS hand-picked him to conduct research on the Occult for the Third Reich. And many of his works are still considered to be primary standards for information about the occult etc. Unfortunately, we don't know where any of that SS work is but hopefully it'll turn up soon as more and more of his works are being found and translated every year.
Revolt Against the Modern World
Men Amongst the Ruins
Metaphysics of War
Metaphysics of Sex
Meditations on the Peaks
And then whatever tickles your fancy.
>>200822>>200823I don't Know Anons it just all seems so pointless.
>>200830Like you,I also have problems with motivation. but ill try to start Revolt Against the Modern World later today.
>>200834This can help. probably stand somewhere on the ADD spectrum which means you have a low clustering of dopamine receptors. That's what ADD is. I have it.
You need to hack your biology. But once you get going, you have momentum, then all you need is focus. Aeoli actually formulated it:
Energy > Momentum + Focus.
Get your energy first. Increase dopamine.
>>200834>>200836Further more, with low dopamine levels, you'll wind up depressed. Hence why you're backpilled. And with depression comes brainfog and you can't think properly which is why you believe it's all pointless. Don't believe your brain. It's deceiving you.
>>200773>MonarchismYou'll do well around here.
t. Feudal Monarchist.
>>200774>Evola I like you even more now. Still working my way through his works but they're great so far. Wish he didn't ditch spengler's cultural symbols but I think I get why he did.
>>200834>I don't Know Anons it just all seems so pointless.Getting into "the far right" has probably helped me a lot - I used to think the same, that there was no point to anything - but after some time being exposed to you guys and your "virulent extremism" I realized there was a goal worth striving for and a community to which I belong, and that was a huge whitepill. Talking to my old friends now it seems like there's something missing in them, like they are doing everything they're supposed to do but don't know why. Instead they go through the motions and pass their time doing all the things that we and the other /pol/ boards make fun of normalfags for - talking about TV and Netflix, virtue signaling on social media, buying toys they wanted when they were kids, traveling, and that sort of thing.
Still have the same problem getting things done, but at least it's not all darkness.
TL;DR listen to some Xurious and go for a walk in nature.
>>200780I'm one. That board is FUCKED.
>>200852It must hold a world record for being shilled.
>>200861We always welcome new friends. The magic of friendship was what was missing from those of us who were /pol/. The staff honestly and legitimately care about the board and its users and post regularly and genuinely (without capcodes) and only moderate in the presence of a threat. We even had a delightful thread/discussion with a leftypol some time ago. He was wrong of course but it was polite, intelligent, and fun for all participants, unironically and unoffensively.
Our posters are largely Natsoc conservative types and Poner friends, with a good number of ancap posters.
But there's one aspect of the equation that is of critical importance. You know what goes great with Ponies and Politics? The Denver Broncos.
The Denver Broncos are Football for all time, because they are led by John Elway who is himself 100% Football, spreading Football with his American to the good little boys and girls on Santa's list. He was not always 100% Football, there was once a time he was only about 70% Football, but then the lord Jesus Christ said "John Elway, who art Football, thou shalt be 100% Football, for the world has great need of Football. Gather unto you all the Footballs, and store them in space."
And lo, he did become 100% Football, and gathered ALL the Footballs and place them in special rooms in space, because there were so many Footballs that they could not be stored effectively on the Earth. Upon doing so he realized that this might deprive the people of Football and Footballs, which would only serve the Seattle Seahawks, who are not Football. So he outfitted the rooms in space with turrets that he could direct and control from his holy see in Mile High, in the great state of Colorado, and he set about spreading Football, raining them down from on high like meteorites, except instead of chunks of space debris, they were Footballs.
>t. Denver Broncos >>200868Accurate meme, Huezillian.
>>200871We need images like this for 4chan too.
>>200820>>200815I honestly believe the Blackpill is pointless, unless you use it to find possible flaws over your game, that's why i quickly jumped off the Trump train for example.
>>2007808/pol/ refugee here.
If you want a good laugh about the pony porn firewall, read this thread and watch the shill sink into despair.>>200794Eh, I think he's somewhere in the middle. He's for israel, but he's also for US citizens, more so than any politician in memory. Sucks that he's caving on the wall. We better see an emergency declared...
>>200931That was a fun thread. I hope Salt comes back at some point
>>200871Anyone have that pic of the glow in the darks rping on 8chan?
>>200836>>200837thanks anon
>>200851>TL;DR listen to some Xurious and go for a walk in nature.ill do that.
>>200891>unless you use it to find possible flaws over your gameWhat did you mean by this?
>>200958I meant to say ON your game, having that mindset can help you to predict stuff that might go wrong. Like the so-called "Trump Blackpill".
>>200931fantastisch, mijn broer. hoe gaat het?
>>200942I need to make a screencap of that thread. Difficulty: can't do it with kids around.
>>201018Alas, I speak only english and some very, very shitty french. It's just that I generally trust the netherlands for my VPN.
I'm always surprised how similar dutch is to english though.
>>200837>Further more, with low dopamine levels, you'll wind up depressedCould be serotonin. I just started some 5-htp and I'm much more upbeat. Feel completely in control, bad shit rolls off, I deal with it and move on.
>>201024>I'm always surprised how similar dutch is to english though.Ja, dat klopt (yes, that's right). English is a Germanic language after all. Shame, thought I had a Dutch broer in de house :(.
>>200851>but after some time being exposed to you guys and your "virulent extremism" I realized there was a goal worth striving for and a community to which I belong, and that was a huge whitepill.Yes.
Now you can see beyond the clutter and BS.
And I believe it is a huge advantage you have on the normies.
Even if you cannot save them (most likely scenario), you might save yourself and the closer ones from the satanism spreading.
>>200830Agreed. As a matter of fact there is a surprising breadth of counter-mainstream literature that is necessary to deconstruct (to borrow the post-modern term) the current orthodoxy and obtain a clearer vision of society. Evola is up there as one of the best. Here's a reading guide.
Also, you sound like VertigoPolitix who has also taken the pony pill. If you could one day have a collaboration that would be great.
>>201105 [Embed]He is a Youtuber/group that makes some very juicy videos. I especially like him because he names the Jew without being in-your-face about it: he'll say an (((individual))) is Jewish but will mostly refer to our enemies as "the globalist elites." This balance of being matter-of-fact and subtle makes him a good redpill for conservacucks while remaining entertaining for us.
>>200780>>200931>>200942>>201024Glad you guys enjoyed watching the shill get BTFO'd.
>t.ID: 5269d >>201105i watched your videos on vegan faggots, i especially liked the psychoanalysis on (((Vegan Gains)))
Information dump. Main computer has been compromised by the feds. This one is being compromised.
Imkampfy's great list of wordfilters
>>201268Learningcode's plan for /pol/
Things could have been so different....... when Imkampfy got banned, people thought we were entering a whole new era. But they didn't take into account or didn't know about Codemonkey (Ron Watkins) and Jim Watkins being CIA agents and 8chan being run on US government servers.
Most of this appears to have been scrubbed from the internet after Imkampfy was removed. Most likely, Imkampfy being removed was just a show. Evidence suggests Imkampfy was reinstated after people thought Codemonkey was getting rid of him forever.
"Coincidentally" mod and vol names are no longer listed in the board logs.
That's why I am releasing Imkampfy's dox as a form of retaliation. It seems to be scrubbed from the internet now. Too bad I thought ahead and saved it on my hard drive. Take it with a grain of salt, though - he may have moved by now. It might be fake.
Fuck 8chan and everyone in it's administration. Jim Watkins is a kike, Ron Watkins is a kike, and all the mods and vols on /pol/ are kikes.
>>200780I'm one of them. The board got hit hard by the April 1st hack, but it stayed readable and you could've still have good discussions. Now it's just as OP said, 4chan lite, and is getting worse every day. That being said, I've been following /mlpol/ from /jp/ to here ever since the hack, but with the way 8/pol/ has been going, I'm starting to think that I should stay here.
>>200780Not an 8/pol/ guy myself, but we pulled in quite a few newbies when the Imkampfy shitstorm went down: my prediction on Codemonkey's takeover not fixing anything came true, which was pretty sad to see. Still, we're glad to have you and any other 8/pol/ refugees all the same.
With the whole of 8ch ostensibly taken over by the US government through some arm or another, and gookmoot being infamous for his data harvesting (as recent as yesterday:, this is one of the best places for us all to be at the moment.
Welcome aboard the S.S. /mlpol/!
>>201609I like this pic, I wouldn’t mind seeing eqg in this art style
>>201931I wouldn't mind seeing EQG done in a way that actually takes the concept of rendering the pony characters as humans seriously, instead of just "the girls we sold pony toys to are in middle school now, how do we sell them the same toys again?"
>>201931>>201609The "colors of the characters aren't meant to represent race, they're all ponies" was a genious idea though, it shilled even further the ethnocentric nature of the show, while shielding it from SJW's.
>>201609>redpilled-mlp-headcanonsDoes this artist exist anywhere else? I think his tumblr got shoah'd in the Great Porn Purge.