>>200515>>200522Honestly, I'm starting to regret leaving my question in this way, such that it could mean that I'm potentially opening the floodgates for mass changeling migration into Equestria. Perhaps some will find the idea of changelings using Equestrian resources to learn from their ways tiring; which has been a story that can be heard from the disgruntled sounds of local pony keepers in the land. I should understand, the board has heard these cries many a time before .
I've come to realise that in this Equestrian world, ponies and the other races have the luxury of being able to lead ethnocentric lives where communities of species can thrive in their own lands, find their own way, develop their own cultures all their own... buffaloes aside, but that's not the issue at hoof.
I am not trying to deny ponies their right to survive. At least, not in intention. It would probably have been wiser if I'd just ask something more... nuanced. Not if changelings are allowed in the equine state, but moreso, with it. Ponies are undoubtedly unique in the world in that their discoveries of friendship have led to their country being build with strong cohesive bonds and a high-trust society; this was done by ending the feud between the subtribes of pony races, and all this is accomplished while seemingly homogeneous-looking races of species squabble with each other day and night.
Every race has its strengths; but while it never hurts to continually improve one's race, sometimes the race of a pony will get in the way of improving where others are weak. It could be that a body isn't designed for running fast, the size of the skull isn't large enough to store a brain packed with enough neurons for high thought or that sometimes kirin males have a really small Vienna.
Of course...
>>200556 has a point, as much as I would have accused siren anon of conspiracy against the races; and while
>>200551 has elaborated on the luxury of race very well (in contrast to the dysgenic tales of the human world), crying out how 'Changelings are the real gryphons!' only loses manpower and adds more enemies to fight in the coming battle of the described 'red-menace'. Or dareisay, 'red mane-ace.'
It's alright to sometimes rely on others. Sometimes, to survive, we rely on others. I know it sounds parasitic, and it is, but it makes sense in another way. Think of it like this; The cultural gnosis of the changeling Hive mind is in such a way that changelings are interdependent and communally 'one' in mind, aware of the needs of their own as much as others. Thus, the welfare of their own people is secured.
I'm not suggesting miscegenation, I'm not suggesting living together in one space; I should have asked instead whether ponies will be interested in a mutually-beneficial relationship with changelings; being allowed in to stay; for however long as one pleases, is but an idea non-negotiable.
It's time I set the example. I'm going to become like the changelings of Thorax's hive.