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Saving the Family
192813 192816 192837 192858 193255
As we all know marriage and birth rates are on the decline all throughout the west. We can point out that feminism and Jews are the cause of this all day, but how do we reverse the trend? How do we get men to get married again? How do we get women to want to be mothers again? How do we save the family?
It's not any one thing, the legal system needs to be reworked to reduce exploitation, the entertainment industry needs to be demolished rectified to purge it of its bad sentiments, people need to be retaught that there's absolutely nothing wrong with traditional roles in society, living costs need to be significantly reduced along with the bar for home ownership, do these things and more and you'll see a natural and uncoerced return to traditional family units.
There's a lot of work to do. And yeah, normies do need the entertainment industry to tell them that this is good, cool, and what they want, just as it told them the exact opposite.
>How do we save the family?
We can't.
The Family institution has everything against to form and survive.
Those making calls to men to get married are delusional.
And because of ZOG rules (((laws))) and political framework (((democracy))), there is nothing we can do about it, except exercise war to bring down the (((System))) and allow a reboot.
Large Tax Breaks for larger (White) families
192840 192841
Unlikely to work.
Large families require a lot of resources which cannot be offset by tax breaks.
The regular Joe and Jane are exhausted paying bills and to support and raise additional family members is beyond their reach without to compromise their living standard.
Meaning, modern society gives a too comfy life and to have more than 1 kid is usually a threat to peoples' comfort.
Also, many cunts have lost their maternal instinct and use pregnancy as a gateway to solve financial problems by squeezing a man and the welfare State.
Radical Reform is needed.
Remove the popular conception that every Tom, Dick, and Harry needs to go to university to get anywhere. Education is a scam.
How about getting rid of social welfare programs which incentivize single motherhood and other degenerate, high time-preference ways of living, and getting rid of the fiat monetary system which enriches bankers and enables governments to spend billions on war in the middle east at the expense of devaluing the savings and paycheck of the working man while raising the cost of living. I'd suggest some sort of full reserve system, maybe, although I haven't read enough about it yet to know if that's the ideal solution.
WW1 condoms used to stop soldiers returning with sexual diseases
1900s The motor car - women learn independence.
1920s pregnancy is a risk to the mother so a woman starts Family Planing after her mother dies.
WW2 Women work in factories to supply weapons for the war - women learn to enjoy independence and their own money.
1960 The Pill - women learn to enjoy independence.
Women now can:
- safely have a career without pregnancy getting in the way.
- travel distances from the kitchen using the motor car.
- contribute their wage to a partners wage and double the price of everything in the free market, including houses. Which feeds back into making babies less affordable.

- get rid of the motor car, or make it illegal for women to drive. (Islam, YES!)
- make condoms and contraception illegal - make it death penalty because irony.
- forbid women from holding a job (back to the kitchen! ban microwave ovens)
- don't have world wars
- find methods to lower the IQ of the white population so they fail to consider consequences of sex (such as flood society with drugs and alcohol or toxic substances.)

Did I help?
A system where if you're a good enough mother(no roasties or mentally-deranged perpetual-childs or thots who cheat on their men) of the country's main endangered ethnicity(white), and genetically healthy enough, you can apply for government aid to be spent on every extra kid you have.
Boom, now it's a point of pride to be a good enough mother to have many kids.
And you know what mothers are like when it comes to their pride and how they rank in comparison to other mothers.
>But I don't want my taxes on my paycheck to go to the families of others, even if they are white!
What if sending taxes there meant cutting the funding spent on migrant families getting this system spent on them right fucking now to encourage THEM to breed more?
>well I guess that's preferable. I still don't like taxes tho.
Me neither, but modern womyn live in a society where stopping the "Fun cool stranger-fucking party life" and living a "sad dumb lame boring" domestic life with a man "who'll get old and fat and bald, ew ew icky ew" is considered the worst thing a woman can do when she can instead party until she's thirty-something and then baby-trap some desperate demoralized soy-soaked guy, then divorce him and 3 others for cash.
Make this change, and women have to choose between "The best job ever" of becoming a pro mommy, or their currently-chosen fun cool life of divorce and stranger sex.
Then fix the divorce courts so things become a hell of a lot fairer on men. Tricking and divorcing a man is no longer the modern womyn's best option for a stable low-effort money-filled future, raising a happy and healthy family is.
192883 192973
Aren’t normies already doing the exact opposite on what the mainstream tells them to do? We got to the point where even among people are getting tired of politics in their hobbies.
I like the plan, but where do the re-education camps come in?
We got them to that point. We redpilled people, we slowly woke them up. In a room of people saying 2+2=5, we were the ones getting called racist for saying "The answer is 4 and if you think it's 5 you should be gassed", giving the smarter normies the courage to say "4, but I swear I'm not extreme about thinking it's 4 like that guy is".
And this gave less-ballsy smart normies the courage to stand up tall and yell "It's 4, and you're a dumb sjw crazy person if you say otherwise!"
We shifted the window. Actual non-shit e-celebs like Pewdiepie, Trump, and Jordan Peterson did their part to wake people up and make normies realize the leftist media hate machine is full of shit.
Lefty lies have never been easier to debunk.
Shame is the only weapon the left has left, shame and abuses of the institutional power it still has, and should never have again. Every single person on this planet needs to be made aware of the left's censorious and authoritarian culture-policing evil, and anyone who supports it deserves to be shamed into the ground.
If Battlefield V was released 10 years ago, it would be discussed on its own forum and on reddit. On both places, any criticism of its SJW content would be slandered and shamed and banned to give the illusion that all "Good Fans" of X blindly love it.
But now? Now, youtubers with balls call out scummy industry practices AND scummy SJW practices in the same breath (Except for cucks like Jimmy Sterling) and their fanbase discuss the topic in the comments. People know there's a massive pushback against the constant SJW propaganda, which means all we have to do is tell them who invented and started this nonsense (The crazy LBQWERTY SocJus lefties, who were taught by crazy feminist lefties, who were taught by crazy communist lefties, who were taught by the Jews of the Frankfurt School because it wanted to weaken the west, believing the west would accept Communism with Jews on top when all other options for order had been eroded away).
And then, there are the other people.
People who aren't redpilled yet, but are sick of the ever-increasing SJW shit in the media they choose to use to distract themselves from a world filled with more SJW shit every day. Once they figure out why SJWs propagandize so hard, they'll be redpilled.
Banning all SJW media ever would be awesome. Amazing. Absolutely fucking wonderful! But it'll never happen outside of our fap fantasies where nazi blimps send down paratroopers with nazi flags on the parachutes to shoot illegals on the spot for owning a contraband CD full of illegal Steven Universe episodes.
Instead, getting people to accept the mantra of "Get Woke, Go Broke! Refuse to support scummy businesses and SJW bullshit! Gamergate isn't racist, it's a consumer revolt that'll save gaming from SJWs, the censorious lefty enemies of entertainment!" is what needs to happen.
It will naturally and organically accelerate the triple-A crash that is happening right now.
Proper redpilled media will rise to fill the void once the SJW poison stops being profitable. Remember Doom's jab at PC Language with the "Mortally Challenged" line that triggered SJWs? It's going to get even better once every other company that wants to succeed gets the memo.
To say nothing of the indie game dev successes!
If the "I don't want politics anywhere!" kids don't want to join us, and just want to go back to their media once it's free of poison? That's fine, just make sure they realize who's poisoning their media and why. They'll still get called racexist virgincels by the left, and they'll figure out who their enemies are soon enough.
When we successfully convince over 60% of America that the fancy term we'll invent for Commie-loving america-hating pathological propagandized Trump Derangement Syndrome is a legitimate mental disorder that needs to land you in a padded room while a therapist gives you conversion therapy to turn you from unstable aggressive weaponized small dog to human who regrets his/her "Embarassing crazy years" in his/her youth.
I like this.
Thank you! I'm very proud of it.
The whole concept of "Transgenderism" is an artificial one invented by the Jewberg School anyway, so the sooner scientists are allowed to admit surgically mutilating people on the taxpayer's dime so they can live out a pale approximation of life as the opposite gender is a fucking gay concept. The cure for trans people is to get them off tumblr (I'm glad that's finally resolving itself. Kek works in mysterious ways) and get them to grow out of this delusion.
When you're socialized to lack individual identity, values, and virtues, you scramble for fragments of identity. Did you like a Pokemon game as a kid? You're now JoeyThePokemaster and Gen 3 is best gen. Did you like Sans from Undertale and find yourself relating to him, even though you are unable to relate to anyone else in your life? You're a "FictionKin", you pretend to believe that you actually Sans and might also believe it for real! Do you not feel like a 100% manly man or a 100% girly girl (because you were raised to think being traditionally male or female is the worst thing you can be)? You are actually a tranny who needs surgery to "Live Your Truth(TM)" and become the bootiful girl you totally are on the inside!
It's insanity. It's a lie, pushed on kids to remove their ability to breed and create a perpetually-surgically-damaged underclass of resentment-driven lunatics who will never be satisfied with their bodies or how the world treats them.
*fucking gay concept, the better.
How we get that? we're talking about fucking jewish private central banks.
Hell i'am actually getting tired of it, that's why am just memeing about recognizing that the establishment does not care about anyone and anything that's not power, safety and luxury. So they side with the group it fits them better.
So, let's burn the establishment first, and then talk we can talk about politics.
>How do we get men to get married again?
Just putting a gun on their heads, and still I believe many will resist by all means.
Feminism have revealed women's true nature, and ugly and revolting side not deserved by any good man.
It is impossible to live with a woman under the same roof if women's rights are not taken away, all of them.
To return them to their "property" status is a must to restore our civilization.
A sad but true video:

If I dont find a traditional aryan woman ill never get married and have kids. I might just end up sleeping with pony plushies for the rest of my life.
(you) 2.jpg
>get rid of the motor car
This will literally never happen until we find a technologically superior version of the motor car.
>make it illegal for women to drive
This is a much better idea.
>make condoms and contraception illegal
>forbid women from holding a job
History has shown this was a mistake, so yes.
>ban microwave ovens
Woah now dont go too crazy.
>don't have world wars
The Jews push the world wars as a plan for world domination
>find methods to lower the IQ of the white population so they fail to consider consequences of sex
Worst Final solution ever.
The Same way a Man with a very Stylish mustache in the 1930's did.