>>192880We got them to that point. We redpilled people, we slowly woke them up. In a room of people saying 2+2=5, we were the ones getting called racist for saying "The answer is 4 and if you think it's 5 you should be gassed", giving the smarter normies the courage to say "4, but I swear I'm not extreme about thinking it's 4 like that guy is".
And this gave less-ballsy smart normies the courage to stand up tall and yell "It's 4, and you're a dumb sjw crazy person if you say otherwise!"
We shifted the window. Actual non-shit e-celebs like Pewdiepie, Trump, and Jordan Peterson did their part to wake people up and make normies realize the leftist media hate machine is full of shit.
Lefty lies have never been easier to debunk.
Shame is the only weapon the left has left, shame and abuses of the institutional power it still has, and should never have again. Every single person on this planet needs to be made aware of the left's censorious and authoritarian culture-policing evil, and anyone who supports it deserves to be shamed into the ground.
If Battlefield V was released 10 years ago, it would be discussed on its own forum and on reddit. On both places, any criticism of its SJW content would be slandered and shamed and banned to give the illusion that all "Good Fans" of X blindly love it.
But now? Now, youtubers with balls call out scummy industry practices AND scummy SJW practices in the same breath (Except for cucks like Jimmy Sterling) and their fanbase discuss the topic in the comments. People know there's a massive pushback against the constant SJW propaganda, which means all we have to do is tell them who invented and started this nonsense (The crazy LBQWERTY SocJus lefties, who were taught by crazy feminist lefties, who were taught by crazy communist lefties, who were taught by the Jews of the Frankfurt School because it wanted to weaken the west, believing the west would accept Communism with Jews on top when all other options for order had been eroded away).
And then, there are the other people.
People who aren't redpilled yet, but are sick of the ever-increasing SJW shit in the media they choose to use to distract themselves from a world filled with more SJW shit every day. Once they figure out why SJWs propagandize so hard, they'll be redpilled.
Banning all SJW media ever would be awesome. Amazing. Absolutely fucking wonderful! But it'll never happen outside of our fap fantasies where nazi blimps send down paratroopers with nazi flags on the parachutes to shoot illegals on the spot for owning a contraband CD full of illegal Steven Universe episodes.
Instead, getting people to accept the mantra of "Get Woke, Go Broke! Refuse to support scummy businesses and SJW bullshit! Gamergate isn't racist, it's a consumer revolt that'll save gaming from SJWs, the censorious lefty enemies of entertainment!" is what needs to happen.
It will naturally and organically accelerate the triple-A crash that is happening right now.
Proper redpilled media will rise to fill the void once the SJW poison stops being profitable. Remember Doom's jab at PC Language with the "Mortally Challenged" line that triggered SJWs? It's going to get even better once every other company that wants to succeed gets the memo.
To say nothing of the indie game dev successes!
If the "I don't want politics anywhere!" kids don't want to join us, and just want to go back to their media once it's free of poison? That's fine, just make sure they realize who's poisoning their media and why. They'll still get called racexist virgincels by the left, and they'll figure out who their enemies are soon enough.
>>192881When we successfully convince over 60% of America that the fancy term we'll invent for Commie-loving america-hating pathological propagandized Trump Derangement Syndrome is a legitimate mental disorder that needs to land you in a padded room while a therapist gives you conversion therapy to turn you from unstable aggressive weaponized small dog to human who regrets his/her "Embarassing crazy years" in his/her youth.