The other one hit the bump limit a long while ago, so let's do this again. Same as before: ITT post anything off-topic that doesn't need its own thread.
Why is horsefuckers conspiracy rooted in my favourite strategy game?
Well shit this new garbage can thread will be the perfect place to debut this. Anyone want to play the ridiculous pony dating sim I created?
PC version!vfRSQADI!oER-xfeXb4v54Cev4erwXGF1bwg2ulIeB2qeVX2GVhoMac version!SKA00AIS!KdJiLUAe-AX6d9-MyhI5EYJ0w-FXWvumysRnYBaSsOk
>>179485>You are a very poopy individual and I don't feel good about myself when I sex you.I needed those sides!
>>179485>>179492Also I just found some bugs in the script. Nobody play that version of the game it will give you pony AIDS. This is the current corrected version.
PC version!eW52DIQZ!T-2EEC9f3e0VMgJTLI3aYMIlHTFkpR_d4W6_CMDmEwIMac version!yOZnFIRD!yNzCacU6295aag1X182hDoNQ3U3IrXPbeoFcQLMldsM
>>179485>That Indian sweatshop
>>179495Nice game, Tiarawhy. You finished the project ahead of schedule.
Is there a "perfect" ending?
>>179524>Is there a "perfect" ending?Yes. Here is the path to the "best" ending if anyone wants it:
Ponk: either option
Appul 1: order pancakes
Twi 1: Fug Hors (technically any option works, but you must fug hoers to advance story)
Appul 2: kill
Luna: Fug Hoers
Twi 2: Fug Hoers (same as before, all options lead to same result lol)
>>179529Got that on the second try. I thought there might be yet another ending where you ALL the horses.
>>179531That was my original intent but then the story got kind of convoluted and hard to keep track of lol. You can technically all of them, just not in a single playthrough. I might spend some time tweaking the script, or alternatively I might just put that effort into making a better game.
>Activist David Hogg often urges young people to take on guns. But he’s picked up a few more topics to tackle recently.>In his latest talk Wednesday to students at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, with the midterm elections just weeks away, Hogg defended illegal immigrants, decried white politicians, and bemoaned American imperialism.
>>179608I wonder why the left have not replaced him yet. They just let him ramble on. He is such a bad front figure for their cause.
>The people that we’re advocating for, that we’re fighting for, are the people you don’t see on this stage. The people we’re advocating and fighting for are the over 10 million undocumented people that live in this country [...]He basically are saying fuck you to all who are listening. The Democrats are not fighting for you, the American people, the Democrats are fighting for 10 million illegals that we want to turn into new voters for the Communist-- err.. Demoratic party.
>>179608lmao. watching this dumbass kid try to stay relevant will never stop being funny. Whatever happened to Goblina, is she still around, or did she accept that her 15 minutes were up and at least disappear somewhat gracefully?
>>179838lol. She probably became a victim of the Patriarchy and was put back in he kitchen by Hogg.
>>179844Why would you want that thing anywhere near your food?
>>179848If she was put in a prison kitchen she could perhaps be used as a crime deterrent.
>>179855I don't believe in cruel and unusual punishment.
Don't think it's worth a new thread, but there is a pony event going on in Tokyo this Saturday.
I'll probably make a thread about it on half-chan tomorrow
I should also mention that I'm near Tokyo and will be attending in Jersey and scarf. Anyone else going?
>the absolute state of youtube
>>182495I feel like im on a list now for clicking that picture.
Youtube live strike several alt right affiliated channels due to hate speech complaints about "inappaopriate Superchats" from the Wall Street Journal. [Embed]8 minute clip from the Killstream of November 1st, show was taken down twice in a row on 2 different channels.
>>182550An alternative to Google/Alphabet can't come soon enough.
>>182734It blows my mind how memes become reality.
>>182763>>182734>>182554>>182550 [Embed]followup to the last video
apparently youtube permanently disabled superchats on several channels and stole all the healstream charity money after the WSJ article, they seem to be very butthurt that the forced chatbots didnt work out, now they do it manually by force, again
>>182809hearing a rumor Ethan Ralph was on Infowars Stream last night on their website, cant confirm this yet.
found a recording
Ethan Ralph on Infowars with Harrison Smith, warning the video quality is potato [Embed]
>>182809Truly disgusting move by WSJ.
Anyone else notice how a lot more /pol/ comes out at night?
>>182815thats probably because 50-75% of /pol/ content is centered around the usa and us events, so its night at our timezones when most of the new stuff is posted
>>182816Wild Smile is doing a morning stream about the Killstream Deplatforming. [Embed]
teal deer made a video about the killstream deplatforming
[YouTube] TL;DR - The Bigot's Dollar is Not a Dollar
>>185555Epona has blessed these quads.
>>185555Czeched that get.
Anyone remember the civilization threads on old /pol/?
>>185625>Anyone remember the civilization threads on old /pol/?No. How old are they?
>>185627They were back on /pol/ around 2013-15. A writefag would create a cyoa type thread where anons could choose how a civilization was run. We would start out as a small tribe and then grow into a city and so on. Anons would create the government, religion, and culture of their empire.
>>185630They were fun. I wish someone would bring them back here. I would start a thread but I can't writefag.
>>185632>tfw a history buff but can't writefag near well enough for something like thisMaybe we could get one of the filly posters on board? They've got some talented writefags among their numbers.
>>185637>Maybe we could get one of the filly posters on board?You think they would be interested?
>>185639Wouldn't hurt to ask.
>>185639>You think they would be interested?I am, but I can't into history or politics because I spent all my time and attention on STEM subjects.
>>185637>filly writefags>talentedPick one
t. Filly Writefag
Actual, real-life add for Planned Parenthood.
It's fucking creepy.
[YouTube] Pro-Choice Ad: The Chosen
>>186456I don't know exactly why that creeped me out as much as it did, but it did. Fuck those baby murderers.
>>186458I think the audio, combined with the fading animation really seals it.
Fucking satanic.
Adam "Godwinson" Black is back. Have not found his new channel yet, but a new video. [Embed]A short movie about the atheist Neckbeard culture in preparation of the impeding Gaymergate 2.0 led by Carl Benjamin of Swindon. Next video will be about
Gustavo "Coach" Redpill. This will surely ruffle some feathers.
You thought it was Celestia, but it was ME, TWILIGHT SPARKLE!
one of sargon of accads fans who was featured in jeff holiday's kekistan video strangled his mom to death after calling her a libtard on twitter
>>187031#ShadilayStranglerMundane Matt also deleted his plastic bag strangling video after be streamed pokemon lets go
>>187047Mundane Matt BTFO
My name is Nate Higgers and I hate niggers.
What is the mlpol discord link? (Yeah yeah I know)
>>187062Hi Nate Higgers, my name is Jate Hews.
>>188375No. The "Official /mlpol/ discord" is run by a tranny faggot.
Discord is a gay chatroom where intellectual discussion is swallowed up by an endless sea of worthless posts by redditors and facebook users who post for the sake of feeling heard. When others post, your post rises higher and is forgotten, so you're psychologically encouraged to post again, and again, even if you have nothing worth saying. And that's without bringing up the behaviour of current discordfags.
Discordfags are incompatible with true chan culture. It's a siren temptress that lures the weak-willed toward the constant shallow positive reinforcement of the circlejerk model and away from /mlpol/.
And lo, on this day was begun the most autistic board evar, sanctified by horsepussy and untied in a hatred of jews. For it was known that Hitler did nothing wrong save for his neglect of actually gassing jews, but the jews would never be given sway among them. And the lord Elway did look upon this band of horsefuckers and smile, for he saw that they were Denver Broncos, forever to American and 100% Football. Prase Football.
>t. Denver Broncos
>>189583I could swear I said business
>“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
― Alexander Fraser Tytler
Bumping so Nigel can see that this thread exists for his off-topic thread needs.
>>182495>jewtubeIt's shit
>>179485This is fucking gold anon
>>179495I use Linux, but I will try it in a Windows virtual machine.
Let's see what it is about.
>>199051lol thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed it.
>>179495Ok, I just decompressed the file and I discovered it has a Python and Shell scripts, I clicked the later and I have the game running in Linux at once.
Testing it now.
>>199057It was a pretty good game.i got my jaw smahed had to get a new metal one and got the sucky sucky from colgate. all in all i really liked the game.
>>202858Based And Redpilled God
>>199771>>199729>>199053Cool thank you guys, I'm happy this stupid work of autism I banged out is genuinely entertaining people. Maybe at some point I will try to make a better one.
On the Dazzlings red-pill.
Someone mentioned that they were also a reference to the Succubus some of which, turned into sirens in later folklore.
The most notable one, was Agrat bat Mahlat(Adagio Dazzle), who got certain 'intervention' with King David(Star Swirl) at some point, and around a thousand years later, got another intervention "which ended up curbing her malevolent powers over humans". you see the similarities? This is all Jewish mythology! MLP is Jewish magick confirmed!
>>203781>ancient magic that had been adopted and appropriated by the jewsFTFY
Thought I should post this here for anyone wanting to get someone out of a cult.
[YouTube] The Nature Of Influence | How To Deprogram Religious Extremists
[Embed]>Be what mental state you want them in.>Kind, open, calm, inquisitive, honest, supporting.>Unsure of joining, but want to know more.>No facts they don't care.>Get information.>Avoid trained responses.>Ask What If questions to open critical thinking.>It takes time and possibly multiple sessions to convince them to change their own mind.TLDR
Monkey see, monkey do.
>>204759>knowsActually, no. That video shows a glaring ignorance of MLP outside of simple factoids. You should feel bad for posting it
>>204766A little late i know. This is the garbage can anyway, but did you fast foward it 'till the race-segregation one?
I just came to my attention a pseudo brony larping as militia.
I don't think Celestia would approve this naive and bluepilled video. [Embed]
>>205938>Gmail emailHoneypot perhaps?
>>206319Shitposter in chief.
When one conspiracy is not enough!
I have a question, what part of the world power structure is conspiracy free? Or is it inevitable that intelligence means conspiring?
>>207070>what part of the world power structure is conspiracy free?None.
>>207070>>207071I recommend reading this: as well as this: that "Dylan-Louis-Monroe Map" conspiracies do not flow neatly into one other. Rather, history is full of countless instances where one elite seeks to defeat another by subterfuge and social persuasion. Whether you agree with Lewis or not the tendency to venture into exclusive groups which vie for supremacy is part of human nature.
and now a message from our sponsors:
[YouTube] Therion - Poupée de cire, poupée de son
Don't forget, It's Caturday.
>>>/1ntr/77 →
>>207794>>207813Damn, that is awful.
>>207950I can't tell if I actually like it or ironically like it, or both. But I feel both happy and laugh at it at the same time.
[YouTube] THERION - Son of the Sun (Live 2007)
>>207963I'm impressed! Do you have more?
[YouTube] Theatre of Tragedy - A Distance There Is
[Embed]I'm developing a hoof/ear fetish.
>>207969>I'm impressed!But I am not.
Those women howling are creepy.
>>207972Why you hate Western Culture? [Embed]Also need moar hoof/ears
>>207974You changed the setting, before was Absolutely Weimar, but now is Classic.
Anyways, the howling remains.
>>208711Sounds like James Woods
>The Left is Lilberals, enlightened souls who liberate themselves from outmoded rules and limits, then move on to abandoning ALL rules and limits, including logic. Left & Right are not a linear spectrum, but a circular one in which Left and Right overlap. [Embed]Good to see some advancement in understanding ideologies at the meta level.
Here I found a woman singing to serve her people, and not singing because she has freedom to open her mouth.
Globus - Preliator (English Lyrics)
[YouTube] Globus - Preliator (English Lyrics)
A satire.
>A Brief Explanation of Vril>Herein, the Kommandant gives a brief glimpse into the nature of the mysterious energy called "Vril." If Vril is proven to be a controllable force, the potential for human advancement, and utter annihilation, increases dramatically. [Embed]
>>208838That's very lovely propaganda! Sadly humans are so low tier they need it.
[YouTube] Epica - Cry For The Moon (Studio Version)
[Embed]Follow your common sense
You cannot hide yourself
behind a fairytale forever and ever
Only by revealing the hole truth can we disclose
The soul of this bulwark forever and ever
Forever and ever
Indoctrinated minds so very often
Contain sick thoughts
And commit most of the evil they preach against
Don’t try to convince me with messages from God
You accuse us of sins committed by yourselves
It’s easy to condemn without looking in the mirror
Behind the scenes opens reality
Eternal silence cries out for justice
Forgiveness is not for sale
Nor is the will to forget
Virginity has been stolen at very young ages
And the extinguisher loses it’s immunity
Morbid abuse of power in the garden of eden
Where the apple gets a youthful face
You can’t go on hiding yourself
Behind old fashioned fairytales
And keep washing your hands in innocence
>>208843Another example why Patriarchy needs to be restored and women cannot be without guidance.
>>208841It's true!! And it can be stored in women hair and use to fly flying saucers!
>>208851>Soprano masculine>Semitic degeneracy>Non-Whites galore trying to mimic WhitesAppalling.
>>208852[YouTube] Aris Christofellis: Il tenero momento
[Embed]>Aris Christofellis (Greek: Άρης Χριστοφέλλης; born 5 February 1960) is a Greek sopranist (male soprano) and musicologist.
>>208858Listen to those warbles! How fantastic is Western Civilization!!
>>208858>>208860Your knack for aberration has not bounds.
>>208867Delet THIS IMAGE!!!!
(lol no)
>>208867Chaos has no limits. A society rich in time and resources is also rich in chaos and aberations! This is why the Elites must keep the normies down trodden! Oppress The People!!
>>208869>>208872>ChaosNo more. This ends now.
>>208875Exactly! This is THE oppression of chaos! All must conform! End Freedom!
>>208881>This is THE oppression of chaos!Exactly.
Which bring us to "your way" vs "my way".
>>208885Are we trapped to forever walk this cyclic path? Is there an exit?
>>208890>Is there an exit?Let us accept the cycle and get into the flow.
The time for cleaning is coming again.
>The Vicious Circle>Capitalism breeds Communism and Communism breeds Fascism. Capitalism and Communism combine to destroy Fascism, then Capitalism uses the remnants of Fascism to destroy Communism. Prosperity reigns, then the cycle begins again ... [Embed]
>>208898By the way, this video proposes to reach a deal with the (((capitalists))) to crash the (((comunists))), and this is the clearest sign of (((them))) trying to manipulate and redirect the fascist uprising to their favor.
I say we termite them all with no survivors.
>>208898>"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."THOSE WHO REMEMBER HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT ALSO!! REEEEEEE! LET ME OUT!`1`111!!
>By the way, this video proposes to reach a deal with the (((capitalists))) to crash the (((comunists))), and this is the clearest sign of (((them))) trying to manipulate and redirect the fascist uprising to their favor.Capitalism itself isn't a whole ideology unless the reference is anacho-capitalists. I have no problem with democratic-capitalism. Democracy is self balancing (note I didn't say reached utopia, people are stupid and so they get stupid government, this is a form of balance). I am wondering how you are going to argue that this satirist (probably isn't satire completely) got compromised by (((them))). I think the (((them))) perpetual explanation is too easily reached for these days. And even if all of (((them))) were killed humans will still fall for the magical dream of socialist utopia. I suggest instead (((them))) knows how to ride the wave, they don't make the wave.
>"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -->I say we termite them all with no survivors.God tried this with Noah. Worked brilliantly!!
The problem is every time the Strong Men make a viable civilization, the next generation assume this is normal and takes no effort, therefore there are "always" sufficient resources for everyone in need.
I hope there is no reincarnation.
>>208987>Good guy NSA returning power to the people.LOL
>>208987What could go wrong?
I'm sick of doing trigonometry!!! Just to point an arrow head the correct way!
>>209465Please take a moment to feel sorry for the CIA.
>>209468>>209470>>209471>>209474(((Bernie Marcus)))
Though, this is the right way to go about things. To depose the old elite we need a new elite, and to do so we need white CEOs, however few there are, who agree with our views. Unfortunately I don't think there has been such an alliance between thinkers and industry on our side since the 1930's.
>>209568We truly do live in a society.
This is pure fashwave and anime applied to a "progressive" candidate. Which makes me very suspicious, because if we are pushing accelerationism, then a more extreme commie should be supported.
Everybody, heil that cunt Cortez! /s
>>209676Okay, so...people who unironically support Yang for NEETbux have to be economically retarded, right?
>>209703Retardation and bucks are not the point. To sink this (((ship))) with no survivors is.
>>209703>people who unironically support Yang for NEETbux have to be economically retarded, righShort answer Yes.
I hope they realize that the only thing Yang will be able to do if he becomes president is to implement restrictions on peoples lives he campaigns for. The universal NEET-bux will never happen. No chance in hell Congress and the House will approve. They will basically just elect a Democrat and loose more of their freedoms.
>>209706>They will basically just elect a Democrat and loose more of their freedoms.>Implying that Trump is keeping and even expanding people's freedom>Implying that Trump shares our valuesSurveillance and snooping programs have no been terminated, but expanded.
Police militarization is getting prevalent.
Bump stocks banning have been another betrayal and step to disarm the people.
Continuous funding of academia to indoctrinate the youth with communism have not been stopped.
Even if a catholic and pro-life have been appointed by Trump at the Supreme Court, he has done nothing to stop the murdering of children.
Trump has disavowed his White supporters while embracing blacks and mestizos over and over again.
His agenda to serve a foreign (((land))) is pure treason and their agents into the government don't even bother to hide anymore.
His supporters are being fired, beaten, arrested, harassed and censored; and he doesn't care.
A pile of lies are his legacy for all his not fulfilled promises.
The Obama's globohomo agenda have been reactivated by him, and his vice president plays dumb while is trying to ignite another Syrian scenario in Venezuela.
And the list goes on and on.
He has chosen to serve an alien race instead of the nation, there is no much to say but: He is fired!
>>209704>>209712Then at least support a candidate who will actually burn the whole thing down to the ground. You can't even Siege-fag right. You're telling us to support short-term loss, long-term loss and passing it off as if we're going to "sink the ship" if this bog-standard progressive chink becomes president when all it would do is make what little progress we've made null-and-void. He is one of the least polarizing, controversial candidates in history. You want to bring this whole corrupt system down with no survivors? Then support the most unabashed National Socialist candidate out there, and shill for them
hard. Make this candidate front-page news for every news outlet in America, and make sure they do not back down, and that they do not give up one inch to the opposition. You've shaken the public's belief in the system, now take the final swing of your hammer to it and offer a solution. Make good on the ground we gained in 2016 and
attack, attack, attack. Don't just let the left take all of that ground back and then some.
>>209715Most of the normies out there are unable to digest the redpill, their programing and comfort zone is far too strong to wear off. Then, I believe, the fags in cuckchan are targeting such demography with an universal purplepill to steer off from the traditional Zionist candidate championed by ZOG.
Anyways, this chink is another puppet on our way to full communism and there is not big hope on him, but the disrupt some factions inside ZOG.
Also I would like to point out that a NatSoc candidate goes nowhere at this point, and I would like you read Siege for a comprehensive explanation of why.
>>209717As if on cue, the "Read Siege" meme.
>>209719It is curious, most anons dismissing Siege are those who have never read it.
Go figures.
>>209722Siege is shit-tier, Anon, taken seriously only by spergs who can't make their own arguments and blackpilleds who are better off staying out of politics entirely. There is no other way of saying it. It makes for good aesthetics, but as a political manifesto, as a guide to fixing the state our countries are in? Shit-tier.
>>209724>as a guide to fixing the state our countries are in? Shit-tier.>fixingYou just have proven that you have no idea about the book's content.
Please, read the damned book, then come back to argue.
>>209725Just like how Siege offers no solution, you offer no reason why anyone should read it. Sorry. I'll pass. I'd rather fight than just lie down in a ditch and let (((them))) win.
>>209727>Just like how Siege offers no solution, you offer no reason why anyone should read it.Enough. Are you a woman or racially impure, or even a drug user?
>>209727Probably this message is more atone to your redpilling level faggot.
>>209712At least with Trump there is some form of resistance against banning guns. With Hillary there had been a nation wide gun ban in place at this time. So sure Trump is not ideal, but it could have been so many times worse. And the President can't dictate policies, there is a lot the House and Senate decides. If you want to blame someone blame the Republicans that didn't finance the wall when they were in power.
The support for Israel is money the House and Senate appropriated. It was not a policy Trump forced through or asked for (at least publicly). You have to look beyond the One party thinking of the left and see that in a democracy the President isn't an supreme leader like in communism. There is many more to share the blame than Trump alone, and much of the shit isn't Trumps fault alone either.
So you have to decide do you want a Democrat as President or a Republican. And then look at what party best serves your wishes. You will never find a candidate that is 100% aligned with your views or that will be able to force through all the policies he/she stands for.
>>209722I want to read it but there are dozens other books on my reading list and
Siege is pretty low-priority, honestly. Rather than make one plan which is likely to go wrong it's better to make several contingency plans which you can put into practice.
I'm not sure if the book mentions it but to accomplish a revolution you need new institutions and leaders ready to take the reins. An elite is inevitable so try to form that alternative elite. Alternative media and education exists in some form but we also need financial/logistics corridors, secure communication, legal recourse and intelligence services, among others. Good ol' fashioned PMCs can be recruited and trained fairly quickly, but people with these other skills cannot, particularly when society is in turmoil, and they will be crucial. This is why I dislike accelerationism because trying to take on society before we have institutions capable of coordinating and conducting operations is suicidal. In fact, I would prefer the DotR be no fewer than ten years from now, as I have plans to establish a business, write a book on an encompassing ideology (hence the reading list) and generally accumulate more resources to contribute than a single body.
You know what is more important than learning how to fight? Learning how to manage supply chains and conduct operations. Wars are won with superior logistics and operational efficiency, not just force or valor. I wish people would encourage others to read those kind of books so our future selves won't die on a hill starving and out of ammo.
>>209736>as I have plans to establish a business, write a book on an encompassing ideologyTotally understandable, the lemming life is your choice which is totally opposed to Siege posture to bring Armageddon to the (((System))).
>>209737Some of the greatest revolutions, including the one that created ZOG, have been done without a shot being fired. I have no illusions about accomplishing the same feat on our terms but Armageddon without a principled cause will lead to an endless series of pointless revolutions as occurred for decades in South America. And at any rate it is better to be a soldier with supplies, equipment and connections than one without these.
Enjoy having the same result as bomb-throwing anarchists always create.
The days of the Strong Man is all that is needed to win ended with the bow and arrow. Projectile weapons make heart and muscle obsolete.
>>209740>And at any rate it is better to be a soldier with supplies, equipment and connections than one without these.>supplies, equipment and connectionsIn a sinking (((ship))) most of those commodities will be rarely available, and that is the point of to rattle the lemming world, it is to make life almost impossible to the point of to make them move their asses for their own survival.
Consider this, the current Weimar conditions have been brought by jews supported all the way by greedy Whites, even today their personal comfort is far more important than the survival as a group or legacy through their children; to change the equation requires to remove widely available degeneracy and decadent hedonism for hardship.
If nothing is done, the next generation will be corralled and attacked as the Whites in South Africa, obviously because the precedent generation had "too much to lose" and got cowered by the government's hired guns.
Why didn't you vote for her? It was her turn after all. Instead you voted for the party that is civic-nationalism.
>>209744>implying that I'm ignorant of thatCollapse probably couldn't be stopped even if we wanted to. However it's important to realize that resources will be stockpiled by the elites and used against us with prejudice. Therefore to even the odds we must have at least some resources of our own with which to launch our own counterattack. The masses will be eager for some return to normalcy and may accept a pittance instead of risking starving, but if we provide basic services and the possibility of wealth they may turn to our side rather than stay with the elites.
White farmers will hate us if we simply take what they own, but if we give them pieces of gold and peace of mind they will graciously join our cause.
>inb4 they just confiscate the goldBury it and engage in surreptitious commerce. Agorists will finally have their day at that point.
>>209744>The world isn't how I want it to be>People are happy with how it is>Tantrum time>Utopia comes from violence>All we need to do is kill enough people
>>209751>Utopia comes from violence>All we need to do is kill enough peopleSeej is a book of peace.
Also is curious how you are mute, blind, and deaf to the fact that the (((System))) keeps the monopoly of violence.
>>209751eternal fence sitters like vril get the bullet second.
>>209798So your plan is to become the )))System(((. New boss same as the old boss.
>>209860>New boss same as the old bossno.
>>209730Trump is gonna take the guns too. he's a (((snake in the grass))). He'll take them in his second term And my fellow countrymen would be retarded enough to give "The Great White Hope" the guns,"Because after all Trump is /OurGuy/ he would never sell us out to any foreign power. America first! Squeak."
>>209884If there is one thing Americans must do it is to NEVER give up your guns. If Trump goes after the guns it is time to watch it all burn and start the 2nd civil war. If you loose your guns you will loose your freedom of speech next.
The removal of guns is just a means to be able to take away more rights until there is no rights left to take away.
>>209860No, we're going to end the monopoly of violence that the State possesses. It is the Great Corruptor. Leviathan must die.
>>209884Oh no, its retarded
>>209896Fuck off, ill be laughing when you get your guns taken.
>>209887yea, you're right. but i don't have much faith in the people's will to fight.
>>209897Nigger, come and get 'em. This is Texas
>>209899i wont be the one taking them Dumbass. the Mexicans the Jews hire will. or the majority non white military will.
>>209901>You're not cuckpilled like I am, you must be /ptg/You really think it will matter who's trying to take them? This isn't Louisiana, and there's no hurricane.
>>209904>This isn't Louisiana, and there's no hurricane.Excuse me?
>>209904You overestimate our peoples will to fight.they have laid down and taken the jew dick for the last 200 years. they'll just give up the guns after the act banning guns is passed.
>>209901>majority non-whiteWhites, especially White Southerners, disproportionately sign up for the military. It will be one of the last majority-white things to fall. If you were wise you would build up support among the troops rather than say you'll fight them.
>>209907The only time in recent history that americans have given up their guns was during Katrina. There's no hurricane now, and I for one am in a state that has a reputation for not bending knee ESPECIALLY on the 2nd amendment.
>>209908Lets just wait and see then
>>209909Did i say i'm fighting the troops?
>>209910>The only time in recent history that americans have given up their guns was during Katrina.What do you think is happening now with the new wave of (((common sense gun restrictions)))?
>>209912The same thing that's gonna happen when they banned hicap magazines in New Jersey. No one is gonna show up
>>209914I didn't say it was effective, but the encroachment and normalization of legislature that violates 2nd Amendment rights is nevertheless alarming. The occurrence of (((compromises))) like these, from both sides if the political spectrum, make guns less and less available in many different parts of the country.
I'm not saying that our guns will be taken any time soon, but that they realistically could if nothing is done to combat the anti gun rights assault.
>>209914Now where was it...ah! Here it is.
>>208570 →This Anon may be on to something. Apparently sheriffs are defying gun legislation, refusing to enforce new gun-control laws. Creating "gun sanctuaries" which they admit they got the idea of from immigration sanctuaries. They're also doing it for pragmatic reasons, because of the resources that enforcing some of the laws will take.
>>209915They're already trying. And you're already seeing outright defiance from law enforcement in a variety of areas, and they haven't even come NEAR to confiscation. I reiterate, lets wait and see, but if I were in Vegas I would bet that the citizen response to such legislation would be drastically different than what the legislators would envision.
>>209916Furthermore, gun sanctuaries have the backing of constitutional law, whereas immigration sanctuaries don't. So saying, either the country goes to hell in a handbasket (meaning that NEITHER law has any relevance outside the govt's ability to enforce it) or some degree of redress occurs that recognizes that the one has legal grounds/precedent while the other doesn't. In either case, I refer to my earlier statement:
for aestheticsMolon labe
Should an American citizen have the right to purchase a nuclear weapon?
>>209921Yes, but the bigger question is what seller is going to put themselves up for the liability of selling a nuclear weapon.
Protip: none. Just as a citizen can puzzle out making home-made firearms, if its important enough to have a recreational nuke, they can figure that out for themselves.
>>209925Again, extremely costly. Contrary to popular belief the cheese in my fridge does not qualify as a biological weapon. You can't just "make" it. It will take significant intellectual, financial and institutional resources, and the time and testing required would likely lead to information leaks. Would people just stand by? Only if it's the government which has the military and intelligence "community" behind it.
>>209925Officially? Absolutely not.
>>209923The day I see a news report about a US citizen using a Recreational McNuke that he made himself, is the day that I know for sure that I am experiencing the best possible time line, and there's nothing left for me to see that will top that.
>>209926So your stance is "yes", because it can't happen.
>>209927And your stance is "officially no" without committing to saying yes.
Both of you are shirking the question. Should the US citizen have the right to defend itself with biological weapons? Yes or no.
>>209908>they'll just give up the guns after the act banning guns is passed.I agree.
They worship money and will not risk that.
They will wait for others to make any counter-move against the System while they are safe.
Fence sitters is their name.
>>209929Better question: is there a point to this line of questioning that isn't r/IAmVerySmart-tier contrarianism?
>>209929Of course not, I don't want to get vanned
>>209931Yes, I am testing if there is an upper limit to the weapons a US citizen can/should have.
>>209929Yes so long as it's confined to defense. However, to legally overstep one's boundaries and expose outsiders to harm would result in consequences. Therefore, it would be rather pointless to use.
>>209934With sufficient discretion, no there's no limit. Legally, yes there is a limit
>>209936Good answer, the response should be proportionate to the threat. But what about the occasional whacko or an hero that would have go on a shooting spree, instead goes on a nuke spree or a biological attack spree. As technology advances it bring power to the individual of all types. And there are always the few who want to attack as many as they can. Is there a point where the reach of tech is beyond the lowest of citizens capacity to handle responsibly?
>>209938Well now you're just arguing for argument's sake Xp
>>209930You need to know when the time to act is, and when the time for patience is.
Standing alone may be both brave and honorable, but it comes at the cost of being struck down alone, which in this day and age means having your life destroyed, not taken. And you aren't even seen as a martyr, someone who took a risk, and made a sacrifice for what they believed in. Just another werido with a backwards, extremist, or at least not politically correct view point. Enough people step too far out of line at the wrong time, and those they wish to oppose will have a virtually limitless supply of examples for everyone else, to show them what stepping that far out of line earns you.
No, you must wait until there are others willing to take a stand with you. Then you will have a chance at what you hope to achieve being realized.
But..those who stood alone before may serve a purpose as well. They may inspire others, path the way for change.
Yes, I'm ripping of Sun Tzu. Tzu me.
>>209941>path the waypave'
>>209925According to Geneva no
>>209938How expensive are these weapons you have expressed objections to procuring?
Are these 'whackos' and 'an heroes' able to foot the bill of such weapons?
Do the personality types of such 'whackos' and 'an heroes' lend itself to operating such weapons, and not simply going for the cheapest and most accessible option available (firearms)?
Where is this fear of the individual gaining so much power coming from?
>>209934Also, if the weapons are clearly meant to be used to attack someone else, then the public would have the right to put an end to it. It is the same way if a Muslim camp is training people to wage jihad.
>>209945>How expensive are these weapons you have expressed objections to procuring?They accidentally hit the big time and now they have a plan to save the white race.
>Are these 'whackos' and 'an heroes' able to foot the bill of such weapons?See above.
Do the personality types of such 'whackos' and 'an heroes' lend itself to operating such weapons, and not simply going for the cheapest and most accessible option available (firearms)?
See above. Also the new MKII Home Personal Bio-Wepon System from ACME Industries now have the one button, user friendly activation system(TM pending).
Where is this fear of the individual gaining so much power coming from?
Techo-fear. At some point we all will end up with massive force capability because of technology becoming cheaper and more powerful.
>Do-it-yourself CRISPR genome editing kits bring genetic engineering to your kitchen bench we haven't even got to grey goo nanotech yet.
>>209947>They accidentally hit the big time and now they have a plan to save the white race.Weak speculation. Not a counterpoint.
>Techo-fear. At some point we all will end up with massive force capability because of technology becoming cheaper and more powerful.Which will be counterbalanced by all opposing parties obtaining similar technology. Remaining relevant = remaining competitive.
> to the discussion. Demonstrate otherwise.
>>209948>Weak speculation. Not a counterpoint.How can I factually know a future price?
>Which will be counterbalanced by all opposing parties obtaining similar technology. Remaining relevant = remaining competitive.Arms race is good.
>Irrelevant to the discussion. Demonstrate otherwise.Once demonstration of how tech will become cheap and into the hands of individuals as time progresses. It only takes one person to make a run away effect and then its zombies! Zombies everywhere!!
Citizens should not have the right to keep and bear zombies. Also zombies should be able to vote.
>>209942>Mlpol.netWhere in that do you see "chan"?
>>209949None of my counterpoints are addressed. Try again.
If you cannot counter my points, it is perfectly acceptable to admit you were wrong. Swallow your pride and move on.
>>209953What was the point again? My neighbor's zombie keeps distracting me.
>>209954That's enough of that kind of language from you little girl. Didn't your parents raise you to be polite? Where are your parents anyway?
>ITT Vril fishes for (you)s
>>209957I love it when you say my name. Say it again, I'm close...
>>209957Seems to be all he's good for these days.
>>209959Sure thing!
*clears throat*
>>210197So Jason Redpill me on the lore. who is HcLegend?
>>210204Are you sure? It's long and pretty boring, but here we go.
Once upon a time, there was a gay redditor named hclegend.
He had many (((cringe culture))) raider friends that raided with him and downvoted posts he didn't like on and assorted MLP subreddits.
Do you not like Starlight Glimmer and FIM's inferior new episodes? You're not allowed to not like these things, according to hc and his friends.
Do you think it's stupid that Twilight lost multiple magic fights to Glimmer in a row without changing her approach or spells used?
>Fuck you, nitpicker.Do you think it's stupid that Glimmer randomly went from a sneaky manipulator weaker than Twilight who only wins when getting in lucky cheap shots... To a time-bending flying god that can never be hit and will never run out of stamina and will never lose?
>Fuck you, I don't even know what "I'm getting vietnam flashbacks to my days as a child on Naruto roleplaying forums" means.Do you think Quibble Pants is a stupid name no parent would give to a foal?
>It is simultaneously a perfect pony name and an insult that fits you perfectly, you fucking complainer. was pretty dumb.
He isn't even good at lying.
At one point, he goes around reddit, stalking me and downvoting everything I say, insulting me in replies to my posts.
I say something on an Undertale sub, some low-effort oc post for karma (At the time, I wanted to get my score to a certain number and then delete my account), and hclegend reveals himself and insults me in the replies. I complain, admins say it's perfectly reasonable that he'd show up here and go right to insulting me with "Ugh, YOU'RE here" posts instead of discussing undertale.
Meh, I move on.
I ask an old person's subreddit, r/askoldpeople, if they've ever pissed someone off and forgotten about it later, only to learn what was only tuesday for you was that guy's whole world.
I don't know what I expect, but it's not this.
In the comments, hclegend breaks cover again and says "I don't know, but whatever you did must have been pretty shitty!"
The "Pretty shitty" thing was me saying I don't like Starlight Glimmer or the crappy season 6 episodes that made me stop regularly watching the show, by the way.
Anyway, that was that for a while. Hclegend's a gay irrelevant idiot, and I continue to live my life. is highschool as fuck, so I'm eventually banned from it when I report a raid of around 14 idiots attacking me on a Twilight Sparkle fangroup's forum. Or was it a shipping fangroup's forum? The question I asked was either "How do I write romance with Twilight well?" or "What are your favourite Twilight romance fics?", nothing that should trigger the easily triggered.
He's in the raid, as one of the screaming preschool voices calling me a mega big gay dummy.
Anyway, on April Fool's, I find /mlpol/ and rediscover my love for the greatest eps of FIM alongside new users discovering FIM's best episodes for the first time.
Then I come here.
I have a great time here. It's slow, sure, but it's high-quality and free from the constant baity BLACKEDposters on /pol/.
Unfortunately, the /mlp/ equivalent of those idiots are infiltrating somewhere else.
>>210280>Part 2/2When this site's just starting out, I join the site's "Official" discord. Then I'm berated and muted for saying I don't like Starlight Glimmer in said discord. I leave the group in response to being muted and berated by admins tone-policing me, and on this site, I complain about the "Glimmern*****s" who've taken over the discord server. (I'm Christian now so I'm trying to swear less, though I'm not that good at it)
They dox me for this, and then proceed to raid this board for many, many months.
Eventually the staff bans the act of "Posting Glimmer as a triggering agent", which is one way to put their conversation-ruining strategy.
Basically, the Glimmer idiot strategy has three steps:
>interrupt any discussion on MLP of your choice, even if it's unrelated to Glimmer>wrap yourself up in 50 layers of irony and say the dumbest shit you can think of for attention: that Starlight Glimmer is the bestest ever with cute hooves and a pwetty mane and a lovely personality and thighs you want choking you uwu>forget the irony, get unironically mad when criticized or asked to fuck off and stop interrupting whatever discussion was happening before you arrived. Claim nuFIM is perfect, oldFIM is shit, critics are toxic poorly-behaved unreasonable toxictoxic toxictoxic fans, and anyone who doesn't love nuFIM enough has unreasonably high nitpicky standards because plot holes and bad writing are more acceptable than old good writing, supposedly.>get unironically mad when called out, type laughter, swear that anyone who finds your disruptive behaviour annoying just hates Glimmer too much, and doesn't actually find you annoying.Glimmer fantards are like the obnoxious The Force Awakens/Last Jedi fans. The ones that insist that you AREN'T ALLOWED to find ANY fault with the new movies, and AREN'T ALLOWED to prefer the old non-sjw films. The ones that say critics are horrible people who "Reduce the amount of enjoyment in the world", the ones who say plot holes don't matter and you should turn your brain off, the ones who say everything you objectively point out is just an opinion which means it's wrong, everything they say is a fact unless they say it's an opinion which means it can't be critiqued, and you having beliefs means you can't tell the difference between subjective or objective.
These new idiots are the infiltrators, and they're angry at people who were already here for seeming like badly-behaved fans. After all, "Fans" these days should blindly consume and circlejerk, and discuss nothing critically. In their minds, at least.
However, at least TFA/TLJ fans don't feel the need to wrap themselves in the "Muh irony" excuse.
See:, hclegend is the only Glimmer fan who didn't eventually get bored with this.
He'll still be seen here and there, posting a pic where my OC's face is badly MS Paint copypasted into Sonichu comics or some of the gay porn on his hard drive.
Sometimes he posts an edited screenshot of a discord post where one of the site's moderators says some gay shit like "It's my fantasy to tie Nigel up and feed him my semen and dress him in girly clothes uwu".
Sometimes he calls me Nigel, as an attempt to conflate me with that loser on 4chan's /v/ board who'll be seen yelling something like "This is your mindset, ponyfags!" with a screenshot of the hub's show schedule whenever someone posts a pic that's also on Derpibooru. I hear that loser has a bot set up to alert him when a pic like that is posted. Anyway, Nigel hates MLP because he views it as childish and is still in that "Thirteen year old kid who swears he's a teenager, hates Barney, sings corrupted songs about how much he hates Barney, and loves edgy teenager shit like Elfen Lied" phase.
When he wants to seem cool, he'll switch his cuck German flag out for a "Vril Society" flag and try to seem wise by bullshitting people about "Eternal cycles" and "The cycles in life" and how his constant "omg guys look im so cool i know about the weak men create shit times and shit times create strong men cycle" posts are brilliant and necessary because if he makes enough of them the true secrets of the universe's cycle will be revealed and the future will be revealed.
Anyone else think it's funny how his "Cool dude" persona is an embarassingly dense airhead who wants to seem smart? The kind of dude who thinks references to sci-fi popscience shows makes him smart?
He's an eternal redditor, and his idea of what a cool dude acts and sounds like... Is a fraudulent Rick and Morty r/sciencelovingatheists poster.
So... Yeah, that's hclegend. A somewhat-annoying and incredibly persistent fly you can ignore, because he's nowhere near as smart or dangerous or skilled at trolling as he thinks he is. And without the summoned-on-command Glimposter raider army, he's nothing. He's still nothing without them, there'd just be more losers like him here if he called them here.
>>210283Let's see, i don't like Starlight Glimmer, S6 and on it's totally inferior to the older seasons for me, vastly because Glimmer has been written as a black hole sue.
>>210361I know, right? Glimmer wouldn't be anywhere near this obnoxious if other characters were ALLOWED to detest her on-screen and insult her or grow visibly tired of her bullshit, but this never happens.
There's a reason why people love the moments in TTG where others mock how shit that show's Teen Titans are.
Glimmer and her pet foil Trixie sometimes complain about how "Some people" (In the audience) have not yet "Gotten over" the evils she committed, but that just makes it more annoying. It makes these characters look whiny and dishonest and entitled, as if they expect to be forgiven for these things they're already forgiven for in-universe.
It's fucking retarded that Ponyville canonically treats Starlight Glimmer better than it treats Fluttershy.
You know what else is stupid? It's stupid trhat Starlight Glimmer was explicitly stated to be weaker than Twilight in the "Starlight the Commie" episodes, but Glimmer somehow became irrationally powerful, limitless, and full of infinite stamina and mana when in her "Starlight the Time-Breaker" episodes.
Also in that episode, Twilight "Took town and got rid of an Ursa Minor without any truly offensive magic" Sparkle mindlessly restricts herself to DBZ energy blasts in each fights. Actually, come to think of it, even DBZ and Super has some level of creativity/tactics in fights. Sure, it's just characters mixing lasers and big balls with *Teleports behind you* and martial arts when not showing off samey ki tricks, but that's still more tactics than Twilight had when she threw herself against Glimmer multiple times in a day, learning nothing from each encounter.
Anyone else remember when Twilight was a one-of-a-kind magical prodigy who could copy any spell after seeing it done once?
If time resets every time that timewarp spell is used, and Starlight Glimmer comes back every time the timewarp spell is used, what happens when Twilight dedicates one timeline to damaging/weakening Glimmer in some way(Mana Drain on a pony busy lasering filly RD out of the sky?), reverses time, and easily takes an exhausted Glimmer down without letting the Pegasi see them?
Option two, the less nice option, has Twilight starve Glimmer to death by resetting time over and over. Like repeating the first six seconds of a song over and over until your captive gets hungry, and then continuing until your captive is too exhausted to do anything but helplessly fall to the ground when time-portalled back with you.
Though Twilight would catch the helpless Glimmer and take her back home, she'd make sure the mare wakes up in an anti-magic prison and/or use one of the redemption spells she wanted to use on Discord. Glimmer's evil comes from a spiteful, petty and triggered place where she feels entitled to do and say what she wants, treat others how she wants, and get treated how she wants. A spell to give her a normal pony's understanding of personal responsibility and morality would be easy. Just copypaste the existing moral code from your nearest moral friend of choice.
>>210431And these (Exploit the resets/time Glimmer out) are the comparatively moral ideas.
To name one questionable one...
Let Adult Glimmer ruin the timeline, teleport to filly Glimmer's youth and teleport her to Celestia before yelling "Raise this mare to be more of a hero than she was in my timeline! Make sure she survives, doesn't hate Cutie Marks, and turns out good no matter what!".
When time jumps forward, Twilight befriends this universe's Glimmer and takes her soul with her upon reusing the time spell.
Twilight then shoves good Glimmer's soul into evil Glimmer's soul. While they're internally fighting and their body is slapping itself, Twilight turns Glimmer to stone. Glimmer's not turned back until the evil soul is extracted and put in an incredibly heavy stone ball. Good Glimmer now exists in the main MLP timeline. Bad Glimmer hates being embedded into a cobblestone in Celestia's Castle's dungeon.
Way to dump your garbage opinion all over the garbage thread Niggel. At least you've made that progress, rather than somewhere else.
>>210436My work here is done!
>>210431>>210434Yeah, you should be happy tho, focus seems to be returning to the mane six this last season.
>>210455I hope so. What do you think will be the finale?
>celestia ascends to godhood, leaving twilight to be the new Celestia while Glimmer and the shit new OCs become the new mane six >the elements of harmony vanish and then come back >the elements of harmony become something conceptual any pony can call on >Glimmer saves Equestria>Glimmer saves Equestria times infinity, see Clara jumping into Dr Who's timestream>mediocre clip show where pinkie or everypony breaks the fourth wall to thank the audience for loving this show. Episode is hijacked by showruiners- I mean showrunners and turned into an episode that thanks the NPC fans who shut down show criticism.
>>210510I was offering different finale ideas.
>>210509Yeah, the young six seems to remain a focus there, i wonder what's the point of it, there are no young six toys whatsoever.
I dunno, maybe Glimmer can go to the Human world and prove to be vastly superior to everyone there even without magic by saving everyone's asses! Oh fuck, it already happened.
>>210509>>210526You wouldn't have time to come up with a list of
shit possible ideas about where the final season's finale will go if you found something productive to spend your time on. Git gud fgt.
>>210548You kidding me? I came up with those as I typed them in a discussion on her a few months back. I still remember the most of ideas I had.
There was one idea where Twilight reverses time and then threatens to destroy the time-reversing scroll thingy, either somehow erasing everything it was used to do because plot or, more sensically, trapping Future Princess Twilight and Future Glimmer in the filly RD era. A Twilight who isn't having her intelligence sapped due to her proximity to Black Hole Sue could easily figure out how to make magic illusions of voices that motivate Rainbow Dash into doing the Sonic Rainboom. After the fact, she'd just think "Lol that was so weird, it was like I heard my parents and celestia and a ton of other ponies cheering me on. I must have really really wanted to go fast". Hell, Twi could just teleport in front of RD and scream "DO THE SONIC RAINBOOM! I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND FROM THE FUTURE, YOUR PARENTS AND FLUTTERSHY AND MILLIONS OF OTHERS DIE IF YOU DON'T DO THE SONIC RAINBOOM YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO RIGHT NOW!".
>>210548Hclegend, your posting style would be harder to smell from a mile away if you weren't so juvenile. "It's poopy shit! You're dumping cringy icky yucky poopy garbage here!" Is the kind of shit you hear from SJWs when they say complain about critics "Posting here with their shitty opinions like the shitty shitty shitty people they are".
>>210529Lol, good one. I still can't believe the show squandered "Shimmer goes to Equestria" and threw away all of the "Shimmer apologizes to Celestia, and apologizes. Or sees her old family, and reconnects with them. Or does these things and then walks down memory lane and remembers all the nice pony shit she loved, then shit hits the fan in human world and she's needed there, so she puts her memories in the past for the sake of her responsibilities" writing they COULD have done, SOLELY for the sake of terrible "Wow, Shimmer is a former bad guy just like Glimmer! Wow!" pandering.
And you know what else bugs me about Glimmer? None of her feats are impressive.
This is a character who was designed to be a faulty argument against Equestria, Harmony, Hierarchy, and Competition. And then some fag fell in love with her and made her into his dream waifu, a "Better" Sunset Shimmer knockoff whose parents baby him for being a big fucking baby who killed a once-wonderful show for the sake of his own ego. Someone who gets to be manipulative and abusive towards others and is always forgiven. Someone who's always right, and even whines at the audience for not just forgiving him for his misdeeds and personality already. Yes, this loser's idea of a "Perfect waifu" is literally just his own pathetic personality given "Writer's Pet, No Limits, Immune to criticism, and above real consequences" status and superimposed on a big power level and an existing character who used to be more than this.
Glimmer's faggy fans only like her because they love the fantasy that they can go to pony world, act like Glimmer, have a nonsensical Displaced-style power level, and get treated like her by all le cute poners.
Reading Twilight and stealing her Cutie Mark was impressive when it was just a hard read, because one spell she'd already been established to have arguably hurt her more than any villain before her had. But from that episode on, she stopped being even remotely cool. Whenever she just happens to be strong enough to beat dumbed-down Twilight ten times a day, or crash the timeline with no survivors, or banish Discord instantly without elements, or brainwash and fucking Code Geass five members of the main six with no save, it doesn't feel like an impressive feat.
It feels like...
You know how there are good moments in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fight scenes, where someone wins a battle by using a power creatively? Like Josuke using his blood, and his blood that's already on a bad guy, to make a flicked glass bullet home in on a foe he can't see. Or Jotaro stopping time, grabbing some wood, and igniting it through friction as soon as time resumes.
And then there are the stupid scenes, where lucky bullshit bails someone out or someone just pulls a new superpower out of their asses to win. Imagine Jotaro fighting a vampire stand and beating it by using "Star Kneecap", a new move where he launches his kneecap into the air and it becomes a sun.
All of Sue Glimmer's feats feel like that. They feel like bullshit moments that only exist because someone really wanted Glimmer to seem cool, logic be damned.
Twilight beating an Ursa Minor is impressive.
How Edward Elric beat Greed (Fucking CARBON, YO) is impressive.
When Glimmer just swaps the Cutie Marks of the main Princesses and magically "Mixes spells" to make whatever she wants to happen happen, it isn't impressive. You're left rolling your eyes and groaning out "Well, I guess she can do that now, too" unless your brain is already permanently turned off.
>>210663Yeah, i used to like Glimmer at her first appearance and thought that she could have refreshed the show entirely, because i got the spoiler that she would redeem, but the show itself started going down in quality and that got the character screwed.
You can clearly see the issues, at S5 finale she goes to her old village, but it becomes a theme once again in S6 finale.
(You) really fucked up with this
>>210665 tho.
>>210726The one or two crazies still butthurt about me not liking Glimmyglam 3-4 years after her introduction can project on me if they want, I stopped caring about what they say that long ago anyway.
You know what's annoying? A cynical "Realistic" asshole could be the PERFECT THING to make the show's "Remember when this show was about six friends? Fuck that, now it's about six ponies who fly over the world to tell random people how to fix their problems!" premise interesting.
Imagine a non-shit Glimmer learning morality, struggling to be good, and then noticing the contradictions and inefficiencies in the Mane Six's ways of doing things and solving problems. Imagine the ponies struggling to fix an IRL adult problem only the outsider's perspective of Glimmer can fix.
Instead, the show decides Glimmer should be the one to teach Twilight and pals friendship lessons while also being an awful pony, and then Hasbro decides to bury their mistake under the weight of a new mane six.
>>211039Yeah, they could have done it way better, saddly there's nothing we can do at this point, the series about to end.
I also expected at some point a story that involved an EQG special and a two-parter from the main series, i think would've been cool.
>>211387It's fascinating how EQG started off shit, got an excellent sequel that redeemed the concept and heroine, and then it got a less-good sequel that added Sci-Twi, and...
The two characters are trapped in an infinite loop. Sunset's become an amazing protagonist, but she wants to hand that role over to Sci-Twi, who isn't the real Twilight and isn't ready to become the protagonist. Everything that makes her a unique individual is something that makes her a better support character and worse protagonist.
The only way forward is for Sci-Twi to discover who she truly is, get magic tech powers instead of glittery princess powers, that sort of thing.
>Betrayal Is The Heart Of Woman>The first thing a woman does when she gets power that goes against the natural order is to turn against the very culture which gave her that power.
>A woman's howling tolerable and even interesting IMHO.Maria Franz of Heilung - LIFA Vocals
[YouTube] Maria Franz of Heilung - LIFA Vocals
New video from The Kommandant.
>Biting the Pill Part 1>In a two-part transmission, the Kommandant rallies Brethren in the Warm Lands in combating the creeping despair that surrounds Communists and infects everything they touch. [Embed]
>>214157And the 30 seconds, full version is this.
A Führer's aspect carefully hidden by the kikes is his abilities as an artist.
Download this video in 1440x1080 before the kikes nuke it.
>Adolf Hitler as a painter and artist. [Embed]
>>214184Allow me.
This genre you present is sooooooo wrong in so many facets.
- Women's voices are nothing extraordinary, vulgar may be called.
- Women touching each other hands is a no no, it is childish and from a today's framework, homo.
- Masculine characters look as hired from a class B model agency, too perfumed, too soy, too nice.
- Musically this piece is pure garbage, lacking talent and even overplaying the part.
Do not take it personal, but the semite and feminized influence in modern Europeans is shocking.
But if you still insist in pampered feminine singers, let me present one in a more martial and far more energy setting.
>Polina Gagarina - The Cuckoo (OST Battle for Sevastopol)[YouTube] Полина Гагарина - Кукушка (OST Битва за Севастополь)
>The Nazi regime preached an ideology of physical, mental, and moral purity. But as Norman Ohler reveals in this gripping new history, the Third Reich was saturated with drugs. On the eve of World War II, Germany was a pharmaceutical powerhouse, and companies such as Merck and Bayer cooked up cocaine, opiates, and, most of all, methamphetamines, to be consumed by everyone from factory workers to housewives to millions of German soldiers. In fact, troops regularly took rations of a form of crystal meth—the elevated energy and feelings of invincibility associated with the high even help to explain certain German military victories.
>>214408>But as Norman Ohler reveals>(((Norman Ohler)))From (((Wikipedia))) page:
>Ohler has also worked as writer-in-residence in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. this kike has some reason, however, looking at the record of racial hatred and slander against the White race and specially against the German people by his tribe, his account of drug use in German society is doubtful and taken with great prejudice.
Also the reasons you have to post this, raises questions.
>>214408You know, hair cannot be fosilized so dinosaurs cold have very well looked like this.
Isn't it funny to make history up because its basically impossible to find proof yet it's quite easy to make it up?
No one will ever know the truth of what happened back then, because a lot of assholes are trying to use history to push their agenda.
>>214408Remember, when we give stimulants to unruly children, or university students take them to help cram for exams it's a GOOD thing because the pharmeceutical industry is trying to HELP us. When they do it, it's a BAD thing, because it feeds the NAZI WAR MACHINE.
>>214425A redpill that more normalfags should take to heart. I never did though.
>>214425>No one will ever know the truth of what happened back then, because a lot of assholes are trying to use history to push their agenda.Wrong, we know exactly what happend. it was an atrocity of the highest degree. [Embed]
>>214468Thanks anon.
I watched it 2 years ago and made me rage as never before; I don't think I can watch it again.
>A society that allows this is most certainly dying, if it's not already dead. [Embed]
>David Duke 2020?>A new listener just sent me this meme. It's true of course. I would be the only one would openly thank the people who voted for me. Maybe it's about time for a big change in American politics? [Embed]
>>214535Did we ever actually decide if he was controlled opposition or not?
>>214540- He never stopped naming the jew.
- He is redpilled as fuck.
- He is an unrelenting White advocate.
And comparing him with the rest, he is good enough for me.
>>214540Dr.Duke has been in this a long time. i'm fairly certain he is genuine.
>>214468Thank you anon. I have not seen it before. Now I have.
>>214533Ugh, watching that actually made me sick to my stomach.
Vaterschaft (fatherhood).
>>214577look at this smug cunt
taking pictures with a smart phone while people outside wage civil war inf rance
the though that someone caul haul a brick or a molo into her direction inflicting deadly trauma on her doesnt even cross her thoughts
this is all a funny game for her to post to for instagram likes
fucking thots
what is their problem?
is this what western civilization has come to that bloody riots in the street are nothing more but a social media spectacle?
>>214468For some reason you can't watch that in africa.
Brb, starting my vpn
>The Kapparot Impulse: The Jewish Love Of Slaughtering Innocents>Kapparot, as most of us here know, is a ritual where a Jew swings a live chicken over his head to transfer his sins into the animal, which is then beheaded, or sacrificed to the jew’s demon-god. Most of us see this as a silly yet cruel semitic ritual, but I think it reveals something deep about the jewish psyche.>Most of us here are also aware that Jews are big on projecting their negative traits onto Aryans, “hate” in particular. Jews project their crimes, and then if they have the power, persecute the people they accused of doing what they themselves do. Hence the jew crying out in pain as he strikes you. Jews, of course, have a long history of genocides behind them which they celebrate during their major holidays.
>>214589Did you ever get to watch it?
Kai Murros just uploaded a new video in German.
Is anyponer Teuton speaking to give a commentary about? Is Murros calling to arms the Deutsche Jugend?
>Kai Murros - Deutschland muss leben [Embed]
>>215341He's talking about how both the left and the right has betrayed the German people. He addresses groups like Antifa, capitalists and leftist liberals as being anti-German. He talks about how the current system is the enemy of the German people, which the German people need to destroy to regain what was lost and to destroy the Reds and the liberals. He goes on to talk about how the German youth will save the nation, the people and return things to a healthy state. It won't be easy, but sacrifices must be made to ensure Germany's existence.
Targeted propaganda does not matter to the 1-party system in americuckland. "Left" or "right" does not exist: both take the same shekel bribes, sell out their own cultural adherents whom are also called citizens (i.e.: slaves, or serfs if one wishes to be pedantic) for the promise of survival, swears fealty to the Jew World Order, accept the total "truth" of propaganda that anything anti-judaic is "morally wrong", & so on for another ten thousand bullet point pieces of information.
Here is a true blood pill for you when addressing the overarching topic & subject of ethnostates:
Why have all of the following: Janet Reno, Alex Jones, Angela Merkel, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Jacob Baime, Michael Richard Pence, Adam Green, Paul Ryan, Chloe Valdary, Steven Crowder, (((Prince))) Albert Andrew Christian Edward, Winston Churchill, Joseph Biden, Dan Bongino, Jeffrey Epstein, John Mann, Bill Warner, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Sargoy of Cuck-ad, Paul McCartney, Noor Dahri, Chuck Schumer, Jared Kushner, the cuckqueen of britshitland, Jordan Peterson, Tommy Robinson AKA STEVEN LAXLEY LENNON, Bill Clinton, and tens of thousands more all defended jews?
Answer: freedom of thought is a crime against all judaic laws, which own judeo-christianity in entirety without exception.
When an individual is free from taxation, they are not a goyim (human slave owned by a jew).
>>215490Minor fuckup: Adam Green of Know More News is not a shabbest goy. The intended person that was meant is Adam Ezekiel Green, an NSA agent and FEMA crisis actor host seen on many disinformation/noninformation programs in numerous states is yet another shabbest goy like the rest of the names listed.
>NO REMORSE - One Folk, One Faith [1990] [Embed]>Our day will come, >And everyone will hail our banner, >And praise the sun >Swords will clash, As we fight their trash, >We strike hard as a lightning flash >One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Faith >One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Faith >As the heat soars in the coming wars >We'll fight to death for our noble cause >We'll seek the red and cut off his head >With hammer and gun we're free from dread >One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Faith >One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Faith >With the beat of the drum, the hammer and gun >Once again we'll be number one >Through dust and fire we'll meet desire, yeah >And the White man will be saved >From the funeral pyre >One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Faith >One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Fait>One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Faith >One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Fait>One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Faith >One Nation, One Race, >One Folk, One Fait
New video from The Kommandant.
>Homo Degenerus>Protected by his gas mask from the stench of Communist failure, the Kommandant delves into the world of the parasites infesting the West. [Embed]
>Trump’s Betrayal of White America>“Unlike other presidents, I keep my promises,” Trump boasted in a speech delivered on Saturday to the Republican Jewish Congress at a luxury hotel in Las Vegas. Many in the audience wore red yarmulkes emblazoned with his name. In his speech, Trump condemned Democrats for allowing “the terrible scourge of anti-Semitism to take root in their party” and emphasized his loyalty to Israel.>Trump has kept some of his promises. So far, he has kept every promise that he made to the Jewish community. Yet he has reneged on his promises to white America – the promises that got him elected in the first place. It is a betrayal of the highest order.
>Anti-fungal resistant fungus is here.>It spreads everywhere.>It's hard to kill.>It can kill people with weak immune systems.>"The fungal takeover of Earth was prophesised in the 1993 film Super Mario Bros. but you fools didn't listen." - Who are you?A comment from a jewtube video.
Video I found this from.
[YouTube] Crazy Infectious Fungus You've Never Heard of Has Spread Across the Globe
[Embed]The article.
>>215955People in the crowd also had "Build Israel Great Again" Hats
So which 2hu are we going to steal for the 2020 election?
>>216083I am inclined to not play any longer by kikes' rules, however if I must, I will only support /ourguy/ --->
>>214535>Will David Duke Run for President and Facebook War on Free Speech [Embed]
National Action as described by sandniggers larping as Europeans.
>White Jihad
This is an article from last year, but it is relevant today because the yellow caps are showing up in the supermarkets again.
>Here's why Coca-Cola bottles have yellow caps right now
>kikes have almost absolute control of the food supply
>Demonic woman does disgusting act in airplane [Embed]
>>217779it looks ike muslim clothes.. but also...
Praise the Sun!. the knight templars are taking revenge on vatican ? lol
>>217885>>217779it also looks like he has a bushy beard.
>Coulter: All the President’s Bloodsucking Relatives>Even after Trump won the presidency, Jared Kushner was embarrassed by his father-in-law, according to Vicky Ward’s terrific new book, Kushner, Inc.: Greed. Ambition. Corruption. The Extraordinary Story of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.
[Unsolicited opinions on Israel]
>James Mason speaks
>Siegecast - The New Zealand Godsend, broadcasted March 28th 2019.
>We Are All Just Waiting For The First Shot To Be Fired>Not just in America, but across the West, people are waiting for the signal that war has finally come. We know that we cannot continue to exist as we have, surrounded by enemies, hopelessly divided internally between those who want first world and third world societies.
>>219273I completely agree. I know I'm waiting for the war horns, myself.
>>219725Is a single soul surprised anymore?
>6 Policies I Would Enact As President Of The United States>Before I share my proposals for a possible presidential run, which I’m exploring with a team of dedicated advisors, let me get something important out of the way: America is dying. We have neglected the gifts that industrious and moral men of the past have given us, and are now stuck with a clown country where we suffer daily humiliations and degradations at the hands of sodomites, man-jawed feminists, pedophiles, cuckolds, and aliens. Roosh is serious, then this is a game changer; and if not, it shows how it should be.
It feels like Uncle Adolf' spirit is beginning to be present again on this planet.
>>219752>Neetbux>wealth confiscation>"Selfie Tax">"State-Sponsored Foreign Girlfriend">fucking Orthodox Christianity as the official religionNice meme, but nah.
>>219752>political committee is drinking buddies>hitler's first political committee was also drinking buddiesI like it
>>219752>state sponsored foreign girlfriend>not white girlfriend>explicitly from a poor country>caring more about getting exotic pussy than a stable family with a high IQYeah how about no?
>>219779>not white girlfriendWhere did you read that? Cos' the article explicitly says that will be penalties for race mixing.
>>219752Not gonna lie. This is probably a shitpost, but I would 100% support this entire platform. More than that though, I think what we need to be doing is pushing more meme candidates. We memed Trump and that was a good start, but we can do better. Trump is really only half a meme at this point. The platform during the campaign doesn't matter anyway; no politician ever ends up doing what they say they're going to do. Anyone willing to unironically run on this kind of platform would be a disruption to the system worth 100 mosque shootings.
>>219836Have I got the guy for you.
>>219780He did say specifically importing gfs from a poor country though. Do you know of any primarily white countries that are poor? I cannot think of any third world white country except the fledgling Orania, South Africa. Which, well, alright I'm happy with taking that.
>>219955Ukraine, Belarus, Argentina, Uruguay.
>Is The New World Order's Global Annihilation Agenda Ramping Up?>New World Order globalists are seeking to eliminate 90% of the human race, in a bid to protect the environment. Those for mass death have convinced themselves that the only way to save the planet is to eliminate “useless eaters.”
>>219967Always remeber that "Argentina is white" meme (((invented))) during south africa world football championship used african niggers with Argentina tshirts to mock.
Jews are roaming in Argentina trying to get lands in case of Israel being destroyed.
>>220073>Jews are roaming in Argentina trying to get lands in case of Israel being destroyedI heard that before.
Argentina and Ukraine are their fallback places in case of evacuation.
>>220207(((they))) even stole lands from german people long ago with the treath of telling they were ex nazis. but those germans where just soldiers or refugees, and some just were only germansd that came before the war.
some real state comapnies are from kikes
An ironic, redpilled, radicalized teen approaching Murdoch Chan level.
>Be Not Afraid [Embed]
>>220732I forgot to post the image of her wearing a Sam Hyde shirt.
I thought pic related was supposed to be about image board culture, but I just realized that it also describes me.
>middle school+early high school
>late high school+early college
>mid college
>late college+now
>Donald Trump Should be Prosecuted for Failing to Register as an Agent of a Foreign Government>US President Donald Trump has proved himself not to be an agent of the American people, but an agent of Israel.
>The Great Silencing>A desperate and dangerous move by the enemy forces humanity one step closer to the inevitable civil war. The silencing of the voices of dissent has begun and the response must be either to fight back or bend the knee. [Embed]New video from The Kommandant - 2019.05.08
Although he no longer suffers from the censorship of Youtube because of a ban, he still doesn't name the Jew. Curious.
>>221010>Although he no longer suffers from the censorship of Youtube because of a ban, he still doesn't name the Jew. Curious.Aaaaaaand he got shoaed. I guess the Honking was too much for YT.
>>221010naming the Jew is dangerous. the Kommandant protects himself through theatrics. every zionist controlled country has special laws protecting them. they don't apply them to nobody goyim, because they want to maintain the illusion of free speech but if you're an influencer they will take you down.
if a day comes where the Kommandant goes on trial for wrong think, he can always say it was just satire or that he was leading le "neo nazis" away from antisemitism, because he never names the Jew.
>>221139Not to mention, anyone following the Kommandant already
knows about the jew
>>222337Ah, Soph.
She is redpilled, but i think, because she has to share school with commies, she is unable to name the jew publicly to avoid backlash.
Look at the following video at time index 24:23 where an email is shown answering a kikess activist larping as journalist. She says:
>since you are a crypto (u think ppl dont notice that u flow between "Im a Jew" and "Im White" [Embed]
>>222491It is truly a shame what YouTube is doing to her.
>>222492But it is the conclusive proof that accelerationism works wonders.
Now Soph's redpilling has been amplified far beyond anything imaginable.
Let the kikes and collaborators unleash all their rage, it will come back to bite them in their asses.
What the fuck happened here? Nigel you got to see this.
>>222730Weird, I just watched that movie last night.
>>223673Priceless: Thrifty Sage Seeks Discount From E. Michael Jones [Embed]
>>223673is that Barbra spectre on the right?
>Faggotry galore>Does President Trump's Campaign Support Christian Values? [Embed]
Reasons cited by shareholders are largely identical with all points of criticism that were cited by content creators cited previously. Imagine running a world company with a budget bigger than most countries and you are still not getting fired after 10+ years of misperformance.
>Susan Wojcicki LOST $70 Billion Market Cap for Alphabet #DemonetizeSusan [Embed]11 minutes
>this post in a 20 second nutshell [Embed]Note: In her 12 years of service,
(((Susan Horseface-Wabbajack))), an ethnic polish jew from commiefornia, never made a profit as the CEO of Youtube, worlds biggest video site with a defacto Monopoly.
You cant spell Demonizted without
demon.Additional Note: Due to Susan being trolled by the
"""Dislike Mob""", she lost circa 1.7 Million subscribers with all her remeaining videos having overwhelmingly large dislike ratings.
Google will permanently turn off the real time subscriber count in August. This will also affect social blade.
>>224082I've really gone off youtube since they've been only recommending MSM garbage on any search that is even remotely political, I've been trying to use bitchute as much as possible but there's not that much content on that site unfortunately.
>>224093>I've been trying to use bitchute as much as possible but there's not that much content on that site unfortunately.How so?
There is plenty of material there, specially those videos banned by jewtube.
>>224172What an amazing kid.
Count Dankula fucking did it againHe made a BLM dog this time.
[YouTube] M8 Yer Dugs In BLM
>>224172>only available till june 13thWhy even do timed exclusives over normal exclusives, kiketube's gonna keep being assholes to her so why give them the time and potential ad revenue for her video to reach a (((wider audience)))
>>224393Epic Rainbow Crafts. It took 5 months, and it was fucking expensive, but its top qulity
>>224394It looks terrific.
I'd love to have a gorgeous custom plushie like that, but I don't have the budget for tomfooleries right now.
>>224389Looking great anon.
>Oligarchy: We Need A New Brand - Literally we will End Your Whole Party If You Don’t Follow Our Orders
>Stephen Cloobeck, Diamond Resorts International Chariman & CEO
The 2020 election is getting interesting.
Though I would mention that Daniel Ingram has found the login and password to his Youtube channel and has recently posted a few acoustic versions of songs from the show. Favorite one of the three that are up so far:
>Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 [Embed]
The Genius of the Crowd - A poem by Bukowski.
>How NeoCon Billionaire (((Paul Singer))) Is Driving the Outsourcing of US Tech Jobs to Israel >Several U.S. tech giants including Google, Microsoft and Intel Corporation have filled top positions with former members of Israeli military intelligence and are heavily investing in their Israeli branches while laying off thousands of American employees, all while receiving millions of dollars in U.S. government subsidies funded by American taxpayers.
>>225277Half woke, half retarded.
According to a Detractor Discord and a (now suspended) twitter account who cited Kiwifarms, Twitter is now making a move to put
furries and animal abusers under their
"""protected class""" faggot umbrella. [Embed]
Jewess, anti-White, and coal burner, caught subverting MAGA while pretending supporting it.
E-Thot is going down totally exposed and open to wide public laugh.
>Coal Burning Point USA: The Fast Times & Short Career of Ashley St. Clair
>Human Events Grifter Ashley Clair EXPOSED | America First Ep. 405 [Embed]
>>179468This morning in Osaka a policeman had his gun stolen from him by a man in his 30`s. The last time this happened the then gun man killed his ex-employer. However it could be related to he fact G20 is meeting at the end of the month. I would not be surprised of some type of low level false flag in Japan. If it was just a news item I would be less suss but the emergency tannoy has been reporting it to.
>>225825Was the Thief a Mudslime?
>>225838???????????????????????????????????????????FFS [Embed]ResetEra, The Ultra SJW [/p]Followup site run by butthurt Cat Ladies (see the Neogaf fallout of Autumn 2017), now on the chopping block again.
This happened right after a failed campaign to strawman the video game company THQ North with Accusations of pedophilia because they hosts a Ask-me-Anything on 8chan /v/ this spring.Leading Site Staff, Owner and Mods compromised with Pedophiles and Pedophile apologists after Whistleblower drops Intel on Secret Discord group. Thread Blew Up from
1.3k views to 100k views. Resetera in full damage control mode.
This all happens less than 2 years after one of the leading Neogaf mods Amirox, an ethnic jew and Blumphy poster, has been Jailed for Pedophilia. He was previously banning people onsite for """Pedophobia""" and defended Political violence against Richard Spencer and similar.
>>225866Discussion of this subject is actively suppressed on 4chan and Reddit. Posters who attempt to talk about it usually get their threads pruned and banned. The Subreddit "Kotaku in Action" (which became famous during Gamergate) is removing all screenshots in which any usernames are unblurred, no matter the context or service.
I should add that ResetEra Staff is doing their damnest to remove any evidence with underhanded tactics and downplay all accusations. The owner of ResetEra send his little sister to whiteknight him on Neogaf personally against the Admin of Neogaf.
The Whistleblower who published all this is now being threatened with a lolsuit by the Resetera Poster who invited her to the discord server.
>>225868First Statement after the Fallout from one of the Ringleaders who ran the Pedo Server, after the changed his name (to public attention) And Threadtened a lolsuit.
>>225825There were 3 police offices in the local Koban so the criminal called in a fake burglary, waited for two officers to leave and stabbed the last one to get his gun. The gun only has 5 bullets.
>>225868Why do they think we would cry if they died? Why do they think their existences should be our problem?
Why my poner senses are telling me that there is a malign foreign presence loose around?
>>225880And I can imagine that the next move of such malign creature will be to publish a external link with the hope some poner click it.
>>226308If you've got dat fuck trash in yo snatch you gotta get dat 'bortion.
>>226189I'm With it up until the last panel. White Babies Are People.
Thank you American tax payers for the free Mercury stuffs!
Trump needs to stop locking up cars!!
I plotted the increase in Co2 against average temperature in the UK. Temperature data from the Met office in the UK. Co2 from Hawaii data sets.
Other than the fact they both change with the season I do not see any problem for the UK and therefore fuck the rest of the world.
>>227483300 Year solar minimum is due in the ~2030s. It will get colder not hotter.
I always see tards go on about running from X site to Y site (usually 4chan or 8chan) but why does nobody ever talk about running off to 7chan? Is the site really that dead?
>>227868that kid's pretty based tbh. [Embed] [Embed]>Gay asian twitter proudboy >goes to Portland (Oregon) Antifa rally on June 29th, urban blue ground>they announce a hit on him, he knows>he goes there anyway because whats the worst that could happen right>immediately gets gangbanged by half a dozen wannabe ninjas>camera stolen>gets acid milkshake with quick dry cement thrown on him>hard object thrown in back of head, brain bleeding diagnozed in hospital>ear lobe torn
>>228256How much longer till the bullets start flying
>>228252this is why you wear a fucking helmet when dealing with anarchists.
>>228263>>228256>>228257Portland at this point is just fucking ridiculous. The cops there are actually pretty based, the problem is they just have absolutely zero support. The city council is a bunch of literal trannies and degenerates and they're all corrupt as fuck. Nobody even wants to be the mayor because the whole city at this point is just a complete crumbling shithole being slowly taken over by homeless people, and nobody can do anything about it without pissing off some far-left citizens' group or other. Every time Antifa stages a protest (which happens pretty much every time Trump blows his nose) they basically take over downtown and destroy it with absolute impunity. Antifa blockaded the local ICE office a few months ago, and all the homeless showed up and turned the whole place into an open sewer. The mayor sided with the protesters and the homeless. I don't blame the cops for not doing anything when these freaks start rampaging; any cop that tried to take any reasonable action at all would just get called an ebil nahtsee and lose his job. He'd just be sacrificing his livelihood to protect people who hate him from people who also hate him. Being a cop in Portland has got to be the most thankless job imaginable, if at this point they all just want to punch a clock and get paid to stand there watching idiots beat the shit out of each other I wouldn't blame them a bit. I don't go anywhere near the city center anymore unless I absolutely have to.
>>228919And then one day, for no reason at all....
I also wonder, did the mice experiment covered a cases of adult mices sexually abusing adolescents?
>>228923Good question. I don't recall it mentioned but would one notice? I think the problem is in a slightly different area. We are evolved to deal with problems, if we end up in utopia we actually psychologically can't cope. We will FIND PROBLEMS to solve because we go insane without problems.
Since in utopia the only source of problems are our emotional urges we choose those as the problem that needs "solving".
Freedom is chaos.
Nature tends to balance out extremism with its counterpart extremism. So many stupid humans. So little time.
[YouTube] Stop Normalizing Nazis - Socially Conscious Game Design - Extra Credits
[Embed]Extra Credits makes a really woke video.
Damnit all they are infected. Fucking hell.
The community backlash is huge for their contract, but damn these feels.
>>229279>The community backlash is huge for their content, but damn these feels.
>>229279i had these people on my youtube blocklist since gamergate
>>229279>implying this is any lossExtra Credits was already a shit channel, this just means I have another reason to call them shit.
Still, nice to see that there's community backlash. At least there's
some sanity left in the world.
8chan's /pol/ is completely fucked. I'm not sure if it used to be this bad, but it's almost nothing but weird LARP threads with people posting walls of text about how they believe there's gonna be a terrorist attack on the 4th as everyone unironically goes along with it while going on about how the end is near. And then the date passes and it turns out that OP was full of shit so everyone immediately runs off to the new person that has "insider information" on a new happening that is a blatant fantasy.
>>229489That is why we have folders with plenty of horsepussy waiting for them.
Antifa: You're Not Gonna Hit Me.
>"All in favor of motion to rename the San Andreas fault to Trump's fault say I"
The 12 Signs of the Alt-Right.
>From THOTs to Burqas.
One way or another they are going back to the kitchen, or perhaps the baby farm.
An acoustic guitar is a pointless weapon. Any real force it will break and tangle itself up. I expect this is pure fakery.
I hope Discord allows people to edit server appearances so 2000s era blogs/forums make a sudden reappearance with all the servers that look like clown vomit and poorly edited hair metal band sites.
>>230805Discord isn't anonymous though. It's a poor replacement for chansites.
>>230812I don't want it to become the replacement for all forums, I just want it to unintentionally bring back the 90s internet aesthetic.
>>230805Discord = honeypot
Wiki has some tier level cunts who refuse any kind of change to pages. However I have noticed that profiles of high level civil servants in the UK do not seem to have such vociferous attendance. Anyone wishing to enjoy a little playing will find edits left alone. I am sure civil servants in other coutries would also good
Racism is natural and healthy.
>>230888And please check my numbers!
>>230805>>230812>>230818Culture matters more than aesthetics, and every major Discord server has kicked me off for being even mildly edgy. Moderators are usually a bunch of Jew-lovers.
>>230888>>230889You have good hoers. Checked. will be quite dry for those who like a quick.shifty.splurge type of life but it does indicate how the UK establishment are moving forward with internet privacy and freedoms. Luckily democracy is slow and what is considered now could be five years away for ordinary people. These people are lords and ladies so un-elected and as such of higher inteligence than your standard plebs.
>>231113May I suggest that there is not possible way I can provide a link that would satisfy Thomas although it might be Percy. Those dull.ards who can no protect themselves should just leave my links alone but those with primary level skills will be perfectly safe. Even Ringo would be safe.
Link belongs and it's managed by the UK government.
>>231115Not true. The link is run by the BBC or at least is a legacy of the BBC. Although I trust a bunch of thieving landowners much more than the BBC.
As said those who like to remain ignorant and wank over re.gurge can. Those who have some level of wanting to inform themesleves can do so.
>>232287At 8:53 the video mentions:
"So You're About To Become A Minority"
[YouTube] So You're About To Become A Minority
[Embed]Which is about to mock Whites for White Genocide. I downloaded it and is already archived to document their crimes.
/polfit/ the anime. From the 4chan Summer Cup.
>>232345I suppose the fags are already spreading this to normie space.
By the way, this is very good shit.
>>232345I love it. This is a true work of art.
>>232389Muslim pedophilia and homo activity.
Also has a parallel with today's kind of ladyboys in Afghanistan.
>>232404This meme is unadulterated liberal subversion. The philosophy to do whatever I want, whenever I want because muh libertarian principles.
The results can be seen today.
>>232405>This meme*That meme
>>232345I watched this around 50 times by now and damn this is awesome!
"How to burn a REAL NAZI" by Tommy Robinson. [Embed](Faggot disabled comments)
>>232634Ahhh Japan Truly is our Greatest ally.
>>232803>(Faggot disabled comments)And the lies and dislikes.
This golem cannot take criticism or counter arguments.
>>232861>And the lies and dislikes.*And the likes and dislikes
>>232879Naaah. I don't buy it.
The message is to trust the same actors who are responsible for the displacement, maiming and death of millions and millions just for (((Wall Street)))'s profits, while selling the lie that is for freedom and patriotism. This trick is not new and can be traced to more than a century ago.
>>232879>picAll plans do not survive contact...
Thyme, and sweet herbs go well with fowl.
Salt, and pepper is almost never a wrong choice.
Community barbeques should have at least a head chef so burgers and other meals arnt ruined or burned.
Cover flanks with foil to maintain the heat.
Super glue is handy in a pinch when you get nicked.
Most importantly is to have fun even when the roast is ruined. An okay barbecue has it so everyone has fun. A great one can forge friendships between strangers. The best ones are irresistible.
Forgetting the supplies for one certainly makes hosting one much harder.
Even the minor forgettable supplies.
>>232882>everythingI couldn't agree more.
But, Check and verify. IF can change much.
Attention is also a vital resource.
Are you ready for Meme Wars 2.0 in 2020?
>>232924>Are you ready for Meme Wars 2.0 in 2020?I am. I think it is going to be a fun election.
>>232926This proves there is Norwegian interference in the US elections. I'm telling Mueller!
>>233099>antifaThat cannot be real.
>>233099>Top jpgWhat the fuck.
(You) are doing a great job.
The mental state of those people are so fucking twisted if they believe that outright.
>The Dirty Jew Behind the Tommy Robinson Operation>This beguiling and subversive Jew Avi Yemini, supposedly a resident of Australia but in actuality an Israeli who served in that country’s military, is the brains behind the Tommy Robinson operation. You can see this character in nearly all of Robinson’s latest videos, and appears to be the editor of Robinson’s news website.
>>233428Fun debate so far. I also sort of hope pic 3 comes true now.
>>233431Why the fuck is this in random news?
>>233433Late night for me so I'm watching via VPN in bed, and don't have enough info to make real thread (just stumbled upon the debate by lucky accident. And for some reason no one else have made a thread either.
Fun how Warren talk about how to right all that has be done to the black community the last decade. I wonder if she realize Obama was president for more or less eight of those ten years.
>>233428That Philosoraptor meme is cringe
>>233794>Comments are disabled for this video.I wonder why.
>COURLAND '44 - WWII Short Film [1080p]>Autumn 1944, a young soldier named Karl Franke has been shipped to Courland and must prove himself to his fellow soldiers in his first mission.This is a German short film (14:25m) of incredible quality and not kiked. Press CC for English subtitles. [Embed]
>>233813Really good short film. Thanks for sharing.
>>233813good film, f's all around for Karl it happened on facebook but those who have taken my warnings about promotion of this man can now see that under UK law you might end up in prison for 18 months. No VPN or claiming it is all on a server in canada will distract from the fact you posted it when you were on English soil.
>>233975Correction four weeks sentence. 18 months is the suspencions value. Still four weeks is still not pleasant.
>>233975>>233976You again mate.
I'm shivering.
>>233975I have a question. Are you on the Crown's payroll?
>>233975>promotion of this manIf you meant Brenton Harrison Tarrant, take a hike.
This is America dude.
>>233975Sounds like you're not allowed to talk about israel's nuclear program.
Literally who cares, everyone knows laws don't want you to talk about X and Y, that's exactly why places like this exist.
Glowing niggers don't operate like this, instead they bait the victim to artificially fabricate a case, and/or they go with a judge's order.
The jap poster is a harasser playing games to threat maybe British posters.
>>233990I For one Love the state of Isreal and their Stolen Nuclear arms.
>>234638Fantastic Work, i kekd at the khalergi plan meme.
4pol is getting worse and worse with every passing day
>>236044there's no reason to go to 4pol anymore. all the anons worth anything already left.
>How the MAGA Movement Hurts Us All>WotW explains how the MAGA ideology backfires on whites and minorities alike, and what we need to focus on now.>Racial separation [Embed]
>>237555Triplets of truth and fun.
>>237561>Unironically using redditGet out.
>>237565But it's fun to put redpills on reddit where just anyone could stumble upon them.
>>237713You got a point. Subverting the normals' degeneracy is our duty.
Twilight, Celestia lied.
Books > Friendship.
>>237780As much as the arming of the ZOGbots against the people is a serious issue, it would help if they published some more data. I get the sneaking suspicion that the number of police shootings is still outmatched by the number of shootings by gangs in the inner cities.
>>237783You can take my GNU from my cold, dead thinkpad.
>>237792That's the same fucking thing, and it's beside the fucking point.
If we make exceptions to due process, right to bear arms, and forbidence of unreasonable seizures now, we'll never get our rights back later when we want them.
So who would be a good president for the 2024 election?
Assuming things don't go completely to hell.
Molymeme has gone full 1488!
>>238007>first tweetI don't buy it. He is a eCeleb chasing money and that tweet would irreparable damage the income.
>>233065Yep, I've been pulling left for quite a while, but all they produce is more bureaucracy and bullshit litigation, prosecution, and centralization. I think these guys have the right idea. Time to shake things up, and flatten the hierarchy a bit. Inb4 flag: I fled south to escape the swedish sickness.
>>238063Too bad immigrants are following you south and blowing up police stations in Copenhagen.
>>238784Can't say I am surprised HuffPost is doing Falseflag operations to push their narrative.
>>238784No way. He can't be that fucking careless, can he?
Tell me you'd or webarchive'd this shit
The Plan? Will it work? Did it fail?
>>238877>Trust the planDouble dubs checked.
But there's a little problem with the plan. The patriotards are being deceived into the false belief that the Trump's faction has the plebs' well being into account, and therefore the patriots are "winning". Nothing can be farther from the truth, the MAGA movement is a shell full of empty promises and a time bomb waiting to go off when the NPCs realize that their America is gone.
>>238882>second pic>"Bridge"Meaning "transition" perhaps?
>>238883A Bridge between two eras?
>Premonition of an Evil Deed
>>238882They wouldn't literally make London Bridge fall down, would they?
Or is this going to be some staged recreation of that London Bridge attack where a knife-wielding mudslime chimped out and the state called a man who saved lives racist?
My guess is it is an acronym. BR = British Royalty.
It would be interesting if Prince Andrew had died. Loose ends clean up? Will probably end up being nothing.
>>238882It's been eight days so shouldn't we know?
Woohoo, 27 years of solar metallic prominence data!!
>Patriot Front - Reclaim America! (use Tor)
>Conservative eCeleb Vincent James>Mad because the (((ADL))) is censoring everybody, and of course, now him. [Embed]
>The future looks very dark.
From the darkness comes the light. It is going to get a lot uglier before an improvement is seen. I think accelerationism is working slowly, which means pain and hardship, which is the only way to awaken the comfy normie Whites.
Dr. Piece said that the American middle class deserve every calamity to come.
Meantime I think that stepping aside and taking a deep look of what is happening and laugh is the best remedy for the blackpill. Step aside and observe because there is little what we can do to stop the West disintegration, libtards and commies brought the disaster, their tolerance and virtue is the West undoing. It is up to us to rebuild from the ashes.
Adapt anon, the future of the White Race depends on your survival and resilience.
>>238908Pony newfag here (or is it new ponyfag) and did not know what this thread was before.
Great thread.
>>2388968 days after announcement of death, which hasnt happened yet.
That would definitely be time frame for a royal funeral.
Somebody's real sick.
Read the mein Kampf quoted from the /üb/ thread.
Hitler's youth was just like this, theres a lot of tiny hitlers on the making. (Gen z and t)
>>239160>theres a lot of tiny hitlers on the makingCheck this out
>>236394 →
>>239167Good whitepill, thanks for posting.
I almost swallowed a blackpill for a sec
>>239167Nice song but i think a style like this would fit better with those old synths and guitar
But that's just my take
Of course, that would require altering the lyrics a bit
Woohoo, 45 years of solar metallic prominence data!!
And no one cares. Can I have a woohoo? I'll even settle for a Flutter woohoo.
>American Apocalypse: The Government's Plot To Destabilize The Nation Is Working video:
>According to a startling Pentagon video obtained by The Intercept, the future of global cities will be an amalgam of the settings of "Escape from New York" and "Robocop" — with dashes of the "Warriors" and "Divergent" thrown in. It will be a world of Robert Kaplan-esque urban hellscapes — brutal and anarchic supercities filled with gangs of youth-gone-wild, a restive underclass, criminal syndicates, and bands of malicious hackers. >At least that's the scenario outlined in "Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity," a five-minute video that has been used at the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations University. All that stands between the coming chaos and the good people of Lagos and Dhaka (or maybe even New York City) is the U.S. Army, according to the video, which The Intercept obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.>Megacities Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity, Pentagon Video [Embed]
>>239413Good work.They know (((their))) plans, and this is what they do?
Might have had to make it one way or another.Unless this is the only way to tell others in all branches of the military what to expect from (((them))), and their reign.
>>239457>They know (((their))) plans>megacitiesIt looks like it is not other than the UN plans for "Sustainable Development", something very similar to the Green Deal. To move by force if necessary the human population to urban centers, leaving the countryside under (((UN))) control
>all branches of the military what to expect from (((them)))I am afraid that you are very optimistic about the military. Most of their members don't give a fuck about anyone outside their unit or family, it's a situation very similar to the police. Their mentality is that they have the force and are the rightful ones, therefore, they are the law. It is a situation very similar to the police and the "small" people around them.
Other way to put it is that from the very beginning their training is about violence, which becomes their language and identity.
shit posting level 2 unlocked.
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>>239284>>239547I'd give you a woo(You) but I have no idea what this data is or its relevance.
Sorry, haven't been keeping up with science lately.
>>239555Checked. I am looking for a natural space cause to Ghost Rockets and Flying Discs of 1946/7. I think I have traced it to the sun ejecting metal.
>>>/vx/110885 →I'll take your woo, and use it to energise my research to infinity and beyond!
>>239565Huh. I took a quick look at the thread and it seems I have some reading for later. Looks neat.
>Policing For Profit: How Civil Asset Forfeiture Has Perverted American Law Enforcement>Picture this: You’re driving home from the casino and you've absolutely cleaned up – to the tune of $50,000. You see a police car pull up behind you, but you can’t figure out why. Not only have you not broken any laws, you’re not even speeding. But the police officer doesn’t appear to be interested in charging you with a crime. Instead, he takes your gambling winnings, warns you not to say anything to anyone unless you want to be charged as a drug kingpin, then drives off into the sunset
>>240007(((Civil Asset forfeiture))) is such a Jew-tier practice. The police can pull over your car, see a wad of cash, and take that cash because reasons.
Cops shouldn't be given any incentives to take people's property. If anything, assets they sieze should be incinerated immediately to prevent them from benefitting in any way.
>>240040It sounds to me like a gang of robbers with weapons and wearing uniforms, but the scary part is that they have permission to escalate till murder anyone resisting.
The 24 Types Of Anti-White.
>>240282I'm just gonna come out and say it: horsefuckers are less genuinely autistic than bronies.
>The German Races >From the Handbook for Schooling the Hitler Youth>This much longer chapter gives the students an overview of the various “races” that make up the German people – their people. There are six distinct groups described, ranging from the 'Nordic,' the largest which makes up approximately 50% of the population, to the 'Western' making up only 2%. In between, from greater to lesser, are the 'Eastern', the 'Dinaric', the 'East Baltic' and the 'Phalic.'
Encyclopedia Dramatica has been deplatformed.
>>240778This is no time to be checking digits. Kiwi farms and 4chan are next. The internet as we know it is in danger. Soon the internet will be full of nothing but normie trash and ads.
>>240777>>240778>>240779ED gets deplatformed on a regular basis, thats nothing new but it will keep the Israeli who runs it in some trouble for a while. Still a bit surprising tho, i thought they now had a deal with Kiwifarms to keep them afloat. more proof that the internet is being fucked with by the same people the chan sphere campaigned against since before 2016.
And nothing is being done about it except more deplatforming and bans on our side. There will soon not be much left that can be deplatformed in this internet.
SEASON NINE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!d d ont clikc if you don
't ts
want to
>Evangelicals: Christians Need to Establish Militias in Preparation for the Coming Civil War>Following the recent Washington Post article in which a Jewess reporter grudgingly admits that Christian Identity ideas about the Jews and race have been successfully permeating evangelical Christianity with “anti-Semitism”, now come open calls for Christians to not only be politically involved against the left but to literally form right wing militias in order to prepare for a coming civil war.
>>241423Based and Righteous. Gods speed, and God bless.
Just discovered this while looking up spectrum on Wikipedia.
>TheRightStuff.Biz is Crawling With Feds and Deranged Weirdos>Some longtime readers who have followed my stuff here might remember me being highly critical of TRS when Mike Enoch aka Mike Peinovich, one of the main people behind TRS and the site’s flagship podcast “The Daily Shoah”, was exposed as having a Jewish wife. The biggest problem I had with the situation was not necessarily the fact that he had a Jewish wife but the fact that he deliberately deceived his audience about it.
>>242158I forgot the name but someone else in their camp was exposed for fucking trannies. James Allsup is glowing real bright right now.
>>240783Isn't it going to be ED 5.0 now?
>>242186>Allsup is glowing real bright right nowMore info is needed.
New video from the Kommandant.
He is naming the jew in a casual way here and there, while shilling the fairy tale of the good Jew opposing the bad Jew.
It looks like the overwhelming fact that the Goyim Know beyond anything thought possible is making his narrative to change and to try to adapt, looking for new angle to subvert the right wing.
>2:05 -"The Deep State, specifically a bizarre coalition of communist sympathizers, self hating Jews, left leaning capitalists>4:47 -"Germans and Jews working together to reclaim Free Speech for the Americans">5:42 -"If even a billionaire Jew with blackmail material can be brought down, then anyone can"Still the Kommandant doesn't denounce the Jewish menace and their plots. [Embed]
>>242215He decided to work with TRS after getting his YouTube deleted. I think Nick covered it in his show.
PewDiePie donates $50,000 to the jewish Anti Defamation League.
He's giving money to the very people that want us dead.
>Unboxing 100 MIL YouTube AWARD!! (He announces his treason at 2:12)[YouTube] Unboxing 100 MIL YouTube AWARD!!
>The Ugly Truth About The Trade War>US-China Trade War Threatens US Dollar Supremacy, Sets Stage for Global Digital Currency>The trade war is nothing more than a farce, a smoke and mirrors distraction leading up the the dismantling of the US dollar and paving the way for the globalist one world digital currency system. Whether or not the plan succeeds relies on ample resistance from people who see the danger ahead, but make no mistake, the globalists are not afraid of an economic crash or the decline of the dollar; they WANT these things to happen so they can establish even more centralized control.
>>242283>they WANT these things to happen so they can establish even more centralized control.Isnt Bitcoin going to try and take over if that happens?
Also, WWIII when
>>242286>Also, WWIII whenNever.
It's bad for business, goy.
>>242287WWII was bad for business too
>>242354He must want to be identified.
>>242354Anyone care to decypher all these things that are on his chest?
Apparently Egypt briefly had an actual, actual, nigger pharaoh, Akhenaten, who fucked up the art and religion. King Tut, one of his sons, put things back to normal shortly thereafter, because nobody approved of the drastic reordering of a society that had been mostly working fine for almost two thousand years. As with so many other problems, this one started when someone (Amenhotep III) fucked a nigger (Queen Tiy.) There are also rumors that Akhenaten's wife, Nefertiti (not to be confused with Nefertari, who married Ramses II), might have been asian, so it's possible that the racemixed nigger went on to further racemix.
As can be seen in the pics (spoilered for being of hideous niggers), Akhenaten definitely looks a lot more like a nigger than other Egyptians did in depictions of them, and the art takes on a level of shit quality that speaks of niggers being involved (or kikes, or both).
Amusingly, the podcast (from BBC, my apologies) at one point goes on for a while about how "we just have no idea why he made all these drastic changes." Niggers gonna nig, obviously, but they're not allowed to notice that.
The podcast does go into some detail on the kinds of changes made, which were interesting. His biggest thing was getting rid of all the Egyptian gods and replacing them with one, all powerful, god. Specifically, the sun. He seems to have worshiped the actual sun too, not a sun god (hail Celestia), and certainly not the regular Egyptian sun god (hi Ra).
As with many other sets of compound problems cropping up in a society, there's a reasonable possibility that kikes are involved in this one too. This was in ~1350 BC, which is around the time of the supposed exodus of the kikes.
It could be that they got kicked out beforehand (Ahmose I and Thutmose II, both of ~1500 BC, are apparently candidates), and this might have been a revenge attempt to destroy Egypt.
Another, more interesting possibility, is that kikes where kicked out because they convinced Akhenaten to get rid of the Egyptian gods and make their art shit. Interestingly, Freud apparently suggested in Moses and Monotheism that Moses was an Egyptian noble who followed the nigger heretic, and lead his particular followers out of Egypt when Akhenaten died (cause of death unknown, apparently), and that those followers joined with a wandering tribe of other monotheists, resulting in modern kikes. This would give a good explanation for why they were so mad at Egypt and where the exodus myth came from. Of course, Freud's a kike himself, so it's not clear if this is a misdirection or a legitimate possibility that was used as ammo in some infighting between sects of kikes.
Minor note on the .mp3, I did snip out the advertisement and boilerplate stuff (ffmpeg, -acodec copy), which is why it starts in the middle of a word just before the actual content.
>>242463And here are some ponies as a palate cleanser.
>>242680I truly believe it. There is not limit for human excesses.
Pic not related.
>>242680Doesn't surprise me either. In Kazakhstan a lot of makeshift homes around the new urban zones don't have heating so the people there keep their stoves running to heat the homes while they are away. Because many of these structures aren't built to code fires aren't uncommon. The Soviet government might of left the Stan sisters, but the same old corrupt systems still plague the countries.
>Drone Swarms.. is there a defense against it? [Embed]Buy your portable EMP repelent anons.
>NYPD refuses to help a woman attacked by Doctors and Engineers.
>>242993Nathaniel doesn't deserve to be in the garbage can. He deserves his own thread - nay, his own
>>243055>He deserves his own threadNoted.
>Nick Fuentes: Message to Zoomers.
>Your parents fucked up your future.
>>243251>"They're gonna be getting social security, and you're not. You're gonna be paying it but you're not gonna get it. They're gonna be fine. They own their home, and they own their car. You're not gonna own anything. You don't own anything now, and you'll never own anything."Absolute fucking facts.
>e-celeb JF Gariépy
>Teaching and the commitment to a path of truth
This is why the redpill can't be forced.
>A Quick Summary of The 4 Laws of Politics for Whites>Only Fascism & NAZISM have EVER defeated Communism
>>243416Yeah, the cycle. But first we get the IV Reich, then we will figure out how to turn it into an Eternal Empire.
>>243418I suspect not. Successful society makes weak people. Also fascism will inspire "freedom" fighter/rebels. Humans are predators.
>I can't even really lurk here most of the time, this place is so incredibly cucked. Only other actually trustworthy /pol/ is still pretty dead because nobody can deal with the brilliantly effective normie shield. they mean us, /mlpol/??
>>243421Thats a pretty safe assumption, as well as more than a little complimentary
Sept 9th? Thats a bit of an obscure thread to be citing anon. Were you bored and going through the archives?
>>243423poking around look for 8chan and Q rumours. endchan linked to that thread.
also it seems 8chan as a term has been banned on 4chan. Posters are using 8chãn and alike to post. It means they can't post links with that term in it also.
>>243421>Only other actually trustworthy /pol/ is still pretty dead because nobody can deal with the brilliantly effective normie shieldPonies are not for every anon.
>>243426When pony-fascism arrives all shows will be ponies. Anyone opting out gets a bullet!
>>243428>please treat us with respect and decency as we transition back to your realityNot only from Hollywood, I can imaging how many golems will step forward with the excuse -"I was just doing my job."
>>243428I agree. It's not even a good conspiracy theory.
>>243428>reading off reptilian and transdimensional alien conspiracy theories to sound woke to channers who know (((the real enemy))) alreadyThis is more bizarre than words can explain.
>>243719>tree of life>SaturnNeither one.
It sounds to me like he had a satanic rapture and in his excitement and gloating can't shut up.
>>243719>>243723It's Just a Dumb nigger who has spent to much time doing Hard Drugs.
>>243726I don't think so.
The terms he used are in line with the Babylonian Kabbalah. And his excitement and confidence is congruent with a satanic mystical experience.
That nigger was just initiated.
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