Anyone have morrakiu's clown world?
One of my favorites and already posted at
>>215767 → is "One Folk, One Faith" by No Remorse.
>Hitler Was Right - by No Remorse.
>>216955How about some nice German RAC music, by Landser
>Play the Winning Hand - by No Remorse.
>>216989>Play the Winning Hand - by No Remorse.>MP3 with 320 KB/s quality. [Embed]Anyone have more of C Y B E R N ∆ Z I's stuff?
>>216955There's this one song where it's got a Richard Spencer speech saying "We are not meant to live in shame! For us, it is conquer or die! Something something, within our very blood as children of the sun!"
Anyone remember that song's name?
>>217028I believe it's one of Xurious's tracks but I don't know which one. I'm going through them and I'll let you know if I find it.
European Skinhead Army - by No Remorse
European Skinhead Army - by No Remorse.
>MP3 with 320 KB/s quality.
>>217019Their youtube channel appears to be back up, actually, so do a:
>youtube-dl you can.
>>217326You need a youtube account to view their vids. I refuse to make one.
>>217456I got you covered (one or two missing as there was bitching from yt about county and I didn't turn on vpn)!e1hyFY4D!bNKD1qguhjw0n7tVir85Lg
>>217456>You need a youtube account to view their vids.To view on youtube, maybe, but I just double-checked and youtube-dl is grabbing them fine, and it's definitely not set to use an account.
>>217488Minor correction: apparently there's one vid that's blocked worldwide, and can't be downloaded. So here's a copy I was able to get from a while back.
Who's got the "White collar rhymes" album?
Anyone remember a racist song , sung by someone imitating Discord voice ??
Johnny Rebel - Nigger Hatin Me.
Waffen SS Choir - Neue deutsche Welle (Remix)
>>217507i checked, Cybernazi is not blocked in Argentina :D
>>218606>not blocked in ArgentinaSomething tells me that Hitler died a happy man.
Skrewdriver - Free My Land
G.G. Allin - Kill the children save the food.
>Hold Fast - I Am The Revenge
>Race War - Aryan Angel
A bluepilled song for White Knights.
>>219983>bluepilledNani da fakku, anon?
>>219985>bluepilled>Nani da fakkuZettai ni.
This video is cancer for men. It promotes the ideal of women's loyalty and to be a complement for men, when facts have disproved those over and over again.
I don't want to stray from the thread's topic and I better stop right here.
>>219987I know women are by nature hypergamous but that doesn't mean that loyalty and monogamous relationships are bad things. Women's sexual market value and role in reproduction are still necessary for humanity and especially for whites.
>>216955>Johnny RebelFuck, man. I miss him
>>220481Saaaaaaaaaaame. I miss Byron de la Vandal even more tho.
>Seen Kyle? - by Cargo Cult
>>222458Have You seen kyle?
He's about this tall o/
Zionists Exist - by Blink 1488
Wind of Adolf - by Mr. Bond
Classic song from Byron and Paddy
>High Svenergy - RWDS
From 2016, when everybody believed Trump was /ourguy/.
>>222568Hey Whatever happend to Blink 1488?
>Johnny Rebel - If I Could Be A Nigger For A Day.
>>225479Probably my favorite Blink 1488 song tbh.
>>225090It was all done by one guy (or channel at least) who did right wing parodies of other pop artists, Blink 1488 was his most well known. iirc his original channel got shoahed around the same time that Moon Man and all that got taken down. Don't know if he's still making music, but he's pretty much covered most of Blink 182's significant songs at this point, so unless he wants to delve into their lesser known old/new stuff there's not a whole lot of places left for the project to go. My guess is he's simply moved on.
A lovely homemade declaration.
>>218572>>223783Here is the lyrics.
Grün ist unser Fallschirm
Froh das junge Herz
Stählern unsere Waffen
Sind aus Deutschem Erz
So Kameraden
Hört die Parole
Und legt sie in das junge Herz hinein
Der Weg zum Sprungsignal gegeben
Das Leben will gewonnen sein
Gehen wir dann in Stellung
Geht es endlich los
Rufen wir Hurra Hurra
Zum Gegenstoß
So Kameraden
Hört die Parole
Und legt sie in das junge Herz hinein
Der Weg zum Sprungsignal gegeben
Das Leben will gewonnen sein
Ist die Schlacht zu Ende
Und der Krieg dann Aus
Fliegen Deutsche Fallschirmjäger
Siegreich nach Haus
So Kameraden
Hört die Parole
Und legt sie in das junge Herz hinein
Der Weg zum Sprungsignal gegeben
Das Leben will gewonnen sein
>>225645How the fuck has this not been shoah'd?
>>225075this makes me sad to listen to now.
>>226204This song is so beautiful.
CyberNazi's channel is actually dead now, instead of just in limbo, so I'm uploading the webm's from youtube-dl.
>Youtube said: This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy prohibiting hate speech.
>>227090Last one.
This one is audio only (copied with "-acodec copy" so that there's no further loss of quality), since the video portion was ~120 MB. This one had a fancy frequency visualization, so the video size is much larger than the others.
If you want the whole file with the video included, I've uploaded it here: for Gas The Xenos Galactic War Now, that one's already in the thread as a zip (since the copy on was an mkv, which isn't on the allowed list).
TLDR - I'm looking for "Me ne vado" by ZPM
Any Italians here? A girl that translated fascist music had deleted her channel, website and facebook. After like an hour or two i've found title of one of my favorite songs, but I can't find it.
Antifa - Girls Who Are Boys
One in a million - by Skrewdriver.
1488 /)
>>228909I know an ALPHA.BET when I see one/
In ZOG You Trust - by No Remorse
some stuff i found on 8chan
>>229197this one's giovinezza is the old version
Skinhead White Power - Russia for Russians
some more stuff from 8chan
>>229510This post is irrelevant bollocks. Take it back to your sodomite friends in the BBC.
>>229668>irrelevantthis is a thread for right wing music and i have posted by the rules of the thread
>BBC >friendsi do not like the english it was not my choice to be born here i am half irish and hate all forms of english media and support the IRA and i would NEVER fight for the english they are degenerates
don't call me an englishman again or associate me with the english for i have no desire to be called or associated with them
>>229672You are an Englishman and you like bacon and eggs and watch Eastenders.
How do you support the IRA. Do you put your king shilling in the collection box at Kilburn?
Your post was irrelevant because it had more to do with the image than the soundtrack. As I expect you are a journo and associated with brainwash house I think it was more to put an illegal image on a site giving you a some soft wank story in the future. I am tempted to box 500 you by screenprinting.
>>229685>You are an Englishman and you like bacon and eggs and watch Eastenders.Enough shitposting anon.
Stick to the topic.
>>229685>eastenders i have never sat down and watched a single episode of it before
>bacon and eggs this is a thing that many english speaking countries eat not just england and america
>Your post was irrelevant because it had more to do with the image than the soundtrack. As I expect you are a journo and associated with brainwash house I think it was more to put an illegal image on a site giving you a some soft wank story in the future. I am tempted to box 500 you by screenprinting.lots of people posted "illegal" stuff on here before i even came here the site's mascot has a swastika as her cutiemark hitler is posted on here almost everyday
and no like i said before i don't support england so there is no way i would do something good for this country
>>229691Posting a swastika or promoting hitler are not illegal content. Posting immages of a recent crime that has been banned in the UK whilst using a union jack is illegal. It is allowed to remain on this site because it is being held outside of the UK. However if you are from the UK then your posting is a criminal acr. You action not this site.
>>229692i replied to you're post before saying to be aware of getting arrested if you post a video of christchurch
so i knew about you're warning and i posted it because i have done it before i came here so i know it doesn't matter because i did it before
I suggest you keep posting it everywhere. Try twitter and facebook. Msybe send it to your local MP or Borris. Why not send a copy to your local police station and copy in MI5. I just hope you enjoy the fraggle wing and have the capacity for uncle tom, dick and harry as pass you around.
See You in Valhalla - by No Remorse
I'm not sure if this would necessarily count as "redpilled" music or not, but this is a song that I think just about everyone in America would benefit from hearing and absorbing.
[YouTube] You Are What You Is
First to die - by Haymaker.
>Alles genommen - by Mr. Bond.
Same song, two different videos.
The first one with English subtitles; the second with German and English subs.
Johnny Rebel - ship those niggers back
The White Riders - Stand up and be counted
>John Earnest's Waltz
Sturmwehr - Wir vermissen Dich!
No Remorse - European skinhead army
>>232135>European skinhead armyRemember anons that before the SS came into existence, the Sturmabteilung also known as SA, was necessary to take the streets back from the commies.
>>216955>still believing in the left-right dichotomyNew /pol/, everyone.
>>232135>>232171>"Yeah, let's fight for the ZOG! Skinheads aren't a dumb counter-culture manufactured by the ZOG, they're totally rebel!"
>>232171Pic related.
>>232173>still not understanding what this thread is aboutYou have to go back.
>>232174>Rammstein>The band that has depicted orgies and gay sex, and whose latest video has a negress as queen of GermanyKek. Good music, but extremely Jewish.
>>232174i wouldn't say they're bad nor good they are idiots that make us look bad but they keep niggers of the streets
BUF anthem - comrades the voices
>>232173Truth, but as long as anon is not supporting jewed right-wingers like Crowder or that Milo faggot, there's no need to get into more divisive stuff.
>>216955Good stuff from Byron de la Vandal.
>>232174>Yeah, using terms like ZOG unironically and implying that everything I don't like is Jewish subversion isn't cringy at all! I'm totally a free-thinker, not like these kike-controlled Nazi larpers, amirite?
Mr. Bond - The Mosque Is On Fire
Race Land - (by Final War)
Graham Hart - Hoax Train.
Second video with hardcoded lyrics.
>>232524Good song, but from the title I was kind of hoping for a parody of "Drug Train" by Social Distortion.
H.M.F i hate niggers (i couldn't find any lyrics)
>>222474I know this isn't a meme thread but this song is twenty times better with Alex Jones' voice in it. So here it is:
Strikeforce - by Skrewdriver
Mr Bond - Youth of The Nation.
Racist Redneck Rebels - Niggers Niggers Niggers
Race War Rising - Bound For Attack
Swedish SS volunteers - Friheten Leven marching song
>>233857>Mr Bond - Youth of The Nation1488 version.
/) [Embed]Tomorrow Belong to Me
(sort of an ironic backstory but still good)
Mi General Augusto Pinochet
>>233857>>236394>Mr Bond - Youth of The NationAnother version.
>>216955Right-wing? Okay!
[YouTube] Deus, Pátria, Rei - Portuguese Loyalist Song
>>242892You know, you tried to go for a got'cha moment, but your radiant autism blinded you to the fact that A, the meanings of certain words changes over centuries and that's perfectly natural, and B, monarchism is still considered a right-wing ideology.
>>242892Chill out man. This isn't like a thread about legit political discourse. It's just "music people who post to /mlpol/ would likely enjoy". How have you failed to understand that for all this time?
Hello Merchant you old fiend
We have grown tired of your greed
In the darkness always creeping
Looting our nations while we're sleeping
And though the cattle-cars lie empty on the line
We'll bide our time
Heating the Ovens of Auschwitz
In restless dreams I walked alone
Munich streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a streetlamp
I raised my right arm and began Mein Kampf
Then our backs were stabbed by the flames of the Reichstag fire
A funeral pyre
That lit the Ovens of Auschwitz
And in the fire's light I saw
Six Million Hebrews, maybe more
Lying even when not speaking
Poisoning young minds with false teachings
Commies telling us that we all had to share
Yet no one dared
To send the trains to Auschwitz
"Fools," said I, "You do not know"
Jewry like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Raise right arms and I might reach you
But the Allied bombs like heavy raindrops fell...
And cooled the Ovens of Auschwitz
And the people bowed and prayed
To the Volcano God enslaved
But one man left us his warning
And in our hearts still lives his yearning
And the man said "The lies of the Rabbi's can only be stopped by force
And gas of course (of coursh)
And in the Ovens of Auschwitz"
Are there any Right wing German Metal Bands? Rammstein is too Degenerate for my liking.
Incredible band. Not shit skinhead rock, like good heavy metal, all about nationalism and antimultikulti. Good luck finding it though- YT basically yeeted it all into the trash fire after Tarrant.
>Jolly Rogers - Iremos A Un Bar (Estirpe Imperial cover)
From Spain.
I saw this during a country music concert in Fort Worth. [Embed]Speaking of Fort Worth, during the same trip, I saw a Ford Mustang with a "New Lunar Republic" bumper sticker on it. Does this phrase have any connotations outside of the fandom?
We Are ANTIFA - Parody Song (Sponsored By George Soros) - (by Daniel Bostock)
Far Right - by Daniel Bostock
Fashister - Fascist Heart.
I remember one song I've been look for, for awhile. Can anyone help me? The lyrics sorta went like "That's what men like me used to do" and it went over the Indian fighting era, and ww2 Era.
Hanzel und Gretyl - Third Reich From The Sun.
Does anyone have Paddy's "Persian Girl"? It has been so thoroughly removed from surface web that I didn't even know it existed till today and I'd like to take a listen.
Everybody's a Hitler Now – Michael Hightower (2012)
A bit normie but hilariously appropriate for the ever-increasing application of Godwin's Law. Criminally underrated on Youtube but I saved it before it could get pulled for its juicy imagery.
With huwheat fields, forests and a constant allusion to the future, I feel this is trying to speak something to me:
[YouTube] Miami Horror - I Look To You (ft. Kimbra) (official HD)
Skrewdriver - Hail Victory.
>>216955Al the Gorilla likes these threads. It makes hunting veg much easier. Why fertilise is to earnestly. Mix in some shit once in a while.
[YouTube] Brotherhood Of Man - Save Your Kisses For Me
No Remorse - Six Million Lies.
Mr. Bond - Where'd You Go.
Goyim Goddess - Zyklon B - (Let It Be by The Beatles parody)
Children Of The Reich - Somethin's Gotta Give.
Don't Tread on US - by Gianluca Zanna.
Does anybody here remember DJ Himmler? Back in the old days their stuff was everywhere, it's virtually non-existant now.
>>252421God Bless Anon. Have a rare Moonman.
Anti Racist Is A Code Word For Anti White - by Johnny White Rabbit
Defenders of the Reich - (by Final War)
Just discovered Black Magick SS. Makes me want to struggle for a better future
>Negative XP - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Ruined a Whole Generation of Women
Pluton Svea - Friheten Leve
No Remorse - We Fly The Swastika.
>It's a symbol of power, it's a symbol of pride. In the hands of a true white man, it enwokes something deep inside
>We fly the Swastika. We fly it strong and true. We ain't never gonna take it down for the communist or jews
>In this era of darkness. It's a symbol of light. It will make a million stormtroopers raise their hands and fight
>We fly the Swastika. We fly it strong and true. We ain't never gonna take it down for the communist or jews.
>We fly the Swastika. We fly it strong and true. We ain't never gonna take it down for the communist or jews
>When you see our banners high. Rally round and cheer. Only our racial enemies have something to fear
>We fly the Swastika. We fly it strong and true. We ain't never gonna take it down for the communist or jews.
>We fly the Swastika. We fly it strong and true. We ain't never gonna take it down for the communist or jews
No Remorse - Keep it White.
>>216955Arditi & Toroidh - United in Blood IX
>>216983the most based post of the thread
>>255898>the most basedThanks for to fetch that post forward.
>>255934Welcome is to you that for reply
As somebody who sometimes listen to hard stuff like Sepultura, I can say: no melody, no consistent rhythm, larping as a demon without grace.
In musical terms it can be described as a cacophony.
I don´t know if this fits here but im looking for help
I found a pretty lovely catholic chant song but I could´t find the source
Im posting the youtube URL if somebody knows how to find it because Shazam don´t give me anything [Embed]Thanks for you attention /mlpol/
>>256648I don't know the specific name of this chant. But as a purist I can say that women singing religious chants is degenerate.
If you would like to dig into this cultural niche, search for "Gregorian Chants".
[YouTube] The 99 most essential gregorian chants (complete)
[Embed]I'm not sure if this fits here, but should be interesting. I haven't listened to all of it, but the gregorian chanting is all male so far.
>>256802Everyone likes wood, but bitches loves sticks!
Not music.[YouTube] Lemme Smash - Pony Edition
>>256802>whiggers and niggers [Embed]Stealing all your shekels one of my faves, bitchute deleted my whole 2 bitchute accounts with loads of songs like it and funny holohoax videos
Anonymous 13 hours ago 0f087 No.256802
>>256805>>256835[YouTube] Ghost Rene' x Tony Endz x Daylon Parks - Light This Wood [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
[Embed] [Embed]
This song has a really powerful positive message if you listen deeply.
I dont listen to nig music anymore, But this guy isnt scared to speak the truth. He calls out the kikes all the time on songs [Embed]
Go to black truth music people and pretend to be black, and replill them on kikes not being white and being the real perpetrators. Look up Darnell Jackson we thought they were white.
Remember they are "real ones" n "really about that life" and proud "savages"
So if we get them on our side, instead of fighting against us,it be another shoa.
>>256864Ah yes
The sweet sound of rap makes me want to slit my throat open in delight, delight for the death to come and release me from the grasp of this travesty of the music genre.
I don't have anything politically charged so heres a white slug instead, i mean, it's white.
[YouTube] Buckethead -The Redeem Team
>>256868>>2568682 hours ago c65fa No.256868
>>256864 (You)
Ah yes
The sweet sound of rap makes me want to slit my throat open in delight, delight for the death to come and release me from the grasp of this travesty of the music genre.
I don't have anything politically charged so heres a white slug instead, i mean, it's white.
[YouTube] Buckethead -The Redeem Team
[Embed] [Embed]
Agreed, White parodys of hip hop are better than them.
I used to listen to A few rappers like Krayzie Bone, An rapper from the 90s that actually has surprisingly good music.
He can rap VERY fast and harmonize at the same time and his lyrics arent silly Gangster BS.
Him and Bizzy Bone have some really good music. I only listen to Fashy music/funny parodys type music mostly these days, But now and then il listen to A bit of Krayzie Bone or Bizzy Bone.
If you dont believe that good non degenerate hip hop exists:
[YouTube] Krayzie Bone- Time After Time
[Embed]-Praises God, something missing in most white music.
-no overblaring guitar, I love guitar but people always mix wrong for some reason.
-Godly Instumental, something missing in most white music.
-Believe it or not Krayzie and Bizzy Bone brought me to God.
-I was even convinced blacks were the real Israelites (lmao) because no other White people were repping God like Krayzie and Bizzy in the music.
-And I was watching some videos by blacks saying blacks were the Israelites which seemed convincing.
-since I knew the jews arent the Israelites as it says in the Jewish Encyclopedia or Alminac or whatever.
-Obviously now know Whites are the only people capable of building civilizations like egypt.
-Songs like:
Bizzy Bone - Jesus
Bizzy Bone - Father
-He has albums called:
Heavens Movie
Alpha and Omega
The Gift
-Then Krayzie who is arguably better has songs like:
Cant get no better
Hold on to your soul
Life a lesson to Learn
Let me learn
And more good tracks.
-They have A song with Phil Collins aswell called Home.
-I cant stand most hip hop and especially the stuff from the new people.
-But theres an interesting war going on, Cucked pro gay mainstream rappers, vs underground/old school rappers,
-Skinny Jean's wearing migos fags started claiming they were the best and got dissed by Bone and were scared to reply.
-Then Layzie owned in him on twitter when he said something about him havening more money to say that means hes more talented.
This is the image I meant to post ha
>>256885D-do you smell burnt toast?
That reply was ravaged!
>>256885I heard the Richard Cheese song "Gimmie that nutt" long before I heard the original
So for the longest time I thought the song had been completely made up by this guy to parody trashy disgusting raps
>>256905S0rry but this is the 0nly place I can make comments without half them getting deleted by the commies so I sperg out my nibba
>Phil Anselmo from Pantera: WHITE PRIDE.
Teaching White kids about anti-Whites.
Start up the Panzers - by No Remorse.
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down.
Point Of No Return - (by Unsecret).
>VRIL - The Shadow Soul & The Black Sun
Europe Awake - By Skrewdriver
Dedicated To All Muh Cat Ladies.
Unité Radicale - (by Humungus)
Gimme All Your Goyim - (by Filbert Apple Bag)
>Mr. Bond - Weck Mich Auf - (Wake Me Up)
Language: German
Spear Of Longinus - Nazi Occult Metal (demo) [Embed]
Does anyone have that link to the archive with all the moonman songs?
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Fuck The Police - Yellow Vest Edition - (by Mr. Bond)
Battle Zone - Skinhead girl
Black Magick SS - Rainbow Nights [Embed]Full album ↑
>Twitch streamer sings the German song Erika
e-THOT version.
>>274533Nice get anon, what's your favorite BMSS album? Mine is The Black Abyss.
[YouTube] Black Magick SS - The Black Abyss (full album, 2015)
Deutschland - (by No Remorse)
Some spurdo metal
>Satanic Warmaster - My Dreams of 8 (Hitler)
The age of tragedies, my vision of a fallen empire
Like a lantern that burned out in ecstacy
Lighting the path of blood and honour into time
For eternity, forever reminding me... Forever changing time...
The man against time, in scorn against decline
One state, one folk, one leader, a true revelation
The purest essence of the cult of our blood
For infinity, flowing inside me... Forever binding me...
My dream of your empire
Fills me with joy
For it is also my fate
To end this life of strife in tragedy
Live by the sword they say, thus I shall live
Let my words be my blade, let my songs be my spear
My dream of your empire
Fills me with joy
For it is also my fate
To end this life of strife in tragedy
...or supremacy.
>Fatherland - Blood of Patriots
Amidst the moss
Where blood of patriots fell
All remorse be gone
All deaths be avenged
Sweat and blood, tragedy,
heroism and sorrow
Bitter taste of victory
Scent of rain and flesh
Union of the dead and the living
And those yet to come
Sacrament of the Fatherland
Duty orders forward
Faith and fury
Triumph through night and fog
Fight as the ones before you
In memory of the White Death
>Fatherland - Bloodstained Leaves of Our Soil
Unlimited by the needs of this era
One day You'd nerveless die
Honour, or to become dusts of the past?
No excuse for cowardice
Since none escapes death
But few reach remembrance
True deeds echo through time, even this era
We're merely more than falling leaves
Yet We have what others just dream
>Black Magick SS - In The Circle
We chant for the pleasure
Change the world for treasure
We chant hail the Führer
Mein Führer, king of truth
In the circle, pushing together
In the circle you can't protect
In the circle, hail the Führer
In the circle you cast the spell
Beware the Aryan race
Death for disgrace
We chant for the pleasure
Change the world for treasure
We chant 'summon the goat'
We will win the war
In the circle, spill the blood
In the circle you call the fire
In the circle, hear these words
In the circle, kill the weak
Beware the Aryan race
Death for disgrace
Beware the Aryan race
Death for disgrace
>Johnny Rebel..
Oh, okay.
What? How did this happen? Let's rectify that.
Ladies and gentlemen, the classic: Johnny Rebel - Alabama Nigger
Right Wing youth with Metallica music.
Stahlgewitter - Ohne Sonne Braun
fuck this degenrate skin head music, provided by the kikes to subvert us and let us infight.
Why they even give us internet connection in the first place or they got flaws?
No Remorse - Under The Gods.
Skrewdriver - Hail the new dawn
>>272183Seconding this. I lost the hard drive my old MM collection was on, and the Mega folder I used to download them from originally got shoahed. If there's any alternative archive I'd appreciate it.
>>284823Thank you for posting this.
It's gonna be Halloween soon so i might as well post this.
>>284823Awesome, thank you for the spoonfeed.
Skrewdriver - When the Boat comes in.
Nightcore version of "Burgundian Lullaby," itself a modified version of "SS Marschiert in Fiendesland." I think the HOI4 mod it's from, "The New Order," is fairly cucked but one major plus is how the Black Sun and knowledge about National Socialism has been mainstreamed. I pulled this off Youtube where it's surprisingly still up.
>>286058Once I started playing a HOI4 mod, I think it was set in the modern day.
An early game choice I could make would "make education better", increasing Enlightenment but reducing Nationalism among my country's people.
That made me uninstall the mod.
What's wrong with being a Nationalist for a nation built by the race that invented both the Enlightenment and Romantic? Fucking faggoted cucks.
It's only one small step up from "We must preserve this dirt and its traditions" to "We must preserve the race that made this dirt great and invented those traditions".
The original Italian guy who did Shadilay did a new remix of it:
[YouTube] P.E.P.E. - Shadilay per Trump (2020)
>Our Culture is War
An inspiration music video.
>>247470>Hanzel und Gretyl - Third Reich From The Sun./mlpol/ hoers version.
>>216955Dr. Pierce explains the right-wing music essence.
Very insightful.
I know shiksa goddess' career eventually... fell flat, but she still made some pretty good content.
>>288306clicked the wrong file for first vid oh well...
Well, this is not the typical modern music, but is traditional White as fuck.
>Robert Schumann - Symphony No. 3 “Rheinische” >Conductor: Herbert von Karajan>Performance: Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra>Recording date: 1971>Part I. Lebhaft>Part II. Scherzo. Sehr mäßig>Part III. Nicht schnell>Part IV. Feierlich>Part V. Lebhaft – Schneller[YouTube] Schumann “Symphony No 3 ‘Rheinische’” Karajan & BPO, 1971
>>274056Not going to dox myself but i am in this video. i hope it will come back, I miss the great time we had.
Max Resist - 88 Rock N Roll Band.
Let's say a certain someone got an opportunity to compose music for something in a big mainstream franchise.
And like how Toby Fox referenced "The Baby Is You" in the one track he did for Pokemon Sword+Shield, this someone decided to hide something in his music.
What would be some good melodies to reference and sneak into something like this?
>>292840Ur putting the cart before the hoers anon
>>292844It can't be anything obvious like lyrics that directly call for our freedom.
Just a sequence of notes...
[YouTube] the_pokemon_is_you.mpeg
>Phil Anselmo from the band Pantera
>White Power!
Made some dubstep cringe. Dunno if it'r right leaning but I certainly am.
I would like to recommend...
"Green Ranger" by Lil Wayne and J. Cole in 2012. It has great lyrics...
>showed up at the crib tryna bone
>And I ain't fuck yet 'cause her mama always home
>Uh, bitch I’m not old news, I’m more like gold shoes
>She eat my whole dick, she like Whole Foods
"Foldin Clothes" by J. Cole in 2016
>I wanna fold clothes for you
>I wanna to make you feel good
>There's nowhere I need to be
>Except right here with you
>Folding clothes
>Watching Netflix
Hunter Biden is a big fan of them, as seen in pic related. He has great taste. It would be really cool if Lil Wayne and J. Cole invited Hunter to come sing a cover for one of these.
Niggers not welcomed in Japan.
Clown World - NOT a Mad World parody.
>#freeMrBond>Austrian Born Far-Right musician / Political prisoner of ZOG>On Feb 2, 2021 Austrian authorities arrested /our guy / Mr. Bond on charges of copyright infringement and (most importantly) “Promoting Nazi ideology” (a crime that has seen past offenders serve anywhere from 33 months to 5 years!)>In lieu of a Gofundme (that would be shoah’d in a heart beat) , we are accepting donations on his behalf to assist in legal defense and commissary items, etc. A BTC address has been posted here , with more donation options to follow once this website is fully set up. If you wish to donate, and do not have BTC– email for alternative options.
>>301317I swear, Rexism has the derpiest fascist symbol ever
>>301329>derpiestDerpy is pleased.
>>301317Where's the Life Rune, the symbol of those pagan/nordic guys?
U S A ! - by the Mamas & the Pepes
There are more of these here but I'm posting my favourite ones directly.
Skinheads für die Ewigkeit - (by Kommando Skin)
>Skinheads für die Ewigkeit, das haben wir uns geschworen
>Zusammenhalt bis in den Tod, die Haare kurz geschoren
>Die Menschen, sie schauen dir nach
>In ihren Augen der pure Hass
>Doch zum Glück können Blicke nicht töten
>Denn sonst würde es keine Skinheads geben
>Aber uns ist das scheißegal
>Skinhead heißt unsere Wahl
>Für uns zählt nur der Spaß auf dieser Welt
>Nicht Gesundheit, Reichtum oder Geld
>Lügen über Lügen
>Aber wir lassen uns nicht betrügen
>Wir sind Skinheads aus dem deutschen Land
>Warum wird das nicht anerkannt
>Euer dummes Gelaber geht uns auf den Sack
>Also lasst uns in Ruhe mit diesem f***
>Wir wollen nur leben und uns besaufen
>Und wer das nicht kapiert
>Ja, der muss sich mit uns raufen
Zyklon Don - No Feds
Zyklon Don - Hood Nigga
Zyklon Don - I Don't Like
I'd provide lyrics but I can't find a source.
Dunno if this goes better here or the webm thread, but have it either way! [Embed]
Shlomo by Mr. Bond (Parody of Snoop Dogg's Vato)
Truth Overload by Right Wing Death Squad Entertainment
We will kill them all - (by Rotersand)
>The gods have blessed our soil and blood
>It was meant to be
>We carried on through drought and flood
>It was meant to be
>We built this land upon our graves
>It was meant to be
>As fortune favours just the brave
>It was meant to be
>Don't worry child
>Don't you fear at all
>Don't worry child
>We will kill them all
>Your fathers died, so you may live
>It is meant to be
>We can't forget and we won't forgive
>It is meant to be
>Now I must go, do you hear the drums
>It is meant to be
>We will prevail, whatever comes
>It is meant to be
>Don't worry child
>Don't you fear at all
>Don't worry child
>We will kill them all
The Sex Pistols - Belsen Was a Gas
To prove my point I've made on ponerpics, here's a dubstep piece that begins with a very dumb drop and then gains momentum as more and more accent is added. I agree, dubstep is pretty forgetable and monotonous to its core but it can also be versatile with enough creativity and persistence involved.
If anyone interested, the samples are from music maker jam's pack Brostep vol 1. Music maker jam has good samples but I know it would've been more preferable if I came up with my own stuff (which I did. I've attached some tracks somewhere in this thread before.)
People Haters - White nigger
Mr. Bond - Fuck The Police
(with hardcoded lyrics) [Embed]Origin of the "kill the gays and the faggots" song bw
Your Government Loves You - (by William Wallace Protest Songs)
>>308266Checked and saved.
Anyone know the original song for the first one?
>>309954>Anyone know the original song for the first one?It is an original: >>>Slaughtered Heebs - (by Morrakiu)
You can find all songs here:
>>309956That's where I found it. I figured it was a parody because most of his songs are. Thanks anyway, friend.
Fan made music video for Morrakius song "slaughtered heebs"
The Goys of Summer (a /pol/ tribute).
This song has been getting me threw the days. My health isn't going to well despite all the care I'm trying to give my body.
[YouTube] Pop Evil - Survivor (Lyric Video)
>>312407Sorry to hear. Hope your heath improves and gets better. Thanks for sharing song. [Embed]Is it just me, or is he singing about what I think he's singing about?
>Am I The Only One? - by Aaron Lewis>♫♪♫ Am I The Only? ♫♪♫ To answer the question, "No There Are Millions That Feel The Same Way"...... [YouTube] Aaron Lewis - Am I The Only One (Lyric Video / Explicit)
Wake Up Everyone - by ODD TV
Mr. Bond - Goys N Europe.
>Imperial War Museums
>the 77th messing again
That's a ZOG owned website, nigger.
>>321489Almost everything is ZOG owned nowadays dumbass, I'm sure we are all on some database already for being users of /mlpol/
This was the best version of Sturmlied could find.
>>321491>Almost everything is ZOG ownedSure, but the admin of that site is in the Queen's payroll, that's a huge difference.
>>321492Fine man, I'll cater to your sensibilities and remove it.
I'll return later today with a (most likely) shitty recording from the site.
But since you brought it up, enlighten me on the queen and her goons.
>>321494Take a look in /vx/
She's a literally a witch and satan worship is the official cult, no wonder currently she is hell bound to ethnically cleanse the British people.
>>>/vx/148002 →
The Druids used to commit human sacrifices so not really surprising, but since the Druids are ancient, it really makes you wonder how old these secret societies are...
>>321495I believe I owe you an apology Mr. Thomas the Auschwitz engine, I found the exact same version of the song somewhere else and as it turns out I'm completely retarded (and I'm not going to torture you by forcing you to listen to my botched attempt at recording it).
So here you go Mr Thomas, the song without links to funny or alleged funny sites and while I'm still recovering from being called BOTH a boomer (Intel agent) and a nigger (being called a nigger is one thing, but boomer AND NIGGER! that's a step too far.) I think it's justified by my big fuck up.
to everyone else, enjoy music and song from a superior era!
>>321495>Freemasonry>(((They))) create entrapment secret societies that they control>The (((secret society's))) infiltrate destroy other secret society's.>(((They))) steal everything wherever they canWith the connection with above alone
>She's a literally a witch and satan worship is the official cult,That is true.
>(((They))) are from the seed of the serpent (ie Satan), and God placed Eternal Enmity (Deep seated hatred) in them.>Even further still is that the Jews stole ideas and myths from the areas they were in to create their shit.It goes back to the beginning even, but that's /vx/ stuff, you could get 95% from the Bible and deduction and careful reading.
"Talmudophobe" by Rude-Goy Recordz
>>321582It's in French, no translation is available
>>321495she hasn't done anything to ethnically cleanse anyone. why do you americans have so little understanding of law or order? go ahead, name a power that she, and not the government, has, and may exercise without the permission of parliament. I'll wait.
>inb4 he's another idiot who thinks we're an absolute monarchy and he just lists all the powers of the president
>>321651Americans are just naturally retarded
>>321651>why do you americans have so little understanding of law or order?>gaslightingLaw and order is for servants like you.
The idea that the crown is a powerless legacy family is utterly ridiculous. Just for a small outrageous example watch the faggot Canadian Justin Trudeau when he took power pledging obedience to the Queen.
The crown owns half of the lands of the world, including north America and the Caribbean in this part of the world, at least on official papers. That's right, even today India and Pakistan are its domains.
The crown commands freemasonry with branches and agents all around the world, this shit has incredible deep implications as every politician, general, judge and assorted retards who joined because of promises of knowledge and career advancement now are worshipping Satan and owe blind obedience to their Lodge's Grand Master under threats of death. Then the glaring question arises. Knowingly or not, to who all these freemason members/agents are serving? Isn't it treasonous?
>>321660The Quataris own more of London than the Queen.
>>321663in a 'possession is 9/10ths the law' sense, you're not wrong
>>321665What's that meme?
>>321660>Law and order is for servants like you.any european society worth it's salt operates on a strict hierarchy, so yes I'm a servant, and proud. it's because of rebels like you that the whole thing is collapsing now.
> Just for a small outrageous example watch the faggot Canadian Justin Trudeau when he took power pledging obedience to the Queen.and this demonstrates power... how exactly? various Prime Ministers have broken the rule and let slip what Her Majesty has said in this or that circumstance, such as Thatcher in her autobiography. yes, they all "pledge obedience", but given how often decisions differ from the Queens advice, which she is legally allowed to give like once a week to the PM I think, it's clear that it is just that, advice. when the reverse occurs, the PM giving advice to Her Majesty, she's legally required to follow it, since the royal prerogative is recognized by precedent to be exercised by the Prime Minister.
>The crown owns half of the lands of the world, including north America and the Caribbean in this part of the world, at least on official papers. yes, that's how taxes are levied. but you'll note that in the 18th century, the Crown turned management of their holdings over to Parliament - so now the Crown does not raise taxes from it's own lands to fund armies and such. before, the Crown itself raised taxes with approval from Parliament. so it's a semi-valid point, but again, Parliament are the managers of the land, so it's back to soft power again.
>The crown commands freemasonry with branches and agents all around the world, this shit has incredible deep implications as every politician, general, judge and assorted retards who joined because of promises of knowledge and career advancement now are worshipping Satan and owe blind obedience to their Lodge's Grand Master under threats of death.that's still soft power. you haven't demonstrated that she has any real authority within the legal framework of the government. that doesn't discount your point about soft power, of course, but I was only really interested in dispelling this silly American myth that England somehow remains feudal (I say England because Britain only formed in the post-feudal era).
>Then the glaring question arises. Knowingly or not, to who all these freemason members/agents are serving? Isn't it treasonous?treasonous to who? her people? ha! no no no, the proper way to go about it is to demonstrate her disloyalty to Parliament, as last time. once this is done, we can ask her to abdicate, whereupon if she refuses, Parliament can order her arrest. if we arrest the entire dynasty, then the next step is to reinstate the deposed Stewart Dynasty, which means inviting the Duke of Bavaria to take the throne.
>>321699Spin it anyway you like, the facts remain.
You can parrot the BBC bullshit about the poor royals depending from a government's stipend, or, come to your senses and fight for liberty.
All your masters belong to the cult, you as part of the pleb are meant to work and pay tribute to support the parasites' lifestyle (the royals, the ministers, the judges, the soldiers, the police, the teachers), of course under threat of violence if you don't.
Think about it.
>>321704>of course under threat of violence if you don't.It reminds me of the mafia.
-"Pay us, we will protect you"
-"By the way, you are not allowed to opt-out neither to protect yourself or others"
Pure blooded - (Hot Blooded parody).
Some of my Vinyl's favorites
>That's the way a nigger goes
Damn apes, a subspecies of humans that aren't native to the north which don't belong here. Negros are a bat shit breed with a need for weed.
>Deutschland du Land der Treue
卐Hail! Hail!卐
Der Hakenkreuz! 卐
>>321704>You can parrot the BBC bullshit about the poor royals depending from a government's stipendThe BBC? Why single them out? regardless, the Royals only depend on a stipend because Parliament took their land holdings in order to raise revenue directly. By the legal rights bestowed in the monarchy, they ought to be fully self-sufficient. So it's the fault of French Revolution style Republicans like yourself that the stipend is even necessary.
>or, come to your senses and fight for liberty.and egalitee and fraternity too, I suppose? You fucking proto-socialist republican scum are all the same.
> you as part of the pleb are meant to work and pay tribute to support the parasites' lifestyle that's called hierarchy and the natural order, you fucking dingus. what are you even doing on this site if you don't believe that leaders must lead? go back to your ranch, ancap.
>of course under threat of violence if you don't.>hurr durr abolish da statego away, libtard. all within the state, nothing without it, bitch.
>>323978Do you remember how successful democracy was for America before the left took over through demographic transformation and exploiting the narcissism of the Boomers?
Reliance on Royalty is a sign of a less free man with a less developed mind. Those with absolute power over the soldiers and serfs have no obligation to do their job better than an unaccountable board of directors or alliance of politicians.
Ode To Corona-Chan.
Sh'e bat RNA
R0 grows every day
She's ARDS, death and suffering
Yet still some, they don't believe that anything will happen
But take it from Mr. Chang: It's already happened
Corona-Chan, Makes ravioli from alvioli
Corona-Chan, overflowing hospitals and crematoria
Corona-Chan, bat soup baby
First class and overseas
Airports: A viral dream
We can't seem racist to Chineese
This current year cuckoldry left most of us to ponder
With so many weak and lame why should we try to stop her?
Corona-Chan, Makes ravioli from alvioli
Corona-Chan, overflowing hospitals and crematoria
Corona-Chan, bat soup baby
She's one gnarly diesease
Like Rabbis and Rabbies
Our BSL-4 escapee
Yet still some, they don't believe than anything will happen
Millions in quarantine: This is how it happens
Corona-Chan, Makes ravioli from alvioli
Corona-Chan, overflowing hospitals and crematoria
Corona-Chan, bat soup baby
National Socialist - by Public Enemy
>Act of War - (by John du Toit) (2021)HD for download: covid song.
Pretty based tune ngl, epic guitar solo too.
Some More Haitians - by JUDEN HASS
>>323993this is true but has nothing to do with the royal family. The royal family is largely powerless, in the 1800s a new order was established using human trafficing, blackmail, and wars. any who opposed the new order was forcibly inducted or killed. I dont know how much of that order began in america but I suspect a lot of it did given how quickly someone like hamilton came to power here. regardless, the movement picked up increadible steam in the 1800s and was largely geared by certain nobles and a largely plutocratic cabal of corporatists who wished to destroy and decimate over and over again the competing noble families and uncooprative royal ones. This essentially crippled monarchy as an institution forever. Royalty, you lack the capacity to understand it seems, ALWAYS had a system of checks and balances. The other noble families could and did often revoke a rulers power through armed conflict. And because noble families followed the natural order of family dynasty, and everyone else was encouraged to think so similarly, it was very difficult to infiltrate and destroy these land holding people for whoom blood was the most important. Could they be sycophantic retards whos ego served them no purpose other than to be destroyed? sure. But your whole post stinks of
>family for me but not for theeNobility and dynasty are created through adherence to family as the number one factor. Every rich person in this world is a product of this system. Only SLAVES are denyed this. That is exactly why these fuedal and natural systems are attacked so thoroughly. They do not want us to recognize that we are all slaves through abandoning this hierarchy, not the other way around.人間の生活は一方向にのみ移動します-病気、怪我、そして死に向かって。あなたが望むことができる最善のことは、停滞したままでいるか、場合によっては、物事があなたにとってそれほど悪くなかったときに前の状態に戻ることです。
このスローなレコーディングのコレクションは、エントロピー宇宙内での絶え間ない避けられない存在の衰退に抵抗するための、2010年代を通しての一人の若者の無駄な闘いの物語です。燃えるような思い出と燃えるような社会の物語です。これらの録音に描かれているすべてのイベントは実際に起こったものです。あなたをファック, 同性愛者。みやげ品。
>>329099Nice attempt at jew-washing history. Problem is: you're a pathetic shabbos goy. Go read the books 'Prolonging the Agony', then move on to 'Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists'. (((nobility))) is precisely the reason why all theocratic-economic systems are fucking trash.
Rap of the Vaxxer vs Truther.
Estirpe Imperial - La Calle Nuestra
Gotta Spread The Hate - by Judenhass
>Kid Rock - We The People (Official Video)[YouTube] Kid Rock - We The People (Official Video)
[Embed]A MSM lowbrow celebrity, but a catchy song nevertheless.
>Mr Bond Prison Update>>Teknein and two others discuss the case of Mr Bond in Austria and share all the information they know about his case, his sentence, and their involvement, as well as how to send money for lawyers, commissary food, etc [Embed]If you buy a 'Free Mr Bond' poster from the following website 100% of the profits will go to #freeMrBOND MR BOND! 14/88
White Revolution - by RaHoWa
Ship those niggers back - Odis Cochran - (1964)
I'd still prefer just classical music every time. But is this dope? Or is it actually just an abomination?
[YouTube] Ys IX -Monstrum NOX- OST mini - Marionette, Marionette
>It's Not Unusual To Name The Jew
Nothing's more right wing than pirates and ponies. Bump