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154956 154984 154999 155011 155053 155054 155280 155995 156106
I am pretty pissed with the current cimcumstances and I am not willing to tolerate them any longer.
Vril always brings up the cycle but it can't be set in stone and there have to be ways to at least manipulate it. I am not cut out to be a politician even if I managed to swing some votes but there has to be something I can do.
Accalerate towards to next crash, print flyers, grab a fucking soapbox or grab media attention. I don't know.

How to change this hell?
154958 156327
I think the best one can do is to empower others. Make it acceptable to say out loud you are a nationalist and reject globalism. One subtle way to do this is to steadily and persistently put up stickers for Identity Evropa or similar. Also simple "no communism" stickers. Make it so that others see that they are not alone. They might not know who their equal is, but your action will show them they are not alone.
The stickers will be vandalized and all, but be persistent. Replace those who are destroyed, and spread them around. Only thing one should be mindful of when placing stickers is to avoid stooping to the level of leftists, try to stick them on places where it is allowed or non-destructive.
>but you are raising an important question and I hope more people have input on this, God knows I want some too
154960 154964
>One subtle way to do this is to steadily and persistently put up stickers for Identity Evropa or similar. Also simple "no communism" stickers. Make it so that others see that they are not alone. They might not know who their equal is, but your action will show them they are not alone.
I never thought of it this way. Thist is something to think about.

One other option that came to mind is attaching my face to my opinion and grabing the attention but there are various problems there.
Firstly my shortcomings (hideous, retarded, cowardice and basically everything you could think of) but the way it is going right now I put myself in the crosshairs of violence, ridicule, defamation, censorship and misrepresentaion and all the other bullshit. I can't take this fight unprepared.
A different problem is that if I do propaganda (and every try to sway the public opinion is exactly that) there is a an intrinsic problem. It has to be simple and understandable to get it into peoples head but the reasons why I'm so pissed are complex. Who'd want to read 30 pages of paper to understand what is wrong with all this fuck

also some of you guys are okay
don't go to Berlin these next couple of days

154961 154962 154964
Yes, I've also been thinking of just going open with my views. But I think one needs to plant the seed first. Make it so that others consider the same but are on the fence. First then I think going out will be effective. Otherwise unless you stand the storm out with head held high and never bend to the will of the leftists, I think one could make it so that people gets discouraged if they see you fail. But if they just need a nudge or a reason to do the same more people would come to your aid.

>It has to be simple and understandable

This is why I think Idenity Evropa or Identitarian Movement is good choice. Make people aware of the symbol, look at it as brand building.
Would also be much cheaper to buy bulk stickers from China. Find a Chinese Sticker Manufacturer and get them to print a bunch for you.
> think one could make it so that people gets discouraged if they see you fail
that is one very important aspect
if I fuck up I fuck up not only my shit but harm the whole way of thinking
154966 155066
A different thought just popped up.
I want to reclaim clay and establish a german-scandinavian alliance. You up for some fishing?
You just need to boil it down into pamphlet-length. Have a few paragraphs describing how other cultures can be incompatible and even violent, then how major elites want to benefit from a subservient populace without national identity. Don't mention the (((griffons))) until people are ready for it.

I recommend not getting into politics unless if you're absolutely confident and have some credentials. Every shortcoming will be used against you and if you goof up that could seriously harm your entire movement (like how Matt Heimbach's adultery broke his little national socialist movement). It's better to either work behind the scenes or gather popular support until a real leader emerges.

Identitarianism is beautiful because it stands for something, against something, and has a nice symbol. It's not a real ideology per se but that renders it more palatable to the broader public, as it's simply a love for one's heritage. It's an essential base for further moves to the right.

Also, the Spartan-shield symbol is the best political symbol since the swastika. It's beautiful but has completely different roots and is therefore unlikely to receive the same notoriety.
This is why I think stickers and posters are the way to go for now. It is subtle and you can't fail. Sure stickers and posters will be torn down or vandalized. But the only thing the left achieved with that is to show that they hate free speech. All you have to do is to post a new sticker. Also make it easy for others to duplicate what you hang up and hopefully more people will start doing the same.

Sure (not knowing the plan), I have to admit I don't have the greatest reach as I haven't revealed my powerlevel yet.
>Also, the Spartan-shield symbol is the best political symbol since the swastika. It's beautiful but has completely different roots and is therefore unlikely to receive the same notoriety.
I fully agree
Print fliers and spread awareness.
>Vril always brings up the cycle but it can't be set in stone and there have to be ways to at least manipulate it.
Cyclical history like linear history is a lie, its chaotic meaning anyone with enough willpower can change things. But you gotta be smart about it all, a revolution doesn't happen when you run into a bear hall and try to start a rebellion. First you need to build up contentiousness for the issue, then you need a face to go with it.
Trump is a perfect example. People here hated the establishment and wanted an end to brown people coming in droves. Then Trump poped up and there it was.
I not sure what to tell you Anon. Here is some advice though.
>There is power in number and unity in cause
>Don't leave consciousness at the door, do your shadow work
>Be rooted, get back to your roots
155048 155053
>inb4 immutable cycle and everything will always become shit
If cycles were inevitable, we'd be consistently touching the stove when its hot as we forget the pain of touching it over time. We're adaptive animals, but we haven't been teaching our offspring the proper importance of history or instilling due reverence for the fact we living in a civilisation built on the bones of hundreds of millions of our ancestors. Start teaching that, and teach them to teach their children and so on and this so called cycle will disappear.

Genetic memory would be a boon to a lasting civilisation.
>Genetic memory
Well, I know what to get once gene editing becomes available.
155990 156574
375236__safe_pinkie pie_ch….png
Vril is probably a reaper shitposting from deep space.
Your reaction is the cycle. Your free will choice is the cycle. The increasing frustration and actions are the same as what happened in history. You and the rest of your culture are human, like the historic humans, and react the same way in the same situation in aggregate. Emotional reactions make us single minded and focused. Your free will emotionally reactive attempt here is what turns the wheel. You aren't wrong for turning the wheel, it's normal to do so.

People seem to be thinking that cycles means no free will, it's the opposite, humanity freely chooses to act the same way in the same circumstances.

>If cycles were inevitable, we'd be consistently touching the stove when its hot as we forget the pain of touching it over time.
No. Not every imaginable cycle happens, certain cycles happen within the limits of the system. Pain+memory stops a stove touching cycle in the same person, but each child will have to learn that hot = pain. So there is a "cycle" of sorts across each person not the same person.

This is actually a good analogy for the situation, all the people who have touched each ideological stove have to be dead before we will touch it again and burn ourselves.

Being frustrated that cycles might be occurring is good. I want the cycles to be broken. Being frustrated that we are making the same mistakes again and finding the same solutions again is also good. I want us to break out of the situation we are in.
Vril is a desperate namefagging contrarian faggot and the "Cycle" is a shit meme. Things won't change unless we make them change. If we sit on our asses and let western civilization die, the Jews win. There will be no great second civil war where the last 800 white men alive band together and fight their oppressors and win. That just won't happen. We need to change the course our country is on and to start, we deal with the biggest obstacle to the "Alt right uprising" the world needs.

The EU. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkUWjmCNb6g

END THE EU, and we also normalize the idea of ending NATO and UN. The globalists lose the "Peace-keeping" armies they could use as an excuse to shut down any "Neo Nazi Uprising" in any chosen country.
There is no cycle says a pro-Nazi board. Is that not a cycle? Is it not emerging on schedule?
Will Natsoc America be allowed in your alliance?
I don't think we've actually had a full "cycle" with National Socialism. We had a decade where it proved itself as superior to all other alternatives, then barely got defeated while taking on most of the world at once.
155077 155206 155265
I to have notice that the right wing has a relatively short lifespan. I have taken the ideology quadrangle and dropped Dungeons and Dragons analogy on top of it and concluded that the opponent of Right Wing Authoritarianism is both selfishness (evil) and chaos (anarchy). The ability of humanity to remain united is not stronger than those two forces. Even the universe has 68% of itself, as Dark Energy, pushing everything apart. Perhaps we have a high intensity repair for a short time and then a longer decent into decay? I notice also that this Right Wing Authoritarianism involves a lot of sacrifice, pain and selflessness, no wonder we do it an minimally as possible.

As individuals we want freedom (which I am going to call selfishness) and security which comes from someone else acting selflessly (not ourselves, that's too hard). As individuals our primary urge is freedom. Freedom -> selfishness -> evil.
155078 155080
I mean, it didn't even degrade into the "good times create weak men" stage of your cycle. It just got ended. No cycle, no nothing. Just gone.
gone, but not forgotten. the fire rises.
For Germany no, and that is a very good point. The whole thing seems to have flipped very quickly from what I have called "Lawful Good" to "Chaotic Good". It did make a weak men of Germany though. I could say that the Right Wing side of that cycle began before Hitler and extended after Hitler in the USA. The subsequent good times in the USA did make a weak society too. Nazi's were transfered to the USA and led to many USA developments and good times.

I don't want to suggest that the cycle is simplistic and accurate. It is an aggregate of a infinite series of actions and counter reactions (waves), but it can only be discussed in a abstract over arching way. If you look at a fractal it can be generally going up but a subset of that is going down.

The cycles I am thinking of is an aggregate of humanity as a whole not just Germany.

The forest looks very different to that of a leaf. Discussion of leaves is a different subject to discussing forests.
The right wing doesn't have a short life span. It's just that the right wing of old isn't very good at understanding that the fight against Communism and Islam and all the old world's evils don't just stop when the last enemy soldier is dead, it ends when the last enemy is dead, and every last enemy child is headed to a re-education camp or redpilled SJW-free school to learn about the many failings of their ancestors.

Compare the virgin circle, who thinks the current rise of the alt-right is due to some grand inevitable cycle of fate we're all stuck with and along for the ride… to the Chad Activist, who redpills normies and debates SJWs into the dirt in front of normies and puts up posters and wears stickers and hijacks SJW streams and knows the current rise of the alt right is thanks to him and so many more heroic right-wing activists who are ready to stand up and say no to communism.
155268 155270

What he says makes some sense but I refuse to accept that all I can do is wait until the wheel turns. The wheel can be slowed or speeded up. Me thinking that way may be part of the wheel. But the wheel/cycle is just a way to illustrate something and not a fair representation of the world.

>freedom (which I am going to call selfishness)
I think that's a stretch.
155285 155371
The wheel is a meme that says waiting for things to get better works reliably.

It's a shit meme. Time is a river, human history is a river, the future is a river, and these rivers need to flow the right way.
Also, freedom isn't inherently selfish, it's a good thing, but wanting to compromise a nation's ability to function as a whole and make life better for its citizens in the name of SJW-tier "Freedoms" are selfish.
A good thing to do is meeting people who you can work with to achieve political goals. On that note: In which city are you living?
>time is a river
This is the Western, linear view that cyclical theorists criticize.

I think that it's similar to belief in God. You can use the cycle (or God) as an excuse to lay down and hope for your problems to be solved for you. A better way of thinking is to realize these goals with the knowledge that your actions will beget a reward. The cycle will turn regardless, but if you act prudently and effectively then the period of prosperity will be better and longer.

An important distinction exists between negative rights (freedom from something) and positive rights (freedom to something). Positivism and entitlement is the basis of enslavement as you are willing to sign away other's freedoms, and eventually your own, to accomplish some goal.
155376 155665
>The wheel is a meme that says waiting for things to get better works reliably.
If you don't make babies your debt based economy is fucked. Babies are the bottom rung. Babies take time to become participants in your nation/economy/society. REEEEEE all you want, post all the posters you want, it wont make Western babies. War is a numbers game not a game of who has the most passion. See Hitler if you want a reference on that.

>You can use the cycle (or God) as an excuse to lay down and hope for your problems to be solved for you.
I am glad we are at this point so I can add some more. I have a few different perspectives on the current situation and the meta situation. My comments aren't directed to you specifically.

Current situation:

1) Europe went so extremist left/dreamer that I can't see a solution that does go extremist right in order to get back to balance. As is typical of Europe they will overshoot the center balance and go hard Right. It won't be something to celebrate once it goes to the extreme.

2) The US has a better chance of getting the balance correct but Americans are very edgy and revolution is in its DNA because of how it was founded. My concern with the US is street conflicts when the balance is 50/50 where the Left feels existential threat and the Right sees blood in the water. Americans will chimp out because everyone will want a revolution. (The internet was a bad idea.) This is probably what Q and Trump is trying to avoid, this is why Q and Trump push civic nationalism and US unity.

>Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?

>Mongol: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
>Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
>Conan: To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.
>Mongol General: That is good! That is good.

3) I think the #WalkAway ( >>155099 → ) movement is what is jokingly called ascended ( pic 1 ). Humanity needs to stop agitating itself, but we can't we LOVE pushing each others buttons. We "love the smell of napalm in the morning". Europe has a real problem that is already too far gone, walking away has less/no chance of working, the US is salvageable but its own citizens celebrate harming their own selves.

Meta situation:

Few gets this, it's too abstract. The financial system is debt based. The debt is pragmatically never repayable, because it is paid by debt itself, a vicious circle. When the debt strain is so high war occurs, the wars cost money, which is more debt. Bankers win, everyone else looses. The herd (You) is culled and then we start again. Time for your 100 year culling again is it?

Because of the debt based system, the economy MUST grow. If your business does not grow you can't afford your bank loan. If your nation does not grow you can't afford your bank loan. The bottom of the economy is people transacting, those people start as babies, it takes 2 decades before they participate. Once your nation is fucked, you are fucked for 2 decades minimum. No babies in a debt based economy means the money flow falls below debt repayments ability. That means the Lefty dream becomes unaffordable. That means everyone starts to fight over what remains. That's where we are right now. The pragmatists arise (Hi Trump), the Right wingers arise. The Left and the Right fight each other, wars start, debt accrues, bankers win again.

Maybe the Left and the Right have the same enemy? Screw that… lets kill each other instead!!

Remove debt based currency and you can probably have a economy less reliant on baby making. Leave the debt based money in and then you must make babies to expand the economy. If you won't make babies then immigration will fill the gap.

The West has in its core the Christian "turn the other cheek". This is an asset when all participants do this, it's a curse when other people don't also have that perspective. They can attack and the Christian West will take the hits… for a time. Can you see a cycle in that? The pressure builds, then bursts, again and again.

I am not at risk, I can #Walkaway, many of you can't, the tide of pragmatic necessity will sweep you up into itself. :( With your free will you will do what you have no choice but to do. Having free will means you will choose to participate in the cycle, because passion and pragmatism will pull you along, and you'll agree to go with it, freely because it is the only option.

You can't kill every Lefty…. all children are Lefties with their hands out waiting for free stuff.
155378 155380
You didn't actually address the issues brought up, I notice: how does the cycle not encourage stagnation just from its own nihilistic nature in that nothing will change because you can't change the cycle, and everything is determined by the cycle?
155379 155665
Your ID has one post.

There are many cycles. The interactions make things variable especially in our short lives.

I keep struggling to make this point. I'll try another way. We have free will (or seem to) but our options are limited. I can't escape being hungry, needing shelter, needing water, needing meaning, need for sex, etc. I am not as free as I want to think.. there are limits on what I can and can't do. Then there is the situation around me, if I want a job and there are no jobs, my want does not matter, there are no jobs. My will changes that, not. As you say "encourage stagnation just from its own nihilistic nature", that's the problem with being smart… you KNOW everything ends, your life, your family's life, the sun, the universe. It's only with myopia that we can fool ourselves that we are in charge and we are immortal.

Nature has put in us the urge to struggle on anyway! Giving up hurts.

Before computers we had little chance of knowing cycles might exist, it's only since about the 1970s, and especially since the internet, that the ordinary person has had the ability to begin to see them. Martin Armstrong arises using his MSDOS computer.

I concentrate only on the 100 year cycles because it affects our lives the most. This gives the false impression of there only being one cycle. Technology shows no large scale cyclic behaviour that I can see, it is basically parabolic at scale but lumpy when looked at closely. The lumpy comes from skilled worker booms and busts (babies). WW3 would be the large scale tech cycle I suppose… is that why aliens seems to be missing in the universe?

History does not repeat, it rhymes. The production line of the 1900s is the computer and internet of the 2000s. A burst of technological amplification that destabilises society that comes from the boomers. Twitter chimp outs come from the boomer tech.

The tech cycle different at a close view, but its the same at a meta view. A computer mass produces like a production line. The internet distributes goods and ideas like a road system.

(pic 1) https://scienceprogress.org/2011/05/waves-of-innovation-2/
>one post by my ID
I assume it's from my IP changing between posts. I assure you, I've posted three other times as >>155048 .
>everything is determined by the cycle?
The cycle is emergent, the cycle is not God imposing down, it is us "imposing" up.

God does not decide to make humans, evolution emerged it.
God did not make Newtonian Laws, the fundamental nature of space-time emerged it.
God did not make cycles, atoms and people etc. emerged it.
The cycle is us. We decide to harm ourselves periodically.
155676 155932
Is it nihilistic to be able to predict the future to some degree, and prepare with foreknowledge???? Or does it help you stay alive? If we can all know that a cycle is coming can we all stop it? Is that nihilistic? :D
I get why you think that way but your theory is incomplete and more like a rule of thumb in my opinion.

Still the question remains. How the change this hell?
155974 155975
Preparing for is a very different thing from changing. And so far, I haven't seen a single post of yours proposing any kind of solution to this cyclic stuff you claim to dislike so much.
I'll agree, however, that 'nihilistic' is the wrong term to use. 'Apathetic' matches you far better.
Yet, is the knowledge of why things happen enough for a man to stop them?
We are still collecting resources, living in caves and desiring women and food.
155986 156164
I don't have a final answer to it. My guess is take out, what I see as the root problem, debt money. It guarantees chaos when expansion stops. If we can't, I would replace interest rate policy with baby rate policy. Reward people for baby making when baby making is too low (I am thinking of financial but pic relevant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Honour_of_the_German_Mother ).

If debt money is gone, wars become less affordable. You could also add and remove money supply to keep prices stable, you would not even need interest. People couls save for old age without fearing deflation.

If baby rates are smooth you can even out population size and keep quality of life.
black pony on black backgr….jpg
>'Apathetic' matches you far better.
Agreed. While humans accept debt money and deflation and ignore baby rates, I see no hope. Is the problem in me, or the observation??
155988 155998
I think the root problem is the jews. They want to rule us and they're willing to ruin our race and genocide it to do that.

There will be no inevitable jews-in-ovens moments unless we create the conditions where this can happen. Where enough normies are willing to hate jews and laugh off accusations of antisemetism the same way they laugh off "Did you just assume my gender?". And where enough politicians are willing to consider a more permanent solution to the Jewish Problem, or at the very least, remove lefty from the colleges and schools for the sake of every nation's future.
155997 156327
8/pol/ has a new flier campaign.
Reverse psychology. Brilliant.
156163 156164 156185
How to Be Miserable  40 St….pdf
File (hide): 76B09CF042B423FF0DCD26CE8F34504F-2441896.webm (2.3 MB, Resolution:1920x1080 Length:00:00:08, apathy.webm) [play once] [loop]
The problem absolutely lies with you, because you choose to remain passive about the situation at large.
You're a very well-read man on the subjects of politics; far more than I am, for certain. You've accrued a lot of knowledge, have a litany of sources to draw from, and can call these up on a whim. Now, let me ask you something. What, precisely, have you done with all this knowledge, all these sources?
You can throw sources at me until the cows come home, and you can even have a good chuckle while doing it. But when the times comes to pay the cerebral piper, and come up with a solution to the problem you're discussing, you blank. You guess. You don't know.
Why don't you know? Why, after all you've seen, all you've experienced, don't you know? Well, the answer is as obvious as it is poetic: cycles. Allow me to tap into my peerless psychic might, and illuminate which ones I'm talking about.

>Information! Data! So much news! Ohh, where to even start? RSS, Real Clear Politics, ooh, maybe Qanon's got some juicy new insights? Goodness, it's almost too much to take in, but it's so, so good! I must have more!

>Man, the state of the world blows. People only focus on what's directly ahead of them, and never bother asking about the world around them. Just look at all these articles and studies, pointing it all out in lurid detail. It's so depressing…
>Heeheehee, okay, I've got so much free time today! What should I spend it on…? Ooh, ooh, I know! I'll spend it having a good bit of fun! That sounds wonderful! Those imageboards are the best, aren't they?! Whoooo!
>You know, I think I've got it, now. All these doomed people in the world perpetuating the grand cycles, and thus knowing everything is doomed to repeat itself, really got me going. That dark night, I soldiered through it, and it brought forth some new hope, some energy! Now, what should I do with this newfound hope, this clairvoyance? Huh, wonder what's happening in the world, today?

Have you noticed the pattern, yet? Well, if you haven't, I'll spoonfeed it to you.
See, it took me the longest time to learn this, but there is an indescribably enormous difference between passive and active actions.
Passive actions are easy. Active actions are difficult. Passive actions are comforting. Active actions are agitating.
Passive actions are repetitive. Active actions are sporadic.
And passive actions always disappoint you.
You are passive, and not active. Anyone who's invested themselves into any kind of creative outlet can smell your passivity from dozens of nautical miles away.
Now, perhaps you'd object to my prescription of passivity, perhaps claiming that delving into the chasmic depths of human ineptitude and suffering, experiencing those dark nights of the soul, is the furthest thing from comforting and easy? That's horseshit, and you know it. It's a repetitive action, one that caters to your specific comfort zone of bringing yourself down low. It's a familiar action, familiarity brings comfort, you want comfort, therefore you do the familiar action. By the way, have you noticed that plunging those depths never brings you true, lasting satisfaction? That's not a coincidence.

You've spent so long externalizing the issues, cloaking yourself in faux complexity, intellectualizing your way through the problems of the world, discovering the cycles that make up said world, that you completely failed to notice the cycles that will actually change anything: your own vicious cycles.
You desire an end to the cycles, but you refuse to alter your own.
You won't change the 100-year cycle, as you can't change your 24-hour cycle.
You will never see the cycles imprisoning humanity altered or ended, because you will never alter or end the cycles imprisoning your own mind.

Feeling down, yet? Depressed? Maybe you want a refund on my terrible powers of Internet E.S.P.? Perhaps you feel I'm a massive faggot?
Well, I hope so, you should be, the rubles have already been wired, and guilty as charged. Now, how about we set about fixing those cycles, one loop at a time, you insufferable faggot?
You want true, lasting satisfaction? A real hope at the future being fixed, to bring us out of those cycles? Then you'd best start working for it, old man.

First, pare out your brain crack. You already know about the cycles, you already know about the direction things are taking, so why do you waste your time with trite nonsense, flooding your feeds and information intakes? You're supposed to use knowledge as a whetstone, not a fucking angle grinder. Unless you want that sword to come out as a handlebar?
Second, laser in on the solutions, and not the problems. Someone as learned as you has absolutely no excuse for floundering in such a critical department. Take advantage of that pared-down info intake, and use those sources for what they were made for: laying the foundations for the solution. Work on that shit little by little. Scholars and scientists don't peruse data just for shits and giggles, so what's your excuse? Knowledge is power, but knowledge without action is useless.
Third, and speaking of action, put that solution out there. Hell, peer-review it out there! You're more likely to write it, but any of the holy triumvirate of literature, art, or music will do. Make it marketable, make it stick. Even if you aren't able to act upon your solution yourself, even if you must leave it to someone else to pick up the slack like a true Boomer would ^:), you would at least go on, knowing that it's out there, and it at least takes your chances of seeing a change from a flat 'no', to a 'maybe'.

TL;DR, Quit LARPing as a Gray Jedi, and being about as effectual as one, and make something out of your knowledge. It's the only way things will change.
156163 156327
>can't be set in stone
>manipulate it
>change this hell
Try to imagine this playing out at every level & domain of existence simultaneouly, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, the personal to the political, etc.
Fuck off, Vril.
For the love of god, thank you.
156165 156237 156314
You are so cute. Firstly I should probably say that emotionally blackmailing me has no effect. So lets look at the data you present.

>The problem absolutely lies with you, because you choose to remain passive about the situation at large.

I'll assume this is the base premise of everything else you posted. If I was passive you would not know of my ideas and they would not have affected you so deeply and so emotionally. I put a lot of content on this board. I challenge the consensus and provide evidence. This changed you and perhaps many others. Your complaint: I haven't changed thing even more! What a compliment. :)

>But when the times comes to pay the cerebral piper, and come up with a solution to the problem you're discussing, you blank.

Actually I gave my answer here: >>155974 I preceded my ideas with "I don't have a final answer to it." because I don't want to be arrogant, arrogance guarantees errors, humility keeps you open to new information. If we assume most/everything is cyclic my solutions will make a new cycle anyway…. science does suggest entropy ultimately wins, I don't see how I can defeat entropy.

Using cycles against me was clever. I have 3 of the points in the video. But I am happy. I don't just read the internet though and do ineffectual "fixes". I post a completely new way to see the world which might remove us from perpetual self harm. Why do it on /mlpol/ ? Why not videos, youtube, books, science papers, radio interviews?

>actual life interest is UFOs.

>2008 GFC happens
"WTF, what is all this market stuff anyway, what is finance actually?"
>read lots of internet stuff on finance
"Well shit, all these bloggers/news writters don't actually know what is going on. They see a price drop, they see a news event happened that day, they ASSUME that is the cause, they make a article about the ASSUMED cause. Correlation is not causation, they are guessing!"
>Zerohedge posts a Martin Armstrong article
"Hmmm, now this is interesting and testable"
"Okay, plausible, lets see how this goes for a few years"
>time passes, watch pony
>2016 US elections
"Hmmm, lets go see what this 4chan stuff is like. Hmm, where the fuck is the politics board? I guess it must me Politically Incorrect. Wow, WTF is this! (OMG /mlp/ sux balls too)"
"Weee this is fun"
>2017 /mlpol/
"Hmmm, cycles and politics, Hmmmm. Maybe???? Lets throw it on /mlpol/ and see if it flies."
>REEEEE Vril, WhyTF have you not changed the world yet!!!
"WTF anon? Thanks for the support though."
>You are here.

I am 2 years in to this hypothesis, anon, and this is just a side interest. My larger plan is to return to UFOs after some RL distractions are completed. You have the ball. Good luck on your mission. Don't get depressed anon, get busy!!

Maybe a story will help under me and how I see negative emotions. I was heartbroken at one point when I was younger, the lump in my throat, the pain in stomach, the misery, the hopelessness. But I wondered is sadness actually a bad thing? Should we fight sadness? I decided to sit by myself in the dark and let the whole thing overwhelm me, I didn't fight it. You what happened? Nothing, it was there and it started fading. Sadness and other negatives emotions don't need to be fled from, they won't kill you. I tried the same idea when facing fear of air travel, I imagined the scene from "Fight Club" where the plane breaks up, spilling passengers into space. It was scary, at first, but each time I imagined it, it was less scary, because each time I actually did not die. I can't do the worry that you would expect from me. Your flow of assumptions heads towards assuming I am depressed. I hope those 2 stories show that I can't actually get depressed, because I can't see the negative ever being a destroyer of me. Pragmatic things will destroy me, never emotions. (This explains my first paragraph.)

This is a curse perhaps (did I partly evolve into a sociopath? I do have emotions but negative ones wash off me. It has been my goal to only let positive emotions in and out of me) but also a blessing, I can't fall into the dark places, I can be the objective observer who can tell people my perception of what we are caught up in, and you can with your worry and fears take the actions you expect of me. Perhaps there are "thinkers" and "doers". It would seem you are the doer.

Beyond all that I am concerned that all actions, as a result of current and recent pressures, are what actually turns the wheel. Every solution is the next problem. Every action has blowback. Solving the problems of extreme Left causes the extreme Right. So I wonder instead…. what would happen if we all decided to be passive? We have been fighting for utopia since the end of the ice age 11,000 years ago… maybe you can't kill your way to peace??
u a faggot stop cycleposting
>teehee im a tumblr sociopath
>maybe you can't kill your way to peace
senator armstrong IRL.jpg
this is how vril actually looks like

Why would anyone want to stop all this fun? Feel the passion, ride the wave!


This is for you: >>156054

This is for all of you:

Come at me.
Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/29/18 (Fri) 13:54:56 f240d5 No.1952168
Coordinated effort to ramp pro violent attacks (4ch 8ch /pol/) (threads).
Mods controlled (4ch).
Staged to frame pro POTUS supporters.
Push violence (trap).
Coordinated RL attacks (link).
Cause & Effect.
MSM outcry to force action.
It’s already begun (small > large).
Ready David?
Sad thing is that they will succeed in blaming 4chan in the land of normies. The general population only know how FB, Twitter, Tumbler, Reddit, etc. works and will assume that you can link posts on 4chan to individuals like on the social networks they are on.
The production line allows the mass produced weaponry of the world wars.
The internet allows the mass produced information & memes of the information wars.
I hope our "world war" this time remains digital.
Yes. What is needed is informed youth to tell their parents how anonymous forums works and how easy it is for media to take or make one post to falseflag their narrative. If enough people inform their parents, and the masses, the potential for leftists to use anonymous forums as a mean to portray people as evil right-wingers will be removed.
156245 156246
Been a while since I've had a good, long-winded discussion. Let's get to it!

>I'll assume this is the base premise of everything else you posted.
Of course. And so far, I've only seen this premise vindicated.
Before I get into my reasons for this being vindicated, I just want you to make a mental note of the fact that you chose to respond to my points, solutions, and minor ribbing, with pieces of your life story. Save that for later, because I'll be getting back to it.

Your story about sadness is, well, sad to hear. Sorry about the break-up, or death, or whatever else might have caused it. However, there's one key point about this story that strikes me as strange. You "let the whole thing overwhelm you"?
Letting implies passivity. I find it somewhat self-defeating, that you would make yourself spiral downwards even more, but moreover, the passage of time has been used as the universal cure-all for traumatic events throughout history, as ubiquitous as it is passive. At the risk of sounding like a colossal bastard, it was inevitable that you'd move past it, irrespective of how much you amplified it. The only exceptions to this, are primarily those that involve clinical depression, which we both know you don't have.
I'd also like to draw interest to your statement of "negative emotions don't need to be fled from". Very interesting detail, wonder if we'll see it later?

>If I was passive you would not know of my ideas and they would not have affected you so deeply and so emotionally. I put a lot of content on this board.

Well, of course I'm affected emotionally, just not by your ideas, and not for the reasons you think.
Now, are these ideas yours, or the ideas of others?
Is the content you post yours, or is it the content of others?
There's nothing wrong with posting someone else's content, but there's plenty wrong with acting as if it's original to you.

Of course, all that bad psychoanalysis, and I didn't even bring up that last line of "what would happen if we all decided to be passive?". Well, at least you're embracing your own ideas, right? Not terribly wise to mention when refuting your own passivity, though.
But let's get to the real Internet Psychologist® meat, shall we?

>I do have emotions, but negative ones wash off me

Ahh, the biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves.
Negative emotions don't wash off of you, they impact you exactly the same way as they do the rest of us. What you experience is simply numbing yourself to the sensation, the feeling of an impact, that they bring about. But here's the thing: numbing yourself to the impact doesn't alter the fact that it changes your trajectory, any less than a Nerf gun shot fails to cause pain, but still grabs and diverts your attention.
Let me explain. I believe you paraphrased that "people only move when the pain of standing still is too great", yes? This entire reply you've given is a marked departure from your usual fare. You see, usually, you post a copypasted article, or a single image, or a bunch of links, or a reply that never exceeds 2000 characters. This is one of the only times, outside of your UFO thread, that you've posted anything original that was this long, this detailed, and bereft of links.
Did I do this? No, not really. I'm just a piece of stimulus. You did it. You changed your posting style, in response to this negative stimulus; the very same negative stimulus you claim to have debased yourself of.
Your post starts with a supercilious remark directed at me. Your fourth block of text places yourself in a defensive, almost victimized position. You've given me personal anecdotes and life stories, for the express purpose not of explaining yourself, but for the purpose of justifying yourself, of making yourself look good.
That's not a very positive response. In fact, that seems distinctly reactionary, distinctly negative. Why would one so objective resort to something as unreliable as personal anecdote, be so put onto the back foot like that?

But you know what else it is? It's also a very diversionary response.
Near the end of my first post, I gave pieces of advice, ways of potentially forging on with a solid answer to these problems you describe. I like to think it was fairly sound and tailored, but sadly, I wouldn't know: I never heard a single mention of these in your follow-up post, beyond a token 'lol no i dont'.
Instead of addressing these, perhaps trying to show me up for not knowing what I'm talking about - which would have been infinitely more effective, by the way - you instead chortled, preened, and ducked your way around them.
That's a lot of text's worth of giving non-answers.
See, people who like making things, and improving upon themselves, they tend to take critique with a certain kind of aplomb: they take the pain of getting chewed out happily, if it means getting a chance to improve themselves, their work, and their methodologies. People who don't, tend to take criticism as a personal attack, and respond in kind. Sound familiar?

So, let's end this off with the final critical wrap-up, as it tradition.
Negative emotions are supposed to be a spur, a thing to keep you going, to make the positive ones that much more delightful. Yin and Yang. You shunning them, fleeing from them, is a tacit admission of your own apathy and passivity.
You don't want to be arrogant, to avoid errors? You're already arrogant, already making errors. For all your braggadocio about challenging consensus and getting new information, you rarely allow others to reciprocate in kind.
That emotional investment of mine, my friend, is frustration. Frustration that you've spent a year talking about the same thing, yet instead of refining and iterating it into something actionable, something coherent, something to be proud of, you've instead chosen to spiral into confirmation bias, egotism, and sloth.
It's sad, too, because I know you're better than this.
156279 156316 156327
I am sorry I responded to the first post and made you go to the effort of making a long post again.

>Why would one so objective resort to something as unreliable as personal anecdote

And so by this logic any further discussion of me the person is silly. Lesson learned. Thank you. I am sorry for my error.
We can now leave level 2 of the pyramid.
P.S. What about my videos though? Aren't they awesome? >>156185 I didn't make them, just so you know.
This is totally unrelated to any discussion going on but:

That graphic is stupid. You can't just take any rank-ordered space and put it in a pyramid. A pyramid is used to express a ratio dependency between elements in a nominal space.

What property of my argument would multiply by N if I opted for contradiction instead of counterargument? None. Delete the two diagonal lines and suddenly the graphic makes sense.
Blame this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Graham_(programmer)#Graham's_hierarchy_of_disagreement
>Sadness and other negatives emotions don't need to be fled from, they won't kill you.
I disagree. They won't kill you like a bullet but they will kill you and make the lives of the people around you miserable if the wounds are deep enough and go on for a long enough time.

BUT I did not intent this thread to be Vril-bashing. The reason I brought it up in the first place is because there are things beyond our control. After all we are just individual humans and almost irrelevant in the grand scheme and there are paterns for logical reasons. But no theory is complete and all these cycles are made by humans and so humans must be able to manipulate them. Even if my power and influence I have to do something and if it doesn't matter what's the harm?

„Herr, gib mir die Kraft, die Dinge zu ändern, die ich ändern kann, die Gelassenheit, das Unabänderliche zu ertragen und die Weisheit, zwischen diesen beiden Dingen die rechte Unterscheidung zu treffen.“
-Franz von Assisi
(Lord give me the power to bear what I can't change and to change what I can't bear.)

So to get back on track:
I am fed up with being just a tool of the government and only being allowed to do, think and speak what they allow me.
Pamphlets is a good start.

What is it that drives you mad and do you have any idea on what you can do about it?
I have learned recently that discussing me, is a bad idea. >>156245 I do have a plan for the future, we'll see what happens.
I'm so sorry for posting this, but it had to be done.
Nice digits

>There is power in number and unity in cause

This goes along nicely with what >>154956 says
>Don't leave consciousness at the door, do your shadow work
If I need to become what I resent there is no value to be gained but learning from (((them))) is something I should do
This is dangerous. This can get you swatted and thrown into prison longer than a pedophile here.
>Be rooted, get back to your roots
I am trying but it is really hard. Everything that has to do with our roots bedeviled.

Nice try BfV

It is hard to make this work here. Everything is kept under wraps or only mentioned in a sidenote but getting the nig-nogs joggin is something worth trying.

On one hand I can understand what you mean but on the other I have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't want to fuel this fire and I don't want to attack you but since you replied I just want to mention that all this critizism is not unfounded.
You got some strong points but maybe you should explain them more. It feels like you just repost the same graphs and phrases
Also doesn't >>156245 also apply to you?
I don't mean any harm but maybe there is some knowledge to be gained not only by you but for all of us.
Now let us please just bury that chapter and get to the point. Do you have any plan to step into action? What rustles your Jimmies?
Self-booping is top tier lewd
>Do you have any plan to step into action?
Political, no. I am out of every firing line.
>What rustles your Jimmies?
Seeing tech you don't understand = aliens. Meanwhile high tech MK Ultra continues. Giving money to the military so they can help entropy of the universe rather than have us conquer the stars.
There is a picture of you that establishes itself in my mind. In one word: Scholar. In one phrase: He does not care for the affairs of mortals. But this is just some vague picture produced by faint information.

>Meanwhile high tech MK Ultra continues. Giving money to the military so they can help entropy of the universe rather than have us conquer the stars.

It really is a shame that we spend so much ressources in seemingly fruitless struggle with each other and everything that has to do with mind-control is what I would regard as a crime against nature.
Have you seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9N5Y1-gkJo&list=PLxk4mYCCOpOznHR-i4N3a9YHjwC-sNNoW
156338 156364 156578
This book is as bad as it gets:
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO2a0_Z6oDE

Mind controlling kids to shoot is small compared to the whole lot. Pic related is my research into pizzagate history. Sexual abuse is not the end goal, it fractures the mind early for the later programming.

I find it all very disturbing.
I have looked into psychology quite a lot and with this knowledge I can honestly say that disturbing is a very weak word for what it is.

The problem with all this /x/ stuff is that it is all very vague and while I belive that there are people that participate in such acts that quite honestly deserve to die a painful slow death, connecting dots isn't all that easy because there is a high chance you connect dots that aren't even there.
My sources: https://pastebin.com/a6D4J08W
Thank you. I am not in the mood right now to look into this but once I had my fair share of sleep I will read.
also if you can't accept this what is your strategy?
am assuming spreading awareness but do you have confirmed cases or anything that cvomes close to prove? asking before I read the sources
156480 156481 156564
>also if you can't accept this (MK?) what is your strategy?
There is no strategy that stops humans being programmable biological robots. Nature really fucked us over on that. That leads to some very interesting discussions about what exactly consciousness is. And like most things I ended up with a very strange view there also… there is no God, but we do have a spirit.
How odd. Show me scientific evidence for God? Zip. Show me scientific evidence for spirit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Stevenson#Reception

If our consciousness is not our brain….. now things get interesting.

Perhaps there is a primary assumption here that is invalid… I am not political… I am just passing my data to those that are political, whilst I avoid the lure of UFOs and in between RL responsibility that should take all my time until it is done.
>there is no God, but we do have a spirit.
…Holy shit, are you actually me?
156482 156487

While i can not prove or disprove the existence of omnipotent gods in this universe, i do believe that spiritualism can create supernatural beings and, potentially, godhood.

Agreed. We know consciousness exists, we have good reason to suspect it can be discarnate, we could assume its power depends upon its ability to amass "conscious power" to itself.

I say there is no God because the enrgy of the universe has probably evolved just like atoms have… if atoms can become conscious can Dark Matter? the quantum flux? Magnetic fields?

Can the fields record consciousness?

God is a catch-all, like aliens is a catch-all, it's the "answer" when you don't have an Answer:

>You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,


Lets re-interpret this using cycles:

>You shall not [do a bad thing]; for I, the [cycle], am a jealous [cycle], punishing the children for the [mistakes] of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who [did not consider] me,

That would be about 100 years. The bible can tell us what humans back then have observed, we can drop the anthropomorphising tho. I can be a atheist Christian?

The printing press was a bad idea. It stopped religious evolution.
156490 156492
ebola egregore.png
156492 156566 156570
What sort of gods are we?
156564 156568
ellen kohagura face anime ….png

I have to say this does look pretty nice. It's probably not too far fetched that Ebola chan might be a daughter of Khorne.


There is a lot of things I agree with.
One thought though even if the mind can be altered or reprogrammed can the spirit also?

From what is posted here she is if enough believe it to be true.
the worst.
actually why not nurgle?
>We will be the Gods we choose to be.
Coach is that you?
>One thought though even if the mind can be altered or reprogrammed can the spirit also?
Since we can't even locate a spirit we can't test anything, and is it even fair to capture a spirit and try to program it? The Persinger video >>156336 suggests we are at the beginning of understanding a consciousness connection we have with the magnetic environment, maybe that will lead to some further evidence.

Wild speculation time:

All the paranormal spirit things I have looked into have one thing in common, they seem fragile and impermanent. So what if we turn our assumption about "Heaven" on its head. What if consciousness is dangerously fragile, like smoke, and can only have a reliable existence when attached to a physical solid life form, smoke put in a container. The brain is telephone exchange carrying phone calls but it is not the caller making the calls. The EM field tickles the synapses, rather than the opposite. The very weak flimsy consciousness has just enough telekinetic ability ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc ) to flip a synapse and this cascades physical movement, like a relay that closes a larger more powerful circuit, the ultimately result is my arm moving. With the nerves feed back I am wearing the equivalent of a VR suit with full sensory inputs. I now presume my body is me.

Further I would speculate, that like a field can't really be an individual, neither is raw consciousness, its a blur of quantum possibilities until it coalesces onto a brain and then individualness and separation emerges as we get flooded with strong 5 senses inputs and we loose perception of the more subtle energy fields of that previous fragile existence. Dreams are then the falling back into the broader sea of lack of individuality as Persinger suggests.

There is problems with this, like Near Death Experiences and seeing vivid environments, meeting Jesus, or dead parents etc. while the brain is not functioning, but then there is:

>>>/vx/44088 →
>I saw princess luna one day, almost dying from a 40+ fever
>>>/vx/58751 → (to long to quote but interesting read)

We can't objectively say Luna was actually existing in some spirit world before MLP:FiM existed so this suggest the spirit world is flexible and symbiotically connected to the physical us, but the spirit world is dramatically weak and subject to fading away, and we are dramatically strong, permanent with minimal conscious effort (instead physical effort like eating). Atoms are captured self sustaining fields, no need to telekentically hold a form. Go to sleep and your body won't dissolve. This all suggests we are in a symbiotic relationship, where the evolution of consciousness as some component of non baryonic matter is wedded to baryonic matter bodies ( 4% of the universe only, who lives in the rest? ), lasting as long as the brain stays viable, and tries to jump to another brain when the current host dies. If spirit is fragile then memories could be hard to keep in the transition. Or perhaps the opposite, a emerging brain pulls on the consciousness field, evolution simply taking advantage of an opportunity.

The brain has a self defence against memory of torture and those memories can be stored but disconnected from ordinary consciousness. The spirit aspect would have to be equally or more fracturable and disconnectable than the brain, which is consistent with the speculated fragility of spirit things. That fragility might go both ways, we can mould up a egregore and we can die and collapse down into a loss of individuality and be lost in the sea of EM current noise.

This reminds me of EVP ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_voice_phenomenon ) what if the recordings are symbolic of the random swirling sea of fragile consciousnesses. It would explain why we can't get a coherent spirit phone call from our dead mother.

Now I need sleep, will I be lost forever in the stormy unindividualised conscious sea?

Do nukes kill humans and spirits… if spirits are EM fields? Can you nuke a ghost? Does the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki extend to killing their souls too?