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151823 151824 151834 151836 151864 152005 152025 152083 152111 152158 153832 153855
I just got a prescription for sedatives because my despair about the world has been making me suicidal. They indeed stop worrying instantly, but the fact that my life is now something straight from We Happy Few made me think of all the other people who must have completely given up on reality long ago:

>liberals used to be intellectuals

>intelligent people are more prone to depression
>depression medication promotes acceptance and political compliance
>thus, what used to be the intellectual elite is now medicated into supporting multiculturalism and supporting their authority figures

Every day there are more and more bad news about what's happening around the world, and the decisions of our governments are doing are worse than even the most pessimistic of us could have imagined. Reality has become so unbearable that it's no wonder weaker people have already rejected it, and now I too am taking drugs to escape it like they do. That alone is a scary enough thought to require medication to ignore.
I recently got off my meds for something along those lines, if I drink bleach over it I could be fine with me at this point because of how fake everything around us is at this point.
Every day I pray for the grand happening or for me to die in my sleep, can't wait till everything burns.
What sedatives, if you'll allow? Have you tried cannabis?
Coward. Why don't you try to mount some resistance? You clearly have something left to lose if you are afraid to go for risking it all for a vein hope of fixing things.
You are in charge of your psychological health. Instead of watching the bad only, try doing/being the good you expect to see?

It is possible that you have a chemical imbalance which makes it impossible for you to have a positive perspective, but your explanation as to why you are depressed strongly suggests you are simply "eating" a poor information diet and then taking a drug to maintain that destructive imbalance. Treat your brain better or do something positive.

Drugging yourself, except for valid medical problem reasons, has just made you a cash cow of big pharma and extends your ability to continue a unhealthy practice. No doubt they will have more expensive drugs for you later as your self damage continues.
151844 151845 151940 152000 152005
>Every day I pray for the grand happening or for me to die in my sleep, can't wait till everything burns.

I agree on the first part, my greatest wish at this point is to simply die as soon as possible. That appears to be the mentality of the modern world in general: No one has any hope for the future so they just try to spend their last days in hedonism and denial, hoping to die away before it's time to pay the piper.

I don't believe any kind of "grand happening" will ever occur. The western world is so pacified that they'll just quietly die off because simply going along is so much easier. You can see how dystopian Britain has become yet no one is trying to fight it. If it's even possible at this point, because they have already lost so much privacy and basic rights because they didn't fight for them either.

That's not even getting to how most sheeple are more willing to fight for their oppressors than against them. Just like most people stayed at 4chan because they were already there, most people would just support their governments because they are already "good citizens" by default and switching sides to a "nazi rebellion" would be more risky. There's no way you could expect people to switch sides in a war if they won't even switch which website they use!

Opamox. I used to smoke, but eventually I had learned everything there was to learn about cannabis and it just got boring.

I have tried to prevent this future from happening for the last 17 years, but with time I have lost all hope. What could we do? Don't say "redpilling" or "spreading information", I have seen how passive the people are and they are never going to fight for themselves. This site is full of proud rhetoric, but that's all it is - empty bravado about how "things are going to get better" and how "soon we'll reach the tipping point" while in reality our situation keeps getting worse and worse. Like one of my friends asked, "So what if people don't believe this? Even if the whole world knew it, what difference would it make?", and I really didn't have an answer for him. And so, he consciously chose to live in the lie, because the truth wouldn't have helped him in any way.

Voting is a farce, in America just as it is in EU. I would be ready to DIE for a good cause, but even if we by some miracle managed to kill all the MEP's, they'd just get replaced with new ones and the successful strike against the system would get used as a justification for more police measures! Simply put, does anyone here have ANY idea of how to fix things, or is it all just about complaining to people while hoping for some miraculous happening to be started by someone else?
What good news is there? I try to avoid politics, but bad news keep popping up everywhere. I have literally made threads for good news on multiple sites, but each time I have been almost the only one to post in them.
If you can't find it in the world, you have to make it in yourself, with your actions, and bring it to the world.

There is a number of assumptions in your head, I am guessing, that need examination:
1) Do you prefer being depressed? Depression validates being lazy, hiding and avoiding risks. Depression is good isn't it? A nice safe closed circle of nothingness.
2) The world should meet your expectations? Or should it?
3) The world is worse than it has ever been and getting worse! (Except for WW1, WW2, Hiroshima, pre-civilization etc.) Get some perspective stat.
4) With the internet you can get bad information from all over the world, to justify the fun of depression! Spending more time on the internet is great! You get to feel informed and wiser than everyone else while doing nothing! So energy efficient!
5) If the whole world won't be good, I should die! Because that improves things for me and my familiy.
6) Life should be easy! Why is being hard??? Must be me, I know, I'll kill myself. That will make it easier for others.

YOU are your own psychoanalyst, YOU have to fix YOUR own assumptions, until YOU are healthy. If not capitalism thanks you for your money.

Maybe you are needed over here: >>>/ub/ ?
I know how you feel.

One suggestion if you are living in a city is to see if there is a way to move to a more rural area. Rural places tend to love their country more. Also get closer to nature and away from people and SJWs can be good for the soul. For some it will be counter productive, but if you are surrounded with what is wrong seeing the positive is hard. Also getting a dog to go on walks with is a nice way to bring happiness to a loyal friend, and it in turn will give happiness back.
You've fallen into their trap, Anon. This self-blackpilling will get you no further than what you claim we do, even with you claiming we do nothing.

It is not yet time for revolution. We are still but a small yet humble minority. We would be crushed before we even start. We will make strides to correct this, sure, but do not assume that what we do now is worthless. We are making people see, often for the first time in their lives. Every day more see the truth as we do. And every day we get just the little bit more ready to make that change we need.

Do what Vril said: head over to /ub/. Drop the pills and work to make yourself a better person, improve your self-image so that you no longer view yourself in a negative light. Take this attempt to blackpill us and use it to do something worthwhile with yourself.
>“I couldn’t live with myself any longer. And in this a question arose without an answer: who is the ‘I’ that cannot live with the self? What is the self? I felt drawn into a void. I didn’t know at the time that what really happened was the mind-made self, with its heaviness, its problems, that lives between the unsatisfying past and the fearful future, collapsed. It dissolved.” ~ Eckhart Tolle


Or, take the mystical approach, fall in but don't die. Coming out the other side can be interesting.


I realise now that I like black pills because I have been processing them as "dark nights of the soul", a process where you give up fantasy for reality, and accept the reality, and then work with what you have the best you can. Fantasy takes too much energy to maintain.
151971 152020
There is no easy advice I can give you. You have heard all these phrases.

Meds are no solution but if they keep you alive it is the first step.
There are two ways:
Lie down and die. Either slowly or fast.
Fight and become stronger and stronger until you can make atleast some impact.

Were on the wrong side of history. You have to fight twice as hard as the normies and maybe it will all be in vain and to top it all off people will shit all over you.

It is your choice.
Around a 3rd of the population is on some kind of psychiatric medication. I wonder what would happen if suddenly they no longer had access to their meds.
>I agree on the first part, my greatest wish at this point is to simply die as soon as possible
I remember reading something, an argument against hedonism about a machine you can hook up to make you happy, it was by a lobert philosopher trying to disprove hedonism, but in honesty it sounded really appealing to me because of how fake I feel everything is. But yeah "the west" won't die in an explosion of light if it dies, rather it'll whimper and disappear because people are sheep to the state. The only places that looks like they have hope are Eastern Europe but even they have problems, and I'm not willing to give up on fighting for my own people and abbonded them like a bunch of other migrants. I wait around to fight everyone else if that day ever arrives, since I believe if it'll happen anywhere it'll happen here. But even I doubt that at times.

Guess my main problem at this point is I just don't know what is real or not anymore and part of me just enjoys laughing at it because it feels so unreal. Its how I stay sane, making jokes about everything and laughing it off because it all is in the end. Just like this post :^)
151973 151976 151997 152015
What depression feels like.jpg
I don't know what kind of logic your assumptions are based, but:
1) I hate depression more than anything, and I try more than anyone I know to do something that matters. The idea of meandering through life without meaning is worse than death.
2) There should be something good to expect from life. As it is, I feel so hopeless precisely because all realistic expectations of our future point to a dystopian hell.
3) World has been worse before, but that doesn't mean we should allow it to get worse again. That logic is the equivalent of Obama calming people about muslim dark age by reminding that christianity caused a dark age too.
4) I have actually stayed away from this site and tried to avoid reading bad news outside it too, but you simply cannot keep your head so deep in your ass that nothing gets through. Even if you lived alone on a deserted island, sooner or later the shit of reality would reach there too.
5) I don't even know what you're after with this one. In any case, I can't go on living a life of constant misery simply because other people occasionally enjoy my company.
6) Life is easy, especially in Finland where it's pretty damn hard to die no matter what you do. The problem is that all it allows is survival, for now, with no way to improve our lot or even to secure our survival in the future.

I had never been on /ub/, but seems like people there are dealing with the same problems I am.

I live 100km away from the capital because of the cheaper rent here. I only see my friends once every two weeks, so having a larger apartment to spend my loneliness in is worth the longer travel. I've thought about getting a pet before, but I can't get over the fact that living with me would be hell for them.


So… keep redpilling people and hoping for a miracle someday? Does anyone have even a best-case scenario for how this could work anymore? I'm sorry for being a downer, but I have been on this ride for so long that this rhetoric is getting harder and harder to believe. I'm sorry for being a downer, but can someone write me even even an imaginary fantasy scenario of how exactly things could get better at this point?
>living with me would be hell for them
I have it the same. Afraid I will not be able to give it all it needs, or that I will not be able to be firm enough to make the dog an upstanding honourable gentledog.
If you know someone who has a dog you could offer to watch it while they are on holiday or similar. Get the feel of how it is to have a dog. Walk it, feed it and in my case give it far too many treats because the dog knows all it have to do is "ask" and it will get one. This way you will not have full responsibility but you will get to spend some time with it, like having a friend on a sleepover.
152002 152015 152168
Change never happens quickly, but it is happening in many parts of the world. The left spent near a full century driving things to the point they're at now, and it'll take at least that long to reverse the damage. So yes, the answer is to keep redpilling people, foster an inquisitive attitude in the people around you. It's slow, difficult work and there's a good chance we'll never see it done in our lifetimes, but we're not doing this for us or our own personal gain, we're in it for the species. Sooner or later, you're going to have to deal with the idea that the future may have to be built on your bones, just as our present (the good parts at least) were built on the bones of our predecessors.

I point you to recent events in Italy, Hungary's resistance to the EU, the way sensible people are fleeing california in droves, the increasing awareness of how ridiculous the left is being, they're being openly mocked. The Democrats in the US are urging their zealots to scale back their rhetoric for a reason, less people are buying into it, they're losing money, support, votes and confidence. The left, overall, remains entrenched, their grip gets tighter, but they are definitely losing control. Look at britain and how authoritarian it's becoming, you think they're doing that for no reason? They do it because they're having trouble stemming the tide of discontent, the media isn't working anymore. The events of the last several years have all been a slowing action and we've almost hit the point of reversal.

But not if people like yourself bury your heads in the sand and medicate. Use your depression as a source of strength, no one ever works to make anything better if they don't experience any adversity.
152001 152168
>So… keep redpilling people and hoping for a miracle someday?
No. We keep redpilling people, we keep building support for our cause, then once we have a large enough supporting base, we make our move. It's slow and difficult, but all worthy causes are.
Have you done anything beyond the "bravado" you described?
Real life activism, youtube channel news and political discussions?
Or like I said, are you too afraid (of getting doxed or shut down)or insecure of your own capabilities to want to do that?
A slow march through the generations. Take up our usurpers' tactic.
>We're not doing this for our own personal gain.
Except when we build, we'll build it to last, so that our children, and their children, and all generations after them, will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Sven, I'm curious about something, and I hope you'll be willing to entertain this little aside of mine. Could you describe for me, in as much or as little detail as you wish, your thoughts on the state of the world, and how the people living in it somehow manage to soldier on through it?
Okay I can see you aren't being lazy or stupid. Therefore this… >>151976 … but I would change it to 50 years, not a century. My way of coping is knowing we are in a cycle and we have just past peak Left, and will be peak Right in ~40 years. We are about ~10 years from Left/Right being equal in power. Your 17 year effort is not enough effort, you'll need to do a minimum 25 years effort to go from peak Left to just reach equal.

Having said all of that, it is economics that will change things, not will power. But someone has to broadcast the alternatives for the masses to slowly adopt as the economic problem bite. Your effort is that broadcast. Keep going.
152021 152104
>Except when we build, we'll build it to last, so that our children, and their children, and all generations after them, will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
… and become weak and slothful. Making the cycle repeat.
helpful advice.png
This picture pisses me off and I don't know why
152025 152059
Do we look like Boomers? We aren't going to repeat the cycle. We won't get lazy or complacent, we've seen how quickly leftists can damage civilizations when allowed to run freely.
First thing is to tear yourself away from daily news. Unless if you're some sort of content/news provider, you don't need to know what's happening all the time. We weren't made to endure such barrages of negativity constantly, which is why normies who watch the news tend to grow detached and jaded. News isn't useful to you because you've already been redpilled and know how the world works (in a practical sense). It's only useful for redpilling others. If you're doing so, instead of grasping at dozens of different stories focus on one or two and know them extremely well, then hammer these points into your target. Quantity of information doesn't matter, but quality does, and if you can "prove" your viewpoint by showing the opposition's relative ignorance toward the issue, then you're winning.

But if you're never talking to anyone (par for the course in Finland), stack up on political and economic theory. You know how the world shouldn't work, so figure out how it should. Build up your ideals, otherwise you're piloting a ship without a map.

Another thing to establish within yourself is resilience. Acknowledge that you probably won't have a highly prosperous lifestyle, nor even that you'll live to see the West be saved, but struggle towards the goal all the same. I recommend researching stoicism and reading "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius. Look for spiritual fulfillment. I was in a dark stage a year ago and probably would have done something regrettable if it wasn't for Christian faith. When the world is so dismal you really do need a higher power for redemption if all is for nought here. Atheists like to carry on about how "they don't need an imaginary friend," but their own stubborn pride is a god to them.

Besides advocacy I suggest picking up skills for the DotR. Know how to shoot, how to camp, how to disguise yourself, etc. These skills are useful regardless in relatively everyday situations and your progress will be a form of accomplishment. Keep in mind that when power does flip, it won't be all at once in some grand revolution. Eventually governments will lose all legitimacy and resistance groups, having expanded their numbers to (hopefully) thousands will finally start action. The struggle will be intense but as the situation worsens and the establishment continues to weaken, normies will start supporting us more and more and then the power will flip.

Boomers didn't go through the Great Depression or fight in WW2. They are the relatively pampered children of those who did.

You can't kill human nature.

Post more edits pls.
That's why it is a ~100 year cycle. Your noble sentiment will be lying in your grave with you when the weakness comes. Your opinions will be seen as antiquated.
Nigger please, Everybody is fucking depressed now. Everywhere I look somebody is meming about wanting to kill themselves but they don't realize (and what I've been telling myself lately) is that death is their one dream that WILL absolutely, eventually come true. One day the pain will all be over and all the faggot ass feelings you have won't exist anymore so there's no point in rushing it. I'm by no means a Nihilist though. Spite gives me all the purpose I need.
I have never been one to believe that the cycles are an unchanging monolith of fate. There have always been strong men AND weak men in all generations, all situations, all times and places. It's just depends on who manages to gain power, whether we end up in good or bad times.
You need to make your mind strong. Your ancestors went without for millions of years faggot.
Yes, your post is bait because it got me to reply. I was being completely serious though. Some of you need to stop being fags and channel that shit into anger, disgust and calm resolve.
I don't think they are fixed either. I expect that in agrarian times, prior to easy access contraception the "cycles" were different. I also expect after the boomers die and assuming a baby boom does not occur again, this ~150 year disturbance will pass. If a baby boom does occur we might see a repeat.

However unavoidably we are still in the blow back of the baby boom. The economic consequences are a matter of accounting, who is in charge won't affect the maths.
152159 152165 152294
I gave up on that whole "redpill" schtick long ago. It's pretty bullshit, and half of it isn't really that much different from what left is pushing.
At this point I'm just hoping to save some money and move away somewhere away from people and society. Not from civilization mind you, I enjoy everything we have, I just don't want to deal with bullshit of others, I want some peace, not imaginary struggle for fuck nothing.
Rest can burn for what I care, I don't have messiah complex, I don't want to be martyr or sacrifice my life for future generations, I just want to enjoy somethign in my life and don't be bothered by others.
you what
152169 152177 152294
This is something I don't understand… When the governments are tightening their grip and increasing censorship, you think that means WE are winning? There are few places where you even CAN talk about these matters with other like-minded individuals, while the vast masses are more and more isolated against unapproved facts.

>once we have a large enough supporting base, we make our move
And what is that move? I'd still like to hear just a story of what this move could possibly be?

Furthermore, with muslims already infesting every European country, laws and infrastructure for surveillance in place and censorship in action, how could we realistically fix them? Do you expect the modern world could start deporting refugees back to their countries when they've already started families here, because that didn't work after the war previous refugees came to escape ended. Do you think a new right-wing government would give up their police state level rights for spying their citizens or censoring their opponents? I fear that we're just going to switch from one dystopia to another, replacing "whites deserve what they get" with "non-rich deserve what they get".

>Have you done anything beyond the "bravado" you described?
No, and that's exactly the problem! What CAN we do? I have done real life activism, drawn propaganda and discussed until I've gotten sick of it, but that does nothing! Is there anything we COULD do?

Call me Jukka instead, Sven is the Swedish stereotype name.

Anyway, most normal people focus only on their immediate things: Paying bills, doing their job and buying stuff. State of the world is a too large issue for them, so they don't want to think about it. Even if that state of the world is going to directly screw them over later, they will intentionally focus on their own little bubble because if they can't fix it, it's not worth thinking of as it would just ruin their day for no reason. So, they instead decide there is no problem.

“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.”

>One day the pain will all be over and all the faggot ass feelings you have won't exist anymore so there's no point in rushing it.
This is another thing that never made sense to me. The point isn't just dying, it's avoiding the impending pain of the future. Living because you know you'll die eventually is like finishing a full plate of shit because you'll get to the dessert sooner or later anyway.
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>Posting the edited version
>horseshoe theory implies that far left and far right are the same, not that they are more similar to each other than to center/less radical ideologies
>When the governments are tightening their grip and increasing censorship, you think that means WE are winning
Their tightening grip betrays an increasing lack of control over the situation, subtlety is no longer effective, and that's very good for us.

>Avoiding the impending pain of the future

This says a lot about you, believe it or not. It seems to me that you're rudderless, without purpose, that you don't think you have anything to protect except yourself, so you're stuck in self preservation mode, and this is what I'd attribute most of your depression towards. You want an assurance of victory to justify the hardship, you need to realise that while victory isn't guaranteed, that doesn't mean no attempt should be made. Anyone who's ever fought for something throughout human history has done it for a purpose, god, country, profit, family, history is littered with reasons to endure and without a reason to endure, why endure at all.

Find a purpose, Anon, that's all I can tell you, without it, you're already dead in every way that matters.
152297 152387 152390 153720
this thread deserves glimm….png
>Living because you know you'll die eventually is like finishing a full plate of shit because you'll get to the dessert sooner or later anyway.

My point was the only sure thing in life is death. You can't know however that your plate in this basic bitch stupid ass analogy is actually 100% shit until you eat everything on it though.


Oh shit dude, how will whites ever win now that we're down a couple toilet scrubbers? Game over man. What a faggot ass thread.
Brave 56%ers will do it instead of us. Carry on, wayward son.
Well you should take it from the mutt then because the kind of apathy you're displaying here is what turned this country brown.
No, it was Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
And the jews, of course.
You know what I meant. Apathy towards those things. "I got mine" and the like. Like I said, faggot ass thread.
Well, that state of mind was caused by something, right? Find the cause and then find the cure.
>It seems to me that you're rudderless, without purpose, that you don't think you have anything to protect except yourself, so you're stuck in self preservation mode, and this is what I'd attribute most of your depression towards.
Absolutely. I have been asking for a meaning of life since my early childhood, but only answers I've ever received have been "enjoy while you can" (doesn't work because there's more suffering than joy), "make children and pass on your genes" (doesn't give a reason for bringing more life to a world when I wish I'd never been born myself) and "don't think about it, you're alive so just live" (not even an answer). I have done my best to help the world and leave my mark on it, but in the end the hopelessness pushes through and I'm left wondering whether anything can be worth it.

>You can't know however that your plate in this basic bitch stupid ass analogy is actually 100% shit until you eat everything on it though.
Nothing is absolutely certain, but you can still predict things with reasonable probability. All evidence points to a terrible future and a life of meaningless pain, and while nothing disproves the chance of a completely unpredictable miracle turning it around it's just too improbable to rely on. Life is like buying lottery tickets every day: You lose more every day and chances of winning in your lifetime are lower than those of dying in a lightning strike.
>Oh no, someone in thread where we're discussing sense of life and other philosophical bullshit, dared to have different opinion than me. I should totally insult him
It's a question man has been asking since man first asked it, "Why are we here?", it's a question without an answer or a million answers depending on who you ask. I'm not gonna tell you to endure for god or country, or out of spite or even for family and race, it's not anyone's place to define your purpose in life for you, there are enough people whose lives have been defined by others already. No, it's a hard question to answer and if there is an answer, there's only one place you're going to find it, and that's within yourself. It may take years of soul searching, or worse, you may never find it at all, very few people do, but I promise you it's worth looking and it's worth doing sober.

And if you can't, I can promise you that a life of pain and depression is what awaits you with certainty, no amount of prescription drugs will dull the pain of looking at the world and knowing it's wrong.
152441 152492 152494
This is the most worrisome thing about meaning of life: the fact that no one has a good answer. It seems there really is no reason to exist, as happy people either avoid thinking of it altogether or just make up an utterly imaginary reason and pretend that it makes sense. Depression isn't a form of insanity as depressed people tend to have a better sense of reality than healthy people, so getting better literally requires going insane. How can you start believing in something you know to be a lie?
That's not true, I have the best answer
Well what is it?
Depending on your personal beliefs, you either exist in an empty, uncaring universe with no purpose whatsoever, or you've been created by god for what appears to be little reason at all, or beyond our comprehension altogether. Either way, the point was never to find any definitive answer that can be applied to everyone, as a definitive answer does not and cannot exist, but to choose for yourself your own answer. To exercise choice is what it means to live, for some of us, that's attempting to fix the various wrongs we see in the world, for others it's to bring everything crashing down whether they mean well or not. Do some soul searching, figure out what you want and work towards it, if that means you give up this fight and go to live a quiet life away from these modern troubles of ours, then that's your choice and you'll have to live with the benefits and consequences that result.

Either way, I would get off the medication, that's not solving your problem, it's just suppressing it and that can lead to some nasty mindfuckery down the line.
Genetic Fallacy. Retards have an easier time getting happy than smart people, because smart people require higher-quality media or, better yet, actual results.

Start exercising, it helps more than you'd think. I speak from experience as a former fat kid who struggled with depression from age 1-22, then got fit.
I have failed at everything I've ever considered meaningful. I can't code, my scribbles are irrelevant, I can't save the world, and while simply reveling in shallow hedonism until I die would be the last thing I'd want to do I can't even do that because I hate my life. Even grasping at bullshit excuses to justify living is useless if even they are beyond my reach!

I only take medication when needed, but even then it's been starting to lose its effect. The "solution" to that would be to increase dosage, but that's a slope I don't want to get on because it would obviously keep going worse and worse. I only wish I could die, but like everything else, I can't do even that.

>Start exercising, it helps more than you'd think.

I have exercised plentifully, but it doesn't help. It might help a fatty with self-esteem issues, but it doesn't give you a reason to live. Why do you live anyway?
You need a passion, to find a talent and purpose that you can dedicate yourself to. For example, I'm transfixed by politics and economics to the point that I want to write multiple books to inspire the world, just like Hoppe, Evola, even maybe the Big H himself.

I'd recommend social activity as it's the best distraction for one's worries, but you live in a country where a football field is considered personal space.
153540 154430
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Passion without chance to fulfill it is just tragedy. Imagine if you were transfixed with politics but couldn't read? Or if all the political books got banned and burned? If you started to write a book, how many years could you spend on the first chapter before admitting that it's never getting finished?

All my talents are about creativity, but creativity is worthless without the means to fulfill it. For example, drawing is something I can barely do, and even then I'm spending anywhere from three to twelve hours on a picture that even those who claim they can't draw would do better in minutes. I'm better at it than programming because there I can get at least something done, but it's still something makes people ask "You spent four hours on this shitty scribble?". I have drawn ponies till I got a carpal tunnel syndrome, but again, I could spend my entire life on drawing and it still won't be worth a five minute fuckabout by an average person.
People's brains are wired for different things. Have you experimented with music?
This guy had it right, what a faggot ass thread.
Either you don't want to live for whatever ideals you held and do whatever, or you live for this undefined world view you have/had and find ways to overcome the obstacles instead of asking us how to overcome them and what your reason to live should be, only to reject them.
Also, if everything is just bullshit, why would it matter that everything is a dystopia, freedom is just as bullshit as control am I right? Plain and simple defeatism and/or depression.
I was literally just thinking this. This Finlanon flat-out refuses to acknowledge our advice except to spout out more "boo-hoo life sucks" bullshit that everyone else here knows already but we've already figured out how to deal with.
153852 153894 153965
Just try to embrace nihilism. Don't worry about bad global situation. World has always been shit, as long as there are any humans, someone will be feeling miserable. Why don't you try to enjoy chaos brought by everyday living? Even if we would face nuclear holocaust, why should we care so much? Death will consume us either way. Do what you can to make the situation for you and those you hold dear better and don't worry. Why should you worry about things beyond your capabilities?

PS: Nihilist also can have values, it's just about awareness that nothing has higher intristic value to it.
153894 153924
nihilism defined.png
>Just try to embrace nihilism
LoL that's some advice.
>PS: Nihilist also can have values, it's just about awareness that nothing has higher intristic value to it.
Nihilism's value is literally nil, 0.
here's some advice for you.
don't watch the news, focus on helping yourself.
You need to embrace that feel willingly.
If you are mighty you can help better the world.
This is actually pretty good advice.

I think what based Poland was getting at was more along the lines of Nietzsche's ideology, that existence is most likely purposeless so it's up to every man to create purpose for himself. Also that it's not a good idea to get too worked up about the global situation because for the most part it's beyond your control. It's not an excuse for total apathy, but to some extent you have to accept that whatever is going to happen is probably going to happen with or without you so there's no sense giving yourself panic attacks over it. Realize that the world doesn't rest on your shoulders, learn to relax and take what pleasure you can out of life while you still have it, because there is probably nothing after it.
Nihilism is the philosophy of going dead inside and going "Everything sucks".

What's the name of that Nihilism variant where you instead go "Everything sucks… But fuck it, I'll be good and make everyone's time on this shit earth better anyway"?
I dunno. I just call that "normal".
reminds me of that Horsehead Thor quote.
154009 154383 154486
as long as it's beneficial to you and humanity. Though never forget that you have a duty.
>because there is probably nothing after it
>Not having faith in the ancient Egyptians, they who built a structure so perfect that we can't even replicate it today[o/]
>that is if you believe that it wasn't space alien who built it

[o/] no!
154385 154386 154387 154461
I can't agree with that. Pyramids are very impressive structures (especially when one takes into consideration capabilities of ancient Egyptians), but for sure they are not perfect. Their main building material (limestone) is not very resistant to more hazardous environmental conditions. Only the fact that they are located on a desert protected them for so long. And what do you mean that we couldn't replicate it? Humans just don't see a reason in replicating such structure. They prefer to use money and resources to build another luxurious hotel or a factory.
154386 154387 154461
It's more accurate to say that modern humans wouldn't replicate them.
154387 154461
Holy shit, so much this.
To his point though, the Nubians did try to recreate them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nubian_pyramids
154412 154470
We aren't, but should be building great structures. How can you claim to be a civilisation when everything done today will be wiped out once VrilAnon gets his way?

I guess technically pic related is the contemporary superproject, but compared to how great our civilisation supposedly is, we're doing nothing.

>It's not economical

First of all, it is. It's called long-term planning. It's making sure that however fucked up thing get, there will be something left for generations hence.
And maybe more importantly, it'd be a monument to civilisation itself, to show that we are capable of this level of greatness, and that our children will strive to be greater still.

I bet if finland had a project like that OP wouldn't even be on medication, because he'd have something to dedicate his life to.
That honestly looks stupid as fuck. Is this literally the extent of our architectural prowess? THIS is all we can build?
It's a building whose essence is difficult to capture in images. All the images of the structure itself look halfway boring, and all the images of the stonework completely lose the scale and composition.

What's worse, even visiting it leaves you unfulfilled because half of the thing is covered in scaffolding and nets. My visit, years ago by now, didn't even give me a good sense of what the thing will look like in the end. A grand structure intricately detailed top-to-bottom, towering over the city, but veiled.

But like I said, I agree with you that we should be capable of far greater things. That is simply the only really long-term large building project I know of. If you think this one sucks then that's all the more reason to want something good built instead.
>If you think this one sucks then that's all the more reason to want something good built instead.
That I do.
>I can help,
If you let me.
>I too
Am a troubled artist.
>I am also labeled
Mentally Ill
I keep on
If you
Take yourself
>Out, Your Enemy
W_I_N_S !
For a brief time,
This very board,
Became my enemy… but, I realized that these posters were like me. They had their guard up because they have been hurt too. We all have times of self doubt… The World is shitty to good people. But, we good people stick together. I make silly videos on YouTube, kinda like a blog, or vlog. You should give them a view sometime, my Autismo will surely make you smile! For there is NO brony as cringey as I. If you want a quick rundown, check out my containment thread on /sp/
I am a PROUD lolcow.
Known as my cosplay name "white jesus"
Richard Bee-chumz.
Please, hang in there, we are in the fight together! I love you! <3
Well said.
I wants yous to picture this.
Imagine your friend tells you he can do a front flip so you ask him to demonstrate. To which he replies "I need to conserve my energy bro!". You immediately surmised that he's buffing. What you done gave me was likewise an excuse or maybe even a bluff. Which make us (modern folk) look bad.
>but for sure they are not perfect
Well, not any more.
>Only the fact that they are located on a desert protected them for so long
don't yous think that they used limestone for the very reason that it is and was a desert.
>Be yous
>be modern men
>think that we don't replicate ancient monuments because they aren't economical
It's not like the Great Pyramid of Giza get visited by tourists daily.
>Cry on the inside because deep down you know that our civilization will not stand the test of time
>LOL we store our knowledge digitally now
>Maybe one day we will be know as those who Asphalted.

Hahaha At least they tried.
>wiped out once VrilAnon gets his way?
Don't blame the messenger!!
>We can't even replicate it today
Of course we can, it's just a completely inefficient use of space. What we can't replicate is the concrete the romans used to build their shit, that knowledge is just gone in the fucking aether.
Must have missed the memo, where can I read it?
Wait, never mind I found it.