ur a faget
tell us what it is
tell us is what you should do
Is that a horseshoe crab?
>>132417Nah, looks like a trilobite.
Horseshoe crabs are smoother
Zald you really are a nigger
>>132405Don't do it.
Unless you plan on telling us, in which case do it.
>>132411Faggot gets dubs, faggot wins. I'm going to play the Human In Equestria fandom like a damn fiddle.
>>132419It's a pic I found while looking for Trilobytes, don't ask why.
>>132422Dubs decides I do it but how the fuck can I stream this
Fuck it I'll update this thread with updates I guess
Hey niggers in the meantime can you fill this thread with horsepussy for me?
>>132580we have a whole thread with porn, also why do you think you need to make an advice thread for trolling a thread on /mlp/. I was hoping for a suicide stream.
>>132584Nigger I'm not suicidal I'm just fucking bored. Also the horsepussy thread fell off the front page, we need a second one
>>132587No faggot I'm too busy fucking you
>>132405Don't do it, there's still chance you'll get laid.
>>132610Thank you patrician nice poster
But I'm just going to prank the Human In Equestria fandom
>>132588>I fuck pre-college studentsTake me on a date first, shitheel.
>>132698Why HIE? I quite like HIE and I think the best Troll HIE writer is Windlife. How can you outdo perfection?
>>132699who's windlife and what did he do
>>132405draw orand show me something to land on
>>137871Ah shit, it's YOU. Any new inventions faggot?
Here is my OC green seal. He humps things.