Uh, okay? Are there any specific threads you had in mind?
>>119927>Fishing on /mlp/Yeah don't the reason why we can do it on /pol/ is because its fast and the board quality is shit.
/mlp/ is slow and the board quality is shit. It makes fishing nearly impossible since anons will say we are stealing anons or are re-directing them. If you find an anon you like then tell him to find us, fishing enmass is retard on /mlp/, continue to do it on /pol/ but thats because most of /pol/ doesn't know about us. Most of /mlp/ does. In fact that blackjack threads I saw anons doing
So most know we exist and those on /mlp/ that don't post here don't do it for some reason or another already and doing it would just seem like spam rather then liberation like it would on /pol/.
>>119928I have no idea. I just want 2012 back.
>>119927Nah, lets hit /pol/. There must be a shit thread with many replys that we can purify.
>>119947Don't think this thread is a winner, but it deserves an honorable mention.
http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/161144975 >>119952What the fuck? Just came here from /pol/ and might call it my new home. But can someone give me a quick rundown on what's going on there?
How many different fishing threads do we need.
>>119976As many as we damn well need.
>>119973Nazi horsefuckers. Welcome to Mlpol
>>119979I used to be a brony back in the day. Nazi horsefuckers sounds like my kind of place.
>>119952Thread's dead. No one banned hopefully?
>>119988https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/161144975/I'm still confused as to what was going on in that thread.
>>119993The term for it is cancer, anon.
http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/161151565Here's a shit tier thread that has some life to it. Want to dump ponies in it? By dump ponies, I mean dump mlp porn.
I'm banned from 4chan. Fuck their gay ass mods.
>>120001Oh well, guess you just get to eat some popcorn and watch then.
>>119931>I have no idea. I just want 2012 back.No shit. We all do. But this is the future we chose…
>>119927fishing more users from /pol/ and /mlp/.
you do realize 4chan is now full of normies who often Roleplay as edgelords on /pol/, and that most of people on /mlp/ will want to destroy this place, for conflicting with their social justice interests, or try being influent here, using arguments, flooding and all. Inform them this place exist. If they come, they will have to adapt and understand we value free speech and information. We won't censor you if you're a furry, nazi, commie, ancap or a complete jew. only judge your posts and value facts.
>>120019Where should we fish from if not 4chan?
>>120022Thread, not board…
Though we can nuke /pol/ too
Is no one online tonight or something?
There is person asking for more ponies on there.
>>119927eh, currently banned. I always post the banners and such in porn threads on /mlp/ and /pol/, /v/, and even /b/ when they pop up.
>>119947>>120034>>120001>bannedWe should organize an actual raid at some point here
>>112073 → for /pol/. Leave this thread for anything in the future with /mlp/.
>>119993Holy fuck, how many times did that leaf post shit?
This little asshole is probably why Global 15 is still enforced with an iron fist.
>>120046Yeah, but he's the reason the mods left this thread up from like a week or so ago.
/g/thread/64798531 is going on now.
I feel like I'm seeing more non/mlp/ pony threads than I'm used to seeing, the only thing I've been doing recently is sort boards by creation date to filter out generals. Anyone else noticing a trend or not?
>>120056So has anyone directed them here yet?
>>120072not in that thread, no. I would oblige but still banned.
This fucking thread is STILL up, further proof that g mods are always sleeping
our board has been over ridden!
Im with you lads!