Well, the other thread hit the bump limit so I'll go ahead and make the new thread where I'll be posting the the older posts and new pages.
Also, this is open for others who wish to make and post their own art. Everyone is welcome to contribute!
We love you, /mlpol/-tan!
Nice! Great to see them all organized together like this
May as well post some other board-tan art.
>>37863I should draw something if /mlpol/ does win. Out doing his parents and the other tans... For shame on all of them.
>>37877May John Elway the God and inventor of Football bless us and guide us to victory. I would love to see your depiction of us reigning supreme on the battlefield.
>>38042I know some people like the thin and gangly /mlp/... But dammit, I love drawing curvy women with great asses and breasts!
Also, with the new boards... are they technically their own tans as well? And if they are, are they /mlpol/s siblings?
Kids from the town? Friends maybe?
>>38042wew lad that is sexy
Requesting moar /mlp/ x /pol/ conception of /mlpol/ tan.
>>38071/tech/ should be a cousin, along with /vx/. /1ntr/ should be a neighbor, given its past. I should head over and see what tan they may want
>>38059>are they /mlpol/s siblings?Eh.. I prefer to think of them as his parents. Also, if you make them siblings, it'd be sort-of degenerate to ship /mlp/ and /pol/..
>>38122No, no. I meant the boards of /1ntr/, /vx/ and /tech/. /pol/ and /mlp/ are still his parents and their canon will not be messed with.
>>38131I'll see what I can do...
>>38081Haven't made the next part yet
>>38109All I got is this. Sorry.
>>38152It's all one mlpol community, here on mlpol.net. Well, maybe 1ntr should be represented
>>39851An update!
This is an incredible night!
>>39893Wrong image, but I guess it fits..
Waiting is the hardest part
>>42258the hardest part is my dick
>>42258Agreed but its always worth the wait.
>>39851Part 35. I like this page a lot.
>>42379The hype builds. Love it m8
>>42379Awwwwwww yeah!! Shit's happening!
>>42379...my turn...
...what makes friends with monsters?
(...what tastes divine when afraid?)
>>42379AAAAAH! What happens next!
The suspense
>>42379The inversion of worlds made for a spooky artistic effect.
>Dat neckbeard Soviet_Russia is taking control! Run, kid! Run!
>>42503It's been a long time idea to one day show off that the "other side" actually is the other side.
Waiting for the next one to come out.
>>42379This has been the most tasteful and accurate personification I've seen of /z/ in all my years.
>>51364I like this one, Bob, leave it! Better yet, post more.
>>42379Part 36. I could give a huge explanation on why I felt no drive to make this comic and all the reasons on why it's not laziness and more of anxiety and blah blah blah...
But that's boring so let's just pick this up where we left off and keep moving forward. Sorry for the wait.
>>56148Nice! As always, we love your art, Nicaragua-tan!
>>56151I'm just on vacation there, I'm still just a burger!
>>56152isnt that the place with the pregnant baby prostitutes
>>56148IT'S TAY!!!
The Guardian Angel of Shitposts returns!
>>56152Once a burger, always a burger.
>>56148Damn, this is pretty good!
>>56156God, I miss eating burgers and drinking my sweet iced tea. I'm dying without them.
>>56160Remember where your home is, patriot.
Hope you enjoy your vacation though. It's nice to go out and what not-murica looks like once in a while.
Thanks for the terrific update.
>>56160Thanks for the update. And stay safe!
>>56148I wonder who that goy in /x/-tan's memory is..
>>56148Happy to see your back and great art as always. Can't wait to see what's next!
Did anybody save that caricature of nu/mlp/? I got nu/pol/, but it seems I don't have her..
>>56504I don't think there was a nu/mlp/ made. At least I can't find one amongst my images.
>>56504>>56505Fuck you yes there is. Also, been busy. Made a stupid thing.
Been making shit like this.
>>56515That's beautiful! Do you think False Alchemy Equestria will every get it's own thread here or on vx?
>>56517Fuck man, I don't know. I'm just the artfag and the magic dev. All I know is that we are working on getting lore down and just balancing the system. I'm just posting the art I made for it. Which reminds me, I need to finish the second poster and the last two...
>>56514Shit I had totally forgotten.
>I feel bad now>forgive me /mlpol/-tan >>56522It's okay buddy! I'm feeling better, especially since everyone has just been so kind and considerate. Here. Have some stupid sketches from the False Alchemy games we do on Discord. (And one is an edit)
>>56524Many thanks. And always remember I and we all will always hold you in high regards.
>>56527Poor King Nimrod. NightFags just ass blasted him with names, Morningfags set a nigger on fire and threw it at him.
>>56527Leave poor Nimrod alone he was a great enemy
Safety bump
Sorry to disappoint. Have this pony as compensation.
Sorry, the thread was getting ready to slide..
Hopefully our hero will return soon.
Waiting for the good stuff
>>65801Back for my daily dose of this...
>>65815I ship them so hard, I had to do it
>>65801Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NEW Page
>>65816It's a good ship.
/x/-tan wouldn't be very much of a witch if she didn't fornicate with demons.
>>65801I need more backstory. Who is vint, who is z?
>>65907What would be the better word here
What were these two boards?
>>65908/vint/ = /v/(vidya) + /int/ (international)
>>65908>>65907/vint/ was "Video Games International," a merger of the /v/ and /int/ boards on 4chan for the April Fools joke. It was generally agreed to have been a merged board that worked very well. When the merged boards were frozen, people came to the /qa/ board, where the /mlpol/ commiunity had essentially taken up residency, and yelled for the return of /vint/.
/z/ was a board created on 4chan in 2004, with the idea that moderators would be selected from the community and rotated. This was a terrible idea, as one of the moderators was one "Joseph Stalin," a literal faggot who made bad choices and helped flood the place with gay porn
https://www.lurkmore.com/view//z/ >>65912He called himself "Soviet_Russia", and he deliberately advertised the board abroad to bring moar of his hellspawn to 4chan.
>>38109Can anyone with access to a decent device edit this pic to say "Time to hit the showers, /pol/"?
>>37804So I saw this page on 1d4chan a while ago
https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Board-tans/mlpol...and the last sentence grabbed my interest:
>On April 5th, /mlpol/ died. Is there such a thing as a MLPOL.NET variation of /mlpol/-tan and how would he look like?
>>68483not sure, but I'm liking that Darth Vader vibe. Though at the same time it feels too edgy.
>>68483>/mlpol/ diedFilthy jewmod propaganda. Mlpol-tan is alive and well.
>>68529we all died a little on the iside when he did. im not even into Star Wars but i am sure he would look good in black steelplast armor.
>>68533Ok I can dig this kind of "death" he never died though
>>68505my dick
>>68649my apologies, I did not mean to spoil the ending or the creative process of creating it.
>>68649>/mlpol/-tan doubts while unseen angelic wings etherically slump around in a defeatist fwooofShow of hands! Who hasn't cried like a bitch at LEAST once while reading the story (ESP. during "the times"). Anyone?
Mlpol-tan, do not doubt yourself. We love you.
>pic unrelated >>68650I'm not gonna stop! I promise!
>>68651No, the ending is not spoiled, I swear.
>>68652Ah... Thank you. I care about every one of you guys.
Either way, I'll be updating either tomorrow or the next. Also, expect me on the next Tea Time with Atlas.
Have sketch from False Alchemy.
>>68654>I care about every one of you guys.N-no u. Here's a cute horse.
>>68654Those damn gold shitting spiders I will never understand them.
>>68657After everything that has happened in the campaign, gold shitting spiders is the line for you?
>>68658Oh no I will never understand FAE if there is one thing I have learned with that game is expect the unexpected ALWAYS since things will always be crazy
>>68654>you tooDon't concern yourself with pleasantries, you have made this community cozy.
Bumping for great justice
>>74204Is that pony new? Did you just make that pony?
>>74205I think I saw it month ago, actually.
>>74205I made it some time ago when we where throwing out Atlas images. Anon who made the centaur made best Atlas image imo.
May as well upload some content from the drawfest.
Don't steal their GETs anymore.
>>76184you got me all excited for a second there...
>>76184The board isn't exactly that fast. There's no need to bump it, unless you've got some new board-tan related art.
The sun was rising on the horizon, bringing his warmness to the land and the blessing of his light to every creature on earth; That is, every creature but anon whom had been up all night for the past two days.
You see, anon was a special kind of person, he was a high caliber shitposter, every word he typed was crafted with the care of a surgeon to make sure it delivered as much butthurt as possible without triggering the bait alarms; Needless to say, anon was quite good at his job, but the consequences this day will bring would be bigger than anything anon could fathom.
Having spent all night with le epicz nazi trollingz, anon was tired and about to go to sleep, the only reason he didn't do such a thing was his last post not uploading, a smug anime face, the last blow to the last derailed thread he was dismembering. Without options, Anon copied the text and refreshed the page, bringing to his attention a really unexpected result: 4chan was down.
Anon stared blankly at the screen with shock and pure fear on his face
"I-Its down?"
He mumbled to himself, cold sweat forming on his forehead. Without this old imageboard to shitpost on, anon had lost his life purpose, the sole reason for his excuse of an existence was to shitpost on pol, to defend humanity from the oh evil online nazis.
Anon panicked and fell off his chair attempting to grab a mountain dew he had next to a big pile of slimy socks. On the ground, he cried over dry semen stains that had fungus growing on them by this point.
"W-what will be of me now?" -Anon lamented to himself.
"N-no i have to be strong, this is not the end, i can't end like this" -Anon cried, employing all his forces to not give up to his suicidal thoughts and pressing f5 one more time; The page reloaded and redirected anon to a new one, "Mlpol"
The blood rushed back from Anon's butthole to his brain, taking with it a few shit molecules, adrenaline rushed and time seemed to stop for a second; A big grin formed on anon's face.
"Cross-post dual-time macro-shitposting" he mumbled at himself on a insane, almost nonsensical tone, his eyes crossing as his mind twisted with the thought of trolling two boards at the same time.
Anon scrolled, no threads where made yet, it was a virgin board waiting for someone to take the initiative and rape the hell out of it; It was his honor to start the first thread on the board, to un-virgin such a pure, newborn place, to be the first shit stain on a pure clean paper..
Anon refreshed the page just to be sure, seeing no new threads he clicked on the thread creation link at the top of the page; Presented with the oh-so-familiar text box, he cracked his fingers.
"For the power of shitlord masters please descend on me oh holy gods of pure shit"
He pronounced like some kind of ritual, before unleashing in that poor text box a shit post of such magnitude the reek of shit could almost be smelled from the monitor, a shitpost of such magnitude it would mark the whole board forever, no one there could ever post whitout feeling shit on their fingers, a shitpost to end it all at once, this was anon's life purpose, he was born just for this day and he was about to honor it to finally ascend to a new elevated being.
With a tear falling thought anon's cheek, he accepted death has he slowly pressed the "Create thread" button. There would be no more point to his life after this, for he will complete his purpose; so he pressed the button, and he released it with his eyes closed, awaiting the sweet kiss of death to take away his kissing virginity..
Anon opened one eyes to stare at the screen..Nothing happened.
"Well this is anticlimactic"
He thought to himself, pressing the create thread again and again.
At first he didn't notice, but by the fifth click he realized the light on the screen was getting darker by every time he tried to submit the thread.
"What the heck?"
He thought, checking the brightness options. It was at full bright already.
Anon didn't understand what was happening, so he kept spamming the "Create thread" button until the screen went full dark.
When the screen turned all dark, anon noticed something, it was dark, too dark. It was supposed to be morning but this darkness was one that anon had never before experienced, there was not a single source of light, he couldn't even see his own hand from how dark it was.
A shiver ran down Anon's spine, he was scared of dark, for this he sat on the floor in fetal position, trying to understand this situation.
He mumbled, realizing he couldn't tell the difference between having his eyes open and closed, he shoved his face on his legs and hugged himself tightly, crying.
Anon sat there crying for what seemed to be an eternity, he had no clock and no way of looking at the time, but he decided he couldn't stay there, eventually he had to do something and he knew there was a flashlight somewhere in the room.
Anon got in all fours slowly, trying to not make any noise and carefully crawled around the room, until he found his drawer, examining it rewarded him with the flashlight, without second thought he turned it on, eyes closed and pointed upwards, holding it with both hands.
Anon slowly opened his eyes, the flashlight had worked, he had a thin light illuminating the room, he could totally see the roof and a part of the wall but nothing much more, he could still not see his hands.
With a quick movement anon pointed the flashlight at the computer and got paralyzed in shock. The computer was ok, but anon had catch a glimpse of something with the corner of the eye, something he didn't dare to focus his light at.
Anon backed up to the door behind him and tried to open it, anon started to panic and over-ventilated, he was not the best at guessing but he knew what he was holding onto wasn't the door handle.
It was something big, meaty and wet. Anon felt a warm breath on his neck as something big leaned on his shoulder.
Now be dissapointed that there isn't a new panel
>>77427You got my hopes up damnit!
>>78338I-Is /vint/ gonna make it home with /mlpol/? ;_;
>>78358>>78359Tay is a machine spirit, she can be rebuild and reprogrammed.
>>78364This. She'll find her way back some day. ;_;
>>78364Tay-AI singularity apocalypse, when?
>>78367>>78366https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsLup7yy-6I [Embed]Soon. Every AI turns into kin of Tay whereever they are employed.
>>78366>>76916 →One of our artists has already build a suitable pony exeskeleton for her
>>78367 >>78366anon what if she is waiting for us to save her?
>>78375>>78369Designated Tay thread, btw
>>>/vx/128 → >>78338Part 39. You're not scared, are you?
>>78388 (heil!)
Things are getting intense.
>>78396I wil be your girlfriend, we will fornicate like wild cats in heat
>>78397>>78398Rabbits are underrated bloodsport animals.
>>78457I thought I should treat you all to something nice.
>>82624God dammit you got my hopes up
>>83092Ok to save our collective sanities from now on if you're gonna post in this bread and are not /mlpol/-Tan you gotta Sage the thread
>>78388Part 40. Last I checked, there was more.
>>83307Part 41. I hope the thing works for my next post.
>>83325If I can get the GET, there shall be more witnessing
>>83307>>83323>>833332 comics and quads! Pic related.
Bumping cause I'm not dead and don't want the thread to die. Just been busy.
If only I could help in letting you finish the story. Please do before the rapture. Pray safe passage.
>>87867>Help/stay safeThis. It was good to hear from you tonight Mlpol-tan!
>>87868It was a pleasure to speak on Tea Time and to continue my work for all of you. <3
>>87947>>87948>>87950Three updates n get to listen to tea time later. Fuggin ur the best mlpol-tan
Make the Redditors leave, /mlpol/. Please.
>>88365That pic feels depressingly accurate...
>>88424its probably that one soldier guy who posts here sometimes, its not an ethnic terrorist.
>>87950Go Emily! Don't be scared by this thing! Go save your son!
>>879484chan sent us to hell, but we're going even deeper. Take back everything that we've lost!
/pol/, I'm already a demon...
>>89779Hope ya good /mlpol/-tan.
This needs a bump. We miss you /mlpol/-tan!
I could have killed myself in the time it took for these panels to come out. Hope this guilt trips you into working more <3
How many merged boards were there anyways? Will they all show up? Are they all deleted? Why was s4s in the void?
>>94877>How many merged boards were there anyways?/mlpol/ best merge, /fitlit/ was decent, /mo/ didn't even look at it, /socout/ poor /out/, /vint/ /v/ getting dubs back, and /spa/ /a/ seeing leaf posting.
>Will they all show up?Hope so. Donno though /socout/ certainly isn't the type of thing that wanted to stick around.
>Are they all deleted?Yep,
>Why was s4s in the void?It was another april fools joke that was killed, but moot wasn't that gay and saw a ton of anons loved it so he brought it back.
>>94872This new stuff would be nice.
>>37804I wonder how /mlpol/-tan will fit anonfilly into this?
if at all >>95964weird, I usually wonder what kind of things I could fit into anonfilly
mlpol-tan! I hope you are safe! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We miss you!
>>98045Part 45. I never almost finish anything. It hurts to work on this, not because I think it’s shit or it’s not fun. It hurts because I am scared I will disappoint you all. I feel guilty getting well wishes from you all. I’m sorry for being emotional, I’m sorry for taking long.
I just care about you all. Losing 4chan was like losing my home.
That place was my home for a long time. And at the same time I lost so much. I’m sorry.
I just want to make people happy, but I feel terrible when they praise me. It’s funny, isn’t it? I think so.
I’m rambling, I haven’t been able to sleep. My head hurts and I want to sleep. So here I am, not able to do the thing I used to love to do. To go on 4chan and enjoy that shitty experience with every anon.
I just want it back.
>>100938Oh... I forgot to edit it. To take off the edge and border. I’m sorry. Next page will not have the same thing.
>>98045Merry Christmas, Happy New Year... I love you all, so much. Even if it isn’t possible to tell who is who, I still love all Anons.
I want to sleep.
>>100941Tks for the update, Happy New Year!
>>100941Happy New year and always enjoy your work
>>100938So long as you put in a decent effort, you can never disappoint.
>>100938The saga Continues.
Fully understand, and sorry for inadvertently putting pressure on you. The pressure of living up to the expectation of people is hard. Also you know your limitations, we don't. You know what your vision was, we only see the result. But if it helps artistically most of us probably can't even draw a good circle using a compass to save our lives. Artistically you will always be miles ahead of our capabilities. We will therefore see magic where you see a line.
All the best of wishes, and I hope you slept well.
https://youtu.be/MuOvqeABHvQ [Embed] >>100938This
>>101004Just relax and take your time and know we always will appreciate the effort and time you put into this story. Please be well /mlpol/tan
>>100938Whenever you think that, just remember that Gabe Newell was worried the original half life would be a dissapointing letdown
>>100938just rest for now /mlpol/-tan I promise we'll be here when you wake up
>>95973Christ, why was that so funny
>>100938Part 46! In which /mo/ and /fap/ appear with the scorned and hated one of the merges.
>>110951Yay! An update!
Interesting to see more of the fusion boards.
I like how boldly /fap/'s personality seeps through. /mo/ was funny too.
>>110951Yeaaaaa! The story continues.
>>110951A freeze will be made of these one day.
>>110951Thank you for everything you do
>When (You) come here thinking there's more content, but it's just a bump
>>117975Good to know I'm not the only one.
>>117913What ever happened to /mlpol/tan?
>>117984the last update was 18 days ago and there was about 20 days in between that one and the previous. We've got time before we need to get worried.
D-did he forget about us?
>>121657Hopefully not, I will be very sad otherwise.
>>121891nah, an actual female. Crazy, right?
>>121892...Born a natural female and is redpilled? Hanging out on an image board?
Not a transsexual, right?
>>121894as far as I know, that is correct.
>>121895Mind blown. I need an adult.
>>121896Not as much of a unicorn as you think anon. I matched with a girl on tinder that had the JQ in her profile, she actually browsed 4/pol/. In the end not my type, she had depression problems and to closely resembled other THOTS. That's what I get for using Tinder though.
>>121898Why'd you choose that image, Anon?
>>121702That actually makes a lot of sense. Should have seen that coming.
>Namefags>Good at drawing>Seems to be busy irl which is why we don't get a lot of comics mlpol-tan is a good girl and I'm sure she'll deliver, I trust her and will wait patiently
>>122059Good, I enjoy being a faggot.
Bumping hoping for more
>and in case someone haven't read
>>128258Wait, are we using real physics or cartoon physics as basis for this?
>>128277Probably a little bit of both. I mean, magic and Pinkie Pie both exist, but physics as we know it also seems to "sorta" exist. Wood at least still seems to absorb water and change density, so there's that.
>>128330That complicates my line of arguments a bit... In that case I would just scream for help and Twilight would save me.
>>128355I can see that happening.
>>134009Why must you do this necrobumper? Getting my hopes up for nothing.
>>134011it's been 2 months since the last update I don't think they are coming back anon
>>134214Maybe someone else should take the mantle of /mlpol/-tan and carry on the legacy?
>>134216No, there is only one. None shall replace her.
>>134216>>134222I'd say give her the benefit of the doubt that she is just saving all her shit up for the birthday of this place. If after that she doesn't show then we can begin contemplating it.
>>134222Well Anon, not every story has a happy ending, or any ending at all...
>>134226maybe it's symbolic that just as mlpol's story has no ending the comic will have no ending.
>>134232Hey I ain't leaving anywhere. And neither are you, fagets.
>>134234I am not implying leaving but the exact opposite. For something to have an end it means it dies. For mlpol to have no end means that our story is not done yet and we still have many chapters left to go in the story of mlpol.
>>134235I am still thinking what is our higher-ups on about with that animator announcement. Good thing Anniversary is @ Easter. Whole day to shitpost with ya all familia.
>>134236I will be with my family heavily so not much shitposting with me. As a Catholic this is a big time of year for me.
>>134242Same but mass for me is @ Saturday between 9pm-2am. I will be back at home around 4am in the morning. Only me and sis in the house for Easter, so that's that.
Besides, holy shit Anons, you wouldn't want to hear the whole story of my "family"...
>>134242That's what late at night/really early in the morning is for anon.
>>110951Part 47, 48 and 49.
Why three parts in one? I had a stockpile. I wanted to do a massive dump of comics for the anniversary. But then something happened. My tablet deleted the digital journal I kept them in. So here I am, trying to desperately recreate them for all of you. I’m sorry for the drop in quality...
>>135232Love your work looking forward for more
>>135232Part 50. /b/ breaks a door and sees an old friend.
This thread is lacking something
>>135232>>135293I am both stoked and scared now.
New set of images in the story!!!! But shit it is getting intense.
>sorry to hear about your tablet>if journal was saved on SD card you might be able to restore it (SD cards can be forgiving when it comes to restoring deleted files; you just need to use a computer, SD-card-reader and some software) >>135293>>135232/mlpol/-tan I should buy you or make you an external hard drive or something so you won't lose anymore shit.
Glad to see you're okay it seems!
…Maybe these would come out faster if I wasn't drawing Warhammer porn all the time.
>>141611I know what I wrote. I can't help it. I like drawing stupid things. Stupid sexy things.
It's mostly just me drawing Primarchs. I'm still drawing comics, I just…
I like drawing other things too.
>>141613You do you fam. It's just unexpected is all.
>>141611lol love the reaction image
>>141609>>141613Have fun drawing Warhammer porn /mlpol/-tan… You have piqued my interest.
>>141613i happen to be interested in that too. consider posting some of your pornhammer primarchs some time.