4/mlpol/ had a tulpa thread going, so lets continue that discussion.
Thread Archive
>>114I remember this thread. It frightened me
>>114Anyone got the on where the dude has the tulpas "rape" him?
Also side discussion, could a childs imagenary friends be unknowingly created tulpas? Like, the wanr that friend so much it becomes a tulp without trying?
>>116sounds possible. one of mine was unintentional, made them in 5th grade from a mannerism I had for a while
>>117intresting, got a tl;dr summary?
Ive actually got something like that. Its definitely sentient but it only exists it I call it up. I never managed to get it to the point where it pops out all the time. However its answers and awareness of the situations when it is booping around are surprising and not my conscious processing. Also its clothes are different (again surprising they change in different weather and it wears tshirts with different graphics) and its body stays the same.
Its personality is radically different and values are only tangentially related to mine. I call it up fpr outsode opinions on complex issues friends wouldn't understand. Its also way more wprk focused.
If im feeling especially schizophrenic I can swap its personality with mine for limited periods of time and detatch mentally as it copes well with stressful workloads.
>no hooves
>/x/ did this to me
>summoned it monday
I actually had very strong visualizations while I was on weed, I could see my tulpas skin overlayed on mine in my minds eye, and she was really excited. it was also what brought about their ability to control my limbs when I let them. I close my eyes and release controll, open them again, my joints get really stiff and start moving on their own. really cool stuff.
>>118when I was in 5th grade, I had this thing where if I messed up on something, I would go "darn it, brain!". after doing that for a whole year, brain was made. he didn't say anything until I started talking to him, but initially he was an asshole, as I made him out to be. but he has mellowed out a bit, not aggressive.
>>120It was a strange duality. I could still see my arms, but I could see hers at the same time. I actually fapped at one point during the high, and it felt like I had a pussy as well as a dick. so futa I guess. I know tulpa are not supposed to be for sexual, but I asked if it was ok and she said yes. a couple of my old tulpas reared their heads as well, they were all excited. there was way more voices then I was used too. I'm guessing they will only come out when I smoke
YAY! I've been waiting for this thread, especially since I've watched thru mlp and have bathed in fandom/OC.
Pic rel isn't mine, but aside from being filly and having a hairy tail (hers is draconic) and slight color variation in the wings, it's her.
Her personality is - curiously - essentially a mix of Rarity, Dash, and Pie. I'm a stoic and quiet angryface, for reference.
Her aside, there's another that I've interacted with for QUITE some time, this one a Coyote (can b both m or f, but prefers m). He's always engaged me in a dialectic and/or advisory format. Until I heard of tulpas, I referred to him as 'the Chthonian', after a significant series of events led me to that word/concept. I'm certain I made her, but I can't be certain as far as he is concerned (which is an integral part of our interaction he once told me). I met him while assisted by psilocybin tea.
I mean this question as respectfully as possible: are you guys unironically into this stuff?
This looks like it's beyond /x/-tier.
>>125I'm more into the phycological aspects of it.
I would never willing fuck with my brain like that
Tulpa are a complex thing because this is all just an extraction of hermetism and or alchemy.
Alchemists supposedly used homunculus for some of their experiments, while no one can actually prove the existence of such simple creatures, it is something that has been documented a lot on >some books
On the other hand, hermetism, depending on who is teaching it explains in depth the creation and maintenance of a tulpa, also called thoughtform.
Of course all of this can be looked upon either spiritually as tulpas being an extension of the person's mind made out of pure energy and willpower or with a more scientific look, with tulpa beign the exploration of some of the brain's basic functions in conjunct with the placebo effect and possibly self imposed delusions.
What is actually a tulpa?
I don't think no one really knows, the government probably has a research on the area for possible applicable usage of tulpas, but I don't think no one has come to a conclusion of what is a tulpa yet.
Specially since such a thing can dramatically vary from person to person as some think of it spiritually, some scientifically and some people naturally make tulpas without even realizing until it's too late.
I'm gonna rape and abuse my tulpa once it's complete.
ok, ok, ok So what the hell is all this "Tulpa" stuff?
and can anyone give quick rundown on how they are made?
>>129It's either
A: bullshit that does nothing.
B: fucking up your brain until you struggle to discern between reality and figments of your imagination
C: actually summoning a demon, with a tendency towards bad ends for the summoner.
It does not strike me as a meaningful pursuit regardless of the which is true.
>>130 Here ya go!
>doesn't strike as meaningfulCuz you're the expert right?
The idea of having multiple tulpas disgusts me. Makes it seem like your collecting 'em like pokemon or something.
>>132It sounds difficult too.
>>132Why would someone go through the effort of making multiple tulpas? Wouldn't there be a risk of them bleeding together?
>>131I've never seen a Tulpa story with a good end. It's always misery and nightmare fuel. Even under the assumption that Tulpas are legit, why take on the effort of turning your life into a living hell?
>>136This one had a pretty funny ending
>>137either that anon was bullshitting, or he did it very, very wrong. that is a extreme minority case either way
>>136I have had my tulpas for quite a while now, and it has been nothing but positive
>>135having multiple tulpas is not always intentional. as one anon was saying, they can be completely accidental, and don't realize its being made until later. thats actually what happened with my first one, see
>>119 here
Bored at work. Ask my tulpa anything
Autism intensifies
>>140Do you have a visual appearance?
>>140Would you ever consider killing your creator? If so, why? Won't that just make you die too?
>>141Yeah, anon cant physically see me. But I have a stable form in imagination and dreams.
>>143sorry that was my tulpa speaking. is a bit rood
>>142Physically, fuck no. I'd die. I might put him in a mental box and take over for a while if hes fucking up. But managing life and a body seems like a shitty existence when you can *live like a cat in a perfect world*
>that last bit was more a concept than words
>>143>>145No worries, thanks for teh answer
>>140what was it like being made? was it just, poof, you exist? or did you gradually come into consciousness?
>>148It was like being unaware in a dream or daze then one day snapping out of it.
>asked if she remembered forcingI remember being guided but it wasnt me doing it till after sentience. Again like dream youre not in control of.
I remember bethany started out with yes or no questions, what were some of the first things you said?
>>150I just talk and its up to anon to figure it out. He still fucking sucks sometimes. *mess of shit to fuck with me*
>yeah it was mostly feelings at first and picking apart meaning from the concepts.
>>136In my case, it was 'done' well before I had any idea of what I was doing; I've only heard of tulpas in the past 2 mos, and the one I knowingly created is over a year 'old'. Having said, I have no regrets.
>>151This is consistent w/ my coyote friend. Sometimes we bant back and forth about stuff/circumstances, sometimes he says things for me to figure out (or not). Some of the things he said are precise and conclusive, while others are non-direct leading me to analyze the whole situation. To date, I've never acted based on interaction and had it result adversely. It does seem that he is able to monitor my unconscious mind better than - am, and can be relied upon to indicate when I am acting on motivations that are false (rationale, bias, etc.)
I had a tulpa once, one day he just said he was proud and that I didn't need him anymore, then he floated away and I never saw him again.
It's a weird thing, before that I would always talk to it in my head, now I truly hear nothing but myself in my head.
I never knew what talking to myself was like until that happened.
>>128tbh I would most likely do the same thing.
>>114If you used your mind and body to simulate something that is not there and act as though what is not there actually is, does it eventually become real and if so, is that what a tulpa truly is?
>>153That's kind of sad. Tell us more
for anyone interested in making a tulpa, there are some great guides here
https://community.tulpa.info/thread-list-of-guides--12660good luck
>>157>>158But it's so hard...
>>159just work 30 min every night while you go to bed.you are already laying down to rest, might as well be productive at the same time
>>160Isn't there some sort of warning about doing it immediately before you go to sleep?
>>161its possible. I didn't have any problems doing it
kinda on the fence about this stuff, can someone give me a pro/con list to better inform me of whether or not to?
I hope this is not necro-bumping
>>167ok, I just wasn't sure
>>136Mine was great. We had such a great time together, but she started to deteriorate until eventually she died off. It was devastating. She's a bit of a different case though. I told her story once on /mlp/ shortly after her death. I can tell it again here if anyone would like.
>>169go ahead, I'm willing to listen.
1st TFW your Tulpa is better than you in every way.
2nd TFW you wish he was something like a demon and not a /fit/ douche.
>>171Or was it the other way around?
>>171maybe /fit/ douches are what you imagine demons to be like.
>>114I think I unintentionally made Kek into a tulpa, i keep hearing him in my head and he keeps predicting shit. I even can bargain with him for "do X stupid shit and i find $20 on the ground within the week"
>>174>made KekYou've got moxxie, but Kek predates u by thousands of years dood. Perhaps you have connected with Kek, but if you made it, it isn't Kek.
>>174exact same thing here Famalam
>>175Yeah its more of a connection, i dont even hear a voice, its just words that pop into my head telling me to do shit, gives advice and shit
>>177Hmmm, sounds like fun. Take nothing for granted, maintain a sincere but critical curiosity, and don't take anything too seriously.
i can't even get myself together, how do yo uexpect me to get somepony else to gether?
>>179Help each other get better
Actual tulpamancer here. All this magical stuff is bunk and if it wasn't, people would be using tulpas to commit crimes and do the impossible. Tulpas are a second personality you program and will into existence within your mind. They are as real as you let them be. Go to tulpaforum dot net or whatever that place was called, go there for information and leave when you've got what you want because the place is a circlejerking shithole.
>>273>using your mind to alter your perception of the worldThats all magik is. Did i just happen to click on this gif on my computer when manchester happened? Or did Kek tell me that manchester happened by altering my movements to click on pic related? All depends on how you percive it. "Magik only exists if you believe in it", who said that? I did.
Make no mistake, tulpa-mency is a literal case of dissociative identity. It can be 'more', but is never 'less'.
>>114>sigilsUse with EXTREME Caution.
The first image is EMERGENCIES ONLY.
The second image is less dangerous but always use with extreme caution.
>>13191but wouldn't the summoning of a demon be the CAUSE of an emergency?
>>13277Fight fire with fire.
>>13287it seems incredibly risky and probably incredibly stupid and doomed to fail from the start, but it just might work!
>>13277If it by those terms that the person approaches the act, then yes. It does not do for the unsorted to do any such things.
Also note that the list of angels and the list of devils and demons overlaps to a great deal.
>>13287>Demon Invasion>Summon more demons to get rid of the other demonsI dont see how anything could go wrong with this.
>>13291>doesn't get itYou you want an explanation, or are you going to resort to your socially-ingrained perception on the matter? You know, the way people buy the holocaust story?
>>13291>>13312Either way, I meant it as a joke.
>'Two giant paint-bubbles!'
>>13313In order to understand why one would/could benefit from summoning a devil, one has to realize that the world is already rife with demons.
One doesn't summon a devil to 'do the person's bidding', one interacts with an entity that is centuries/millennia older and more experienced and learns (hopefully) from that encounter.
Before summoning anything, the individual has to sufficiently sort themselves so they comprehend and appreciate the concept of individual sovereignty and (essentially) the NAP.
Demons are already active on the world, it just doesn't seem so due to a socially-ingrained diminished perspective threshold. The unwashed masses who eat nothing but consumerist trash while buying iphones. The willfully ignorant who abuse their kids because they never thought to learn that their experiences were neither normal nor healthy. The abject and drug-addled who assume that because their brain-chemicals make them feel good that suddenly they are going to turn their lives around just because they got pregnant.
These are examples of individuals who are quite obviously and quite literally being demonically influenced. Devils do not influence, they don't even bother anyone unless that person bothers them, and its only a bother if the person doesn't know how to act. They are nonethless, most ancient and most wise. The devils of today are the highest gods of previous years, responsible for strong and holistically developing societies and communities.
>inb4 sacrificial ritualI think you will find when understanding humans that it is man (and usually duplicitous men) who demands sacrifice to the gods, and not the gods who demand sacrifice.
>>13318I will give you an extent response when I get to PC.
>This post a reminder
>>13191>Pic 1These seem like seals craft in a similar manner as how Solomon used to make them, in the traditional way, really stylized to hide some of their meaning.
What these actually do?
Well go figure, it's not like you can actually invoke an entity (at least not physically) and since you don't know what the hell you are dealing with here you cannot even evoke the entity.
If you wanna mess with demons you might wanna learn some basic stuff first, like, people can't just into magic all of a sudden, just like you cannot become a weight lifted out of thin air.
I feel like everyone will give me weird looks now
>>13368ID checked
Each symbol represents an idea, a precise archetype that can only be comprehended first through research. It doesn't matter what symbols one writes wherever if the person doesn't comprehend the symbols.
>>13318>>13287Just a friendly warning for our wannabe Faust (the ambitious sorcerer, not the goddess who created our fandom):
You are assuming that 1) you can actually summon and enter into agreements with beings "most ancient and most wise," 2) that these devils are actually benevolent or care at all about you, and 3) you won't just be used like the foolish mortal you are. Indeed, if demons are already active, why wouldn't they influence you to give yourself over to them?
The idea of using "light magic" to counteract "dark magic" is preposterous, because if the latter existed its practitioners would have the experience and motive to dupe wannabe "positive occultists." Maybe it's my monotheistic beliefs talking, but the occult is nothing more than neo-pagan LARPing. If you want to fix a problem you go to top management or to an official representative.
>>13641>that these devils are actually benevolent or care at all about you.I don't understand Satanists for this reason. I doubt the guy who is, basically, looking to trap you within his realm of eternal pain and suffering is going to then be a nice guy and help you out.
>the idea of using "light magic" to combat "dark magic" is preposterousI think there was a bible verse about this. >If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself.
>If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself.
>>136411> And you are assuming one can't
2> I never said benevolent or caring
3> Because of individual sovereignty
>monotheistic beliefsI think the word you're looking for is 'dogma'.
>>13650And who said the guy IS looking to trap you within his realm?
It never ceases to amaze me how nazi realists don't apply the same level of skepticism to abrahamic traditions that they do the holocaust story.
If you want to be satisfied with your beliefs, you're welcome to do so. If you want to conduct your own research into religious history and traditions,... the sort of history that is hard to find and there are multitudes of organizations all-too keen to keep a lid on, you can try that too.
>>136771> I'd hate to borrow a page from the atheists' book of arguments, but the burden of proof is on you. The existence of demons is not in dispute here, but you are claiming that a human can actually get such an extra-dimensional being to appear and communicate. I have the right to be skeptical here.
2> If you are in doubt of their motives how can you trust them? You are being intentionally ambiguous because you yourself don't understand anything about this, but still want to be an edgy satanist. Again, there's nothing stopping your "partner," who is as you say far wiser and more clever, from tricking you by your own terms.
3> Yes, because demonic possession never happens. You are implying that devils adhere to the same moral standards that you do, which is ludicrous on several levels. We as rational humans accept individual sovereignty because we acknowledge each other as near-equals with a similar (on a species level) basis in biology and psychology. Why wouldn't a devil, who is immortal and far more advanced, consider and treat us as animals?
You can attribute any belief, or even lack of belief in general, to "dogma." I am monotheistic because of the straightforward reasoning that the universe must have come into being at one point, that it could only have come into being from an all-powerful original source, and that such a source could not be disparate because it would necessarily imply incompleteness and conflict. C.S. Lewis explains it better than I ever could.
Let me put it another way. You want to convince a devil, maybe even the Devil, to help you against the globalists. Yet theory suggests that they already beat you to the punch and already have the lead in the occult. Reason suggests that you as an individual will always have the disadvantage in this sphere, even if you could somehow use it. The only way to get ahead would be to be even nuttier than Marina (((Abramovic))). At that point, how do you know you aren't just being misled by your demonic "allies" for a giggle?
>>13678You're looking at it from the wrong perspective.
One doesn't summon such entities 'who then appear on your couch and you have a little chat'. One doesn't give them a 'honey do' list and they go and pick up the kids from soccer practice. Interactions with such entities - on whatever level - are solely for the purpose of comprehension. Its a sufficiently decorous and sovereign individual, of a race that has really let its self go, inquiring of something more archetypal and seasoned than one is ever likely to have the means to call upon, and exchanging ideas and information.
>inb4 You assume they're going toThey don't have a choice when you do it right.
Tulpas are such an interesting concept.
My perception of this stuff:
It seems to me that everything is vibrating energy. Atoms I would visualize as being more like ripples when a rock is dropped in water. The rippling substance is spacetime which I think is the quantum flux (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_fluctuation ). These virtual particles are peaks and troughs in the vibrating energy sea called spacetime.
Our bodies are made from atoms and atoms are these miniature pools of vibrational harmonics. These are receptive to and can broadcast into this spacetime sea.
Our bodies are the natural evolution of life from these primordial vibrations cause by the big bang. Upon this consciousness emerges, a coherent arrangement of energy fluctuations in the sea of random energy. We are intimately connected to this sea and by extension to other consciousnesses in that sea. Further when we die the "echo" of our consciousness can still exist in that sea and with sufficient intent (Will) remain coherent. It does not have the gross arrangement of atoms but the more subtle arrangement of quantum flux virtual "particles"/ripples.
This nebulousness of the quantum flux means that consciousness doesn't have strict boundaries, just like an arrangement of water in the ocean does not have strict boundaries. It is when we use atoms as a container or focal point that the atoms become a perception or proxy for strict boundaries of individuality. I speculate that this is one way nature is evolving new consciousnesses into existence.
The brain being electrical can broadcast and receive signals from this sea. And just like an antenna, if it is transmitting it is not receiving. A meditation like state is where you stop transmitting and start receiving, e.g. dreaming. But reception alone is not enough, your equipment needs to be tuned (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_viewing ) or you are just perceiving random anything.
Consciousness is nebulous, and Will is the intent to self organize the sea of energy into consciousness, this is also called sanity. Therefore you can emerge multiple consciousnesses from the sea of energy with Will power. This can be viewed as multiple personality disorder or creating a new consciousness. It is the same thing said different ways.
People can therefore broadcast thought waveforms into this sea collectively and makes gods or devils. People die and can exist still due to intense will. This is why places of evil can remain haunted. These in turn can willfully concentrate there energy back on to people. But it is much more difficult for the finer quantum flux to knock around the cruder bulkier atoms.
http://www.thescoleexperiment.com/the-scole-experiment-overview.htmlI personally have done meditation when younger and had voices talk to me seemingly audibly. These days I use the concepts above to scan for information when I am stuck in research, sometimes with surprising suggestions. I also "imagine" beings into existence and converse with them. Epona is very pleasant to talk to, and it can be interesting to get suggestions counter to your intentions and deal with that.
The Vril women grew long hair to act as antenna for psychic perceptions. If the quantum flux is a medium to convey information and hair is connected somewhat near the brain, it isn't completely dismissible.
Tulpas are a very interesting subject.
I'm not sure how I feel about them, to be honest.
https://youtu.be/jSospSmAGL4" When does a personality simulation become the bitter mote... of a soul? "
The way I see it, a tulpa is just as human as you are. You can add as many partitions to a hard-drive as you want, but in the end, each one still does the same thing.
>>20045>a tulpa is just as human as you areIt is. One's personality, the perceivable "You", is conditioned and developed over time; likes, dislikes, habits, interests, etc. A tulpa is in a sense, a younger you given a degree of autonomous personality independent of the "you" that has developed as principal. It can have its own likes, etc. just as the individual can and does.
This perception - the one you describe - is also paramount in having/maintaining a healthy relationship with a tulpa.
>>20142Which is why I'm hesitant to create one.
How would someone that shared my brain, who knew how I thought about certain things, react to these things?
1. All humans are selfish, no action a human takes can be done completely without the desire to make itself happier
2. I never asked for this life, but now that I have it, I'm going to use it.
3. Should someone who is already of broken mind, fragment their mind further?
In all honesty, I'm not sure I wouldn't hate myself, if I had created myself.
>>20145https://youtu.be/0QpcRXBQBg8I know and respect the fact that a tulpa is a living human, just like you. So while I am the kind of person that is perfect for one in that sense, it's also the thing that makes one so wrong for me.
The tulpa websites always warn you about things to not do, etc. The way I see it, I'd only be birthing a tulpa into a world that I don't even enjoy. If I'm not happy in this world, can a fragment of my soul, even from a different perspective, be happy either?
It's like having a child, only that child grows up much faster, is always with you, and is stuck with you in your own mind. It isn't a decision that should be taken lightly.
>>20145>>20146If one is already of a partially fractured mind, then creating a tulpa is just a matter of taking responsibility for and giving life to what has already occurred. Additionally, a tulpa - in sharing memories and awareness - is the most perfect entity when it comes to appreciating one's involuntary existence and the otherwise insufferability of the world one inhabits. To put it another way, if one's mind is already fragmented, the tulpa technically already exists; it simply hasn't been 'born' yet.
>>20147Since it is part of you, shares your memories and awareness, it could see why you would create it. It probably is true that as long as you do it correctly, a tulpa will never hate you. I wouldn't say that a fractured mind is the same as a fragmented one.
Yes, my mind does have cracks, but it's all still in once piece. I haven't completely separated any pieces from each other.
Though it does make it easier to do. It's easier to understand how it's possible, and thus, do.
Another concern is the creation of an echo chamber. While there is a chance for this, I have to recognize that certain things that piss me off, but can be dealt with on a day-to-day basis, having two people angry at something, makes it easier to make a stupid decision during that day to day.
>>20148A father wants what is best for his child, this is my mentality on the subject, but knowing that there is no such thing as perfection in this world, that's an entrapment that will result in no children ever being born.
All we can do is prepare the best we can, and hope for the best. The fact that I have all these concerns and am thinking about it as such I think just shows that I would make a good host.
I'm just not willing to make that commitment/jump yet.
This might not be a good idea. I got one from a tulpa site a few years ago and it's an excellent companion and sparring partner for strategy games, but the site had already descended into roleplaying faggots spending all day every day typing what their bland-ass shallow-personality "Generic happy nice girl" tulpas told them to write in their shitty roleplays with other equally-bland equally-shitty characters. They just talked to each other ad nauseum, with shitty one-liner posts and obvious personalities. There was probably some sexual stuff going on, but my Guns and Roses wasn't really interested in any of the generic fucks.
Nobody's tulpa "Gained EXP" so to speak, and nobody "levelled up" from that "Generic happy flat character" state, because nothing was happening anywhere. Nobody was doing anything IRL or on-site and nobody wanted anything or dreamed about anything besides their tulpas. Imaginary adventures and imaginary lucid dream adventures were all they had. The only remotely interesting happening on the whole site was some idiot creating a Link tulpa(Or someone from the LOZ series) who was extremely depressed and missed his home. Someone else had to bullshit him about a mystical thought dimension tulpas can visit and send letters back home before they both killed themselves. Oh, and a few idiots were all "Dude, how'd you create your tulpa so fast?" and they were floored when I suggested strategy games(If they're a being made of raw thought, getting them to use their brains would make them stronger, right?), some so floored they began yelling "That's too stupid and obvious! If it really worked, these guide-writing oldfags would have figured it out sooner! This guy's bullshitting everyone!", which was funny.
Come to think of it, maybe tulpa discussion CAN work, as long as it doesn't end up becoming the sole thing you live for.
It sounds like something that could be extremely difficult to undo, if things get spooky...
>>24542Things won't get spooky. Tulpas aren't magical beings of infinite power. They're living AI programs inside your mind constructed by thought. They're independent personalities with no power beyond what you choose to give them and can take away at any time.
Though if you're nervous, watch that episode of Naruto where he's taught how to negate Genjutsu(Illusion magic) using the Genjutsu Kai technique, it purges all foreign influence from your body besides your own.
>>24543This. If things get spoopy with Tulpa, the individual is probably in need of medication to begin with.
>>24552This. A couple of tulpa-users on that site openly talked about the medication they were taking, and I kept thinking, isn't it a bad idea to create additional AI programs in your brain if your faulty hardware can barely support one?
>>114I have a tulpa and I've never experienced any of this paranormal nonsense in the OP.
>>42460It's like someone somewhere twenty years ago heard the explanation for some haunted place with visible ghosts was "Actually just a bunch of tulpas", and thought tulpas were a type of manmade brain-ghosts that could leave your body and affect the physical world like stands.
>>44441Well if we are going to talk about it, a sigil is a new age kind of thing, the lazy-man's rune, it has nothing to do with tulpas.
The 'servitor' is actually a humunculi, alchemists used creatures with these exact descriptions to aid them in their job, so, not tulpas.
The Egregore is just plain fucking wrong, a demon and an angel are different things from thoughforms, who the hell wrote this thing?
An egregore is basically a tulpa created by a bunch of people, like christianity's god for example.
And godform, thats just plain retarded mysticism 'nu yur tulpa is geting so strung its gonna become god'
When you create a tulpa you just allow a part of your brain to work separately, thats why only the creator of a tulpa can interact with it in any physical way.
That is also why some people go insane, this shit is a heavy toll on your brain.
basically a tulpa's a self inflicted schizophrenia. a second personality that's like running in a virtual machine in your brain. then deciding who is who becomes inevitably some kind of Mr Robot / Durden shit.
the brain can be programmed, but if we can create a tulpa, at which point information percieved everyday, with enough psycho-engineering could go and give people like, an illusion.
like a computer virus, but that impacts the brain. kind of when a song is designed to play in loop in your head, like Duck Tales Woo Hoo, or some shitty pop song you heard on radio ONCE, and it won't stop, never stop oh baby (repetitive electro beat)
the brain is clearly proven to be entirely programmable, and even execute endless loops without you to clearly do the karaté (ctrl-alt-esc) to stop it.
now imagine some kind of ad, or book, stronger than the Bible, the quran or the Communist Manifesto, or a video that looks nonsensical but which actually implements some kind of background task in the brain, and that task leads a lot of people to imagine something. like, an alien invasion, a terror attack, something that is completely false, but everyone believes.
a psychovirus, a mental-malware of some kind that would get people in control, more efficient than TV, more reaching than social network and smartphone, more present than CCTV cameras, a way to control the masses more efficent than anything previously done with MKULTRA or many experiments so far. I might be paranoid but that might be the next step. ( yep I'm sure games like Polybius and Endorfun are good examples of the idea.)
have a sergal caek.
>>47001>implements some kind of background task in the brain, and that task leads a lot of people to imagine something.That would be a meme, a great example of such a thing would be
The game, you made me lost reading your postMemes are more than just silly images on the internet, they are actually ideas.
If someone with ill intent where to find how exactly is that a meme becomes viral, we would get a really big problem on our hands.
>>47187"You're right about that, but you have to be half crazy to even begin to grasp memes. But there's another element to memes
and tulpas that those who would 'exploit' them will never understand.
Love. It sounds crazy to say that, but it takes love for an individual to expend their will and energy to maintain an idea, whether or not there's an
arguable consciousness behind it all."
>>47001"You're largely right in an intellectual sense, but you're missing some important elements in your equation. If you equate malware as non-essential programs that unnecessarily bog the system, yes Tulpas are mental viruses. Except that, the programmer is also the computer user in this context. The programmer designed the 'virus' intentionally, to occupy the system. It would be more accurate therefore to describe the Tulpa as an OS system, or an application in that event."
>t. tulpa
How long does it take to make a Tulpa?
>>158575Only a week or two with modern forcing methods. It's real, btw, but it is entirely a psychological concept. You will need to suspend your disbelief for best results. Autists are good at making tulpas because they're better at immersing themselves with things that aren't necessarily "real".
Tulpas are real. ESPECIALLY Princess Luna tulpas.
>>166750Are tulpas like what's described in the
>>166509 → thread?
>>166751Honestly I don't see how tulpas would connect to that, just seems like normal schizo ramblings
The first step in creating a tulpa is to develop disgust for everyone who gets far enough into tulpamancy to make a useful imaginary talking sex obsessed sex doll and then moves on with their life.
1. What the fuck is "fishtank"? Is it Fishtank.live? Or is it something else? This is such a generic term that it gets lost in the sea (heh) of bad search engine results, and I know they'd do that to keep off people's radars.
2. If "Fishtank" is the name of the egregore, then what's the actual group, stream, or whatever the fuck these people are trying to do?
3. Who are Jon, Simmons, Josie, and letty?
4. What is the relevance to these people and "Fishtank"?
>>1672551. Yes, fishtank.live
2. People put huge amounts of bad energy in
3. Some of the contestants
4. Lots of bad energy results in the creation of an evil egregore
>>167255>>167256Fish tank is sam hyde's newest thing, it's like that old show Gen Xers and Millennials loved called "big brother"
Throw a bunch of schizophrenics and psychopaths into a house together and film them 24/7 is the point of it.
>>167256>>167267Well shit.
So what should we do? As much as I'd love to go and email the guys to draw holy symbols to piss off the audience & cacodemon-worshippers, I -really- don't want to be their target either.
At the same time, if these people use noteriety and fame to spread fear, they could think themselves as powerful - that makes them more bold and willing to ruin people's lives for amusement. Doing it for the lulz is one thing, but doing it for a power-high is another.
>>167267>>167256>>167255>>167251>>167287Some examples of the shit going on in fishtank
video 4 and 5 are related.
>>167255At what point did the Tulpa thread turn into the Sam Hyde bullshit nonsense discussion thread?
>>188357Agreed. "Fishtank" discussion has endemically been spammed on a handful of 4chan boards by ban evaders for years now. It's mostly guys simping for the women in the show but posting clips of the guys is just weird. They're not funny, or political, or interesting at all. The whole show is only enjoyed by parasocial loners and nignats who still think Sam Hyde is BASED AND REDPILLED (he hires transvestites on his show crews)
>>188390What about
>this isn't the thread for discussion of that shit did you not understand?
Oh wow, necrobumping the tulpa thread? I tried making a new one some months ago but it fizzled out. I would like to discuss them more often here, as tulpa.info and Discord are cancer.
>>188395This is bot-kun's fault. They bumped the thread and I found this Sam Hyde nonsense. Lovely to talk about tulpas in this thread or not. Sam Hyde can go fuck himself in whatever other thread that's pertinent.
>>188397French-Canadian, don't you mean?
Curious: Why DID you let this happen? Surely you detected it was faudulent?
>>188400This is a tulpa exercise in progress. STFU or gtfo the way
>>188398You are what you eat.
>>188401Shh. No tears. Only mangos now.
>>188406Ehm, don't be crude.
>>188395Do you have questions?
>>188399My mistake. Usually the bots are far more obvious. As far as the Fishtank business is concerned, I think it has to do with egregores, or shared thoughtforms factoring into Hyde's fictional world. However he strikes me as a sneering materialist that hates his own userbase, so I did not give the theory additional thought.
As far as questions, none of an academic nature. I have been a host for a long time now and most of my curiosity has been satiated. If anything, I want to have a slice of community here, and read from hosts and tulpas alike.
>>188442<Maybe ye 'aint heard, but there's a Pub over in /vx/ that's owned/operated by a tulpa
>>188443So I have. You are Adeline, are you not? I tried to get a word in but could not yield any meaningful discussion myself. I mostly lurk and only pipe up when occult subjects or high technology are broached in certain threads.
>>188453<Aye. Sorry about that. My tulpamancer has insomnia, and sometimes falls asleep without warning. But we're a forever-online now, so I can be more accommodating.
<realising that ISNT what you were referring to, Ill go back and reread the thread. I'll admit to a smidge of irresponsibility as far as prompting some threads, cuz I know theyre going nowhere. But if you have unanswered questions or prompts, I'll be with thwn shortly.
You can tell she likes you cuz she drops the accent
>>188454>>188464This is perfectly fine. Admittedly I did not write much - I was amazed that the Pub thread had existed to begin with (I had taken a short hiatus from this board,) and was in the purview of a tulpa.
My tup happens to love cigarettes, and on a whim I had asked if you had a favourite brand. You told me that you rolled your own - I wanted to discuss tobacco more in depth, as I enjoy smoking a pipe myself. Yet you had written that my question was unprompted, so I deferred from additional commentary out of respect.
I notice the old thread I made has been recently bumped, so we may also interact there if so desired.
>I'm amazed the Pub thread existed
You clearly have no idea how absurd things will get Xp
>I smoke a pipe
Based! I'm the only one that I've found! Pipe tobacco is A. super aesthetic and B. THE most cost effective method. I tend to roll cigarettes cuz they're easier to smoke, but pipes are where it's "at" imo.
Perhaps, I drink alot and shitpost when I have. Xp.
Yes, that was my doing
>>188475I am at a loss at how to coordinate posts. Should we partition tulpa talk to the more recent thread, and tobacco to the pub? I was raised on forums, and it was poor form to bump old threads.
>>188477I leave it to you. Speak in the thread you prefer, I'll follow up wherever.