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anyone know nigel?
372504 372511 372512 372523
came from 4chan
new to most internet access
pretty strict parents and anxiety
i was recommended nigel. but does anyone else feel like the idea of doing work in a factory while i train for IT certifications could save enough for land eventually? (just wait out the real estate crisis somewhere with my parents and save for building an intentional community in like idaho or something?)
like a large homestead trailerpark? and build a community based on the ideals of mlp (i wouldn't advertise it as that, probably use instagram reels ads just for basic homestead jobs, for other people my age who are struggling economically)
it'd provide housing and a job and supply food
(pay minimum wage (taxable income) but housing and food (not taxable income) would be provided)
the basic jobs would be like cutie marks and there would be apprenticeships for young people struggling in the job/housing crisis
i was told here would be the best place for me to ask about it.
mlpol interview.png
A respected and acclaimed member indeed. Anons love him.
372512 372523
Nigel might have left sadly. His last post, as far as I know, was two months ago, >>371522 → .
372514 372523
Not implying it's anyone's fault, I just can't help but to wish that things had gone differently. While he had bad habits, he had interesting opinions too. I guess, things are what they are.

I don't really follow. It seems like your asking for if the logistics of your idea makes sense, or are you trying to convince me that it's a good idea. From my limited understanding, it seems you are trying to create Ponyville IRL?
372517 372523
>Bad habits
It might also be the guilt I feel towards Nigel that makes me overlook his shortcomings. I honestly, can't tell anymore. I feel like going back over since I can to just reassure myself and a get more objective overview on the whole situation, though, it might not really matter anymore.
Actually going back to the beginning of the current writing thread has settled my feelings of guilt somewhat after re-reading this conversation:
>>359278 →
>>359329 →
>>359348 →
Nigel had plenty of chances to correct his behavior and participate normally in the community. Moreover, he's not actually banned, so if he ever gets the inclination to come back nothing is stopping him, just like nothing was ever stopping him from leaving and staying gone. If he learned to filter his thoughts and post like a normal person, and probably got a US proxy so no one would notice his flag, he could blend in and participate in the board like any other Anon, and nobody would ever call him "Nigel" again. He could have done that all along. Even without changing his flag, he could have at least learned to stop writing giant walls of illegible text and behave like a normal Anon, and people would have treated him better. He didn't, so people kept piling on him and making fun of him until eventually he hit some kind of breaking point and apparently, for now left the board for good. I don't know where he is or what he's doing, and I don't especially care. I assume he's off somewhere humping his Chatoyance dakimakura and pounding out long walls of text about Pokemon on some other forum, where he will likely remain until they get sick of him too. You're a good guy for worrying about him, but honestly you're wasting your sympathy on someone who doesn't deserve it.

OP, you probably need some context to understand what's happening in this thread. Whoever you were talking to on 4chan was trolling you about Nigel. "Nigel" is an extremely obnoxious and literally autistic British poster who is well known on this site for causing drama. He's basically Chris chan if he were British and racist. If you want to read his fimfiction masterpiece, it can be found here:

If you want to delve even deeper, you can read these threads about said masterpiece:
>>>/mlpol/165646 →
>>>/mlpol/166716 →

To answer your original question, if you live in the US you can still buy cheap rural land in some areas. I've seen decent parcels for sale in Wyoming and places like that on Zillow for around $20-40k. As to what you could use it for, that would depend on local zoning laws and whatnot, but generally the further you are from a major city the more lax the rules are likely to be. Your biggest issues are likely to be things like water rights. You'd have to do your own research here.

As to paying for it, if you can manage to get yourself a job that pays somewhere in the $20-25 per hour range, you would probably have enough disposable income to afford to buy land somewhere. The biggest snafu is that most of the places where cheap land is available are not likely to have much in the way of factory or IT jobs. Probably your best bet would be to focus on getting a good job for now, buying the land and holding it, and maybe adding buildings/infrastructure as you go. Eventually, when the place is set up to allow you some degree of self-sufficiency (or when you set up some sort of income stream that doesn't require you to live in a city), you would quit your job and move out to your rural enclave.

As far as building a self-sufficient community there, I think it would be plausible. Again, the biggest concern would be zoning and land use issues, which would depend on where you bought the land. Also, you'd want to make sure you trust everyone involved in the project, or you could end up with a major headache. You might want to do some research on hippie communes that existed in the 1960s and 1970s. Cults religious separatists and groups like that have done similar things. Self-sufficient collectives on private land have a well-established history in America, so it's certainly something that can be done.
Maybe they meant nigger?
Negative, it is literally Nigel.
I plan on buying land soon myself
the idea to form a community around mlp has came up several times over the years, I think there was plans to buy an island and name it equestria, none of it ever happened though
If you want to buy land look into Tirligua or Marfa Texas. Out in the midle of the desert with no water, jobs, or building codes. Land is dirt cheap though and there are things that grow out there.