Liberal democracies are imposing an accelerating trend of suppressing civil liberties under the guise of a fictitious epidemic.
Governments blackmail, coercion, threats and violence are going off the charts.
It looks like they are following a detailed plan step by step to do it. At the end of that plot, the plandemic restrictions look like will converge with the Climate Change hoax to reshape society and install officially slavery under the New World Order (NWO) brand.
This thread aims to document and map governments hostile actions, their actors, and The People' struggle for Freedom.
>>317929I have always thought the the liberal democracy was just an indirect dictatorship. Rights and freedoms are just illisions meant to make people complacent because if you think you're free, why would you revolt?
But maybe this will happened. I can't tell.
>>317933Quite an insightful position, the suggestion that rights were 'observed, awarded. and delineated' in codified form as a means of assuaging a population (esp over time) to be more passive and controllable is not immediately refutable.
>Video: Tucker Carlson Warns “Elitist Authoritarians” Are Intent On Making Us All “Shut Up And Obey”>“Has there ever been a clearer window into the society they’re trying to build?”>Fox News host Tucker Carlson issued a stark warning Tuesday, emphasising that “we’re seeing now what happens when countries tolerate authoritarians, even for a moment” as people worldwide are being told to submit to increasingly draconian “rules” in the wake of the pandemic.>Carlson noted “Has there ever been a clearer window into the society they’re trying to build? Our formerly middle-class nation now has a serf class. They’re the ones wearing the masks, being forced to take drugs they don’t want, being told not to communicate with one another, except through digital channels the Democratic Party controls.”>He continued, “We now have two groups of Americans, not a broad middle. The favored and the unfavored. The saved and the damned. The vaccinated and the unvaccinated. That’s how the architects of all this see the country.”
Australia 2021 A Test Model For Global Tyranny!.
>In France No Covid Vaccine Passport No Eat !
In France those without a vaccine passport are being denied entry to a grocery store.
>Vicar faces 4 years in prison for holding Church Service during Lockdown>In early May, Pastor Artur Pawlowski of the Street Church in Alberta, Canada was arrested and charged with organising an “illegal in-person gathering” and “requesting, inciting or inviting others” to join the gathering.>His crime? Holding a church service in defiance of Canada’s lockdown, and he may be about to spend four years in prison as a result of doing so.>A video of the pastor had previously gone viral when police officers raided a Passover celebration at his Alberta church and Pastor Pawlowski scolded the officers until they left. His reasons for doing so were that he has seen something similar before in terms of persecution of Christians.
>French citizens boycott vaccine passports by eating right in front of nearly empty, vaxx-only bars and restaurants. Red pill news UK [Embed]
>EXCLUSIVE: National Guard Posts, Deletes, Re-Posts 13 Internment/Resettlement Specialist Job Listings Mostly Near Jails and Prisons>Stunning DoD Directive states that "civilian internees may lawfully be detained">NATIONAL FILE has obtained a chart showing the 13 job openings the U.S. National Guard posted for an “Internment/Resettlement Specialist” on July 15, 2021.>The U.S. National Guard then took all of the job postings down, then re-posted them on August 17, several days after NATIONAL FILE’s original report on the Internment/Resettlement program. In this chart, you will see that 12 of the 13 job openings are for internment/resettlement specialists in locations close to jails or prisons (with the only exception being the job in Washington, D.C.)>The U.S. military is coming under increased scrutiny from patriots as the Joe Biden regime attempts to force all military servicemembers to take the Coronavirus injection despite widespread reports of health problems surfacing in people who took the vaccine. Here are the 13 U.S. Army National Guard Internment/Resettlement locations, according to this report obtained by NATIONAL FILE:
>>318045Commentary on these covid concentration camps and that same article about Americans that will be taken prisoner
>World Order Collapses Around Biden's Ears As He Pushes Globalist Agenda Forward
>>317929>1sf picGod I miss David Dees, rest in peace you glorious bastard.
>Quarantine Facilities being built in Australia for dissidents
>"Quarantine Facility" is politician speak for gulag for the unvaccinated.
>Checkpoints And Quarantine Camps Popping Up Across Australia [Embed]
>>318066Obviously the glowniggers told her to do that video, and being herself a homosexual she did it with pleasure.
Her provocation reminds me of the predictions of post
>>318026 → saying that the regime must escalate tensions and get an excuse.
Australian woman speaks her mind on the downfall of her country. [Embed]
>Trucker sends a message to the fucking government of Australia
>-"Fuck you, we are going to take this country back!"
>>318066>Woke soldier says she’ll shoot Americans who disobey her if martial law is declared. She must not realize how many of us veterans have the same training and won’t be on her side [Embed]
Remember everyone, shit may be fucked right now but things will get better. Blackpilling is gay and cringe, try to look at the lighter things around you. I enjoy seeing the stupidity of our "leaders" and having a laugh and I know that doing that makes them angryer
>A "covid fugitive" considered the " enemy No. 1 of public health "has been arrested near Sydney after 10 days on the run. He refused to isolate himself after a positive test and gave a false address before fleeing. An arrest warrant had been issued. [Embed]
>>318245>stupidity of our "leaders"You mean planned wickedness.
>Vaccinated Australians To Be Granted New “Freedom”; Government Sanctioned “Hour Of Recreation”>In a chilling development, Australians in New South Wales, which includes the city of Sydney, are to be granted extra “freedom” if they are fully vaccinated, with residents allowed to “leave home for an hour of recreation on top of their exercise hour.” [Embed][YouTube] NSW Premier announces freedoms, Victorians struggle to get essentials in lockdown | 9 News Australia
[Embed][YouTube] Australia Has Fallen
>SURVEILLANCE STATE: “Identify and Disrupt” Bill will Give Australian Authorities Access to Any Citizen’s Social Media, Email Account Without Consent; Allow Them to Add, Delete Information and Send Messages>If you were wondering what a tyrant like Stalin or Mao would do in the age of technology, take a look down under.>The Australian parliament passed unprecedented legislation that gives federal police near-unrestricted powers to spy on any Australian citizen – by gaining access to their social media and email accounts without their knowledge – if they have been ‘suspected of criminal activity.’>The totalitarian “Identify and Disrupt” bill creates 3 new types of “data disruption” warrants that the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission can use to copy, delete and modify content on individuals online accounts. >Federal authorities will be able to impersonate the account holder and send emails or messages to their online correspondents. >The measure easily passed the senate with sweeping support despite legislators failing to set up proper safeguards that were recommended by a bipartisan joint committee.
>Victory in France: Judges Overturn Macron's Decree to Deny Food the Unvaccinated Food (Video)>The embattled French President, who had previously said he would never mandate coronavirus “vaccines,” has not only broken his promises but is now trying to harm citizens who are refusing to be jabbed.>French judges have taken action against President Emmanual Macron’s oppressive and discriminatory coronavirus vaccination requirements. This past week, judges in two different French departments overturned Macron’s decree’s making the health pass compulsory in several shopping centers. Instead, the judges ruled that it prevented access to essential goods to people who do not have them.>Chaos initially ensued after France had tried to discriminate against the unvaccinated. Citizens were terrified and angry that the government would force them to get vaccinated by banning them from buying essential goods from supermarkets. Crowds protested in front of food markets. You can hear the crowd chants in unison in a spontaneous display of solidarity in the following video.>France: Supermarket Customers Protests Ban - They Can Not Enter Unless Vaccinated>France: Judge overturns Health Passports Requirements for Entry into Retail Businesses in Yvelines
>Message from a wife of an Australian police officer [Embed]Too late, they already took a side.
>>318318>AustraliaThat woman feels deep inside that her home will be burnt.
And the forecaster predicts that shit will begin this Tuesday.
>>318320Got the link to the full video for context? Now I’m curious about his full lecture.
>>318343I found it.
I am watching it and it is mostly /vx/ stuff.
>Waiter, there is a bug in my woo - Explorers Guide to SciFi World [Embed]
>>318348Different names but the descriptions line up time and time again.
His 'The Bug' unhuman actions also align with alien invaders, alien domination/control, hostile entities, some distinctly unhuman entities such as archons or some transplutonian beings (aka lovecraftian stuff, as in we're in the position that is antithetical for some of them and thats a position of stength for us. Which means getting useful pawns to do stuff.) It just keeps going up and down.
Some things want more homos and don't really care about the side effects or who they have to hurt ect ect ect. Somethings just want more worshipers no matter how much they brutalize them or slay their offspring.
Ect. You get the picture.
Doesn't matter if it's a thought form, magic stuff, psychic things, collective unconscious, noosphere, memetic beings, magnetic resonance, aether, or whatever else the end results boil down to this.
Some collection of stuff is assisting/enabling/catalysizing/orchestrating in the ruination of humanity.
That's bad.
>>318348Thanks for the video, and before I forget Political Ponerology (study of evil) also describes this from a more psychological and genetic standpoint.
>>318348Oh, wait a minute he IDENTIFIED a collection into a 'thing' or symbol which encompasses all the evil bullshit.
As a magic user this is very useful because you can do some pretty heinous things once you know what it is 'even if it's a descriptor or label you slapped on it. Anyway thats the magic thread topic.
Basically you can do stuff to it if you think you can do stuff to it. Now the question is how tough is it and how flexible is it.
>>318262This one is especially fucked up. The fact that the government in Australia can legally take over your accounts in secret and start sending messages to other people in your social circle basically allows them to turn anybody into an unwilling double agent to lure other people out and blackbag them. And of course there's probably zero accountability or paper trail to prevent some corrupt officer from sending CP from a target's email to get them instantly arrested and thrown in jail forever. I mean what would prevent them from doing that?
>Australian Police harassing people door to door by asking questions about protests [Embed]
>Australia>THERE IS NO VIRUS ITS A GLOBAL COMMUNIST TAKEOVER>Lady avoided kidnapping [Embed]
>More government violence at anti-vaccine passport protest in Germany
>Police brutality at anti-vaccine passport protest in London
>Canadian Protesters ARRESTED by Trudeau's Gestapo (((Cheka))), Citizens Reach Boiling Point>VIDEO: Woman wrangled by cops for peacefully protesting at Trudeau speech!>Canadians have reached a boiling point, and protesters have begun making themselves heard at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's speaking events across the country.>Lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine passports are strongly opposed by the Patriots of Canada, and the crackdown is heating up.>Chris Sky is the author of the book "Just Say No", and he joins Stew Peters to discuss what's next for Canada.
>Monica from RDA has just been arrested for incitement after being followed by Victoria Police.
>US Trucker To Aussie Truckies....Keep them from moving your truck. Simple and Easy!
>>317933It's well established that if you don't know your rights and do nothing to maintain your rights, you have no rights. It should be a requirement for everybody to educate themselves so they know what their rights are, how they relate to the rights of others, and how they interact with the laws and government. Once you're educated, you can act when needed to preserve your rights. Most people prefer not to educate themselves because it's difficult, or they're too busy or too distracted. Then if they try to act within the systems established by that, they usually fail or are intimidated in to acquiescence. They get mad or frustrated that nobody will do it for them or even if they pay someone else to do it, it still doesn't work out. Then they want to resort to petty violence instead, which is much easier to understand, but essentially means your life may be terminated in retaliation, or your freedoms revoked forever.
>>318436Yeah, that's the point of civics education.
The issue is that educators themselves may be interested in the slow-erosion of rights. This is especially true in universities, and even public schools.
Visiting freemason lodges. The goyim know.
>Australian Police Violate Lockdown Rules to Host LGBT Office Party>While rest of the population is ordered not to talk to each other.
>Australia Could Force Citizens to Report Their Location on Demand Via Government Tracking App>The government of South Australia is running a trial for a system that could eventually force citizens to take a photo of themselves via a government app to report their location on demand within 15 minutes of authorities requesting it, or face a police investigation.>Yes, really.>The revelation was highlighted in an Atlantic piece by Conor Friedersdorf which questions whether Australia can still call itself a liberal democracy in light of the crippling restrictions it has placed on its own population. [Embed]
>>318721Australia is an incredibly liberal democracy.
That is to say, it's a democratic nation dominated by the kind of sociopathic Narcissistic Personality Disorder-having tyrant that calls itself a "Liberal".
Idiots voted them into power, they imported foreigners and bribed the sick and stupid and degenerate with privileges and payments to get their eternal loyalty, and they proceeded to erase liberty.
In a constitutional republic, there are bills of rights that forbid elected officials from behaving like this.
In constitutional republics with teeth and a desire to survive leftism, bills of rights include the right to gun down any tyrant big or small who behaves like this or votes for this.
>>318402>Where you see yourself in five yearsOn an album cover for your kick-ass rock band with Patrick Swayze? What will the album title be?
>>318775>Australia is an incredibly liberal democracy.>(((democracy)))Let's remove the veil and see (((who))) is behind all that leftism and dictatorship.
>Moment when they set fire to the door of the Kopp mansion, the temple of Freemasonry in Colombia.
Here's what I believe is actually going to happen this whole vaccine passport is going to be "stopped" and it will look like a "win" for democracy then trump will win the 2024 election and he will promote a microchip. Which more faggots will eat up
>>318866You sure?
Trump was behind Operation Warp Speed. Didn't make Trump fanboys take it.
The Jews are growing desperate. You think they're going to tone things down after what they've done in Australia?
>Canada>Happening - United Non-Compliance>Chris Sky 2nd September 2021>pass it on[YouTube] Chris Sky 2nd September 2021
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]Outstanding speech redpilling the normies.
>>318868My point is that this whole thing is possibly a red herring, They want us to feel at least somewhat secure and give us a big win then they will pull the rug for their actual plan which is to use trumpenstein to promote whatever they want to put into us. The Jews are in absolute power right now you have to remember that. The best way to outplay them is too keep a level head and think of other possible plans they may have in store. That said I highly doubt this is going to lead to vaccine passports. The thing is these vaccines are made to kill people. It makes no sense that they'd give vaccine passports especially when they can be falsified. Their real goal is probably to insert us with a microchip that will bring about a cashless society which is their actual goal, Which also comes with the caveat of being able to track us. In that situation running to the mountains is the best option avaliable to us.
>>318866>what I believe is actually going to happen this whole vaccine passport is going to be "stopped"The jews are on a schedule and this Agenda 2030 plot cannot be stopped, they are too invested on it. They will double down with unseen violence.
>>318871This is why you read my other post because it brings much needed context. We are only in 2021 right now, If we go by my thought process the whole microchip thing will be implemented by 2024-2025 which will happen when the population takes a nosedive due to the vaccine killing them off. Then Trump will expose the sacrifical lamb probably anthony fauci similar to epstein before him and will promote a microchip.
>>318871Nah, whats gonna happen is we're gonna be sent to war, probably with China over Taiwan or some shit. Then they push federal unconstititional mandates and agendas, which 'enough' of the population will take exeption to, sprinkle generously with a pathological MSM and bam, that population will now be charged with treason.
Jan 6th was just the beginning.
>>318873>Nah, whats gonna happen is we're gonna be sent to war, probably with ChinaNope. To my understanding that's ZOG propaganda to distract with a foreign boogeyman.
China is where the factories are and is central to the NWO. Also America has no credible capability to attack China and prevail, the US Navy is obsolete when confronting an adversary with long range missiles.
>>318873>Nah, whats gonna happen is we're gonna be sent to war, probably with China over Taiwan or some shit.According to the forecaster and some remote viewers reporting to him, it is possible that the jews will execute a domestic false flag (mushroom cloud he mentions) to regain narrative control.
>aSymmetry wOO - Explorers Guide to SciFi World>it is the best of times, it is the worst of times, it is always asymmetric [Embed]Approximately the first half of the video is /vx/ stuff.
>>318874What the actual cause will be is less of the issue. In wartime, armed opposition to government actions constitutes treason, punishable by death
French market requires Covid passports to enter, the people simply don't enter. Hit them where it matters, the money.
>BrazilBrazil vs Argentina — Football match stopped as police invade pitch to detain ‘wanted’ Premier League stars who didn’t follow ‘quarantine’ [Embed]
>150,000 Dutch protest in Amsterdam>Yesterday 150,000 people took to the streets of Amsterdam to protest the government’s proposed policy of requiring vaccination as a condition to entry for businesses such as bars and restaurants. This approach mirrors the hard line already taken in France which has seen widespread unrest as a consequence.>But if the media was your main source for information, then either the Amsterdam protest did not happen or the numbers were dramatically downplayed. A colleague who attended the protest said that when he got home he turned on the main news bulletin to see how the media would spin the events in which he had firsthand knowledge.
>AUSTRALIA: Victorian Premier Says Lockdowns Are Not Enough, ‘We’re Going To Lock Out People Who Are Not Vaccinated’>"If you're making the choice not not get vaccinated, then you're making the wrong choice. You're making the wrong choice." [Embed]
>>319149"You are making a wrong choice."
To quote the ending of hitman 3, this is my choice to make.
>>319149Jesus Christ, Australia is going to shit fast.
Hopefully the residents will fight back, remove those politicians from office, and not let this craziness spread.
>>319155People are in denial about how tyranny works and blame a public figure because are afraid and it's easy.
Politicians wouldn't be so wicked without a gang of thugs enforcing their will. It happened in Russia, it happened in China, no matter how or what, an army of unapologetic mercenaries is always at the front of it.
>Britain>Medical Tyranny And Betrayal:’Conservative’ British Government to Implement Vaccine Passports This Month>After handing the Labor Party opposition their worst election defeat in a lifetime, Britain’s Conservative Party, under a comfortable majority and Boris Johnson’s charismatic leadership, many were hopeful that his conservative government, which has been in power since 2010, would usher a Thatcheresque era for the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, it would appear that this hope has largely been dashed in light of a string of authoritarian episodes following the outbreak of covid-19.>In addition to multiple lockdowns and classifying British citizens based on the case count in their area of a disease with an over 99% survival rate, Boris Johnson’s supposedly Conservative government has now announced plans to implement vaccine passports in order for the inheritors of the Magna Carta to enjoy the basic blessings of modern urban life.
>Australia to let you die without healthcare if you don't take the vax that doesn't even prevent transmission, in effect to prevent transmission. [Embed]
>Video captures daily life for inmates inside one of Australia’s quarantine camps. [Embed]
(((Australian))) authoritarian parody
>>319167>All the garbage about climate awarenessInner city faggots don't understand the consequences of not doing controlled burning in an environment that literally evolved to burn down yearly. Even the fucking abos are smarter than that and they're literal subhuman monkeys 130k years behind the rest of humanity in evolutionary terms. Their videos are always fucking like this, every single one.
Let me tell you all what's really going on down here, the absolute faggots proposing and implementing these measures are freaking out about two things.
The first is their job security as career politicians, they know that if any amount of people die from this in the high quadruple or low quintuple digits, the people will have their asses in elections thanks to the current state of media. They want everyone vaccinated so they can pass the footy to pharmaceutical companies for their vaccines being ineffective against an ever mutating virus and escape blame for anything going wrong, this was always the primary concern.
The second, being the cybersecurity measures being passed, is the bipartisan freak-out over chinese cyber-espionage, which is a serious fucking problem here. There are two types passing these, the types that are retarded idealists who never stop to consider whether these laws will be turned on our own, and those who know they will, and do not care, because they're freedom-for-security. Make no mistake, this is our patriot act, but with NO checks and balances because too many foolishly trust in these agencies to not abuse them either now, or into the future.
Let me remind you all that we didn't even have a constitutional right to free speech and still don't, because idealist faggots considered it an 'implied' right, which the high court only upheld recently. As in the 90s recently. We never had to fight for our rights like the american settlers did, there was never any urgency to protect ourselves and our descendants from the slow creep of tyranny from our very founding. No drive to string up the sword of damocles. This has been and remains our greatest flaw as a nation, and one we're only likely to learn from the way americans did. We've always been retarded about civil rights, from guns to surveillance, and that's not likely to change unless the government literally starts putting people against the wall and shooting them dead.
>>319221>unless the government literally starts putting people against the wall and shooting them dead.Ahem, a reminder.
Under the umbrella of "government" those who pull the trigger and commit any number of crimes against the The People, the Rightful Masters of the Land, are the government imposed policemen and soldiers. Never forget that to certainly know who has true legitimacy to bear authority and exact rightful punishment.
>Australian Truckers Beat Govt – We Can Too>The Australian government is claiming that truckers pose a danger for they were spreading the virus around the country. They ordered the truckers to be vaccinated or lose their job. They refused to show up to work and others blocked the roads. The Western culture of freedom is falling into the final bastion of the once free world spiraling down into a new sort of Dark Age. The politicians are promised by the elite that they will be the cream of the crop and always rise above the Great Unwashed. The elite above them thinks that they can simply bribe their way through anything and like a queen bee transform us into worker bees to support their hive of power.
Did you know the NSW police chief makes the equivalent of US$400,000 a year to order severe beatings of peaceful white anti-vaxx demonstrators?
Get ready Australians, its coming to you first.
>>318349thankyou based aryanne.
>>318352what should I read to be good at meme magic like this?
>>318436>>318447the latter is the reason why there's no point in the former. Celestia save us, we need a diarchy.
>>319418"W-when the sheep finally wake up!!" is something that I've grown tired of hearing for so goddamn long.
Here's the hint, the majority of the populace will never really wake up as there's always going to be some manner of sports ball or other circus to keep them docile enough.
There's been talk of "when they go after muh guns!!1!" for ages only for fucking nothing to happen with red flag laws or, in the case of new zealand, them doing a full 180 and swiftly giving up their guns after just a few years of propaganda.
I've got the feeling that this guy's been going "When these people wake up, ohh boy, the elite are going to get it, boy golly gee willickers batman are they going to get it when the people wake up, any minute now..." for the past twenty years.
>>319422You gotta point, but hopium is more appealing.
>>319422There are only two ways that revolutions happen:
1. Astroturfed color revolutions created by the elite.
2. When the bread and circuses stop.
As long as people have food on their plates, revolt will never happen. So far the elites have been smart enough to make sure the stores remain stocked. Things do seem to be reaching a flashpoint though. Supply lines are fucked, people can barely get their hands on computers these days due to the chip shortage. Most companies are desperately understaffed due to crazy backwards unemployment benefits that make it more profitable to NOT work. National vaccine mandates will also make that worse as people quit instead of take the jab. If things get even a little worse, or if one big country goes dark, it could dominoe the entire world and really cause the blowout we've been waiting for.
>>319444There have been talks by truckers to outright stop deliveries to certain areas... but again, just talk.
Listen to this music in the context of what is happening today right now in your life. Ask yourself "Am I ready?"
>destroying everything, everyone we love>time has come to recall the days of old>we are the mountains the woods the fields>we are the rivers the shore and the sea>what's worth fighting for? the reason to win>our land, our home, the air we breathe>may thunder be our voice, with lightning in our veins>our hearts are beating power roaring our claimNo, I am not ready yet. Not quite.
>Petitioning the government to stop vaccine passports
Like the government is going the implement the people's will. /s
Australians are preparing for a worldwide freedom march on September 18, leaving messages for the globalists:
"Fuck you, Dan (prime minister of Victoria) Liberty. We don't agree. Lockdowns ruin lives. The media lies.
Police had to withdraw in Turin this afternoon due to the determination and massiveness of the anti-vaccination pass protesters.
France Turn Into War-Zones As Hundreds Of Thousands Clash Over Vaccine Passports.
>Australian Senator threatens to shoot the unvaccinated as she tells them it’s time to stoke division and really make them start feeling the heat>Jacqui Lambie sits as a Senator for Tasmania in Australia’s federal parliament. In comments made on an Australian news programme, she has shown who she truly represents. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Chris Sky Arrested in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - 9/10/21.
>>319445>A song about fighting against the unchained spark of life itself, and against whatever the the lunar essence represents (peace, knowledge, independence? Not really sure.)Seems like pretty poor metaphysics.
Nicely made song though.
>Attention citizen, “you are in breach of the public health order.”
Looks like Andrew Torba, the founder and CEO of is being threatened by the german government now.>Recently the German government has been coming at Gab hard to try and force us to comply with their draconian online censorship laws. We have obviously refused to do so and now they are coming after us with fines of tens of thousands of dollars and other legal action. Our lawyers informed us that we have three options:>1) Obey German censorship laws and start censoring content that the German Govt doesn't like (not going to happen)>2) Disobey German censorship laws and pick a fight with the nation state of Germany (I wouldn't ever be able to leave the US again, they would come at us from every possible angle through state-sponsored deplatforming, and Lord knows what else.)>3) Cease providing this service in Germany by blocking German IPs.>So obviously a very difficult decision, but one that must be made very soon. I wanted to share with you all to be fully transparent with what is going on.This is somewhat telling in how work-hardened is now. They have been deplatformed by every other company. Apparently the only thing left is the government themselves to try to run gab into the ground.
I hope Torba uses his middle fingers to stick up the nose of germany.
>>319774Third option plus opening a TOR alternative.
I know, I know, TOR is a joke, but it is better than nothing.
World Wide Freedom Rally 18th September 2021.
Who's got those memes about the uncensorable blockchain radio internet alternative?
>>319789lulno they won't shut down the internet. They themselves rely on the internet. They will shut you and us out of the clearweb though. Or try to. So far they are getting closer and closer.
That's why we have non-clear web systems set up.
Keep an eye on OpenNIC, blockchain DNS, matrix, geminispace, and some others. They will be important in the near future.
HAM radio will be important too, but not as important as most will think. CB radio will likely be the main wireless thing to use.
>Facebook bans German accounts under new 'social harm' policy>Facebook removed almost 150 accounts and pages linked to anti-lockdown demonstrators in Germany, the company announced Thursday, under a new policy focused on groups that spread misinformation or incite violence but who don't fit into the platform's existing categories of bad actors.>The accounts on Facebook and Instagram spread content linked to the so-called Querdenken movement, a disparate group that has protested lockdown measures in Germany and includes vaccine and mask opponents, conspiracy theorists and some far-right extremists.>Posts from the accounts included one making the debunked claim that vaccines create viral variants and another that wished death upon police officers who broke up violent anti-lockdown protests in Berlin.
>Australian Freedom Fighters Battle Totalitarian Tyranny and Government COVID Lockdowns, Protestors Overwhelm Police Efforts to Beat Them>Things are getting spicy in Australia, specifically the town of Richmond in the Melbourne area. Righteous anti-lockdown protestors took to the streets against thousands of armed police and heavily geared riot squads prepared to beat them into submission and stop their march {Direct Rumble Link}.>As the government stormtroopers corralled the peacefully marching protesters into an ever smaller dead end where there were blocked in all directions, a valiant member of the resistance opened a gateway through a housing division enabling the crowd to continue amassing, assembling more supporters and continue marching.>The police then formed a battle formation in the street attempting to cordon-off the remaining roadway and block the march from continuing. However, after a few tense minutes of standoff the protesters rushed the police and fought their way through. Google is attempting to block this video.[YouTube] Melbourne lockdown protestors clash with police | Coronavirus | 9 News Australia
[Embed][YouTube] Australia: Protest in Melbourne against lockdowns | AFP
[Embed] [Embed]
>Justin Trudeau says that vaccine passports are "all about" rewarding certain freedoms to people who have "done the right thing"— and that those who "still resist" simply won't get to enjoy those same freedoms. [Embed]
>Melbourne Tyranny in Slow Motion>Some Slow motion shots of the thugs in uniform from today 18th of September 2021 in Melbourne Australia.[YouTube] Melbourne Tyranny in Slow Motion WWRFF 4
Portuguese judge Rui Da Fonseca e Castro puts mercenaries on blast over attacking The People.
>Australian Politicians Becoming Absolutely Ruthless >Australia is turning into East Germany. This appears to be deliberate and the politicians are clearly using COVID to impose totalitarianism. Australia will no longer be a free state and reliable sources insist that either all future elections will be suspended, or they will be rigged which is starting to become the norm as Joseph Stalin said. It does not matter how people vote, the real power lies with those who count the votes.
>Australian construction workers riot>At 1159pm this Wednesday evening, all construction workers in Victoria need to be jabbed or they will be banned from traveling for their work. The largest of the construction unions in Victoria is the CFMEU. It is also the most powerful and militant union in the entire country. Today on the streets of Melbourne outside its large office, its members gathered to demand that the union boss, John Setka, stand up to the Victorian government on their behalf.>That’s Setka standing off to the side in the black CFMEU T-shirt. Make no mistake, he is one of the most well known faces in Victoria. The man with the loudspeaker talks about Communism and how that is what we are fighting in Australia. Notice that no police are to be seen. This crowd is a far different bunch than grandmothers on a Saturday afternoon. This is a fighting crowd. And when they didn’t like what their own union leader had to say, this was their reaction. [Embed][YouTube] EUREKA 2021 - CFMEU PROTEST HIGHLIGHTS
>Millions of unvaccinated Ontarians to be banned from services>Effective September 22, the Canadian province of Ontario will be implementing vaccine passport measures. Currently, almost 80 percent of residents ages twelve and up have taken both jabs, which leaves 20 percent of vaccine-eligible Ontarians banned from a variety of “non-essential” services.>With almost thirteen million people over the age of twelve in the province, millions of Ontarians will be barred from accessing a host of businesses and activities. >Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced the implementation of a vaccine segregation policy on September 1. The provincial government has released a set of guidelines for business that explains how the government is expecting the passports to be implemented and enforced. The document is a summary of legislation laid out under the Reopening of Ontario Act (ROA).
>Washington State Is Hiring ‘Strike Team’ For Secured Isolation/Quarantine Facility>Leftist governor Jay Inslee established an isolation and quarantine facility in Centralia and is now seeking to hire a “strike team” to provide services, security and management to the facility. Patient check-in is said to be voluntary but you cannot leave without notifying the staff. The state provides around-the-clock security.>While this sounds innocuous to some, it is a slippery slope in a dark blue state like Washington, that has already expressed tyrannical policies in other areas. This facility is not a hospital or healthcare center, but rather a motel that has been taken over for the task.>The following is taken directly from the State of Washington Job Opportunities website.
>>320296For clarification, Jay Inslee is held with about the same
contempt approval in WA that Gavin Newsom is in CA
>>320301For practical purposes, being left or right doesn't really matter as all politicians in the roster report to the same command. It is only a matter of time for the pseudo conservative politicians to show their true colors when told so.
The same scenario plays for government employees with weapons and a badge, because it is only a matter of time for them to turn their weapons on the people when told so.
>>320302>left or rightWho made it a partisan statement? Im simply talking about public reception
>REVOLUTION: Australian Citizens Rise Up, Take To The Streets Against Vaccine Passports, COVID Tyranny>The New World Order agenda is on it's last leg as Australians take to the streets of Melbourne in the name of freedom and liberty.>The Australian citizenry has taken to the streets of Melbourne in a massive revolt against COVID-19 tyranny, signifying the death rattle of the globalist agenda as the world watches an oppressed populace fight to regain their freedom in the Land Down Under.>A remarkable situation is currently unfolding in Melbourne, Australia, where thousands upon thousands of anti-COVID tyranny protestors have taken to the streets in a grand revolt against the government. Videos surfacing online reveal major clashes between citizens and mask-wearing riot gear-clad law enforcement officers, who are struggling to curb the restless crowd seeking to restore the freedoms they once had prior to the ruthless enforcement one of the most totalitarian COVID-19 pandemic responses the world has ever seen.>The protests come shortly after the government moved to shut down the construction industry for two weeks due to opposition to vaccination mandates. (READ MORE: Australian Government To Seize 24,000 Children, Vaccinate Them Without Parents Present In Massive Stadium) [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
> Plot Twist: After Lying Down for 18 Months Australia Erupts in Some of the World’s Most Spirited Anti-COVID Cult Protests>Honor restored.>The aspect of Australia’s revolt that is the most glaring is how much this looks like a class war. Because it is. Construction workers rising against the leashed dogs of the Zoom middle class. But actually, it had been a class war all along. Since March 2020 this has been a class war against the working class. A class war from the top against the bottom. A class war to subordinate all society and all life to middle-class neuroticism and demented new religion, and to control, humiliate and push down further into the mud the impious working class if possible. What has changed now is only that the class war has stopped being one-sided as the working class is finally fighting back.>The class war trendy public-sector leftists hoped for in their younger days is here, and it’s against them. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>UPDATE, Livestream Links Added – Melbourne, Australia, COVID Compliance Minister Daniel Andrews Vows To Squash The Trade Union Rebellion and Puts More Armed Police in Place For Day Three Confrontation>In preparation for Day Three of the trade union revolt, Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews promises to punish the protestors and orders thousands more riot police into the city of Melbourne to crush the rebellion. Victorians will take their forced mRNA gene modification, or they will die trying to resist it.[YouTube] Daniel Andrews slams violent protests | Coronavirus | 9 News Australia
>The army is now on the streets of Melbourne attacking and snatching peaceful dissidents and taking them away.>Unbelievable. [Embed]
Soy faggot believed that submission would protect it. Got shot in the back by government mercenaries.
>>320405That's fucked up. You're supposed to fire those at the ground to spook people, not directly into crowds.
>>320405were the police chinese?
A Powerful message to everyone fighting the NWO.
Victoria, Australia cut the internet to stop the world seeing. But it didn't work.
>>318418>>318426Moar news:
>Australia>‘If they can’t break me, they can’t break you!’ Anti-COVID activist’s message from jail>John-Henry Westen sat down with Monica Smit's mother and father this week, before the bail hearing was set to take place, to get their take on her arrest and her growing movement across Australia.
>Low Vaccination Rates Among Blacks Could Result In New ‘Jim Crow’ Segregation With Vaccine Passports>White Nationalists may be finally getting their wish — de facto racial re-segregation in America brought about through “vaccine passports,” which the vast majority of Blacks and Latinos will lack due to their low vaccination rates:>Either way, it will become more and more obvious as the vaccine passports start controlling every aspect of our lives that only television-addicted, virtue-signalling, brain-dead White people have been foolish enough to volunteer for this experimental death jab — while Blacks, given their justifiable skepticism of the government, are refusing to go along with it.>The government is far more likely to back off mandatory vaccine passports because of cries of “racism” than they are because of scientific facts about their utter uselessness in stopping the spread of the disease.>Ironically, however, conservatives such as White Nationalists also have a very low vaccination rate — but for different reasons from Blacks — though the end result is the same.>Therefore, White Nationalists will not get to enjoy this new racially segregated America that they have long wished for — they will have to watch it from the sidelines.>That is, until the government starts putting the unvaccinated in FEMA concentration-re-education camps, White Nationalists, Blacks, and Latinos — and other “malingerers” such as devout Christians — will find themselves in closer quarters than they ever have been.
>>320613That's to be expected. You can't beat a gun with sticks and throwing rocks.
>>320616I don't think they're going to enforce vaxx laws against nignogs, chimpouts aren't helpful when a Democrat is in power.
>>320621Correct. But it is only a matter of time for them to correct their approach.
>>320623>chimpouts aren't helpful when a Democrat is in power.Well, this is not a party agenda, but a Rockefeller's. Politicians are proxies for the (((oligarchs))) and I seriously doubt niggers will be spared.
>>320624I do hope so. Melbourne is a turning point. For the better or for the worse.
>>320627Melbourne has always been pozzed
>>320616It's been my prediction that white nationalists will need to coordinate with minority groups to stop globalism in America. This might just be that catalyst.
>>320673GLR was a weird dude, solid dude. But very weird.
>Watch: Australian Police Choke, Wrestle Woman to the Ground for Not Wearing a Mask.>Video of an Australian woman being confronted by police and violently wrestled to the ground for not wearing a mask has gone viral and sparked an official inquiry.>The incident occured Monday afternoon when the 21-year-old appeared to be approached by two police officers in an outer suburb of Melbourne, the capital of the state of Victoria, as she walked on a public street.>According to local outlet 7News, she was arrested after the altercation, believed to be for not wearing a mask, which is in breach of the Chief Health Officers orders under Stage 4.>The woman – who was subsequently found to have had an exemption for wearing a mask – appears to resist as the male officer grabs her and she is pushed against a wall.>“You’re choking me,” she yells and repeatedly swears at the officer before she is forced to the ground[YouTube] Coronavirus: Investigation launched over anti-mask arrest | 7NEWS
[Embed] [Embed]
>Neil Oliver: “The Strongest Smell of Fear is Coming From Government” – “It Smells Like Victory, Hold The Line”>Neil Oliver hits the nail on the head again. I cannot recommend watching this monologue highly enough. As you have read on these pages, we hold the exact same opinion.>Mr. Oliver takes examples of what is happening in real time, such as Australia, and puts exactly the correct prism in place to consider them.>What Oliver is stating is supported by a basic truth in human nature: ‘Control is a reaction to fear‘. As a consequence, the need for control is a conscious reaction to something being feared. Those who live atop society, in politics or positions of affluence, are becoming increasingly fearful.>Recent references are not limited to COVID lockdowns and arbitrary totalitarian rules put into place. The way the government responded to the “yellow vest” movement in France; or the U.K. government efforts to fight Brexit; or the U.S. government response to Donald Trump’s election; these are all examples of those holding power being fearful of the us – a free people. The elites are fearful, and they will lose.>Those who hold power are fearful. One of the mechanisms they use to manage their need for control is division. They need vaxxed -vs- unvaxxed. They need left -vs- right. They need identity politics. They need class war. They need racism. They need support from Big Tech. They need to control the media. They need compartmentalized scrap-grabbers constantly looking down; because if enough people start looking up and seeing through the division, the masses will find unity.>Those who hold tenuous power know the intelligence agencies alone will not be able to protect them from a unified people. Neil Oliver is 100% correct.[YouTube] Neil Oliver: Government leaders are frightened of their own people - and there's a lot of us
>‘Living in a parallel universe’: Australian PM boasts of Aussies' love of freedom to UN as police crackdown continues at home >A viral video has contrasted Prime Minister Scott Morrison telling the UN General Assembly that Australia believes in “freedom” and the “dignity of all people” with Australian cops beating citizens for not wearing masks.>In a virtual address to the UN General Assembly on Friday, Morrison talked up Australia’s belief in “a world order that favors freedom,” in “respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual” and “in the inherent dignity of all people... no matter the circumstances.”>Morrison had barely spoken before Australian libertarian activist Randall Evans put together a video showcasing the Aussie PM’s lofty words alongside footage of ordinary Australians being brutalized by police for breaching the country’s draconian coronavirus restrictions. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>320683Neil is on a channel that is back dooring socialism.His rant keeps those of sense to keep watching the channel whilst they pump 99% queer agenda fluff fluff. If you hear it long enough you get used to it. Just like if you see enough pony cartoon pussy you will eventually ejaculate harder than you have ever before.
GB News is the BBC.
>>320734So, he then might be the equivalent of Tucker Carlson, paid by the same jews to portray the opposite side.
Government mercenary says he can't go against the globalists' slavery rules because he gets paid to enforce them.
Let that sink.
[YouTube] Catholic — News Report — Aussies Resist Tyranny
Here we go! you remember the firearm freedom act Montana passed in 2009? it is housebill 246. -- good shit, and the only law passed in recent times that is actually pleasant to read. Many other states passed something similar. yet somehow that is illegal for a state to pass, but 'decriminalizing' hard drugs that hunter biden loves is fine.
Well, Texas recently passed a cut-back version of the firearm freedom act... basically the same thing but for suppressors only.
Lots of things are moving in strange ways. The more 'bad' moves in at the high levels, more people are moving around to counter at the low levels. This is one of their strategies to make the low level movements less impactful on their high-horse.
I foresee ammunition companies, and companies making smokeless rifle power, mysteriously exploding and never reopening.
>Rebels In France Post Photos of Those Who Supported The Jab Pass
>>320744Reminds me of a combine civil protection guard. You can understand his side too. That's sad.
Now pick up that can.
>>320803>That's sad.It is indeed.
Australian gaslighting
>Psychopathy 101
>Australian Hospitals Over Capacity With People Beaten By Police For Not Wearing Masks - (kinda satire)>SYDNEY—Australian hospitals are bursting at the seams, having reached their breaking point after being flooded with patients during the pandemic. The Australians streaming into the hospitals don't have COVID, though, but instead are just bloodied and bruised from cops beating them up for not wearing masks, going outside for fresh air, and talking to other people.>While Australia has done well keeping case numbers down throughout the pandemic, their performance fighting the virus has been offset by the number of people getting curb-stomped by police.
>ECONOMIC TERRORISM: Italy tells companies to stop paying “unvaccinated” workers>In order to keep their jobs, Italians are now being told that they must get a vaccination “green pass” proving that they took the “Operation Warp Speed” injections in obedience to the government and the Vatican.>Since millions of Italians are just saying no to experimental drugs from Big Pharma, there could very soon be a massive worker shortage across Italy – or at least a massive shortage of people willing to work for no pay.>It would be illegal, it turns out, for the government to simply order the firing of all “unvaccinated” workers. To avoid potential legal action, the government of Italy is instead demanding that employers just stop paying their non-jabbed employees.
>>320734He's in the same group which constitutes:
-Aleksandr Yones (Alex Jones), a half-kike with big banker friends. Has had kickbacks from cuckservative groups such as the (((NRA))), Americans For Democracy, and other ziocuck nonsense. Oh, don't forget Yones also has HUGE investments in Boeing, Boston Dynamics, and other mil-ind complex shit.
-Glenn Beck, a rabid pro-zionist who, just like most judeo-mormons, screeches and throws tantrums about "ebil notzeez eberywhar".
-(((Benjamin))) Crowder. Enough said about that literally flaming kike faggot.
-Cucker Carlson who glows harder than most of La Sia Newes Netvvork considering that most of his "military friends" worked/work for such honest, upstanding PMC's like: Blackwater/Black Water/+50 other names, Triple Canopy, (((White Dogs))), and all the rest.
-Benjamin Shapiro. Did you know that pigshit on legs is an ultra-orthodox ordained rabbi... with dual citizenship?
Burger King requiring the jab.
Forgive the cunt, too many jewish movies have a toll.
>WATCH: Tucker Carlson Exposes Australia’s “New World Order”>On Thursday’s episode of his show FOX news host Tucker Carlson began by discussing the extreme oppression currently occurring in the country of Australia, a state once considered free now turned into an Orwellian nightmare.>Carlson began the monologue discussing his coverage of China’s extreme tyranny in the wake of COVID-19 back in March of 2020 before saying that Australia’s police state today virtually mirrors that of China at the beginning of the pandemic. [Embed]
>CDC claims it has authority to use police to do everything you see going on in Australia; and Congress agrees>Everything the Australian, Israeli and Canadian governments are doing in terms of using force to brutally put down all resistance to their draconian mandates and restrictions are things the current regime in Washington not only wants to do but claims it has the legal authority to do.>Biden’s people admit he has been in discussions about closing down interstate travel to the unvaxxed and barring them from air travel. In the new Amerika, these are “privileges,” they tell us, not rights.>If they believe they can get away with it, they will do it.>Australia, Canada and Israel are the models for the Great Reset, a system designed to tag, track and monitor the behavior of every human being as if they were a unit of livestock. This global reset demands your total obedience.>As Biden loves to remind us with his “build back better” mantra, he and his people are fully on board with the Great Reset, as laid out by the World Economic Forum and now being implemented in Australia, Israel, Germany, Canada and other formerly free countries.>So, Americans need to prepare now for the day when the regime in Washington goes full Nazi. In fact, some are already describing the scenes in Australia as a civil war. Too bad the Aussies gave up their rights to own firearms years ago, because I truly believe Biden would have already launched similar crackdowns if he didn’t have the Second Amendment to contend with.>But again, don’t be fooled. The globalist cabal to which Biden answers will continue to move the Great Reset deconstruction of America forward. He just has to go about it more craftily than his counterparts in Australia and Israel.
>>321091>Amerikawhat the fuck is that supposed to mean? Did he spell Weimarica wrong?
I've noticed a lot of Ashkenazi Jews use common German surnames, or slightly change German/Polish surnames so kt appears European but is visibility Jewish to anyone who knows, like Klaus Schwab - the last name Schwab is German in origin but was picked up by Jewish converts attempting to hide their Jewishness so there's a 50% chance on him being Jewish, but a 50% chance on him being a Gentile.
>>321094>>321098Written by (((Leo Hohmann)))
>>321134He's a fucking Jew! I bet he meant to write "AmeriKKKa" but spelled that wrong too.
>>321091>The jew includes Israel in the list of oppressed countriesThe kikes trying their hardest to appeal to the goyim
>UK Military Wants to Spy on Social Media to Detect “Change in Population Sentiment”>Plan inadvertently revealed in MoD strategy document.>Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, the military has increasingly turned its attention inward towards its own citizens rather than doing what it should do, which is fighting foreign adversaries.>As author Laura Dodsworth revealed, GCHQ has embroiled itself in anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown messaging by targeting people who challenge the official COVID narrative online.>“She says some people believe they have been targeted by the 77th Brigade, part of the 6th Division of the Army,” reported the Telegraph.
>>321138Bugs Life is a based movie.
>Privatized Totalitarianism>Emily Youcis & Warren Balogh discuss how the issue of vaccine mandates is tied to the larger campaign of economic terror against White Americans.
>CRAZY: Australian Authorities Show Up to Woman’s Home and Harass Her Over Social Media Posts: “We Have Instructions Because You Have Been Posting Things” – (Video)>Things just continue getting worse and worse for Australian citizens under the rule of their tyrannical health regime.>Scenes coming out of the country have been absolutely shocking. In response to the massive protests that have been going on for weeks, the radical-left Australian government has turned to brutal violence against its unarmed citizens in an effort to stamp out the unrest. Gangs of police rove the streets, beating people who dare to disobey before hauling them away. [Embed]
>Slowly But Surely Their Covid Ship is Sinking [Embed]This guy Max Igan does an incredible job analysing the conspirators shenanigans. The video is educative and also has some entertainment.
>“If you don’t get the vaccine you can’t work, it’s that simple.”
Australian military assisting the regime to subjugate the Australian people. [Embed]
>Gray State (Trailer) - by David Crowley
>Suicided Filmmakers Predict Covid, Forced-Vaccinations And Civil-War 10 Years Ago .. Gray State
>Check out this trailer for "Gray State". Does it look familiar? Does it show the brave new world the west is entering? It was made ten years ago in 2012.
>A proof-of-concept trailer made by David Crowley, who shortly after completing this promo, reportedly "killed himself, his wife and daughter". Thus the full movie was never made. The story behind all this is a real rabbit hole…
>There is an establishment documentary about the subject, which says it ended in "murder-suicide", but there are many views out there to the contrary - that Gray State would be too accurate, too important and therefore the filmmakers must be stopped.
Notice the freemasonic apron and the guillotine to execute Christians according to jewish Noahide laws.
>>321385>Notice the freemasonic apron and the guillotine to execute Christians according to jewish Noahide laws.I thought I was the only one who noticed the connection between FEMA guillotines and the Noahide laws
>>321386 all supernaturally on the same page dude.
>>321385 strange seeing a bunch of lowlife niggers in such a fancy costume, but I guess it's kind of makes sense since they are freemasons.
>>321388>strange seeing a bunch of lowlife niggers in such a fancy costumeNot so strange as it's almost sure that 90% of them are police and government administrative employees.
>Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro: “If you are accepting this vaccination passport, another requirement will come soon, and another and another…and you know where it will stop then…POPULATION CONTROL.” [Embed]
>>321389Christ save us all.
>>321385All the pieces are falling in place.
While gatekeepers and State propaganda are telling the public to look at China and even Russia for a possible war, the generals at home for years were planning to turn America into Iraq and Afghanistan, all according to the UN's Agenda 2030 goals.
Agenda 2030 states that farming and agriculture are hurtful to the environment and therefore will be phased out and rural and some suburban populations will be (forcefully?) displaced into urban centers.
Right now the CDC/FEMA are building internment camps (they call them "Green Zones") for Americans who are labeled a covid-19 infectious risk and need to be "isolated", all that while the National Guard is right now hiring jail guards as seen in job advertisements.
If police is the prime example as how mercenaries think and proceed for money, then imagine how it is with still more mercenaries but with thicker armour and heavy weaponry.
>2016>Pentagon Video Warns of “Unavoidable” Dystopian Future for World’s Biggest Cities>The video, used by the Joint Special Operations University, states that megacities will be breeding grounds for “adversaries and hybrid threats,” and that the U.S. Army is unprepared.
>Megacities - Urban Future The Emerging Complexity - (4:55 long) [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]>This Facebook "whistleblower" is the most obvious deep state glow op of the year, and that's saying something because there have been many.
>>321529>Facebook "whistleblower"I agree. The so called "whistleblower" is actually a complaining SJW. What a joke.
>"You are a zionist"
Controlled opposition/gatekeeper (((Avi Yemeni))) is called out while larping supporting the protests against the regime.
>The Police State’s Reign of Terror Continues … With Help from the Supreme Court >“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges.”—George Carlin>You think you’ve got rights? Think again.>All of those freedoms we cherish—the ones enshrined in the Constitution, the ones that affirm our right to free speech and assembly, due process, privacy, bodily integrity, the right to not have police seize our property without a warrant, or search and detain us without probable cause—amount to nothing when the government and its agents are allowed to disregard those prohibitions on government overreach at will.>This is the grim reality of life in the American police state.>In fact, in the face of the government’s ongoing power grabs, our so-called rights have been reduced to mere technicalities, privileges that can be granted and taken away, all with the general blessing of the courts.>This is what one would call a slow death by a thousand cuts, only it’s the Constitution being inexorably bled to death by the very institution (the judicial branch of government) that is supposed to be protecting it (and us) from government abuse.>Court pundits, fixated on a handful of politically charged cases before the U.S. Supreme Court this term dealing with abortion, gun rights and COVID-19 mandates, have failed to recognize that the Supreme Court—and the courts in general—sold us out long ago.
>More protests rock Australia after new, sweeping vaccine mandates are announced>Australians took to the streets for another protest in Melbourne in the state of Victoria on Saturday after the government announced a sweeping COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all “authorized workers.”>Victorian residents marched along Southbank Boulevard in downtown Melbourne and the track around the Royal Botanic Gardens. Participants carried a large white banner with the word “Freedom” and voiced their dissent against vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and the current state government.>Citizen journalist Rukshan Fernando posted a video showing some protesters peacefully marching and yelling phrases and slogans like “my body, my choice,” and “freedom now!” Others are carrying black umbrellas emblazoned with the words, “Coercion is not consent,” while others pushed back on “dictator” leadership.
>Do you live near a FEMA concentration camp? FEMA has authority to SUSPEND LAWS and put you in one of their COVID isolation camps located across the United States>Most Americans really have no idea the power that FEMA wields; they mostly think it’s just some government rescue-type workers that help out after hurricanes, earthquakes and floods happen. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is actually a covert government with far more power than any other agency in this country. Did you know FEMA can seize people, detain them without a warrant, deny them phone calls to lawyers or loved ones, take their home, food and vehicles, with no trial or judges even involved at all? FEMA can temporarily freeze the Constitution.>If there were a nuclear war, or an EMP attack, or say, a (media-hyped) pandemic, FEMA can function by circumventing Congressional authority and stuff to capacity their 800 prison camps around the United States, some of which are currently fully-staffed, heavily guarded and holding prisoners. Most of these concentration camps consist of several fortified structures, barbed wire fencing, and can hold a population of 20,000 prisoners.
>Leave now while you still can>Once the war with China starts, you will not be able to leave the West. And even if there is no war, that won’t stop the West’s collapse into totalitarianism. So leave now while you still can. You won’t get another warning. CRP [Embed]Massive blackpill from Coach Red Pill, he's in Ukraine I believe.
>Australia>You have 5 minutes to respond or police will be at your door…[YouTube] Technology Tracking!!!
>Australia>Interesting Development – Victoria Australia, Officials Withdraw Vaccination Mandate for Government and Judicial Employees >Citing “jurisdictional issues“, the severe COVID compliance office of Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews has reversed a significant portion of the vaccine mandate. Details are oddly sketchy to find; however, it appears Victoria State government workers and workers within the judiciary will no longer be mandated to accept the COVID-19 vaccination.
>Australia>Senior Sergeant in Victoria Australia Police Department Quits Because Political Pressure Has Created Brutal, Often Illegal, Police Enforcement>Recently, Acting Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchell, a sworn member of the Victoria Police in Australia, has announced she can no longer take part inside an organization that has lost its connection to the community it is supposed to serve. Ms. Mitchell has served Victorians for 16 years as a police officer, including 6 years at Professional Standards Command – the division responsible for investigating police misconduct, corruption, discrimination and freedom of information, referring investigations to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) where appropriate. [Embed] [Embed]
>America>Meet Grace. She's a 16 year old girl who's showing more courage than most men right now. She's refusing to comply with the mask mandate her Wyoming school board is trying to force. She was fined and arrested. Here's her arrest. She's a hero. [Embed]
>>321772>leave your homelandNo thanks. I'm fine right where I'm at, and I can drive an hour if things get spicier than I'm capable of enjoying.
After all, I have been blessed with being raised in a sleeping super power.
>>321587All compromise is death by a thousand cuts.
>>321847>psychological projectionYou know that socialism is funded by the jewish oligarchs and they will never give their wealth to the workers, on the contrary, the jews will exploit still more the people while they remain in power.
Your communist utopia is a fantasy and according to communist doctrine... a deadly trap for all those who disagree. Ask the victims of Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and Castro about it.
>post funny picture about pol being right>>321857 starts arguing with an imaginary communist
>Globalist Cabal Surrenders to Putin After 30% of Russian Regions Adopt QR Codes. /s>George Soros in full retreat as Russia adopts the vaxx pass en masse. /s>Juicy details about this 11D chess move. /s
> Are You Unvaxxed and Over 65 in Russia’s Tatarstan? We Have Great News For You!>You are permitted to leave your home for a trip to the vax center. That's also pretty much all you're permitted
>Italian police forced to flee as anti Coronavirus tyranny protesters fight back [Embed]
>Canada Declares Indoor Thanksgiving Gatherings Not Allowed For Unvaccinated>Deena Hinshaw has been the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the province of Alberta since January 28, 2019. She provided daily updates on the COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta to the public throughout most of 2020 and into 2021, though she stopped holding regular briefings in at the end of June 2021. [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>Massive Protests In Italy Against Vaccine Passports [Embed]
>The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion?>Seemingly out of nowhere what appears to be a Southwest Airlines rebellion has taken flight this weekend. According to media reports, scores of pilots and other Southwest employees have coordinated the taking of “sick days” to use them up in advance of a Southwest Airlines mandate to get the jab or lose the job. Over Saturday and Sunday more than 2,000 flights have been cancelled, with airports experiencing full-on mayhem.
>Trudeau Bans Unvaccinated From Travel, Leaving the Country, And Earning A Living>Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced this week that starting Oct. 30th any citizen wishing to board a plane, train, or cruise in or out of Canada will be required to show a ‘vaccination passport’ proving they received the COIVID-19 shot in order to move freely, USSA News reported.>While the draconian mandate has a temporary clause allowing the alternative of showing proof of a negative COVID-19 test, it is set to expire a month later.
>>322074>your truthTHE truth.
>Think Carefully About Your COVID Passport and Authorized Worker Status, Before They Tell You >As the architects of the Build Back Better society assist you in creating easier ways to show your vaccinated and compliant status, perhaps it is prudent to pause and think about the discussions that take place behind the opaque glass doors.>Right now, as you are reading this, under the guise of enhancing your safety, the U.S. federal government is in discussions with multinational corporations and employers of citizens to create a more efficient process for you to register your vaccine compliance.>You may know their conversation under the terminology of a COVID passport. The current goal is to make a system for you to show your authorized work status; which, as you know, is based on your obedience to a mandated vaccine.
>>322358They didn't think that through at all. Won't the unvaccinated end up forced to steal food to survive, get food from farmers markets without the jew getting a cut from the supermarket, or move to places with farms and farmers markets?
Elderly Construction Worker With Balls Of Steal Explains How To Get Out Of Vaccine Mandates.
>Huge Dock Worker Protests In Italy, Fears Of Disruption, As Covid 'Green Pass' Takes Effect>Following Israel across the Mediterranean being the first country in the world to implement an internal Covid passport allowing only vaccinated citizens to engage in all public activity, Italy on Friday implemented its own 'Green Pass' in the strictest and first such move for Europe. >The fully mandatory for every Italian citizen health pass "allows" entry into work spaces or activities like going to restaurants and bars, based on one of the following three conditions that must be met: >- proof of at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine>- or proof of recent recovery from an infection>- or a negative test within the past 48 hours [Embed] [Embed]
>Russia Is Rapidly Adopting QR Codes. How Does This End?>Over the past two weeks, around one-third of Russia’s 85 federal subjects have announced that proof of vaccination, or Covid-negative status, will be required to gain entry to public institutions, venues and businesses. Such controls have been introduced by Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, Perm Territory, Bashkiria, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Mordovia, Karelia, Komi, and Sevastopol, as well as by the regions of Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Kaliningrad, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Vologda, Smolensk, Amur, Pskov, Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Ivanovsk, Volgograd, Voronezh, Arkhangelsk, Kursk and Leningrad.
>NPO (Dutch state media) makes video in which unvaccinated people are shot in the Covid Gulag>Communists have murder fantasies and the NPO is no exception.>Demonization of the unvaccinated. In the Netherlands this is 23% of the population. This can be interpreted as a call for genocide against 4 million Dutch people, reports twitterer Heiko Jessayan. [Embed]
Catholic Nun on the Covid mess and global tyranny using it.
>>322506>Gook Game is popular>Dutch government decides to use it for a "vaccinate or die" ad.>Not thinking about the optics of it all.How did they not think this through? It must be all of the herbal jew the Dutch smoke over there.
Clips from:
>Pilots’ Resistance Forces Southwest to Back Down Over Vaccinations>Today on TruNews, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas tested positive for Coronavirus this morning. Homeland Security spokeswoman Marsha Espinosa said the cabinet secretary is isolated and working at home. Southwest Airlines backs off on COVID mandates for the company.>Rick Wiles issues a passionate plea for pitchforks in response to vaccine tyranny in America. [Embed]
>SURRENDER?: Southwest Airlines Now Says Nobody Will Be Fired Or Placed On Unpaid Leave Over Vaccines>Southwest Airlines now asks its employees to keep showing up to work, even if unjabbed>Southwest Airlines appears to have reversed its mandatory vaccine policy that would have seen employees placed on “unpaid leave” similar to being fired but without the ability to file for unemployment. Now the airline says no one will be placed on unpaid leave, including those who apply for a vaccine exemption and have their application denied.
>Things Are Getting Messy In Draghi’s Italy>Sixteen percent of the country’s officially employed workforce just lost their jobs (temporarily for the moment). And as one would expect, they’re not happy. >As of last Friday all residents of Italy need a covid passport, or Green Pass, to access not only public spaces but also public and private workplaces. The pass proves that they have either been vaccinated against Covid-19, have recovered from the disease in the past six months or have recently tested negative. And now they need it to make a living, to feed their families.>The “no jab, no job” rule applies to workers of all kinds, including the self employed, domestic staff and even people working remotely. If you’d still rather not get vaccinated, you have the option of showing proof of a negative test every two days. That can cost anywhere between €15 and €50 each time — far beyond the means of most low-paid workers. If you still refuse to get vaccinated or present proof of negative tests, you face unpaid suspension as well as a fine of up to €1,500. Public sector workers have five days to present the green pass before being suspended. Private sector workers without a green pass face suspension from the first day.
The dog is just going after the bad guy, he knows!
>Klaus Schwab Flees in Terror as Russia Dismantles Its Economy and Strips Its People of Basic Dignity. /s>Globalists check-mated after Moscow kneecaps itself. /s>Other virus cult regimes are rolling out QR codes claiming they are there to “prevent” lockdowns. Russia rolls out both at the same time. Putin would never sell his people out.
New Zealand
>Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, when asked by a reporter if she was creating two classes of people, with the vaccinated receiving special privileges, confirmed, "That is what it is, yep".
Max Igan just escaped Australia to Mexico. The regime froze his banks accounts and zogbots raided his home because his dissident thoughts.
>>322687>organize locally
From /Reddit Conspiracy/
>A billionaire in NZ supposedly leaked this info to a service provider he befriended.>The goal, of course, is a return to feudalism in a one-world government tyranny.>"The PLAN is to turn each citizen violently against his own government" when the vaccines result in mass deaths. The people promoting the vax will take the fall. That's why they are so disposable. Biden is almost dead. Fidelito is a twit.>The damage timeline for the mRNA vaccines is 2-3 years. The mRNA uptake "has exceeded their wildest expectations.">There is an antidote which only a few will get. They will still need people to serve them.>The anger of the vaxed who are maimed and dying will result in the destruction of all social institutions. They will "burn their government to the ground.">In the wake of anarchy, a new global government will emerge as "the great saviour.">Is this why some prominent anti vaxers belong to a Masonic organization? They believe in telling us in advance what they're going to do. Are these some of the people the billionaire says they "recruited." Is this why Twitter is allowing a lot of anti vaccine info to circulate? Link to the screenshot:
The modis operandi matches, the reasoning that they (the govt stooges) were innocent is false (at least partially), but consider this analogy they move their pawns, knights, bishops and rooks into position it is irrelevant if they survive only that the king (the Plan) is captured and accomplished.
As such they sent out (((their))) letter, another move, a psychological play. Maybe just an asshole, perhaps a glowing counter move, maybe a nothing burger, in any case the climax is nearing. As always.
Ride the mare with love and care.
>>323013>in any case the climax is nearing.So true.
>Deleted Government Report Celebrates How Public Loves to “Conform”>A deleted government report exploring how to make the public alter its behavior to accept the new ‘green economy’ reveals how COVID-19 restrictions have created a population with a “deep set reverence” for authority and a “powerful tendency to conform.”>The report was inadvertently published by the British government before being hastily pulled down, but numerous journalists were able to retrieve its contents.>The document explored how to weaponize behavioral psychology to ‘nudge’ the public into supporting measures and adopting behavior without them explicitly knowing they’re being manipulated.>The investigation found that the same techniques the government used to force people into accepting lockdown could be used to make them change their lifestyles in the name of preventing climate change.
>INCREDIBLE: Italian City Disappears THOUSANDS of Anti-Green Pass Protestors on City’s LIVE-STREAM VIDEO!>In an astonishing revelation of the depth of media manipulation, a protestor in the Northern Italian port city of Trieste on Oct. 18 demonstrated how the official city webcams showed the main square to be empty when it was in fact full of protestors.
Nobody will ever do anything of any significance so why wouldn't the government just do whatever the fuck it wants?
>>323009this is really the only solution, run for local office also.
>Noam Chomsky Endorses Holodomor 2.0 Strategy to Starve The Unvaxxed Into Submission>"How can we get food to them? Well, that's actually their problem.">Leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky in a recent interview endorsed segregating the unvaccinated from society and denying them food in a neo-Bolshevik Holodomor 2.0 strategy to starve them into submission. [Embed]
>BREAKING: Project Veritas: Senior Advisor Reveals NJ Governor Murphy to Impose State-Wide Covid Vaccine Mandate AFTER Re-Election (VIDEO)>Phil Murphy is hiding information from the public in order to win independents, moderates and undecided voters. [Embed]
Someone shouts "Nuremberg 2.0" as yet another Aussie covid press conference begins.
>Lin Jinyue, lead designer of China’s social credit system, extolls its value and his hope for worldwide adoption:>“If you had the social credit system, there would never have been the Yellow Vests, we would have detected that before they acted.” [Embed]Lin Jinyue, the madman who designed the Chinese social credit system, was recently filmed laughing maniacally while extolling the virtues of his totalitarian matrix perfecting the Orwellian Nightmare.
>Canadian pastor ‘won’t comply’ with gag order on COVID speech, is ‘prepared to go to prison’>Pastor Artur Pawlowski has made it clear that he will not comply with the gag order imposed by a Canadian judge that was part of the final ruling against him and his brother for their outspoken stance against lockdowns and vaccine mandates.>Regarding the desire of the Alberta court that Pawlowski not contradict the government narrative when speaking publicly about COVID-19 vaccines and lockdowns, the pastor stated, “This is compelled speech the judge ordered like in China and North Korea … I won’t comply and I’m fully prepared to go to prison.”
>Video: John Oliver Attacks Cops For Resisting Vaccine Mandate; “If An Officer Wants To Quit, F**king Let Them”>“Comedian” John Oliver once again used his HBO platform to shill for government vaccine mandates by verbally attacking police who are refusing to go along with forced medication, calling them “hypocrites” and saying that it’s good that the refuseniks are quitting their jobs.>As thousands of police are standing against the mandates and walking off the job, Oliver declared Sunday that “It is true that all over the country, a small number of police officers have received disproportionate coverage after threatening to resign over COVID mandates.”>“They framed this as a matter of individual liberty, even in cases where very little was being asked of them,” Oliver further proclaimed. [Embed]
>>323165>“hypocrites”Well, the CIA talking head is not wrong.
An overwhelming majority of cops know this is a lie, a psyop, and however they execute criminal orders because of the sweet money, no matter how many they hurt, no matter how many they murder.
Now it's their turn to get the same poison they enforce on others.
>Political Cartoonist Fired in Australia For Showing Truth >Michael Leunig was sacked by the Australian newspaper “The Age.” Vaccines mandated by government have never taken place in history. How dare someone call into question such dictates of governments. Then to have the audacity to equate such tactics to the practices of Communist governments where liberty was never even a privilege, no less a right. In Australia, they are already hinting that you will need continued boosters to retain any rights whatsoever. The press has crossed over to the other side. They now stand against the people and are merely transforming into propaganda organizations as they were under communism.
>>323123Poor aussies, God bless the Australian people, so sad. Why can't there ever be armed revolutions in white countries? Why are they always in some shithole in the middle east?
>>323338>Why are they always in some shithole in the middle east?Two reasons.
1- Financing
2- Smuggling of heavy hardware to get the job done.
Dan Andrews of Victoria in Australia, is starting freezing some people’s retirement and bank accounts, so they can’t buy or sell until they submit to the COVID-19 shot.
>Australia Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, Licenses, & Businesses For Non-Compliance With COVID Fines>Of all the extreme measures carried out by various states in Australia, the collections and confiscations by the State Penalty and Enforcement Register (SPER) might just be the icing on the cake.>During the lengthy COVID lockdown in the state of Queensland, Australia (Brisbane area), most workers were not permitted to work or earn a living.>Several states stepped in to provide wage subsidies so people could purchase essential products and pay their living expenses. However, during the lockdown if you were caught violating any of the lockdown rules, you were subject to a civil citation, a fine or ticket for your COVID violation.
>Montreal, Canada - 30/10/21>Last call...La lutte continue pour les droits et libertés! [Embed]Language: French
Also ZOG couldn't care less.
>Australia>Jacinda Ardern shuts down press conference after being hammered with questions by a non-accredited member of the media about why the vaccine wasn't working in Israel. [Embed]
>She nails it, VaxxPass is exactly what they are shooting for. [Embed]
>>323165>a small number of police officers have received disproportionate coverage>They framed this as a matter of individual liberty, even in cases where very little was being asked of themHoly shit, they're not even trying to be subtle about their lies!
They say they want to reduce carbon emission..
And I ask...
What are the organisms on the planet Earth mainly made out of?
>>323759Shit like this is why i've always been skeptical about the retarded ass boomers on the anti-jab train.
>Covid Tyranny: Police Storm Famed Swiss Eatery - Arrest and Beat Family Owners (Video)>Swiss police were deployed en masse to take brutal action against a non-compliant entrepreneurial family critical of the state’s mandates. >According to eyewitnesses, the police physically attacked the family with their “fists and shoes – and without warning.” The family did not fight back. Despite listening to the officer’s commands, Patrick and Ivan’s mother Nelly was “beaten up,” the son Ivan “dislocated” his shoulder, and the father Andreas was “hit in the neck.” Police arrested all three of the family members. Locals at the scene report that there were “50 police officers” involved in the attack.[YouTube] Zermatt / Schweiz - Protest gegen die Schliessung des Restaurant Walliserkanne - 30.10.2021
>Italians Protest Vaccine Mandates for 15th Straight Week>Millions of workers across Italy are continuing to show their government their true feelings about the “Green Pass” vaccine passport system which is turning the jabless into jobless.>The beginning of winter and worsening tyrannical rhetoric hasn’t deterred citizens in Bologna, Foggia, Genova, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Pisa, Pordenone, Ravenna, Torino, Trento, Trieste, Udine, and Verona, who showed out in force, without using any, to make their voices heard. [Embed]
>>323793Why though? Most boomers are loathsome, self-indulgent degenerates, but at least some of them subvert and defy the status quo. It's still politically convenient and can be a foot in the door for red-pilling old fucks. It might he stupid, but it's better than them being compliant faggots, which can be useful to WN's.
Assuming you're actually Mexican, you should know all about corruption and how governments and can be untrustworthy :^)
>>323826It still pisses me off that boomers didn't start disliking the government until the government started fucking with what they care about: Booze, personal pleasure, your ability to visit the bar and get drunk, and your job.
When the government imported niggers and mexicans and muslims to replace whites the boomers didn't care. Hell, they were tricked into supporting it because "Hurr durr we need to have fewer kids for the environment and import more workers because muh grandmas with social security". When the government protected child-molesting child-grooming islamic gangs, boomers didn't fucking care. But now that the price of oil and booze is going up and sportsball events were fucked with, NOW the boomer cares.
>>323809Boomer level from mlpol again and again.
Just needed the image without the shitty over fonts, would have been priceless. Too bad.
>>323829I don't disagree with anything you you said. All I'm saying is that their disgruntled behavior can be useful if it can be exploited. I have no qualms about milking boomers for all they're worth seeing as how they thoroughly fucked us by digging the grave for our civilization by importing subhumans and poisoning the West with their avaricious, hedonistic ways. It's unforgivable.
Honestly, I'd say boomers are a great example about how liberalism is doomed to fail. I sincerely believe they were the most spoiled generation in human history and in their decadence they whored out the West for profit. They were wont for nothing and had more freedom than any who came before or after them only to flush all of it down the shitter. This never would have happened had they been less free or if they had any sort of real hardship. They deserve to be ruthlessly exploited when at all possible since they created this mess.
They can be a convenient tool for WN's to exploit if their discontent can be shifted in the right direction, simple as. Otherwise, they're useless dead weight and I'll laugh when the niggers and other brownoids at the nursing homes inevitably abuse them because it's their own fault for allowing them to proliferate in the first place.
>#Tyranny in #Australia. Mother takes her child to a retreat to live a life free of mandatory vaccinations of any kind. Police ignore her pleas and strip the baby from their mother in broad daylight. [Embed]>'This is my baby!' - Heartache as police rip baby away from breastfeeding mum
Official SOS from Australia .
It’s time for our international friends to recognise that Australia is at war with its government and we need help.
Please, international friends…hear our cries for help and apply economic and political pressure on our leaders to change the destructive path we are on.
Provide a way for citizens who no longer feel safe here to come home. Offer a certain number of Australians asylum, many of us need it!
Further information – [Embed]Mirrors:
[YouTube] Official SOS from Australia
[Embed] [Embed]
>>323826I have no idea why, but no one seems to notice how much /pol/'s sphere meme-dominance has eroded ever since corona came around, i guess sticking to this topic with uttermost priority makes sense, but am still wondering where did all the memelords went, cuz they're still not showing up in this train either.
>>323983>where did all the memelords wentTelegram
>Massive Protest Today in Melbourne Australia Against Proposed COVID Laws and Opposition to Mandates>A massive protest is currently underway in the streets of Melbourne Australia (State of Victoria), where it is currently Saturday morning. Thousands of people are protesting the efforts of the Victoria government to codify COVID regulations into permanent law making the outrageous lockdown rules a permanent part of the toolbox for oppressive government control. mirror: [Embed]
>I'm a New World Order Soldier
Irish Patriot… Citizens are waking up to the plan of Global Elite… [Embed]
>>323012>>323013I doubt Fauci is innocent. His arrogance? The way he fucked up AIDS? The fact he funded the Wuhan facility? If anything, the elites in that conspiracy post most likely promised him a part of the new world government, when all they're going to do is back stab him and hang him out to dry as the big fall guy.
>>324312>FauciIt is remarkable how this clown is untouchable, no zogbot, no judge, no politician will move a finger against him. In the case of Rand Paul questioning him, we all know it is a show for the cameras as nothing will be done.
>Courageous LA County Sheriff Tells The Truth About Covid Vax Mandates>The battle over the attempted forced vaccination of 100% of the American population regardless of scientific reason or prudence has brought out the absolute worst within a certain group of people in our society. They are showing their true colors as the authoritarians they really are, desperately clamoring for the power to compel people they don’t know or care about to submit to an experimental covid “vaccine” with no long term testing to prove its safety. I noted this trend in detail in my recent article ‘Noam Chomsky Goes Off The Deep End – Proving All Socialism Leads To Tyranny’, and I have to say, there are some folks out there that are shockingly monstrous just under the surface. It makes one realize how the dictatorships and genocides of the 20th Century were made possible.>Historians tend to blame the idea of the “charismatic dictator” for the rise of totalitarianism within any given culture, as if all it takes is a single well dressed and well spoken figure with the ability to manipulate the emotional output of the masses into doing things they would not otherwise do. This is a fantasy. In reality, dictators and oligarchs cannot come to power without the avid support of a certain subset of the population that WANTS and LOVES tyranny.>That is to say, authoritarians in government appeal to the rotten core of the worst of humanity – the sociopaths, the narcissists, the psychopaths, the control freaks and micromanagers. They work hand-in-hand with the aberrant and the fearful, the deceitful and the grotesque, and they align with such people to make it appear as though authoritarianism is an overwhelming desire of the majority when it is actually the deviant thirst of an aggressive minority.[YouTube] Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva Warns Of 'Mass Exodus' Over Vaccine Mandate
>>324312Did you know that Fauci was the one whom ordered a "classified laboratory test" where a large number of beagle puppies were exposed to thousands of sand flies? Look it up, then realize that the ultra-global conglomerate that funded the "research" was none other than BlackRock, care of Vanguard.
Follow the shekels.
>>324314>Fauci>In the case of Rand Paul questioning him, we all know it is a show for the cameras as nothing will be done.Andrew Torba is 100% right, we are being psyoped by zog.
The (((globalist))) outlet Forbes is promoting the Rand Paul versus Fauci show to swing the normies to the right. I guess the plan is to bring back Trump from retirement and lead again to the slaughter the remaining believers in the "system".
Accelerate, it's our only hope.
-boiling frog noticing other frogs not noticing they're being boiled
>>324369Look up what this sheriff was doing all through the Corona lockdowns, and tell me again he's a "hero."
>>324681I agree. LA Sheriff Department is famous for its mafia style dealings. The zogbot is just complaining that he will not able to enforce the oligarchs' will if the same tyranny is applied to his cronies, which of course won't take that crap.
Cuck Peterson all the sudden realizes he has been had by the government.
>>324880Juden Penerstein is a retard.
>>324928God i hate him so fucking much. He's Such a Faggot.
>Jewish premier of Queensland announced new COVID-19 restrictions for unvaccinated [Embed]
>2nd grader suspended 38 times for not wearing masks tells school board that she hope’s they go to jail. [Embed]
Austria - Nov 14, 2021.
>Austria World's First Nationwide Lockdown for the Unvaccinated - 30K Fine for Non-Compliance
>Vaccine passports transform society into a dystopian NIGHTMARE, forcing unvaxxed to live like FUGITIVES, unable to buy groceries, fuel, medicine or even clothing, due to being banned from almost every retail establishment. They are also banned from banks, libraries and universities, denied access to financial services and higher education.>A shocking eyewitness account of life in Lithuania — under covid passport rules — has now surfaced thanks to a courageous individual reporting there. The full thread is available at this link:
>The David Knight Show>Lithuania Banishes Citizens from Food, Work, Clothes — Other Countries Following Soon>An update from Lithuania — things are getting MUCH worse for the unvaccinated. A warning to the world,-Work,-Clothes-%E2%80%94-Other-Countries-Following-Soon:3Mirror: [Embed]
>>325147About as well as you would think.
>>323709>>323707when will these retards learn violence is the only answer?
I fear violence since it will rip everything from me, but I at least understand this shit is pathetic. it will solve nothing
>>325167Well, governments agree 100% with that concept, even they hire and train thousands of employees to master violence against unarmed populations.
>Pentagon Upset After Oklahoma’s Governor Rejects National Guard Vaccine Mandate>The Pentagon said they would address Oklahoma’s Republican governor after the state’s National Guard indicated it would ignore an arguably unconstitutional Defense Department forcing the troops to take COVID-19 jabs.>The Department reportedly said they were “aware” of a memo issued this week by the Oklahoma National Guard’s recently assumed adjutant general which refused to enforce the Department’s vaccine mandate for its troops. The Pentagon decided in August that US military service members will be forcibly vaccinated against Covid-19. [Embed]As all the time happens and according to the tweet, the governor is performing a show for the voters as there is already a backdoor open to forcefully inject the soldiers.
>According to memo, however, if they are federally mobilized, members will have to be vaccinated.
>Australian Medical Official: Vaccine Resisters ‘Won’t be Able to Hide’, Promises They Will Lead a ‘Very, Very Lonely Life’>The leader of the Australian Medical Association in the Australian city of Queensland is promising that those who will resist COVID vaccines will lead a “very, very lonely life,” as authorities up the coercion in an attempt to compel total compliance with the experimental jabs.>“Life will be miserable without being vaccinated. You won’t be able to hide,” Dr. Chris Perry told Channel 9.>“There’s a whole pile of issues, a whole pile of problems if you try and get around the system,” he added.>He explained the permanent dystopia that will be inflicted on all those who refuse to submit, as the darkest new world order prophecies come to fruition all at once by design. [Embed]
>Australia could turn its deserts green for incredible farmland
>only reason it doesn't is "Muh indiginous desert-dwellers and muh rare lizards!"
>neither of these are worth anything to the planet
what if
>white uprising succeeds in Australia, takes over the government, nonwhites told to get out or get gunned down in the street
>crime against nonwhites is legalized and crimes against whites are "hate crimes" that make examples out of niggers for peak ironic reversal of the shit they've done to whites for generations
>to build a military large enough to make the jewed nations of the world think twice before invading/sanctioning Australia, Australia decides service guarantees citizenship, women cannot have abortions or choose their careers over family life, working fertile women are taxed for choosing money over careers, Hitler-style programs to help the young reproduce and afford houses are instituted so feminist women are outbred by the many kids breedable women can now afford
>Australia turns its deserts green with artificially-built deserts and lakes, all hail terraforming and white farmers
>white population skyrockets in Australia as whites around the world want to live there and flee jewed lands to live where there are no niggers or jews
>>325442Australian civilians don't have guns. They're fucked.
>>325457Not trying to promote anything, but. Bombs exist, guns aren't the ONLY way to revolt either way.
>>325459I guess. It's going to be hard though.
>Austrian Police Patrol Shops, Highways Hunting for the Unvaccinated>In a move that was confirmed over the weekend, authorities have now imposed a lockdown that only affects the unjabbed, meaning they can only leave their homes for “essential reasons” such as food shopping.>These measures, which are the first of their kind in the world, impact the roughly 35 per cent of Austrians who haven’t had both doses of the vaccine. [Embed]
>>326048The people in Europa cannot defend themselves and return fire.
>>326048But you need to give up your guns to be safe though
>>325457>Australian civilians don't have guns.>he doesn't know
>Global Resistance To The Totalitarians
>By Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano - Nov 16, 2021.
>The Case for Vaccine Passports Has Been Demolished>The raw data doesn't lie.[YouTube] The Case for Vaccine Passports Has Been Demolished
>>326068Most of the vax advertisements i see target muslims not whites. I guess this is why
>It’ll be ‘jab or death’ for anti-vaxxers, Orban predicts>Vaccination of all Hungarian citizens against Covid-19 is inevitable, PM Viktor Orban has said, stating that even the most hardline anti-vaxxers will ultimately face a choice between dying with the virus and getting a jab.>Speaking to Kossuth radio on Friday, the Hungarian leader lashed out at those reluctant to get vaccinated against coronavirus, branding them a threat "not only to themselves but to all others."
>the world erupts (again) in protests against tyranny>and once more, it's "crickets" from the US media
>Navy Shipbuilder Backpedals On Vaccine Mandate After Flood Of Employees Threaten To Quit>Huntington Ingalls Industries, parent company of Newport News Shipbuilding made the announcement on Tuesday night notifying employees that they will no longer have to comply with a January 4 deadline.
>>326186Drug cartels often force civilizations to take drugs so that they become addicted.
>>326190We all know the CIA pushed crack into black neighbourhoods but remind me again when the CIA forced niggers to take it?
>>326177It's crickets in all legacy media. Lying rats.
>Abp. Viganò calls for Anti-Globalist Alliance to stop global enslavement of humanity>Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is calling for the creation of an Anti-Globalist Alliance “under the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the only King and Savior,” to fight back against the establishment of the New World Order.>'Let us free humanity from a totalitarian regime that brings together in itself the horrors of the worst dictatorships of all time.'>It is a global coup d'état [Embed]The priest couldn't explain it better. He put it in plain terms, all leaders of State are accomplices and the response to them and their clients and enforcers has to be global and swift. This is not a hollow speech, but a call to arms.
>DYSTOPIA DOWN UNDER: Australian Military Summoned to Relocate COVID-19 Positive and “Close Contacts” to Quarantine Camps>Zero Hedge reported — The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Add oil to black paint and lob it at the bots says ex military...
>>326451I wonder if a paintball could be created for this delivery
>>326466On second thought, a water-balloon slingshot (surgical tube) would be optimally cost efficient
>>326466use an injection needle to remove paint from paintball and add whatever you want the same way. paintballs are made of the same material and with the same machines as are the capsules for swallowing liquid or powder medicine
>>326468Paintballs tend to swell and deform when exposed to oil, and would be subject to malfunction, and used oil would quickly foul the marker. A new formula of gel-capsule would need to be developed. Not to mention paintball markers are either prohibitively expensive, or utter garbage, and still less available for incorporation for a mass resistence scenario
>>326468additionally, the use of a paintball marker would result in it being construed as a firearm, and would result in immediate escalation
>>326451Could whites get away with paint-splashing cops? We're not antifa. We'd be punished just as harshly if we threw insults, glitter, paint, food, or bullets.
>>326451>"...during (((the Troubles)))""""Former""" globalist britcuckold opinion immediately discarded. Petroleum adds to petroleum no matter what the end result is. Want to make gaypalm? Take 4 gallons of standard gasoline, add 1/2 gallon of HEET or similar, then add 1/2 gallon of your-choice-pending flammable liquids including turpentine or tiki torch fuel. Drop ONE SHEET of not-too-hard-to-find styrofoam in standard fuel, stir vigorously per sheet until the end result acts like Jell-O.
For additional fun: add 5-10% weight from the following 2 of 3: magnesium, iron, aluminum to the base gasoline or diesel before gelling.
>>326480Why is it that 9/10 britmutt posters are the absolute most basic bitch <62IQ inbred bootlicking kike lovers?
>>326507You have the weirdest accent.
could be less of a fuckgoi and answer the question with reasonable honesty. Or you can't, meaning that you are incapable of stating the truth.
More Need to Start Thinking & Acting like this Guy.
>UK Special envoy on Covid at WHO: 'Vaxxines Should Only be Mandatory in Case of Absolute Refusal'
>David Nabarro is the UK Special envoy on Covid at WHO
That's right, take them voluntarily or our mercenaries will make you at gun point.
>Unvaccinated US Soldiers are Set to be Forced Out of the Military>According to a November 16th memo signed by Secretary of the Army, Christine Wormuth, the service records of active-duty troops and reservists will be flagged on the day they refuse the jab, which follows a meeting with a medical professional and a second order to get vaccinated.>The mark will prevent soldiers from re-enlisting, being promoted, receiving future enlistment bonuses, attending service-related schools or receiving tuition assistance.
>>326507>Petroleum adds to petroleumnigger he sad oil, not petroleum
>Former WHO Director Warns Making Vaccines Mandatory Could Cause Riots>But it’s a “debate we can have.”
>AUSTRALIA PHONE CALL [Northern Territories 'GOV'] (THE PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO KNOW WHO THEY ARE) TEMPERS FLARE!>Steven Spiers’ recorded phone conversation with the Administrator of the Northern Territory regarding the War Crimes currently being committed by them against unarmed Australian civilians. [Embed]
>AUSSIE GOVT DENIES GENOCIDE! - Michael Gunner V's Lurnpa Dave Cole - WATCH IT ALL [Embed]The psychopath freemason in power in Australia denies his crimes and says that they are online false information and BS.
>>326767>masonSauce plz? I looked and found nothing.
>>326770As lodges don't make public their membership, sauce by the time being is missing. However you should already know that you can't belong to the leadership without props from other members of the cult. To choose to ignore that is naive.
>>326773So you dont have evidence, and your argument is that absence of evidence is evidence?
>lodges dont make public their membershipAs a roster? Thats true, they dont have a roster. But they do publicly announce their initiations, and are notorious for posting self and group pictures every time they do.
My point is, if there was any evidence to suggest that he is a mason, either he or someone affiliated (with the lodge or himself) will have taken note and would have made that info available in some capacity, especially wrt to his recent statements and political activity. Masonry is guilty of many things, and as a result has drawn open opposition from loads of groups. It strikes me as implausible that such a prominent and active individual in australian tyrrany would somehow avoid being detected as a mason, and the desire to conclude in the absence of evidence seems irrational.
>>326776Allow me to further clarify. Not only do they announce their initiations, but they also have monthy meetings, fundraising, ritual events, and officer installations and they announce them publicly, listing the elected/appointed officers in the latter case, taking an absurd number of pictures in all cases.
Trust me, they love taking big group photos in their aprons.
So again, it seems implausible that this particular individual managed to leverage his masonic affiliation to achieve a sign9ficant political position while somehow never pinging on anyone's radar.
>>326776>>326777You seem to know about the cult's inner shenanigans.
Would you mind to enlighten the anons with the death threats all members receive inside the temples if they do not keep silence?
>Uprising in Guadeloupe>An insurrectional situation has emerged in Guadeloupe. Roads are closed, buildings set on fire, and clashes between demonstrators and security forces are raging. Many Guadeloupeans have decided that, against dictatorship, violence is a legitimate option. It is a violence directed against the so-called 'health pass' and against the mandatory vaccination of careworkers imposed upon this overseas territory by Metropolitan France. >In September, France had made it compulsory for all health workers, home carers, transport staff, medical students, firefighters, and all related personnel to have the Covid vaccine. This was accompanied with the requisitioning of all Ivermectin stocks in order to force the deeply unpopular vaccine upon the people of Guadeloupe (as well as neighbouring Martinique). According to French government figures, only 33% of Guadeloupeans are vaccinated (versus 75% in Metropolitan France), with a simiar figure in Martinique. >This weekend, Paris authorities began sending elite police and counterterrorism officers with armoured vehicles to Guadeloupe in a bid to stamp out the uprising. The police reinforcements set about dismantling protesters’ road barricades while the island's authorities imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew until Tuesday morning. By Monday the police had arrested at least 38 people charged with looting and smashing shops.[YouTube] France to send special forces to Guadeloupe after looting, arson
>>326828I have a more than basic exposure to masonry, and if I had heard of such a policy I would be quick to present my findings. Im not going to suggest that because I hadnt heard of it it doesnt exist, in fact it makes a certain sense for the higher level degrees. Never heard of swearing an oath on your life? Thats what that is. Never heard of swearing an oath of universal support to the group and it's members? Thats what that is. Im not trying to justify anything, I agree that its inappropriate. They have secret signs that communicate volumes of information about a person's position in the group, such that a defendant in a trial can identify himself to the sitting judge without even making eye contact, and the judge will then work to mistrial even for a guilty person. Thats not the point Im arguing.
Im saying, there are a wealth of reasons that this particular aussie faggoy could/would be motivated to engage in this tyrannical push. Is he a jew/zionist? Is he a commie?
And Im not saying he ISNT a mason, I asked for evidence after having looked and found none, and the effective response was 'EXACTLY'.
The point is: if he was a mason, there would still be no need for secrecy, and I posit that they would not bother to make his membership secret, in light of the fact that though they do swear life oaths and shit,
theyre also 99.99% complete idiots who couldnt manage to keep his membership secret even if they had a vested interest in doing so. Is Kamala Harris in masonry
trick question, thr women's group is Order of the Eastern Star or is she a narcissist who manipulated her way from Montel Williams to the SF mayor, and then into the senate and now the white house? Scandalous and tyrannical people achieve positions of power all the time, and you're not wrong that masonry is a party to it (NOT exclusively) but
Tl;dr there is nothing to suggest that this particular guy/situation is attributable to masonry, and an absence of evidence is not evidence
>AUSTRALIA PROTEST - Over 1 Million People Turn Up - Breathtaking - Tide's a Turning [Embed]
Candace Owens: So when do we invade Australia?
She warns, what is happening in Australia is meant to happen in America.
>>326884>Tl;dr there is nothing to suggest that this particular guy/situation is attributable to masonry, and an absence of evidence is not evidence>and an absence of evidence is not evidenceIt is absurd to ignore the trail. That mad man would not go any further without the cult support.
Let me post a link to their anti-Christian Bible and their sworn purpose: to destroy Christianity. Yup, think about it, politicians, doctors, professors, policemen, military, fire fighters, judges, lawyers, civil servants, all bonded together with a demonic purpose. What a hostile viper nest hidden inside our mist.
A small clip is posted here.
>Satanic (Egyptian, Babylonian) Freemason "bible" exposed. [Embed]
>>326996if these people go home without thousands of dead police and military personnel on the ground they will never break their chains.
They already took a side against the people. Treason cannot be forgotten or forgiven.
>>327065the fact that no cunt is ever at those rallies handing out quick cards full of redpills to radicalize these people is pretty shit.
>>326867>Uprising in GuadeloupeDeveloping.
>MARTINIQUE ISLAND WILL NOT BOW DOWN TO PARIS TYRANNY>The French should take a leaf from their west indians compatriots>Many cars burned tonight in Martinique all over the island for the third night in a row against the health pass, the vaccination obligation and the high cost of living. [Embed]>GUADELOUPE ISLAND FRENCH WEST INDIES WAR ZONE DECLARED>Guadeloupe in a war zone. Shots were fired tonight on the island and the RAID and GIGN were deployed. Dams were set on fire despite the very strong mobilization of the police for this fourth night of curfew [Embed]
>>327066The smart thing to do is to hand out a handful of cards to multiple people and tell them to pass it on. If a disguised enemy gets your cards and bins them they don't all end up binned.
Plus the cards spread faster and you're less likely to be singled out and arrested for handing out redpill cards.
>>327076yes but for a crowd that size you will need lots of them.
Vaccine Passports.
>This Pivotal Moment - (17:12 long)>The proposed global rollout of Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with your health. Vaccine Passports are a Trojan horse being used to create a completely new type of controlled and surveilled society in which the freedom we enjoy today will be a distant memory. It’s time to stop this plan in its tracks. [Embed]Mirrors: [Embed]This Pivotal Moment when freedom lives or dies – and the vaccine passport will decide which it is.
This is it, what's coming will decide if we will be enslaved or The People will whack the tyrants.
>>327094>share it widehow?
>Australia declares war against Internet Anonymous Trolls Demanding Social Media Fines over Any Criticism>The Australian government will introduce new legislation forcing social media companies to “unmask” anonymous users who post offensive comments, or make them pay defamation fines if they are unable or refuse to do so.>“Free speech is not being allowed to cowardly hide in your basement and sledge and slur and harass people anonymously and seek to destroy their lives,” Morrison stated. “In a free society such as Australia where we value our free speech, it is only free when that is balanced with the responsibility for what you say.” [Embed]
>>327134Curious, the madman hides behind violent mercenaries while calls his critics cowards.
>WHO Says It’s Time for a “Healthy Debate” on Compulsory Covid Shots>Anti-Empire proposes healthy debate on lining up WHO personel against the wall
>New Zealand: PM Condescendingly Grants Permission To ‘Use The Bathroom’ When Visiting Family And Friends>“You can now see family and friends again in their homes — and use the bathroom inside. Luxury!” declared New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.>Ardern did not address the obvious question this brings up – if your jab works, why do you care whether others have it or not? [Embed] [Embed]
>>323772>SSSSWhat the fuck is wrong with these retards? Just shorten it to S4.
>>327334Government employees are out of citizen control.
>Wait For It.... Wait For It....
Like a boss.
Government TV
>Jim Kramer Calls Unvaxxed People “Psychotic”, Demands U.S. Military Hunt Them Down, Force Vaccinate
>Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/01/2021 Opening Monologue>The Omicron variant bullshit and the coming quarantines [Embed]
>Unvaccinated Barred from Boarding Planes and Trains in Canada>Unvaccinated travellers over the age of 12 won’t be able to board a plane or passenger train in Canada beginning today, and a negative COVID-19 test will no longer serve as a substitute for most people.>The policy came into effect on Oct. 30, but the federal government allowed a short transition period for unvaccinated travellers who could board as long as they provided a negative molecular COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours before their trip.>The stringent new requirement comes into effect as Canada reacts to the emergence of the new, highly mutated Omicron variant of COVID-19.
>German Health Minister: 'We Must Take Large Groups Of Unvaccinated And Concentrate Them Into Special Camps' - (satire, or not so)
Yep. We're on a lockdown. Can't get education no more without showing a QR code. Shit's fucked up but it's merely a simulation to show we are playing along. This lockdown hurts small business while the middle class is working in the streets without masks.
>Russians are not okay with getting QR-tagged>Things are getting spicy>To briefly summarize what has been happening: Russia’s completely cucked regional parliaments—infested with United Russia apparatchiks—have skipped the foreplay (“thoughtful discussion and debate”) and are now feverishly rubber-stamping the national QR code legislation.>It’s a bold play from The Uni-Party. An internet poll with 1.4 million respondents suggests that around 92% of Russians believe QR codes are “a violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the rights of citizens.” Meanwhile, a survey conducted by RBC found that less than 20% of the country supported the introduction of digital “health” tags. State media claims almost 30% of Russians are in favor of the Ausweis. But when you correct for Kremlin Baloney, this means support for the vax pass is probably hovering around 5%.>What we’re trying to say here is United Russia and its Axis of Boot-Lickers are basically voting against the wishes of the entire country.[YouTube] ПРОТИВНИКИ QR ПРИШЛИ К ДЕПУТАТАМ
[Embed]B-but, Putin is based... /s
>>327727Putin can't do shit beinng surrounded in fat bellied deputats. The lockdown was unavoidable from the start.
>>327728>Poor Putin, he is handcuffed like TrumpSorry, I don't buy that crap.
The time to believe that bullshit is over. The whole State apparatus turned against the people and therefore must be terminated together with all employees, for good.
>>327728In case you still have any hope that Putin is not part of the conspiracy.
>>327730Be that way. I don't have to prove shit to you.
>>327731Of course. I just want you to notice that every "based" head of state is an enemy agent playing the role of controlled opposition.
>>327731What you continue to get wrong is that you (((believe))) Putin, like Drumpf, are not part of the cesspool. Lysander Spooner stated it best in an 1870 book titled: No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
"So these villains, who call themselves governments, well understand that their power rests primarily upon stolen denominations (money.) With money they can hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort money. And, when their authority is denied, the first use they always make of money, is to hire more soldiers to kill or subdue all who refuse them more money.
The payment of taxes, being compulsory, of course furnishes no evidence that any one voluntarily supports the Constitution. It is true that the theory of our Constitution is that all taxes are paid voluntarily; that our government is a mutual
usury (insurance) company, voluntarily entered into by the people with each other; that each man makes a free and purely voluntary contract with all others who are parties to the Constitution, to pay so much money for so much protection, the same as he does with any other insurance company; and that he is just as free not to be protected, and not to pay any tax, as he is to pay a tax, and be protected.
But this theory of our government is wholly different from the practical fact. The fact is that the government, like a highwayman, says to a man: 'your money or your life'. And many, if not most, taxes are paid under the compulsion of that threat.
The government does not, indeed, waylay a man in a lonely place, spring upon him from the road side, and, holding a pistol to his head, proceed to rifle his pockets. But the robbery is none the less a robbery on that account; and it is far more dastardly and shameful.
The highwayman takes solely upon himself the responsibility, danger, and crime of his own act. He does not pretend that he has any rightful claim to your money, or that he intends to use it for your own benefit. He does not pretend to be anything but a robber. He has not acquired impudence enough to profess to be merely a 'protector,' and that he takes men’s money against their will, merely to enable him to 'protect' those infatuated travellers, who feel perfectly able to protect themselves, or do not appreciate his peculiar system of protection. He is too sensible a man to make such professions as these. Furthermore, having taken your money, he leaves you, as you wish him to do. He does not persist in following you on the road, against your will; assuming to be your rightful 'sovereign' on account of the 'protection' he affords you. He does not keep 'protecting' you, by commanding you to bow down and serve him; by requiring you to do this, and forbidding you to do that; by robbing you of more money as often as he finds it for his interest or pleasure to do so; and by branding you as a rebel, a traitor, and an enemy to your country, and shooting you down without mercy, if you dispute his authority, or resist his demands. He is too much of a gentleman to be guilty of such impostures, and insults, and villainies as these. In short, he does not, in addition to robbing you, attempt to make you either his dupe or his slave.
The proceedings of those robbers and murderers, who call themselves 'the government', are directly the opposite of these, the single highwayman.
In the first place, they do not, like him, make themselves individually known; or, consequently, take upon themselves personally the responsibility of their acts. On the contrary, they secretly (by secret ballot) designate some one of their number to commit the robbery in their behalf, while they keep themselves practically concealed. They say to the person thus designated:
'Go to A— B—, and say to him that 'the government' has need of money to meet the expenses of protecting him and his property. If he presumes to say that he has never contracted with us to protect him, and that he wants none of our protection, say to him that that is our business, and not his; that we choose to protect him, whether he desires us to do so or not; and that we demand pay, too, for protecting him. If he dares to inquire who the individuals are, who have thus taken upon themselves the title of 'the government', and who assume to protect him, and demand payment of him, without his having ever made any contract with them, say to him that that, too, is our business, and not his; that we do not choose to make ourselves individually known to him; that we have secretly (by secret ballot) appointed you our agent to give him notice of our demands, and, if he complies with them, to give him, in our name, a receipt that will protect him against any similar demand for the present year. If he refuses to comply, seize and sell enough of his property to pay not only our demands, but all your own expenses and trouble beside.
>>327731If he resists the seizure of his property, call upon the bystanders to help you (doubtless some of them will prove to be members of our band in 'the government'). If, in defending his property, he should kill any of our band who are assisting you, capture him at all hazards; charge him (in one of our courts) with murder, convict him, and hang him. If he should call upon his neighbors, or any others who, like him, may be disposed to resist our demands, and they should come in large numbers to his assistance, cry out that they are all rebels and traitors; that 'our country' is in danger; call upon the commander of our hired murderers; tell him to quell the rebellion and 'save the country', cost what it may. Tell him to kill all who resist, though they should be hundreds of thousands; and thus strike terror into all others similarly disposed. See that the work of murder is thoroughly done, that we may have no further trouble of this kind hereafter. When these traitors shall have thus been taught our strength and our determination, they will be good loyal citizens for many years, and pay their taxes without a why or a wherefore.
It is under such compulsion as this that taxes, so called, are paid. And how much proof the payment of taxes affords, that the people consent to support 'the government', it needs no further argument to show."
Lysander wrote that in 1870. How many years has it been since the toppest of microdick kikes, that being Marx, was born? Stop getting cucked by defending Putin. That judeo-soycialist goyim-golem spent over 400 billion petro-shekels on his Black Palace.
>Luxembourg: Barricades At A Market Separating Vaxxed & Pure Bloods Is Dismantled In Short Order>Protesters storm a Christmas market in Luxembourg, where vaccination or a negative test is required. [Embed]
>RED ALERT: Austria and Greece Draft LAWS to JAIL Unvaccinated People over 'Vaccine Hesitancy'>For almost a year now, those who warned that EU countries would soon be enforcing vaccine mandates with fines or jail time were branded as ‘conspiracy theorists’. However, in what is becoming a noticeable trend, it seems they were correct as Austria and Greece move towards fines and custodial sentences for ‘vaccine hesitancy’.>Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg had previously announced that the COVID vaccine would become compulsory from February 1st, 2022. Exactly how these laws would be implemented was previously unknown, however, a leak of the draft bill has revealed that the Austrian government plans to fine and jail its citizens if they do not get the jab.>RT reports that under the bill, anyone who refuses to attend a scheduled vaccination appointment will receive an official summons from local authorities. If an individual fails to show up, they will then be summoned one more time within the next four weeks.
>HILARIOUS! New Anthem “Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your ASS” is Spreading Like Wildfire (VIDEO)>Along with “Let’s Go Brandon,” a new anthem “Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your ASS” is making a buzz online. Many people around the world have sung the anthem as a way of protesting the COVID-19 vaccine mandates.[YouTube] 'Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your A**' Anthem Spreads
>>327870are there violent lyrics?
if not we need to make them sing this instead
[YouTube] It's Time For Guillotines
What Its Come To! Old Lady Prevented From Boarding A Tram, Doesn't Have A Smart Phone.
>Dr. Vlademir Zelenco makes it quite clear how he feels about their "wellness" checks.
The jew is getting bold.
>No Jab, No Food: Canadian Province Imposes New Regulations to Ban Unvaccinated from Grocery Stores>Since Saturday, people in New Brunswick, Canada are now required to show proof of full vaccination in public. Failure to provide proof of full vaccination will result in citizens being barred from entering grocery stores to buy food, True North reported.>This new provision was announced as part of the province’s “winter action plan,” which allows any business, including grocery stores, the right of denying entry to any unvaccinated food shopper. The new provision raises questions from the health experts regarding the need to impose such a plan as the province’s daily cases remain low.
>THIS IS HOW WE WIN>Professor of clinical psychology Dr. Mattias Desmet explains how we got here and how we win. [Embed]A technical view into the sheeple's mind and a way to hack it.
>Good Morning Britain deletes Twitter poll after 89% of respondents indicate they would not support mandatory COVID vaccination. [Embed]
>>328243>handmaidens talebased, we can marry our waifus and still reproduce now.
>German Clinic Director Releases Video Before Being Suicided? We Have Been Warned
>New York Gov. Hochul Orders Statewide Vax-Or-Mask Rule Threatening $1K Fines For Businesses>New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Friday ordered all offices, restaurants, shops, and other businesses statewide to make staff and customers either show proof of taking a COVID-19 inoculation or force them to wear masks — otherwise, she says they will face a $1,000 fine per violation.>The new mandate on businesses — many of which are small practices barely surviving financially from repeated assaults by the government on their ability to engage in free enterprise — will take effect Monday and applies statewide.>Businesses that decide to not act as COVID-19 inoculation and muzzle police reportedly could be subject to both civil and even criminal penalties, including a maximum fine of $1,000 for each violation.>The draconian rule will remain in force until at least January 15th. Governor Hochul will then decide if she wants to further extend it, officials said. Hochul’s office said local health departments will be in charge of enforcement.
>>328346why didnt he just use the naval ship and shell the whitehouse.
>French riot police get clobbered.
Trump is complicit in this fucking mess..prove me wrong
>>326480we have guns here too though
>>328446Look up what the hewjew word "gabai" means. Then, stop using that ultra hard centrist-wing pro-ziocuck site.
>>328453you're a dumbass, whether or not jews started that site whatever they respect free speech and plenty of people calling out Trump for being a zionist on there...look at his posts and read the comments people are calling him out faggot nobody is coming here
>>328453It's gabbai, not, drooling moron
>Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has compared his country’s vaccination program to herding sheep.[YouTube] Aussie PM Compares Vaccinated to Sheep
>>328455Since when have kikes ever """respected""" free speech, especially when said free speech could THEORETICALLY """hurt""" them? Never. If one is not allied to the kike or neutral to the kike, they are against the kike. Drumpfygoy is one of the biggest pro-ziocucks next to Bitch McCuckell. His MAGApedes continue to defend every single pro-Pissrahell positions he's made, regardless of all evidence presented against. Remember the Saudi Arabia-Pissrahell arms deal worth 450 billion petro-shekels? What about the Pissrahell Immigration Relief Bill? Maybe the Pissrahell Farming Initiative? He's been a profound ziocuck since the day he inherited daddy's petro-shekels, end of story.
>>328494"gabbai" -> "gabai" -> "". Same shit, different day, slightly different rotation of worsmithing and shift of intentions. Makes no difference. Leave your comfortable echo chamber for once.
>German police enforced new Covid social distancing measures with folding rulers in Frankfurt over the weekend.>“Wearing a mask is mandatory if the minimum distance of 1.50 m cannot be maintained.” according to new social distancing rules in Frankfurt.>The state police enforced this new rule by walking through crowds with rulers. [Embed]
>>328539It's dehumanizing...
Those jackbooted tyranta are showing off how safe they feel walking among "protesting" disarmed commoners.
Germany needs to read The Gulag Archipelago.
No more international travel for 12 to 15-year-olds without the NHS "COVID Pass," UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid proclaims.
>The death of Europe>Mandatory vaccination spells the violent end of European liberalism.>Europe is on a precipice. It has marched, blindly, towards something very much resembling tyranny. Austria will shortly criminalise those who refuse the Covid vaccine. Germany looks set to follow. Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, is wondering out loud if every member state should do likewise and make offenders of those who reject this form of medication. In Italy you are deprived of your livelihood rather than your liberty if you say no to vaccination: the unvaxxed are not permitted to work. Anywhere. In Greece, everyone over the age of 60 must pay the government 100 euros for every month they remain unvaxxed. As if the Greek government, in cahoots with its masters in Brussels, had not immiserated Greek pensioners enough already.
>You Are The Enemy
This is a (((globalist))) paper describing the anti-lockdown protests and making suggestions how to proceed as the redpilling is going mainstream, slow but steady.
The authors stress that the "anti-terrorist" heavy handed approach will backfire when used on the regular population and call for an intensive use of the known playbook until a new response plan is designed, as such: gatekeepers, obfuscated censorship, character assassination, gaslighting, straight lies. Either way, in the end they will have no option left than brute force and an acceleration of the downward spiral till the moment they'll meet the gallows.
>British media says “hardcore vaccine refuseniks” are “terrorists” that need to be “deradicalized”> ITV in the United Kingdom has released the hounds against “anti-vaxxers,” calling for them to be “deradicalized” like “terrorists” and “punished” with oppressive vaccine mandates.>The made-in-Wuhan Fauci coronavirus (Covid-19) is apparently so scary to ITV that reporters from the outlet want jab rejectors to be treated like cult members in need of deprogramming.>According to the paper, around six million eligible Brits have still not received even a single injection of a “vaccine,” which is deeply upsetting to Prof. Stephan Lewandowsky, chair of cognitive psychology at the University of Bristol.>Lewandowsky considers those who oppose getting injected “marginalised” and “very difficult to reach for anything.” They are basically social outcasts who have mental problems, he suggested.
>>328523the jewish establishment like ADL and SPLC have never respected it, but the people who started gab do...i've been on there posting anti zionist shit constantly, saying nigger and calling people's a free speech platform douchebag whether or not "da jews" run it...a jew started reddit, he was an ancap, he was murdered because he didn't want to sell his company or join globohomo, now look where reddit is now, they're going public. Aaron scwartz was a staunch free speech advocate. I'm no zionist fag but Trump was the best we got, the first major mainstream politician talking shit about Israel, are you not paying attention faggot?
I believe this is more suitable here, re-posted from
>>328785 →>Max Igan>A Truth That Most Refuse To See [Embed]A clip with good stuff. 6:02 long.
>>328774>the jewish establishment like ADL and SPLC have never respected it, but the people who started gab they don't. they have already censored people and deplatformed anything erotic anyway. It's for boomers and retarded soccormoms only.
>>328794Why speak like this?
Gab has clear rules against porn because the CHRISTIAN (but welcoming to nonchristians) website expects people to NOT fill it with blacked porn.
>>328794Hey, sorry if I came off too aggressive.
There are a lot of people out there who think if you don't religiously stick to principles even when they are exclusively used against you by a child-eating child-raping child-sacrificing enemies that lack principles, then your principles don't count.
I don't know if you're one of those guys or not but fuck those guys.
Batman might have his personal no-kill rule because he thinks superheroes shouldn't have that power but killing the Joker is a slightly more permanent solution for the Joker problem than imprisoning him. I say slightly because death is a revolving door in comics but you know what I mean. I'm against killing people for their political views but communists are for killing non-communists. I don't believe in what they have to say, and fighting for the right to defend communist speech would be retarded. When people get sufficiently sick of commies they will know what to do to solve the communist problem.
Gab is a site for networking and political speech. If they were restricting some forms of genuine speech under the guise of combating sexual immorality I would be pissed. If they were banning NSFW political adverts I would be a little pissed. But a honest ban against posting NSFW content makes sense, considering how much the jews love using pornography as a weapon against whites. There are plently of places for porn online. Gab shouldn't alienate its christian fanbase by trying to be everything for everyone.
>>328794You short-sighted idiot, if they allowed porn on their site then the feds would just dump their CP collections on there to justify raiding the servers and bringing down the entire thing. If you need your coomer fix the internet already has countless dedicated repositories.
>>328801>>328813nice glowzig posts, very inventive, like they haven't done that to even our websites yet here we fucking are.
More pertinently, what porn is even on twitter? I'll give you a hint, not moshe's. This is exactly why some israeli cock sucking board like gab is the kind of people who would ban porn, they know to maintain jewish monopoly on degeneracy.
finally, where do you faggots think you are? this is the horse porn board.
>>328816>They banned porn to protect the Jewish monopoly on pornDo you realize how retarded that sounds?
>>328818>d-do you realize how retarded that s-sounds fellow whitehmmm, these guys sure do have a monopoly on a lot of stuff, I bet they don't mind if I take "this" though, right chosen people?
Are you niggers having a fucking stroke?
"Gaikiken" is on twitter. An artist who draws horsecock. On twitter. Twitter has porn. Twitter has pedophiles. Twitter has "MAP Activists" aka pedophiles using the language of faggots to demand the right to rape your children and get away with it.
The world has plenty of places where pornography can be posted.
Gab forbids posting pornography, especially the jewish kind. He does not want his christian website associated with degeneracy or flooded with it. He is not "deplatforming porn" or keeping whites from making it and only a jew trying to demoralize whites would say otherwise.
Real men oppose degeneracy and cuckservatives only have interest in preserving the left's freedoms and the freedom to be degenerate.
This might shock you but some whites enjoy having a place free from the endless barrage of pornography and degeneracy.
it would be easy for Gab to allow NSFW content and NSFW advertisers. But he wants to make a genuinely christian site and he is unafraid to challenge the jew. That makes him more of a man than any Alinskite leftist bellyaching about "right wingers not meeting their standards and staying true to their principles".
Blacked porn is not a human right. Gab does not restrict your rights by forbidding you to post it on Gab.
For the record if Gab was banning people for being involved in the porn industry or selling lewd/pornographic art on patreon I'd be pissed for him policing people on his site based on what they do on other sites.
But if he wants a rule against porn on his political site I'm fine with that. Pictures of cocks aren't the kind of thing Gab was designed for. Besides if it tried to allow some porn it would have to hire people to ban illegal shit like CP and you know how much the left loves posting CP in places they want closed down.
>>328853>If you don't agree with me you aren't whiteI can smell the COINTELPRO from here, god damn.
>>328871typical shill, downplay what you are disagreeing on and shriek a buzz word.
It's okay for gab to say "no porn allowed on my site". Does anyone have any arguments against this specifically?
>>328888Whatever you say, your COINTELPRO divide and conquer tactics don't work here. Go glow up 4/pol/
>>328894>your horse porn is bad, >stop defending porn>porn is always bad>gab goodMust be neat to be so much of an elf you don't even inhabit the same plane of reality as the average horsefucker.
>>328898>You're Jewish because you don't agree with me!!!! DIE!!!!! Nice COINTELPRO tactics, buddy.
>>328893Hey does this mean I win the argument
Useless demonstrations continue.
>>328907No one replied to your arguement because it's shit.
gab is trying to compete directly with a censoring platform by being a censoring platform.
>New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim.>In the next legislative session beginning January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly could vote on a bill that would grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis.>Bill A416 presents a serious risk to the basic liberties of all Americans in the state of New York, including their right to choose whether or not to receive medical treatment and vaccinations related to thus far undetermined contagious diseases.>The bill gives the Governor of New York, his or her delegates – including but not limited to the commissioner and heads of local health departments – the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people through issuing a single order. The orders only have to include the individual’s name(s) or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”>The department can decide to hold a person or group of people in a medical facility or any other they deem appropriate. The language is purposefully vague.
>>328794porn is degenerate, fuck off to twitter coomer
>French Health Minister Admits Vaccine Passports Are a “Disguised” Vaccine Mandate>Making people’s lives miserable “more effective” than fining people.
>>328967Get the fuck out of here you god damn boomer
>>>/twitter/this is what happens when niggers get upity and no one shuts them up with horsepussy.
>>329010>horsepussy...And so it shall be.
>Unvaccinated Europeans Fight for Rights as COVID Restrictions Tighten>'Totalitarian Police State': European governments are becoming increasingly hardline in their treatment of the unvaccinated with more lockdowns and fines in the thousands of dollars. >Some people are leaving. Some are fighting back. >When CBN News spoke to American Alicia Düren and her German husband Andreas, they were packing, trying to get out of Germany as quickly as possible. They've had enough of Germany's strict COVID policies.[YouTube] Unvaccinated Europeans Fight for Rights as COVID Restrictions Tighten
>German Health Minister Calls For Immediate Forced Vaccination Of Entire Population [Embed]
>The Night Before Reset[YouTube] The Night Before Reset
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]A creepy Christmas tale of what's coming. Nevertheless, good stuff.
>Dr. Vernon Coleman - We Are Winning The War! His prediction for 2022! - (44:53 long)>Please note: this is a special Wednesday Review for the 22nd December 2021. In his 300th video (many of which were deleted by YouTube), retired medical doctor and international best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman, traces the history of the covid fraud from its beginnings, predicts what governments will do in 2022 and explains why we are winning the war. [Embed]It is long a lecture but good stuff focusing on the conspiracy nevertheless.
>New York Democrat Assemblyman Defeated In His Attempt To Detain Civilians for COVID, Blames the Truth Movement For Beating Him>On Wednesday, Democrat New York State assemblyman Nick Perry of Brooklyn took action to stop his bill, Assembly Bill A416, from becoming law. Perry’s bill would have given the governor of New York and local health department heads the authority to detain civilians if the civilians have “contact” or they are “suspected” of having a contagious disease. The bill would have allowed the government to detain civilians for lengthy periods of time. The bill literally states that the governor and health officials “MAY ORDER THE REMOVAL AND/OR DETENTION OF SUCH A PERSON OR GROUP OF SUCH PERSONS…” The bill has been introduced in previous legislative sessions, and the current version was referred to the Health committee on January 6, 2021.>Perry withdrew the bill after citizen journalists and Truthers rallied against the legislation on social media. Perry ranted about “Conspiracy theorists” in his statement killing his own bill. Clearly, this episode represents a victory for the Truth movement.
>>329208This pic looks photoshopped. What's up with his head and neck?
>More TRUTH from Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dec 20, 2021.
>Telling it like it is: "Thug law enforcers on a power trip and indoctrinated allopathic drug pushers... we don't want your shitty, dangerous, killer, fertility damaging, experimental quack scenes. We don't want your discriminatory segregation passport system ... shows us what pathological liars you are ..."
>Gregory-Portland Middle School Prison teaching to become a good slave
>>329412Modern public education (standardized, post-1800 government funded) is meant to acclimate children into factory work and standardize culture to prevent separatists from forming.
>school bellsShift change bells
Lunch bells
>attendanceTime clocks
That video is a tacit admission that the cagie wagie is the future. We THX1138 nao.
>>329418>clipFuck that. Prepare to scuttle the ship.
>>329420>not getting rich with the kikes and turning the golem against your enemiesThere's a reason why they've vilified this exact train of thought in their works of fiction.
There are no battlefields on which to gain notoriety.
There is only money.
>Job offer>US Army - Internment/Resettlement Specialist>Overview:>Internment/resettlement specialists are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility.>Job Duties:>· Supervision of confinement and detention operations>· External security to facilities>· Counseling/guidance to individual prisoners within a rehabilitative program>· Records of prisoners/internees and their programs case there are still doubts about what the soldiers are up to.
Re-posted from
>>329568 →>Globalist Whore Trudeau Called Out For His Treason Against Canadians
The Italians have figured out how to bypass the system!
The fucking machine states in Italian that the temperature is normal.
>NEW - Chinese lockdown rule-breakers publicly shamed and paraded through the streets carrying placards with their names in Cultural Revolution-style disciplinary measures. [Embed]
>Protests South Korea, Georgia, Austria, France, Germany, Spain, and Argentina [Embed]
>After Thousands Of Parents Refused to Comply, California School District Reverses Child Jab Mandate>San Diego, CA — Forgoing any legal democratic processes, multiple school districts in California began mandating the COVID-19 vaccination for children earlier this year. Set to go into effect in January, any child, 16 and older, who did not get the jab, was banned from campus in all San Diego public schools.>This authoritarian move caused a mass of backlash and thousands of children and parents refused to comply. The refusal to get vaccinated set the stage for a showdown that was to unfold on January 24 when the children would be kicked out of school for non compliance.>There will be no showdown, however, as a San Diego judge struck down the mandate this week, accurately pointing out that a school district has no authority to mandate medical procedures for children.>Several parents of students filed lawsuits against the LAUSD over the mandate and thousands of children remained unvaccinated in LAUSD. This line in the sand forced the school district to postpone their mandate last week after a whopping 28,000 children refused the jab.
>>329665>"Muh Jewremberg code!!!!!"God, fuck off. If you think anything from that kangaroo court is worthwhile you should neck yourself
>>329665>((("b-b-b-b-but m-m-muh j-jewrumborg koad!")))Shitty low effort simpgoy. Y'see, when those thousands of Austrian and German guards stated that they were "just following their orders"... THEY WERE NOT GENOCIDING THE KIKES. BUT, THEY
>>329667and yet these retards will actually still send their children there for any reason than to burn the school down.
>>329680Sadly they are outgunned and cannot defend themselves.
>Canada>Justin Trudeau — The Unvaccinated are usually ‘racist and misogynist’…>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a Quebec television station people who do not get vaccinated against COVID are often racist and misogynistic extremists. His comments prompted People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier to call Trudeau a “fascist psychopath.” [Embed]
>>329680>>329681as mentioned on cuckchan. this is not good and is another avenue for the globalists to destroy history by attacking museums.
>>329776>to destroy history by attacking museumsPoint taken.
But take in count that most (((history))) my be fake. The Mud Flood evidence points at it without any doubt.
>>329778>Mud Flood evidenceIn case you are scratching your mane.
>>329778>>329781>Mud FloodNo shit, Sherlock. Buildings sink when they're not anchored into bedrock (which is impossible in most places as the soil is too thick; for a place that IS anchored and has moved fuck-all since, see St. Petersburg) as the soil moves from under them and shit piles on top, and the ground level rises with sedimentation. Of course some places end up having multiple levels, or basements which were ground floors once. And the weaker the soil and heavier the buildings, the faster it happens.
And people build underground from the get-go, like how Kazan's main street has a copy of itself built underneath.
If you think that is evidence for some conspiracy, you failed not only geology 101, but basic skills of observation over time.
I missed that thread. Thanks for fetch it on.
>>329785I was a little sneaky about its posting, but yeah I plan to go deep on that shit
>>329891>buying groceriesImagine buying goy chow. if I'm going to be fed poison I'm letting moshe's good goy christfags pay for it.>FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams announced her resignation Friday in an open letter addressed to President Biden, just weeks after she warned of a “hostile takeover” of the agency by Democrats.>McWilliams did not provide a direct reason for her resignation in her letter to the president. However, she previously published a December op-ed in which she described a “hostile takeover” of the FDIC by Democrats.>“This conflict isn’t about bank mergers. If it were, board members would have been willing to work with me and the FDIC staff rather than attempt a hostile takeover of the FDIC internal processes, staff and board agenda.”
Canada’s Bolshevik Cheka arrested Pastor Artur Pawlowski again for the “crime” of speaking his opinion against lockdowns like a free citizen.
The Canadian government’s vicious assault on Pawlowski continued on New Year’s Day as Alberta law enforcement ambushed him on the highway. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed][YouTube] BREAKING: Pastor Artur Pawlowski ARRESTED again
>Unvaccinated workers who lose jobs ineligible for EI benefits, minister says>The policy is intended to protect workplaces from outbreaks and encourage vaccine uptake, says Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough
>>330011if his church does not mow down every cop in alberta in retaliation he deserved it.
>>330025>mow downPeople's Tribunals are the way. Simple and swift.
What does mandate mean. It is not a law. You do not have to do it.
Mileage may vary as zogbots usually operate in numerous packs and don't give a shit about your rights.
>Police ordered to GET OUT by Queensland Cafe owner & Angry Locals [Embed]
>At a construction site in Mexico, a man named Diego Avila discovered this coin in 2018>It bears the imperial eagle with swastika, as well as the iron cross. It is also stamped with the year 2039[YouTube] A Coin Discovered From A Parallel Universe Found In Our Timeline
[Embed]The golden age, it awaits us, all we need do is make it.
>>330148Great googly! Thanx.
I'm speechless, yet have so many questions.
>Exposed: Globalists Use Black Ops to Manipulate the Masses on COVID-19 Vaccines>The globalists in the UK government have been exposed for using black ops honed in the foreign battlefields of Syria to manipulate public perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine.>The project has been tasked with fomenting psychological warfare against British citizens, developing profiles on them, and then maligning critics of the propaganda effort as “superspreaders” of “disinformation.” This was allegedly designed “to curb the influence of pseudoscience material online, with specific emphasis on Coronavirus-related ‘anti-vaxxing’ sentiment.”>The operation is called “Challenging Pseudoscience” and has been commissioned by the UK’s Royal Institution. Charles, the Prince of Wales, who is next in succession for British royalty, is a primary benefactor for the project. He has been a major vaccine pusher and backer of censorship against “conspiracy theories” since the inception of the COVID pandemic.
>Alex Jones>BREAKING: ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Admittedly Used by Governments as Tool of Population Control>Dr. Robert Malone’s assertions about “mass formation psychosis” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are underscored by the fact that authorities in the UK admitted to using “totalitarian” methods of “mind control” to instill fear in the population.>In Canada, the military also admitted launching a psychological operations campaign against their own people in order to manipulate them into compliance with COVID-19 restrictions and mandates.>During his viral podcast with Joe Rogan after he was banned by Twitter, Malone explained how the global population was being manipulated into remaining in a constant state of hysterical anxiety via mass formation psychosis. [Embed]
>“By starting in Israel, no one will suspect a plan to enslave the goyim by forcing them to be vaccinated or starve.”
>Tyrannical announcements are made by local police on the streets of Quebec
Government fighters threatening the citizens.
>France>Macron profanely insults vaccine-resistant French, says they are no longer citizens>“The unvaxxed, I really feel like pissing them off. And so we’re going to keep on doing that, to the very end. That’s the strategy,” French president Emmanuel Macron said Monday in an interview with the daily Le Parisien, setting off waves of shocked reaction even beyond the circle of media and political personalities who are fighting the battle against a COVID vaccine pass the government is set on imposing on the population.>Macron went even further, with perhaps a more outrageous declaration: “When my liberty becomes a threat to the liberty of others, I become an irresponsible individual. An irresponsible individual is no longer a citizen.” He accused the “anti-vaxxers” of committing an “immense moral fault”: “They are undermining what constitutes the solidity of a nation,” he said.
>NYC Council member excluded from chamber floor after refusing to disclose vax status>NYC Council member Vickie Paladino ran on a platform that aims to free New York City from suffocating COVID mandates. Now, she herself must face them head-on.
>Justice Sotomayor Spreads Delusional Misinformation During SCOTUS Hearing On Covid Vax Mandate>Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday spread delusional misinformation during oral arguments on the Biden regime's "vaccine" mandate, claiming 100,000 children are currently hospitalized with covid (real number 3,342), Omicron is "as deadly" as Delta and covid deaths have never been higher. >How are these justices supposed to debate the validity of the regime's mandates when they don't even know the basic facts of the case and are living in a delusional dreamworld where COVID is killing children en masse and deaths have never been higher?>I've seen people commenting saying they must get their news from CNN but they literally know less than your average CNN watcher!>This is the most important case in our country and Sotomayor hasn't even done the most basic research to prepare! [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
> President threatens unvaccinated with prison time>Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has issued a stark warning to people who refuse the Covid jab if they fail to follow a stay-at-home order
>GERMANY: 'Fully Vaxxed' No Longer Enough, Citizens Must Get 'Boosted' Or Get Regular COVID Tests>Germany has announced more pandemic restrictions that require double-jabbed individuals to take COVID-19 tests before eating in restaurants and cafes. Triple-jabbed Germans are unaffected by the new rule.>Germany has announced a new set of pandemic restrictions amid a surge in COVID-19 infections, despite more than 70% of their population having been injected with coronavirus vaccines. [Embed]
>>330489Noncompliance without violence just means they force you at gunpoint anyway
Man tells us the difference between third world countries and first world countries.
Welcome to ZOG.
>Plans To Incarcerate Unvaxxed: Pastor Derailed Plan to Imprison Pure Bloods>Our state governments have become demented. Precisely because the vaccines aren’t working well, they can’t think of anything to do except more shots, more jabs, more more more. Inject toddlers. Inject infants. Inject pets. Get boosted every month, every week. Pastor Cummings is a church leader in Washington State. He recently had an online post go viral warning about new measures in Washington that would allow the state to detain people against their will in the name of “fighting covid” of course. Pastor Cummings says that the negative attention from his post forced the state to back off. Pastor Cummins joins us. [Embed]
>Infowars>U.S. Tyrants Push Covid Internment Camps>As 2022 begins, The Great Reset rollout of pre determined Covid quarantine camps is digging its claws into the blue dictatorships of the United States. [Embed]
>Italy Declares War on Citizens: Forces 'Vaccinations', Bans Dissenters From Work and Public Life` (Video)>On January 8, 2021, Italy mandated the mRNA gene therapy injections billed as Covid “vaccines” for people over 50 years old. The left-wing government also shut down most of public life for the unvaccinated. Its leaders proudly bragged they would be the first country within the European Union to force citizens to take the experimental and controversial injections.>Italy’s government reports that 89.41% of the population over 12 years of age are vaccinated, and therefore only about 10% have not undergone the controversial injections.>Pfizer CEO: Two Covid 'Vaccine' Injections 'Offers Very Limited Protection' if any”
>>330702>the vaccine isn't workingit's entirely working.
>>330920>it's entirely working.I agree, the normies are dying left and right.
>vaccine concentration camps
Where the fuck are these? Like, where are the pics, where are the stories? Where are the people? And What country is this in? Can I get a source that isn't "'''BE AFRAID, BE EMOTIONALLY DISTRAUGHT, BE STRESSED, IT GIVES US PROFIT AND VIEWS!!!'''" Because that bullshit is exactly what the MSM pulls, and fearmongering doesn't help causes in this age of informational struggle.
Half of the news sources in this thread feel like they're controlled opposition trying to gaslight their readers into not believing reality, or are managed by complete assholes who don't know how to report without inserting a thousand buzzwrods..
guy gets shot 19-11 Rotterdam, Netherlands
there were rumors of at least one maybe two additional shooting, but haven't been able to find into about them.
censorship worked realy fast, one website was taken off line within hours.
>Fear & loathing in QR-coded Russia>Things are getting weirder as the Duma prepares to vote on nationwide cattle tags>What’s going on with the State Duma’s suicidal plan to push through national QR code legislation—perhaps the most unpopular proposed law in modern Russian history?>What’s preventing this much-beloved legislative body from QR-stamping the entire country? The delay is at least partly due to the “the unwillingness of the population to accept this law,” according to Interfax. One Duma deputy even predicted the legislation could be shelved indefinitely. But there are also reports—denied by the Kremlin—that the State Duma might reintroduce amendments that would require QR codes for transportation. We’ll soon see. [Embed]
>The Leaky Tank in Sarnia, Ontario 🇨🇦
>>331171unless those guests will go down shooting nothing will be done.
>Australia Orders Novak Djokovic To Be Deported After Arguing His Presence Would 'Stoke Anti-Vax Sentiment'>Pureblood rank one tennis champion Novak "No-Vax" Djokovic was ordered to be deported from Australia on Sunday after the government argued his presence would "stoke anti-vaccine sentiment.">The details of the case read like a parody.
>>331171I salute her. More people need to do as she did and stad up against the Canadian governments.
>>331114Keep in mind that the country is undemocratic and really in control by muh kaygeebee, right?
>COVID-19: US Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated
>>331171I would have chucked my soda at those assholes. In Alabama I believe the law says they can shoot them.
>>331220>words words wordsno u would have sufficed faggot.
>>331240To be fair, memes have come a long way ITT, I've still seen too many Lisa Simpsons, and the guy with the white-board
>Spanish Flu Bolshevik Revolution HISTORY REPEATING>100 years later history repeats itself [Embed]Lockdowns, masks, economic depression, anti-christian activity, bolshevism; It is all scripted horsefuckers.
You should definitely NOT flush these down the toilets of businesses demanding vaccine passports!
Give them one inch and they'll take a mile.
>>331193>Australia Orders Novak Djokovic To Be Deported
>>331266Dubs agree, watch this clip at least 3 times
Have a rare Garfield
>>331273Good for him. If I won my mayors race. I have a stadium that would be able to host a international tennis tournament. No clot shot required.
>The vaccine rug-pull theory.>The vaccine rug-pull theory can essentially be summed up like this. After a certain period of pushing vaccines and boosters non-stop, there will come a point when the media and even officials completely reverse course and declare the vaccines are now a problem. They will say they don’t work, and they may even admit they are unsafe and millions now have to get regular check-ups to monitor possible health problems.>Now at this point you might be asking yourself, what would be the point of this? Why would they suddenly change course and say they were wrong.>The scary thing is we may very well be approaching the reversal point where the rug is pulled. Obviously, endless boosters can only go on for so long before people either wise up or simply grow tired of the whole process. Perhaps a new vaccine “formulation” can be pushed as one last gasp of the pro-vaccine movement. But soon after either of those two things, it’s very possible we may start to see the rug-pull reversal talk start to seep its way into the mainstream media.>If it does, you’ll know you’re on the edge of a very dark moment in modern history.
>Russia Shelves National QR Codes After Massive Pushback From the Outraged Narod>The State Duma has dropped legislation that would have created a national QR code system—arguably the most unpopular proposed law in recent Russian history.>Regional cattle tags: so hot right now!>The Kremlin—which supported national cattle-tagging, in case you didn’t know—is just going sit back and relax while the regions do the dirty work. We know this because Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov basically said as much after confirming the national QR code law had been withdrawn.>See, this is the problem: the national QR code law was just a formality or perhaps an ill-conceived attempt to speed up the tagging process.>Russians are still getting tagged. Nothing has changed.
>Boris Johnson Unmasks the UK >UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is aiming to win back favor by announcing the end of all plan B COVID restrictions that were imposed in December when omicron emerged. Beginning on January 26, those in the UK will no longer be forced to hide behind a mask. “From tomorrow we will no longer require face masks in classrooms and the Department for Education will shortly remove national guidance on their use in communal areas,” Johnson told the Commons on Wednesday.>Johnson stated that the government will continue to suggest facial coverings, but will FINALLY “trust the judgment of the British people and no longer criminalise [sic] anyone who chooses not to wear one.” Allowing the people to take back control of their health and lives is a small request that certainly helps boost Boris’ declining approval rating. As always, the rules can change at any minute, but the UK is finally on the right path in terms of COVID mandates.[YouTube] Boris Johnson: "The Government Will No Longer Mandate the Wearing of Face Masks Anywhere."
>Soviet Tactics: Covid Whistleblowers Suspiciously Dying or Deemed Mentally Ill (Video)>“Coincidences? I do not think so.” – Italian Senator Laura Granato>Italian researcher Domenico Biscardi, known for his criticism of the government’s Covid policies and investigation into the “vaccines” content, has died suddenly and suspiciously. The 53-year-old is believed to have died of a heart attack at home on the morning of January 12, 2022. However, many people, including an Italian Senator, feel that he is just the latest of a growing list of whistleblower medical professionals and researchers ‘waking up dead’, in a mental hospital, or otherwise destroyed.>In the days leading up to Biscardi’s death, he was visited by the Italian Carabinieri Command for Health Protection (NAS). Italian newspaper Il Giornale d’Italia reports that Police were investigating Biscardi because of research he was conducting into the effectiveness of the “vaccines.”
>Italian researcher Domenico Biscardi found dead after discovery of 'nanodevices' in corona vaccine>New Development: Anti-Lockdown Doctor Raided by Armed Police During Live YouTube Stream>Dr. Giuseppe De Donno: Pioneer of Hyperimmune Plasma Treatment for Covid Dies Suspiciously
NYPD arrested a 9 year old girl for not having her vaccine card.
Canadian Children Brainwashed to Call Police on the Unvaccinated
Sao Paulo, Brazil. Over 2 million protesting covid passports and injections.
>>326158>>326867>>327067>>327068>Guadeloupe A video of French gunmen being stopped by the locals defending themselves.
>Czech Republic Overturns Plan to Mandate Covid 'Vaccine': Does Not Want to Divide Society>The Czech Republic is reversing its decision to make vaccinations compulsory for seniors and specific professional groups such as firefighters, police officers, and nurses. After a cabinet meeting in Prague on Wednesday, the new prime minister Petr Fiala assured that there would be no vaccination requirements under his government. One does not want to deepen the rifts in society, said the leader who was sworn into office in December 2021.
>German Government “Concerned” About Massive Anti-COVID Restriction Protests>Never before in history have demonstrations been so widespread.
>>331574>>331576>>331577Don't be fooled, it is not over until the last one is hanging at the gallows.
>>331578This one's very relevant, he makes an effort to bring the other red-pills to all the corona newfags
>>331588Last one's pretty funny
>THE OATH TO SERVE YOUR COUNTRY>A Reese Report edit of Riccardo Bosi’s recent address to all people sworn to defend their nation [Embed]
>Starting tomorrow, the unvaccinated in Quebec will not be allowed in retail stores over 1,500sq meters.>Unvaccinated individuals who want to go to a pharmacy in a Walmart or Costco will need to be accompanied by an employee, as per the government decree. [Embed]
Mocking the police with the bitter truth.
Max Igan
>The Next Logical Step [Embed]Shenanigans of the cabal to microchip us all, with entertainment value and some redpills.
>Quebec: Unvaxxed Must Be 'Accompanied At All Times' by Store Escort Upon Entering Walmart, Costco to Use Pharmacy>Quebec's new insane vaccine passport scheme banning the unvaccinated from big-box stores like Walmart and Costco provides exceptions only for "groceries and pharmacies," though you'll apparently need to be escorted around by an employee to make certain you're not buying anything else, at least for the pharmacies.>This CBC newsreader said the policy requires the unvaxxed to be followed around while buying groceries or medicines "to make sure they do not go and buy other products or other items that might be in the store." [Embed][YouTube] Quebec retail workers fear backlash over new vaccine passport rules
[Embed] [Embed]>...blocked the medical workers from starting their new jobs with Ascension. ThedaCare asked the judge to keep them from starting at Ascension until replacements could be found.Can't quit your job in USA anymore.
>Premier of Quebec François Legault Showing Loyalty to the Devil in Plain Sight
GERMANY: Office for Constitution calls anti-DeathVaxxers “Enemies of the State”
>Calling those that oppose mandatory vaccines 'enemies of the state' is DANGEROUS | Eva Vlaar[YouTube] Calling those that oppose mandatory vaccines 'enemies of the state' is DANGEROUS | Eva Vlaar
>>332044>Canada>freemasonsThey're not hiding anymore.
>Review of Freedom Convoy 2022 Canada: Mandates Protest January 2022 Ottawa, Truckers Protest>This guy summarizes very well what I think of the convoy protest. One thing he doesn't mention is the "leaders" of the Canadian freedom movement, the face of this 2022 Freedom convoy. The same "leaders" who have scammed and deceived others countless times. You don't have to agree with me, the information is easy to find online. I recommend starting the research on Patrick King scams. His most recent lie was about his court case, telling Canadians it was a success, the reason for Alberta lifting covid restrictions. >Another Pat King scam:>Kelly Ann Wolfe (Kelly Ann Farkas) is another deceiver, who has been caught a few times. She has claimed to be part of a first nations group, 33rd degree freemason, invited to Dr. Phill program, etc.>"But Mig you are dividing people.">No, I'm pointing out the traps! We do not need idols, we need local actions from our local communities, not some half-awakes telling everyone we should unite with known deceivers and liars.>Get out of the system, network and form a local community based actions.>Local is the solution, not all these distractions about protests, politicians and clown shows. Protesting is appealing to government authority. It is basically people asking: "Please Daddy stop punishing me".[YouTube] Review of Freedom Convoy 2022 Canada: Mandates Protest Ottawa January, Truckers Protest [MIRRORED]
[Embed]A voice of wisdom.
>BRUSSELS - WHAT REALLY HAPPENED - (7:32 long)>January 23, 2022: Half a million people went to Brussels (Belgium, EU capital) to demonstrate against the mandatory QR-codes and Covid vaccinations. What was a beautiful, colorful. and peaceful protest was corrupted by Antifa, the Police, the Military, and the Main Stream Media. .>This short film shows you the evidence of a scam, a set-up to make the "anti-vaxxers" look like criminals, vandals, aggressors. It's time to expose the oppressors of the People! Please share this video wide and far... [Embed]
>>332066Every fucking time
>>332110>noo its a scam, dont ever fight back you peaceful cattle.
>>332012this will continue until bullets start taking out jury and judges.
>>332118Then just start handing out lead bro
>>332118Then do it yourself, fag.
>>332137Dibs for burger Tarrant
>>332162Does anyone know what happened with Jay?, what happened with all the other based artists for that matter?
>This Is Why The Government Needs To Shut Down Joe Rogan
>GoFundMe blocks millions raised for truckers protesting Covid vaccine mandates>More than 50,000 trucks are heading to Ottawa to express their discontent with Canada’s measures>US crowdfunding platform GoFundMe has suspended access to more than Can$5 million (about $4 million) raised by ‘Freedom Convoy 2022’ – a trucker convoy heading to Ottawa to protest the vaccine mandate.[YouTube] Freedom Convoy 2022 Sights and Sounds
Digital Passport and Social Credit
>“We are at a Juncture” - Catherine Austin-Fitts
There was a different anti-COVID-restriction protest on the Saturday before the trucker protest, by the way. It was way colder on that day, -30 or a bit colder.
The trucker protest on Saturday was great. There were too many people by Parliament Hill to move around easily, but there were tons of people wandering around the city. I spent a couple of hours walking around with my buddies there.
It was a real party atmosphere there. Everyone was smiling and happy to see each other. There were tons of people giving out stuff like granola bars, protein bars, hot chocolates, some hot dogs, and I even day a small of being rotated on a rotisserie on my way out for the day. There were also a bunch of people who were sipping on some beers in public.
>>332627Sounds like the perfect place to hand out redpill fliers and put up posters with redpills.
A plausible explanation why the UK suddenly dropped all covid restrictions.
>‘Parallel society’: Despite mandate, 1 in 5 Austrians still unvaccinated>As Austria prepares for a law making vaccination against Covid-19 mandatory to come into effect this week, around 20 percent of the eligible population remain unvaccinated, raising fears of stigmatisation and social divides.
>Italy’s Covid Despotism Just Got Worse>The news from Italy has started to sound like good incipits for a dystopian fantasy novel or like a déjà vu recalling the Soviet Union. A couple of weeks ago, a new decree of the Draghi government established yet more rules restricting the lives of people who have not been injected with the latest vaccine booster and who therefore cannot show the latest version of the Green Pass. These second-class citizens, who have already been stripped of their right to move, work, and participate in a great number of social activities, are now forbidden from entering post offices to withdraw their pension, and they are to be allowed access to supermarkets only to buy “goods of primary necessity.” In other words, the Italian government decides what kind of food and what other goods (if any) these people will be able to purchase. It is unclear how exactly the government intends to enforce this new decree: Will we see policemen putting their hands into shoppers’ bags? Will bread be considered a “primary” good while shaving foam and candies will be seized? There is no limit to the madness.
>Heavily armed German police officers raid ‘illegal’ mask-free school started by parents>The children were separated from their parents and gathered on the second floor before being questioned individually for four hours.
Beware of the man who just wanted to be left alone.
>This Texas Town Rejected Stimulus Money to Avoid Vaccine Mandates>"Obviously we could have used the money, but at what cost?,” says Sheila Hemphill, an activist and lobbyist from Brady, Texas[YouTube] This Texas Town Said ‘No’ to the Stimulus
>Iowa to Repeal COVID Restrictions>As President Biden said, the coronavirus will be dealt with at the state level. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has announced plans to repeal all emergency COVID measures this month. “We cannot continue to suspend duly enacted laws and treat COVID-19 as a public health emergency indefinitely. After two years, it’s no longer feasible or necessary,” Reynolds said. “The flu and other infectious illnesses are part of our everyday lives, and coronavirus can be managed similarly.” may vary.
>Canberra, Australia police shoves woman to the ground "for her health"! [Embed]
>Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested again before joining Freedom Trucker rally>Pawlowski was scheduled to appear at the trucker blockage in Alberta before being arrested for ‘mischief’ by undercover police.>CALGARY, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) – Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski was arrested yet again at his home in Calgary this morning before he was scheduled to appear at a peaceful Freedom Trucker protest.>Rebel News reported that an undercover SWAT team arrested the Christian preacher after staking out his home in a van, according to Pawlowski’s son, Nathaniel.
>Biden White House in Panic Mode over Truckers – Psaki Claims Freedom Convoy is More Disruptive Than the Authoritarian Mandates They’re Protesting (VIDEO)>As thousands of truckers continue to protest, disrupting the supply chain by shutting down major ports of entry across the northern US border, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki attempted to slander the protesters during Wednesday’s press briefing by claiming that the grassroots movement has become more of a disruption than the freedom-crushing mandates that they are protesting.>In response to a reporter’s question about the Biden administration’s plan to handle the gridlock on the Ambassador Bridge at the Windsor-Detroit crossing, which is used to transport an estimated $450 million in goods each day, Psaki downplayed the effect of the protesters, claiming that they are not the cause for the “congestion.” [Embed] [Embed]
>>333673>staking out his home in a van.should have shot them all.
>>333770Nope. That's against the law.
>>333770How much do they pay you to wade through pony porn to glow here?
>Truckers in France are starting to prepare for a freedom Convoy. [Embed]
New Zealand>New Zealand police clash with anti-vaccine protesters at parliament, over 120 arrested>Feb 9, 2022>Police say it could take days to break up a Covid-linked protest inspired by ‘siege of Ottowa’ on parliament grounds in Wellington
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>>333789 →New Bread
>>333789 →
>>333771>if you kill your enemies, they winheres your (you)
>Is JT putting a stop to the state of emergency just another phase of the great reset?
Yes, it is sarcasm