Happy Birthday horse fuckers!
>>214882Happy Birthday horsefucker.
May Celestia and Epona be with everyponer.
>>214882Good times. Happy birthday faggots.
Happy b-day ya glorious faggots
So 4chan just got even more reddit by adding a like system for april fools
>>214903Are you really surprised? Since /mlpol/, the april fools jokes have only become more uninspired and reddit tier. They'll never do anything like pic related ever again.
Im going to keep posting until I run out of things or when I get ban from that pol thread
Happy birthday you glorious faggots.
Love that you're still here.
>>214907We're exchanging (You)s, kek.
Made me dip in.
I fucking love how Silver "grand canyon" Star edit makes its way around and now its on pol
Fuck it, gonna lend a posting hand around randomly today til I get a ban. Could probably use a break anyway.
What's the status of pointing people here now? Open/not? Last I was here it was very tight lipped, lots of rabbithole type pointing.
>>214913I think mods are giving a pass, at least for now. There's several threads in /pol/ one in [s4s], and the mlpolqa rules are in /qa/
>>214902The thread is not bumping, and I don't see any lock.
>>214916Visibly bumping on my end.
If you're using X it's apparently been fucked up with the april fool's thing.
>>214918>>214919Ok, I refreshed the browser (not 4chan page refresh) and it moved upwards.
2 years already, God damn it, time flies.
Happy to be here with ya, fagets.
Happy Birthday, everyone! Here's to another year of the continued existence of the pony race and a future for our white foals!
>>214882Happy birthday faggots, I love every single one of you
Gotta get some sleep. That thread needs a HUGE porn dump FYI
Kek, guy in this thread made a borderline plausible sounding high score threat.
http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/208493582#p208493582If they don't give us /mlpol/ on the 4chin. Then we must take it! By any means! We don't accept we don't bargain, we take!
>be me
>bump the Mlpol and Aryanne thread for weeks
>mods DGAF
>post Anonfilly thread with pic related
mlpol/'s back on lads!
>>214940Other thread still going, anon. Hop in.
>>214941I've already posted there, but I've already stayed up 3 hours later than I should have. Have fun!
>>214934Twifag mod came by and actually had a discussion with more than a few posts, and this was the result of it:
http://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/33681462Anonfilly thread is still banned, but at least they finally up and said it. Still never gave a reason though.
The discussion thread's still up and pinned if you want to go post, but Twifag mod is gone for the night.
>>214943That picture is fucking cute
>>214943>It has been agreedTranslation: Hiro has been riding our asses about the drop in users affecting ad revenue.
Happy Birthday. May horsepussy and happenings be bestowed upon us all.
Happy Birthday you glorious horsefuckers
>>214953>>214951HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
And a Happy Birthday to all, I love all of you.
Happy birthday you magnificent bastards
Happy birthday /mlpol/, here's to many more years of
friendship, hopefully[YouTube] /mlpol/ 2017
[Embed]happy birthday have some cool flags
>>214885happy birthday my niggers. The Jews fear the pony.
Happy Anniversary /mlpol/!
>>214882happy Birthday to the best imageboard ont the internet. May we have a 1000 year reign. Deus Vult, praise football
This board survived longer then i gave it credit for, for better or worse. lets see if we last another year.
I've been here every day for the past two years.
I remember the hour when the original /mlpol/ board froze, and pouring all my frustrations and anger into /qa/ until this site was made.. Ah good times.
Happy birthday guys.
I learned more things than I imagined in these couple of years.
I hope the future bring us more redpills and cute ponies, even if the left wins and ponies end in G5.
Happy Birthday Rainbowniggers!!!
Thousands of millions of years ago, in the time of no Football, there was only the great primordial ooze, which was the void, and was not the Football. And yet the Football was there in the thing that was not yet Football, waiting to be released unto Football so that it could become Football.
And in those days there were thousands of ponies, who did wander the bleak and barren earth that had not yet been created because of no Football, and they wandered in darkness and wished that there was Football. Eventually, John Elway heard their prayer in the form of Dan Reeves, and did travel thus from his heroic battle with the Washington Redskins, who at that time were not yet called the Oakland Raiders, and ejaculated inside Rainbow Dash to produce Football, which would be He who is Football, the Divine Football, conceived of Dan Reeves, born of the Lady Dash, he who is cast in Football, the First and the Last and the Football for all the Football of times of Football, he who shall not be named. And the name he shall not be would be Frank, for that was not his name and he would never be called that, for his name was instead John Elway.
And when John Elway did kick that really sweet field goal that went for like seven hundred thousand billion miles, he did ascend into Football, and he did tell the ponies of Equestria: take heed. For on this day, one thousand trillion years hence, some gook's website will pull a prank that will go horribly and beautifully awry, and on that day shall be once again born the Football, and I shall be among you again. And the heavens shall be rent asunder and rain Football upon the unbelieving weebs of the question and answer board, and it shall pass thence into the digit-worshippers of the meta board, and shall thence pass back again into the question and answer board. And the White people shall rejoice at the liberation of their people from the gook menace and receive Football, and all the ponies shall receive sex and also Football, for in the Name of John Elway shall evermore the Football be Football.
And, as the prophecy foretold, on that day, the First of April 2017, it was so, and there was Football for all the people and ponies of the world. But not the blacks or the Jews. Praise American. Praise Football.
Happy birthday, horsefuckers. Enjoy the literal oldest image in my /mlpol/ folder.
Happy birthday, MLPOL!
I was busy with shit today, what did your favourite websites do as April Fools gags?
Happy birthday /mlpol/!
Can't believe it's been two years.
>>215017We have been raiding lightly on 4chink and other places
We've made it 2 years let's see how long we can make it.
>>214997>another yearRemember anon, you’re here forever.
>>215028We'll have to watch out next year tho
>>214962Never noticed before, but one of the threads that has been immortalized on the frozen front page of 4/mlpol/ is an /hhh/ thread.