>>209450”Can't you stop you subversive mocking comedy routine already? Nopony, not even Maud, likes your stand-up comedy schtick Twilight so just back off okay,” Pinkie Pie said.
Twilight, who was already angry, felt that she was getting a bit tired from all this nonsense. It was so straining on her in fact that she just gave Pinkie Pie a deadpanned expression.
”So what element are you supposed to represent, Pinkie and what element did
I tell you were? The element of annoyance, perhaps?” Twilight said. Her irritation with the situation causing her sarcastic self to appear.
”Like you don't know. You probably thought it was really funny taunting me behind my back all this time."
”Just tell me already.”
”You called me the element of toilet humor. It is a good thing that I meet Aryanne how taught me meme magic so that I could become the element of racist jokes instead.”
A lip smack came from Twilight. She had begun to feel very drowsy after hearing her friends words. It was all so ridiculous.
Yes, sure she was angry at this pony for brainwashing her friends but this was not her first rodeo and even this group of ponies couldn't possibly hope to stop her since she was an Alicorn.
In the end, she just felt fatigue for having to do the same thing over again.
She looked at the last of her friends, Fluttershy.
”I assume that Fluttershy isn't kindness either.” Twilight shook her head. ”You know what I don't wanna know–”
”Yes, I was kindness,” Fluttershy mumbled.
”Oh, you were...? Well, then why aren't you still? Isn't kindness a good thing to represent?” Twilight asked. Now genuinely curious.
Fluttershy was looking to the side before she turned to face Twilight giving her an assertive look.
”Yes, that's what you tricked me into thinking but now, thanks to my dearest friend, Aryanne,” –Fluttershy gestured towards Aryanne and then wiped a tear from her eye.– ”I understand that kindness to inferior creatures just leads to prolonging their miserable lives so it is simply better to eradicate them immediately.”
”Wha...?” Twilight said for the third time that day.
”I am the element of genocide now.” Fluttershy held her chest up high and wide smile on her face.
”I have brought the elements, miss fuehrer Aryanne,” a pony who walked up from the forgotten crowd onto the porch next to Aryanne said.
He sat down on his hind legs and held out a pillow with five necklaces and one crown resting on top of it. The jewelry was recognized by Twilight as the elements of harmony with the exception of one: Her crown. It wasn't her
star of david purple cutie mark star but that of a black swastika.
Her former friends put on each one of their necklaces and Aryanne put the crown on her head. That they were getting ready to use the elements on her did not worry Twilight, though. She didn't believe those were the real elements of harmony and besides she doubts they could hurt someone who wasn't evil.
However, feelings of insecurity arose when Aryanne's eyes began to glow bright white and each jewel's gem's symbol began to shot off into different directions.
”B-bu-but how? How can you use the elements?!” Twilight screamed, who was actually starting to sweat a little.
”You see, the elements of marerbund are six in total: The redpill, the ethnocentrism, the ideal help, the racist jokes, genocide, and the last element: The element of horsepussy!” Aryanne shouted out the last part of her diatribe.
A rainbow, not a pride rainbow, but a straight rainbow shot up towards the sky and then dived down at Twilight without having an arch since it was straight
I am sorry. She gulped and sweated bullets. In this panic state of mind, her mask finally fell and she uttered a single phrase before she was knock up into the air by the rainbow and sent flying towards the moon.
”Oy vey.”
After this, she would be known as the happy merchant alicorn in the moon. The moon, if explored by a telescope, would reveal a small little secret or easter egg you might say. There was something written on the surface of the moon left there by best pony.
The text read, ”Arbeit macht frei.”