If I ever have the knowlege and money I would build a hydroelectic power generator on a river and a small house in some rural area. Then build up from there, stock it with guns and ammo, food storage, radio tower, etc.
Run a crowdfunder and make the videogame I wish I had as a child.
>>201286If I was a billionaire I would build multiple walled communities around the country where Anons and their families could bug out and band together when the SHTF. Basically seeds of civilization as monasteries functioned in the Dark Ages.
>>201299And that is?
>>201303Part of me really wants to pretend that I might truly make this one day. But it's planned to be Spyro The Dragon except with original characters in an original world so I can't be Takedowned like the Spyro Myths Awaken team was, the multiple breaths mechanic is done right, and NotSpyro also has a car and gun.
>>201286This is exactly what I want to do when I get the money and knowledge. Not sure what power source I would go for though.
>>201286>>201303>>201304>>201318I think building an off grid community is a common goal among anons.
>>201323I didn't say it because I hate me too posts, but I want to make one of those too.
Lots of things, and building a community is one of them. (me too)
>>201323Probably because of being isolated in society as it is and not having having a supportive network of likeminded people. Or maybe just knowing that things could be so much better.
Some kind of online communications and discussion network that can not easily be shut down is another, and I have at least some skills that could be put to use there.
>>201286You may enjoy this guy's videos:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5rT7F0PGNuD54rJ9kzgWzw>>201262i would start my political crusade to save our race.
I would develop the Liberia FPS Videogame.
Realistically I will never getup there and help spread our people among the stars. If I'm lucky, I'll have children or grandchildren who will.
A more realistic goal would be to reintroduce native edible vegetation and teach people how to survive outside of subdivision sprawl.