For all our autistic dice testing and a dump for character sheets, photo edits, and other shit if needed. Also posts we don't wanna clog the msin bread with.
You happy GM?
12 replies and 2 files omitted.
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ignore this
just checking something
ignore this
just checking something
"Sister Ash": 5th level Druid; Neutral Good
Total XP: ???
HP: 35
Race: Kirin (humanoid; reptilian)
Languages: Ponish, Draconic, Celestial, Sylvan, Druidic
Wis 19
Str 6
Char 12
Int 14
Dex 10
Con 14
>Love Of Nature>Divine Gestures>Individualist
>Sacred Vow>Vow of Poverty>Subduing Strike>Nonlethal Substitution>Eschew Materials bonus feats:
>Nymph's Kiss>Vow of Nonviolence>Holy Subdual
>Polite>Honest>Skinny (56 points)
Concentration - 8
Spellcraft - 8
Knowledge (Nature) - 8
Diplomacy - 8
Handle Animal - 8
Knowledge (Arcana) - 5
Knowledge (Religion) - 3
Survival - 8
>1 non-masterwork simple weapon (Quarterstaff; costless; 4 pounds)>1 set of plain clothing (nun's habit; 1 gp; 4 pounds)>1 day's worth of food (dried ration; 5 sp; 1 pound)>Spell Components Couch (costless components only; 5 gp; 2 pounds)>1 sack (1 sp; 1/2 pounds)>Holy And Mistletoe (costless; weightless)>ID and Passport (cost unknown; weight unknown)Total Equipment Value: 66 sp
Name: Blue Skies
Race: Pegasus
Class: 5th level Rogue
Religion: ?????
Languages: ?????
Alignment: ?????
Hit points: 23
Str 8
Dex 18
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 8
Char 12
Fly speed: 60
Manuverability: Good
Skills (Oh yeah!): 80 + 8 points
>Hide - (8)>Use Magick Device - (8)>Bluff - (8)>Move Silently - (8)>Search - (8)>Spot - (8)>Listen - (5)>Sleight Of Hand - (5)>Diplomacy - (5)>Sense Motive - (5)>Knowledge - (local; 5)>Gather Information - (5)>Disable Device - (1)>Open Lock - (1)>*Tumble - (8)Cutie Mark (Winged Shield and Sword): Tumble
>City Slicker>Lightweight>Non-combatant
>Education - (f) (Select bonus to Local and History)>Point Blank Shot - (f)>Precise Shot - (f)>Knowledge Devotion - (l)>Craven - (l)
>Skinny>Cautious>Slippery YA ASH
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<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>
"Sister Ash": 5th level Druid; Neutral Good
Total XP: ???
HP: 35
Race: Kirin (humanoid; reptilian)
Religion: Druid
Languages: Ponish, Draconic, Celestial, Sylvan, Druidic
Wis 18
Str 9
Char 10
Int 14
Dex 10
Con 13
>Spell Focus (Conjuration)
>Augment Summoning
Skills: (48 points)
Spellcraft - 8
Knowledge (nature) - 8
Concentration - 8
Diplomacy - 8
Handle Animal - 8
Survival - 8
Why am I only now learning of this thread?
>>1319Not sure how I feel about this eye color..
Sister Ash - Shepherd Of The Blessed Fields
Name: “Sister Ash” (chosen alias; note that she knows her personal true name)
Race: Dragonborn
Sex: Female
Age: 750 (350 years plus 400 post-rebirth; looks like a young adult)
>Eyes - Amethyst purple>Fur Coat - Frosty>Mane - Golden>Scales - Platinum (in honor of Bahamut)Note: Sister Ash’s metallic complexion is the result of drifts taken on by spending decades in the upper planes. In addition, her scales shifted to match the tint of Bahamut’s upon the ritual of rebirth.
Her appearance is distinctive
HP: 228 (328 mod)
15 Druid Planar Shepherd Radiant Servant of Pelor Class features:
>Fangshields Druid (5th level only; Hands in Wildshape)>Iron Constitution (Lose Resist Nature’s lure; Gain minor bonus to saves vs ingested poisons; and Strong Stomach feat. Can eat anything)>Planar Druid (9th level; Trade Venom Immunity for immunity to negative planar effects)>Skilled City Dweller (replace Ride with Tumble)>Urban Companion (may swap Animal companion out for Familiar)>Domain Druid (Sun; Turn undead 1/day)>Spontaneous Domain Casting (No bonus domai spells; convert prepared slots into domain spells)>>1348Attributes:
Strength 8 (10 temp)
Dexterity 6 (10 temp)
Constitution 18 (26 temp)
Intelligence 21
Wisdom 31 (41 temp)
Charisma 22 (28 temp)
Appearance 21 (:3)
Skills: (278 points)
Concentration - 28
Diplomacy - 20
Handle Animal - 5
Heal - 5
Knowledge (nature) - 28
Knowledge (religion) - 28
Knowledge (the planes - 25
Knowledge (arcana) - 25
Perform (oratory) - 28
Spellcraft - 28
Spot - 28
Survival - 25
Tumble - 5
>Love Of Nature (Must succeed will save to attack animal, plant or vermin. Cries if she steps on a bug) >>1352Drifts (up to 1 for every 10 years):
Drifts for Druids variant rule (Complete Divine page 43; see Geomancer) Most of these Drifts are not functional in wildshape. This is the result of centuries in isolation channeling natural energies.
1st Stage (purely cosmetic):
>Light, Downy fur>Cat’s tail (similar body language)>Short Vines of mistletoe in mane sometimes (grooms them out)2nd Stage:
>Rat’s sight (low-light vision)>Polar Bear Fur (+8 to hide in snow)>Swift As An Elk (+5 Land Speed)>As Comey as a Dryad (+4 Diplomacy)>Adaptive Skin (+4 hide; scales change color)>Graceful as a cat (+4 to balance)>Tree Sap Blood (half damage from wounding attacks)3rd Stage:
>Eagle’s Eyes (+4 spot during Day)>Owl’s Eyes (+4 Spot at night)>Croc’s jaws (1d6 bite attack)4th stage:
>Trip Like A Wolf (trip with natural weapons)>Rage Like a Wolverine>Sensitive nose (Scent)>Weasel’s jaw (attach for 1d3 con damage)>Boar’s Ferocity (Diehard)>Grab like a bear (Improved Grab)>Pounce like a leopard (pounce on 1st round of combat)Stage 5:
>Unicorn Horn (+4 saves vs poison, gore 1d8 damage)>Graceful as a pixie (+2 Reflex)>Tremorsense like an Earthworm (30 ft)>Senses like a Bat’s (blindsense 30 ft)>Venomous fangs (con-based dex poison; 1d2 initial; 1d4 secondary)>Move like a cheetah (burst 1/hour) >>1353Possessions (fuck this broken, overpowered 3.5e item system):
White Druidic habit (horn-made robes; blue stripes on shawl)
Holly and mistletoe
Spell components pouch (inexpensive materials only)
1 day’s worth of rations (actually just a few goodberries to give to the poor)
Neolithic-era bronze dagger (really old)
Quarterstaff (all purpose stick)
Sling (actually just a spare shawl; use rocks as ammunition)
Religious Rites and Rituals
>Ritual Of Rebirth (Become dragonborn; must be good and oppose the Spawn Of Tiamat)>Vow Of Poverty: Sister Ash is a devout ascetic and never uses her powers for selfish means. She donates any treasures she receives to the poor, or sacrifices items in the name of her cause. She refuses to use magic items or any sort of wealth.>Nymph’s Kiss and Greensinger initiate: As a greensinger, Sister Ash has spent many years in the feywilds, cohorting with goo-aligned fey and learning from them. She sees it as her druidic duty to protect non-evil fey, and fey creatures recognize her as one of their own. Sprites taught her how to sing.Ideas:
Try to come into the game with an epic spell of about 71 (10 + 28 ranks + 5 int + 28 Moment of prescience)
>>1348Add Turning Presence ACF, in place of regular turning. Ash turns undead as a 25th level Cleric. She can turn undead 14 times per day; she may Perform a Greater Turning 14 times (via her Radiant Servant Class Feature).
[1d3 = 2]
[1d3 = 1]
Love calculation
Way to make me feel fucking old me
Hey, Ninjas?
Fuck you. You didn't have to play detective, and you sure as fuck didn't have to share it
>>2476Fuck off you nigger. Don't you think if I wanted people to know I'd make it known? I literally had a character I could have picked up again but no. All you had to do is just fuck off and not say anything, but I guess you couldn't just go that huh?
Go to hell, we'll see if I want to keep playing.
>>2477Honestly, I dont know which one u are rn. So I'll say. I think we have reached a point where we can be honest with eachother. And by eachother, I mean '', Im too flippant and disregarding.
C'monn, the pretending to not know who is,... nah. We can not call eachother out (I havent, for the record) but lets not pretrnd we're idiots.