Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
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>>99207Well the most recent one is damage.... But I prefer the fucked up one
>>99207That pony is invincible...
>>99208>>99209I’m... I’m pretty sure he’s dead
>>99213>>99209Well... it looks like the pony inside the door is dead and Spark is safe. But there are sounds outside of ponies rushing towards the door
>>99213"Good to see you, bartender."
Spark holds a hoof to his wound.
"Just in time as always."
>>99212"Interesting flavor this morning."
Dark Starwinks back at her before sucking on her clit and rubbing her vulva with his hoof >>99215"Looks like we need to get you out of here"
Onyx looks around for any exit
>>99216“Woah there boy, hehe.”
she winks again, getting wetter>>99217What is he exiting? Because the danger is attempting to enter the train
>>99217"As much as that sounds like a good idea, we can't let those ponies in here. They will overrun us regardless if we run."
>>99219"Well, then I hope you can fight"
>>99221>>99220So... are the two going to stand there and wait for them to enter?
>>99222Unless you have any better ideas.....
>>99223>>99222The door opens to another stallion holding a rifle and looking down at the body
[1d20+3 = 13]>>99222We are getting to that...
Spark casts a silent image spell of a changeling in front of the door to distract the invasion forces.
[2d29 = 42]>>99225water flows down in gentle streams from her nopples, which harden a bit in the colder water. Her vulva, by contrast, expands and stretches as Dark Star moves it, allowing a glimpse into her vagina. She trembles a little as Dark Star dies his work.>>99226“A FUCKING CHANGELING”
He fires his rifle at it, as does another partisan
>>99227Spark makes the changeling Roman salute one of the invaders, hopefully making them think there is another changeling in their midst.
[1d20 = 17]Did onyx disappear again?
>>99228Another shot. Nothing quite yet
[1d20+10 = 30]>>99229Nope, just waiting to know I can do something.
So Onyx decides to charge again, at one of the distracted ponies
>>99229Well, at least they don't catch on to the changeling being a illusion.
>>99230Well... you are on a roll.
>>99233Yeah, he’s dead
There is another one outside of the train
>>99234If the illusion is still there, Spark sends it running toward the pony outside.
Holy shit, not only is there mass action from more than one player, but there's 20s everywhere.
>>99238Umm.... what does this mean for Spark? Is he hit from a lucky ricochet?
>>99240>>99238That’s one 20 Onyx won’t be getting.
The shot goes straight through the illusion’s head, leaving a ripple
>>99239I know right.
Dark Star's eyes Have a prideful look about them.
as he continues to attempt to stimulate her with his tongue as much as he can. [1d20+10 = 29]>>99238>>99241Onyx seems unable to stop his assault through the red mist in his vision and continues his rampage, swinging the blade down upon the second distracted pony.
>>99243Not a twenty, but still on fire.
>>99242She continues shivering, as she tries to wash her mane
And she continues winking at him>>99243A fucking 19?
The pony figured out the Changeling was an illusion with a lucky shot. He was not so lucky with onyx. Hit.
>>99244From inside of the car comes a new pony. Or rather, an old one. It’s the Forest green stallion Spark battled earlier, and he has his gun back
[1d6 = 6][1d10+6 = 16]>>99245Atlas has bestowed his luck in battle upon me this day
[1d20+5 = 15]>>99246"Drop the damn gun or suffer the same fate as all of these ponies that refused."
Intimidation check.
>>99247Onyx stands over his work, breathing heavy as the red mist dissipates
"Hey Spark, thanks for the distraction"
He then sees the third one and tightens his grip on the halberd
[1d20+4 = 23]>>99249“Uh, woah.”
At this point, she stops what she is doing, and looks up. Her shoulders are wet, but she stands strong.
she continues to wink, as he can feel>>99250Opposed
[1d20 = 8]>>99253"Actually, how about I drop you?"
Firing once more.
[1d20 = 19]>>99254Now that’s an initiative roll
>>99255Darn rules of D&D I still don't understand... Alright, I'll get shot more.
[1d20+7 = 23]>>99259Onyx decides that he's suddenly a pacifist.
Nah, jk he charges again. This time -3 for power attack
>>99252He looks a slightly concerned
"Something wrong?"
He Continues to rub his shaft along her mound gathering lubrication on it.As he moves his head close to her's then passionately kisses her >>99258>>99260Actually, onyx started outside if the train, whereas this is inside the train. So Spark is next
>>99256Spark’s turn
[1d20 = 8]>>99262Ok. The only thing I can do if I want to save those scorching rays... Spark fires his not-so-trusty gun.
>>99263Him, I think that would miss unless Spark’s modifier is higher (and I don’t know what it is).
>>99260Now onyx’s turn, and that would hit
>>99265No modifier. The only ones I have are to charisma, bluff, intimidation, and negative to strength.
>>99266It’s the base attack bonus plus dexterity
>>99268The pony was already wounded from earlier when Spark shot him. So now, he’s super wounded. Or dead. More like dead.
>>99267Skies gently wraps her tongue with his, and closes her eyes. Her mane is rather pretty when wet, and shampoo comes out of it. Now, Dark Star is directly under the stream of water from the shower. It’s a little chilly.\r
A minute passes, perhaps, before a BOOM is heard from nearer the front of the train
>>99272I'm back.
>>99274"Now what?"
>>99273"Do we investigate and face more certain death?"
>>99275"Well I figure it's investigate and die, or stay and die. So yeah, let's go"
>>99276"Good point. Why do we have to have the worst kind of exciting lives?"
Spark painfully walks toward the explosion noise.
>>99277Onyx frowns and walks up next to Spark, bracing him up
>>99277>>99278Seems to be coming from the train car in front of them
>>99278"Thanks. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can have this looked at."
>>99279I open the door slowly and peek through.
>>99280"No problem, I need someone's help here"
>>99280Going through the coach car of frightened ponies, and to the end of the car... the door to the other car is locked
>>99281”oof” Pony is kissed more so. Star has her pretty thoroughly under his hooves >>99283But of course it is. I really should have got the knock spell... really messed up on that one.
>>99282"Think you can bust this thing down?"
[1d20+4 = 18]>>99284"I can try..."
Strength check to buck down the door.
[1d20+4 = 15]>>99287Onyx tries again then, hoping to expand upon the crack.
>>99288The train jolts as it starts to move.
The door now opens, lock broken. Inside he can see a long train car with broken metal and wood on the floor, and a large hole in side. Two identical looking red ponies stand near the edge of the hole, with a black pony standing up and facing the left one. Never the door, a pony in post service uniform lays against a wall.
[1d20 = 7]>>99177Alright, let's get this show on the road.Taking advantage of the brush and trees, he decides to try and spot any sort of bandit activity from his covered position.
>>99300Aren't they such cute bugponers. >>99302Two immediately pop out. In the lower area, next to a tent, is a bandit on a chair next to a set of rocks that seem to be used for a campfire. He seems to be sleeping. On the ledge above them is a bandit who seems to be standing sentry
>>99304Iron focuses on the sentry stallion on the ledge and tries to guess the distance between them for a charge attack.
>>99305150 feet horizontally, 20 feet vertically. There is at least more brush along the left side.
uh, would you rather I used metric? Since you are evidently not-American >>99306I only need to know if they're in the 30 feet radius for a charge attack, so don't worry. I'll assume I'll need to do a jump roll to reach that guy as well.Iron nods to himself, looking for any covered path to reach his charging range in order to get his attack first before the bandit at the ledge can react with his own.
>>99307Completely covered, no. It kind of looks like Iron can’t attack until he is distracted or otherwise not looking
>>99308Imma try to use some game logic.Iron look near his position for any pebbles that could make a noise.
>>99309Rocks, twigs, you name it. Although iron is still fairly far away
[1d20+5 = 13]>>99310Darnit. So there's no chance to close in without getting shot... unless...Iron decides to place a little rock on the ground and promptly shoot it out in the general vicinity of the ledge stallion.
(If the stallion gets curious enough to investigate it, it should close the distance.)
>>99311Not far enough, especially considering that it is daytime in a jungle, and thus sounds in the brush are to be expected
>>99312Iron huffs.
He tries to see if the bandit at the ledge has a long gun or a short gun.
>>99313It’s shorter, but black and boxxy