Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The party now takes on the task of breaking, entering, and investigating the house of Social Democrat politician Comte "Cheese" Burgher, who is alleged to have 'purchased' two young foals. They have already distracted the guards around the gated community and explored most of the property. Now, Ash tries out her role as a 'dog whisperer,' Dark Star contemplates the evidence he has already collected, Silver shifts between stealing jewelry from innocent third parties and talking about the joyful smell of wingpit sweat, Iron harasses guards by talking to them about queer theory while Onyx acts as his his homosexual partner, Brie tries to get the guards drinking on the job, and Spark follows around the group in the attic.
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>>85404If they're blankflsnks, I can probably pick them up.
The Changelings can go fuck themselves. My priorities have shifted now that It on a 4 minute timer.
>>85406ill carry the earth pony out
Brie goes into the pool-house and follows the 'trail' downstairs to the cell rooms.
"You might consider hurrying." He says entering the room.
>>85407No, you need to gather evidence of these atrocities before the cops show up.
Sister Ash will take these two and try to get back to the orphanage without being seen.
>>85408"Who's that?"
>>85408"Brie! good to see you. what are you doing here?"
>>85400The green unicorn cowers, but is submissive enough to obey orders. The white earth pony remains cowering on the bed, and non-responsive
>>85401"I am... White Orchid" responds the colt, still very afraid
>>85402The simple lock breaks, allowing the door to open slightly. The other drone is scared by this, and backs down. He stops hissing. The drone in the cage Silver opened, however, won't shut up
"Wir hungern. Das Pferd würde uns dazu bringen, Bilder anzusehen und uns in viele verschiedene junge Pferde zu verwandeln. Seine Freunde würden ihre Sachen in uns stecken und uns berühren. Sie hatten keine Liebe zum Essen, und wenn wir versuchten zu füttern, würden sie uns einen Stromschlag geben"
>>85411Sister Ash pets him softly with a telekinetic tendril.
"It's going to be alright..." She whispers
"But we have to hurry."
>>85411"okay well, the nice nun is gonna get you to safety alright? everything is going to be ok now. your nightmare is over. you have to be a tough colt can you do that for me?"
[1d20+11 = 14]>>85409>>85410Brie stares at both of them like they're missing something. And without responding gets to work picking any/all of the other locks.
>>85414Sister Ash stares back for a moment
"... Who.. are you..?"
>>85413"... okay..." he says, very submissively
>>85412He does not respond, only complies.
>>85414Only one more lock. The lock on the cage of the changeling that was hissing
>>85408Silver doesn't seem to hear him, or doesn't care much about it.
>>85411Silver understands this much, as well. "They did not let you feed. You are hungry..." He thinks for a moment. "Here, if you still can feed..."
He brings a memory to mind. A loving memory, of him and Storm and their foals together. Storm and Silver, sitting together on the front porch of their cabin out near Manehattan, watching as their foals play out in the front yard. He remembers the joy from watching his offspring try to tag each other, the worry when one of them faceplants into the dirt, the relief when they get back up, smiling and laughing. But most of all, the love from just being there, and being able to enjoy being with his loving family in such a beautiful yet simple moment like that.
He is unsure how much love the changelings can get from this small memory, but he hopes it's enough to get them going.
>>85415"... he helped us at the docks. we met him at the tavern remember? it doesnt matter. get them out of here NOW."
>>85416Sister Ash picks them both up and places them on her back.
Then she turns to leave.
"I'll let the two of you take care if this for now.," She says, as she leaves through the threshold
>>85419"silver do you know what i- he is saying?"
>>85418Brie says to the hissy changeling. "Guten tag. Wir gehen aus."
>>85419The small and deformed bee pony rises to its hole-filled feet, and seems actually happy
"Kann ich mich von dir ernähren? Danke vielmals!"
There is still the leather restraint tying it down, but it moves forward as close as it can get to Silver, at the very end of its leash. It then opens its mouth, exposing its small fangs and thin tounge, and bites, as if it found something in the air. A green and purple energy is even visible flowing from the air to the small drone
Roll a fortitude save
>>85423It seems a bit confused. Note that it is still restrained by a leather bind
>>85421Small foals, but strength check anyways
[1d20+1 = 16]>>85425Rolling with telekinesis.
>>85425As in needing to be cut, or undone?
I thought for certain that was Germane he spoke >>85425Dark Star walks over to the cages and thinks bout how much he loves blue
yea hes giving some of it to the most malnourished one. >>85426Good enough
>>85427As it draws away magic from the Silver, he feels
different at first, it is a lack of happiness. A lack of joy. The memory loses its color, going from color to black and white. He feels his body become suddenly cold, almost violently cold. The same as he felt after raising his wet fur into the winter air after jumping into the pool. It is as if the very will to live is slowly being drained from him, and he is slowly feeling the despair that the foals on the other side of the veil feel right now. But Silver is not there yet, as his magic is strong and he holds steady. The little vampire wants more
>>85428Yes, cut or undone
All of the foals are non-responsive at first>>85429The one on the left is sucking from Silver. the one on the right, near Brie, could use some love
>>85430he walks over to that one
>>85430Wait, are there any more foals in the room?
If not, she leaves the way she came, and gets ready to to flee the scene as fast as she can.
>>85430Brie begins undoing them in sequence, starting with the pissy one.
>>85434"Apparently not. I thought I caught a few of the words they were speaking, but it might be a different dialect of Scandaneighvian. Oh well, they'll figure it out."
>>85431The Drone stays in the back of his cage for a moment. Unlike his companion, he is not talkative, and says nothing to Dark Star. But Brie has undone both the lock and his restraint. He bolts out of his cage, and lunges at the air itself in front of Dark Star - bypassing the physically closer Brie in the process. It pulls a green and purple energy from Dark Star, and towards its open mouth.
Roll a fortitude save
>>85435"Buck, i was gonna get you to ask it about a blonde haied changling."
>>85430He pushes onwards, a singular goal of making sure these changelings get out of here in his mind. He opens the cage and levitates a small, simple survival knife out of his bags. He uses it to cut the restraints off of the changeling. His voice still retains the paternal tone he used. "...this is draining..." He looks at the changeling, bringing another memory to mind, for its sake. Him and Storm, out in a field. He looks deep into her yellow eyes. She offers to show him a trick. And suddenly, she takes off, soaring through the air. He sees her zoom across the sky, doing twists and twirls in the air for him, a trail of lightning following her. Suddenly, she makes a sudden turn in midair, right next to the air. A bolt of lightning appears to blow up a nearby cloud, creating possibly the most beautiful rainbow he has ever seen.
He is unsure how much more he can go on, or how much damage this will do to him, but he will push on, if it means he can get these two out of here.
Why'd you guys take them out of the cage ffs? You could have just taken the cages with you.
Sister Ash leaves the building, and then promptly leaves the community.
She proceeds towards the orphanage in a hurry.
It's nightfall by now, right?
>>85440Spark stares at this scene, more than a little disturbed.
>>85438When it first sinks into him, Dark Star feels cold. Perhaps the last time he felt significantly cold was waking up, naked and no cover on, alone in Blue Skies' bed in the Grand Baltimare Hotel. They must have neglected to keep the heat on. But this is not the same as simply awaking in a cold room. This is true cold, with almost a fear behind it. His euphoric warmth for Blue Skies... starts to drain and to fade. Even the image in his mind seems to fade. Not so much fade as drain of all color. All happiness starts to fade, all joy. Then a feeling of the very will for life itself slowly fading away. He starts feeling
tired. Hopeless
Dark Star collapses to the floor. The drone automatically stops extracting
>>85440The vampire's eyes glow. It looks as if Silver has brought joy to this insect as it draws away his memories, his magic - his life essence.
Roll one more fortitude save
>>85433Did you cut the restraint on the one eating Silver?
>>85443Oh dear. Now how is she going to leave the community? Remember, it
is walled
>>85444The drone - the one that was hissing earlier - is still hungry after causing Dark Star to collapse to the floor
>>85446How did she get in in the first place? (I was asleep)
I thought she'd leave the way she came.
>>85446I glare at the changeling.
"You stay put."
I then drag Dark Star away from it and guard the door so they don't blast out and become the next quest.
>>85445" what empathy gets you.... i told her emotions were a weak...ness"
Dark Star pulls out his revolver and aims it at his temple
[1d20 = 16]>>85450I quick yank the gun away from Dark Star.
[1d20+3 = 4]>>85445Brie sighs and grapples the loose changeling.