Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The party now takes on the task of breaking, entering, and investigating the house of Social Democrat politician Comte "Cheese" Burgher, who is alleged to have 'purchased' two young foals. They have already distracted the guards around the gated community and explored most of the property. Now, Ash tries out her role as a 'dog whisperer,' Dark Star contemplates the evidence he has already collected, Silver shifts between stealing jewelry from innocent third parties and talking about the joyful smell of wingpit sweat, Iron harasses guards by talking to them about queer theory while Onyx acts as his his homosexual partner, Brie tries to get the guards drinking on the job, and Spark follows around the group in the attic.
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>>86680"Do not mention it. Misunderstandings happen all the time."
Let me see if Kerr will struggle in my grasp.
>>86676"Ah Teaching is a
very Important job, the youth of today will take care of us when we get is important for them to get a good education so get a good job so that they may one day marry and have foals of there own. to protect the country and our people. because the most precious possession anyone can own is the love of there own folk. i respect the work you do sister."
>>86678"Just like picking up mares, the alcohol helps"
>>86683"D'aww, thanks!"
>>86684Iron gently places Kerr on the bed. "You will experience the world in a place where nopony will actively hunt you down."
>>86684"Kerr. Ist shlafen zeit."
>>86684"Do you have any foals of your own,sister?"
[1d20-2 = -10]>>86685>Picking KerrNow where do you think you are going?
Kerr tries to wiggle his way out
>>86684He chuckles, and stays silent for a couple seconds. "I would like to apologize, if I have seemed...pushy, with Harmony, and with these, ahem, 'foals', and everything else. You are good pony, and I wanted to try to show you what I was taught as foal by my father. I know you want to have none of it, I just...I wanted to share what I thought was beauty of it all."
>>86688"Wesley, voher bist sie?"
>>86691"Kerr, Ich vehrstehen sie brauchen nicht schlafen, aber ist schlafen zeit."
>>86687"Yes, I have two"
>>86690She looks up at him.
"Silver... I don't think you ever understood. It's not just about the practical value of the traditions and values, its about being a part of something. Something
old. Something rooted deeper than you could ever be. Something
grand. No, I never followed all of Nimbusian values. I certainly never followed the rules against having sex with non-pegasi, and now I even have several Unicorns above me in teh chain of command. It's about... being one of those great pegasi who guarded the east from the Griffin hordes."
>>86692>Just now realizing that no one is watching the other changeling when everypony is distractedfrom under a blanket on the bed, comes a voice, and a little grey pegasus head sticking through
>>86693"Ich will nicht schlafen gehen!"
[1d20+11 = 19]>>86694Iron, deciding that something like this would tire out even the best of foals, places Kerr on the bed and boops his nose without warning. He is looking for a 'fight'. A real 'fight'.
>>86694"Then help me understand. I know my own people's culture, both as Severyanan and as Equestrian, but I do not know Nimbusian culture. I know it is late, so it will likely not happen today, but I would like to hear of our homeland, of your people. So I
can understand you."
>>86694 I thought Wesley was asleep. I go sit down beside Wesley to try and relax him.
"It's bedtime Wesley."
>>86694Brie shakes his head wryly. He picks up a pony plushie and walks over to where Wesley is. "Sie ist max schon, aber ist schlafen zeit."
>>86696"I challenge you to a boop battle, Kerr! Face me!" He readies his foreleg, eager to start the boop onslaught.
[1d20+11 = 13]>>86702Iron dramatically pulls back his foreleg and boops Kerr again on his snout. "Hiya! Take that!"
>>86694"good im glad." Dark Star Smiles "ill do everything in my power to protect them from any threat."
[1d20+2 = 8]>>86700Attack!
>>86697She sighs and lays her head down on the table
"It's really all pointless now. I can never be Hoplite"
>>86705"Then goodluck!"
[1d20+11 = 27]>>86706The changeling seems to have missed his snout, hitting his chest instead. He shrugs it off. "Hiya!" he lunges his hoof towards his defenseless nose.
>>86706"Is it? These stories you have, they are lessons that can be taught to those who will not get chance to learn them normally. Nopony will get chance to experience these things that you experienced but you. And I doubt any of us would ever get to visit Nimbusia, even in its current state."
[1d20+11 = 27]>>86709His snout has been pressed but he continues on. "RA!" He counter attacks Kerr's booping with his own!
>>86711He runs
>>86710"And what is it worth to you?"
>>86712This time, he gives chase. He is set to make him tired now.
>>86706"dont forget to vote for me,sister i vow to protect all the foals of Our Land."
>>86714She smiles
"I may"
>>86713And... Iron is very big in the small room
>>86715He feels dumb trying to give chase in such a cramped room. Welp, time to see when Kerr will stop and assault his nose there.
>>86712"They are priceless." He moves over to Blue, and gives her a friendly hug. "Besides, even though I am some weird, old, silly bonehead whose stories are not all that interesting, you still took time to listen to my inane ramblings. It is least I could do to listen to your own stories."
>>86709Brie thinks for a moment. "IDFK what to do. Silver's not here, so there's no telling him a story,... I wouldn't even know what he was saying if it wasn't for these damn voices."
"Ungratefur!""But at this rate, I'm going to fall asleep before they do." he Eeeee's internally, ignoring the respondent voice.
"Was mochte?"
>>86715"Mr. Glass Another Round on me!"
"good evening sister."
Dark Star walks over to blue.
>>86718Wesley responds
"Uh... Ich weiß es nicht"
He picks up the little doll in his mouth, and moves under the blanket
She is hugged, "stories are all that remains of that place for me now"
Dark Star approaches
>>86719"Woo Hoo!"
She is sitting next to Silver, who just finished hugged her
"And good evening to you, Brother"
>>86716He hides under a blanket on the other side of the room, looking at Iron
>>86720Iron approaches slowly in a predatory motion. He is going to tire that changeling if it is the last thing he does. His good foreleg is ready to strike at his nose when he can.
>>86720"Good Evening. Have you heard about about the blackhooves miss?"
Dark Star smiles
>>86720"And through your stories it shall live on." He breaks the hug as Dark Star approaches. "Remember: whenever you feel like you wish to share, or even if you just want to talk, I am here."
>>86719"Aha! Mr. Personality!" Silver chuckles. "It looks like you are doing excellently tonight."
>>86723"What Can i say. Ponys like it when you are honest with them."
>>86722"Could I ever hear enough about them?" She smiles, responding
>>86724>>86725Silver nods, knowing that much. He lets out a decently-sized yawn. "It is getting late. I should head to bed. How about us three all have one last drink together, in toast for friendship?"
>>86725"well as far as i know, they really love communists."
Dark Star Laughs
>>86726"that sounds very niice."
>>86725Iron, having reached Kerr's position, decides to slowly present his hoof in front of his face from over the bed.
>>86721The changeling runs, to under the bed
>>86727She reacts with horror
>>86729Iron crouches down. "You cannot escape from the booping, Kerr!" He decides to first look under the bed before actually booping, in case he hurts Kerr.
>>86729Silver gets out of his seat and trots over to Glass. "Can I get three whiskeys, please? One for me, two for my friends."