Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The party now takes on the task of breaking, entering, and investigating the house of Social Democrat politician Comte "Cheese" Burgher, who is alleged to have 'purchased' two young foals. They have already distracted the guards around the gated community and explored most of the property. Now, Ash tries out her role as a 'dog whisperer,' Dark Star contemplates the evidence he has already collected, Silver shifts between stealing jewelry from innocent third parties and talking about the joyful smell of wingpit sweat, Iron harasses guards by talking to them about queer theory while Onyx acts as his his homosexual partner, Brie tries to get the guards drinking on the job, and Spark follows around the group in the attic.
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>>86329Iron shakes his head. "I have not seen cockroaches in here." He points to the two foals on the bed. "Those foals over there."
>>86330"There, you see?"
>>86329"Umm... not quite sure why you use that name for them. They are right here."
>>86326"Right..." Silver looks conflicted, and the fact that he doesn't know if he can trust her outright isn't helping in that regard. But, he also knows he can't hide them from her. So, he takes in a deep breath. "Blue, I need to know I can trust you on this. You will know exactly what I mean when you see. I
need to know. Give me your word, sworn on everything you hold dear: your mother, Dark Star, your values, everything." He gives her a pleading look. "Please."
>>86329Brie sneers.
>>86330"Haben sie spaB?" he turns to Dark
"There they are" he smiles.
Dark Star Walks to the furthest corner from them and leans against the wall
>>86334"keep making that face and it could get stuck like that."
>>86335"So far, so good." he continues to smile.
>>86332"He probably has a vendetta against his kind. It is pretty normal to blame other races when they do bad stuff to you."
>>86335He points at Dark Star. "See? Look how he avoids interacting with them."
>>86337"i dont like cockroaches biting me"
Dark Star thinks about his hatred for the griffion who killed his mother
>>86338He puts his forehooves on either side of Blue, and puts his face close to hers, like how they were earlier when Silver was reminiscing about being with Storm. He sounds fairly intense when he speaks, like he's
really trying to drive a point home. "Give me your word, Blue. I would not ask this of you if I thought you could not do it, but I
need to know I can trust you with this before I tell you any more."
>>86339"Well, they kind of all share the same nature of taking your love without asking. It is a base characteristic of the race."
>>86340"Calm down Dark Star. These are the ones you saved from an abusive politician. You did a good thing."
>>86342Iron shrugs. "I guess you are right about that."
>>86342"Sounds like all the more reason to not bother with such things"
>love >>86341"Trust me with
what?" Now she is definitely suspicious
"Are you afraid that I will report you to local police? Is that it? I already told you, I am
not your local law enforcement. I know what my purpose is, and it is not that"
>>86345"Right. Pretend you did not threaten me at knife point when Kerr was uncomfortable of me."
>>86342"yea i did a good thing by saving the actual foals. if i knew these things would try to steal all the love i have for blue they would still be down there."
>>86345"When it comes to victims of a crime of this nature, I will bother."
>>86348"I can't believe what I'm hearing you say Dark Star. These are the equivalent of foals in their kind. They could not even help themselves."
>>86346Silver looks very much frustrated at this. He gives her some space, not happy at all with this. "I presume you heard that he had young changelings captured as well? After we fed them, we took them to my room here at tavern. They are there right now. I do not care if you report
me to police. I care if you report
them to police. Blue, that is why I needed to know I could trust you with this. I needed to know you would not try to report them to police."
>>86350"yea and they'll grow up and steal love from ponies, they'll probably make quite a few husks."
>>86348Iron shrugs "Fair point. The process of love taking is pretty daunting, but they slowly recover overtime, so it is definetly not permanent."
>>86349"Yes, you." Iron deadpans at Brie, not feeling the innocence of the bat. "Do not be a hypocrite."
>>86351And now, she realizes
"Changelings, right... You're
protecting them?"
>>86352"And you don't think I don't have that eventuality playing in my mind every time I look at them? This is a hard thing to do. But we are dealing with the victims of a crime of a pony on their level. He took foals of both kinds and was going to use them until they were husks."
>>86353"Hmmmm, must have slipped my mind." he says, placing his hooves behind his head, reclining a bit in his chair.
>>86354Silver still looks unhappy that she couldn't even give him her word beforehoof. "They are too young to protect themselves, and they are in need of such protection, especially in place that is very hostile to changelings regardless of their circumstances, so yes. I am protecting them until I can find way to get them back home safely."
>>86356Iron rolls his eyes. "Rogues," he whispers to himself.
>>86357She looks seriously confused
"Why would you knowingly help
When she's done pondering that aloud, she sighs, and adds
"Normally our concern with Changelings, when caught, is that they are spies for the Hegemony. Outside of that, we generally consider them to be illegal aliens, and deport them"
>>86355"Watch your back when you sleep. you might wake up devoid of emotions. i trust these little shits as far as a i can throw iron."
>>86360"And I trust you would take me to get care, just as I took you. You don't have to trust them. You only need to help us until the mission is complete."
>>86362By now, he can probably hear a fight about to break out by his room
>>86360"Pfft. They cannot drain your emotions unless you think them up, so it is unlikely that they will do that, unless they have the means to make the happy memories surface. They are picky eaters too." He remembers Kerr's fondness of memories of his brother over her sister.
>>86359"They are too young to be spies. Besides that, it is clear they were brought here against their will. In what manner they were captured, I do not know."
>>86361"the Objective is done i saved the actual foals. What mission are you talking about?"
>>86365She still looks bedazzled over Silver's behavior, priorities, and choices
"I take it he was making full use of their shape-shifting in that dungeon?"
>>86364"so you dont dream about those that you love and have fond memories when you do?"
>>86363You dare imply he can differentiate the fight upstairs and the fight of the two patrons in the corner.
>>86368Iron shivers at his latest nightmare. "No, not even close. I do not have a good track record on dreams."
>>86366"Undetermined at this point. It could be we find a way to take them home, though that's not the only option."
>>86369They're upstairs too
>>86366"The mission is to get the politician removed and to save foals. These are foals in addition to the known targets. Are you saying if there were additional pony foals that we had not know about, that we would have left them?"
>>86370"oh really? ive been having some strange dreams too."
>>86371"you mean take them home so they can feed on my kind?"
Dark Star Spits in their general direction
>>86367Silver doesn't fully understand her confusion. But at the same time, he still looks like he's sore over her not giving her word. "From what they have said, yes. He would show them pictures of mares to turn into and force them to transform into these mares. As colts he had bought were would not surprise me if he tried for some...interfamilial relations." He looks sickened by the prospect.
>>86372You dare imply that I have any interest in joining the bitchfest.
>>86376"well i can tell you all wont like my idea."
>>86373"things are in motion comte will get locked up."
>>86378"By your tone, you're probably not going to like mine either."
>>86378"That's quite enough out of you. Threating foals is a step too far. Now, are you going to cause problems, or are you going to help us?"